#Ethereal Inc.
the-real-ethereal42 · 4 months
Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog!
For those who do not know, I am The CEO, names are not necessary, and I am the Chief Executive Officer of Ethereal Inc. A Multiversal travel company and technology manufacturer. We help you explore the Ways of the Multiverse!
I have made my blog for a public outreach project, so I am more closely tied to my most loyal customers. My ask box is always open if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or complaints about my company. PR said I should talk to the public more.
Since my goal is to get to know my people better, you should also know me better.
Some facts about me:
I love cats! I even have one of my own named Hyades. She's my little 4-eyed weirdo.
I am a graduate of ISCUT and Deer College, with multiple degrees in various fields.
My favorite song is Mr. Roboto by Styx!
I am not only just the head of Ethereal Inc. I am also a master candy maker! I even own a small candy shop as a side business
I am vegetarian. I prefer a plant based diet, and I do not like the idea of harming animals.
Ethereal Inc. Where we put the Real in Ethereal!™
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the-chaos-goose · 3 months
Xavier Ferns is a NERD and A MEANIE and the creator is A DORK
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fuchinobe · 11 months
(1990, Holy Ghost Inc, HG003)
Label reads: "Warning To The 5% Of The Population Who Hold The World In Constant Warfare, Slavery And Subjegation ~ Look Into Our Eyes ~ And Perish In Our Contempt."
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mineralmonarch · 10 months
idk how to use this accursed website, but here are some posters I made.
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pseudoneiiric · 1 year
@deathwis / @e1dest​ asked:
it's late by the time he gets off, always pushing his hours until something else comes up ; or when the overtime pay ain't cuttin' it. at least that's how it used to be, how it mostly is, though he can't deny that there's other reasons now. ones tangled and knotted within the old ones, completely inseparable despite his worn but honest efforts. his hands are scratched by it, bitten and pinched rough in areas they weren't before 'cause of the damn split-end ropes he's been dealt with. but he can't do nothin' except endure it -- so that's what he does. quiet on the sites he's sent to and falling into simple rhythms : feeling the stretch of muscle in his arm that flexes with hammering, a sun that doesn't compare to arizona's beating on his back, with the rays soaking into the white of his shirt, and the occasional rustle of his tool belt when he's gotta twist a certain way to reach for something. it's things he's spent decades getting familiar with, yet the issue is that now there's a new beat trying to wiggle in where it don't belong. jamming into the middle and screwing everything up, disrupting any workflow. it's … kinda in his stomach, he thinks, this incessant pull. this ache that tumbles down his arched back. the sensation has even managed to shoot straight into his bad leg! tyler ain't stressed and he isn't cold, so having that already risky prone limb randomly hurt and seize up is stupid. feels that tightly stretched pain fresh in his heart too, like he's half a minute away from kneeling over. he hasn't exactly figured out what it is, though it's similar to something he's felt before, so he's got some notion.
the door opens easily enough, tyler making it in with little trouble ; the sharp flick of his wrist to turn the key practically routine at this point. there's still a pause between him slipping said brass key into his jean pocket, but the holt doesn't waste time on it. knows he'll get the hang of it eventually. so he enters the place ( his place ) with no greeting on his tongue, quick to toss his hard hat on the closest surface and make his way to the bedroom. blue eyes don't linger on the area like they normally do, having darted towards the hall the second he stepped foot within plaster-covered walls. every step makes him feel that smothering nothingness in his belly tenfold, growing -- or is it slowly easing? all he can really understand is that the presence expands more obviously inside, raking gently along acid lining and making his rib cage shudder. rocking bones within, making tyler's towering posture sway ever so slightly. it doesn't take long to stand before the bedroom, the door slightly ajar, a fact that still prods at his chest each time he's confronted with it. remembering all too well how it would be completely shut and locked and then … this happened. cheeks burn slightly at the drifting thought and he abruptly leaves it unfinished, foundation always laid but never furnished. settles to open the door with a gentle, short push of his dusted palm ; not stepping back when the wood nudges forth with no fanfare. there's no loud noise of it slamming against the barely dented wall that's built around it, no screeching creak of rusted hinges ( tyler regrets fixing that, it'd be easier to hear anyone comin' that way ) … it just opens. and leaves enough room for the younger to slip in, even when it begins swiveling back to its proper place.
he shouldn'ta come in yet. still needs to change clothes and shower so he doesn't drag any chippings, mulch, or anythin' else that's too jagged into layered carpet. but the second he arrives beside the bed that dumb heartache floats right into grasping fingers, rational mind hazed over with something that outweighs any logic or self-consciousness. the very strings slicing through his stomach guide him to hover close, situated right above vince like he's an inch away from the decision of whether to suffocate him or not. hand stopping right before a peaceful face, fingertips trembling with the force of that action, and tyler pinches his lips and sighs through his nose, the noise more of a huff because of it. he takes a stolen second to think of orange and beige blending together, how coarse fibers would brush against his skin, before he redirects his arm towards the other man's shoulder. molding it beneath his hand and his chest compressing with the sturdiness he finds there. greedy grip tightens, and then tyler gives vince a rough shake. “hey.”
there's a softness that pushes at the edges of his scruffy chin, eating away at the exhaustion that lives permanently on tyler's face. shadows intense eyes with a want that makes the corners smoother, bags ebbing. the second he gives vince another aggressive shake to wake him, however, that's all hidden behind wooden beams and concrete. expression hardening once again into a slightly irritated, tired look. when the same shade of blue meets his gaze, he grunts, pushing past the rush of uncomfortable fondness that leaps up his throat at the sight. “move over. that's my spot.” it wasn't up for debate that tyler would sleep on the side closest to the door. after all, one of them had to play it smart. yet as he ghosts in place he begins losing that nervous jitter in his body, and he doesn't gotta be a professor to know why. ears flare with the realization, a sudden shyness dipping into his slumping shoulders. as he waits for vince to come to, tyler awkwardly looks away, and his heart isn't any better for it ; not when it's stabbed with that ache again.
