#Even assholes have hearts
hms-incorrect-quotes · 3 months
Demon: Now, in exchange for this deal, I require...your SOUL.
Heart: (Alright, I'll go bring him over.)
Demon: ...wait, what?
*Heart walks out of frame.*
Soul, off camera: {Oh, hey Hea- ...wait, what are you doing- N-NO- HEART-!!}
*Heart walks back into frame, dragging Soul behind him.*
Heart: (Got him!)
Demon: ...you know what..? K...Keep him.
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poughkeepsies · 5 months
was inactive yesterday but i did make my friend stay over and watch seven episodes of 9-1-1 with me and she told me she's gonna keep watching so I was contributing to our community anyway
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tastywormfood · 2 years
Remember when we thought Will was gonna be important to the plot again? And not just a queer sad stepping stone for toxic heterosexuality?
Haha yeah no, me neither🤪
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natjennie · 1 year
like seriously whatever you do dont think about the captain and that story about someone calling into gay bars and not saying anything, just listening to queer people living and laughing and having fun. definitely don't think about the captain doing that. haha.
#both during his life and in death#i just looked it up and the 1930s british queer scene was beautiful like jazz age stuff#the idea of the captain just discretely privately calling into places he's heard rumored to be queer#just to listen to the saxophone over the static of the telephone and know that there were gay people living and loving somewhere#and then to think about him missing that EVEN MORE in death because now he cant LEAVE#he cant hear rumors from people he cant call in#imagine the favors he'd have to owe julian to dial a number and let cap listen to the receiver without knowing what it is#like of course julian wants to know and he pesters him. but when cap is Deadly Serious and scared and sad.#a face julian's never seen. he winds his jokes down and agrees to do it#making cap think it was his idea- 'a bit of charity for the old walrus then'- instead of a deep understanding and love#and since its been decades of course the number he calls isnt a gay club anymore. maybe it doesnt even connect#and it breaks his heart and it takes him another decade to gather intel and the nerve to ask julian again#but when he does he finally gets a place and the phone quality is INCREDIBLE he can hear so much#he can hear people and their upbeat music and their laughter and their love#and he cries#and if julian sees it and pretends not to then its so that he can have the blackmail later thank you for asking#anyway im making myself emotional#bbc ghosts#EDIT Becuase then when julian overhears he tries subtly to make the captain feel more comfortable#bc julian is an asshole but he's not homophobic i mean he fucks everyone#so he tries to pepper in more stories about men but that just makes cap uncomfortable#and hes frustrated bc he cant think of anything else to do other than flirt with him but thats a bad idea#but then he remembers that he went to bars and places and maybe he'll like that#so he 'accidentally' dials some clubs he knows were cool and leaves the phone off the receiver for cap to find#and cap just gives him a curt nod and a clearing of his throat and they Dont Talk about it but they Know
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yuzuna123 · 7 months
It hurts to see some fans just don't understand Kazuya 💔💔
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57sfinest · 1 year
what is the forbidden harry and jean lore
cracking my knuckles before preparing to type the most deranged post in the history of the world
okay so listen. harry and jean are so unbelievably fucked up. their relationship is TERRIBLE for them both. it's toxic, it's abusive, it's deeply codependent and it's also the only thing either of them has.
here's the thing. the partnership starts off fairly normal- yes, harry is a shithead, he's not a good person, but neither is jean and harry doesn't treat him like shit right off the bat. harry starts off on his best behavior, because here's a new guy who's much younger and who he outranks: this is fresh meat, thrown into his enclosure. another can for him to open. someone new to help him bear his burdens until he inevitably throws them away. he's gotta be let in first, though, so he's playing the role of mentor or chill superior officer or whatever until jean relaxes around him and starts to let his guard down. because despite jean's apprehensions- he's heard about gool ol' dick mullen, after all- harry can be funny, kind, and very good at his job. so maybe everyone was wrong- maybe, to him, harry will be good. maybe this partnership will work out. jean finds himself liking harry and caring about him. harry catches onto this, because of course he does, and the backslide begins.
