#Francis Dolarhyde x Fem!Reader
fizzyxcustard · 1 year
Hello, sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could request a Francis Dolarhyde or Thorin comfort prompt. The reader has had a overwhelming day and Francis or Thorin tries to comfort them the best they can. You can pick which character to use if you like.
(Hello, lovely! I will try my best at this for you and write a little drabble. I'm going to go with Francis for this one as I've already done a couple of Thorin fics along the lines of this. If you want to read a Thorin version, this one might be of interest to you. Hope you enjoy it. And due to this only being a drabble, I won't tag anyone in it)
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You slumped down on Francis' couch, and sighed. The tension from the day seemed to be sitting in your brow and neck, pressing down on you like a weight. It was painful, irritating and overwhelming. And without any control whatsoever, you began to cry.
Francis watched you, pain hitting him in his chest at the sight of his only friend sobbing. "Are... you okay?" he asked, slipping across the couch toward you. He lifted his hand, not sure whether to put his arm around you. He felt a tremor of anxiety rack through him.
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes and streaming down your face. "I'm sorry," you whispered, and tried hard to brush the tears from your cheeks with the sleeve of your jumper.
"No, don't be," Francis said, his voice more firm and confident this time. "Do you want a drink?"
You smiled weakly at him and nodded. "Yes, please. Whatever you're having."
You were left alone for a few minutes as Francis disappeared into his kitchen. You were stuck in a dead end job you hated, felt so alone in this world, and everyone you knew treated you like a ghost. Except Francis. He made you feel like you actually existed. Despite his own insecurity, he tried to be your friend in any way he could and that he knew. It normally meant bringing you little snacks to work, dropping you off at home, and even sending you little messages at work on the computer, simply to say hello. Both of you were outcasts, unpopular, and so naturally gravitated to each other.
"Here. I thought something strong might help," Francis said, offering you a glass of whiskey.
"Thank you," you said again. "I mean that. I appreciate everything you do for me." Before you knew it and you'd gripped his arm, wanting to translate your appreciation from simple words into a gesture, a touch.
"I....It's okay," he stuttered.
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 1 month
MAY: More content coming. More OCs and organization is coming along.
Thanks for patience all. I'm getting used to this formatting.
Also my A03 links will be up next month. 💋
Also I generally post the new content on Fridays and continuing content on the same day or week it starts.
Strange & Wonderful Script
(On hold until June because of writing event)
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(Richard Armitage x OC - Kayla Crowe)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Queen of the Forest - OC x RA original story
*Teasers release mid June *
Other fics in progress:
Have some Jason Statham content I made awhile back with RA in it. Lol. Circa 2014.
Transporter 4 script
Tom Bateman stuff coming up soon. (His voice is scottish velvet and i cant help myself)
A continuation or derivation of his series called; Beachum House.
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Tom Hiddleston (but modern not Loki content, I am a recluse amount of time away from catching up on Marvel universe. If they put Richard in the Marvel universe again I will happily catch up. 😆)
I loved him in John Le Carre's - Night Manager
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Lyn's Writing Event 2024
Week 1:
The Faroes Curse - William Farrow x OC Delphine Part 1 Part 2
A Superior Find - Dr Scott White x OC Mika Deerheart
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Considering Chimera - Dr Scott White x OC Jennifer Turner
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Exploring the Barrens - Ray Levine x fem reader
Pockets Full of Gold - Thorin Oakenshield & company in Dale
Heart-Scorched in the Desert - Guy of Gisborne x OC Navaneeth
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Week 2:
Reclaiming Purity - Dr Astrov x OC Cassandra
Part 1 ....
