#GOD pale blue skies is like. it means the everything to me. one of the fics i'm writing of all time
neildylandy · 2 years
can you talk about my best friends pale blue skies and 0.1 pleaaaase <|:-) (wearing a funny hat)
well how can i say no to a funny hat...
edit: i wrote WAY too much here's a readmore
pale blue skies and 0.1 are both gundam 00 fics, specifically in (the? are we putting in an article) xenogundam au. the synopsis to that au is technically here but at this point that post is kind of out of date. still it gets at least an adjacent point across so it's what we'll go with until we make a new one!
0.1 is the easier one to explain: it's the "chapter zero" segment in which soran ibrahim finds the gundam exia and becomes the innovator setsuna f. seiei. because it comes first in the telling of xg!au (much in the same way that setsuna's meeting with the 0 gundam comes first in canon), there's a little bit more explaining of what the gundams are like and their effects on human beings, but a lot of it is still left on the table to be explained by later entries since well. setsuna mostly doesn't care enough to think about the fiddly details until they come up lmao
there's a focus on memory and language in 0.1 and how they can promote both understanding and (pardon the pun) alienation in a group of people. this is notable, for example, in the fact that soran ibrahim, being a child from krugis, speaks only kurdish, while the azadistani citizens he passes by in azadistani settlements would speak only farsi. xgau is, at its core, about Communication and Connection, and disconnects like these between soran/setsuna and the human beings around him are exactly how i want to start this story.
to assign 0.1 to a point in the show, it's essentially the prologue and first episode of season 1.
pale blue skies is a fic that focuses on xg!au tieria, and on the events leading into the Trans-Am "metamorphosis" that transforms virtue/nadleeh (written as one being that has multiple names for its various forms) into seravee/seraphim. xg!au tieria is...essentially what would happen if you took early- to mid-s1 tieria and put him in s2 with not only no time to grow but an outside force actively pushing him constantly to not grow, because the innovator he was built to be is already exactly who he needs to be.
pale blue skies demonstrates that this is not at all the case. to put it at a point in the show, it'd be during that four-year gap after operation fallen angels—though in xg!au, that timespan is a LOT more condensed, ending up at around six months and change. through various character arcs of their own, exia has become 00, kyrios has become arios, dynames has become cherudim...and nadleeh is still stuck half-melted in the ground because it and tieria can't figure out the "method" for activating trans-am, and none of the other innovators can help them understand it (because it's a completely personal experience, and none of them are nadleeh and tieria).
tieria argues with nadleeh for the first time in his entire existence, nadleeh has to shut itself down to conserve power, and tieria decides that the innovator he needs to be, the innovator he is, has proven insufficient. the problem isn't that they can't activate trans-am to repair themselves, it's that he can't. and if he can't do that, he's nothing but an obstacle.
while nadleeh is still shut down and no one else is awake to stop him, tieria sneaks out of the innovators' camp and goes into the desert alone to clear that obstacle once and for all.
and while he fades, he thinks about music.
pale blue skies is named after a combination of the famous Pale Blue Dot that is earth from space and the song Mr. Blue Sky by electric light orchestra. the fic is non-chronological, and jumps between tieria's current state to his memories of one strange, human little moment between a bunch of people who aren't human at all.
this is a fic about tieria erde trying to die alone in the desert and it's also extremely a fic about the Hivemind Karaoke Night that changed the course of history. i made an actual real playlist for it and everything and every song in that playlist is involved in the fic somehow and i have made mr. blue sky the funny song mr. blue sky be plot-critical and i am having an Absolutely Phenomenal Time
did i mention lyle dylandy is here too? he's an innovator now. he pilots the 0 gundam. he's responsible for this. he's responsible for the fact that both bohemian rhapsody and potential breakup song [explicit] is featured in my gundam 00 alternate universe fan fiction on-line
thanks lyle
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allaboardthevespa · 4 months
All I've Ever Needed
(Warning, some mild spoilers for episode 3 lie ahead in this preamble)
Soooooo episode 3 happened, and honestly, I don't know how to feel. I LOVE where Riya's arc is going and Jake also calmed down, which is good to see. But god Miriam did Tom dirty this ep, and I am kinda starting to worry about Ellie's arc. I mean, if she's doing a villain arc, fair enough, but I'm worried for what this will mean for her friendship with Gabby - reminder that Ellie was the first person who ever made Gabby feel valid? I really don't want things to go awry between them but I'm worried it's an inevitability...
So to cheer myself up I wrote an adorable fluff ficlet featuring them being romantic, cuz I've been starved for that content lol. It's probably not very in character for Ellie knowing what she's been through, but I need some touching cuteness.
Oh yeah, Tess is here too.
Outside the Cyan Team's tent, Tess was drawing a night sky. She gazed towards the heavens, and painted drops of white to represent the twinkling stars above her.
Watching her from within the tent, Ellie and Gabby decided to go out to watch their friend.
"Wow, Tess," Gabby chirped as she stepped outside the waterproof tent, getting Tess' attention, "That's such a pretty drawing! You're so good at this!" "Thanks," the dark-haired girl responded with a smile.
All of a sudden an idea appeared in Tess' mind. She took a pale white paint and streaked it gently across the dark blue background, before dabbling a tiny dot ahead of that white streak.
The girls didn't take long to register what Tess had just painted. "Wow," Ellie spoke lightly, "Is that a shooting star?" "What else would it be?" the artist chuckled quietly, before looking to the skies once more, admiring the twinkling stars above her. "Even after a life like mine, I've still wished on a shooting star every time I've seen one. Maybe it's futile, but it's a source of comfort. It always has been." "Aw, I do the very same thing!" giggles the Polish girl, "Every time I see a shooting star, I wish that I could make friends with every animal in the world and make them all happy forever!" She clapped her hands giddily, and Ellie couldn't help but blush at how adorable her girlfriend was being. It felt like, even after the life she'd been through, Gabby's infectious joy was always capable of making her rough life worth dealing with.
Calming down, Gabby sat on the grass and asked Tess, "If you could make a wish right now…what would you wish for?" "Well," the quiet girl considers for a moment, before giving her answer, "I'd wish that Ally and Hunter could find a way to work through their issues and be happy. That's what I want most." Now the Asocial turned to the freckled girl, "What about you, Ellie? If you could wish for anything…what would you wish for?"
Ellie thought for a moment, and soon came up with her response…
"Honestly? I don't need to wish for anything," she said, "Right now, I have everything I want and need." "Wait, huh?" Gabby gasped, "But what about your jo-" Ellie cut her off, giving her girlfriend a warm, loving smile. "That'd be nice, trust me…but I already have everything I could've ever needed in my life…" And with that, Ellie gently put one of her hands on Gabby's cheek, stroking it gently with her fingers. She gazed deeply into the eyes of her beloved Tree Hugger - her one and only Nature Princess.
"And she's right here in front of me."
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shintin · 2 years
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Her: A Memoir Chapter 4 (Treasure)
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↳ Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
— Hey, Hi. How are you doing? I'm not sure who you are or where you live, but I didn't have anyone to tell my story to. You mind if I write it down for you? You have time to hear it?
Everything started from the day he became my best friend. My one and only. We grew up without a mother, father, and family except each other. We ate together, played together, and laughed together. On the cold nights of the orphanage, he was the one who lent me his blanket, and I was the one who kissed his wounds after every fight. His blue eyes smiled at me for 17 years, and my heart carried his love no question asked.
Life was no fairytale, but none of it mattered. I had him, and he had me. But it didn't last forever.
I could never forget that cold autumn afternoon. I stood in the crowded corridor of that hospital and cried over his test results. He had cancer, and my only thought was how to prevent death by doing us part.
You know, I was in love with him, and I was willing to do whatever it takes to keep that damn smile on his lips, even if I wasn't going to be able to see it anymore.
I have no regrets about the unforgiving things I did out of love.
I love him, and I had and held him, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, but … doesn't matter anymore.
Be happy with her, my Satoru.
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Genre: heavy angst, cancer, modern au, (+18).
Tags/Warnings: Graphic depiction of rape (spoiler: don't worry), heavy angst.
Author Note: She was only 16 years old when it happened.
Song Recommendation: Sara Bareilles - She Used To Be Mine
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Chapter Index -> Next chapter
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Year: 2014
The school pool was located across the courtyard in a newly constructed hangar with an elevated roof. The floor was covered with beautiful blue tiles that enhanced the color of the water. Ocean blue, Like his eyes. Something I really liked about the place.
My best days were when I ran across the soccer field and made my way into swimming class. I was a good swimmer with a promising future. It felt good to be good at something, intoxicating. But the bug in the creation system and the idle gods above the skies caught me off guard. They never ask your opinion when they write about your destiny. They say we have "the right" to change our own fate. I say fuck them all. Orphans don't have such luxury. Otherwise, I would never have wanted that doom of deep shit for myself.
"Girls, class is over! Don't leave your stuff in the pool! See you all on Monday and enjoy the weekend!"  Throwing her towel over her shoulder, the coach waved to the students and walked to the locker room with a smile. As she left, the students took turns pulling themselves out of the pool, and the water splatters echoed in the ample enclosed space.
Y/N came out of the water in the farthest corner and sat on the poolside. The water slowly flowed out of her hair on her shoulders and found itself between her breasts, now wholly blossomed. Her delicate fingers crawled through her wet hair and pushed it back. Her eyes were closed, and under the sunlight that crept in from the window corner, her rosy lips were more defined on her pale face, granting her more innocence than the angels of the seven heavens.
Hearing loud laughter, she opened her eyes and, without looking at the girls gathered on the other side of the pool, started doing her post-swim practices, stretching her arms to massaging her muscles for good measure of time. Not because she was self-absorbed or a selfish bitch; no, she just didn't like Mean Girls movie's reincarnation company. To be honest, they didn't like her much either. Kind of heart speaks to a heart condition.
After ensuring that her right groin wouldn't hurt at night, Y/N stood up and headed towards the locker room, still ignoring the girls. She opened her locker, and after grabbing the towel, her hands quickly went into her backpack and picked up her phone. A smile set upon her face as soon as her eyes fell on the screen, on her best friend's name, his nickname.
Windex: I'll be about half an hour late. The coach wants to give us a silly pep talk :(
Windex: I hate basketball!!!
Windex: I'd rather take a swim class with you. Peeping girls with you, while they are in their bathing suits could be our special bonding ritual :( :( :(
Windex: I have to go! Make sure you dry your hair. I don't want to catch a cold again.
Windex: I wish you were here, Y/N.
Her eyes read the last message over and over again, until each letter was forever engraved in the hypothalamus of her brain, where no one could reach it, no one could take it from her— her treasures.
I didn't have a boyfriend. I mean, when your parents drop you off at the orphanage door from day one, you grow up with the idea that you're not lovable. Let's not forget the trust issues. (Also, for the record, I was sure I'm not gay somehow. Since I preferred to look at basketball players' legs and buttocks than cheerleaders' asses.)
It seems that in the midst of Big Bang and all the other bullshit, a glitch happened, because Satoru broke my curse and became the first person to gain my trust with his warm friendship. But unfortunately, as someone who had been deprived of love her whole life, I added extra meanings to his actions, to his words… I told myself that if I kept these sweet dreams to myself, they wouldn't hurt anyone. How was a high school girl supposed to know that it would bite her own ass in the end?
Y/N's smile got more prominent, and the butterflies started floating in her stomach as her fingers started typing.
Smiley: You're a walking nut, Satoru!
Smiley: Meet you out front at the basketball court.
Smiley: Please, just take a shower! You stink after matches!
After pushing the send button, she lazily sat on the bench and started scrolling through her social media accounts to kill time.
It is a fact that no matter how much a person tries to be invisible, in the end, their presence will become a thorn in the eye of another. Y/N was no exception when it was a matter of bad luck.
"She is like the gum beneath Satoru's shoe!"
Y/N's eyes widened, but they kept staring at the phone. Were they talking about her?
"I can't even tell what he sees in her! Does he have no eyes? How he can't see a good-looking girl like me!"
She knew the owner of the voice, the president of the Mean Girls community.
"That's got to be an orphan thing. Otherwise, there's no reason for a basketball player like him to be friends with a normal girl like her!"
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. All she had to do was count back 10 to 1, and everything would be sorted out. Otherwise, she would count backward from 15, 20, 25, 30, and even 100.
She sighed.
She had well learned these rituals of suppressing anger by practice and repetition, for this was not the first time she had been exposed to such words.
Satoru becoming one of the school's popular basketball players was the starting point of the girls' backbites.
Puberty was kind to him, turning him from a white-haired weirdo into a prince fucking charming who set these hot to trot girls' loins on fire.
She couldn't care less about them.
Where were they when no one wanted to eat with him at the same table?
Were they around when that little boy jolted awake drenched in sweats?
Did they know how to whisper "I'm here, all is well, Satoru" in his ear to make his nightmares disappear?
No. They didn't, but she did.
Nine years wasn't a short time for her to learn about all his curves and sharp edges, was it?
She shook her head, slowly her fist parted, and her fingers released.
You probably feel like you know me now and have a sense of who I am and my background. But you don't know, not exactly.
It's hard to tell. Most days, I don't recognize myself. These shoes, this dress, this house, and the pictures on the walls have taken more than I gave them.
I'm no longer like I used to be. Although, indeed, I was never a sweet attention center. I still remember the girl who was imperfect, but she tried. She was good, but she lied. She was brutal with herself. She got broken and didn't ask for help. She was messy, but she was kind. She was lonely most of the time. She was reckless, just enough for her love. She was hurt, but she learned how to toughen up when she was bruised. She was all of this mixed up and baked in a beautiful pie, but she is gone now.
Life just slipped through a back door, carved out me, and turned me into something I never asked for. Honestly, I would give it all back for a chance to start over and rewrite an ending or two for the girl that I knew.
You look like you're up for a question. Wait a bit more. I'll answer them and bet you're going to hate me.
Y/N got up, picked up her towel, knocked on her locker door, and headed for the shower. She rushed to one of the cabins, quickly switched on the tap, and let the water caress her gently like a soothing cascade. She rested her head on the cold tiles and hugged her bare body under the warm summer rain. Feeling sharp drops of water on her shoulder, she asked herself, was Satoru worth all the trouble? She closed her eyes. The answer was obvious. It had always been obvious.
No matter what, she would choose him. In a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, she would find him and choose him. Why? The answer was hidden in an old memory.
It was the memory of a spring day, with mild weather, where we were lying together under the oak tree of the orphanage. No words were spoken besides those from the kids around. I was happy. Content. I felt as though life couldn't possibly get any better than this moment. The leaves of the old tree shifted with the wind, and the sun found its way to my face throughout them, causing me to shut my eyes and turn towards him promptly.
It struck me then how much I loved him by my side. His hands were folded under his head, his blue eyes unwavering under the rays of the morning sun. At that moment, a surety rose in my heart, lodged in my throat.
'I'll never leave him. It will be this, always, for as long as he will let me.'
If I had words to say such a thing, I would have. But none seemed big enough for it, to hold that swelling truth.
As if he had heard me, he reached for my hand. I didn't need to look. His fingers were etched into my memory, slender and petal-veined, solid, and never wrong.
"Smiley," he said. He was always better with words than me.
How cruel it was that some things were only wished for, not possessed.
She turned off the water, wrapped her towel around her, and stepped out of the shower, only to find out nobody was in the pool. Better. She wasn't very fond of seeing those assholes again.
She made her way to the dressing room, humming a song under her breath. Untying the towel, she began to put on her underwear and bra, still singing and tapping her foot on the floor with the rhythm. She grabbed a plain white t-shirt from her bag and slipped it over her head. The damp ends of her hair were now wetting the t-shirt's collar. She reached out for her pants, backpack, and jacket when the sound of the closing door startled her.
"Who is there?" She asked, but no answer came from the other side. As her eyes looked for the person who had entered, her trembling fingers unconsciously grasped the locker's edge. She shivered, but it wasn't from the cold. A feeling of dread crept up from the pit of her stomach. She could hear the heavy thud of boots on the concrete floor, but the row of lockers prevented the person from being seen. She tried to convince herself nothing terrible would happen as she felt her heartbeat race.
The steps got closer and closer until she saw the person standing in front of her. The sudden shock made her tense her muscles. Her stomach churned over, and she felt sick for this brief moment.
She had already heard of the rich asshole and his assaults and intimidations, but she had never witnessed them closely. After all, she wasn't one of those chicks who turned heads or got sidewalks glace. It was a relief for her to keep herself to herself. But this moron, with his stupid hairstyle, didn't look like someone who would respect her decisions. Suddenly, she was hit by the fact that no one was around, and with this realization fear seemed to rise behind her eyes, but she pushed it back. At least for the time being. Her hands tried to cover her bare thighs with her jeans, though it seemed impossible. "You're not allowed to be here, Mahito!" Her voice was firm, and she thought she controlled the tremors well.
But the blue-haired boy, with a nauseating grin, didn't seem to mind her words at all. His eyes were fixed upon her limb, and he was getting closer, step by step. Slowly. "Don't be shy, little fish." His tongue dampened his lips. His attitude was strange; he seemed calm and not bothered.
Terror washed over her, raising the fine hairs on the back of her neck. She took two small steps backward, only her back to hit the cold metallic surface behind her. If her heart wouldn't stop raging against her ribcage, she feared it would give her away since it was so loud in her ears. Sweat poured down her body as she stayed still as possible. "Fuck off, idiot," she yelled with a trembling voice. She clenched her fists so hard that her nails cut into her skin. "Get out, now!" She pointed to the door with a frown.
Mahito approached with a snide smile on his lips, as his hand curled around Y/N's forefinger, only to bring it close to his mouth and lick it. The color quickly drained from her face. His touch filled her whole being with nausea. She tried to push him back and shout for help, but he was faster. His hand quickly covered her mouth before a sound could come out and pressed her body to the lockers. Her things fell to the floor, as his hand grabbed her wrist. "Don't be a mood killer; I know you want it!" He brought his face closer to hers. His deep breaths hit her cheek. Fear became a tangible and living force that crept over her like a hungry beast, immobilizing her; her brain, holding her captive. She could no longer control her hands; they trembled in an odd rhythm. She wanted to run, but he didn't allow her to move.
He pressed his body against Y/N's, and she could feel his hard arousal grinding against her groin. Her breath quickened. Her heart was throbbing in her ears, loud and irregular, but she could barely hear it, for her mind was clouded with fear. She fought to free herself, but his grip tightened. The bulge in his pants was growing, and her brain was getting more bewildered. Was she on the verge of a panic attack? No, no, she couldn't allow it. 'Not now. Not yet. Don't cry.' She had to do something before blacking out.
"I always wanted to taste you. You must be good. That's why Satoru still keeps you by his side, isn't it?"
She shook her head, her eyes wide open. If she could, she would have shouted that nothing was as it appeared from the outside, but no sound left her mouth. Her screams were stifled by his hand.
"What a loyal whore! Will he be offended if I play with his doll?" He laughed maniacally as his hand started touching her chest through her t-shirt. He shoved his leg between hers to close the gap between the two bodies. "He needs to learn sharing."
Appalled tears welled up in the corner of her eyes as they pleaded with him to set her free, but this disgusting creature had made his decision long ago. She had to do something. Anything.
There was bitterness in the back of her mouth. His finger was still deep in her throat. The next sound that was heard was Mahito's curses filling the air.
She had bitten his finger, and now she was about to run, to scream for help, but before she could find a chance to breathe, his open palm landed on her cheek, followed by a punch in the stomach.
Her head snapped back and dropped again. There was a warm wet feeling on her face, followed by a copper taste in her mouth. A splitting pain erupted through her head. She wanted to throw up as her arms moved to protect the punched area. She was sure that all the air had left her lungs, so she tried to suck it down like there was no tomorrow. As her vision faded, she caught a glimpse of the bastard standing before her. She collapsed to her knees. She couldn't scream anymore. She could only open her mouth to find that even the words had deserted her.
"You want it rough, bitch?" He grabbed her hair, and pulled her head up to kick her in the gut. Again. Never in her entire life had she ever experienced such intense agony, crushing every nerve in her body. An ache covered her veins as if she was in a surreal hell.
Her face stung, and her head felt like it would split in two. She was aware of what he was trying to do, but she wasn't about to give up. She wouldn't faint. She hoped that someone eventually would come to lock the room, that someone would help her.
Before she could even process anything, his hands were already on her neck, squeezing her throat. Small gasps escaped her mouth. "Now beg like a dog for me to fuck you, or are you enjoying the pain?" Her cold, shivering fingers clawed around his wrist, tapping on it, begging him to let her go.
"That's how I want you, like a good girl!" He loosened his grasp and stepped back to adore the mess he had made of her.
She held her stomach and neck, as she coughed and gasped for air. It was as though the pain had crushed her and claimed her body for its own. Not yet. Not yet. She tried to crawl on the floor to get away from him, only to earn a solid kick on her back. Her leaden lungs suppressed any attempts she made to inhale. A muffled cry came out of her mouth, and she tasted her own blood in her mouth.
Her face hit the floor, and the sight of her in pain with wailing eyes made Mahito smile. He loosened the belt of his pants, hovering over her. The beast holding her captive took control of her entire being. Every muscle in her body screamed at her to flee, but she remained frozen. Fear crippled her.
She knew what he was about to do. Her desperation turned into tears running down her cheeks. As though something had walked through her, she felt numb, dizzy. No hand was covering her mouth now, but efforts to say the words were replaced by a struggle to keep the air in her lungs.
Do you know that feeling where you just want to scream "help me" over and over again? Because you don't know what to do anymore and you feel trapped in this black void of mess you can't seem to get out of no matter how hard you try to run.
Please help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me… No god heard my voice until a fallen angel disobeyed Eden's rules and reached out to me.
Mahito's tapered fingers began to explore her sore body. He hunched over and licked her neck. "No… please…" She used her last energy to beg him. But he didn't care, and his hand slowly slipped into her panties. She felt like her heart had been ripped out. A state of misery that she couldn't see the end of the tunnel. A terrible weight fell on her shoulders as she stood still on the floor. It was as though a giant boulder landed on her, and she couldn't straighten out. She couldn't bear the agony any longer, her grief poured out in a flood of gut-wrenching sobs that tore through her chest. In those moments, her life flashed before her eyes—his smile.
But suddenly, a hand seized Mahito by the collar and threw him to the other side. His body hit the lockers with a loud thud. "YOU PRICK!"
She heard a familiar voice.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TOUCH HER?" A scream came, tearing its way out. And then another, and another. His blue eyes were burning with absolute rage. His nostrils flaring, he stood there, fist clenched on the sides. Anger curled hot and unstoppable in his gut, like a blazing inferno that wanted to burn him from the inside out. What would have happened if he hadn't come after Y/N? He could almost feel his blood boiling in his veins. No one was allowed to touch her. She was his sole family. She was the only one who never left him in all these years. He would break the hands of those who would harm her.
His eyes narrowed, and his teeth clenched together. She hadn't seen him angry. Not once. She was so used to his playfulness and childlike demeanor that this side of him scared her.
