#Fruit salad ask game
emeraldhazeart · 1 year
I'm a bit late to this but ! 🍐
There's no time frame on these: I'm always happy to get asks 🤗 Link to the full fruit salad
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a f*-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
Oh, I absolutely think fanfic is made for situations like this! There have been so many times when I've looked back on a series or a game and thought "Wait, what about x...?"
It's so much fun to fill in the blanks when there's an asset or a feature left over from a previous build of the game, or a scrapped storyline etc. Like the shed that you can never get into on your farm in AWL. Or where Murray sleeps at night? Or what Mukumuku's story is?
I think the biggest one for me was what happened to Cliff’s sister in FoMT? It always bothered me that he never got closure on that, which was why I wrote Photograph.
But I don't think there's anything I actively "hate" in Bokumono canon. I suppose the closest I've come is Rock's attitude, which I had a go at expanding on in On Rocky Ground.
Aside from that, I think the stuff that tends to frustrates me in the franchise is more gameplay related than lore, so it's a bit hard to write a fix-it fic for that 😅
Thank you for asking ❤️
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For the fruits! 🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
Hello lovely! Hope your Thursday has been a good one! Thanks for sending this along!
🍓What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
So I’m choosing to interpret “underrated” as “disproportionately loved by me” here, and to that end it’s always going to be Point of No Return.
It’s a few years old now, and my writing has definitely changed a little, but that story will always be really close to my heart, and any time someone reads it or comments on it I feel like I could fly.
It’s an Ezra x Female OC story - meet Clara, my most beloved (to me) OC that I’ve ever written - that takes place after the events of Prospect but tells the story of a love so strong that even the Green Moon couldn’t poison it even though it tried. It’s what happens when Ezra & Cee show up on Kamrea in need of a place to stay while Ezra recovers from the worst prospecting gig ever, and it’s written in 3 alternating POVs.
I’ve been flirting with a short follow-up series for far too long now, but every day it gets closer to happening. So maybe soon.
Also? Abe the Cat. 🐈
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sentientcave · 27 days
🍌 and 🍉 for the ask game!
Hey there friend!!
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
I WOULD prefer to write short fics and save the long fic energy for personal projects, but unfortunately I am long winded and like to do in depth character studies and develop relationships over some kind of journey (internal or external). It's hard to get that in short fics. Not impossible, but definitely hard. And also I love dialogue which can take up a lot of space.
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
I think Rugby is my funniest fic over all. It's filled with gems like:
Johnny swats at you blindly as you limp off, somehow managing to connect, his hand a guided missile only capable of targeting asses.
He wiggles his fingers at the plants you have hanging in and sitting in front of the window (Spiderplant Georg, Pontius Pilea, and Monstera Mash).
“Ye’ve got a butterfly tattooed on ye, Rip, course yer a pretty boy.” “First of all, it’s a moth. Secondly, fuck off.” “What’s the difference?” “All butterflies are moths, but not all moths are butterflies.” “Ripper, sometimes ye say things that make no goddamn sense, ye ken?”
Thanks for asking!
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fruitsaladgame · 7 months
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Black sheep family
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happi-tree · 1 year
You have a lot of strawberry themed clothes/accessories
I don't but I WANT TO. SO BADLY. I do have a few lemon-themed things and love dressing in pink and green, though, so my wardrobe's at least a little bit fruity 🍓💅✨
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fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
Plum: “youre not good enough.” Fuelled by the need to work hard, be the best, rise through the ranks, to hear she’s failed is a personal insult to her. Be it not good enough for others, for her job, for anything. Her competitive nature is tenacious.
Grey: “I don’t love you anymore.” Grey is a giver, a romantic, a man who finds things to adore and puts his whole being into it. He can accept people leaving if it’s what they want, he’s not a monster, wants the best for them! But peach? He admits feely he would be lost without her, and worries he’s not enough to keep her around.
Peach: “youre just like your mother.” A stark realisation that she’s not changed at all, and all her hard work to not be one of them failed.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Plum: to find her own strength. Some days she feels small, useless, weak. She wishes to find who she is meant to be, who can be the most useful to those she cares for. She’d only go so far so long as no one gets hurt, her soft heart means she’s unable to cross that line.
Grey: he wishes for the safety of his loved ones, worries endlessly for them, some days when peach is away working, he stays up and stresses over what she could be doing, reckless. Plum is no different. He knows she pushes herself to keep up with the professors she associates with, and more so than peach is less able to take a hit. He would kill to keep his family safe.
Peach: to protect the island, to protect the Pokemon that live there. She will give everything up for it, herself included, to atone for her past, she won’t let anything bad happen to them.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Plum: fancy gestures, music, she’s a clingy sort, needs attention. Quick to get someone something they need without asking. Classic romance sort.
Grey: very flexible in how he shows love, kind words and patience spring to mind. He’s fond of a little luxury. Makes items to ease loved ones lives. Invention.
Peach: very quiet, mundane things like cooking for loved ones, a flower giver. Due to her very distant nature, even just a hug from her is considered quite unusual, special even. She is not one to like being touched, so her allowing you to do that is a big thing.
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ess-presso · 1 year
🍉 🍊 🍋 🍇 a chaotic fruit salad for you
🍉 - i prefer writing short fics ! i haven’t written one yet but short fics sound so wonderful and like such a dream. My brainrotting unfortunately leads to my fics getting longer and longer and longer !!
🍊- pandora !! i love her and i have so much love for her !!! but i keep getting distracted by my loves regulus & james . they have hooked me on unfortunately :((( AND ALSO DORCAS. miss bamf needs her limelight. i’ll have to do something for my girls.
🍋- oooh okay so specifically for jegulus i love it when james has like a tattoo (thigh is my personal favourite) and reg sees it and instantly wants to bite his leg. or maybe he DOES. and then he’s thinking about that tattoo all the fucking time. sucker for that.
🍇- a particular scene i love is when a diary has shit like ‘i love X’ and X reads it and is like ‘oh fuck’ and then there’s that whole scene i just adore it. want to write more of them forever and ever and ever.
thank u so much for the chaotic little fruit salad!!
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sophsbookstore · 1 month
Sims Stream
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Lando Norris x reader 。・:*˚:✧。
Word Count: 1,354
“So, what do you want to do today?” a shirtless Lando said, coming up and hugging me from behind as I make us breakfast.
I turn around, giving him a quick yet passionate kiss before turning back around, just finishing preparing a fruit salad for the both of us, his head nessling between mine and my shoulder, his arms wrapping around my waist.
“Your day off has barely started and you're already bored huh?” I laugh, a smile creeping onto his lips.
“I already trained, did simulator practice, took a nap, and now I want to hang out with you my love.” He squeezes me tighter as I nestle into him.
“Well I was going to stream sims today.” I make my final cut, mixing all the fruit together before putting some in a nearby bowl and handing it to Lando. He gives me a thank you, before turning to lean against the kitchen counter, now facing me.
“I could join you.” he states, scarfing down the fruit, taking a few pieces of fruit from my bowl as well.
“We cant join games” I frown, wishing he could stream with me today.
“I know, you always watch me play video games, I wanna watch you play something you really like doing” he smiles, placing both his and my empty bowls in the sink, wrapping up the leftovers and placing them in the fridge.
I take his hand in mine, leading him to my office/game room. I pull up a chair for him, placing a pillow on the seat as well as the back of the back of the chair for comfort. As I get settled, He takes the armrest of my chair, pulling it closer to him. I drape a blanket over both our legs and start the stream, the sims loading screen shining bright in the backlit room.
As we start talking both to one another and the stream chat, more and more people start joining, freaking out at the sight of Lando and I streaming together for the first time. Chat being so used to just hearing Lando, and never seeing him. Lando starts talking to chat, telling them how excited he is to play with me.
Soon the game fully loads, I choose to start a new game, not wanting to ruin any of the storylines I have going with my other sims lore. “Why don't you make us? We can live out our lives through the sims” Lando asks. Chat, all Lando fans, loving his idea and agreeing immediately.
Embarrassed, I go to my library and select the premade Lando I had made just a few months back on another stream. “Already did.” I blush with embarrassment, he turns to me with a big grin on his face, getting closer to the monitor screen to observe his custom made sim.
“You did so good love, thank you for making me look so handsome” he says leaning closer to me, giving me a forehead kiss. As he gets closer, he moves his hand from his lap to start squeezing my thigh. I lean into his body, moving the armrest out of the way, holding his arm that's squeezing my leg. Chat absolutely loses it at the interaction, spamming mom and dad in the chat.
Once we make some adjustments to our sims outfits we start the game, going into a random starter house, customizing the interior to our liking with what little funds we have, and finding jobs for our respective sims. “Can I be an F1 driver here?” he questions.
“No, but you can be an athlete” he makes a sad face, not getting what he wanted. “The good thing is, there's a lot of job options in the game” this perks him up. I continue to scroll though the list, showing and describing all the jobs to Lando.
“WAIT WAIT WAIT I CAN BE A SECRET AGENT” he practically screams. “Why didn't you tell me, that's way cooler.” 
Lando picks the job of secret agent, I settle with the streamer career, wanting my sim to be as accurate as possible. 
“Can you fuck in the sims?” Lanod says out of nowhere. I playfully smack him on the shoulder.
“Lando there's kids watching, also our sims aren't even dating yet, they are just roommates.”
“How come sim Lando hasn't asked out sim Y/N yet?”
“Maybe he's too scared, sim Y/N is way too hot for sim Lando” I shrug, Lando giving me a side eye. “Dont side eye me, I said what I said, chat did I lie?” chat clearly siding with me.
“Tell sim Lando to ask out sim Y/N, we have to date her before anyone else tries to steal my girl” Blushing, I click on my sim, making Lando's in game alter ego flirt with her.
Soon, my sim walks away from Lando's, moving away to talk to another nearby towns person. Lando watches in disbelief as my sim, against my control, starts talking to another man. “WHAT THE HELL” he stares at the screen, sitting up a little more. Chat going absolutely insane, clipping the moment to probably use for another couples compilation.
“I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, SHE DID THAT ALL ON HER OWN” I argued back. Lando takes the controls, choosing my character and moving her away from the random sim man, to go back to talking to him.