it starts off minor. more hangovers at work, a little speed off the bathroom mirror. but it's fine because they're still getting work done. harry snaps at him a little, but it's just a rough patch. it's okay. they're not just work partners anymore, they're friends. maybe they're more, although they'd never put a name to it. they go to each other's places and they talk and smoke and drink and shoot the shit about anything they can think of: the world, the pale, the cases. it's an easy thing. a dangerous routine. if jean starts drinking more, to match harry- it's fine. at least it's in company. and all the while harry is getting openly worse, getting completely hammered at work, having more outbursts than actual conversations, lashing out at everyone. jean is no longer safe from it. jean no longer abstains from it either. and it's still jean's responsibility as his partner to take care of him, to keep him going. harry does not usually seem to care about reciprocating, but that's not the point. it's jean's job and, unfortunately, he cares. he's not sure what he would do without harry, now. he's not sure what harry would do without *him*.
harry the can-opener realizes what they've become- codependent, inseparable- and starts spiraling rapidly. he has the freedom to, now. jean talks to him about the drinking, and harry tries to kick it, and jean really believes in him. believes in him when he fails, when he tries again a few weeks later. over and over again until harry stops trying. says he wants to get worse. and jean gets it, at first. only at first. he's depressed too, he understands the suicidal thoughts and tendencies, understands how easy it is to get trapped in an addiction. he knows how important his support is to harry's continued survival.
but it's like everything harry does is to hurt him. screams at him and threatens him and leverages anything he can against him, including very personal things he's pried out of him, then shows up at his door with tears in his eyes and a gun in his hand telling jean that he's sorry, he's never going to do it again, he's going to make sure of it. and jean, still raw and angry from their fights, invites him in, takes the gun from his hand and talks him down and drinks with him, because what else is there to do? jean will never lay down and take it, has no interest in being the better person anymore- he knows every little nasty detail of harry's life by now, and he's not shy about digging his nails into harry's scars- but when everything is said and done, when all the punches have been thrown, he's still going to be there. he's going to be around to bandage the knuckles harry just hit him with because this is it. there's nothing else for either of them.
it doesn't matter that harry lies to him- about what he's been doing, how he's feeling, about where their belongings end up or where the money went, about things he did on a case. it doesn't matter that harry provokes the shit out of him until he's screaming himself raw, then lays down and cries about it until *he's* the one apologizing. it doesn't matter that harry only gets worse, and that somehow he's the one blamed for it. every day they rip each other apart because at least that way they can feel something. it's easy to scream at someone knowing they'll scream back, and then come sleep in your bed anyway. neither of them is going to leave except by death, and they both know it.
there's a complete erosion of boundaries between them. luiga himself confirmed their codependency. if something was jean's, it was harry's too, and vice versa. everything was each other's business. there was nothing kept apart between them. harry cracked jean open and gutted him, so jean did the same to him. they understood each other *too* well, so they knew exactly how to hurt each other, and they did just that. and that's the sad part, that they were so completely exposed with one another- it could have been so good for them. harry could have been a better person and so could jean. they might have been able to heal together. but we see jean's ableist hostility towards harry in the ending: jean has lost all patience for harry. there is no sympathy left.
and you wonder: why, now, does jean call it quits? why, after several years of mutual destruction, does jean draw a line in the sand here? well, obviously- he's been rejected. harry told him to fuck off in martinaise, which of course was not new behavior, but usually harry would come back to cry and beg and plead with him not to leave him. and harry's not doing that. harry doesn't even know who he *is*. harry is running around with this guy he barely knows, and he's functional and they're not having screaming matches, and when harry does finally approach him, he just twists the knife right in by insisting this new guy is cooler. he thinks jean is an asshole now, and not in the way he did before where he thought it was fun to fuck with him. jean is nothing to him, in the most thorough and all-consuming way possible. harry doesn't even know his *name*.
so, fine. harry dumped him. harry's not coming back to him, and he's sure as hell not going to put in the work to rebuild that bridge, not when he should have burned it years ago anyway. and if that's how it's going to be, he's got some things to say. he's going to make it hurt for harry as much as it hurts for him. maybe he doesn't believe every single thing he says in the ending, or not fully, but it doesn't matter. he's going to say everything he can to hurt harry because harry is leaving him, and they already failed each other a long time ago.
