#Genesis 2
nam-ore · 1 year
Até onde a falta de confiança em Deus pode nos levar? A de Eva levou todas as gerações futuras a serem condenadas ao pecado original. Por isso a importância do "orai e vigiai". Se a gente for procurar quais motivos Eva tinha pra dar mais credibilidade a uma serpente falante do que ao Deus que: criou seu esposo com suas próprias mãos e soprou o fôlego de vida em suas narinas, que Ele mesmo plantou o jardim do Éden com toda a beleza da natureza, deu o domínio de todos os animais e plantas aos dois, eles não precisavam trabalhar, não precisavam lutar, renunciar, sacrificar para ganhar o céu porque o céu foi feito para eles. O motivo chama-se HUMANIDADE. Possuímos uma alma que nos dá os sentidos, o querer, a sensibilidade e é ligado ao nosso corpo. E também possuímos um espírito dotado de inteligência e vontade que não dependem do nosso corpo, embora possam usá-lo. Quando o inimigo quer nos tentar ele vai na nossa humanidade, na nossa sensibilidade, é por isso que Eva prontamente caiu na sua conversa, ela não parou pra analisar, será que Deus mentiria pra eles por não querer que eles se tornassem conhecedores do bem e do mau como um deus também? Como isso pareceu ter algum sentido para Eva? A verdade é que a serpente só deu uma brecha para a vontade que já habitava na alma dela. A palavra diz que ela achava o fruto atraente e desejava obter conhecimento. Cuidado com que está no seu coração, cuidado ao dar ouvidos a quem diz o contrário do que Deus já te falou, cuidado em qual palavra você escolhe confiar.
Devocional Genesis 2
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nsfwbible · 11 months
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Here she comes — you better watch your step
“This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh,” the first man says upon seeing the newly created being called woman. The recriminations come all too soon, after Eve shares with him the forbidden fruit. 
The mid-16th century engraving by Giulio Bonasone copies Michelangelo’s Cistine Chapel painting.
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tabernacleheart · 1 year
Suffering in general is a result of the brokenness of the world, which finds its root cause in human sin (see Genesis 3). But this does not mean that every instance of personal suffering is a direct consequence of one’s own sin. Often, our pain comes from the mere fact that we live in a world that is not what God had intended.
When God drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:23-24), they brought with them their fractured relationships and toilsome work, scratching out an existence in resistant soil. Nonetheless, God continued to provide for them (Gen. 3:21). The curse did not destroy their ability to multiply (Gen. 4:1-2), or to attain a measure of prosperity (Gen. 4:3-4). The work of Genesis 1 and 2 continues in the world of Genesis 3. There is still ground to be tilled and phenomena of nature to be studied, described, and named. Men and women must still be fruitful, must still multiply, must still govern. But now, a second layer of work must also be accomplished—the work of healing, repairing, and restoring the things that go wrong and the evils that are committed.
To put it in a contemporary context, the work of farmers, scientists, midwives, parents, leaders, and everyone in creative enterprises is still needed. But so is the work of exterminators, doctors, funeral directors, corrections officers, forensic auditors, and everyone in professions that restrain evil, forestall disaster, repair damage, and restore health. In truth, everyone’s work is a now mixture of creation and repair, encouragement and frustration, success and failure, joy and sorrow. 
Theology Of Work Project
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This chapter is an appendix to the history of the creation, more particularly explaining and enlarging upon that part of the history which relates immediately to man, the favourite of this lower world. We have in it, I. The institution and sanctification of the sabbath...
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biblebloodhound · 24 days
Life (Genesis 1:20-2:4a)
People have been tasked with being faithful stewards of creation, entrusted with caring for other creatures and the created order.
