#Dead Boy Duo
fountainpenguin · 10 months
I came across your story "Flypaper" about the superhero convention (Fun read! Highly recommend!) and I was just wondering if you had any other interaction headcanons that didn't make the final draft?
Oh thank you... and oh, yes. I didn't include him because I knew no one would know who he is, but I love one special, incredibly charming boy... King Off-Putting himself... Bruno :)
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He is so very... uncomfortable to be around.
I had one line referencing Bruno and Danny in "Flypaper" but hhh... Dead Boy Duo, my beloved... I want them to be friends so bad, I want them to be sassy partners in the field, I want this with all my soul. They're brothers in spirit... Their moms have the same voice actor... Please, they would be so funny together.
I know there are oodles of fictional spy agencies in media, but I've always been a Bruno the Kid fan at heart. Ever since I first watched Danny Phantom, I've loved the idea of Globe getting in touch with Danny post-"Phantom Planet" and inviting him into the agency... Sometimes Bruno's villains canonically die instead of going to jail and I think Bruno and Danny would be a silly pair. Two "dead" (they got better!) cartoon boys goofing off and takin' names.
Specifically, Chick E. Love would have a flippin' field day burning holes in the Ghost Zone, unleashing wave after wave of ghosts into the world, and I just really want Bruno to do his "If I ever use a spy gadget the way it's intended I will die" schtick while Danny keeps dumping all the Fenton ghost-hunting gear on him...
I want the sassy boys to drive everyone up the wall. Bruno tolerated being bullied for about 5 seconds and then ruined that kid's life slkdjf. Cheerfully told Cy what he wanted to put on his tombstone. He does not mess around. I want Bruno to straight-up kill a man again and Danny to lose his mind.
Bruno is the boy who ran gleefully towards an electric fence with intent to climb it. He literally targeted HIMSELF with a missile in an attempt to win a chess game. I want the crossover joy of Danny throwing himself at everything that might kill Bruno and Bruno just Does Not Sweat It... Stupid.
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[More under the cut]
Anyway yeah I have very normal feelings about "Dead Boy Walking" as an episode. Bruno's enemies pinning him down and injecting a terminal disease in his system... Bruno stumbling around until he hallucinates his best friend giving him self-care advice... Bruno quietly sitting down and staring into the void, separating himself from the ongoing conversation, instead of engaging in his usual banter... Boy crosses Australia on borrowed time, his legs give out beneath him at the worst moment, he's still wheezing about how he's going to do everything in his power to save others, just a little kid lying on the cold floor alone while Sydney gloats that he only has minutes left to live... His enemies making out over his unmoving body... I am so normal about this episode.
I just want Bruno and Danny to be friends :) I think they would vibe with each other even though they'd both want to bonk the other on the head. I so very badly want to see the first moment Danny realizes "Oh... Oh, this guy's, like... serious. He will kill people if I take my eyes off him." sldkfj Bruno's so intense and I love him. Danny is so tired and I love him. I want to see the first moment Bruno blearily wakes up to realize Danny just saved him from a ghost's revenge attack in the middle of the night. I love the Dead Boy Duo.
I only threw one line about these two hanging out in "Flypaper," but in my heart they spent the whole convention together because they're co-workers... they are buddies, your honor.
I do not think WordGirl would like Bruno at all because he comes off as a smarmy, know-it-all creep to those who aren't familiar with his sense of humor... Kid Math should not be left alone with him because he's very impressionable and Bruno is a terrible influence slkjdf.
Here's a little deleted scene I had:
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I also had a loose draft for a scene of WordGirl and Super Why getting milkshakes with some other hero friends when Kid Math finds them again. WordGirl greets him like "Oh, how's your day going?" and Kid Math is just... very overwhelmed from his experience of interacting with two fast-paced sassy kids while he's still struggling to grasp the concept of superhero banter. Like. Bruno and Danny would destroy him. Blow his mind. There's no coming back from that.
So yeah, Bruno was definitely at the convention... I just didn't show him apart from that one-liner about him hanging out with Danny. "Flypaper" was really fun to write. I don't plan to do a crossover like this again any time soon, but the convention was a cool setting to explore and I'm glad you enjoyed! <3
One of my favorite stupid jokes in "Flypaper" is that Romeo was being a troublemaker in the daytime and WordGirl asked if he was "even allowed to do that" since he's supposed to be a "nighttime villain" in the PJ Masks lore... But tbh I watched a lot of Romeo clip compilations before this story and ?? apparently it's just a thing that Romeo regularly commits crime during the day and the PJ Masks literally hang back and wait until nightfall before they fight him?? That's SO funny to me.