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insurged · 2 months
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i apologize for the person i'll become playing baldur's gate 3. but also while i fall into the depths of this stuPID FANDOM that my mutuals dragged me into, please like this if you'd like a starter & would like to plot out things. <3 i'm going to do writing tomorrow for sure.
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somegoodomens · 9 months
I think Aziraphale and Crowley should be put in charge of this time finding the reincarnation of Jesus and nudging him to the right path to complete his mission on Earth, because maybe that’s the only oportunity they’ve got to once and for all stop all attempts of Heaven and Hell destroying the world.
Except that Jesus’ reincarnation happens to be a she, not a he.
Jessie would be a struggling college student who found a part time job at Nina’s coffee shop, lip and ears pierced, a couple of tattoos, a bit moody, androgynous haircut, with a bunch of daddy and mommy issues ever since she found out she was adopted. Oh, yes, and she also happens to be an atheist LMAO.
Like, just imagine Aziraphale’s face when he finds out that of all people on Earth, the one that’s the reincarnation of Jesus himself happens to be an atheist? He would collapse right then and there. Meanwhile Crowley simply grins approvingly in a “fuck the system” way.
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cowboy-robooty · 10 months
no guys you dont get it itager isnt sweet and tender in the domestic gay lovey dovey way theyre sweet and tender in the BRO way
#im a crazy bitch okay i will be like yes theyre lovey to eachother yes thats true#yes i only get gay and shit for itager bc theyre true love and then see something sappy and gay of them and go THAT AINT RIGHT#im a freak okay im such an asshole about itager bc i think theyre lovey to eachother in a very specific way and all other ways are cringe#me when the only itager i consume is the official goddamn hetalia manga#and them doujins made by corolla that mf was the only person ever who understood them (even if they were misguided and believed in gerita)#i like to think in my heart of hearts corolla knew the truth it was just the wrong time.#like how i know bill and ted wouldve loved touhou koishi song its just they were born in the wrong era#but yeah like germany and italy are gay in that BRO way like. its hard to describe but its not gay its more like.... friendship adjacent#like when you deeply care about your bro and act gay with them in that way they arent about that silently looks at the moonlight shit#they look at the moonlight and italy goes 'germany is right now a good time to tell you i fucked your car again' and germany goes 'What.'#ITS A BETTER AND MORE AWEZOME FORM OF LOVE IN MY HUMBLEST OF OPINIONS.... I PERSONALLY PREFER IT#its domestic in the way of having your average daily life of dicking around with your bros and throwing grenades in cars n shit#instead of domestic settling down and being all serious and sappy all the time#its lovey dovey in the way of being like AHAHA IM HAVING SO MUCH FUN!!! yeah bro... i really like you too *hug* im glad youre in my life#i just think thats so much more swag because settling down just does not sit right for me#i think settling down sucks tf you mean theres no more adventures and always sunny shit?#i think fruk can get into that settling down domestic shit but im a firm believer itager cant#because their entire dynamic hinges upon italy coming in and making germanys boring ass lonely life fun by ruining it everyday#its not itager if they arent grabbing eachothers balls and acting like bros#ive said this to wiener but its the itager itapan juxisposition#itapan (japans onesided crush ofc) is great because they act gay but are just bros#and itager is great because they act like bros but are gay#idk its hard to explain the nuances of it all but just trust me when i say canon content and corollas sfw doujins are the only true itager#content#robooty asshole moment sorry guys somethings wrong with me#robooty kun
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Sorry if anything sounds weird, English isn't my first language. But could you write a Farah x reader that gets flustered quickly?