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there’s  a  bone-deep  exhaustion  that  follows  vince  most  places,  one  he  valiantly  tries  to  ignore  for  the  sake  of  getting  out  of  bed  most  mornings.  michelle  was  never  exactly  patient  with  that  sort  of  thing,  and  he  never  could  blame  her  for  that.  she  married  him  wanting  someone  ...  who  could  care  for  her.  provide  for  her.  start  a  family  with  her  and  be  her  companion.  and  vince  tries  his  hardest  to  be  those  things,  tries  to  ignore  the  viscous  smear  somewhere  deep  in  his  chest  and  settling  murky  in  his  belly  that  reminds  him  how  much  it  takes  out  of  him.  how  bad  that  accident  at  the  airline  had  been  for  him.  it  doesn’t  help  that  this  very  black  spot  had  driven  her  out  of  the  very  same  bed  he’s  sleeping  in  now,  moved  from  sacramento  to  st.  louis  with  only  a  couple  scratches  to  show  for  it.  he  recalls  waiting  up  at  night,  cozy  in  bed  with  reading  glasses  on  as  he  pores  over  a  romance  novel  michelle  had  been  reading,  one  he’d  been  sneaking  peeks  at  too  when  she  was  gone.  he  knows  she  probably  wouldn’t  have  minded  him  borrowing  it,  reading  it...  but  back  then,  he  had  always  been  testy  around  her,  worrying  about  how  he  might  fail  her  next.  a  suspicion  that  proved  right,  when  he  heard  the  keys  in  the  door  and  he  hastily  turned  the  lamp  off,  placing  the  book  back  on  the  bedside  table  and  his  glasses  somewhere  nearby,  holding  his  breath  because  he  didn’t  want  her  to  know  how  worried  he’d  been.  he  could  see  the  light  click  on  behind  his  closed  eyelids,  hear  her  humming  pleasantly,  smell  the  wine  and  perfume  on  her.
staying  up  late  for  tyler,  though  vince  doesn’t  want  to  admit  it,  feels  much  the  same.  though  he  knows  that  tyler  doesn’t  have  many  options,  what  with  him  being  one  of  america’s  most  famous  fugitives,  vince  can’t  shake  the  paranoid  imaginings.  tyler  taking  overtime  so  he  can  chat  with  one  of  his  coworkers...  a  really  tall,  handsome  guy,  built  and  slender.  vince  squeezes  his  eyes  shut  and  refocuses  when  the  mystery  man  ends  up  looking  like  tyler’s  twin,  imagining  instead  someone  a  little  older  —  tyler  likes  older,  he  thinks  sourly  —  maybe  a  manager  or  something,  someone  that  can  bend  him  over  the  desk  and  make  him  choke  on  his  own  moans.
vince  squeezes  his  eyes  shut,  tries  to  chase  the  thoughts  away  and  tell  himself  tyler  would  never  risk  it.  but  he  can’t  help  but  turn  the  bedside  lamp  on,  rolling  onto  the  other  side  at  the  scattered  clothes  on  the  floor.  mostly  his  own,  since  tyler’s  always  been  neater  than  him.  his  gaze  falls  on  the  hamper,  and  he  hesitates.  is  it...  weird,  to  smell  your  boyfriend’s  clothes  because  you're  scared  he’s  having  an  affair  even  though  he’s  probably  just  working  overtime?  his  toes  flex,  and  he  braces  himself  for  his  bare  feet  to  touch  carpet.  goes  to  rifle  in  their  stuff  until  he  finds  a  shirt  he  likes,  burying  his  nose  in  the  fabric  and  taking  in  a  long  breath.  it  smells  like  him,  earthy  and  reliable.  vince  can’t  help  but  feel  that  longing  lance  up  in  him,  and  he  wants  to  drop  the  shirt  back  in  the  hamper  out  of  reflex,  but  he  doesn’t.  can’t.  it  takes  him  a  while  to  be  able  to  wrench  it  out  of  his  hands,  chiding  himself  all  the  while  for  the  bad  idea.  way  to  make  himself  miss  tyler  more!  making  his  mind  whir  and  wander,  wondering  who  could  be  smelling  that  woodsy  scent  on  his  boyfriend  right  now.  with  a  beleaguered  sigh,  vince  clambers  back  into  bed  and  clicks  the  lamp  off.  tries  to  still  his  breathing  enough  to  will  himself  to  sleep.
next  thing  he  knows,  there’s  a  hand  on  his  shoulder,  shaking  him  awake.  “huh?”  murmurs  vince,  blearily  looking  up  at  the  intruder.  he  doesn’t  remember  what’s  going  on  for  a  solid  minute,  blinking  until  he  can  finally  muster  up  a,  “tyler?”  there’s  a  warmth  that  blooms  in  his  chest  then,  one  hand  fisting  into  the  sheets  like  he’s  imagining  it’s  tyler’s  shoulder.  “what  time  is  it?”  it’s  only  then  that  vince  realizes  what  tyler’s  asking  of  him,  and  he  awkwardly  shuffles  back  over  to  his  side  of  the  bed.  still,  his  hand  is  poised  over  the  covers,  waiting  for  tyler  to  come  on  in  so  he  can  wrap  both  of  them  up.
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sam-wilson1 · 5 months
Introduction to Ethereum Ecosystem
Ethereum stands as a pioneer in blockchain technology, notably known for its decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. Understanding the mechanisms of the Ethereum ecosystem illuminates its profound impact on the digital world.
Core Components of Ethereum
Ethereum Blockchain
At its core, Ethereum operates through a decentralized blockchain, a distributed ledger recording transactions across a network of computers. This blockchain supports Ether finance inc (ETH), its native cryptocurrency.
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Smart Contracts
Ethereum's smart contracts are self-executing contracts with predefined rules written in code. They facilitate trustless and transparent transactions without intermediaries.
Decentralized Applications (dApps)
These applications run on Ethereum's blockchain, offering various functionalities such as finance, gaming, and more, leveraging its decentralized nature.
