#you guys have no idea how much art we’ve done for this game
cheezduoz · 9 months
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some boys
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smgoetter · 3 months
I know you and Natalie probably get the question that if there will be a sequel to dungeon critters, and I also know that in the current situation (or at least I think) you two aren’t planning on writing one. But, that left me wondering; did you guys ever think about writing a sequel, or even the plot of a sequel? Did you write the Dungeon Critters thinking it would be a series? Or- maybe what I’m trying to say is: Do YOU think there will be a sequel to Dungeon Critters in the future?
(Natalie helped with writing this, but we both talked about it a lot)
Thanks for writing in! Dungeon Critters is really, really special to us, and we’re both really happy that it continues to find its audience. In a perfect world, we’d be diligently working away on volume 4, and designing the Baron’s minivan that he would use in the climactic fight (I’m serious).
I don’t know how much inside baseball I’m allowed to give about the inner workings of publishing, but basically: we signed a contract to do the one Dungeon Critters book, with the hope that it would sell well and we would get to continue making more Dungeon Critters books. Once we wrapped up the first book we immediately wrote and pitched a sequel that we were really excited about, with lots of ideas for more. However, while our publisher did support Dungeon Critters, they weren’t interested in any sequels. But they did still want to work with us, at least!
Which is where The Bawk-Ness Monster comes in! While we were understandably crushed we couldn’t work on Dungeon Critters, a lot of heart and hard work went into pivoting to a new series. And I’m proud of the work we’ve done on it.
Working full-time, we don’t have the time or resources to draw and self-publish a graphic novel by ourselves, and even if we did, having a publisher gives it better reach, especially ones for kids and young adults. We think there’s hope that eventually :01 might be interested in a sequel for Dungeon Critters, which is why we haven’t posted the old summary and concept art online yet. We’re currently reworking it a bit as well, along with some other ideas…we just have to wait and hope for the best.
All that being said, selfishly, hearing from people who read and liked Dungeon Critters helps us keep that hope. It’s niche and weird and doesn’t explain itself and the most purely self-indulgent and fun thing we could have made. Even if we never get to make another one, knowing someone found it and it spoke to them is really precious to us. Thank you again for asking.
Please know that no one are bigger fans of Dungeon Critters than we are, and we are keeping these characters close to our hearts. 
(Also, (in response to the other message) thank you for the game recommendation! We enjoyed Hades very much when it came out a few years ago hehe. Our current gaming update is that Sara is a normal amount of hours into Balatro and Natalie is looking forward to the new Stardew update.)
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chanstopher · 1 year
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so I’ve hit the big one. Thank you for 10k followers, that’s literally so insane I really don't deserve this. I made this blog a little over two years ago, and it’s been so much fun to make so many new friends on here! So I have a few things lined up as a thank you, so this is gonna get long. 
I’m opening my requests and making a game out of it, so send me an emoji and get a set/gfx:
🖤 + make me choose between two members, music videos, ships, eras, etc. for a gifset 🐺 + a color palette along with a member, music video, or era for a gfx 🫧 + a member for a comp set. you can give me a vibe, era, hair color etc. too 🌙 + a member and era or award show for stage gifs
I’m being a bit presumptuous and assume I’ll be getting a few so please be patient with me getting them all out, I don’t want to rush anything I want to make sure  I give you my best effort hehe. I’ll try to post 2-3 a day. This will be open for one week from tomorrow, January 27th (since its already late) so feel free to take your time and pick something you want. I’ll keep making them until they’re all done though! All posts here
Thanks and a gift under the cut 🖤🤍✨
Second I just want to thank all of the people who have interacted with me over the past two years, whether we're best friends or you just sent me an anon, I truly appreciate you. I don't wanna start listing out mutuals or followers because that would inevitably leave someone out, and there are so many people I've never even spoken to; but recognize urls from my notifications, that are dear to me. Thank you for giving me a reason to keep making content, especially art. This blog is the reason I truly got back into drawing and have tried really hard to improve over the past two years. Without you guys, I'd still be drawing flat faces and not blending anything 😭 You have no idea what your small encouragements have meant to me when I've been stressed or struggling with a drawing. And I'm just thankful to feel like I'm accepted tbh. Having ppl call me by my name in tags, even if we've never talked - especially if we've never talked - it makes me feel like really comfortable and loved? That's corny, but I can't think of a better word. I also just want to say thank you for letting me love Chris so loudly, he is really my greatest comfort; and being able to just express that in whatever way my unhinged brain thinks has been so fun and just so nice. There are a billion blogs on this site and you choosing to come here and stay here is truly a gift that idk how to pay back. I know this is just tumblr and it's not that serious, but it's the place I find comfort, so I'm thankful I've got you to share it with.
 okay okay, no more sap LASTLY i'm going to share a few psds of mine as a thank you. so feel free to download them and use them to your heart's content <3
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Project RBH Devlog 0002 – Start The Clock
So the Game Design Document (GDD) is done. And much sooner than I’d anticipated.
It’s not as fleshed out as it could be, but this is a project I am working on solo so that’s less of an issue.
Since I don’t have a team to foster communications with, all it really needs to be is a place to gather my thoughts and focus my design to avoid feature/scope creep. Speaking of which, I’ve figured out my primary design brief around which everything else will revolve:
To expand on the idea, combat will be based heavily on the player moving around the screen, and there should be plenty of projectiles flying around from both sides.
With this done, I am officially out of preproduction. The only real thing I have left to do in preproduction is concept art, but again, solo developer. Honestly figuring out the specifics of the art style is more important to me than having ideas for what everything will actually look like.
Though speaking of those placeholder sprites I have running around, now that I’m out of preproduction, I think it’s time I actually make something shareable.
That’s right, Phase 2 is making a vertical slice of this game! Something I can share and show off to people to drum up more support for the project. Something that doesn’t have a bunch of squares with skulls doodled on them for enemy sprites!
The goal here is to make the finished game in miniature. My plans for that are:
1 ‘dungeon’
7 enemies
1 boss
The basic powerups
Like I said. Miniature. All pretty simple stuff. And since I finished my GDD much earlier than I expected, I’ve actually already started. That’s right! I’ve bamboozled you all! I currently have eight powerups fully functioning (though they don’t all synergize like they will eventually) and four whole enemies done!
Let’s take a look at how they show off the Run And Gun idea!
Our first enemy is the only one with an official name so far. I’d like to introduce you all to the Bamb. Careful, they’re easily excitable.
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As you can see from that horrible placeholder explosion, these things go out with a bang. I’m not super satisfied with the red flashing right now, but that’s something I’m doing in code that will be better done with the final sprite later. The Bamb will slowly fade to white showing how long you have left before it explodes.
While Bambs don’t add a whole lot of bullets to the screen, their massive explosions are good incentive to keep moving. They’re not about to blow up on their own, either. These things light their fuse only when they’re close to the player. And as you can see from those crates that it takes with it, that explosion takes no prisoners.
Next up we’ve got another area denial enemy, one that can help support other enemies.
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This guy doesn’t move. At all. But they sure do make whole areas of the screen hostile to the player! And they add a new projectile to the screen as well! That’s some Run And Gun if ever I saw it! And since there’s no friendly-fire, other enemies can stand right beside it and fire at you from range. Of course, the player also has projectile attacks—that’s kind of the whole point—so it’s not that dangerous.
Moving on to what’s pretty much a reskin of the basic enemy you’ve already seen, but with a twist!
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That’s right.
They have shotguns.
That’s it; that’s the only difference.
I have plans for two more enemies, which if we include the basic enemy I’ve had this whole time brings my total up to 6 of the planned 7, so good progress on that front!
So, what’s left to do before I can launch the demo?
Finishing the remaining three enemies
Creating the hub area that you start at and return to on death
Procedural Generation
Actual Art
Music and Sound Effects
That’s also the order it’s going to be done in, by the way.
I’m not looking forward to the music and sound effects though. I’ve messed around with sound effect creation in college and honestly I’m quite fond of fiddling with settings in a Digital Audio Workplace, but I also don’t have a sound library, so I’ll have to track one of those down somewhere. I know of some free places.
Music likewise. I’m not much of a composer (yet) so I’ll be grabbing some royalty free stuff so it’s not total silence in the background. Not quite the ambience I’m going for.
So that’s it then. Off to the races. Making an actual product that I can show off to people and get some interest. All pretty simple.
Too simple, in fact.
I am after all on something of a time limit until the bank repossesses my kneecaps. Let’s speed things up a bit.
I’m going to have this vertical slice, this miniature demo, finished and playable within a month.
I am giving myself four weeks to do this. We’re currently on Devlog 2. Devlog 6 should, if all goes well, be the launch announcement. Patrons get first grabs of course.
Deadline set.
Clock’s ticking.
Until next Devlog!
Special thanks to my Tier 3 Patron Haelerin!
Support me on Patreon
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weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
weasel i am about to give you the biggest compliment i’ve ever given anyone:
ok so before i had the spoonmoment119 account, i would look at all your posts and just sit. in awe. of like how good you could draw. and i thought that when i got better at art, i wanted to draw just like you. you were my favorite artist. by a long shot.
and when i did make the spoonmoment119 account and started posting a bit of art, i had a few milestones in mind, obviously the simple ones like the 50 followers, 100 followers, 1k followers, but by far the biggest in my mind, was how long it would take for weasel to even so much as like one of my posts.
and as you know, that goal was achieved on my second post. the mumbo body pillow. never in a million years would i have thought of you even just looking at my art. but you did :]
and now to just regularly interact with you and other insanely good artists on a daily basis, is insane,, and to have people looking up to me,, even more insane.
and i would just like to stop by for a bit and thank you for how much you’ve done for me, and how much you’ve helped :]
and you don’t have to reply btw,, i just wanted you to know that :3 okokok goobye <3
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I’m. Forever touched like I have no idea what to say like I’m honored you would even go out of your way to write all this I’m,,, I’m just a little guy!!!! I’m just!!! I just draw my little guys!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭thank you so much! Your favorite artist,,, OTL IT MAKES ME WANT TO MAKE YOU PROUD WAAAAAA THANKYOUUUU
I have, a lot of aspirations like I eventually want to create a cartoon, or potentially work on a video game or like a ton of other stuff whatever my life leads me to but all of them stem from my desire to inspire people, since it’s just this amazing feeling, the most rewarding fulfilling thing I think I can do as an artist. So like. Yeah XD I’m. really really thrilled to hear you say all this, like I actually did something with my art besides… draw boys ahdhagdhs like you’ve touched so many people with your art and I’m so happy I could at least encourage you to start posting it :) we’re all happier when we see a spoon post floating around <3
I’m very happy you’ve gotten the reach that you have :) from all that we’ve interacted you seem incredibly kind and deserving of all the attention you’ve gotten 😌not even just for your kindness but your art seriously, is so pleasing to look at both your creatures and more finished work, it’s all so lovely and your humor is so XD perfect 👌like that weird sort of deadpan sometimes is👌👌👌👌 BUT AHDHAHD WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY IS ITS AWESOME TO INTERACT WITH YOU TOO AND YOURE SUCH A GREAT PERSON THAT IM JUST AS EXCITED TO BE MUTUALS WITH YOU TOO!!