(I also don't understand when the PJ Masks sleep and if anyone has the answer, please drop it in my inbox because I'd love to know but I also don't want to binge the series over this, ha ha)
I also wanted to make a joke about Alphapig being 5 years younger than the rest of the Super Readers because the amount I lost my mind when I saw that on the [unsourced] Super Why wiki was indescribable. POV: One of your friends is a princess, at least one is in college, and you're starting high school.
(I'm dying at the idea of three 10-year-olds running around Storybrook Village and there's a 5-year-old tagging along with them. The mental image of 7-year-old Whyatt taking a 3 or 4-year-old pig under his wing as his new friend... Such a good boy.)
After Tobey launched Romeo off his robot, I had WordGirl catch him, but I'd originally hoped to have Kick Buttowski catch him because I thought writing cool skateboard rescue mission would be fun. It seemed like it would just be shoving in an extra character who didn't need to be there, though, and it risked dragging down the scene with introductions and descriptions, but in my heart, Kick was at the convention too. Extreme.
I think another of my fave dumb jokes was just... WordGirl approaching the superhero panel she's supposed to speak on, she looks out into the crowd, but then she's like "Oh no the entire Paw Patrol are watching me, this is so much pressure."
Nothing to see here, just Baby Dog Squad taking notes... I still think about that randomly throughout the day and giggle. I love this 'fic.
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destielotp · 30 days
Netflix wtf
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purgatorily · 1 month
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netflixbrasil u are killing me…..
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twopercentboy · 1 month
y'know as much as I love silly gay ghosts, I do think it'd be really cool and really good rep if Edwin and Charles stayed platonic (after)life partners
like idk about y'all but I rarely see any best friend duo in media, let alone boy best friend duos, have this level of devotion, love, and trust for eachother, especially teenage duos and I think it'd be great to see that canonically on screen. and maybe I'm a little biased bc every time I see my best friend and myself in a duo it's a romantic couple and I just want to see a friendship like ours on screen, but like idk I think Edwin and Charles have great potential to be (queer) platonic partners and it'd be really sweet
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youredreamingofroo · 2 months
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Wake up Roo. Wake up.
> Regard this as some sort of late April Fools prank for the almost Reo (Roo/Leo) kiss 🤭
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aloe-plant-yippee · 5 days
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faerygardenparty · 1 month
My feminism brain tells me I should consume more media about women however the “horrendously codependent traumatized teen boy best friends” dynamic in fiction is such an addictive character dynamic to me that it must be laced with crack
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mammon-loves-money · 9 months
Sfw, Clingy Mammon, Possessive Mammon, GN Reader, hurt/comfort.
Mammon has always been greedy, but when you started dating him it really showed.
First, he wouldn't let you leave the house for more than a few hours a day.
Then, he wouldn't let you inside the house if you didn't reply to a text or call quick enough supposedly "ignoring" him.
The last straw you had is when Mammon started not letting you go anywhere without him with you.
So, you decided to talk to him about it.
"Mammon we need to talk."
You sit on the edge of the bed in the shared room you two have.
"Why." He whines then trying to walk away until you stop him.
"Mammon I'm being serious, I'm not trying to bash you its just.."
You pause for a few seconds looking at his shiny blue-ish yellow eyes trying to find the right words.
"You've just been a little more clingy lately and I was wondering if everything's alright?"
He sighs and you sense an annoyance coming from the glaring look he gave you after he sighs and starts to speak.
"No, everything's not alright. I just want to spend time with you and you keep avoiding me."
Mammon pouts and looks away.
"Mams," You lightly grab his face with you hand and brush his cheek with your thumb. "I wasn't trying to ignore you?"
Mammon is completely annoyed now and it's easy to tell.
"Yes you are! You won't answer my text and you always hanging out with Asmo or Satan and Belphie!"
You see a few tears build up in his eyes and you start to feel bad.
Mammon looks away.
"Mammon," You grab his hand and both of you sit on the corner of the bed, "you know I love you right?"
You scoot closer to Mammon resting your hand on his thigh, lightly squeezing it.
"I love you." As you say that Mammon wipes a few tears away from his cheeks and looks at you sniffing a little.
"I'm sorry MC.." He looks to the ground sadly. "I know I've been a little more clingy."
"It's okay, I forgive you Mams.." You smile at Mammon, "how about we lay down and watch a movie?"
You get up and start turning off the lights.
"We'll be finally spending more time together?"
You wait for Mammon's reply.
"I'd love that.."
You both smile at each other curling into the covers together as Mammon turns of the TV and you both start watching a new movie that aired in DevilDom.
The problem has resolved and Mammon is now content.