Mahito straightened himself a little and grinned as he tried to lean his back to the lockers. "Don't get upset. She can still be your sweet pussy cake. I just want a grab. We may even have it together. I'm sure this slut can take us both," he said, all the while trying to stand.
All of it happened so fast, before Mahito could even stand on his feet, Satoru grabbed him by the face and slammed him against the wall. "YOU FUCKED UP, SON OF A BITH! I'm going to kill you!" He had a sinister look, a vein bulging out of his head. Her eyes couldn't stay open any longer. She was so tired.
After what sounded like hours, she felt death kneeling by her side. She even sensed its hands under her head. She opened her eyes slowly, but instead of death, she met Satoru's wounded forehead and blood-stained shirt. Suddenly, there was an aura of grey around him. It was a fog that wouldn't rise or fade. He felt his throat closing up. His bottom lip quivered, and his shoulders dropped in resignation. A single tear rolled down his cheek, as he sat and watched her bruised body. A giant hole found a permanent home in his heart. His life would never be the same. He resembled a curse and the consequences that came with it.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." In his hoarse voice there was no trace of rage anymore. Instead, a sad expression, drowned in anguish, swept his face as the realization of the moment slowly crept in. He bent over and kissed her forehead. "I'm here, Smiley," he whispered as he wrapped his hoodies around her. He pulled her head towards his chest and didn't let go for a long time, stroking her hair with his bloody fingers. Her breath was taken away, not from the squeeze, but from the realization that his arms were finally around her. Somehow he took away her pain. She leaned in, closed her eyes, and after this endless nightmare, she finally felt safe enough to pass out.
What happened afterward? What the hell do you expect? You think they punished that motherfucker? Do you think they kicked him out of school? Huh, we live in a brutal world. We didn't have a family to fill the school principal's pockets with money. So, I was convicted of staying late in the pool, and Satoru was found guilty of assaulting his classmate and sending him to the hospital. We were both expelled and enrolled in another school after Gakuganji scolded us, humiliated us, and punished us.
I was at my lowest. Others took what I couldn't afford to give. Then my health started to go downhill. They broke me, crushed me, shattered me. They stole so much of me.
In those moments, all I felt was anger. I hated the people. I hated being alive. I didn't want to be near anyone. But he dug through my walls and reached me. He hugged me whenever I cried and held my hands tight, like we were tied.
This is something I think I'll never quite understand. How did he constantly love me and put me first? How did he manage to be so selfless, even though I backed him into a corner? How did he always keep me at the top of his priority list even though I probably drove him insane most of the time? How did he not just give up, and walk away when things got tough, again and again?
It seems like an exhausting job, to say the least. But somehow, some way or another, he kept fighting to stay. I realize now just how much of a handful I really was.
It was him that kept my soul alive in the furnace of grief. He burnt with me to carry me forward to the day I forgot more than I could remember. He saved me from myself, from becoming a monster, a person indifferent to suffering and sorrow.
Do you get it now? We would do anything for one another. I would give up whatever I had for him. There was nothing I wouldn't do to see that boy happy. Even though when he smiles, it's not for me. It's for her.
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Tag list: @pyschopotatomeme @fi106 @deniseabad1928 @starlightanyaaa
If you want to be on the tag list, please inform me.
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Sorry if I made you all sad with this chapter...
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smashedbridges · 2 years
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Some of us are dead.
Some of us still breathing.
There is sun in the air
But it stinks of bad Karma
I wanted it to be easier
I thought I found my words
I have lost almost everything
And I carry this wound in my heart.
It’s bleeding out and crying
There is nothing I can do
I’m getting them cold scars
On my feet and hands
Of heavy chains and plenty of insanity
This is it. Here I am.
A question mark underneath
Blue skies and a sun full of teeth.
It’s sun outside and bathing
I’ve been living in a cube for a long time
It’s full of joy
Small and pretty to react
But drowning in the smell of numbness
A chemical disaster
I never seem to overcome
Dear reality,
Have you lost faith?
Or are you trying to play a game?
Are you still breathing?
This is for me
So I know where my feet stand
I have been poisoned
It’s all pointless,
It’s a never ending paradise
All the wounds are in my heart
So much on my heart
And mediocrity
I’d give to her all I have
I’d take her anywhere
I’ll love her until the day I die.
Forgive my words if it’s too much
Forgive me.
I think I fell in love
With a shadow, a whisper in my hair
So delightful like the wind swinging it by.
My skin turns pale with chills
Like honey shredded guitar sounds.
Butterflies move slow
The sun?...Always above Atlantis
Time slows down
I watch them
With half opened lips to guess
Their next restless choice of journey.
I look ahead
Tall grass is spoiling itself in the wind
Passing on the silent vow
Te crown of mystery
It’s spinning above it
Such privilege to wear it.
And then I sit and wonder
How much of a mistery
My own life is
Such privilege to wear it.
I think I fell in love
It was not a ghost
It was just me...
Man has
One foot stuck in the seeds
One foot clubbing on by animals
A body full of industrial strength.
An arm up in the blue sky
And one falling towards the ground.
A head of constant dualism
A perfect engine with
‘Multiple personality disorder’
It’s said that everything has a reason
A reason for being.
As if the whole life
Is one big Ex-terorist
Full of vacant jobs
So are flowers, animals
The sun, the water, air and fire
The sound that travels
Through the Vrancea
Down skipperul roads.
The smell of fresh food
You lay hungry eyes upon.
Everything gathers and grows
Magnificenței CV’s
Pages full o delight
God must be a busy person
But, no doubt, he’s not too bored.
What about us people?
So highly complex, complicated and willingful.
What reason do we have to be hired
In the world’s biggest, most profitable enterprise?
Some say it’s creativity.
Others say it’s innovation
Might as well be...mathematics.
But we’re forever kind of lost
And thirsty for it work.
It’s just sometimes
When the hammer misses the nail
And falls on a finger...
When excitement grabs a flower by it’s thorns
And bleeds hot red...
That we, people, start to find
A shimmer of meaning...
Shy and surprised...
Never more empty.
It measures it’s height
When it comes to everything
Nature makes him feel small
But he dreams itself big
Because we should be
Living like Giants.
I wish to write about ‘the ugly’
I wish to write about it all.
Moths, black cats, vampires and butterflies
Women with masks and painted faces
The skeleton man in expensive black suits
I wish to take that person out of myself
I need to let her know:
The beauty in things
Shines through with contrast
Not Annihilation.
The cradle of the light between the oceans
Lies inside the chaos.
Any shortcuts?
I thought we had more time.
Some measure time in quantity.
Some measure time in quality.
I like to weigh them both.
What I don’t like...
Is being in a hurry
Or blabbing all around.
Especially hate the people
The people eating time instead of food
Like it would all belong to them.
Like they’re immortal.
I’ve been forced to vent it
In ways I never thought possible
I have complicated my life so much
That it finally looked simple.
Sorry for taking your time,
Would be appropriate.
I’m giving myself the words
To describe the beauty I see in you.
It’s been mesmerizing me
I have been blind with one eye
Until I saw you
I wanted to embrace your light
I wanted to embrace you.
But time drags itself along
With it’s black wings
And fiery burning eyes.
Behind it stays
On all the black alleys
A perfume of sadness and
The smell of your memory.
Forever alive.
Forever to be...
Thank you for embracing me
When I cannot...
Thank you for carrying my soul
To higher peaks
While the earth stays
There... All quiet...
All the same.
The never ending industry
The machine keeps turning it’s wheels
It feeds the pigs, the cows, the chickens
It gives them medicine and ticks them back to bed.
It waters all the crops and all the plants
Slivers then to hungry people.
It’s mouths won’t stop shouting
Don’t be in it’s way, be an observer...
And the threat will easy go by
With the confirmation of a tired eye.
It welcomes people at work
In and less high skyscrapers
Where only the wildest dreams are being born
...In secret.
The gain is, turn as many wheels
As you can produce
To this initial construction
Beautifully functional and absolutely restless.
It’s children, warriors, spies and builders
All have gave birth to ‘culture’
Something that doesn’t need wheels to work.
More secrets. Smile.
Most loyal ones, are most privileged
Big cold homes
Tiled floors and walls
‘Simplicity of luxury’
Books on some shelfs...
Colors not to bright
But balconies of freedom.
Crows are singing in the autumn
If they can reach the height...
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ellitx · 3 years
Chapter 13: Fidelity
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𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
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art belongs to _suucrose
word count: 2.9k
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           In sun and clouds, the church spire reached into that every stretching blue. It was as if it spoke of the love of the community towards their god, that it too lasted in any weather and called on them to join and put their faith in him.
           When Aether and Paimon walked along the nave, the church choir was different compared to the other choirs that didn’t sing hymns. Their voice was almost like angels, high notes soaring over the clouds, graceful notes dancing on the staves, and they sang for the Anemo Archon only.
           The two waited to finish their practice before looking for a certain deaconess that might help them gather more information they needed. It wasn’t long before Barbara noticed them and approached the two with a welcoming smile.
           “Hello, Honorary Knight. What brings you here today?” 
           Paimon flew over her and leaned closer for a much better closeness to ask. 
           “We would like to ask you something about Barbatos!” She exclaimed fervently whilst she placed her small arms in front of her chest. A bright smile was then donned on the deaconess’s face, her blue eyes sparkling in delight at her words.
           “Oh! Are you two perhaps interested in serving Mondstadt’s very own Anemo archon as well?” Her tone had an obvious enthusiasm in it. Aether already felt bad that’s not what they were here for, and be that as it may, he still has to prioritize in searching for his lost sibling.
           “That’s not the case. We wanted to ask if by any chance the Anemo archon has a lover.”
           Barbara’s small pink lips parted trying to utter a single word however a short chuckle was what came from her mouth. It surprised them and was confused if they said something odd. Her delicate hands were now placed on her mouth to stifle her laughs, apologizing in between them, as small tears form from the corner of her eyes.
           “Sorry for suddenly laughing. I wasn’t expecting that’ll be your question. But to answer that, there are no stories or mentions if Barbatos had a lover or not in the past. If he did, it would’ve already been written in the books and be sung by the bards everywhere. You celebrated the Windblume Festival, right?" 
        The two gestured their heads as a yes. "Since you already know it's a festival about love and freedom, wouldn't the Windblume Festival be celebrated for both of them instead of Barbatos only? But just as I have said before, there were no tales about the God of Freedom having a lover.”
           Something clicked inside his head though it didn’t last for long as it suddenly fades away like a speckle of dust. 
           “That’s true…” He turned to look at Paimon who was all troubled and disturbed.
           He continued to listen further if there’ll be more clues but it seems like that’s the only information he’ll get for now. His companion looked at him then held her aching head to alleviate the small ringing echoing in her ears.
           “Paimon’s running out of brain juice and my head is hurting the more Paimon thinks about this…” The throbbing in her head told her it was time to rest someplace quiet, to ride out the pile of confusion within her brain.
           Aether nodded and massaged his forehead in hopes to ease the pain. Why does he suddenly feel so lightheaded? He shook his head and pushed himself forward to carry out his plan on giving the pendant back to you. Words of gratitude were what Barbara received from the blonde and she waved them a goodbye to continue her choir practice with the other members of the Favonius Church.
           “Are we going back to the lair?” Paimon asked. Aether hummed in affirmation as they stepped outside of the parish. The harsh sunlight caused him to squint his eyes and cover his face with his arm. Was it always this hot for this season? The sudden change of the climate made him so lightheaded than ever. 
           Paimon detected how pale he looks as if he’d been painted with white-wash— even his lips were barely there. It was as if his heart had suddenly stopped beating and all the blood had run down into his boots. He swayed just for a moment, then with one step backward, he crumpled like a puppet suddenly released of their strings.
  Birds trill, sweetly high, the chorus as playful as the birds themselves. With closed eyes, Venti imagined their music to color, painting stairs in the same way grapevines grow - this way and that, in a beautiful harmony that isn't quite random. 
           Along with your soft humming, it made the ambiance much more relaxing and calm for him. In the calm of the day, his heartbeat is the steady drum to your melody and he seeps into the moment, allowing himself to drown in your beautiful voice.
           You rubbed the petals of the red flower between your fingers, watching your skin take on the sunny hue. Venti had spent the entire afternoon lying down on your lap and listening to your canorous tunes that made him forget about everything— as if you two were the only ones in this world with no one to intervene in such a peaceful moment he has with you.
           You watched the petal rotate and awed in admiration as a flower’s petal is able to spin like wind wheels. 
           “Hey, Venti,” You called out to him and peered down to peek at his sleeping face. Your lover hummed in drowsiness before opening one of his eyes to look at you. Dragging the flower close to him, he shifted to get a proper look at what you’re holding.
           “What flower is this?”
           You’ve always been a curious one. Even before you were in a coma. It’s like you have a passion in you to know every single thing about this world. From small creatures to rare species of beings in the wildlife, anything that catches your interest and you're eager to know more about it.
           Your drive to find answers is one of your unique traits he’s grown to love the more he’s with you. You create yourself in that fire of ongoing need that focuses everything that you are. And you do it because it feels as if the finding of the answer is your personal mission, your reason for being, your way of belonging and giving.
           It came to him if your curiosity will cross the line. Will it come to you that he’s been hiding his identity from you? Or will you still continue to live life with him in pure denseness? Either way, if you managed to find out he’ll find a way to have you forget what you witness. 
           For now, he has to be cautious and prevent you from exploring the outside world. Especially if that traveler is around in his land. It’s no good if you meet him. With the help of the humming winds to let him know what’s happening, it occurred to him that he has to just patiently wait and prevent you and Aether from crossing paths.
           Venti held your soft hands in his palms and took the flower from you. A small and gentle smile appeared on his face as he leaned forward and pressed his temple against yours, placing the plant close to your chest.
           “It’s Windwheel Asters.” He answered and observed how your eyes sparkled in joy when you watched the petals continue to spin.
           “I haven’t seen these before.” 
           Venti lightly chuckled and placed the flower between your hands as he returned to resting himself against you, but this time his head was now on your shoulder. “Windwheel Asters cannot grow in places with no wind nor plagued by strong storms, only where the wind is gentle and nourishing.” 
           “Really?” You laid your head against his and fiddled with the stem. If these floras are really unable to grow in harsh winds, then it means Old Mondstadt’s storms have truly vanished without any traces left. 
           Peace and harmony at last. 
           Freedom is finally with you.
           You lifted your hand up against the sunlight and marvel at how simple it is. It may not look as fancy as the cecilias nor does it resemble feathered wings of a dandelion when blown away, but you found yourself liking this more than what Venti had given you.
           It’s not like you don’t appreciate his efforts for collecting every cecilias and dandelions in this region to create a wonderful garden for your eyes to fancy with, you still are grateful for it though you do wonder why did he not include these asters in the collection?
           “I kind of like this. It reminds me of you.”
           Now that made him fully awake.
           The color-infused cheeks dimpled with the blossoming smile, your eyes shone in a way that only deep happiness can bring. It was the blush of roses, that peek of champagne pink. Nodding your head to him, you brought the flower close to your face to cover your flushing features.
           “You were always fighting for freedom. If it weren’t for you, we won’t be able to see the skies and birds you’ve always wished for. I really admire your perseverance and passion to fight against my father to have the city liberated from his hands. Thank you. Thank you for revolting against him. Thank you for giving everyone freedom they’ve longed for.”
           You suddenly felt your throat tightened and your breath hitching every now and then. With your shoulders shaking and chin trembling, you fear he might see you in such a vulnerable state. You lowered your head even more and let your hair cover your face. Even if you hide it from him, Venti can still see small drops of liquid falling from you until it turns into a small puddle on the back of your hand.
           “Even though I’m Decarabian’s daughter, you never looked or treated me differently. Even after the war has ended, you never leave me. And now father, mother, and the knight… they’re all gone and y-you survived. You still stayed with me until I woke up…  I… I was so scared that once I awoke, I won’t be able to see you.”
           You were wiping your cheeks every few seconds and gulping down the lump sitting on your throat. Sniffling quietly, the tears still threatened to spill from your eyes. Your lover gently clutched your hand and used his other hand to lift your chin up to look at him.
           Your eyes were red and swollen. It shatters his heart seeing you like this as your tears split over and flowed down your face like a river escaping a dam. Using his finger to dry your damp face, he brushed his lips on your temple and laced your fingers together.
           “I should be the one thanking you.” He muttered and brought your intertwined fingers up to his lips to kiss the back of your hand. “Without your support, I don’t know how things would end up. If he— if I hadn’t saved you back then, you’d be locked up in that tower. Things would go differently, wouldn’t they? I can’t bring myself the idea of leaving you there when they were chasing after you.”
           He pushed you until your back was leaning against the rough trunk of the tree. His other arm was propped beside your face before he rested his head on your shoulder and nuzzled closely.
           “Thank you. Thank you for always being here with me.” Even though his voice was muffled, you can hear him loud and clear through your teary state. A shaky smile came from you as you caressed his hair lovingly before leaning forward and wrapping your arms around him.
           “I love you. I love you so much, Venti.”
           He has lived long enough to know that what you share he can’t replicate it with another. This love, this feeling, is just you and him. He could travel the world and the seven regions to create new ballads; he’d still come right back at you if he wanted true love. 
           He has protected you for years, he’s your confidant, a true friend, and even a lover. The trust he gave you, you gave him, is what keeps both of you safe in this world, in this life. So whether his heart beats another day or another hundred years— it’s always yours.
           Meeting Venti was more of a coincidence than a fate. Yet it was the first time in your life you felt like you could be yourself around him. Memories of meeting him have become the same as the dream you play time and time again. You felt good with him in a way you haven’t been before or since.
           Hearing those three eternal words from you is surreal for him. His heart would beat madly and his stomach churn in such a way excitement and happiness is filling his entire system. He wants to hear from you again.
           Just once more so he can finally have you all to himself.
           His chest was burning hot and so was his heart that rapidly beats in great euphoria. He can sense your emotions when you cry but this feeling… it’s much more different than he had felt before. A burning desire. He’s so smitten of your entire existence. All words coming from you were all his, he grasps each phrase and corresponds with his own loving and affectionate words.
           He was brought out from his trance when he felt how warm his palm is, and it’s when he became aware his hand was now placed on your cheek just like how he brings your hand to cup his face. 
           Venti felt his face heat up at such a simple gesture and when you give a short and quick chaste kiss on his lips, he recognized the first brightest and sweet smile for this day was painted on your graceful visage.
           “I love you.”
           His wish was heard when you repeated your confession at him. Is it finally working? Were his efforts finally paid off? Before Ludi Harpastum was the Windblume, a festival where they offer windblumes to their loved ones and to the Anemo Archon. Every year, every time Mondstadt celebrates Windblume, his first priority is to give you cecilias.
           He collected them for you every year. He tends them very well until they bloom— until your eyes opened. For him, windblumes are the cecilias. A symbol of elegance, purity, and just as ethereal as your gentle heart. It may be different from what that really means as interpreted by the people of Mond, but for Venti, he feels freedom when he’s with you, he feels loved when he’s with you and it’s the reason why he gathered so many flowers for you while you were asleep.
           The arrangement given to him by the former Dendro Archon— she proposed the idea to him to gather flowers for you every time they feast Windblume. He can still clearly remember her words, her voice echoing in his head saying that even she may part from this world. 
           Her predictions for her own life were accurate. As if she already expected this to happen to her and that’s why she’s planning ahead to list all the preconditions to him to keep you safe and harmless. Barbatos can’t keep relying on her on everything and that is why he put a lot of effort into maintaining the garden.
           Yesterday night was the time of the ceremony. Venti prepped everything to make it perfect, he wanted it to be successful. A mimic of a dance he once saw when he and you were together ages ago, it was a secret you both hid but he knows this. Barbatos knows what happened during that time and pretended as if he weren't there.
           But now that he was able to dance it with you, one would call him shameless for stealing you from him. The heavy weight on his shoulder was now lifted away, finally free from the guilt he’s been feeling for centuries. His inner battle with himself is fully resolved, inner conflicts vanished, a conflict between his love and longing for you.
           Your words eased Venti and made him assured you love him back as well. If you haven’t said a single word about your own feelings, he’d be living in an illusory fantasy that you were only shy to tell him you love him very much. But ever since the bond has been created, all he hears is I love you’s from you for his ears to delight in.
           “I love you,”
           You repeated once, a faint brush of your lips against his made him shudder. Soft, gentle, and shy just like your personality. Twice when you parted away, grasping how he tastes like apples before meekly leaning on him once more for a kiss but with more vigor. Your hand clutched the front of his shirt when you felt him hold you the small of your waist to pull you against him.
           “I love you.”
           Thrice was words of tenderness and desire from you to him. At that moment, you felt your body flushed warm. This was a person you wanted to be with than you’d ever felt before. 
           Venti has always been the one you could love forever.
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But What If, Instead
Decided to give a go to posting my horribly named but hopefully very fun Beetlejuice fic to tumblr as well. This is an au where BJ is adopted by the Deetz family at a young age.
He’s twelve when he’s left on his own in the upperworld.
He doesn’t know he’s twelve, because he’s never celebrated a birthday, but that timeline seems to fit, later, when he thinks back on it. So he’s twelve. His mother has promised him a special treat that day, and though he’s skeptical to trust her, he follows her quietly through the door she’s drawn, the bone white stick of chalk a blaring contrast to the dark hallways of the netherworld reception office. She’d knocked, and the drawing was more than a drawing, suddenly, with white light and noise spilling through into his little corner of hell as it opened, and when he steps through, Betelgeuse sees blue skies and green grass for the first time in his unlife. He’d turned back to look at Juno, confused, curious, his big orange snake eyes watching her, waiting for the catch, for her to yank him back and punish him for being naive, and trusting her, but all the demoness had done was billow smoke from her slit throat, and nod encouragingly to him. He takes another step, and another and another, and suddenly he’s running and laughing and jumping and the air up here is different, but good, and he takes breaths he doesn't need because it feels nice, and he turns to her again to try and entice her to play with him- And the door is gone. He stands there, staring at the nothingness where she and it had been, and realization hits him hard, because he’s twelve, and he’s been left on his own.
He doesn't cry, both because he can’t, and because he knows it won’t change anything. It doesn’t take him long to find them. Pre ghosts. Breathers. Humans. The place is lousy with them, and the smell of them irritates his sensitive nose. He’s a dumb kid, sure, but he’s got some survival instincts, so he hides from them as they go about their lives, strolling around this place, completely oblivious to the little demon now crashing their dimension. Breathers look so weird, all flushed with blood and bright eyed and hearts beating, no signs of death or rot or decay on them. It’s a lot to ask a kid to get used to. The ghosts back home, the ones workin in Ma’s office, tell him stories about the world up here, sometimes, usually in exchange for him going away, and leaving them the hell alone. (Their words) If there was one thing he learned from them, it was that humans, living or dead, didn’t like things that were strange or unusual. He wanders the wilds of wherever he is for an hour before he finds a body of water, and stooping to peer into it, takes a look at himself.
