#Gov. Glenn Youngkin
Jon Stewart pointed out where former President Donald Trump is in a “two-tiered justice system” after Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) shared his take on the 37-count federal indictment of Trump last week.
Youngkin, in the wake of the indictment connected to Trump’s handling of classified documents, wrote on Twitter that such a system led to selective prosecution of some people while “others are not” prosecuted, claiming that parents in Virginia have also been the target of “politically motivated actions.”
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Other Republicans have offered similar arguments of selective prosecution including 2024 Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, former Vice President and 2024 candidate Mike Pence and Rep. Bill Johnson (R-Ohio) following the indictment.
“The Problem with Jon Stewart” host retweeted a clip from his show’s account that noted he agrees with the idea of a “two-tiered justice system” before schooling the Republican Governor on Trump’s place within it.
“Trump has used privilege and wealth to protect himself from legal accountability at every turn,” said Stewart in a clip initially shared in April following the arraignment of Trump on charges linked to hush money payments.
“He has lived his entire adult life in the space twixt, illegal and unethical. He’s in the tier where you get the platinum arraignment package – no cuffs, no mugshot, all-you-can-eat fingerprint ink.”
Stewart went on to question if regular people surround themselves with a “meat shield of henchmen to go to prison in their place,” a nod to Trump associates sentenced to time in prison.
The former “Daily Show” host later analyzed the New York State attorney general’s civil lawsuit against Trump’s now-defunct charitable organization, a lawsuit he was ordered to settle for $2 million.
“Yes. It’s all selective prosecution and when you’re in the good tier, you can do whatever you want and you’re probably going to be fine,” said Stewart.
“In fact, you might even be elected president – twice.”
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johnnyrobish · 2 years
Gov. Youngkin Wants No Mention of MLK Jr. in Virginia Elementary School Curriculums
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Governor Glenn Youngkin has introduced a new proposal for Virginia’s elementary schools, which would remove any mention of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from the curriculum of every elementary school in Virginia.  In addition, the proposal also bans topics such as lynching from being taught until 6th grade, and Christopher Columbus' role in the slave trade cannot be taught until 11th grade. 
Well, that makes things pretty clear.  There will be no damn teaching of “woke history” on Gov. Youngkin’s watch!  Now, you can call me crazy, but this almost sounds like “Cancel Culture!”  So, what’s up next - no more references to the “Civil War?”  It must now be referred to as “Stinkin’ Lincoln’s War of Northern Aggression?”  It’s all part of the Republican plan to replace “woke” history books, with these new, improved - MAGA history books.
Of course, Republicans justify the move by claiming that teaching about slavery and racial discrimination makes white children feel “uncomfortable.”  Gee, and to think all these years I’ve been under the impression that the whole point of teaching history was learning about our past, not to make people feel “comfortable.”  Hell, if it’s comfort you’re after, I bet those kids would feel a helluva lot more “comfortable” watching cartoons sitting in Barcaloungers, rather than learning about shit people did ages ago, while they’re sitting in tiny, uncomfortable hardwood desks.      
Oh well, I guess that’s what I get for not being “home-schooled.”  That said, what we’re obviously seeing here is some mighty fancy cultural “whitewashing” - with special emphasis on the “white” part.  The thing is, the courts ruled a long time ago that Dixiecrats (who now call themselves MAGA Republicans) - can’t stop black children from going to the same schools where white children go, so I guess poor Republicans feel erasing history is all they have left.
Oddly, this will mean school kids in Virginia will continue to get “MLK Day” off as a holiday, but will have no idea why.  Things could get a bit awkward when students ask their teachers, “Martin Luther King, who’s that?”  And teacher will have to respond, “I’m sorry, but state law does not allow me to answer that.  You’ll either have to Google it, or ask someone from another state to answer your question.”
So, the problem is, “just how do you talk about Martin Luther King Day, without mentioning Martin Luther King?”  Well, I guess you’ll just have to move to Virginia - if you wanna find that out.  This is yet another example of the old “Imagine your history is so horrifying, you try to ban people from learning about it.”  Well, that’s why it’s so important for folks to remember that this “aw-shucks fascist,” with that great big smile like our Glenn Youngkin - is still a fascist.