You’re a dear<3 you’re the best <3 goodbye<3333
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quiverwingquack · 1 year
For the choose violence ask game, how about #15?
choose violence.
15. the thing you see in fanart all the time?
A negative one: the “kids are all doing something fun or silly, but Violet is just standing there angry/annoyed.” Like them at a sleepover or on an adventure but Vi looks like she doesn’t wanna be there. She does not hate her friends! And in fact, they enjoy doing each others’ favorite things together! Like… did you guys miss the episode where she sits there and reads her books, and Huey happily joins her? Did you miss the one where she goes adventuring on a whim and gets Louie out of a con that starts going wrong? Did you miss the one where she immediately gears up for adventure before Webby and Lena even decide to go? Violet has so much more potential if you pay attention to her personality and relationships with her friends and sisters.
A positive one: There’s this fucking fic, okay. It’s a cut scene from a fic I posted in 2020 that I kept in my like… Box Of Fic Ideas I Might Use Later, and now am like 90% done with? But anyway, in that fic, Gosalyn is mourning her lost family and sitting up in the window, just kind of watching the cars drive by and the rain fall. And Drake comes up to sit with her and comfort her, and they end up just sitting there watching the traffic and the storm for a while. And somehow, multiple artists have made art that captures the exact vibe I’ve been going for. The exact same “the tower is dark and we’ve just been through a lot, but we have each other” energy. Exact same “Drake holding Gosalyn together after her world falls apart” energy. I’ll reblog my favorite one right after this so you can see it, but yeah. Shoutout to the Drake and Gos artists for understanding the assignment.
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alchemil-studio · 11 months
Devlog #3 - June 2023
June has ended and with it we have some more updates regarding the progress of Norvale!
As we mentioned in the previous devlog, we’ve finished the initial story draft for the Craft Store route. In this route, Morgan decides to visit the local craft store in search of something that they can pick up as a new hobby. But once they arrive, they find two men arguing in the middle of the street…
The designs for the two men, Frank and Kushal, have been completed and we’ve uploaded their character introductions yesterday.
Frank is the father of Louis, one of Morgan’s childhood friends, and the owner of the local toy store that sits across the street from the craft store. He’s someone that comes across rough at first but once you get to know him, he’s a pretty friendly guy. Despite being on good terms with Kushal’s wife Lathika & his daughter Sara, he never seems to get along with Kushal himself and is prone to starting arguments with him over pointless things…
Compared to the initial sketches, his face became a bit more oval compared to the rounder face of the pencil sketches. While making rough designs for his clothes, they were simple like a plain t-shirt and sandals or a sloppily tucked in shirt to go with his rough but friendly personality. But we decided to make him dress a bit neater and added a jacket to his outfit as well to fit the late spring season the story takes place in.
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“He decided to head outside for a bit and threw on a jacket, just in case it gets chilly.” is the basic idea behind his final outfit.
Kushal’s design was pretty straightforward. Although looking back, he might’ve lost a bit of the aloofness of the pencil sketch since his features turned softer in the final design.
Kushal is the father of Sara, another one of Morgan’s childhood friends, and the owner of the local craft store. A man of few words and even fewer expressions, his stoicism and blunt words sometimes tend to rub people the wrong way. While he usually prefers to stay out of trouble, he’s always ready to throw words with Frank.
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I drew the first outfit, the red Kurta with black pants to draw out a more traditional Indian feel, while designs 2 through 4 were mostly inspired by things dads usually wear haha
We ended up going with the outfit in design 2 since we felt it was a good casual but still somewhat formal outfit someone like Kushal would wear, while keeping the skin color of the first design.
The blue looks a little striking at first glance but I think the white accents bring some balance.
There’s still a little bit more sprite related work to go before I finish the character art for this route. After that, the plan is to move onto character designs for the third route and once those are done, the focus will be shifted to drawing backgrounds. There’s still a lot of artwork to go but I’ll do my best! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
Not much to update for the development side, aside from how we’ve started working on applying the new GUI to ren’py and experimenting on some GUI features we’ve thought about before and while conceptualizing the newer GUI. We’ll continue to finish implementing the GUI to the ren’py script before fixing some kinks/feature fixes then the story script itself unto the game. 
tl;dr: we’ve made quite a lot of progress for the 2nd part of the story in terms of assets. We’ll slowly but surely continue to develop and flesh out the full version of the game, so please continue to support us!
In summary, we’re making progress! Although small, we are making progress and a positive one at that! Please look forward to the full release of Norvale!
Carrd: Alchemilla Studios
Twitter: @Alchemil_Studio
Instagram: @Alchemil_Studio
Itch.io: Alchemilla Studios
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ladykf-writes · 2 years
SO. As you guys know I was/am involved in several projects - notably I’ve advertised preorders for the Chaos Theory Zine I was invited to (again, if you haven’t checked it out and happen to have the funds to spend for it I would really check it out. This was a fantastic project to be involved in, crafted with great skill and love and centered around FFVII’s Vincent Valentine.)
I’ve also been involved with the FFXV Reverse Bang for the second year in a row, and while I can’t give too many details I do want to say that it’s a great story inspired by fantastic art and carries a lot of the canon divergent / happy ending themes you guys are used to from me. Lots of action, a lot of humor and a lot of high stakes for our favorite protags. Can’t wait to post it, sometime mid next month through early December. (I don’t have my date yet.)
Now, regarding projects that have been on the back burner that I know you guys have been looking forward to and thankfully waiting patiently on.
Forged in Fire has been written through CH47 thanks to last NaNo and is not in immediate need of writing since that’s another 34 weeks of weekly posting before I run out of buffer. Expect steady posting there unless I’m sick or otherwise unable to post on the given Saturday.
A Second Chance at Family still has a ways to go before we reach the ending, but it’s been on the back burner while I hurried to finish my Reverse Bang fic. Now that that’s done and with NaNoWriMo on the horizon, I have chosen to fixate on finishing ASCAF as my main project of the month. As such, I’m working out plot notes now so I will be able to kick off strong in a little over a week with the start of November. I will be resuming my weekly Thursday posting as I polish the pieces off enough to post.
A shoutout to @wandererriha, my fantastic beta for all this, and also @yuzukimist and @happy-orc for joining her in listening to me plot and helping bounce ideas until things mostly make sense.
To Save the Future, the FFXV/FFVII crossover I’m working on with Riha has largely suffered from brain fog, other projects demanding attention, and the fact that we realized we need to restructure things from our original plans for various reasons. This is not abandoned, but needs a little love and elbow grease before we start posting again. I’m hoping to tentatively get back to it during NaNo as a “still writing but relaxing my brain” exercise. We have a lot of great things in store here, it’s just a matter of polishing what we have and writing out the rest of what we’ve talked about. There will be a finished fic.
Dog Whistle remains on the back burner for a bit yet. I have wandered away from FF7 for so long that I’m going to have to reread, make a lore bible (note to self: quit waiting until the nth hour to make the damn lore bibles!) and only then will I be able to navigate the final who-knows-how-many chapters. That said, it is not forgotten, merely set aside while I chase other plunnies.
Honorable mentions and some future ideas under the cut:
I’m still looking at one day finishing my other fics. The first to come to mind are Party of FIve, the AGSZC MMO modern-day AU, and of course the FF7/MCU crossover It’s Not A Game also lingers in the back of my mind. Both fics were fun, but very much outside my usual and so have been left to gather dust. They are not, however, actually abandoned. I’ve actually got some unposted but finished chapters, just not enough to reconsider posting. The Welcome to FFVII series needs a complete rework because my headcanons have shifted, but I’d still like to do it.It’s way down the priority list, though. On a very different note, also wanting to work on my Threads of Fate (Dewprism) semi-novelization Journey to the [Relic] even though no one’s reading it just because I’ve fallen back in love with the game.
Future projects I’d like to embark in include a vastly canon divergent series that’s actually labelled in my folder as “A Softer FFXV” that places a huge emphasis on family bonds and you will pry the power of love trope from my cold dead hands. (Let’s be real here, if you’re here you eat up that trope.) There’s another that might be a polished up what-if basis one shot and not an actual story that has a very BAMF!Regis but we’ll see if that happens. I’d also like to explore writing in Legend of Zelda, probably Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess and also Stardew Valley and maybe some of the Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons settings, but I know from experience that the latter two are have a very different vibe that doesn’t come as naturally to me.
On that note, debating a Friends of Mineral Town fangame / visual novel (in Ren’Py) but that’s a ways down the road with the rest of this on docket and also needing to code and have visual assets. Or is it?
Anyway! Thank you for your time and feel free to comment/reblog with thoughts!
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inkbotsjunkyard · 2 years
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God alright so this would have been back in like [googles] oh fuck 2011/2010 I guess because for some godforsaken reason I was absolutely utterly obsessed with TF2. A game I have maybe played a collective four hours of in total. Something about the character archetypes the art style and uh. The fanfics of one author in particular. Y'know. Normal stuff. 
Keep reading
I don't remember what the specific start of this idea was because while I can find ATTEMPT on ATTEMPT on ATTEMPT to start this damn fic I cant find the kernel. If I remember right I think it probably started with an overactive imagination and finding what nine? Nine archetypes (well, 8 archetypes and fucking Tavish Degroot ) that as a young writer just starting to figure out my style worked REALLY absurdly well as bases for writing exercises. Also we didn't know anything about the pyro at the time. What I do remember was discussing with a friend I had at the time the nature of the respawn system. Was it clones? Was it just wave after wave of title only mercs feeding the machine? No, Ink age 15 decided, its a respawn mechanic. They clearly have character traits in mind for these guys. So what if we shut it off.
What if every so often the contract ended. And in order to get that contract re-upped you just had to survive. Now that backstory is important because another thing this fic got me started on was team dynamics and synergy. And trauma bonding. If the respawn system was shut off every so often and you had some teammates who you'd cycle through absurdly quickly how would that change the way the mercs treated one another as coworkers. Would a pseudo leadership roll go to someone who had been there the longest and understood the expectations of the job? Or would it just be the nastiest dog in the scrapyard?
So I spent a good amount of time on determining that for each of the teams. Focusing mainly on the Tufort map as a base idea for a setting because I don't know, it made the most sense for me at the time.
So lets start this off with my protag squad. The Boys of Reliable Excavation and Demolition.
Full transparency I don't have art for these that I can easily get too, anyway but my REDS for the most part just. Look like their character art.