His skin is pale, but not pink. The undercolor is purple, maybe, which he would have thought would be close enough, but compared to the living, breathing people walking around this place, he knows is too different. There’s not much he can do about that. His hair is a bushy mess, sticking up all over the place, but at least the color is currently green. It’s the eyes, teeth, and ears that really stand out. Yellow snake-like slits stare back at him, long pointed ears flick in the direction of distant sounds, and when he tries to smile down at his reflection, those too many too sharp teeth are all he can see. He’s not the best at magic, yet, mostly using it to play pranks around the office (and hey, maybe that’s why Ma left him here in the first place?) but he does what he can. He throws a glamour over himself, and it’s far from perfect, but the three big problems are taken care of. He looks more human than he did a minute ago, at least, and that’s something.
He’s less afraid to take the main paths, after that, and with that worry out of the way, he finds himself enjoying the afternoon again. So, ma left him here. So what? She’s done him a favor, probably the first she’s ever done anybody, because now he doesn't have to be around her just as much as she doesn’t have to be around him. It’s a win-win, Betelgeuse thinks stubbornly, trotting along the winding pathways lined with benches and garbage cans and other silly human things. He’s starting to get a bit tired of all the green when he reaches, quite unexpectedly, the end of it. There’s a big arched sign, and he can’t understand the language written over head, even though he’s squinting and tilting his head. Someone at some point had sat him down and tried to teach him letters, and he’d gotten far enough to read through the first page of the Handbook, but then that person had been reassigned, and was gone, and no one had cared to keep teaching him.
He’s holding his hands up at his sides, rubbing his red tipped claws against the palms of his hands, top teeth biting over his bottom lip, head tilted to one side in an extreme, when he hears a snort and then a soft giggle.
There’s a woman standing in front of him. Her hair is a sunny yellow color, but her clothing is dark and dramatic, and there are roosting bats dangling from her ears. She’s laughing at him. They stare at each other for a long moment, her hand raised in front of her mouth, her eyes crinkled pleasantly at the corners, and he finally breaks the silence by pointing at the sign, and speaking. “Wazzat say?” She blinks in surprise at his grating little voice, and then glances back at the sign. “Krap Lartnec,” she tells him. “Which is flipped around and backwards for “Central Park.” He’s been staring at the sign the wrong way. Of course. He feels his cheeks heat up with embarrassment. “Oh. Got it. Park. Right, yeah.” She lets out another laugh, and it’s so different from the sounds his mother makes when she’s guffawing at him, shaming him, that it almost doesn’t register as a laugh at first. There’s no cruelty to it, just amusement, and maybe curiosity. “Are you here alone?” she asks him, and he shrugs easily. “I guess.” She moves closer to him, cautiously, like he’s going to bite her, or bolt, but he doesn’t really feel the need to be worried over one breather. He knows he could rip out her throat if he needs to. The glamour only hides his demonic features, not takes them away. He’s still plenty capable of taking care of himself. “Where are your parents?” She's crouched down next to him now, one knee on the pavement, big brown eyes all sweet and worried, and he shrugs again. “Don’t have a dad. Mom’s downstairs.” She squints at that, and he gestures down with a pointed red claw tip. “Ya know. Downstairs.” The way he emphasizes it is meaningful, and when her eyes show understanding, he assumes she gets it. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” “Don’t be. I’m havin’ a good time.”
That doesn’t seem to be what she expects, but she just nods thoughtfully. “Are you staying someplace?” He can’t, for the undeath of him, figure out why she’s asking, and why she cares. He shrugs again, because things feel better in threes, and says vaguely, “I guess I’m stayin’ here.” That also doesn’t seem to be a good answer. “You can’t stay in the park overnight. There’s creeps around here.” He bites back the urge to explain that he’s the creepiest thing here, because suddenly she’s taking his hand, and she feels cool to the touch. “Good god, kiddo, you’re burning up!” she puts her other hand on his forehead, all the play gone from her voice, clearly concerned. “You might have a fever. Listen…” she worries her bottom lip with her teeth, smudging the dark color there, before she makes a decision. “Why don’t you come home with me? I’ll give you something to eat, make sure you’re alright, and we’ll figure out what to do from there, okay?” He isn’t sick, and he’s pretty sure he can’t get sick. It’s the hellfire in his veins that makes him hot, because he’s not like her, not even close, but the idea of following her seems like a fine one to him, so he just nods. “Kay. You got bugs where you live?” She snorts again, and stands, brushing off her dark, rose patterned tights. “Sure, what New York apartment doesn’t have a few roaches lurking around. You like bugs?” “Yeah, I like em. They’re crunchy an’ they skitter around an’ stuff.” “Yeah,” she agrees, nodding thoughtfully. “Bugs kick ass.” It’s his turn to snort, and then laugh, because she’d sounded so serious that it strikes him as funny. His hand is still in her’s, and she gives it a squeeze. “What’s your name, little buddy?” “Betelguese.” He expects a pause, or a comment, because no newly dead has ever heard his name without wrinkling their nose and looking vaguely sick, but her smile just grows wider. “Far out. I’m Emily.” And hand in hand, they leave the park.
Beetlejuice decides quickly Emily might be the nicest breather who ever breathed. It’s a decision he makes only moments after they’ve left the park. Normally he’d be talking, and talking a lot, and his ma might throw something at him, a curse or a bottle, to try and shut him up. So he’s giving silence a try, here, even though it feels like it hangs like a weight around his neck. But Emily is the one instead filling the silence with sound, and he’s never had such unfiltered attention from an adult before. She’s talking about the park, then his hair, then his name, and everything she says is just… sunshine. She likes his hair. She likes his name. She even likes the loose fitting and filthy black and white striped shirt he’s got on, she says it’s deadlyvoo, whatever the hell that means, but it must be good, because Emily said it.
They’re walking down the street, his little hand still in her’s, when a smell hits his sensitive nose. It’s unlike anything he’s ever smelled before and if he wasn't tethered to her, he would have floated after it. As it is, he does feel his feet lift off the ground briefly, and he has to remind his body to obey gravity, before someone notices. Luckily, Emily only sees part of his reaction, namely the way he’s sniffing the air like a dog and drooling. “Hotdogs!” she grins, and she leads him over towards the smell before he can even ask what that word means.
There’s a little cart set up, and a short, fat woman is fussing over a fire. He quickly finds the source of the smell, those little weird shapes of meat she’s turning over, and he goes to reach for one, only stopped by Emily’s other hand over his. “Not so fast, little bug. To unlock lunch, you need the power of capitalism.” She nods gravely. He nods back, clueless, but after a moment he has the source of the smell in his hands, and he wastes no time in scarfing it down. It’s good. He wants more, instantly, and tugs at her sleeve. Emily has hardly put her wallet away before it’s back out again, and she’s bought two more hotdogs. He eats them just as quickly, but before he can ask for more he realizes she’s led him away from the woman and her meats and her fire. Clever breather.
The walk to her home isn’t so bad, and it gives him time to take in his surroundings. The park had been jarring enough- what little plants grow in the netherworld are perpetually gray and withered, sad little scraggly weeds that struggle and choke each other out for the privilege of what miniscule sunshine permeates through the perpetual overcast. But there’s enough sunlight and water and everything to go around here, and it all grows green and vibrant. The city feels the same way, sort of. Like there’s plenty of space to stretch out and grow, and so they did. In the netherworld, everything is short and cramped, but bigger on the inside, with long, winding hallways meant to confuse and trap the dead. The buildings here are so tall looking up at them makes him dizzy, but he hardly has time to admire them before Emily is guiding him this way and that, and finally, to another door. She presses a button and they’re let inside, and he experiences another first as they ride the elevator up a few floors.
They ride the first few floors up in relative silence, until - “Get ready to jump!” Emily says suddenly, crouching, and he follows her lead, and jumps when she does. There’s a brief moment of weightlessness before gravity catches up with them, and their feet hit the elevator floor again, in time for the doors to open. “Good job, Beetlejuice!” she praises, pushing that long sun colored hair out of her face, and he beams up at her. “Feels like flyin, kinda!” “Right?” she enthuses loudly, and he’s about to ask her how a breather knows what flying feels like, but a door down the hall opens, and the biggest man Betelguese has ever seen steps out. “Thought I heard you rattling the elevator,” he’s chiding Emily, who only gives her snort and smile in return. “Lydia isn’t even with you, do you really play that game when you’re-” his eyes fall on Betelgeuse. “Alone?”
“Charles, I made a new friend!” Emily tells him simply, leading the little demon into their apartment. The interior is dim, but he can see fine. He knows his amber eyes are glowing a little in the gloom, and he closes them, just for a moment, as Emily leads him down the hall and into a sunny, well lit kitchen. The big man, Charles, is tailing behind, looking mystified. “Where on earth did you find him?” a hint of nerves creeps into the breather’s voice. “You didn’t… steal him.. Right?” “Charles!” Emily laughs, like it’s an absurd question. Betelgeuse can’t tell if it is or not. Emily doesn’t seem like a child snatching witch, but he doesn’t know enough about such things to be sure. “I didn’t steal him,” she clarifies, busying herself with getting the boy a cup of ice water, and stopping by for a moment to touch the back of her hand to his forehead again. “I found him wandering around Central Park. He said he doesn’t have any folks, and he was all alone, and he feels feverish. I’m being responsible! I’m a responsible adult!” “A responsible adult who still plays the elevator game, despite being told by maintenance you might throw the whole elevator out of whack?” Charles askes, but he doesn’t look angry, more amused.
“I was teaching Beetlejuice how to play.” The pause he was expecting with Emily finds its home with Charles. Charles glances at the boy. Betelguese stares back with big amber eyes, sipping quietly at his ice water. Charles looks to Emily, who seems to be waiting expectantly. The silence stretches for another beat before Charles asks, baffled, “Is that… his name?”
Emily throws her hands up like he’s asked if the sky is really blue. “Of course it’s his name! Or at least, that’s the name he gave me. I’m respecting it. Respectful and responsible, that’s me.” She turns and winks at Betelgeuse. He returns the strange breather gesture because he likes Emily more than he’s ever liked anyone before.
The water cup is empty, and he simply lets it go, no longer interested in holding it. It bounces and rolls across the floor, and Charles wrinkles his brow at the boy. “Wh-” Before he can say much more, Betelgeuse is sniffing at the air, and he crouches on all fours, nose to the ground, like a dog in a cartoon. He’s caught the scent of some kind of upperworld bug, and despite all the hotted dogs, he’s still hungry. He’s on the prowl around the kitchen, weaving under the little dining table and three chairs, and then back down the hall, into the living room. Charles and Emily poke their heads out of the kitchen to watch him.
“I think you brought a feral child into the house, Em.”
She makes a psshaw sound and rolls her eyes, smacking gently at his lapels. “He’s a kid. Kids are weird. I was doing weird kid stuff when I was his age, too.” “And you never stopped,” comes the dry response. “Charles, I know you worry, but he’s a little kid, lost in New York. I mean, my god, it’s like a movie! I couldn’t just leave him, and I wasn’t just going to give him to some cop, he’s probably an undocumented runaway or something-” and the rest of her rambling is drown out by Charles gasping and grabbing her, and her own muffled gasps of shock, because Betelgeuse has caught the bug. And also, he’s on the ceiling. He may have been trying to blend in, but the second he caught the scent of that delicious crunchy upperworld bug meat, everything else was out of mind. He’d spotted it on the ceiling, and had followed it up there, ignoring gravity to get what he wanted, and right as he pounced on it, nearly catlike, Charles and Emily had gasped. Their breather noises distract him long enough for the bug to skitter away, and he loses his concentration, and drops to the living room floor with a sickening crunch. Emily shrieks, and Charles panics, sprinting for the boy, certain he’ll find a dead child with a broken neck. Instead Betelguise sits up, his glamour disturbed from the fall, and the breathers get an eyeful of what he really looks like. There’s a beat. They’re all staring at each other for a long moment. “I… I might have brought a feral child into the house,” Emily admits sheepishly. You can read the entire thing, right now, over here
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wizkiddx · 3 years
um okay so here I am trying angst again. this is kind of intended to be open ended bcos might have a part two at some point. im also lazy and has a few time jumps. also if someone could pls explain if you just get pics for the top of these off internet or credit on like gifs or something that’d be appreciated.
Summary: Tom comes home and everything is most definitely not the way he left, nor is it healthy
Warnings: please read with caution esp relationship with food / weightloss, but just generally a person in a bad bad head space, lots of self blame - then next parts will carry different warnings too
Tom had been away for months. Months and months away from his girlfriend, separated entirely by his filming locations in Europe and America; while you were busy slowly and steadily climbing the ranks of your law firm. Being an intense period for the pair, you hadn’t managed to see each other in 2 and a half months.  Of course, both go you were used to this - 3 years deep into a relationship between an actor and a wanna-be lawyer- this was the name of the game.
But honestly? You both just kept falling deeper and deeper, making the separation harder to deal with - rather than getting used to it as one might hope.
That's why Tom felt such an incredibly overwhelming wave of relief as he dumped his bags just outside his front door. Even though he was exhausted from the travelling, just the mere act of finally phishing out his housekeys brought a massive grin to his face - caused particularly by the sight of his tacky little keyring from a Moroccan market that you’d bought him. That had been your first holiday. There’s that old saying that before you move in with someone go on holiday first - Tom understood it to mean you supposedly see all the bad and ugly stuff people can hide from each other, a prewiring before committing to living in the same space. However that holiday all he’d learned was incredible you are to him. To his dying day, Tom will never forget the moment he looked over to his left when the two of you were on this night time stargaze in the depth of the Moroccan desert. Y/n had never seen stars like it, the skies so incredibly clear and lit up with an array of magical blues and purples and whites on its sark background. The sight, for no unexplainable reason, had you completely opening up to Tom about things she’d never told a single soul. And in that moment he’d had this sort of realisation. Not about how much he loved her - because that is just the cliche thing everyone says… and also just wasn’t true.
In that moment he’d rather realised the potential. The sort of ‘I’m not there yet but I know you could become the centre of my universe’. The sort of ‘I’m not ready to say this yet, but I want to spend my life with you’. The sort of ‘at some point in my life I’m not sure my heart will be able to beat without yours’.
He still hadn’t quite got to explicitly saying all that yet, by asking you for the ultimate commitment. But he planned to now he was coming back to you.
Even with the chill of the early evening winter air, Tom was almost ecstatic as he unlocked the door and let himself in. He hadn’t told you that he was coming home, you thought he had another two weeks on the job, but Tom was a bit of an old romantic - he loved seeing your eyes fill with wonder as he surprised you in whatever way. Sometimes it was as simple as a note on the fridge, or a small bouquet from behind his back or as fancy as a surprise holiday.
However, this time, though it was only 6 in the evening, all the lights of their house were off making Tom raise an eyebrow as he quietly slipped off his shoes - not wanting to scare Y/n just in case.
Tom had sworn when he’d been on the phone with you the previous day, you didn’t have any plans tonight but perhaps maybe a spontaneous pub trip and been offered with work colleagues. The house felt a little cold as he padded through it, poking his head into every room just to check Y/n wasn’t there. His last port of call was the bedroom.
By this point, Tom was pretty resigned on the fact you were out and he’d maybe cook a meal for when you got back or hide about the house or something. But instead, when he poked his head around this door, he sighed in delight at the sight of a still mound under the plush white sheets. For a brief moment, Tom paused, before tiptoeing steadily round to her bedside. The light was still off but the hallway light illuminated the room enough so he could make out your soft features and the messy ball of hair that had been haphazardly thrown in a bun. Furthermore, he could also notice in the light the packet of painkillers and migraine tablets lying opened on the bedside - which made him freeze. Y/n didn’t get migraines often at all, but when she did Tom knew just how bad they could be. That explained the fact you were spark out at six o’clock, making Tom give a sympathetic smile. He crept back out the room with a little spring in his step, deciding that since he had had a long day travelling he'd grab a snack and join you. Unfortunately though, when he enthusiastically yanked the fridge open the sight was a rather depressing one. He didn’t really know what he was craving but the fridge contents were of almost no use to anyone. The place was bloody baron, apart from a tub of butter and of course his special beers that Y/n would never dare touch. With a small huff though, Tom resigned himself to some bread and butter, before getting ready for bed.
It was probably an hour later when Tom was carefully crawling under the duvet to settle in beside Y/n after the disappointing snack and maybe a solitary ‘welcome home beer’ - it would be rude not to. God was he excited to just have his girlfriend in his arms again though. So, Tom naturally reached over and powerfully yet gently pulled you back towards him - making your back flush with his as you mumbled something incoherent. Chuckling slightly at your apparent annoyance of being disturbed, Tom pressed a kiss to her temple before settling down momentarily.
But something wasn’t quite right, making Tom shuffle about a bit - ever adjusting huis grasp on your waist as he attempted to get comfy. With the migraine medications forcing you into a deep deep sleep you barely stirred and that just made the unease increase for Tom. Because you didn’t feel right. This didn’t feel right. Ever so slowly Tom started to peel back the duvet from your body from his now sitting upright position. Typically, Y/n was wearing one of his hoodies, however more concerningly it seemed to pool and collect around your frame more than normal.
Now, Y/n was never the most petite person in the world - by no means overweight, instead of beautiful curves and muscle. To Tom now though, it was as if someone had literally shrunk you - like a picture on a word document you needed to make narrower to fit the margins. Even in the dim light of the bedroom he know realised you looked pale. Honestly, Tom didn’t know how long he just sat there staring at you, until you sighed a little and pulled the duvet back up to just under your chin.
He didn’t know what to think or do. All he knew was you didn’t look well and that you hadn’t said a thing to him. Feeling so very uncomfortable within himself, Tom climbed out the bed and simultaneously grabbed his phone. He knew he had to call someone, to check that you hadn’t been ill - but then who to call? Someone that wouldn’t judge or instantly worry- your mum was completely off the cards. Also, he hadn’t even given you the chance to explain yet, so really he knew there was only a couple of options who were close enough to him too.
“Hey what’s up?” “Um nothing much, back in the UK though so-“ “Oh shit really! Kept that one quite bro” “Yeh well came back to surprise Y/n” “Oh you're soooo whipped” “Fuck off Haz, have you um… have you seen her recently anyway?” “You're asking me if I’ve seen your girl while you’ve been away?” “I’m being serious. You’re pretty much brother and sister and I’m -I’m a bit worried.” “What? You know she wouldn’t cheat especially with me” Haz’s tone turned less serious, using a goofy accent “ I know too much.” Haz still attempted to lighten the mood, this conversation very unexpected and making him grow more and more concerned himself. “Haz quit it. I’m worried she’s been ill. I’ve come in and she’s asleep with a migraine but there’s no food in the fridge and she’s skinny as hell.” “Fuck er sorry I didn’t realise. But um no she’s been cancelling on us for the past like two weeks cos like…I don’t know said she was just snowed under at the firm so” “But before then?” “No yeh she was fine. Went to the pub a couple times and she always drove so didn’t drink but nothing weird - think she wanted to keep a clear head. What are you thinking?” “I don’t know to be honest mate. She seemed fine on the phone but I swear to god she looks half the size  of what she was when I left.” “Just talk to her in the morning? She probably is just stressed if work has been mad busy.” Tom hummed in agreement, half trying to convince himself too. “Yeh yeh, sorry for bothering you.” “Oh shut up mate - I’ll see you both at your parents for the roast tomorrow? Sams got some new recipe I think, he’s been wittering on about it for days.” “Yeh we’ll be there, see you then mate.” 
After signing off to Haz, Tom placed his phone on the little table on the upstairs hallway and sighed. He knew he was being over-protective but he couldn’t help it. Y/n was always the one to care for him, in fact to care for everybody int he room and then some.
He’d get to the bottom of whatever this was tomorrow, and so the rest of the evening Tom spent rather unhappily get ready before bed yet again before climbing back in next to you.
Tom woke before you, a combination of jet lag and the worry in the pit of his stomach meaning he stirred awake first. Instinctively he pulled you closer and nuzzled his nose into the side of your neck as he slowly began to wake up properly - shrugging off the grogginess. Tom was still really excited for you to realise he was back, predicting you  to excitedly hug him ever so tight and then spend the morning between the sheets. He knew you found the distance tough, especially when all your closest friends were coupled off, it meant you just didn’t have ‘your person’. It was almost as if you were single again and instead of pining over an ex, hopelessly and completely in love with someone across the globe. But that just made your time together even more invaluable and precious.
So even with his slight unease at your slimmer silhouette, Tom didn't have any control over the loopy grin that came to his face as you started to stir and mumble something incoherent, all the while (and subconsciously) inching closer towards him. By the slight fluttering under your eyelid, Tom knew you were waking up and so took the moment to tuck your frizzy bed hair behind your ear. Sighing contently Y/n’s eyes fluttered completely open and Tom met your gaze with the most gently of smiles.
However, he then watched moment by moment as your expression morphed for one of peacefulness and content, through confusion, and ending at pure terror. He had barely thought of asking you why, before you yelped, throwing yourself up into a sitting position and backing as far away on the bed as you could from Tom. “TOM... I-you can’t be here! YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!” “Y/n hey what’s wrong-“ “GET OUT! G-GET THE FUCK OUT! YOU CAN’T BE HERE” you  yanked the bedsheets to completely cover your huddled up body, as if trying to protect yourself. At this point, tears were streaming down your face and what truly terrified Tom was the expression of horror in your eyes. He threw his hands in the air and unsteadily stumbled to his feet. “O-okay I’m-“ “GET OUT!!! YOU CAN'T SEE ME GET OUT!” Completely bemused and shocked, Tom just nodded jerkily -already halfway out the door and accidentally slamming it in haste.
He had absolutely zero clue what that was about. But what he knew for a fact? He’d never ever seen you like that… you looked so completely terrified… of him? Tom couldn’t for the life of him work out what the hell was going on, as he paced from the shut door to the hallway wall and back again, running his hand through his hair throughout. He could hear you sobbing and whisper yelling - presumably at yourself. It felt as though his heart was being torn out, seeing you that upset and it appearing as his fault? He was acting on pure instinct and adrenalin because your pain hurt him too. He had no control of the physiological response in his body, making his hands shake and breathing increase in speed as it inversely got shallower too.
And so he took a short inhalation, biting his bottom lip as he knocked on the door. “Y/n?….” He got no response after waiting a couple of seconds so tried again - because he could hear you trying to stifle your sobs. After another two failed attempts he opted for a different approach. “Y/n… I’m worried about you… look, I know your upset right now but I need you to let me know your okay… or I’ll have to come in and…and I don’t want to spook you” “Don’t come in.” It was a sharp reply, with a voice that was cracked and clearly trying to keep It together. “Okay… I-I’m sorry if my surprise of coming home was a dumb idea…I-I’ve missed you.” Tom tried speaking softly, as he knelt down and sat with this back against the wall while nervously fiddling with his watch strap that he’d forgot to take off last night. Again he waited for a response but got nothing, again having to warn you he needed to know you were okay. He heard movements from the other side of the door, making him turn his head to the left, pressing his ear on the cool gloss paint. “I-I’m sorry” You barely were whispering, but Tom could sense you were now sitting in a position mirroring his “You don’t meed to apologise love” Returning her tone, Tom sighed at the end - trying to get his brain to process what was going on.
