#FFXIV x Power Rangers
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Ranger Corps: Shattered Worlds
Beyond the Glimmering Veil,
She waits,
He watches.
War echoes through the mirrors.
And all shall hear it.
Ranger Corps Season 3 begins soon...
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makai-matters-xiv · 4 years
Ending and Beginning (again)
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[Accompanying music]
The sea breeze was warm in the morning sun, the gleaming of amber rays peeking over the far flung watery horizon felt like a brilliant and warm kiss that danced along her face as her eyes drifted to a near close to watch the distant sun slowly rise. Salted ocean air wafts upward along the flat face of the cliffs she stood upon. A gentle chorus of the morning tides washed against the cliffs as the sounds of the morning vessels sailed onto open waters past the bay. Horns and calls breach the quiet as Gulls come and go, sweeping along the bobbing surface of the tide while nets are cast into the morning schools below the surface. 
It wasn't sickening like the blighted light from a world far gone, a world far beyond reach, no. It was warm, brilliant, inviting and filled with an ever long kiss of life that the other could never know. The contrast, the difference of one world to the next was jarring, yet it should be familiar. The world of Makai wasn't as different as it could have been. Perhaps that was what made her miss it. Having spent what felt like an infinite lifetime in a once blissful world turned mad and sickeningly white she couldn't simply face that it was over, that she had escaped the hell. 
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And yet, she did. 
Here, upon the La Noscean cliffs she stands, a stark white coat fitted over her shoulders as it lightly danced in the early spring morning winds. A shimmering golden sword strapped to her hips and a small ring in the palm of her hand. It was something that she never thought to hold again, a trinket, simple as can be, yet one of the few relics she held onto from the blighted hell. The hell that she wasn't alone in, a hell that she met so many souls, so many smiles and faces that would never be forgotten. 
Smiles and faces that were trapped in an eternal war with a man and machine locked in a lust for power. A power that was never bound to be his. The tide of the losing war turned in a single moment, a single moment that dictated her escape. The rescue from faces she thought would never come. But they did, they did at the price of their abilities, their roles... their Mantle. 
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The Mantle of a Ranger.
In order to create the bridge between worlds, a power source was needed, as was a key and guide forward. Their Morphers, the tools of their trade would be the sacrifice. And with the sacrifice, came victory. The gate between worlds yawned open deep beneath the earth to extend the bridge forward and allow them passage. The passage into the single moment where the tide changed. 
In a single breath did the war erupt again as machinations standing hundreds of stories tall piloted by young men and women rush forward to meet abominations of porcelain white.
In a single breath did the war continue as trenches and fields filled with colored teams of teenagers and adults battle against a near endless army and armada of autonomous perfection. 
In a single breath did the war turn tides. From certain doom and destruction to certain victory and salvation the battle went as Ranger teams from across time, across space come together in an epic clash against their would be subjugation and assimilation. 
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And in that single breath, did she find her home again. In one last fight under the banner of a Power Ranger they routed the enemy into a full retreat. And in doing so, guaranteed the lives of those there and those after as well as their own. With the battle in its twilight, those that came left with her in hand. To a world where the sun set and rose, again and again. Leaving the hell of eternal light behind to embrace a life they all once knew, together. 
The sacrifice made then and there in a single breath, was the choice to lay down the Title, the Mantle of a Ranger in exchange for their friend. The one who brought them together as a team in the first place. 
The Mantle, the Legacy of their deeds was now etched into archival history as well as living memory.
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Their friend stands now with a smile, joined by their loved one as the morning sun rises. The Legacy of a Ranger could now finally be set aside and end.. It was time for another path forward, one fit, for a Knight of Makai.