“How do I kill someone in the sims?” he questions, going to the settings and looking around for a kill button.
“You can't, I dont have the mod.” I laugh, holding my stomach with laughter, pulling him away from the screen, to go back to cuddling me.
“Can we download it? I want him dead, he tried to take my girl” lando pouts.
We continued the game, Lando and I switching off the controls whenever we wanted our charters to do something. Soon enough, Sim Lando and Sim Y/N start dating. Lando and I both chanted “kiss, kiss, kiss” when they shared their first kiss with one another.
“Does this mean that we can fuck now” Lando turns to me waiting for my approval.
I sigh, a smile forming on my lips. “Yes lando, they can now.” he cheers, taking the mouse and clicking on the bed, happily selecting the woohoo button.
I take the mouse back from him, moving the game to show a different room. “I don't want to show it on stream, it's an invasion of privacy '' I look at him sternly, he silently nods in agreement.
We wait a couple more seconds, talking to chat about anything that comes to mind until finally seeing the notification that they are done. Lando grabs the mouse before I can, clicking on my sims and taking her to the bathroom. “Lando, what are you doing?” I ask confused.
“I wanna see if Sim Y/N is pregnant.” 
“LANDO WHAT!” I shout taking the mouse back from him instantly. We’re both waiting anxiously (for different reasons) for the notification of sim Y/N’s status. I let out a sigh of relief when she's not.
Lando slumps back in his chair. “Lando what were you thinking? They've only been dating for a day! It's far too soon for them to have a baby! They barely have any money, no space, do you need me to go on?” I lecture him, moving the controls slightly away from him so he cant make anymore rash decisions.
“I just wanted to see what a little us would look like” he said sadly, it breaks my heart, chat spamming awww’s in the chat. “I know it's too soon, I just got excited.”
“Lando it's ok, how about the next stream, we MAYBE have them try?” this perks him up.
“Really! You mean it? Everyone spam baby names in the chat, we’ll use the best one.'' Lando starts talking to the chat about how excited he is for the next stream, and virtual fatherhood.
As I watch Lando go on and on about this potential sim baby, I can't help but get excited for the day it happens in real life.
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Characters: Aether, Albedo, Al Haitham, Amber, Ayaka, Ayato, Beidou, Candace, Cyno, Dainsleif, Diluc, Dehya, Gorou, Heizou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Lisa, Lumine, Layla, Nahida, Ningguang, Raiden Shogun, Scaramouche, Shenhe, Tartaglia, Thoma, Tighnari, Venti, Xiao, Yae Miko, Yelan, Zhongli
A/N: I've been working on this for a while and it got backed up thanks to finals but I hope you all like it!!
Aether (golden retriever)
It’s quite a fun morning when you wake up to a flurry of cries and laughter along with a big furry retriever pouncing on you as you just woke up.
You happily cried out for help and Paimon came to your rescue asking where Aether is, still cuddling and petting the cream colored fur as the dog's head rested on your lap.
On the dog's ear was aethers earring and you took a guess, asking the dog if he was your lover to which you got a pretty excited bark and more “kisses”.
The day is pretty much one of the best days ever as Aether gets to fawn over with cuddles and free food while you get to skip your responsibilities, running through the lands and laughing at the playful games you all played.
It’s decided that it was the result of a side effect of a domain your boyfriend recently cleared and it wore off after 24 hours but to say you were glad that it was over would be a lie.
Albedo (snow leopard)
He is a menace especially since snow leopards thrive in colder climates and naturally blend in with snow means a full day of hide and seek on Dragonspine, chasing him around and watching him observe the dancing hillichurls.
‘Bedo is of course going to let Klee pet him and cuddle near a fire if it’s cold (you get priority too), pawing at the knee for attention or to continue combing through his soft thick fur and wiggling around to show his stomach for pets.
You’re going to have to keep an eye on him as the now cat alchemist is going to try to perform experiments on himself to figure how he got in this position and with his large paws he’ll give you his best cute eyes for your help, please say no his fur almost got dyed neon pink.
Kaeya is no doubt going to catch wind of the situation and tease him about gaining a new fur coat to replace his usual white one, casually speaking about how you’re suddenly available since your boyfriend is an oversized house cat.
The cavalry captain gets a snarl and small but fierce roar as he sees Albedo get in front of you and slowly move towards him, both of you don’t see kaeya for the rest of the day and your furry alchemist lover demands rubs.
By the end of the day there will be two sheets of papers with a charcoal paw print on it and a messily done heart, paper slightly shredded but you and Klee love his gift anyway.
Alhaitham (Madagascar day gecko)
Like Albedo is a menace and uses his new form to hide from you and play games but most importantly get info that he normally wouldn’t be able to get as he’s now an ordinary seeming gecko.
Most likely he’ll find you before you find him, climbing up your back with his padded toes and smirking (you think) at your confused scattered self.
Alhaitham can’t just go about his day as normal so he does have to rely on your help much to his disagreement, wandering through the stalls and purchasing fruits for you both.
All in all a very relaxing day for the scholar compared to what he’s used to and did have fun being able to be pretty much inconspicuous, playing “catch me if you can” with his significant other.
Amber (french lop bunny)
Probably has to do with Albedo or something she ran into while being an outrider but nonetheless loves it, finally she’s like her baron bunny and adorably fluffy.
Jean gives her the day off because there really isn’t anything Amber can do in her current state and she could get hurt, you end up having a fun day to yourselves and walking through Mondstadt in with bunny amber cuddled in your arms.
You can’t help but prepare a satisfying salad for her and you, sitting just outside the city and enjoying the wind brushing through Amber’s whiskers.
The way her cotton tail twitches when she’s excited or her high hops in tall grass chasing after you, every soft small part of her is too cute.
Ayaka (persian teacup kitty)
Thoma’s going to come up to you with a mixed expression of worry and awkwardness, his hands hiding a furry pale blue moving ball that unfurled to be a kitten and according to Thoma…your girlfriend.
You’re too busy cooing over her cute cat form to listen to what Thoma was saying besides her not being able to take care of her duties, entrusting you to take care of her and watch over Miss Kamisato.
Most of the day is in her room watching her struggle to walk and fall whenever she tries to stand on two legs, not only not being able to reach items because she’s a cat but she’s a teacup cat.
She does have to admit that you’re adorable from her point of view and you give the best scratches behind her ear while she’s laying on soft blankets and weaving between your legs.
Ayato (peacock)
This is one of the best and worst days for him because he gets a day off of work for a valid reason and he gets to show off how pretty is to you. Thoma and his sister cannot stop doubling over with laughter.
The lord is almost always puffed up and displaying his feathers for you to enjoy, following you around like it’s the only possible option and occasionally cawing to get your attention.
Several times Inazumans came up to you while you were running errands and warned you that there was a very large color bird “stalking” you, turning around to see your lover trying to impress you
It was very clear that this magnificent bird was Ayato Kamisato based on its attitude and coloring but how it happened….. who knows?
Beidou (Treeing walker Coonhound)
It’s quite a shock to see the captain of the Crux fleet basking and swimming in liyue harbor under the hot sun, perking up when her nose caught your scent and shook the water off her much to the crews displeasure.
There are a couple pros when you inevitably go to Ningguang to inform her of the situation and Beidou goes right to tackling the leader with tons of wet kisses and barks, looking back at you with what you swear is a smirk or cocky expression.
As a hound she gets so many snuggles from the children and elders but her enhanced hearing and smell allow her to find more illegal deals or goods being stolen and smuggled by treasurer hoarders (they can’t hardly believe that this dogs is somehow on Captain Beidou’s size till they see you and they bolt without the goods).
At the end of the day you and her are at the front of the ship, overlooking the lanterns decorating Liyue Harbor and having your girlfriend on your lap cuddled up close to you with her head nuzzled into your stomach.
Baizhu (ball python snake)
Since he’s already used to Changsheng being on him 24/7 Baizhu going to know what to do in order to keep himself alive until whatever this is wears off but until then you and Qiqi will have to help run Bubu Pharmacy, your lover coiled around your neck to help you like his own snake as Chengsheng is around Qiqi’s hat.
It isn’t a surprise that Baizhu is playful in his serpent form, racking his brain for when or how this could have happened when he’s normally so aware of his situations but chose to ignore the reason and press light kisses again.
You take breaks for both yourself and your new snake partner who Zhongli immediately recognises but chooses not to comment on while you order food from Wanmin restaurant, going just out of the city to find some some rodents for Baizhu to snack on and holding back a gag reflex when you saw the bulge in his coils.
Whenever it’s hot out his cold bloodedness comes in handy for both of you and trailing down your body to get herbs when you cannot find them, coming back to your arms before coiling around your wrist and dropping the herbs on the counter but not without giving you a nuzzle which gets a funny comment from the customer.
Candace (coyote)
It's unusual to wake up to a coyote instead of your girlfriend but weirder things have happened before strangely enough and both of you have work to do so you couldn’t just laze about and cuddle your new canine companions.
Although now being a coyote, she can cover the area surrounding Aaru village better and fast with four legs, using her intimidation as a fierce wild dog to scare away potential threats with her bared fangs and chasing them off.
You went to work and notified people that yes Candace is okay but she was called away by the Akademiya on a mission in the desert and to come to you with concerns until she was back.
Tiredly smiling when the sun hit the horizon and you saw her slip into the village, playing around with some children before heading to you and encouraging you to brush the grit out of her fur while sunbathing.
Neither of you knew what caused this but it ended the next morning and you both chalked it up to some strange harmless magic, laughing about the fun memories while you woke up and went about your day.
Cyno (death stalker scorpion)
He’s not going to even try come up with a logical reason for how this happened but does find it ironic and is happy that he’s now the most venomous scorpion in all of Teyvat but is now terrified that he’ll accidently sting you hence why when you wake up he’s on the opposite side of the room with a book on your desk open to his species.
Immediately going to find Alhaitham with your help and bug him, pure amusement filling his heart when his colleague glared at him and skittering closer with his tail threatening to sting him. An unspoken threat hangs in the air, the Mahamatra daring the Scribe to mock his jokes without consequence.
