#Darius the Great
gwydpolls · 7 months
Time Travel Question : Murder and Disappearance Edition IV
Given that Judge Crater, Roanoke, and the Dyatlov Pass Incident are credibly solved, though not 100% provable, I'm leaving them out in favor of things ,ore mysterious. I almost left out Amelia Earhart, but the evidence there is sketchier.
This item is actually "I want to know the exact, actual sequence of events following the death of Cambyses, the ascension of Bardiya, and the conspiracy of Darius the Great. Like, was Gaumata even a real person?
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ancientorigins · 1 month
Persepolis was once the jewel of the powerful Achaemenid Empire. At least it was, until Alexander the Great and his men came along and burned it to the ground.
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paganimagevault · 2 years
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Scythian horseman plaque from Kul-Oba barrow 4th C. BCE. With holes so it could be sewn onto clothing. 4.2 x 3.9cm.
"Beyond this desolation live the Thyssagetae; four great rivers flow from their country through the land of the Maeetians, and issue into the lake called the Maeetian; their names are Lycus, Oarus, Tanaïs, Syrgis. When Darius came into the desolate country, he halted in his pursuit and camped on the Oarus river, where he built eight great forts, the ruins of which were standing even in my lifetime, all at an equal distance of about seven miles from one another. While he was occupied with these, the Scythians whom he was pursuing doubled north and turned back into Scythia. Then, when they had altogether vanished and were no longer within the Persians' sight, Darius left those forts only half finished, and he too doubled about and marched west, thinking that those Scythians were the whole army, and that they were fleeing toward the west. But when he came by forced marches into Scythia, he met the two divisions of the Scythians, and pursued them, who always kept a day's march away from him; and because Darius would not stop pursuing them, the Scythians, according to the plan they had made, fell back before him to the countries of those who had refused their alliance, to the land of the Black-cloaks first.
The Scythians and Persians burst into their land, agitating them; and from there, the Scythians led the Persians into the country of the Man-eaters, agitating them too; from there, they drew off into the country of the Neuri and, agitating them also, fled to the Agathyrsi. But the Agathyrsi, seeing their neighbors fleeing panic-stricken at the Scythians' approach, before the Scythians could break into their land sent a herald to forbid them to set foot across their borders, warning the Scythians that if they tried to break through they would have to fight with the Agathyrsi first. With this warning, the Agathyrsi mustered on their borders, intending to stop the invaders. When the Persians and the Scythians broke into their lands, the Blackcloaks and Man-eaters and Neuri put up no resistance, but forgot their threats and fled panic-stricken north into the desolate country. But warned off by the Agathyrsi, the Scythians made no second attempt on that country, but led the Persians from the lands of the Neuri into Scythia."
-Herodotus, The Histories, Book 4.123-125
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traeumenvonbuechern · 1 month
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If you like "Darius the Great Is Not Okay", please read "Only This Beautiful Moment" by Abdi Nazemian! I finished it yesterday and it's such a beautiful book.
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souredvalentine · 2 years
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this was so much funnier in my head
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rulersreachf4n · 1 year
So I was on wiki looking at Xerxes I when I stumbled upon this
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Darius is indeed great
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sunthroughdarkclouds · 10 months
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Darius I, commonly known as Darius the Great, was a Persian ruler who served as the third King of Kings of the Achaemenid Empire, reigning from 522 BCE until his death in 486 BCE.
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lilithsaintcrow · 2 months
"Darius is universally remembered as a brilliant ruler who engineered the organization of the empire. In contrast to his acclaim as an administrator, Darius’ great skill as a military commander is a less explored topic."
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captainwaffles · 2 months
So I have finished Darius the Great, and Darius the Great deserves better by Adib Knorram
I love them, quite a bit. But the reason for this post.
