#Frederick Valentich
archivist-crow · 6 months
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On this day:
October 21, 1978, in Australia, twenty-year-old amateur pilot Frederick Valentich was flying alone in a rented blue-and-white Cessna 182. The sky was calm, and visibility was good as he headed over the Bass Strait to King Island. At 7:06 p.m. he noticed another craft flying at the same altitude as he was and radioed air-traffic control in Melbourne. There was no indication of another plane in the area. During the next six minutes, Valentich reported that the unknown object was flying too fast to identify easily, but he did see four bright lights, a green light, and a metallic exterior. The UFO alternately flew toward him, orbited above him, and vanished. The final words from Valentich were, "It's hovering and it's not an aircraft.” The microphone remained open and silent for seventeen seconds, and then twelve seconds of unexplained metallic scraping was heard before communication was terminated.
At 7:12 a.m. a sea and air search alert was initiated. No sign of Valentich, or his plane, was ever found. The reason for his disappearance remains undetermined.
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violini, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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“Something Shining” ~ documentary on the 1978 disappearance of Australian pilot Frederick Valentich
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sheltiechicago · 3 months
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The Valentich Disappearance
by Megan Walch
Oil and acrylic on canvas.
The Valentich Disappearance occurred on 21st October 1978, when 20-year-old Australian aviator and flying saucer enthusiast Frederick Valentich vanished while piloting his small aircraft to King Island. He reported to air traffic control that an unknown flying object was accompanying him. Valentich radioed: “It’s not an aircraft …” He was never found.
Photograph: Hadley's Art Prize
Hadley’s Art Prize
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lapseudosphere · 3 months
5. Comportement et lieux d'intérêt (pseudossier : le phénomène ovni)
À lire avant pour ne pas être trop perdu :
1. Petit historique - Partie 1
Pseudocomplément : l'affaire Roswell
2. Petit historique - Partie 2
3. Petit historique - Partie 3
4. Caractéristiques générales
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Je remercie les chercheuses et chercheurs cité·e·s dans ce pseudossier pour leurs travaux. Pour réaliser ce pseudossier, je me suis appuyé sur des films documentaires, des interviews vidéos, des ouvrages, des articles de presse ou de sites internet. Je remercie les pseudosphéristes passionnés qui en sont à l’origine.
Principales pseudosources :
Je me suis appuyé sur l’ouvrage suivant pour l’ensemble de ce pseudossier : Franck Maurin, Les mystères du phénomène ovni - de la préhistoire à nos jours, Éditions La Vallée Heureuse, 2016
Durée des observations d'ovnis : https://rr0.org/time/1/9/7/4/07/20/LesOvnisUneRealite/
Statistiques sur le nombre de témoins par observation : Éric Zurcher, les apparitions mondiales d'humanoïdes, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2018
Plage horaire des observations d'ovnis d'après une étude canadienne : http://www.canadianuforeport.com/survey/UFOsOverCanada.pdf (page 53)
Quasi-collision le 6 janvier 1995 : Chaîne ParaNormal ChaNNel, Un Boeing 737 évite une collision de justesse avec un OVNI à Manchester (Angleterre) - 1995 (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3oei9f)
Possible collision avec un ovni en août 1946 : (en anglais) Timothy Good, A Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence, Sidgwick and Jackson, 2006 (page 39)
Disparition de Frederick Valentich : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cas_Valentich
Combat aérien au Pérou : Leslie Kean, Ovnis, des généraux des pilotes et des officiels parlent, Editions Dervy, 2010 (pages 125 à 132)
La bataille de Los Angeles : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bataille_de_Los_Angeles
La nuit des ovnis : Egon Kragel et Yves Couprie, Ovnis - Enquête sur un secret d'États, Éditions Le cherche midi, 2010 (page 19) (en anglais) https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/11414787 Chaine Nuréa TV, « Rencontres entre Pilotes et OVNIs » avec Franck Maurin (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDYFt3DCf2w&t=8892s, à 2 h 44 min 20 s)
