#Fereldan Politics Loghain and the Blight in Origins
mxanigel · 2 years
OC master post: Neri Surana
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(left piece by @/lilithkb, right piece by @/yogsothott)
Basic info:
Sword + shield arcane warrior, battlemage, penchant for ice magic and smashing into things and getting injured
Agender (they/them pronouns), demiromantic, pansexual
22 years old when the Fifth Blight began; their delayed Harrowing plays an outsize role in their insecurities
Taken from the Denerim alienage by templars when they were 11 years old
At the Circle they unknowingly develop a crush on Rosalind, a fellow mage apprentice, and are devastated when she's transferred to another Circle soon after completing her Harrowing
Strong friendship with Jowan: they don't hesitate to help him when he asks during the Magi Origin
Neri struggles with the leadership role thrust upon them during the Blight (holding some low-key resentment of Alistair for that)
They arrange a political marriage between Anora and Alistair
Recruit Loghain who sacrifices himself to slay the Archdemon, an act that haunts Neri for a long time
They become arlen of Amaranthine and unexpectedly forge a found family there
Fall for Anders during Awakening but refuse to name it
Devastated by Anders disappearing post-Awakening
Navigate Warden duties and Fereldan politicking during DA2 with Nathaniel and others at their side
They take leave from Amaranthine to search for Anders after DA2
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Fics and writing snippets:
An emotion I won't name [AO3, ongoing, rated M, ~45,000 words, set in 9:31 Dragon during DAO Awakening, minor canon divergence, Surana/Anders, many friendships, lots of gender & identity feels]
the world expected someone else [AO3, ongoing, currently rated T, ~3300 words, a series of journal entries before and during the Blight, references to past Surana/OC]
how Neri may have first manifested magic [9:11 Dragon, tumblr]
Neri's first (subconscious) crush [9:19 Dragon, tumblr]
Neri and Loghain spar after he becomes a Warden [very late 9:30 Dragon, tumblr]
Neri learns Anders vanished from the Wardens [early 9:32 Dragon, tumblr]
Neri/Nathaniel friends-with-benefits [late 9:32 Dragon, tumblr, mature content]
Neri/Dagna friends-with-benefits [9:36 Dragon?, tumblr, mature content]
Neri and Anders see each other for the first time since he left the Wardens [9:40 Dragon, tumblr]
I tell Neri's story in first-person perspective because it flows naturally for them. Other OCs in Neri's worldstate include non-Warden Heather Cousland, Champion Dana Hawke, and Inquisitor Raven Cadash, but they deserve their own OC master posts. <3
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calicostorms · 1 year
DAO OCs Masterlist
Organized alphabetically by last name, IDs are in alt text.
Kahan Aeducan: My canon warden! Grew up as the youngest of the Aeducan brothers, born to a noble hunter and Endrin Aeducan. He took well to the brutal politicking of Orzammar and was known for his enjoyment in crafting deals or taking down lesser noble house plots against his family. He relishes in keeping people he loves safe and got his hands dirty to keep theirs clean. Honor was very important to him until Bhelen's betrayal and after becoming a warden he took every opportunity to further his chances even at the expense of others.
He is especially close with Zevran and Morrigan and after defeating the archdemon he left to chase after a cure for the Blight, using leads from Morrigan and his own research. He occasionally joined up again with Zevran to fight the crows and by Inquisition he uses his political clout in Fereldan to force their hand and require their help in closing the Breach. He has taken in a younger ex-crow Zevran discovered in his travels by the name of Ainara, and taken up a renewed fight against the crows alongside his husband, Zevran.
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Aedan Cousland: One of my multi warden world state ocs! Grew up alongside his twin sister and became an accomplished, if untested, swordsman. Lived a plush life until the death of most of the Cousland family before the Blight and fled on his own to escape through the sewers. He worked his nobility to his favor and helped amass allies against the Blight, joining the warden with his warriors and becoming a warden himself. He falls for Morrigan and happily performs the ritual at her request to save them, and spends much of his time after the Blight traveling alongside her and marveling in her magic and caring for their son.
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Athras Mahariel: Best friends with Tamlen and known for their budding romance with Merrill before becoming a warden. Originally born to an ex city elven father and Dalish mother, Athras took to hunting like a fish to water and was frequently found in the halla pens in their youth. After Tamlen becomes blighted by the mirror, they reluctantly become a warden and form quick bonds with Alistair at Ostagar. Frequently confused by the shemlen world and its customs, Athras often confided in Morrigan and Alistair, occasionally seeking the advice of Oghren due to his battle prowess. They harden Alistair and place him on the throne due to a concern over elvhen well being, becoming his consort, and are often the one he seeks advice from in his kingship. Functionally they're a shadow ruler of Fereldan, though few would dare to say it.
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Rheya Tabris: Born to a night elf who fought alongside Loghain and Maric to retake Fereldan, Rheya was taught the art of subterfuge but took far better to wielding a greatsword and armor. She had a fierce temper and was protective of others around her, particularly Soris, who she viewed like a younger brother. She looked forward to her match with Nelaros, and after his death to save her in the castle, she kept the ring.
She became a fierce warden and a champion of the downtrodden, helping where she could and giving money when she could not. She romanced Leliana, taken in by her idealistic views and her own experiences with loss, and viewed Alistair and Sten like brothers. Outraged by Loghain's betrayal of the city elves, she fought and executed him, placing Anora on the throne after many threats to do the same if her promises to treat the elves well rang shallow. After the Blight she traveled with Leliana for a time, diverging in Kirkwall to help the alienage elves there and investigating rumors of a cured blighted mirror. Became close friends with Merrill and continues to search for a Blight cure though her hope wanes by Inquisition when she begins to hear the false calling.
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Cilian Theriel: My bitchy blood mage <3. In the Circle he was very well behaved and quiet, mostly to prevent any extra attention from Templars. He had feelings for his best friend, Enoch Surana, but never acted on them out of concern for causing templars to separate them. A star pupil with a penchant for entropy magic, he relishes in becoming a warden in spite of his worry for Jowan and Enoch.
He swiftly takes the view that he must end the blight no matter the cost, and begins using blood magic to further their chances. Distrusts Alistair and finds kinship in Morrigan, but eventually is charmed by Zevran and becomes his partner. In spite of his determination, he refuses the ritual with Morrigan, arguing that it's a step too far to bring something so powerful and unknown into the world even if it will save his life. He dies slaying the archdemon.
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hipandhorrific · 2 years
guys, i know the title seems silly and obvious to the fans of the game. but the title of the game isn’t really for us as weird as that sounds.