Awkward & Sweet - John Standring x OC Felicity Boies. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
For Ursa's Benefit - Adam Price x OC Callisto
Part 1. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Descension Upon Jupiter - Joe Burkett x OC Sephira
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Spoils of War - Raymond de Merville as Mars x Rhea Silvia depiction. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Week 3:
Minibreak in Kyllini, Greece - RA x Kayla Crowe
Part 1 Part 2 poss Part 3 (3 day weekend)
Norse - skipped for now
A Calculated Risk - John Porter x Raymond de Merville x OC Dina Sayed
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Disembodied Souls - Harry Kennedy x OC
Part 1 Part 2
The Katarite (Storyteller) - Raymond Merville x OC Mizuki Heiki Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Worshipping the Goddess - Claude Becker x OC Kiara. Part 1 Part 2
Pure Surrender - Daniel Miller x Francis Dolarhyde x OC Chasca Flores (Full Fic)
Week 4:
Just A Minor Disaster- RA x fem! reader
A Sweet Stroll - John & Margaret Thornton
A Swiss Escape - Daniel Miller x OC Courtney Roeber
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Whirlwind Awareness - Gary Fuller x Allison Stone (Fuller)
Getting Dirty in Cozumel - Thorin (modern AU) x Fem! Reader. (18++) Intro Full
*** announcement **
Rest of challenge will be posted in the trickle days of the weekend. Just been too challenging to squeeze in during work days the last week or so. And I was losing inspirational momentum too, work has been real brain draining.
Here are the markers though;
Hurricane - Lucas North x OC
Wildfire - John Porter x OC (in development - these are always heavy)
Challenge Days;
Medusa - Thorin x Medusa
Tooth First Into Her - Ray Levine x (fem werewolf) Jesula Paul
Part 1 Part 2
Volcanic Eruption- RA x fem ( in Iceland)
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sorisooyaa · 2 years
Moodboard / Banner / Blend Masterlist
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Enemies to Lovers - Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader
Lathalea’s Post
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A Secret is Found Out -  Thorin x OC (Diamonds and Ashes | Raelynn Adair story)
Coffee Shop - Daniel Miller x Fem!Reader
Kidnapped - Raymond De Merville x Fem!OC
Crossover - Thorin Oakenshield x Eternal!OC
Oblivious Of Feelings - Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader
Comfort - John Thornton x Fem!Reader
Lies - Thorin Oakenshield and Fëanor
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Arranged Marriage - Raymond De Merville x Fem!OC
Love Triangle - Ray Levine x Fem!OC x Cassie
Illness - Dr. Scott White x Fem!OC
Angel/Demon - Modern!Dragon Sickness!Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!OC
Matching Tattoos - Francis Dolarhyde x Fem!OC
Werewolf/Vampire - Vampire!Thorin Oakenshield x Werewolf!Fem!Reader
Body Swap - Thorin Oakenshield and Thranduil / Thorin x Wife!Reader
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Break Up - Lucas North x Fem!OC
Time Travel - Raymond De Merville x Reader /  Father!Raymond De Merville x daughter!ofc
Accident - Francis Dolarhyde x Reader
Birthday - Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader
Proposal - Dr. Mikhail Astrov x Fem!OC
Looming Anniversary - Thorin Oakenshield x Wife!Reader
Be Careful What You Wish For - Modern!Dragon Sickness!Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!OC
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Vacation/Holiday - Modern!Thorin Oakenshield x Wife!Reader
Pirates - Thorin Oakenshield x Mermaid!Reader
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Thank you for the likes, comments and reblogs 💖
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
I’ve got a week off work now so I’m hoping to work on quite a few things.
1) Betrayal (Lucas North x OC and Raymond de Merville x OC)
2) Ultimatum (Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader)
3) Begin getting A Rose at Twilight fully copied over on to here (Thorin x Fem!Reader)
4) Get Wrong Place Wrong Time part 2 copied over to here (Raymond de Merville x Fem!Reader)
5) Richard Armitage character headcanon series. I’ve selected 9 characters who will be the base for all the series. (Thorin Oakenshield , John Thornton, John Porter, Guy of Gisborne, Ray Levine, Raymond de Merville, Lucas North, Father Quart, Francis Dolarhyde)
6) Some one off fluffy fics around Thorin and Lucas North which have been requested.