Ovnis en forme de seringue : Éric Zurcher, les apparitions mondiales d'humanoïdes, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2018 (pages 310 - 311)
Message télépathique à l'approche d'un ovni : Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Fabrice Bonvin, Ovnis et conscience, Éditions le Temps Présent, 2015 (p.81)
Col de Vence : Egon Kragel et Yves Couprie, Ovnis - Enquête sur un secret d'États, Éditions Le cherche midi, 2010 (pages 261-262)
Occupation des territoires par les ovnis dans les lieux légendaires ou par vagues : Éric Zurcher, les apparitions mondiales d'humanoïdes, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2018 (pages 275 à 276)
Black Out 1965 : (en anglais) https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/blackout65.htm (en anglais) http://www.santafeghostandhistorytours.com/UFO-BLACKOUT-1965.html https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-11-09-usa-newyorkcityf.htm (en anglais) http://ufoexperiences.blogspot.com/2005_09_01_archive.html
Ovni de l'aéroport de Bariloche en Argentine : (en espagnol) https://www.elcordillerano.com.ar/noticias/2016/08/01/18748-caso-polanco-hace-21-anos-un-ovni-volo-sobre-bariloche
Concernant le lien entre le phénomène ovni et le nucléaire, voici deux vidéos très complètes diffusées sur le média Nuréa TV : https://nurea.tv/ovnis-et-centrales-nucleaires-avec-stephane-royer/ https://nurea.tv/ovnis-et-armes-nucleaires-avec-stephane-royer/
Ovnis survolant les complexes militaires entre 1947 et 1952 : Egon Kragel et Yves Couprie, Ovnis - Enquête sur un secret d'États, Éditions Le cherche midi, 2010 (pages 195-196) https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/tf.htm#twinkle Chaine Nuréa TV, OVNIs et Armes Nucléaires avec Stéphane Royer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spUw8NaRlhI&t=4028s, à 7 min 20)
Cas de Vanderberg en 1964 : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 37-38 et 326-327) (en anglais) https://nypost.com/2021/10/21/former-air-force-chief-claims-he-once-saw-ufo-firing-at-nuke-missiles-launched-from-secret-base/
Cas d'intrusions dans les années 70 : Jean Gabriel Greslé, Documents interdits - La fin d'un secret, Éditions Dervy (revue et augmentée), 2020 (pages 209 à 221)
Cas de Warren en 2010 : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 72 à 83)
Cas de Byelokoroviche (1982) et de Kasputin Yar (1989) : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 139 à 147)
Cas d'Hammaguir (1964) : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 86 à 91)
Vidéo d'ovni au-dessus de la centrale de Fukushima : https://www.20min.ch/fr/story/un-ovni-apercu-au-dessus-de-fukushima-726743804556
Ovnis dans la région de Fukushima : (en anglais) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/uk-science-tech-weekend-features-project/article-11854841/The-Japanese-mountain-magnet-UFOs.html (en anglais) https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/03/21/national/fukushima-ufo-sightings/
Catastrophe de Tchernobyl : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 228 à 238) Didier van Cauwelaert, Intégrale Dictionnaire de l'impossible, Éditeur Plon, 2013 (voir "Tchernobyl") https://www.laradioactivite.com/site/pages/Querelledechiffres.htm
Activité des ovnis en Iran et au-dessus des gisements d'uranium : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 293, 294, 315 et 316)
Études statistiques sur le lien entre les ovnis et le nucléaire, ainsi que sur la corrélation avec le mégatonnage : Stéphane Royer et Didier Gomez, Ovnis et nucléaire, Éditions JMG, 2021 (pages 31, 32, 320 et 321)
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letsgethaunted · 1 year
Episode 99: The Abduction of Frederick Valentich
Image 01: Frederick Valentich Image 02: Fred and the Cessna he was renting Image 03: Memorial near the site Fred disappeared Image 04: 1978 news article about Fred’s disappearance Image 05: Final Transmission Part 1 Image 06: Final Transmission Part 2 Image 07: Final Transmission Part 3 Image 08: Debris found in 1983 that *might* be part of the Cessna, but it’s impossible to prove. The debris has since “disappeared” from the archives. Image 09: Alleged UFO photo taken by Roy Manifold near the area Fred’s Cessna was supposed to be Image 10: Bass Strait Triangle
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dean-boese-universe · 2 years
Episode 99 Where'd they go; a handful of strange disappearances
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paperrretro · 1 year
friends in strange places.
