#Fashion Legacy
hollywoodoutbreak · 3 months
The new series The New Look dramatizes real-life stories from the fashion industry as it moved on after World War II, portraying such iconic designers as Christian Dior and Coco Chanel. John Malkovich is one of the stars of the series, portraying a lesser-known, but still prominent French designer named Lucien Lelong. Even Malkovich admits he knew nothing about the man when he was first approached about the role, but he found himself fascinated by the character and his influence on the other designers.
 The New Look is currently streaming on Apple TV+.
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happyblueyears · 6 months
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Ah yes,
the legend,
the trend setter,
the rule breaker
and fashion icon…
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atsidewalks05 · 7 months
Sidewalks Presents: Karl Lagerfeld's Timeless Fashion Legacy
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Sidewalks welcomes you to explore the lasting impact of Karl Lagerfeld, a fashion icon who reshaped the industry. From reinvigorating Chanel to his iconic sketches, Lagerfeld's influence remains unparalleled. Step into his world through the "A Line of Beauty" exhibit at the Met Museum in New York, where his meticulous sketches transformed into works of art. Witness the artistry and precision that made Lagerfeld a true visionary.
Join us in honoring the enduring legacy of one of the most legendary designers of our time.
Share your favorite Lagerfeld looks in the comments below!
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wintercorrybriea · 4 months
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our legacy
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valkyrielevitt · 9 months
Hogwarts Fashion During Hogwarts Legacy
A cheat-sheet for making your writing/art historically accurate, and some inspiration for your MC - women's addition.
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Victorian fashion was complicated, both in terms of the construction and the rules that dictated when certain garments could be worn. Age played an important role in what a person was permitted to wear, so lets break it down that way:
Younger Students (Roughly years 1-4)
Generally speaking, girls dressed in similar styles to their mothers, but with altered hemline lengths. Up until roughly 13-14 years old (exact ages were decided by the girl's family) her hemline would fall around the knee. At 14 it would be lowered to the middle of the shins.
At this age girls would wear dresses, and so you could suggest that Hogwarts uniforms for girls at this age would not consist of the shirt and skirt combo that MC and various NPCs wear.
Most schools in the 1890s did not have set uniforms, but instead girls were expected to wear an apron to protect their clothes from ink and chalk dust.
At this age it was still considered socially acceptable for girls to wear their hair down, or in more simple hairstyles like braids. Popular hair accessories included ribbons and straw hats.
Time for some examples:
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This is an example of a day dress (casual clothes) from 1893. Smocking (the embroidery technique used at the collar, waist and cuffs) was popular in young girls clothes.
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Another example of children in day dress. The girl on the far left is probably about 13-14, the older girl on the right is closer to 15.
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An example of the aprons worn by younger students.
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Details of the dresses worn underneath (technically from 1897 but the styles are fairly similar)
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Details of the aprons worn
Older Students (Roughly years 5-7)
Around the time that the MC joins at Hogwarts, she would, depending on her personal preferences, have kept her skirt at her mid shin or dropped the hem to her ankles. Around the age of 17, girls would be expected to fully let down their hems to the floor, signifying their shift to adulthood.
At this point dresses would become less popular during the day, and were replaced by blouses (complete with very large sleeves) and a skirt. Men's tailoring and sports clothes shaped women's fashion at the time, and greatly influenced what girls wore at this age.
Girls would also typically stop wearing their hair down during the day, resorting to simple up-dos instead.
The time at which each girl made these changes depended on her and her family. While some girls had no choice but to listen to their parents, often they were able to bargain for an extra few months if they so wished.
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An example of two girls around the age of 15 in very typical day outfits.
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A selection of school girls - those sitting are no older than 14, those standing are no older than 16.
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At the age of 15-16 girls would begin to attend more family functions and required new styles of clothes. These paintings show the same tea gown. These were made to be worn at home, never in public, when the family was hosted guests or a less formal dinner. They could be worn at all times of the day.
Day clothes for students who dressed as adults (17+):
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A British Upper VI class (age 17-18) and some teachers in 1894. All girls now wear dresses with their hems on the ground, and hair tied up.
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Middle class girls fashion in the 1890s
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A Woman's sweater from 1895
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Walking outfit from 1894 - essentially a more substantial outfit for spending time outdoors.
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A more expensive version of a day outfit.