There’s a whole group of people who are new to the franchise who don’t know anything about the lore and are gonna hope onto that as their first game. The same thing happened when Inquisition came out.
Fans are already customers, we’re going to buy and play the game because Dragon Age. Potential customers have no attachment to Dragon Age and don’t know what the fuck a Dreadwolf is other than it sounds kinda cool.
they’ve been ramping up the Dreadwolf campaign since 2018, it’d be a really weird pivot if they moved away from that.
speaking as someone who works in marketing for a living.
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Loghain Mac Tir
Well, it’s late, I’m tired, and I’ve been thinking about this for the past couple of days. So, here comes my analysis on Loghain’s words and actions through the events of Dragon Age Origins. Disclaimer 1: While I know the events of it, I have never personally read The Stolen Throne, so I will not be in-depth referencing it. Disclaim 2: I intend to try and be objective as possible, and look at Loghain in his entirety. I say as possible, because full disclosure, I don’t like Loghain. This will be going under a read more, because this is going to be long. Here we go. - Mod Alistair
To start with, Loghain loved Maric. Deeply, and truly. And he always wanted to do what he saw was best for Fereldan. In addition, Loghain suffered heavily at the hands of Orlais, and he saw how much Fereldens suffered from the Orlesians. It is part of what defines him as a person, and that trauma has clearly stayed with him throughout the rest of his life.
Let’s start with Ostagar. Now, in the arguments between Loghain and Cailan, they were both right, and they were both wrong. Loghain was right that it was foolish of Cailan to risk himself on the front lines. He was also right that the army assembled wasn’t enough to stop the Blight. On the other hand, Cailan was absolutely right that they needed to get as many allies as possible to stop the Blight, and he was right that they needed to trust the Grey Wardens. However. Cailan was hopelessly naive if he honestly thought that Orlais would behave just because a Blight was going on, especially when coming in to help with a Blight and then never leaving is one of their classic strategies for expanding their control. Loghain, in turn, was stubbornly fixated on the potential danger that the Orlesians posed, and couldn’t see the full threat of the Blight, in addition to being suspicious of the Grey Wardens. They both held a level of fault for that.
Now, here’s the fact: on some level, Loghain was right to call for a retreat. Between the tower being unexpectedly taken, which was leading to an ambush of darkspawn troops from behind, and the size of the horde, the good guys would’ve needed to find and kill the archdemon ASAP for them to have any chance. However. Loghain made no attempt to rescue his king, or to even send a messenger telling Cailan that he needed to get the hell out of there. That is both treason and regicide. Loghain knowingly left Cailan and hundreds of others to die, out of fear of a potential specter of an Orlesian invasion.
Now, let’s look at what he does after he takes control of Fereldan. Loghain’s right hand man is Arl Howe, who had already fucked things up for Fereldan by betraying the Couslands, and reducing the number of troops that the army had access to, by removing a large number of the Highever troops and all of the Amaranthine troops from the equation. Throughout the game, Howe does truly reprehensible shit, including imprisoning and torturing numerous innocents, plus other stuff. Any and everything that Howe does while he’s under Loghain’s command can be partially laid at Loghain’s feet. If Loghain knew what Howe was doing, he’s guilty of that. If he didn’t know, he’s guilty of letting Howe do whatever with free reign.
Loghain offered Uldred mage freedom if he convinced the mages to join him, indirectly causing the events of Broken Circle. I’m not saying he deliberately caused that, but Loghain should’ve known what the Templars would do if they got wind of what the mages were planning. In addition, Loghain captured Jowan, and pushed him to poison Arl Eamon. Now, Eamon is a fucking asshole, but let’s be clear, Loghain acted with the goal of taking out one of his principle political enemies, and tightening his control over Fereldan. Also, he was likely suspicious of Eamon just because Eamon married an Orlesian woman.
Loghain’s soldiers repeatedly act with belligerence and general dickishness, which speaks volumes of the people he gave power and allowed control. Just as a reminder, one of his envoys tried to force his way into Orzammar. Not to mention the civil war that Loghain caused.
Now, the alienage. Loghain knowingly sold Fereldan people into slavery to Tevinter slavers in return for money to fund his campaign. Were those people elves? Yes. Should that matter? No. Loghain claimed that everything he did was to protect Fereldan. I believe him. I also recognize that Loghain was a racist man who did not see the elves as part of Fereldan. The same elves who fight the darkspawn horde when Denerim is attacked. If instead of selling them into slavery, if Loghain had promised them greater rights and armed them, he could have had what he wanted. But no. Because he didn’t consider the elves to be equal to humans.
In conclusion, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And Loghain was never able to see beyond his own trauma and fears. There’s more to be talked about with the choice to make Loghain a Grey Warden, but that’s a whole other can of worms, and I’m too tired for it.
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dalishious · 3 years
DA:O and DA:2 Loading Screen Texts
“The Andrastian Chantry believes that if the Chant of Light--first written by the prophet Andraste--can be spread to all four corners of the world, the Maker will forgive humankind for their sins.”
“Dwarves have no formal religion, instead venerating the Paragons--those of their ancestors who have contributed in some meaningful way to society.”
“The second elven homeland, the Dales, fell to an Exalted March called on the “heathens” not long after the end of the Second Blight--almost 700 years ago.”
“There have been four Blights in total; the last ended four hundred years ago at the Battle of Ayesleigh. Humanity mistakenly believed the darkspawn were permanently defeated there.”
“The Grey Wardens were once exiled from Ferelden for conspiring to overthrow the king. They were permitted to return twenty years ago by King Maric, Cailan’s father.”
“At the Battle of River Dane, Loghain Mac Tir became known as a hero when he and his men finally drove the forces of the Orlesian Empire out of Ferelden after more than 80 years of occupation.”
“The Grey Wardens were once known for the griffon mounts on which they flew into battle. The griffon numbers waned after the last Blight, finally disappearing completely 200 years ago.”
“Grey Wardens possess the Right of Conscription: they may draft anyone into their ranks without question, from prince to lowly commoner. This is not always done without consequence, however.”
“The dwarven kingdom once encompassed 12 great thaigs spread across Thedas, joined by the underground Deep Roads. Only two remain: Orzammar and Kal Sharok.”
“An elven alienage is a city quarter where elves live, often poor and walled off from the rest, rampant with crime and strife.”
“In their first homeland, Arlathan, elves were immortal and possessed an advanced culture and language. After a millennium of slavery and poverty they lost it all, and even the Dalish have only reclaimed but a little.”