How Ethereum Works
Consensus Mechanism
Ethereum utilizes the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanism, transitioning from Proof-of-Work (PoW) to enhance scalability and energy efficiency.
Network Participants
Nodes, miners, developers, and users collectively contribute to Ethereum's ecosystem, ensuring its functionality and growth.
EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine)
The EVM executes smart contracts, allowing developers to create decentralized applications using Solidity or other compatible programming languages.
Impact and Significance
Ethereum's decentralized nature reduces reliance on central authorities, fostering a more democratic and inclusive ecosystem.
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Innovation and Development
The platform fuels innovation by enabling developers to create diverse applications, revolutionizing industries beyond finance.
Ethereum 2.0
The upgrade aims to enhance scalability, security, and sustainability, propelling Ethereum into a new era of efficiency.
Challenges and Future Prospects
Scalability Concerns
Ethereum faces challenges regarding network congestion and scalability, prompting the development of Layer 2 solutions.
Regulatory Landscape
Adapting to evolving regulations poses a challenge while striving for widespread adoption and compliance.
The Road Ahead
Ethereum continues to evolve, with ongoing upgrades and community-driven initiatives shaping its trajectory.
Decoding Ethereum's Ecosystem Mechanisms
Ethereum, a pioneering force in blockchain technology, operates through a complex yet impactful ecosystem. Understanding its mechanics is crucial to grasp its profound influence on decentralization and innovation.
Core Components Driving Ethereum
Blockchain Foundation
Ethereum's decentralized blockchain serves as the backbone, enabling secure, transparent transactions while hosting various cryptocurrencies, notably Ether (ETH).
Smart Contract Architecture
The revolutionary smart contract system automates agreements, executed upon meeting predefined conditions without intermediaries, fostering trustless interactions.
Empowering dApps
Decentralized applications built on Ethereum's platform like coinb offer diverse functionalities, spanning finance, gaming, and beyond, leveraging its decentralized infrastructure.
Unveiling Ethereum's Operational Dynamics
Consensus Mechanism
Ethereum's evolution from Proof-of-Work (PoW) to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) seeks enhanced scalability and reduced energy consumption, reshaping its operational model.
Community Participation
Active involvement from nodes, developers, miners, and users drives Ethereum's growth, ensuring network reliability and fostering innovation.
The Role of EVM
The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) executes smart contracts, allowing developers to create dApps through various programming languages.
Impact and Significance
Democratizing Technology
Ethereum's decentralized structure democratizes access to technology, diminishing reliance on centralized entities and promoting inclusivity.
Catalyzing Innovation
The platform fuels innovation across industries, offering a fertile ground for developers to create groundbreaking applications.
Ethereum's Evolution
Ethereum's continual evolution, exemplified by Ethereum 2.0, focuses on scalability, security, and sustainability, paving the way for a more efficient ecosystem.
Challenges and Future Trajectory
Scaling Solutions
Challenges persist around network congestion and scalability, driving the development of Layer 2 solutions to alleviate these issues.
Regulatory Adaptation
Navigating regulatory landscapes remains pivotal for Ethereum's widespread adoption and compliance with evolving legal frameworks.
Advancing Forward
Ethereum's trajectory involves ongoing upgrades and community-driven initiatives, steering its course towards greater efficiency and innovation.
Conclusion: Ethereum's Ecosystem Unveiled
Ethereum's ecosystem in Crypto Blender intricacies unveil a transformative force in technology, redefining trust and innovation. Understanding its mechanisms elucidates its pivotal role in reshaping digital landscapes, setting the stage for a decentralized future. This comprehensive insight into Ethereum's workings underscores its significance and challenges, painting a vivid picture of its dynamic ecosystem.
Ethereum's ecosystem revolutionizes how we perceive technology, fostering a decentralized landscape that empowers innovation and redefines trust in the digital realm. Understanding its mechanics and impact elucidates its pivotal role in shaping the future of technology and finance.
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incursu · 1 year
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Old edgy redesign attempt I found ~
I still kinda like the idea of her having scarf arms =w=
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questlation · 2 years
Purpose Investments Inc. Announces Redesignation of
Purpose Investments Inc. Announces Redesignation of
TORONTO, Nov. 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Purpose Investments Inc. (“Purpose Investments”) today announced that effective as of November 30, 2022, it has completed the previously announced redesignation of all of the issued and outstanding Canadian dollar denominated ETF non-currency hedged carbon offset units (the “ETF Carbon Offset units”) of Purpose Ether ETF (the “Purpose Fund”). Each ETF…
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Crypto has had a miserable month and it's only the third day of August
Crypto has had a miserable month and it’s only the third day of August
It has been a rough month for the crypto sector, and it’s only the third day of August. From cross-chain bridge hacks draining hundreds of millions of dollars in customer funds to the Securities and Exchange Commission coming after crypto Ponzi schemes, this corner of the market can’t catch a break. The developments add to an already torrid year for the crypto market, which has seen huge declines…
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hs-transfusion · 4 months
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HEMO: Fuchsia (#99004D) TROLLTAG: ariolatesAftermath [AA] SIGN: Piari, Sign of the Vengeful STRIFE: 2x2dentkind MODUS: Sacrifice LUNAR SWAY: Prospit MYTH. ROLE: Sylph of Doom LAND: Land of Glaciers and Ruins
AA: there is n()thing the v()ices have been inc()rrect ab()ut as ()f yet
Once upon a time, Aradia was a worthy candidate for the ALTERNIAN THRONE. That was before she was SACRIFICED to her lusus B'AHBLAHK as part of a VICIOUS REVENGE CYCLE. She now roams Alternia as a GHOST, diligently working to SET THE EVENTS OF SGRUB IN PLACE, along with a few detours to PETTY ACTS OF REVENGE.
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At present, Aradia has NO INTERESTS beyond being a COSMIC PLOT POINT. Before her ill-timed demise, she had a strong passion for HISTORY, working hard to maintain her PERSONAL MUSEUM of STRANGE ALIEN RELICS. She also had a fascination with THE WORLD OF THE ETHEREAL, knowledge that has served her well in her LITERAL AFTERLIFE.
