#i hate angst. why do i write it so much??? i make myself cry every time
matchbet-allofthetime · 2 months
Sobbing in bed because I'm writing a Ulysses fic and I'm caught between him killing the Courier because they are willfully giving up all the people they love and all the good they've done in the Mojave and he wanted them dead and gone-
And him just telling them they don't belong in the Divide with him. Not them, not their soft heart.
"You need to go home," Ulysses would say.
The courier would just laugh.
"Go home, Courier," they mumble. "Your signs. I have them all marked on my Pip-Boy. I don't even know why, but I mark all of the ones I find."
They traverse the Divide KNOWING Ulysses will kill them.
They take off their armour and keep only their finest, best combat knife and a gun on them with enough ammo to get them to Ulysses and to give him a third bullet to put in their skull alongside the two from Benny.
They offer him their knife, their gun, and the option for him to kill them with his bare hands.
Willingly. Selflessly. Painfully.
"I could never hate you, Ulysses. Not for this, never for this. I will never be mad at you for this."
And he's caught.
They're a godsend to this place, so much good they've done.
Does he kill them? Or does he bridge the Divide?
Maybe they go home. Maybe he kills them.
And maybe, after everyone back home knows they're okay... Maybe they do belong here, in the Divide, with Ulysses.
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torubeth · 2 months
aren’t you going to write “degradation taken too far” but with satoru? 🫦😰😭
you asked for it babe; i didn’t wanna hurt yall gojo girlies (inc myself) but you want pain? ok. pain is what you get. warnings : (mature content 18+) smut, degradation, gojo being mean (yes it’s a warning), angst to comfort??and maybe have a tissue box or two????
‘look at the gorgeous mess that you are baby. never knew you’d fold this easy’ he remarks, lips trailing down your body, sucking violet coloured hickeys along the way.
‘satoru- i already told you that the last time, will be the last time! so why are you-!’ slowly but gently he slides in, a wave of contentment washing over you, immediately shutting you up.
‘hmm what was that? mind repeating it f’me sweetheart?’ he smirks.
you decided to stay quiet because what’s the use? you’re gonna end up with him on top you again. mostly tomorrow. and the day after that.
and that’s when you realise that the pace was starting to pick up and his hands were now on your clit, rubbing hard circles eliciting nothing but moans and whines from you.
‘satoru oh my god! shit, feel so good i feel like i’m gonna cum!’ you reach up to slither your arms around his shoulders, your breathy pants now right by ear.
‘toru agh! fuck fuck- i…i love you satoru, i love you so much! please, if you keep this up i might-’ suddenly with a roughness unknown to you, he pulls out.
‘wait wait wait, why’d you stop? i was so close-!’ you pant, leaning up on your elbows.
instantly, there was a shift in his aura.
‘love? you said love? what makes you think i will ever love someone like you? you’re just a hole to fuck. a passing cloud. something for me to do when i’m bored of my fucked up life. nothing more’ he erupts.
‘what?’ your voice was reduced to nothing but a whisper.
‘where in the wide wide vicinity of your fantasy land did you come up with ‘love’ ?’ he spat.
‘i mean seriously, you thought this was something-‘ he knew what he was saying was far from the truth.
why would he not love you? what is there not to love? if he knew what love meant, it’s because of you.
but you shouldn’t love him, but you do. why? why do you wanna be with him? why do you wanna be tied down to someone like him?
meanwhile your mind is racing with a million different thoughts, not knowing what or how to respond.
‘it’s best if you just leave’ he finishes.
you didn’t need to hear the entirety of his speech to know that you were…disposable? replaceable?
the dam breaks and tears stream down your cheeks, eyes red and body trembling. you gather of what’s left of your heart and face him ‘this really is the last time’ you whisper, meaning every word, clutching hard at the sheets for some kind of comfort, without breaking the eye contact.
that’s when his eyes look at you.
your eyes. god, your eyes. they were one of the reasons he fell in love with you. they were fierce, beautiful and always on him. but now they were broken, filled with pain and tears, still beautiful and held nothing but ache.
next was your lips he loved kissing so much. his personal favourite, was always ready to put him in his place and bring him to his knees. now they were trembling. in hate, or fear? he thinks he doesn’t really wanna know the reason behind that.
taking a deep breath, he steeled his nerves because there was no going back now. the cat and mouse chase ends here.
suddenly, a huge wave of warmth enveloped you and it took you mere two seconds to realise that he was hugging you, and hardly a second for you to come to the realisation that you would never push him away.
‘i want you to know that you mean so much to me. a while ago my world was nothing but dark, but you came painted it all, giving meaning to each and every little thing in it. i deserve to rot in hell cuz fuck, i didn’t mean a word of what came out of my mouth’ and that’s when you felt little drops on your neck.
never once has he cried in front of you, always going on about how ‘the strongest never cry’
‘you mean the world to me baby. when you told me you loved me, i was brain dead. never knew i was capable of being loved by someone like you. i mean, why would you love someone like me? all my versions are nothing but a wretched mess, so why would you-?’
pulling back to look at him, your eyes are stern when you tell him-
‘you are actually an idiot if you think i care about any of that’ wiping away this tears, your hands rest against his cheeks.
‘i want all your versions satoru. flaws and all. i want them to course through my veins. i want you in all my mornings and all my nights. i want you everywhere. and if you’re going down, i’m willing to go down with you. so please, please don’t push me away’ you said because loving him was as easy as breathing, your eyes once again starting to tear up.
and that was the confirmation he needed, as he leaned down ‘i love you, i love you so much. i fucking love you’ chanting over and over again. pressing kisses everywhere. your nose, lips, cheeks, forehead, everywhere.
‘i adore you and i promise to cherish you like you deserve till we’re old and wrinkly’ he bumps his nose against yours, earning a small laugh from you.
‘i know you will satoru’ you whisper, bumping his nose in return ‘i will love you till we’re old wrinkly too’
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Cast Away (Pt. 2)
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Warning: DO NOT read this if you're having a good day and love Miguel O'Hara being happy. ANGST. Graphic depictions of miscarriage, implied self hate, HEAVILY influenced by "Die For You" by Joji. Had to hold myself from making this too dark. Sorry in advance, but I write my sadness away ~ Thanks Anon for this request ✨
Pt 1
The steps approaching just echoed through the high walls and, he glanced at the trespasser of his secluded space briefly to continue his new endeavor.
"She got home safe." Jess mumbled from the doorframe, not needing to invade his corner even more.
"Made sure to check the area as well-"
"You're dismissed"
"You're welcome" Jessica shrugged and returned where she came from.
Silence fell upon him again, where you had been standing a while ago. Although you had changed, he no longer had to wonder what had been of you.
The memories always repeated themselves in his brain whenever he dwelled too much in the past. It was like a self imposed punishment from everything that had happened. The remembrance itself was unable to be stopped once it was played in his mind.
He would come home to you, dread seeping in as the rain only poured harder, drowning the sound of the daily suburban life. Your car was parked ahead of his, he then had rushed to get inside only to be greeted by a bone shaking cry.
Dread pumped harder on his chest, making his breath to hitch as his eyes stumbled upon a crimson and jagged pattern on the floor.
His mind chanted, but the desperate cries of help gave him enough courage to slowly push the door open. And god, he wished he could have some sort of device to erase the ongoing memory.
His heart not only wrenched but broke upon the sight of you. Slumped on the bathroom floor against the wall, blood everywhere as you wept, holding onto your belly, repeating over and over 'my baby', begging for an answer above as to why your child was the one that had to be ripped away. He was sure that whoever above was in charge, he wasn't listening.
He had to steel his grip on the doorframe as his eyes darted to a certain bloody puddle between your legs. Tiny little bloodshot feet peeked through the fabric of your nightgown. His eyes blurred as the tears flooded his eyes and for a second he thought he would collapse right on the spot.
A painful wept snapped him out of his trance and took action. He phoned an emergency number and rushed to you again. There was no comfort that could alleviate your hearts. At best, he just cradled you in his arms, and held you tight as you clung to him, your one and only anchor, asking for his forgiveness.
But his mind was on the tiny human that laid quietly on the floor. His spider vision only confirming what he in his mind was trying to deny so badly.
He was going to be a father of a boy.
You didn't know yet and had demanded to be a surprise, the appointment scheduled within four days. The baby shower for next month.
Everything was a blur after the medical staff arrived to your home and took you to the hospital. He couldn't follow right away to the room you had surely would be kept.
Doctors barked orders, and he hated himself for admitting that he was glad he wasn't allowed in, his rage would surely make him commit something really stupid.
Hours passed and the only thing he could do was to stare at you through a window. Oxygen mask attached as the monitors gave soft beeps, mimicking your heart beats.
How he couldn't see this coming? He analyzed every single outcome possible from your pregnancy, he had used his knowledge in genetics to always monitor you.
What had gone wrong? His blood? Probably. After all his own dna had been modified, and yours was strong and compatible enough for a successful pregnancy. Or so his results had shown.
Never he could imagine that the 0.99% fail rate due dna instability from your end, would shatter everything to pieces.
There was no longer adoration in his eyes upon watching you, but something darker, hatred like even.
Weakened eyelids fluttered open and awake, trying to adjust at the light and blurry sight, and when they did, you were received with a look that were only given to your common enemies. Your heart broke into nothingness.
Miguel could see you mumbling his name, but it fell upon deaf ears. He turned around and left.
LYLA's projection brought him back to reality. For once he was grateful she was there, his past haunting him stopped briefly.
