#Either way if they're not I don't rly care bc the way they said it just sounded like they get shit without having to ask... So UK
marciliedonato · 1 year
Currently fighting with someone in the pmore SA/LatAm tour post comment section bc apparently the UK is all of Europe and ppl from Europe don't get to ask to have a good time bc bri'ish people only think abt themselves and as long as they get what *they* want that's all that matters I guess 💁🏼‍♀️ woe is me 🙄🙄
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Hi so I’m 15 and in a relationship for the first time so I don’t have experience with any of this stuff. My partner and I have been doing sexual stuff for a few months now I just have some questions.
First, I was wondering how we can do sexual things in a way that doesn’t bother other people in the house. Like maybe that’s a dumb question and the answer is just be quiet but idk it’s hard bc my partner is very vocal. Also there’s very few opportunities to do stuff without anyone else home so that’s not rly an option.
Also my parents have been very weird about my relationship with my partner. Making lots of odd comments such as “i wonder if they’re having sex up there” (to my brother who is a *child*) and giving me lots of looks that just kind of make me feel really bad about my relationship. I know that sex is natural but they make me feel really bad about it and I could use some advice on what to do about that
Next, my partner and I are both interested in getting in to kink but I don’t really know how to go about it. I’ve never heard of people getting into that stuff as minors and we don’t want to do anything too crazy especially since we don’t really have access to any supplies.
You’ve definitely talked about this before but could you tell me what kind of protection is best and easiest to use and obtain for f/f sex. School didn’t teach me how to use anything other than a male condom.
Thank you so much. Sorry for asking so many questions
hi anon,
your first question is going to be pretty circumstantial; I don't know what the layout of your house is like or how realistic it is to wait for privacy. the ideal if of course to wait until everyone else is either asleep or out of the house, but I recognize that the former may be difficult if not impossible for someone your age and you've already said the latter is hard to come by. using other noises, like music or TV or white noise, can be helpful, although it's unlikely to prevent your parents from speculating.
to address your second problem most directly, I'm afraid there's no much that I personally can do to rectify that. it is unfortunately very normal for parents to have an anxious, awkward, and difficult time adjusting to their children becoming sexually curious. I think the most crucial thing to remember here is that this has nothing to do with what you're doing being gross or wrong, and most everything to do with how your parents were raised to think about sex. unless they have specific concerns they want to raise with you about sexual safety, their reactions are most likely coming from a place of discomfort that they don't know how to channel appropriately. that's not a shortcoming on your part, but on the people who failed to help them develop a better way of understanding their own feelings about sex - and, yes, on them for how they're handling those feelings now.
I'm unsure exactly what you're interested in exploring, since kink covers a very broad array of activities and "supplies" could mean almost anything, but I would definitely recommend an abundance of caution in your explorations. kink is great, but that doesn't mean it's easy for for everyone. there's a reason that you seldom hear of people your age getting into kink, which is that it generally requires a great deal of practice with navigating partnered intimacy and communication - something that few teenagers have had time to develop the skills for. kink is also something that many people find works best as a communal activity, by finding others to help introduce them around and sharing experience to help safely explore their fantasies; for obvious safety reasons, few kink spaces are looking to admit 15 year olds. by all means, do your research - Evie Lupine's youtube channel is a great place to start, with a backlog of hundreds of videos covering all kinds of kink-related topics - but be careful with how you act on it, and recognize that kink comes with more potential complications and risks than "vanilla" sex that cannot be taken lightly.
if both parties have vulvas and vaginas then you can use dental dams for protection during oral sex, latex or nitrile gloves or finger cots to cover hands/fingers, and external ("male," although there's nothing inherently gendered about them) condoms for any penetrative toys (or cut them down one side to flatten them out and make the aforementioned dental dams).
please don't apologize for asking questions! questions are how you learn and stay safe :)
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kannra21 · 8 months
I don’t understand why anime men can be drawn looking handsome while also looking normal and wearing normal clothes, but sososo often, anime women are drawn looking like their tits are going to pop out of their bras and/or they wear provocative outfits.
Do men (or male artists anyway) not care if a woman is beautiful if she isn’t being revealing? Do her facial features, the way she carries herself, her hair, etc. not matter so long as she’s not trying to act like a seductress?
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From my own experience with men I can only say one thing- they are liars. Or at least they like lying to themselves.
They will oftentimes say that they don't like women who reveal feminine features, but they do. Men like women and they like objectifying them. Bc if men are straight, logically, they're attracted to women. Bc woman's body is pretty and not just in a sexual sense. Sometimes it's just pretty for looking at; like art, nude modeling and act. Worshipped even. Woman's body is prettier than man's body in so many ways. But I think this beauty shouldn't be so heavily sexualized like it's often the case in the east. Japan has so much explicit content that they even have categorized shops at every corner, in public spaces. I don't know how Japanese women feel about this but statistics show that their birth rate is slowly declining. Besides poor economic situation, women don't feel respected or loved enough. And the feminism has risen in this part of the world as well.
Anyways, back to the point- I respect Gege for keeping his characters neat and the story heavily plot oriented without much fanservice (men are the fanservice lol). Gege also says that his parents are reading the manga so I suppose he doesn't rly want to feel like a disgrace lmao. I'm not sure if this was his marketing strategy to interest women into shōnen genre but it definitely worked, now jjk has become one of the most popular series of all time. And it's ok to have Mei Mei as one token representative of a "sexy woman" stereotype although I wouldn't rly call her sexy either. She's just a beautiful woman.
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What definitely helps the whole situation is Gege's taste in fashion. No male mangaka that I know ever paid attention to this one very important factor. Fashion is a type of expression, and it can tell a lot about the character themselves without incorporating their personality in words. With that said, jjk women have so much personality to them, it's fascinating.
Mei Mei and Mai could be considered sexy, Utahime is a traditional authoritative beauty, Nobara is very stylish and confident, Maki is a strong tomboy girl, Miwa and Momo are girly and cute, Ozawa is a shy girl, Shoko is your typical CEO woman, Yuki is a biker girl. And some of them have short or tied up hair which is nice bc it can be just as feminine as long hair. He even introduced women's insecurities like Ozawa being overweight and that Yuuji didn't mind bc he found her writing and table manners pretty. Momo's outlook on woman's prejudice in jujutsu world is also something important to adress. Yuuta is shown kissing Rika bc what they're having is true love and true love doesn't know shallow boundaries. Gege understands woman's struggle.