Tea gowns:
Generally identified by their loose fit, high neckline, and a train that falls from the shoulders. Additionally they may also be made with a large coat over the top. The shape was inspired by medieval fashion and so they're a good source of inspiration for the wizarding world imo.
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Evening gowns:
Worn for the most formal evening events, and generally expose more skin than day clothes. Staple accessories included fans, opera gloves, and (if you're that way inclined) tiaras were coming into popularity at this time.
Rule of thumb for all fashion at this time, the sleeves get largest in the middle of the decade, and shrink back down again towards the end.
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flipjack · 3 months
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Olivia Wilde at Paris Fashion Week
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cetuscorvus · 1 year
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Sallow's True Colors
Alternative Uniforms ft. Sebastian Sallow's Closet showcase
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crowlipso · 11 months
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Alternate Yule ball outfits for my mc and Sebastian, inspired by Tudor fashion.
I know the time setting is the Victorian era but just hear me out- okay— please.
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
dance in a storm in my best dress
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3K
Summary: by request: "I have a fun idea! How about Sebastian and f!mc are "just friends" until one day she asks him to help her try on/give his opinion on some new dresses, and desire and spice ensue??"
"Go on and change back into your robes, Mister Sallow," the shopkeeper says. "I suspect we’ll be inquiring about your opinion shortly." While Sebastian returns to the back, Mr. Hill summons a modesty screen around the rack of dresses you’d pulled and waits patiently while you slip out of your school robes and wrestle your way into that first dress – the periwinkle blue. There are so many layers that it takes you at least ten minutes to even put on your crinoline, which Mr. Hill assures you he’ll let you keep on for all three options. "Have you even put one on yet?" you hear Sebastian call out when he returns. "Merlin's beard, you’ll take on a den of trolls by yourself but you’re bested by today’s fashion trends!"
“Thank you for coming with me,” you say softly, shyly tucking your face a bit deeper into your oversized scarf as you avoid snow swirling around you.
It’s not an intense blizzard by any means, but nevertheless you appreciate that Sebastian had agreed to trudge down to Hogsmeade with you that afternoon when he could have spent the day with a dreadfully boring book by the fire in his common room, which is typically how he spends any free time he has as a seventh-year N.E.W.T.s student.
“Of course,” he says easily. “It’s about time I came up for air, so to speak.”
Despite the ongoing pressure of your final year of school, it had felt like all of Hogwarts had been abuzz about the upcoming holiday ball for what felt like weeks. Even you and your treasured trio of Slytherins had made plans to go together, and your daydreams of twirling across an enchanted dance floor in a fabulous gown had helped get you through some of the most arduous study sessions you’ve ever experienced.
With your end-of-term exams having concluded the day before, there was now only one thing standing in the way of you blowing off some steam at the ball with your best friend.
You need a dress.
Poppy had been the one to inform you that Mr. Hill had specially ordered some lovely fabrics from London as soon as he’d caught wind of an upcoming formal occasion. While it’s certainly too late to have anything custom made, you hoped you’d be able to find something in his shop that would suit you with a few minor alterations.
You’d invited Sebastian to join you on your shopping trip primarily for moral support, as the two of you were going to the ball together as friends.
(Anne had been quick to claim Ominis as her date so that she wouldn’t have to take her own brother, and you and Sebastian had been equally loath to bother asking anyone else.)
However, you suspect you may also need some help physically donning the dresses. You may not know much about what’s in fashion these days, but hearing some of your classmates boast about precisely how many garment layers they’d be wearing had nearly made your head spin.
“Do you have your dress robes?” you press him skeptically. “Anne said you were procrastinating.”
“Yes, nosy,” he laughs. “Ominis made me pick some out last weekend, and Mr. Hill should have them in for me by now.”
“Good,” you say primly. “You’ll have to try them on while we’re there and make sure they fit.”
“This is now my second trek into Hogsmeade for this silly ball,” he points out with a cheeky grin. “I hope it’s going to be as enjoyable as you lot are saying it’ll be.”
“It will,” you insist. “We all need something like this, something that’s just… joyful, I suppose.”
Sebastian glances sidelong at you with a tender smile.
“Fair point,” he agrees. “Right as usual, you are.”
“You’re still surprised after all this time?” you tease him, bumping your shoulder against his while he laughs.