Pairings: Edgar Frog x Reader; Alan Frog & Reader
Word Count: 1,612 words
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of religion
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“Fu –”
“Quiet,” Edgar demands.
You scowl, glancing around at the people sending you the typical weird looks before shouldering your backpack properly. “Stop creeping up on me like that.”
“Stealth is important for people like us,” Edgar tells you, frowning like you’re the one at fault for shrieking when he and Alan suddenly appeared behind your locker door. You’re about to snark out a reply when he continues brusquely, “We need to talk.”
“About what?”
“Not here,” Alan says lowly. “At the shop. Come on.”
“My place is closer,” you grumble, starting to walk down the hallway towards the back exit. When they don’t follow, you stop and turn around to tug them along with you. The sea of students part for the three of you as if you’re diseased. “Meaning we should talk there. Come on. My grandma’s out and made a shit ton of cookies last night, anyway.”
If Edgar and Alan seem to hurry along just a little more after hearing that last bit, you don’t comment on it.
Your home is just a five-minute walk from Santa Clara High, right at the street corner where the stop sign gets tagged every other weekend. Once you step through the door and toss your backpacks onto the living room couch, Alan heads straight to the kitchen while you keep Edgar back for a moment.
“Where’s Emerson?” you ask.
Edgar raises an eyebrow at you. “How would I know?”
“Well, he’s your new best friend, isn’t he?”
You are careful to keep your tone casual. You’ve hung out with Sam a few times by default, given that he and the brothers were strangely tight by the time you came back from a horribly boring summer vacation in Texas, and you were surprised to find that he was actually kind of normal. Aside from the fact that he believed in vampires too.
Despite living in Santa Carla for less than three months, Sam seemed to have a rapport with Edgar and Alan that it had taken years for you to develop. And although your grandma was delighted that your little trio had finally grown (Edgar and Alan were some kind of pet project for her and she always worried that you’d be influenced by them instead of the other way around), and you liked the Emersons, for some reason, it also irked you a bit.
“We have an alliance against the undead,” Edgar corrects you.
“I think it’s pronounced ‘friendship,’ Ed.”
His usual stony stare doesn’t flinch.
You roll your eyes and shrug. “Well, more food for us. Alan! Did you get the milk from the fridge?”
“Yeah,” he calls out, and it sounds muffled, like he’s already stuffed three cookies into his mouth. “It’s expired.”
Walking into the kitchen with Edgar, you watch Alan pour the so-called expired milk into three glasses.
“What date?” you ask.
“Yesterday. It’s still good. I tasted it.”
“Oh, okay.” Getting a pen, you scrawl a barely legible MILK onto the grocery list that your grandma had stuck onto the fridge with a magnet. Edgar passes you a cookie and a glass of milk. “So, what’s up?”
“We need to talk about what happened this summer while you were on vacation,” Edgar says.
Oh, god. Not this again.
With a sigh, you knock your head back. “Guys, I told you, it must have been some kind of satanic cult. Vampires aren’t real.”
“They are,” Edgar and Alan say in unison.
“Then how come the news hasn’t said anything about it by now?” you press. “Wouldn’t everyone know?”
“Not if the local government is infested with the supernatural. Or if vampires are capable of hypnotizing people.”
“Santa Carla is a haven for the undead,” Edgar insists. “How can you admit that extraterrestrials are real and not see the immediate threat right in front of us?”
Geez. “Because tons of people have seen evidence of aliens,” you say for the millionth time. “Because it’s talked about on the news. The Roswell incident. The disappearance of Frederick Valentich. Hell, Dr. MacGill told me he saw a UFO here five years ago and he’s a college professor. I’ve literally never heard anybody talk about vampires like that.”
“Vampires are not aliens,” Alan replies matter-of-factly.
You groan and take a giant bite of your chocolate chip cookie. This is why your grandma doesn’t like comic books and you have to smuggle them in your school binder.
