#Danny temple
plutoslvr · 5 months
tim drakes life was falling apart and a cute boy from his boarding school asked him to go on a road trip and he immediately said yes talk about priorities
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theresamouseinmyhouse · 5 months
tim + brentwood characters as boys i was legitimately friends with in high school and think of every single day:
Buzz- Jake (fake names for all of my friends bc privacy reasons) who complained about hanging out with nerds, got into a fistfight with someone else on his football team bc they called us nerds, was thoroughly convinced he'd run laps faster if he was hopped up on pixie stix (i held his backback while he got sick in the bathroom👍👍), he tried to hit on my older sister and she laughed at him, he was so put out he contemplated becoming a monk for a week
Wes: Max, who i helped sneak an entire bottle of orange juice on to the bus to our choir competition, but was unaware he brought a full bottle of vodka as well, ended up crying on our choir teacher for the three hours after the comp and i bought him a box of donuts after school, he did not stop doing this and had severe beef with a kid he knew in 5th grade and hadnt seen since but also hadnt forgotten their name and last i knew, was still awaiting for a dreaded confrontation to eventually come
Kip: Eduardo, who we all thought was studying during lunch but was actually filling his notebook with weird facts he observed about us and also managed to chew several packs of gum at once throughout our math class before the teacher noticed him, didnt know the plot to the clockwork orange so i lied about it for 5 weeks before he read it and called me just to tell me "you lying frog" befire he hung up
Ali: Ángel, who lied several times on separate occasions to the campus security about where people smoked, forgot what chihuahuas were twice, and almost drowned when he was swimming except his older brother got him and he immediately called me while waiting for the ambulance to tell me he almost fucking died, randomly sang a song about crabs he made up throughout the day
Danny: Ben, helped me with my biology homework because i helped him with essays, once released a live rat into the computer classroom because he had beef with the teacher, once texted me at 11 p.m. because he was having a mental breakdown over his chem work before he realized he was actually looking at trig and i told him id shoot him with a tranq gun if he woke me up like this again, kept forgetting how to tie his shoes
Tim: Teddy, he catfished 6 men over the age of 30 by pretending to be a 13 yr old girl and lured them to the part of town where there is an absurd amount of wild dogs that evade animal control and are known to maul humans, i watched him lockpick the english teacher's door so he could take back an essay he wrote bc it was actually a slash fic he printed out and turned in by accident, we hung out at a dennys once and he accidentally put his hand in syrup, looked me dead in the eye and said "i did that bc im gay" and wore pastel pink for a month bc it pissed off the hall monitor, his dad, and also six teachers he didnt even have class with
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roseandgold137 · 6 months
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Danny: so you’re not mad
Tim: oh I am I’m just going to become the baby’s favourite first
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gayshitanddadjokes · 5 months
People will be on here talking about Tim Drake and mention something about Danny and I'll be like "either you're talking about Danny Temple and I now respect the hell out of you or you're a Danny Phantom × DC person and you didn't use the tag (that I have blacklisted)"
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yuriinadress · 1 year
Bernard Dowd and Tim's 7 Evil Exes but they're not anyone Tim's actually dated (because lbr, anyone's who's dated Tim would not go through the trouble of fighting his boyfriend for him)
INSTEAD it's Bernard and Tim's 7 POTENTIAL Evil Exes: people that had a crush on Tim but either never got the chance to tell him and/or Tim was too oblivious to realize
Potential candidates include:
Danny Temple
Lonnie Machin
Greta Hayes
Sebastian Ives
Conner Kent
Karl Ranck
Miguel Barragan (Bunker) (I think he had a small crush on Tim? I can't remember, it's been a while since I've read n52)
Cullen Row
That one guy that dragged Tim out clubbing in France (I don't know his name but I know he exists)
Literally any boy that Tim went to school with apparently (guy was a dude magnet jfc)
This all mostly inspired by many of @aliteralchicken 's posts about Tim's many MANY suitors
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Tim accidentally gets Assassin Snake Cult engaged to Danny Temple and now he's here to warn tim about his followers coming to collect/enemies coming to make sure the marriage doesn't happen as assassins do but there is a blond boy with a baseball bat ready to fight him after he drops into the murder boat.
