#Darcy answers
forpiratereasons · 8 months
Do you think we've seen the last of the red silk? I want to say no, because unlikely things like the letter in the bottle and finding the leathers at the bottom of the sea are things that happened, but is this just wishful thinking
i think we have because the red silk was symbolic of something fairly specific - not just ed's heart, but in watching s2, i think i also see it now as the unattainability of love for ed. we're just not those kind of people.
the red silk is the dream of love. the hope of love. he has only a shred of it, only a hint of something that's not his. stolen. passed to him by his mother, but with a warning attached - not just that they aren't the kind of people for fine things, but that they aren't the kind of people for love. ed's dad was violent, abusive, and likely ed's mum felt trapped by that relationship. that's why ed has to kill him - to free her. the scene with the full moon, you wear fine things well, that's a dream. it's a magical moment, it's a fantasy type of moment, and it's gorgeous and beautiful and important to both ed and stede and i love it - but it's not reality for them. not yet.
ed lets go of the red silk to throw away his dream of ever being loved.
but then!
we have stede dressed in red. he first dresses in the red suit - and that's not quite where stede needs to be, is it? he loves it, and i love it for him, i want stede to be able to embrace his fancy clothes-horse side of him, his silk jackets and so on, but it puts distance between stede and the crew. it's gotta go. but there's middle ground here, and he does keep the red shirt, and that!! that red shirt, that works. it's fancy, it's got a frilly lace collar, and it's enough of an invitation for ed to comment, to catalyze a kiss.
it's real. not a shred of something but an entire thing, a shirt, a wearable thing, a useful thing. ed's heart has come back to him, but this time it's just stede. you don't need the metaphor. it's just stede. that's his heart.
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forineffablereasons · 10 months
The minute Aziraphale states he knows Crowley enjoys rescuing him, I lost my shit. That sassy bitch knew EXACTLY what he was doing in France, getting thrown in the Bastille.
thank god humans later invented the telephone, so aziraphale could invite crowley to lunch without all the dramatics
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What are your favourite CM episodes? Buuut one episode per character!
OOOH fun
Starting off with our favorite, our boy:
Luke: Honestly, probably 16.10 "Dead End." For one thing, he made the Sicarius arrest!! Plus he found and saved Rossi, and I'm not going to soon forget "if we lean on each other" and "the heart wants what it wants."
And now I'm just going in order of what i think of
Penelope: 7.8, "Hope." That's the episode where she helps find a woman from her support group who was taken by the man who kidnapped her daughter, and was also at the support group. She was amazing in that episode
Tara: 13.9 "False Flag." My favorite episode, and Tara was so amazing and I love her so much
JJ: 7.24 "Run." I fucking LOVED watching her fight Izzy, and I loved the Willifer wedding. It's one of my favorite season finales (season 7 is probably my favorite as a whole)
Gideon: 1.14 "Ride the Lightning." Yes it makes me sob. Yes it's great.
Matt: 15.3 "Spectator Slowing." This is the one where he's at home with all his kids and plays games and cooks with them and it's so cute.
Reid: I'd say 11.11 "Entropy." That truly is a MASTERFUL episode.
Emily: It's a tie. 15.4 "Saturday." I love chill Emily. Also she was totally making eyes at Tara in that episode and I'm here for it. Also, 4.3 "Minimal Loss." The way she protected Reid and saved things from inside was so amazing.
Morgan: 7.18 "Foundation." This is when he befriends a victim, a young boy named Angel, who went through a lot of what Morgan went thrugh as a kid. Yes i cry but so what i love soft Morgan
Rossi: 14.8 "Ashley." This is the episode where he proposes to Krystall!! And it makes me so happy and it's great and he deserves happiness i'm so glad he and krystall are both alive and well
Hotch: 10.5 "Boxed In." This is when he meets the drag queen (?) friend of Penelope's and gets the Darth Vader costume for Jack. I love Dad Hotch.
Elle: 1.5 "Broken Mirror." She literally steps on a man. That's all I have to say.