Aradia's SACRIFICE Fetch Modus requires her to sacrifice a NEARBY ITEM to retrieve something from her sylladex. Thankfully, her WORN-DOWN PALACE is filled to the brim with RANDOM CHUNKS OF RUBBLE she can use as cannon fodder.
Aradia's lusus is dubbed B'AHBLAHK, BRAYER OF THE BLEAK. A massive, curled mass of TENDRILS AND HORNS, this eldritch sea-goat threatens to extinguish ALL EXISTING TROLL LIFE should its voice be raised too loud. It is said that anyone naive enough to MAKE A DEAL WITH IT will get whatever they wish for, but at a much steeper price than expected.
The Land of GLACIERS AND RUINS is an arctic area, covered in DECAYING RUINS OF AN ANCIENT CIVILISATION of consorts. Though they may have lived to see The Sylph through her personal quest, it seems denizen THANATOS didn't see fit to maintain a world for a player that has ALREADY MET THEIR END. Or perhaps that's just a defeatist attitude on his part...?
Aradia's ancestor is known as HER IMMORTAL OPULENCE, otherwise known as THE IMMORTAL. Though most fuchsiabloods live for FREAKISHLY LONG TIMES, HI() has lived longer than any other empress by a landslide. In fact, unbeknownst to many, she has walked the soils of Alternia on its VERY FIRST DAYS, witnessing each and every significant event in ALTERNIAN HISTORY personally. Alternia's bloodthirsty environment was influenced by her for nothing more than SHEER ENTERTAINMENT VALUE.
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chernabogs · 6 months
7 for the one word prompts? first one that caught my eye. and just in case of choosing one someone else did... then 16? i quite like interesting words and i'm sure you'll come up with something just as interesting (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
YEAH YEAH we ballin...
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Inc: Vil, Prefect/Reader, Sneaky Rook mention WC: 1.6k Warnings: None! Just some light ribbing and banter Excerpt: You oblige to his direction and close your eyes, letting your vision sink into darkness as you feel his hand cup your chin. His hold is firm yet gentle as the rustle of fabric sounds out. Moments later, you feel the cool touch of the eyeliner pen on your skin.
His voice is soothing as his face appears before yours, as ethereal as always. His violet eyes drink in your appearance as one slender figure wipes a smudge away from the corner of your lip. “Honestly, Prefect. If you keep wiggling around in the chair, you’ll be sitting here all day.” 
Vil’s words, although sharp, are significantly softened by the gentle exasperation in his tone as he pulls away to look over the table once more. Speckled sunlight breaks through the stained glass window to your right, illuminating the room in red, violet, and gold, which serves to paint everything in a soft lighting. 
“Well, I don’t think it’ll be all day,” you counter with a small smirk as Vil shifts around the various products on the vanity. Many of the bottles are unrecognizable to you—probably because they’re all brands from this world. You doubt you’ll see ‘Drunk Elephant’ or the likes amongst the range he has. Vil sends you a dubious look over his shoulder before picking up another bottle to inspect the label. 
“You came to me for help, remember? This will take as long as it must for us to attain a standard we’re both happy with.” 
Your smile grows a little as you lean back in the seat, glancing to the full body mirror on your left. The golden light does well for his appearance, making his hair appear almost like a halo around him as his brow furrows in concentration. You’re more than happy to sit here and admire him as he works. Beyond genuinely wanting his advice, you also want to monopolize his presence for a while as well. Considering Vil’s status as both a Housewarden and a celebrity, it’s unsurprisingly hard to catch a moment of his time without scheduling in advance. 
Your admiration is quickly ended when he turns back to you, holding an eyeliner pen in his hand with an expression that one would expect to see on an artist about to make their masterpiece. He clicks his tongue in admonishment before tapping your chin with his free hand. “Mouth and eyes closed, please.” 
You oblige to his direction and close your eyes, letting your vision sink into darkness as you feel his hand cup your chin. His hold is firm yet gentle as the rustle of fabric sounds out. Moments later, you feel the cool touch of the eyeliner pen on your skin. The scent of Vil’s perfume surrounds you and makes you feel as though you’re being bathed in luxury as you hear him softly sigh. You can’t keep your lips from twitching into a small smile again. 
“Save that smile for when I’m done this,” he chastises quietly, his low, melodic voice filling you with warmth as he continues. You both lapse into a comfortable silence as he works, moving on to the other eye before withdrawing. 
“Am I okay to open?” You ask, feeling a small buzz of anticipation. You can’t lie—you’re excited to see what he’s done so far. His hand remains cupping your chin for a moment, the warmth of his palm comforting as his thumb brushes against your jaw before he finally let’s go. 
At his word, you open your eyes and look towards the vanity mirror in front of you. Vil steps aside to give you a better view as he sets the eyeliner pen down, a small expression of pride on his face. He has done well to work with your eye shape in a flattering way—not that you’re surprised. Considering who he is, you figure Vil has worked with enough people to know what goes with what. Your hand comes up to rest on your cheek as that smile you were holding back finally breaks on your face. 
“So this is the style you would recommend?” You ask as you glance his way. Vil, who is still tidying up the vanity, arches one delicate brow at your question. 
“Well, it is one style that works for you. I feel you’re fine both with and without makeup, and so I would recommend lighter looks to simply highlight what you already have.” His lips purse slightly in thought. “Then again, makeup is subjective. You’re free to choose whatever look you feel reflects who you are.” 
It was so subtle, but still obvious enough for you to catch. “Oh? You think I’m fine both with and without?” 
Vil grabs a few bottles and sends you a pointed look before brushing past you towards his other desk—but not before tapping your forehead with his finger. “Don’t let that get to your head, Prefect. It’s simply an honest observation.” 
How can it not get to your head? You’re trying not to look too smug from where you sit as Vil puts a few bottles away. When he turns back and looks at you, you know your attempts are for naught by the way his expression drops to one of suppressed amusement. “You’re being ridiculous.”