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Virginia governor vetoes marijuana market bill
A push to establish a legal marijuana market in Virginia is officially dead after Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin vetoed legislation on Thursday. Virginia has allowed adults over 21 to possess and cultivate cannabis at home since the Legislature passed legalization legislation in 2021. But the law required another vote to implement commercial sales, which failed after Republicans won the House of…
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kiramoore626 · 2 years
Virginia Students Stage Massive Walkout to Push Against Anti-Transgender Policies
Virginia Students Stage Massive Walkout to Push Against Anti-Transgender Policies Students from dozens of schools throughout Virginia staged a walkout on Tuesday, to protest Republican Governor Glen Youngkin’s anti-transgender education policies. Earlier this month, Youngkin released a set of guidelines for the Virginia Department of Education aimed at rolling back transgender rights put in…
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sordidamok · 2 months
The UDC statement here says that they are "grieved that certain hate groups have taken the Confederate flag and other symbols as their own" - as if the Confederate flag had ever not been a symbol of white supremacy.
Youngkin can't run for governor in 2025. He's possibly eyeing another office and wants to stay on the good side of Virginia racists.
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progressivepower · 7 months
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Democrat Abigail Spanberger Is Running for Virginia Governor. Spanberger unseated a Republican in a wave year for Democrats. Now the former CIA agent wants to succeed Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin. http://ow.ly/QobM1051z5z
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coochiequeens · 8 months
A TIM sexually assaulted a girl and a teacher who told a grand jury the truth about another incident of sexual assault was fired. At least someone in the school was more concerned about the truth then perverts or maintaining a woke image.
LOUDOUN COUNTY, Va. — A jury of six women and one man on Friday found ex-Loudoun County Public Schools Superintendent Scott Ziegler guilty of using his position to retaliate against a teacher for cooperating with a grand jury investigating how the district handled sexual assault.
After a four-day trial plus a day of deliberations, the jury found that Ziegler wrongfully fired a teacher who had disclosed to Virginia investigators about mishandling of sexual assault in her classroom. Ziegler was convicted of using his official position to retaliate against someone for exercising their rights, and acquitted of punishing someone for testifying to a jury, both misdemeanors.
Ziegler could face up to 12 months in jail, a $2,500 fine, or both. Sentencing in the trial will occur on January 4, 2024, Judge Douglas Fleming Jr. said. Ziegler’s victim, former special education teacher Erin Brooks, clasped her hands in front of her mouth in emotion after the verdict was read.
Prosecutors appointed by Attorney General Jason Miyares, a Republican, said that after they began investigating the school district’s coverup of a bathroom rape, they spoke with Brooks, who disclosed an unrelated instance of mishandling of sexual assault by school administrators. Brooks was then fired by Ziegler for cooperating with the special grand jury.
Out of all of LCPS’ 15,000 teachers, Brooks was singled out for firing by Ziegler at a school board meeting in June 2022, prosecutors said. Ziegler told board members he fired Brooks for giving private information to a conservative activist, and for giving private information to the grand jury, school board member John Beatty testified.
Ziegler’s alleged claim that Brooks had given information to a conservative activist turned out to be false, and it would be illegal to punish her for telling the truth to a jury she’d been subpoenaed by, prosecutors argued.
At trial, school board member Brenda Sheridan, a Democrat who was chair during the gender-fluid rape coverup, was asked under oath about Ziegler’s closed-door statements that amounted to a confession. She did not deny Beatty’s version, but instead refused to answer, saying that because division attorney Robert Falconi was in the room during the discussion, she believed she could invoke attorney-client privilege.
Ziegler, who was wearing earrings and nail polish, did not testify at trial.
Falconi convinced the board to drop their questions about Brooks that June night by falsely saying she could simply appeal.
LCPS, often through its then-attorney Falconi, repeatedly attacked, tried to shut down, and obfuscated to the special grand jury, which Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin promised to convene following the Daily Wire’s October 2021 expose of a “genderfluid” rape coverup.
The grand jury previously said it would have indicted Falconi for witness tampering because of his central role in the rape coverup, but were hamstrung by the fact that Virginia doesn’t have a witness tampering law.
Though Ziegler’s defense attorney Erin Harrigan said in opening arguments that she would show that Ziegler fired Brooks for invading the privacy of her student assailant, she failed to produce evidence that private information was shared or that a policy was violated. None of the witnesses could point to a policy that Brooks violated.
Prosecutors laid out a devastating timeline of retaliation against Brooks, who was trying to get administrators to do something about the fact that a student with intellectual disabilities was grabbing the genitals of her and her teaching assistant Laurie Vandermeulen dozens of times a day, while making crude motions with his tongue. Administrators offered the educators a piece of cardboard called “no-no hands,” and told them to hold it in front of their groins. They also offered to buy them dog groomer aprons to wear to “slow down penetration,” they said.