Cyno grows to enjoy his new form as he’s just as threatening as he was when he was human and even gets more confessions as he points his stinger at the criminals neck with another Matra coldly asking him to just confess already (you’d informed the Akademiya that Cyno had been turned into a scorpion which Nahida got a kick out of but did confirm the truth).
Late in the afternoon both of you were laying on a rock in Gandharva Ville with the sun warming up your boyfriend, Tighnari had just finished examining your lover and gaining some venom from the scorpion in order to work out an anti-venom just in case but left to two of you sleeping.
Dainsleif (fruit bat)
You rarely see Dainseif because of his constant traveling but he always seems to be there when you need him and stays for as long as he can before he slips away to take care of his personal issues.
Although through everything you’ve seen with Dainsleif this has to take cake, opening your window around midnight when you heard some taps and yelping when a bat flew into your bedroom.
Clinging to your shirt and looking up at you, key details being a half mask-like mark across his face and your boyfriend's signature star eyes stopping all words coming out of your mouth. Was this your lover? It couldn’t be- but who else looked like that. It couldn’t be a coincidence.
Welp now that all your plans were cancelled since your lover unexpectedly is here and now turned into a bat for some reason but nonetheless you sat with Dain hanging from your shoulder eating a juicy fruit you’d given him and looking at you with love filled eyes.
Dehya (Bengal Tiger)
Personally thinks this is an upgrade and takes advantage of it for as long as it lasts, giving you “puppy dog eyes” to explain to Rahman what’s happened but to let her continue her jobs with you as her translator (no way she’d allow any harm to come to you) and begrudgingly agreeing to let her go.
You make sure to pack up some water and snacks (having to go out and buy some food for your tiger girlfriend) so you are nourished during the journey, setting out with a happy oversized cat purring and rubbing against you with no care of the onlookers concerned or confused faces.
All of her work goes smoothly with you having to occasionally step in to explain what’s happened and her enemies not willing to fight an overgrown pyro infused tiger with only a simple weapon.
Evening is one of the best, both of you laying down in front of the fire and stroking the big cat that’s smothering you with wet kisses, chuffing while nudging her head against your hand as you take another piece of fruit for yourself and some grilled meat for her.
Diluc (red tailed hawk)
Usually you woke up to your fire haired lover’s tight grip on your waist before he’d kiss your head and sneak off to get ready for his busy day but today you awoke to a soft chirp and light nips to your cheek by a red tailed hawk. Strangely it wasn’t freaking out externally but tried to get more comfortable next to you as you just froze in shock and looked around the room for your lover or some explanation of what’s going on.
Your feathery friend flew over to a pile of Diluc’s uniform and dropped his glove and vision in your lap, picking up the edge of the glove with its beak and trying to slip the glove over its talon. Its scarlet eyes desperately looking at you with some sort of desire only known to it and causing your thoughts to wander to how similar the bird and him were.
Eventually accepting that your boyfriend was now a bird for an unspecified period of time and calling in Adelinde to explain the situation in order to cancel or reschedule any business meetings. You carded your fingers through Diluc’s red feathers who was now on your shoulder observing the view from outside the Winery and flew out to one of the rows of grapes, picking off one with his talons and eating it with a content coo.
Both of you did have to go into Mondstat to take care of Angel’s Share where Venti cackled upon seeing the famous intimidating bartender and Kaeya was a bit more snarky fully aware of the damage the hawk could inflict. But the aerial view of the city when he would fly around the cathedral was breathtaking to say the least and he wished more than anything to share this view with you, swooping down to you as you came to the base of Barbatos’s statue with to chicken skewers smiling up at him and offering him some dinner from Good Hunter.
Il Dottore (blue ringed octopus)
As far as you know this was probably his doing because frankly it seems like it was something he’d do just for kicks and it was another new accomplishment he could brag about but apparently something went awry when the fatui agent directly under his command came running to get you.
You were about to be handed an octopus but ripped your hands away when you realized the species of cephalopod to be the highly venomous blue ringed octopus which your lover often raved about and nearly yelled at the agent for attempting to kill you before the tiny sea creature pointed an arm towards a note on the doctor’s table.
After reading the note that basically said Dottore maybe fucked up by adding a chemical he wasn’t supposed to into his recent already unstable concoction and that you had to take care of him until the effects wore off in about 24 hours.
The rest of the day was pretty relaxing given you had to carry around a full container of water that your lover resided in. It was eventful with you occasionally slipping him bits of fish and having him climb up your arm to your shoulder to watch the world from your view compared to his small one.
Gorou (Shiba)
General Gorou personally doesn’t like this new development because some people (Yae Miko) already saw him as part dog despite various attempts of him doing everything he could to just get others to ignore his canine features.
So when he woke up one morning feeling a bit smaller than usual and went to rub his face but saw paws instead of his hand, freaking out and immediately turning over to wake you up but only getting out scared barks or whines.
After almost an hour of calming Gorou down with the help of Kokomi who agreed that until your boyfriend was back to normal he wouldn't be allowed to do any work as general.
Well Gorou wasn’t happy with the situation but he came around to liking it when he realized that he get’s to spend all of his time with you it clicked and eagerly asked for more cuddles now that you could both sleep in until lunch.
Heizou (ferret)
Chaos. I don’t feel like I need to say anything else if you know what ferrets are generally like and if you don’t then please look it up it’s hilarious (also fits Heizou’s personality to a T), but better pray for the Tenryou Commission when he wakes up and get ASAP before Sara breaks her “No killing Heizou under any circumstances” rule.
This boy is so slippery even when he’s human but loves to run around you while climbing you up and down as he gives playful kisses on your face, not to mention his coat is gorgeous with bits of tanish brown mixed with stripes of vibrant red and gold along his fur.
It’s going to take more than one person if they want to get him off of you, trying not to touch you in the wrong places as the guard attempts to get Heizou out from your clothes and even if they’re successful the detective is going to nip at them so he can further secure himself around your neck.
You do love it when he’s peaceful, eating bits of fruits or grilled meat from your hand and nuzzling her soft cute face into your cheek (Heizou is going to make it up to you for all the trouble he caused later with cuddles).
Itto (bull)
Please help this man or bull who woke up so frightened that he wasn’t an Oni anymore that he crashed through a wall of your house and it took the entire gang, including both shinobu and you with the threat of Kujou Sara to get him to stop rampaging.
Also in this I imagine that he’s not Ushi sized but full on bull sized but with his signature red horns and red marking colored in his black/grey fur.
It’s going to take more than a couple minutes to tell him what’s going on (Sara already has Heizou trying to figure out what happened) but afterwards finds it pretty cool and naturally offers local Inazuman kids a ride.
You ensure them it’s safe with you going on him as well and the entire day is filled with the laughs of kids thanking their favorite Oni for bull rides, whispering comments to you about your lover’s protectiveness whenever another person gets a bit too close for comfort (like anyone would want to face off against an angry bull).
Kaeya (peacock)
This man is already cocky but now as he’s a bird know for being gorgeous and pretty, will not stop preening himself or looking for some way to impress you.
Each of his feathers has his signature star eye instead of it’s normal colors on his plumage which doesn’t take long to put two and two together, calming yourself down and laughing at your lover’s attempt to console you by perching himself on your lap (encouraging you to use his soft feather to distract yourself).
Both of you silently agree that it’d cause way more of an issue if you went out with an unusually colored peacock of all things (something not native to Mondstadt) and stayed home, sneaking out to walk among the gardens at twilight and admire the luminescent moon lighting up the path.
Kazuha (yellow ragdoll cat)
Such a good kitty he is, doesn’t panic upon realizing his new form but does have some concerns and atm he can’t do anything so he might as well relax with you until you start your day which doesn’t take long.
He’s so adorably cute and you cannot help yourself when you sweep him up in your arms, your lover is happily purring and swiping his paw over the signature red streak to hopefully clue you in. Luckily you took it well with minor panic but ultimately hoped it’d wear off after a day or so and scratched his head as you strolled through Inazuma City.
Many people flock to you and ask to pet your “cat”, commenting on his red streak and cooing at him whenever he walks around on your shoulders purring.
The samurai naturally attracts cats, so expect to be followed by a herd of cats which isn’t bad because they’re all so fluffy and Kazuha would rather nap on you when you’re basking in the sun which leads to a cuddle pile.
Kokomi (full moon betta fish)
Honestly how either of you got into this scenario is a mystery but needless to say it involved a very worried and concerned general Gorou cradling a small glass bowl with a beautiful pink and purple white full moon betta fish.
Most of the day was spent carefully resting in Kokomi’s room in order to avoid any soldiers in case they came looking when Gorou informed the resistance that her excellency wasn’t feeling well which wasn’t technically a lie although your girlfriend tried to convey that she wanted to go outside and swim in some shallow pools.
The happiness you could feel coming off her in waves as she excitedly swam among the shores of Watatsumi Island and fluttered about in between your legs when you walked in the water beside her.
Soon or later you ran with her in her bowl trying to escape Gorou for yelling at you for “endangering” Kokomi and understanding you’re her significant other but that doesn’t mean you get to steal her away (your girlfriend begged to differ).
Layla (sloth)
It fits her very well mostly due to how cute she is and her clinginess whenever she’s asleep, waking up one morning to feel a tight grasp on your waist and being a bit frightened to see a small icy blue sloth peacefully sleeping on your stomach.
You looked around to see your girlfriend’s signature star head accessory sitting atop their head, having heard to the Akademiya’s recent mess you’d believe pretty much anything and your Layla being an adorable sloth was not your life until the foreseeable future.
After locking the door so she couldn’t do any of her work (not like she could anyway), you went out to the nearby markets to get some breakfast and kept her close to you, her arms now wrapped around your neck and happily stared at your focused expressions.
Upon her request (really just her pointing at the House of Daena repeatedly) you went into the library and checked out some books in a small corner to her joy, cooing at her cute form and running your hands through her fur which she seemed to like).
Lisa (fine haired Persian cat)
You were in the library petting a gorgeous Persian lavender cat when the Acting Grandmaster bust into the room frantically asking if you knew where Lisa was and yelling that someone went wrong when the librarian as helping Albedo out with a recent experiment only to see you with the cat happily purring on your lap. “Oh good you found her.”