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lilyverlial · 6 years
[Frost Burn]
Mentions: @its-morphin-time-xiv Lily had just arrived in Coerthas after receiving a transmission over her pearl as a few bells prior. She had been told about an overly aspected crystal in the ice caverns. The seeker didn’t seem overly enthusiastic about the job. She was never fond of the frosty highlands, much more fond of the sun kissed sea side. Though regardless she had a job to do.  Upon going to the location she was given she had met up with a small detachment Ishgardian patrols. The seeker had given a small wave as she had approached them, all of which had turned to look at her rather confused. The first to speak up was the commanding officer of the patrol. “Your it? Your all that was sent?” The Elezen said as he looked down at her nearing a few fulms over her. “I was expecting someone bigger, stronger maybe. Just head back to the foundation, we don’t need a small cat holding us back in retrieving this crystal.” He said before quickly turning around making his way back to the rest of the patrol. The seeker had a rather irritated look on her face, as she moved to follow the man. “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Let me show you what I can do before you think that I will hold you back.” She said walking past the patrol. “Do me a favor as well, Don’t get in my way..” She said lowly, it would seem the Elezen making a comment about her height seemed to have annoyed her. The Elezen seemed rather taken back by the miqo’te’s sudden aggression that exuded from her. Though he let out a low sigh and began to make their way.  It took them a little over a bell to make it to the cavern on foot. Lily had taken a moment to look up to the mouth of the cave, as she let out a low sigh. “It’s not going to be just get in, retrieve the crystal, and get out...” She said lowly to herself, as she began to walk into the caverns ahead of the patrol. 
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The seeker had kept her gaze shifting, as she looked around with a voice echoing in the back of her mind. “Little one, you feel it too? The uneasiness to the air?”  Lily had let out a small sigh. “Yes.. Uttao.. I can feel it.” She said lowly. “Any idea what it is?”  There was a long silence from the being a few moments had passed. “What ever it is, I am picking up faint traces of the void.”  “Of course you are...” She said lowly, before turning to look to the Ishgardian patrol. “Be careful up here! There is something potentially really danger-” Her words stopped short as something bolted out from the shadow’s of the cave. Lily had turned around upon hearing a guttural roar as she drew her blade which protected her from the creature’s claws.  There was the sound claws hitting metal before the seeker had been thrown across the expanse of the cavern as she hit the wall with a rather deafening crash. Lily had spit a small amount of blood onto the cavern floor before sheathing her sword and reaching for her morpher.  “Well so much for easy retrieval huh...” She said lowly as she turned the dial on the device. |Light in the dark... Ranger... Set!| announced the device as the seeker raised the morpher above her head as a black smoke poured from the device covering the seekers frame. Her right golden eye glowing through the smoke. “Henshin...” She said lowly as a flash of light erupted from the smoke before it dissipated showing the seeker now clad in jet black armour.  Letting out a low grunt she and manifested daggers into her hands before she quickly throwing the dagger at the creature as she teleported to the dagger. As soon as she was close enough she saw the features of the monster.  It was a mix between a Behemoth and a Gargoyle. Not that her expression could be seen, a look of fear crossed her face as she remembered her last run in with a Behemoth. She quickly landed on the creature’s back as she thrust the daggers into it’s spine before quickly jumping off it throwing a dagger to teleport to again.  The beast let out a another guttural roar before it had focused on the ranger. charging for her.  In the mean time the Patrol was readying their arrows, and releasing them giving the seeker a form of ranged support. In the mean time Lily had leapt into the air, channelling energies from her morpher as a flash of light emanated from the seeker, and a few blades had formed around her. She quickly threw all of the blades at the behemoth simultaneously all of them driving into the flesh of the beast.  After a moment Lily had landed onto the ground panting heavily as she as she stared at the beast. Which had let out a low whine, before it collapsed to the ground motionless. After letting out a low sigh the seeker turned the dial on her morpher again as her armour had vanished into thin air.  The seeker having a small amount of blood rolling down the side of her face from a small cut on the side of her face. “Okay, lets go find that crystal..” She said lowly as she walked further in the cave. After another bell or so of walking through the caverns the ranger and the patrol had happened upon the crystal they came to look for. The seeker had moved to pick up the crystal as she let out a low sigh. “There... This is what we came for..” She said lowly. “Lets get out of here..”  After a few bells later they had returned to the mouth of the cave. The commanding officer had moved to place a hand on the seeker’s shoulder. “I am sorry for underestimating you. If you weren’t here... I don’t know if we would have been able to deal with that beast.” Her said with a look of humility across his features.  Lily had just given the man a small nod, as she moved to make her way crystal in had, though stopped in place upon seeing a portal open up in the fabric of reality in front of her. Seconds later a very familiar woman stepping out, Lily’s commanding officer and partner, Belladonna Slater. “Everything went well?” She said in her soft dulcet tone, as said motioning for the seeker to make her way over.  Lily had nodded as she moved to wipe away the cut on her forehead. “Fine for the most part, Bell.” She said chuckling lightly as she walked up to Belladonna.  “Good, then let us return to The Farm then, and you can tell me all about it.” She said as she motioned towards the portal, placing her hand on the seeker’s back guiding Lily through the portal as they both stepped through it disappearing from the eyes of the patrol.  The patrol simply just stood there staring in awe as they disappeared, through the doorway. Wasn’t something commonly seen of course.