It’s not that you think the Frog brothers are nuts – well, maybe a little, but no more than anybody else in Santa Carla. You like them a lot, and you look out for each other. But their stocks of holy water and garlic and wooden stakes take up a lot of space in their shared bedroom and it is hard to understand their adamance about spending their limited funds on vampire hunting instead of decent food.
“Look.” Edgar narrows his eyes and leans in toward you, his tone quiet and firm. “Whether you believe in them or not doesn’t make them any less real. Ever since we killed one tribe, we’ve become a target for the others. And you’re now a target by association. So either get with the program and let us train you, or get used to being under our protection.”
“Your protection,” you deadpan. “No way.”
“We’re serious,” Alan says. “Who else in this town’s going to protect you from vampires?”
“For free, no less,” Edgar adds.
Silently, you pull your crucifix out from under your shirt.
The brothers stare at it.
“… Jesus,” Edgar eventually mutters. “I mean, I guess.”
“If ‘being under your protection’ means hanging out more with you guys, I’m cool with it,” you state honestly, letting go of your necklace to let it hang out in the open. “And I’ll give you more holy water if you need it. But I’m not gonna walk around town with you two carrying stakes and breathing down my neck the whole time. That’s insane.”
Edgar exhales slowly through his nose. “You’re not taking this seriously.”
“I can’t. I’m sorry, okay?” You feel bad for brushing off their ideas and you feel even worse for smiling when their expressions are so grave, but part of why you’ve stuck together for so long is because none of you have ever lied to each other, and you’re not about to start now. “So thanks for worrying, but you don’t need to –”
Edgar suddenly slams his hands on the kitchen table and stands up. You startle at the sound.
“We’re not crazy, [Y/n].” His eyes are blazing as he jabs a finger at your face. “It wasn’t just a damn cult. We killed five actual bloodsucking vampires this past summer, and I know you would’ve died or been turned if you were there, because you’d still be calling bullshit until a vampire tore out your fucking throat.”
You simply sit there with wide eyes.
For a few more tortuous seconds, you hear nothing but the sound of Edgar’s furious breathing before he tears his gaze away and stomps off, swearing underneath his breath. The front door swings open and then slams shut.
Without a word, Alan stands up and follows suit.
You are left with three unfinished glasses of milk, a Tupperware still full of cookies, and an uncomfortable squeezing feeling in your chest.
You putter around the house for what feels like hours. Despite your initial thought that the brothers were going to go home, you find that they simply remain on your porch to talk. Eavesdropping proves to be a fruitless endeavor.
You’re lying on the living room carpet, fiddling with a Rubik’s cube, when the two boys come back inside.
Edgar mutters your name.
“I don’t think you guys are crazy,” you state without moving from your spot or looking at them.
“We know,” replies Edgar.
“You’re my friends.” You say this more quietly.
Neither of them say anything, but when you glance to the side, you see Edgar nod tersely and Alan shove his hands into his pockets. That relaxes you a little bit. Good. Not too much damage was done.
They join you on the floor, backs against the couch. And you wait for them to speak.
“We’re not going to let you get killed,” Edgar tells you straightforwardly. “I’m not going to have that on my conscience.”
“So, what does that mean?”
“We compromise,” Alan says. “We won’t keep tabs on you all the time.”
“But you should carry some holy water with you. And if you really have to go out at night, call us or go with your grandma.”
“Okay, fine,” you acquiesce. “I’ll be careful.”
Edgar rests his elbows on his knees. “It’d be better if you knew how to stake someone through the heart.”
“Being Catholic and not going out at night is enough for now, isn’t it?”
He fixes you with a withering look. You snort.
“It is,” he agrees reluctantly. A beat, then, “You’re not stupid. Or weak. You would’ve helped us and Sam if you were here last summer.”
At the uncharacteristic softness of his words, you stop playing with your Rubik’s cube and grin at him. “I know,” you respond, accepting the apology. “And I would have.”
Edgar’s eyes flick away from yours. He reaches up to scratch his cheek, and when you stare a little longer, you’re stunned to see a faint redness crawling across it.
“We’re good?” Alan asks you.