Y/n wasn’t one to overreact and Tom could count on one hand the number of serious fights they’d had in the three year romance. And even then, he was the one to raise his voice - when she argued it was more reasoned, slow and controlled. Actually it was one of the things that in those moments infuriated him even more - you were just so level headed and sensible. Scratch that, sensible purely in this context - everywhere else you were just as loopy as him. So this situation felt so very alien. He didn’t know how to help you and he bloody hated feeling useless.
After a few moments, you replied to apologise once again, for shouting specifically,  and Tom nodded - not that you could see. But that was one of the things Y/n had taught him, sometimes you just have accept things - no matter the context. Accept he wasn’t actually a superhero and couldn’t do everything, accept that sometimes he could be a dick and out of line or accept an apology.
“Can you.. can you try and tell me why your upset? I want to help.” He was trying to be gentle, non-confrontational. But he knew something was so wrong. He needed to know so he could try and help out. “I…”Y/n began, but quickly trailed off, as if trying to formulate the words properly. “I’ve just been ill and” again another pause “and I haven’t been looking after myself very well. I just planned to be umm- to be better when you got back.”
It wasn’t a lie. It wasn’t really the truth either, at least not the whole truth. But it wasn’t a lie.
“I’m not sure I understand why your so worried about what I think though?” Tom inquired, as he started to fiddle with the door handle in his left hand - as if easing the idea of coming into his girlfriend without scaring you. In reply, you sighed again trying to put the words together without explicitly spelling it out to him. “I don’t- I thought you’d just be disappointed or-or think I’m reliant on you. I’m not and I can handle myself I just…. I don’t know.” “I love you, you idiot.”Tom chuckled at that, while standing up. “Can I come in now please? I promise I’m not disappointed just want to help you feel better.”
The door opened and no sooner could Tom take a step forward than Y/n ran into his chest, wrapping herself tightly around him in apology. He knew that he didn’t have the full story but really didn’t want to push her, more preferring to just love her. So that’s what they spent the rest of the morning doing, in their pyjamas and watching TV. Quite obviously, she wasn’t really making a lot of conversation, Tom filled some gaps with talking about filming - to which she’d hum in agreement or chuckle along. But for the most part Y/n was concentrating on something else.
The all-consuming guilt. That was what was eating away at her.
part 2?
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ammocharis · 3 years
OC Interview: Vatna
Thanks for the tag @cleverblackcat, @mageofholyandraste, @darethshirl! It sounds fun!
This event was organized a few weeks prior to the Winter Palace ball. Ambassador Josephine Montilyet had invited a few Orlesian journalists to Skyhold to interview the newly appointed Inquisitor.
Can you introduce yourself?
Vatna Einarsdotten Selkesdotten of Two Falcon Hold. (a moment of silence) In the Frostback Mountains. (another moment of silence as the interviewers wait for her to say something else) Inquisitor of the Second Inquisition. (it seems that she won’t say anything more, so one of the journalists asks the next question)
What are your gender identity, orientation, and relationship status?
Is that what you ask every Lowlander? (grumbles) Alright. I see myself a woman. Who I invite or don’t invite to my bed is my very own matter. I am unmarried and have never been before. If you’re curious, yes, the Avvar may marry multiple times in their life if they wish so. Does this answer satisfy you?
Where and when were you born?
I was born in Two Falcon Hold, eighteen... no, nineteen winters ago. (she corrects herself as she remembers that winter came and went when she was away from home, making her one winter older than when she left)
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
I am a mage. Unlike most spellweavers in your Circles, we in the mountains train with all sort of weapons, just like any other warrior. I prefer fighting in close quarters. When I came of age, I chose an axe as my preferred weapon. It was commissioned from the dwarves of Orzammar. The blade is engraved with runes and the handle has lyrium core that I can easily channel my magic through. It has been... misplaced for the first few months that I spent with the Inquisition, but it was recovered. Fortunately, the gods blessed me with another weapon in the meantime - the fire-staff that belonged to the Avvar-Mother. I’ve been told this topic is a source of confusion, but I’m not sure how to explain it better. Yes, I do use both an axe and a staff now. I had a battleaxe when I arrived into the Lowlands. Then I lost it. Then I claimed the staff of Tyrdda Bright-Axe. Tyrdda was called Bright-Axe because she had a staff with a fire-focusing crystal. But the word ‘axe’ used to mean every hafted weapon. Then I got back my axe, my regular axe... Let’s go to the next question.
Are you happy?
I’ll be happy when the Lady’s Veil is fully repaired and Corypheus lies dead. Until then, I have work to do. Would you be happy if there were world-dooming critters in your house? Because there are. There are cowards in Orlais scheming together with Corypheus, maybe even people you know. (a lady in a pale blue mask exchanges looks with the others and suggests a lighter topic)
Family and friends
What should I say? Just talk about my family and friends? Well, my father is called Einar, my mother is called Selke. In my hold, we take bynames after both our parents, so I actually already revealed their names. My father was born is Two Falcon Hold, my mother moved from another hold further south. They’ve been married for twenty three years now. They were rather mad to promise such a long marriage without extensions. Eighty-eight knots, can you imagine? I mean, they could always as the Thane to cut the rope short if they grew tired of each other... But it works well for them. I hope they’ll live together until it the last knot. (the interviewers prompt her to explain what she meant by knots and ropes) Oh, I run away with that. The number of knots is the number of years the marriage is supposed to last. Before the wedding, the bride ties a number of knots into a rope, and the groom’s task is to untie them. On the wedding day, the bride starts to sing hymns to the Lady of the Skies. The groom begins to untie the knots then. However many he’ll manage to unravel before the hymns ends, that many years they shall be married together. After the promise ends, they can get married again if they wish. But my parents vowed to get married for eighty-eight years right away. Eight is a blessed amount. Eighty-eight, doubly so. I’ve been told the ritual took all day to complete. By the end of it, my mother’s throat was sore and my father’s knuckles were raw. But they got married how they wanted, and the bond has been steadfast for many years now.
I have a younger sister, Hirka. She’s only four winters younger than me but she can be a real brat sometimes. We used to be inseparable as children. Then we both grew a bit. I got my magic and had to spent a lot of time mastering my abilities. She had other things to do too. But she’s my sister no matter what.
I have some (she pauses to rememeber the right word in Common language) aunts and uncles, but most of them and their families live in other holds, so I haven’t seen them a lot. Only a few times, never in some cases. The word still travels through the Mountains, so we do hear news from them every now and then. 
In the end, the whole hold is your kin.
Have you ever run away from home?
Once or twice, I skulked outside of the hold and refused to go back until well after nightfall. But I never really run away, I wouldn’t abandon my family like that.
Would you consider marriage or having children?
I don’t know.
Do you secretly hate any of your friends?
No, I do not. Those who I call my friends, I think as such. I make my dislikes known. Too easily, I’ve been told.
Which friend knows everything about you?
There is someone who knows my soul, but I’m not going to talk about it.
Asked by fans
Are you literate? Have you been to school?
Yes, I can read and write. Not everyone in the Mountains does, but more than you imagine, I think. Augurs, skalds, merchants, those who aspire to be thanes... Many are able to tell the numbers, in order to trade with dwarves, but haven’t practiced beyond that.
The augurs learn how to read so that they may study old magics. I was an apprentice to the Sky Watcher of my hold - uh, a Sky Watcher is like a... priest to the Lady of the Skies. I was supposed to become his successor. So I studied something almost every day since I was eight. One day, I would memorize the shapes of protection sigils, and then try to draw them myself. Another day, I would study the uses of all mushrooms found in caves. But we don’t have any schools like there are in the lowlands. You learn from your mentors and from the gods, and most importantly, from your own mistakes.
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
Eeriest? I’m not sure. I dreams of many things. Some come true, but not in the way I imagined them to.
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realise?
I had no idea those lap dogs your Orlesian ladies carry around are really dogs. I’d never guess they share blood with wolves. I thought they’re some sort of magic toy.
Do you have mental or physical problems?
Do you honestly expect me to reveal my weaknesses to you?
What is your current main goal?
As I said before, restore the Veil and kill Corypheus.
Drink or food?
Am I supposed to choose between the two? Food, I guess. I could live on soups and stews, maybe. Does goat milk count as drink or food?
Cats or dogs?
Optimist or pessimist?
I learned these words only recently. I must say, I do not fully understand why your sages would divide people like that. Is there someone who truly sees everything in bright colours? And someone who sees everything in black? Isn’t everyone a little bit of this and a little bit of that? Perhaps I’m more on the pessimist side.
Sassy or sarcastic?
Eh, sarcastic.
Have you ever been caught sneaking out?
Yes, I once got so bored with my healing lessons that I decided to sneak out while Jokka wasn’t looking. She of course noticed me right away. I never tried to sneak out again.
Broken a bone?
I broke my left wrist while climbing. My mentor healed it quickly but he left a scar to serve as a reminder to not be so reckless.
Received flowers?
I... (she bits her tongue) Josephine tells me I had received several bouquets of flowers this last week. She had placed them in the guest hall where everyone can enjoy them.
Ghosted someone?
Ghosted? (a man in a green mask explains mirthfully) No, never. I wouldn’t leave someone hanging like that. I’d tell him straight in the face. (she replies sharply)
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn't get?
I have yet to learn how to pretend so well as to laugh at something I don’t understand or find funny.
Tagging (no pressure, of course, this is just for fun): @dreadfutures, @tejaswrites, @serenpedac, @molliehaswords, @crackinglamb, @a11sha11fade, @rakshadow, @samuraisaucefrites, @noire-pandora, @1000generations
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ethereaiin · 3 years
To the Skies | genshin impact
synopsis; sorrowful goodbyes and the bitter end of something that, maybe, they should have never started.
featuring; venti, lumine, paimon, and some mentions of aether.
To Lumine, there was nothing more important to her than finding her brother. He was constantly on her mind, the twin she lost and the only thing that kept her tied to this world. If it were not for that god she would have been long gone from Teyvat with all her memories intact and her powers untouched. More importantly, she would have Aether at her side rather than somewhere she couldn’t see nor reach.
It disheartened her to know that no matter how far she’s come, he wasn’t any closer. When could they return home, to the skies above, hand in hand as they had done so many years ago?
Lumine was beginning to think that the day would never come.
Their last encounter still weighed heavily in her mind, the words Aether imparted to her and the obvious change within him that differed so greatly from what she could hazily remember. While she lamented the grief of losing her twin, what had he endured in her absence? What could have driven him to the point of siding with the very same beings she once believed to be her foe? Lumine had the answer to none of these thoughts and Paimon, her dear friend and guide, could provide no insight either.
Her chest heaved with a sigh, and her eyes, which rested upon the night sky, lowered towards her side where Paimon rested. Tonight was peaceful. From her perch under a tree atop a hill, there were no monsters in sight. Mondstadt’s plains were as clear as can be and she relished in the silence the serenity provided. The midnight breeze was cool, as always, and its gentle caress against her skin felt like comfort. All that could be heard were the deep breaths of her sleeping companion and the quiet buzz of nature. Being left with nothing other than her thoughts, it was easy to feel herself sink into the loneliness of it all. If it weren’t for the constant squeezes she’d feel at the tips of her fingers that were in Paimon’s tiny clutch, a comfort she least expected, maybe the many forlorn thoughts that plagued her mind would have consumed her whole.
She was very much in need of a distraction and thankfully, along with the wind that encompassed her in its tender embrace, came the presence of the god who commanded it so. As the wind picked up slightly, fluttering her short golden locks, Lumine’s eyes briefly shut and only reopened when she heard the lilt of his familiar voice.
Her name rolled sweetly of his tongue, eliciting her attention and the stringent pull of her heart. She glanced over her shoulder, watching as he approached closer towards her with a slight smile on her lips. She said nothing in response, merely placing a finger over her lips and motioning towards Paimon who still slept away undisturbed.
Venti seated himself down at her side, gazing out at the same plains she had done for the past hour. He was close enough to her that she could feel the brush of his clothes against her skin and though she was one who preferred to keep a distance from others, she found herself not disliking the lack of space. He was possibly the only other person she could ever feel this comfortable with.
“I didn’t think you’d come tonight.” She finally speaks, tone low enough to not disturb Paimon’s peaceful slumber. Her lashes spider across the reddened apples of her cheeks as she runs a finger through the soft locks of Paimon’s hair, watching as the fairy smiled happily in her sleep, nuzzling her makeshift pillow as if the gesture delighted her.
Venti peered onto the sight with slight amusement, leaning closer towards her as he too spoke lowly. “I’m glad I did. You looked like you could use some company.”
When he leans back, she glances over towards him once more; her pretty golden eyes illuminated under the moon. There’s a slight twitch in her lips before they spread into an open smile and she laughs with her hand attempting to block its sound. Her laughter chimes, shaking her shoulders yet the abrupt noise is not enough to wake her sleeping travel partner.
Venti relishes in its sound, finding himself smiling along with her even if he wasn’t quite sure what it was that amused her. Still, he felt a singe of pride burn in his chest for being able to produce a laugh from her when she had once looked as if the world were coming undone right at its seams.
“Were you watching me?” She says after her laughter dies, yet her grin persists.
She’s teasing him. He could tell from her tone of voice and the insincere question that would have had most immediately denying it. Though Venti did no such thing. His grin only brightened before he cheekily giggled. With flushed cheeks, he leans in closer towards her watching as her expression grew curious with the lack of space between them.
“It’s hard not to.” He replies so simply as if the words hadn’t raced either of their hearts.
He means them though. Like every word he speaks to her, on nights like these when it’s only the two of them, he means everything. To him, Lumine is a hard person to ignore. Under the pale moonlight, he thinks she looks beautiful. Everything about her seemingly glows. She’s almost ethereal, both delicate and entrancing; and he feels that if he were to take his eyes off her for even a second, she would fade away.
He does as cursory glanced between her eyes, captivated by how they seemed to reflect so much of her emotion alone, and leaning away once again when he noticed she grew too red in the face. Despite her courageous demeanor, she was quite shy when it came to him. Her hand lifted away from Paimon, resting against her chest as she felt the thunderous beats of her heart beneath. No one had ever made her feel like this other than Venti. It was an effect most curious yet lovely to her. She was torn between hating it completely and cherishing it.
Her eyes strayed on him for a few seconds longer, the smile he wore on his lips committing to her memory before her gaze drops from his and returns back to the fields before them. Unknowingly Venti reminded her of the words her brother said and with it came the realization that maybe, the god had more to hide. A part of her wanted to believe Venti was incapable of the cruelty her brother accused all the gods of. It was the part of her that clung to the kindness and warmth he’d shown her since the day they met and the days that persisted afterward. He was always there for her in her time of need, showing up out of the blue with nothing but the gentle breeze to alarm her of his presence. She didn’t want to believe that the words, smiles, and feelings he’d shown her were all a façade.
 Yet, when she parted her lips ready to ask if her brother’s words were the truth or not, she found herself at a loss. She didn’t want to know. The cowardly side of her that she desperately wanted to hide away from the world was too afraid of the answer. What would happen if he didn’t deny the accusations? What would happen if he admitted to her a crime so awful that she could no longer see him in the same innocent light she had for so long?
It was foolish of her. So very naive to deny the truth if only to preserve the image of someone she cherished. Deep down maybe she always knew something like this was bound to happen. Her time in this world was limited regardless of her desire and their relationship. . . no matter how precious, was never fated to last forever.
She calls, her tone gentle and affectionate yet there is also a hint of sadness that he’s easily able to pick up. Her gaze meets his once more and in it; he could see her longing. Despite their close proximity, at this moment; Lumine never felt more distant. She intertwined her fingers with his, giving him a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. From all the alluring smiles she’d given him, this one had to have been the saddest. She leans in closer to him and instinctively, he does the same.
“Please stay with me for a little longer,” She says and he feels each word brushed against his cheek. “Just for tonight.”
His eyes flutter shut and when their lips finally join he pretends he doesn’t feel the heartache of what can only be perceived as an end, neither does he dare to address the tear that rolls down her cheek. His fingers brush against her skin, wiping the tear and combing through her hair. He attempts to memorize everything about her, from the softness of her flesh against his to the feeling of her blonde locks in his grasp. Their connection is painfully fleeting, yet it captivates him. Even after they part he could still feel her lips. She squeezes his hand and the troubled expression she wears tells of the many thoughts running through her head. Thoughts that he would never come to know.
There are many things they keep from one another, the sadness she bears being just another secret she’ll never reveal. He wished to know her. All of her, yet in this life, their differences were far too great for him to ever act on these desires. She may have never said it, yet he could feel it all the same. This, whatever it was and no matter how brief, would end under the stars. Her silent cries fill that night, with him holding her close as her only means of comfort but even then it feels strangely empty. The lies and hidden truths neither revealed was an obstacle too great.
If only fate could have given them another chance.
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mementomorimissy · 3 years
Drunken Truths
After having some wine and enjoying themselves, Mobius reveals how he truly feels about Loki. Loki does not take the news well.
Had it been a day? Three? Seven? Loki had not gotten used to how time worked in the Time Variance Authority. He had yet to sleep, so it could have been only a few hours for all he knew. It didn’t matter anyway. He could no longer return to a home that had been destroyed. A world he helped to destroy.
All he could do was work on the ridiculous case of finding his own variant until he knew enough to take over the Agency. Even though this version of himself could not have been as skilled or intelligent as Loki, it was proving to be harder than he expected. It might have been a variant, but it was still a Loki. There had to be something.
Mobius sat across the table from Loki. The files became a jumbled mess between them as they dismissed anything irrelevant. Some agents passed by them, but they were all busy in their own worlds. The only thing that mattered around the table was Loki and Mobius. They occasionally made small talk, but they were both focused on their own documents. Someone had to find something.
Loki didn’t realise he was tired until his eyes couldn’t stay open any longer. The next thing he knew, his head was on the desk and he was back in Asgard. It only lasted a moment, but he was there, drinking with Thor while they were still on speaking terms.
He was awoken by a nudge.
“How about we get you somewhere more comfortable to rest,” Mobius said softly. “Come on. We’ll go to my place.”
Loki scrunched his nose and sat up. “You have a place? Here I was thinking your entire life was a less interesting version of robots that only did what they were told by the giant lizards.” Loki smirked up at Mobius. They caught each other’s eyes.
“Very funny. Now move unless you want to stay here.”
Mobius led Loki through the authority to a door that seemed no different to any other. They hadn’t even left the building. It was nothing but the same brown and yellow architecture. No wonder the agents were the dullest people Loki had ever experienced.
“Do you ever get to see the sun here?” Loki asked as they reached a door.
“Not really. But don’t worry. We get plenty of sunshine when getting variants.”
That was great news for all the agents who actually went to the missions. Mobius grabbed his key from his pocket and unlocked the door. He stepped aside, allowing Loki to walk in first.
Loki didn’t know what he was expecting, but it was not what he saw. It was the same monochromatic scheme and files of paper he had been seeing anywhere else. There was no sign that Mobius was living there apart from a few cans of that ridiculous drink he always had and a few more jet ski magazines. Loki walked through, hoping to find a glimpse of comfort.
“It might not be the lush palace you’re used to-“ Mobius was saying.
“Oh, no. Gosh no. It is truly horrendous,” Loki started before remembering who he was talking to. He smiled back at Mobius. “But I suppose it will be suitable. For the while.” Mobius chuckled and made his way into the den that was the kitchen.
“Thank you for being so considerate. Here.” He returned with two glasses of red wine, offering one to Loki. Loki smiled and took the glass, sipping it. Even the wine was disgusting. Still, it was better than nothing.
Half of the bottle must have disappeared between the two of them, washing away any distaste they had with each other. Eventually, they stumbled their way through the living room and to the bedroom that was barely large enough for the perfectly made king-sized bed. Mobius fell back onto the bed and Loki straddled him.
Loki's lips crashed onto Mobius, hungry for the connection. He curled his fingers under Mobius’ collar, pulling him closer. Mobius’ earthy scent grew stronger. Loki felt Mobius’ hands move to his lower back, securing him. Loki was enjoying it. He could feel that Mobius was really enjoying it.
Every moment they moved brought a small release to Loki. He didn’t have to think about what he was doing. There was no master plan. It seemed like it was the first time in his life that he could just be. What was it about the strange, tender man that did this to Loki?
It could have been the wine, the stress, or the fact that it had been - Loki didn’t even know how long – since he had been held that way, but Loki wanted more. He tore away Mobius’ jacket and moved his fingers down to his pants.
Mobius gently kissed Loki’s neck and moaned, “I love you.”
Loki immediately stopped. He sat up more and stared into Mobius’ pale blue eyes. What trick was this man doing? Mobius just stared back with a look unfamiliar to Loki. It was… warm, pure, maybe even loving. That look slowly turned into one of concern. Mobius coughed and sat up more.
“Sorry. That was too soon. Forget I said anything,” Mobius mumbled. He sat up to kiss Loki’s lips, but was pushed back down.
Loki couldn’t forget that. It was exactly what he needed to hear. It felt wrong. It was wrong. Loki shuffled off of Mobius. He put on his best chirpy voice.
“Well, that was a nice distraction, but I really need to get back to it. We won’t be finding a Loki variant in this dump. Take care of yourself and I’ll see you there.”
He managed to make it out of the room before he heard Mobius calling out for him to wait.
Loki fled to the archives. It must have been late, or early, as there were no one else around. Perfect. He didn’t even know what he was looking for, but Loki searched up and down the aisles.
I love you
Loki could count on one hand the amount of people who told that to him, and nearly half of them were his so-called family. He took deep breaths, reading the same file name for the tenth time. He thought Mobius was a decent person, but he had been wrong many times before. What would he even get from saying that Loki? Did he think it would magically make Loki more compliant? Well, he clearly didn’t know Loki as well as he as he thought.
There was always the possibility that he meant it. That somehow in his naïve stupid head, he thought what he was feeling was love. It was like a kicked dog who kept returning to his master. The poor little thing didn’t know what he was getting himself into.
The squeaks from the end of the aisle alarmed Loki that he was no longer alone. Loki didn’t look up from the file.
“Now that you’ve gotten that out of your system, I would love it if you actually did something to help me,” Loki muttered.
The footsteps got louder until it stopped just when Loki could smell him. Mobius exhaled. He used that ridiculous soft voice he often used when he was talking to Loki – as if he was talking to a child.
“Look. I shouldn’t have said that. I mean, I don’t regret what I said, but it was too soon and not in the right way. I suppose I just got a little too excited. I mean, look at you, can you really blame me?”
Loki turned and started walking down the aisle, but still felt Mobius following him. It truly was pathetic.
“I get it. It was the heat of the moment. You would have the same thing to anyone who snaked their way into your chambers.”
“No. It’s not that. Loki, Look at me.” The file was snatched away from his hands. Loki sighed and looked up at the moustache. It was strange seeing it now that he knew what it felt like against his skin.
Mobius pressed his fingers against Loki’s chin, forcing him to look up until he could see the gentle blue eyes staring back at him. “I really do care about you. I thought I knew everything about you, but you are so much more than I expected. After all the crap that you went through, you’re still trying to be a better person. You’re talented, you’re intelligent, you’re just,” Mobius hesitated for a moment, “you’re just incredible.”