Alex: 8.10 "The Lesson." This is when she has the "why wouldn't she like you?" conversation with Reid
Kate: 10.1 "X." Right from the beginning i loved her. She was so funny and badass and I miss her
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darcylindbergh · 2 months
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darcylovette · 1 year
Just started reading the vampires series thing you wrote! And it’s so good! Just wanted to tell you <3 hope you have a good day
Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it :D hoping to update soon once my brain is better and my life gets less busy!
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scumbagg · 1 year
why do you get so pressed over screenshots with a filter slapped over them grow up, it's not real editing.
hey anon, thanks for your message!
here’s my redbubble if you or any of your friends are interested in any stickers, posters, badges etc of my screenshots with just the filter slapped over them ☺️
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metalbuckaroo · 2 years
The last movie where Bucky was a bad guy (kinda) was Civil War. I’m still waiting for him to become The White Wolf!
I swear the mCU doesn’t know how to handle some of their characters.
They better not fuck with Bucky’s character development and take him a millions steps back. I’ll riot.
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delehosies · 1 year
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i think we need to launch an investigation into slutty men and their slutty white shirts
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pearlcaddy · 2 years
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when you want to be elizabeth but you're actually darcy
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lovelylotusf1 · 11 days
who fell first, Charles or Max 😸 and who fell harder!!!
In my mind, Max fell first. Have you SEEN the way he has always behaved around Charles? That's a man who is down bad, I'm afraid. Like, after Austria Charles looked like he could kill Max but Max kind of still hovered around Charles like a kicked puppy.
And now that they are on good terms, you can see how Charles lights up when Max is around. Not even limited to when he's around, hell, his dimpled smile when Max is MENTIONED tells me that he is the one who fell second but definitely harder.
I would say they are both stupid about each other and that's what makes the dynamic so interesting and endearing <3
You could write literal essays about this but this is as short as I could make it :D
Ask me stuff!
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dreamtydraw · 5 months
please... Darcy x Qiu crumbs... tell us more 👉👈
*Inhale* I already made a post about it once that resume the evolution of their relationship with some funfact here but let me dive further.
Rom com high school crush.
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She’s his best friend’s sibling, they have seen each other afar for a long time, they have the familiarity you’d get off people who often see each other even if they don’t really talk.
There is this awkwardness of the jump between platonic care and affection to someone you grew close to the romantic attraction that both stop them from making any move or even thinking there is any move to.
They aren’t childhood friends they are childhood connaissance, there is a slow-burning connection that links them to each other and it’s scary because-
What if they said no ?
What if she just imagined feelings that weren’t there ?
What if
That is too scary to think about. The incertitude that if your selfishness for a romantic connection wasn’t reciprocated it would hurt more than just you two. It would hurt your close common friends, it would hurt your confort zone, it would be impossible to not be confronted to that refusal everyday when you get out of your house and see theirs and know that they are here too and you will bee seen but you don’t want to be seen.
The possibility of a failed relationship is scary, even more so when you deeply care for the other and want them to feel at ease after all they went through.
Darcie knew Qiu had a hard time when they were younger, Qiu noticed that Darcie changed when they entered high school, and they are proud of each other and want to cherish that growth.
They are content with what they have, despite yearning for more.
*inhale* in conclusion none of them would confess unless there is a 100% certitude that it would go well or when it’s already too late to regret it-
Step 4 is far away for now but if we can have an ending like with Cove where you reunite after college, they would probably confess at this period lol
Very long, long, long slow burn.