“The Orlesians conquered Ferelden in 8:24 Blessed, beginning a long and brutal rule that ended only 30 years ago. Most Fereldans still remember that time vividly.”
“King Cailan Theirin assumed the throne five years ago upon the death of his father, marrying Lady Anora Mac Tir--daughter of Teyrn Loghain--exactly one month later.”
“The Circle of Magi was formed by the Chantry to keep a watchful eye over the mages. According to the Chant of Light, magic is meant to serve man and never to rule over him.”
“Templars are warriors that exist to monitor mages and hunt down those that go rogue from the Circle of Magi. They have the ability to disrupt magic and drain mana from their adversaries.”
“The Korcari Wilds extends far to the south of Ferelden, stretching into an uncharted frozen wasteland. It is a dangerous place, supposedly filled with witches, barbarians, and monsters.”
“The Circle of Magi's tower, standing off the shore of Lake Calenhad, precedes the mages themselves. It was built by the Avvar a thousand years ago, before being conquered by the Tevinter Imperium.”
“The ancient Tevinter Imperium, ruled by the magisters and powerful blood magic, once spread over all of Thedas. Many of its ruins still remain in Ferelden even today.”
“The Fade is a dream realm where the spirits of all beings but dwarves go when they sleep. Only mages remain conscious once there, but others can “awaken” if they are trapped there unwillingly.”
“The Fade is the realm of hungry demons that constantly seek to pass through the Veil into the land of the living. Those that succeed will try to possess a body, living or dead.”
“Demons are drawn to mages, and should they ever succeed in possessing one they transform them into an abomination--a terrifying and intelligent monster with access to great magical powers.”
“Demons primarily come in five varieties, based on the part of the living psyche that they feed from. From weakest to strongest they are rage, hunger, sloth, desire, and pride.”
“Not all spirits of the Fade are evil things. Some are beings of compassion, fortitude, and justice. They have little interest in crossing the Veil unless summoned, however, and thus are far less known than demons.”
“Ferelden has existed as a nation since the fabled King Calenhad, the Silver Knight, united the warring Alamarri teyrns almost 400 years ago.”
“The Qunari landed on the northern island of Par Vollen three centuries ago, coming from an unknown land far off to the east across the Amaranthine Ocean. They began a war to conquer Thedas almost immediately, one that ended in a truce after more than 150 years of fighting.”
“According to the Chantry calendar, every hundred years is an age--named at the end of the last age according to omens discerned that year. The Dragon Age is the ninth since the ascension of the first Divine of the Chantry.”
“Dragons were once worshipped by the ancient Tevinter Imperium, and existed in number until the Nevarran dragon hunters brought them to the brink of extinction. They only reappeared at the beginning of the Dragon Age, giving the age its namesake.”
“Those that survive the darkspawn taint eventually become “ghouls,” their minds corrupted and twisted to seek out and serve the darkspawn until eventually they die in anguish or disappear underground forever.
“Without an Archdemon to lead them to the surface, the darkspawn remain below in the Deep Roads, battling the dwarves. Few—save for the Grey Wardens—know anything about them.”
“The ancient mining tunnels beneath Hightown and Lowtown now form the city's sewers, as well as the slum known as Darktown. Residents refer to these tunnels collectively as the Undercity.”
“People from the Free Marches are called “Marchers,” but usually only by outsiders. A citizen of Kirkwall thinks of himself as being from the city first and the Free Marches second.”
“The Fifth Blight began in 9:30 Dragon and lasted only a year before the Archdemon was slain. The Hero of Ferelden spared the world from the ravages of another war against the darkspawn.”
“There are fourteen Circles of Magi in Thedas, excluding those in the Tevinter Imperium. The Circle at the Gallows in Kirkwall is one of two in the Free Marches and is the center of templar power in the East.”
“Kirkwall was once part of the Tevinter Imperium and the center of its slave trade. Slaves worked the quarries until they revolted more than 900 years ago.”
“The Qunari live on Par Vollen, an island nation in the tropical northern climes. Some believe they originally came from elsewhere, since they weren't seen in Thedas until 300 years ago.”
“The Qunari invaded mainland Thedas 200 years ago, and were driven back during the New Exalted Marches. The Llomerryn Accord in 7:84 Storm established an armistice between the Qunari and every nation except the Tevinter Imperium.”
“The raiders who plague the waters of the Waking Sea and the Amaranthine Ocean are based out of the chaotic Rivaini city of Llomerryn.”
“Although the slave trade is legal only in the Tevinter Imperium, their slavers are present almost everywhere. They prey on elves and the poor, bringing victims back to the Imperium to sell to magisters and shady foreigners.”
“The largest guild of thieves in Kirkwall calls itself the Coterie. Although the association is very informal, the Coterie is vicious against anyone who looks like competition.”
“The Gallows sits in a harbor that was carved through the cliffs by magic to allow ships to dock in the middle of Lowtown.”
““The Twins” is the local name for the two great Tevinter statues that flank the entrance to Kirkwall’s harbor. They are not merely for show: a massive chain net can be raised between them and the fortified lighthouse.”
“Kirkwall’s Lowtown once held the city's slaves. Individual sections could be closed off in the event of a rebellion, and the winding streets were designed to discourage slaves from attempting to organize.”
“Both the Viscount’s Keep and the chantry were built by the dwarves. They were originally intended to house the city’s magister overlords, back at the height of Imperial rule.”
“The Free Marches is not a single nation, but an alliance of independent city-states. Kirkwall, Starkhaven, and Tantervale are the largest.”
“Kirkwall has been ruled by a viscount since the Orlesian Empire installed one as governor in 7:60 Storm. The city retained the title even after it rebelled against foreign rule.”
“Kirkwall’s less illustrious residents assemble at the Hanged Man. The tavern's feature dish is its stew, made from a different mystery meat each morning.”
“Kirkwall was built almost entirely through slave labor. Part of the city was once a quarry, worked by thousands upon thousands of slaves. Massive quantities of jet stone were carved straight out of the rock face, eventually creating the pit that is now Lowtown, as well as the city’s broad harbor.”
“Kirkwall has had numerous dragon sightings, but they are generally peasant exaggerations. One “imminent high dragon flight” turned out to be an emaciated drake in a pained rage caused by passing a Griffon Helm.”
“Kirkwall declared the common nug a noxious vermin in 5:20 Exalted over fears that the animals carried the Blight. The extermination became known as the Battle of the Squealing Plains. It is not spoken of in polite company.”