In an interview, Gege revealed that he has similar mindset to Megumi and that he doesn't want to sexualize women as much. The way he treats woman body is purely artistic. At least watching these panels didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all.
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Regarding Mei Mei's and Ui Ui's relationship, yea it's a taboo. But I think that author didn't want to promote incest, rather, he wanted to show that Mei Mei is a woman with flaws. And flaws are something that makes a person interesting, together with their virtues. She also likes money. To the point that Gojo made fun of her by flipping a coin to summon her bc apparently, Mei Mei lacks self-respect.
In contrast to her, Utahime respects herself too much. That's why she's often hysterical and Gojo tells her that hysterics won't win men (Gojo is a real mansplainer huh).
Gojo is rude and so is Sukuna. But Miwa and Yorozu don't even notice a man's flaw if they're interested in him (Gege knows a woman's mind too well, which is funny). That's why he's asking ladies to vote for Nanami instead of Gojo in popularity poll (women should set aside shallow interests and concentrate on person's kind soul).
Unlike them, Shoko is aloof and rational bc she's too aware of fleetingness of life, especially in her line of work as a doctor. Sure, she can be friendly and smile a lot, but she doesn't want to form any strong relationships with anyone. This is the only way she can keep her sanity in check. After all, jujutsu is just a marathon where the finish line is a pile of friends' corpses. Something the younger generations are a bit immature to understand.
Nobara is a very stubborn girl, she sometimes comes off as too bossy or rude (Yuuji calls her a bitch lol). But it turns out this was only her defense mechanism with people she's unfamiliar with bc she didn't want to be underestimated for being a country girl of limited thoughts and experience. Bc Nobara is indeed a great girl with many talents.
Maki is a strong, independent woman but this doesn't mean that she refuses help and support from people around her. She likes guys who are stronger than her (and Yuuta comes into picture, besides, he also suggested that he wants to crush Zenin clan together which explains her liking to him). Panda noticed that and wanted to play a wingman. Although his boobs question (Maki's insecurity) was a bit inappropriate (but it got the point across), Yuuta's answer was very polite which made him more likeable in her eyes.
Yuki and Todo are similar bc they're nosy, they enjoy exploring different people's interests and judge them whether they're considered "a person of culture" (which adds to the series' comedic aspect). I love Haibara's answer bc he says "I like women who eat a lot" bc he knows that women who eat are happy and that a hungry woman is an angry woman.
Gege understands women so much that fans are contemplating whether Gege is actually a woman himself or not. It's nice to have a mangaka who's this mindful.
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popstart · 2 months
Gen 2 sexuality headcanons?
Anne Maria: i dont hc her as anything spesific but she likes girls and i cannot see her with a man lol
B: i like the hc hes a trans man i can appreciate that we won the most transgender showdown. unlabeled sexuality
Brick: peeerrrsonally i see him as transmasc but not always. no spesific sexuality hc cuz i don't care about that aspect of brick
Cameron: ive never thought about it. to be fair i dont think he has the knowledge to label it for himself either if hes so sheltered
Dakota: i have nothing spesific in mind. girls that are in canon f/m relationships that i like are always in a weird situation where i cant just slap lesbian on them and call it a day LOL.
Dawn: I used to hc her lesbian but shes unlabeled as hell (both sexuality + gender). that one propaganda in the trans tournament that said she would have the most ultra spesific xenogender that she doesn't label or explain to anyone was so correct
Jo: i looove lesbian jo. ^_^ i heavily dislike trans headcanons of her though (both ways but ESPECIALLY transmasc.) i dont think she would actually identify AS lesbian but she would identify With the label. gay woman. idk. i think her gender is just so lesbian
Lightning: i cant see him with a woman LOL. hes a gay man
Mike + Manitoba + Vito: bisexual. ez pz. gives me the vibes
Mal: i have no opinions on him since the show itself gives you nothing to work with
Chester: i have no opinions on lol
Svetlana: Lesbiaannn. shes lesbian.
Sam: Transmasc to me highkey, though ive also seen transfem and think thats damn cute. nonbinary & bisexual. most trans men i know irl go by he/it so im sayin that for him too
Scott: trans girl lesbian. does anyone get me. i she/her scott to myself all the time i just dont do so publicly bc it gets confusing and i always hate when people he/him female characters i like
Staci: lesbian. the default state of being for all my hcs for girls that dont get enough screentime.
Zoey: shes bi to me but also i see lesbian hcs and i think they're rly funny
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inchidentally · 4 months
tricky asks time! yeeeesh some of these are... yea I did my best and had to censor stuff. (part 1/2)
there's a reason I bundle these together under a cut so please skip if discourse etc is not your thing <3
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oh lordddd. so I think (hopefully) this conspiracy theory either died or ppl just decided to live in denial I really do not care either way. I can't comprehend being so far off base with Carlos and Lando's friendship as to think that Lando replying to his teammate with that clip is somehow heinous or askgfasgfsal "unlike him" it's so on brand for him.
Carlos moving to Monaco is pretty overdue tbh and yea, literally a chunk of the grid already live there. I'm sure he'll eventually hang out w Lando but why wouldn't he also hang out w all the other drivers lol. and if he - god I cannot believe ppl think this - is moving "for Lando" then why wait so long? but then you have to start asking why did he go to Ferrari and well. there's no reasoning w that shit.
side note that's very cute that Lando and Max live close together - rly supports the ask I got about how Max is the driver that Lando actually spends the most downtime with even during the offseason.
and yea, Rebecca has been with him when she's not been on modeling gigs and they both posted parallel stories from the Dolomites today. so if ppl are worried about Carlos not having support then his literal gf is there with him so he very much does. the idea that two hot people found each other on dating apps is I guess too simple!! but if they also believe that Ferrari hate Carlos then why divert resources from their already exhausted PR dept (this is Ferrari we're talking about lol) to the point of hiring, paying and arranging an entire relationship for him?? like you've got to fucking laugh this 1D 2012 stan shit off.