“And you’re just boosting my ego.” You counter with a grin as he moves to the nearby window. You prop your cheek in your palm as you watch him move; each step is with a practiced grace that seems to be second nature to him as he pushes open the window to let the spring breeze come inside. You rise from your own spot at the vanity and go to stand by his side as he steps out onto the balcony beyond. 
“So long as you don’t let it become too grandiose. There’s nothing more unflattering than an attitude.” Vil counters as you peer out at the Pomefiore courtyard together. The apple trees down below and the large iron gates that keep the space enclosed create a picturesque setting in the sunlight. One could almost call it halcyon in nature, in fact. You sigh and lean your elbows on the rail. 
“Did you have anything else on your schedule today?” You already know the answer to your question as soon as it passes your lips. Vil’s expression shifts from the relaxed one it was to a more serious look, reflective of his consideration to his schedule. 
“I have a few tasks to get done with the dorm, and then Rook and I were set to study together this afternoon. Although,” He squints out at the courtyard again with a frown. “I dare say he’s gone and got himself caught up with something of his fancy again.” 
This is unsurprising. Rook is often lost in his pursuit of beauty… among other things. “What do you think it is this time?” 
“Anything is possible, be it beastman or be it fae. He nearly lost his head pursuing one of those already—one would think he would learn from that, but alas. Rook has always found pleasure in playing the line.” His words are sharp once again, but you can hear the underlying affection within them. This is starting to become a trend you’re noticing with Vil—he can be harsh in his comments, but once you look past the words, it isn’t hard to hear the care behind them. “So, to answer your question—no. I don’t particularly have anything on my schedule after my dorm duties.”
You straighten back up and affix him with a pleased look at this. “Can I monopolize more of your company for myself, then?” 
“Ah, there was an underlying motive to your question, then, rather than just a genuine interest in my time.” Vil’s lips curl into a sly smile at that, which is reflected in his gaze as he looks you over. “What do you intend to do with me?” 
Oh, there are many ways those words can be interpreted—but you go with the safe route this time. You’re trying to ease your way into it, and Vil is very much like a cat in the way that he can go from unassuming to closed off in moments. 
“I can’t be robbing you of your products every time I want to try something new, so I was wondering if you would like to go into town with me later to serve as a sort of consultant for my purchases.” 
“Consultant? Is that all I am, now?” Vil’s smile seems to grow, betraying his amusement as you straighten up to counter his question. He raises a hand to calm you before you can get a word in, however. “You should know my services are not cheap.”
“I mean, if you need someone to handle any stray cats you have around here, I’ll have you know I’m extremely qualified,” you begin, an earnest tone in your voice which quickly turns to relief when Vil pulls a face. 
“No, no. I was thinking more along the lines of picking up dinner while we’re out. As interesting as it would be watching you try and hunt for animals in our courtyard, I’d much prefer the opportunity to engage with you instead.” He counters with a wave of his hand. “We can find a restaurant in town where we’ll have our privacy.”
“I—okay.” The words leave you quickly as you nod. Although a meal is something you can work with, the stress of finding the right restaurant that suits Vil’s taste is already flooding through you. He seems to take note of this as a small chuckle slips past his lips. 
“We will have more than enough time to figure out the logistics.” He reassures you, straightening back up again as he turns to re-enter the room. Before he does, however, his fingers brush along your chin again and guide your face to turn from one direction to the other. The pleased glint in his eye is hard to miss. 
“And do keep that eye look for today, will you? I quite enjoy seeing you wear my work.”
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the-real-ethereal42 · 3 months
I deeply apologize to my customers and affiliates who have to sit by and watch everything going on. Times are tough, but soon, we will return to regular posts.
You put the Real in Ethereal!
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thenightfolknetwork · 5 months
Hi there! I’m a witch who’s practice lands mostly in protection and divination. I have a friend who’s very interested in searching for and making contact with ghosts, but as they’re fairly inexperienced, and don’t really *get,* the many of the ins and outs and customs and dangers and things to look out for (and I am), i’ve agreed to help. Here’s the issue; They REALLY want to use a ouijia board. Now, for sure, ouijia boards can be used safely, harmlessly, effectively, all that. but I don’t trust my skills *that much,* and my bloodline in particular has had some pretty nasty experiences with them, which I have shared. They have respected this well so far, but they keep bringing up the idea in a wondering, ‘what if’ fashion. How do I impress upon them how dangerous a ouijia board could be if not taken seriously, and how dangerous this kind of thing in general could be if they don’t respect it properly?
For the sake of clarity, I'd like to first address a small issue of terminology. This is not to correct you, dear reader, but rather to ensure other followers are not confused on the point. While the term “Ouija board” is technically a copyrighted term owned by the toy manufacturer who makes such items, it has come to be used as a catch-all term for all manner of spirit communication boards.
I assume that, when you say your friend is insistent on using a Ouija board, you mean that they are interested in talking boards in general, not that they are showing a remarkable degree of brand loyalty to Hasbro Inc.
I'd also like to dig a little more into why talking boards can be dangerous. Speaking with the dead is not an inherently dangerous practice, but as you say, it is vital to take the matter seriously and to be mindful of the proper customs in doing so.
If you were to walk into someone else's home unannounced and start barraging them with questions, you might reasonably expect a rather hostile response. The same is true of barging into the spirit realm and demanding attention from any and all ethereal beings in the vicinity.
All too often, traditionally vital practitioners think of 'the dead' as a sort of faceless, homogenous mass, with nothing better to do with their afterlife than to answer the whims of every passing witch and warlock. It sounds as if your friend is showing some of the same unfortunate patterns in their thinking.
However, I do wonder if perhaps there is some miscommunication happening here. You say that you've explained your reticence towards this practice, and that your friend has been largely respectful. Given that, it seems possible they are not, in fact, trying to chip away at your boundaries when they indulge in these “what if” hypotheticals, but merely enjoying some harmless speculation.
The next time they say something along these lines, take the time to clarify the issue. Let them know that, when they speculate in that way, it makes you anxious about their intentions, and that you feel uncertain about how well they understand the risks involved.