Looking back on it I'm realizing that my RED team actually has a solid survival rate. Which makes a lot of sense, considering their dynamic as a group. My RED's were lead by the team medic. Medic is a Sadist, we know this. He is a mad scientist who may or may not have done some very bad things in his time before becoming a mercenary surgeon. We've all seen the takes. Anton was a sadist. He would treat grievous but non life threatening wounds without anesthesia and relished in keeping tabs on which of his men would faint at the site of blood. But the manic mad science aspect of his job was lost long ago. When we meet Anton its been three days since the last "respawn shut off". He's Cataloging injuries, equipment, height and weights as though it was a shipping manifest and not a series of several autopsies. He can't even put their names down on the forms because they aren't supposed to know them. Very difficult to still believe you are making Gods when the divine has been dissected, pulled apart and sewn back together so often you could barely discern your own face from the blur of them all constantly running through your head. He was not an unkind man. Well, no he definitely was but he understood that even if he was at one time attempting to make gods out of these men they were still men and made an effort to not treat them as so much cattle like their employers seemed too. He had his men use eachothers names as opposed to only their titles. Would leave the door to his office unlocked when he worked because while Psychiatric medicine was very obviously not a field he was well versed in he knew it would aid no one if his men took to diagnosing themselves with a lead prescription to be applied between the eyes. And at the very least it was more efficient than giving a bunch of addicts free access to the medicine cabinet. Ivan Korovsky was my heavy, and he was another big part of Anton getting his humanity back now that I think about it. I love a smart Heavy who just happens to not know a ton of english. Ivan was that. He had the emotional intelligence of someone who in another life probably would have studied literature and read those complicated Russian bricks where everyone dies at the end. Imagine if your therapist was able to suplex you into taking care of yourself. Thats Ivan. I have less to say about him but that speaks a lot to his roll in that monster of a fic at the time. Yes he and anton were fucking was that even a question. Naturally my soldier was Jane Doe, as is traditional. Jane thought he was in charge and Anton had decided a very long time ago not to argue with him about it anymore. It helped that for the most part Jane's "war room councils" would only happen if they lost and would only last until he directed his attention away from the room at large to yell at someone specific for long enough that everyone could slip away. Jane's delusions were always tricky for me to write but I was also a highschooler who hadn't taken that many abpysc classes yet. I don't remember if the shovel had a name in the game but his did. Her name was Doris, and he fully believed she was a human being and his wife. Who wanted him to kill the unamerican enemy. Any unamerican enemy, she evidently wasn't picky on which one. My main interest in Jane comes from the epilogue stuff but THAT needs more context that we don't have yet so moving on. Russel "Doc" Cunningham was my engineer. Doc was the epitome of "a guy you'd have a beer with." Give you the shirt off his back, but would lecture you into next week and down the road some ways as he was unbuttoning it. A southern charmer, almost folksy at times. If you heard him talking to any of the younger mercs you'd think he was talking to a couple of rambunctious teenagers, and might even think "there's a man who'd be a good father" You would be wrong in thinking this. Well, no you wouldn't be wrong. Doc loves his girls. His girls who are all semi-autonomous military sentry units and several "creative" tools for his coworkers. The way he talks about him you're almost glad he doesn't carry a wallet because otherwise you know he'd have pictures. But if, hypothetically, he had a son or something outside of his assignment. You wouldn't hear him talk about it. Doc self identifies as a bachelor. He did get married once because its what you did. But he didn't love her, and his ex wife very much was aware of it and made his life hell when they were still married. Doc probably was incredibly young when he was married, and I don't think he was fully ready to accept who he was enough to have been a good parent even if he had been around. But rules were different on the field and no one seemed much bothered by what he chose to occupy his personal time with as long as it wasn't causing a gas leak in the basement (again) which let him relax into himself a bit more. He still doesn't care that much for the "fritterin" his coworkers are always distracting themselves with. Something his younger coworkers give him constant hell about but he figures maybe he's just...well old fashions isn't quite the word. (Asexual/somewhat Demi Engineer? Its more likely than you think.....) Sniper (Richard "Slim" Mundy) Middle aged assassin who sleeps in a camper van. Drinks too much coffee, and Anton has him come in weekly for wellness checks. In the canon of this monster he was spending a good amount of time coming to terms with a relationship he'd had with a teammate who had died in the previous contract fight. A teammate who was much younger than him. (Not young enough to be a crime mind you but for a guy who is very specific about how not sick in the head he is you can imagine the slight crisis that would come from that) . Aggressively anti-social nowadays unless he's coerced with whiskey.
Daniel O'Sullivan Was my scout and the youngest of my mercs at eighteen years old. Joined up because it was either this or juvie, and while his mom still worries about him at least she can sleep easy about him working private security instead of being gunned down in some jungle overseas. (Dan was very nonspecific about what he does for a living.) Danny-Boy was quick tempered and pugnacious, and now that I think about it I probably actively wrote him with ADHD. Constantly fidgeting and constantly "messin around" with a pen and paper during meetings. Danny specifically slept on the breakroom couch instead of in a bunk. I handwaved this at the time but I think it was probably because he grew up fidgety and restless and its much easier to get up constantly in the middle of the night to wander around if you don't have to worry about getting cussed out for it. Danny also has a soft spot when it comes to his family. He misses them, and talked about them constantly. Now I joked that Dan was aggressively heterosexual, but I think this is partly because he's an Irish Catholic and any sexual thoughts at all are a sin so forget unpacking any sort of weird gay ass thoughts he has about his best friend Vic. TURNS OUT THERES A CHARACTER LIMIT lemme know if you want me to keep going rip
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ennalydonsbee · 4 months
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Watch Closer.
Enna had been busy. Outfits for Cress, an outfit for Monty, little outfits for Pandora. She hadn’t noticed people being pulled aside until a man came up to the stylist’s workrooms. And Enna, being out in the open, was approached first.
“Miss Lydonsbee, is it?”
Well, hopefully that was the only reason she was approached first.
“Would you mind coming with me, answering a few questions?”
“Oh. um…” She looked at the small pants, pandora-sized, before back up to the men, who looked somewhere between bored and unimpressed with her. “Can we talk here? I’m really busy…” no. his eyes said. “You know what? Never mind.” Enna stood, beginning to pack her supplies.
“We won’t be long.”
“Oh, okay.” She wasn’t sure if she was just supposed to leave her stuff, but that seemed to be the implication, so she kind of did. She wasn’t sure who this guy was exactly, but she was exactly caught off guard enough to just follow along. Into an elevator, into a viewing room, empty. Of course it was, there wasn’t anything to see yet. The tributes were all in the tower. He pulled out a chair for her in the center of the room and relaxed into the couch. The briefcase he’d been holding was opened, producing a file with her name on the manilla cover.
“What’s that?” Enna asked, eyes darting down to the contents, although he was holding it at an angle. Strange, how relaxed he could be while still holding all the power in the room. 
He looked over at her, pulling out a pen as he answered.  “just some routine questions. I’m working my way through the tower. Since you’re so interested, we can begin. Just be honest with me now, and you won’t have anything to worry about. Now, can you run me through what you did between 134’s finale and arriving at the tower for 135?”
“Um…” well, quite a bit of it, no. “not daily. But yeah. Of course. I’ve got school. So I go there monday wednesday thursday friday.”
“And Tuesdays?”
“Tuesdays off. It’s my laundry day. And I work on projects. Either for class or for Cress.”
“Cress. Meadowforge, yes, I see that contract here.” He shuffled some papers around, skimming what Enna could only imagine was a copy of her and Cress's contract, drafted up between them meticulously. “Interesting date. you signed this before the games ended. Tell me more about that.”
“Well… I don’t know. She offered a pretty good deal, I mean, she paid for me to get my own apartment, and I wasn’t moving up in the tower, so I may as well pick a boss I like, right? And she’s the best boss. Plus, with that maternity wardrobe…”
“The baby. Was that a factor in your decision?”
“Of course. I love babies. And I grew up making kid’s clothes.”
“In nine?” a brow arched.
Enna’s pulse quickened, unsure what he was getting at. “In nine.” she confirmed.
“Interesting.” Enna had to grab her own elbow so she didn’t start nervously tapping with her fingers. He gave her a second to elaborate, but she didn’t know what to say. After a few too many moments of silence, he spoke again. “And how do you get to school?”
“The bus. Still working on my license, but with amazing transit like the capitol’s got, no idea if I’ll ever need it.”
“We are proud of our city’s infrastructure here.”
“We’re proud of everything.” Enna agreed, deciding he was the type of person who would like to hear that. “We’re capitolites.”
“What a wonderful thing to be. How lucky we are.” it felt like a threat, and Enna wiped her palms. Had she done that before? Was wiping her palms saying she was guilty? She wasn’t being accused of anything why was she already stressed out oh he was asking another questio- “Remind me, What are you studying again?”
He nodded, sage, and Enna knew that he’d both known the answer and wanted her to confirm it. “What medium?”
“I mean, I guess most of them. We’ve done sculpture, I didn’t like that much… sketch- I love sketching, it’s really where I shine - charcoal, pastels… um… I can go on?” stammering meant nervous, looking nervous was bad, don’t look nervou-
“Sure, plenty of painting. Watercolor, oil-”
“Spray painting?”
“I-” vox parva. VP, her handwriting, if people knew her hand well enough. And he seemed to have all the cards, it was possible he was looking at a side by side comparison right now “Um…” a nervous chuckle, trying to play it off. She wasn’t the best liar in the world, wasn’t even a good one. but she’d had plenty of time with the mirror practicing denying this. “N-...no, We don’t… I mean, check our curriculum. We only do actual art forms. Not any of that common stuff.” it was something she’d heard a classmate say about one of her murals, and the line was saving her now. Hopefully, anyway.
“Uh-huh.” He seemed unimpressed, so enna shook her head again.
“I think I’d be expelled for picking up a spray can.”
“Especially if they knew what you were doing with them.” He said, turning the file around for the first time, showing off a surprisingly photorealistic color of her last two spray paintings. 
Enna’s eyes widened, and she could hardly get out the word that came next “What?”
“Oh, don’t play dumb. What do you know about this?”
 Honestly, if you asked her about this later, she wouldn’t have been able to remember what she said next. The autopilot kicked in majorly, because she was pretty sure her soul was somewhere in the middle of next week.
“I… nothing? I mean, I’ve seen that online, I think, but- I mean… where even is this?”
“On the corner of Felicity and snow.”
“Which snow?”
That had him going back to the paperwork, everyone knew there were at least four streets named snow in the capitol. “Lane.”
“There’s a lane?” she asked, like she hadn’t picked Snow Lane out herself.
“You’re getting off topic.”
“Excused.” She wiped her palms again, deciding to put them under her thighs to hide them again. “So you’re claiming you don’t know anything about this?””
“I don’t.” She confirmed. 
“Even though you claim to be an expert in capitol transit, who could conceivably find her way anywhere in the capitol, with victor’s funds behind you and an art background? Even though spray paint is such a distinctly district art form, miss Enna from nine?”
