aclkplm208-blog · 11 months
Enterprise-F Master System Display
Here is the Master System Display of the U.S.S. Enterprise-F in Star Trek Unity.
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ltwilliammowett · 11 months
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Plan of HMS Beagle - Middle section fore and aft, upper deck, 1832
In: A Naturalist's Voyage Round the World, Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the countries visited during the voyage round the world of H.M.S. Beagle under the command of Captain Fitz Roy, R.N., By Charles Darwin, M.A., F.R.S., with illustrations by R. T. Pritchett, 1832
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Spelljammer deckplans
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baronneutron · 2 months
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The Blade's Hope by boomerangmouth. Another commission based on my former glory days playing WEG Star Wars Role Playing Game. Her Captain came from a family of shippers with strong rebel sympathies. In their backstory, the kids would grow up learning the trade in the style of midshipmen as teenagers, and then when they became adults they had to go out into the galaxy and earn enough to buy their own ship and then become a full member of the family and marry.
Commission of the Deckplan for The Sanctuary by boomerangmouth. Another player character's ship in our campaigns, based on our GM's deck plans, but with the artists changes as he felt inclined based on his feel of design. Also, it is from my suggested retcon to make her more distinguishable from the Falcon.
The Saracan Saber and The Sanctuary by kavinveldar
Commission of the Deckplan for The Saracen Saber by boomerangmouth
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sleepycatmama · 2 months
Live on Kickstarter:
Ultimate Conclusions, a collection of science fiction stories, including three new shorts in the Torchship universe!
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A collection of Karl K Gallagher's short stories published in various anthologies and webzines, plus three new Torchship stories, is now up on Kickstarter.
I’m asking support to pay the cover artist (you can see the work in progress above) and offering the book in ebook, paperback, and hardcover. Other potential rewards include signed hardcovers of the Torchship trilogy, tabletop RPG sessions, and choosing the topic of one of my future stories.
Potential stretch goals include a deckplan of the Fives Full suitable for tabletop RPGs and a paperback of the Substack stories to date.
Paid subscribers will all receive the ebook(s) and may take this book as one of their annual rewards.
The stories included are:
Squire Errant
You Will Be Uploaded
Long Freeze
Plus three new Torchship short stories:
And about a dozen articles from gaming webzines, including the tabletop RPG Traveller scenarios which later became the plot of Torchship.
If you’d like to read more of my stories, please check it out on Kickstarter.
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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This fancy production is FASA’s Merchant Class Ships (1982). I’ve seen it as a box set, but mine comes in a plastic bag. No idea if it was ever issued in a bag, but the bag is definitely old, so if someone lost the box, they did it a long time before I got a hold of it.
Anyway, this is a pretty elaborate product for a third party producer. It comes with two booklets, lots of chits and poster sized deck plan for six different merchant ships. Everything is high quality, including the art.
There isn’t a lot more to say about it, honestly. FASA produced a number of other deckplan sets of similar quality. I included this one mostly to illustrate that it wasn’t all zines (ahem: chapbooks) among the third party Traveller products.
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Welcome! So glad you’re here on my blog. Pull up a chair, have a cup of tea and make yourself comfortable.
Please feel free to message me at any time to talk fandoms, writing, history, Titanic, Downton Abbey, La Sociedad de la Nieve, or anything else that's on your mind!
✨️ Age: "don't share any personal identifiable information about yourself on the internet" years old.
✨️ History, historical fiction and period dramas
✨️Disaster and survival stories
✨️ Michael Sheen and David Tennant brainrot
✨️ Assorted fandoms:
Downton Abbey
House MD
BBC Ghosts
Call the Midwife
Good Omens
Station 19
My AO3 profile:
Incredibly comprehensive source for all things Titanic:
Link to On A Sea Of Glass, my main source for historical information when writing and posting:
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"To my mind, the world of today awoke April 15th, 1912." - John "Jack" Borland Thayer III, First Class survivor
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"It was thus egregious incompetence, rather than malevolent snobbery." - Gareth Russell, Ship of Dreams: The Sinking of The Titanic and the End of the Edwardian Age
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"I shall probably dream about it tonight...have another nightmare. You'd think I'm too old for that but you'd be amazed. You lie in bed at night and the whole thing comes around again." - Frank Prentice, Assistant Storekeeper aboard Titanic
Trailer for La Sociedad de la Nieve (Society of the Snow), a new film about the crash of Flight 571 in the Andes mountains
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jabean-fanfiction · 1 year
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Just thought I’d share a sketch/tracing* I did of the Purge Trooper Zeta-class Shuttle, Infernum. In my fanfic A Light in the Dark, the old Pre-Empire shuttle is still being used around 0BBY.
