#fruit salad game
fruitsaladgame · 6 months
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thank u for reading my little comic ❤️ if you were wondering what this is, it is part of one of the story arcs in the fruit salad game (a visual novel, dating sim/horror game) which we are currently making! actually it's crazy but you can already play through this part in the real game !!!
if this comic interests you, there is already tons more to this story that you can play if you download the latest version of the game from our patreon (it only costs a dollar!)
and if you just want to see more art/comics of these guys or see what the game looks like then please check out our blog, it would mean a lot to us!
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zombyvamp · 4 months
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1-800-crystalball · 1 year
Here you go, tumblr…
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bryastar · 2 months
Word Salad #6
Happy Fourth of Fluttershy!
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So while I was drawing this, anytime I made a mistake I had to stop myself from attempting to two finger tap the calendar to undo the line *note to myself get better at drawing....lines....✏📝*
hjfkdlsa actually that reminds me, earlier I found a drawing tip tiktok on my fyp aaa and I think it's very well explained in a way that just made sense to me
and while we're talking about tiktok, here's a commercial that popped up on my fyp that I remember seeing as a kid. I got excited because it had tips for Donkey Kong 64 and I wanted to see what they were (I genuinely don't remember what tips they had, but taking my best guess it was tips for things I had already figured out).
and I guess a similar thought train, Lunchables was doing a promotion where they had Donkey Kong 64 tips on these collectable "cards" that you cut out and had tips on the back side.
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but what very much upset me about it.....the card for Chunky's talked about a specific move that you activated when you pushed A and B at the same time. I tried pressing just about every combination of A and B I could think of while trying to get inside one set of doors that never opens and that always bugged me because I was convinced that there was some sort of unknown secret hiding inside (9 year old me was so desperate aa). In retrospect.... it looks like whoever wrote these just made up all the names of the moves on the fly and I just took it literally
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going back a tad, something I remember specifically about the Fruit by the Foot tips was they had the website "nintendo.com" on it and that prompted me to head to my local library (since I'm pretty sure my family didn't have internet just yet) and check out the website and that's where I discovered it had a treasure trove cove of cheat codes! (honestly a little something I miss). I could def make a whole post about how 90s and 2000s nintendo.com was for me as I would visit there practically every day finding cheatcodes and watching trailers for new games coming out aaa
also tiny note, but the past couple days I've been getting notifications on my phone anytime one of my world salads got a like and....aaa i never know how to explain this feeling but it's like yay i'm happy you like it but also i feel like i'm just spilling out whatever comes out of my head and I guess people like that?? either way i hope it makes your day in some way aaa
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fruit-salad-ship · 9 months
Can I request some Witcher au Drabble my brain is in need of some brainrot after a exhausting last few weeks
Sorry to hear youve been worn down a bit, ive tried to scramble together something, but admittedly witcher AU is a fun one but also one ive not explored as much with feeling and emotion.
Hope this is better than nothing at least.
It starts in a bar, plums been sulking the whole way home as the pair ride back, now held up by the fireplace chewing through slightly old bread and some kind of cured meat with a pout on her features that Peach cannot ignore. The rain hammers on the window, the establishment is rife with drunkards, and people seem to have taken shelter here from worsening weather. “How many times do I have to say sorry?” Plum shoots her company a glance and goes back to the fire, huddled under a cloak that still feels damp. “More.” She wasn’t exactly angry, more, embarrassed, frustrated. The other patrons in the bar could feel the sheer cold energy coming from her, her menacing stare and both the woman’s gear keeping them away. No one cared much for Witcher’s, let alone ones who didn’t even fit the conventional definition for the hunters. Peach picked up a jug and leant across, refilling the little fighters glass as a small peace offering. “You-“ “Don’t.” Plum cut the broader, taller woman short immediately, and peach dared not continue, holding her hands up in defeat as she huffed back into the chair she occupied.