“I… wait, do you think we had spraypaint in nine?” A moment of genuine confusion crossed her features, because she hadn’t actually expected that. “Are you kidding? Dude. We couldn’t afford beds for all of us orphans. Or food. Or anything. pencils were revolutionary. We certainly didn’t have spray paint. So if you’re done accusing me based on where I was born… are you asking everyone about this? Or just me?”
He seemed to buy it, or at least suitably cowed by her genuine offense. “And the train exploding?”
“What? The one in, like, six? I only leave the capitol for reapings. How would I have gotten there?”
“I’m not saying that, I’m asking if you have any informatio-”
“What, because i’m district?”
“Now, I didn’t say-”
“You were thinking it.” Enna huffed, like this was the greatest offense, like being called capitolite by oxford hadn’t cut to her core days before. She stood, preparing to leave, but a hand stilled her tizzy.
“I’m asking because you seem awfully close to Slate Skylar, a known rebel, and his whole family.”
“Sure.” Enna wasn’t going to try to deny that, but she didn’t sit.
“Do we need to be worried about you, Miss Lydonsbee?”
“No.” Enna shook her head, hands remembering far too late in this conversation that her skirt had pockets she could shove them into. And thank the stars, because the sweat was back. “I liked slate because he liked to write, but I didn’t know what about. He used to write silly fiction stories and let me read them. Nothing like that zine. And I’d sketch nearby. It felt nice to not feel like I was being judged just because I wasn’t born here. I wish more people made me feel that way. And that’s not rebellious to say, mister.” She had him there. His assumptions had kind of sucked in how they’d been said, even if they were right. And Enna carried that huff out of the room, scared to stay in there a moment longer and give herself away.
As for Valorant, he didn’t bother chasing after her. He’d got what he would for now, and he knew when it would cause more of a scene than was worthwhile to chase some district girl.
In his notebook, though, he highlighted her name.
Enna Lydonsbee- Watch Closer.
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hannahwriteshorror · 1 year
Forgotten (Chapter 1 - part 1) - By Hannah Elizabeth Fisher
Chapter 1
“Your mother hates me.” “Nico, it’s been a fortnight nearly, would you shut up? She doesn’t hate you.” “She clearly does,” I didn’t say anything else though, we still had three hours left of our journey and starting a fight right now wouldn’t be the best idea I’d ever had. Adam sighed loudly and shook his head as he unlocked his phone to play a time passing game. Weekly Worrisome Tales, a true crime podcast we followed weekly played quietly through the car radio, which was connected to my phone. The velvety female voice was explaining the ins and outs of the murders committed by Ed Gein in the early 1950’s. It was three-hour drive to Maine, where the carnival was being held. We had snacks, drinks, and Spotify on hand in case we got tired of hearing about lamp shades made from human skin. I volunteered to drive there, hoping it would keep my mind off the party. But Adam’s mother and her passive aggressive comments during our Christmas soiree had been on my mind since that day: “Are you sure fitness is the way to go? Is that the right career for someone who is to be married to a future prolific art dealer?” “Mother, we aren’t even engaged.” Adam had tried to ward her off, it didn’t work. “What, he hasn’t asked you? Why haven’t you asked my Ads to marry you? Don’t you love him? It is a big commitment… maybe you’re not ready? If I were you, I’d be worried about the money, it’s a big day and you have a big family. And we obviously want you to get married in a church… can you do that, as a, what is it, a Buddhist?” “Mam, it’s time for you to help me dish up the vegetables.” Adam pulled her up from the chair she had perched on. He took her elbow and glared at me as he forced her into the kitchen. What had I done wrong now? She protested at him in Welsh. “Onid ydych chi'n meddwl bod hyn yn gachu? Adam had taught me certain words simply for moments like this. I knew she said something was “shitty.”
I focused my eyes back on the road as we pulled up to a red light. Pedestrians began to cross in front of my car. I watched each one of them as they went about their day, wondering if any of them had any deep dark secrets. “… jars of what is believe to be fingernails from several females…” Maybe she’s got a foot fetish… what about him? His expensive trainers probably mean he sells drugs on the weekend… my thoughts snapped back to the party quickly when Adam spoke. “She just wants the best for me, Nico...” “If it’s not my career it’s her casual racism. I genuinely think I’d rather come toe to toe with Ed Gein himself. She scares me.” “…they also found a chair that had been upholstered in human skin…” “You’re being dramatic. Let’s enjoy this weekend.” The light turned green and I turned the car around the corner as Adam changed the subject, a subpar attempt to take my mind away from the Christmas party. “I spent like, three hours the other night looking into Lost Lands carnival. All I could find was a blog from some guy called Steve… I chatted to him a little bit but I still don’t know much.” “Steve?” I raised my eyebrow as I pulled the car left, I could feel my stomach gurgling. “We need to eat once we’ve dropped off our bags at the hotel.” Adam ignored my complaining, clearly deep in thought. “Yeah, Steve. He writes a lot about how he and his partner have been to this carnival before. He’s only got like two pictures up on there though which I find so weird.” He thrust his phone into my face. “Why wouldn’t you take more pictures at something like this? Imagine if he had a DSLR, the artwork from this could be worth thousands. The lights, the colours… Nico, look at it.” With my free hand I wrapped my fingers around his wrist and pushed it away, my lips pressed together. “I’m driving.” “Christ, are you hungry or something?” “Shit, if only I had just said that two seconds ago and you heard me?” I could almost feel Adam burning a hole into the side of my head with his green eyes. “What do you want me to say to her, Nico? She’s my mother, “excuse me, mam, woman who gave me this existence, stop being a dick to my boyfriend”?” “…he also had the peeled faces of nine different women attached to his walls for decoration…” “I mean, yeah, that would be pretty damn great.” Adam let out a sigh and turned to face the window, I rolled my eyes. “You’re right. Come on… tell me more about Super Stan and his amazing blog.” “It’s Steve,” Adam corrected me. “Alright, Super Steeeeeve.” “We’re meeting him at the restaurant later on.”
My mood lifted once we were sat at a table in a restaurant close to the hotel, drinks in hand. My Apple watch flashed as my heart rate increased by the hour. We were both extremely excited to find out what the Lost Lands carnival had in store for us. The closer we got, the wider the smile on my face grew. We spent all night theorising over dinner: “I hope there’s like a really cool ring master or something, you know like in the movies?” “Is that not more of a circus thing?” I raised my eyebrow at Adam over my glass of vodka and diet cola, he smirked at me. “I guess so?” “You’ve watched too much American Horror Story. Listen, babe, I don’t think you’re well versed in carni-oligy. “ He kicked me under the table and pushed his half-finished plate of fresh cherry pie towards me. “You want some? It’s like crack, just saying.” It oozed blood red syrup across the white plate, cream marbled against the glistening cherries. I took it and started to dig into the crumbling pastry just as a hand with an oversized skull ring on the wedding finger tapped on the edge of our table. I looked up, mild annoyance must have overtaken my features as the man quickly apologised. “No, oh my god, I’m really sorry for disturbing you!” “Don’t mind him, it’s just his face. Are you Steve?” Adam kicked me again, this time a little harder. I glared at him and carefully placed the fork back down. The pie looked so good I found myself regretting the decision to stay away from the deserts menu and wishing this man would get a phone-call… or break out in boils. “Sorry, yeah, hi. This is my partner Sid,” he gestured to someone sitting at the table next to theirs, they had long blond hair and a he-does-this-all-the-damn-time expression. The person gave a small wave and went back to checking their phone, obviously done with the night. “I just- I know you want to talk about the carnival in town, Lost Lands? This is our second time after creating the blog… and the first time I’ve come across someone else attending and I-“ “I’ve been reading some of your stuff while we were chatting the other day. Your Creepy Carnivals around the States post was really interesting. I really need to ask you why you only posted two pictures of Lost Lands though…” Adam side eyed me, and I rolled my eyes while mouthing Super Steeeve. “Honestly?” At this point, Steve was pulling his chair across to sit down. Sid stayed in their place; they must have been used to this happening a lot. “There isn’t really much time once you get in there. Obviously there’s the picture of the guy at the entrance…” Steve produced his phone and tapped for a moment before showing the two of us the photo. Adam nodded, but I hadn’t seen it yet. “May I?” Steve nodded: “Of course!” He carried on chatting to Adam as I took the phone from him. I looked closer at the picture of the person standing in front of what looked like one half of an arch way with a lit up white sign that said LOST... The man was bald and covered in cracking white face paint, with black rings around his sunken, angry eyes, and green paint smudged across his lips. I glanced at Adam’s wallet that was sitting on the table, the leaflet we had gotten two weeks ago poking out of the top, still covered in white greasepaint. He had carried it everywhere since we had received it. I looked back at the picture and my eyes travelled to the man’s hand. He was reaching out as if he didn’t want to be captured, smears of white and pink paint over his fingers. I felt myself nodding, tuning back into the conversation as I handed Steve his phone back. “-and really, everything I’ve written in that blog is a mixture of the only things myself and Sid remember, it’s a total blur. We think we had this amazing experience, bits sometimes come back to us. Nothing major. But as soon as we slept on the Sunday evening… we had forgotten. So we were hoping we could fill in the blanks this time.”
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marvelous-imagines · 4 years
Imagine Johnny that the reader is Johnny's girlfriend and is a typical Nerd who loves to read comic books and is addicted to games and her friends end up making fun of her
considering I'm a huge nerd YES AND DONE LOVE!
Johnny Lawrence x reader
Warnings: mild language. Slight angst. Fluff!
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You couldn't help the wide excited smile that bloomed on your face, pure joy engulfing you warmly as you looked into the full length mirror, taking in your new shirt. The bold lettering that read captain America along with the majestic figure himself in his signature stance with the American flag blowing around behind him as he held his glorious shield. The shirt was art, beautiful and truly a masterpiece... And it's yours, thanks to your boyfriend.
"johnny I love it!" you exclaimed happily, turning back to look at the blond, his grin wide as he watched you while leaned against the wall of your bedroom.
"I thought you would, when I saw it through the store window I knew it was something you'd want" he shrugs cooly, "although you're lucky no one saw me in the nerdy store full of losers" he jokes while pushing off the wall and walking over to you, placing his hands on your waist.
"now johnny... Are you calling me a loser?" you ask him, eye's locking on his baby blues.
"not you, you're my beautiful little nerd" he leans down so his face is closer to yours. You smirk and quickly peck him on the lips before pulling away from him and looking back at the shirt.
"thanks for the shirt Johnny, I love it!" you say ecstatic. Johnny let's out a chuckle and swiftly wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.
"I think I deserve a kiss for my good deeds" he spoke while nuzzling his face into your neck. His breath tickling the skin there which causes you to giggle.
"if I gave you a kiss Lawrence you would definitely turn it into a 14 minute make out session and I have 3 minutes to arrive at Tiffany's house before I'm late" you placed your hands over his that was resting on your hips. He groans as he looks at you through the mirror.
