#Governor Pritzker
msclaritea · 3 months
saw your stupid post complaining a about queercoded Carol Danvers: bitch, MCU Carol has been read as queer since the moment they made a movie where she doesn't have a love interest, is best friends with a woman to the level she helped raising her kid. to the level the military gave her things to Maria instead of any Danvers. to the level Monica tells her she didn't get along with her parents so the Danbeaus became her family.
nothing screams lesbian louder than raising a kid with your single mom friend and be so important to the kid that she's bitter over you fucking up for thirty years.
nothing screams lesbians as much as leather jacket, ripped jeans, and flannel shirt.
this bitch has been gay from the moment they decided to make Carol Danvers sorta Mar-Vell protege instead of making Mar-Vell a dude and Carol just his love interest like the original version in the comics.
then they make her have a very clear marriage of convenience with the prince of the gayest planet of the MCU.
bonus that the fucking king of Asgard calls her Marv? makes a strap-on joke? those bitches fuck and fuck good.
not to count that oh, she's a fictional character? let this bitch be the biggest gay ever. if they're not gonna give us canonically queer characters from the comics like Loki, gimme Captain Carol "Raised a Kid With My Best Friend, Definitely Bangs the King Of Asgard and Is a Lesbian Car Mom" Danvers.
it's the internet, you don't get much space to be a incel, pathetic queerphobic bitch lol
WOW! I missed this particular load of b.s. Get a load of the sheer damage that the Queer Identity Cult has been doing to people and their common sense. Are you so warped, that you have never, ever heard of a person, male or female, not getting along with their family and going out, making their own?
Newsflash, HONEY! A shitload of kids from every background does that. I did that. My family sucked at a lot of things. The minute I was old enough, I moved to another state, made best friends with a crazy white chick, and was invited to move into the house, by HER mother. We had a blast..AND BOY, WERE WE BOY CRAZY. If I wasn't such a rolling stone, I'd still likely be there, helping her with her now grown son, and I know this, because over 30 years later, we are still close friends.
I can also imagine being missed by a child from another friend because I WAS missed by a loving goddaughter, as I bopped all over the place, for years and can easily imagine her being hurt, if something was wrong with her mother, and I did not contact them. That is how it works, even with the family that you choose. They have the right to be upset, if you fuck up.
I ALSO enjoyed wearing ripped jeans, flannel and leather jackets in school. It was called a phase, and I THINK I can blame it on Duran Duran, but I'll have to check my photo album.
I also had a preppy period that I CAN blame on Molly Ringwald. Everyone who wears flannel is not Gay, just like every girl with short hair is not a goddamn Lesbian.
You all have really screwed yourselves up by trying to command that every human being adhere to some kind of uniform to match their sexuality. It is beyond ignorant. One of you stupid fucks assumed that my sister was a Lesbian, just because she rocks a Halle Berry short. Another newsflash: My Sis? Loves DICK. Truly. She also has some pretty awesome male relationships in her life.
Also, how can Carole Danvers be BOTH canonically love interest to a man, in the comics, like you just said, if she's now suddenly, considered a Lesbian? You're also basically saying that every person who even sings, is Gay.
What I'm hearing you say is that women cannot possibly:
wear flannel and torn jeans
have chosen family
have fights with their father
go through sexual harassment or mysoginy
..even be missed by a child that they were close to..unless they are a Lesbian.
But hey, since you brought all of this up, let's talk about Nia DaCosta. It seems now that she was very determined to Queer code Carole Danvers in Captain Marvel. That got solidified real well by the sabotaging BULLSHIT pulled by little Miss Kamala Khan, herself. That was quite the interview she did, making sure that people knew Nia DaCosta had made the film Queer, "But it had to be cut out. Boo hoo! Trolls should attack the movie MORE!"
Message effing received. The whole thing was a fuck over. And ever since, you all have been trying to redeem the damage YOU have done. THERE IS NONE. You're disgusting.
