#Gripping Journey
Signal boosting my podcast.
"The Witch's Embrace: Threads of Fate in Shadowbrook Camp" is an enthralling and chilling episode of the enigmatic world of Zariya Hollow: A Horror Anthology. This immersive experience, spanning 1 hour and 53 minutes, transports you to the eerie realm of Shadowbrook Camp nestled beneath the ominous Witchcrest Peak. As Madame Ruth expertly shuffles the tarot cards, a mesmerizing tale begins to unfold, intricately weaving the lives of Johnnie Bailey, Dr. and Mrs. Peabody, Reinhardt Hendrickson, Isaac, and the debut character, Esme Levine, portrayed by Danielle White, a Phantom, The Las Vegas Spectacular! alumni.
Within the depths of Shadowbrook Camp, secrets and mysteries abound, and the destinies of these characters become intricately intertwined. As you delve deeper into the shadows, prepare to be captivated by haunting melodies that echo from the past, while the spirits of this enigmatic town whisper their tales of love, loss, and the darkness that lurks within.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
I have greatly enjoyed your comics ever since i saw them and have been quietly Iurking as ya do- thought youd want to know that i played hollow knight based on how enthusiastic u were and how fuckin cool youre art of hk/mdzs is. OH and watched dungeon meshi. Your influence is vast and i have been enriched. Keep on keepin on 🫡
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You have bestowed the highest honour upon me.
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ocean: i accept your whole gay thing, i just don't get it
noel: okay. i'll regret this, but what part don't you get?
ocean: why would you prefer men over women? i'm straight but i could never imagine being with a man... like... that. women are infinitely more attractive. why would you make your life harder for a subpar mate?
noel (internally):
noel (internally):
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ginoeh · 6 months
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Dancer!Dream from @delta-pavonis ' fic Find Me in Your Rhythm on AO3! The gold bangle shirt was inspired by this post from @karalynlovescake
(Got a tiny bit derailed while trying to learn how shading works. So worth it lol)
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venti-death-watch · 3 months
when traveling the world diluc learns hexenzirkel nicole the disembodied voice in the sky is his mother and vows to never let kaeya learn about that ever because he will not be able to control himself from throwing himself or someone else out a window when kaeya brings up immaculate conception
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matchbet-allofthetime · 2 months
Sobbing in bed because I'm writing a Ulysses fic and I'm caught between him killing the Courier because they are willfully giving up all the people they love and all the good they've done in the Mojave and he wanted them dead and gone-
And him just telling them they don't belong in the Divide with him. Not them, not their soft heart.
"You need to go home," Ulysses would say.
The courier would just laugh.
"Go home, Courier," they mumble. "Your signs. I have them all marked on my Pip-Boy. I don't even know why, but I mark all of the ones I find."
They traverse the Divide KNOWING Ulysses will kill them.
They take off their armour and keep only their finest, best combat knife and a gun on them with enough ammo to get them to Ulysses and to give him a third bullet to put in their skull alongside the two from Benny.
They offer him their knife, their gun, and the option for him to kill them with his bare hands.
Willingly. Selflessly. Painfully.
"I could never hate you, Ulysses. Not for this, never for this. I will never be mad at you for this."
And he's caught.
They're a godsend to this place, so much good they've done.
Does he kill them? Or does he bridge the Divide?
Maybe they go home. Maybe he kills them.
And maybe, after everyone back home knows they're okay... Maybe they do belong here, in the Divide, with Ulysses.