"do you have to go to Tiffany's?" he questioned with a pout, and when he gave you the puppy eye's you almost wanted to bail out on your plans so you could stay with your boyfriend.
"yes, I promised I'd help her do birthday planning for her younger sister, then after we've planned shopping" you say reluctantly pulling away from Johnny's warm strong arms. He whines and nods in understanding.
"okay, I'll call you tonight babe" he said while walking to your bedroom door, "love ya y/n" he was his last words before he left. You smile fondly at where he once stood before grabbing your shoes and heading out the door as well.
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You giggled loudly at your two friends Rebecca and Tiffany, while you all was seated on Tiffany's sofa while planning her younger sisters upcoming birthday party. You three had been laughing and joking around, talking more about boys then planning the actual party.
"last weekend me and Tommy went on our third date" Rebecca said with a smile. Tiffany let's a teasing grin spread across her face as she focuses her attention on the red head seated in between you both.
"oh, what happened on this date?" Tiffany wiggled her eyebrows in suggestive manner. You roll your eyes at your friend and smack her shoulder playfully.
"like I'd ever tell you anything tattle tale" Rebecca snorts, picking up the notebook full of ideas for the birthday and jotting something down before tossing it back on the table.
"oh c'mon, isn't Tommy apart of that badass karate thingy? He's a total badass!"
"my boyfriend knows karate too Tiffany" you decide to join the conversation with a little smile, just the thought of Johnny making your heart skip a beat.
Tiffany scoffs, shaking her head. "y/n sweetie we're talking about actual guys, not some comic book guys you have a crush" you lift a brow at her harsh tone. Of course your friends wasn't fond of comics as much as you was. They often teased you for liking comics, calling you childish and nerdy. But they was still your friends and you suffered through the constant teasing and insults.
"she's actually dating Johnny Lawrence, that cute blond boy you drool over at school" Rebecca spoke up as you just simply grabbed the notebook and jot down some ideas for Tiffany.
That seemed to make her choke on air nearly as she had wide eye's. "he's dating her?! The nerdy, quite little -
"what's so bad about being nerdy?" you cut her off angrily as you tossed the notebook aside and crossed your arms. Starting to feel offended by her this time.
"it's lame, all the comic books, the stupid dolls you collect - even that stupid shirt! It's childish y/n. You need to grow up" Tiffany spat out harshly, leaving you feeling a wave of hurt weigh down on you. What if she was right?
"it's not childish -
You tried to explain but she cuts you off with a laugh, "and all you do is play stupid video games, you spend more time in comic stores and arcades then hanging out with actual people" she laughed, Rebecca stifling a laugh beside you which has you feeling even worse. You thought they was your friends...they didn't understand just how amazing comics was, they was a escape, a slice of peace from chaos every once in a while. And video games was fun, a nice way to relax after a long day.
"you guys just don't get it... The two things are awesome" you grumbled quietly.
"awesome? You're a nerd y/n, I don't even see why Johnny would date you" her and Rebecca laughed loudly as you feel tears start to build up in your eye's. You stand up and storm out of the door, your tears you tried holding back escaping.
It was nearly 15 minutes later when you arrived home, laying on your bed and taking in what your friends said. Why would Johnny date you? You was a nerd, you loved superheroes and video games. Your friends was right... You was childish, you sat up and take your captain america shirt off and slip on a plain t-shirt and lay back down. Johnny was a total badass and deserved someone better then you, someone who he was most likely ashamed of being seen with.
As you laid in your bubble of self loathing a knock on your bedroom door disturbs you. "go away!" you said loudly while you swing a arm over your eye's while you laid on your back.
"geez you sound so happy to see me" the familier sound of your boyfriend said, "it's Johnny, i left my wallet in you're room I think, I can't find anywhere else..." he spoke from the other side of the door.
You sigh and stay in your position, "come in" the sound of the door opening then closing was the only thing heard, soon followed by Johnny's voice once more.
"why aren't you wearing the shirt I got you?" he asks while picking it up off the floor and sitting on the edge of your bed, "what's wrong?" you slowly move your arm off your eyes and look at him. He instantly saw the sadness swimming in your eye's.
"do you think I'm childish?" you ask him quietly, slowly sitting up in bed and looking at him. He gives you a confused look before shaking his head.
"no, why would I?" he says while playing with the shirt in his hands, his eyes roaming your face trying to understand what's wrong.
"because I'm a nerd... I'm a loser Johnny, I don't even know why you're dating someone like me" you said with growing irritation at yourself. Johnny placed the shirt on the bed at gives you a stern look.
"I'm with you because I love y/n. I love everything about you, I love you for you" johnny said while scooting closer to you and placing his hand on your cheek, forcing you to look at him, his eyes holding nothing but truth, "what even made you think like this?" he murmured. You let out a deep breath while leaning into his touch.
"Tiffany and Rebecca" you muttered while looking away from his gorgeous blue eyes. He sighs and scoops you up in his arms and placing you in his lap, you was surprised by the abrupt movement but soon melt into his loving arms that was wrapped around your waist.
"if they were guys and kick their ass's for making you even think for a moment that you're a loser" he said causing you to giggle a little. But he continues with a serious look, "you're not a loser, you're cool and I love that you like video games and comics... It shows that you have a fun a personality and not a boring one like Tiffany and Rebecca's" he placed a kiss on your nose, you giggle at him and lay your head on his shoulder.
"I love you Johnny, you're the absolute best" you muttered while closing your eyes and basking in his loving embrace.
"I love you too y/n, every little detail" he muttered back, running his hand up and down your back. You truly did love Johnny, no one in the world could make you as happy as him, even when you felt down....
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A/n: it's short as usual and shity, even I know that bruh😭 but here it is, I wrote it while suffering through a party (I have really bad anxiety and hate crowds so I write while standing in a corner to prevent panic attacks)
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The Dad Batch Headcanons.
Two posts in one night. My god I am on a roll, this is where I disappear for the next few months and resurface again. I’m pretty sure this has been done before, pretty sure I’ve done a Clone Wars version. But because I’m on a Bad Batch Hype, may as well re-do the post! I cannot escape The Clone Wars, I will forever keep watching the first four seasons, and then pretend the last 3 didn’t happen. What’s order 66? Who’s this? Like all the Clones lived happily ever after, and they all found happiness.
Warnings: Fluff and swearing. I guess this is kind of an AU too? I probably re-read this quickly, but I’ve had a bottle of wine so like yeah. Headcanons below the cut. Unsure if this is OOC. Back from a huge hiatus and trying to get back into the swing of writing. I’m not that into Tech, so his is a lot shorter. Sorry guys!
·         Wrecker: I agree with the general consensus this man would be a great dad. Super supportive and a fun dad. If his kids want to play sports, he’ll be at every match/event, he’ll be the loudest one there, and super supportive of them! If his kids want to do something like dance, chess or playing an instrument, he’ll still be supportive and the loudest one there! If is kids playing a violin, he’ll be shouting ‘ENCORE’ or something. Who the hell going to tell him to shut up? Nobody that’s who, the man is a behemoth! But saying that, even though he’s really huge, he’s super gentle. He’s always carrying his kids around on his shoulders. Not only because it’s fun and so they can see, but it’s also the safest place for them. He’s such a good dad and extremely fun. He’s definitely the softer parent, like you’ll have to be a bit stricter than him. But he cares deeply for his kids and he’ll always be proud of them. He loves taking them to the beach, if they want to be Yeeted into the sea, then he will yeet them. Will also build sandcastles. He’s also the best storyteller, why? Because he does the voices, and always has the best stories. If his kids want a tea party, then he’ll be there, on time and ready to drink the best imaginary tea. Also, he’d totally hand down Lula to his kids. Lula looked after him, now they can look after his children. Wrecker would want a huge family. He grew up with lots of brothers and has always felt happy with them. So, he would want his kids to grow up with the same kind of thing. His kids would have cousins as well. Lots and lots of cousins. Wrecker would create a warm, supportive, and fun environment for his kids to grow up in.
·         Echo: Echo is a fairly chilled-out dad. He’s strict-ish but pretty fair. He’s super protective and proud as well. He’s really supportive and will help his kids with their homework. Always reads to them and makes sure they know their loved. He would also make sure that one of his kids was named, in some way, after Fives. He’ll always tell his kids about Uncle Fives and how he would have loved to have met them. Bit bittersweet for him. He’d be nervous when they were very young, because he only has one arm, and how can he hold them? His confidence comes with time. He teaches his kids not to judge and just wants them to feel loved and appreciated. He sets rules, but he’s not going to be super angry if they get broken, for a good reason. His kids are only a few minutes late home? It’s fine. He’d be the type of dad that would also just want to be kept in the loop. If they are going to be late, just let him know, or he will panic. This stems from what happened to him. He can’t BBQ for shit, but he does make the best cupcakes. If his kids are really into sport, he’ll go along to all the games, and make an effort to find out more about the sport. He wants to support them and if he has to read/watch more to understand it, then so be it! Type of dad to go to every recital, concert or play and be super proud. Takes loads of photos too. Why? So, when you’re old, and sat on your porch, you can look back and smile. Type of dad to be like ‘I can’t believe we made them!’ Echo is so soft and gentle and caring. He’d want maybe two kids. He feels having one, would mean they would be lonely. He, like all the other clones, grew up with brothers and loved them… most of the time! So, having two or three kids isn’t something he’d be opposed to.
·         Hunter: Is shaped like a dad, is a dad. Has the WORST dad jokes, but always makes his kids smile and laugh. He’s fun but strict, he wants to keep his kids safe, and has rules to help with his. Nothing major, but curfew is important. Makes a point of having a family board game night. Which once a month, includes all of the uncles. It normally ends in chaos but it’s always fun. Hunter is also the king of BBQ and DIY. Everything in his kids’ bedrooms and outside, was DIYed and built by him. Every BBQ he dons the apron, and proudly takes up his spatula. Makes the best burgers. He’s really supportive of his kids as well no matter what they do. He likes sports and will help his kids train. But if his kids don’t want to play sports, that’s not a problem, he’ll still be supportive. He’ll listen to his kids practise their instrument, help them revise, get Tech or Echo in to help them with chess. Will let his kids win at any videogames. Because the smile they have on their face when they best their dad, melts his heart. Hunter would want a few kids, maybe two or three. Omega needs some brothers and sisters after all. Hunter would also take his kids camping and be really outdoorsy with them. He’d like to leave early in the morning, and then come back trailing fireflies in with them. Anything from fishing to archery. Ultimate dad.
