#For Mr.Sanders if he ever sees this
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Drew these guys (They suck, but I'm really tired and a bit sick. :3)
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Wounded Even by Happiness Epilogue
“Tell me Patton, what was it like to be best friends with Roman?” 
“It was a rollercoaster to say the least. He was a really good friend for a long time. But one day, he just changed. I noticed that he was very insincere about who he was. He liked to put on a mask and pretend that he was perfect and happy when he was in public. But, it was obvious to me that he was suffering a lot. I wish he could have let me in. Unfortunately, we had a bad fall out and he cut me off one day.”
“And when his actions towards his twin brother, manager, and ex-fiance came out, how did you feel?”
“I wasn’t very shocked, honestly. I was lucky enough to not experience how bad Roman became, but I definitely saw the start of his spiral before we stopped being friends. I honestly just feel bad for everyone who was hurt by him and I truly hope that they’re doing better now.”
“Okay. Is there anything else you want to add?”
“I hope Roman is finally happy and free from his pain. That’s it”
“So Mr.Sanders, you were Roman’s manager since he started his modeling career. How was it like working with him?”
“He was one of the hardest people I have ever managed. He was very stubborn and lazy. It was often very hard to get him to work without an argument startin. And most of the time, he didn’t even show up to work.”
“Do you regret working with him? Especially now with the allegations that have came out against him claiming he was abusive and overall a bad person
“I won’t speak on the allegations against him. But, I suppose to some extent I do regret being his manager.”
“Last question, what are your thoughts on the way Roman’s career ended?”
“It was definitely hard to witness, especially seeing how many people it affected. I obviously wish it would have ended better, but that’s all in the past now.”
“I’m glad you could answer a couple of our questions, Virgil. You were in a relationship with Roman for years, what was that like?”
“The first few years were like a dream. It was amazing. But I think the longer we dated, the more the death of his ex-lover started affecting him. Eventually it all went downhill. He became a completely different person.”
“There’s rumors that he physically abused you, are these rumors true?”
“No. He was very verbally and emotionally abusive, but he was never really physically abusive. He only ever laid his hands on me once while he was drunk.”
“How did his alcoholism affect your relationship? Do you think it was what caused your relationship to fall apart?”
“While his alcoholism did affect our relationship a lot, I wouldn’t say it was the main thing that ruined our relationship. It certainly made it worse though. He would get drunk so often. Near the end of our engagement it was a daily issue. He was very difficult to be around when he was drunk.
“Is there any advice you would give to people who are in a similar situation as the one you were in?”
“Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone. You’re not alone. I was lucky enough to get help from Remus, Roman’s brother. He was really what saved me from that relationship. But I would have never had him by my side if I hadn’t asked for help. So know that there will be someone willing to help you. Also just know that things will get better and that you can find love again. So, don’t let a bad relationship ruin your view on romance and love.”
“Remus, as Roman’s twin brother you have known him your whole life. Were there early warning signs when he was a kid that he would turn out to be the type of person he became?”
“I can’t say for certain there was. Roman was a very sweet kid when we were younger. Even when we were teenagers, he was social, full of life, and fun to be around. I never would have expected that he would turn into such a hateful person.”
“People speculate that your parents were abusive and that’s why Roman turned out the way he did, what do you say about these rumors?”
“I would prefer not to say much about that other then, there’s a lot of things people don’t know about our childhood and I think it’s disrespectful to speculate about the part of our lives that we keep private.”
“If you saw your brother today, what would you tell him?”
“I would ask him how he’s doing. If he’s doing better now and stuff. I would also tell him to apologize to those he hurt and admit that he caused many people a lot of pain. I think the thing I would like to tell him most is that there are people who love him and that he didn’t have to deal with his issues alone.”
“Is there anything else you would like to add?”
“No. I’ve said everything I’ve had to.”
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Sunshine and StormClouds: Chapter 12
Catch up:
Chapter 1  Chapter 1.5  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10   Chapter 11
*Cough* yeah it’s been awhile.
Characters: Roman, Logan, Virgil, Patton, Remy
Relationships: Analogical, mentioned Romile (Roman x Emile)
Warnings: (Very brief) alcohol mention, a little swearing, and...I don’t think anything else? This one’s pretty fluffy.