( * I traced it from the Wookieepedia deckplan for the Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle)
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enkisstories · 1 year
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The weapon noise behind the door ceases, to be replaced by the sound of lithe android steps. Curtis and the children cannot see the two AX400s surrender to the attackers, or the fact that one of the AX’s is missing its outer skin and eye overlay. The LED is missing, too, and it certainly wouldn’t flash blue.
The evasdroppers can only listen in to the exchange between the soldiers and their captives. Apparently one of the humans takes offense in a camo-patterned jacket the skinless AX is wearing over her housekeeper android uniform.
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“It’s not what you think! The jacket didn’t belong to a real soldier! It’s just a pattern... just something sold in a store... we stole it...”
It is hard to tell wether Curtis would be more appalled by the exposed grey android chassis with the electronic eyes or the soldier’s mimic-concealing helmet, if he could see either. Perched behind the door, he can only hear the voices. Both are accompanied by a machinelike undertone, but only one manages to sneer, with the other quivering...
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Still busy googling “Great Lakes freighter deckplan” on his small phone screen in less than optimal light, Curtis nevertheless can see the android children’s pleading faces.
Help them! they ask him. You’re an adult AND a human, if YOU cannot do it, nobody can.
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casetuttle57 · 1 year
Maybe the Weirdness Resurfaces?
I am off this week. This was the longest period I have taken off since July. It was great to have a break.
My financial dependence on my employer is making me very sad.
This week, I have no books. I'm thinking I should get some new reading material Most of the books I've got left are RPG rulebooks and non-fiction and I only read those when I'm feeling inspired.
Ars Magica
I ran the very first session of my brand new Ars Magica campaign this week. The participants were asked help in the search for the missing children of the village. They had not seen them in hours. It was the vernal equinox-a night of magic and folklore-and the children were under the influence of a kelpie who was determined to play out its story of drowning unwary victims.
There wasn't much to do. The players had to (1) find fairyland's entrance, (2) walk straight through a fairy forest which would attempt to confuse them sense of direction, (3) drive away the Kelpie. It was a breeze to manage and the players had a few choices. MY HUSH MAIL To help us to get started with the system, I designed a simple plot. It worked well considering that even with this we required to read the rules of creating spells quite a bit (which was what I expected). I was astonished to discover that they initially noticed the huge faerie horse beast and decided to take on it physically. After one of them almost dying (doing Ars Magica equivalent to making death saves) and another recognizing that magic was possible, I hope they'll try magic more often in the future.
Although I wasn't aware of how long it would take, I had another adventure (visiting and making impressions on the abbot of a nearby monastery) that I planned but didn't have the time.
This week I tried Inscryption. It's a strange deck-building/escape-room game that makes you feel like you're in an underground cave with a crazy game master who is making up rules as they go.
The first part is. Based on what I have seen, there is another part that appears very different. I'm not sure whether I'll be giving it a lot of my time however, it was the weird atmosphere that attracted me initially. Perhaps the strangeness returns. I'm not sure if would like to wait to find out.
We've set a release date for Minecraft 1.18 30th!
I'm not a huge Minecraft player nowadays, and I'm prone to becoming bored once I've got a self-sufficient base in place (which takes no time at all) because building large things doesn't appeal to me that much. I'm definitely not the game's intended audience.
It's something I enjoy doing every now and again, and playing with friends on servers. 1.18 brings fundamental changes to the world generation which I'm eager to test out.
This week, I was able to catch up on some television: I watched The Mandalorian and Foundation. Both were fantastic and had lots of cool images, including this FTL jump in episode 1 of Foundation00. In fact, it's the coolest FTL jump I've ever seen. If this series had been released before I began my Traveller game I would have been convinced to redesign all the standard ship deckplans to include a huge rotating black hole-powered jump drive.
). I am looking forward to reading more.
If I had to make a complaint it, it would be because I find the Empire storyline from Foundation more compelling than the Foundation storyline. This is an expression of the stories I enjoy. The Empire storyline is about large cosmic events, as well as the end of the dynasty. It's more about the events than people. The Foundation storyline is much more about the people and the events are much smaller in scale. But I do prefer the large-scale things!
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levinmccoy55 · 1 year
Maybe the Weirdness Resurfaces?
This week, I was off from work. This was the longest period I've taken off since July. It was great to take time off.
My financial dependence on my employer is making me very sad. https://wolfscript.net/
This week, I have no books. I'm thinking I should find some new reading material. Most of the books I've got are RPG rulebooks or nonfiction. I only read these when I feel the need.
Ars Magica
This week, I conducted the first session in my new Ars Magica campaign. The players were asked to take part in the search for missing children from the village. They hadn't seen them for hours. It was the vernal hour, a night of magical and folklore. The children had fallen in love with the charm of a kelpie who was determined to tell their story of drowning innocent victims.