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agflasgj wow that was a pretty quick flip from thinking Lando's sm is run by PR to now he personally runs his karting IG!
sorry but I haven't stopped laughing since anons informing me how Charles has had a karting brand for years and this is apparently pretty common for drivers to do. everyone kept acting like it was a carlando moment so I just went with it but apparently - shocker! - Carlos made a business decision not based on Lando.
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I mean, I don't ?? Carlos has had the exact same dynamic with each of his teammates but what makes the relationship with Lando special is that they're big brother/little brother. Lando latches onto Carlos as a security blanket and Carlos likes having him around and actually is able to shut down his red mist anger in the car when it comes to Lando. apart from that they're mostly relying on the bromance format of friendship that you can see in most of the grid.
so while if Lando and Oscar had chosen to do the bromance/playing gay thing then sure I'd find it cute and ship it but like. the fact that Oscar is carrying around this sweet years-long sort of crush/fanboy thing about Lando and Lando has openly said that Oscar helps him be reminded to just be himself and be calm... like that is so sweet?? they're both so bashful about physically touching but they have this bond of being basically the same age and both being introverts.
sorry but I wouldn't replace that with a facsimile of someone else's friendship personally!
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I do not. get it ! this absolute fantasy that Lando and Carlos would've survived let alone thrived being actual direct competition on the same team has got to be someone who doesn't look at anything F1 related ever outside ships. bc I'm literally a fake and even I know that there's no such thing as teammates competing for race wins and championships with zero friction. and like between Carlos and his family airing all that kind of thing on social media and news outlets and the fact that Lando cannot hide anything on his face, moments like this one would've been happening every other weekend. it's precisely because they weren't on the same team that they could get over that as fast as they did !! even ignoring that Carlos Sr has never once hinted at a return to McLaren, Carlos would never want to risk seeming like he's begging for his old spot back AND no way in fuck would Lando accept being the no 2 driver again.
we get plenty of carlando content still and Lando has said over and fucking over how he's been pushed by Oscar to perform at a level he's never seen in himself before. how are ppl mad about that just bc they don't get a few stupid carlando challenges every couple of weeks?
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babe, Lando did have a gf and it didn't dampen carlando truthing at all. it just resulted in a breakup and Lando posting that Luisinha had gotten harassment and death threats. Rebecca is literally dating Carlos and there's a full blown conspiracy theory that she's been "bought and is paid for" by Ferrari to beard for Carlos. do not expect girlfriends to ever change that behavior and don't wish it on any woman.
I just. I'm sorry but how many years have to go by where Lando has a more intimate relationship with countless men and women than he's ever had with Carlos before they just accept that Carlos is one of Lando's F1 buddies but he's not one of his closest friends outside of it (Lando's words!!!) like just enjoy carlando for what it is and stop getting into hysterics bc they're still not fucking or dating or married aslfgjslagflsgalfg
for my own sanity I'm going to pray that twitter acc is joking bc the larry/kpop/yaoi/heteronormative fetishizing of homosexuality/the "girl one" must be hairless and look like a teenager and only bottom as if he were a cisgirl has SURELY been left in 2012. it has to be satire?? it's still extremely cringe satire but like. that cannot be real. either way, block and cleanse that tl anon. I'm not going to spend any more time on that in case they're serious bc that would be tragic.
and I've got to say one thing: I'm sure you didn't mean any harm by it but even suggesting that someone being called or assumed gay is an insult or overstepping is not it, babe. we're not here to coddle cishet ppls anxieties and prejudices or pretend that outrage about it is anything but homophobia. but I fully agree that no one should be talking about a celebrities' sexuality or sex life on highly public platforms esp platforms that the celebrity uses - and esp when it isn't censored and could show in their tags.
at least to anyone under 40 tumblr at least is a known no-go area and fandom-only. it's also extremely difficult for google to trawl (I've googled specifically for a post many times and couldn't find them) and you aren't allowed to scroll past a certain point (even on public accs) without being logged in. so there's no risk of 'stumbling' onto anything here even if it gets directly sent to them. unless the person is older in which case they prob have someone else fielding their sm. this is literally THE place to come and be stupid and silly about fandom.
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I mean I do have to agree that there's always an element of 'for the image' when it comes to the Sainz family but honestly Lando is so disarmingly sweet and genuine - and they got to know him as a such a baby - that I have to think at least most of their affection for him is real! now if they knew the carlando content they like on instagram and twitter was intended by a lot of fans as gay then bye bye carlando lol. I'm not gonna wade any deeper into that but yea. we should be grateful they don't understand that aspect of the bromance thing.
but as for the DTS thing I have to think that anyone who sees a bromance being danced around so loudly and publicly and thinks that it's actually a secret gay ship complete with paid beards is twelve years old. it makes me too sad and scared to realize these are tax paying grown women driving these narratives alfhlsahff
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IKR?? Oscar is out here with an actual form of real life fanboy crush on Lando but he's incredibly happy and content with Lily and doesn't even push himself into Lando's hobbies or life outside of F1 at all!
whereas Carlos says things like "it's weird that you all want me to kiss Lando" and literally cuffs and scolds Lando like a big brother but supposedly that's being "threatened" by a bashful quiet boy who is happily in a LTR and content to just stare at Lando from afar and be his teammate ????
meanwhile Lando is living his best life being petted and bedded and adored by a queue of lovers that stretches the entire globe and Carlos is continuing his years long habit of serially dating beautiful women and spending most of his time outside F1 training with his buddies. everyone's happy folks, let's just accept that!
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honestly anon there's a heavy sprinkling of this that I disagree with and I think I've covered why with the other asks. and I do not engage in war of the rpfs bc none of these ships are "real". and as someone who ships carlando I do have to say that there's at least some decent amount of us who don't do the larrying shit. and that Netflix/DTS have as much a role to play in false narratives as "fangirls". they could easily decide to focus more realistically on the sport but they're choosing to appeal to fans with extreme biases.
but the part about the whole yaoi/heteronormative self-insert quality of how certain people ship carlando is pretty damn accurate. I immediately skip a fic if it's clear that Lando's just going to be this empty character reacting to Carlos the whole time. it's the same thing w people who want Lando to have stayed an insecure teenager w social anxiety who leaned on Carlos' personality and experience. that era was cute but Lando grew up and his career and his life are all his own making. he doesn't revolve shit around Carlos or any other person.
like it's fine if that's how ppl choose to ship something in fandom spaces where everyone else can just block it. but it absolutely should NOT carry over publicly and I should not be seeing as much of Lando's content on various accs and platforms flooded w irrelevant comments and gifs about Carlos as I do.
in a weird creepy way, a lot of Lando pages and fan accs have sort of turned him into how they view girlfriends ?? as if Lando can't be allowed to exist without it always being brought back to Carlos and carlando - and sometimes they'll randomly make an entire edit or carousel about carlando for literally no reason ??
ig that's why they get so angry when Lando blatantly has real life intimate friendships and relationships. hence the Martin hatred mentioned above.