“Don't play cards with Qunari--it's impossible to tell when they're bluffing. Don't play against elves, either--they never pay their debts. And never play against dwarves--they'll kill you if they lose.”
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therpsource · 2 years
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IC Forum ✦ OOC Discord ✦ Rules ✦ World State ✦ Claims ✦ Canons Needed
AU Dragon Age fandom roleplay on JCINK.
18+ members only. We are rated M for Mature with a forum rating of 333.
Love. Politics. Magic. Action.
In 9:30 Dragon, the ruins of Ostagar stage a brutal conflict: Fereldan and Grey Warden forces engage the bestial darkspawn, helmed by the noble, glory-hungry King Cailan Theirin and his famed commander, Teyrn Loghain Mac Tir. Join Warden-Commander Duncan’s recruits as they pursue the ritual that will transform them; fight for King Cailan and Teyrn Loghain under a Fereldan banner, or forge a unique path as the Fifth Blight shadows Ferelden.
Across the Waking Sea, throughout the 9:30s, a family of Fereldan refugees juggles poverty, tragedy, and adventure as they seek a foothold in the city-state of Kirkwall. Faced with impossible odds, the Hawkes, their friends, and their enemies must conquer insurmountable trials and mounting losses—if they can endure the inevitable.
When the Temple of Sacred Ashes explodes in 9:41 Dragon, the survivor emerges with a green, glowing hand—and becomes a Thedosian legend. As the burgeoning Inquisition finds political and economic purchase, the new Herald of Andraste is tasked with the unthinkable: close the Breach.
In Dragon Age: Chronicles of Thedas, explore the fantastical, blood-pumping events of “Dragon Age: Origins,” “Dragon Age II,” and “Dragon Age: Inquisition” through your favorite canons and creative, charming original characters. The dawn awaits.
What makes us different? A number of in-game outcomes will be voted on via poll as a community, for example: the Landsmeet decision during DA:O and the conclusion of the Orlesian Civil War during DA:I.
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puffy-shirt · 3 years
Hi! I was browsing the DA tag and saw your new Wardens. Have you decided on their personalities, classes/specializations, or romances yet? C:
Eyyy! Thanks for asking :) I know you asked abt my new wardens, but I haven't actually talked about a lot of my older ones either! So I'm using this as my excuse :P
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-Ro Surana: Female/Elf/Mage (Sword); Arcane Warrior/Shapeshifter(Spider)/Battlemage ♡ Alistair
Dog: Dog
Ro is my oldest and most beloved warden. She is loving, smart, and has a great sense of humor, but above all she has a strong sense of justice and a fire in her heart. Her and Alistair are married im Redcliffe after the blight and they stay wardens together. If they find a way to rid themselves of the taint, they have a daughter together 🥺💗
-Helena Cousland: Female/Human/Warrior (Sword and Sheild); Berzerker/Champion/Spirit Warrior ♡ Zevran
Dog: Prince
Helena is one of the youngest (in terms of her age) of my wardens and one of my favorites! The loss of her family is a horrific event that turns her temperament angry and spiteful. She can't stand alistiars constant jokes. She can't stand Leliana's piousness. Basically she can only stand her dog, and zevran (who she has a tumultuous but overall loving relationship with). After the blight she stays with him, but they never marry.
- Persephone Aeducan: Female/Dwarf(Noble)/Warrior (Greatsword); Champion/Templar/Guardian ♡ Gorrim
Dog: Aeducan
Persephone was a born leader, and player in the game of politics. She is wicked intelligent and cunning. Her and Gorrim have a long illicit relationship and they just adore each other. Pers is just... absolutely heartbroken when Gorrim tells her he is married. She knows they still love each other and always will. After the blight she returns to take her rightful place in orzammar, gorrim along side her. I have two minds about her ending tho... half of me headcannons that gorrim lied about having a wife, believing that was the only way persephone would let him go so that he wouldn't burden her. In that scenario, they return to orzammar together and resume their relationship - now open about it. In the scenario where he was truthful, he never really loved his wife, but they all follow Persephone to orzammar. There, there is a lot of pining for each other and persephone keeps him on a tight (metaphorical) leash.
- Mason Cousland: Male/Human/Warrior (Dual Blades); Templar/Champion/Guardian ♡ Anora
Dog: Hound
Mason was designed to be the pinnacle of the noble character trope. He is the noble prince, the righteous king. Him and Alistair are best buddies. However, Mason decides the right thing to do is spare Loghain and give him a chance at redemption. He is HEARTBROKEN when this causes his best friend to leave. Mason marries Anora, and I have this entire story written out (in my head) about their relationship and how they fall in love after the blight. They have two children, and Mason is beloved by all as king.
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- Rose Amell: Female/Human/Mage; Blood Mage/Spirit Healer/Keeper ♡ Alistair
Dog: King
Rose is... hmmm... I really love her, but ultimately she is a coward. She wants to do the right thing, but is soft. Ultimately her fear of failure causes her to turn to blood magic, as she believes that is the only way she would be able to beat the darkspawn. She sees Alistair as her knight in shining armor, and stays his consort/lover when he becomes the sole ruler of fereldan.
- Ariya Tabris: Female/Elf(City)/Rogue (Dual Blades); Assasin/Duelist/Shadow ♡ Alistair
Dog: Mutt
Ariya is my chameleon character, originally from the elder scrolls universe, that I've come to insert into every rpg I can hahaha. She is a sourpuss who can't say anything that doesn't come out as sarcastic. She also struggles a lot with addiction problems to both alcohol and lyruim. Her and Alistair get together, however he leaves her to become king. This obviously upsets her, and when morrigan tells her of the ritual, she decides not to tell alistiar about it, a decision she regrets for the rest of her life. She intends to sacrifice herself at the battle of denerim, and is horrified when alistoar beats her to it.
- Lienna Mahariel: Female/Elf(Dalish)/Rogue (Archer); Ranger/Assasin  ♡ Tamlen
Dog: Vhenan
One of my newer ones! I wanted to make a spicy ass elf maiden who was inseparable with her lover Tamlen until the blight. She is definitely anti human, and refuses to hang out with the human members of the party. She starts to develop feelings for zevran, but feels too guilty about it to follow through with the relationship. In the end, she sacrifices her life to end the blight.