The end LOL. I dunno how to end story's srry.
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itolerate · 28 days
shows where two guys are just emotionally edging each other for an hour at a time>>>
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fiumedivita · 22 days
I *just* finished the show and I loved it!
I can't wait for Netflix to cancel it 🥰
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arachidenitida · 1 year
Charlie and Meeks (chaotic duo)
[idk what to write in the title sorry!]
Charlie and Meeks spend many summer days together at Dalton's mansion.
Charlie's parents be like "your friend is so cute and reliable, you should follow his example"
the truth is these two went somewhere hidden on the estate to smoke (not cigarettes, if you know what I mean lol)
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mordecai is the first funny bitch like spends 90% of his time literally just standing there going "i'm dapressed" to himself while everyone in the vicinity takes potshots and then he's clocking in for the night shift where for the next 9 hours people go "god mordecai would it kill you to act like you're having more fun at the [kills you] factory"
#The First Funny Bitch as a phrase from the ''cain was the first funny bitch'' post that i will use with some flexibility. yaknow.#i love going like oh boy a coworker triumvirate. their funny little guy (other duo going ''i want him dead'')#though it's unfair to the savoys lmfao if he's at best sometimes a desk toy to them: they do at least keep calling him babygirl#and giving him special mordecai invitations (by not inviting him) to their hotel room to try to marry him#so if nothing else we do appreciate adding a ton of flair to [afflicting the autistic coworker]#in turn i appreciate that mordecai and viktor's dynamic probably consisted of mutual ''i Do Not Care if my coworker seems weird''#but outside of that; was anyone at lackadaisy aggrieving mordecai with the style & variety that the savoys bring....perhaps not#an upgrade in that realm....and there seems to be Some mutual [i do not care if my coworker seems weird] there again too lol#even while they've all probably been working together like half a week & haven't all worn their getalong sweater long enough#and already mordecai is doing his [not just literally standing there] rogue lone mystery solving deal lmao. wild card that he is#lackadaisy#oh also speaking of [before mordecai went grr i Hate still working here; ripped off the fridge door; went & got a new Hated job]#it's pure bonus comic realm & particularly Elevated Silly Goofs genre at that; but#points for ivy having that Younger Sibling dynamic w/mordecai w/the implication she takes his forbidden condiments index seriously#and like; in general lol not even just a [it's serious when it comes to dealing with this weird guy] way. all the more powerful for that#wait i nearly forgot to mention the hot new otp: mordecai / j.j.#that's right [sad trombone] providing guy. i know enough. first funny bitch 4 first funny bitch.#[guy doing his own thing & everyone's like Get His Ass] 4 [guy doing his own thing & everyone's like Get His Ass]#and ofc because it is funny in & of itself. & basically like Your New OC. so much room to maneuver that you cannot crash#also hmm like if your nickname for someone is Maybe ''annoying mf'' does it cancel out....eh#numbers flying around intense focus like everything points to ''hatchet would directly translate to hatchette not petit hache''#and if you mon petit hache it (read this w/such a meter that it all rhymes)#900 tons of restraint not going ''wow this is just like analyzing billions'' & by even saying i've managed to avoid as much; now i haven't
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Thoughts on rewatch of the Batman 2022
"Ave Maria" faintly playing in the background in the beginning. Hadn't noticed that before.
Gotta look fabulous before going to beat the life out of criminals.
This movie does a perfect job of separating Batman and Bruce Wayne. How different those two people are, despite being the same person.
Another aspect I love is that this is the very beginning stages of Batman's journey. He's not the "perfect, no mistakes, flawless detective work" Batman that most movies portray. He's learning, making mistakes, still needs to improve his skills and craft. And since it's the first years and he hasn't been established as an asset to the Gotham PD yet, the officers, rightfully so, *do not* like him which makes a lot of sense than letting him run amok. (Not that that gets any better with time but you feel the difference in how they take Batman's presence.)
"The city's eating itself. Maybe it's beyond saving. But I have to try." SEE that is how you characterise Bruce, hope and endurance in the face of despair.
The narrative parallel between the death of the mayor and his son finding the body, and young Bruce watching his parents being murdered. Oh, it's so good, I'm gonna eat my hand.
Bruce saying he doesn't care what happens to his family's business and all the work they've done, equating his worth to what he does as a vigilante just goes to show how much the trauma and mental anguish has taken over his life, and now the severe depression, suicidal tendencies, even subconsciously just looking for an excuse to not live hits too close to home.
Robert Pattinson's back 😳 (I am a whore, leave me alone)
Batman fucking up the twins will never not be funny.
You've gotta be honest, our edgelord's entrance into Penguin's lair is nothing short of iconic.