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anon you've got it in one. even down to how they've both dealt with the latest drama. they did that drive into Maranello together when we now know they were fully aware of what was coming. and then the BTS of their photoshoot for the 2024 race suits. and then Charles stating at the event the other day how he and Carlos have a special relationship and are friends outside racing as well.
it's got to be awkward as fuuuuuck but they're both choosing as always to put it aside and not let the relationship fall apart or into the distant coldness of Ocon and Gasly. they've been through periods similar to this before and always came back to that place of leaving all that drama at the door.
which is so funny bc if it was all just PR, then Carlos and Charles wouldn't bother! teams have never needed their partnerships to be friendly. they just need each driver to go out and get points. so for them to remain friends despite their families and fanbases being constantly at war, they absolutely are choosing to be!
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wellll, I have to disagree bc Carlos being called Ferrari's best strategist by fans means that he clearly is able to ignore team orders and is allowed to not be "perfect". honestly I think Carlos' ballsiness and inability to play second to anyone has clearly never served him poorly w Ferrari ?? this is a team very immersed in traditional patriarchal culture and for all that they are the il Predestinato brand in this era, Sainz Sr said this last season that the car had Carlos' input and customization. so idk I feel like Carlos using aggression and decision would if anything be appreciated by Ferrari. (but I do think the hardballing by his dad with the Audi interest was a step too far for them - even though it sounds more and more like the decision to not renew Carlos was already on the table long before that)
whereas I think that very culture is why Charles is both subjected to and "upheld" by it. there's a difference between a brand like Ferrari deciding to hang your banners over the parapets and them actually having your best interests as a driver at heart. I can't find it now but there was a great post about Charles' frenetic and often erratic driving style getting in the way of his obvious skill and talent. idk I feel like if I was smarter I could draw up a commentary on Charles seeing his name and his face and his successes being spread across everything Ferrari and an almost impotence from fans assigning him such unrealistic idolatry and power - while also assuming an untouchable quality that ends up making him appear weak and in need of constant defending, even from his teammates and Ferrari itself.
it's fucked up, anon, we can agree on that. Seb and Carlos suffering the blunt end of Ferrari's cudgel doesn't necessarily mean that Charles is enjoying much if any power in being protected by it. I wish I could express that better salfsgjlaf
obv again I am a fake so I may be WAY off w all of that so that's why I'm burying this at the bottom - pls ignore it if I'm being dumb <3
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oh that's rly sweet of you thanks for letting me rant abt it ! <3
ok so this really upset me when I saw the post in question because it just was so...idk how someone could even do that? seriously no self awareness whatsoever and it was one of the worst posts I've personally seen come out of that batman 2022 r*ddler self- insert craze. it didn't even directly happen in the batman 22 fandom itself either but in the fandom for DC's batman audio drama on spotify. idk if you know abt that one but one thing about that podcast is that multiple of the main cast actors are poc and while they never mention anything abt the characters' ethnicities in the podcast itself it's implied by the casting decisions (eg all the Waynes are played by black actors) that the characters played by actors of color are meant to be poc too, which is also how the fandom treats it and afaik the actors even talked about representation in some interview they gave. however, because it's an audio only medium there are no canon character designs so fandom made up their own and you can probably guess where this is going bc the post this rant is about is a post by a self-described "batman 2022 r*ddler kinnie" showing their idea of the podcast version of the character, which they made to look like the version from the movie because that version "looked just like them" so ig all versions of the character must look like that now lmao. anyways the reason why that upset me enough to tell you abt it is that it wasn't just that they made this character a copy of the movie one for self-insert reasons but that they seriously said that they are upset (!) because they wanted to reblog fan art of the podcast but all the fan art of podcast!riddler depicts him as a brown south-asian man (like he is implied to be bc of the previously mentioned casting decisions!) which doesn't fit with their white boy self-insert version. and I am just. they had a "racists dni!" in their bio and seriously complained about there not being any fan art of this character as a white man bc they can't relate to him if he's desi, on what level of hypocrisy do you have to be to do that?
sorry if this was incoherent but that post genuinely was the cherry on top for me when it comes to this whole batman 2022 self-insert thing lmao
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Oh my gosh? Yea, that's messed up in the worst way. This goes back to the "white people can only relate to white characters" topic and serves as an excellent example of it. Although it's a hasty generalization, it's prevalent everywhere in fandoms, especially regarding the person you're talking about.
Often enough, many white fans lose interest, sympathy, and admiration for characters the moment they find out they're black and/or brown. I mean, look at how Zoe's Selina was treated; she was masculinized and excluded by the fandom in any way possible-- regardless of malicious intention or not. As I said in my first post, people like this make it so abundantly clear that they don't care for those who don't look like them, yet "in a totally not racist way." They'll create headcannons and fluffy fanfics for a white psychopath before they even consider glancing at a poc, and all because "they can't see themselves in a character like that."
I've heard many good things about Batman: Unburied, and although I haven't gotten to listening to it yet, I can't be surprised that stuff like that has happened.
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symptoms-syndrome · 7 months
For the Sonic asks! :)
🎸 Favorite Stage Theme?
✨ Dream Sonic Game?
☺️ Favorite friendship/platonic relationship?
🎸 Favorite Stage Theme?
My ringtone is this one:
I'm not very good at the classic games or anything, this one is just groovy :3 in general I really like the themes from Sonic Rush, esp the "Blazy Mix" ones! This is a good medley of a bunch of songs from that game:
I also like a lot of the music from Unleashed and Frontiers :3 I can't think of specific stages RN...
✨ Dream Sonic Game?