"Did ya hear?"
"Are you sure you wanna do that?"
"Highest resolution available."
"Isn't it a crime to use this tech to personal purposes?"
"Solo haz lo que te digo.*" His tone an octave lower and demanding.
LYLA sighed and soon a new projection appeared on his screen.
His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, his eyes following your frame that soon disappeared in the arms of an unknown man. His eyes narrowed in disdain as he peppered your face in kisses.
He was tall, not as physically built as he, but the man looked like the cardio was enough for him. House looked cozy, homey. Tainted in the colors you were always telling him about , matcha green and beige.
The man kissed you, and as he cupped your cheeks to do so, Miguel caught the glimpse of a golden ring on his finger.
"Mi amor!" Your hand covered your mouth as your squealing was muffled. Your husband rushed to you and stopped upon seeing you nodding and crying as you held a pregnancy test on hand. After two months of trying.
The man was overjoyed. And Miguel's jaw clenched.
"It's a boy"
You whispered in between soft sobs as the ultrasound captured the picture. Red eyes glued at the way that man mumbled the sweetest things that made your chest swell merrily. He looked so proud of you.
You had always wanted a boy.
He was once the father of a boy.
"Im not going anywhere" The man mumbled as he planted himself by your side.
"Where would I go, hmm?" His stomach revolted as the scene displayed before him.
You left
His mind accused. Something he could truly never shake off. Months of surveillance resumed into this very moment. Medical staff rushed in and soon the moment he never got to experience with you, happened.
Your child was born.
His lip pursed, suppressing a quiver while he witnessed in sheer darkness, the peak of your happiness. Your arms cradled the baby, cooed him, cherished him. Your pride and joy, shared with a stranger.
Could've been you
Miguel's breath was released in a shaky sigh.
"Felicidades, mi niña."
He turned off the screen. Darkness swallowing him whole.
Solo haz lo que te digo- Just do as you're told.
Felicidades, mi niña.- Congratulations, my dear.
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wonijinjin · 2 months
sign of the times
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author’s note: this is a more serious themed request. as someone who definitely doesn’t have the most desirable body and is struggling right now this request was a very sweet one, it was my pleasure to write it.
synopsis: when you feel insecure seungkwan is there to show you how much he loves all of you.
word count: 1.0k | genre: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort | pairing: seungkwan x gn! reader | warnings: heavy topics mentioned, body image issues, insecure reader, mental health mentions
you never considered yourself to be the most stunning of them all, the star of the room, the shining diamond. you knew everyone had their flaws, of course they had, however the human heart doesn’t always know everything your brain wants it to believe. self love is a very fragile thing, and can be broken just as easily by a feather as if it weighed tonnes like a block of bricks.
when seungkwan entered your bathroom the first thing he noticed was the way you quickly looked away from your form in the mirror, a sense something he never expected to see shine in your eyes…disgust? you pulled your shirt down subtly, and brushed your hands delicately under your eyes in a quick motion before turning to him. the smile he loved dearly was present on your face, but he knew better; it was the shadow of its own twin, the real one. you got very familiar with shadows recently, the cracks of sunlight disappearing slowly but surely, undetected to the naked eye. you were going through a rough time in your life, the stress taking a toll on you. just by this one moment of being caught red handed he saw through it all; you didn’t know how he saw the single teardrop proving being in pain dropping from the corner of your eye, sitting below your pretty lashes stubbornly. how his eyes drifted to the wavering of your hand above the soft material of the clothes covering your precious being, the other grabbing it angrily, holding onto the fabric for dear life as it was your saving grace from an unknown threat. he slowly raised his gaze, boring into the orbs of your own, searching for an answer he had not received thus far.
“hi.” you whispered in a gentle tone, the love for him never leaving from your irises which always smiled at his every day and every night. “hi.” he replied back; one step forward, two steps forward. “my love.” he kissed your cheeks; one cheek, the other cheek. his breath was warm and tender, felt like home. the sigh escaping his lips made you realise: he was your home. and being home provides endless comfort when needed. “i can’t find love towards myself anymore, seungkwan.” you smiled again, this time sadness seeping through the line between your lips. he smiled back at you, mirroring your face. “i know.”
he was silent throughout the moments when the tears fell, when the hands once dangling on your sides searched for support by connecting around his waist, head taking a rest on his being; trying to find solance in home. “you are okay. we have been here before.” it was like breathing to him; loving you, taking care of you, making sure you were protected, well. it was light for him like a feather, the weight of your burdens, your concerns. “just to stop you from crying, i would take it all. take it all if i could.” his heart burned and twisted with sorrow, his everything was in pain. you felt his big hands give you a squeeze. “i am here, i am listening sweetheart.” so you talked. and talked. and talked. “i am becoming the shadow of my true self. stretch marks, eye bags, cellulite, sadness.” his most hated confession to hear, to get information about. how lowly you thought of yourself sometimes made him itch to solve the issue, to love you so much more he already has, to want to show you more how much he treasures you.
“i have a question for you, my love. do indentical snowflakes exist?” you looked at him confused. “of course not, every one is different, it is common knowledge. but why would you ask me this all of a sudden?” his grin made you laugh, even though you didn’t know the reason behind it, just seeing him made you happier. “exactly because you said what i wanted to tell you yourself. that being unique and different applies to every human being. and snowflakes change after being formed, just like humans do after being born. sometimes one bit melts off, then another one finds it and they get attached in a new shape, molding the flake throughout its whole journey to the ground. they are never perfect, always changing. you and me, we too always change, sometimes we are at the top, nearly what we perceive as perfect, then fall apart a bit, just to be rebuilt again. what you’re going through, mentally or physically doesn’t mean you are not yourself. and certainly doesn’t give a reason for you to feel insecure in front of me, ever. i love you for you, and i swore i would love you always. so please, don’t hide your uncertainties and pain anymore?” he shyly pleaded, tears visible in his eyes. he himself didn’t expect to get this emotional, but seeing, feeling the fear, the sadness you locked in your heart made him angry. angry at your surroundings for making you stressed, for making you overwork yourself to the point where you didn’t even recognise yourself anymore. angry at the world for making you feel like you had to be…ashamed? why would you be? just because your body changed? what does that have to do with one’s heart and true soul? he didn’t know. your sobs never stopped; they were like a desperate cry out for him, and he wished he could heal you faster than time, however he knew this was gonna be a long journey.
he kissed the top of your head, swaying from side to side by the bathroom sink, letting you grab him tightly, taking the place of the fabric of your shirt. “you don’t have to say anything right now. let’s stay like this for a little while.” he felt you nod against him, quietly hiccuping while trying to process his words, trying to find the truth in them; trying to accept them, accept yourself again.
the next time he spoke he didn’t know how or when would his words come true, but he knew he was right. “we’ll be alright my love. you will be alright.”
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vcnillazelda · 2 years
disallowed (p.h)
summary: your heavily christian parents found out about you dating patrick.
tags: toxic christianity, (forced) religious beliefs, religious trauma, (verbal) abuse, child abuse, patrick being kinda sweet, slight solipsism, angst with fluff, fem! reader
i’m not trying to bash christianity whilst writing this. i’m just using the more radical/toxic side of christianity purely for a dumb story on the internet. i’m truly not trying to offend anyone and if i have i’m sorry. much love - vcnillamilk <3
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⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
“y/n.” your father’s voice called from the dining room. you tense, already halfway up the stairs. “yes?” you respond, voice weak. “come here. we need to discuss something.” his voice was stern, almost disappointed. that’s how you knew you were in trouble. “coming, father.” you turn, walking back down the stairs and into the dining room. your parents were both waiting, with your father sat at the end of the dining table and your timid, god-fearing mother stood slightly off to the side just behind him. you don’t speak, waiting to be addressed as your father stares you down. “we’ve heard through the church that you’ve been seeing someone.”
“oh? is that so?” your voice is strained, you’re already close to crying. your father always saw through your lies. “yes… would you happen to know anything about this topic?” he asks, tilting his head back to stare down his nose at you. “no, father.” you respond, voice mumbling. silence falls over the room like a blanket, only to be interrupted by your father’s palm slamming down upon the tabletop and a shriek from your mother. “don’t lie to me!” your father stands, the chair screeching backwards. “you know god hates when we lie.” your father adds on, pointing to you. “i’m sorry.” you whimper, tears dripping down your cheeks as you look down, already clutching your hands together out of nervousness.
“patrick hockstetter. of all the sweet boys at the church you chose the anti-christ!?” he roars, hands hitting the poor, abused dining table as your mother flinches, clutching the crucifix around her neck. “i’m sorry..!” you shout back, sobbing softly. “you are to never, ever- see that boy again. do i make myself clear?!” your father asks, and you nod shakily. “answer!” you jolt, snivelling pathetically. “yes, father.” you mutter, waiting for any more harsh words to be thrown at you. “i’m disgusted by your actions, y/n. god gave you life, and you’re doing this- this taboo?! i didn’t raise you like this.” the man scolds, as if he were talking to a puppy and not his daughter. “i’m sorry.” you whimper, hands trembling before your shrivelled form. “go. say twice the amount of prayers tonight and hope that god forgives you.” your father waves his hand, dismissing you for the evening.
you turn on your heel, rushing from the room and bee-lining to your bedroom. you would lock the door, but your father had personally unscrewed every single screw with a butter knife to ensure you weren’t ‘sinning’. you had no privacy. you whine, clutching your face desperately to try and stop the tears. you didn’t want to pray, didn’t want to appease god for your supposed ‘misdoings’… but you didn’t want to go to hell..! flopping onto your bed, you curled up into a tight ball- sobbing into your pillow for hours. patrick wouldn’t take this well, even you weren’t taking it well. your breathing slows to soft hitches every now and then as you gaze at the small statuette of holy mary. “what do i do?” you whisper, silently hoping for an answer. no one returned your call.