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papaya-pyon · 6 years
OOC Things
Rules: Tag Nine People You want to get to know better
Tagged by @nihil242
Relationship status: Taken
Favorite Color: Pink, purple, and turquoise
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick! All day every day
Last Song I listened to: First Love album by Yiruma (absolutely beautiful piano music, I highly recommend). I know its not a single song, but I honestly listened to the whole thing in one sitting Last Movie I watched: I don’t know, I don’t watch movies often.. barely at all actually lol. However I believe I last saw some kind of Disney movie. Pocahontas maybe? Either way I am 100% sure I was belting out all the songs ♥
Top 3 TV Shows: I don’t really watch many shows either lol. I’ve watched many anime over the years so I’m sure my favorites are in there somewhere. Otherwise I’m loving Golden Girls and currently watching Dexter and Daddy of Light (I reccomend this to FFXIV fans!)
Top 3 Characters: Hmmmm this is really difficult, and honestly the reason why I’m late uploading this haha. Ever since I was young I’ve always looked up to badass female characters, such as the original pink ranger from Power Rangers, as well as Sailor Jupiter. But I’ve found that great characters are everywhere and there are hidden gems in almost every form of media, if that makes any sense. To pick my top 3 is a nightmare, especially since at some point I would look back at this and regret not listing any certain character I forgot about. Did I mention I’m really bad at this? But as far as FFXIV goes, I can say that Krile, Alisaie, Hilda, Moenbryda, and Yugiri are awesome
Top 3 Bands/Artist: Nightwish, Sabaton, Battle Beast, X Japan, ABBA, and etc (I know its more than 3 but I can’t choose ♥)
Books I’m Currently Reading: I recently started the actual Princess Bride book, but became too busy to finish. I often read the Encyclopaedia Eorzea, otherwise I’m always reading articles and learning about something at any given time to fill my curiosity urges, so I can definitely say that the last thing I read about were about Axolotls
Tagging: @trishelle , @treasure-of-allag , and anyone else who wants to! I know that ooc info can be personal to some people, so I wouldn’t want to put anyone in a position they aren’t comfortable with! If anyone sees and want to give it a go, feel free to have me listed as the person who tagged you so I can see. I would love to learn more about all of you~
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What Comes After == >
Mentions || @nenet-ffxiv @lilyverlial @thavnairian-phoenix @enambris S’ento Tenshi, Konnor Lysannis, Gaz Khivazo @floating-city-of-nem @glowinggunmetal 
“I was wondering what would break first.
Their spirit,
Or your body.”
With a thunderous crack that dared to billow and break the clouds that lingered overhead, the bones in a woman's spine shift, daring to chip and possibly splinter as her back arches over an armored man's metal knee. The ground beneath his boot cratering several inches into the earth as the cliff of soaked white grows even more unstable. The world itself held still, the only thing shifting was the sickly warm breeze that danced like a ghost light in the distance.
Rasped breaths escape her quivering lungs as Belladonna's heart thunders away in her chest, beating rapidly as her sight falls upon her allies as they shimmer behind a collapsing gate that lead to their world... her world. The world that seems an eon’s reach away from her now as she seemingly hangs on the balance of life and death. The world that once held anything and everything she held dear... Where her friends waited for her... where her sisters needed her...
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The frightened faces of each and everyone present.... all of them, Malika, Luke, Nenet, Lily, S'ento, Konnor, Fiona, Gaz and even the Creator's... All of them burned into her mind as the time between the seconds dwindle, fading into a foggy memory as the spike of pine rose immensely, the feeling of her nerves tearing, severing, bones breaking and muscles straining all shot and course through her body as the fleeting feeling of her senses began to short-circuit.
Her body bends unnaturally so as the portal closes, the tear in reality shriveling into nothing, and the cold breeze of a world away from worlds is nothing but a memory, leaving her in a blinding blight where the heavens chokes upon the world below in a hell-ridden fashion. Fingers grew numb as her limbs grew limp, and the weight of her body was tossed over his knee and onto the ground.
