#Debbie is so real for this
digitalbath1988 · 7 months
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crismakesstuff · 6 months
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happy memories , happy family
redraw of these two images from the show !
The first one is from s2 and the other is from s1 (I hope we get to see a better quality version of it one day)
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RC9GN Commentary + Thoughts
my current and ridiculous hyperfixation on RC9GN is dominating my entire life, oops- but basically, this is mostly me once again testing the waters of not only a potential fanfic with a reimagined/continued-fanon season three and beyond but before i start
Here’s my general commentary of the show!
For starters- Randy is so neurodivergent-coded? He has ADHD, and I feel if his actions in the canon are viewed from a more ND angle, a lot of his behavior makes so much more sense to be honest; he stims, he doesn’t exactly think before he acts sometimes (and it’s only later - once he’s truly thought about his own actions - that he finally realizes he could’ve messed up), he gets overstimulated, and on another thing- he definitely has displayed signs of not only rejection sensitivity dysphoria but he also looks for others’ approval - not in the people pleasing way, he wants to be noticed and he can’t exactly get that
The show can be mature- and it shows in certain moments. Howard‘s beef with the Nomicon is genuinely legitimate, and we see he hates and despises being alone - he’s not socially anxious, but he does seem to only have Randy as his friend; though could it also be tied with Howard just being so used to having him as company that not having him around just gets a little distressing? They were friends from literally three years old- maybe it’s the knowledge that Randy’s now faced with this life-threatening role?
Another thing! The whole thing with the First Ninja (part of the commentary and thoughts of this post) having lost his entire family at the hands of the Sorcerer? That has got to have developed some serious ptsd and survivor’s guilt- it could explain why he’s so strict and rational and attempts to be this mediating figure but also suddenly gives up and loses his temper (like- if his soul is in the nomicon, then has he had proper contact with people? He’d have been completely isolated-)
Going off on “Finja” (though i seriously need to give him a name-), his official introductory episode could’ve gone so much better? Like. I get it, why he seemingly gave up so quickly but also- I think he sees his younger self in Randy and that’s why he could be harder on him, but going back on the last point; “Finja” has gone through so much - even if it isn’t inherently canon - and goodness me, I wish we could’ve seen more of his character- and the idea he’s Randy’s ancestor? Hello?
Massive Commentary incoming!
The Norisu 9 is such an interesting concept- I want to know more, but for that I need to write it; who were they? They were a clan- could they possibly be brought back as other ninjas that fight alongside the Ninja? (AKA Randy) If that’s the case though, wouldn’t it have been mentioned beforehand? Then again- this is entirely fanon. Maybe it’s only in specific moments; like we all know there are eight other realms - apart from the Land of Shadows - that Randy would’ve had to face. Imagine just-
The Norisu 9 are carefully chosen, and that’s likely why they weren’t seen before? Maybe it was thought the bloodline vanished- or only show up when fighting against specific threats like, say, the Sorceress- but now I have to figure out who would be the rest of the Norisu 9? Off the top of my head, genuinely- Debbie should be one of them (a theme of dark purple? But seriously- I feel they all have a select set of powers) - i can’t fully explain my thoughts right now, but also Theresa? Like, they definitely have certain qualities to be ninjas- though that still leaves six more people-
Also like, I really want more on the tengu and the ninja? I have a lot more dedicated to the fanon season three and this is only one part of my thoughts but- i keep thinking about the one episode where tengu! Howard (in the time travel/season one finale episode) was hurt and it affected Randy; like this has so much potential? Like just imagine the angst that could create- or even if Howard was permanently linked to the tengu, and he developed powers and things went a little… south - there is going to be so much I’m going to explore with this tbh
I need to dedicate an entire nine post thesis purely dedicated to my attempts at interpreting the different realms that Randy would have had to face if the show wasn't suddenly cancelled, oh my god
Another thing- the Sorcerer had so much potential as a villain; it's basically what he could have been if the show wasn't posed so much as a lighthearted action-comedy, but this is also a topic for another day. The amount of brainrot I've been dealing with is so ridiculous, someone help
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rad-hound · 2 months
I've only watched an episode of Invincible and a few clips, but I am a firm believer of Cecil / Debbie. It is morally correct.