At a loss for what to do, Vandermeulen asked a frequent speaker at school board meetings, Ian Prior, to read a letter to the school board expressing that there were two teachers who were being sexually assaulted in class and needed help.
Vandermeulen also sent a record of the assaults she was facing to her personal gmail after fearing a coverup was afoot, which Ziegler’s attorney initially tried to portray as “smuggling” private information, but ultimately failed to show that Vandermeulen violated any policy.
On March 22, 2022, principal Diane Mackey gave Brooks a glowing evaluation. That night, Prior made the speech, which contained no identifying information about the student, the teachers, or even the name of the school. Prior didn’t know any details about the student and Vandermeulen asked him not to use any names. He only said that teachers had filed a Title IX complaint on a certain date that he hoped the school board would look into.
Mackey saw the school board speech and the student was moved out of Brooks’ classroom the next day, but Brooks became the target of ruthless animus from school administrators.
Soon after, Brooks asked Mackey for a day off to testify to the grand jury, and Mackey demanded to see the subpoena. Ziegler asked HR whether Brooks was a probationary employee, meaning she would be easy to fire. Mackey spoke to Ziegler about Brooks, then falsely testified to the grand jury that she had not, she acknowledged this week, chalking it up to a memory error. Mackey also spoke about Brooks to Falconi, the attorney who prosecutors said was Ziegler’s “right-hand man.”
In May, Mackey wrote a negative evaluation and letter to Ziegler recommending that she be fired. Ziegler used the letter the same day to have her fired, suggesting he was waiting on it.
Prosecutors said the year-end evaluation of Brooks showed that school officials had “fabricated” the allegations retroactively to justify Ziegler’s desire to fire her, given that she had a stellar record and had been named Special Ed Teacher of the Year the prior year.
The evaluation focused squarely on the student who was the subject of the trial, saying she had failed to manage his behavior and failed to implement “plans” like the cardboard. It, and Ziegler’s attorney, suggested that Brooks had caused the student to sexually assault her by making him frustrated by refusing to give him an iPad.
The year-end evaluation posed a major timeline problem for the defense: The student never set foot in Brooks’ classroom in between her glowing March evaluation and negative May one. Yet the May one was full of allegations involving her handling of the student that were absent from, or outright contradicted by, the earlier evaluation.
“She made it up after the fact. Isn’t it brazen how she did this?” prosecutor Brandon Wrobleski asked. “‘We can’t have more sexual assaults coming out. Anyone who brings sexual assaults to public attention is gone.’ That’s what happened here,” he said. “Look a how well the Family works together when a dissident speaks out. She goes from Teacher of the Year to fired,” he said.
Ziegler’s attorney Harrigan explained the discrepancy in closing arguments by saying that in between the two evaluations, Mackey had seen that the student supposedly did not assault his new teacher, leading to a conclusion that Brooks and Vendermeulen must have been to blame for their own assaults.
Prosecutor Theo Stamos said the defense had offered no “motive” why Brooks and Vandermeulen would voluntarily cause themselves to be sexually assaulted or deprive him of an iPad communication device–Brooks was actually such a proponent of the communication aid for disabled students that she led a training on it.
The defense’s evidence that she had caused the assaults by failing to implement administrators’ “plans” or not provided him an iPad was based on fleeting observations from a handful of administrators who had stopped in Brooks’ class for a few minutes, and whose testimony at trial suggested that the defense had overstated or misrepresented their observations.
Harrigan emphasized in closing arguments that the law about an employer punishing someone for jury testimony talks about punishing them for being absent. Ziegler was found not guilty of that charge, perhaps because jurors believed he was retaliating against Brooks for what she said to the grand jury, not for taking a day off work to do it.
A month after his January 4 sentencing, Ziegler will face a separate trial on a final misdemeanor charge that was at the core of The Daily Wire’s 2021 story: His false statement at a school board meeting that there had been no sexual assaults in LCPS restrooms–part of a screed denigrating parents who were concerned about a transgender policy being discussed–when in fact he knew that a skirt-wearing boy had anally raped a ninth grader in the girls bathroom just weeks prior.
Harrigan said she plans to file a “somewhat legally complex” “motion to set aside the jury’s verdict.”
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meret118 · 8 months
Early voting opened in Virginia on Friday for all 140 state House and Senate seats. Although Democrats typically hold an edge in early voting, Republicans in the state — spearheaded by Gov. Glenn Youngkin — have pushed hard this year to get their voters to turn out ahead of the Nov. 7 election.
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Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s (R) administration recently pulled resources for LGBTQ youth from the state’s Department of Health website, after receiving an inquiry from a conservative outlet, according to The Washington Post.