- Dorrien Tabris: Female/Elf(City)/Rogue(Sword); Bard/Duelist ♡ Zevran
Dog: Nelaros
My youngest both in age and when I created her! She is a hopeless romantic and falls in love immediately and often. In her story, she has love at first sight with her betrothed, Nelaros. In her version they actually get married and are well into the celebrations when the wedding is interrupted. She is heartbroken at the loss of her husband. Her moms side of the family is from antiva, and she was trained to Duel with a rapier. Her main talent is song though, and her and Leliana are bffs for LIFE. Her whole thing is that there is this big ol love triangle between her, alistiar, and zevran. She falls in love with Alistair immediately, who takes a but longer to develop feelings. Meanwhile Zevran falls head over heels right away for Dorri, and he slowly grows on her. Ultimately, when she realizes Alistair is destined to be king, which means they could never truly be together, she chooses to be with Zevran. They marry and have a child after the blight.
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laurelsofhighever · 4 years
*author interview*
I could’ve sworn I’ve answered some of these questions before, but I can’t find the post now, so you get them again! Tagged by @ladymdc and @out-of-the-embers, who are both wonderful people - thank you!
In return, (rattling my brains for people who haven’t already done this) I’ll tag @elgara-vallas-dalen @naiatabris @pigeontheoneandonly​ and @ma-suranas​
Name: Lykegenia in most places that aren’t Tumblr
Fandoms: I’m active in Dragon Age and Mass Effect, have several fics in Avatar:The Last Airbender, and tend to hover around other things but not participate. I recently started Fallout 4, so I’ll probably fall down that molerat hole soon.
Where You Post: Both here and on AO3
Most Popular One-Shot: Going by kudos, it’s Jubilant, which is something I wrote very long ago as a standalone entry for Zutara week, that has Zuko and Katara practicing bending together and realising they maybe don’t hate each other as much as they thought. Interestingly, it’s closely followed by Hot Water, the first piece of smut I ever wrote and which I am too embarrased by to ever go back and read.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: My Zutara story, The Things We Hide, an AU where the Southern Water Tribe wasn’t conquered until the return of Sozin’s Comet, and Katara ends up as a political prisoner secretly working to bring down the Fire Nation from the inside. It’s got political scheming, bending battles, Blue Spirit/Painted Lady shenanigans, jail breaks, daring rescues, and Zuko being an utter dork around the girl he loves.
Favorite Story You Wrote:  It’s still ongoing, but I’ve been obsessed with writing The Falcon and the Rose for pretty much three years now, and aside from still being very invested in the story, it’s taught me so much about how to write longfic, how to worldbuild, and how to build character arcs. It’s an AU centred around what would have happened in the Fereldan Civil War if the Blight hadn’t interrupted. It’s got action, tragedy, slow burn romance, political scheming, tests of loyalty, and an ace-spec main character determined to do the right thing.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: More than anything else, A Way To Relieve Tension is one where I posted and ran, and didn’t even really stop to edit on the way. It’s a NSFW oneshot about a first in Alistair and Rosslyn’s relationship, and while I’m proud of it in a way, I’m also still very surprised I wrote it in the first place.
How You Choose Your Titles: I don’t, really. They come to me while I write, and if they don’t, then I just stick anything in there and hope it sounds profound. I haven’t had to resort to the Hozier lyric title generator, though I might in future...
Complete: The Things We Hide, and The Best Laid Plans, a Green Rider fic from before I lost interest in the series. There are a few more from back in my old ff.net days when I wrote for Inuyasha and Torchwood/Doctor Who, but I don’t have access to that account anymore and I’m also super embarrassed by everything I wrote back then.
I have two collections that are technically complete because there aren’t specific plans for future chapters, A Life, Together which is a collection of oneshots held together in the same universe for Zutara Week, and Your Humble Narrator, where I collect
Incomplete: There’s Falcon, and Falcon’s “deleted scenes” counterpart, Feathers and Petals, but right now I’m really good at being hyperfocused dedicated to a managable number of stories at a time.
Do You Outline? Ohhhhhhh yes. I start playing about in notebooks to work out plot order and details about worldbuilding, then I create a full chapter-by-chapter plan building up from dialogue and basic scene setting. It’s really helped keep the plot on track and keep my writing energy from fizzling out because I know how far ahead I need to look for the scenes I really want to write.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: I have two AUs in my scopes for when Falcon is (almost) finished. The first is a retelling of Origins where Alistair is a prince raised in Castle Cousland, and Rosslyn is the only one of them who gets made a Warden. The other takes place after the game with Alistair made king by my Tabris Warden, falling in love with a non-Warden Rosslyn who spent the Blight leading the rebellion against Howe and Loghain. I keep veering between which of the two would be more fun.
Do You Accept Prompts? I have a list of prompts on my blog, and I’ll take them, but because I’m focussing so much on my WIPs, it will probably take a lot of time to answer any. And I still have to upload the last few to AO3.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: As I said, I’ve got two new stories coalescing out of the aether, but for now, I’m just really excited to get Falcon finished because it’ll be the biggest thing I’ve ever written, and getting to the end will be an amazing achievement for me.
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visenyatargaryn · 4 years
B P N for an OC you think needs more love :)
I mean... there’s plenty who I’ve been neglecting as of late bc I’m a terrible mother, but I’ve been thinking about Ophelia a lot as of late so here you go! :)
B: Basics1. what is their hair color?
dark brown.
2. what is their eye color?
Ophelia’s eyes differ in color actually. while one is blue, like the rest of her family shares, the other is brown.
3. how tall are they?
she’s about average height, so a little over 5′4″ to be precise.
4. how old are they?
Ophelia is 19 at the start of origins, and is about 30 years of age during inquisition.
5. how much do they weigh?
a solid 145lbs... most of which is due to the fact of how muscular she is.
P: Personality1. what is their best personality trait?
her compassion is by far her best trait. Ophelia will go to whatever lengths to stop the suffering of others and prevent what had been done to her not to happen again to others.
2. what is their worst personality trait?
Ophelia can be quite... compulsive at times. especially when it comes to arl howe and his betrayal towards her family. although, on other occasions, she happens to act before thinking it through to the point of being reckless at times.
3. what of their personality do others love?
her bravery, I think is one most adore about her... especially Alistair. that even during the darkest of times, and after the murder of her family, Ophelia still has the strength to go up against not only the darkspawn and the archdemon, but loghain and howe as well. especially given the fact that one of those individuals was behind the treachery that had caused the fall of house cousland.
4. what of their personality do others envy?
Ophelia’s kindness is one most people envy about her. that even though after going through hell and back and twice over, she still has the ability to be kind to others, no matter who or what they are. 
5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
she has a tendency to hate how hot-headed she can become... it’s something Ophelia had been given from her mother. at times it can become a valuable asset, but other times... it can lead to further problems if only she learned to keep her mouth shut for once. as for others, Ophelia doesn’t care much for those who are arrogant and believe themselves to be better than others because of their stature.