For the first time in his life, Loki didn’t know what to say. There was something different about how Mobius spoke. He honestly believed what he was saying. That just made everything worse.
“I get it. I know everything about me, but you know practically nothing about me. Well, my name is Mobius. My favourite colour is yellow, I like jet skis and I think you’re really cute.” Loki forced back a smile. “Just come back to bed.” Mobius moved his hand down to Loki’s, but before he reached it, Loki fought back.
He grabbed Mobius hand and twisted it so the agent was forced to turn around. He stepped closer behind the blonde, Loki’s lips only inches from Mobius’ ear.
“I am a god,” Loki grunted. “You are nothing but a mindless drone. Do you really think you can trick me with this nonsense? I can see through deceits much greater than yours.”
“What deceit? Loki, this is ridiculous. Let go of me.” There it was. The same warmth and concern he always had in his voice. Loki shouted in anger as he threw Mobius onto the floor. Mobius groaned and tried to get up, but was stopped by Loki pressing his foot onto Mobius’ chest, forcing him back down.
“Stop lying to me,” he yelled. Mobius just stared back as Loki took deep breaths. “You know nothing about me. You can’t love me. I know I’m greater than all the cretins you have put up with, but do not mistake that worship as love, you… you idiot.”
Mobius still didn’t fight back, but he kept his eyes steady on Loki.
“Are you done?”
Loki removed his foot from the agent. Mobius groaned while getting up. “You’re right. We really need to get back to work.” He started to walk down the aisle.
“Mobius,” Loki called out. The agent turned back to face him. As Loki spoke, he heard his voice break in a desperate attempt to be believed. “I’m just doing this to protect you. You know that, right?”
Mobius chuckled and shook his head before pushing his hands into his pocket.
“I really appreciate it, Loki, but I think we both know I’m not the one who needs protecting.” With that, he left, leaving Loki among the shelves. Alone.
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lnterjection · 3 years
gods of red skies (of this world to comprise)
Based on @quaranmine‘s post “that meme where the FBI shows up at your house because you know too much except it’s DreamXD and Ranboo being the only person who knows what an end portal is,” but I make it angsty.  
“And here’s our table,” Phil said, and Ranboo’s jaw dropped in such standard enderman fashion he would have been ashamed, if he weren’t so preoccupied with the sight in front of him.
Slowly, he took a step forward. Leaned over and traced a finger across the pale, bumpy endstone, its tiny craters and rivers of raised ridges. It had been so long since he felt endstone beneath his skin. 
The empty sockets stare back into him, deep cyans and swirls of black. You’re here, they seem to whisper. We’ve missed you.
“It’s a cool table, but I think this is a bit of an overreaction,” he heard Techno whisper behind him. “Phil, what do we - uh...”
“Do you - do you know what that is?” Ranboo asked. He struggled to keep the awe from his voice. 
Phil glanced over his shoulders with a bewildered expression. “No?” he said, wings slowly fanning out. “What do you mean?”
“It’s-” Ranboo hesitated, taking a step back. Should he tell them? Should - should anyone in this cursed world have that sort of power? Wouldn’t that lead to more sides, more pointless statuses of power to fight over?
He made a split second decision. 
“Um, nevermind,” he said. “I forgot.”
The lie came so easily. Ranboo internally winced at how familiar his muscles were with the phrase. 
Techno eyes him, pupils narrowing, but he doesn’t comment. Phil gives them both a cheery smile and claps his hands in a neat, smooth motion, effectively shutting down the line of conversation.
“So!” he said. “Anarchy!” 
Ranboo nodded along, tried not to be too weird (or well, weirder than he must already seem to them), and that was that.
Everything was freezing - his crystalized bed that felt more like ice than wool, his creaking, ramshackle roof with scatterings of icicles that dripped frost and cold, the way every muscle of his body felt like it was contracting into a ball of sharp diamond. 
Ranboo couldn’t complain, though. He had a place to live. He was welcome here, which was so much more than what he deserved after everything he’s done. 
He wasn’t going to freeze to death. Worse case scenario, he takes his blanket and hides under his bed. He’ll be fine. Fine.
His chattering teeth and rapidly shivering body certainly seemed to disagree with him. 
Ranboo tried to draw in a clattering breath. The winds picked up, slicing every exposed inch of skin with an unforgiving glacier.
At least it’s not snowing, he thought weakly. 
And then, through the screeching winds and enveloping blindness of night, he heard it. 
There’s something crunching, outside the fences that made up his home. Ranboo blinked slowly, wondering if he’s finally gone off the deep end. If that last tether to sanity which his mind so desperately clung to was finally slipping away, and this was the moment he succumbed to that relentless war of the mind, never to resurface again.
For a terrible, traitorous moment, Ranboo hoped that it was Phil or Techno, here to invite him into their house of warmth, a sign of friendship or at least care, after he’d been invited into their anarchist group (which wasn’t taking sides, they just didn’t want to be ruled, was that so bad?).
“Not much of a house, is it?”
And like an arrow to his heart, that hope was promptly smashed to pieces.
“Shut up” Ranboo gritted out to the figure that was no doubt leering over him with that stupid smily mask and stupid smug voice. “You’re just jealous you don’t even have one.”
His mind scrambled around desperately as he suppressed a terrified scream. Is this his mind again? But that voice doesn’t show up outside the panic room, or does it? What does he know, really? 
Was this actually Dream, here to kill him? To take revenge on for destroying the community house? Ranboo couldn’t bring himself to drag his face away from the swath of blankets that he was clinging to, but he could hear the whine of the fence gates swinging. Something snapping shut in place. 
Dream was definitely here, unless Ranboo had, indeed, well and truly lost it. Which was a likely possibility. 
Dream, what was Dream doing all the way out here? And why now, of all times, did Ranboo decide to finally grow a spine? 
Well, either he was hallucinating big time, or Dream was here to kill him. Either way, it’s not like anything he did will matter. 
“I have a house,” Dream said, sounding mildly affronted. “Now, this pathetic excuse of a cattle pen certainly can’t be called one.”
“Just shut up and kill me already, Dream,” Ranboo yelled. His voice was muffled and thrown about by the wind, but it echoed through his bones nonetheless, and this was gratifying in some horrifying way because either way it’s not like what he’ll say will make any difference. “What, are you here to finally gloat over me too? Found a different target than Tommy, huh? Just can’t find a better use of your time than torturing teenagers-”
“What? Woah, I am not Dream,” Dream said, and Ranboo took a moment to process this information. 
He finally looks up, squinting through the darkness and the biting way the winds attacked his eyes. 
The person that had his arms cross in front of him looked like a carbon copy of Dream, only with a pale blue hoodie instead of the usual lime green one.
“Just because you’ve put on a different outfit doesn’t mean you’ve changed who you are,” Ranboo snapped through chatters. “Fuck off or kill me, Dream. You’re not fooling anyone.”
“I told you, I’m not Dream,” was the reply. “Check your communicator.”
Ranboo, slowly, drew out the device and glanced at the pale, glowing screen. 
DreamXD whispers to you: I’m here.
“Really reassuring,” Ranboo said.
“Aren’t you supposed to be one of the nice ones?” ‘DreamXD’ asked. “I thought you had manners, or something like that.”
“Since when have manners ever helped me?” Ranboo bites, suddenly feeling something sullen draw his stomach down. Bittering clung to every word. “It’s like nothing around here gets done without violence.”
“That’s not my problem.” DreamXD made some shrugging motion, slowly turning his shoulders in an unsteady fashion like he was just getting used to moving his body. “I’m just here to...”
Ranboo flinched as a glimmering stick appeared in DreamXD’s hand. He recognized the telltale sheen of glowing enchantments, but that shouldn't be possible because you can’t enchant sticks. 
Dream, or DreamXD, or Not Dream, whatever the fuck he was - waved his glowing stick above him in what Ranboo assumed was supposed to be a menacing manner. He looked mostly like a deranged serial killer, which was, concerningly, also an apt description for the actual Dream. 
“I need to make an alteration to your book,” he said. “Hand it over.”
Ranboo stared at him for a long, drawn moment. His mind was blank, unresponsive, why would he want the memory book-
And then, his memory book was in the other entity’s hands, and Ranboo began yelling again.
“Give it back!” He lunged forward, but DreamXD teleported to the side and slammed his fist down on Ranboo’s back. He hit a faceful of snow and dirt, and a pained whine escaped his throat as the heel of a boot dug into his neck. 
Everything hurt. His back is now throbbing. Ranboo suppressed a sob as he heard the telltale sound of pages flapping wildly in the wind - and then the sound of ripping paper, grating against every bone of his body. 
Again - no, this couldn’t be happening again, why is this happening again, he was so careful and he hadn’t done anything and surely he had been good this time, hadn’t he?
His mind only just seemed to process what was happening. His memory book - his memory - was being stolen, torn, violated yet again and this time Ranboo could do nothing but listen and cry into the cold, gritty dirt while his neck is on the verge of snapping and what did he do?
He just wanted peace. He just wanted to be loved - not even loved, to just be left alone. To live without constant fear of pain or death or someone destroying everything he held dear. Was that so much to ask for?
Yes, a part of his mind whispered. You blew up the community house. You betrayed L’Manberg. You didn’t even have the spine to tell Techno and Phil, your new allies, what the end portal is. They welcome you onto their land and group and you repay them with more hidden secrets? How else will you betray everyone?
Everything part of him was burning. Ranboo wanted to slice and strip off all his skin, to submerge himself in freezing cold water and close his eyes and not have to worry about any of this anymore and why did he want all of that so much-
“There we go,” the voice above him suddenly said, and Ranboo made a choked noise as something hard kicked deep into his side. He tumbled across the floor with a few soft crunches before going limp, body splayed at unnatural angles that twisted knots around all his muscles. His throat felt more parched than desert sands, scraped raw and bloody. 
Something thudded in front of him, and Ranboo somehow had the strength to claw himself over through a filmy, blotched vision and drag his memory book back into his embrace. There were pages missing, ripped from the spine in jagged chunks like an unfinished puzzle shredded apart from frustration.
He choked again as a hand closed around his neck and dragged him up and something sharp and flaming jabbed into his chest. 
A coarse sleeve muffled his wailing scream. 
This pain was worse, so much worse, worse than the wither skulls and being dunked in water and all the stabs and slices he’s ever endured combined, his insides were burning and burning and on fire and covered in lava and Ranboo thought for a few fleeting moment that he would combust into sheer nothingness and he wanted to forget, forget why am I still here forget everything please I don’t want to be here-
“There we go,” the voice, that Dream voice, said, and it sounded so sickeningly like Dream but also not at all, because whereas Dream‘s voice always held a demeaning smugness about him this one had nothing but cold indifference, and Ranboo wasn’t sure which was worse but he couldn’t focus to think anyway because his entire world was red and white and burning and what the fuck was that stick enchanted with-
At some point, the pressure stopped. It faded away increments, and all Ranboo could comprehend was that eventually, as his mind flopped away from the shelter of nothingness, he was on the ground again and Dream was above him and everything was horribly, horribly silent. 
Why, he wanted to scream again to the howling winds, but his throat was spent and dead and he couldn’t move or do anything except lie there and spasm erratically like a dying animal with its guts already pooling across the stiff, blue grass. 
What did I do why is this happening please I’m so sorry I’m so sorry it’s all my fault please stop I don’t want to die-
“Let this be a warning,” the voice said in a smooth, terribly indifferent way. “If you write down what happened here, or about that end portal, I assure you that things will get much, much worse. And if you tell anyone, anyone else even a hint of what that portal is-”
Ranboo couldn’t even flinch as something cold pressed against his throat, as much as his mind leaped at the feeling. 
“I guarantee you will never see the light of day again.”
Was this what it had all been about? The portal? That he was being punished for his origins after all, for having the - the knowledge itself? For having the power to utilize it, even if he never would? 
“You really are Dream, aren’t you,” Ranboo rasped. He creaked his neck up to stare blankly into that pearly white mask. Every part of him, from his screaming body to his scattered, twisting thoughts felt weighted with magma, smoldering in its own ruins. 
Dream shrugged, a bit faster this time, and disappeared in a shower of flaking purple particles that drifted around like the snow that had, during some part of all this, began to fall. 
His eyes stung. His entire face was covered in tears, sharp daggers flicking the skin across with every movement. Ranboo couldn’t bring himself to care. He cradled his cold, crumpled memory book to his chest and knew that, as much as he hoped it was, this was not just a nightmare. Not in a world like this.
Read on Ao3 here.
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fire-mage-719 · 3 years
I made a little story for FireMage the character in @fazbear-ent-official 's FNAF RP blog, pertaining to the type of stuff I think would fit what I want from their character. It's pretty long so I'll leave it below the cut.
I just sort of sat down and wrote something out in an hour or two, so there's probably a few mistakes or something. Above all I wanted to make it work with what everyone's done with the "universe" so far but also make it work (as someone who likes timelines and stories that makes sense).
I'm going to reblog it with a TLDR, and a sort of explanation as to my thought process and how it can work with everything. Doesn't have to be canon in the RP, but I think it might open up more RP opprotunities/paths or something. IDK, I haven't done this sort of thing before. Anyways enjoy.
William sighed before he left the building. The sound of arcade machines, a distant song, and children echoing in the short distance behind him. Exiting the dark building, he shielded his eyes and squinted as he was suddenly bashed by the intense sunlight.
It was a glorious and sunny day. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, the blue expanse cradling the unwieldy and bright sun. The building, his establishment, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, blocked out all the lights for bright neon signs and shiny decor and moving party lights. The outside was a stark contrast.
Beyond just the sight was the smell. Inside smelled like pizza and soda, candies with enough sugar content to kill anyone in a nursing home, and a tinge of childly stench. Out here it smelled like fire, smoke, and meat. Not just any meat, but good barbecued hotdogs and hamburgers, a steak maybe, a pork rib, William couldn’t tell anymore, really. It was just savory and honestly, a very good palate cleanser to the rubbish that they sold inside.
Manning the grill was a tall figure. They wore an astronaut suit, pale white, with no flags or logos. No NASA logo, no indication that they had ever been to space, and in the end, it didn’t particularly matter. No one seemed to really mind, William the least. Especially with the reason that he hired them for. Though they did intently wish for two more additions to their apparel: a Freddy Fazbear branded apron and a nametag that read “FireMage”.
“Fire, I need you to do what I hired you for,” William sighed, his arm still shielding his eyes from the sun. “Not whatever you’ve got setup here.”
“All due respect sir, someone came in with a t-bone and said they’d pay me more than you would in a week to cook it,” The astronaut said.
The astronaut turned away from the grill, pointing the burger flipper at William.
“A week, boss. Like, rich white ladies are nuts, but money is money,” Fire said, turning back to the grill and plating a few burgers. “Besides, you’ve got a lot more business lately, despite all your goings on. I would like to think it’s thanks to me.”
William grimaced as Fire took the last burger off the grill and onto a bun. William’s eyes were focused on the t-bone that the astronaut mentioned until Fire had closed the grill.
“Besides, I take care of whatever you ask no matter what,” Fire said, turning to look at William.
It was slightly concerning, not being able to look them in the eyes. Even with the animatronics, William was able to look into the glassy fake orbs, but the visor to Fire’s helmet blocked anything but William’s own reflection. Used to the light now, William watched his mirror image let his arm down.
“If you can even remember what that initially was for,” Fire continued, leaning against the grill.
William went to open his mouth, but shut it. He couldn’t remember.
“Is it that you can’t remember, or that you haven’t been made to remember yet?” Fire asked.
William snapped, “Don’t do that. Just… go in and do what I asked, yeah?”
William turned for the handle of the door. Fire was arguably one of the easiest of his employees to deal with. Casual, respectable, and above all somehow able to get away with an odd amount of things, Fire was… one of the least suspicious people at any establishment. Whichever establishment that Afton was at, they seemed to be there. No one minded the obviously fake name, the obviously out of the ordinary outfit, and the odd comments that seemed to slip beyond most peoples’ notice.
“Mr. Afton, I have to ask, what’s up with the sudden influx of employees?” Fire retorted.
William paused and looked back, not angry, but a bit annoyed.
“I don’t know. Must have been Henry or Willow. They’re in charge of new employees.”
“Besides me,” Fire chirped.
William smiled, a bit sarcastically, “Yes. Besides you.”
“I would say that they act oddly in regards to the establishment, wouldn’t you agree?”
Fire started to approach William Afton, and though William knew that Fire wouldn’t do anything, he let go of the door knob and turned to meet their gaze… or as much of a gaze that they could have. Fire stopped a few feet away, and William let himself relax, not realizing the tension he had in his jaw.
“I mean… yes. They do seem odd. That’s nothing too out of the ordinary,” William said back in a neutral tone.
“And there’s that new establishment even, the what…” Fire rested one of their hands on their hip, snapping with the other for a few moments before it clicked. “The Pizza-plex!”
William’s brows came together in confusion, he himself not knowing quite what they were getting at.
“What do you mean? What’s wrong with it?”
“Well, can’t you see? We shouldn’t be anywhere near the Pizza-plex yet!” Fire said exasperated. “We have a location with Toy Animatronics, with the Original Gang, we have the Funtime animatronics hanging out somewhere, none of this aligns!”
William sighed, looking up to the blue sky. If he just waited them out, they would be done, and he could go back inside. They weren’t even wasting time, since no one would interfere with what Fire was meant to do anyways.
“I don’t get what you mean,” He let his head drop to look down at Fire.
His heart skipped a beat when William saw Fire in front of him, grabbing his upper arms, holding him in place.
“Everything is wrong! I thought that something was off when I first got here, but now everything is wrong! All these things existing at once don’t coincide with the story at all!” Fire said. “None of the characters are in the right places! None of the events! The employees that appeared out of nowhere, they’re a part of this somehow!”
“Look, let me go,” William said, not struggling too much to let the astronaut let go of his arms. “I get it, you only agreed to work and do my odd jobs because… well…”
“You don’t remember how I got here, Afton,” Fire said, voice stale and monotone.
“I mean yeah, ok, I don’t!” William exclaimed. “Something is going on! I get it! But I don’t get what’s the deal! That hasn’t been an issue before. Sure! We got some weird employees! That one person with the rats, and that one person who got “adopted by Mr. Hippo”, and the one who started a wrestling ring, but that’s nothing huge!”
“But nothing has changed, yet,” Fire said. “The days go in and out, funky little things happen. But nothing moves forward. The days keep coming. The sun shines. You come out here and ask me to step away from my precious grill and clean up one of your little messes… that you don’t seem to be getting caught or suspicion for, despite the fact that it seems to be well known that Freddy’s is at least a slightly sketchy place.”
“Business is booming!” Afton sighed.
“Exactly!” Fire shouted. “It shouldn’t be!”
“What are you saying? I’m doomed to fail?” William laughed.
“In more ways than one,” Fire said plainly.
William didn’t like that statement, and glared at the astronaut. Fire walked forward, up to Afton.
“You and I can’t remember anything, but out of everyone, we seem to understand that there’s more than meets the eye going on. We’re stuck here, until something happens in this broken universe,” Fire said, inches from Afton, looking down on the man.
“Alright then. And what are we supposed to do about it?” Afton asked.
“Nothing. We can’t do anything. We’re nothing more than perversion, an offshoot of some original universe.”
“What are we waiting for, then?” Afton said, aggravated. “All the weird kids to go away? For me to finish my plans?”
“We’re waiting for the story to continue, of course,” Fire turned away.
They walked back to the grill, where sitting propped up next to it was a flamethrower. Dangerous to have next to a grill, to say the least, but William Afton never saw the astronaut without their flamethrower close by.
“There’s got to be some bigger plot point coming along. Something to move us all forward. We have to be going somewhere, but maybe it isn’t out yet. Whatever was going to come next, after Ultimate Custom Night. Before I got here,” Fire continued, returning to Afton.
“You’re making even less sense now,” Afton said, looking with concern down at the flamethrower. “You make it sound like, I don’t know, we’re just waiting for God to come roll the dice and choose what comes next.”
“Not God,” Fire said.
They looked away from Afton. Past him. Past the road. Past the buildings. Past the blue skies. Into the eyes of someone, into the eyes of you.
“No, someone else,” Fire returned their gaze to William. “That’s the only thing that makes sense. That everyone here is a puppet, or a pawn, of some sort. They know who you are, they know what you do, and they might know who each other are. They’re making a story, here, and it’s leading somewhere. Too many things don’t line up with what I know is true, and even the mysteries I don’t aren’t explained.”
William just stopped at that point. He was wondering if they had waited too long, and the cleanup would be harder. Though, he thought, it wasn’t his job to clean up.
“There isn’t anything beyond the locations. There’s nothing more than the world that revolves around you and Henry and the employees,” Fire poked William in the chest. “And the world never moves on. When did you make the Pizza-plex? Don’t answer, I know you don’t know. Why didn’t you shut down the Toy location? Don’t think about it? Here’s an important question, William Afton, how are the kids?”
William would have snapped. Would have grabbed Fire by the apron and strangled them with it. He was angry, but he didn’t know why. He was also sad. Afton stumbled backwards, into the wall. He didn’t know how he felt, it was a cacophony of emotions like an echochamber of butterflies eating at his insides. He looked up at Fire, who just looked down.
“We’re all waiting for them to continue the plot, Mr. Afton. And until they do, you and I are stuck in this little world. And unfortunately, knowing we’re in it, means we’re never escaping it,” Fire kneeled down, their voice soft. “I knew even before I came here about what you were up to. Your employees and coworkers don’t know what’s going on, but they’re too comfy with the nature of this place. I don’t particularly care about what you do, because according to the story, you are meant to complete these tasks.”
Fire offered their free hand to Afton. He looked at it, confused but accepting it nonetheless.
“Until the REAL story ends… and this place ends too… I’m here to make sure you achieve whatever it is to finish it properly.”
“What, like a little henchman?” Afton scoffed as Fire pulled the man to his feet.
“No, more like…” Fire considered for a bit, trying to hold their gaze on Afton and not pull past him, past the world. “More like plot armor.”
“For no other purpose than continuing some story?” Afton continued.
“For finishing the story.”
Fire turned their head to the door, as if they heard something. They slung the flamethrower over their back and walked over to the grill. They closed up the burgers, and opened the lid to the grill. The sizzling meat’s smell wafted over Afton, calming him a bit. Fire flipped it before lowering the lid, and turning to Afton.
“Mr. Afton I hope you remember, in the future, the real reason you hired me. How you got to this point. I hope the story becomes concise for you, because as someone who also does not remember their past… or how the story works… I know it is painful,” Fire picked up the burgers. “Above all, since only you and I seem to notice that something is up, we need to be there when one of us remembers something. Because most likely, it’s not us remembering, it’s us being told to remember.”
“Being told to remember?” Afton questioned, before regretting it. “You know what? Enough. I don’t know how we even GOT this far into whatever crazy conversation this is.”
“Me neither,” Fire shrugged. “It’s something seems to drive the plot of the universe it seems.”