When the two of you walk into Gladrags, Augustus Hill perks up excitedly and slips out from behind the ornate counter.
“Ah! Just the young witch and wizard I was hoping to see today,” he crows. “Come in, come in! I dare say, it’s awfully frigid today.”
You hang up your cloaks while Mr. Hill rustles up a tray of tea for the both of you. Ever since that troll encounter years ago, the Gladrags shopkeeper has always had a soft spot for you and Sebastian, which often results in the two of you feeling downright spoiled every time you visit him.
“Thank you, Mr. Hill,” you say as you accept the warm mug he offers.
“Mister Sallow,” he says as he hands Sebastian his tea. “Your dress robes came in just this morning! Why don’t I send you off with young Otto to try it on and mark up any alterations?”
You glance warily at Sebastian, reluctant to split from him as you do your shopping.
As though he’d read your mind, Mr. Hill laughs and insists, “He won’t be kept long, my dear! Fitting a young man’s dress robes is a much simpler task than that which you have on your hands, I should expect.”
“Why don’t you just pick out some things to try while Otto works his magic?” Sebastian teases. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
Once you agree, Mr. Hill sends Sebastian to the backroom while you sip your tea and discuss some of your preferences with the kindly shopkeeper. You admit to not being very knowledgeable about fashion, but you have some colors in mind that you think may suit you – as well as very strict expectations on how much range of motion you want to maintain.
“I need to be able to breathe,” you insist, glancing hesitantly at some of the impossibly small corsets in the window display.
Peering over his spectacles with a wise smile, he answers, “I think that can be arranged.”
He then begins to show you the collection of remaining dresses he has in stock. As the premier clothier for the majority of your fellow witches at Hogwarts, he doesn’t have an unlimited supply this close to the ball, but his selections don’t disappoint.
“This blue color is quite pretty,” you sigh, gingerly inspecting the sleeve of one of the dresses he offers.
“I suspected you might like that one,” he says brightly. “Let us pull it for now and select a few more for you to try on, hmm?”
You end up also selecting a red gown with a smart-looking cape that would show off your house colors brilliantly and a crisply white evening dress with delicate golden embroidery around the bottom of the skirt.
“This should do for a start,” Mr. Hill says.
“Really? No green?” Sebastian asks from behind you.
When you turn to remind him pointlessly that you aren’t actually a Slytherin, your words fail you.
He looked utterly dashing in his dress robes. At first glance, he appeared to be wearing what looked like a Muggle tuxedo, but the extra-long tails and high collar gave away that it was most certainly wizarding apparel. His jacket and pants were both inky black – so dark that they appeared to even darken the room around him, or maybe you had just lost focus of everything that wasn’t him.
Of course, having been expertly fitted by Otto, Sebastian’s robes seem to cling to every inch of him. The waistcoat makes his waist look exceptionally narrow, or perhaps it’s that his chest looks so broad. His shoulders appear to be broader as well underneath his jacket, and while the long tails might appear to shorten other men, on Sebastian they merely elevate the length of his legs.
He slips on a pair of white gloves that Otto hands him and you bite down hard on the inside of your cheek. He looks like a proper gentleman dressed like this, you think – not at all like the haphazardly-robed young man you’re used to seeing.
“Ah! Excellent,” Mr. Hill says with a clap, breaking your trance. “A perfect fit.”
“How do I look?” Sebastian asks you teasingly.
“B-brilliant,” you stammer. “It, um. Fits. You’re fit – I mean, it fits very well.”
“Of course, we’ll charm the waistcoat to whatever color you’d like to match your dress, once you’ve made your selection,” Mr. Hill explains as he gestures to the garment. “Or simply leave it white.”
“Of course we’ll match,” Sebastian says easily. “But getting this one to make a selection isn’t going to be easy.”
You scoff and turn back around to the rack of dresses to hide your persistent blush.
“Go on and change back into your robes, Mister Sallow,” the shopkeeper says. “I suspect we’ll be inquiring about your opinion shortly.”
While Sebastian returns to the back, Mr. Hill summons a modesty screen around the rack of dresses you’d pulled and waits patiently while you slip out of your school robes and wrestle your way into that first dress – the periwinkle blue. There are so many layers that it takes you at least ten minutes to even put on your crinoline, which Mr. Hill assures you he’ll let you keep on for all three options.