For the loved of god (specifically white Usamericans) read books of other cultures
Yes the main character lives in the us but as he puts Fractional Iranian
This is not my first book with a different culture MC and I hope to god not my last. But I just beg you guys to read more diverse books! It’s amazing and so cool to go into this little window of different cultures and perspectives
I bet someone else could say this better but I’ve said my peace
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Isaiah 45: Cyrus Fulfilled Prophecy
God is never defeated or thwarted by what happens in the real world. The Lord is actually able to work through everything to move forward with God’s plan, and all events have one ultimate goal of redemption and restoration. #Isaiah45 #Darius #Cyrus
Not all commentators accept that Isaiah 45 was written as prophecy. Some hold this part of Isaiah was written much later, more as confirmation of what Cyrus did, not as a prediction of what Cyrus would do. I have decided to treat this passage as prophecy because that is the way it is written. The history of what happened is well-documented in the scriptures. Daniel’s Account Early in Daniel’s…
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thatsmybook · 2 months
"It's been a month since Young Royals officially ended and, if you're like me, you're still sobbing over that beautiful finale and missing Prince Wilhelm, Simon, and the entire squad from Hillerska (and Bjärstadt).
Don't worry, I've got some royally good YA book recs for your favourite characters from YOUNG ROYALS that you can add to your TBR to fill the space we're all missing after watching this fantastic series."
From YA author Julian Winters on IG @wintersjulian
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I love the attention to detail in this show, down to even how everyone blushes differently.
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We've got classic tomato face Amity who blushes with her whole face, and Luz who only blushes on her cheeks.
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Willow also blushes on her cheeks. Hunter's blush is oddly inconsistent, but it's generally his cheeks and ears, though sometimes only on his cheeks when he's less flustered and more embarrassed. We never see Gus blush to my knowledge.
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Rains blushes on their cheekbones and nose, Eda only on her cheeks.
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We never see Masha blush, but Vee has a tendency to blush around her cheekbones.
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Darius just has the anime lines as a blush. Alador, of course, is the source of Amity's tomato face.
So much diversity in something as ubiquitous as blushing, which you tend to think only has two kinds, lines and airbrush pink on the cheeks.
Now look back through at the eyes. Amity has heavy eyeliner but the same eye shape as Alador, formed by two curves and an angled curve connecting them on both sides. Hunter's is similar, but it's just two curves, one much larger than the other.
Luz, Gus, and Willow both have oval eyes, but Luz has two eyelashes on the lower curve of her eyes whilst Willow has one lash on the top. Gus has no eyelashes.
Raine's eyes are essentially a flipped version of Hunter's, a shallow curve on the bottom with a larger curve on the top.
Eda's are just tall "almond" shapes, wider toward the nose. Lilith's, though not pictured, are a mirror image- wider toward her ears. It's also worth noting that Eda's lower lip has visible lipstick, contrasting Lilith's upper lip- to drive home the similarities between them.
Masha's eyes are a lot more squinted and upward-tilting, wider toward the nose. Vee has near circles as eyes, though they look a bit down-tilted, and she has two lashes near the top.
Darius has nearly the same eye shape as Alador.
There's so much variety in the designs in this show. The eyes, the blushes, heck even the noses and eyebrows and chins if you go back and look. There was so much thought  put into the designs of these characters, I'm frankly astounded that more people don't recognize it.
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paganimagevault · 1 year
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Seal of Darius the Great 6th-5th C. BCE. Impression of a cylinder seal of King Darius the Great hunting in a chariot, reading "I am Darius, the Great King" in Old Persian (𐎠𐎭𐎶𐏐𐎭𐎠𐎼𐎹𐎺𐎢𐏁𐎴 𐏋, "adam Dārayavaʰuš xšāyaθiya"), Elamite and Babylonian. The word 'great' only appears in Babylonian. British Museum, excavated in Thebes, Egypt.