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twinsoftriumph · 9 months
id do anything for Sky Journey Pack. not anything but id pay like a million dollars. but not actually. i don't even have a playstation. every time i hear the journey call its like Ohhh im a playstation-less little flower. you have to gift me you have to use your Sky: Children of the Light - Journey Pack for 24.99 USD
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illegalmemes · 2 months
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i should really be doing clothing/hair studies since thats where im really weak BUT- i cant get enough of these grey fuckers...
behold my first self portrait thats NOT an insert sdkgjhkl-
(thanks again @grey-fuckers-unlimited kissign you)
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moe-broey · 3 months
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Three of them
#fire emblem#feh#DIRECTLY INSPIRED by how sometimes i like to cheat in heroes journey and bring duo al/sharena LMFAOO#two of them and some other guy. idk when it happened it just integrated here.#world is a fuck born to tag along. this applies to BOTH moe and sharena i think.#it is so funny and so important to me actually that 'sometimes there's a third one' applies to both of them#anyways please please PLEASE read into the characterization in the poses bc i'm going to throw up. and cry#like fuck i'll do it for you actually LMFAO like moe is just silly. nosferatu ass. why do you sleep like that.#it doesn't like being touched a whole lot though. it's extremely picky about it. it's easier to hold a stuffed animal instead.#alfonse has a higher tolerance for touch but it's still situational. but when he touches he clings.#also. one hand gripping the plush goat ear. an acknowledgement of moe's boundaries.#and the other hand. lightly subconsciously holding on to a tuft of sharena's hair.#sharena has grown out of being super cuddly w alfonse but she will take any and every opportunity to 'steal body warmth'#she also directly mirrors him.#also i think whenever she shares a bed/sleeping area w someone she's a bed hog. she is pushing you off that thang#if you're not Willing to be smooshed by her. also. which is why alfonse is acting as a barrier here too LMFAO#like it's just a tiny doodle esp cause i didn't have the energy to do more but it made me ache so bad#that i threw up and exploded and died. badly.#fe alfonse#sharena#moe tag#summoner oc#my art
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attractthecrows · 8 days
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i just. need a place where i can assess w/o crashing my phone or trying to export samsung files to my laptop
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hellofears · 25 days
having issues with men, the associations the instant distrust, which i dont like i dont want it i want things to be different, just all of it so much just the dynamic i have the relationship all of it the way the world is atleast online and having a younger brother. I wouldn't trade him for the world, I try and talk to him where I can and will continue to do so i adore him but i fear. i believe in him i want joy for him. I fear that his peers will feed him fckn brainrot and it scares me. not even just that he'll fall into that thinking that his fuckn upstanding that his unwillingness to follow ppl will hurt him. crazy shit at schools, like why tf r ppl dying kids young teens killing eaachother with knives? ??I don't want to loose him i don't want to see him loose who he is and the heart that he has i don't and i hope he rises above it all and will continue to. i feel like im stating what he has to be or smth but all i could ask for is his wellbeing, respect, humanity, that he treats himself well know what he deserves and has some sense of self, some gravity. I feel like shit sometimes for this aspect that i'm concerned that i just idk, i dont like the whole 'dont disappoint me' thing he owes nothing to me other than basic human decency and respect, hes a reason why i live but to i just that intrusive thought of there is no different the hell u think of is real about men to someone i hold so fckn dear to in a way show me their fckn fuckery its idk, like another? it'd hurt me, it'd hurt me bad.
i've never understood men or boys, amab, who go on about their connection or like protectiveness of their sisters of their mother but treat other women like shit like their familiars aren't women? you don't want to fuck them so its different? what is it like just whats the difference why does it have to pertain to you for you to care? do you care or do you see them as an extension? is it a personality trait for you? a 'lover boy' thing? a signal to women, women u imagine u want and is going to be 'ur woman' but u cant even like visualize them in a way that doesnt pertain to your sexual interests? a signal so people can say oh he loves his mother so hes good to go and prime? a 'mummys boy' ? are they not real women just because u dont feel that sort of way? talking about women that way with your friends? do i have to bring up the fact those same people could date your sister etc for you to care? those people could make the kids that surround your kids, your daughter. idk.