Remy was, in fact, quite jealous when he saw Virgil’s nails the next day.
“Gurl, where did you get these?” he demanded, grabbing Virgil’s hand and looking at the design with big eyes. “You have to tell me, c’mon!”
“Oh, it’s only from the best-ever stylist in town,” was Virgil’s answer. He sipped at his coffee and laughed at how Remy looked like he was going to implode, enjoying their banter a lot more than usual this time around. Patton tried Logan’s iced tea and made a face, drawing another laugh from him.
“Alright alright, I’ll tell you,” he conceded at last with another chuckle. Remy lit up at once.
“Yeah yeah, go on,” he said.
“So…it turns out our babysitter is also a blooming artist. He painted my nails for me last night, and a few of Patton’s too.”
As if it was his cue, Patton reached towards Remy with grabby-hands, showing off the blue on his left hand. Remy set his coffee down and took the boy, leaving Logan to finish off his iced tea while he processed the information.
“You’re kidding me,” he said after a minute, looking over Virgil’s nails again. “This is amazing, what even…”
“I know, right?”
“Well then,” Remy said as he handed Patton back to his father and finished off his drink. “Looks like I have a babysitter to catch.”
Roman wasn’t sure how to react when he found that he wouldn’t be walking home from school that day—Remy waited for him outside In his car, motioning him over as soon as he was out the door.
“How’s Emile?” he asked as soon as Roman opened the door. He blushed at that, climbing in and looking down at his shoes.
“He’s, um, he’s good,” he said quietly. Then he looked up. “Why are you picking me up? Do Virgil and Logan need me?” he frowned. “Is something wrong?”
“No, no!” Remy waved a hand and shook his head, a grin on his face and glitter in his eyes. “Nothing’s wrong, my boy. Aunty Remy just wants to spoil you a little, if you don’t mind?”
“Oh…okay.” Roman grinned. Being spoiled by Aunty Remy wasn’t something he was gonna pass up.
“Also…I have a favor to ask of you.” Roman raised an eyebrow in question at that.
“A favor?”
“Yeah, I hear that this town has a budding artist, is that right?” Roman’s eyes widened.
“You saw—”
“Yup! And I was so impressed, I thought I might ask if you’d be willing to do mine too? I’ll pay you, of course. And I’ll take you out to coffee again, cause Aunty Remy needs his caffeine…does that sound good to you?” Roman couldn’t help the smile that nearly split his face.
Roman wasn’t quite sure why Remy called the drink “pumpkin-spiced seasonal depression,” because as far as he was concerned it was the most amazing thing in the world. Either way, he wasn’t complaining, and he smiled behind his drink while Remy shared with him all of the latest gossip he knew of.
Which there was a lot of, apparently.
“Now,” Remy said, setting down his coffee once he’d finished telling Roman about his old highschool friend Ashely’s divorce, “I know that you do your Chemistry homework with Logan, is that right? What do you say we drop in on him? I’ll order a pizza, and you can have dinner with us.”
“Wait, how’d you know Logan was helping me?” Roman asked, though he still hadn’t managed to banish the grin from his face. Remy winked at him. 
“He helped me through Chemistry too, you know. That big brain of his is the only reason I was able to pass.”
“Really? Virgil said he helped him too…”
“Yup! Ol’ Logan tutored a lot of people, and I personally thought he was a better teacher than all of the paid staff at that dumpster fire they called a school combined.” Roman laughed, and he only shrugged. “Hey, I’m telling it like it is. Now, let’s go give our dear friends a surprise visit, shall we?”
“Hello Roman, Remy tells me that you’re in need of further assistance on your Chemistry?”
Roman blinked at Mr.Sanders, while Remy laughed and pushed past him. “Now now, we have to feed the boy first. The pizza dude should be here in a few minutes, and then you can amaze him with your brilliance all you want.”
“You got a curfew at home, kid?” a third voice asked, and Roman glanced up as Virgil came into the hallway, Patton at his hip. Patton smiled happily, reaching for Roman with his little hands when he saw him.
“Ro!” he yelled.
Roman smiled at him, then looked to Virgil. “Uh, sort of, I just gotta be there before my mom goes to bed.”
“When is that, normally?” Logan asked. 
“Uh...around 10 sometimes, though sometimes it’s a lot later.” Roman shrugged. “It depends.”