“Have you even put one on yet?” you hear Sebastian call out when he returns. “Merlin’s beard, you’ll take on a den of trolls by yourself but you’re bested by today’s fashion trends!”
“Come and help me then!” you whine.
“Er – is that alright?” Sebastian asks Mr. Hill.
“Of course!” he exclaims. “He’s your date, it would be unchivalrous not to assist you.”
That’s when you realize that Mr. Hill probably thinks you and Sebastian are properly dating, but for reasons you don’t want to admit to yourself just yet, you don’t correct him.
You could also sorely use some help as well.
“Mind the petticoat,” you mumble as he ducks behind the screen.
You’re both quiet as Sebastian helps carefully bundle up the skirt of the dress and drape it over your upright arms, slowly working it down your body so that it doesn’t catch on any of the boning in your corset. Once the skirt gracefully pours down over your petticoat, you gently smooth the bodice and turn around so he can lace up the strings crossing your back.
“Too tight?” he asks softly.
“N-no,” you murmur. “You can even do them a bit tighter, actually.”
You gasp softly when he pulls on the strings and cinches your waist tighter, and Sebastian pauses for a beat, but you don’t instruct him to loosen it.
Once he fumblingly ties the strings together at the small of your back, he mumbles, “All set.”
He offers you a hand to steady you while you shuffle out from behind the screen. Mr. Hill immediately laves praise onto the dress, and while you agree that it is quite lovely, a glance in the mirror reveals that periwinkle blue just isn’t a color in which you shine.
“No matter,” the shopkeeper insists. “Onto the red, shall we?”
Sebastian again helps you slide the dress off up over your head and replace it with the red one, this time lacing you tightly from the start. There’s a delicate cape that goes with this one, so you turn around to face him so he can drape it over your shoulders and tie the small silk ribbons that sit just at your collarbones.
“Ought to be plenty warm in this one,” he jokes halfheartedly, trying and failing to resist the urge to sneak glances at your décolletage.
“Is the cape a bit…?” you ask quietly, wrinkling your nose. “Is it too much?”
“What?” he asks dumbly. “O-oh, no, I – I think you look great. It’s a great dress, really.”
You’re nearly as red as the dress when you emerge for a second time, and once again Mr. Hill thinks you look like “a buxom Beauxbatons beauty from the boulevards of Paris.” However, regardless of your house pride, if you’re going to be blushing like this all evening at the ball – and the odds on that are significant – you know you simply can’t go with red.
“I have one more to try on,” you tell Sebastian softly. “It’s that white one, just there.”
You notice Sebastian’s gaze linger on the ornate embroidery, a pleased look passing over his face.
“It’s stunning,” he tells you. “Shall we get it on you?”
You merely nod, not trusting yourself with words at the moment.
The moment Sebastian helps you slip into the white dress, you know you have a winner. As if imbued with magic (and perhaps it is indeed), the white silk shimmers almost like the fresh snow outside the shop window. However, instead of feeling like a proper ice princess, you feel warm all over – especially where Sebastian’s hands mindlessly reach out to trace the fine embroidered patterns on your bodice.
“You look…” he exhales. “You just need to see, come on.”
He walks you out for the last time and even Mr. Hill refrains from commenting until you twirl in front of the mirror, your skirt gracefully lifting and falling with your movement.
“...I look beautiful,” you whisper. “Oh, Mr. Hill, it’s just lovely.”
“This is the one,” Sebastian insists. “You have to pick this one, it’s hardly even a choice.”
“Your companion is correct!” Mr. Hill crows. “My dear, it’s as if that gown was made precisely for you.”
Otto comes by to charm a few simple adjustments into the fabric of the dress and you watch yourself in the mirror with wide eyes as it molds itself to your body. Now it looks just like one of those custom dresses in the illustrations that the girls in your year pour over in the shopping pages at the back of the Daily Prophet.
“I think we’re done here,” Sebastian says quietly, his eyes still fixed on that one embroidered seam at your waist where your bodice meets your skirt.
“Of course,” Mr. Hill agrees. “Let’s get you out of that crinoline so I can send you two lovebirds on your way for a nice Butterbeer or two!”
As he babbles on about how it’s just like the last time the two of you came into his shop together, you meet Sebastian’s gaze and realize both of you are steadfastly refusing to correct the man. You know that you’re blushing, but seeing him blush just as fiercely is quite revealing.
