#Zoanne Wilkins
sockich · 1 year
Tim "shows his love through food" Drake:
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Steph’s got a bad cold, and I thought I would try to make some chicken soup to bring to her in the morning.
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I’m headed back to the manor to make Bruce dinner.
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I want to really show you how much you really mean to me. Which is why I'm giving you this. It’s supposed to say “Happy First Pride,” but it had a rough journey getting here. And I baked it myself, so it wasn’t all that pretty to begin with, to be honest.
And his boyfriend, future chef and all around food enthusiast, Bernard Dowd:
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You're going to be a great chef.
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The chef, Will Trench, he's been on Battle Cooks. He grew up all over, so the food is influenced by different cultures, but he's most interested in the produce of the area, so you'll notice a lot of morels on the menu.
(From Robin #102, Robin #163, DC Pride 2022 #1, and Tim Drake: Robin #7.)
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roseandgold137 · 8 months
if I was let into a dc’s writer room for even just five (5) minutes I could bring back so many civilian characters… star, Bailey, zo, ariana, Callie I’m coming darlings dw. I’ll throw Darla/Laura in as my superhero lead. Tim appears sometimes but only as their funny little brother guy
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speedforce-paradox · 7 months
I think Tim is a lot of people’s “Lacy”
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soleminisanction · 2 months
Thoughts on Zoanne? I liked her and I’m a little disappointed because I feel like DC pushed her aside so Tim and Steph could have drama and I like to hear your opinion on things DC related :]
I liked her too. And I thought her relationship with Tim was built up nicely. I like her in the same way that I like Bernard, and to a lesser extent Ives, in that they all give Tim a nice bit of civilian normalcy to fall back on, which DC just, doesn't utilize nearly enough of these days.
The only thing I wasn't as keen about was that her story was unfolding at the same time as the Tim/Cassie storyline over in Teen Titans, and I absolutely love that pairing, so I was rooting for them, and mostly hoped Tim and Zoanne would end up as friends because I didn't want him to be painted as a two-timer.
But then, ugh, Steph came back and both Zoanne and Cassie were absolutely shoved to the side for her drama. More than that, Dixon shoved them all aside, because he just had to have his precious OTP, couldn't imagine Tim ever moving on from his beloved little princess, especially not with (gasp) a Black girl. The way Dixon writes Zoanne is just, ulgh. Homegirl deserved better.
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sonofapunk · 2 years
*taps mic* zoanne, tam, callie, hudman, darla, bernard, tim, lonnie friend group
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ectonurites · 4 months
The thing about ‘Tim is into blondes’ that really weirds me out is that no only has he dated more girls with dark hair but it’s that people are actively ignoring the women of colour that were love interests bc that doesn’t fit their narrative. Like Tim is shown to specifically not have a type like you said he specifically states he doesn’t care but in insisting that he likes blondes it just ends up feeling worse than just a little fanon. Idk I don’t think people are actually trying to be racist bc I don’t trust them to actually know canon but you know it’s just weird.
I might not make sense but it’s something I think about
Oh anon don't worry you 100% make sense and I absolutely have had this thought before, too.
Like I do agree that it's in large part a result of 'people not actually reading Tim's comics or being familiar with his canon' because it's not like these girls are the only big part of Tim's canon that the fanon-heavy people ignore... but the end result of them getting ignored is the same regardless of intent, and it fucking sucks!
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
just remembered how megfitz made tim think about how bernard is so much better than all the other relationships he'd "settled for" and was once again briefly consumed by rage. meghan you apologize to zoanne wilkins right the fuck now
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alvindraperzzz · 2 years
“Tim has a thing for blondes” is Ariana Dzerchenko erasure and I will not stand for it
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cocopop-04 · 2 months
okay so im curious...
couldn't fit them all :(
Others include: Lynx, Zoanne Wilkins, Darla Aquista, Jubilee, Barbara Gordon, Kon+Bernard, Bart+Kon, Bart+Cassie+Kon, Cissie King-Jones, Bernard+Steph, Jason+Kon, Greta Hayes, Ra's al Ghul, Damian Wayne, Roy Harper, Slobo, Match etc.
