#General Taglist
flowerandblood · 4 months
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Taking advantage of the fact that I finished writing my first oneshot with Ettore and I still have requests for Michael, I wanted to ask who wants to be included in my general taglist with various characters played by Ewan Mitchell, so that I know who to tag. 💕
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sepherinaspoppies · 7 months
if you’d like to be added to my tag list pls comment here to make it easier for me🖤💜
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asumofwords · 9 months
If you would like to be added to a general writing tag list please interact with this post! <3
I will add you to a general tag list asap to keep you updated with everything I write if you so wish! <3
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youraverageaemondsimp · 9 months
I have decided to make a general taglist for the people who want to be tagged in all my works! this is only for the character of Aemond since I have yet to write for other characters! so i guess this is technically a character taglist?? IDK
But yeah, those who want to be added please comment on this post! You will be tagged in all of my Aemond fics, dark ones too included so be aware!
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lady-of-tearshed · 18 days
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Crescent City general taglist (just manifest your interest in the comments, and I'll add you on it!)
Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe
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eggyrocks · 3 months
hiii can i be on da taglist for any & all current/future smaus pls ? ur writing gives me sm joy + it’s my serotonin boost whenever i feel low🥺 tysm!!! hope u have da best day eggy🎀🤍
🥹🥹🥹🥹 thank you so much im so so happy you like them & of COURSE!! this reminds me i really should make a general taglist too so people don’t have to send me 8 million asks every time i start something new 😭
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tadpolesonalgae · 21 days
Omg can’t bring my self to hate you has just killed my heart that is not ok and Mor 🫢😔😥😭 I can’t this is not ok to
I love your writing if possible can you I pls be added to a tags list for all your incredible work
Ahhh thank you so much!!!! I’m nearing the end of ch. 17 actually and I’m hoping it’ll give a little more insight into what some characters are thinking!! Getting to hear people’s reactions to chapters is so insanely helpful for outlining what should be touched on in sequential parts—I can’t express it enough!!
I’ll add you to my general taglist, so you’ll be notified whenever I post a fic, but if you ever want to be switched to another one or removed just send me a message and it’ll be done 🧡💛
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aamalaaa · 2 years
general taglist - aamalaaa
hello lovely readers <3
I’m creating a tag list for all my writings, interact in any you want (like, reblog or comment) with this post to be added, do not interact if you dont want to be added!
That means that if I put out anything (m) for mature, you'll also be tagged!
Of course you can always send me an ask or a private message if you want to, you’re always welcome to do this, whatever the reason<3
I have a lot of things in the writing, can't wait to show y'all!
As always, thank you so much for reading what I write, it means the world to me!
- amala<3
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buckyismybicycle · 2 years
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Natasha Romanoff Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings: Established Bucky/Nat, Teachers AU,  Summary:   Clint has a brand new job at Westview Collegiate & Institute, and everything's fine, except: why does it feel like the most attractive couple he's ever seen are coming onto him? Wait a minute - Author’s Notes: Written for @the-poly-armory fic exchange, just super late posting it on Tumblr. Oops!
Snippet below!  [Full story on AO3 here!]
Bucky sips his underwhelming coffee, lounging on a somewhat lumpy couch in Westview Collegiate Institute’s break room for faculty. There is nothing in the staff room that’s remotely exciting, comfortable or inspiring. Unless, of course, his wife is in said staff room.
Nat’s usually there before him, because fate is a fickle thing and his classroom is in the opposite corner from the break room. As if someone really thought he would ditch his perfectly fine classroom in favour of the bland coffee and perpetual smell of almost-burnt popcorn.
Perhaps, they weren’t entirely wrong, but still, Bucky feels slighted.
When Nat finally comes through, a sandy-haired man is following behind her and – oh, Bucky knows that look so well.
Nat draws that look from everyone, of course, with her fiery hair and matching attitude. He knows he’s a lucky bastard, he always takes the time to remind himself – and everyone else – that he is. He rises, tossing the empty cup in the trash, to sidle over to the pair. Nat is pointing at the floor plan of their school that has been unceremoniously taped to the wall. He notices a hearing aid in the man’s ear, even with how he nods at almost everything Nat’s saying.
“Mornin’,” he greets with his best smile, turning to Nat and kissing her cheek. He’s a tad shorter than the man she’s with, but broader, and he has to remind himself not to do some form of demented peacock strut. She gives him a look that says she knows exactly what he’s doing, but he blinks innocently and extends his right hand to the newcomer, his other tucked in the pocket of his cardigan.
“Hi, I’m Bucky Barnes.”
“Bucky?” The man tilts his head with an amused smile, but before Bucky can defend his name, the man simply nods and says, “Cool. I’m Clint Barton, the new phys ed teacher.”
Bucky tries his best not to raise his eyebrows as they shake hands, and he notices how warm and calloused Clint’s hands are. It’s comforting, in a way.
“Welcome to WCI.”
“Thanks, I’ve already gotten lost twice before Natasha rescued me.”
“She has a habit of taking in strays,” Bucky jokes, before internally cringing at the fact he just called this guy a stray without even knowing who he is. Thankfully, Clint laughs genuinely, the corners of his eyes crinkling. They hold each other’s gaze for a beat longer than necessary before Nat interrupts them.
