#Gator bites
fiber-optic-alligator · 4 months
Do you think Cybertronians would make funky little collars to put on their humans to show the human is theirs
Like imagine the mech stylizing the collar so their human fits their color scheme or they decorate it with little lights or bells or even add specific gadgets like a walkie-talkie so they can talk to their little one even when they’re separated, or maybe some sort of system that will defend the human if they’re in danger.
Whether the human likes this or not doesn’t matter, they’re wearing that collar no matter what.
Rodimus, putting the ugliest fucking red-and-orange collar on his human: “Look Little Buddy, now we match!”
The human: “I want to kill myself.”
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get-rammed · 7 months
How do you think the Monty's respond to the nickname "Gator Cakes"? For science reasons of course!
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Golf Monty doesn't understand its an affectionate nickname. He thinks you're just asking him where to find the gator cakes at 😭 when someone explains it to him he just thinks it's cute
Glamrock Monty is flustered. He's not used to being called cute nicknames anymore. Send help he's overheating but he looks so pissed off
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scienceofkissing · 9 months
Alligator Fingers
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These deep-fried alligator pieces are exotic and make great appetizers for sporting events, but they taste like chicken. Online stores sell frozen alligator meat. Use the optional dipping sauce if you want to.
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simpsonjulianna · 3 months
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Meat and Poultry - Alligator Fingers These deep-fried alligator pieces are exotic and make great appetizers for sporting events, but they taste like chicken. Online stores sell frozen alligator meat. Use the optional dipping sauce if you want to.
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brianlong · 10 months
Alligator Fingers
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These deep-fried alligator pieces are exotic and make great appetizers for sporting events, but they taste like chicken. Online stores sell frozen alligator meat. Use the optional dipping sauce if you want to.
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hellfire--cult · 4 months
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I'm not ashamed.
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howlingdrakes0ng · 5 months
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Come get your food, Monty simps 🐊💕
Tumblr why you so picky with file limits 😭
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thekidsarentalright · 10 months
love that we’re all scared shaking crying over what gator bites could mean meanwhile patrick is on stage singing dancing queen not knowing the words head empty heart full vibing <3
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*Post Bite*
Monty, noticing Styx approaching: Sup, Styx?
Styx: I’ve been traumatized.
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paragonrobits · 8 months
urban fantasy concept: werebeasts having personality traits of both humans and their animal form with consequences for how they tend to approach social dynamics, and this creates problems when people simplify the complex behavior of wolves to all werewolves as alpha/beta/omega things; actual werewolves find this annoying at BEST but
things can get much nastier when its assumed its a characteristic for ALL werebeasts; it gets bad enough when you try to apply it to werealligators who generally just vibe around other people and find the notion of built-in social status insulting or overly reductive but then some snobby person tries to apply it to, say
turns out that as tigers are generally rather solitary, when you combine them with a human what you get is someone who REALLY DOES NOT LIKE IT when people ask them what their pack status is. They're tigers. they don't have packs. What they do have is a strong urge to slap your head right off
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fiber-optic-alligator · 4 months
One thing I hope gets expanded upon in Bang Brave Bang Bravern is how complicated the relationship between Isami and Bravern really is.
Like, imagine yourself in Isami’s shoes. You find yourself battling massive alien creatures that have come out of nowhere. People you know are dying left and right. And all of a sudden, this robot shows up and demands you become his partner in this war. And this isn’t just a one-time thing. The robot’s here to stay. He’s not leaving you and you don’t know how to make him leave.
It’s overwhelming. It’s terrifying. And to make things worse, Bravern does not treat Isami well. He basically carries him around like an extension of himself, with no regard to the fact that Isami is clearly panicked, in shock, and scared.
I get this anime is clearly meant to be comedy, but I think these are darker tones that can really add to the quality of the show. Expand more on how Bravern has unknowingly traumatized Isami. Show the way the mech terrifies him with his constant talks of keeping him inside of him and how he fears the horrifying consideration that one day, he might climb into Bravern and never be allowed to come back out.
The power dynamic between the two is clearly unbalanced and that is harming Isami’s mental state. The relationship is unhealthy and I want to see more of that. I want to see Bravern and Isami navigate through this with the mech slowly coming to the realization over the course of the show that shit, this human he’s chosen is terrified of him, and it’s mainly his fault. I want Bravern to work on himself and gradually go from this loud, obnoxious guy who doesn’t consider Isami’s self-autonomy to someone who is trying to be better, who gives Isami a choice and genuinely wants to have a good relationship with him.