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candy-pants · 5 months
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my babysitter's a vampire + villains (insp) as in characters with naturally evil tendencies and actions, not just creatures/people made evil by mistake (usually benny's) or created by someone for a specific purpose
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 10 months
The thing that surprised me when I first got into the fandom side of Shameless is that Fiona and Debbie will very rarely receive a nuanced reception for their actions (thinking about the things they do that are wrong and thinking about intent) whereas Lip's actions will always be handwaved away, even when he's 100% in the wrong. I still love Lip but it's led to me sometimes eye rolling at some of his scenes. Really the one's where he's screaming at someone about how wrong they are.
yeah… i love shameless and i love the fandom but they are both incredibly misogynistic, unfortunately.
*cue the man by taylor swift*
lip’s actions will always be defended because people think that he’s cool. debbie and fiona’s actions won’t, because people think that they’re bitches.
and there are so many pieces of evidence that the reason people (men) love lip and hate debbie and fiona is because of gender.
debbie or fiona could (and have) do the same fucked up thing that lip did and people react so differently.
for example:
lip trying to convince karen to keep her baby, wanting desperately to parent the child despite the fact that fiona warns him it’s a shitty decision because they can’t afford it, and for that, he’s stepping up. he’s mature. he’s brave.
debbie lies about being on birth control to purposefully have a kid and refuses to abort it despite fiona’s pleas because they can’t afford it, and she actually raises the kid all on her own, for that, she’s dumb. she’s a brat. she’s a bitch.
both of them were wrong. lip was wrong for telling karen what to do with her body and risking everything for his family for a child he wasn’t even 100% was his. debbie was wrong for lying to have a baby at fifteen (she was not wrong for not aborting franny, though. a lot of people think that she was, but i’m a firm believer in my body my choice, so it’s her absolute right to not abort her child).
debbie drops franny because of sleep deprivation and she’s suddenly the worst. fiona’s a drunk and suddenly she’s a bad character and a shitty person (she is a shitty person, but they all are). lip dropped his kid and is an alcoholic but he’s given the benefit of the doubt.
lip treats the women in his life like shit. probably because of monica. debbie and fiona get screamed at by him for honest mistakes (mostly fiona), mandy, amanda, sierra, and tami all got treated like shit by him when they were dating (tami doesn’t put up with it as much, though). and i’m not even necessarily saying he’s a misogynist, but he generally treats men better than women. and people are a little too okay with that.
all of lip’s actions are defended by how hard he had it, fiona and debbie’s aren’t. people will get really deep with lip, and explain how his every move is okay because his childhood was shitty. debbie and fiona are so complex also, and they literally had the same parents as lip, but people don’t like to get as deep and explain their every move with them (i do tho😉). every shameless character is complex. even the characters that aren’t as big. they all are complex and they have layers and if you look into them you can find a lot. people will do that with characters like lip, but with debbie and fiona they just kind of shrug it off. personally i find debbie much more interesting than lip but that’s just me.
if you’re going to defend lip because of how he was raised, you should defend all of the siblings. they literally grew up together.
and i love lip. i’m not trying to say i hate him, but if people are going to shit on fiona and debbie, then people should shit on lip, too.
i’ve said this before, but all of the characters resemble a role. they all have trauma and they all have different trauma responses. but just because they deal with it differently doesn’t mean that they aren’t traumatized.
i’m getting off topic as always lol.
but i wish that lip would get held accountable more. and i wish that people would go easier on fiona and debbie.
the show is called shameless. all of the characters are massive pieces of shit. to call any character except for like, liam, a good person is stupid because that’s missing the entire point. just because you like a character doesn’t mean that they’re an angel. one of my favorite characters is debbie and she’s a piece of shit. like she sucks ass but i also love her.
i’m unhappy with this post i might just redo it😭
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quarra · 10 months
Housing Crash (maybe)
I just saw a post that was a whole lot of people SUPER excited about a news article covering a potential crash in the housing market.