Hmmm probably the mythical third Storybook Series game! They had Sonic and the Black Knight (King Arthur) and Sonic and the Secret Rings (Arabian Nights,) there's always been rumors it was supposed to be a trilogy and I love those games and their storytelling so I'd be really hype to know what the third story would be. Some people said it would have been Greek mythology bc that won a poll Sega put out, but that feels kinda boring to me. Maybe an Old West story would be cool!
Either that or Sonic Chronicles 2...I really liked that one, and it ended on a cliffhanger bc of Ken Penders' lawsuit about it.
😊 Favorite friendship/platonic relationship?
This one is hard bc my whole way of "shipping" in Sonic is sort of. Maybe romantic maybe platonic I don't really distinguish the two in Sonic bc they're all just best buds.
Maybe Shadow and Rouge? They're cool together, and Rouge feels like she really cares about Shadow and his whole. Issues™™™. She seems like a good and caring friend to him which I think is hard for him to have. Like, it feels like her care for him is not dissimilar to putting out a bowl of cat food on your porch for a stray cat, she's available when he needs him but doesn't make a big deal about it.
Silver and Blaze also are cool friends, and somewhat similar.
I also rly like Sonic and Knuckles and their rivalry. They're cool best buds.
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mirisss · 7 months
HIIII I JUST READ THE FIC OMG I RLY LIKE UR WRITING U HAVE SUCH A WAY WITH WORDS FJSDNJBD like your sentences really just make me feel warm and cozy and 💕💝💕💝💞💝💗💝💞💝💞💝
yk what's funny, after reading all that i actually did not have anyone specific on my mind so i laughed at myself when i read the ending, i was just there vibing with everyone fr 😃
when requesting, i rly thought you'd go the separate fics route tbh nfbsjdbd bcs i thought it'd have been hard to write one fic with so many characters (that's why i also listed more than 4 of the prompts i liked, for if you were gonna write them separately hehe), but u made it work omg i'm envious!! i always have a hard time writing a story bcs i suck at designing characters uniquely ;-;
i loved how u wrote the characters btw they're so comfy <3 (don't ask what that means idk either 😭), and i imagined lily was lily from nmixx i love her so much!! and i love how comforting it is to read this fic like why are the boys so jsnadhamdb it makes my heart dkwjdksbkdbs like u get what i mean? i don't either but yeah :(((
NO I'M SORRY JDSBDJ BUT I MEANT LIKE the boys were so genuinely comforting to reader and it makes me wanna cry bdfsmxb i swear fics like these rly isn't good for weak-hearted ppl (aka me 🥹)
ty for fulfilling my request !!!
I’m so happy that you enjoyed the fic!
At first, I was planning on choosing one of the boys for the reader to end up with but then I changed my mind because different readers would probably lean toward another boy so that’s why I ended up making it a “chose your own destiny” kind of ending!
You make me blush with all the compliments ☺️😳 thank you so so much for everything you said! It genuinely made my day 💕
And yes, Lily is Lily from nmixx haha I ended up choosing her thanks to the songs you sent!
Have a wonderful week and I hope to see you in my inbox soon again 🌥️!
Take care! 💕💕
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venihime · 1 year
for ask game - rendoc & 5, 15 and 39 maybe?
i really enjoy reading your thoughts on them, idk i just like the way you see them
ueeee thank-you, i care them deeply and im glad someone else agrees w how i Percieve them :'D
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
I don't think they argue often tbh. Like them bickering and disagreeing over silly things isn't uncommon, but I wouldn't call it arguing in the slightest LOL. The biggest dispute they've had in their relationship is the whole,, Doc declaring the Perimeter independent while Ren was king.
Though I think it's good that they don't really ARGUE that often since I think an argument between the two of them would be. Well. Either they'd either be completely fine OR there'd be tension and hefty miscommunication bc they can both have quite big heads and while they don't usually let that affect their relationship at all, it has the potential to affect them in a very bad way depending on how both of them feeling upset and their defense mechanisms clash.
15. How do they keep in contact when they're apart? Do they write letters, talk over the phone, or simply wait out the time?
I feel like when they're apart, having no contact is always completely unintentional on both sides. Neither of them actively avoid social contact, let alone each other, so they will shoot each other a message or call if they realize they haven't talked in a minute and they REALLY miss each other, but in general I feel like they usually just. Wait out their time apart? Like I'd consider them both pretty comfortable in their relationship so they know that sooner or later one of them will reach out when they're done focusing intensely on whatever project they're working on and it's never been much of an issue. Though I do think Ren is much more likely to reach out to Doc and seek that connection bc he's very direct while Doc is more likely to wait for Ren to seek him out if Ren needs his alone time bc he is fine waiting until Ren is ready, even if he rly misses him yk?
39. When and how did they admit that they loved each other? If they haven't yet, why?
Ough,,, okay so. I actually don't think they've directly said I love you yet!! Not in like a directly romantic sense? They've had feelings for each other for like four seasons, and they've had an entire thing going on for at least three seasons but I don't think it's something they've ever made official.
Not bc they're afraid or unsure, but bc they're both comfortable within the dynamic they have where they love each other and care for each other in their own ways, and they just don't know how to go about having a conversation that could change what they already have since theres just no way they both aren't at least somewhat aware their relationship isn't completely platonic. They drift somewhere comfortably between friendship and more, where they have and do say they love each other but they haven't established/defined their relationship officially I guess :D
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franciskirkland · 1 year
Can you do AmeFra for the ship game? I like your fanfics btw they're very sweet.
ohhh thank u anon that is so very sweet of you!!!😭😭💕💕 that rly cheered me up. i will try to work on finishing something today!!
Gives nose/forehead kisses: awww!! both? Francis starts but Alfred catches on quickly. Fran loves to kiss his chest, cheeks etc and Alfred is definitely a forehead kisser.
Gets jealous the most: Alfie boy. jealousy is one of his Toxic Traits™
Takes care of on sick days: Francis typically bc he's Mommy like that, but at the first sign of Fran feeling off i feel like Alfred would get all overprotective.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: hmmm i don't feel like either of them would have to be dragged!! but if they do, Alfred might have to convince Franny bc he's too busy like tanning and looking hot. on the other hand... Alfred might do this too.
Brings the other lunch at work: definitely Francis, he packs his man lunch every day!! That being said, Alfred is absolutely the type to bring home treats and snacks for his boo
Tries to start role-playing in bed: i think Fran would probably initiate but Alfred is really into it. *cough* francis in cheerleader costume *cough*
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Alfred absolutely. Francis too elegant.