its like okay u want sex so u respect them less? did no one hear dont bite the hand that feeds you? what the fuck is going on. you cant fuck them so its all good? the demeaning-ness? lack of gravity, venom is just rapid, vapid
#*txt🗣️#real world issues#i instantly think of counter points before i say anything especially online and i hate it because its like im accustomed to ppl being accus#atory. at being contrary. shitting on vulnerability. shitting on emotions. shitting on hhumanity. shitting on the ability to care.#women can be pieces of shit men can queer folk can i can be you can be to me theres an ability just as people and the world of choice that#-e have. im not saying everyones on the brink of doing the worst and makes a choice not to either if ur going through that u need to seek#help or some sort of sincere dialogue well and truly. but the world around me has made me who i am just as much as my reaction. not all etc#is a no brainer. ppl dont have a neon sign on their forehead. its understandable why the caution has been fckn drilled into so many afab so#many women in the hearts of many and thats hurt fear and absolute rage simmering anger for bs. i understand proventitive cautions to ppl#especially those who tend to be the direct target demographic but to drill in fear to woman to afab not even just on a personal level imsur#everyones experience is different on that front and their thoughts but on a society level and then take no action to then be like atleast t#my knowledge or its just not fckn working bitch its crickets. men should be able to feel safe enough to share their fears and worries to be#vulnerable but that isn't coddling bs and pointing the fingers at women at afab. theres weight in the way both sexes have been socialized#its cause and effect i refuse that it can't be helped. i refuse it. i reject it. thats not me discrediting or trying to come at gender(s)#at ppls gender identity etc. i mean everything makes us who we are. its all part of a journey. ones sex doesn't invalidate such a thing.#humans are so complex to say someones just pulling shit out their ass for the giggles is wild. no matter what it rings true for people#its not for us to choose for eachother we don't choose what others want to share we can't decide how someone else feels we can't read them-#back a book they feel like they've never heard or is bs and give them the finger. u can't tell someone they're the authour and they didn't#write the book or they didn't hire you or agree and want u to write it for them? ur not a ghostwriter bitch ur writing perception#i mean the way we're brought up the way society has become accustomed it effects results its a world in of itself made#to no fruitful benefit atleast to me for any party. when desire grips you at the throat when you allow your will you allow your every whim#the desire isnt even desire anymore. now you're creating a loop you're creating a possibility for a life with no balance#if men are so upstanding they aren't like one another they aren't the bad ones why is the refusal to move forward and write past men up#write them wrong feel so heavy or resound so heavily atleast to me. write for better because you're better. know you're better.#excitement as it once was turns into not enough then again and again. and the core issue even thbere i care for other parties responsibilit#relationships are a back and forth dont choose for others what they want dont decide for others. ask them.#u shouldn't have to constantly prove ur different but heres the thing if in ur life those who know you atleast if u have walked the road#u speak of the valiant road you've trecked supposedly there'd be nothing to prove. you've walked it. if a new person comes along you dont#need effort to show you have basic respect for another. and if u dont have that respect dont get mad at those who dont want u in their live#u took yourself out their market. life is a in moment custom experience. buckle up. not me talking about love like a business worker or smt
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There is an outpost on the edge of the Oina territory, and not a far journey from the passageway Ikken told you about. The guards posted apparently rotate every month, and just your luck, the next pair leaves to trade out tomorrow. Thanks to Ikken, you'll be following Akari and Burai out at dawn, taking you most of the way you need to go. He even promised to give you one of his old maps for your journey south... well, he'll trade it in exchange for a favor... that being to bring Akemi back home along your way.
("Do you normally stay in Wep'keer this long at a time?" you had asked her that evening, and Akemi argued that it's a very long walk for someone her size, before sheepishly musing that she was going to be in so much trouble...)
You try your best to get some sleep, but your nightmares prove persistent. The dead are restless as always, but even more so now that you plan to leave. Every time you wake, you're left with the phantom chill of icy fingerprints on your limbs, clasped around your ankles, tugging you back by the arms, hooked around your shoulders and wrapped around your throat.
Why should you get to leave? they whisper, echoing louder in your skull and off the walls each time you awaken. How do you lead so many to death and bring a curse upon the world, and still get to walk away a second time?
The third time you jolt awake, you sit up to find the room is suddenly way too small, too warm, to the point where it's actually hard to take a comfortable breath. You have to go outside, at least for a moment.
