pharmaicys · 2 years
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from twitter
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zumiiisumsum · 23 days
This fandom is making me feel so fucking stressed like the way we have to constantly defend Polin and Luke and Nic on a daily basis from bullies and shipwars is actually so insane. The way people keep mocking Luke’s appearance and misunderstanding Colin as a character just has me thinking wtf did the actors do to deserve this?? Ya’ll are so fucking annoying projecting your negativity on actors just trying to do their damn job.
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sunstridering · 28 days
They better get their happy ending or i swear-
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thisonelikesaliens · 4 months
not sure if watching dead friend forever is good for my health because at this point I'm just pissed at all these fucked up kids and seething with rage at the adults in their lives who have utterly failed them
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ae-neon · 1 year
"Nesta should stop using their money"
They are billionaire monarchs
She is a broke, traumatized, formerly gifted child. And a city girl.
They need to stfu and open their purses
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Defending Nesta's wrongs? They don't exist.
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luckydiorxoxo · 3 months
March starting in a Friday means she’s about fun and leisure. Don’t work too hard this month 😂
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kkertas · 6 months
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siancore · 1 year
Once again, I find myself yelling: Sam Wilson is Captain America. Get the fuck over it!
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introspectivememories · 5 months
More about your last post I wanna know on how everyone reacts to eachother like imagine your friend finally is out of a pain cult that you had to sit around and watch as it literally ruins them but they had to be sacrifice and your local hero’s had to step to help them and then all of sudden when you go to the hospital you see TIM DRAKE straggling to fill out the most simplest questions
“…what’s his blood type?”
okay so! some background information, it is my personal hc that bear fell into the cult, senior year of high school. so when tim rescues, he's been in there for like 5 years. it just doesn't make sense to me otherwise? like they chose him for the sacrifice. it wasn't like "oh he's convenient. might as well use him." they specifically interrupted his date-but-not-really-a-date with tim to get to him. like they thought he would be a worthy sacrifice to bring down the attention of dionysus. like he had to have been their most devoted member or something.
the gang meets him in their freshman year of college where mori, jam, and bear all end up getting an apartment together bc the landlord leased it out to three different people and they all responded. dija and chinna are their next door neighbors. anyway, they all become friends bc they all go to gotham u together.
i think mori and jam always knew there was smth wrong with bear. he's always kinda lost in his head, he disappears at odd hours of the day, when he talks to you he never directly stares at you but to the side of you like there's someone there. and as they grow closer, obviously the truth comes out near the end of freshman year.
and as college goes on, everyone learns his backstory and his sordid history with tim. needless to say, bear is like your dad who drops absolutely horrifying Dad Lore at random times and the gang is left to red-string-cork-board it together. they could be at a cafe near uni and bear randomly would be like "i tried to give my dead best friend chest compressions for like 30 minutes bc i refused to believe she was dead." cue the gang going, ".... do you, maybe, wanna unpack that?" / "no." / "oh. ok"
background info out of the way, the gang despises tim drake. how could they not? when they see the way bear has deteriorated after junior year? when they stumble across a photo of the grieves trio and wonder where that bright smile of bear's had gone? how could they not, when all of them have had to talk bear out of a hallucination? how could they not when bear comes back each night with more and more scars? when they've all walked in on him bleeding out? when all bear talks about is being chosen? when it's starting to look like this cult is going to take their friend from them?
and then, 4 years after they met bear, they get a call from hospital telling them that their brother is in the icu. and when they finally arrive at the hospital, tim drake is sitting in the waiting room, struggling to fill out basic information about his so-called "best friend".
fuck tim drake.
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autisticbsdfan · 11 months
the flags are all in a poly relationship with each other and chuuya is their adopted son.
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gunitnekoh · 4 months
I don't know what all the complaints are about. I admit I'm not playing I'm just watching other people play but so far I love the story and characters in this game
Its so good
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tazzomi · 1 year
She’s back from hell but she’s a angel to me Juanaflippa deserves better also I know its kinda late but shush I struggled
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eternal-star-princess · 4 months
every day i am reminded about how horrible some people in this world are,, fuck israhell, fuck the so called israhelli "defense" force, fuck the united shit states of america and their terrorist sinner military and their selfish genocide president, fuck the ignorant colonists of terf island, and fuck everyone who supports any of these shits they all belong in the eternal fires of hell
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
billy going over to heather’s so they can watch golden girls together
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enobariasteeth · 3 months
reading GOT for the first time... audibly screamed when i finally saw Dany's name as the chapter title
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frnkiebby · 18 days
I couldn’t imagine not being emo thank god for that
yk i had a phase where i did the whole conformity thing. like two whole years. took out my gauges. did the pretty makeup. i was so generic and listened to generic music more often than not.
absolutely terrible. now THAT was a phase mom. 0/10 do not recommend. came to my senses after realizing i was miserable and immediately went back on my emo/punk bullshit.
never again~🎃
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