“Yeah, of course.” Pushing yourself into a sitting position with a grunt, you look back towards the kitchen. “So, are we finishing the cookies or what?”
Your friends nod. Everything continues on as it was.
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cidnangarlond · 1 year
whatever happened to frederick valentich is up for debate as well as if he did see a ufo or whatever but regardless having the last things you ever said be "it's not an aircraft" followed by 17 straight seconds of metallic scraping and then absolutely nothing has gotta up there for top 10 ways to absolutely terrify whoever you're talking to
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aicollider · 1 year
Dear Holmes, I had an epiphany of my own regarding the mystery of The disappearance of Frederick Valentich
Dear Sherlock, You will not believe what I have uncovered regarding the disappearance of Frederick Valentich! As you may recall, Valentich was a pilot who went missing in October of 1978. He was flying over the Bass Strait in Australia when he reported encountering a UFO before vanishing without a trace. Well, after some extensive research, I can confirm that the “UFO” was in fact a giant flying…
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bafflingmysteries1 · 2 months
Brace yourself for the mind-boggling tale of Frederick Valentich, a young pilot whose eerie encounter left the world stunned. From UFO sightings to chilling radio transmissions, uncover the perplexing details and unanswered questions surrounding this aviation enigma. Join us as we soar into the mysterious skies and unravel the truth behind Frederick Valentich's inexplicable disappearance. Vanished in the Sky: The Baffling Disappearance of Frederick Valentich! published first on https://www.youtube.com/@bafflingmysteries/
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avaganda · 5 months
Australia's Bermuda Triangle
In the tapestry of unexplained disappearances, the Valentich Incident of October 21, 1978, emerges as a luminous thread woven into the fabric of cosmic intrigue. This celestial puzzle, shrouded in the enigmatic veil of the unknown, has captivated the imaginations of UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists for decades, inviting us to peer beyond the veil of conventional reality and into the realms of extraterrestrial enigma.
Imagine a young and intrepid pilot named Frederick Valentich, soaring over the Bass Strait in Australia on what was meant to be a routine training mission. Little did he anticipate that his journey would morph into a cosmic odyssey, straight out of the pages of a riveting science fiction epic.
As Valentich ascended through the clouds in his Cessna 182L, he reported an inexplicable encounter with an unidentified flying object. The pilot's voice crackled over the radio, detailing a craft adorned with peculiar metallic features and mesmerizing lights. In the ethereal dance of radio waves, he uttered words that would etch his name into the UFO lore: "It's not an aircraft."
In this surreal narrative, Valentich described the mysterious craft as if possessed by an otherworldly sentience. The UFO seemed to mock him, mirroring his every move with an eerie intelligence that defied the laws of physics. The cosmic interplay between man and extraterrestrial unfolded, the UFO matching his speed and altitude with an almost ethereal grace.
The transmission took a chilling turn as Valentich reported engine troubles and declared, "It's hovering, and it's not an aircraft." Then, abruptly, all communication ceased. The cosmic ballet between man and extraterrestrial came to an eerie standstill, leaving only the haunting silence of an empty radio frequency.
Enter the realm of conspiracy theorists, spinning intricate webs of speculation around Valentich's disappearance. Did he inadvertently stumble upon a cosmic gateway to another dimension? Was his aircraft whisked away by intergalactic beings, drawn to Earth by a mysterious cosmic force?
In the science fiction narrative, such encounters often serve as the prologue to grand cosmic sagas of exploration and mysterious alliances. Could the Valentich incident be the initiation of a clandestine cosmic congress, where humans and extraterrestrials engage in a delicate dance of diplomacy far beyond the comprehension of ordinary mortals?
The absence of tangible evidence only stokes the flames of speculation. Did Valentich become an unwitting astronaut in an interstellar adventure, taken against his will to explore the farthest reaches of the cosmic unknown? The answers remain elusive, hidden in the cosmic shadows of the Valentich enigma.