And, listen, thats fair. Housing prices are fucking stupid high, for a bunch of reasons. So i get the excitement.
Just. Keep in mind that a sudden real estate crash is not all wine and roses.
Back during the first year of covid, the US had a surge of people buying homes. Lots of folks suddenly were working remotely and loving it and deciding that they didnt need to live in a place they hated. They moved out of the big city and spread out. Which was cool! This, predictably, made housing prices go way, way high up (one of the many reasons).
Meanwhile, small businesses failed in droves while huge mega businesses consolidated their forces (aka they have more power and control in their markets).
(Another thing that these big corporations did was they went all in to an ol' Lex Luthor classic and invested in real estate. Huge corporations bought up homes to rent out at a premium, coincidentally contributing to the high housing costs as they priced out individual people looking to buy.)
Then two years went by and employers, by and large, decided it was much harder to keep drones under their thumbs when the drones are out of the office, and there was a mass shift to drag people back into the office at least part of the time.
Now lets match that up with the fact that many people bought homes in locations not ideal for their line of work, and for a potentially much, much higher price than the home is worth.
With the housing market looking at a crash, all of those people are now fucked, paying for a mortgage thats far more than their house is worth in an area they likely will have trouble finding or maintaining work in.
So, like, yay. Lower housing costs. But dont forget that a swift change in the market will absolutely screw a number of folks, and given the sheer finanical vulnerability of most of the people in the US, a crash in housing costs is gonna cause just as many problems as it solves.
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oscarisaacsspit · 1 year
he’s attracted to wounded birds
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jiaranace · 1 year
I finished the season like 2 seconds ago and just wanted to get this out before I even look at what anyone else is saying.
There was honestly quite a bit that disappointed me about this season, but one major complaint about the Jiara of it all, is that despite being told by reviewers and in interviews that Kiara was going to fight for her man, she didn't really. They had like two "conversations" after getting back to the obx where he said they can't be together and she says she cares, and then that's that.
I wanted Kiara to tell him that he deserves happiness, and security, and love. I wanted her to say screw who my parents and society thinks I should be, and who I should be with, I choose YOU.
I wanted them to make an effort to work in an environment where it wasn't easy. But instead, they drifted apart and JJ struggled to communicate in the OBX, and then they didn't make that next step until they were back on the run, living out their surf trip lifestyle. We knew they worked in that sort of environment already. I wanted them to fight to work in circumstances that didn't come so easy to them, is all I'm saying.
Instead they had one quick kiss/admitting feelings scene, where they weren't even alone, barely a scene after (nothing of substance) and then the season ended with a YEAR AND A HALF TIME JUMP?
We got canon jiara but honestly at what cost lmao
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zemnarihah · 6 months
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screaming at what eriks irish grandma just sent him...
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bastillia · 1 year
The Mandalorian writing is SO bad this season…I’m sorry if that’s harsh but what’s going on??? It feels like I’m reading those 2012 Avengers tower fan fictions, if you know what I mean. And the dialogue! So mechanic and unnatural.
Not harsh at all, you're completely right and you should say it. It feels awful, it's somehow 90% exposition and fluff, with characters just saying words for the audience's benefit. Because god forbid we put any effort into thinking about what these characters might actually say in the situations that they're in. It feels totally flat, and any characterization that has been built up in season 1 and (kinda) season 2 just seems to have gone out the window. Now the mandoverse characters are all just mouthpieces for expository dialogue, and maybe a Star Wars Saying here and there to keep your attention. And the other 10% of the writing, which might actually hold some substance with a little effort, still feels like trite, one-size-fits-all dialogue that does nothing to deepen the characters or present any kind of stakes. The heroes say Hero Things because they're heroes, the villains say Villain Things because they're villains. I mean it leaves me wanting to bang my head against the wall because I could literally watch any marvel show or whatever and get the same shit. But that's just the thing, isn't it?