"The first night after the passage, as he slept in the enemy's country, a vision appeared to him. He seemed to see in his sleep the eldest of the sons of Hystaspes, with wings upon his shoulders, shadowing with the one wing Asia, and Europe with the other. Now Hystaspes, the son of Arsames, was of the race of the Achaimenidai, and his eldest son, Darius, was at that time scarce twenty years old; wherefore, not being of age to go to the wars, he had remained behind in Persia. When Cyrus woke from his sleep, and turned the vision over in his mind, it seemed to him no light matter. He therefore sent for Hystaspes, and taking him aside said, "Hystaspes, your son is discovered to be plotting against me and my crown. I will tell you how I know it so certainly. The Gods watch over my safety, and warn me beforehand of every danger. Now last night, as I lay in my bed, I saw in a vision the eldest of your sons with wings upon his shoulders, shadowing with the one wing Asia, and Europe with the other. From this it is certain, beyond all possible doubt, that he is engaged in some plot against me. Return you then at once to Persia, and be sure, when I come back from conquering the Massagetai, to have your son ready to produce before me, that I may examine him."
Thus Cyrus spoke, in the belief that he was plotted against by Darius; but he missed the true meaning of the dream, which was sent by God to forewarn him, that he was to die then and there, and that his kingdom was to fall at last to Darius."
-Herodotus, The Histories, Book 1.209-210
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illustratus · 7 months
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Alexander covering the body of Darius with his cloak
by Charles Meynier
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mangosaurus · 1 month
so to finally respond to that poll i made a couple days ago:
in my own ideal scenario (so not what i'm actually expecting out of the show, but simply what i'd personally love to see happen in a universe where benrius is endgame), darius would be the first one to "make a move," i.e. confess. i've seen a couple people point out that ben's pretty impulsive, so it makes sense that he'd be the one to say something, but i think that's what would make darius confessing all the more impactful? darius has always struck me as a deeply emotionally repressed person, and he's undoubtedly had the biggest burden to carry on his shoulders, between repeatedly losing his loved onces and being the person everyone looks to for guidance (despite being the youngest one in the group). this is still true for chaos theory, where brooklynn's dead and darius blames himself for it, although ben might assume something of a co-leader role since he's the one behind the "we're being hunted" conspiracy (and is thus the driving force behind getting the campers back together).
and i like to think, in maturing enough to lead the group, that ben would likewise have enough emotional intelligence to recognize that darius is Not Doing Well. now would not be the time to suddenly dump a love confession on his best friend, especially not when ben's unsure if darius reciprocates (in my mind he's fairly confident that darius doesn't, but i'm a masochist who loves the not-actually-unrequited-love trope). even if darius was in a good place, they have more important things to worry about, considering the whole "there are people out there trying to kill us" subplot. being able to put his own feelings aside as to prioritize the group and, more importantly, darius, would be a huge sign of how much ben's grown, and an equally monumental testament to his unconditional love and care for darius.
so i'd really like to see darius come to his feelings for ben on his own, without anything (or anyone) else to prompt him. i think it'd be particularly interesting to see him grapple with those feelings in the midst of the main plot, too, and how that might collide with his anxiety and his grief. something that jwcc was somewhat lacking was that deep and intimate look into darius's psyche, at least in seasons 4 and 5; i would love to see that explored further in some kind of way. and it'd be so satisfying that if after everything's said and done, once everyone's safe and sound, that darius is able to approach ben with surety—maybe not full confidence, since all of this is so new to him, but with the knowing that his affection for ben is real, that it's worth confessing.
and maybe then, when darius is explaining what ben means to him, how much he's valued their friendship over the years, that ben lets himself take that leap he's only ever dreamed of: a chaste, hasty kiss, as awkward and endearing as his younger self. he jumps back almost immediately, cheeks and jawline growing red in a way that might seem unbecoming of his sharper features if it wasn't one of the prettiest things darius has ever seen. and ben is starting to apologize, probably one of the only times he's outwardly said "sorry" for anything in his life, but darius already has a hand on ben's shoulder, the other cupping his face. and he pulls him back in, because there's nothing to apologize for. this is exactly where he wants to be—where he's always wanted to be, even.
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campbenji · 2 months
Brooklynn possibly going missing in Chaos Theory makes so much sense both in-universe and taking into account the VA situation but also what if i just jump off a cliff instead
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