⋅. ✯ .⋅
patrick was annoyed. vexed. absolutely furious. you had been ignoring him all fucking week. the worst part was, he had no idea why. you two had last been on good terms, you had been smiling with him as he retold a very overly dramatic story about how henry had fallen down some stairs in school one day and sprained his wrist. he had walked you home and you gave him a small kiss on the cheek for his act and his good story telling, no doubt.
patrick had tried everything. cornering you in the cafeteria, slipping notes into your locker, calling your phone that sat upon your bedroom table, he even got victor to approach you to try and get some answers. every time, you turned a blind eye, keeping your eyes downcast and your body rigid. something was clearly wrong with you, but you didn’t talk to him. how dare you not talk to him. patrick swallows his anger, storming away from the gang and towards you. you were carefully slotting your science books into your locker; he knows how you love to keep it organised. snatching your arm, patrick hauls you into an empty classroom, almost feeling bad when your lower back smacks into the teacher’s desk. you stare up at him, eyes mixed in sadness and fear. “i’m so fucking pissed.” he starts with a snarl.
“why the fuck are you ignoring me? at the beginning of this shit you always said to talk about stuff to one another- what the fuck is this?!” patrick demands, gesturing wildly with his hands. you were trapped. patrick was blocking the only exit, you had nowhere to turn to. “i can’t..” you whisper, attempting to slip past patrick, but he blocks the door with his arm. “can’t what? huh? you finally come to your senses that not everyone in derry is a god-loving prick like your family? you gonna go date someone from that shitty fucking church you go to? here’s some news princess; i am your fucking god.” patrick rants, and you shake your head. “no.. patrick you don’t understand. i can’t see you anymore.” you whisper, as if someone could overhear you.
patrick furrows his brows in confusion. “what do you mean?” he responds, and you sigh; unsure what to do with your hands. “my father- he’s not allowing me to see you anymore. i’m sorry.” you mutter, avoiding all eye contact. patrick completely softens. all his internal anxiety and stress venting from his body. so it wasn’t him, it was your family. he should of known! “babe, don’t listen to them.” patrick sighs, rolling his eyes a little as he tugs you to his chest, wrapping his slender arms around you. you both needed that hug. your hands clutch the back of his shirt as you slowly start to cry, your face buried into his shoulder. patrick let’s you weep in silence, his chin resting upon your head as he listens to you. your soft apologies eventually reach his ears, and patrick scoffs. “don’t start that shit. your dad’s a dick and your mom’s too scared to leave him.” patrick states, and you exhale shakily. “i mean, seriously.. how that guy managed to get through high school amazes me. he’s definitely got some complex.” the way patrick talks about your awful father makes you laugh a little. “yeah.. maybe.”
patrick smiles, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “stop listening to them. you should listen to me instead.” he mutters to you, and you nod a little. “yeah… i should’ve spoken to you instead of hiding. i’m sorry.” you respond, hands gently grasping his neck as he kisses you again. “it’s alright.” patrick shrugs, much to your surprise. “you’re not mad?” you ask softly, and he shakes his head. “nah. i mean, i was at first- but not i know it’s your parents it’s fine. we don’t have to listen to them, baby. you can screw whoever you want.” his voice is teasing at the end, and you giggle softly; kissing him again. patrick tightens his slender hands around your hips, and he doesn’t intend on letting go any time soon.
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the day you were sentenced to azkaban
When I saw this fantastic piece by @longdaytogo I couldn't stop myself from writing - look at Harry's face! Draco's tension! The hands! So, here's 1.3k words of artsy, self-indulgent angst wrapped up with a hopeful ending. If you like it, thank my betas, @wecanthavenicethingx and @starlitsilvereyes for making it so much better, and being so encouraging that I was able to share it 💜 Read on ao3, or below!
The day you were sentenced to Azkaban, you were all alone. Your father had already been taken away to a life in prison, starting with a year of solitary confinement; and your mother had been sent back to the Manor to begin her house arrest. You were on your own, stoic and pale and thin and drawn in the chair in the center of the room, darting glances around the court and staring at the floor in turn. You flinched when the Wizengamot announced your fate; five months in Azkaban, a strict parole after that. You were silent, just bowed your head and trembled, but the Wizangemot chastened you anyway, reminding you of your crimes, and outlining exactly how severe your punishment would have been if you had been a year older when you took the Mark, one of them shuffling their papers and mockingly wishing you a happy birthday a day in advance; you didn’t say anything, so I did, standing up because I couldn’t stay seated anymore and trying to protest, so tired of all the hate and vitriol that hadn’t stopped even after everything.
Hermione stopped me, of course. She pulled me back down onto the bench and she and Ron kept me there until the Wizengamot had all but filed out, trying, I’m sure, to keep me from making any more headlines or forcing the court to give me an official censure. But once the worst of them had left the room, and only a few plum-coloured hats could be seen at the door, I broke free, and reached you before the Aurors coming from the edges of the room did. You were still standing from when you were required to out of decorum for the magistrates, and your hair had fallen across your face, so I couldn’t see the look on your face, but I could still imagine it. I’d seen it on enough other faces during the previous few years, and by that point, I knew exactly what despair and fear and panicked isolation looked like.
We had both been children, caught up in a war from the first year of our lives, and I felt that youth more in that moment than any before. I was so young and powerless, you looked so small and fragile, and I wanted to cry for how tired I was from being angry all the time for all the problems that hadn’t yet been resolved. I don’t even know what I thought I was going to do, why I was approaching you in the first place - you were just all alone, standing there, and looking at you in that moment felt like looking into a mirror, because that was how I felt too, even surrounded by so many people. Everyone else seemed to have their name intertwined with someone else’s; Ron-and-Hermione, Molly-and-Arthur, Bill-and-Fleur. Ginny and I had never really been Harry-and-Ginny, we hadn’t been given the time to forge that link properly, and it fizzled out before we could solidify it; when she moved on to be Ginny-and-Neville, I was left alone as just Harry. And in that moment, when I saw you standing by yourself in the middle of the room, you were just Draco, just like me.
I didn’t go up to you because I wanted to become Harry-and-Draco (although I am so glad to be linked with you now, our names connected on every legal document and letter we sign), I just walked over to you because you were all alone and I was too, and it made sense in that moment that we should be all alone together.
I think I started trying to apologize, for not doing more to help you, for how the Wizengamot treated you, for my part in our petty, schoolboy rivalry; I think I started to tell you that it would be okay, that it would only be a few months, and the dementors were gone now and so it wouldn’t be fun, but you would be alright, but I don’t think I got any of those words out of my mouth.
You shook your head, a small no, and the sight of the tears pooling in your eyes silenced me before I could begin. You were so absolute, so determined to be proper even after everything, and you told me… you told me no. You said, “Thank you, Potter, but you’ve done more than anyone could have asked of you already.” Your lower lip trembled a bit on the last word, despite your best efforts, and I couldn’t stop myself from acting once more, despite my best efforts (although I didn’t really try my best to stop myself).
I hugged you, and you trembled like a leaf, frozen other than the little tremors that wracked your whole body. You kept your arms stiff at your sides, and I could feel you tightening your chin where it pressed into my shoulder, determined not to let your tears or defenses fall.
It took a few moments, but then you inhaled, deep and shuddery, and you grabbed onto me like we were still fleeing the Fiendfyre, and I held you back, just as tight. I saw the Aurors start moving in again, coming to take you away, and I pulled you even closer, watched them falter with uncertainty as I held you and let you cry out your tears and put yourself together again.
I didn’t cry, but I did a good deal of self-repair for myself while we stood there. You were holding me like I’d never been held before, like you needed me, like you wanted me to be there, like you cared about me and wanted to give as much comfort as you were getting. I thought, at the time, that might have been wishful thinking on my behalf, just more of my loneliness striking out at an empty void, but I was so glad to hear you tell me, later, whispering under cool linen sheets on a hot summer night that you felt the same way then. I just wanted to comfort you, and be comforted myself, in a way I hadn’t previously known.
A few moments more, and I started to think too much. I could see the Aurors moving again, and their motion in the corner of my eye made all my thoughts come back, moving too fast and looming too big to focus on them. I didn’t want to let you go, and yet I was going to have to, I would have no choice in what happened yet again. I wanted to keep giving you comfort, I wanted to let you take everything you needed, while you held me right back, and that was warm and safe and terrifying, because you were Draco Malfoy and I was Harry Potter, and I didn’t know what that meant anymore.
(I know what it means now. But we weren’t Draco-and-Harry then. There were still two more years ahead of us before we got the first letter addressed to Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, together, and it was another ten months after Luna’s baby shower that we even talked about making that link permanent. It took us five years from that first hug in the Ministry for us to return there to sign our names on the license that made us legally Draco-and-Harry Malfoy-Potter.)
I held you, and I held you, and I held you. I didn’t figure anything out then, and I don’t think I fixed any problems in those too-short seconds either, but I felt better, even as we clung to each other tighter still in the moments when the Aurors reached us and started to gently pull us apart.
The day you were sentenced to Azkaban, I watched you walk away between crimson-robed Aurors, and I started counting down to December, when I could see you again, and when things might start to feel alright.