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sockich · 2 years
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Steph's got a bad cold, and I thought I would try to make some chicken soup to bring to her in the morning. / I'm headed back to the manor to make Bruce dinner. / It's supposed to say "Happy First Pride" but it had a rough journey getting here. And I baked it myself, so it wasn't all that pretty to begin with, to be honest.
Tim Drake showing his love through food from Robin #102 (by Jon Lewis, art by Pete Woods), Robin #163 (by Adam Beechen, art by Freddie E. Williams II), and DC Pride 2022 #1 (by Travis G. Moore).
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roseandgold137 · 1 year
Yes most of these were Tim’s love interests. And what about it
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loisinherlane · 5 months
hey... hands you an insane f/f rarepair. zoanne wilkins/serling roquette. girls who like science...
ooh. okay. let's do the f/f dance!
Half of the students in the tiny event room on the first floor of the library were gawking at Dr. Roquette. Zoanne heard far too many mutterings along the lines of, "I thought we were supposed to listen to some famous scientist. She looks our age!" to make her think most of them were there to actually listen to her lecture rather than snag a few bonus points in their required science credit. Even then, the room wasn't completely full, maybe only forty percent. Zoanne wasn't going to turn down the extra credit in OChem, but she'd planned on attending from the moment she'd seen the name Serling Roquette.
Dr. Roquette did look younger than Zoanne had anticipated. She'd known they were roughly the same age, in spite of how long she'd been involved in actual research and fieldwork. (Hello, Dr. Roquette of Cadmus Labs and Superboy fame.) But she didn't dress like a serious scientist. She wore her hair with clips that went out of style in '98, with neon earrings flashing to the sides. Her leopard print shirt was also ridiculously bright. Altogether, the ensemble echoed something more along the lines of Disney Channel teen than grown adult scientist, or even college student. Zoanne could understand the others' confusion.
Still. She was kind of cute.
Dr. Roquette tossed her hot pink notecards onto the foldout table the library staff must have dug out of some store room. "Okay! Let's get started! I tried to get us a volunteer to demonstrate the practical effects of genetic engineering, but he's too busy at a farmers' market, of all things," she half-muttered to herself. As she scanned the room, her eyes caught Zoanne's. Zoanne flushed pink. Dr. Roquette grinned. "Don't forget to pick up one of these packets with my business card!" she added, voice a little more pointed.
Zoanne bit her lip and looked down, determinedly not staring at the curled letters on the pink business card and wondering if she was reading into that.
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deniedmysign · 8 months
A reminder that Tim Drake does not have a "blonde type" like Dick Grayson has a "redhead type"
I swear to all that's canon, people look at Steph and Bernard and just assume Tim has a thing for blondes. Let's recap, shall we?
Ariana Dzerchenko
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Sure doesn't look blonde to me! She's legit his first girlfriend, btw.
Darla Acquista
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Hmmm, again, not very blonde.
Zoanne Wilkins
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Quite frankly, I'm seeing a very different pattern develop here . . .
Tam Fox
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Now I know y'all aren't sleeping on Tam, right?
Crossovers and Minor by way of comics standards romances (but not blonde):
Madison Payne (redhead) - in a relationship with one of the future versions of Tim Lynx II (black hair) Jubilee (black hair) Barbara Gordon (redhead) - specific to the Batman: Arkham Knight video game
And now, your blondes:
Stephanie Brown Greta Hayes (DEBATABLE! one sided on Greta's part, Tim did not reciprocate) Cassie Sandsmark (also a bit of an arguable one) Bernard Dowd
So tell me, does he have a preference for blondes? Does he really?
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misspickman · 9 months
@ dc you need to bring back zoanne wilkins right now
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
Hey i hope you’ve had a good week so far!