She was mad. This had been their first job alone, no one higher up in the ranks with them to make sure things got done, and plum was over the moon with the fact that she dealt the killing blow. The whole ride towards this grim little town was originally spent with her stomach in knots, thinking they’d fail, they’d die, all the worst outcomes, she planned and overthought every detail. All the while her partner, this egotistical, calm woman, just as new to the work as she was, simply rode, joked around, took time to rest without too much though, assuring her things would be fine. They were opposites, one worrier, and one carefree. Their hunt had been successful, they had trained twice as hard as the others in their order to make up for their gender, an issue that plagued them since being taken in by Witchers. By all accounts they should not have come through, Peach in particular had undergone a far more violent transition. But they got to the area where a Nightwraith was known to frequent. In a moral boosting act, Peach feigned injury and fell as if downed by their foe. Plum, overcome with worry pushed past fears, casting Yrden and ending the creatures suffering. She returned to peach’s side, triumphant but thinking her childhood friend dead, or close to. In that moment Peach kept the act up to mess with her a little but it allowed Plum to admit some…more personal feelings, assuming this might be the last chance to do so. The shock when her companion opened her eyes and sat up perfectly fine was so great she fell back onto the dirt a little. The realisation that she’d blurted out feelings, and Peach was in fact conscious and now AWARE of those feelings was crushing. And so now, they sat in this uncomfortable realisation.
Plum sipped, glaring over her goblet, trying not to feel completely stupid. “What I said was in the heat of the moment, and not true. I was scared, thought you’d die!” She observed, expected peach to be sarcastic, to take a dig at her, but she didn’t. There was a pause as the big woman watched the fireplace, before a short calm ‘mhm’ followed. She drank, and did not focus on the topic at hand. Somehow this made things worse. “What do you mean ‘mhm’? What’s that?” “It’s just a ‘mhm’, don’t read into it so much.” There was another pause, peach took the jug in her hand once more and stood to leave with a huff. “Where’d you think you’re going?” “Away, I can’t apologise, you’re in a foul mood, it doesn’t matter what happened, but you’re not going to let this go, so i’m better off letting you cool off. We’ll get back on the road first thing tomorrow.” And with that she skulked off out of the bar into the rain. Plum knew she’d be hanging around with her horse, not going far, so retreating to the room they’d rented that night was the best she could do to put her angry energy somewhere.
It wasn’t until the late hours that she was awoken, the sound of the door opening, familiar footsteps making their way inside. Plum didn’t move, feigned sleep, heard the form pause before sitting on a chair she knew was by the small window. Some gear was removed, probably anything water logged, the drips from it loud on the wooden floors. Peach sat quietly, a little drunk, cold, wet, and very conflicted, refusing to get into the only bed in the room. Damn tiny Inn had three rooms, only one of which were available. Go figures. So a chair would do, give the poor woman some space. Her guilt of playing a trick on her during their work was heavy, she made a mistake thinking it’d just push the smaller person to be a little braver with the fight, not…everything else. Sometimes she could stand to be a little more serious about things, her teachers always scolded her for messing around, for not being focused on the task at hand. This was a lesson well learnt. She tried to get comfortable on this hard chair, finding a position that wasn’t too bad, attempting to get some rest listening to the sheets of rain on the window. She could sleep just about anywhere, this was arguably a bit of an upgrade to rest on the road.
Plum lay, waiting, listening, realising that the woman with her was not coming to bed, she’d be worn out riding home tomorrow, perhaps… no. No way. Peach wasn’t getting a free pass on this one. She huddled up tighter under the blanket and stood her ground, didn’t give in. Not for the first 20 minutes at least, able to hear her partner slipping into a deeper sleep, peaking over. She’d leant herself on the window ledge, awkwardly crumpled to balance herself in a way that didn’t mean she’d instantly fall if she moved around, clothes still dripping wet, swords and heavier gear placed on a table close by.