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forpiratereasons · 8 months
okay I'm with you the "forgiveness does not have to be earned" thing but I think you're missing what the show is telling us: Izzy becoming part of the crew happens before 2x4-5. Jim says "he's our dick" in the first episode! Fang is heartbroken when he's shot! The narrative suggests that he's advocated for their interests with Ed, and he saves them by stopping Ed from firing a cannon into the mast. This strikes me as more of a narrative about community/solidarity than one about unearned grace.
ah no worries i see where you have misunderstood me. i agree that there is, at the very least, solidarity between izzy and ed's crew in eps 1 - 3. of course, the "he's our dick" line comes because archie has asked why jim and frenchie even care about izzy who seems like kind of a dick - archie doesn't know him and doesn't really care about him and is kind of baffled that anybody does, so you know there's still quite a bit of distance between the crew generally and izzy. i think izzy feels responsible for them more than he feels like he's a part of them - "we cannot let this crew suffer any more for our mistakes." so his relationship to the crew is still very much dependent and tied up in his relationship with ed. this also plays into the crew's treatment of izzy versus ed - izzy is a lesser source of conflict to the crew specifically and they also didn't have as much of an emotional connection to him prior to the kraken era, so his position lacks the feeling of betrayal that ed's has. but yeah sure i agree that there's a level of solidarity there.
in ep four though, izzy is separate from the crew. physically, even - he's hanging out at the forepeak with the unicorn figurehead getting smashed. he's not included in ed's crews cleaning of the deck, and he's not included in stede's crews attempt to cheer up ed's crew. he hides in his room alone and when they knock on his door he shouts and tells them to fuck off and says they're harassing him.
this is why the note and leg scene is so good. it's the crew extending a hand to someone who hasn't earned it, and telling him he has a position among them - as a figurehead, no less. they see izzy and what he needs (a leg and a purpose) and they give it to him. that's about the crew deciding what kind of crew they'll be. he takes it. that's about izzy deciding to join them.
so when i say that the crew accepts izzy into their fold in eps four and five, it's different from what was going on in eps 1-3 for three reasons: 1) it's collective, from both ed and stede's crews, now united and from a position of safety, and 2) izzy's no longer viewed as being aligned with blackbeard by the crew and/or by himself, and 3) izzy is physically and emotionally separated from the crew at the start of ep four.
as far as community/solidarity over unearned grace - i guess i disagree that these are that kind of distinct as concepts? community always involves a level of unearned grace.
the point is that it's in extending grace to izzy that the crew forms their community - their acceptance of izzy, who has now separated himself from the crew, into the fold is what drives them to work together and become a cohesive unit - and establishes its values - if you need help, we will help you, if you need kindness, we will be kind, if you need purpose, we will give you purpose.
that's growth, baby!
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forineffablereasons · 10 months
hello darcy! :) ive been following you for many many years way back in the good old days of BBC sherlock, and ive only just recently found your good omens blog thru a post someone else made recommending your work on AO3! Id love to read everything youve got, but was curious if you had any favorite fics you've written that i could start off with? (or save for last!!) thanks!!!!!!
hello!! thank you!! gosh i am so pleased when people from old fandoms find me again, it's like a little homecoming. i do have some favs of stuff i've written, here's my list
side effects - crowley has chronic migraines. this fic is my baby, my heart.
speed limits (and how to break them) - i think i had the most fun writing this one? technically a valentine's day fic but what is time anyway
the absentee angel - this one comes post-s1 in a pandemic reawakening era but it soothed me to write and was also very fun.
like lightning - a halloween fic but mostly about possession. ft scary crowley and i think the most fun i've had with alternating POVs
the bucket list - i would be remiss to not put this one on the list because it is the heart of my heart. it's a wip (and has been on hiatus for a While) but i have it on very good authority that the place where it ends makes it okay to read now!
i will try to get around to a list of favs other folks have written soon!!
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He and I do the same thing
(my dad fr)
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darcylindbergh · 2 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL 🌸🪷🌷🍮🧋🍧hope you have cozy fluffy blankets and time to snuggle in them and treats to make the day tasty. Glad you’re here 🌟💛
thank you darling!!! i'm having a huge snuggle with miss darcydog and the sun is shining so we are doing quite all right!! <3<3<3
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darcylovette · 1 year
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man as horny for someone else as Logan is for Virgil lmao
Believe me, Virgil is just as horny!
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