You try your best to be quiet as you push open the door, and the cold air on your face is an immediate relief, however small. You don't go very far, opting to just stare up into the sky from a few steps away. The moon is barely a sliver, and you'll be lucky if any of it's left in tomorrow's sky. Not exactly the most promising omen... especially for you.
"Even with travel in the morning, you're once again wide awake..."
Glancing over your shoulder has Yawa staring back at you. Ah, damnit, and you had tried to be so quiet. "I'm starting to wonder if maybe you belong in the moonlight," she muses, tilting her head to the side. "It certainly seems to have an effect on you every time you're standing in it."
"Sorry to wake you. Just... needed some fresh air." You still have no idea what she means by that, but still do your best to casually wave her off. "I'll be inside in a moment, promise. You can go back to sleep."
Not surprisingly, Yawa isn't deterred by this, and instead tromps over to join you. You're half-expecting to get dragged back by the ear, but instead she just studies your face; it's almost torture how silent she stays, and how long she does so.
"So many thoughts behind those eyes," she eventually murmurs. "What's on your mind Waka? Wondering if perhaps you should stay instead?"
You shake your head. "I can't stay, and I know that, but..." You glance back up, though instead of the moon your eyes settle on the uppermost path. "It still feels a bit... wrong, I guess. Leaving them behind like this."
"You mean the ones who died..." Yawa hums a bit, and out of the corner of your eye you see her following your gaze. "You worry you're abandoning them?"
"Am I not, in a way?" You offer her a shrug, eyes not once leaving the horizon. "Not that I have much choice in the matter, but... do they understand? Or even care?"
Another hum, this one as if she finally understands. "You fear they'd resent you, then."
You really don't like how this woman's managing to cut to the core of you. Should you tell her? Should she be the first you confess the blood on your hands to? Maybe she already knows; Yawa would've been first to hear whatever you'd end up mumbling in your sleep. Maybe it's your imagination, but you swear the wind is still moaning with the dead's laments, carrying them from Lake Laochi to drift past the two of you.
Of all the people who fled the Celestial Plain... of all the people who should have lived or died...
"If any one of us that boarded that Ark should currently be dead on its floor, it's certainly me." For many, many reasons. The wind hisses past your ears as you raise your gaze back to the moon, and your heart aches at how empty it looks with just one little sliver left. "A prophet rarely sees his own future... perhaps I'm just running from my fate, and I don't even realize I'm doing it."
There's a long pause... then a set of hands on your face as Yawa gently pulls you down to look her in the eye. "Listen to me, Waka. I can't speak to how life was on the Celestial Plain, but here? Life is a gift, one that you're never guaranteed to keep. Even the gods that are dead would want you to live that life instead of spending your days asking whether or not you deserve to do so."
If only she knew why you're questioning it. The little 'heh' that escapes you is mirthless, flat as the ice on the lake. "You make it sound like that's so easy."
"Oh, it's definitely not. There are days that being alive feels more like a miserable curse than a gift." Her thumbs brush the corners of your eyes, and it's only now you realized you're teary. "But no one--not even the gods--can change what's happened; we can only choose how to move forward. The sun will still rise tomorrow whether we're ready for it or not, and it's up to us what we do with the day it brings." She chuckles a little. "Speaking of the sun, you still have that goddess to meet up with, yes? Certainly she wouldn't resent seeing that the escape wasn't completely in vain."
That's now two people who've said something like that. The mention of Amaterasu does rouse your spirit again, though the feeling is wavering dangerously, teetering on a knife's edge and threatening to slip from your grasp. Yawa seems to sense this, and before you can speak any doubts, she leans forward to rest her forehead on yours.
"Honor her and the dead by allowing yourself to live," she murmurs. "Don't let that resolve you share fade away by the time you meet again."
Resolve... that seems a good word for it. It's what fueled the fight on the Celestial Plain, and what's stirred in your memory to keep you going thus far. The breath you take is shaky, but the flickering feeling evens itself out into something smoother, warmer, burning just a little more steadily. Just enough.