Obviously after the explanation that your lover had been accidently turned into a cat you couldn’t help but coo at her more than you did before you knew and cozy up in a faraway section of the library with some pillows and take a nap among the many books lining the shelves.
Napping away when the sun warmed both of you up and groaning when she pawed your face with her little fuzzy mittens, yawning as you got up to get food for both of you at good hunter and brought her back to your little pillow nest.
Lumine (cream tabby cat)
Just like Aether you woke up to a sound you hadn’t heard in a while which was a very friendly pale yellow tabby cat sleeping on your chest whose eyes fluttered as you began to fully wake up and nudged your cheek affectionately.
It didn’t take a genius to realize somehow that the traveler had somehow turned into a cat and until further knowledge so you had no choice but to care for your girlfriend, who was happily getting a lot of attention from you.
Your companions found this very amusing and Paimon did occasionally laugh at the way the traveler plays with the leaf being tossed about in the wind but quickly shuts up when she tries to take a swipe at Paimon.
There isn’t an hour where you and her aren’t connected in some way and Lumine often naps on top of your shoulders as you go about your day doing your chores, chuckling to yourself at the content purring kitty sleeping on around your neck.
Nahida (butterfly)
A/N: this can be read as either platonic or familial love
It’s not going to be easy to find her but she’ll let you know very easily via a dream and she archon magic, flapping her gorgeous green and white wings all around you while dropping small flowers on you.
Nahida is definitely going to need some help when it comes to eating and you can definitely hear phantom giggles as you cut into a slide of zaytun peach, biting into one yourself and lifting it to your shoulder where the dendro archon is perched.
There is no doubt that she’s going to lead to to the Aranara Village, introducing you to all her friends who without a doubt both know it’s her and adore you (many flower crowns were made for you that day and you brought all of them home).
You can tell just by how Nahida acts (even if it’s just flying about) that she’s happy to have another form of freedom where she doesn’t have to be Sumeru’s archon and just have fun, gliding from flower to flower that just seem to reach towards her every time she passes them.
Pantalone (arabian horse)
All you woke up to really loud noises and a bunch of whining which scared you awake and nearly screamed when you saw a fully grown black stallion worriedly pacing around the room, quickly backing yourself against the headboard and rapidly looking around for your lover but calling out his name.
To your surprise the horse looks your way and something in his eyes softens before stopping to a halt, nudging something towards you that was knocked onto the floor and picking it up to see it was Pantalone’s slightly cracked glasses.
No explanation could be given but you did have a very amusing time trying to get him out of the house without damaging or breaking anything, but the harbinger got back at you by sweeping you up on his back and galloping across the snowy fields.
You could vaguely hear happy winnies whenever you yelped or shrieked from the fast pace he was setting and would use his head to nudge you back onto his back. Anyone could tell that this horse was very prideful about its handsome appearance and you couldn’t deny it.
Raiden Shogun (Jaguar)
Needless to say walking back into your shared room only to see a violet patterned jaguar was enough to get you to call out to nearby guards and your breath fell short when you got the big cats attention, freezing in place as you slowly backed up and dropped the desserts had bought for you both.
You didn’t even have to run because it easily smelled the sweets and laid down to munch of them, nudging one toward you and watching you keenly with her tail swishing idly behind her; of course that’s when the guards came in and pushed you behind them in order to stop you from being harmed.
After a long accident involving the cat hissing at the guards and keeping you behind her, lifting her chest to show an exact copy of the symbol the archon had and sparks of lightning emanating from her paws marking up the matted floors. The message was clear that this was somehow their archon and didn't touch what’s important to her, without hesitation Yae Miko was called.
Ei was so much more calm when they left, you could feel that she was overall done with everyone and just wanted to relax with you (which you both did), escaping away to the secret garden where you hid among some flowers and napped with your lover now a jaguar purring quite happily.
Kunikuzushi/Wanderer (black ragdoll cat)
Nahida called urgently called you to the Sanctuary of Surasthana because something worrisome had happened involving the wanderer and to not panic because it wasn’t too bad, the situation you got only increased your anxiety when you ran in through the doors only to hear the archon’s voice yelling to “Close the door before he gets out!” and briefly seeing a black puff ball scurrying towards you while hissing.
The obsidian ragdoll cat uses you as a shield as he angrily hisses and takes swipes at Kusanali who is clearly having a lot of fun although it seems very stressful, thanking you and scolding the cat who she calls “Wanderer” for trying to escape when someone was trying to help him (you do a double take at that).
She explains that she doesn’t have an explanation but roughly knows what happened and most likely angered some Aranara who specialized in illusion magic to which you try and pay attention to her however your eyes haven’t left your lover’s pale indigo ones.
You go to pick him up (he strangely gave you a onceover before jumping onto your chest without warning) and nearly fell while glaring at him annoyed with his actions, the anemo user only squirmed in your arms to get more comfortable and blinked up at you once settled with false innocent eyes that you were all too familiar with.
Thankfully it was raining so even if he did get out he wouldn’t get far, so begrudgingly agreed to stay at the Sanctuary until he changed back and (much to his embarrassment) started purring when you pet him right behind the ears, looking around to double check if the damned archon was around before allowing himself to relax and wind his tail around your hand lovingly.
Shenhe (red crowned crane)
For sure is going to wake up confused and curious, pecking you awake as softly as she can and nudging you with her head to try to get you up.
At first you thought that she was Cloud Retainer and freaked out, scrambling out of bed and brushing the invisible dirt off your clothes to greet her correctly.
Upon noticing that it was your girlfriend, you chose to ask Cloud Retainer herself who also didn’t know what was going on but assured you it was temporary.
Shenhe flew across the lakes, freezing the water in spiral patterns and landing gracefully on the ice to invite you over to skate.
Tartaglia (red fox)
Him and Heizou have something in common and it’s still being able to cause mass amounts of chaos despite being non human, the entire day will be spent chasing him around while you try to clean up the messes he “accidently” causes.
No doubt one of his antics is going to be finding Zhongli and being playful but just tolerable enough to not be thrown into Liyue harbor, squealing and gekkering when Hu Tao came up to ruffle his tangled fur.
By mid afternoon you’d given up searching for your boyfriend and gone to sit by the harbor, swinging your legs off the dock and feeling a certain soft fox cuddle his way under your arms as an apology.
Thoma (Shiba)
You’re called over by the Kamisato siblings who were trying their best to keep it together and hold in their laughter while they led you to a room containing a dog that looked suspiciously like Taroumaru, noticing that he wore your lover's black metal headband and similar happy go lucky smile.
The two explained that somehow Thoma had been transformed into a shiba when they came to check in on him when he hadn’t said good morning and the only idea they had was to get you so no one else found out, asking you to watch over him until either of them found out a way to turn him back.
Thoma who’d been contently laying in your lap and snuggling against the hand petting him perked up at that sentences, barely able to contain his barks of excitement and running circles around you.
It was rare that the housekeeper got a day off and this was a strange incident but he’d take it, leaving you to chase after him through the city and coming back with some food a chef had given him because of his cuteness.
Tighnari (fennec fox)
There’s really nothing different except for the lack of control, short height, people cooing over him- yeah he officially hates it and scampers off into the Avidya forest to continue his duties. Even if he’s now an actual fennec fox instead of just being a hybrid like he was previously, a small hiccup isn’t going to stop him no matter how much Collei pleaded.
He is shocked that you instantly know who he is based on his various shades of green and blue coat coloring (not missing the hint of pink on his ears and nose) and hazel curious eyes, looking around before jumping into your arms and silently pleading for you to hide him.
You do manage to convince him to take a walk through the forest towards a small river runs and sweet Zaytun Peaches, mint, and Harra fruit grow; biting into one of them and savoring its sweet flavor before offering the other to Tighnari who happily took it.
He gives you the best privilege you could ever have and it’s cuddling him as a fox, it isn’t surprising you fall asleep with your boyfriend in your arms who is slowly falling victim to fatigue as well (he didn’t notice Collei peaked through the door and took a picture for later).
Venti (Mocking Bird)
Like Tighnari, the archon is already like a bird so it doesn’t affect him so much until you and Diluc tell him that he can’t drink any alcohol cause it might kill him in this form and he’s not going to chance leaving you behind in this world (although the face the red head made after you were finally able to convince him the bird was Venti was pure gold).
Your boyfriend never leaves your side and is able to hear all the songs that he can make as a mocking bird, including anything he overhears from anyone else and being able to mimic it completely.
He spends most of his time nested in your hair and showing off his beautiful feather pattern to his beloved, green and blue swirls painted on his brown and white wings (a small Anemo symbol placed on his chest).
Windrise’s massive oak tree provides lots of shade and roots for sitting on as you sit against the bark as Venti flutters about in the air joyously, occasionally stopping and giving you a love peck while he picks up some diced apple with his beak to nice.
Xiao (Blue-backed Manakin)
Takes the whole “fierce harsh warrior” and turns it on its head as he tries to figure out if this new form is because of his karma or just the world laughing at him, overall is very grumpy and does his best to avoid you knowing you’ll coo over his new bird form.
Light but harsh repeated pecking against glass gets your attention and you see a small bluish black manakin bird perched on the window sill trying to get out but freezing when they lock eyes with you.
You recognise the purple triangle that your lover has tattooed on his forehead and remember something he had mentioned about his previous form being a bird, putting the two together and scooping him into your hands; five minutes later both you are on the same page and will later see Zhongli for help but for now you’re okay with some snuggles after some puppy eyes (which Xiao knows he can’t stand strong against).
When the time finally arrives to find the ex-geo archon, Xiao finds a comfy stop nestled on top of your head (bonus point that he can also keep in contact with you and lookout) and does unconsciously let out small chirps when you nuzzle his chest or mention how beautiful his feathers are (which you wish could keep one and luckily enough are gifted one by him as your arrive in Liyue).
Yae Miko (arctic fox)
The Guiji does change into her fox form on occasion and when you’re at your lowest in need of comfort but never out in public where others can see her but something must have gone wrong because now she can’t transform back into her human form which alarms both her and you.
Doesn’t let anyone see her and curls up in her room as she tries to figure out what happened however you manage to sneak into her room, using your puppy dog eyes to your advantage.