N: Never Have I Ever1. what would they never do?
there is plenty that she would never do, especially after learning what kind of man arl howe really was. Ophelia vowed never to become anything like him... a treacherous, scheming, bastard who would prefer to see others suffer while he rose to power. she preferred to be more like her father, someone who cared for his people and would never betray his allies.
2. what have they never done that they want to do?
go back to her home castle cousland... the very same place where her life changed forever. Ophelia has wanted to go back for years, but with her duties as the Queen of Fereldan which she often states... however, deep down it’s more than that. Ophelia hasn’t gone back because she’s afraid of what she will see and what memories and old wounds that will open up from a time that she wished to keep in the past and stay burrowed deep within herself.
3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do?
believe it or not... Ophelia cannot believe the way people dress over in Orlais. the first time one of the Marquis’s came to visit Fereldan after her and Alistair’s coronation, she was in disbelief that they wore such... unique attire over there to put it politely lmao
4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done?
Ophelia has done plenty of embarrassing things in her life, but the one that sticks out the most is when she foolishly barged into Alistair’s tent without warning and stumbled upon him naked from the waist up. since she came from a noble family, Ophelia has never seen a man with a bare torso since it was considered indecent to do so in her presence. so to say the least, Ophelia’s cheeks had flushed a very deep crimson color and didn’t speak to him for about a week afterward. mostly because she stared quite a bit as to how muscular he was before actually retreating to safety elsewhere. of course, Morrigan teased her greatly about it while Alistair was oblivious to what had actually occurred.
5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do?
there are many things that Ophelia has done that she would never have dreamed of doing... becoming a grey warden? saving Fereldan from the fifth blight and becoming a hero amongst its people, and finally... becoming a queen of the very country she had saved. the biggest one, however, was finding love in the midst of all the chaos in darkness though.
ABCs of your OCs
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thenugking · 5 years
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Name: Magdela Ainsley. Usually known as Mags.
Gender/Pronouns: Cis woman, she/her.
Class/Specialisation/Skills: Dual-wielding rogue. Technically a ranger but in actuality she just owns a pet bear. Mags’ main Thing is being good at trap-making.
Race: Human
Nationality/Hometown: Fereldan, from a farm in the northwest of the Hinterlands.
Age/Birthday: Born August 9:06 Dragon, and 23 during Origins
Religion: Grew up Andrastian, without really thinking about it. Still Andrastian, but more aware of other religions now and trying to learn more about the Creators so she can teach her daughter about them.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Love Interests: Zevran. They get together half way through Origins after an awkward conversation about thinking they’re not good enough for each other, and are married just after Awakening. She’s also had a Celebrity Crush on Anora since she was a teenager, and gets very awkward when she actually meets her.
Family: The family from Kajana’s Human Commoner Origin mod. Parents Torrence and Nansie, older sister Mairi and younger brother Bhradan. Mags is very close to her siblings, who’ve spent a lot of time reassuring her through insecurities and anxiety attacks. During Awakening, Mags and Zevran’s daughter Issella is born.
Friends:  Mags is friends with all of her companions in both Origins and Awakening, except for Sten, whose opinion of her is that she is, impressively, not quite as useless as he first imagined. Other than Zevran and her sister Mairi, Mags’ closest friends are Alistair, Leliana and Oghren.
Enemies: Mags doesn’t really have any personal enemies in Origins (she dislikes Loghain, but he’s more Alistair’s enemy), mostly because she’s worried that maybe she’s wrong about everything, and everyone else is right?? In Awakening, she quickly makes a lot of enemies because a lot of people want to kill or kidnap her daughter. With all the individuals who wanted to hurt Issella either dead or having apologised, Mags’ enemies are now just the Chantry, the Wardens and the Crows as a whole.
Pets: Her bear Moira, and the mabari, who Mags named Calenhad. She’s incredibly proud to have a mabari imprint on her.
Backstory (Out of Universe): I created Mags because I needed to see a hero was like me - someone who’d be pushed into an adventure and then immediately have an anxiety attack. Someone who, sure, might develop a little bit more confidence over the course of their story, but would remain anxious and fairly dependent and very much Not a leader, but who was allowed to be a hero anyway.
Backstory (In Universe): Mags had a fairly mundane life before the Blight, working on her family’s farm and regularly visiting friends in the local village. The most interesting thing that happened was when one of her traps killed a black bear. Mags discovered the bear had a cub, and adopted her due to guilt over killing her mother.
Biography/Game Decisions: Mags generally tried to help people, but also deferred to other people whenever she could. She dealt with Connor by going to the Circle, at Alistair’s suggestion, where she at first agreed to help Greagoir clean the tower of demons, since he said there was no way anyone could have survived. After meeting Wynne and discovering this wasn’t true, she tried to save as many mages as she could. 
When Sten attacked at Haven, Mags didn’t fight back and told him he was welcome to take control if he wanted. Sten declared the party were going to Orzammar, to find the Archdemon in the Deep Roads, but other than Shale, the party refused to follow because they wanted to find the Ashes, liked Mags more than Sten, or just thought the whole idea was silly. Sten and Shale left the party to travel to Orzammar, where they were refused entrance because the king was dead and they didn’t have any Grey Warden treaties.
Shale helped find Sten’s sword while Mags found the Ashes, killing the cultists because destroying the Ashes would be blasphemy. They reunited outside Orzammar, were Shale and Sten rejoined the party. Mags tried to stay neutral to Orzammar’s political issues, but as it became clear that she needed to help choose a king, she sided with Harrowmont, since at least he didn’t want her to do something illegal, and Alistair agreed that he seemed nicer. She sided with Caridin over Branka, because seriously Branka, what the fuck. In the Brecilian Forest, she cured the werewolfs and brokered peace between them and the Dalish, on the advice of her party.
Mags never hardened Alistair, and they were both very happy to let Anora be queen. While Mags wouldn’t have objected to making Loghain a Warden, and wanted him to live for Anora’s sake, she left the decision to Alistair, who killed him.
Mags didn’t want to pressure Alistair to do Morrigan’s ritual, but was also unwilling to let him die fighting the Archdemon, and was able to throw grease traps at his feet if it looked like he was about to make the final blow. Which, since I didn’t want the story to end with Mags’ death, meant that soon after her miraculous survival killing the Archdemon, she discovered she was pregnant.