I've been noticing the marvelfication of star wars over the past few years and i resent it SO fucking deeply but I think Andor restored a glimmer of hope for me that star wars might start bringing some fresh and competent creators to the table. I'm still holding onto that hope because ultimately I adore this universe and its characters, and I just want to see them written with care and truth to who they are. I've given up on that happening with the mandoverse characters going forward. I'm starting to accept that i'm just going to have to grit my teeth and let this part of the story be told at me by jon favreau through some very expensive actors' mouths. But maybe, hopefully, going forward, we will see a few more creative and character-driven approaches to star wars. Tony Gilroy please save us
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ariesbilly · 10 months
Sobbed my way through the shameless finale btw
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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Ace's fvcking smirk 🤪🤣🤣🤣
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straight fvcking them up
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no words. 🤡
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the tension here is killing me
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ey yoooooo
is your wish to destroy Ace instead of revive your friend???? 👀
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*nodding furiously*
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well this was an interesting zoom-out shot of them.
Makes it look like they're both behind jail bars, back to the light, and on opposing sides, Ace slightly slanted upward showing he has the upper hand
(In this essay I will-)
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karmiculture · 1 year
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death, a lifetime.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 5 months
literally every time I listen to grace, Ian listening to this album pops into my head 😭😭
who else do you think he can listen to? maybe lana(omg i headcanon that him and debbie talked about her music and she didn't expect that he knows her lmao), nirvana, the doors or something? I completely ignore his taste in the show too🫡🫡
oh anon i am so late to this and i apologize😭 i have no excuse other than laziness so… anyways!
ian definitely would like jeff buckley. i know that for a fact. i know that john wells showed us him listening to like… techno shit and lady gaga which is fine, but i don’t see him listening to that, i see everything that you listed, jeff buckley, lana del rey, nirvana, the doors, possibly oasis (based on carl’s shirt in 1x01), and maybe even radiohead (mickey canonically likes radiohead so…). 
i could see him liking grace, especially around season 1. like, another thing about ian and his “techno” music taste is that season 1 goes against it because we heard him listening to music in the van and he seemed to value music based on him saying he gave kash cds so that they would be interested in the same things. maybe he showed kash grace? i don’t know, i don’t want kash to know what grace is because i despise him but i could see ian loving that album. i don’t know if he would like sketches for my sweetheart the drunk just because i somehow feel like he wouldn’t have discovered it😭 like maybe later on around season 7 he would’ve listened to it, and if he did, he would like “nightmares by the sea” and “yard of blonde girls”, i think.
i personally associate ian with a few songs on grace, and if this post actually gets any attention and people want to know i could post about it like i did with mickey and nude by radiohead, but here are some songs that remind me of ian/i think ian would like (off of grace):
- lover, you should’ve come over; romantic song, i feel like ian would listen to it and think of mickey because he’s a fucking sap. he would have this song, “at last” (etta james, their wedding song) and some other love songs in a playlist titled “mickey” or something like that. this song i kind of associate with mickey in season 4/5, just because of how much of a hopeless romantic he is, but mickey would probably not listen to jeff buckley. early seasons ian would probably resonate with this song a lot, especially in season 2/3 when his love for mickey is growing stronger and it’s making him a bit miserable at the same time. the whole “so i’ll wait for you, love, and i’ll burn” thing reminds me of both of them, but especially season 2/3 ian because he was kind of always left waiting for mickey to the point where it started to really break him. just the intense feeling of love in this song is so ian and it’s just… such a beautiful song and also gallavich coded i can’t even
- forget her; ian’s feelings towards mickey in seasons 6-8. i think people often look down on ian for how he felt about mickey in those seasons, and i understand why, but i also feel so awful for ian because the way he acted was so clearly him just trying to forget. wanting to push down all feelings he had for mickey and pretend that the situation was something it wasn’t because he undoubtedly has avoidant attachment issues (which i want to talk about more in depth sometime). “don’t fool yourself, she was heartache from the moment that you met her” is so ian, there is no way he went into that relationship and thought it would all end up okay. whether we’re talking about ian or mickey being the “heartache”. because ian always expected mickey to get himself thrown away again, and ian always expected himself to fuck things up. so he goes out with other men and he convinces himself he’s okay when he’s not, that he’s over mickey when he’s not, he has this whole façade on and not many people could see through it, but the second mickey saw him in season 7 (or even in the visit in season 6) he saw through it. the lyrics “oh, i think i’ve forgotten her now” remind me of ian’s date with caleb or just the whole caleb thing in general where he’s clearly trying to be someone he’s not and saying things he wouldn’t have said.
