caligoascendant · 1 year
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A collection of Caligo's done up so fine and well by @wusdiswusdat ! Guest starring Nemo's own OC, Annie!!! Figured I'd post these because...well I'm pretty sure I couldn't find a way to post em IC and goodness Nemo did an awesome job of drawing my lad in all his spooky splendor. Make sure to check out their other works!
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umbralabraxant · 1 year
@caligoascendant replied to your post:
Wishing you the best and actively cheering you on, mini-skirt and pom poms and all! You've got this, Raven! Mold that city to your heart's contentment!
First the Hawaiian shirt, now a mini-skirt? Summer wardrobe change season is hitting you hard, Fatescar. Reminds me that I need some more ‘civillian’ clothes soon. I only have a Fall/Winter wardrobe.
Speaking of City, next time we both have a free moment over some Tea I want to talk citizen structure with you. I figure you have some experience running a pocket dimension with a functional self-contained society, might be good to get some pointers as I get the needs of my potential citizens prepared.
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scolopendragonfish · 1 year
I'm blowing you a kiss from across the cosmos to make sure the kiss is suffused with stellar energy!
MWAH, MWAH! A delightfully energizing kiss if ever there was.
Though you know, my darling Fatescar, I suspect one given at closer range would be just as sweet. You are my sunlight, after all.
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kayleeosharp · 3 years
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#Elfaday day 12! Today is Caligo, a lovely OC of whom I favor IMMENSELY of a friend of mines! Did this traditionally today because I’m working on something on my tablet pen.  @caligoascendant he’s already pretty elfish haha.
Commission Prices / Process ■ Twitter ■ Facebook  ■ Twitch
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alchykiller · 7 years
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Commission of @caligoascendant‘s Overlord Fatescar.
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jaquerabbitart · 5 years
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   Get you an  E l d r i t c h  O v e r l o r d  who can do both. [x]                                                    --[please Fullview for Details!]
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hatofmischief · 6 years
Send me📝 and my muse will reveal their thoughts about your muse.
Their first impression:
The eloquent version of “Hnn 👀 handsome purple demon make talkie with me”. She’s been smitten by Fatescar since they met.
Their current impression:
Still completely smitten by him. She has no idea who he is and what he really does. The most she understands is that he associates with the fae and has demon qualities, but she doesn’t quite register how he interacts with anyone outside of that circle. Aka: manipulation. 
I think though if she did know she wouldn’t be too put off by it? He seems only to lead people to the consequences of their own actions. That’s something she jives with. 
What they like the most about your muse: 
His charm. He knows exactly how to captivate Eclipsa’s attention with his manner of speech.  
What they dislike the most about your muse: 
Nothing actually. She doesn’t know him well enough to recognize any flaws. Maybe only that he leaves sometimes and she doesn’t get to talk to him (Caligo seriously has her wrapped around his glowing purple fingers)
What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): 
A friend she wishes to be closer too. Eclipsa wants to strengthen their relationship, become more than friends and have a bond with Caligo.
A general opinion of their relationship:
Positive and moving in the right direction, albeit slowly. 
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: 
I mean, she’s making it as blatant as possible she has a crush on him. It’s not hard to tell, and she doesn’t mind if he “plays” with her while she waits for a signal. The anticipation is exciting for her. 
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caligoascendant · 10 months
Additionally! With this announcement and this name change, I am no longer the only Fatescar that is! My story now flows across all of eternity, set free to influence and bloom forth like myriad minty leaves amidst a garden with all the wonder and terror that comes with it. Naturally, I'm ever more myself and most certainly confident in my own story's continued endurance...it's just that you may see all sorts of strange and bizarre things that may remind you of your favorite plush fellow.
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strixlady · 4 years
caligoascendant replied to your post “Anyone in the panuniversal blogosphere have tips for nightmares?”
Bits of advice I've seen have been...stepping away from technology before bed! Having some tea as you wind down. Snuggling up to something plush and soft! I've also got something else...
I really appreciate the advice, Fatescar, but this noggin’s got more problems rattling around in it than Human tech and a lack of tea. I’ve been having nightmares since before I ever turned on this Computer and I don’t think a bit of boiled water and some leaves are gonna cut the muster. 
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scolopendragonfish · 1 year
Wow! It's Caligo! Caligo Fatescar the Accursed Eldritch Overlord. It's that guy!
He is her life, he is her home, to a degree that's barely metaphorical. He has provided her a place where she's accepted, and a way of being that doesn't condemn her to endless destruction of worlds. He is the only one who fully understands her, in all her cosmic terror and glory, and who she trusts not to look away.
And he's also soft, and silly, and incredibly warm. Effortlessly soothes the bouts of volatile emotions that plague her, washing them away in a wave of light and laughter. Some would fear a light that is all too easy to welcome to the farthest corners of your mind. Luna welcomes it readily. From this joy comes endless devotion and drive-not only to make worlds, but to make things better (according to Caligo's vision).))
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hoshiumies · 6 years
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commissions for @fatescare  !  super cute cat child and uh .    their dad .  /  info.
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godsbled-a · 6 years
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kellsxbells · 6 years
character info sheet
tagged by: @learningmagics
name of your muse: Kells
aliases: Kellsie, Puddles
one picture you like best of your character’s fc (at the moment): I’ve already posted it on this blog, so I’ll spare you all the huge image
two headcanons you have for your character that you never told anyone:
ONE | Kells has had a few interactions with Rick and Morty, though limited. She thinks Morty is adorable, and basically hates Rick’s guts.
TWO | She’s actually never seen the interior of the spaceship underneath Gravity Falls.
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
ONE | Roaming dimensions in astral form
TWO | Communing with Azathoth
THREE | Various witchy stuff
seven people that your character loves/likes:
ONE | Noah ( @wxshful-thinkxng )
TWO | Trashy ( @void-dad )
THREE | Abbie ( @learningmagics )
FOUR | Caligo / Fatescar ( @caligoascendant )
FIVE | Miles ( @mr-pulvis )
SIX | Astarte ( @beastwithonxeye )
SEVEN | Lady E / Kay ( @diktown )
two things your character regrets:
ONE | Worshiping Going along with Astarte for so long
TWO | Using a love potion on a certain someone
two phobias your character has:
ONE | Fear of being hated/feared for her appearance
TWO | Fear of hurting those she’s trying to help
tag ten people to do the same: literally anyone who wants to! anyone i’ve already tagged, or anyone who sees this and would like to give it a try~ tag me if you do it so that i can see! c:
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autokrates · 6 years
I'll do a cape courtship dance to you with more dazzle.
Oh Mister Fatescar Oh
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failedace · 6 years
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          “ Hikaru-san I suggest you look before you dig in in your meal. As much as you looked forward to it, it seems they screwed up and put something on there you can’t eat. I’ll either switch up with you, or tell them that you can’t have it. ” // @fatescare
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claudetc · 7 years
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Lord Fatescar, a commission!
My commish info is HERE if you’d like some work done
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