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luvingindh · 1 month
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Love me.
!! DISCLAIMER !! this is my first time writing on here so idk wtf i'm doing cut me some slack ya'll please 😭 if you like this or want more pls request it will rlly help me out 🫶🏽🫶🏽
If you could leave some love/ some helpful feedback that would be greatly appreciated lovelies
- Sonuu
(I listened to this while I wrote this so go ahead if you wanna)
content: fluff, EVER so slight angst??, kissing, thick thigh + curvy reader, readercomfort, yuji comforting insecure reader, idk what else to put here
I was never usually an insecure girl especially since I knew that Yuji was never that kind of guy, you know THOSE guys who go out of their way to make anyone and everyone aware of their exact type of girl and their exact body type and hate on anyone who doesn't agree with them? But that didn't stop me from feeling that slight pain in my chest whenever one of his celebrity crushes with a completely opposite body type to me got mentioned.
It wasn't that I disliked my body not at all, it was just one of those things that started off as a small negative thought and over-time made me question if I was actually what Yuji wanted in a woman. One afternoon it became too much to just bottle up. I was lounging on the couch on my day off just scroll in through my phone, already having a rough week and seeing Yuji in Jennifer Lawrence's comment section commenting heart eyes just completely tipped the iceberg. Suddenly I felt my throat choke up, the all too familiar feeling kicking off the (almost) meltdown, "why am I crying over this.." I whispered to myself despite already knowing the answer deep down. I forget how long I sat there on that couch sobbing endlessly trying to talk out my feelings even though nobody was there to listen to me. I felt so unmotivated, so uncomfortable in my own body, I felt almost trapped in this cycle of self hatred.
A few hours went by and eventually I heard the familiar sound of the front door unlocking before being shut again, Yuji was finally home. I felt what can only be described as a wave of shame or guilt? Wash over me...was this all an overreaction? I bundled myself up into the fluffy sherpa bed sheets so deep I almost hoped I would fuse with them, that was until I heard the bedroom door open along with my favourite voice in the world, "Hey babygirl, I'm so sorry i'm home later than usual. There was so much traffic and I stopped to get those flowers you like so much before the store closed- it was just a shit ton like you wouldn't even believe...baby?" his rambling paused as my body began to shake beneath the covers, no amount of fluff concealing it from him.
Yuji ripped them off of me pain and concern evident in his face "My love talk to me what happened? Was it me? Is it just a mini moment?" He questioned sounding more and more worried by every word. It took all of my strength to face him and open my mouth in an attempt to open up "It's going to sound stupid to you...but I've been feeling really insecure lately, it just feels like all the women I see you like look absolutely nothing like me. Are you sure you even like me?" my tears threatened to flow down my cheeks like a waterfall, Yuji's face made my heart sink, i've never seen him look so heartbroken "Y/N I never want you to think that..I shouldn't have even made you feel this way in the first place. I couldn't be more sorry baby, you are all I ever want- the brightest star, the sweetest flower, the most delicate angel. You are the only girl I will ever want." his hand came to caress my cheek while his other pressed my forehead against his.
This small gesture while it didn't fix my insecurities immediately (of course it didn't) made me feel so much love and safety that I couldn't be more grateful for his presence in this moment. His warmth alone made my body feel as though a weight had been lifted from it in seconds.
"Yuji?" I called softly moving my forehead away from his to look into his eyes, then to his lips "Yes Y/N?..." no more words were spoken after that just the warm gentle touch of his silky soft lips on mine and our bodies entangled beneath the sheets.
(WOW first fanfic finished I hope it wasn't complete ass crack and i hope you enjoyed it! Again if you have any requests then please feel free to lmk and i will gladly fulfill them 🩷)
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seangelfish · 10 months
Hi there!! I really like your Hypmic fics so far, they're truly amazing!!
So uhm.. can i request a headcanon for samatoki with a younger sister??
She's like in high school and has a little anxiety or depression.
You can add a little, short scenario at the end if you can! Thank you?
Thank you so much! I’m so excited to write more Hypmic fics!! o(≧▽≦)o I like this request a lot, and I love the Aohitsugi siblings. However, there might be some angst here because I actually want this to be realistic if he were to have an even younger sister. Tbh, I wasn't really sure how to write this, but I hope you enjoy reading anyway! ♡
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Samatoki Aohitsugi w/ a younger sister
Genres/types: Headcanons (a bit of angst, fluff)
Word count: 1,810
Plot/summary: You’re Samatoki’s youngest sister, age 15/16, who still attends high school. Because of your brother’s line of work, you barely see him, resulting in neglect; and because of your older sister’s disappearance, you’ve developed depression. Being in this family pains you, but Samatoki tries to make it up to you.
UPDATE: Rewrote some stuff. I felt like I wrote this too much like a story than actual headcanons, sorry!
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— You're his youngest sister, his only family left. The day Nemu went missing, he became even more protective of you. Because he's an infamous yakuza and leader of MAD TRIGGER CREW, he does his best to keep you hidden. He doesn't want to take the risk of having any of his enemies find out about your existence.
— As a result, you barely see him. Sure, he calls and texts you everyday and sends you money to take care of yourself, but it's just not the same. You used to share this apartment with Nemu, but she's no longer here with you anymore, so it feels even more lonely.
— Everyday is the same. He texts you good morning if he's too busy to call. You eat breakfast by yourself. You walk yourself to school. When the school day is over, you return home to be greeted by silence. You cook dinner for yourself, knowing that there's no one to share it with. Then Samatoki would call you to ask you how you are, to wish you goodnight.
— Some nights, you'd cry yourself to sleep. By time, you've developed depression. Living like this took a huge toll on you. Sometimes you'd stay outside late, worrying your older brother when you won't pick up his calls. You don't do much outside anyway. You just sit by the river, taking in the fresh air.
— Samatoki is always thinking of you though. He wonders what you’re doing, whether you’re holding up. He always looks forward to calling you. He loves listening to your voice.
— But every second of the day, your mind would flashback to the time when the three of you Aohitsugi siblings were together, when Samatoki would ruffle your hair, when Nemu would hug you. You missed those times so much.
— So you looked forward to your brother's calls too. He'd call you at exactly 8 in the morning and at night. You'd sit by your phone waiting for it to ring.
"Hey, (Y/N). How are you doing? How's school today? Are you eating well?"
"Yes, I'm fine, nii-chan. I've cooked myself tonkatsu for dinner today."
"Haha, that's good. As long as it isn't instant noodles. Ah, I wish I could eat dinner with you."
You were silent for a while before saying, "Then eat dinner with me."
"(Y/N), you know I can't—"
"Nii-chan, I can't stand this anymore!" you cry. "I miss you so much. I miss nee-chan too. It's so lonely here... I just want to eat breakfast with you, I want you to greet me when I come home from school, and I want us to cook dinner together! Why can't I just have a normal life with you? I understand why you've made your choices, but I hate how it has come to this."
Samatoki flinches at your words because he understands how you're feeling, but because of his line of work, he just can't be there for you physically.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry... there's nothing that I can do," he says softly.
"...I know."
— But he also knows that he can't just leave you alone like that. He's been having these thoughts linger in the back of his mind for weeks, months even. It was fine leaving you alone before since you had Nemu with you, but Samatoki knows he can't leave you stranded for any longer. To make matters worse, he knows you have depression, so he tries his best to supply you with the best medication and calls you everyday, facetimes you when he isn't busy too.
— After that interaction with your brother, you've stopped picking up his calls on time. This worries him a lot. He knows that you've been doing this before, but he's even more anxious now that you've poured your heart out to him. You haven't picked up your phone for what seems to be ten minutes, but he's already running around Yokohama trying to find you.
"(Y/N)!" he yells.
"Nii-chan...?" you say, looking up at the tall figure from the bottom of the hill.
Samatoki is relieved to see that you're okay. He runs down the hill and embraces you into a tight hug. You return the hug without hesitation as he strokes your hair gently.
"Stop wondering around at night," he hisses. "I was so worried."
You bury your head in his chest. "Sorry" was the only word you could say.
He shakes his head. "No, I should be sorry... I was trying to protect you, but I never really thought about how this would impact you. I wish Nemu was here... she'd know what to do."
"Mhm, I wish that too."
He sighs, still embracing you, never wanting to let you go. Despite the fact you were 15/16, he still thought of you as the child he had to spoon-feed, the child he had to put into bed. In his eyes, you were still that little kid that would pester him to read you your favourite bedtime story.
"(Y/N), I can't live with you the way we both want to," he states. "But I will try to visit you more often. I promise you."
You're not sure how he's going to do that, but he never breaks his promises, so you agree.
— The next time you leave school, he's there waiting outside the gates for you. You didn't recognise that it was him at first due to the stupid disguise he decided to wear, but you were happy to see him nevertheless.
"Nii-chan!" you exclaim, jumping into his arms. "You're here!"
"Yep, I'm here," he says, hugging you back.
— So, that's his plan. From then on, Samatoki hangs out with you in his disguise. He still can't live with you in your apartment as he doesn't want to take the risk, but he's willing to make up for all the lost time by taking you to eat breakfast outside, by picking you up after school, and when he is feeling a little bit risky, he just MIGHT join you for dinner.
"Nii-chan, this is how you cut carrots. Watch carefully, okay?"
"Yes, sensei!"
The two of you prepare the table with the food you have cooked together. You say your thanks before digging in.