If they really are just wondering, you can always let them know that you'd prefer they took such ideas to someone else. If they aren't, and are seriously considering the matter despite your protestations, re-emphasise just how uncomfortable you are with the idea, and make it clear that you will protect your boundaries – even if that means withdrawing your support for their practice altogether.
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cherryrainn · 1 year
Hi cherry, It's great to find another scooby doo writer fella here!
If it's not much trouble could I get shaggy rogers and scooby doo (platonic and from the Mistery Inc series, the one from 2007 I think) with a fem teen reader, like in her 12-13-14, that is part of the gang but is highly afraid of the dark?
Maybe the gang has to go through a dark tunnel and the reader is very scared so she turns to Shaggy and Scoob for comfort.
All fine if not though! Have a nice day! <3
YES YES YES!! i love mystery inc so much! thank you for the request <33
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰ 
— glimmers in the dark
shaggy and scoob x child reader
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as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an eerie glow over the sprawling landscape, the mystery machine trundled down the winding road that led to hollow creek. the dense forest surrounding the town seemed to whisper secrets, its ancient trees stretching out like gnarled fingers, beckoning the curious souls forward. the air crackled with anticipation, carrying a sense of mystique and foreboding that wrapped around the gang like a second skin.
hollow creek, with its cobblestone streets and quaint cottages, appeared frozen in time. but beneath its picturesque facade, a veil of uncertainty hung heavy, shrouding the inhabitants in an enigmatic haze. the locals whispered tales of inexplicable phenomena that plagued their once peaceful haven: ghostly apparitions, vanishing objects, and unexplained noises echoing through the night. It was a place where the ordinary intertwined with the extraordinary, creating an aesthetic of eerie beauty.
as the gang stepped out of the mystery machine, your presence seemed to awaken the town from its slumber. the lamplights flickered to life, casting long shadows on the cobblestones, and the wind whispered secrets in your ears.
as night settled upon hollow creek, the town transformed into a dreamscape of ethereal beauty. softly glowing lanterns adorned the streets, their warm light casting gentle shadows upon the cobblestones. the moon, full and luminous, emerged from behind the wispy clouds, bathing the scene in an otherworldly glow. the air was laced with the scent of damp earth and the distant rustling of leaves, heightening the senses and sending tingles down spines.
the library was a sanctuary of knowledge and antiquity, its shelves lined with weathered books, their leather spines adorned with intricate golden filigree. sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting vibrant hues of crimson, sapphire, and emerald onto the worn wooden floor. dust particles danced in the sunbeam, creating an ethereal atmosphere of suspended time.
velma, her glasses glinting in the dim light, eagerly poured over crumbling manuscripts and delicate parchment scrolls. her nimble fingers traced faded inked lines, unraveling the secrets woven within the pages. ancient tomes whispered tales of forgotten rituals, mysterious disappearances, and long-lost legends.
daphne, with her resourceful spirit, scoured the library's hidden corners, pulling out drawers and flipping through the pages of faded newspapers. her fingers grazed delicate yellowed clippings, revealing headlines of inexplicable phenomena that had haunted the town for centuries. her determination led her to a hidden alcove, where an ancient tome lay tucked away like a forgotten treasure.
daphne opened the book, revealing a fold-out map that had remained untouched for generations. its yellowed edges crinkled as she carefully traced the faded markings. the map whispered of hidden passages and concealed chambers, leading to the heart of hollow creek's mysteries.
excitement surged through the group as the discovery unfolded before them. the map's delicate lines pointed towards a hidden tunnel, rumored to hold the answers they sought. but as you approached the entrance, a sense of trepidation washed over you, the darkness of the tunnel casting a foreboding shadow on your resolve.
turning to shaggy and scooby-doo, you expressed your fears, your voice laced with a mixture of anxiety and vulnerability. "i'm scared, i don't wanna go in. it's dark." you simply said, your voice shaking.
the duo looked at each other with understanding, their eyes reflecting the flickering candlelight, and shaggy's voice carried a soothing reassurance.
"like, we totally get it, y/n. dark places can be, like, really spooky, you know? but, uh, remember, we're in this together, and we haven't even gone in yet!" shaggy's voice quivered slightly, his empathy radiating from his lanky frame.
scooby-doo nodded in agreement, his expressive eyes filled with unwavering loyalty. "rhat's rrright!" he chimed in, his tail wagging ever so slightly, as if to provide a comforting presence.
the mouth of the cave welcomed you with a cool gust of air, as if exhaling its ancient secrets. you took a deep breath, the air tinged with the earthy scent of moss and anticipation. the gang, their wide eyes reflecting the dim light of the flashlight, stood beside you, their presence a reassuring anchor amidst the encroaching darkness.
stepping into the cave, the jaws of darkness eagerly closed behind you, swallowing the light as if it hungered for its warmth. shadows danced and flickered on the rough cave walls, their ethereal movements conjuring phantoms and specters that seemed to writhe and twist in the corner of your vision. the eerie silence was occasionally broken by the distant drip of water, echoing like whispered secrets through the subterranean labyrinth.
as you ventured deeper into the cave, the weight of the unknown pressed against your senses, causing your heart to quicken its pace. each beat reverberated through your chest, seemingly amplified by the vast expanse of the underground realm. the distant echoes of your footsteps mingled with the whispers of the cave, creating an eerie symphony that sent shivers down your spine.
shaggy's voice, though tinged with unease, cut through the darkness like a ray of light. "hey, y/n, you doin' okay? don't worry, we've faced scarier things than this! remember that time with the ugly ghost girl?" his attempt at levity brought a faint smile to your lips, reminding you of the countless adventures you had overcome together.
scooby-doo, his ears perked up, joined in with a reassuring bark, his tail wagging in solidarity. his presence was a comforting reminder that you were never truly alone in this eerie journey. the bond forged through countless mysteries became a lifeline, weaving a tapestry of courage that bolstered your resolve.
but as the tunnel stretched on, the darkness seemed to deepen, pressing against your senses like a suffocating weight. the whispers of fear crept closer, echoing in your mind, preying on vulnerabilities. doubt tugged at your footsteps, causing them to falter in the face of the unknown.
in the midst of your internal struggle, you, shaggy and scoob all found yourself behind fred, velma and daphne, you were no longer in the front.
you took a deep breath. steadying your trembling hand, you pressed forward, your steps resolute, guided by the collective strength of the gang.