Logan raised an eyebrow, but Virgil’s eyes held the same unsettling look of understanding they’d always had.
Remy was in the kitchen. 
“You should have seen how jealous he was when he saw my fingernails,” Virgil half-whispered to Roman with a grin. 
“He asked me to do his too,” Roman told him, also grinning.
“Ah, so that explains why I’m getting free pizza tonight. I owe you.”
“Virgil, please tell me you’re not only going to eat pizza.” The group started after Remy, Logan lecturing Virgil on his eating habits while the darker-eyed father half-listened to him with a tired but adoring grin. Roman carefully set his backpack down by the wall, grabbed his nail kit, and ran over to the table. Remy and Virgil were already helping little Patton get strapped into his high chair, and Logan had set out finding something "healthier” for his husband to eat. Remy grinned at Roman as he came in. 
“Ah, it’s our guest of honor!” he called. Virgil chuckled, then went to get something for Patton while Remy sat and Roman started pulling out colors and supplies. 
Lets see, Remy’s classy and fancy… Roman looked over Remy’s outfit, which was fashionable as always: a black trilby hat, sparkly earrings, shades, a gray scarf, and a fancy gray sweater to match with it. 
I have the perfect idea. 
Remy, for once, was quiet as Roman got to work, watching the boy with a look of curiosity and intrigue as he pulled out colors and brushes. He started with Remy’s index finger, painting it black before adding pale pink stripes to it. The next one was pink, with thin black stripes. Then Roman did another black one, this time with pink dots, followed by a pink one with black dots.
When he got to Remy’s thumbs Roman grinned really big, then pulled out the green nail polish. He carefully applied a layer of darker green paint; then, when it had dried, he pulled out the white, painting a tiny logo on top that could only resemble one thing:
“Oh my god it’s Starbucks!” Remy squealed, holding up his hands and gazing at Roman’s work with the biggest smile he’d ever seen. Remy gave Roman an excited thumbs-up, then ran into the living room to show Virgil. 
“Well, you’ve certainly made his day,” Logan mused from over by the counter with a small smile. 
“If you’d like, I can do yours too,” Roman offered automatically, then froze. 
Oh shit--
Logan raised an eyebrow, though instead of declining like he had expected, the teacher nodded after a short hesitation. 
“I suppose I can’t be the only one in this family without nail polish on me, can I?” he asked. To anyone else, his expression was quite unreadable--was that a smile or a frown? But Roman knew it, and he was shocked by it--the blue-tied father’s tone was amused, even happy. 
It made Roman feel warm inside. He smiled back at the teacher, then motioned for Logan to sit. He quickly pulled out several shades of blue, his cheeks burning as he listened to Virgil and Remy arguing in the living room over whose nailpolish was the best. Both were very adamant that is was theirs. Meanwhile, Patton contented himself with several toys that Logan had left with him in his high chair, and as they waited for the pizza Roman started to paint. 
Logan...the picture in his mind, unlike Virgil’s aura of stormclouds and rain, was almost calming in its own way. Logan was smart, but also kind, and when that combined with Patton’s aura of sunbeams and Virgil’s dark skies it painted a unique and beautiful picture that could be found nowhere else.
Roman realized, suddenly...he almost saw these people as family. 
Two fathers, a crazy aunt, and one sunray of a boy were more of a home to him than Roman had ever known before. Of course, he wasn’t homeless, and Roman knew that he was lucky he wasn’t, but his tired house that smelt of booze and hopelessness just wasn’t home in the way Virgil and Logan’s house was...
Roman didn’t know what he thought of that. He put his head down and went back to painting.
“There,” he said after a while, flashing Logan a big smile. “You like it?”
Logan didn’t answer him; he just stared. He held his hand up, then slowly rotated it, looking over the details on every finger with...that couldn’t be...admiration?
“Roman I…” Logan shook his head after a moment. “This is the most aesthetically pleasing thing I’ve ever seen before…”
Roman beamed. 
“You two are being awfully quiet in there,” came Virgil’s voice from the living room, followed by two sets of footsteps as the bickering pair made their way back to the kitchen. 
“oh damn gurl!” Remy shouted when he saw Logan holding up his hands, at the same time Virgil’s eyes widened considerably above the dark eyeshadow. 