Fire stopped and looked at the door. As they did, it opened. It was Willow, one of three people that Fire referred to as “boss”.
“You have that steak done?” Willow asked.
“Nope, got the burgers though,” Fire motioned by raising them up. “Boss-man Afton here and I were just chatting it up.”
“Alrighty, hurry it up on that steak if you can. And if you don’t mind, William, one of the animatronics is acting up and we need you to look at it. Something about smelling bad as well,” Willow said.
Fire looked at William, whose demeanor changed. He suddenly had a kind smile on, and seemed as if he didn’t have an oddly meta conversation.
“Of course. You go Willow, I’ll get the door for Fire.”
Willow nodded and left, letting the door close behind them.
William looked at Fire with a raised brow. Fire nodded to the door.
“You gonna get that?”
Afton rolled his eyes and opened the door. He went inside, holding it open as Fire walked through. Once Fire entered the dark corridor of the poorly lit building, crossing the threshold, they stopped. They turned their head and moved their body to look back out the door.
Once again they stared at nothing. But was looking right at you.
That is, until the back door to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza slammed shut.
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Cabin Fever
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Jesse Katsopolis x Reader
Words: 1853
Summary: The Tanner’s are on vacation at a Ski Lodge in the mountains. Everything is fine until a snowstorm traps the family in their cabin. When Jesse’s wife, the reader, starts acting strangely, the rest of the family is determined to find out what the problem is. 
Notes: All the Full House things!
You fell back against the bathroom wall, breathing heavily. While the rest of the family spent the morning getting breakfast at the main lodge, you’d spent it with your head in a toilet. You’d told Jesse that you had a headache, but soon it would be harder to hide the morning sickness. You still hadn't told anyone that you were pregnant. 
It’s not that you weren’t happy. You were over the moon to be having a baby. The problem was that you had no idea how your husband would react. Jesse was finally at a good place with his band and a fussing baby didn’t exactly warrant rock and roll. You’d barely even been married for a year and now everything was going to change. How could you tell him?
“Aunt Y/N, we’re back!” DJ greeted, stomping the snow off her boots. You quickly washed off and put on your family-friendly smile as the rest of your nieces came inside. 
“I brought you a muffin.” Stephanie grinned, handing you a muffin that had several chunks missing. She smiled sheepishly. “It looked really good.” 
“Hey babe,” Jesse put an arm around your shoulders and kissed your cheek. “How are you feeling?” You convinced him with a smile. 
“Better.” You ignored the churning in your stomach and the family decided to play Go-Fish around the fireplace. Of course, Michelle tended to cheat, hiding cards behind her back, but none of you said anything. The cabin phone rang and Danny went to answer it. 
“So at breakfast, I met this boy- total babe- and he made me a cup of hot chocolate.” DJ gushed. 
“Must be love.” You laughed, taking her queen of spades. Danny came back with a grim look. 
“That was the main cabin,” He began, “due to the snowstorm moving in, all of the roads out of the park are closed. And they advise everyone to stay in their cabins until the storm blows over.” The girls definitely weren’t disturbed by the news. In fact, they were excited to get to stay for another few days. But you just felt even sicker. How many days could you hide when everyone was stuck in that cabin together? 
The rest of the morning continued without any spells of illness. You just felt awful about keeping something so important a secret. You had to figure out how to tell him. Jesse hummed to himself as you lay on the bed, reading one of the books you found in the cabin bookshelf. He drummed his fingers on the window sill, watching the snow wildly blow through the air. 
“Man, we’re going to be stuck here for a while.” He sighed, flopping back onto the bed at your feet. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” 
“Hmm?” You looked up from the page you weren’t really reading anyway. 
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” He repeated, placing a hand on yours. “You feel cold.” He shifted up so he was sitting beside you, wrapping a blanket around the two of you. 
“I’m okay, Jess, I promise.” You laughed nervously, laying your head on his shoulder. You curled your legs up underneath you and wrapped your arms around his middle. His shirt smelled like coffee from when he spilled on himself that morning. You felt your worries melt away, at least for a little while. 
Your relationship with Jesse was definitely not “love at first sight”. In fact, you had been the lead singer in a band competing against Jesse and the Rippers for a gig. You were engaged to the bass player and had blue streaks in your hair. Jesse and the Rippers ended up getting the job and your fiance spray painted your band’s logo on their drums for revenge. He also slept with four different groupies that week. After that, your hair was normal and your band broke up, along with your engagement. Jesse found you in a drunken pity party one night and gave you a ride back to your apartment. The rest is history. 
How different your life could have gone. If you had told your old fiance that you were pregnant while you were still part of the band, he would have done far worse things than leave you. Not that Jesse would ever hurt you… but having that paranoia didn’t go away. Your eyelids started to droop and from the sound of Jesse’s steady breathing, he had fallen asleep. Why were you so scared? He’s your husband for gods’ sake. 
You slowly got up from the bed, careful not to wake him up. You went into the cabin’s unbelievably small kitchen, where Danny was making grilled cheese for Michelle. 
“Hey,” He greeted merrily, “Do you want one?” The smell alone made your very empty stomach growl. He must have been able to tell by your expression and started to butter another piece of bread. “You look a little pale, are you feeling okay?” 
“Do I really look that bad?” You laughed uncomfortably. 
“Jesse said that you weren’t feeling well this morning, and I hope that you’re feeling better. We don’t want everyone getting sick while we’re stuck here.” 
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that.” You muttered to yourself. He set the golden-brown sandwiches down in front of you and your niece. As soon as the food reached your lips, you felt your stomach turn violently. You stood up abruptly. “Excuse me.” 
You ran to the nearest bathroom and fell to your knees, throwing up the few bites you had been able to eat. 
“Michelle, stay here.” Danny said, knocking on the bathroom door. “Y/N?” When you were finished, you weakly stood and opened the door. “What’s going on? Are you okay?” 
“Danny…” You sighed. “I’m pregnant.” 
“Oh.” His eyes went wide and he nodded with understanding. 
“Aunt Y/N is going to have a baby?” Michelle exclaimed from behind her father’s legs. 
“Shhhh!” You whispered. “Michelle, I haven’t told your Uncle Jesse yet.” 
“I can keep a secret.” She grinned. You blew out a long breath. 
“I’m in trouble.” 
Two more days past and the snowstorm continued. No one had left the cabin and you were running out of firewood. The adults drew straws to see who would go to the main lodge to pick some up. Following in your bad luck, you drew the shortest straw. 
“We’ll go together,” Jesse stated with a shrug. “It doesn’t look too bad this morning.” 
“I honestly don’t mind going,” Danny said quickly, giving you a concerned look. 
“I’m sure we’ll be fine.” You gave him a warning look back. So far, you had been able to keep Michelle quiet about the pregnancy. You were going to tell him. You just had to figure out the right moment. 
The two of you grabbed your coats and boots and bundled up before heading out into the snow. The wind blew harder than you thought, making it difficult to see even a few feet in front of you. You locked hands with your husband and trudged through the drifts. The main lodge was only about a five-minute walk away from the cabin, but the further you walked, the more it felt like an hour. 
“I think we’re almost there!” Jesse shouted over the roaring wind. Your hand fell from his and lifted up to your head. 
“Not now.” You whined, falling back into a snowbank. The past few days were bad, but this felt different.  It was as if the nausea was on steroids. 
“Babe?” Jesse suddenly noticed his empty hand and started to panic. “Y/N, where are you?” He couldn’t see anything through the blizzard. 
“I’m over here.” You groaned. 
“Sweetheart, where are you?” He searched until he saw the bright red of your scarf. “What is it? What’s wrong.” 
“I just need to get inside.” He helped you stand up again and rushed into the lodge, calling over one of the workers to grab you a blanket. He sat you down on one of the big leather couches in front of the fire, rubbing your hands in between his to warm them up. 
“What the hell happened out there?” He asked, moving his hand to move the hair out of your face. His blue eyes were frantic, quickly draping the blanket over your shoulders. 
“I’m okay, Jess,” You assured him, but another wave of nausea made it feel like your insides wanted to become your outsides. 
“Cut the crap.” Any sternness in his voice only came from how much you scared him. “You’ve been feeling sick ever since we got here. Is it just a fluke, or is this something we should be worried about?” 
“I mean… it’s definitely not a fluke.” The sickness started to subside and you smiled. “Jesse, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” Now he looked even more worried. “It’s okay.”
“Well you’re starting to freak me out here,” He exclaimed, moving to sit next to you. 
“Jesse, I’m-” 
Suddenly, everyone else in the family burst through the doors, Joey and Danny clearly out of breath from chasing the girls. 
“Michelle told us and we just couldn’t wait for you to come back!” Stephanie squealed. 
“Besides, I thought I saw you fall and we had to make sure you were okay.” DJ added. “I’m really happy for you too.” 
“I really tried to stop them, Y/N.” Danny grimaced. “And don’t either of you ever run out into a snow storm like that again.” DJ shrugged. 
“It’s starting to die down.” 
“Would someone mind telling me what’s going on!” Jesse shouted over the commotion. Everyone froze. 
“You don’t know?” Stephanie’s jaw dropped. 
“I haven’t had the chance to tell him.” You said through a gritted smile. 
“Tell me what?” Jesse exclaimed again. You took his hand and tried to force down the butterflies. 
“Jesse, I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you. With your music going so well, I wasn’t sure how you would react, but you’re going to find out sooner or later.” You laughed nervously. “Jess… I’m pregnant.” 
The room fell into complete silence. You could almost hear the snow falling. 
“Y-you’re… you’re… we’re going to have a-” Jesse fell back against the couch. Your heart was pounding. He was upset. 
“I know that this gets in the way of the band and that it’s sooner than we thought-” He kissed you before you could finish and the family cheered. 
“Gets in the way?” He shook his head, a smile spreading across his face. “How could you think that?”
“So you’re happy?” You sighed with relief. 
“Happy?” He laughed. “Are you kidding? I’m over the moon!” He jumped off the couch and lifted you up, spinning around and making you laugh. 
“Congratulations guys.” Joey beamed. 
With grins on all faces, everyone headed back to the cabin where you waited out the rest of the snowstorm. It raged on for another night, but with a wonderful husband to keep you warm and the best nieces in the world to make you laugh, you didn’t have to worry about getting cabin fever.
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Not So Perfect Sister Part 2 (Final Part)
Part 1
Pairing: Sirius Black x potter!reader
Word Count: 3,235
Warnings: Mentions of neglect, Mentions of sexual harassment, Swearing, yelling, Angsty
Summary: Reader returns to house to confront her parents and brother.
A/n: Ngl this part isnt as good as the first in my opinion. But whatever. I hope you guys like it!
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You felt the light buzz of alcohol in your chest. You could hear crickets chirping quietly, the dull thud of your head following their rhythm. You took in a deep breath, letting it out, its steamy fog disappearing into the cool night air. You licked your lips, they tasted of vodka and blood. Your heart hammered in you chest uncomfortably. You wanted to turn and run. You would much rather fly than fight. 
You then felt a warm grip fall around your hand. Its heat flowing up your arm and spreading through your body like water slowly trickling through a stream bed. 
You turned and locked your gaze into the stormy skies you considered more of a home than the one you stood in front of. You watched as Sirius' eyes dragged slowly over you. 
You were bathed in the yellow light, making your bloodshot y/e/c eyes shine, their rims red and puffy. Your lip was split open, still raw and brilliantly red. Your hands were bloodied, pebbles still lodged painfully beneath your y/s/c skin. Your left cheek was red turning purple, the palm of a hand struck there in anger. Your y/h/c hair was knotted and windblown, stained wet from tears and sweat. Your clothes wrinkled, the occasional smear of blood or dirt dotting your green t-shirt. A leather jacket that didn't belong to your draped over you. Your feet were bare besides a baby blue ankle sock on your left foot a purple one on your right, both were soaking wet, midnight dew soaking through their thin fabric.  
Yet you stood tall, your eyes turning back to the prison you called home, they narrowed with determination, darkened with rage. Your lips drew into a thin line, jaw tightening. Sirius sympathized for who ever you decided to lock eyes with next, you looked simply dangerous. 
He felt your hand tightened once more around his, the scratches pressing firmly into his palm. When you dropped it, he could still feel the warmth of blood linger there. 
He watched you climb the porch steps. Your actions weren't hesitant or careful. Instead they were firm and confident. You knew what you were doing and you weren't afraid. Not anymore. Each step you took left behind a wet footprint, staining the wood of the porch dark. 
You didn't hesitate at the door, not even for a second. You ignored every single thing in your body telling you to turn around and run back into the musky scent of alcohol and smoke. You needed to do this alone. No one could fix this but you. 
When you opened the door you were washed with a wave of warmth, the scent of a dinner you never ate still lingering in the air. You walked through the mudroom and into the living room. 
You were met with four pairs of eyes, each seeming to show a different emotion. Guilt flashed through all of them as they looked you over but only in one pair did it stay. The other three were replaced by anger, disappointment and fear. 
"Oh Merlin y/n." James gushed rushing towards you, one of his shameful eyes darkened to a bruised purple. 
You involuntarily flinched away from him, giving him a full view of the darkening red mark he left behind from your last meeting. 
He stopped dead in his tracks his eyes brimming with tears, "Oh my god." His voice was choked and broken. "I did that?" Tears slowly dripped from his eyes sliding smoothly down his cheeks. 
Only then did you see your parents eyes falter. They faded into sadness when they looked upon James. 
How could they? How could they feel sorry for him? When you stood broken before them? They grew angry but James gets upset because HE hit YOU and they felt sorry for him? 
"Yeah, yeah you did." You spat at your brother before pushing past him to stand in front of your parents whom to your disgust, almost looked bored. As if they were watching some unentertaining movie. 
You waited for a second, eyes flicking back and forth between the two adults seated on the couch. You wanted them to say something. Anything. Asking if you were okay or what happened to you. Even some half assed apology. But they stayed silent, relaxed. As if they were waiting for you to bore them with some meaningless lecture. 
"Do you even care?" You asked your voice broken and disgusted. 
The room fell deathly silent. Your father opened his mouth but you cut him off. 
"You know what don't answer. I'll do it for you." Your eyes pricked with tears wanting to spring from your eyes. "No. No you don't." 
"Of course we do." Your mother spoke harshly, "Don't you dare disrespect us. We have taken care of you your whole life you have no right." 
"Ok mom." You chucked, "If you care so much and you have done so much for me, can you tell me what position I play in quidditch?" 
Both of your parents went silent. 
"The postion I've been playing since second fuckung year." You glowered at them.
They glance at each other expecting the other to answer.
"What about James." 
"You know his right?" 
"Oh right of course you do. Because his fucking point scored per game is ON THE REFRIGERATOR!" you could feel the hot tears seep down your face. 
"I'm a keeper by the way." You spat. "You've watched me save hundreds of goals. You've watched me block James shots for Godric's sake!" 
Your mother looked down at her hands. You father at the wall. 
"But you don't see your daughter do you? You don't see me saving those goals. You just see another green uniform getting in the way of your precious little boys game." 
"Y/n, we're sorry we don't cheer for you, it's just easier for us to cheer for the house we were apart of." You father explained as if it was obvious. 
"I'm sure it's so much easier for you to boo your daughter right. So easy to brush her off because of the color she's wearing." You wiped furiously at your tears.
"This is a lot of fuss over a few quidditch games " you mother scoffed.
"You think this is just quidditch games?" You seethed. 
You watched as she shrunk away from you, "You don't know a damn thing about me!" 
Once again your father opened his mouth to speak. 
"You don't!" You fired at him before he could even ask the question. "You don't know who my friends are, you don't know the name of my owl, you don't know my ex-boyfriends name. You-" 
"You had a boyfriend?"
You rubbed your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose. "We dated for a year and a half. "
You watched your parents cringe.
"I bet you can't even tell me my favorite color." You scoffed. 
"That's easy, green" your father stated triumphantly. 
"I wish you were kidding." You muttered.
They cringed again. 
"Its y/f/c. It's been y/f/c since I was seven years old." 
"Y/n I'm sorry we don't pay attention to a few things in your life. We are very busy." Your father argued.
"You know all of that shit about James." You snapped. 
You turned so that you were facing both your parents and James whose eyes were now red rimmed and glassy. 
"I have a question for all of you." 
James snapped his attention to you. Lily who sat next to him, her arm wrapped him looked at you with pity, making you want to slap her so much more. 
"Do you know what happened to me in third year?" 
James shook his head solemnly. Your parents looking anywhere but you. 
"When I was in third year I was felt up by a sixth year." James looked like you just slapped him. "He thought that because I was wearing a crop top he could stick his hand up my shirt and pin me up against a wall." 
The room was dead silent. Sirius who had been standing in the corner of the room went pale. James began to sob again. Lily's mouth dropped. You moms eyes went glassy as your father went beat red. 
"None of you noticed." You cried voice breaking, "I wore nothing but long sleeves and oversized sweatshirts all of my third year because of it and none of you even cared!" Sobs began to wreck your body. You tried to speak but nothing but it was like someone had lodged an egg carton down your throat. 
Sirius still pale as a ghost took you quickly into his arms. 
"I'm so sorry." He whispered into your hair, "I'm so so sorry." 
You looked up at him and everything else fell away. His grey eyes glassy, his dark hair framing his unfairly handsome face, his cheeks were pale and he looked like he wanted to throw up.
 "It's not your fault." You murmured, you wrapped your hand around his neck pulling him into a soft kiss. 
"What the fuck!?" You instantly broke apart to see James, tears still sliding peacefully down his cheeks. His mouth dropped open and his bloodshot eyes wide with surprise. 
"None of your business James." You seethed. 
"I think it is my business! My sister and my best friend just kissed!" He hollered, standing and advancing towards you. "You're going to ruin my friendship!" 
You stepped towards your brother your hands shaking with rage. "This is what I mean!" You shouted, "You are selfish James!" 
"How am I possibly being selfish!" He shot back furiously. 
"You don't care about me! All you care about is your friendship! Your friend! YOURSELF! You don't give two shits about what's happening with me all you care about is your perfect little life being ruined by your not so perfect sister." Your voice was now lowered to a hiss as spoke.
James anger flashed in his eyes again and he took a step toward you, but this time you didn't flinch. 
"What?" You spat, "You gonna hit me again?" You challenged darkly. 
Shame flashed through him and suddenly it hit him. He almost stumbled at the force of the facts that suddenly became so real to him. He was selfish. He was an asshole. He ignored his sister for years simply because of the color of her robes. He had looked at her with disgust and anger simply because she was ambitious and cunning. He only cared for himself and his perfect life. He could suddenly see every time he blew you off, everytime he side stepped you or glowered at you as you did nothing but exist. 
"Oh my god." He whispered, his voice shaky. 
"I'm done with this damn family." You scoffed, "You're all selfish and rude. You all think your so much better than those stick up their ass purebloods but deep down your no better than them, because all you do is ignore and neglect those who are different than you and it's revolting." You turned to look at your parents, "All I ever wanted was a mom and a dad, but since the day that hat was placed on my head you couldn't see anything but a goddamn traitor." Your eyesight blurred and with that you began to walk for the door. 
But you were stopped, not by James or your parents but a pair of soft grey eyes. 
"Y/n/n, you can't." Sirius sighed. "You know you can't, just give them a chance." 
"I gave them thousands of chances." You muttered back attempting to shoulder past him but he held his ground. 
Sirius opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the sharp voice of your mother. 
"The fact that you think you have the right to call us as foul as families who would cast out their own son is what is repulsive young lady! If you truly believe that then by all means walk out that door!" 
You turned ready to unleash hell on to the women but were surprised when your brother stepped in front of you. 
"No mom!" He yelled, "Shes right!" 
Your mother stumbled backwards, her eyes going wide, "James?" She questioned softly as if she had just found out that he had done some unspeakable act. 
"Mom. You may not have physically cast her from the family but you just threatened to. And we have all neglected her since she was eleven as well." James paused taking a breath as your mother slumped back onto the couch. 
"We may not have used a torturing curse on her but for Godric's sake I just slapped her and we have mentally tortured her for years! Can you please get off your high horse for just a second and realize that maybe you and dad aren't as perfect as you seem to believe you are?!" 
The silence that followed was suffocating as you watched you mother process the information she had just been given. Slowly but surely reality began to seep through her skull and she looked up from her hands with guilt in her eyes. 
"I'm so sorry." She whispered, her voice breaking. Before she broke down to sobs and it took you a second to realize she was talking to you. 
Your eyes widened in surprise before narrowing once again and you turned on your heel but instead of heading straight for the door you stomped up the steps. Sirius sent a final glance around the room before following your actions. 
He walked into your room to see you lying on your back on the floor. Your eyes were trained on the white ceiling above your hands fiddling with the sleeve of his leather jacket. 
Sirius didn't ask questions, he simply lay next to you and slowly edged his hand over to yours, intertwining your fingers with his. 
You sat in silence for a few minutes hearing faint arguing bellow. 
"It took James." You finally spoke causing Siirus to turn his head towards you in question.
"It took James for her to realize that she might actually be wrong." You explained a tear sliding from your cheek like a raindrop set carefully against your y/s/c skin. 
"I know y/n." Sirius mumbled, "But at least she realized." 
"I know it just made me so mad that after everything she still won't listen to me." You winced feeling a sharp pain on you hand when Sirisu gripped it tightly. 
He immediately apologized having you situp as he fished for his wand. 
"Yeah it does suck." He agreed before muttering a spell over you hands as you felt the pebbles begin to slowly pull from your soft flesh. "But she needed someone like James agreeing with you to make her hear you. " 
You sighed, "Your probably right." You smiled softly up at him. 
"Of course I'm right," he smirked, "I'm Sirius Black." 
"God your an ass." You giggled as he pulled you towards him pressing his lips slowly on yours, his touch made you feel warm and fuzzy, you could feel his heartbeat quicken as you placed your hand lightly on his chest. 
There was a knock at the door, three soft wraps which you were sure had to be your mother's. Much to Sirius' dismay you pulled away standing to open the door. 
When you swung it open you were greeted by emerald green eyes and fiery red hair. Lily looked nervously at you probably expecting you to slam the door in her face, and the truth was you were tempted. 
"Yes Evans?" You asked feeling Sirius walk up next to you. 
"I think they need you down stairs." She said quietly. 
You glanced at Sirius who nodded, "Ok." You spoke hesitantly. 
You were about to leave when you suddenly stopped. 
She turned to face you expecting you to explode in her face. 
"Sorry about all this. And you can move your stuff into James room, Sirius can sleep in mine." 
She grinned back nodding and beginning to gather her stuff. 
"That is if you want to." You shrugged glancing at Sirius who seemed to be smirking down at you. 
"I thought you'd never ask." He taunted. 
"Neither did I" You huffed as you descended the stairs. 
You were greeted by you parents and James.  He stood carefully next to you facing your parents as well. And you suddenly realized it was no longer four against one. It was three against two. 
You stood in front of your parents waiting for them to speak. They seemed to be communicating back and forth with their eyes, raising and lowering their brows to for different expressions that you honestly couldn't quite read. 