Yelan (Black widow spider)
Something was scattering across your face and opening your eyes to see a larger than normal black widow spider to which your reaction was to scream in fear, throwing the spider to the other side of your room and desperately checking your face for bites while grabbing a big book on the shelf next to you.
When you turned back the arachnid was busy using it’s webbing to write something on the floor, quirking your head so didn’t have to move but you could see and becoming genuinely shocked at the sight of your lovers name being written in blue glowing silk (it’s artist looking up at you with all 8 eyes).
It took a lot of patience but you came to accept the fact that your fiersome girlfriend was now one of the most venomous spiders in all of Teyvat until you could change Yelan back but you’d make the most of it and she’d weave complex designs out of her webbing for you.
Another perk was that the hydro user could now gather intel more easily because of her new form and much to your dismay she crept out of the house to continue on her recent mission but just before midnight you felt a soft cloth brush against your face (Yelan had made herself a little bed on the headboard).
Zhongli (standard bearded dragon)
Generally alright with his new form but isn’t happy that he can’t drink tea anymore whenever he tries which only ends in your holding all of his tea hostage for fear of what it’d do based to his reptile body and Zhongli with his now obsidian black beard rather than the normal beige.
He does enjoy basking in the Liyue sun that beats down on a roof he’s taken a liking to after giving you a slip and flattens himself out into (as you like to call it) “pancake mode” to best enjoy the sun’s heat.
Hu Tao upon hearing why he can’t come to work cannot stop laughing and taking photos via her Kamera but lets you both off until a solution appears.
The day consists of you with your lover on your shoulder and walking around the plains of Liyue, more than once does he speed off to investigate a commotion and finds out he is very fast on all fours.
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abbysdruidess · 11 months
you ever see those tiktoks of ppl making to-go meals for their wives working at hospitals? i wanna do that for abby so badly 🥺 (i've seen some hcs of her being an orthopaedic surgeon and I think thats real af)
thank you for this anon<3 I was kind of in a writers block so this helped s a lot-send me more asks about my babygirl, my delightful wife.
l̳u̳n̳c̳h̳ ̳o̳f̳ ̳c̳h̳a̳m̳p̳i̳o̳n̳s̳ | modern au smut
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wc: 1.3k (my longest!!)
tags: fluff, smut, domesticity, reader gets head for cooking for her wife(not that she wasn't getting it anyway), Abby eats it the whole damn thing on the kitchen counter
a/n: this is in the form of headcanons with a smut drabble in the end-lmk what you guys think<33
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❦ I feel like in a modern au Abs would definitely choose a field that requires a lot of hard work(cause in the game also she overworked herself), so she's either a doctor or a construction worker(;)). I feel like she wouldn't want to choose to be a neurosurgeon like her father, bc as much as she admires his work, she doesn't want to be compared to him and she grew up with it, she wants something different. So her going into orthopaedics seems pretty reasonable.
❦ As for the lunch thing, I could totally see you making her lil lunches<3 She is careful about what she eats cause she wants maintain her muscled appearance, so she doesn't really go for the cafeteria food. Therefore, you make a habit of cooking food for the wife™️ every day. I imagine you getting one of these cute bento boxes and cook her some chicken, rice and salad the night before and set it up all cute<3
❦She'd always love it when you cook her food from your culture/country of origin also🥺because baby loved everything about you and wants to feel closer to you any chance she gets. In my country there's a lot of emphasis on fresh, unprocessed food so I imagine you growing a little garden outside your kitchen with fruits and vegetables, the works.
❦ Don't forget about dessert also-cooking a big tray of something like brownies or a batch of cookies on Sunday nights and put in on her lunch box with a note that goes like "finish your vegetables before you devour dessert!" or "eat lunch first, dear<3" . Bonus points if you kiss the note and get lipstick all over it.
❦ Maybe a coworker of hers notices one day(probably Manny cause he's the only one able to confront her about it) and goes up to her with a shit eating grin while she's eating it like "Damn doc, maybe that wife of yours can cook me up a lunch or too like yours sometime. She forgot to draw a heart on your brownies though." And normally if it was someone else she'd be pretty pissed off, because HOW DARE THEY mock the lunch her amazing, breathtaking wife worked so hard to make. But it's Manny so she knows he's just fucking around. SO Abby's like "Oh shut up Manny. You're just wish you had a girl who wants to make you lunch every day."
❦And truthfully she's extremely grateful for it, it's one of those things that reminds her why she married you, you care for her so much and cooking for her shows you look after her in one of the most vital, intimate ways possible. In the end of the week, once she comes home from work and sees you cleaning dishes in the sink, she walks up to you, leaving her little lunch box on the counter and wraps her big, beefy arms around you, while she whispers in your ear.
"I didn't thank you for lunch this week. I loved the cookies a lot.", and you can feel her breath slightly tickling your ear, the pads of her fingers toying with the hem of your shirt.
"It's alright Abs, I like making you food. You need to stay fit, big girl.", you respond, while you turn around and run your hands down her biceps.
"Hmm, thank you so much for caring about my health babe, or maybe you just like that your wife is packing such heavy guns under her shirt, huh?" she teases. You can't deny though, you love her figure. You can feel her hands on your hips as she tenderly lifts you on the counter, and you sigh happily.
"Yes Abby" you roll your eyes. "I'm soo thankful I have such a strong wife. It is quite beneficial at times.". Your hands ride up her shirt, cupping her firm, silken breasts. She exhales all wobbly, you know how sensitive her breasts are. But you know your little game won't last long.
She doesn't respond, just leans her face into yours so your noses bump and smiles. She quickly makes light work of your shirt, tossing it on the floor and goes for the button in your jeans next, as you help her by raising your hips off the counter. In one flawless motion, she has removed both your jeans and underwear, tossing them off with your shirt. Once the bare skin of your ass makes contact with the marble of the counter you shiver, and Abby brings her girthy palms to rest under your buttocks, warming up the skin there and slightly groping it.
"Lemme thank you for lunch. You are always so good to me. My pretty, little wife". She raises one of her hands and gently runs her pointer finger where your folds part, making you gasp. Your hands reach to her behind and cup her firm ass. "Alright." you whisper into her ear, as your eyes roll in the back of your head.
She then kisses a line from your jaw to your belly button, leaving sloppy, open mouth kisses where the drool from her mouth remains visible on your skin. You could only wish it would imprint on it, immortalising Abby's passionate mouth loving on your body. You shudder as you feel her delicately kissing your pussy, rubbing her tongue on your feminine lips as if she was making out with them. Her tongue teases the sensitive flesh, as the nerves in the most sensitive part of your body are abused by this wonderful, wonderful woman. You let out small, staccato moans, and your hands reach the flesh of your breasts, cupping them and toying with them deliciously. Abby continues the barrage on your cunt, licking up your clit as the room is filled with the sloppy sounds of sopping flesh.
You sit there, helpless but to take it, as you feel the coil inside you tightening up from the lovely tongue of your wife. You suddenly feels as though a band has snapped, and you are overcome with heavenly, internal bliss as your orgasm washes over you like a wave. Abby guides you through it, leaving soft kissing on your cunt and whispering "That's it baby, come like a good girl". Once it stops, you can feel her rising up to kiss you, her tongue rubbing yours in small circles as she lets you taste your salty tang.
"Mmm" you let out a soft giggle. "I'm so grateful I have such a caring attentive wife.", and she makes you gasp as she her fingers come up to your sensitive folds, dipping her hands into your hole and spreading your juices all over your inner thighs. You let out soft moans at the overstimulation but allow her to continue the assault on your cunt nonetheless, as she thumbs you clit gently, watching it twitch in between your legs.
"Damn right you are, baby. Wanna take this to the bedroom?" She leans into you and leaves a kiss on your ear lobe. "I'm not through with you yet." you don't reply just yet, because you know she still wants to have a go at you, and she will no matter what. You grumble a small yes at her as she picks you up bridal style and moves you to the bedroom, kicking your discarded clothes out of her way.
What could she say? Abby lives to please you, and you live to please her. And both of you are thankful for having each other to help whenever, whether that is with lunch and everything the other person needs.
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whoaah, who wrote that🤔anyways, lmk what you guys think of it and ofc send me more asks abt Abby<33
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
No fun allowed.
Based on this idea from anon: Can you feel that? A heat wave is washing over the 141 base. Who wants to do training at 35 degrees and counting? No one but Ghost of course... Maybe it's time for some fun summer activities instead? How about some beach volleyball in the sandpit where they blow up explosives? Fruit salad from a helmet anyone? Can our stoic lieutenant be convinced to enjoy this sunny day with the team?
You were all melting in the heat today, but the lieutenant insisted on continuing the training.
Even the medics stepped in. They tried to emphasise the dangers of heat stroke, but Ghost dismissed their credibility and accused them of slacking off, claiming that he’s been through worse.
That’s right—he has been through worse. So why should you have to go through the same?
Without anyone else to turn to, you collectively decided to snitch on him and inform Price, hoping he’d be the most sensible of the two.
Being the man he is, the captain came up with a solution to please both parties—Yes, you would continue your training, but with water guns instead. This way, you could cool off from the heat while following Ghost’s training routine.
And so it happened—water guns, balloons, sprinklers, and inflatable pools were brought to the base and set up around the training grounds to simulate a field exercise.
The lieutenant wasn’t happy, but then again, when was he ever?
“This is bloody orange, and these look like fucking Skittles,” he moaned, looking at the water blasters and pointing at the balloons, “how are we going to blend in with these?”
You tried to reason with him, explaining that the bright colours would add to the difficulty since you would all have to work harder to camouflage yourselves. And, although he didn’t accept the idea in the way most people tend to change their minds, he stopped complaining.
Everyone changed in their summer attire except for the lieutenant, of course, who didn’t remove anything from his body. Not even his gloves. You asked him why he was still clinging to all that gear and pointed at a flare in his tactical vest, claiming it was unnecessary. He clarified that it wasn’t a flare but an Evian water facial spray. His response made you laugh, and in return, he made you drop and give him fifty push-ups.