The Creation of Heaven and Earth, by Unknown artist, c.18th century God said, “Let the waters swarm with living things, and let birds fly above the earth up in the dome of the sky.” God created the great sea animals and all the tiny living things that swarm in the waters, each according to its kind, and all the winged birds, each according to its kind. God saw how good it was. Then God blessed…
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re4med · 1 month
Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day: March 24, 2024
Prayer: Our most holy God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as we come before your majesty this Lord’s Day, we come knowing that we are creatures of dust and people without hope in this fallen world if not for your infinite kindness and grace given to us through the blood of the Passover Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ. We come knowing that we are miserable creatures without you. We come confessing your…
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liliesofeden · 1 month
”Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”“
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭18‬
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consecratedn-ation · 4 months
Not too long ago, I was reading through the first few chapters of Genesis and I read this verse:
”So the Lord God formed out of the ground every animal of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name.“
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2‬:‭19‬ ‭AMP‬‬
It’s a verse that carries a sense of peace and mundanity to it that you don’t see very often. I love you, but Jesus loves you more. God bless.
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nyny-213 · 6 months
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Apart of my art project. It’s the creation story from the Bible and this is the 6th day with Adam and Eve.
Also Genesis 2:23 is such a cute verse to me now that I drew them together.
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holy-mountaiin · 6 months
Day 1 - The Beginning
Psalm 148
Genesis 1-2
Ephesians 1
Below you will find each audible version over beats, visuals and "helpful tools." At the very bottom you will see a "read & rant episode"
Free Genesis course
Collective Identity (bible project podcast)
Ephesians 1 - by Allen Parr
Ephesians (overview) by Spoken Gospel
Ephesians 1 by Spoken Gospel
Receive Jesus’ Gift - Streetlights
We Spiritual - Streetlights
Read & Rant
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tabernacleheart · 2 years
When we understand the distinction between [mere physical existence and God-given divine life,] God’s words to Adam and Eve in Genesis 2:16-17 start to make a lot more sense. There, God lays out the ground rules for life in Eden, explaining, “You may freely eat of every tree in the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.” In the original Hebrew, even more emphasis is placed on the word “die.” The literal translation of that passage is “die the death.” God sounds serious there. Deadly serious. Yet in the very next chapter, without missing a beat, Adam and Eve eat the fruit God warned them not to eat... and nothing happens. At least seemingly. [No,] they don’t drop dead on the spot. But when you realize there are two kinds of life— [physical and spiritual]— you also realize there are two kinds of death— bodily death and spiritual death. Adam and Eve didn’t die physically that day in the Garden, but they did die spiritually. They lost something far more precious than natural life: the lost supernatural life, divine life, the gift of sanctifying grace in their soul. Had Adam not listened to his wife, had he protested, called the serpent on his lies, and fought back, he might have been physically attacked by the serpent and lost his physical life. But he would have held on to the more important gift. He still would have possessed sanctifying grace, the gift of divine sonship. He would have had [true life].
Doctor Scott Hahn
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bookkats · 8 months
Finding God: Garden of Eden
Sept 10th NL201Garden of EdenGenesis 2:4b-25Mark 1:16-20Mark 10:6-8 Call to Worship: God created us in companionshipGod created us to be goodCome let us worship God the CreatorCome let us be in communion with God Call to worshipWe are God-breathed beingsIt is good to dwell with GodWe are called to be with GodCome let us spend some time with God together Call to Confession: God calls us all to…
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graceandpeacejoanne · 9 months
Women from the Dawn of Time
Each podcast is designed to offer background scholarship on the topic, including setting, culture, original language, and archaeology, as well as a theological study.  #DawnofTime #Eve #Noah #Job
Season 1: Dawn of Time Eve, Part 1 She was brought forth into a beautiful world full of love, but then something went terribly awry Eve’s story is perhaps the most iconic for all women, as she is the first of us, the one from whom all of us have come, and her story becomes, in a certain sense, the source of our stories as well.First, we will lift back the mists of time and watch as God brought…
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fardell24b · 9 months
Church notes - June, July 2023
On LiveJournal: https://fardell24.livejournal.com/591059.html
On Dreamwidth: https://fardell24.dreamwidth.org/791673.html
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re4med · 3 months
Daily Prayer for the Lord's Day: January 14, 2024
Prayer: Grant almighty God that your redeemed people would be glad and rejoice in this day that you have made, a day that reminds us of the eternal rest you have promised all those who love you. Grant, we plead with thee that your presence would be seen and known as we gather to worship the one, living, and true God of heaven and earth. As we gather together with the saints of your visible…
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