#Etho wins! :D
jestroer · 6 months
The Doccy appearence on decked out finale pretty much melted my face not gonna lie
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ethosiab · 2 months
anyways ☺️ lovely eclipse yesterday have you heard
etho ( aromantic) certainly has SOMETHING going on with Joel smallishbeans that much is evident (or else I wouldn't be a boat boys girlie would i) but bdubs is different dude. I'm sorry but I'll never be the same after last life. No amount of etho and Joel dancing around each other daring the other to make the first move because theyre scared to admit they actually care will change that. Okay maybe I do like boat boys a little much but it's about the principle. Bdubs is always there. Etho can't fucking read his own feelings and doesn't know what any of his relationships really are. he falls into line when a partner establishes a dynamic because it's comfortable. But bdubs is always there and he always has been .
Part of the appeal of boat boys is that etho and Joel have only known each other since 3rd life. And they've only actually known each other since double life. They're messy and they're weird and neither knows where they stand with the other. But do I really ship them? I don't know! Bdubs is the only person I see etho having an established relationship with because he's always!!! There!!!
Anyway yeah I heard about the eclipse apparently it was really cool!! I wouldn't know though because I'm a filthy Australian who lives way outside the path of totality and experienced none of it. Sad.
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theminecraftbee · 6 months
i am losing my mind over. cleo and etho deciding they can't win and then fulfilling their bucket list. they're just giggling and having fun together and they're both gonna die by the end of this so. "guys, what are you doing?" "having fun :D!" it's so. it's so. they're just running around and giggling together and etho is burning things down and stealing ("this is so fun!") and cleo is bringing wardens up ("it was her first time and she did so well!") and. god. they're almost both carefree. man. MAN.
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joifee · 5 months
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Here are both my pieces for the @bdubszine !!!!! Such a great opportunity to run with it and just have fun with detail work.
I am in love with sungod bdubs and very proud of this piece with the improv class^^
Down below is some in depth talk for the first piece with bdubs and all his clocks :D
The one on his chest is a regular minecraft clock - he always carries one in his offhand. In the background his his big tower from his "building with bdubs" series. He is wearing his moss cloak. On his wirst: A clock with a horse: he loves horses. also it actually is inspired by the horse-mountain he build in season 9 of hermitcraft A purple clock with ears: a purple panda clock. He joined one mcc (minecraft championship) and one it first try on the team called purple pandas) A tnt block-clock: Season 7 of hermitcraft he had, alongside impulse and tango, a company called "the boomers" who would explode stuff with tnt for diamonds - bdubs stick was he would die in every blow up they do (there are compilations)
in his jacket: The clock looking like a ring: reference to double life. He was soul-bonded to impulse and they lowkey roleplayed as a married couple and impulse gifted him a clock as a sign or marriage. therefore it looks like a ring. it also has "i" pointers because impulse always puts "i"s on his stuff A regular alarm clock: Basically that - maybe a reference for him always sleeping through the night. The red glasses clock: reference to season 8. He, tango and keralis based together and called themself "big eyes crew" and they all wore red glasses Emerald shaped clock: season 9 as the right hand to king rendog (theres also a crown inside the shape) emeralds because rendog and bdubs wanted to change currency to royal emeralds which started a war on the server and led to rendogs execution. bdubs stayed loyal till the end "hep" clock: Season 7. He plays right hand man to mayor scar. There was a turfwar between two groups - one wanted their main island to be mycelium the other wanted it to be grass. HEP was the group who wanted grassblocks so its a grassblocked shaped clock. they lost the war clock with a snake: 3rd life reference. Inside the clock theres a castle "the crastle" which was his and cleos base in 3rd life. The snake stands for cleo. the heart is part of the logo for the traffic series (same btw count for the heart in the impulse ring) sundial: reference to the hermitcraftxempires smp crossover. bdubs came to empires smp and announced himself as "the sungod" and basically became a god and gem, oli, fwhip and sausage were his followers for the short time. the shape is after a build sausage made in his name the "B" sign: reference to last life. He was part of team B.E.S.T. and they had shields with their initials aka Bdubs, Etho, Skizzlman and Tango. The four hearts are the lifes he was given at the start of the series half tnt clock: reference to ethoslab who is his best friend on hermitcraft and they are just unnormal about each other messed up steam punk clock: reference to the create series he did with keralis, tango, scar and zedaph who unfortunatly was short lived mcc coin: the coin he got for winning mcc broken heart monitor clock: limited life. there's a heart monitor and digital clock. the clock is broken because bdubs didnt uploaded his view for limited life (at the time of drawing this piece) so we never new how much time he had left (we know now) small pocket watch with snake and wings: also limited life. he teamed up with scar (the wings) and cleo (the snake) tree clock: the tree of whimsey. one of his first builds of season 9. he crowned tango as parkour king, cub as royal magican/dragonslayer and ren as king under it
rest of the smaller clocks are filler
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desertduality · 6 months
HELLO soo I was inspired by @stiffyck and the most recent secret life episode to write some tcd angst set in secret life <33 Enjoy :D
Link to Ao3 if you prefer to read there
Scar, despite all odds against him, does hold his own for a little while. Gem is after him, bloodthirsty and intent, for reasons that Scar doesn’t know. She traps his base, she shoots at him, stabs at him — and he survives it all, up until he doesn’t. There are four of them by then, and they hunt him down and pick him off. And he dies. 