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marzeydoze · 11 months
Yesterday was a good day for IL democrats likability rating
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I love my state. 🏳️‍⚧️
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tehjleck · 1 year
Good job to Illinois Governor Pritzker for giving a middle finger to the terrorist organization known as the NRA by banning semiautomatic weapons in his state.
Fuck the NRA
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lamajaoscura · 2 years
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 7 months
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J. B. Pritzker (D-IL) Governor of Illinois
J. B. is the kind of guy I could spend hours with doing in every position. Plus, he's rich. I'm not saying that's a reason to date him. Just a nice side benefit.
Well… If he is looking for a chubby daddy lover to sugar daddy, then I'll happily apply.
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morgenlich · 1 month
re: last reblog, illinois is very safely dem (for presidential elections anyway), to be clear. like let us compare the 2020 presidential election results from cnn to this population density map using 2020 census results
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but there’s still a lot of local republican controlled governments that make things. Difficult. for people in rural areas
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nodynasty4us · 4 months
From the February 7, 2024 write-up:
The partisan, cross-border swipes during the late January speech may say more about American politics in 2028 than in 2024. Many of the country’s highest-profile state executives — several talked up as likely presidential contenders in four years — are using their agenda-setting annual speeches to land blows on their counterparts in far off state capitals.
In an era where even viewership of the presidential State of the Union is declining, only the most civic-minded of voters pays any heed to governors’ State of the State addresses. But they provide a critical window into the country’s biggest policy debates — and increasingly offer evidence of its toxic, partisan political culture. States have always engaged in spirited economic and political rivalries, but increasingly, their chief executives sound like combatants from warring factions.
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ponytailcoby · 2 years
I'm very fortunate to be living in Illinois right now
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msclaritea · 2 months
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You know what's even worse about what Kevin Bacon aka Mr Married To His Cousin, did, is that his Drag Queen stunt, along with all of the word vomit, suddenly coming from white and black celebrities, spilling the beans, is being used to feed crunchy Rightwingers on YouTube. I guess it isn't difficult to see who has some kompromat floating around, thanks to Roger Stone. All of the comments for this video are also parroting multi billionaire, Barry Diller, who said months ago, that 'Hollywood is dead'. The same Diller who advised Zaslav to purchase Warner Bros Discovery, who then began 'killing content'; who has half of Hollywood and a Clinton in his pocket, who went on vacation once with an entire fleet of yacht boys, who arranged the win for Wall Street backed, Everything Everywhere All At Once and who just bought a $45 million dollar property in Miami, the 'New Beverly Hills'.
Leftism is a Rightwing creation, leveraged to swing the public back in their favor. How can the Right possibly have a problem with current Hollywood, when they helped build it, use it for propaganda, from its very beginning to now, with films like Civil War?
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chicagotimesonline · 3 months
Governor Pritzker announces investment in Illinois prison system
By Shelby Sullivan, The Chicago Times March 15,  2024 SPRINGFIELD, IL – Illinois Governor JB Pritzker announced Friday plans to rebuild two Illinois Department of Corrections facilities: Logan Correctional Center and Stateville Correctional Center in a $3.2 billion capital investment scheme that is hoped to create thousands of jobs, improve safety for staff and inmates, and generate long-term…
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filosofablogger · 5 months
"What Next?" You Asked ...
Late last night I read Heather Cox Richardson’s daily newsletter, Letters from an American, and the first two paragraphs caused my jaw to drop to the floor.  The lust of some people to turn this nation into an all-white, straight, male-dominated Christian nation has gone too far!!!  I must share that newsletter with you … January 13, 2024 By Heather Cox Richardson 14 January 2024 Last night a…
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spohkh · 5 months
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 11 months
Serving Governor Pritzker
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Featuring the Governor of Illinois, J. B. Pritzker
My dad worked in the office of Governor J.B. Pritzker, a billionaire businessman, philanthropist and heir to the Hyatt hotel fortune. It was two days before Christmas, and my dad was going to Gov. Pritzker's inaugural ball, which we had to attend in the early afternoon. We would be meeting his boss for the first time, and he wanted me to impress the governor. Once there, I sent my afternoon playing nice and struggling with boredom with Dad kept me by his side like a trophy.