The online resources for LGBTQ youth were reportedly removed May 31, the same day that the administration received questions from The Daily Wire, an outlet co-founded by conservative commentator Ben Shapiro.
The Virginia Department of Health website previously featured links to Q Chat Space, a national LGBTQ center where teens can join online support groups moderated by professionals, as well as the LGBTQ and social justice website Queer Kid Stuff, among other resources.
The state’s health commissioner, Karen Shelton, told colleagues in one of several messages obtained by the Post that she was directed to pull the webpage by Health and Human Resources.
Employees with the Virginia Department of Health’s Office of Family Health — which was at the center of this and other recent cases in which public health resources were removed — expressed concerns about the removal of the LGBTQ resources without their prior consultation.
“I’m having a bad case of déjà vu,” Vanessa Walker Harris, the director of the Office of Family Health, said in one email, according to the Post.
Walker Harris went on to voice concerns that the division’s staff were being directed to remove the resources in response to “a politically motivated inquiry, yet again.”
“[H]ere we go again with removing things from the webpage without consulting OFHS,” another member of the Office of Family Health, Emily Yeatts, said.
Shelton later apologized for the way that the change was handled, saying that “there wasn’t much time to communicate about it,” the Post reported.
In the wake of the decision to remove the LGBTQ resources, Youngkin spokesperson Macaulay Porter said in a statement to the Post that the government “should not facilitate anonymous conversations between adults and children without a parent’s approval.”
“In Virginia, the Governor will always reaffirm a parent’s role in their child’s life,” she added. “Children belong to their parents, not the state.”
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azuremallone · 2 months
Well, we now know the truth behind the liberal intention to import undocumented and allow illegal immigrants into the United States...
They're intentionally opening "pathways" to working in the United States without being a citizen to create a 2-tiered caste system. One which is a citizen and one which is a civilian. Wait... didn't I hear this before from some place?
Federal law prohibits undocumented illegal immigrants from working in the United States. In fact, the penalties are very severe and there are strong prohibitions against public service work which requires citizenship in many cases. One instance is secrets clearance.
However, it explains why now that there are so many, the liberal establishment is beginning to eat itself because they have only just now realized that. They had no game plan other than the notion that this might work in their favor. But then it backfired, and now they're stuck with their sanctuary cities and a massively increased homeless population with no resources to manage it.
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Bill to allow marijuana sales in peril after breakdown on Virginia arena deal
Hopes that Gov. Glenn Youngkin might sign a bill legalizing retail sales of marijuana in Virginia faded fast this week as Democrats blocked one of the governor’s top priorities: the plan to bring a professional sports arena to Northern Virginia. As recently as Wednesday, according to multiple Capitol sources, the cannabis bill was being raised in closed-door budget talks with the governor as one…
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kiramoore626 · 2 years
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin Declares War on Transgender Kids
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin Declares War on Transgender Kids
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin Declares War on Transgender Kids Virginia’s governor has stripped transgender public school kids in the state’s schools of fundamental rights to dignity and belonging. Under new policies by Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Virginia will no longer allow transgender students to use facilities marked by their gender identity in schools, a move that critics say is…
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sordidamok · 3 months
Gov. Glenn Youngkin could still veto. The fact that it got this far is pretty amazing.
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spec-squared · 15 days
Okay so I don't normally post about this kinda stuff, but this is important and I need to talk about it.
"Currently, the kids of veterans who are more than 90% permanently disabled can have their tuition waived for up to eight semesters at a public college or university in Virginia."
The program explained above is called the Virginia Military Survivors Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP). I was a recipient up until just a couple weeks ago, because I finished up my eighth semester of college and will be graduating soon.
Republican Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin just gutted funding for this program. Now there are going to be thousands of children and young adults who will either lose access to higher education entirely, or they will be forced to go into tens of thousands of dollars of debt to pursue it.
Now, I had a very long-winded paragraph typed out, giving you my sob story about how my father died due to military service-related injuries and that my Ma had to jump through hoops with the USDVA for a year so that I would be granted eligibility. It was meticulously worded so that you, the reader, would sympathize with me and understand why this program is so important to me and many other Virginians like me. Unfortunately, I'm on mobile and accidentally swiped my thumb the wrong way, causing the whole thing to be deleted, and I am too emotionally exhausted to write all that out again.
TL;DR - this is EXTREMELY bad for a LOT of people, and if you live in Virginia, I am BEGGING you to contact our local representatives and tell them that they need to reinstate funding for VMSDEP, and PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, VOTE BLUE.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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