"This looks good," Samatoki compliments, pinching your cheek playfully. "You really do know how to cook."
"You should give yourself credit, nii-chan. You helped too!"
He laughs and you follow suit. It's nice to finally eat dinner with him under the same roof. Even if you only have this hour with him, it really feels like you're living a normal life for once.
— He notices how you're a lot happier these days, and this makes him happy too.
– He cares more about your depression than you do. Of course, you were taking care of yourself more than before, but he is frantic about your wellbeing.
"You're taking your meds everyday, right?" he asks. "Make sure you don't miss a day."
"Nii-chan, you're always reminding me anyway," you say. "I'm taking them, don't worry."
– He's surprisingly affectionate, not only with his words, but with his actions too. He likes wrapping his arm around you and ruffling your hair. Nowadays, you see him twice or thrice a week, so he'd hug you during those times too. He never misses an opportunity to kiss your forehead either. You were his dear sister that he loves.
"I love you."
"I love you too, nii-chan."
— He's always so busy leading his subordinates and taking care of Yokohama, but he always looks forward to spending his time with you.
– Since he is able to see you more often nowadays, he's always trying to find a gift for you. He knows you so well that he ends up getting you something you really like.
– Morning and nighttime calls have improved since then too. He'd talk about what he has done with the other members of MTC like how Rio keeps offering him his cooked food. You'd laugh at his stories for which he enjoys your laugher.
– For nighttime calls, he'd stay on the line until you fall asleep. He just wants you to actually go to bed on time.
– Yet when you do hang out in person, he'd take you shopping and you'd eat out together too. You'd force him to try out the family activities Yokohama has to offer. He has to admit that it was pretty fun.
– Whenever he's with you, all he wants to do is spoil you, and because of his status, he is able to do so. He'll give you anything you ask for, no questions asked.
– Because of your age, you don't want to hold hands with him, but he kind of wishes that you did. He reminisces the days when he'd hold your hand when you were younger alongside Nemu too.
— He only wants to see you smile, to be truly happy. He promises you that he'll find Nemu, and that he'll continue to give you the best life he could never have. This time, he'll be there for you in the flesh, to wipe away your tears, to hold you like he used to when you were just a kid.
— Because you're his youngest sister, his only family left after all.
You woke up to the doorbell ringing. As you approached the front door, you checked the peep hole to see who it was. It was the delivery man. You opened the door for him and you were suddenly presented a big bouquet of flowers.
"Order for (Y/N) Aohitsugi," the delivery man states.
"Yes, that's me," you say, astonished at how big the bouquet was.
He hands it over to you, wishing you a good day before taking his leave. You stand there for a while, speechless. You were brought back into reality when your phone began ringing.
Closing the door, you brought the flowers into the kitchen where you placed them on the table. Before you picked up the phone, you caught a glimpse of a card attached to the flowers' stems, it read:
'Happy birthday, (Y/N).
Love, your big brother, Samatoki.'
You beamed happily. So, these were from Samatoki! Of course they were! You were so infatuated with the flowers he had gotten you, you had forgotten to pick up the phone.
"Sorry, nii-chan! I just got your flowers. They're so pretty. Thank you so much!"
"Haha, I'm glad you like them," he says, and you could even hear the smile he has on his face. "Happy birthday, (Y/N). You're 17 now, right? You're growing up so fast, you better calm down."
You laugh at this, and so does he.
"I love you," he continues. "I'll see you later, okay?"
"Yes, nii-chan. I can't wait to see you today!"
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Intro page | Hypnosis Mic masterlist | Requests rules
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enid-rhees · 4 months
Platonic Carl x best friend reader who's super insecure about her body/weight. One day Carl finds out and comforts her about it. Reader also has feelings for Enid, but Enid doesn't pay much attention to reader (Enid secretly has a huge crush on reader, and avoids her because of that). Reader thinks it's because she's not pretty enough for Enid. But one day gains the confidence to ask Enid out (thanks to Carl's help).
If this is too much, I understand! Love your blog - ✨🫧
wing-man || platonic!carl grimes x fem!reader / enid rhee x fem!reader
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warnings: a bit of angst, reader dealing with body insecurities
a/n: aaa another Carl req :D !! i absolutely adore him sm, so i loved writing this sm :] i hope you enjoy anon, tysm for requesting!
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you knew you shouldn’t, but you can’t help it.
every time you walk past the mirror in your room, you can’t help but stop in front of it, and just stare in sorrow. you hated the way you looked. you didn’t know why you constantly brought yourself down by doing this. you just couldn’t help it.
you couldn’t help but stare at every insecurity you spotted on yourself, the thoughts in your head only making it worse. tears pricked at your eyes and you quickly wiped them away, but they kept spilling from your eyes and trailing down your cheeks. you wrapped your arms around yourself to hide your figure and looked back at the mirror.
the clothes you wore — you hated the way they looked on you. so you walked over to your closet and started to dig through the limited clothes you had. they were all over your floor within minutes, and you were crying all over again in the last outfit you put on.
why didn’t you look pretty? why couldn’t you look pretty like- like Enid?
Enid. she was the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen. she had the most mesmerizing smile, eyes, everything. and yes, you would admit it right now, you liked her, a lot.
but, you would never have her. Enid barely paid attention to you in the first place. you’ve had very few, small conversations with her, but they were nothing more than that. she would never like someone like you, you weren’t half as pretty as she was, you knew it.
there were even times Enid actively avoided you, so you were pretty sure that proved all of your points.
you sat on the floor in front of your mirror and cried into your hands. you didn’t realize that your cries were loud, because you jumped when a pair of hands grabbed yours. Carl sat in front of you, his eyes wide and frantic. “Y/N? what’s wrong?” you shook your head and tried to wipe your eyes but Carl still held onto you. “don’t do that, what’s wrong? please, tell me.” he pleaded.
“i hate the way i look!” you snapped, and Carl softly let go of your hands. “i hate everything about myself. none of my clothes look good, this mirror is a fucking nightmare. i just want to be pretty.” you cried out, not even realizing half of the words that spilled out of your mouth just then. “no one wants someone like me.” you added, voice going raspy.
“none of that is true.” Carl spoke firmly. you looked up at him and wiped away the rest of your tears. “you’re just saying that, Carl.” you spoke in a whisper.
“i’m not. you are the perfect the way you are, Y/N. there’s not a single flaw on you. i really think that you are absolutely perfect, in every way. in and out.” a small smile made its way to your lips and you reached your hands out to pull him in a hug.
Carl held you so tightly, rubbing his hands up and down your back. you held him even tighter, his hugs had always calmed you down, ever since you two were young. you met him at the Quarry, all those years ago, and instantly became best friends.
whenever you got scared after a hoard of walkers, or after a fight and you had trouble calming down from it, Carl was always there to take you in his arms and hold you until you felt safe. you couldn’t have asked to find anyone better than him in the middle of this shitty, new world.
“i’m still never going to find someone looking like this,” you spoke, your words muffled by his flannel. “you’re wrong again.” he said.
“i’m not.” you said back. you then removed yourself from his arms and leaned again the wall behind you. “the only person i want doesn’t even pay attention to me.”
“who?” Carl asked. he moved forward, getting closer to you as if you were about to tell him the biggest secret you knew in the school bathroom. you shifted in your place, “Enid.” you whispered.
“Enid?” he repeated back in a whisper. you nodded. you’ve never really told Carl you liked girls, it never came up in conversation and you had no reason to bring it up. but now you did, and you trusted him with that knowledge.
“we’ve only talked a few times.” you told him, “but besides that she… ignores me. and it’s not like she’s trying to hide it, she walks away when i show up. she doesn’t like me. Enid would never want to be with someone like me.” tears started to pool around your eyes again, but you quickly wiped them away before they could fall.
“i don’t think she hates you,” Carl said softly. “let me help you.” you furrowed your eyebrows and let out a small laugh. “with what, exactly?”
Carl shrugged, “asking her out.” your eyes widened as you stared at him like he was insane, “are you insane?!”
“no! you should go for it! you never know what the outcome could be. come on, i’ll be your wing-man!” you couldn’t help but laugh at Carl’s preposterous offer. “yeah, you’re insane. never in a million fucking years, Grimes. because if she rejects me then i will literally never show my face here again.” you said with not even an ounce of humor in your words.
Carl rolled his eyes, “okay, now you’re being dramatic. relax for a moment and think about it. i know that there’s a huge risk to this, but with the world we’re in now… don’t you want to take the chance you have? i mean… you never know what can even happen tomorrow.”
you knew what he was implying, and the slightest thought about it made your chest tighten. “okay.” you ended up saying. “fine, but you better be a goddamn good wing-man or i’m finding a new best friend.”
Carl snorted, “right, we both know that’s not true you asshole.” he said, lightly hitting your shoulder. you took hold of his hat and moved it down to cover his face while pushing him away, laughing just as much as him.
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“from the few times you spoke to Enid, what was it about?” Carl asked you. you thought for a moment, staring at the wall in front of you.
“comics.” you stated first, “she likes comics. there was a day i was sitting by the end of the fence, reading one of yours, and she came up to me first. and then there was a few other times. but that was it.”
Carl nodded and paced the floor of his bedroom. it was almost comical, how into this Carl really was. you wanted to laugh, but he would just give you another lecture on why this was important.
“what else?” he asked. this time, you really had to think. there wasn’t much else you and Enid talked about. but… there was one thing. but you remembered Enid telling you that no one knows, so you weren’t sure if you could tell Carl.