These games are fun, is the thing. They get together and they make silly little groups with playful rivalry’s and eventually someone wins. It’s fun. Scar has fun, usually. 
None of them know about the world he came from. That lonely, ravaged, barren world. The zombies had been everywhere, fast and stubborn. Scar had been young and hurt and alone, and had learned to run on broken legs before he learned how to read. 
It’s been a long time ago, now. The memories sneak up on him far less often than they used to, and he’s better. This though, this thing with Gem and the others, it’s hitting him in places that still hurt; places that will always hurt. 
Scar is fresh off his first death, still reeling from being hunted down, and Cleo and Grian are telling him he can’t stay. 
“You’re not one of us,” Grian says, and they’re just playing a game, but Scar is confused. He’d been invited, hadn’t he? But then Cleo had taken it back. 
“Scar!” Bdubs is a distance behind him, sitting atop a horse and calling his name urgently. “Scar, we need to talk to you.”
Scar goes, and hears whispering behind him, something about zombies and spreading. It makes a bit of nerves flare up in his stomach, but he ignores them. He is far enough removed from the past that hearing the word won’t send him into hysterics. He’s even recovered enough that he can handle the sight of a few zombies, even if his heart rate elevates until they’re gone. He’s better, he is. 
Bdubs takes him back to the others, and they explain to him what’s been going on. It’s Gem’s task to spread the Boogeyman curse, one by one, to everyone. He suddenly feels a little bad for trying to burn the book earlier, because this sounds like a good time. Causing some chaos, killing some people, making each other laugh — it's what they’re all here for. It’s why they play the game.
(There’s a small but persistent inkling of unease living behind his rib cage at the fact that they’re comparing themselves to zombies, to an apocalypse, but he ignores it. It’s not important enough to mention it, and he doesn’t want to ruin everyone’s fun.)
They get Etho, and Gem praises him for it, and Scar tries not to compare the fortress the others are defending to the bunkers he used to raid. His brain still makes the connection, as much as he wishes it didn’t. The memories trickle in slowly, making him more and more on edge as the day goes on. It will be over soon, Scar tells himself. Then he can rest, and go back to being better.
Joel has a zombie spawner to farm XP. Scar has used it, has been inside it. He’d been expecting zombies, then. He doesn’t expect it when Joel throws down sixty-four zombie eggs in a row. 
The thin and fraying thread tying him together snaps.
Everyone is screaming and yelling, running, chasing after Joel. There are zombies as far as he can see, in groups and alone, groaning and gurgling into the night. It fills his ears, wraps itself around his mind like a vice, catapults him back to when he was just a kid, fighting the world with his teeth bared and no one at his back. 
Everything goes fuzzy and distant, the noises muffled beneath his heartbeat and heaving breaths echoing endlessly in his ears. He slows to a stop, chest heaving and eyes wide, skin going cold and numb with terror. Nothing makes sense. Everything is wrong. 
There’s something in his hand, and he looks at it, panicked tears prickling at his eyes. He’s holding a sword, and an anguished, confused noise rips itself from his throat. Where’s his gun? Guns are better, guns are safer; guns mean he doesn’t have to get close. 
The moaning of the undead is growing louder, they’re coming for him, and he stumbles forward with gasping breaths, eyes flitting around wildly as he searches for a place to hide. The ground is filled with craters, zombies in every direction, and he blinks desperately to clear his blurry vision, pushing forward with all the desperate agony of a man living on borrowed time. 