Firmly believes in couples costumes: oooh this is a fun one and kinda correlated with the role-playing bc that's something i LOVE for this couple especially. i think they'd both be gung-ho about it and have so much fun with it! funny costumes or sexy ones.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Francis. Alfred does love to spoil, but i see him as a creative gift giver too like he would write a song or make something and Francis is just like $300 sweater uwu
Makes the other eat breakfast: both, like Fran cooks up a storm but Alfred needs to remind him to actually eat!!!
Remembers anniversaries: Francis definitely. they're both sentimental but he's just better at these things bc he's wifey
Brings up having kids first: probably Francis since i would typically see him as older here. Alfred isn't opposed, he loves the idea but is a bit nervous for the reality
Kills the bugs: Alfie 100%! he's the hero!
First to define them as a couple: hmm i could see it either way. honestly i think alfred might be the first to want to define things, but they're on the same page so Francis might be the first to actually confirm it. again, esp if he's older + more experienced.
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer: neither, they're terrible at hiding things. but as much as Fran is very shameless, Alfred can be kinda gross (drinks from the milk jug etc) and i think Franny might actually want to appear more graceful
Snorts while laughing: also both!! god they're both such cute laughers. Alfred's laugh is endearing and awkward and Francis' laugh is like beautiful music but he'll snort too.
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g0reoz · 1 year
of COURSE i would be so kind ^^
-tbh when u mentioned smth about him being like. some kind of mlm but also just using "queer" as a general descriptor i was like Yeah That Checks out. so. OUR headcanon ☭
-iknow he is probably cis. i know this in my heart. but also have you considered that Baby Trans-And-In-Denial Gavin realized that wearing baggy, straight cut pants and fucking w your posture makes it nearly impossible for ppl to read ur hip structure as feminine? have you considered that this guy saved me so much dysphoria. what if maybe he was transmasc and just fuckin killing it out there.
-listen xhaka and ruwei are best friends they are lovers they're a qpr they're dating they're in an unlabeled relationship. i don't even care. they are everything 2 me.
-mannn i wanted to see more interactions w him and shu in s1 :') dude was sooo desperate to battle shu and then the one time it happened was in s2 when shu was red eye and we rly only saw the aftermath :( more battles more interactions etc i think they had an interesting dynamic
-i don't really know or care enough abt shipping to have anything to say about a notp. aside from weird age gaps n stuff, it's kinda just whatever imo :)
-random headcanons: did you know he's a human space heater. now you do. not to project Too much, but if you're under the same blanket it's gonna be like a kotatsu lmao i also feel like he would be really into growing his own food; the dojo probably has a decent-sized garden :]👍 oh! and he has a nokia brick in 2022.
-ova. look at me. i think at this point you Know my opinion. for those of you who don't: i want to put him in the microwave. i think he would start sparking like when you put metal in there. this dude cracked the trans egg back in 2016 and has just sorta been rent free in my brain ever since. he's responsible for at least half of my outfit decisions at this point. he's not even that dynamic of a character he doesn't have any major arc or anything and yet..still one of (if not my absolute favorite) burst characters!! he's just like me fr (concerning)
-i think ruwei is bisexual. not gonna ngl.
-he/him but in a gender apathetic nonbinary way. the same way you refer to a random animal u see as he/him. i don't just say nb ruwei because of the long hair, either--he just sorta has that vibe.
-already mentioned that above lol
-ok this isn't exactly a brotp, but i want to see him interact with free at some point. they both come across as like rly calm and laid back but then they're both kinda Actually Insane. itwould be interesting. we should just let them go in the woods and befriend the local wildlife or something.
-idk. once again what else r people even shipping. i do feel like it would be annoying to see ruwei paired with ana though, just because it feels compulsively straight in the same way valt being paired with shasa is.
-RUWEI LISTENS TO WEEZER HE IS A WEEZER IM SORRY. IT'S TRUE. IT HAD TO BE SAID. HE TRAINS WHILE LISTENING TO IT SOMETIMES. he also can't keep a houseplant alive for the life of him. he isn't aware of this fact bc xhaka's been paying really close attention to the one he has ever since it was brought home. his bones and joints are also constantly cracking, which occurs so suddenly and loudly that it scares anyone in a 15-foot radius.
-my general opinion is that ruwei is cool 👍 like, in the way where he tries to be cool and badass but ends up looking kinda goofy while doing it, which circles back to being kind of impressive in a weird way. maybe not one of my favorite characters from all of burst, but definitely one of my faves from season 2!!
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simmonsized · 2 years
I’m so glad I chose that one. You know I would read that immediately once you’re done. I think you’re trying to kill me though, being all miss zuipperpips about dogwoods are comin’ in blue.
I thought it was a pretty amazing coincidence! you managed to sniff out the one little section I included from that, haha!
as for dogwoods comin' in blue, it is just. I just have a lot of feelings about them, and i didn't know how to explain without sounding insane, which i definitely DO btw however because at this point you are fairly aware of how insane I am about these two, I will put the actual words i said before i wrote the fic itself beneath the cut c:
PS it is named for the song, "Good Day for Marrying You". Yes I am that sappy.
Direct copy/paste from discord warning:
me shuffling my papers where i say things like "i think bro and mom would get platonically married literally just for laffs but then also somehow take it so fucking seriously i mean they go to vegas and get married by elvis but then they also go to the courthouse and start filing joint taxes and putting away retirement funds and 401ks i mean it's SO serious like they are not kissing they're not but they ARE wearing wedding rings and they ARE legally married and bro definitely is like, i mean if we're post canon and they're alive he's definitely too busy and tired to be kissing BUT if we're talkin au he's like, definitely dtf whoever but like doesn't go out of his way to correct people who flip if he's married and cares more about getting dave through college also yes they're like 40 by the time they get married rose and dave have moved out and i don't even think mom and bro live together but they're also definitely not legally separated and celebrate their anniversary every year by going on a "honeymoon" type situation and send photos to dave and rose that are like, taken by a professional photographer and it's just rly good like that is how much i think they love each other literally THAT much" but then i don't say that bc yes it's my deranged hot girl summer but it's not THAT deranged of a hot girl summer
(and then it DID in fact become THAT deranged of a hot girl summer)
the fic itself is basically like, 500 times that bro asks mom to marry him, and 499 times she says no btw. I also wrote it in-line with RnG canon for some reason. It is like, secretly just the rng world but i made it so that one day they get married. idk, u and me are both perplexed by this. i cannot be stopped however.