Dizzying eyes fall upon his helmet as he looms over her, hands trying to grasp at his boots while she tries to muster the strength to give him an enduring and cocky smile, knowing her sacrifice kept her comrades... her friends safe. To know that... even should her fate be granted its end here, it was understanding that her sacrifice was for the greater good, just as it always was, and ever will be.
...I did it...
"With your Morphers... I will finally transcend this hell and find my place among gods."
...They're... safe...
His words echo triumphantly as smoke billows out from the smoldering battleground with no clear victor from the battle of attrition in sight save for him and him alone at the cliff's edge, an iron-clad and battle-scarred boot resting upon Bella's heaving chest. Through clenched teeth he hisses. "Tch." And he moves to kick her hand off his boot before going to turn.
...Whatever comes next...
Even now Belladonna's sight begins to blur, colors fading one by one, draining into an inky black well that stole away her thoughts. The scent of smoking ruin drifts as each passing breath makes itself heavier and heavier, blinding hell-filled heavens and cloudy shapes take all that they could of her sight as the world fades away slowly.
...I accept...
Yet, as it fades the blinding lights shimmer and shift, as the rush of darker colors move beyond her sight. The faint and seemingly distant sounds of cannons fire away into the muffled fog her mind as the looming shape above her staggers and falls into nothing. From the far side of what she could barely see, shapes move in mass towards her. A peculiar and new shadow lingers above her now, leaning down now slowly, blocking the blinding light with a warm darkness. The faintest yet eerily familiar scent of faded lilac and drifting cinnamon greets her, guiding her into the lingering dark...
...With open arms...
Somewhere in Dalmasca now,  Germán sits upon a weathered bench, sun-bleached wooden table between him in his dirtied robes and an cloaked woman across from him. Her smooth and lightly dusted ears pinning back against the top of her hood, rising above the cut holes of her cloak, slightly dusting off the sand that lingers.
“-- So once again, I thank you for coming this way.” He says quietly, his voice still slightly hoarse, not having fully recovered. A hand rises to rest on his beard, exhaling low with a nod. 
“When you sent word that things had... gone awry, I didn’t expect it to be that bad.” The viera replies with a shrug, her hands resting atop the beaten and splintered table, fingers sitting atop a pair of well worn drum mallets. 
“Unfortunately so... So please... prepare yourself....”
With a nod, the woman stands up, shedding her cloak and handing him back the garbs, folding them away before she released. “...Time for the drums to roll and wind to blow, don’t you think?”
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Hostage Crisis Pt.1==>
We got the message. We have the ransom.
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They want some Morphers... They can have them.
Through the ice and snow capped mountains and valleys, the rangers traveled to the western regions of Coerthas to find the coordinates that they were given. The sun was setting now, seen only as the orange and auburn haze through the blizzard rolling through and over the hills in the frost land of dragon and men. 
[What follows are direct excerpts from the first half of the Ranger event!]
[Sorry about weird formatting!]
As they arrive onto the scene where the gate was supposed to open according to the limited information they had received... the scene itself looked bleak. In the howling winds, their ears were met with nothing but the bitter cold. Nothing present save for the archway of stone, dying bushes and several mounds of frost.
As the mounds of ice and snow break, out comes several all too familiar porcelain figures. Only this time their stature rises higher than that you had seen before. These were far... far larger. Gold and black filigree decorate their white exterior and tailings as they rise high. Even as they move, their sounds were silent, eerily so as they made no noise to breathe or move for that matter. The only sounds were that of the rustling bushes and falling snow breaking the howling wind above.  Towering over you now though, lines of blue dash across their arms as they move towards the archway. Despite their presence you feel as though hostility was not on the agenda... yet.. Their presence itself puts you automatically at an uneasy state.
Hands of porcelain white reach forward, extending their digits to the archway. As they do so, the flickers of blue lightning dart from the tips of their fingers to the air before them. The scent of the air seemed like it was burning, purely from the flashes of blue before porcelain fingers grip onto something in the air and begin to pry them apart. The world seemed to rumble, uneasy in the weight of the figures actions as the towering mannequins pried open a tear in the world, in the very fabric of reality to show a shimmering and blinding light that pierced the auburn fog in the blizzard above. As you step forward, through the shimmering portal, your adventure takes you onward... to The World Beyond.