He thinks he hears someone call his name, but it can’t be real, it’s just a memory, it’s just his stupid, persistent hope manifesting itself at the worst possible time. He has to get back to his base, his bunker, but nothing looks familiar, no direction looks like the correct way to go—
He runs anyway, passing by a giant stone statue and weaving around holes in the ground and slashing blindly at anything that looks like it’s moving. He spots a tower in the distance, oddly shaped and oddly colored, but a structure nonetheless, and he runs for it. The zombies are here and they never left and he never left and he runs. 
He only makes it halfway. 
There’s a zombie in one of the craters, and Scar doesn’t see it, is too wrapped up in his tunnel vision, and it grabs at his ankle as he walks by. He hits the ground, hard, his knee hitting first before everything else. He hears a sharp crack, and knows it’s broken. 
He twists his head around wildly, tearing his leg out of the zombies cold grip with a yell of pain, dragging himself out of reach just in time for others to bear down on him. His vision becomes a swirling kaleidoscope of hands and teeth, of skin and claws, and he opens his mouth and screams. 
(He won’t know until later, but everyone near spawn hears it. Everyone hears it, and freezes, and turns to look. It sounds like pure terror, like the final cry of a dying man. None of them will ever forget it.)
He swings his sword wildly, slashing and scrambling to get away, but his knee hurts and they’re pushing him down, he can’t get up—
He hears yelling, distantly, but that still can’t be right, no one else is here, no one else can save him—
Scar rolls to the side, and falls into one of the craters, dirt and pebbles sprinkling down on top of him when he hits the ground with a dull thud. He shouts through clenched teeth as the landing jostles his leg, but still pushes himself up and back until his back hits the solid side of the hole. Grass and dirt is still clinging above him, forming somewhat of an overhang. They can’t attack from directly above. Scar grips his sword in violently shaking hands and waits for the hoards to find him. 
He still hears the voices, but he shouldn’t be hearing voices, he’s alone here, he hasn’t heard a human voice not his own since he was six, and he closes his eyes tightly for a few seconds, willing himself back to reality. Something drops to the ground in front of him, and Scars eyes wrench themselves back open, landing on the shadowed figure of a person coming his way. He has both hands on his sword, and he points it at the approaching zombie. 
It speaks. It says his name. 
“Scar,” the figure says, a deep, frantic concern in their voice. “Are you— What happened? Are you okay?”
The cloud that had been blocking the moon slowly drifts away, and Scar gets a good look at the figure — the person — in front of him. He’s human, he’s alive, and Scar knows him, he knows who it is, but he can’t be here, he’s not supposed to be here. This is the world where Scar is young and alone. No one else belongs here. 
The past and the present collide angrily in his head; he doesn’t know what’s real. He doesn’t even know this person's name. The person is crouching a few feet away, empty hands extended imploringly, worry plain in his eyes. Scar’s eyes catch on his shirt, black with gold accents, and can’t help but think that something’s missing. A letter, he thinks, but can’t quite remember which one. 
It doesn’t matter. He’s not really here. 
He must’ve said some of that out loud, because the man’s face drops, something heartbroken pinching at his eyes. Scar feels bad, and doesn’t know why. 
“I’m here, Scar,” says the man, voice trembling. “I’m real. You’re okay.”
The man is a liar. Scar shakes his head, a trembling exhale shaking his tense frame. The sword remains steady. 
“No,” Scar says, voice strained and breaking. “No, you— you can’t be. Not here.”
“Stop saying my name,” Scar begs. “I don’t know— I don’t know who you are.”
It’s only half true. He recognizes him, knows he’s a friend, but his brain is rebelling against the very thought that he could exist in a place like this. In the place Scar grew up. No. Everyone was either dead or undead, here. Everyone but Scar. This person with sad eyes and gentle hands does not belong. 
“Impulse!” Another voice is calling down at them, and Scar looks up, catching a glimpse of bright orange curls and mismatched eyes. Nothing makes sense. “Is he okay?”
The man — Impulse — looks at him, and then looks up. He can still hear the zombies, everywhere and far too many. 
“Get Grian,” Impulse says, and the person above them freezes for just a moment, and then disappears. 
Grian, Scar thinks. Another name he knows. Another name that doesn’t make sense to be hearing in a world like this. His mind scrambles, his eyes sting, the zombies groan and shriek above him. Nothing makes sense. 
Grian will, some distant and muted part of him says. 
Grian will. 
Grian is on top of their cobblestone tower — laughing at the sheer amount of zombies and chaos in the distance — when Gem comes tearing up the slope at high speeds, something frantic and determined in her eyes. 