here is more for u, because i actually secretly want to talk about this all the time:
"Marry me," you say for the first time, thirty-three and half and insane out of your mind with a grief that just barely belongs to you. You lie on your back on a futon in Houston, Texas, and your best friend sits on your stomach, trapping your arms on either side. Her eyebrows arch immediately, face splitting in half with a grin. She laughs, pink and beautiful as she's always been, and throws the blanket you were fighting over around her shoulders like a cape, dipping down and pressing her lips to the corner of your mouth, smearing black grease across your cheek. "No, Dirk. Of course I won't." "I know," you say, rolling over and taking her with you as you crash to the floor.
anyway i'm terrible and would probably just go and go and go writing this nightmare if i did not have 15 other things i should be doing instead LOL
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cosmickestrels · 1 year
Please tell us your Thots on Barok and Gina for the ask game!
I'm going to do Gina first bc. you'll see.
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi as well as demiace/demiaro
Gender Headcanon: Girl but also in a v loose sorta agender sense. I think it really boils down to - she honestly just doesn't care. Being gendered is fine, not being gendered is also fine, but she doesn't feel strongly either way
A ship I have with said character: Goulstrade! Ginasusa & ginasusahao are also noice, but I don't have any preference here
A BROTP I have with said character: I already mentioned her siblinghood with Iris when answering previous ask, but Kazuma worsties are the funniest thing I've seen in some time and I love it. Also her found-family-ism with Herlock is super cute and just...!!
A NOTP I have with said character: Can't rly think of anything specific, so just apply the same NOTP rule as Susato
A random headcanon: Ever since she was v young she loved horses and when she had a chance she would sneak out even to just look at horsies. Even now she hopes one day the Scotland Yard will asign her a horse (or she manages to buy one)
General opinion: V good character, but divines i wish she had more screentime!! One of my faves ever since my first playthrough and yall make me like her even more <3
And now. Barok my... yes <3 (anon what did you do. now i wont shut up for a week)
Sexuality Headcanon: Aspec first and foremost. He's definitely grayace with strong leaning on ace, but what flavoring of aro is he? Nobody knows and certainly not him. Don't even ask him what gender he likes, he'll bluescreen
Gender Headcanon: Guy... maybe. I think he never really questioned it bc he didnt need to, but at the same time he also wasn't raised with strict gender roles so he has a vague understanding of what a 'man' even is. Also considering everything that happened in his life gender is just so, so low on his thinking-about list. I can absolutely see him just realising he's agender as well as being just guy[tm] and everything in between.
A ship I have with said character: Vanlock my beloved,,,,, thank you for making me rotate them in my mind again (I mean this in a good way!). Both Barok & Herlock are such strong personalities that I can't help but love it. There are just so many aspects of them that i love!! Starting from the very surface level opposites (sad vampire - essentially a sunshine) to the more complex stuff like the fact that they're balanced just right to be able to find support and solace in each other without one of them auto devolving into a 'i-can-fix-them' state. I mean it - at the very core they're both flawed or even broken people. Barok's is just way more visible because he's all 'mysterious' and angsty and Herlock is mostly masking it with being silly. Anyway if I write any more this will turn into an essay,,, Also DLC case English side my beloved
A BROTP I have with said character: Aside from the canon friendship with Albert probably Runo post-canon whatever kinda friendship thing they have going on. I mean with how big-hearted Runo is and with Barok showing that he can change & repent for being, well, collosal asshole I can easily see them being friends. I can imagine something similar for Susato but she should be allowed to throw him to the ground first
A NOTP I have with said character: Him and Kazuma is probably the clearest "no" for me. Worsties turned cordial turned maybe eventual friends sure, but I feel like there is too much grievances and trauma between them to result in any sorta healthy relationship
A random headcanon: You even wondered how he's still so flexible? Barok is still practising ballet. In secret of course!
General opinion: Easily one of my favorite DGS charas and by a landslide my favorite prosecutor (I know my avatar say otherwise lol). He's incredibly complex and honestly I just have a soft spot for characters that are just so trauma ridden. I have opinions about that part of his arc and I would just rewite it to hating Asogi's specifically and Runo by extension since they're associated/friends. But at the end of the day and what really solds Barok to me is that he shown that despite being fucking awful he can change. He's not an immovable rock, he can understand being wrong, hell, he can apologise. Try to be better person. I can't help but adore that But yeah he absolutely should have his ass handed to him once or few times, no denying that (I could say also much more but divines I really dont want this to turn into an essay lol)
[ask game]
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tirfpikachu · 2 months
1, 4, 11, 21, and 23 for the ask game
1. are you beating the uhaul allegations? (be honest.)
i have NARROWLY avoided it thus far 🤞🤞
4. who is/was your most intense sapphic crush?
hmmm there's several tbh! my older frenemy in middleschool (didn't realize it was a crush til i was older, i was like why am i so annoyed but obsessed with her she did nothing wrong????), my recent transmasc ex 🤢 who was my first irl dating experience for 5 yrs... so freaking glad it's over, it was such mistake!! turns out it was unrequited all along too ugh. thankfully i've mostly moved on. then my wild crazy winter fling, which ended on bad terms... and my very recent minor heartbreak over this dating app girl who took me on the best date ever BUT ISN'T INTO ME GRRRR... still in the "what did i do wrong?? am i ugly??? can i change?? will anyone ever want me?" phase of processing that lmao. i only do dating apps and we rarely make it past the first date or two, it's really hard to find someone with the right vibes. i try not to crush on ppl too early on either until they show me they're genuinely into me and don't have any red flags bc i'm tired of being let down, i need to be more careful w my heart ugh
11. what are some good sapphic songs/music artists?
music is super personal so idk if you'll like my tastes but CHAPPELL ROAN!!! absolute bi icon. also beatrice eli (her song girls is iconic), tegan and sara, kera & the lesbians... the xx has a lesbian lead but their songs aren't really abt gay stuff, it's just nice to know cuz it was my comfort band :')
21. are you generally "out" to people?
everybody in my life knows, and i would tell everybody i meet if it came up! i'm excited to be a visibly lesbian with a gf. those who were jerks abt it or toxic/abusive got kicked out of my life <3
23. do you like being referred to with masculine adjectives, feminine adjectives, both, or neither?
both honestly!! i loooove being seen as handsome and a pretty (tom)boy, i've always wanted to be a pretty prince who's actually a girl. i both love and hate being seen as cute :'3 i guess in a tsundere kinda way though lmao. and i do like being called beautiful by a woman while being masc... or trying to be, i'm still veryyy much a baby butch haha;; still learning that i'm allowed to be gnc. but yeah i don't mind being seen as beautiful either! it can be flattering, it just needs to be said by the right person y'know? otherwise i'm like DAMMIT am i rly that gender conforming?! i need to get butcher!!!