Through the blinding light you walk, your steps echoing out as if you stepped upon stone bricks below yet... there was nothing, nothing but blinding white. Yet as you continue forward you're greeted with a bitterly warm wind that billows past, it's touch causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on end before wilting. Golden and holy light beams down from the highest of heavens as not a cloud floats in the sky save for few puffy beings that hang high. Blinding it is at first, the bright sky burning against your eyes causing you to look down till they adjust.
A world of shimmering blinding hell. Ash and dust float through the air as the world turns slowly, permanently blanketed in a sickening light. The breeze so faint it could have been mistaken as a ghost’s breath along your skin. In veins of hope, trying to equate light to glory and beauty, they’d only find hell and death here. Hanging on the edge of apocalypse. The clouds above that are pierced by the rays of hell’s light linger, choking the very throat of the world
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A message from the stars.
That’s all it was. 
Simply a message.
The monitors thrummed to life as the signal came, wavering in integrity before stabilizing proper....
“Ah.... Rangers, Rangers... Rangers... I trust all of you have been... wondering what comes next? When will we here from this... monster.
Worry not. I am here. My voice... to you. My message across the stars, something in return for getting one from your own. Isn't that nice? I bring to you this message with the hope that you'll see futility of trying to resist.
Surrender to me your Morphers. That's all I want.
Surrender them to me and there won't be any more bloodshed, no more destruction of your pitiful little city. You might even ask yourself now... how can we trust this being who assaulted your home?
Well.. I do have your old man here... From his position, I imagine you want him back... He's gotten a few bruises, maybe some cuts but he's still breathing....
Surrender to me your Morphers. And he will go free. You have my word, Rangers. No more have to die. The Gates will open for you at these coordinates in two days time.
Bring me what I want.
I will return him to you.
You have my word.”
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Hostage Crisis Pt.2==>
With Morphers away,  We walk.
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Bound for hell, No doubt.
Stone ruins, aged and overcome by the lavender and lilac earth beneath it lay scattered around. The roll of the ocean waves against stone cliffs reaches your ears from below the high pass. The stained scent of salty-air fills your lungs as you glance about the ruins. Porcelain models stand everywhere on guard, hands holding blades and handgonnes both large and small. Heads pointed to the earth at their mannequin feet now as a voice echoes into the air... Familiar and haunting all the same.
[What follows are direct excerpts from the second part of the Ranger event!]
Upon nearby ruins of stone and decay, rising up from broken and cragged stairs sits a broken round table, thirteen places, empty save for one. A ruined throne of rock and stone. Yet this throne would not be alone. Beside it in the place of decay sat two more, one on either side, yet they were split in two, cut in halves, and crumbled apart, succumbing to the passage of time unkind.
Amidst the ruins there lay others, past the porcelain machines guarding the small ruins of what seemed like an old sanctuary were, upon closer inspection… skeletons. Fragments and whole pieces of broken armor, helmets smashed and visors cracked open. Old stained splotches of faint red lay splattered on faded stone. Through the brutal passage of time, the remains of wars long fought on this shimmering world lay untouched, uncleaned, unburied. As if to serve those who remain a reminder of what death was wrought here... sacrificed here. "Glad to see that you've all decided to finally join us.... We have been waiting for... quite some time."
The voice comes from behind the throne now, the porcelain soldiers shift, only slightly as they turn their heads in a silent unison towards the Party. Hands extending only to wave them forward, onwards to the broken throne. Towards and over skeletal corpses and fractured souls, forever broken and torn asunder.
Were one to inspect one of the helmets and armored skeletons laid strewn about... a shiver would  drift down your spine as their helmet, no matter how cracked and overrun with the passage of time may be... it bared a striking resemblance to things you've seen before...
In the Museum's exhibits...
From on high, where the empty throne sat was a voice, a low and echoing chuckle that danced like a leaf lost in the breeze. Slowly, as if forming from thin air, came a visage, wavering in its presence. Filling the empty seat with their form, as if he had been sitting there the entire time, watching them enter his domain. “Your father…” He purrs out low, the rumble of his ‘R’ seemed to make the sky tremble in reverberation. 
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There now, sits the same form from weeks ago, sitting in the throne like it belonged to him, a king… a god among men. In his arms, however sat a decrepit and worn acoustic six-string instrument. Metallic fingers gently slid along the wooden frets, the twang of metal strings resonate as they’re plucked and strummed in a vaguely familiar rhythm that the rangers had heard before…. In a transmission that came from so long ago...