7) Some of the very last requests in my inbox.
Any other suggestions and comments are always welcome. My ask box is always open so please never hesitate to reach out. I love answering asks and interacting with you. ❤️❤️❤️
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
A New Dawn.
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Masterlist of fan fiction
Part one of this fic can be found here
Fandom: Hannibal
Pairings: Francis Dolarhyde x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Sexual references, mild smut, anxiety/depression mention, negative memories, domestic abuse (physical, verbal, mental, emotional)
Summary: After Francis has brutally murdered your boyfriend, John, who has been abusing you, you and Francis run away together to help him hide. Is his love for you becoming a requited feeling?
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be tagged in any of my tag lists for fics or characters, please let me know, and stipulate what you want to be tagged in.  
The motel room was musty, dark and barely cleaned. It had been your home now for two days since you had fled with Francis from your home, leaving the brutally murdered body of your boyfriend, John, behind. News reports had begun to circulate on all the main channels, asking for any information on John's murder to be given up to the authorities.
"We can't stay here forever, Francis," you told him. He sat next to you on the bed and sighed. "We need to keep moving. Maybe fly somewhere..."
"I need to get money," Francis told you, his tone stern, but giving a simplicity to his words. "Then we can go. The police will want to question you first."
Terror hit you and you froze. "I know. I'm suspect number one. After all, I lived with him, and now I've disappeared."
The question still remained in your mind: why had you left with Francis? Why didn't you turn him in? Leaving with the murderer of your boyfriend had made your life a lot more complicated now, and given the authorities a reason to suspect you as the killer. But part of you was thankful for what Francis had done. Life with John had become an unbearable hell.
Your thoughts turned into words, and as you spoke them, Francis listened.
"John was cheating on me, but he constantly denied it and told me that it was all in my head. A few months into our relationship, he started drinking at the weekend with his friends, getting completely hammered. Then he would come home and drag me out of bed, wanting to fight. I started taking anxiety and depression medication because of him, and I knew that I'd never be free of him. The house was mine, left by my parents, but he made sure he was added on to all the documents as co-owner. There was no way he was going to leave me alone once he'd got his feet under the table."
"I could never let him get away with that..." Francis mumbled.
"I know," you replied, wiping a tear from your cheek. "That was why I couldn't leave you to face the police. You saved me from that life, and even if I do go to prison, wrongfully accused, I won't have to go through any of that again. I'd by far rather sit and rot in prison then I have to go back to that life with John."
"Why have you always been so kind to me?" Francis asked, his voice breaking so slightly. He looked at you, his steel blue eyes shining so bright through the dingy atmosphere of the room.
The longer you looked at Francis and the more you felt yourself become enthralled by him. He was handsome, but didn't see it in himself. All he saw was the scar between his top lip and nose, which served as a reminder of the deformity he was born with. Francis always tried to hide his face or talk as little as possible. It seemed as if you had never been able to look upon his face fully, only from a side or in dark rooms. "Everyone deserves kindness," you replied. You took his hand in yours and held it.
Francis turned his upper body towards you. You reached up and cupped his cheek, watching him close his eyes in response. He whispered your name and kissed the palm of your hand softly. You then brushed your thumb across his scar and watched him wince in that moment.
"It's okay," you told him. "Trust me."
The air had grown so close and thick in your tensions. And acting on that tension, you did the most instinctive thing you could have done in those moments. You kissed.
Both of you became caught up in the moment, your tongues meshing. Heat was rising high, until you began to remove Francis' shirt, and that seemed to spur him on. He became more dominant in his actions, but not like John. Francis didn't want to possess, he wanted to pleasure.
Beneath his gaze and you writhed, feeling Francis kiss down you. You allowed him to take you.