“Idiot.” Slipped from her lips, this is how people got sick, though she recalled that peach never seemed to grow ill, not since she was turned, she’d grown in stature, in durability, and became something…different. None of the historic texts of their order covered whatever she was now. Whatever they did to her, it created something new, something that sometimes felt unnatural. The memories of hearing the elders discussing what happened rung out, Plum had turned over what was said a million times in her head, recalling being hidden in the shadows assuming Peach dead, they were just kids, she was so sure she’d never see her friend again. But her midnight trip to steal a snack from the kitchens got her more than she bargained for. She knew more than Peach did… Plum sat up and looked at her. Growing irritated that she was considering this, slowly feeling the floor come into contact with the bottom of her feet, standing, approaching. Two steps from her, she noticed Peach’s eyes open, reflecting back what little light was there, a red reflective sheen to them, something Plum had seen in bears and wolves, but never humans, not until this one. She reached out, touched the woman’s arm, unsurprised by how cold she was, Peach use to be so warm, but now she was always cold as the grave. “Come to bed.” There was no arguing. She got up and followed the little hand that pulled her, being stopped a few steps in, plum turning back to touch the shirt she was in, still soaked from rain.
It was lucky that the dark masked her reddening cheeks. First the impromptu confession during work, now this, pulling the clothes from her body, hanging them to dry. She could hardly see, and Peach wasn’t about to let her friend know that her vision allowed her to see more than most, picking up on the little micro movements in her companies face that showed she was going through a lot of complex feelings right now. The bigger woman said nothing, a welcome feeling of warm hands on her skin from time to time, until she was pulled once more, now unable to hide behind clothes, to a warm, far more comfortable bed. There was a quiet moment where they lay beside each other. Face to face, each on their side, huddled under admittedly scratchy sheets, but neither cared. That empty quiet lingered for a moment, Peach said nothing, she’d done enough damage for one day. Plum wanted to say so much, but there was comfort to this quiet, for the first time since she’d said too much, they reconnected in the silence, this was her best friend, someone who understood more than anyone what it was like to walk in her shoes, both having been worked to the bone their whole lives, bound together by some strange twist of fate. It was not lost on either of them how important this moment was, Peach put her hand on her companions side, pulling her in closer, tucking her up under her chin, feeling a little hand placed on her back, the weight of an arm over her side something that felt so natural. Plum could feel the scarring on this woman, gouges in the skin that told many a story, burying her head in the cold chest, able to for a moment hear a heartbeat, feint and very slow, so weak for someone so strong. It didn’t use to be like this.
One day Plum would tell her, tell her she’d found her father while digging for information during a job, a lord who saw a daughter as a waste, who got rid of her, that she had two brothers out there who got given the world, while she was thrown away. Tell her that she died, that she died a dozen times in fact, each time brought back by the very order she swore to stand by obediently as a test, an experiment. Tell her they turned her to one of them expecting her to die, and yet she did not, they were willing to lose her for the sake of scientific curiosity. That whatever happened to her was so horrifying the order swore to never perform those methods again, acknowledging their mistakes in secret amongst elders. But right now? It didn’t matter, nothing else mattered but being in the arms of someone who was always there for her. Neither had to say sorry, it was an unspoken feeling they understood.
In the dark Peach felt a kiss, one small little gesture left beside a collar bone before Plum curled up tight and drifted off. The words from their first job bounced around in her mind in the quiet, entranced by the heat of this little woman in her grasp, a woman who’d admitted feelings Peach never thought she’d receive from anyone. There was so much more to fight for now.
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cheezduoz · 8 months
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some boys
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For the fruits! 🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
Hello lovely! Hope your Thursday has been a good one! Thanks for sending this along!
🍓What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
So I’m choosing to interpret “underrated” as “disproportionately loved by me” here, and to that end it’s always going to be Point of No Return.
It’s a few years old now, and my writing has definitely changed a little, but that story will always be really close to my heart, and any time someone reads it or comments on it I feel like I could fly.