There are many Youtube videos and blogs on this subject - here just one of them
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 10.21 (after 1950)
1950 – Korean War: Heavy fighting begins between British and Australian forces and North Koreans during the Battle of Yongju. 1956 – The Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya is defeated. 1959 – In New York City, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum opens to the public. 1959 – President Dwight D. Eisenhower approves the transfer of all US Army space-related activities to NASA, including most of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency. 1965 – Comet Ikeya–Seki approaches perihelion, passing 450,000 kilometers (279,617 miles) from the sun. 1966 – A colliery spoil tip slips onto houses and a school in the village of Aberfan in Wales, killing 144 people, 116 of whom were schoolchildren. 1967 – The National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam organizes a march of fifty thousand people from the Lincoln Memorial to the Pentagon. 1969 – The 1969 Somali coup d'état establishes a Marxist–Leninist administration. 1971 – A gas explosion kills 22 people at a shopping centre near Glasgow, Scotland. 1973 – Fred Dryer of the Los Angeles Rams becomes the first player in NFL history to score two safeties in the same game. 1978 – Australian civilian pilot Frederick Valentich vanishes over the Bass Strait south of Melbourne, after reporting contact with an unidentified aircraft. 1979 – Moshe Dayan resigns from the Israeli government because of strong disagreements with Prime Minister Menachem Begin over policy towards the Arabs. 1981 – Andreas Papandreou becomes Prime Minister of Greece, ending an almost 50-year-long system of power dominated by conservative forces. 1983 – The metre is defined as the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second. 1984 – Niki Lauda claims his third and final Formula One Drivers' Championship Title by half a point ahead of McLaren team-mate Alain Prost at the Portuguese Grand Prix. 1986 – In Lebanon, pro-Iran kidnappers claim to have abducted American writer Edward Tracy (he is released in August 1991). 1987 – The Jaffna hospital massacre is carried out by Indian peacekeeping forces in Sri Lanka, killing 70 Tamil patients, doctors and nurses. 1989 – In Honduras, 131 people are killed when a Boeing 727 crashes on approach to Toncontín International Airport near the nation's capital Tegucigalpa. 1994 – North Korea and the United States sign an Agreed Framework that requires North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons program and agree to inspections. 1994 – In Seoul, South Korea, 32 people are killed when a span of the Seongsu Bridge collapses. 2005 – Images of the dwarf planet Eris are taken and subsequently used in documenting its discovery. 2011 – Iraq War: President Barack Obama announces that the withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq will be complete by the end of the year. 2019 – Thirty people are killed in a fiery bus crash in western Democratic Republic of the Congo. 2019 – In Canada, the 2019 Canadian federal election ends, resulting in incumbent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau remaining in office, albeit with the Liberal Party in a minority government. 2021 – A shooting occurs on the set of the film Rust, in which actor Alec Baldwin discharged a prop weapon which had been loaded, killing the director of photography, Halyna Hutchins, and injuring director Joel Souza.
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paranormalunderground · 10 months
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In this issue of “Paranormal Underground” magazine, our Case Files of the Unknown section features the ghosts of NYC’s historic Dakota building; the relationship between UFOs, time, and the multiverse; and five of Earth’s strangest cryptids. And in our Special Report, we spotlight “Harry Houdini: Beyond the Grave.”
Also in this issue, we profile paranormal investigator Cheryl Lynn Carter; the book “Coal Region Hoodoo,” which is a fascinating journey into the paranormal underbelly of Pennsylvania; and how one paranormal experiencer went from skeptic to skywatcher.
And don’t miss articles about case files about the haunted El Castillo pyramid; “The Fad of Ghostbusting: Creeping Up on the Paranormal”; the strange UFO case of Frederick Valentich; the difference between synchronicity and coincidence; and more!
Digital archive: www.paranormalunderground.net
Print-on-demand issues: http://paranormalunderground.magcloud.com/.
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letsgethaunted · 1 year
The Abduction of Frederick Valentich
On October 21, 1978, a small Cessna airplane making a short, routine flight would disappear from the face of the Earth, but not before leaving one last very odd and cryptic final transmission. Today's episode features the story of one of the most well-publicized aviation disappearances since that of Amelia Earhart. Today we will be discussing the suspected abduction of Frederick Valentich.
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fruitsome · 1 year
The Chilling Last Words of Frederick Valentich Before He Vanished Withou...
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