What if we have Bruce sabotaging tim’s relationship or potential relationships consciously or unconsciously, and once tim figures it out later (either after they’ve got together, or for before they get together, tim going for people his age then people older than him thats around bruce’s age to kind of like give bruce the hint that he’s interested) ig in this scenario its tim initiating the relationship??we need more of tim doing this tbh, thanks💗💗
!!!!!!!!!!! i've been watching that scary 'hey arnold' episode for some early halloween spirit and bruce would absolutely channel the energies of helga g. pataki.
there are times in the comics where bruce absolutely behaves like a jealous little girl toward tim: the one that comes to mind is when he was on a date with zoanne wilkins at a fancy restaurant and then everyone inside GASPED because batman was outside the windows, perched on a gargoyle!!!! he looked back and shot a look at tim which is what caused tim to like spill food on himself and then go to the bathroom where he opened a window and was like 'uuhhh can i FUCKING help you????'
and bruce was like 'jitter is on the loose, cut your date short, come fight crime with me'
tim was rightfully like wtf??? no???? i'm on a DATE and jitter is literally a D grade villain you can handle him on your own goodbye.
tim returns to his date and literally 5 minutes later bruce and jitter fall through the glass cieling of the restaurant and land RIGHT on tim's table.
afterward tim confronts him like 'that was a really shitty move of you. i told you NO. i know you could've taken jitter on your own, you could've moved the fight somewhere else but you don't respect my word enough to believe me when i tell you 'no' to something'
like tim was getting really pissed at him because they took down jitter in like 30 seconds flat after he suited up and you have to admit it did look incrdibly suspicious.
but then bruce was like tim...🥺🥺🥺 that's not true 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i DID try but things just got a little out of hand🥺🥺🥺 you know i'd never purposefully ruin something like this for you 🥺🥺🥺
and tim just like '*sighs* fine...i believe you bruce. i'm sorry for accusing you like that. i guess i was just upset my date got wrecked'
like that man was so full of shit!!!!!
i remember reading that and thinking that was such a petty and jealous thing for bruce to do. like it's possible it really wasn't on purpose but i think that he did it in the moment, not even thinking about it because he was hurt tim told him to eff essentially over a girl. maybe afterwards it hit him and he felt guilty when tim confronted him but rather than admit it he doubled down because otherwise he'd look like a bad guy and it would put unnecessary tension and strain in his and tim's relationship.
THAT'S how i think bruce would go about sabotaging tim's relationships. like he'd just get so...unecpectedly emotional and jealous about it. he'd do it in the heat of the moment without thinking of the consequences.
like tim and his boyfriend are having a picnic on the lawn of the manor?? they're on a blanket to protect them from bugs and the grass and then just lean in and start kissing each other.
and bruce who's been watching from the windows the entire time just...turns on the sprinklers.
and once he sees their shock and immediate sprinting away from the water it hits what he's done.
and he feels guilty but 100% doesn't own up to it. he tells himself he needs to stop sabotaging tim's relationships because it's making tim sad. but he can't help it.
and it gets worse when tim turns 18 and his tastes grow a bit...older.
when bruce is stuck tensely making conversation at the door with a boy he hasn't seen since highschool while tim finishes getting ready for his date, that's when the gloves come off.
he's petty and he's jealous and does things like canceling dinner reservations, and hiding the chocolates and flowers tim gets sent- just stuffing them all into an unused closet.
and tim is just...so sad??? he's been having such bad luck in teh dating department and doesn't know why.
and bruce feels so guilty when tim comes to him for comfort (not enough to stop). but then he and tim keep spending time together because tim comes to him every time something doesn't work out.
they start spending more time together, outside of tim looking for comfort.
and then...tim makes a move and bruce accepts.
and he's so worried the same will happen. that karma will kick in or he'll start unconsciously sabotaging himself.
but it doesn't.
one month passes, two, then three, then four.
bruce is tim's longest-running relationship and bruce is so careful to do everything right. hand-delivering gifts, candies, and flowers to tim. taking him out to nice places.
bruce is content and happy. he doesn't even think of all the things that he's done, all the sabotage he did that led to this.
he never even thinks of that abandoned hall closet with all the dried up flowers and expired chocolates that he never emptied out.
he doesn't think about how a few weeks before he and tim got together, alfred was spring cleaning and asked for tim's help.
he doesn't consider that tim may have been in that wing of the manor and stumbled across the sight along with mountains of ripped up cards addressed to him from various relationships that never panned out.
he doesn't think about how tim is as much of a detective as he is.
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timdrakequotes · 2 years
“Guess my “playing it cool” needs some work. Why did I talk to her like that? Couldn’t I just be honest and tell her I miss her? I’m no good at playing these games. I still like her, and I can tell she still likes me. That should be enough.”
--Tim Drake on Zoanne Wilkins (Robin #163 – Twelve Very Angry Men)
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