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sotorubio · 2 years
about Mailin. I get your point but Druck actually starts to hint at the reasons behind her behavior. and I think most of her actions are actually genuine. Like the way she runs the shop. her idea is great, and also local and I love this because it’s relatable for young activists in Berlin/Germany.
i mean i think that's good! i'm glad that they're going a bit deeper into it n it's not just superficial. however to me it's kind of a.. lose-lose situation bc the problems i talked abt in my post only cover the option of the writers wanting it to be performative
but if the writers want it to be genuine there are unfortunately other problems such as the fact that mailin is very literally the most privileged girl from like the entire cast i'm pretty sure. n she's seemingly the only one who cares this much abt social issues. there's ofc nothing wrong w privileged ppl caring n being activists actually the whole point is that they Should also care but when the fictional person w most privilege is a vocal activist while the actual marginalized characters who r affected by those issues just look around awkwardly when she goes on a rant... it kinda becomes a problem if the only genuine activist is the rich cishet white girl. especially when so far the only time she was called out for her privileged position, she was immediately coddled afterwards so she wouldn't feel bad or have to challenge any of her views.
another thing is even if the writers want it to be genuine a lot of it actually would be performative in real life... like as i said in the post i don't rly want them to go for the performative plot line canonically but also is it any better to say that it's genuine? is it a good thing that they show us mailin ranting abt how "lame" and "old-fashioned" marriage is while she sits next to multiple ppl who weren't legally allowed to get married just five years ago n who nowadays can only get married thanks to real genuine activists? is it a good thing to portray mailin as a genuine activist when she's shaming ppl for eating? is that the type of role model young german teens should have for an actual activist? and i'm not trying to be sarcastic i'm just trying to point out the problems that this direction of the plot line would bring up as well since i didn't talk abt that in my other post.
so that's kinda what i meant by having no patience for the activism plot line n by the last paragraph abt how the season shouldn't be abt both mailin And activism. it's cool if they're gonna discuss it more but i just can't find that many positive sides to either potential direction for the plot (performative or genuine) so i'd rather they made the season abt somebody else if they wanted to discuss Any kind of activism, genuine or not.
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grendelsmilf · 2 years
have you seen Turning Red? id love to hear your opinions on it if so, especially because it is purely about Teenage Girls
if you do watch turning red im curious on your opinion as to whether the girls in it are gay bc on the one hand they're very boy-obsessed but on the other hand they do have the type of very intense middle school girl friendship that i associate with baby dykes lol
i watched it last night with my brother, and it was so cute!!! i love how much thought and care and sincerity and authenticity was clearly put into this movie. normally i find pixar movies cloying and shallow, but i really appreciated the story being told here, with so much love and specificity. the person who told me to watch this movie bc sandra oh voices a repressed milf was 100% right ming was by far my favorite character lmao
and okay im not gonna lie, the immigrant identity / generational trauma aspect of it actually compelled me way more than the teenage girl aspect of it (although both aspects were really well handled and obviously intersected heavily in terms of mei's character arc).
i know a lot of people felt seen by its portrayal of middle school girlhood, and while i'm not denying that i knew plenty of girls who were very much like that, i.... wasn't. i'd say priya was probably the most relatable, but even then the fact that she read stuff like twilight instead of shakespeare made her fundamentally unrelatable to me, because i spent most of my teenage girl years feeling alienated and condescended towards by the constant marketing of boybands and romcoms and other heterosexual love fantasies that i was constantly being told i, as a young teenage girl, was "supposed" to enjoy. and this isn't to say that there's anything wrong with teenage girls who like those things, or who act in "cringey" ways (i mean you know i fully support them and their messy feelings and cringe interests), but i didn't like "boys, or loud music, or gyrating" (sidenote: i think it's really funny that mei is like "i like BOYS!" like being a heterosexual girl is some brave act of defiance. i know that embracing her sexuality in front of her repressed mother is really important, but that still made me laugh a little. it's not like she was like "guess what???!!! i'm into autoerotic asphyxiation, MOM!!!!"). i probably would've gone absolutely wild at the chance to hug a giant red panda though. i loved red pandas as a kid they were one of my favorite animals. and that fur was animated so impressively.... it looked so soft and fluffy......
anyway, i don't know whether or not (all) the girls are gay. i mean, priya and that goth girl definitely seemed like they had something going on, and the way ming talks about miriam feels very pointed (especially bc you know a chinese mother would only disapprove of a jewish kid if said kid was gay lmfao), but abby and mei could go either way idk. i wouldn't be surprised if they all grew up to be bi tbh they have those vibes. but again, other than that one moment with priya and the subtext w miriam, i rly think it could go either way. again, i'm a bad judge, because as a kid i felt a vitriolic resentment towards boybands and the popular girls in my class who listened to them and made me feel like a freak when i expressed the (totally reasonable!) opinion that "these dudes are all ugly as fuck." so i can say with certainty that at the very least, those girls are not baby lesbians.
one last thing. i don't think you meant any harm by this, anon, but to claim that this movie is "purely about teenage girls" is just wrong. so much of this movie is about generations of women, chinese heritage, familial ties and generational trauma, what it means to be an immigrant, (internalized) xenophobia, cultural expectations and the model minority myth.... there's so much more there than simply teenage girl friendships and navigating puberty (not that those are bad themes to explore either, mind you!). mei's friends are deeply important to her, and their friendship was really sweet, but to me, they were still the least interesting part of the movie. that said that 4town song was genuinely catchy wtf
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