And so the “training” began, and it was nothing like your lieutenant had hoped for. You were all deliberately blasting water guns at each other while staying within the sprinkler’s range to keep cool. Ghost soon lost his patience—if he had any—and chased around whoever dared to laugh or show any hint of joy, yelling things like, “Stop laughing, ya focken muppets,” and “This is serious; why can’t you take it the way is intended to be?”
And this went on and on until the water fight turned into a game of cops and robbers. Or, more like, one cop and many robbers, with Ghost chasing soldiers around and you treating him as the enemy.
And he loved it. Finally, he did.
Look at him now; so happy and running around, trying to catch you. He corners you inside a mock house, and you can see traces of his smile through the damp cloth covering his face. You desperately try to escape his grasp, but you’re too slippery. He lifts you up and tosses you over his shoulder. You scream and laugh simultaneously, and he responds with a menacing chuckle. He carries you to the centre of the training grounds and throws you in one of the inflatable pools—his “prison cells,” as he now calls them.
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emeraldhazeart · 1 year
🥝 for the fruit salad game :D
Thank you for the ask 🤗 Link to the full fruit salad
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
Hmm, good question...
Most of my fics are tagged with Hurt/Comfort, so that's definitely a trope I write a lot. I also adore writing Family Dynamics (not sure what the trope would be for that one. Probably multiple tropes, tbh). Stuff like Sibling Relationships are so fun to write, because you can fit so much angst and fluff in them at the same time. And I'm a sucker for a good loving sibling relationship story!
Thank you so much for asking ❤️
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biteofcherry · 9 months
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This is just a collection of very short scenes from Ruby Garden, focused on adventures in tangerine theft 😆
for @dumbgothbunny who asked for some crumbs of Ruby Garden 💗
Ruby Garden Masterlist
Each separated bit is about different Reader (meaning each Dom has a different Reader).
Dom!Lloyd Hansen x sub!reader
Dom!Ari Levinson x sub!reader
Dom!Andy Barber x sub!reader
Dom!Nick Fowler x sub!reader
Dom!Steve Rogers x sub!reader
Dom!Bucky Barnes x sub!reader x Dom!Curtis Everett
warnings: none really; it's pure playfulness and teasing; only brief mentions of punishments and filthy shmexy times; BDSM setting; Dom/sub dynamics; safe, sane and consensual; power imbalance
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Out of all the snacks available for members of the Ruby Garden, it's the tangerines that somehow gained a status of most desired gold.
It happened as anecdotes and inner jokes happen - because of a one time incident.
A mistake in the order led to double quantity of bananas and complete lack of tangerines. Since Ari Levinson wasn't about to let anything go to waste, the buffet served bananas for a month in various forms (thankfully along with other available fruit, small salads and canapes). And not a single tangerine.
So when finally tangerines were ordered again when the bananas were all eaten, the submissives jumped on them like starved.
Which led to the decision of making little citrus fruit a rarity, so that their appearance brought joy and laughter.
It also started a game of tangerine theft.
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You winked at your co-conspirator as the both of you followed Master Lloyd.
Well, you followed the crate of tangerines that were carried to the bar. It just so happened that Master Lloyd was the one who brought in the first crate and now the other.
You leaned against the bar, your friend along with you, bouncing in excitement. And a bit in impatience, as you waited for him to acknowledge your presence.
That he was aware of you standing there, you were sure.
Somehow Master Lloyd was always aware of his surroundings, like a predator in vigil.
You didn't know his line of work, but perhaps he was simply attuned to submissives so much he's aware when they sneak around. Especially when they try to avoid him and his whip.
You kicked your friend when she opened her mouth, undoubtedly to call for him.
No, no. If you're not another Master, you didn't call for Lloyd. You waited for his permission to speak.
Or accepted if he ignored you, since it meant he wasn't interested at all.
But thankfully, after a few more heartbeats, he turned around and arched a single eyebrow as he eyed you.
"What can I get you, bunnies?" He tilted his head, throwing a dishcloth over his arm as if he was a bartender.
You grinned and your friend giggled.
"We'd like tangerines," you stated boldly.
The game was mostly about theft, but no rules applied, meaning that asking for it counted as well. Besides, your goal was to distract Master Lloyd enough that the actual theft could happen...
"Tangerines?" Lloyd whistled. "Wow. You play big game, bunny."
"How big?" You licked your lips and gulped.
A part of you itched to feel that lick of whip, but a bigger part of you wanted to run fast - like the bunny he called you - and hide in a hole.
"You need to earn a tangerine." Lloyd crossed his arms. "With a trick."
"A trick?" You narrowed your eyes, trying to think of something you could do. You weren't a magician, nor a gymnast who could do flips.
Then it suddenly downed on you, your grin broadening.
Maybe you didn't knew some cool tricks, but you had a few from the past college party girl life.
"Can I earn two tangerines, if the trick is really neat?" You asked, linking your arm with your friend's.
"Sure, bunny," Lloyd chuckled.
Head held high, you went over to the counter loaded with smoothies in tall glasses. You picked one and brought it over to where you were standing earlier.
Taking the straw out of the glass, you tossed it aside. Then you crossed your wrists behind your back and leaned forward.
You opened your mouth wide and hovered above the glass for a few deep breaths. Then your mouth was on the glass, cheeks hollowing in a strong suck to keep the glass from falling out as you lifted up your head.
Slowly, not to choke on a rather thick smoothie, you tilted your head back and downed it all.
When you put the glass back down - still without using your hands; you felt slightly dizzy for a second. Then the sense of hilarious euphoria kicked in as you realized you managed to do that.
Judging by Master Lloyd's face, euphoria was the right feeling for the rest of your evening too.
"Bunny," he said, smirk curving his lips, "your mouth can earn a whole crate of tangerines, if you put your mind to it."
He held out two tangerines, which you accepted with a giggle.
"Tell you what," Lloyd leaned forward, "you can earn yourself two more, if you repeat that trick on my cock. And another two for your friend, if you manage not to cum while she licks you when you choke on my dick."
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The girls were doing great job occupying Master Lloyd, giving you the perfect opportunity for your self-proclaimed ninja stealthy skills.
Having tiptoed to the other side of the bar countertop, you slid yourself across it; hand diving straight into the crate of tangerines, which was left there earlier.
Quickly, you grabbed two in one hand and two in the other. Hugging them to your chest, you wiggled back down.
However, your smile of triumph froze and then fell from your lips as soon as you turned around.
Your Master was standing right behind you, with arms crossed and a displeased look on his face.
Damn it!
You weren't even aware he was anywhere near to spot you. You made sure there was no one other around this side of the club, but somehow Ari detected you.
And sneaked up on you instead. How, you had no idea either. At least you were barefoot, which allowed extra silence to your step. Ari was wearing shoes and still moved so quietly you didn't hear him.
For a split of a second, your gaze drifted above his shoulder, before returning to his beautiful, but stern face.
Slowly, you lowered your arms as if ready to give him the tangerines in defeat.
Before that happened, however, you suddenly tossed the fruit over Ari's shoulder. Surprising him completely.
"Run girls, run!" You yelled.
Two other submissives, who were standing further away, caught the flying tangerines and ran off in opposite directions.
That was the whole main game plan for tonight. All of the submissives working together, so that at least some of them managed to steal and eat tangerines.
Ari's head whipped around the second you yelled. He watched two subs run like mad, squealing in delight (and partly in excitement upon the chase being now on their tail).
When he turned back to you, there was a look of utter disbelief on his face and you barely stopped yourself from snorting in amusement.
And then he burst out laughing. A roaring sound, with head thrown back and arms falling to his sides.
There were crinkles in the corners of his eyes as he looked down at you. Your own lips were curved in a happy smile, feeling blissful joy from making your Master laugh.
"Sacrificing yourself for the greater good, huh?" Ari chuckled, stepping closer.
"Sacrificing?" You asked nervously, taking a tentative step back.
Ari's hand shot up instantly, gripping the back of your neck and yanking you forward.
"Oh, definitely, Cherie." His voice dropped lower.
All of your blood seemed to flood lower, too; pulsing in your clit.
"Theft is punishable. Severely. We'll start by taking your thieving hands out of equation as you serve your atonement."
Though his words evoked a wave of heat, they also made you gulp. Ari's versions of punishments were unpredictable, always wicked. Inquisitors could learn from him.
"Will I get a tangerine afterwards?" You asked, trying for a cute face when he gripped your chin.
"If you're conscious." Ari declared in a deadly dark tone.
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Having caught two flying tangerines, you made a quick swerve and then purposely slowed down.
Keeping a soft smile on your lips, you walked as if nothing happened. As if you weren't holding a tangerine in each hand, which you tried to hide with the layers of frilly, sheer dress you were wearing.
You passed another sub on your way, right by the bathrooms as you previously agreed. Brushing her hand against yours, seemingly casually, she took one of the tangerines.
You continued on, taking steady steps toward the actually empty submissive's nook - a cozy lounging space for submissives to sit between scenes or wait for their Masters.
Hiding in plain sight.
No one would even think you're bold enough to eat your tangerine of victory out in the open.
Peeling it quickly, you popped first piece into your mouth and smiled. Then another piece. And another. Though you often bought tangerines on your grocery trips, they never tasted like those in the ruby Garden.
Humming in giddy happiness, you scooped the orange peels and wrapped them in a wipe. Boxes of wipes were available all around, quite a necessary item in this kind of club.
You took another layer and wrapped it for good measure, then tossed it into a small bin in the corner.
"Hiding the evidence?" Andy's voice startled you.
You jumped with a squeak, accidentally kicking the bin as you straightened.
"Sir?" You twisted your hands behind you.
Quickly rubbing your palms on the fabric of your dress, you hoped to wipe off any remnants of citrus scent and flavor.
"Everything points to you stealing and eating a tangerine, Birdie." Andy neared, placing both hands on your shoulders and gently massaging them.
"I-" a part of you wanted to confess immediately.
But a part of you - the one that learned under Master Andy's care that playfulness was rewarded too - stopped you from blurting your citrus sins.
"I don't know what you mean, Sir," you replied instead, biting your lip.
"I see." Andy's blue eyes darkened, but his jaw remained relaxed, meaning he wasn't really cross with you.
His hands swiped down your arms, fingers encircling your wrists in a firm grip.