- lilac wine; season 3 ian. but like, 3x06-3x11 ian. the downfall, the heartbreak, the start of it all. “i lost myself on a cool, damp night, i gave myself in that misty light, was hypnotized by a strange delight under a lilac tree”, really just reminds me of the aftermath of 3x06 on ian’s part. the way he started to change, and drink, and cry. he was hurt, physically and mentally, and i don’t know how to really explain these lyrics in association with him during that time they just are ian. the whole song is kind of just like, drinking and missing someone. “lilac wine is sweet and heady, where's my love? lilac wine, i feel unsteady, where's my love? listen to me, why is everything so hazy? isn’t that she, or am i just going crazy, dear?” ian at the wedding, or after the wedding. just 3x11 in general. he’s drunk/hungover throughout the entire episode, and it’s really the start of it all. i mean, i think that everything had started a few episodes before that, but to me, that was the first episode where i saw ian and was like “holy shit”. he missed mickey, he drank a lot, and he was just so fucking heartbroken.
- dream brother; this song always reminds me of ian when i listen to it and i don’t even know how to explain it. i think a big part of it could be the fact that it’s believed this song is about child abandonment, and not only that, but also self destruction. two things ian knows a lot about. “her green eyes blew goodbyes, with her head in her hands” reminds me so much of monica leaving in season 1. not only that, but the look ian gave her. the way his eyes looked everytime they landed on her. it’s so heartbreaking and that lyric really reminds me of that. another thing about this song is that it apparently was a warning for his (jeff buckley’s) friend not to walk out on his pregnant girlfriend because it reminded him of what his father did, which is why the song says, “don’t be like the one who made me so old”. to me, that’s ian to lip. specifically in 7x08, which is one of my favorite episodes/scenes ever and i have talked about it so many times. how the scene where lip grabs ian is a direct parallel to when frank headbutts ian, and how ian looks at lip the same way he looks at frank. how ian advises lip not to drink before ian goes off to prison, and like, i don’t know, how they both have always kind of worried about ending up like frank and monica, the people who hurt them both so much. “they're waiting for you like i waited for mine; and nobody ever came” just reminds me of how ian looked when monica hugged debbie and carl in season 1. when she says “please let me be your mommy again” you can tell that ian’s heard that 1000 things and he’s absolutely crushed.
i definitely think he would listen to lana del rey, and i intend on making a separate post about that (i also started a series on ao3 of shameless oneshots inspired by lana del rey but it’s on a quick hiatus because again, i’m a lazy fuck), he reminds me a lot of her album (or ep, i guess) paradise. especially the songs ride and cola. if he were to listen to her he’d definitely be a local but he would love the songs he knows. debbie definitely got him into her because i’ve literally made a whole in-depth post about why debbie is a lana fan (it’s basically canon, especially considering debbie’s age and her marina phase) and so she would introduce her to him. maybe ian has lana songs on that playlist i was talking about?? who knows
i could definitely see him liking nirvana, that’s pretty realistic and it makes sense for him. i made a post about ian and territorial pissings and i honestly could make a lot of connections between ian and nirvana, too. it’s worth mentioning that kurt cobain was bipolar and he had songs about it, and those songs always seem to remind me of ian (like lithium).
anyway… i said a lot more than i had intended, but like i said, i really like doing meta about characters regarding music so should i post more of that??
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dqbbiegallaqher · 7 months
this whole song is so debbie gallagher (me) coded
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