Hoping dad would release me; I was getting the eye from a husky guy, black hair, graying at the temples with a cute chin. I watched him working from across the room. Courteous, he seemed to bow slightly as he spoke to the guests, leaning in to let them know he was focused on their needs. He was still smiling and nodding, looking very relaxed as he headed over toward us. I wondered if I could get away long enough to drop a load. As much as I wanted to help my dad, there's a limit, and I haven't blown my load in what felt like ages ago; while Dad's grip on me tightened.
"Hey J. B.." Dad said as he stiffen beside me.  
Gov. Pritzker was far from what I expected. He had dark eyebrows over blue eyes that bore right through me. I temporarily lost my ability to speak as all of the blood in my brain had traveled south. Even his scent was sexy. An old-fashioned cologne I couldn't quite place, mixed with his natural musky, manly scent both soothed and exhilarated me. I inhaled slowly trying to make the moment last. What had seemed like just a cute, older guy across the room turned out to be a seriously hot daddy, governor of Illinois, billionaire and my dad's boss for which I was developing a major hard-on.
"Hello there. You must be John," Gov. Pritzker said, offering his hand as his eyes sweeping over me. "Your dad has mentioned you a lot."
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"He has?" I said, taking the governor's hand and welcomed his firm grip. I wanted to grab him and stick my tongue down his throat.  
"Steady, boy," I thought to myself.
"Only good things," The governor said as Dad laughed, shaking his head while the governor's wife shook hands with Mom.
Was that a wink? Gov. Pritzker was definitely casting me a sly grin as he gave my hand an extra squeeze. As he chatted with us, mentioning his political operation and his ambition, joked constantly about his girth, which is ample. But what I really admire, though, is the horn dog under that jovial shell.
During our conversation, Gov. Pritzker was sidled next to me, nodding at a joke of my mother's while my dad was talking to his wife. I noticed he had managed to separate my dad from my side, but I wasn't complaining. As I leaned up against a nearby wall, I felt it. Gov. Pritzker hand was on my crotch, and just as that registered he gave me a distinct squeeze. I nodded, as though it could be for my mom's story, but I knew he would understand. I felt his hand, felt him trace the outline of my cock against the tight suit crotch. He squeezed again, and kept squeezing, almost jacking me then and there. All the while smiling at my mother and father.
Fuck. Instant hard on. His hand was by his side again, not pausing on his conversation at all. Damn, he was slick. I liked this man. Well, Dad wanted me to impress his boss.
I cleared my throat. 
"Sorry," I said. "But where's the bathroom at?"
Gov. Pritzker's wife started to point down the hall, but the governor waved her suggestion away, thankfully picking up on my hint.  
"There'll be dozens of people lined up for that one," He said. "You can use the one in my office."
"You don't mind?" I said, for the benefit of his wife and my parents.
"Not at all. It'll give your mom and MK (his wife) a chance to catch up, eh, honey?" He winked at his wife and pointed me out of the hall.
The journey to his office was unbearable. Politicians to dodge, people for the governor to nod away. Soon we were in a dark, quiet hallway and after a quick check up and down the corridor, Gov. Pritzker steered me into what I assumed was his office. I could only catch a quick glimpse of the large room before the lock clicked and Gov. Pritzker was grinning at me again with his hungry eyes.
"Fuck, you're hot, kid."
I grinned back, moving toward him, pushing against J. B. and plunging my tongue into his mouth. I could smell that old fashioned cologne again along with his natural musk. He moaned, suddenly weak and desperate; this powerful man, the 43rd governor of Illinois, moaning as an young man kissed him. Knowing my parents were nearby, knowing his wife was with them, knowing we could be found out by the dozens of reports attending, made it all the more intense.
He sucked at my tongue, lapping at me like a man desperate for water. His hands were undoing my belt, and I helped, pushing my boxer briefs under my balls to expose my cock.