“Language,” Logan said automatically, but he still had that quiet, soft smile on his face as Remy grabbed his hand to examine Roman’s work there. 
The index fingers of his hand were blue with stripes, just like Logan’s tie. Next was a tiny white brain icon on a dark blue background, followed by a delicately-done artwork of circuitry on his ring finger. The pinkies were both indigo-colored with white dots, and on his thumbs Roman had painted a tiny sun on one, and a little stormcloud on the other with backgrounds to match--Virgil and Patton. The sunshine and storm clouds.
“My students will be so jealous,” Logan remarked, and Virgil laughed. 
“Hell yeah they will!” 
Roman’s eyes widened when a $20 bill was slapped into his palms, looking up at Remy in shock. 
Remy chuckled at his expression. “I promised to pay you, remember? You did a stunning job, my boy.”
“I am...also impressed,” Logan said. Virgil chuckled, nudging his shoulder as the doorbell rang.
“Pick your jaw up off the floor and go get the pizza,” he laughed. 
“Virgil, a human jaw can’t even...oh.’ Logan paused. “A joke. I get it.” He shook his head and started for the door, while the other two adults exchanged looks. 
“He ain’t been that blown over since he first saw your face,” Remy remarked, and Virgil smacked him. 
Logan came back a few minutes later with the pizza, and the four laughed and joked over dinner while Patton got to try his first (and last, Logan swore) piece of pizza. Roman was happy to note that he enjoyed it quite a bit. 
“He’s taking after you, kid,” Virgil said with a chuckle as Roman reached for his third slice. Roman froze, and the older man laughed. 
“Don’t worry, it’s a compliment,” Remy butted in, throwing a carrot at Virgil.
“I, for one, would love to see Patton grow to be as kind and hardworking as you are,” Logan stated, throwing a glare at Remy. 
Roman got up and ran into the bathroom.
He cried.
And it was the happiest cry he’d ever had.
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patton-croc-agenda · 6 years
Completely Unrelated Ch.2
A/N: AhHH so if you asked to be tagged privately via my inbox and I replied to you privately, then I lost your name and can’t find it I’m soRRy.  I’m thinking about maybe doing ships but who fuckin knows I didn’t outline this. What do you guys want?
Also, Chapter 2? More like exposition dump.
First: Chapter 1 | Next: Chapter 3 | Previous: Chapter 1
Warnings: None Pairings: None (yet?) technically
Patton was the first one to finish freaking out about the situation, and apparently it was only because Logan had turned his head to slam it into the lockers again. He felt Patton grab his wrist and yank him out of the way, before casually shifting to lean against the lockers. His message was clear, Logan would not be doing any more bashing his brains out via locker. Drat. Roman was running his hands through his hair, eyes blown wide, as his tiny brain tried to process what he just saw. Virgil was rubbing his arms and looking from the door, to Patton, to Logan, to the lockers- over and over.
“Alright kiddos let’s just...calm down for a second,” Patton said. His voice was soft, trustworthy. That was Patton for you. It helped Logan calm down a little, as he realized how illogical he was being. Logan nodded to himself, then walked over to stand beside Patton.
“Patton is correct. We can not change the situation, best we just go in and face figuratively face our fates,” he said. Patton beamed, slinging an arm over Logan’s shoulders and nearly knocking him over.
“See? Lolo’s got the right id-” Patton was cut off as Roman snorted.
“Lolo?” he teased, looking more relaxed. Logan scowled.
“New nickname, isn’t it great?” Patton asked.
“I hate it.” Logan deadpanned. That sent Virgil into a fit of giggles, getting the most anxious member of their group to finally break out of the cycle of terror he was about to spin himself into. Logan heard Patton let out a quiet, almost silent sigh of relief. Odd. He didn’t have time to dwell on that, though, as Patton opened the door and made an over dramatic bowing motion. Roman, always one for theatrics, laughed and strode forward.
“Thank you, kind citizen,” Roman said, using his ‘prince’ voice. Patton giggled, and Virgil rolled his eyes before trotting into the room after Roman. Patton looked over at Logan.
“You ready?” Logan sighed.
“As I’ll ever be…”
Normally, if they were on time, people didn’t really spare them a second glance. However, today they looked at the group, then at the new teacher, then at the group again. The teacher, Mr.Sanders, apparently, didn’t even glance up from his phone. Logan noticed Virgil shrinking back at the attention, and Logan carefully shuffled to stand in front of Virgil, blocking him from view.