“No zombies allowed!” Grian calls down, grinning, though it dims when she looks up at him. There is something serious and desperate about her gaze. 
“Grian!” She slides to a stop at the base of their castle, face dotted with sweat and panic. “You need to come with me, something—“
“You’re just going to kill me,” Grian says, confused and faltering. “Why would I—“
“It’s Scar,” Gem interrupts, a harsh concern clipping her words. “He’s— Something’s wrong with him, a zombie got him and he screamed.”
Grian tilts his head. “Scar screams all the time.”
“Not like this,” Gem says, sounding genuinely shaken. “Not like this, Grian, please.”
She doesn’t even have her sword out, standing at the base of their fortress with wild eyes and a desperate plea. Something’s wrong with Scar. Something bad enough that everything else has gone out the window. Gem’s not here asking him to play the game. She’s here begging him to pause it. 
“Okay,” Grian says, a new bubble of panic growing in his chest. “I’m coming, let’s go.”
Gem nods at him when he emerges from the tower, and then she takes off running, leaving Grian with nothing to do but follow. It seems to take forever to get there, weaving around hoards of zombies and craters left over from the wither attack. The other server members are mowing through the hoards with swords and axes, and what seems to be extreme prejudice. They all look a bit shaken. The coil of nervous worry in Grian’s rib cage grows. 
Gem stops them at a random crater, and nods. “Down there,” she says, and then throws herself back into the fray, cutting through any undead limbs that reach for her. The surface is a battlefield. 
Grian drops down, and Impulse turns to look at him, grim concern pressing his lips thin. He looks relieved when he sees him, and Grian looks behind him and realizes why. 
Scar is there, hunched against the wall and shaking like a leaf, sword held in trembling hands and fearful eyes flickering between them. Grian’s stomach drops, and he inhales shakily. Scar looks lost, and so very, very afraid. He’s never seen him like this. 
“It’s the zombies,” Impulse says, quietly. “They set him off somehow, I— He barely recognizes me.”
Grian remembers, distantly, Double Life. Scar had fallen into a pit of zombies, and they had both died that day. He hadn’t quite understood why their shared heart had been beating so fast for so long after; he never knew the reason for Scar’s shell-shocked eyes above his trembling smile when they met back up. He still doesn’t know why, but now he knows for sure. Scar is afraid of zombies. 
“Get rid of them,” Grian says, equally hushed, even though everyone has already started. Impulse just nods, one hand on his sword, and climbs out of the crater. Grian turns to Scar. 
“Scar,” Grian starts, voice carefully relaxed. “You’re safe, okay? We’re getting rid of them.”
Scar shakes his head, moonlight catching on the tear tracks on his face, and Grian aches.
“You can’t be here,” Scar says, turning pleading eyes towards him. “You— You can’t be here.”
Grian gets a little closer, and crouches down, doing his best to appear non-threatening. “Why not, Scar?”
“It’s wrong,” Scar says, sounding all of ten years old, terrified and unsteady. “I’m supposed to be alone, you can’t be here.”
“Why are you supposed to be alone?” 
“It’s just me, it’s always just me,” Scar insists, and then he inclines his head upwards, to where the zombies are still groaning. “Me and them.”
Grian swallows, feeling out of his depth and worried. The only reason Scar would have a reaction like this is if it had once been true. Once upon a time, it really had just been Scar and hoards of zombies. And in Scar’s mind, that’s where he was. He’d never left. Grian’s stomach rolled. 
“We’re not there,” Grian says, still unsure where there was. “We’re in Secret Life, Scar. We’re playing a game.”
Scar shakes his head again, violently, and starts trying to stand up. A muffled whine escapes his throat when he puts weight on his knee, but still he stands. Grian wants to grab him and shake him and then wrap him up in several blankets. 
“You’re hurt,” Grian says, a note of pleading in his voice, hands hovering, wanting to reach out. “You shouldn’t be walking, Scar.”
“I’ve walked on worse,” Scar says vacantly, and twists around to look behind him, making a noise of frustration. “My backpack, where’s my— I need—“
“Backpack?” Grian repeats. 
“I need morphine,” Scar says, voice tight with pain and panic. “I need to get out of here. You need to get out of here. You can’t be here.”
Morphine. Scar’s plan is to numb the agony of a broken knee and run on it anyway. Scar says it like it’s normal, like there’s no other choice, like this is the only way. Maybe it was, once. Grian wants to scream and cry and pull the universe apart with his hands. Instead, he grabs Scar’s wrist in a gentle hold. 