There was nothing much to do, the characters just had to (1) locate the entrance to fairyland, (2) walk in an unidirectional line through a forest of fairy tales that tried to confuse their sense of direction, and (3) take off the kelpie somehow. It was a breeze to manage and the players had a few options. I thought of a simple plot in order to be able to ease into the system. This proved to be a good idea considering that even with this, we needed to go through the spell creation rules several times (which I'd expected). I was astonished to discover that they initially were awed by the massive horse faerie and decided to take on it physically. But after one of them almost dying (doing the Ars Magica equivalent of making death saves), and another realising there was a magical solution, I hope they'll be more likely to attempt magic the next time.
Although I wasn't aware of how the duration would be, I had another adventure (visiting and making an impression on the abbot of the nearby monastery) which I had in mind but didn't have time for.
This week I played Inscryption. It's a strange deck-building/escape-room game that makes you feel like you're in a cave with a mad game master who is inventing rules as he goes.
At least, the first part is. Based on what I have seen, there's a second part that seems quite different. I'm not sure if I'll give it much of my time but it was the weird atmosphere that attracted me initially. Perhaps the strangeness is back? I'm not sure if want to spend the time to find out.
We've received a release date set for Minecraft 1.18 on the 30th of September!
I'm not a huge Minecraft player nowadays, and I'm prone to becoming bored once I have a self-sufficient base up and running (which doesn't take very long at all), as building big things isn't my thing at all. I'm not the target audience for the game.
It's something I enjoy doing from time to time, and playing with friends on servers. 1.18 brings some fundamental changes to the world generation, which I'm excited to test out.
I was capable of catching up on television this week, and I watched The Mandalorian and Foundation. Both were pretty great, lots of very cool visuals (like this FTL jump from the first episode of Foundation00). In actuality, I think this is the most amazing version of FTL jumps I've come across. If this series had been released before I began my Traveller game I would have been convinced to redesign all the deckplans for ships to include a huge rotating black hole-powered jump drive.
). I look forward to more.
If I had to criticize the Foundation storyline, it would be that I find the Empire storyline from Foundation more compelling than the Foundation storyline. This is an expression of the stories that I like. The Empire storyline is about large, galaxy-shaking events and the demise of an era. It's more about the events rather than the people. Whereas the Foundation storyline is much more about individuals, and the events themselves are smaller in size. But I do prefer the larger-scale things!
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
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Sail plan and deckplan of a full rigged ship of 1880, by Ron Druett in: Hen Frigates, by Joan Druett
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Spelljammer deckplans
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estescowan · 2 years
Perhaps The Weirdness Returns
I am off this week. This was the longest period I've taken off work since July. It was great to have a break.
My financial dependence on my employer is making me very sad.
This week, I didn't read any books. I'm thinking that I need to find some new reading material again Most of the unread books I've left are RPG rulebooks and nonfiction and I only go through them when I'm in the mood.
Ars Magica
This week, I conducted the first session in my new Ars Magica campaign. The players were recruited to assist in finding the missing village children who nobody had seen for some hours. It was the time of the vernal hour, a night of magic and folklore. The children had fallen in love with the charm of a kelpie who was determined to tell the tale of drowning unwary victims.
There was nothing to do. The characters had to (1) discover the entrance to Fairyland, (2) walk straight through a fairy-tale forest that was designed to confuse their sense of direction, (3) drive away the kelpie. It was very easy to run, and not much choice for the players. I came up with an intentionally simple plot so that we'd be able to ease into the system. It turned out to be a great idea because even with this, we needed to go through the rules for creating spells a bunch (which I'd expected). I was astonished to discover that they initially were awed by the massive horse-like faerie creature and decided to fight it physically. 4COM But after one of them almost dying (doing the Ars Magica equivalent of making death saves) and another recognizing there was a solution that was magical I hope they'll have the confidence to attempt magic the next time around.
I definitely failed to predict the length of time it would take, but I had a complete second adventure (visiting and making a positive impression on the abbot from a nearby monastery) planned that we were unable to go through.
This week I played Inscryption. It's a strange deck-building/escape-room game that makes you feel as if you're in the cave of a mad game master who is inventing rules as the game goes.
It's at least the first part of the game is. Based on what I've seen, there is a second part that seems quite different. I don't know whether I'll give it a lot of my time but it was the weird atmosphere that attracted me to it in the first place. Perhaps the strangeness returns. I'm not sure if I would like to take the time to discover.
We've set a release date for Minecraft 1.18, the 30th!
I'm not a huge Minecraft player these days, I'm usually bored once I've got an self-sufficient base in place (which isn't a long time at all) since building huge things doesn't appeal to me that much. I'm not the type of player that the game is designed for.