“Thanks…,” Virgil whispered
“Don’t mention it,” Logan whispered back, motioning to a quiet place in the back of the room to sit. Normally, Logan liked to sit in the front. As did Roman, who liked being the center of attention. However, in history it was an unspoken agreement to sit with Virgil in the back. Sometimes, one or two of them would sit a row ahead so they could block Virgil from any prying eyes. Today, though, they all sat in a row. Roman, Virgil, Patton, Logan, a Sanders line. Logan’s brain smacked him, that wasn’t even a pun. He needed to stop spending so much time with Patton. Roman and Patton were whispering to each other as Virgil pulled his headphones off and subtly put an earbud in one ear instead. Logan pulled out his textbook and started to review what they had learned last week, when a voice interrupted the peace.
“Hello class, I’m Mr.Sanders!” the man said, gesturing to his name on the board. A few eyes glanced back at them, and a few giggles burst out. Logan glanced over at Virgil, who flipped his hood up. The giggles died as Roman gave what was, apparently, a very threatening glare. Mr.Sanders frowned.
“I dunno what’s so funny, but anyway! I don’t know anyone’s names yet, so when I call your name just raise your hand or say here, alrighty?” Mr.Sanders said, fumbling on his desk for a piece of paper.
Logan looked over and made eye contact with Roman, who proceeded to have an eye-conversation with him. Something about Mr.Sanders getting to their names, probably. Logan couldn’t actually read peoples’ eyes, so every time one of the others tried to communicate via eyeball Logan was totally lost and just widened his eyes and raised his eyebrows in a pattern that usually fooled the other person into believing he knew that they were saying. Except once, where he must’ve said something inappropriate because Patton had shrieked and thrown an apple at his face.
“Oh! Isn’t this fun?” Mr.Sanders exclaimed. ‘Here it comes’, Logan steeled himself.
“Logan Sanders. We have the same last name,” Mr.Sanders laughed. Logan rolled his eyes and raised his hand. Mr.Sanders eyes lit up.
“Perfect! Next we have…,” there was the confusion, “...another Sanders! Patton,” Patton waved enthusiastically.
“Awesome! Next is...Roman Sanders?” Mr.Sanders was frowning now.
“The one and only!” Roman announced, standing up and posing dramatically. Patton clapped enthusiastically. Mr.Sanders gave a slight smile at that.
“Alright, then. Virgil...Sanders,” Mr.Sander’s voice dropped off as if someone had just shoved him off the cliff of realization. Okay, bad metaphor, Logan really did need to spend less time around Patton.
“Well! Sanders is a common last name,” Mr.Sanders grinned. Logan blinked in surprise and looked over at Roman. This once he could understand what Roman was trying to say through his eyes perfectly. ‘He’s not going to ask if we’re related?’
The class continued on without a hitch after that, no comments on them looking like their teacher, no comments on the names. Just a casual history lesson. The bell rang for their next class, and Logan shuffled after his friends and shot Mr.Sanders a suspicious look as he did so. His new teacher only smiled back.
Logan didn’t have anything after school that day, however, Patton had a student council meeting, and Logan was Patton’s only ride home. Since the meeting would be about an hour, Logan could technically go home and come pick up his friend later, but considering how much time and gas that would waste, Logan instead opted to stay. He had chatted with Virgil for about 20 minutes before his friend had to leave, something about helping his dad clean the house for a date. After that, Logan sat in the auditorium for approximately 10 minutes, watching Roman and his theatre friends practicing for some musical or other they were going to perform. Logan got bored quickly, however. Not that he’d ever tell Roman that, but he wasn’t exactly fond of acting or stage-performances.
Which was how Logan now found himself wandering around the halls, glancing into windows on the doors occasionally. Suddenly, a voice called out, “LOGAN!”
Logan turned to the right, only to see Mr.Sanders waving at him from inside his classroom. Logan gave a surprised frown. Lucky guess, he supposed.
“Yes, Mr.Sanders?” he asked, stepping into the classroom. Mr.Sanders held up a history textbook.
“You forgot this! I’m surprised you’re still here, honestly. School got out half an hour ago.”