After you pay Mr. Hill and make plans for Otto to deliver the dress to the castle once the storm lets up, you and Sebastian wordlessly trudge down to Sirona’s lively pub. There you manage to snag a small booth in one of the far corners – one that you’re well aware is a popular spot for snogging.
“So…” he says softly. “Lovebirds, are we now?”
“Don’t start,” you warn him. “You know how Augustus is, it’s usually just better to let him talk than spend all afternoon trying to correct him.”
“You didn’t even try,” he observes.
You counter, “Nor did you.”
Just then Sirona drops off your drinks and Sebastian forfeits his turn in your verbal duel by taking a pointedly long sip.
Then you forfeit your own turn when you get too distracted by the bit of Butterbeer foam on his upper lip to offer anything remotely witty.
“Well, regardless,” Sebastian eventually murmurs. “You did look beautiful in that dress.”
“Thank you,” you say. “And you were very handsome in your robes.”
“Proper fit, one might say,” he retorts.
The cheek, honestly.
“Sebastian,” you say quietly. “I need you to be honest with me about something.”
“Go on,” he says, taking another long sip while you consider your words.
Slowly, you ask him, “Since we met… have you ever once thought about us being more than just friends?”
“Have I ever once thought about it?” he repeats. “Of course I have. Countless times, probably”
“Then why haven’t you ever said anything?” you ask, staring deep into your mug to avoid having to meet his eyes.
You flinch slightly when Sebastian reaches across the table and plucks one of your hands off your mug. He laces his fingers with yours and pulls you closer, and the noise in the room seems to dwindle to a whisper as he meets your gaze.
“Between you and me, you’ve always been the brave one,” he tells you earnestly. “And I’d rather have only friendship with you than ask for too much and lose you entirely. Believe it or not I have learned when to stop.”
You smile ruefully at the reminder of just how much Sebastian has grown since you chose to give him the chance to do so.
He drags his thumb across yours. “So, if you want to be brave, I’ll be brave with you.”
You exhale shakily before you finally confess, “Of course I want to, Seb.”
You’re nearly in his lap at this point, and there’s absolutely no way the conversation you’re having could be interpreted as merely friendly by any onlookers. So, you think, why not be brave?
When you kiss him, the first thing you notice is that he tastes like the caramelly richness of the Butterbeer you’d both been drinking. But then it melts away and it’s just him, just Sebastian. He’s wonderfully warm, and underneath the initial sweetness he tastes a bit like the fluxweed stem he mindlessly chews on while he studies to help him focus.
His nose slots against yours as he tilts his head to kiss you deeper, and you wonder what he’s noticing about you.
But a moment later, the feeling of his warm hand on your thigh immediately makes you lose your train of thought.
“Seb,” you whisper, pulling back just enough to press your forehead to his.
“Let’s go back to the castle,” he blurts out eagerly.
You fondly roll your eyes and let him steal another kiss before you push him back with a gentle hand on his chest.
“I believe you just said something about having learned when to stop?” you tease him.
“I don’t see how that’s relevant,” he says cheekily.
“You’re just going to have to be patient, Mister Sallow,” you insist as you reach for your drink. “I thought I saw quite the gentleman in you today. I don’t suppose you could act like him until after the ball?”
“I could,” he offers. “But where’s the fun in that?”
“Tell you what,” you bargain, leaning in close. “If you can be a perfect gentleman from now until the ball, I’ll let you help me put my dress on, and then afterward I’ll let you take it off.” 
You hear him loudly swallow and take a deep breath before he holds out a hand for you to shake and breathes, “You have yourself a deal, love.”
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dreamcastexe · 2 years
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4K notes · View notes
myokk · 15 days
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I wanted to draw a historically accurate Eloise🥹
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aceline222 · 1 year
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Trailer park princess
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wintercorrybriea · 1 year
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our legacy fall 2023
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cetuscorvus · 1 year
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Alt. Uniforms - Winter Showcase
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valkyrielevitt · 9 months
Historically Accurate Hogwarts Legacy - Slytherin MC Inspo
Putting together a historical wardrobe for a Slytherin MC, either post-Hogwarts or 7th year.
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192 notes · View notes
juicegarrethfizzy · 9 months
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Slytherin boys outfit
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