“Your Morphers, Please.”
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Hostage Crisis Pt.6 [FINAL]==>
I tried to escape. There is no escape.
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There is none. There Never Was.
[What follows are direct excerpts from the sixth and final part of the Ranger event!]
The porcelain hands holding wide the gate crack, visibly wounding before they begin to fall apart. Crumbling to pieces that fall on either side of the shimmering gate. The models that tower on either side of the portal crumble, falling into the snow. The blue lining that danced along their gold and black filigree dissipating as the pieces fall. The gate itself began to shudder, visibly before it turned into a violent display of shimmering lights that cast its rays into the blizzard ridden world of Coerthas. The skies were dark as the sun had set long ago.
Through the shimmering portal, as it began to churn uncontrollably so, they could see the volley of cannon fire blast the cliff side, creating an even larger of a gap between what was left of the earth and the gate itself as it began to spiral to a close.They could see the Alpha turning his back to the shimmering gate itself before walking to Belladonna, towering over her.
A weary hand rises, trying to grasp at the armored man before a metal claw comes down to swat at the woman, letting her fall back onto the ground.  "But you were clever to use the Coinless... How did you manage that... No matter. Fire another round." The man commands. Thusly, on his mark the cannons barrage the cliff side into a smoldering ruin, smoke billowing out in large plumes as what was left to be seen began to crumble.
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“And to think.” He starts, glaring at the closing portal, waiting for the last few moments before he reaches down to pick up the barely conscious woman.
In her daze, she still tries to move, her hands trying to pry his grip from her clothes as he hoists her up, high above his head with both of his hands. 
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“I was wondering what would break first. Their spirit….--” 
With a roar, he throws Bella down, slamming her back onto his knee with a thunderous crack. The air rippling from the wave of impact that billows away smoke and ash. The world seemingly trembled at the weight and ferocity of the impact itself.
 “--Or your body…."
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The portal violently shakes as the blizzard grows in intensity. Lightning flashes through the sky to crash into the edges of the tear in reality, the gate collapsing in mere moments.
"All of you Rangers are the same…. Pitiful”
The world's thunderous cacophony is deafening as the portal collapses in its entirety, the blinding and shimmering light fluctuates before going out, the sound becoming a startling and stark silence once more...
[Accompanying Music]
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Hostage Crisis Pt.5==>
Through fire and flames, We run
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Going the distance, But is it enough...
Before everyone knew it… Alpha had come upon them. Quickly he moves to press his heal up against Belladonna’s back. “Wait right there.” He says, shoving her into the dirt a little more before going to tower over Malika he stands, like a ghostly visage that slips in and out of the smoke that billows across the cliff side. He rises a boot, only slightly to nudge the woman’s heel as she struggles to move to the gate before moving to reach for her tail.
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[What follows are direct excerpts from the fifth part of the Ranger event!]
Even as she was shoved back onto the ground, she sluggishly moved to push herself up before gaining a foothold. Seeing Alpha so close… too close was sickening, the put in her stomach welling up in her so much that she nearly wretched right then and there. Pushing herself up to her feet, she was greeted with the searing pain of her limbs that were pushed past their hearty limit of being tossed around.
With Alpha so focused she dashes forward, aiming her shoulder tackle right at the center of his back to send him off Malika’s trail as those metal claws moved to grasp and pull at the white tail.
And thusly the man staggers to the side, the force barely enough to startle him, but enough to shove him just a foot or two away… It was enough. Just barely… barely enough. With a grunt, he moves to turn. “WHAT?!” He bellows out angrily before trying to recover himself as he looks to see what exactly pushed him.
Bella’s voice growls out as she moves to pick Malika up. “He’s not going to stop!” She coughs out, hands pulling the girl up every which way she could manage. Heavy and haggard pants paired with even more heavier movements, damn nearing sluggish began helping her to her feet before shoving her… hard towards the portal with all the might she could have mustered in that moment.
Malika hadn't expected any of Bella's movements, let alone the grasp that Alpha nearly got upon her tail as she was lifted into Blue's arms and thrown forward, towards the portal. At first Malika struggled, trying to yell and complain. "I'M NOT LEAVING YOU BEHIND!" She fought with Bella, limbs too heavy to really do that much complaining as she was full on shoved through the portal and left on the other side. 