“…can you promise not to tell anyone else? Enid told me no one knows… so.” Carl nodded, “of course, yeah.”
“she goes into the woods a lot. she invited me to go with her at one point… but i wasn’t sure how i felt going out there. but she does it nearly everyday for hours.”
Carl then stopped in his tracks and you watched as he began to think hard. “that’s it.” he said. you raised your eyebrows, “what’s it?” he walked over to his drawer and pulled out a bent comic and handed it to you.
“i don’t need that one anymore. here’s the plan, okay? i’ll help you find a new outfit, and by the way, you look great in everything you own. we’ll find a new outfit, you go outside with this comic and find Enid. you ask if she would like to go out into the woods, or wherever she goes, and you’ll give her the comic then. she questions you, and then you confess.”
you stared at him with shock. “wow, okay.” you responded, nodding slightly. “does that sound good? too much? not enough?” Carl questioned, and you put your hand up to stop his rambling.
“no, it’s perfect, Carl.” you told him. you stood up from his bed and took the comic from his hand. you turned it over and read the front. “oh- Carl, she loves this comic. she has a whole collection of them. this is perfect.”
“that makes this even better then. come on, let’s find an outfit.” Carl took you back to your own room and started to dig through your clothes. he picked up one shirt and a pair of jeans, and then slipped off his own flannel. “i know you like this one. you can wear it today. but try this on.” Carl left your room after that, giving you no choice but to try on the clothes.
you slipped the shirt and jeans on and pulled Carl’s flannel over the shirt. you looked in the mirror and sighed, you still didn’t think you looked good. it just felt… wrong.
Carl knocked on your door, and you jumped out of your thoughts. “come in.” you called out. Carl smiled when he walked in, “you look great!” you pouted and looked back at the mirror, “i don’t. i just… i really don’t think I’m generally attractive, Carl. i don’t know if i can do this.”
“stop.” he said immediately, “you may not see it, but you really, genuinely look perfect. but everyone else sees it, i promise you. you can do this, okay? don’t back down, i promise it’s going to be okay.” he held onto your shoulders and his voice soothed you, slowing down your racing heart.
you nodded and took a deep breath, “okay… okay.” you whispered to yourself. Carl still held onto your shoulders as he pushed you out of your bedroom and down by the front door. he handed you the comic again and you folded it to place in your back pocket.
“you got this, okay?” he whispered. you nodded again. Carl pulled you into another hug and the two of you stayed like that for a few moments. “thank you, Carl.” you told him.
“thank me when you come back with a girlfriend, yeah?” you smiled and hit his shoulder. “okay, go.” Carl said, opening the front door and pushing you out of it, closing it before you can turn around.
you sighed. you were really about to do this. this was really happening. okay… okay. you closed your eyes and sucked in a deep breath, exhaling heavily. you began to walk down the sidewalk, turning your head in every direction in hopes to see Enid somewhere.
you then looked over at the gate, and spotted her getting ready to climb over it. “okay.” you whispered to yourself, and began walking over to it. as you got closer, you jogged over to her before she started to climb. “hey… Enid.” you spoke, a little out of breath. she held onto the bars of the gate and looked over at you, “Y/N.” she said in surprise.
your heart started to race, “mind if i join you?” you asked, and a small smile then appeared on Enid’s lips. “no, not at all. come on.” she reached out her hand, and you took it in yours. you were sure she could feel how hot your hand was now that she was holding it, and you were hoping she wouldn’t say anything about it.
Enid pulled you up on the gate and you started to climb with her. when you made it to the top, Enid jumped first, and she looked up at you. “i’m here if you fall.” she called out. you jumped down and you felt Enid’s hands briefly touch your waist. “good?” Enid asked, and you nodded, face burning at her touch.
Enid started to walk and you followed her. “why did you want to come with?” Enid asked, breaking the awkward silence between the two of you. “um,” you looked down at the ground as you tried to figure out what to say, other than the truth.
“we haven’t talked in a bit, wanted to catch up with you.” you ended up saying, alright you weren’t quite sure if that would work. Enid nodded, “yeah, i guess it has been a bit. sorry about that.”
you shook your head, “don’t apologize. we all got shit going on.” you told her. “where are we going?” you questioned.
“there’s a spot i like to sit at. we’re almost there.” she said simply. after another few minutes, the two of you stood in front of an open area in the woods with a few branches lying in the ground. Enid walked over to it and sat on one of the branches, so you followed her and sat next to her.
Enid smiled awkwardly, “i really don’t… do much out here. i just like to sit here in silence away from everyone and read comics.” she looked down at her hands, fumbling with her fingers nervously.
“that’s okay… i actually had something i wanted to give you.” you told her, and it felt like time had stopped when she looked up at you. god, she was so beautiful. “for me?” she asked in disbelief, another smile growing on her lips.
you couldn’t help but smile back, confidence slowly taking over you, “yeah! i uh, i noticed you had this collection and i happened to have one of the comics… and me and Carl haven’t really read it. so, it should definitely be yours.” you reached into your back pocket and took the comic out.
Enid’s eyes widened at the sight of it. “oh my god.” she mumbled. she took it out of your hands and began examining it front to back, and flipped through the pages. “this is one of the last ones i needed.” Enid told you, her hand going over her mouth. “thank you so much.”
“it’s no problem, really.” you told her, scratching your neck. you couldn’t help but admire her as she smiled down at the comic. her smile was so contagious, you didn’t want to look away. you couldn’t look away.
“there has to be another reason you gave this to me… it can’t just be because of my collection. this is.. really- this means a lot, Y/N.”
your words almost got caught in your throat as you looked at her. “right- um..” you laughed nervously. “i didn’t only ask to come with because i wanted to catch up with you. i-i wanted to tell you something as well.” you could hear your own heart pounding, and you swore it was going to rip right out of your chest if it beat any faster.
you’ve never felt more nervous. “what is it?” Enid asked, turning her whole body towards you. you breathed in deeply. “i really… really like you, Enid.” you whispered. you watched as Enid froze.
“and this is probably the dumbest thing i’ll ever do, because there’s no way that… someone as beautiful and kind as you… would ever like someone like me. but you’re constantly on my mind, Enid, and i couldn’t keep it in any longer. i’m sorry if this made you-“ you were cut off with lips on yours. your eyes widened briefly before you closed them in utter relief. her lips felt so good on yours.
your body relaxed under her touch, her hands were softly holding onto your waist as you kissed. Enid pulled away first, but didn’t pull away too far from you. she laughed breathlessly, “you know, you didn’t need a whole plan to confess. i would’ve taken any opportunity to do this.” she mumbled, unable to take her eyes off your lips.
you bought a hand on the back of her head and pulled her back into you. Enid happily kissed you back. “and by the way,” she whispered against your lips. “you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever met. everything about you… is just absolutely perfect. don’t ever for a second think otherwise.”
“okay.” you whispered, feeling tears prick at your eyes. Enid kissed you again, her fingers drawing little shapes into the skin of your waist.
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babylovepresley · 2 years
thinkin’ about you — elvis presley x reader
summary: you are elvis presley’s former lover… at least you think you are. the year is 1960, and he is finally returning home from the service… but you haven’t heard from him since the day he left memphis and got on that plane nearly two years ago. what is left of you both?
word count: 2k
content warnings: 18+ sexuality mentioned, ANGST, possibly an unhealthy relationship, references to religion and god
read & listen along: https://open.spotify.com/track/1fDFHXcykq4iw8Gg7s5hG9?si=c2I7yoRJQMOSZEIrxLHCsg
writer’s note: hiya lovebugs! this is just a little something i conjured up when i was supposed to be doing homework (hehe), and i thought perhaps you’d all like to suffer with me. it’s not my best work, as i have had quite an overwhelming day and this is the best i could produce. this is my first fic posted, and i truly hope you all enjoy! remember requests are always open, and i am forever sending you all plenty of love and light!
dedicated to: my darling friends that promote my obsession with writing angst, though it hurts them in the end <3 (@eliseinmemphis my sincerest apologies lover)
It’s a cold day in March when he comes home; his hair wispy and long, touching the tip of his forehead beneath the large issued cap. When he first went away, the cap seemed to swallow his sleepy head and make him seem like the boy I first met all those years ago— when life was kind and he smiled with his tongue between his teeth. A patron moves to turn the television up, standing on the counter and nearly knocking over a young man’s grits that sat untouched on his plate. The soldier huffs and puffs as the camera follows him; his lean figure cutting through the tv and leaving an ache in me heart. Did the scars from our childhood playing wear off? Did the inside of his left pinky still glow red and raw from the movement of his ring? Does he still think of me?
He swallows, and my own throat constricts watching him. Life had become so difficult after he left— the beginning of us did not matter, I only wanted to get through to the end. And now we’re here, or rather he is. All I can do is stand and watch in our hometown diner, as he glows for the entire world. My coworker comes up beside me, placing her tray down on the crowded counter and side eyeing me.
“Yes Minny?”
“Sugar, I hate to do this… ‘specially today of all days… but—“ always walking on eggshells, Minny was. In fact, I’ve noticed that every other waitress today has been side-eyeing me with pity; wondering what I must have done to him to be here instead of greeting him with open arms, perpetually on my knees for him. The truth is I never did anything to him… and I guess that’s why he never found it important to write to me.
“You need me to close… don’t you?” I smile. I didn’t have it in me to be cruel right now, though I wanted to scream and cry can’t you see I’m busy lamenting a man I don’t know anymore?