Just. Let the man and his giant robot boyfriend have a heart to heart. And then make them kiss.
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get-rammed · 9 months
How would the animatronics react if someone started flirting with their handler? A guest at the Pizza Plex or whatever
We're doin' em ALL
At least all the ones I care to do rn
Montgomery - Man likes a little competition. Won't hesitate to start hitting on his Handler and the person flirting with them. See who he can fluster worst first. Someone is gonna back out, and he's gonna make sure it ain't him.
If it's a member of staff hitting on his Handler, and he overhears or sees, he's absolutely telling everyone later that night. Loves some good tea. And he's awful at keeping secrets.
Freddy - Patiently wait for the interaction to be over. Fidgeting and just generally making the situation tense as he just stands there, shifting his weight from foot to foot, playing with his hands and claws. He has no idea what to say or do.
Someone please help, he has social anxiety.
When the interaction is over, depending on his connection to his Handler, he might be more or less nosy on asking how his Handler feels about the person who flirted with them.
Members of staff hitting on his Handler is gonna get hit with. "Hi, I apologize, but this isn't a work related issue, so I must ask you to not disrupt my Handler." and shoo them away.
Roxy - She's going to pointedly look them up and down and decide if they're worth her Handlers time. Great wingman. If her Handler makes it obvious they're kinda into the person, she'll make a grand show of how they pass her test and are worthy to hit on her Handler. Unless the person's personality is bad. Then she's going to loudly judge.
When it comes to staff she's a little more tense. She's witnessed a lot of drama come out from messing around at work or behind people's back. So she might be a bit harsh towards staff hitting on her Handler. Try to shoo them off before just walking away.
Chica - Bold of them to starting hitting on her Handler while she's right there. She's a lot like Monty and Roxy in the sense, she'll loudly judge the person. Then she'll start hitting on them and her Handler. "I have two wings ya know."
She generally doesn't care one way or another when it comes to flirting from customers or staff towards her Handler. Just likes to be a dick.
The Daycare Attendant (each function is a little different) -
- Sun - His Handler has been hit on a few times while guests were coming to retrieve their kids. While he thinks that is the least attractive place to hit on someone, he's not going to judge. Loudly anyways. Quietly though he's telling Monty and Roxy everything.
If it's a member of staff hitting on his Handler on the other hand he'll make a little jab before walking off.
- Eclipse - As he's the more idle mode, he's seen a lot less interactions between his Handler and guests or other staff members. But the few he has witnessed, he generally cringed at. Because they had no charisma to be hitting on his Handler like that.
Might start to flirt with his Handler after just to lowkey prove a point to himself that he can do it too.
- Moon - He's a lot quieter and generally just watches the interaction happen. Wait till the other person is gone to ask his Handler for their feelings on the interaction. Man's gotta KNOW how they felt about it.
Likes the gossip, so if it's a staff member, he's absolutely telling Monty after hours and everyone is gonna know by the morning. Because those boys cannot keep secrets. Glitched coding changes that a bit which is another tell to their Handlers shits a bit weird. In the sense Moon is suddenly able to lie flawlessly.
DJMM - He has two Handlers and they interact with a lot of guests who tend to be older. So they're both hit on quite often.
It doesn't phase him much as he can tell when his Handlers are serious in a flirt back or not. Which usually their responses are just polite flirting back.
Sometimes he might roast staff members who are hitting on his Handlers. Loudly. Across the speaker system. Do not tempt fate if you're not willing to get picked on for the next week.
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druid-boy-punk · 12 days
why do i miss a home that is unrecognizable to me now, how did i become a stranger to the place a grew up
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sicc-nasti · 23 days
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I love your art so much. Scary mutual I love you
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Thank you thank you that means so much to hear WAAAHH LOVE U TOO DEAR MUTUAL
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joshbruh10x · 2 months
Bonnie! Be nice to Monty, he’s trying his best :(
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He got em bagel bites
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terry-gator · 9 months
Fanfics Of Monty Where He Isn't Shipped With Anyone
I mean obviously I could write them myself but I wish there was MORE where Monty isn't shipped with anyone please I need this to fill my AroAce Monty Gator headcanon-
Oh I'd also love Monty Gator fanfics where he didn't kill Glam Bonnie and it was actually the prototype of Glam Freddy who did it. Also Glam Bonnie being the best dad figure for Monty it would just be so wholesome.
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