"You're... You're not!" She yelled back as she looked to see where Alpha had gone. The man himself rising to his full height, still however mildly recovering. "Get.... Going, close the gate!" She barks with a half-laugh as she steps forward to start running for the portal! Her steps were sluggish, yet filled with force as she tries to break into a sprint across the short distance.
Yet even as Bella moves… So too does Alpha. Appearing only a foot away from her first few strides, his hand reaches forward to grasp at her neck, gripping it tight before tossing her back and away from the portal, landing hard onto her back with a crash. “No one… touches me.” As Bella lands, Alpha raises his hand once more, directing it towards the gate! 
“Your friends in your world will pay for actions As will everyone else.”
The ship lingering above moves into position, it’s port-side cannons lining their shots before firing a volley towards the portal once more! However, this motion is spotted easily! Another voice rings out, crying from the shimmering world. ‘CLOSE THE GATE!’ As if a plea from the resistance before their cries were silenced.
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Hostage Crisis Pt.4==>
Hell has broken loose. My heart’s pounding.
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There is no calm. My mind is swirling.
Alpha becomes visibly disturbed, growling as he snatches the box, clutching it tight, he bellows out a roar himself, a hand rising to summon forth more machines. From the ground below they pull themselves up, mangled masses and white machines move to burst from the dirt to counter the oncoming resistance. Explosions quickly ring out as the confusion and rush of chaos suddenly sets in. With eyes off the Creator, he moves to remain with Malika at her side with a small wheeze as the world around them churns in a swirling sea of chaos. Glimmering skies turn blurry and dark as smog drifts through the ruins.
[What follows are direct excerpts from the fourth part of the Ranger event!]
This will be under the cut as well!
The skies become blurry and gray as smoke rises and the tinge of war settles in. Frustrated, Alpha turns to the raging tide of battle. His free hand thrusting his hand towards the sky before closing it into a fist and thrusting it down onto the field! Bolts of Energy fly from the air just above his fist, crashing onto the ruins and battlefield scattering everyone within the ash and dust! As he does, mortars began to launch from the mountain ledges themselves, their bombardment crashing onto the edge of the cliff where only soldiers of Porcelain stand, aiming to destroy the rearguard of Alpha’s forces!
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Unfortunately, the Rangers find themselves scattered among the numbers! Having been caught in the foray to rush towards the shimmering gate the Rangers are split apart! Bodies ripped from one another as explosions chase their paths through the air before they land. 
 Konnor and Luke looked to be spared most of the newly erupting chaos, finding themselves near one another as the smoke starts to clear only slightly. A man in robes rushes to their side, however. A hand quickly throwing back his hood to reveal a young man no  doubt in his late twenties. Light skin with broken glasses and short cut, but greasy brown hair. 
The Young man bows his head towards Luke as he speaks, his right sleeve is rolled up quickly to reveal a bangle, something that looked like a watch at first glance but however.. it was not. "I was hoping we would've met in better circumstances!" He calls back with a cough, several others in hoods behind him revealing their faces. Three more, young men and women. 
 "Rest easy, Scholar.... We got your message.... Let's get you home."
 The Creator, Fiona, Gaz and Lily are tossed close towards the edges of the cliff’s edge, rubble and dirt become their landing spot as fires lick at the sheer edges of the cliff! Several porcelain machines crash in chunks near them, their bodies still moving.
 S’ento and Nenet are thrown further along the cliffs from the throne platform. The chunk of earth that they find themselves on begins to crumble however, plummeting to solid earth below. Through sheer fate and miracles however… they land on a smaller cliff beneath the lip. Bruises and almost broken bones no doubt… Ouch.
 Malika and Bella are ripped from the Creator’s grasp, landing in the thick of the war, smoke and dirt their only allies in the field of shattered automatons. Alpha however, still stands at the top of the throne platform, overlooking them both. The box tucked beneath his arm. 
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As the Rangers move to escape, the resistance pulls the attention of most of the porcelain mannequins to the far reaches of the cliffs, the fighting moving towards the mountain passes as they work to give you time to escape. But as they do, the deafening thoom of an airship thunders from above. Through a tear in the sky comes a familiar shape, its presence shadowing the battlefield as cannons shift, protruding out of the hull of the massive metal behemoth. Cannon fire rains down from the machination to bombard the battleground, pummeling it till the skies were covered in soot and ash.