Also, mentioned that you had a moth demon OC in the tags of one of your posts, she sounds cool! Could you show her? If you can't no worries 🫶
Hey! Don't worry about your English, it's fine ^^ And yeah, I do have a moth demon OC! Her name is Arya and I love her dearly! The one above is a picture of her in her human form drawn by Castawolf on Etsy and the picture below is one I drew when I was 17 or so! I never said I was an artist, I can't draw at all, so that was the best I could do back then! She'd be beige and a lot more fluffy, though :3 She was kind of inspired the the Radiant from Hollow Knight! Useless trivia, I know, but I just get so excited whenever I get to talk about her!!
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Farah with a Reader who gets Flustered Easily
Farah would have a field day with you from time to time. While she won’t go out of her way to fluster you each time, she sometimes will do so. It’s just too cute, the way you go quiet, stumble over your words or fumble around a bit. Yes, she knows that she has to maintain the trust between the two of you, and thus she shouldn’t be playing around with you too much, but come on! It’s so much fun! Sometimes she just has to tease you about it as well and watch you get defensive over your behaviors. It’s all just too endearing to her. Sometimes Farah will stand closer to you than necessary, touch you a bit more than needed, like holding your face in her hands when you won’t stop looking away from her, or just straight up compliments whatever it is you’re doing. If you’re especially close, then she might just give you a kiss to your cheek to watch you hide behind your burger, for example. While she may not be the most cuddle-seeking person out there, she’ll offer you more hugs than usual, if just to watch you freeze up and go speechless. However, only she is allowed to fluster you like that, anyone else needs to grow up and leave you alone. Anyone else could be malevolent and tease you the wrong way. No, she can’t have that. If you’re flustered because of someone else, then Farah won’t take too kindly to it. You’re hers to fluster and no one else. This may or may not be because of the crush she has on you, but she would never admit to such a thing. As far as you’re both concerned she just likes to tease you. But never too harshly, she doesn’t want to see you cry either. Will tone it down a bit if it’s obvious you’ve become uncomfortable and apologize, but it will happen again, I can assure you of that.
#cod#cod x reader#farah karim#farah karim x reader#Farah is honestly so cute I've definitely come to appreciate her even more ever since people started sending in more requests for her#as of late the number of requests I've gotten for her is insane#for the girls in general I'd say#I wake up and all I see are Valeria Farah and Laswell#every day I am haunted by those pretty girls and I get to write for them#also thank you for asking about Arya!! she's my girl and I adore her!!#I actually played as her in my DnD campaign and in BG3 as well!#back when I used to be in the selfship community I used to selfship with her as well#even now I like to imagine her and I being very close! she's a good friend of mine I'd say! helps me get through anxiety inducing situation#I know you didn't ask but she's a mischievous and somewhat cocky asshole who can be a sweetheart as well#I actually created her during my DMCV phase. good times#I just thought it would be really cool to have a demon OC!#so naturally I commissioned someone to draw her! and I commissioned such a great artist for that!!#castawolf is genuinely amazing! I've worked with them twice now and I am so satisfied!!#One of these days I'm gonna share some more art I commissioned because there are some pieces that make my heart sing with glee#but for now I am far too shy to do so haha#anyway if Arya is as much as mentioned I will go mental and talk nonstop about her. but unfortunately there's a tag limit#you'll go free this time anon haha
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satorugojoswiife · 2 months
Dunno I but I actually feel kinda sad when I see people talking about Gojo like he's some kind of bad person etc etc😩 maybe I take it personally but how can I not when I love him so much😢 do you have such feelings?
No, I get you 😭 it's kind of frustrating to see how often he gets mischaracterized.