It’s an Ezra x Female OC story - meet Clara, my most beloved (to me) OC that I’ve ever written - that takes place after the events of Prospect but tells the story of a love so strong that even the Green Moon couldn’t poison it even though it tried. It’s what happens when Ezra & Cee show up on Kamrea in need of a place to stay while Ezra recovers from the worst prospecting gig ever, and it’s written in 3 alternating POVs.
I’ve been flirting with a short follow-up series for far too long now, but every day it gets closer to happening. So maybe soon.
Also? Abe the Cat. 🐈
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sentientcave · 12 days
🍌 and 🍉 for the ask game!
Hey there friend!!
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
I WOULD prefer to write short fics and save the long fic energy for personal projects, but unfortunately I am long winded and like to do in depth character studies and develop relationships over some kind of journey (internal or external). It's hard to get that in short fics. Not impossible, but definitely hard. And also I love dialogue which can take up a lot of space.
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
I think Rugby is my funniest fic over all. It's filled with gems like:
Johnny swats at you blindly as you limp off, somehow managing to connect, his hand a guided missile only capable of targeting asses.
He wiggles his fingers at the plants you have hanging in and sitting in front of the window (Spiderplant Georg, Pontius Pilea, and Monstera Mash).
“Ye’ve got a butterfly tattooed on ye, Rip, course yer a pretty boy.” “First of all, it’s a moth. Secondly, fuck off.” “What’s the difference?” “All butterflies are moths, but not all moths are butterflies.” “Ripper, sometimes ye say things that make no goddamn sense, ye ken?”
Thanks for asking!
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Idk if it was growing up working class or being raised primarily by first gen immigrants or both but I'm listening to shmanners while at work (and enjoying it) but like hot damn I was unaware of 90% of this shit, and the stuff I did know was from reading period lit
#IK IK im a fish out of water in my white collar office but like. gah#franposting#i mean its immensely helpful for me to learn these basics#yes i think theyre classist and stupid but i DO have to play these stupid games to navigate the world#and at home i will be elbows on table loud shouty italian and it will be good#also like. salad??? as ur first course??? I KNOW THAT'S THE USUAL#but i HATE IT its wrong salad goes at the END of the meal before fruits and desserts#WASPS be wild ig#also dont get me started on having a meal with my uni friends super rich familt#i have never felt more inadequate and worse about myself in my life#i literally wanted to crawl into a hole and die#i think. not to be that person. but when i read trc and met adam#and his whole thing about masking and fearing ppl will see/hear/sense his poor beginnings#even after he leaves henrietta and quote unquote makes it into the world#like hes so afraid theyll find out. that he'll never truly fit. he'll always been like the dirt he came from#like. yeah. yeah i get it. and it hurts. and im so tired of being made to feel inferior for not knowing these things#like i am well educated but so narrowly#i am not wide read in classic lit. im missing so much. im not cultured#i could only do so much catch up in uni. i missed out on the first 18 yrs bc we were poor and my parents are#working class. they had nothing to give#ugh. im getting emo#anyway. shmanners is great i am learning things. but also i am like. so aware of my beginnings and unshakeable sense of inferiority#which IS STUPID AND CLASSIST but our society is DUMB AS SHIT
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happi-tree · 11 months
You have a lot of strawberry themed clothes/accessories
I don't but I WANT TO. SO BADLY. I do have a few lemon-themed things and love dressing in pink and green, though, so my wardrobe's at least a little bit fruity 🍓💅✨
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anarkhebringer · 9 months
I'm not gonna spoil anything about the exchange but uh. Arkhe and Astarion are exuding faggy energy in the Discord chat on this night
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fruitsaladgame · 6 months
Welcome to BL Academy!
Here is a little demo of the gameplay in our visual novel dating sim, Fruit Salad! Check out our blog for more exciting concept art/comics and if you want to download and play the chapters of the game we have released so far, you can check out our patreon! (We have only 1 tier at $1, and this allows you access to all the content!)