"this place's even spookier than we imagined." shaggy's voice quivered, his words a testament to the palpable spookiness that filled the cave. the dim light reflected in his wide eyes, mirroring the apprehension that gripped your heart. but as he glanced at you, sensing the depth of your fear, his lanky frame straightened, a determination replacing his earlier slip.
"like, i didn't mean to make it sound scarier, y/n," shaggy stammered, his voice softer now, laced with empathy. "but hey, no worries, we totally got this! we've faced way creepier stuff before, remember the haunted amusement park?"
his attempt to allay your fears did not go unnoticed. you took a deep breath, your grip tightening on shaggy's arm, finding solace in his presence. his unwavering support, even in the face of his own fears, reminded you that strength could be found within the bonds of friendship.
scoob, sensing the tension, nodded in agreement, his tail tucked between his legs, a silent testament to his own apprehension. yet, despite his unease, he stood by your side, offering a steadfast companionship that warmed your heart.
as the tunnel curved and twisted, the darkness became an impenetrable veil, shrouding the path ahead in an eerie obscurity. every creak and echo magnified, playing a haunting symphony that danced with your imagination. but in the face of this mounting terror, you found solace in the shared fear that bound you, shaggy, and scooby-doo together.
you all pressed on, your footsteps cautious but resolute, each stride a testament to the unyielding spirit that propelled you forward. just as despair threatened to take hold of you, a faint glimmer of light pierced through the darkness, a beacon of hope drawing you closer. with each step, the intensity of fear gradually waned, replaced by a rising tide of anticipation that surged through your veins. the light grew brighter, casting ethereal hues of gold and amber upon the tunnel walls, as if nature itself celebrated your progress.
finally, the trail led the team to a massive stone door, its surface adorned with intricate carvings that spoke of the secrets held within hollow creek. the carvings seemed to breathe, their stories unfolding in a symphony of artistry and mystery. it was clear that this door held the answers they had relentlessly pursued, but opening it would require more than mere strength—it demanded the unraveling of a complex riddle.
velma, her intellectual prowess in full display, analyzed the carvings with unwavering focus. her eyes scanned the symbols, her mind connecting the dots with rapid precision. "to reveal the truth," she began, her voice resonating with confidence and purpose, "we must embrace the light within and face the shadows of our fears."
with velma's revelation, the stone door creaked open, its ancient hinges protesting the passage of time. the heavy slab yielded to your collective will, revealing a hidden chamber awash in a gentle, otherworldly glow. the soft light spilled forth, casting a serene ambiance upon the room, and as you stepped inside, the mural adorning the chamber walls greeted you.
fred's voice resonated with a mix of awe and determination, the weight of the discoveries settling upon the group like a mantle of responsibility. his eyes widened, reflecting the magnitude of the secret that hollow creek had guarded for so long. "so, this is what it's all been about," he said, his words carrying the weight of realization. "hollow creek has been guarding a secret that could change everything."
the gang stood together, your gazes fixed upon the mural that revealed the hidden truths. a sense of accomplishment radiated through the chamber, as each member of the gang absorbed the revelations before them. the tangled web of mysteries and conspiracies that had plagued the town was finally unraveling, and the truth now lay within your grasp.
yet, as a foreboding tremor coursed through the chamber, the atmosphere shifted once more. shadows twisted and writhed, their very essence taking on a menacing presence. it was evident that someone or something did not want the secrets of hollow creek to be exposed to the light.
in that moment of uncertainty, fred stepped forward, his voice commanding attention. his words carried the weight of determination, cutting through the tension that hung in the air. "listen up, gang! we've come way too far to back down now," he declared, his eyes flickering with unwavering resolve. "we'll face whatever's waiting for us together."
a surge of solidarity coursed through you all as you readied themselves for the final confrontation. the shadows loomed, their sinister forms threatening to consume the chamber. but in the face of adversity, the gang stood united, drawing strength from your unbreakable bond. shaggy and scooby-doo, in particular, exuded a bravery fueled by loyalty, their unwavering support an anchor in the storm.
the adventure had tested your bravery and resilience, taking you on a rollercoaster of emotions. through every twist and turn, the bond between you and your friends had grown stronger, a testament to the power of true friendship. even in the darkest moments, your unity radiated like a beacon, illuminating the path ahead.
together, you took another step forward, the darkness no longer quite as foreboding. with shaggy and scooby-doo close beside you, their presence like a shield against the encroaching fears, you knew that no matter what lay ahead, you had the strength and support to face it head-on.
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domini-porter · 29 days
Hi, I genuinely just want to pop in to say that I’m very excited to begin reading your series The Age of Wickedness!
I loved what you did with CMYK, and I was waiting because I’m currently working my way through FAR too many stories.
So I didn’t honestly come to ask a question as much as I came to say thanks for your work & I, too, am a certified Drake hater. I wanted to scream to someone else who shares the love for Rizzles and hate for Drake. It is a very specific overlap in the Venn diagram of active fandoms here. 😂
But while I’m here, I do love getting a glimpse into writers’ processes, and I’m curious to know if you had a passion for this particular era, or if you had a particular idea for Rizzles and you felt this would be the greatest way to realize it?
Thanks for keeping the fandom alive & stay hating 🥂
Oh hi hi thank you!
First: wop wop wop wop wop Dot fuck ‘em up (very thrilled to start the Intersectional Haters Society with you)
As for the AoW time period—it’s kind of a confluence of things! It all started with a mental image of Maura wearing a bustle while doing taxidermy, and kind of developed from there. But I’m a biiiiiiiig Edith Wharton fan (there are lots of little references to her works throughout, including the series name), a less-big Henry James fan, and so on.