I love this version of Penguin so much, he's the right amount of menacing and goofy.
THE FIRST MEETING OF BATCAT. Love-at-first-sight if I've ever seen it.
I fucking LOVE seeing Catwoman in action.
If I don't meet my S/O with us having a 1v1 and them manhandling me, what even is the point of it all.
Selina and Bruce's socio-economic background play such a big role in their reasons and aspirations to be heroes (or vigilantes). Glad this movie doesn't gloss over that.
Batsy is such a bastard in his early days. Selina should deck him.
He has so much to learn and grow, not just as Batman, but as a person. Yes, this is about him sending Selina as a spy.
Bruce Wayne looking like he's having the worst time of his life when he's in public. I love this socially repulsive man with all my heart.
Bruce seeing his child self in the mayor's son, but now with new responsibility of solving this mystery, just wow. A lot of movies, at least the live-action ones, tend to not prioritise portraying Bruce's childhood or the trauma he experienced with the gruesome murder of his parents, because at his core that's what led him down this path, it's just as, if not more, important, to him being the saviour, the knight of Gotham.
Him getting jealous thinking that's Selina with Falcone. Somebody's in love.
Riddler and his stupid love letters. Get a life.
Batman, you idiot, why would you stand with your face right infront for the bomb.
The police station scene is so funny. Poor Jim is losing it. "Great, now I got you on assaulting an officer." "You got me on assaulting three." Bad bitch energy.
"We gotta get you out of here buddy." "🥺" Gay behaviour.
OOOOOH. THE ESCAPE SCENE. Can't wait to see Batsy hit the ground and eat shit. THERE IT IS.
The fucking chase scene. Hell yeah. Emo Batman has some of the best entrances and chases in this movie. It's actually fun to watch and isn't cringe. What a refreshing change.
"Good cop, batshit cop." Jim shoving the pictures of the mutilated face into Penguin's face. I can't breathe.
Jim and Bats interrogating Penguin. Penguin roasting the fuck out of them. "No habla espanol, fellas?" "Shut up!" FUCKING HILARIOUS. Them leaving his tied up, and him waddling while cursing. THAT'S how you do comedy without breaking the tone of the movie, especially for dark superhero movies.
I know Alfred doesn't die but godsdammit I hate seeing him hurt.
Bruce lashing out because he feels betrayed but also reeling from getting flashbacks to his father's death while seeing Alfred in that bed, my boy was in the worst emotional state. I forgive him for being a little bitch to his dad (Alfred).
The heart to heart between Bruce and Alfred is such a tender and love-full moment. I needed that :,)
Selina should have just killed Kenzie before Bats came around. I support women's rights, but more importantly I support women's right to murder.
Carmine Falcone is such a sleazebag character. He gives me the creeps.
I love Jim Gordon. No particular scene inspired that statement, I just love him.
When Falcone is arrested and Penguin speaks against Carmine, I love that scene because it's a subtle indication to the end of the movie, where we see Penguin will now take over the criminal underworld of Gotham. The mighty Falcon has been taken down, the city is drowned. What better opportunity for a flightless bird to takeover?
Riddler with his dumb ass jokes and reddit lives. What a clown. He's dangerous but I can't take him seriously.
Batman appears and he just [starts screaming] peak teenage boy behaviour. Cringe lord. Be better.
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Starting the movie with "I am darkness", contemplating if Gotham can even be saved, and ending it with Batman lighting the way, leading Gotham out of the destruction. GODS. Him coming to the realisation that Gotham, and by extension himself, need hope and change, not clinging to the past, not vengeance. That is so poetic.
In regards to BatCat, the last meeting really signifies their love story. He loves her, he truly does, and maybe in this version of the story they end up together despite all the, but Gotham will always be his priority. She wants him to live, not just exist, but live, but Bruce gave up on that idea long ago.
"The Bat and the Cat, its got a nice ring to it. [Pause] Who am I kidding? You're already spoken for." OK, Mr. Matt Reeves, why don't you just shoot me between the eyes?
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thelostboys87 · 5 months
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other random wham! photos from my twitter bookmarks that i thoroughly enjoy….i fear a hyperfixation is setting in. whamania! continues to take over the land
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spoilt-rice · 2 years
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that latest chapter of have an anteater as farewell by @cnthus​ made me go feral as hell man idk what happened 
but here!! have doodles of an old man weak for his two sons and pretty boy wizard ranboo going feral for tommy. as a treat <3
close ups under the cut :p
~ click for better quality oof
that last part before philza talks to them abt chommy’s beautillion
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and magician ranboo !! he pretty :0
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morgandekarios · 2 years
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