“I’m sorry y/n, it’s just that my daughter wanted to stop by the Graceland gates tonight to.. well.. you know…” she trails off, itching an imaginary scratch behind her neck. It isn’t her fault that her daughter looks at him the same way I did, or still do. It’s been a long time since I’ve laid my eyes on him, and I wonder if they still fill with the warmth and affection I once saw him have for me.
“It’s okay Min, I don’t mind at all! I’ll probably just make a cup of tea for myself and clean the jukebox tonight… have a feeling I finally wanna clear out a certain someone’s records….” I giggle, though I’m laced with a bitter agony in my throat; I never wanted to hear his voice again, but I know one sound falling from his pouty lips would cause me to stare in adoration and declare my god, where have you been?
I turn my head back to the television, because I simply cannot bear not looking at him… not after three years of staring out the window and praying to God that he’d somehow be sitting outside my door, waiting for me all the while. He has changed so much; poised and gifted with the confidence that can only affect a young boy who dreamt of the strength and masculinity he exudes. He left me a scared boy, with heavy shoulders that I ached to massage into a restful stature, and came home a man; broad and unashamed. I simply can’t wrap my head around it as the camera pans to his face, spotted with the cold sting of snowflakes as he nods his head in thanks. It’s ridiculous.. I feel jealous of a force of nature simply because they get to live and die on him; when I have faced far more triumphs and little deaths as a result of his person.
Still, he looks afraid as he shuffles through the crowd of women waiting to grab at him. I feel nauseous just looking at it, and I find myself tugging at my uniform in an attempt to deflect from the obvious want situated in each woman's eyes. Many years ago, I would’ve moved through the sweaty crowd gathered by the gates of that airport, and used my handkerchief to wipe the nervous sweat on his eyebrow; my hands ever-so delicate on his cold cheeks. And he’d look up at me and smile, the apples of his cheeks pressing his eyes into a squint; “you miss me lil?”
But now I stand here, as unknown to the world as the words he said to me the first night he pulled me by bare chest to his and mouthed a sonnet only he could tell. Memphis has changed, he has changed, but I haven’t. Maybe that’s why he didn’t write. Maybe that’s why I’m living in the in between; Elvis’ girl or not? Lover or former flame?
The hours pass by with the creaking stools signaling the end and beginning of each meal, my nails making a dull clack against the cracking counter. Before I knew it, the street lights flickered to life, and my coworkers' cars pulled out of the lot, blowing kisses out their windows in a silly “goodnight!” gesture. The diner is lonely without the murmuring of the town, but I find it to be deeply comforting while I clean. The TV has been turned off, and the jukebox unplugged, leaving me with nothing but my pitiful thoughts and slight hiccups as I cry and clean the corner booth.
In the midst of my cry, for him, for me, for his Mother, and for any semblance of a future I had once dreamt of, I failed to notice the front door being pulled open and the slight ting of the bell. The wind from outside climbed my bare legs as I wiped, shouting out a quick “We’re closed honey, I’m sorry!”. Why look up when I always know who it’ll be— whether it be a neighbor, the town drunk or a church choir member.
“Oh… ‘m.. ‘m sorry” the stranger stumbles out, and I can physically feel the soft tapping of his loafers on the sticky linoleum floor. I’d know that voice in death, when the grim reaper kisses me goodnight, I’d be begging him “please.. let me hear his breath one last time”.
With all of my strength I turn to him, staring down my old hero. My spray bottle has long been abandoned, spilling on the floor beneath me and wetting the tips of my white shoe. I couldn’t care less. Nothing could’ve stopped me from following his voice— nothing could have prepared my heart for the sight of him in front of me. I feel the ache of my brows pulling down on my face, and the cold air drifts through my parted lips to remind me that this is real… he’s here. After all this time, he’s here. I’m silent as I watch him distribute his weight; left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot.
“Ya see me on TV today lil?” His thick voice cuts through the air; still gravelly from the cold morning air he sucked in earlier that day. A part of me wanted to coddle him; coo “oh poor baby” for the pain in his throat. But the other part of me wanted to laugh in his face at the incredulous question. In the end, that’s just what I did.
“Did I- Did I see you on TV Elvis?” I barely manage to get out, as my throat begins to constrict with sobs. Bastard. At least we both are in pain from the words we can’t say, I think to myself.
“W-well I noticed the TV ain’t on.. so I thought I’d ask…”
“You thought you’d ask me if the TV was off because you wanted me to watch you come home today?”
“Baby I know it ain’t been that long,” he chuckles, his hands digging deep into the pocket of his black slacks. I once sewed a hole he tore in those slacks, and I remember the way he kissed my cheek in thanks— I still feel the burn of his lips. “know my girl hasn’t gone all dumb on me”.
My girl. As if he had any right to call me that anymore. My anger bubbles to the surface, as the chemicals I dropped sting my nose. We stand polar opposites of one another. On one end of the diner, we have a lowly waitress who dreamt of a family and a small life but now spends her days covered in bacon grease for the creepy men in town to ogle at. On the other end, with hair still blown back from the influx of winter wind coming through the corner window, stands a god amongst men. He has the world in his hands, and it dawns on me that he could have any family or anyone’s life that he could ever want— small or large it wouldn’t matter, it’s all small to his strong flesh.
Unchanged in my agonizing swirl, I threaten, though no matter how hard I try I could never be crossed with him in tone, “You don’t get to call me that no more Elvis”.
He shuffles uncomfortably, and his lips curl inward with a tremble. He has taken an interest in the floor, and I wonder if he remembers the time he stayed here until 4 am with me scrubbing them down. He looks at the tiles just as intently as he did then, though now it seems like he feels just as dirty as them.
“I ain’t… I m-meant to write you y/n honest—“
“Oh you MEANT to write me, huh?”
“Yes! Yes I-I-I did I just got caught up ‘s all…”
“Caught up?”
‘Yes Lil! Caught up!” he extends his arms out to his sides; desperate for a positive response.
I can’t hold back the building sobs anymore, it hurts too much— makes me want to reach my arms out to him like a child and cry for help. I’ve bared my soul to him in far too many ways, and he deserves to see the mess he’s made of me.
“For two years E?” the tears sting my cheeks, as I hiccup in a breath.
For a moment, I see him take a step toward me. Ever the holder, Elvis always showed love through his touch. There would be nights I’d wake up sobbing and afraid at the idea of never getting to feel the velvety touch of his fingertips in or against me ever again. Those nights still haunt me, and the idea of him touching me is almost too much. No man has touched me since him, and I’ll never want anyone else to ever again. I move from his reach, and walk beside him with a wipe of my nose as he panics.
“B-Baby I tried! T- The Colonel”
“The colonel,” I stop in my tracks and smile spitefully with a small shake of my head “It’s always the Colonel E, isn’t it?”
“Oh c’mon y/n whas’ that supposed to mean?'' he follows behind me as I stomp past him and behind the counter, desperately grabbing at anything to appear unaffected; but he knows me. Elvis knows me more intimately than I know myself, and I’ve come to resent him for it. I can’t bear his cluelessness, and I can’t live with all of this hurt inside of me for any longer.
“ELVIS! He has taken EVERYTHING FROM YOU. Money, your Mother, your life, me! You’ll just let him take and take and take,” I throw the bulk of napkins across the counter and into his chest in anger, though I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I hurt him. Strange how he seemed fine all the while I was dying for a single word from him. “until there’s nothing left of you— of us!”
I move around the counter, and it feels as if I don’t keep moving I’ll collapse in a heap of tears. My finger jabs into his chest, and he flinches with the intrusion. For the first time tonight, I see tears forming in his eyes, yet his stained cheeks indicate they have been falling for a long time as he struggles to inhale from his own pitiful, silent sobs.
“One word from you Elvis, that’s all I wanted.” I sob, barely coherent as I lay my hands on his chest. He grabs them, and the shift in my stomach nearly makes me lurch in pain. I feel him now, so real and warm and so mine. I could never forget his touch, and now that I have it again I doubt I’ll be able to breathe without it. We cry quietly for a moment, holding one another as if we were foreign to each other; like he hasn’t consumed by body and soul whole and left it to rot in his chest.
It’s silent save for his uneven breathing and the gentle scuff of my feet; unable to stay still as my body betrays itself. I pull away, and he mumbles a “no, no honey stay” as I wipe my eyes and regain my strength. He paws at my apron, trying to pluck me closer before I scold him for his mistakes.
“Elvis, please just go. I-I’ve lived without you, I’ve cried each time I saw your house, or-or heard your records. I’ve grieved you before you were even gone, and I know I can do it again. So please baby, please just go” I whimper out, smoothing down my skirt and pinching my thighs beneath the frilly mess. I can’t look at him, though my eyes thirsted for the pinch of his brow for so long.
There are very few women who can say Elvis Presley laid himself in front of her and wept. I’ve seen him cry before, in fear and anger, and each time I have taken him into my arms and quelled him into relief. But nothing could prepare me for the sight laid out before me.
My man, a god, falls to his knees in front of me and cries with outstretched palms, “Do ya think I’ve forgotten ‘bout you?”
His eyes appear to burn as they flutter closed with a gulp, his large hands gripping onto the bottom of my skirt, “Oh God baby, ‘ve messed up somethin’ awful, I know.” he cries out, wiping his nose with his sleeve like a boy. A chuckle builds in my chest at the antic, as it reminds me of the boy I’ve cried for all along. He licks his lips, panicking at the thought of rejection. “ ‘ve always tried to be so good for ya and look what I’ve done now… look what your satnin’s done now…” He chokes out, ever the fallen angel.