However, I do enjoy trying it out every now and then, and playing on servers with friends, and 1.18 introduces some fundamental changes to the world generation I'm looking forward to testing.
I was in a position to catch some television this week, and I watched The Mandalorian and Foundation. Both were great and had lots of cool visuals, like this FTL jump in episode 1 of Foundation00. In fact, it's the most amazing FTL jump I've ever seen. If this series had been released prior to the time I started my Traveller game, I would have been strongly tempted to re-do all the deckplans for ships to include a huge rotating black hole-powered jump drive.
). I am looking forward to more.
If I had to critique the Foundation storyline, it would be that I find the Empire storyline from Foundation more compelling than the Foundation storyline. I think this speaks to the kind of stories that I like. The Empire storyline is about massive, galaxy-shaking events and the end of an era. It's more about the events than people. Whereas the Foundation storyline is more about individuals and the events are smaller in size. However, I prefer large-scale events!
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klitvind · 2 years
Perhaps The Weirdness Returns
I took this week off work. This was the most continuous time off I've had since July, so it was very enjoyable to take an opportunity to take a break.
Again, my financial dependence on my employer makes me very sad.
This week, there were no books. I'm thinking I should acquire some new reading material The majority of the books I've got left are RPG rulebooks and non-fiction and I read those when the mood strikes.
Ars Magica
This week, I ran the first session of my new Ars Magica campaign. The participants were asked take part in the search for missing children from the village. They hadn't seen them in hours. soundz promising It was the evening of the vernal hours and a night of folklore and magic. The children had fallen in love with the charm of a kelpie who was determined to tell their story of drowning innocent victims.
There was not much to do. The players had to (1) find fairyland's entrance, (2) walk straight through a fairy forest that would try to confuse them sense of direction, (3) drive away the kelpie. It was a breeze to complete, and there wasn't any choice for the players. I thought of a simple plot in order to be able to ease into the system, and this proved to be a good idea because even with this we had to consult the rules for creating spells numerous times (which I had hoped for). I was astonished to discover that they initially were awed by the massive horse-like faerie creature and decided to take on it physically. However, after one of them almost dying (doing the Ars Magica equivalent of making death saves), and another realising there was a magical solution, I hope they'll have the confidence to try magic first the next time around.
While I wasn't sure how it would take I did have another trip planned (visiting and making an impression on the abbot at a nearby monastery) that I had planned, but didn't have time for.
This week, I tried Inscryption. It's a weird deck-building/escape room game that gives you the feeling of being in a cave with a mad game master who is inventing rules as the game goes.
At least, the first part is. There's a third part that is quite different from the little of it I've played so far I'm not certain if I'm going to give it much of the chance, considering it was the strange atmosphere which really attracted me to the game initially. Maybe the weirdness comes back. I'm not sure I want to put in the time to discover the truth.
We've set a release date for Minecraft 1.18 30th!
I'm not a big Minecraft player these days, I'm prone to becoming bored once I have a self-sufficient base running (which takes no time at all), as building big things doesn't interest me that much. I'm not the game's target market.
It's something I love doing every now and again, and playing with friends on servers. 1.18 brings about fundamental changes to the generation that is currently in the world, which I'm eager to test out.
This week I watched a bit of television I watched The Mandalorian and Foundation. Both were fantastic, lots of very cool visuals (like this FTL jump from episode 1 of Foundation00In fact I think this is the single coolest rendition of FTL jumps I've come across. I would have been tempted to redesign the deckplans of the ship if this series had been available prior to the time I started my Traveller game.
). I am looking forward to reading more.
If I had to critique the Foundation storyline, it would be that I find the Empire storyline from Foundation more compelling than the Foundation storyline. This is a reflection of the stories I like. The Empire storyline is about massive galaxy-shaking events, and the fall of an era. It's more about the events than people. The Foundation storyline is more about the people, while the events themselves are smaller in size. However, I do prefer large-scale events!
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miskasmaps · 5 years
[Map] Cheloni-Class Transport Shuttle
Cheloni-class transport shuttle is a civilian medium-distance starship modeled after a four-winged Z-class military transport. #tabletop #rpg #ttrpg #cartography #deckplan #scifi #starwarsrpg #rpgmap #spaceship #starship #travellerrpg #starfinder
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Cheloni-class transport shuttle is a civilian medium-distance starship modeled after a four-winged Z-class military transport. Cheloni-class shuttle has larger cargo capacity and operating distance. It has two weapon modules, that are usually fitted with a focused tractor beam or an anti-asteroid missile launcher,  and a quad-laser turret for point-defense. 
The ship can be operated optimally…
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