"Wow." J. B. said as he slid down on his knees, taking in my cock with a look of wonder. I watched his lips tremble as they touched the warm tip.
He slurped in my head and wrapped his lips around my shaft, and only paused long enough to enjoy the taste before he engulfed my thick 7.5" cock, and suddenly my cock head was pressing the back of his throat. The man knew how to blow a cock. I knew that instantly; he had years of practice. Of course, all those years in politics, taking in their sweat and their power... J. B. obviously had a few cocks on the side.
"Fuck," I said as removed my cock from his mouth. I struggled to get my head back, to keep it from spinning. He looked diminished and hurt without it, as if I had taken his favorite toy.
"Look. We don't have time for both. Either you can suck me off or I can fuck your ass, but we gotta be quick."
That's when J. B. looked up at me with a dangerous twinkle back in his eye, stood up, dropped his pants to the floor and turned his fabulous billionaire ass toward me and said, "Fuck me!"
Seeing his hairy ass and his huge balls got my cock throbbing so much that I thought I was going to shoot off before I could get my cock into the governor. I quickly leaned over and licked his hole good and wet. Then spit in my hand to wet my cock, taking time to to relish the image of my dad's boss, governor of Indiana, prone before me, his ass desperate for me. Partially clothed, even. It was a delicious sight. I took the time to run my cock head over his deep and sweaty crack, teasing him, letting my precum wet his hole before I stuck my cock into his warm butt.
"Ooohhh, yeeess." He moaned as I pressed in.
I was surprised when he took my cock so easy, although the rim of his ass was indeed tight. I watched it pucker as I pulled my cock out and stuck in deeper. He gasped for air, knowing he couldn't make any noise, I could tell by him looking back at me that he wanted it even harder. I grabbed his beautiful, round, plump cheeks and spread them wider as I began fucking him fast and steady in seconds.  
"Is it good boy?" J. B. asked as I stabbed him with my hot cock.
"Oh yeah... Damn good." I replied as I fucked him hard, pinning him to his desk with my thrust.
The man was nothing but a toy now, reduced to a flesh Jack. A powerful, prominent politician once, now my whore with my cock planted deep in him. I owned him. I fucked him for another few minutes until I felt my orgasm brewing, pushing up through my balls. And where else to deposit it?
I reached around and held on to his ample belly as I came, panting and breathing hard, deep in his pretty ass. His ass made a sucking sound as my cum filled it to the rim. I reached up to feel his breast as I still pumped his daddy hole. His nipples were hard as a rock as I pinched them.
What a fucking I had given the governor and he really loved it to. J. B. had a wide grin on his face as he turned around with his hand going to his cock. Just then, I realized what happened. Somewhere between my orgasm and his breathing, he had experienced his own, earth-shattering orgasm. Without touching his cock, I had fuck the cum out of him. I watched him squeeze out the last drops for several long seconds, almost a full minute of quivering orgasm. Damn, what a slut.
"Come on, Gov. Pritzker," I said. "Your wife will be wondering where you are."
After a few long kisses, I went out and J. B. followed a few seconds later. I could hardly walk, my knees were wobbly as I went back to the party and found my parents. Gov. Pritzker was mingling with the crowd again, but walking a tiny bit slower than before our session. Just then, J. B. turned and saw me starring. He winked and smiled a warm friendly, knowing smile as his wife joined him. He hugged her and once again, looked in my direction and winked. What a cute little flirt he was. I need to hook up with him again.
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humblevictory · 8 months
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mylifeinthechi · 2 years
Bailey is trailed by double digits by Pritzker;Voters continue to prioritize the economy.
Bailey is trailed by double digits by Pritzker;Voters continue to prioritize the economy.
With early voting beginning this week in some parts of Illinois, Democratic Gov. JB Pritzker leads GOP challenger State Sen. State Sen. by 15 points. The majority of voters (51%) back Pritzker’s reelection, while 36% back Bailey.With just under six weeks until Election Day, only 5% of those polled plan to vote for someone else, and 8% remain undecided.Bailey’s campaign has been emphasizing a…
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