Between Origins and Awakening, she went back to her parents’ farm with Zevran and wrote to the Wardens asking if they had any advice about having a baby with the soul of an Old God, and whether the darkspawn would be after her kid?? The Wardens responded by sending Orlesian Warden-Constable Palorn Kader to help Mags manage Amaranthine, with orders to get the baby off her, bring it to Weisshaupt for study and kill it if deemed necessary.
With Mags being heavily pregnant, Palorn handled Awakening’s main questline. Meanwhile, Mags held court for the arling and tried to deal with Bann Esmerelle’s conspiracy. Esmerelle was assisted by a Crow named Veni Arainai, sent to Ferelden to kill Zevran, who suggested waiting for the baby to be born, then kidnapping her and holding her hostage to make Zevran and Mags surrender. Eventually, Palorn and Veni both decided that kidnapping babies is maybe bad actually and also their organisations suck, so they apologised and long story short, they all become friends. Mags’ daughter Issella was born a couple of weeks before the Darkspawn attacks on Amaranthine and Vigil’s Keep.
At the end of Awakening, Mags defended the Keep after Palorn and most of the other Wardens left for Amaranthine. They met up in the Dragonbone Wastes and came to a group decision to spare the Architect, provided he stayed away from Mags’ child and made reparations to the Dalish for killing Velanna’s clan.
Worried that it wouldn’t be long before they and their daughter were threatened by other groups of Wardens, Crows or Darkspawn, Mags and Zevran left Ferelden with Issella soon after the end of Awakening, only staying around to get married, and for Mags’ family to meet Issella. Wanting to know about Issella’s abilities and unable to contact Morrigan, they went to the Tellari Swamps to seek out the witch of the wilds rumoured to live there. They were accompanied by Anders and Veni, who wanted to join the running away plan to escape from templars and Crows. 
Mags, Zevran, Issella and Calenhad are currently living in the Tellari Swamp, where Yavanna is teaching Issella magic, and how cool dragons are. Mags and Zevran occasionally leave the Swamps to visit towns outside, and they’re sometimes visited by Veni and several other former Crows, but they so far remain hidden from the many people who might harm Issella.
Personality: Mags’ biggest trait is her insecurity, but as time goes on she becomes more willing to stand up for her beliefs and tries her best to do what she believes is fair and right. As Arlessa of Amaranthine, she puts a lot of effort into protecting farmlands and villages, relating a lot to the difficulties faced by Freemen outside of cities. She also does her best to learn about different cultures and beliefs, beyond the homogeneous Andrastian society she grew up in, particularly after discovering she’s going to have a half-elven child. While she’s socially awkward, she will chatter on endlessly once she’s comfortable with someone. Mags is a proud Fereldan, with a great respect for Ferelden folktails, the Theirin bloodline, and most importantly dogs.
Appearance: Mags is tall, skinny and gangly. She’s covered in freckles.
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wolffyluna · 5 years
Camellia Tabris
...this was meant to be short. And then it ended up as ~1k of backstory for one of my Wardens. So, introducing Camellia Tabris, my perpetually worried city elf rogue (who unlike Sereda, is unambiguously a good person.)
Camellia Tabris grew up on her mother Adaia’s (sanitised for children) stories of her adventures and scrapes. Camellia loved them, and wanted to grow up to be just like her mother!
She got taught knifeplay, a bit of swordplay, and of course, how to steal anything that wasn’t nailed down (and how to remove the nails from things that were) by her mother. Camellia was on track to be the alienage’s next wild child, the one that was kinda concerning but who had the best stories— (She wanted adventures not because she wanted the excitement or the fame, not entirely. She wanted them so she could save people. All the best stories were about saving people.)
Adaia died when Camellia was thirteen. She wasn’t reckless—but she stood out. She was a tall enough poppy that when there was trouble, she was a good enough scapegoat.
 Some say that she just ran out of luck. You can escape Raleigh, but you can’t escape Raleigh and the hangman. There’s only so much luck to go around.
Camellia knew about death, of course she did—but she hadn’t realised that her mother’s adventures, that standing out, could get you killed.
She didn’t want to die. She wanted to live. (It’s a thing about her—even in the worst of situations, she always wants to live. She always wants everyone else to live, too.) So, she stopped standing out. She became quiet and meek and scrupulously polite. She learned how to be unnoticeable. (Not the same thing as being stealthy. She wasn’t sneaking around, that was noticeable if you got caught. She just faded into the background, even less noticeable than another face in the crowd.) She wanted stories about her—but she couldn’t really have them without risk. So, she was going to be the least remarkable elf in Denerim. She’d clean other people’s laundry. (Maybe pick a few pockets, but that wasn’t really remarkable, and she was rather good at it.) She’d get married. Raise equally cautious kids. Avoid pissing off any humans. She’d play by The Rules of being a city elf, and live till she was old.
This is about the time she developed her resting worried face. She was constantly evaluating risks, trying not to stand out.
Then came her wedding day. And all that entails, in Dragon Age: Origins.
 It spins her world onto a new axis, just as much as her mother’s death. She’d lived a fair few years staying quiet, staying out the way, staying out of notice, Playing By The Rules, because that’s what would keep her safe. That’s what she’d been told would keep her safe.
 And it didn’t.
She’s afraid. Of course she’s afraid.
But there is a thread of incandescent anger, because why did she make herself smaller when it didn’t even help.
 She plays along for a bit, because that’s her default. She’s running on autopilot, and her autopilot is ‘be polite and don’t say no.’ But even so, she doesn’t expect that to help, or keep her safe.
And then she gets a sword.
And all bets are off.
Because she is going to fucking murder her way through here. She’s going to save everyone, or die trying. And she doesn’t want to die, and you know what? She’s more likely to live with a sword. And with a sword, she can save the other women, and that’s the most important thing.  
It’d be nice to say ‘And from then on she was a dual wielding badass who gave no fucks’ except, no, that’s not true. As soon as the adrenaline wore off, she went back to being good ol’ Camellia ‘perpetually worried and polite’ ‘I FUCKED UP’ Tabris.
She gets recruited in to the Grey Wardens. She isn’t thrilled, but it’s better than swinging. And while the Grey Wardens aren’t respected much, she’ll get some respect. And even if it’s risky, she can save people. She doesn’t have to be a small Tabris, she can be… a medium sized Tabris. (Camellia still wants to not attract too much attention. Even though she knows it doesn’t keep her safe, old habits die hard.) She just has to follow the Rules of being a Warden. And they’re not so bad as the Rules of Being The Sort of Elf Who Lives A Long Time.
…And then Ostagar happens.