Finally you cleared your throat loudly and you father sighed before turning to you and saying, "Y/n, we want to apologize." He paused looking down before sighing and continuing, "You were right about everything thing you said, and it wasn't fair for us to neglect you simply because you were different." 
The room once again dropped silent, all eyes on you. You could feel them boring into you like a woodpecker into wood. 
Finally your mother spoke, "Y/n, please forgive us, we are so sorry, it is terrible that it took us that long to see it but please give us another chance." She begged. Begging was not a pretty color on her. It seemed strange to see such a strong woman, who you had grown to see as cold-hearted, beg. 
You glanced around this room, eyes sticking on Sirius the longest. Eventually you let your y/e/c orbs travel back to your parents. 
You sighed, "Ok." And with that word everyone in the room let put a relieved sigh.
"So you forgive us then?" You father asked hopefully.
"Merlin's beard no." You scoffed back watching them deflate, "I'll give you a chance but I'm going to forgive you in four seconds for what you did to me for four years." 
They nodded understandingly and you let out a sigh, "I'm going to bed." You mumbled before retreating back up to your room but before you could make it up you were stopped by a hand grabbing your wrist. 
You instinctively spun around to be greeted with a pair of dark eyes.
"Thank you y/n/n." He whispered and for the first time since you were 11 your nickname slipped from his lips. 
You just nodded before turning to leave but his grip stayed firm. 
"What happened between Sirius and you?" He asked nervously, "Because I mean I'm not just asking as a friend, I'm asking as a big brother and I-" 
Your giggle cut him off, "We kissed James, tonight actually so honestly, I don't even know what happened." 
"Oh. Okay well, I just don't want you to get hurt, you know how he is." He mumbled awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as color tinged his cheeks. 
"Thank you James." You smiled giving his hand a squeeze before walking up the stairs Sirius soon following behind. 
When you reached your bedroom you turned pulling Sirius into a searing kiss, your lips colding sloppily as your tongue grazed his bottom lip. After a second you pulled away panting. 
"Thank you." You mumbled before pulling him close to you once again.
@accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-doodl3 @sarcarstic-space-weirdo @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @mcluuvin666 @voldemort-twerks-for-jesus @freakingrat @handsheartsouleyes @paigeyisme @gutdump @thatgirlfromcamp25 @youlook-likehell @arianna-17-11 @xinyourdreamsx @magicalydelicious @thewolvesof1998 @voodoodollgirl @hahaboop @songforhema
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houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: Shadowbringers Act 2, Part 3 - Crossroads
House Isekai Shadowbringers AU Masterlist Here
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Lahabrea, the Blue Lions, Black Eagles, Ashen Wolves, and House Isekai have finally arrived at Derdriu, awaiting the Golden Deer and the Investigation Team.
Only now does Lahabrea give them the answers they have been waiting for, and the war to finish before time runs out...
[No Greater Sorrow - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Byleth slowly opened his eyes, the light from the windows blinding him.
(Byleth) “Where in the hell...?”
(Minato’s voice) “Oh hey, you’re awake.”
Byleth turned to his side and saw several of the Persona Users in the beds next to him.
(Minako) “Oh, thank god you’re alright!”
(Akira) “Hey, Byleth.”
He slowly sat upright on his bed, reaching for his head.
(Byleth) “Where are we?”
(Mitsuru) “We’re in Derdriu. The journey took a day or two but now we’re just waiting for Claude to arrive in order to discuss our next course of action.”
(Byleth) “And where is everyone else?...Actually, why are you all in the Infirmary with me?”
(Ryuji) “Those voices or whatever is effin’ with our heads. We almost passed out but we seemed to see the same thing...Some kinda tower?”
(Junpei) “That Lahabrea guy better have some answers, I’m sick of being left in the dark.”
(Byleth) “...You may not like what you’ll hear.”
(Minako) “Did he tell you what was happening?”
Byleth hesitated at first, but he responded with a nod.
(Akechi) “That’s just damn great...”
(Akira) “We should probably let the others know you’re alright.”
The Persona users got up and left, though a few stayed behind.
(Minako) “Um...i-it’s good seeing you again, Byleth.”
(Minato) “It’s probably the best news we’ve gotten in a while.”
(Akira) “We’ll see you outside.”
(Byleth) “...Thanks.”
Byleth couldn’t look them in the eye as they spoke. He wasn’t sure he could look at anyone, making him anxious to face House Isekai again.
(Claude) “Home sweet home.”
The Golden Deer and Investigation Team finally arrived back in Derdriu, and walked over the hill to the gate.
(Percy) “Milord!”
(Claude) “Hey, Percy. Open the gates for us?”
(Percy) “Of course. You’ll be pleased to know your guests have arrived just last night.”
(Claude) “Go on ahead without me, I’ll be telling the guards to prepare for the worst.”
Everyone nodded and did as he asked.
Doomguy and the Ashen Wolves strolled around town due to the lack of having anything better to do.
(Balthus) “Man, anything would be better than just calmly waiting for the Church or Those Who Slither to get a drop on us.”
(Yuri) “Patience big guy. We can’t afford to go hunting when we don’t even know what the hell’s going on. Our time for fighting will come soon enough.”
(Constance) “And what a fantastic time it will be! Fodlan’s fate will be back where it belongs, us!”
(Hapi) “Well we also gotta worry about what the three nations will do after this without Teary and the others keeping them in check. Am I right?”
Hapi turned to Doomguy for at least a nod or shrug. She got neither as he stared to their side.
(Doomguy) “...”
(Hapi) “Hey, Teary, everything alright?”
Doomguy frowned. He thought he saw something move out of their field of vision.
He would have left it alone, but knowing their situation...
Doomguy held up a hand and brought out his shotgun, motioning the Ashen Wolves to head back to the building.
(Yuri) “That’s...discouraging.”
(Hapi) “We should get back to the others.”
They nodded and broke out into a light jog.
Byleth staggered out the door of the infirmary to see a few familiar faces.
(Sharon) “Master Byleth, it is good to see you.”
(Cocytus) “WELCOME BACK.”
(Sara) “Jeez, about time.”
(Towa) “Instructor!”
(Angelica) “Yo.”
(Megumi) “Thank goodness you’re awake.”
(Sitri) “Byleth...”
(Byleth) “Thanks. Where is everyone?”
(Sara) “Doomguy went out with the Ashen Wolves to just take a look around the city while the others are here and there in the building.”
(Byleth) “And Lahabrea?”
(Angelica) “In a room upstairs, alone. He said not to call him until Claude was here.”
Knock knock!
(Yu) “Hello? It’s the In-...!!! Oh!”
(Towa) “Yu!”
The rest of the Investigation Team and Golden Deer came through the door.
(Hilda) “Well, well!”
(Yosuke) “Hoho MAN, you guys are a sight for sore eyes!”
Yu took Byleth’s hand and shook it firmly.
(Yu) “Good to see you again, sir.”
(Byleth) “Likewise. Sorry it took so long.”
(Leonie) “Better late than never!”
The other staff smiled as they caught up with the Investigation Team.
(Megumi) “Yuki and the others will be so happy to see you again!”
The door opened once again as if on cue.
(Claude) “Kept ya waiting long?”
He smiled as the rest of House Isekai started to come down the stairs, followed by the Blue Lions and Black Eagles.
(Dimitri) “Claude!”
(Edelgard) “For once, I am relieved to see you.”
(Claude) “Jeez, you’re gonna make a guy blush with compliments like that.”
(Yu) “Long time no see everyone.”
(Rean) “Hah, I don’t think we had to doubt that, Yuki.”
(Akira) “You guys are more stubborn than us.”
(Minato) “Hey.”
(Minako) “House Isekai is all here again!”
(Ainz) “Unfortunate that we cannot celebrate...”
He examined the room and did a mental head count.
(Claude) “All that’s left should be...”
(Yuri) “That would be us.”
The Ashen Wolves and Doomguy showed up behind Claude, waving.
This was the first time Sitri had seen everyone together like this. It made her smile, knowing how big the family taking care of Byleth was.
(Sitri) “The gang’s all here now.”
(Lahabrea’s voice) “So it would seem.”
[Tears in the Rain - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers]
Everyone looked up the stairs to see Lahabrea leaning against a wall, with Sothis floating beside him.
(Sothis) “Well, you all wanted answers? We’ll give them to you.”
Lahabrea nodded and looked at everyone. Part of him wanted to smile, seeing everyone united like this.
But they were far from being in a happy mood.
(Kazuma) “First of all, just who the fuck are you? You know our past and have your own Sothis, yet we only know our Byleth!”
(Lahabrea) “My name is Byleth Eisner. I am the real one. The real one you’ve seen in all those flashes when your voices echo in your heads.”
(Minako) “That would explain why it feels so real but...We’ve always known our Byleth to be the real one, what makes you so different?”
(Sothis) “Those voices are your past memories. With us two. Up until just this time, you had always been with us everytime you appeared-”
(Aqua) “Woah woah woah, hang on! We’ve only been here once, what are you going on about ‘everytime we appeared’?”
(Lahabrea) “Some of you are aware of the ‘Divine Pulse’ ability, right?”
(Emma) “That time reversal that Sothis and Byleth do?”
Lahabrea nodded. Most of House Isekai looked confused but those who weren’t affected by it could follow.
(Lahabrea) “You all first arrived individually. First it was only Kazuma’s group. We went through 6 years of hell together, and when the war was finished, we were sent back right to the beginning, when Dimitri, Claude, and Edelgard arrived to Remire Village. Then taking Kazuma’s place at the next loop was Class VII, and so on. Time forcefully resets everytime you go home...and I cannot begin to fathom why.”
(Yu) “So, how is Sothis here? If that’s the case, every loop Sothis would have fused with you, right?”
(Sothis) “It’s because I fused with him that I am here right now. I was not truly gone the first time we fused, but it seems whatever force is at work keeps bringing me back.”
(Lahabrea) “And it was during the final loop we did, we reset time ourselves using the Tower at Zanado.”
(Rean) “But, there wasn’t a tower when we were there.”
(Akira) “No I...I think there was?”
Yu turned to Akira.
(Yu) “Was it half made out of what looked like stone and scifi tech?”
(Minako) “Yeah actually, how did you?-”
(Claude) “We confirmed the tower’s presence ourselves. Had a nice visit in it too...”
(Yuuri) “Um, what actually is that tower?”
(Lahabrea) “For now, it’s best to hear it yourselves. Honestly, not even we understand it.”
Lahabrea pulled out a crystal and it began its playback.
“I don’t know if anyone will be seeing this message, whether that be myself or anyone else who comes into this godforsaken tower but…My name is Byleth Eisner. Son of Jeralt Eisner.”
Everyone listened to the entire message, and when it finished, most of them were left in a state of shock.
(Lahabrea) “Since you went into the Tower, I can only assume you saw the skies turn a pale white?”
(Claude) “Something like that. Even in Inaba it followed.”
(Miki) “Inaba? As in-”
(Yu) “Our town, yes. We were wanting to say that tower in Zanado started showed up and is releasing shadows onto the real world.”
The Persona Users turned pale.
(Yukari) “S-Shadows are loose right now in all of our homes?!”
(Lahabrea) “So far, just the Persona User’s worlds. But that won’t be for long. Which brings us to why we have you all gathered under a single banner.”
(Sothis) “You all were NEVER meant to be here. At all. Whatever our previous selves did, it caused a catastrophic rip in reality, at least that’s what we’re guessing.”
(Lahabrea) “And we only made it worse by using Divine Pulse ourselves. It’s why House Isekai exists.”
(Megumi) “S-So...our existence here was a mistake?”
It pained Lahabrea to do so, but he nodded.
(Lahabrea) “Yes. And since you all have been here for so long, it’s now starting to affect your worlds.”
The crystal Lahabrea was holding quickly shifted into a reflection that displayed Tokyo, Tatsumi Port Island, and Inaba, the tower being the most noticeable thing in the reflection.
(Lahabrea) “The longer you are here, the worse this effect will become. Our worlds are merging. All of ours.”
(Naoto) “That...makes sense! It’s why Dojima was able to understand Claude and the others!”
Now, it was the School-Living Club’s turn to feel sick.
(Kurumi) “Then...that means...?!”
(Yuuri) “The infection...!”
(Lahabrea) “Will be in Fodlan, yes.”
(Miki) “W-What can we do to stop it?!”
(Sothis) “We honestly don’t know. Our plan right now is to stop whatever remnants of the world we destroyed. Those Who Slither and the Church has technology from that time, and is whats making them able to wage this war.”
Sara turned to Byleth.
(Sara) “...So where’s our Byleth come into this? He’s been quiet this entire time.”
Byleth looked away.
(Lahabrea) “...You saw the Angels at Enbarr. What their infection does to people. It’s affecting Byleth as well.”
(Everyone) !!!
(Sitri) ���T-Then that means?!”
(Byleth) “I’m slowly turning into an Angel....”
(Lahabrea) “I’ve done what I can to delay the process, but its why Byleth is able to permanently kill Inquisitors. But...”
(Byleth) “So far we haven’t been able to find a cure. I will die if it is not found.”
(Megumi) “WHAT?!”
(Lahabrea) “Which is why we need to strike now. If we can stop Those who Slither and the Church before his transformation and our worlds merge.”
Yuri frowned as the light from the window blinded him.
(Yuri) “Looks like we’ll get that chance faster than you think.”
[Will and Reason - Tales of Berseria OST]
Cyril and Alois walked towards the gate as the skies turned into a pale white, soldiers rushing to the gate.
(Percy) “Hey, what’s the meaning of this?! You are not authorized to be in Alliance territory-”
(Cyril) “By order of Lady Rhea, we are to execute the Warrior of Darkness! Any resistance will be met with force, do not interfere!”
The church soldiers kicked open the gates and stormed Derdriu, surrounding all exits.
(Alois) “If we do see him...let me speak first, Cyril.”
(Cyril) “Fine. Make it quick if you are able.”
Everyone looked out the window, grabbing their weapons.
(Claude) “Get Judith and the rest of our forces ready. I don’t think I can talk my way out this one.”
(Edelgard) “I don’t think there’s much point hiding your involvement with us. Perhaps if the three of our forces went out and confronted them, we could buy some time.”
(Yu) “That could work.”
(Rean) “Whatever we’re doing, just make it fast!”
(Claude) “Edelgard, let’s go with yours. Just follow my lead though.”
Dimitri and Edelgard nodded. House Isekai and the Ashen Wolves snuck further into the building as the three classes marched out the building.
(Cyril) “Claude von Riegan.”
(Claude) “Hey, Cyril, Alois. Been a hot minute since we saw each other, yeah? I take it you got promoted to Inquisitors-”
(Alois) “Where is Byleth?”
(Claude) “...Byleth? What makes you think he’d be here-”
Dimitri and Edelgard looked to their sides to see soldiers closing in on them, weapons drawn.
Hubert held up a hand to not retaliate just yet.
(Alois) “Lord Dimitri, Emperor Edelgard...I was under the impression you were fighting one another.”
(Claude) “They are here in neutral territory to call a truce, so to speak.”
(Alois) “...And I was also under the impression that his highness was kidnapped by members of House Isekai. Clearly I was mistaken.”
Cyril frowned and grabbed his weapon.
(Cyril) “You are aware of what the Church’s sentence is for treason, correct?”
(Claude) “Sure am.”
No one made a move, both sides were waiting to see what would happen first.
(Alois) !? “What in the...?”
Edelgard noticed a bright light coming from her and realized a blue flame surrounded her and the other Black Eagles members.
Before they knew it, their clothes transformed, all the members wearing a mask and costume.
Edelgard was now in her Flame Emperor outfit, with the bottom half of her mask gone.
(Dedue) “Isn’t that just like...?”
(Hilda) “Akira?!”
(Cyril) “The Phantom Thieves?!”
(Edelgard) “Well, I guess that’s as good as a cue as any-”
[Tempest of Seasons (Rain) - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
Edelgard unsheathed Aymr and swung it at the two, causing the debris beneath them to explode.
Everyone else followed suit and began their assault as Alois and Cyril barely dodged Edelgard’s attack.
Before any of the Church knights could respond, many of them were picked off by the gun wielders of House Isekai, who drove them further up the street.
Alliance Soldiers intercepted them and attacked with swords and bows, leaving Alois and Cyril to the classes.
Claude fired an arrow at Cyril, but was deflected by Alois’s siheld.
Dimitri and Edelgard charged in and tried to attack from the sides, but Cyril blocked Dimitri as his wyvern swooped in and knocked back Edelgard.
Hubert snapped his fingers and a massive black fireball fired from his tome and blew up a group of knights, as Dedue and Hilda crushed ones that came too close into the floor. 
Another group of church knights came around the corner and were about to charge before being blasted into the wall by a light spell.
One of them tried to get back up before his leg suddenly in the opposite direction, making him fall over as blood burst out of his throat.
Kazuma became visible, taking his knife out the Church Knight as he turned behind him.
(Kazuma) “DARKNESS!”
Darkness charged in and swung her sword at the knocked down soldiers, hitting the pillar nearby, making it tip over and crush them.
(Darkness) “Wha-BUT I HIT THEM!”
(Kazuma) “Fuck it, doesn’t matter, keep going!”
Aqua and Megumin followed behind Kazuma and Darkness, causing mayhem for the Knights.
Several Alliance soldiers were outmatched by the Church knights, injured on the floor about to be killed.
Only a few of them were able to be saved as Lorenz, Lysithea, Caspar, and Sylvain killed the knights attacking them.
Lorenz and Lysithea opened their tomes and fired several Thorons, piercing through their helmets and blasting their heads off. Their bodies quickly dissolved into white dust, with Caspar punching a hole through a knight and Sylvain ran over one with his horse.
(Caspar) “Hey, we need a medic over here!”
Mercedes, Linhardt, and Marianne ran over and began to heal the soldiers they could as the others ran in from behind.
Linhardt raised his head and saw a few of the group running on top of the walls surrounding the city.
The Denizens of Nazarick, Class VII, and the Phantom Thieves looked around them to see the fighting continued on the outside, the advantage being on the Knights’ side.
(Ainz) “We cannot afford to retreat and lose the only city where we have refuge! Do whatever it takes!”
(Albedo) “Yes, Lord Ainz!”
Ainz began giving directions to the rest of his group as they ran, giving himself and two others a necklace of flight.
(Ainz) “Cocytus, Pandora’s Actor, with me, we go after any reinforcements that may be on their way!”
They flew off far past the main gate, leaving the Phantom Thieves and Class VII on the walls.
(Elliot) “L-Look, some of the knights made it to the walls!”
(Rean) “Class VII, take them out!” 
(Sara) “They’re only monsters now, so aim to kill!”
(Class VII) “Yeah!” “Got it!” “Understood.”
(Akira) “Leave closing the gates to us. Joker, out.”
He winked at Rean and gracefully leapt off the walls and onto the roofs, the Phantom Thieves using their Personas to get around.
Lahabrea and Byleth saw the Phantom Thieves hop over their head as they looked at the battle.
(Lahabrea) “You know the deal. Captains first, then get away before you’re spotted. No witnesses.”
Byleth nodded as they moved across the shadows, though Byleth couldn’t help but take a second to glance at the group near them.
The Ashen Wolves and School-Living Club, and Sitri were helping the civilians evacuate as S.E.E.S, the Investigation Team and Doomguy protected them from incoming knights.
(Kanji) “How do these assholes even have these many soldiers?!”
(Akihiko) “The fight they’re putting up is a lot fiercer than 5 years ago!”
Their personas killed the knights with ease, though with everyone they got rid of, five more seemed to take his place.
The School-Living Club felt out of their element here as arrows whizzed by everyone's’ head, but still they persevered.
(Megumi) “Get to the main capital building, you’ll be safe there!”
Kurumi did what she could to slow down any of the knights with her shovel by getting the jump on them, but she could already feel eyes on her. Her luck wouldn’t last forever.
(Yuuri) “P-Please keep your head down and move to that building over there, we’ll protect you!”
(Woman) “T-Thank you dear!”
(Hapi) “Shut up and get moving.”
The woman nodded and did as she was told. 
Yuuri and Miki were the farthest from the group, helping out a child who was hiding underneath the carriage.
(Miki) “No knights are around right now, you have to get moving!”
(Yuki) “We’ll protect you, take my hand!”
The child nodded and took Yuki’s hand. Once he was out, his eyes went wide as he pointed behind them.
(Child) “W-WATCH OUT!”
Yuki and Miki turned around to see several figures in black fire a spell at them.
They were too slow to react and took the hit directly, sending them flying back into the carriage.
Megumi got distracted when she saw what happened to them, causing her to panic.
Megumi ran over to the two, grabbing a nearby board to attack the hooded figures before she stopped moving entirely, feeling something go through her stomach.
(Sitri) “MEGUMI!”
[Those Who Sow Darkness - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
An Agarthan took the dagger out of her as he filled the gap with some dark magic, causing her to scream in pain.
Doomguy spun around at the noise and saw what was happening and immediately jumped into action.
(Yu) “Huh?- NO!”
(Minako) “Where did they-?!”
(Minato) “GOD DAMN IT!”
Doomguy cleaved the Agarthan in half with his wrist blade and threw his body at the mages who were getting close to Yuki and Miki, about to do the same thing to Megumi.
The Persona Users began engaging the ones who weren’t hit as the Knights backed off.
(Alois) “Those who Slither as well?!”
(Cyril) “Tch, the heretics developing the powers of House Isekai?! We have to go back and warn Lady Rhea, KNIGHTS, RETREAT, WE ARE OUTMATCHED!”
The knights immediately began to pull back. Alois sighed, hoping to see Byleth, but held his tongue and followed orders.
The skies turned back to a normal color as the Church withdrew, though it was far from good news.
Doomguy ran over and grabbed Yuki and Miki and set them next to Megumi.
(Yuuri) “No no no no!”
(Kurumi) “W-What’s happening, how did they get behind us?!”
(Sitri) “Is she alright?!”
Doomguy didn’t respond as he immediately began scanning the three for injuries.
For Yuki and Miki, it appeared worse than it actually was, the worst being a few burn marks, but for Megumi...
Something was spreading throughout her body, but it didn’t look like anything he’s seen.
Everyone stopped fighting when they saw the knights pull back and saw the Agarthans teleport in.
(Agarthan) “There you all are...Saves us the trouble of hunting you down individually.”
The Agarthans went to the dead and raised their hand to them, deploying a black fog that went into the bodies that made them shake violently, dissolving into a black goo as their essence went to the center where Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude was.
(Agarthan) “I see the Church has their own version of our spell. Interesting, but inferior. Honestly, we have no idea how they got their hands on this, but thank you for bringing it to our attention.”
He began laughing as all the black substance was forming into a colossal shape behind him, even ones from outside the gate were getting in.
Some bits and pieces were left off from bodies that were too far, and began rising from the dead.
(Kurumi) “Not again!”
Kurumi raised her shovel and attacked one of the creatures by dislodging the shovel’s head into its neck.
The creature’s neck twisted 180 to face Kurumi, making her back off.
Doomguy gave Kurumi a pistol as he cocked his shotgun and blew the creature into pieces.