From above, the flagship that decimated much of the Ranger city before continues to hang low, its cannons bombarded the region in attempts to quell the resistance in one fell swoop.. Yells and thunderous echoes crash into their chest as the earth grows unstable more and more by the second. Each round, each salvo of artillery crashing into the earth and ruins mercilessly. Round after round the explosions edged closer and closer along the cliff face and towards the portal! 
Several shots careen through the air, splashing through the shimmering gate, aiming for the world behind the shimmering glass! 
Those that have slipped through the gate already, find themselves once more in the blistering cold of the Coerthan Frost. The Portal behind is shimmering as you realize you're in a higher place than you were before, upon ice-covered peaks, blasted by the lingering blizzard that was present when you first departed. In the howling winds, the chaos of war and thunderous cannons breach the gate. It remains open.
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Hostage Crisis Pt.3==>
Hoping our trick works. Hearts are racing.
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Only time will tell. Thunderous in our chest.
The Creator is brought forward, his hands bound behind him, mouth gagged and legs chained. Bruises lined his visible features wounds and cuts along his arms as he's in nothing but ragged clothes, not like the robes he would usually wear. He was tired, visibly wilting from the exhaustion and wounds that had been inflicted in the time that passed. Yet as you see him stand beside the throne, guards holding porcelain fingers upon his shoulder, you notice that his once shaven features were covered in thick and unkempt beard… How much time had passed…?
[What follows are direct excerpts from the third part of the Ranger event!]
These will now be put below the cut!
Alpha, as the box is thrusted forward to him lets out another dangerous and low chuckle. In an instant he rises out of his throne, pushing himself up to his feet to stand and tower. His arms are thrust wide open as he lets out a low hum before reaching forward to the box, ripping it out of Malika's hands with force before raising it up into the sky with a grunt.
“Finally.. Yes… YES.” He bellows out.
“FINALLY.” He roars out with a rather victorious laugh. His gaze settling from the box and onto the Rangers now with a dangerous sneer hidden behind his helmet. “You can have him back now… A man of my word.” 
He turns to the Creator as the box is tucked beneath his arm, a hand moving to rest upon his shoulder with a rather uncomfortable squeeze. A moment more passes before he moves, ripping Germán from the porcelain soldiers’ grasp and towards Malika and Belladonna.
The Creator struggles to move, the chains at his ankles keeping him from moving a little too much. Staggering now, he stumbles forward onto his daughter and the Blue Ranger beside him, the gag around his mouth tight, looking like it was starting to cut into his skin. The gag itself was cloth at the mouth but wire and chain as it wrapped around him, settling at the back of his head like a cage. He wore a regretful look, one of shame and sorrow as his gaze rests upon Malika and then the Rangers proper.
Alpha peels his gaze from the box of Morphers, fingers resting on the lid of the wooden container, prepared to open it as he turns. His voice bellows out another chuckle, head tilting now as Lily poises her question. "You wish to leave...?" He asks, his tone lingering on something near a sadistic-like coo before he rolls his neck. "You may... or you can stay here.. with me and mine... forever." he purrs with a nod, his hand gesturing to the far cliff's edge behind the throne. 
There, two more large towering porcelain machines stand at the ready, blue lining along their gold filigree glows as their hands move to pry open another tear in the world. Their hands gripping tight the edges of reality before pulling back."Wallow in your pitiful existence... as you remember that you, my friends... have aided in the universe's /greatest/ triu--"
As Alpha continues to speak, a sudden loud -BANG- echoes through the air from the nearby mountains that tower overhead.
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In the sudden rush and wave of commotion, the air becomes dizzying as hell breaks loose beyond all recognition. Quickly, the porcelain automatons are overrun, struggling to stand tall against the ambush! More flares are cast and shot into the burning bright sky as thunderous explosions begin to ring out from the coastline below and on the cliff that the ruins stand upon.  Dirt and stone are scattered as the earth is ripped up in tatters and craters. 
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Tick... Tock...
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Tick ...
... Tock
-- .- -.-- / - .... . / .--. --- .-- . .-. / .--. .-. --- - . -.-. - / -.-- --- ..-
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We Are Rangers, We Are Worthy (Part 1/?)
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They've got a power and a force That you've never seen before!
They've got the ability to morph, And to even up the score!!
No one could ever take them down The power lies on their side!!!
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Go Go Power Rangers!!!
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