Then you gotta add the influence of my best friend/sounding board/biggest fan, who LOVES this time period more than any other, as well as fringe religions, social movements, etc, and has declared himself my research assistant (thx jda).
Then you gotta add my unstoppable love for trivia and my immovable need to be both correct and authoritative, now with the entirety of human knowledge available on the same device I type my stories into, which means not only am I able to reference the correct building and location for the specific year (1885, in this case), but the architect, the financiers, the floor plan. The internet will probably turn out to have been a mistake, but it also tells me the dates of home games played by the Boston Beaneaters during the 1886 season, so.
And then? When I got into it, and started researching in earnest? Turns out every-fucking-thing of note that happened in this time period happened in Boston. Okay, not everything. But a lot of things! Incidental things! Things I discovered during research! Like how general anesthesia was developed at Massachusetts General Hospital, a facility designed by one Mr. Bulfinch, father of legendary myth-collector Charles Bulfinch (who compiled the first, and still most famous, book of myths and legends). Neat, right? Now add in that I only discovered this when researching that hospital’s Ether Dome, after spending a couple hundred pages heavily incorporating Greek myth as a motif (and namdropping Bulfinch’s Mythology specifically). I dunno, it thrilled me, at least? And there’s tons of that kind of serendipitous detail woven in, which hopefully isn’t a chore, because it soothes and delights me to share cool facts.
Then you’ve got the other stuff that makes it a compelling setting—it’s during the Industrial Revolution but before a lot of medical and scientific discoveries (horrifying fact! surgical gloves weren’t developed until 1892!). Huge developments were underway socially and culturally, with massive immigration and the emergence of organized social services, especially in ultra-progressive Boston. Things move slowly without internal combustion and optical cables, and everything requires significantly more effort (travel, communication, etc). This is so fun because it both forces creative problem-solving and really forces the universe of the story to slow down to allow for more character development and world-building and honestly, a sense of wonder and mystery (not that you can’t have a slow world in the modern era, but due to the ubiquity of technology it feels more difficult—there often must be a reason this modern setting is de-emphasizing technology, etc, instead of just not including cell phones; plus the massive advantage of hindsight for historical fiction).
Okay, WHEW. I could clearly talk about this stuff for another 600 pages, but I gotta go get stoned and hang out with my cats, as is tradition. Thank you again for asking! And even more for caring about The Beef, which is still at the front of my mind (Drake’s gonna drop something else, is my theory, to bait Dot, and oh jeez am I ever hype for how Kendrick scorches the earth)(also the whole West Coast scene hates Drake now, which is THRILLING)
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druidx · 4 months
WIP Intro - Her Countenance was Light
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The 1970s, twenty years after the rebuilding of Toreguard, semi-retired Sergeant Elowyn O'Toreguarde is called in for a new case - the murder of her childhood best friend, Evelyn Strucker. When the King of estranged Iceland turns up for an unexpected visit, the Triumvirate Council force O'Toreguarde to play tour guide, passing the murder case to her subordinates. But it doesn't completely leave her hands. A strange set of circumstances reveals an ethereal side to the City, filled with secrets. Secrets which may hold the key to Evelyn's murder.
Genre: Crime/ Urban Fantasy Type: Novel POV: Third person limited, predominantly Present tense Themes: Grief/ mourning, Change is neutral, Accepting who you are, Mercy is the preferred choice Aesthetic: Dieselpunk, Detective Noir, Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales Status: Technical editing. Posting weekly on Archive of Our Own and Tumblr. Tags: #WIP 'Her Countenance was Light' (All posts inc. meta info); #HCWL Chapters Only (Follow this tag for only the chapters in posting order)
Elowyn O'Toreguarde - F, Sergeant-Detective, Freeman of the City
Johan Strucker - M, Evelyn's Father, General, 1/3rd of the Triumvirate Council
Storri Nargondsson - M, King of Iceland
Lerrald Brauma - M, Master of the Exchequer, 1/3rd of the Triumvirate Council
Farren Breakwood - M, Constable-Detective, Elo's Police partner
Thazaar Clayrmantle - M, Acting Magister, 1/3rd of the Triumvirate Council
Snotgrut - M, Unusual fellow. Curiosity. Shouldn't exist. ???
Meredith Gruksdottir - F, Bodyguard of K. Storri, Old friend of Elo's
Yoruk Copperheart - M, Bodyguard of K. Storri, Husband of Merri
Irvine Cobbleskater - M, Constable, subordinate of Elo
Written for NaNoWriMo 2017. Technically a Modern, Mundane-ish AU of a TTRPG set in the Fighting Fantasy World of Titan. Formerly known as "FF/T Modern-Ish AU".
The plot is... not something I would normally write, and for a long while I hated it. Then I thought it was a too cringy, and tried to 'fix' it, only to give up. Now, on a recent re-read, I think this is the shape this story has always had to have. So I've decided to suck it up and get it ready for posting, so at least it's out there and not loitering on my hard drive.
Title is from a traditional song, Besse Bunting, arranged by Mediæval Bæbes.
She cuts through a narrow alley of dark soot-stained brick, trots down a short set of steps and onto the flagged towpath next to the canal. There is an improvised bridge up ahead that will allow her to pass over the canal closer to where the station lies. She has run this route a hundred times, she knows every nook and cranny along this path, so when she reaches where the bridge should be, and finds it missing, she is perturbed, but not worried. Maybe someone finally reported the ramshackle thing, made of old boards and stolen scaffolding.
It was quick work though, she thinks as she back-tracks to where a tree clings to the bank. The bridge was still there when she came home in the early evening. She shakes the thought aside as she unhooks a rope swing from the tree. It's been a while since she had to use it, but she's in a hurry and has no time for the uncertainty that tries to drape over her like a cloak. With a running start, she jumps. It is only as she enters the apex of the swing that she realises something is wrong. The weight of the rope is too heavy, it shifts alarmingly as she reaches the apex of the swing. Then it has snapped, and she is falling, and she cannot remove her hands from the tacky surface of the rope, and the water is closing in over her head, and she thinks she sees the blaze of red eyes on the bank as she sinks through the darkness.
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