·         Crosshair: Crosshair never really thought about a family of his own. He has his brothers but never thought he’d have additions to that family. He’s a really unsure parent and doesn’t see himself as been emotionally available. He’s got issues that he would need to work through before settling down. He would mellow out and be a pretty good father. But he would panic in the run up to becoming a father. Would chew a thousand toothpicks in the run up to becoming a father, he’s nervous. He’d be a fairly reserved father. He’s not going to be emotionally distant, but it takes patience for him to open up to anyone. He’s really caring in his own way. But very unsure of himself. In a morning, will pretend to still be asleep, so his kids have to come wake him up, because he promised he’d teach them how to fire a rifle today. He’ll be there for his kids and be very protective of them. He’ll teach them to have good aim and that’s there way of bonding. Whether that be archery or something like clay pigeon shooting. If his kids win awards or trophies from competitions, he’ll be super proud. As his kids get older, he gets better with parenting. Parents evening with him will be intense. I honestly think his sense of humour and dryness may be inherited by his kids. Doesn’t do art. If his kids are into art, he’ll listen, but he has no idea what’s going on. That been said, will cherish anything they make for him. I feel Crosshair would probably have one child and would prefer to have a smaller family. He finds it hard to open up to a lot of people, and this would just suit him more… but wouldn’t be opposed to having a few more kids. Especially after seeing how amazing, they are. Would be a very smug father.
·         Tech: Helicopter parent. He wants his kids to do well in life and to have a good life. He just wants the best for them. He’ll support them in all of their extracurricular activities. ‘Oh, that will look good on your Uni application!’ Takes parents evening so seriously. What do you mean they’ve been doodling in the back of their books? Will look into what art extracurriculars are offered. He wants them to do well and will support them. He’ll help them with their homework and finds it fun. If his kids are struggling with something, they know they can come to him without judgement. He’ll judge other people, but his kids are still learning, and he wants to impart his knowledge. He’s a wise old owl. His kids will inherit the smugness that he has. Tech is smart and smug, and so are his kids. He’ll make sure to read to them. Not fantasy books but educational books. If his kids want to do sports, then he’ll get Uncle Hunter and Wrecker in to help. He’d very accepting of his kids and what they want to do and will support them. Takes lots of photos of them to show to his brothers. ‘This is them graduating from Year One to Year two.’ He’s very proud, but he will receive a ‘Oh goody, more photos, that we’ve seen a thousand times before’ Will shed a single tear when they graduate. If they go to University, will ask them to send them slides from their lecture. Because he wants to learn too. Do not let this man teach his kids to drive. Do not do it. He cannot drive for shit. I can see Tech maybe having one or two children. He wants to devote as much time as possible to them, to help them succeed and help them achieve their dreams.
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swinterr · 3 years
fic rec vi ♡
this is a another new set of fic rec and i’ll probably do a compilation of genre (?) just like the first ones.
made some changes like tidying up a bit and adding summary, for those that doesn’t have any summary i’ll try my best to add my own summary (it will probably be shit tho, i ain’t making a smut summary guys, i’m not confident in my describing a fic ability but i’ll try my best. if its in italic it means i made the summary hehez )  if the summary is shit, i made it okay.
read and support the fic and authors here: the fic rec ♡
a for angst
f for fluff
s for smut
// for series or list
no title by @tyongf-nct | s
- smut blurb.
body guards and boyfriend by @pastelsicheng | f
-  sometimes the only way you can really get some alone time with your boyfriend is by making his job hard.
lipstick smears by @kopikokun | f
-  jeno never thought trying to get his makeup artist’s attention would be this hard.
[10:30] by @moonttaeil | 
- a lockdown moment.
[2:40] by @nct-jungjaehyun | f a
- cute quality fluff time with bf!jae with a dash of angst.
[11:41] by @jeongvision | f 
- family time with apples.
just like magic by @starryhyuck | f s
-  jung jaehyun’s body count is almost as high as yours. however, after yuta spreads a nasty rumor, you learn that jaehyun’s always imagined those girls to be you instead.
love to hate me by @moonctzeny | s a 
-  you and jaehyun meet as sm trainees, developing a friendship until he debuts and you decided to leave the company and pursue a solo career. when you reunite again in a music show and he acts like he barely knows you, you stubbornly begin a series of hate-brimmed sex rendez-vous. your touch-and-go relationship continues on, until a song collaboration will force you both to deal with all your repressed feelings for each other.
moving on by @ddeonghwaa | f a
- reader has been chasing jae for some time but when she moved on jae suddenly enter the picture.
sun&moon by @ppangjae | f a
-  asking jeong jaehyun to accompany you to your family’s 1-week christmas vacation as your boyfriend has its consequences. one can surely get through 1 week of pretending to be in love with an enemy, right?
snack run with a snack by @kopikokun | f 
-  on your usual movie night with the members, they assign you sudden snack collecting duty. you’re a little peeved, but at least jaehyun offers to tag along. Unfortunately for you, things really aren’t going in your favour tonight.
lover boy by @neoct-zen | f s
- bunch fics of lover boy jae and reader.
one more time, please by @haequarius | f s
-  you don’t know what you and Jungwoo are, but you are certainly weak for him.
jealous by @whiplashsan | s 
-  jungwoo is all smiles and sunshine until he gets jealous, and he just so happens to get jealous over the smallest things when it comes to you.
sugar, spice and everything not nice by @alreadyblondenow | s
-  doyoung getting your ring size wrong, unprotected sex, kitchen sex, slight fingering, wedding tragedies.
no title by @ncteaxhoe | s
- dom!doyoung, rough? i need holy water.
the little one by @ethaeriyeol | f 
-  a gift of life; female reader x husband!Doyoung; fluff, light angst, married au
exquisite taste by @weishenkonbini | s f
- smut but with a fluffy ending.
for you always by @labyrinthsofyou | f
-  in which you surprise yukhei when he forgets about your date.
6:19 by @cozykpopblurbs | f
- a cute fluff ft kun and winwin.
10:18 pm by @nctsoftarchives | f
- reader supports lucas at his superm debut stage. 
16:47 by @sichengssmile | f s 
- a fluffy smut. lucas a big boi.
missed you by @tokyobts | a f
-  after you and yukhei broke up, yukhei still has feelings for you. he reaches out to you at school and tries to get you back. at first you avoid him but later his actions manage to make your heart flutter. you’ve come to a sudden conclusion that you maybe still want him in your life.
34 + 35 by @domjaehyun | s 
- you and your husband johnny decide to take your marriage to the next step.
i couldn’t wait a little longer by @alreadyblondenow | s f a
-  you two were never together longer than two days, but the feelings, oh the feelings that you have for each other is clear as the day. it was a never-ending try of making the relationship official. johnny tried, you tried but it never happens.
what happens in korea, not stays in korea by @alreadyblondenow | f s 
-  a week vacation in korea for your sister’s wedding became even more exciting when a famous dj had a crush on you. johnny was sure that it’s love at first sight. not putting both of your careers on the line, you two had no regrets when the time comes and you finally leave.
laundry day by @immabiteyou | s
- a domestic fluffy smut.
make a wish by @sluttyten | s f a
-  you’re jungwoo’s sister, and he’s made it clear he wants you and Johnny to have nothing to do with each other. so you and johnny start fake dating to piss him off.
want it all by @sluttyten | f s 
-  you are entirely innocent to the point of being naive. johnny is not innocent, but he loves that you are because it means he can teach you everything you don’t know.
wish i was her by @softsungchan | f a 
-  you wished you were her, laying in Sungchan’s arms and feeling his warm breath on your neck, giggling about sweet nothings whispered into the starry night. You wished for it to be you, the girl he liked.
2:21 am by @the32ndbeat | f 
- sungchan being whipped, thru a text message.
14:52 by @ukiyoexo | f
- a cute haechan and reader ft the reader’s baby sister moment.
prince’s order by @nsheetee | f
-  prince haechan nurses you after you faint, and orders you to stay with him until you feel better.
sweet treat by @markresonates | s
-  haechan takes you for ice cream but all you can think about is sex with him.  when you act like a brat, eventually you end up in the bathroom. with no panties. 
clingy by @love-mi | f 
-  I’m not clingy! I just love your company and constantly want to be around you and have your full attention at all times
hyuck is always right by @luvrenjun00 | f 
- ceo!mark x reader ft baby donghyuck. a tooth-rotting fluff.
snow storm by @whereisten | f s 
- a fluffy smut whilst a snow storm.
1:59 by @smoll-tangerine | f
- reader and taeyong ft my favorite game (where i always die first) among us!
is this allowed 1 2 by @seokiie  | f s
- how were you supposed to know bts would be filming at your coffee shop today? how were you supposed to know a certain curly-haired boy would take a liking  to you?
cabin pressure | f by @jiminrings | f 
-  pilot!y/n who accidentally became famous bc of a viral post about her, best friend!jimin!, taehyung having a shy lil crush on you aND ot7 being meanies for a tad bit :((
art major!tae and biochem major!yn | f by @jiminrings | f
-  tae’s cold and probably needs a friend more than he needs a model, y/n feels this nEED to take care of him, a term of enderment then a dash of emotional constipation and a sprinkle of jealousy :D
gank mid lane by @kimtaehyunq | f s 
- gank / verb: (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent)
birthday surprise by @ephemeralkookie |
-  like every year, you prepare a little surprise for your boyfriend’s birthday, one that you’ve been preparing for days. and after a very tiring day, taehyung only wants to spend the night in your loving arms.
cookies & cream | s by @1kook | f s 
-  jungkook will watch a thousand cheesy christmas movies if it meant making you happy. (and maybe having his dick sucked.)
unholy night | s by @ephemeralkookie | f s
-  after a christmas day passed with the Jeon’s family, Jungkook decides to transform the holy night into an unholy one.