“I am here,” Grian says, soft but firmly still, and Scar freezes. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Grian tugs at his wrist making Scar meet his eyes, trying to ground him. Scar blinks at him, hazy and distant, chest heaving. Grian reaches out slowly, and takes the sword from Scar’s hand. 
“Do you remember,” Grian begins, “asking me to be your friend?”
Grian remembers. Scar, with grey skin and crimson eyes, hiding a sheepish grin behind a bouquet of poppies and lilacs. Something like recognition flickers across Scar’s face, and Grian keeps going. 
“We had a llama called Pizza.”
“I blew you up on accident.”
“The moon was falling and you built a rocket upside down.”
“You were my soulmate, of course it was you—“
“You made fun of our bread bridge.”
“You were actually a pretty good mayor, you know.”
Grian lays their memories out between them, holding Scar’s wrist gently in his hands, and doesn’t stop until Scar looks at him and finally seems to see him. His face crumples, awareness flooding his expression, and Grian lowers them both to the ground when Scar’s knees give out. 
“I’m sorry,” Scar says, voice cracking, and he gives an awkward little laugh that makes Grian’s heart twist sharply. “That doesn’t— That hasn’t happened in a while.”
“It’s okay, Scar, don’t apologize,” Grian says, adjusting his grip to hold Scar’s hand loosely. “Do you feel better?”
“I feel like I ran a marathon,” Scar answers, exhaustion in his tone. “I don’t— Thank you. For bringing me back.”
“Of course.” Grian hesitates. “…Where did you go?”
Scar takes a shaky breath, eyes going tired and sad. Grian’s eyes catch on a scar peeking out beneath his collar. 
“I was stuck in a hardcore world when I was a kid,” Scaf says eventually, resigned. “I was the only player in a zombie apocalypse. I had to… let myself die, to get out. But I spent years there.”
Grian stares, quietly horrified. He imagines Scar, so very young and so very alone, running on broken limbs and killing things that once were people every day, and still finding the willpower to survive for years and years. That Scar had grown up in a world without light and still come out of it with a personality bright enough to blind them all — it was nothing short of miraculous. Brilliant, mischievous, stubborn Scar, with enough skeletons in his closet for all of them and the uncanny ability to make them laugh until they were out of breath. 
“You never said anything,” Grian says, careful to keep any accusation out of his voice. He understands. He still wishes he had known, somehow. 
“It’s not fun to hear about,” Scar says, and stares at his broken knee. “And it’s…not easy to talk about, either.”
“I know,” Grian says, squeezing his hand. “But if you ever want to, I’m here. I don’t want— I don’t want this to happen again.”
The zombie sounds have died down, the others having done their damn best to kill them quickly. It’s quiet but for their breathing, slowly slowing down. 
“I’m a lot better,” Scar says, brow furrowed. “That was just, a lot more than I was expecting.”
“It’s okay,” Grian says. “It’s… You don’t have to be better all the time.”
Scar glances at him, his mouth lifting just a bit, looking a little lighter. “Thanks.”
“And you can talk to us.” Grian smiles back. “We can help you when it’s hard.”
Scar lets out a long, slow breath, the shake in his hands finally down to something manageable. Grian is relieved for all of two seconds, and then something mischievous flickers in Scar’s eyes. Grian sighs, because he knows what’s coming—
“That’s what she said,” Scar says, quick and unapologetic, and Grian smacks his shoulder with his free hand. Scar laughs, and Grian just rolls his eyes and grins. 
Yeah. He’ll be fine.