They looked around them and they were starting to get surrounded.
(Kurumi) “Do your thing, I got us covered!”
Doomguy nodded and began rip and tearing into the creatures, leaving Kurumi and Yuuri to deal with the stragglers. Yuuri grabbed Kurumi’s shovel while Sitri grabbed a sword on the floor.
She had no idea how to use it, but that wouldn’t stop her.
The Persona Users and Ashen Wolves were too busy trying to evacuate the citizens and were holding off the stragglers on their own as well.
Megumi slowly opened her eyes and saw what was going on. There was no way anyone could spare the help in time before they got overrun.
(Megumi) I have to...!
She got up, though every fiber of her body was in utter pain doing so.
(Megumi) “Kurumi....h-hand me the pistol.”
(Kurumi) “What?! But-”
(Megumi) “It’s...not, a request!”
She grabbed her and Yuuri’s shoulders.
(Megumi) “Get Miki and Yuki out of here, now...! Sitri, watch over them for me?”
(Sitri) “Y-Yes.”
They reluctantly nodded and did as she told. As they ran, a few of them tried to chase them before Megumi caught the creatures attention by blasting their heads off.
(Megumi) “Everyone...please, be safe...”
Clenching her teeth in pain, she thanked Doomguy for having a pistol that didn’t have to reload as she gave cover fire to her students.
(Dimitri) “YAAAAGH!”
Dimitri stuck his lance into the blob before it could form anything, but when he pulled it out nothing happened.
(Agarthan) “HAH! Your feeble weapons will do nothing to our creation! Accept your fate and die like the dogs you are!”
The blob finally formed into a bipedal monster, it had massive claws on its hands, and spikes on its back. Six eyeballs covered the left and right side of its body and It’s head was something akin to a bull as it used the horns to charge into the fountain, sending the three and concrete into the air.
They landed next to each other, and got up quickly, trying to find any weak spots.
(Claude) “Any plans? Edelgard, you seem to have Akira’s power, can you do that crazy Persona thing?!”
(Edelgard) “N-No, it only affects the clothes, I’m a bit faster and stronger but other than that, nothing!”
(Dimitri) “I have nothing on me!”
The Agarthan continued to laugh until he saw something out of the corner of his eye walk in from the shadows of a building.
[Boss Theme #2 - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
(Byleth) “You’re going to pay for what you did.”
Before the Agarthan could do anything, his vision suddenly went flying into the air, and as it landed, he could see his own body on the rock, headless.
The body fell onto the floor as Lahabrea stepped into view, deactivating the whip function on his sword.
(Lahabrea) “Everyone else is currently dealing with the Agarthans. Big one is left to us, no objections?”
(Byleth) “None at all.”
Byleth and Lahabrea struck as one, going for the legs which only made their weapons bounce off.
Claude fired several arrows at various parts of the body, seeing what would connect.
The arrows that seemed to have any affect were ones shot at the eyes on the body. 
Only one arrow pierced through one of the left eyes on its torso as it screamed in pain, and used its massive arms to block the rest.
(Dimitri) “Seems a lot smarter than the one at Enbarr!”
(Edelgard) “Let’s hope its not as stubborn!”
Dimitri and Edelgard charged head on to the bull-like creature, with it charging in response.
Combining their strength, they were barely able to block its charge, driving their feet deep into the concrete, making every muscle in their body burn from the sheer force.
Lahabrea and Byleth hopped onto the arms and plunged their swords into the eye sockets of the head.
It screamed in pain, but didn’t stagger it as much as they were hoping to, in fact it didn’t at all.
The bull rose its head, sending Dimitri and Edelgard into the air as it grabbed Byleth and Lahabrea.
Before it could do anything, Sothis teleported behind the bull and summoned a meteor above it, the meteor smashing it over the head making it drop the two in pain.
Dimitri plunged his lance into the head as he landed, holding on for dear life as it swung violently around trying to get him off.
Edelgard barely managed to catch herself as she landed, trying to figure out how to get close without being crushed.
Claude seized the opportunity and fired arrows into the eyes on the body.
He managed to get three on the right side, but the creature was quick to block the rest.
Dimitri roared with rage as took out his lance and smashed the bull’s head, the impact of his hit forcing the bull to slam onto the floor.
The eyes blinked with confusion as Edelgard, Lahabrea, and Byleth took out the remaining three eyes, this time making the bull flail violently, its limbs akin to a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Edelgard was hit by the fist and was sent flying into Claude while Byleth and Lahabrea jumped out the way in time.
Dimitri got to its left side, and was about to strike one of the eyes before all five looked at him and a fist almost crushed Dimitri.
He fell onto the floor after narrowingly dodging the attack while Byleth and Lahabrea ran behind him.
The bull covered its left side with both arms, circling around them.
(Lahabrea) “Don’t think we have anything!”
(Byleth) “How about your Sothis?”
(Sothis) “If I did, would’ve done it by now!”
An explosion suddenly struck the side of the bull, making it tumble over and almost fall again before it was pelted by more explosives.
Doomguy came into view with a rocket launcher, firing rapidly into the bull.
The bull was ready to charge into Doomguy before a massive shadow enveloped his own, causing it to look up.
Valimar dropped from the sky and dug its greatsword into the bull’s chest.
(Rean’s voice) “INSTRUCTOR BYLETH!”
Byleth and Lahabrea immediately hopped into action activating the whips and swinging violently at the eyes, carving them into pieces.
Finally, the bull stopped moving as it exploded into black fog, with the other zombie-like creatures that spawned following suit.
They took a deep breath and sheathed their swords at the exact time, in the exact same way. If anyone had any doubt about Lahabrea being Byleth, it was quelled then and there.
(Byleth) “We need to do a head count and check if everyone’s okay-”
(Sitri) “Byleth!”
Sitri ran up to him, with the School-Living Club in tow. The two noticed that Miki and Yuki were hanging onto Yuuri and Kurumi’s arm, the injuries very apparent.
(Lahabrea) “What happened!?”
Another spell blasted apart the creatures, but still more kept coming.
(Darkness) “Aqua, how’s your mana looking?!”
(Aqua) “Getting a bit drained here!”
Megumin hit a few back with her staff, looking extremely angry.
(Megumin) “GO AWAY DAMN YOU!”
(Kazuma) “Megumin, we may need you to-”
The creatures suddenly all dropped dead, and faded into a black fog.
(Kazuma) “...Do nothing.”
Everyone took a sigh of relief and looked at the plaza.
(Kazuma) “Let’s see, Valimar and Slayer are there. Pretty safe to assume whatever it was over there is super dead.”
(Darkness) “All the civilians were taken care of correct?”
(Aqua) “Yeah, a good chunk of us saw to that-”
cough cough!
(Megumin) “Heck was that?”
(Kazuma) “That sounded like...”
His heart dropped.
(Kazuma) “Megumi.”
[Yasashii Megu-nee Arigatou - Gakkou Gurashi OST]
The four of them quickly ran to the source of the coughing and saw Megumi laying against the wall, coughing violently as she dropped the pistol onto the floor.
Parts of her dress had holes and blood marks over it. Her blood.
(Megumin) “MEGU-NEE!”
(Darkness) “Aqua!”
Aqua smiled as she put her hand on Megumi’s arm.
(Aqua) “Don’t worry, we’ll have you right as rain!”
A healing spell emitted from her arm, but it had no effect.
(Aqua) “H-Huh? Why can’t I-”
Megumi grabbed Aqua’s arm and smiled, tears running down her face.
(Megumin) “I...don’t think your healing can fix me up this time...”
(Kazuma) “Hey, don’t be playing the hero, you’re way too nice for that shit!-”
Megumi moved her arm to reveal a hole in her stomach. It was then Aqua finally saw what was happening.
The infection was spreading throughout her body. It was some unholy combination of her original infection, the agarthan’s, and a third light-like source she couldn’t identify.
The rest of House Isekai and the three Houses finally got to the scene and saw what was happening to her.
Sara, Byleth, the School-Living Club, and Sitri ran to her side, while making way for the healers.
(Sara) “Get to helping her already!”
(Byleth) “Do what you can, please!”
First, Marianne, Mercedes, and Linhardt tried using their best healing spell to no effect, then the Persona Users tried.
(Morgana) “Damn it, why isn’t it working?!”
(Yukiko) “T-There’s got to be something we have that can!”
(Yukari) “Can anyone get a sense of how bad the-”
Yukari stopped when she saw Emma tearing up, covering her mouth.
(Kurumi) “H-Hey, Emma! You can see magic crap right, what’s happening to her?!”
(Emma) “She’s...not going to make it.”
(Everyone) !!!
(Ainz) “I used magic detection and...there’s nothing we can do. No amount of healing can stop the infection. I...I am sorry.”
Doomguy scanned Megumi with his visor, but it came up as red.
Lahabrea and Sothis looked on with regret in their eyes.
(Yuuri) “Come on, you know something about this right, why aren’t you?!-”
Megumi grabbed Yuuri’s hand and caught everyone’s attention.
(Megumi) “Don’t worry...This was going to happen either way.”
(Yuki) “But, I don’t understand! Why?! We finally got to see you again and-”
The School-Living Club reached for their head as a sharp pain overwhelmed them.
(Megumi) “You all...got along just fine without me before...And I know you can do so again.”
Megumi began coughing up blood as she struggled to keep her eyes free of tears.
Byleth used his cape to wipe them away.
(Megumi) “Thank you...Byleth.”
She barely had the strength to laugh as she looked up into the skies.
(Megumi) “I...I guess whatever was in my body originally hadn’t gone away. It’s...messing with whatever the Agarthan transformation method is, making it way slower, otherwise I would’ve instantly turned...”
Megumi turned to the School-Living Club members first.
(Megumi) “Kurumi, Yuuri, Yuki...It was so good to see you again. Even if it didn’t last long...I’m glad we could be normal for a little bit together at Garreg Mach. And Miki...Thank you for sticking with them, and protecting Yuki...”
Megumi’s skin on her left arm slowly started to turn into a darker color. 
She turned to Byleth, Sitri, and Sara.
(Megumi) “Sara, Byleth...Y-You were some of the strangest co-workers I’ve ever had...but I would never trade that time for anything...And Sitri...? It was an honor...being with your son and husband...”
Yuki sobbed the hardest, holding onto Megumi’s arm shaking it.
(Megumi) “I...Think I’m about to...”
She began coughing up blood again, which Byleth wiped away again.
(Megumi) “There’s only one way to stop the infection...Please don’t let them watch.”
Megumi looked at Sara’s pistol.
She closed her eyes and nodded.
(Megumi) “Yuki, Kurumi, Yuuri, Miki...You all will be fine. I promise.”
Sitri had to grab Yuki and pull her away, as she was kicking violently to try and get back to Megumi.
(Yuuri) “Thank you, Megu-nee...”
(Kurumi) “Thank you, again...”
(Miki) “It was nice to finally meet you, Megu-nee...”
The three walked away, unable to watch what was coming, Sitri escorting them as well.
All of Class VII, the Persona Users, and Kazuma’s group had to follow, unable to watch.
The Denizens of Nazarick bowed their heads in respect, and followed Ainz, away from this. 
This was a private moment for the ones closest to her.
The only ones who stayed were Towa, Angelica, Cocytus, Sharon, Doomguy, Lahabrea, and Sothis.
Megumi took off her cross necklace and gave it to Byleth.
(Towa) “Instructor Sakura...T-Thank you.”
(Angelica) “...You’re too nice, ya know that? We’re gonna miss you.”
(Sharon) “You and your students will be my family as much as the Reinfords...”
(Doomguy) “...Thanks.”
Lahabrea had to close his eyes, alongside Sothis. Sara and Byleth stood up, and she pointed her pistol at Megumi’s head.
(Byleth) “...Goodbye, Megumi.”
(Sara) “...See you the next time around.”
Sara’s hand started to shake, unable to keep a steady aim.
Megumi’s hand held onto Sara’s, Byleth’s hand eventually joining in.
They all closed their eyes, and Byleth helped Sara pull the trigger.
When everyone opened their eyes, they saw light particles coming off Megumi. Her body slowly started to fade away into a light blue dust, disappearing in front of them.
There was no more blood, or signs of rot on her, and the last thing they saw on Megumi’s face was a smile.
Then, she finally disappeared, a quiet shattering noise emitting as her body turned into white and blue dust.
When she was gone, Sara fell to her knees, sobbing, slowly joined in by Towa, Angelica, then Byleth.
Doomguy, Sharon and Cocytus bowed their heads in respect.
Lahabrea started to walk away, tears in his eyes...
[Afterglow - Gakkou Gurashi OST]
Bathed in the red of the sun What were you thinking? Filling your eyelids to the brim with tears You tried to play it off, saying, "It's so pretty".
Without a doubt I always thought that these days Would continue on and on....
The sky we look upon, Is watching us from far, far away Merely silent, without change. Grasping hands as fellow lost ones, We're no longer alone. Looking to the opposite shore of this ending world, We can see our dawn on the horizon,
We can see it We can see it So put on a smile...
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captaindaddykru · 4 years
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☆for emily☆
today it’s @keiraknighted‘s birthday. i wanted to finish this before today, but everything is flaming garbage, so a preview will have to do. no, i will no be giving out more details. happy birthday to my musical soulmate, the kinkiest queen of them all, em. my ol’ cobber. my favorite drongo. quite the spunk you are. you’re a classic. and you live in the worst possible timezone imaginable. here’s some best friends, pining, sexy, below <10k hopefully. also, sorry for the ugly temporary moodboard???? i was getting desperate at this point and am no grapic designer. i just needed something to distract from what you’re about to read. cheers!
So, by the time their holiday break rolls around, Clarke isn’t only sexually frustrated, she’s also kind of desperate. Which only intensifies when a few days before they’re all flying back to their hometown, Wells casually lets it drop he’s now in a relationship with a girl from his old chess club and things are ‘heating up fast’, whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean. She’s just more aware than ever she’s running out of time. 
Clarke doesn’t even know why it’s such a big deal to her. Maybe it’s her competitive streak coming into play, or the fact she really just wants to get the whole awkward virginity thing over with, maybe it’s the dark inexplicable pang in the middle of her chest whenever she sees the constant rotation of girls on Bellamy’s Instagram and Snapchat. She figures it’s a healthy amount of jealousy, courtesy of their very codependent ways, sharing everything with each other since childhood. They’re all apart for the first time in a decade, going their own ways, perhaps even growing apart. 
She doesn’t think about why Wells’ honest to God girlfriend doesn’t bother her as much when in reality that should make her feel even worse. A girlfriend could screw with their dynamic, a bunch of one night stands rationally speaking won’t. It could be that she knows Wells too well to know there’s still a very big chance he won’t go through with it, that he’ll let the girl down easy before Christmas even rolls around. 
But. Then she finds herself thinking of his jacket covering her shivering body, drenched from the rain, her left arm throbbing with pain, his hand wrapped around hers as he told her it was all going to be okay. She thinks of that time he left Gina’s birthday party early to come pick her up at a friend’s house after almost having a panic attack, the nights he spent sleeping in her bed after her father died, how he never once complained about getting her coffee from the drive through that was more than his hard limit of three dollars, and that one throw-away moment at the end of summer. That goodbye hug that lasted just a little too long, his arms tight around her waist, the intense look mirrored in both of their eyes as they pulled apart, the way she was afraid to say anything in case her voice gave out, before she got into her mom’s car and watched him and Wells disappear in the rearview mirror. 
It’s hard to explain, even to herself. It’s why she never thinks about it for too long. 
Which all brings her to tonight. A new year’s party at the house of someone who went to the same high school as them, that has all the charms of a bad hang-over in the making — terrible beer, music that’s mostly EDM and completely shit-faced people plastered across every surface.
She hasn’t seen Wells since his father’s Christmas party. Clarke finally met Luna there in person. She’s beautiful, easily talked to her about the non-profit she’s interning at for half an hour and had nothing but love in her eyes whenever she looked at Wells. He’s with her at her parents’ ski cabin right now, and from the way Bellamy was clapping his shoulder before he left early in the morning, Clarke figures he’s probably losing his v-card to her there which means that she’ll be the only one out of the three of them not to complete the pact. There’s no way she’s finding someone before midnight that she’d both feel comfortable with taking hers, and is even willing to do so in the first place. 
To make matters worse, Bellamy has totally ditched her to play beer pong with Bree, which she isn’t even sure isn’t code for hooking up in the coat closet. He knows she hates parties, especially when she doesn’t know anyone else there, and that she’s horrific at first impressions. She’s forced to make small-talk with Murphy, the loser who still hangs around their high school parking lot and she used to share one Culinary Arts class with before he got suspended. 
All of it combined has put her in a sour mood. And a drinking mood, but since all there is fucking shitty beer that might as well be toilet water she can’t even get drunk, so that just makes her even more unreasonably upset at nothing in particular. Maybe at the fact she’s so high strung and obsessed with controlling every little detail, that she didn’t just get it over with back on campus with some frat boy she never had to see again after, or that Wells and Bellamy managed to make it happen without even trying. It’s probably because she’s trying way too hard, people can probably tell.
It’s not fair that both of them beat her to it. Clarke wants to just be done with already, too. She wants to get it over with so she can get to the good, non first time stuff like them. She wants to be flirting with boys and girls at parties, or ask for someone’s number at a coffee shop without having to worry about having to explain it’s her first time doing any of it when they eventually invite her over to their room. She wants to be free and nonchalant and spontaneous, not constantly weighed down by the fact that she’s a virgin. It’s not like she’s asking for much. 
Half an hour to midnight, she pushes her way outside to the porch for some fresh air. It’s there where Bellamy finally bothers to leave Bree and her attention-seeking ways behind and come find her. 
“What’s up with you?” He asks, half a chuckle in his voice as he leans his forearms on the railing, mirroring her. 
Clarke grits her teeth together, then slowly exhales through her nose. She keeps her eyes on the tree swing in the distance, swaying softly because of the wind. “Nothing.”
He elbows her playfully, although his tone is serious. Of course he sees right through her. “Come on. Don’t give me that.”
She just grumbles something indecipherable, pushing back her hair from her face with one hand. She still doesn’t look at him, scared she might give anything more away. From inside, there’s the muffled beat of a hiphop song playing joined by the distanced tumult of college kids getting drunk and having fun. Except for the couple making out on the other end of the porch and one stoner sprawled over the grass smoking and staring at the sky, they’re alone. 
“I’m sorry about leaving you for Bree—” Bellamy starts, straightening back to his full height, and before she knows it, a flare of anger rises within her, burning white hot. She doesn’t recognize the feeling, but gets too lost in it to analyze it for very long.
Her head snaps to the side to glare at him, fingers tightening around the railing until her knuckles turn a pale white. “It’s not about Bree and her pathetic fuck-me eyes.”
“Okay,” he replies, sounding a bit too amused for her liking. He leans back, crossing his arms over his chest. It makes his biceps bulge in a way that’s completely unfair when she’s been perpetually turned on since Halloween, and it sends a surge of want pulsing from her core. “Then what’s it about, princess?”
Has his voice always been so deep? She hesitates, not sure she even wants to share this with him. He might be her best friend, but it’s embarrassing on a level she can’t even try and start to describe. “I’m annoyed, okay?” She bites, heated, which immediately makes her feel guilty. It’s not his fault nobody wants her. “I expected that I’d at least beat Wells to it. And since it’s all I can think about all the time now, I’m constantly horny.” A blush forms on her cheeks, down her neck and all over her collarbone, but she refuses to let that or the way his eyes widen slightly stop her. It’s only awkward if she lets it be. “I just feel so stupid. I mean, I had five months to get it over with like both of you, and here we are. What the hell is wrong with me?”
A tense silence wraps around them for a moment, Clarke’s heart pounding loudly in her chest as panic claws up her throat. She’s such a fucking idiot. She shouldn’t have brought it up in the first place. She’s sure neither of them would’ve actually held it against her if she didn’t lose her virginity before new year’s, they’re better than that. She knows they are. Clarke is just so — frustrated.
His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and she finds herself entranced with the movement. “I didn’t know you were so upset about it,” he starts, tentatively. Her blue eyes snap up to meet his, a smirk breaking across his face. He’s teasing her, the asshole, when he says, “I mean, if you’re that desperate, I’ll do it.”
Her eyes narrow, finally pushing off the railing. A gust of wind greets her body, bristling her hair and making tiny goosebumps appear over her arms. She’s seconds away from angry tears, she can tell. “Don’t make it sound like it’s such a fucking chore.”
Bellamy just kind of stares at her dumbly, his whole body grown tense, making her even more furious. Did he lose his tongue all of a sudden? He’s never had a problem sharing his opinions on her, no matter how negative, before. “What?” She snaps, roughly brushing  a strand of hair behind her ear before tucking her hands back underneath her opposite armpits.  
“It wouldn’t be a chore, Clarke,” he corrects her, his eyes still slightly widened as if alarmed by the sound of himself speaking. He swallows visibly, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down in the low glow of the Christmas lights draped across the ceiling of the porch. Bellamy lifts one of his shoulders, casual, even if the movement is stiffer than it usually would be. “I just — I didn’t realize I was an option.”
Her heart trips over itself as silence stretches between them for a moment. She wants to ask him a million questions, but the best thing she can come up with is, “So you were serious?” Clarke raises her eyebrows, trying to figure out if he was just being nice, taking pity on her or if it was something much more dangerous than that. “You’ll do it?”
His jaw clenches briefly, his nostrils flaring. Another second, and he asks, rough, “Do you want me to do it?”
She considers it. This is Bellamy, her best friend. He can always make her laugh, and there’s no one else she feels as much at ease with, and he’s definitely attractive, even she has noticed as much. She likes his stubborn curls, his smile when someone catches him off guard, the sharp line of his jaw. And at the very least he would know what he’s doing. She trusts him. “Yes.”
Now that she’s aware it’s a possibility, she refuses to want anything else. It’d be kind of perfect, actually.
He clears his throat, blinking hard as he tears his eyes off her for a second, scrubbing his face with one of his hands. It’s very big, and Clarke finds herself wondering for the first time if it means the rest of him is big as well. Bellamy sniffs when his dark eyes land back on her. “Have you been drinking?”
“Just half a beer,” she answers, maybe a bit too eager, her hands dropping at her sides after smoothing down the bottom of her glittery top. She doesn’t want to give him enough time to talk himself out of it. “And I think someone diluted it with water so it barely counts.”
He nods, once, then nudges his head to the side. “Want to get out of here?”
Taking one more look around the porch, Clarke worries her bottom lip pensively, shooting him an apologetic look. “My parents are having friends over, so my house is definitely not an option.” 
Besides, she doesn’t want to risk them finding out and making it weird. Especially not if the consequence is going to be an open door policy whenever he or Wells are over. Nothing has to change after tonight.
“Thelonious is out,” he offers, then flinches when he seems to remember something else. “But Octavia might show up with her friends.”
Clarke nods, giving him another long searching look before she makes up her mind. It’ll be fine. This is Bellamy. She’s a pro at compartmentalizing and he’s sleeping with a different girl like every other night. It can just be sex. “Upstairs then?”
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