"You've never seen me put a suspect on a stand. Now you'll see it first hand." He linked your wrist cuffs together in front of you. "Let's see how your line of defense holds up after a few rapid rounds."
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Swiping a tangerine from the other sub's hand, you trotted to the corner of the club that still was marked as unopened after a small renovation.
There was this black lacquered cocoon, not unlike the garden ones, which you wanted to hide and sway in for a while now.
It was supposed to be officially free to use as of the next day, so you didn't think that you hiding there would do any damage. And a hiding place you definitely needed, to follow with your tangerine crime.
You climbed into the cocoon, huffing at the height it was hung on. You snuggled into dark, soft cushions and stuck out one of your foot to push against the wall and get the cocoon rocking slightly.
Then you peeled the tangerine and ate it, with a cheshire grin on your face.
Frowning, when your hideout stopped swaying, you tried to get it into motion again. But it wouldn't budge.
You added more force, but nothing happened.
It downed on you why.
Gulping nervously, you quickly swiped tangerine peels under the cushions and sunk further into them, hoping to disappear.
"Funny," the drawl of Master Nick's voice sent a shiver down your spine, "I can smell citrus, but it's impossible for any to be here, right? Not in the still locked area. Far away from the buffet where the tangerines are supposed to be."
He appeared in your line of vision slowly, hand gliding along the lacquered wicker of the cocoon.
It was his strong hold that stopped the movement of the swing.
"Um, no, Sir," you looked up at him, sweet smile on your face. "Definitely no tangerines here."
"Mhm." He tilted his head to the side, gaze sliding over your body. His tongue swiped over his bottom lip in a slow, tempting motion. "Yet I still can smell it."
"Maybe it's my perfume," you shrugged, surprising yourself with the bold bullshit.
"Could be." Nick nodded, as if taking your argument seriously. "Or a sneaky submissive could've broken the sacred tangerine law and is in need of punishment."
Suddenly he was in your space, half of his body in the cocoon as he caged you in.
"You won't mind, if I sate my curiosity, right Bonbon?"
He took one of your wrists into his hand, lifting your arm and trailing the tip of his nose so slowly against it. From your shoulder to your wrist.
He gently pressed your arm back against the wicker backrest, above the cushions.
Then suddenly your wrist was trapped.
"What the h-" you barely stopped yourself from cursing. You turned your head, neck craning uncomfortably. Only to see your hand cuffed to the backrest.
You haven't noticed the shackles before! Damn it!
Nick was quick to cuff your other wrist as well. When his big hand gripped your ankle, you squeaked.
He forced your leg up, bending it at the knee and pulling it slightly to the side. Your ankle was secured in a cuff at the bottom rim of the cocoon. So was the other.
Leaving you spread like a little frog ready for dissection.
"I'll just probe around, Bonbon," Nick's smile was cruel as he ran his fingertips down your inner thighs.
You realized then, why the cocoon was at this particular height.
Since your exposed pussy was almost perfectly aligned with Master's hips.
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Bucky and Curtis
One of the two tangerines flying from above Master Ari's shoulder almost smacked you right in the face, but you managed to catch it.
With a squeal, you hugged them to your chest and sprinted right.
You hurried to the little nook you have scouted for yourself earlier. Behind a huge potted Areca palm that stood between two couches in the Dom's lounging corner.
Kneeling behind it, you peeled both tangerines. You stuck the peels inside the plant's pot - a win win, really: you got the sweet citruses and hid the evidence, and the palm got free compost.
You were about to munch on your tangerine, when heavy steps neared your tiny corner.
Two sets of heavy steps. Crap.
Trying not to move too rapidly, you peeked from behind green fans of palm leaves. Hoping that they simply walked over to sit and lounge, and that they would go away soon.
Unfortunately for you, Masters Curtis and James (who liked to be called Bucky outside of scene) were standing right in front of the palm, their eyes settled on you.
"Gonna come out of your den, little fawn, or do you need me to yank you out?" Curtis' firm, gruff voice was marginally colored with amusement.
When you didn't move right away, Bucky crouched down. It allowed him to be more at your eye level, but you knew it wasn't to make you feel equal. But so you could really see the icy blue of his ice shine with promise of repercussions.
"See, little fawn," Bucky said, "the worst mistake a prey does is making a sound. And your cute squeak was like a beacon that called to us."
He grinned and you felt your heart rise to your throat. Then it dropped down straight to your clit, making it pulse so rapidly you thought you may come just from their overwhelming, dangerous aura.
Your gaze skittered around, fingers clenching around the two small fruit. There really was no place to run. And you didn't even get to eat your tangerine yet.
Maybe you could stuff one right into your mouth, before you walked out to them?
Just when you were considering defeat, you noticed that the backrest of one of the couches was sloped. There was a nook right at the bottom, a corridor between the wall and the couch.
If you were fast, you could make it.
Especially since there was a set of two coffee tables the Doms had to move around before they could reach the other end of the couch you'd be crawling behind.
You made it look as if you were rounding the big pot, hoping to fool them.
And then you sprinted on your hands and knees, squeezing yourself between the back of the couch and the wall.
Somehow you managed to get free, without getting caught right away. So you fled.
This time not knowing where, only that you had to run away from the big bad monsters. You also really, really hoped they would catch you. Oh God, how you hoped this thrill of chase would explode into another surge of adrenaline and endorphins upon being caught.
As you ran, you passed another submissive. You forced one of the tangerines (slightly squeezed) into her hands and darted forward.
You were sure you're hearing heavy footsteps behind you. You were about to glance over your shoulder to check how close they were on you, when suddenly you slammed into a warm wall of muscles.
Bucky caught you, chuckling at your loud squeak.
Then Curtis was pressing behind you, his shadow cutting out any light and making you breathe harder.
"What to do with a naughty fawn?" Curtis hummed, curling his fingers around the front of your neck and pulling your head backwards, until it rested on his chest.
"I say a spry, sweet venison is best to be roasted," Bucky's arms were still around you, caging your own arms at your sides.
His breath tickled your cheek before he nipped your earlobe.
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You were obediently staying in place as your Master prepared the bench for what he had planned for you tonight. Already naked, you kept your gaze mostly to the ground, still battling your insecurity to look upwards and bravely face whoever may be glancing your way.
Which is why you didn't see the bolt of heavily breathing submissive darting your way.
Only when you heard the commotion did you look up. Just as she ran past you.
As she did, she dropped something small and sticky into your hands.
Eyes wide in surprise, you watched her run away and Master Curtis prowling right after, determined smile curving his lips.
There was no Master James in sight, which meant he was probably already cutting off the submissive's escape rout.
Your eyes shifted back to what was in your hands and they widened further.
A peeled tangerine.
Sacred, forbidden, so so tempting.
You glanced at Steve, who still had his back to you as he readjusted the straps. For s second you got distracted by the way the muscles in his back flexed as he worked.
But a trickle of citrus juice tickling your finger reminded you of the gold in your hands.
You ripped away one tiny piece and quickly stuffed it in your mouth. In the very last moment you stopped yourself from moaning around it.
Then you popped another piece into your mouth, smiling as the slightly sour flavor mixed with sweetness.
You munched on two pieces at once, squeezing your eyes shut when the juice grazed your throat, nearly causing you to cough.
"Don't choke, Darling." Steve's amused voice almost made you do that.
You turned to him swiftly, one hand flying to cover your still chewing mouth, the other squeezing tangerine tighter.
Blue eyes shimmering with laughter, Steve took your hand and pried it off your face. Crinkles around his eyes seemed to deepen when he saw your puffed cheeks and puckered, juicy mouth.
"I always knew you're magical, but to summon a tangerine without moving from your spot is an astonishing trick," he teased.
He brought your hand to his lips, then licked the juice off your fingertips.
When he let go of your hand, but kept his outstretched, palm up, you knew what he demanded. You placed the tangerine in Steve's hand, with a little regretful sigh.
"Quite a few pieces left still, Darling." Steve glanced at the remaining tiny, orange moons.
"Since I know you're my good girl, I'm sure you'll deserve them when we're done." He ran a single finger along your cheek, then used it to tilt your chin up.
"I'll feed you them myself. Each piece for every orgasm you give me."
Your pupils dilated and your thighs clenched.
There was still at least half of a tangerine remaining. More than three or four pieces. Five perhaps.
"And then-" Steve leaned closer, his lips brushing against yours- "I'll tell you how to steal tangerines, so no one catches you."
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aespicysstuff · 3 months
Blackpink reaction:
Their girlfriend calling them 'Wife'
(I didn't revised this, so ..sorry for any typos)
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- You guys had headed off to some cozy coffee shop that had like a mini library there, you guys walked inside  feeling the warmth and the comfortable smell of coffee. You told her that you were going to order it so she could just look around.
- “So I would like to have a hot choco and lemon cake, my wife will have a coffee and strawberry cake.”
- Oh boy! She turned so fast to look at you that she was certain that she broke her neck, YOU CALLED HER WHAT? Her heart was hammering in her chest right now.
- Since your arms were linked you literally brought her to your table. She was still looking at you with wide eyes, but the spark was visible there.
- “What?” You asked, touching your face to see if something was on it. Jisoo couldn't help the big beautiful smile that appeared on her face alongside the blush too.
- “So...I'm your wife now?” This time she had a teasing smirk on her face and you were the one blushing, “W-well...eventually...I hope.” You manage to get out through your embarrassment.
- Jisoo's smile only became more brightly, and soon after you guys were in a comfortable conversation while enjoying you guys order.
- Jisoo couldn't deny that the idea of having you calling her WIFE officially was tempting and she couldn't wait for this day to come, she's sure you're the one.
- You're a famous streamer, so it came as a surprise when you guys' relationship was announced online. Well, it actually was an accident.
- You had just opened your stream and were talking with your chat, when she came inside, till this moment everything was fine because you positioned your cam in a way that wouldn't catch her face.
- Your chat knew that you had a girlfriend, but you never “revealed” because she had asked for it, so chat always respected that even though they were curious to know who she is.
- You guys have a great relationship and dynamic, they even call you mama playfully, and after discovering about your girlfriend they call her mom.