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linmmelonz · 10 days
Guess The build Quotes #1
“In order to make Scar everybody knows you start with some booty shorts” Gem
“I’m not obsessed…I just looked at my phone background and [built] Etho!” Joel
“So Joel this is what Jimmy thinks of your viewership. That they are walking thumbs.” Grian
“Those are all unlikely scenarios that turned into likely scenarios. Apart from Jimmy winning the Life Series.” Grian
“Put some pants on that man my gosh!” Joel
“Really really annoying people. Just happens to have a red shirt on.” Gem
“Grr that really waxes my back” Grian
“I’m second guessing all my guesses when I’m behind Skizz” Joel
“The pressure here isn’t necessarily to build that, the pressure here is to identify my best friend. So, it’s gonna be Jim.” Grian
“I don’t know if this is a personal attack towards Jimmy but we’ll see.” Joel
“I think there’s been a few personal attacks” Gem
“It’s gone quite personal I feel” Grian
“He’s got a power pose” Grian
“When my bar of soap starts leaking water it is really annoying” Grian
“All I’m asking is that you give me arms!!” Jimmy
“You know what really dries my eyeballs?” Grian
“The uno reverse card has hit so hard here” Jimmy
“Learn how to read Joel” Gem
“Shut up Gem! Learn how to spell SOAP” Joel
“‘I’m Gem and I love Gardens’ that’s what I heard” Jimmy
“Why don’t you shove your… HELLO! Let’s get started!” Joel
“[Joel] I don’t know what that means but ok…” Impulse
“I know what’s going on, I’m not happy about it though.” Gem
“D-Do flowers have elbows? In magic?” Gem
“Is this good or does it suck? Don’t answer that!!” Skizz
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eliyips · 5 months
I found out how to use anonymous asks so now I'm here complimenting all of my favorite artists
I LOVE THE WAY YOU DRAW X, he looks so much like a cool dad /pos
Also the one with X & Evil X as nice and naughty cats is amazing. And the art with Tango as cheese is so funny
THE D&D X ART IS SO COOL TOO, I LOVE IT. There's so much detail in your art. I'm in awe
There's just so much art I could compliment but I feel like I would be writing a whole essay if I did because all of your art is amazing
(Also I love the Etho art when he wins phase 3 of Decked Out but that's probably because Etho is my favorite lol)
Anyways, I hope you have a great and amazing day/night! \o/
Seriously just blown away right now, thank you so much, I'm so glad you like my art!!! Always love hearing people notice the little details I put in <3
I haven't actually posted the Evil X and Xisuma image to Tumblr yet, but since you mentioned it, I will take this opportunity to share 🙏 they are so cat coded to me
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anon u are a kind and wonderful soul... Thank u again for this ask, i will treasure it forever...
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made-nondescript · 2 years
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updated graph....based on your guys’ notes!! i poured over literally every single tag, reply, and edited graph to synthesize this bitch so theoretically this is objective. i will be taking critique this time as well but only in the form of people fighting in the notes
blank graph + superlatives below!! :D
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the total amount of feedback was 5 pages worth in google docs at 11pt font btw and yes i did read all of it. for some reason. all notes up until 12am last night should have been included. i DID overwrite some bc people were split.
anyone with more than ~3 notes was added to the chart except i made some exceptions bc i wanted them there LOL
graph is free to use, credit preferred :]
here are some silly superlatives !!!!!!
Scar wins Most Comments! He takes up a full page all on his own (second place is Pix)
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Pixlriffs wins Most Unanimous Non-Critique Comments aka the Everyone Thinks He’s Hot Award!
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Jimmy Solidarity was also in the running for the Everyone Thinks He’s Hot award bc all of his comments are about that. Big day for Jimmy enjoyers
Etho wins the award for Most Inconsistent Comments!
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Grian wins Most Unanimous Critique
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JoeHills and PearlescentMoon win the Uncharacterizable Award!
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Notes for another Cleo stream, this one from April Fools. (Cleo has been uploading VODs again \o/ so it will probably be available on Youtube soon! Still available on Twitch here.) Featuring Real Life talk and permit office shenanigans with Grian, Scar, Etho, and Pearl.
Cleo reads out a message congratulating them on the Real Life win only a minute into the stream [making life hard for the mods, who pin a message not to talk about spoilers, as usual ^^]
Cleo´s opinion on if their win is canon: “Why wouldn´t it be real? Why wouldn´t it be?” The test, going by TV series rules: if the special gets mentioned in a later episode it´s canon.
They discovered the allays having coffee at the kitty café that False put there :D
Apparently the group was initially concerned if people would be mad, but they were still making content. The “April Fools” part was just that it was a one-off.
In-game chat: Grian announces the permit office is open. Special opening hours for April 1st! Pearl and Cleo are immediately suspicious and say it sounds like a trap. Joel says that Grian is actually nice to day (but on midnight he turns back into a nightmare.) Cleo is not at all convinced.
About Real Life: ~"the first thing everybody did was wave to each other, and dance, and give hugs, and I think that says a lot"
Pearl apparently had a 0/10 experience at the permit office. The permit office is closed again. nobody is surprised.