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weaverofink · 9 months
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tfw ur trying to have an argument with ur bro but u look too deeply into his beautiful eyes
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spookyprime · 1 year
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Tim and danny
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speedforce-paradox · 8 months
I think Tim is a lot of people’s “Lacy”
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plutoslvr · 5 months
buzz: you and your boy toy (tim) need to hurry up in the mornings we're always late to math-
danny: me and my WHAT
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Am desprately wishing for a fic where tim gets himself into Trouble and calls for help, but he doesnt really know who hes calling?? And suddenly everyone hes ever teamed up with came to rescue him
and by 'everyone hes ever teamed up with' i mean the bats (including huntress ofc), yj, titans, danny, pru, lonnie, lynx, everyone
I just really want a fic where all his allies meet each other and are like "who tf are you??" "Wait arent you a villain?"
And them putting away their differences to bully tim
Idk idk i just think all the interactions would be funny and i miss when making friends and allies was a key factor in tims character ig
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roseandgold137 · 1 month
Tim: I have a question about the weird fruit you’re giving me
Lady Eve (only looking after Tim because Danny begged her to while he had a cult meeting: wouldn’t you like to know bird boy
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alternis · 10 months
So my idea was to reintroduce that story element by having the Kobra cult—sans leadership, literally a serpent with its head cut off—bio-engineer *new* twins based on cells stolen from Jason Burr and the evil Naja-Naja. - Scott Beatty, Danny Temple's co-creator
I need danny temple and kon to meet and realise they have the same origin story
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what-thisiscrazzzy · 11 months
For Tim’s birthday next year I propose they give him his friends and family back
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ronnyraygun · 1 year
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@spookyprime was thinkin’ up a storm about how to reincorporate Danny into canon and she came up with him leading the Kobra Kult and pretending to be evil but secretly telling Tim their plans so he can knock the cult members around a bit so they don’t try anything stupid again for a while.
The context for this specifically is that post-failsafe Tim probably needs a stress reliever. 😭
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theresamouseinmyhouse · 11 months
i re-read the Brentwood Arc for the 13th time in the time of this ao3 shutdown (praise be the ao3 otw volunteers yall are based and deserve the world) oh my god i have IDEAS for a tim drake/danny temple crackfic that i may never release into the wild
Do u know how fucking funny i could be if i ever decided to write a Father of the Bride (the 1991 one specifically) AU. Like,,,ik thats a rather niche AU but like,,,i could. Father of the Bride would work EXTREMELY well as an au.
Lemme explain: this could be a no capes au OR just a canon divergence post Red Robin 2009 bc i never read further past that bc it didnt spark joy
No capes au? Tim comes back from overseas after doing a business trip for Bruce as a 21 yr old (letting my boy outta dc's forever 17 basement) or going off to college as like,,,a CompSci student for a whole year and now has to break it to his fam he's engaged to a really sweet herpetologist (or geneticist either/or works bc wow he was WEIRD as hell too why was this 14/15 yr old reading about genetic sciences) aka my LOVE Danny Temple that he met at college. bonus points he's the first one in the fam to make the leap for marriage bc thats SO fucking funny (i only do things for comedy)
Post-RR Era canon divergence au Tim decides he needs to take some time and figure out his head bc oh god my boy was a MESS holy shit and somehow (hes a nosey ass/affectionate) ends up in Kobra Cult messes and reconnects to his old friend Danny Temple. Fast forward at least several wacky hijinks, a Danny Tim Road Trip 2.0, long distance pining, some personal crises, emotional revelations and like,,2 years later, tim brings danny home for dinner and hopefully not a funeral bc they both decided they wanted each others disaster selves. More shenanigans.
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