“37 minutes ago, actually,” Logan corrected, taking the book and deciding to sit in a chair facing Mr.Sanders desk. Mr.Sanders laughed.
“But, yes. I’m staying late due to Patton, who has a student council meeting. We’re neighbors, so I drive him to and from school.”
“Well that’s awfully nice of you, Logan” Mr.Sanders smiled, leaning down to pull at his desk drawer, “do you play chess, by chance?” Logan’s lips curled up the slightest bit at that.
“I do,” he said as Mr.Sanders gently placed a board in front of them and unfolded it.
“Great! Here, want to play?” he asked, setting up the pieces. Logan nodded and helped his teacher set up the board. They began the game in silence at first, but slowly they began to make small conversation.
“So, Logan,” he took one of Logan’s pawns, “I think it’s interesting you and the other Sanders’ in this school are friends. I often find when kids share names, they either hate, or love each other.” Logan snorted, moving a knight.
“Well, I suppose we’re in the ‘love’ category. Though, sometimes I want to strangle them,” Logan took one of Mr.Sander’s bishops. Mr.Sanders laughed.
“Along with that, it does get irritating when people assume we’re related. In fact, I’m surprised you didn’t ask us,” Logan sat back as Mr.Sanders stared at the board, eyebrows furrowed.
“Really? You don’t even look that similar,” another one of Logan’s pawns gone, “actually, I got asked if I had any kids that went to this school today. I would’ve brushed it off, if I wasn’t asked multiple times by both students and faculty.”
“Ah, they assume we’re related then? Well, unless you gave away any children about 16 years ago, I don’t think you are,” Logan took a pawn this time.
“Oh? Not to pry but...are you adopted then?” Mr.Sanders asked, gently, as if he was worried he was going to offend Logan somehow. Logan just shrugged and nodded.
“Me and Roman are both adopted. Not by the same people, of course, but I figured before the DNA test that if any of us were related, it’d be him and me,” Mr.Sanders lost a knight.
“You all actually took DNA tests?” Mr.Sanders laughed. Logan looked at him and smirked.
“I have the papers, if you want them,” Mr.Sanders probably would’ve done a spit-take if he had been drinking something.
“Noooo thanks, I’m good,” he grinned. Logan chuckled.
“So, yes, it’s just been me and my father. I’m glad he’s not married, nor will he ever be, because we have enough Sanders running around as is,” Logan said, moving forward one of his knights. He saw a question forming on Mr.Sander’s tongue and quickly answered it before it was asked.
“No tragic backstory, he’s just aroace,” he stated. Mr.Sander’s question turned to a, “Ah, I see.”
Logan managed to take Mr.Sander’s queen. Mr.Sanders frowned and moved forward a pawn.
“So, how often are you four mixed up? I just want to know how much I’ll be questioned about being your father.” Logan sighed.
“About once a day, if not more. You’d think people in the school would get used to it by now, but apparently not. It doesn’t help that we’re always hanging around each other, I suppose. Check, by the way,” Logan said, pulling his hand away from the board.
“Does anyone ever find that weird?” Mr.Sanders joked. Logan snorted.
“Occasionally, as they think we’re all brothers and think we should have other friends. I sometimes imagine how weirded out they’d be if they knew I had feelings for-” Logan froze, hand reaching out towards the pieces again.
“Feelings for...who now?” Mr.Sanders grinned. Logan felt his face heat up as he moved a piece.
“Checkmate. I think I should go, Patton’s meeting will be over by now,” he said, standing and hurrying away.
“Oh, alright, but Logan,” Mr.Sanders said. Logan turned to see the man’s soft smile.
“I won’t pry, it’s your life. I just think you shouldn’t let the fact you look a little bit like your friends change how you interact with them. Too much, at least,” he started to sweep the chess pieces off the desk. Logan sighed and let a small smile curl onto his lips again.
“Thank you, Mr.Sanders,” Logan said. Mr.Sander’s smiled back,
“We’re not in class, buddy, you can just call me Thomas.”
“Thank you, Thomas.”
Taglist: @patton-is-gay @fangirlfiles1 @leave-dont-disappear @considerablelogicality @allierox15 @give-me-a-minute-to-think @nienna14 @nye275 @winged-outlaw @sanspie122 @magical-awesome-kid
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