‘a short’ abstinence | s a by @seokiie | s a
-  maybe blue-balling you boyfriend (who has an insanely high sexual drive) wasn’t the best.
in which she’s done with him by @minstrivia | a
-  jungkook angst/fluff where he always pushes oc away (who confesses her feelings but was cruelly rejected) and insults her but she always comes back to take care of him when he’s drunk or picks him up from his one night stands and she finally decides to leave him alone.
bad influence by @noteguk | s 
-  in which you know jungkook is a bad influence on you, but you can’t avoid falling for him every time.
jock!jk and shy art major!yn by @jiminrings | f
-  established relationship ft. jock!jk and shy art major!y/n, y/n gets an unexpected pep talk and jungkook doubts himself, and either so much tears or so much dUST according to kook
special affair by @1oserjk | f
-  sugar daddy au except it’s just jk spoiling u thru animal crossing
fairy of shampoo by @ironicarmy | f s
-  sundays are for relaxation, house cleaning, and happiness.
abstract ft bob ross by @mimithings97 | f
-  paintbrush in one hand, joint in the other and you sitting on his dick is what jeongguk wants. and what jeongguk wants, jeongguk gets.
badboy!jungkook by @jungshookz | f 
- badboy!jungkook falls for good girl reader ft the boys and the reader’s apple. 
growing by @lesgetittkookie | f
- dad!jungkook teacher his daughter how to walk. super super cute family/domestic fluff.
quiet, baby by @bratkook | s 
- i don’t how to write a summary on smuts so imma just put this. reader and jungkook doing something in the subway.
still want that by @whatifyoulivelikethat | s
-  fucking min yoongi ex-girlfriend? a terrible idea. being hopelessly in love with her at the same time? an even worse idea. knowing he was being used and still doing it anyway? ah, Jeon Jungkook, what are you doing? part 2 of savage love.
desiderium by @jeonggukingdom | f s 
-  “we’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still so horny?”. a newlyweds!au smut.
chapstick by @softyoongiionly | f s
- based on the time Jungkook said he needed someone to scold him so he’d remember to put lip balm on. or jungkook’s had a really long day and the only that can make it better, is seeing you. 
lover boy by @jingukk | f 
-  jungkook likes you. a lot.
unexpected confession by @sunkissedjk | f
-  you gathered up the courage to confess your feelings, but it seems everyone in school knows about it before you could even find him.
string attached by @ephemeralkookie | s
-  jungkook is what we can call your sexfriend. No strings attached, just you and him having fun and releasing the huge pressure and stress of being idols. But after spending an entire day together, you realize that maybe he’s not just your sexfriend.
no title by @himbojk | f s 
- dilf jk.
ceo!eunwoo by @m0onbean
no title by @yutopiada | f
- a cute idol!reader and eunwoo moment at a music show.
disney by @bangchan-sonyeondan | f
- a cute date with eunwoo at disney. reader likes vintage things hence using a disposable camera.
baby, it’s cold outside by @fresh-outta-jams | f 
- a cute cold christmas fluff with eunwoo ft. the boys. reader went to the boys’ place for a sweater and cocoa gift exchange.
cruel brothers by @imsarabum | f
-  jackson and jaebum have always acted as if they were your big, overprotective brothers. so when they both walk in on you and yugyeom in a very intimate position, things get a little tense!
a special night by @gyuluster | f
-  an intimate insight on the first night of choi soobin’s wedding, consisting of kitchen floors, witches and an eternity of love.
boughs & branches by @jeogiyall | f 
-  decorating the tree with boyfriend! choi soobin from txt! fluffity fluff fluff with a lot of cute fluff thrown in and a dash of christmastime fluff. 
sleepy binnie by @immabiteyou | s
-  “i’ll let you do anything if you just touch me now. “ a sleepy soobin smut.
cake by @immabiteyou | s
- reading waiting for mc soobin with the guys. a cute fluffy smut moment.
kpop oc/s
seri by @ggukkiedae
anyway, thank you again for the writers please take care and be safe!
please free to recommend your favorite fic that i haven’t feature yet.
if the links won’t work and i labelled some fics wrong please let me know and i’ll try to fix it as soon as possible!
support the fic and the writers!
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: May 15th Part 1
It’s been longer than usual since our last answer session, so I’m answering a ton of questions today! It’s so big I split it into two parts. Thank you for the patience on getting a response to these.
Thanks for reaching out to us with your questions and kind words ^^!
Sorry if this has been asked before or isn't something you can say but is there anyway for Cove to confess in step 4? I wanted him to confess in step 3 and followed all the steps to make him do it but ended up texting my family instead of Cove at the end.
Yeah, Cove can confess in Step 4!
Hello! I heard that Cove is on the spectrum, albeit undiagnosed. As someone who is ND, this makes me UNBELIEVABLY happy. I literally was brought to tears! Thank you for that!
Out of curiosity, will Cove be diagnosed in Step 4? I have a strong feeling y’all won’t make it a HUGE deal/make it out to be negative, so I’m not worried about that whatsoever! I’m just curious just he’ll off handedly mention it? Or will it just not be touched upon at all (which is ok!)?
Either way is ok, I’m just curious!
I’m happy it made you happy! Admittedly, Cove simply being someone with autism that grew up not being diagnosed was something I included for myself. I didn’t really think anyone would notice or ask about it, aha. But players did start to have questions about his traits, so I started to talk about it outside of the game. It’s great to see it get such a positive response and now I do feel like having it be a non-topic may have been the wrong choice and bringing it up would’ve been good in terms of having positive representation for that. I don’t know if I’ll find a way to mention it in Step 4 now, with how far along the game is, but I am at least thinking about it when originally it wasn’t something I really even considered.
Hey!  Just wanted to say thank you for Our Life.  It's been a bright spot and a needed escape in what's otherwise been a crummy year.  I know you just did a Q&A post but I figured I'd ask anyway.  Was just curious about Step 4.  Will it be similar to the other Steps in that it consists of several different moments or will it just be one long sequence?
Step 4 is shorter than the prior Steps because it’s just an epilogue rather than a full arc of a story. It’ll consist of scenes that all happen in a set row one after the other. There won’t be a collection of Moments to choose from. But it’ll still be very sweet and fun.
¡hola!, you see, first I want to say that I love Our Life! (°◡°♡) and I have 2 important questions, would Cove cry watching titanic? and what is the saddest part according to him? (sorry for my english) 
Titanic would make him cry. He’d probably think the parts showing people who aren’t able to make it to the life boats/are choosing to stay and go down with the ship were the saddest.
Hello, I wanted to ask how much you earn with creating games? Like is it possible to make a living? Thank you >< <3 
How much I earn varies a lot month to month based on Steam sales, Patreon backers, and how many projects are in full production at the time. It’s also hard to say how much I make historically, since that also changes dramatically year by year. But I do earn enough to work on these games full time! I really appreciate all the support that allows me to do that.
Hey!! I was wondering for the 18+ Our Life moment, will there be an emphasis on safety/comfort for all involved? I feel like there  would be just going off of what the rest of the game is like, but I wanted to ask 
Yes! Cove is a nervous boy himself and also super cautious about doing anything the MC doesn’t like, so clear consent from both is absolutely needed for anything to happen. It’s a conversational sexy times Moment with stops/starts so the two can talk about how they’re feeling, rather than a heat of the moment just going for it kind of thing.
Hey!! I was wondering how long the wedding dlc would be? Will it be broken up into moments, or just one big event? 
It’s one long series of scenes all in a row rather than a collection of Moments to pick from. It’s the shortest and the least expensive of all the DLCs. It’s not super crucial to get and those who aren’t into big weddings can totally skip it without worry.
HELLO AMAZING DEVS 👋 i am hopelessly in love with the worst guy ever (jeremy king) and because of this i have a really stupid question: does he really hate people who are nice to him? TvT he’s too cute to be mean to istg it’s a miracle JB held the urge to be consistently nice to him bc just look at his FACE he is so cute! thank you for jeremy’s route it’s so lovely (and awful bc he’s scum 11/10) it gave me so much laughs LMAO i hope you guys have a good day!! 
Haha, thank you. He doesn’t hate them but he’s certainly not pleased with them. Jeremy is either uncomfortable with or annoyed by people being sweet on him, depending on how they approach it. He’s far more comfortable with jerkiness. It lets him relax and he can be himself without it being a problem, since he’s also a jerk. He feels a level of guilt being such a little punk to kind people, not enough to be a better person but still.
Has Cove dated or been interested in someone other than MC? 
Nope! He stays single over the course of the game if he’s not with the MC.
Is Step 4 more mature? Or it's gonna be set in similar atmosphere as Step 3? 
Step 4 is a similar atmosphere as Step 3. Though, it’s actually kind of less mature-topic heavy than Step 3 since it’s just a ‘hey, let’s check in on the gang to see what they’re up to’ style epilogue rather than a story arc with serious issues.
will there be new music for now and forever?? or will the old our life music be reused? 
It’s gonna be a brand new soundtrack. We’ll be opening up a job position for that soon.
Hi, is it okay if we use the assets in Our Life (like the sprites) for fanworks or fan content content, like edits? 
Sure! Just as long as you don’t use the assets made by those artists to make money.
Quick clarification on Step 3 choices: I hope I didn't come off rude (because I LOVE the game, really!!), I was just curious because the intro threw me off at times. For example, you could choose how you felt about Elizabeth in Step 2 (Dinner), but during the Step 3 intro, it says that you got closer to Liz and I didn't get a choice in it. 
For the example, it can’t be helped that you’re closer to Liz in Step 3 than you were in Step 2 because she’s inherently closer to the MC regardless of whether you liked her or not in Step 2. Her feelings are out of your control and the game isn’t so dramatic that you can push her affection away and not let her bond with you, haha. But ‘being closer’ can still be relative. For some people maybe that means you’re best buds now and for others it might just mean you’re not fighting all the time any more. If there’s other parts you want to mention, feel free to let us know.
Did the illustrator for Our Life change? 
We have many OL artists! The main artists who set the game’s style haven’t changed, but there’s multiple other artists who help finish assets.
So Miranda's type is confident and outgoing, huh? So...does that mean Terri's her type?? 👀 
Haha, sorry for the late reply on this. As you might’ve seen in our post yesterday- yeah that is her type.
Hey! First, I just want to say I've really enjoyed how detailed OL got with gender identity and sexuality and how respectful the topics were handled! It's been so wonderful to play since the experiences could be close to my own (I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up at parts). Second, I was wondering, would future games explore the topic of polyamory? I'd love to see more visual novels allow room for that and I saw you've explored the topic before.
Keep up the amazing work! ♡
Thank you! We do want to include polyamory in at least some of our future projects. Floret Bond, which might be what you’re referring to when mentioning how we’ve explored the topic before, is on hold unfortunately. So right now I’m not sure when something might release or what will be the first game of ours to come out with poly relationships (we might do something else before FB is done). We’ll have see how things ends up coming together.
Hey um. I feel like im not allowed to ask this on the private discord cuz people will yell at me but why is there so much focus on OL2 and not finishing OL1 stuff? I like the new people but i kind of want to finish cove's story and get derek and baxter stuff first. didn't people pay for it? 
I’m sorry, I don’t understand entirely what’s making that situation a concern. There’s a channel in the discord for critique where no one is allowed to comment back. People can voice things they’re worried about without any way for others to push back on it. And the two teams working on the OL games are different. We try to post pretty often about how we’re hiring brand new people to start on Our Life: Now & Forever. The OL1 team is all still working on OL1 like normal. There’s only more updates on the Patreon for OL2 because the expansions to the first game are mostly script-based at this point while OL2 is just starting to get all its art, which means there’s a lot more to show off as previews.
Also, there was a Kickstarter for the first Our Life, if that’s what you mean by people paying for it. But one of the stretch goals was to start Our Life 2 early, before fully completing Our Life 1, so that the new game could be out sooner. It wouldn’t make sense to stop doing OL2 work because that would be going against what backers were promised. Maybe you didn’t get the full story before and hopefully this clears it up!
Hello! I know it's up to every player but.. What is your recommendation for playing order? Did you ever had any timeline  events planned? 