After the recording, Scar mentioned that he was told he should get a lap belt too… Scar is not Scar-safe. Cleo is frequently concerned/worried about Scar, which is only appropriate. "I´m not worried he´s gonna hurt himself, I´m worried he´s gonna, just, tear down the fabric of society.” "He´s a special little sausage, and also needs poking with sticks on a regular basis. Like big sticks – not little sticks, massive, massive sticks."
ooh apparently three glass permits are up for grabs! Grian, Scar, Cleo, Etho, and Pearl have a discussion in front of the permit office. Very soon this involves talking about loopholes to the permit office rules, but Grian tells them to stop it, he will just make up more rules. Pearl says she might be an NPC, Cleo says AI is not that advanced. Scar has skins, hats, and plans for him and Skizz has permit enforcers, but no spoilers
They looked at the permit office and the backrooms, listened to some unsettling music, and then started talking about cooking (more specifically Scar started talking about his meat. That he cooked, as Etho was glad to hear him clarify.) Grian thinks Etho would eat grey sludge nutrition paste.
Etho´s daily sandwich: a foot-long baguette, provelone cheese, hungarian salami, lettuce, tomatoes, salt and pepper, balsamic vinegar-based dressing. With dill pickles on the side. Grian calls it the most gourmet sandwich. "The more I learn the more I both admire and get confused.” Etho doesn´t understand the big deal [tbh neither do I? It´s a sandwich.] Scar says it´s because of how mysterious Etho is. Etho considers dramatizing everything part of the job as a youtuber.
"being tortured by Grian is fun, right? Right?" - Cleo
What would be Cleo´s mission if someone had created her? Pearl: to burn things down? Cleo asked if she´s burned down things recently. Etho: "She´s a trap door flipper."
repeated discussions about if Pearl is an AI or not
"you don´t have to be an NPC if you don´t want to, you can break your programming" - killing Cleo, however, would not be unexpected. Pearl has already stabbed her in the heart repeatedly. Not in Real Life! They were together that series. [Is it just me or does Pearl´s “yeeah…” sound a little more hesitant ^^]
Bonus: Cleo contemplates stealing cOW
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insomniaruler · 8 months
My brain R E F U S E S to turn off so some misc mcyt headcanons :D
- Ren is captured currently by the watchers because he keeps getting to close to inciting a major uprising against them
- Lizzie is slowly becoming a Listener (starting from the swap out in Limited Life). The Listeners swapped her out to keep her sane after Last Life. And they wanted to preserve Pearls sanity so they swapped her in for a session.
- C!Ren is a pan disaster
-Grian, Pearl and Jimmy are siblings. They basically raised each other.
-Grian and Pearl are twins 
- Cleo & Joe are childhood best friends
Cleo was a young Zombie hybrid abandoned by her Lurch (a group of Zombies)
Joe was a code mistake who was cast off by the devs as a mistake, for years he was young and angry. Using his corrupted Code to jump around servers without notice and curse people (Herobrine). Eventually he was locked into the world hub by the devs.
They became fast friends with the need for survival
- Iskall keeps trying to sneak Tubbo & Fundy onto Hermitcraft to show them his Redstone creations
- Pix is the immortal champion of Death
He was a young elytran in the beginning of the Devs worlds
He was captured by poachers and killed for his wings
Death sent him back as a phantom when he made her a deal to spread her influence to new lands
- Etho is a shape shifter :D
- Mumbo is an enderman hybrid from the nether
- Mcc is a huge event on Hermitcraft, they usually invite the winning team (if it has hermits on it) to a giant party on the Server. It is insane.
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mapbookboi · 1 year
Session six was such a clusterfuck oh my god-
So Etho kept fuckin dying- further proving that once he’s killed by a player he ends up in a near death loop (10/10 but please let this guy win please hes just some guy)
Gem Cleo is a great mom- don’t mind the dead bodies that surround her :D (9/10 i was confused at furst but now we bing chilling i understand why)
Still dunno why LDshadowlady was there as Pearl, but i’m here for it!! (10/10, its better w/o context)
I already said this but grian killing Jimmy like three different times [water bucket clutch fail, button trap, ravager] is also further proof that grian’s existence is only to further his team’s downfall (11/10, this guy’s chaos and i wouldn’t have it any other way because content)
Dunno who rigged Martyn’s party [probably him and scott], but yes- just yes! (9.5/10, it was unexpected in skizz’s pov but i saw it coming in grian’s!)
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Doodled Jimmy and Etho from a whiteboard :D I cannot draw facial hair so the Jimmy doodle was a tiny win for me
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riacte · 4 months
Literally two months ago False won the Grand Prix and Ren was like :D I cannot think of a more worthy winner :D
Godddd these two and winning. Winning MCC9. Ren getting third place in False's race. False winning Ren and Etho's race. False winning Demise because of Ren's final kill. "It was truly an odyssey, my friend".