“And you’re the most annoying one of them all,” she quips, bouncing her hip lightly off his, and brushing imaginary lint off Bucky’s cardigan. He gives her a bit of side-eye, curious why she’s suddenly so handsy when she’s normally allergic to public displays of affection.
“Well, I guess I should try to be on time on my first day,” Clint excuses himself, looking up at the clock.
After saying their goodbyes, Bucky turns to her. “What was that about, huh?”
“Oh, don’t pretend like you weren’t doing the same thing,” she answers with a roll of her eyes.
They stare at each other for a while, and Bucky’s thankful there’s no one else in the room, so he can steal a kiss from her cherry-red lips, feeling them curl against his.
“James —”
“Mm,” Bucky hums, his mouth working its way down her throat. He kicks the door of their loft shut behind him, hands busy with more important tasks.
She tugs at the strands of his hair she has fisted in her grasp, hoisting herself up by his shoulder. Bucky catches her easily, his hand squeezing her ass appreciatively before he rucks up her dress. Her legs wrap around his waist as she places a firm hand under his jaw, tilting it upward to kiss him hungrily.
They don’t make it past the kitchen counter. Bucky slots himself between her legs, pulling the dress over her head, her tangle of red curls spilling over her shoulders when he does. When she goes to kick off her heels, he puts a hand on her knee with a grin.
“Keep them on?” His eyes sparkle as he tilts her hips so she lays flat on the counter and starts to kiss down her heaving chest. She shivers from the cold granite against her back, much like the titanium of Bucky’s hand that’s tugging her panties off.
Instead of responding, she props herself onto her elbows, slinging her legs over his shoulders with a smirk of her own.
Somewhere, somehow, between one orgasm and another, they miraculously make it into their bedroom, and Nat finds herself plastered to Bucky’s chest while they both catch their breath. Her fingers fiddle with his dog tags, while his metal hand runs up and down her spine.
She winces as she shuffles her leg, pleased by how the evening has turned out. “Jealous, were you?”
“No,” Bucky denies, but Nat knows better. “Besides, you were the one that got all touchy feely.”
She rolls her eyes. “Come on, this is ridiculous. Besides…”
Bucky turns his head at the way her sentence trails off. “Oh, I know that tone. Spit it out, what wicked plan have you concocted.”
She flicks his nipple playfully, chuckling at his yelp of surprise. “Well it’s obvious we’re both interested, wouldn’t you say?”
“… I won’t confirm or deny this fact until I hear the rest of this.”
She rolls on top of him, straddling his waist, as his hands smooth over her thighs. “And it’s obvious he’s interested in us.”
Bucky raises a brow. “You think he’d be open to it?”
Bucky grins up at her. She has a knack for being right about these things. “I like where this is going. Who gets the honour of breaking his poor brain?”
Nat’s eyes get a mischievous glint in them as she lowers herself, hands squeezing at his pecs. “Let’s make it fun, hm? What do you say? We have a little race?”
Bucky licks his lips in excitement. The two of them have always been competitive — at work, at the gym, in bed. It’s kept the spark between them alive and well, and neither of them can resist a good challenge.
“Winner gets…?”
“To call the shots that night,” Natasha decides firmly.
“Oh, hell,” Bucky curses, his fingers dancing up her sides and sliding into her hair. “You’re on.”
Her responding laugh gets swallowed up by his kiss, as they put off dinner for a little while longer.
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Thank you all so much for reading & for your support!  Overall Masterpost
Tag List: @fluffyunicorn-96​ @goldylions​ @angryknightstatesmantrash​ @rookthorne​
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dreamties · 2 years
Hi! I saw that you were making a general taglist and I was wondering if it was still open? If it is, I'd like to be added please. If its not feel free to just ignore this ❤ I hope you have a good weekend!
Yes!! It absolutely is :D
I’m excited that folks are genuinely interested in this idea :O I’m gonna make a little note to add ya to it :3
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bunnliix · 3 months
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General Taglist: Open!
Series Taglists:
The Invisible Strings that Bind Us: Open!
Can't Stay Away from You: Open!
Send in an ask if you want to be added to taglists please!
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orionicchaos · 1 year
Ori's blog
➣ general taglist
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⇝ if you're added to this taglist, you'll be notified when i post all kind of works except for the smau series and stories with multiple chapters (except for two and three shot, or the pt2/3/etc of drabbles/hc with diff characters) as they have their own
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“And perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone„ -Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
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petersthree · 3 months
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aritany · 10 months
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DEAD GIRLS DON’T SAY SORRY (coming Feb 6, 2024) is available for pre-order anywhere you buy books!
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lady-of-tearshed · 18 days
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Fourth Wing general taglist (just manifest your interest in the comments, and I'll add you on it!)
Taglist: @lalaluch
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tadpolesonalgae · 8 months
Hey! I am like obsessed with your writing i cant stop reading!!! Your azriel fics omggggg😩😩😩so happy ive come across your page! Can i be on your taglist if thats okay?💜
Thank you so much!! 🧡💛
I’ll add you to the General Taglist but if you wanted to be added to the Az Taglist or another specific one, feel free to send an ask in or message me to change that!
As always if anyone ever wants to be taken off a Taglist or shifted to another one, that’s completely fine too!
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