I didn’t make the events with a planned timeline. The events got made simply as I had ideas for them and then I just kind of organized them from left to right on the screen in an order to space out more dramatic ones between more lighthearted ones. Any order the player wants to go with is totally valid!
Hi! It's Step 4 a paid dlc or update? And how long it's planned to be? Ps. Love the game! 
The Step 4 epilogue is free! The Cove Wedding DLC does cost money, though. Those are planned to be shorter than the usual Steps/DLCs.
Will we have options for what sort of job the MC might have by the time step 4 takes place? 
Yeah, you can. It’s not super exact or detailed, but there are options about it.
Is there a pandemic in Our Life world, or is it just in a better timeline with no pestilence? 
Our Life is pandemic-free! That didn’t exist when we began working on the project and it’s not something we’d like to feature in this story now that it has unfortunately come along, aha.
Hi, you said that you can play tic-tac-toe or hangman with Cove in Boating if you're sick/scared but I keep getting tic-tac-toe. Am I doing something wrong?
After being sick/scared you have to continue to be upset/unwell. If you calm down and decide to just chill you’ll end up playing tic-tac-toe.
Hi, GB Patch! Since Lee was initially commissioned to only appear in two Steps does this mean she won't appear in the Wedding DLC? I really like her character so it'll be a little weird to not have our cousin at our wedding, aha.
She is gonna be in Step 4/the wedding DLC after all! We’re still working with her creator to make sure it fits with what they wanted.
Is Sunset Bird based on a real place? Asking for a friend, not trying to move there or anything. 👀
It’s based on small beach towns in So-Cal, but not one specific town you could go see in real life, I’m afraid. It’d be nice if it was real, though.
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We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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ectoentity · 3 years
Late Night Answers
Ectoberhaunt Day 5: Witching hour vs Twilight
Fandom: Danny Phantom
Rating: G
Characters: Danny Fenton, Kitty, Johnny 13
Tags: Witching hour, ghost culture?
Danny keeps waking up in the middle of the night. The same exact time every night. He decides to take a flight around town and runs into a couple ghosts who're willing to give him some answers.
Read on AO3 here.
Danny’s eyes opened. It was night. Above him, the stars on his ceiling gave off a dim glow. He was still wrapped in his blanket. There was no cold ache in his throat that would indicate his ghost sense had woken him up.
He glanced at his alarm clock. The red numbers read 3:00. Danny grumbled and turned on his side, away from the clock, and tried to go back to sleep. This was the third night this had happened. For the last two nights he’d woken up at exactly three in the morning for no reason. He’d tossed and turned in bed until around four.
This night apparently wasn’t much different. He laid in bed for about ten minutes, but his brain just kept going back to worries about the next day. It wasn’t restful at all. Danny sat up and wiped the sleep from his eyes. If he was going to be awake for a while, he should at least do something useful.
In a flash of light Danny transformed. He flew through the wall into the chilly night air. He could feel the cold against his face, but it didn’t bother him like it would a normal human. There was no moon tonight - it had set before nightfall - but he could see perfectly well. Danny decided to head towards the city park. The night was fairly quiet. There were some cars on the roads, but not very many. Just a few night shift workers and late night travelers.
His ghost sense went off when he was halfway to the park. It felt familiar: kind of spiky but not painful or aggressive. Danny was slowly getting better at identifying ghosts based on how his ghost sense felt, but it was more of an art than a science. He had no idea who this could be. Who would be out at the park in the middle of the night and not causing havoc?
The sound reached him before he saw who it was. A motorcycle revved its engines, and someone shrieked in joy. It had to be Johnny, Shadow, and Kitty. Danny landed near the park fountain. They didn’t seem to be causing much trouble aside from being loud. He sat on the edge of the fountain and waited for them to come around again. It wasn’t long before Johnny’s ghostly bike flew in from the opposite area from where they’d left. As expected, Kitty was hugging Johnny as he did some spins that would have been dangerous if they’d still been alive. They rose up on the front wheel of the bike and spun three times before landing again. Then Johnny pulled into an empty parking spot in front of the fountain.
“Hey, kid,” Johnny called. “Surprised it took you so long to come out.”
Danny shrugged. “Didn’t seem like you were really causing trouble tonight.”
Behind Johnny, Kitty giggled. “You mean the last three nights?” she asked.
That got his attention. Danny floated up into a standing position, though his feet didn’t touch the ground. “What do you mean?” he asked. “What’ve you been doing?”
“Chill out, kid,” Johnny said. He got off his bike and offered his hand to Kitty. She grabbed it and jumped down from the bike. “We’ve just been riding around. Witching hour season, you know how it is."
Danny didn’t know exactly what Johnny meant, but he had a feeling it had to do with why he kept waking up. “I keep waking up at three,” he admitted, settling down to stand on the ground. “What’s that about?”
“How long’ve you been a ghost?” Kitty asked. “Or, whatever you are.”
Danny’s eyes flashed. “A little over a year.”
Kitty put a finger up to her chin. “And you didn’t notice last year? That’s a little weird, with how strong you are.”
“You guys kept me up almost every night for three months straight last year,” Danny grumbled. He was still a little bitter about that. It had ruined his grades. Now that he’d cemented his ownership of Amity Park, ghosts didn’t try to challenge him as much, but it had been a really awful for a while.
“Oh, right.” Kitty at least had the manners to look embarrassed. “Well, this time of night is when we’re more… present, I guess?” She looked at Johnny for confirmation, but he just shrugged. Kitty frowned and looked back at Danny. “The closer we get to Halloween, the more it affects us. I can be out of the Zone a little bit longer, Johnny and Shadow can ride faster, that sort of thing.”
On the one hand, Danny was glad to get some kind of answer for why he kept waking up. On the other… “So I’m gonna wake up in the middle of the night for no reason for a month?”
“Two months,” Johnny corrected. “Sorry, Phantom. It doesn’t just stop on November first.”
Danny sagged. He wiped a hand across his face in frustration. “Great. Thanks for telling me. I guess I could… get homework done,” he said weakly. It sounded like the worst possible thing to do in the middle of the night.
Johnny and Kitty stared at him and then burst out laughing. Danny glared until they quieted down enough to talk.
“Oh, Ancients, you’re such a goody-two-shoes,” Johnny snorted. “That’s awful. No, kid, this is ghost time. You can’t do lame shit like homework.”
“What do you want to do?” Kitty asked. “Really? Do you wanna do homework, or… I dunno, fight people? What do you even do when you’re having fun as a ghost?”
Danny frowned. “I don’t have fun as a ghost.” He gestured to his glowing, jumpsuit-clad form. “I’m only like this when I have to fight ghosts.”
The ghosts shared a glance before looking back at Danny. “That’s really sad, kid,” Kitty said. She brushed a lock of hair back behind her ear. “Do you even know what you’re like as a ghost?”
He blinked at her. “I mean… I’m me? I’m more, uh. Protective of stuff.” He blushed green and looked away. He didn’t really like thinking about all the weird ghost instincts that had popped up over the last year. It made him worry about being less human.
Johnny snorted. “No shit. You spent the last year beating the crap out of anyone who laid a foot in your territory.” Kitty elbowed him in the gut.
“Come on, Johnny, he was just a mote. We weren’t too chill for a few years, either.”
“Ow! Babe, we weren’t… you know!” Johnny waved at Danny, indicating his whole self. Danny raised an eyebrow.
“You did kind of try to take over my sister’s body and then possessed one of my classmates,” he reminded her.
Kitty rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but that was before I knew you were just a kid. Like, really a kid. Most ghosts don’t get near as strong as you in their first year, you know. We both thought you were super old but just acted like you were a kid.”
“Even though my human form looks just like me?” Danny asked, crossing his arms.
“Yeah?” Kitty said with a shrug. “Look, the only other one like you we’d heard about was the old guy. He’s been the same age for like, fifteen years or whatever. Why would we think you were any different?”
A lot of questions crossed Danny’s mind. Did that mean Vlad stopped aging? He knew the fruitloop looked weirdly young, even though he had grey hair, but he figured that was botox or something. Did that mean Danny was going to stop aging in a couple years? He was pretty sure he had grown some in the last year, but what if-
No, he had immediate things to deal with. These two probably didn’t know any of the answers to those questions.
“Okay, so, let me get this straight,” Danny said, “Witching hour is for doing ghost stuff. And I’m supposed to figure out what I like to do as a ghost, so I can do it for a couple months.”
“I guess?” Johnny said with a frown. “Not like we had to figure that out.”
Danny picked up his feet so he was hovering a couple feet above the ground in a seated position, one leg dangling and the other hiked up so his knee was in front of his torso. “I guess I like flying? It’s pretty nice. I can go over a hundred miles an hour.”
“Yeah, we can tell,” Kitty said, a hint of a laugh in her voice. She picked up her legs too so she hovered in a cross-legged position in front of him. “That’s not really a you thing, though, is it? Most ghosts like flying.”
“I still prefer the bike,” Johnny said.
“Objection noted, sweet heart,” Kitty teased. “You like protecting the town, right? Maybe you should fly around to make sure it’s okay?”
It wasn’t a bad idea, but something about it felt sour. “I do that all evening anyway,” Danny grumbled. “It’s not like I hate it, I just… It’s not fun.”
Kitty hummed. Danny was very glad she didn’t poke at that. Fighting ghosts could be fun sometimes, but mostly it was something he felt driven to do. He didn’t enjoy it like he would playing a game, or watching a meteor shower, or…
His eyes lit up. “There’s two meteor showers this month,” he said, remembering it suddenly. “The Draconids are in just a couple of days, and then the Orionids near the end of the month.”
“That’s like shooting stars, right?” Kitty asked.
“Exactly. It's rocks from space burning up in the atmosphere,” Danny said, a smile spreading across his face. Why hadn’t he thought about this before? He could get up above the clouds, away from the light pollution. “I bet I could get the best view in town now.”
“Of course he’s a nerd,” Johnny grumbled. Kitty shushed him.
“That sounds like a great thing to enjoy,” Kitty said to Danny. “Wanna ride with us one day and get out of town? Away from the lights?”
Danny hesitated. “You’d be okay with that?” He glanced from her to Johnny. Kitty seemed friendly enough when they weren’t fighting, but Johnny was the one who drove the bike.
Johnny frowned for a moment. He looked back at his bike. Danny could practically see the gears turning in his head. Finally Johnny turned back to Danny and said, “If it gets us out of this dump, yeah, we’ll take you stargazing.”
Before he knew what he was doing, Danny was hugging Johnny. “Holy shit thank you I haven’t gone in years I won’t let you regret it.”
After a few moments had passed, Johnny gently put his hand on Danny’s shoulder. “H-hey, it’s no big deal, kid.”
Far in the distance, a church bell rang.
“Well, that’s our cue,” Kitty said. “Same time tomorrow?”
Danny straightened up, a little embarrassed that he’d just hugged Johnny of all people. “Yeah. See you then.”
When he made it back to his bed, he fell asleep instantly.
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