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epicfranb · 11 months
*pretends to be an analyst like in the mcc subreddit* okay so do i think Cyan Coyotes will win
My main point here will be to compare MCC Underdogs Purple Pandas and MCC 33 Cyan Coyotes. Obviously my brainrot causes me to involuntarily compare a team that Bdubs was on and a team that Etho is on, however there are a few parallels.
First off, the most obvious one is FireBreathMan. He's an insanely good player, he's good at movement and PvP, and he's known for being ❗ Technoblade's sensei ❗ he also used to be an MCC tester, which, while a lot has changed since then, means that he has almost as much experience as a regular MCC player; and, after being in a few actual MCC's since then, would amount to a serious amount of experience.
Secondly, from my observations, Etho and Impulse are about on the same level in general Minecraft gameplay. They both learn quickly, are able to adapt and are smart and agile players. I would compare Bdubs and Scar in terms of skill as well, being only slightly behind their partners. That would mean that Etho and Scar would be on about the same level gameplay wise as Bdubs and Impulse were, BUT impdubs were both new to MCC, while Scar ISN'T, meaning scab could potentially be even better. I don't know how well Etho and Scar play together, but they certainly get along very well. I haven't watched MCC in a while, but i remember Scar's big problem being communication (when he went silent and the rest of the team didn't know where he was, how he was doing, what was happening, etc). I can see Etho communicating fairly well, but there's also a factor of being new to a THIRTY THIRD EVENT and getting a little paralyzed and overwhelmed, which WILL be an obstacle.
Now, Scott, FBM, Etho and Scar is a strong team with a lot of potential, and a similar team from before won the event, despite having 3 new players! BUT there is a key difference... In that MCC Underdogs, in which Bdubs, Impulse, FBM and Blushie won, was an MCC that only had people that haven't won yet. This means that, on average, it had less super good very competitive players. This time it's a normal MCC, which has more competition and more players that are a big threat (Fruit, Pete, Jojo, Purpled, Punz and Sapnap on the same team?!) Teams like Red, Aqua, Blue and Purple will be BRUTAL.
Do i think Cyan will win? No. Do i think they can win? Definitely. I don't think that's very likely. But i do think they will come in top 6. I predict Etho will be in top 35. He will do well in Grid Runners and Ace Race, maybe well in Parkour Warrior, TGTTOSAWAF and Sands of Time. I could see him do well in Battle Box, Sky Battle and Parkour Tag IF HE'S LUCKY. I don't remember other games.
But idc if all of what I'm saying is wrong!! I don't care if he's great at everything or if he sucks and comes 45th in a game with 40 players!! I just want to see Etho in a new setting that's unusual for him, and to see him have fun with his friends and meet new people :D my biggest wish for this MCC? have him join a few vc's at the end, when everyone is just chatting and discussing each others performance. Or others joining his vc would also be neat. I don't see him staying on for long, but imagine Cub, False, Joel, Impulse, Philza, Captain Sparklez joining to praise him???? That would be so sweet!! Maybe people who don't participate could also join the vc since they probably have access to it wink wink Bdubs wink wink actually i also want Bdubs in Etho's chat, and Etho replying to his messages once in a while. Usually it's Etho in Bdubs's chat, so to see this get reversed???? ONCE IN A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY, I TELL YA. Even if Bdubs ends up being too busy, he will definitely come watch at least for a little bit. Can't wait to see Tango and Skizz and Doc and Ren and perhaps some other friends in chat too. Can't wait to see them discuss Etho's first MCC afterwards. Can't wait to just. See Etho in MCC! It's wild that it's happening!!!! People have been speculating about him joining since the first events. It's actually happening guys. I'M SO EXCITED.
Edit: so, update, Etho won't stream apparently :( but hey! At least a part of my dream will happen right :D?
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So we already had a lot of submissions already and here are some notable things
Waaaaaaayyyyyy less creators have been submitted more than once (except etho of course etho has been submitted twelve time already)
Won't spoil but one of the submitted ships was so crazy we had to do research for a while before finding what one of the character was even about and it was actually related to minecraft (same happened with a character submission too)
The best ship ever has been submitted we will have to do some digging on your own but it deserve to win
Who are you anon who keep submitting Aurelien_Sama, who the fuck are you i wan't to become your mutual please D:
Also way less womens and canon-variations have been submitted :(
Someone submitted Jesus Christ and i don't know if i should accept that so take this poll
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