"How did you get to be so wise, Yawa?" you murmur, and she huffs a quiet laugh.
"I'm a grandmother, dear. We're all wise." She pats your cheeks a few times before letting go of your face. "Now come inside before the cold makes you sick. You have quite the journey ahead of you, and Burai will be cross if he has to carry you a second time."
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workathomemom13 · 28 days
Furiosa’ Fires Up Cannes With 6-Minute Standing Ovation for Anya Taylor-Joy and Teary Chris Hemsworth
In a remarkable display of cinematic fervor, "Furiosa" ignited the Cannes Film Festival with an electrifying premiere that left audiences in awe and admiration. As the highly anticipated prequel to George Miller's iconic "Mad Max" series, "Furiosa" has been the subject of much anticipation and speculation. However, its unveiling at Cannes exceeded even the loftiest of expectations, earning a thunderous six-minute standing ovation and moving its stars, Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth, to tears.
The film, directed by George Miller and starring Taylor-Joy as the eponymous Furiosa and Hemsworth in a yet undisclosed role, promises to delve deep into the backstory of one of cinema's most enigmatic and beloved characters. Set in the dystopian world of the Wasteland, "Furiosa" takes audiences on a thrilling journey through a harsh and unforgiving landscape, where survival is a constant struggle and hope is a rare commodity.
The Cannes premiere offered a tantalizing glimpse into the world of "Furiosa," showcasing its breathtaking visuals, adrenaline-pumping action sequences, and gripping emotional depth. From the moment the lights dimmed and the opening credits rolled, it was clear that audiences were in for a cinematic experience unlike any other.
Anya Taylor-Joy's portrayal of Furiosa captivated audiences, with her fierce determination and steely resolve bringing the character to life in vivid detail. Taylor-Joy's performance was nothing short of mesmerizing, showcasing her range as an actress and solidifying her status as one of Hollywood's brightest talents.
Equally impressive was Chris Hemsworth's performance, which reportedly left the actor visibly moved during the film's emotional climax. While details about Hemsworth's character remain shrouded in mystery, his presence on screen was undeniable, adding depth and complexity to the film's narrative.
But perhaps the most unforgettable moment of the evening came during the film's conclusion, when the credits began to roll and the audience rose to their feet in a spontaneous display of appreciation and admiration. For six minutes, the theater echoed with thunderous applause and cheers, a testament to the film's undeniable impact and the talent of its cast and crew.
As the applause finally subsided and the lights came back on, it was clear that "Furiosa" had left an indelible mark on the Cannes Film Festival and the hearts of all who had the privilege of witnessing its premiere. With its captivating story, stunning visuals, and powerhouse performances, "Furiosa" has set the stage for what promises to be an unforgettable cinematic journey, one that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on audiences around the world.
#Furiosa#In a remarkable display of cinematic fervor#“Furiosa” ignited the Cannes Film Festival with an electrifying premiere that left audiences in awe and admiration. As the highly anticipat#“Furiosa” has been the subject of much anticipation and speculation. However#its unveiling at Cannes exceeded even the loftiest of expectations#earning a thunderous six-minute standing ovation and moving its stars#Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth#to tears.#The film#directed by George Miller and starring Taylor-Joy as the eponymous Furiosa and Hemsworth in a yet undisclosed role#promises to delve deep into the backstory of one of cinema's most enigmatic and beloved characters. Set in the dystopian world of the Waste#“Furiosa” takes audiences on a thrilling journey through a harsh and unforgiving landscape#where survival is a constant struggle and hope is a rare commodity.#The Cannes premiere offered a tantalizing glimpse into the world of showcasing its breathtaking visuals#adrenaline-pumping action sequences#and gripping emotional depth. From the moment the lights dimmed and the opening credits rolled#it was clear that audiences were in for a cinematic experience unlike any other.#Anya Taylor-Joy's portrayal of Furiosa captivated audiences#with her fierce determination and steely resolve bringing the character to life in vivid detail. Taylor-Joy's performance was nothing short#showcasing her range as an actress and solidifying her status as one of Hollywood's brightest talents.