It was the middle of the night and you opened your eyes, focusing on the shadows on the ceiling. Francis was still asleep with his back to you, and through the darkened room you could still make out the colours of the ink on his back.
You got out of bed and pulled on your underwear and jeans. What had happened between you both? It confused you. Were you really falling for him? He'd killed a man. But, he done it for you. That was what had caused this invisible force to develop between you both, where you now wanted him.
As you had made love only hours earlier, his body had overpowered you, but in a way that aroused you to the very core. It was not a possessive dominance, but rather a dominance of protection and love, wanting nothing more than to pleasure you and treasure you. Sex with John was always quick, to the point, focusing on him. Sometimes he would hit you, and you pretended to enjoy it, scared that he would hurt you even more later for defying him. With Francis and there had been an innocence in his actions, mixed with instinct. It felt like he was in tune with what you wanted and what you needed.
Francis woke a couple of hours later to find you gone. Your side of the bed was empty, and as he dashed to the bathroom, you weren't in there.
In a flurry of emotions, Francis got dressed and raced out of the room. The door slammed shut behind him and his eyes surveyed the area. Left to right his gaze swept. Until he noticed a figure strolling along the pavement in the left hand direction, hands in pockets. He smiled to himself in relief, recognising you immediately. The sun was rising in the distance, forming a gold halo around your head.
You approached Francis and wound your arm around his waist, feeling him draw up against you. He lowered his head toward you and sighed.
"Good morning," you whispered. Then the two of you kissed, feeling the growing heat of the sun envelope you both.
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Follow Forever tag list: @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @xxbyimm @linasofia @middleearthpixie @meganlpie @msjava1972 @sketch-and-write-lover @knitastically @guardianofrivendell @lilacpulse @asgardianhobbit98 @spidergirla5 @rachel1959 @enchantzz
Richard Armitage tag list: @eunoiaastralwings @cryptichobbit
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
That whole list screamed Guy and Francis and Raymond to me. But I manged to narrow it down to “I did something terrible.” or “I did it because I had to, not because I ever wanted to.” or “If I tell you what I did, we’ll probably never see one another again.” or “What on earth is worth betraying someone who loves you?” Hopefully that helps channel some creative energy. If not, take these 💐 and enjoy!
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(Just a very simple drabble, with slight sexual undertones towards the end. I won't tag anyone as it's not very long)
You looked at Francis, his eyes bright and wide. There was blood splatter on his cheek and he was standing at the door of your boyfriend's house. The prick who had abused you constantly since you begun dating six months prior.
You knew that Francis had seen the bruises up your arm on more than one occasion when you staggered into work late.
"I did something terrible," Francis said softly.
You had not seen Brad now for a week and all his calls had remained unanswered.
"I did it because I had to, not because I ever wanted to," Francis continued. His gaze was locked with yours. All he had ever wanted to do was protect you. Be the man for you that Brad should have been. "If I tell you what I did, we'll probably never see one another again."
"Francis..." you whispered. In your heart and you knew what he had done, and it had been all for you. To protect you. "I know he was cheating on me...with someone from work."
"What on earth is worth betraying someone who loves you?" Francis asked.
"To him, Samantha was worth it."
Francis knew Samantha; all of you worked together. Through his eyes and no one could ever compare to you. Beautiful you. Kind you. Passionate you. Samantha was nothing in comparison, only a hollow shell of anything that was remotely like you.
You whispered his name again, and this time it brought forward a shot of arousal down his spine. It hit him the gut and spread outward. The way you whispered his name was enough to cause a tsunami and throw him over the edge with delight.
Your gazes were locked, smouldering.
You stepped closer, and so did he. His lips were trembling in anticipation. Then suddenly you were kissing, fierce and wanting. Groans. Pants.
Francis picked you up as if you were no weight at all and you locked your legs around his waist. Lips were still locked.
Whilst in his arms, Francis kicked open Brad's door behind him and took you both inside.