 Even being a Warden won’t save you. Those Rules cannot save you. And now you are hated, and have to save a whole country.
…and she does that. Because Fereldan deserves to be saved. Everyone deserves to be saved from the Blight, if she can manage.
She makes her own rules. They’re kludgey, and they have the cruft of previous rules, but they’ll do
Save everyone as many as you can ·        
Take lives carefully. Only kill if you have to. ·        
Be polite kind. (And polite, if you can.)·        
Stick up for the little people, the people who don’t have other people to stick up for them.
(Be the person handing them the sword, in their own dark rooms)·        
Don’t attract attention 
Unless it’s one of those rare instances where saying you’re a Warden helps. In which case, say it loud and clear, and get those people to help. ·         Don’t play by society’s rules. You cannot win.
If you play by the rules: you lose. If you don’t play: you lose. Be prepared to lose. Be prepared to swing. Know that as soon as the Loghain is dead, as soon as the archdemon is defeated, you will be making a close acquaintance with an elm tree and the Maker.
(She analyses her companions’ problems as being screwed over by Rules. From Leliana, the literal failed player of The Game, to Wynne. …Wynne could have done worse, but Camellia sees how she could have grown old, in Wynne. Wynne could have done so much more. She could have been so much happier.)
She convinces Alistair to go through with the Dark Ritual. She doesn’t want to die, she doesn’t want Alistair to die, this is a way so everyone can live—but, well, she can see what echoes with ‘have this sex you don’t want, and no one has to die!’ She doesn’t want… but it’s the best option she can see.  
She and Alistair… come to terms with what happened there. That revelation of what they are in the dark. But their friendship is different, from then on. It has to be.
Camellia is quite surprised that she ends up hailed as a hero? And alive? She’s aware she took steps to make that outcome happen, but she is still rather surprised that it happened.
…she’s also surprised that she ends up with a wedding that goes well? …okay, it’s several years late, one of the participants is the gods-damned Divine, but no one dies! That is success.
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Bann Teagan Guerrin (Tv Tropes
Ass in Ambassador: In Inquisition, he's generally rude and abrasive towards the entire Inquisition, stubbornly calling for them to disband.
Ambadassador: In The Masked Empire he serves as Ferelden's ambassador to Orlais, post-Blight. He also duels the imperial champion, with feathers.
Almighty Janitor: He's a bann, a lesser noble, but he's seen as a political threat to Loghain. This is partly due to him being the brother of Arl Eamon and the former queen, and partly due to the fact that he has no problem speaking his mind in public forum, regardless of whose feathers he ruffles.
          Teagan: [directed at Loghain) “What of the army lost at Ostagar? Your withdrawal was most...fortuitous.” (murmurs and gasps erupt from the rest of the gathered Landsmeet)
The Cameo: In Dragon Age II, he shows up as King Alistair's aide and "sort-of uncle". He also appears at the party in Mark of the Assassin, along with Isolde.
The Charmer: He flirts with Ilona Cousland in Dragon Age: Origins and with Areida Hawke in Dragon Age II.
Deadpan Snarker: Not to the same degree as, say Alistair, but he has his moments. See the quote under Honorary Uncle.
Did Not Get the Girl: A deleted line in Dragon Age II implies that he had feelings for Ilona and was disappointed when she rejected his advances, probably even more so when she married Alistair. It's little wonder he's such a cranky, miserable old man by Trespasser.
Honorary Uncle: To Alistair, as he's technically only his uncle-by-marriage.
               Alistair: “And this is Teagan, my uncle. Sort of.”
              Teagan: “I'm actually Teagan, I'm only "sort of" his uncle.”
Jerkass Has a Point: In Trespasser, he makes it very clear he is not a friend of the Inquisition, but his main complaint is that the Inquisition is occupying Caer Bronach, in Fereldan territory, without the consent of the Fereldan government. His other criticisms, such as the Inquisition being infiltrated thoroughly by agents of the Qunari and Solas hold weight, and ultimately, he has a point that the Inquisition has fulfilled the Divine's directive, and that the justification for continuing are ill-founded. Finally, the Orlesian Empire has abandoned subtlety to the wind, and are openly trying to exert control over the Inquisition; Teagan lived during their invasion, and certainly wouldn't want to see it repeated with the Inquisition's help.
The Lancer: Serves this role towards Eamon and Ilona.
Large Ham: Only during the time that demon-possessed Connor enthralls him into a jester.
            Teagan: “No-ho-ho-hobody tells him what to doo! NOBODYYYYY!!!! Haa-haa-haa-haaaaa!”
Mr. Fanservice: Aided by the fact that he seems to have some interest in Ilona.
The Pornomancer: Many in the fandom believe him to be this, due to his (suspiciously) close relationship with Isolde, his unashamedly hitting on Ilona, and his epilogue slide having him marry Kaitlyn from Redcliffe. Not that the latter stops him flirting with Areida Hawke during his cameo during Mark of the Assassin in Dragon Age II, before being interrupted by Isolde. The second story has Dummied Out dialogue where he compares Hawke to "someone I hold dear, though I never had the courage to say that to her."
Rank Up:  After the Fifth Blight ended, Eamon retired to Denerim. Since Connor could not inherit his father's title due to being a mage, Eamon declared Teagan as the new arl of Redcliffe.
Realpolitik: Why he calls for the Inquisition to be disbanded in Trespasser: on one hand, the Inquisitor is moving into Ferelden and undermining the authority of the royal government, and on the other, the Orlesian Empire is trying to co-opt the organization for their own aims.
Royals Who Actually Do Something: Despite the undead attacking each night, he absolutely refuses to abandon the villagers in Redcliffe. His role in the battle is to serve as the last line of defense for the women, children, elderly and injured civilians taking refuge in the Chantry.
He also defies his brother’s orders to protect Redcliffe and arrives at Denerim with reinforcements just in time to rout the darkspawn after the archdemon’s death.
Shut Up, Hannibal!: When Loghain claims to be doing everything for the good of Ferelden and gets appointed Regent.
       Teagan: “The Bannorn will not bow to you simply because you demand it!”
Supporting Leader: During the Redcliffe quest.  Subverted when he willingly chooses to enter the castle with Isolde to act as a diversion and give Ilona and her companions a chance to fight the monsters off.
Took a Level in Jerkass: In Inquisition, he's far more rude and aggressive towards the Inquisitor than he was with the Hero of Fereldan.
Unexpected Successor: He becomes the new Arl of Redcliffe after the events during the Blight, due to the fact that Conner would never be accepted as heir due to being a mage and because of what he did while possessed.
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