- So like a routine of 2 mothers talking with their hundreds of children, she (Jennie) walks inside your studio with a bowl of fruit salad covered in condensed milk and puts it beside your mouse, going to give a head kiss when she froze in her place.
- “Thank you my wife!” You kissed her cheek and gave her your cutest puppy smile.
- “WHAT YOU JUST CALLED ME WOMAN?!?” (I just picture her so shocked and flustered while screaming this.) She screamed while hitting your arm out of embarrassment.
- She stopped, frozen in place while looking at you like a deer caught in the headlights, she hoped your chat wouldn't recognise her voice.
- It's good to say that they did recognise her voice and her lips, that came to view after she screamed at you.
- It's also good to say that this small moment was eternalized in a clip and everyone was aware of you guys' relationship.
- You pushed Jennie to sit on your lap as there was no need to hide anymore. “Yes guys, this is my beautiful and amazing wife, I hope you guys can respect us and be happy too.” You squeezed her hand trying to comfort her.
- “Hello guys!” Jennie said shyly and hid her face in her hands right after, and that's how you guys end up playing some games and answering some questions about your relationship.
- Jennie smiled while looking at you, she knew that you guys would have to go through some stupid people, because bitch! is Jennie that we are talking about, people hate on her as a hobby, but with you next to her makes her feel more safe.
- And yes! Wedding bells are ringing in her mind already.
- It happened on the Oscar red carpet, you as a new rising actress in Hollywood was nominated for one of the statuette.
- You of course invited your lovely girlfriend as your plus one, and a spoiler! You guys were the talk of the moment, THE RISING ACTRESS AND THE WORLDWIDE KPOP STAR TOGETHER BABY!
- So right now here you guys were posing for the photos, you were Dressed in a simple all black suit with a corset and some jewelry, your hair was free and wild with your gorgeous curls, and Rosé was dressed in a elegant backless black dress, she black gloves on and her hair was slightly curly.
- Soon after you were being called for an interview, Rosé gave a peck and settled herself with some of you guys' staff not far from you, she was able to hear you perfectly fine, so imagine her face getting red like a tomato and her eyes widened after hearing you calling her wife.
- The guy in the interview you had asked who you had bought as your plus one and you said, “My lovely wife, Rosé, she has been by my side since day one. She was the light that I needed on some harsh nights, so I couldn't not bring her as my plus one.”
- Stop it!! You're going to make her cry, Rosé felt like her heart was about to explode with the amount of love that she has for you and this feeling keeps growing day by day.
- You had finished up the interview and headed to where she was, “It's time to get inside baby- NO! It's W I F E! Now come on, an Oscar is waiting for you, my wife.” 
- I don't even need to say that she's gonna marry you…
- You had been scrolling through tiktok for a long time now, you were alone and bored, Lisa was practicing with the girls and you were left alone in your guys apartment, okay, you had your children with you.
- You found an interesting video of a compilation of girls calling their boyfriend's husband and recorded their reaction, so you thought ‘Why not do this with your Lali? Besides, you were missing her so it would be a win-win situation.
- You put your shoe and coat on, made sure that everything was fine, locked the door and got inside your car, driving off  to grab some coffee and snacks for her and the girls.
- Fast forward and you were right in front of their dance room door knocking on it, seeing Jisoo opening it for you.
- “Y/n? What are you doing here?” the older woman asked you, holding the bags with their coffees and snacks. “Oh! I'm here to deliver you guys this.” You pointed to the bag, “and also because I miss my wife, aka, Lalisa.” You said walking inside the room after Jisoo made space for you to enter.
- There you saw a smiling duck, your girlfriend Lisa, she had heard your voice and yes, she heard you calling her wife, and that's why you guys almost hit the ground after she decided to jump on you out of nowhere.
- The girls only laughed and snickered at your guys cute moment and decided to sit a little bit far away from you guys to give y'all some privacy.
- Miss Manoban was giggling and kissing you everywhere, gosh she was smitten by you!
- “Can you call me wife again?” She asked you with those big doe eyes, giving you a hard time to say no.
- “Hi wife!” You with a smile on your face as she was squealing like a teenager, can't blame her, she's just so enamored by that just the thought of this happening one day gives her so many butterflies.
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pablitogavii · 9 months
Pablo’s pov about how he’s feels having gf for the first time:)))) thanks
Pablo's first girlfriend
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I think we would all agree that once he finally has an official girlfriend, he would want her to come watch ALL of his games. Since that's basically impossible, he settles for as much as she is able to fit in her schedule.
He would get her a jersey with his name in each color and version wanting to see her in all of them as often as possible.
Whenever he would score, he would signal the goal is dedicated to her by kissing his jersey and sending a heart to the camera.
He LOVES when she comes to his trainings, always pretending to be "thirsty" so he can go to the stands to grab water form her and steal a few kisses he gets teased about by his teammates.
His heart swells whenever she would post his accomplishments on her social medias saying how proud she is of him because that makes Pablo's ego get to the roof. All he wants is to make his girl proud!
He tried teaching her some tricks with the ball but that would always end up with both of them laughing at how bad you were at it and agreeing you should remain his loyal little cheerleader ;)
His favorite thing to fuck her in is HIS JERSEY and nothing underneath!!! Even when you buy a new lingerie set to surprise him, he would tell you to wear his jersey on top ;)
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During all of his interviews, he would find a way to mention you not able to help himself at this point.
"What do you like to do in your free time Pablo?" question would be and Pablo would often say " I love when my girlfriend makes us some fruit salad we enjoy by the pool" or "Probably going on a date with my girlfriend" or "Annoy my girlfriend" when he is being extremely cheeky with his answers.
Even in the upcoming season of the Barça show, he mentioned you a few times which melted your heart. "It's incredibly important to have right people in your life. My girl knows me better than I know myself sometimes and she always makes sure I take my breaks seriously." he said when asked about support he receives from his family.
"And the prize for the biggest simp goes to Pablitooo!!" Araujo joked during one of his interviews he did with Pablo making them both laugh meanwhile Pablo was very much a blushing mess.
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Like his dad said, Pablo is very caring and kind as well as a little shy. He rarely speaks about his feelings but his love language is definitely PHYSICAL TOUCH!!
When you went to events together he would always have his hand somewhere on you either holding your hand or around your waist but he loves to feel you close to him.
Just like some guys would say 'love you' from time to time, Pablo would suddenly bring you close and just start to kiss you all over your face and body.
Usually when you're in the public situation, it would be your cheek, your hand or your shoulder. BUT when you're alone then it's definitely your neck, down to your collar bone and your ear (he knows those weak spots of yours;))
Don't forget the thigh hold while he drives ;) Main reason he wanted his permit was to finally be able to do that whenever you were getting a ride from him!
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fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Plum: Loads of things, stuffed toys, books, photos, most of which are at home in Alola with her family. She has a couple of photos from her 10th birthday that seem to mean a lot to her, her family perhaps could have been more present while she was growing up, but they were both there with her on that day, a day she was gifted her first ever pokemon parter missy as a little dratini. She’s framed them, they currently hang in her Dotaku apartment. Should she lose them she’d probably cry a little but knows its just a thing, the memory remains.
Grey: Grey kept his dads jacket, and still uses it from time to time. Use to be so big on him but now he cant do the zip up. He doesn’t say it, but he likes to have it around still, and sometimes wears it to go visit his family. In all honesty it fits peach better now days, but thats ok, he just likes seeing it. If it were to finally be lost or broken, he’d try to repair it, or if that is impossible, he’d sulk for a few days. He may have to go home and steal another jacket, but nothing compares, that one had significance.
Peach: She’s got a family ring, not that she tells anyone thats what it is. On rare occasion is used to gain entry to underground locations. No one questions her if she’s got that. She use to never wear it, but as she’s aged, it’s crept into her collection, snuck on her hands with several other rings to make it less obvious, mixed and matched. It’s not easy to tell wether she likes or hates it, but if she was to lose it, she’d be very conflicted. Its not a good memory receiving it, but it also kind of was? Bitter sweet. One of the first and only moments her mother seemed not disappointed with her, sadly she was disappointed with herself…or proud for persevering? It’s a messy memory.
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
Plum: All over the place. She loves a lot of up beat pop, RnB, but also thrives on anything with a brass section. The sort to have three playlists for moods, no more, no less. Sad, happy, running. (I associate Plum with: MEUTE - You & Me)
Grey: his family is large so he’s perfected the art of making a playlist to suit all ages. For this reason he’s wise to a lot of older songs and bands that perhaps got forgotten by the younger crowd. This doesn’t make his taste old school, he’s very adaptable. Knows what to play at any given moment to get a party going. His personal taste a wide and varied, appreciating almost all genres for one reason or another. A sucker for classic rock though. (I associate Grey with: Jank Setup - Prince Of Something)
Peach: anything with a filthy bass line, or that slaps hard. Never has sad songs on. Her lack of connection to music is apparent, having not had much music in her home as a child or teenager. She’s not very knowledgable on it as a topic, but over the years with Grey has learnt to enjoy it, and even found songs she actually enjoys, will never put a song on if asked. (I associate Peach with: YONAKA - Seize The Power)
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Plum: Classic romantic, red roses, gypsophila, maybe flamboyant white lilies. BUT! She’s from the tropics, and Peach will especially pick up on this, often favouring Bird of Paradise or Heliconia, palms and broad leaves, a bit more fancy than your average Johto garden can produce. However her favourite is Plumeria. Unrivalled in scent, she gets all nostalgic when she smells them.
Grey: Loves greens, whites and grasses. He’s the sort to revel in ferns, loves them. Fond of a Chrysanthemum, loves a wax flower. He’s big on textures, so the fancy seed heads from some species also get a lot of love from him.
Peach: impossible to pick a single fav, she’s forever asked this question and it keeps her up at night. In her heart of hearts she knows its Forget-Me-Nots, though why she can’t remember, ironically. Her choices are always humble. Wildflower, big blousy daisys that you see growing on the side of roads, knapweed, cornflower, ragwort, buttercups, all the stuff you see pop up through cracks in the concrete. Defiant. Sure fancy is nice, but it doesn’t beat a bunch picked by someone you love who thought of you while out on a walk. Nothing compares.
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