We are a tiny team of very dedicated artists who can't wait to share our story with you. Even just checking out our blog would mean a whole lot to us! ❤️
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zombyvamp · 5 months
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catboy he's so wet and sad take him home
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1-800-crystalball · 2 years
The potential angst of Scott seeing Jimmy with Tango and feeling utterly heartbroken then Owen coming along and gently healing him then Jimmy seeing Owen and Scott and feeling betrayed because Scott said he’d always love him
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emeraldhazeart · 1 year
I'm a bit late to this but ! 🍐
There's no time frame on these: I'm always happy to get asks 🤗 Link to the full fruit salad
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a f*-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
Oh, I absolutely think fanfic is made for situations like this! There have been so many times when I've looked back on a series or a game and thought "Wait, what about x...?"
It's so much fun to fill in the blanks when there's an asset or a feature left over from a previous build of the game, or a scrapped storyline etc. Like the shed that you can never get into on your farm in AWL. Or where Murray sleeps at night? Or what Mukumuku's story is?
I think the biggest one for me was what happened to Cliff’s sister in FoMT? It always bothered me that he never got closure on that, which was why I wrote Photograph.
But I don't think there's anything I actively "hate" in Bokumono canon. I suppose the closest I've come is Rock's attitude, which I had a go at expanding on in On Rocky Ground.
Aside from that, I think the stuff that tends to frustrates me in the franchise is more gameplay related than lore, so it's a bit hard to write a fix-it fic for that 😅
Thank you for asking ❤️
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fruit-salad-ship · 1 year
So hypothetical for the Witcher au if the trio somehow ended up as Witcher’s together same school and everything how long did it take them to become the lovable menaces they are?
Hrm. Their styles would vary widely, I originally imagined peach in the school of the bear, grey would fit too, but plum couldn’t keep up with that. I guess snake isn’t terrible, plenty of variation.
The girls were ostracised immediately. Peach was dumped there and plums family paid to keep her there, out of their hair. Because they were the only girls they were often stuck together and it made them both angry. They wanted to be treated like everyone else, but instead were pushed harder and mocked for even being there.
Their training though fierce was led by a Witcher in training a few years older than them, Grey, a young boy with a good heart volunteered to help them when no one else would. He swiftly put them both on their asses, expecting neither to get back up fast, but they both did. Unrelentingly stubborn, he found their tenacity infectious, and wildly appealing. Eventually in groups with other youngsters grey was chemically altered to be a proper full fledged Witcher and started taking jobs, leaving the girls alone to train. Their competitive natures led them to slowly learn to get along, finding respect in the others skills, peach grew strong and defensive, while plum grew fast and tactical. Both made great steps with signs, peach excelled with the herbal aspect making tonics and such, while plum boasted ridiculous knowledge of recorded creatures and how to fell, use and manipulate them. They were surprising the others in their school, surviving is one thing, excelling a totally different story.
They garnered enough praise that the other teachers would start to lead them, each finding weapons to suit, adapting to fit their styles, and reconnecting with grey whenever he returned from beyond the walls of their home, demanding all the stories and information. Their midnight laughs and tall tales were what brought them together, he however was privy to some information he withheld from the girls. plum was smaller and far less durable, she would undergo the same Witcher creating process as the boys, a very…sketchy survival rate, a good percentage didn’t pull through. Peach however was far more thick skinned, seemed to possess an unusually high tolerance for some of the more dangerous poisons and potions in the schools labs, and thus the higher ups wanted to test a new method on her. Witchers we’re hard to make, if the new method worked better they could ensure their survival perhaps.
Grey sat on this information for a few days, sparring with them, noticing just how quickly they’d both developed their skills, no wonder the leaders wanted to get on with their turning process. Finally over dinner he mentioned it, both girl falling quiet. It was what they’d trained for but they knew the risks. He didn’t mention peach’s unusual new process, figured she’d find out when they came to get her.
Thing is they never warned peach at all, she expected a horrific process that would either kill her or make her stronger. The girls had a quiet moment waiting to be called for, they shared a room, both just sat there in the quiet. Plum was nervously tapping her foot, wringing her hands. A small kindness, feeling her class mate, the bigger girl opposite her come across and sit beside her on the bed. Didn’t say anything, just took her hand and held it. They waited there like that until someone came to get them.