#overall gojo is definitely a good person#i feel like some people just took what nanami says in 236 and ran with it#as if panels before that gojo wasnt talking about how he feels like theres no one who understands him#its shown multiple times in the series through his actions that he does genuinely care and has a good heart#mans end goal is to literally dismantle a corrupt system to better the world and future generations 😭#also the little things 🤧#like in shibuya when he realizes he cant save everyone so he aplogizes to them (in his own internal monolouge where no one would even hear#him so he literally had no reason to do it other than he did genuinely feel bad that he couldnt help them all)#or when he gets unsealed and one of the first things he does is inquire about the condition of the people who got caught in his domain :(#or when he first talks to nanami in the light novel and when nanami refers to yuji as sukunas vessel gojo corrects him#and is like hes his own person#hes yuji itadori not just a vessel 🤧🤧#but also yeah he is an asshole#hes full of himself and likes being annoying#hes self absorbed and often does things that benefit him#or chooses to do things not always solely out of the goodness of his heart but bc he thinks it will be entertaining#or he has his interest peaked#he helps the kids hes helped bc he knows they have insane potential and hes interested in seeing what that entails#but he also does it bc he thinks its wrong to take their childhood away#because hes also kind and wants to prevent things like the star plasma vessel incident#all of these can be true at the same time!!! ppl are complex!!!!#oof i rambled too much abdhankdnqkdnwkdnsjs my bad
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tearlessrain · 8 months
people will be like "I love nasty morally grey characters" and then reveal once you actually give them a nasty morally grey character that what they meant was "I love superficially snarky characters who still always make the good/right choice somehow and never actually hurt anyone or do anything genuinely problematic."
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sudaca-swag · 5 months
the shocking usamericaness of this AITA will destroy me, theres 5 adults in this story and not a single one of them is able to think creatively for a second, this is why youre a decadent empire
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ova-kakyoin · 5 months
I FUCKING LOVE IT WHEN MEDIA IS LIKE "yall like (trope), right? wanna see what that poor fucker would realistically be like?" AND MY ANSWER IS ALWAYS YES
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Me reading a cool new novel: hah wow this is cool it has a neat premise and a promising plot line let’s see our protagonist level up and learn how to use his new power in interesting and cool ways—
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and defeats her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and impresses her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and rescues her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and defeats her PT 2
Me: Ah nvm it’s a harem novel god damn it
#it was cool at first but now I’m grinding my teeth like wtf#I was okay with it at first bc like. he defeats the beautiful cold hearted prodigy by a hairs breadth and we get this sad backstory for her#which could be better’d by the MC who doesn’t fear her and can teach her how to socialize and become a brighter happier person through their#developing friendship and potentially romantic relationship and it could have led to character development for both of them as they struggle#through the feeling of being cast aside as an ‘other’ by society and learning how to stumble through a relationship that involves#communication and admittance and honesty#something our MC and FL can’t get through their mentors#instead we get her genuine attempts at becoming friends being brushed off by him who assumes she’s going to eventually want a romantic#relationship by the end of it and ARGHHXHHD she’s a shy person!! she’s trying her best!!! you asshole!!!! and then the author has the#AUDACITY#to make her continue yearning after this guy who doesn’t give 2 shits about her and she’s only used as a support character for the#ensuing battle and then he promptly leaves her behind for his own adventure#and don’t even get me STARTED on the lack of compatibility with the other women in this story#they aren’t even being used as potential love interests they’re just there so the author can say he added strong female characters and then#IMMEDIATELY turns around and makes them fawn over this 19 yr guy who cAn pRoTeCt ThEM AnD HEs sO cOoL FUCK#I was holding out but now he just annoys me dude this is why I don’t like reading male lead perspectives if there’s a DROP of romance#it ruins it! romance is dead no one knows what chemistry is they only want to be fawned over by women to stroke their egos#not a reblog
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sluttish-armchair · 5 months
I just drew the most tragic thing I’ve ever drawn in my life
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