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fizzyxcustard · 4 years
Imagine you become close with Francis Dolarhyde, not realising that he’s stalking you. When you think your boyfriend has ghosted you, it’s actually because Francis has murdered him so the Dragon can have you all to himself.
(This is coming as a fic VERY soon! Thanks to @dabisburntnut​ for the inspiration and fun times coming up with the idea)
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fizzyxcustard · 4 years
I’m going to work on my Thorin x Fem!Reader Valentine fic this evening, and people have voted that Thorin is going to show his true feelings to the reader through what she has told him about Valentine’s Day. :) 
I do still plan on writing a fic around The Witcher at some point. Had a very strange dream last night about Geralt, and I think it’s pushing me to write something about him. Watch this space. 
Francis Dolarhyde will also now officially be being added to the list of characters I write for, the majority being from Richard Armitage’s filmography. 
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Lathalea and Fizzyxcustard's Armitage Summer Splash - Masterlist
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Day 1 - "Did we make a mistake?" / Enemies to Lovers trope - (Lucas North x Fem!Reader)
Day 2 - "I never thought it'd be like this." / Only one bed trope - (Modern!John Thornton)
Day 3 - "I did it for you...for us." / Unrequited love trope (Francis Dolarhyde x Fem!Reader)
Day 4 - "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." / Betrayal trope (Lucas North x OC [Amy Holland from Covert Eyes] )
Day 5 - "I can't believe you did that." / Drunken admission of feelings trope. (John Porter x Fem!Reader)
Day 6 - "You've got to get over this." / Friends with benefits trope. (Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader) COLLAGE.
Day 7 - "I've never loved you." / Soulmates trope. (Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader)
Day 8 - "Show me your face." / A secret is told trope. (Adam Price x Fem!Reader)
Day 9 - "You need to get over this." / Coffee shop trope. (Ray Levine x Fem!Reader) COLLAGE.
Day 10 - "You always promised you'd never hurt me." / Kidnapped trope. (Lucas North x OC)
Day 11 - "I could stay like this forever." (Scott White x Fem!Reader)
Day 12 - "How dare you." / Oblivious of feelings trope. (Raymond de Merville x Fem!Reader)
Day 13 - "It was the best day of my life." / Comfort trope. (Guy of Gisborne and slight Fem!Reader)
Day 14 - "I wish I could go back." / Lies trope. (Lucas North x OC)
Day 15 - "How could you possibly think that?" / Arranged marriage trope. (Raymond de Merville x Fem!Reader)
Day 16 - Love triangle trope. (Ray Levine x Fem!Reader/Ray Levine x Cassie)
Day 17 - "I need space away from you." / Illness trope. (Modern John Thornton x Fem!Reader)
Day 18 - Angel/demon trope (Raymond de Merville x Fem!Reader)
Day 19 - "I can't do this." / Matching tattoos tope. (Lucas North x OC)
Day 20 - "I feel like everyone has abandoned me." / Werewolf trope (Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader)
Day 21 - "It really suits you." / Body swap trope. (All Richard fandoms)
Day 22 - "We have all the time in the world." / Break up trope. (John Porter x Fem!Reader)
Day 23 - "Do you regret being with me?" / Time travel trope. (John Thornton x Fem!Reader) COLLAGE
Day 24 - "I need to see you." / Accident trope. (Ray Levine x Reader)
Day 25 - "I'm sorry." / Birthday trope. (Lucas North x OC)
Day 26 - "I miss you." / Proposal trope. (John Porter x Fem!Reader)
Day 27 - "Do not lie to me." / Anniversary trope. (Guy of Gisborne x Fem!Reader)
Day 28 - "Lets skip to the good part." / Dream trope. (Lucas North x OC)
Day 29 - "I never thought we'd ever find a way to each other." / Holiday or vacation trope. (Raymond de Merville x Fem!Reader in modern times)
Day 30 - "It meant nothing to me." / Pirates trope. (John Thornton x Fem!Reader)
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