Didn’t question why peach didn’t go into the same room as plum and the others.
Grey sat up all night. Couldn’t sleep a wink, kept hearing horrifying cries in the depths of their home, the many kids being pumped full of mutagens and tonics. His change was not a good memory, he could only hope his friends would survive.
Plum pulled through much to everyone’s surprise, it was her and two other boys out of two dozen that actually got through it. Some whispered that it was a shame she made it and not one of the others. A murmur that hurt to hear, but she was use to being the one no one wanted around. Even peach was strong enough to overtake most of the boys, and they respected that she took a hit same as they did. Plum eventually emerged, a sight for sore eyes, Grey ran to her, big arms bundling her up, grinning, he was so worried. It was a huge relief, but the elephant in the room was painfully evident. No peach, not anywhere.
A whole month passed. Every night plum returned to her empty room and looked at the bed her friend use to use. Grey asked, and pestered and bothered his teachers, asked where she was, why she’d not been listed in with the dead, why he couldn’t pay respects to her body, where even was it? Not a single adult could say anything, exchanging nervous glances and dodging the subject. Sometimes he swore at night when he’d wander down to get water, he’d hear her, a very distant choked cry, swore it was her.
Then one day she shows up. Like a ghost, peach returns. Plums chair falls back she gets up so fast, grey vaults the table, they’re with her the second she enters the great hall, several others noticing the commotion. Peach is drained, visibly smaller, dark circles under her eyes like someone who’d been pulled back from the dead, hair faded in colour, and yet, to see her friends was all that mattered. she would lie in a bed in searing agony and wish to just sit beside them, if not that, then the relief of death finally. Grey asked what happened, plum prying, helping her to a table to sit. The sight of them both well however was overwhelming, peach just broke down and cried, something no one had ever seen her do. Plum had heard her in the dark of their room some nights, but never seen it, not like this.
They left their questions aside, comforted her, got a meal in the woman, tried to slowly get answers. It was plum sneaking around in the shadows at night, stealthiness used to get sweet treats from the kitchens unnoticed, that she overheard some of the older witchers.
Peach had been a subject in their tests. She had been killed a dozen times, and brought back, in order to strengthen the Witcher powers, and speed up the process. It however took way longer than originally thought, this was the first human test, and it went wrong. Peach suffered for 5 weeks, in and out of living, of consciousness. No wonder she looked like she did. Their conclusion? No one should be subject to that process again. What they did, even by Witcher standards, was too cruel. Plum went back to her room, her friend in her bed, sleeping lightly, sick to her stomach about what she’d learnt, paused at the edge of the room with an intense need to do something about it.
Plum instead of getting in her own bed, put her hand on peach’s shoulder, startling her awake, turning in the dark to see the reflective eyes looking up at her. Pushed her to move over, which she did, and got in behind her friend, wrapped her up in a hug, so angry at the situation. Peach had no idea what was going on, just felt this little woman behind her holding so tight. It was…weird, sure, but plum obviously needed this? So she said nothing, went back to sleep.
Plum told grey everything in secret, they watched peach train and saw despite her withered state she was still fiercely determined. Right back to sword practice without hesitation to rest up more than a day. They swore to not tell her, she didn’t need to know, all that mattered was that she survived. They helped her regain what she lost, the once weak bodied woman regained her muscle mass and then some, started to overtake others in terms of skill, started to laugh and joke again. Before long she was her old self, and the three of them travelled together to take on jobs throughout the kingdom. The secret still remains with grey and plum. Peach hit her stride, all that they wanted to do was be together and find exciting new things to enjoy in life. They have however found it very unusual that they’ve never seen peach go full Witcher, the black eyes, the toxin riddled body. She’ll neck tonics and they don’t seem to poison her even half as much, and her durability is insane, no one should have that much stamina. Whatever was done to her certainly made her stronger, but at what cost.
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