#Equally impressive was Chris Hemsworth's performance#which reportedly left the actor visibly moved during the film's emotional climax. While details about Hemsworth's character remain shrouded#his presence on screen was undeniable#adding depth and complexity to the film's narrative.#But perhaps the most unforgettable moment of the evening came during the film's conclusion#when the credits began to roll and the audience rose to their feet in a spontaneous display of appreciation and admiration. For six minutes#the theater echoed with thunderous applause and cheers#a testament to the film's undeniable impact and the talent of its cast and crew.#As the applause finally subsided and the lights came back on#it was clear that “Furiosa” had left an indelible mark on the Cannes Film Festival and the hearts of all who had the privilege of witnessin
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nikomedes · 6 months
goes on a mental journey of labyrinthine complexity, vague symbolism, and feverish thought association and emerges from my pondering chamber sweating, shaking, to respec my bg3 pc into a spear fighter
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taketwoinink · 11 months
A Quick and Dirty Guide to Reading The Wheel of Time for the Casual Fantasy Enjoyer
Step 1: Acquire the first book (The Wheel of Time: The Eye of the World, by Robert Jordan)
Step 2: Persevere until page 60* (trust me on this one)
Step 3: Enjoy the book from that point on
Step 4: When you finish, pretend the ending perfectly concluded the story, all the loose ends were tied up, and the big bad was successfully defeated (shouldn't be too hard to do with how it was written)
Step 5: Congratulate yourself for completing this behemoth of a story and never touch any of the other books in the series *depending on what format/edition of the book you are reading, this page number may vary slightly. But stick it out until the good part starts. You'll know it when you hit it.
You're welcome.
-- For fools extremists who want to tackle the 4.4 million word journey of intriguing worldbuilding, confusing prophecies and sudden plotlines, compelling characters who are not always compelling, detailed description of the tiniest things which might be interesting and might not, all spread across a whopping 15 books, I have a few tips.
First, you will be enduring many long paragraphs of description with hidden morsels of important information stuffed between those layers of eye-blurring rubber. Second, no matter how minor the character, remember them because they seriously might come back. Third, the characterization is Something Else sometimes, you can handle it, believe in yourself. Fourth, I've heard a rumor that it gets way better in the later books, but I only made it partway into the fourth book before I lost the will and quit. If you finish the series, you are a stronger reader than me. Good luck traveler.
Now get off my blog.
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rockoblanco · 4 months
This might seem random but I'm asking bc you have a good body and seem like someone who doesn't let laziness/frustration get the best of you. I exercise a lot for body building stuff and I'm pretty good at being consistent but I HATE doing bent over barbell rows and I often skip it bc I do so much other exercises I get tired and I also hate spending too much time in the gym bc I work a lot a guess I try min max my time spent in the gym. I do other lat focused exercises which I justify in my head as making up for it (which rlly it doesn't bc theyre not compound lifts). How do you deal with exercises you hate/you want to skip. Feel free to ignore this if you want I just saw you on my dash after I finished a workout after again ignoring my bent over rows...
Oh jeesh, I appreciate that, but I certainly let both laziness & frustration get the better of me a lot so ur not alone ! 😭 honestly tho , I’ve been lifting for years now, some years better than others, & I personally am at the point in my life where i just truly do not do lifts i don’t like lol. Like to me, there’s already so much time & energy being spent in the rest of our lives doing things we don’t want to do, so if we’re choosing to be somewhere doing something we don’t HAVE to do, then we should at least not be doing things we don’t like!!! I also don’t enjoy barbell rows, but I don’t feel like im missing out bcs there are many other exercises that will exercise the same group of muscles. Heck, I’ve never seen some of the older, biggest guys at my gym ever do a squat on a squat rack — they only use the leg press! that’s not to say don’t do squats, but everyone has a routine that works for them, & i just feel like there are very many ways to work out one group of muscles, so you should just stick to exercises that you enjoy doing and aren’t a chore imo !
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