His arms wrap around me, and I stumble forward with the force of his pull. It’s no use in fighting, I think to myself, I can never purge myself from the feeling he gives me. I don’t think I’ll ever want to— I can never shed the feel of him. The feel of Elvis; an irrevocable heartbreak. My upper body falls on top of him, my breasts pressed against his strong shoulder as my hands slide flat down his back; the wool of his jacket slightly burning my wrists. I feel his cries against my hips, as his arms lock around the backs of my legs; hands clasped in fear that I’ll soon pull away. His shoulders shake as I lean over him, and chills run down my flesh as his thumbs soothe the backs of my thighs.
Against my skirt he wails, “Kiss me. Please God, kiss my sins away. ‘ve done so bad by you baby— let me know I ain’t the devil incarnate..” his nails dig into the thickness of my thighs in desperation.
Who am I to deny him?
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Halloween Cinderella; Eddie Munson x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this was for a favor for a dear fav. blog of mine @sweetpeapod when she needed some help in clearing out some requests so to the requester who asked this of her during her last event, look no further than here.  Now I made some changes to the request (just some small minor stuff to fit with the time period and all that) but other than that the only warnings are swearing, cheating, some minor angst but also some fluffy, comforting and a bit flirty Eddie.  Hope you enjoy this my lovelies and to @sweetpeapod​ thanks for sending this fic my way, had a blast writing it and I’m happy to help anytime you want your inbox cleared of some work :)
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*Halloween 1984*
I still don’t even understand why I even came here to begin with? All I wanted to do was stay at home, do candy duty and just wait for this day to be month to be over.  Not to say that I don’t like Halloween cause I do, but the fact that my douche of a boyfriend dumped me just a week before we would go as our couple costumes of Kane and Ripley from Alien.  That’s something I can’t look past, especially when he admitted to cheating on me with some slut from the swim team.
So my best friend/brother from another mother Ferris (who was dressed as Michael Myers) thought it would still be a good idea for us to go to the party just to rub Jefferson’s face in it.  And believe me when I say that it is hard to say no to Ferris Worthington, the boy’s as stubborn as a mule and won’t take no for an answer.
And that’s where I am.  Sitting in my car, parked right outside Heather’s place where the party was debating whether or not I should go in or just drive away and lock myself in isolation.
“Goddamn it Ferris. Why do I always let you talk me into these things seriously why?” I said talking to myself.  “Because I was a jackass in a previous life. Now grow a pair and get your sexy Ripley butt in there!” I said knowing what he’d say if we had drove together.  “I hate you so much, you better be in there and I swear there better be some serious booze if not a little buzz of the Mary Jane.” I said muttering to myself again as I got out of the car and locked it.
I walked up to Heather’s house and opened the door and already blaring music was playing, streamers were flying everywhere, and over a hundred people were already in the large mansion.
“Think I’ll also be needing some earplugs too and maybe whiskey instead of beer to drown this noise out.” I said adjusting my fake rifle further up my shoulder.  I had been fabricating with my dad since the start of summer, he actually works on indie horror films so he’s gone some weapons and makeup sculpting skills.
As I walked through the crowd of seniors and even a couple of juniors that somehow managed to sneak in, I noticed a problem.  Ferris said he’d be dressing up like Michael Myers from Halloween, well I’m barely at the living room and already I spotted three different Michael Myers masks.
“Brilliant move Ferris. Seems like every freaking guy in here had the same idea you did.” When I finally got to the living room, low and behold there were about seven, maybe 10 other Michael Myers at the party.  I mean Jesus Christ there are other slasher killers you can choose from; Freddie Kruger, Psycho’s Norman Bates, Leatherface, Jason, any of those guys but nope everyone chose Michael Myers.
Again not that there’s anything wrong with it, Jamie Lee, perfect final girl material and an extreme badass next to Sigourney Weaver, but come on guys.  Ferris could’ve at least given me something to distinguish himself from all the other Michael Myers’ at this party.
“Okay so first thing I’m gonna do is find that smug son of a bitch, then kick his ass for making me search for him, and then drink, drink, drink.” I said to myself before going in and walking to the first Michael Myers costume I saw.  “Ferris?!” the person turned to me and motioned to them to take their mask off. They removed their mask and I saw it was one of the football players.
“Sorry.” He told me before putting his mask back on.  Okay one down, nine to maybe a dozen or so to go. I moved through the crowd, keeping my plastic rifle close to me and walked up to the next Michael Myers I saw.
“Ferris is that you under there?!” the person lifted up their mask and it was some other random dude, probably from either another school or even a former graduate (by a year or two).
“You got the wrong guy, sweetheart. But if you stick around, I can make you forget about him.” He said as he eyed me up and down with a lustful look in his eyes.
“Yeah and I’d like to tell you a joke about my vagina but you’re never gonna get it.” I said walking away annoyed.  One by one I asked each Michael Myers I saw to remove their mask, but all of them turned out to be a bust.
I was now by the drinks deciding to just get me some spiked punch and just accept the fact that either Ferris had ditched the party all together and lied to me, or the little shithead is hiding somewhere knowing I’d probably kill him for making me search for him.
I soon took notice of another person coming up as Michael Myers coming to get a glass of punch.  I set my cup down and turned to the guy and told him.
“Need I ask if that’s you Ferris?” the guy soon turned his attention to me and removed his mask.  Unlike the rest of the guys who had short hair underneath, this guy had long, shaggy brown hair.  Deep brown deer like eyes, maybe even puppy brown.  “Oh.” I said dejectedly returning to my drink.
“Just what every boy dreams of hearing from someone who's just seen your face for the first time.” He told me.
“I’m sorry. Really I didn’t mean anything by it, it’s just I’ve been searching for my friend for what feels like hours. He told me he came as Michael Myers and low and behold, almost every guy came in dressed like the guy.”
“I know. At first I was gonna come as Freddie Kruger, but then one of my little sheepies whose part of the drama department in charge of makeup fell sick and couldn’t come to work on my makeup.”
“No kidding, they were really gonna do that?”
“Yeah. Said his dad or uncle or whatever works with VFX makeup in Hollywood. Has his own shop and everything of all the face casts and costumes he’s sculpted. Would’ve been so metal but unfortunately I got stuck with Old Michael. No offense the dude is one badass mother fucker, but the mask just suffocates me.”
“That’s a shame. Cause that is a very lovely face, a really handsome face that I’d hate to see be suffocated and—” oh shit please tell me I did not just say that to some stranger.  I slowly turned to him to see him pondering on what I just said with a smirk before he turned to me and asked.
“Lovely face? No wait scratch that, really handsome face?”
“Can I just the spiked punch made me say it?” I gulped defeatedly.
“You know what they say, drunken lips brings out sober thoughts.”
“That doesn’t even rhyme!”
“Who cares if it does?”
“I do!”
“What are you? The rhyming police?”
“Yes and I’m placing you under arrest for crimes against poor rhyming.” He laughed before saying.
“Whatever you say, Ellen Ripley.”
“You know you’re the first person to actually say who I am.”
“Uncultured swine’s!” he said exasperatedly as he gasped and placed his hand over his heart dramatically.
“Right!? Alien is a badass movie. If they ever think about making a second movie they better not fuck it up.”
“You never know.” He shrugged.  “But if I may be inquired to ask your real name? Just so I can put a name to the girl who called my face handsome.”
“(Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n).”
“Munson. Eddie Munson.” We shook hands as I said.
“With an intro like that, surprised you didn’t come as James Bond.”
“Ehh, cool guy but boring films.”
“Oh don’t tell me…..”
“Uncultured swine!” I exclaimed.  Once again he shot his hand to his heart and threw himself backwards which made me laugh.  “How could you think the Bond films are boring!?!”
“I’m sorry but they drag the plot too long and the humor is kinda stale.”
“Which Bond films have you seen?”
“What was that last Bond film that came out last year?”
“Oh Octopussy with Richard Moore? Okay I will give you that, that one wasn’t as good. But if you get to watch any of the Sean Connery ones, I swear you’ll think he’s the best Bond ever.”
“Okay, I’ll hold you to that.” A brief moment of silence came around us.  It wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward but—comforting? “Hey, I don’t normally ask this but uhh…..do you wanna step outside? Party’s getting more crowded and all that. I was gonna offer that to you earlier when I saw how dejected you seemed earlier.”
“I’d actually like that. Promise not to murder me once we get outside Michael?” I teased his character’s name at the end.
“Oh sweetheart, if anyone’s gonna murder anyone it’s you who’d murder me Ripley. You took on a fucking alien with an extended alien tongue. Compared to that, I’m mere child’s play.” So Eddie and I walked out of the house and into the backyard.
Hardly any people were outside.  Most of them having a quick smoke break or to get some air from the mass of bodies that occupied the house.  As Eddie prepared himself a smoke, he offered me one and I thanked him and he offered up his lighter.
I took a deep inhale before exhaling the smoke as I felt the cigarette between my index and tall finger.
“So the guy you mentioned earlier, you said his name was Ferris?”
“Yeah, Ferris Worthington.”
“Hold on, Ferris Worthington?” he asked me as he turned to me.
“About yay-tall, short brown hair, always wears a sweater vest?”
“Yeah. Wait how do you know him?”
“You kidding me? Ferris the Cunning Paladin. Dude may dress like a nerd but he’s one smart son of a bitch in my campaigns. He told me he was gonna dress up as Jason from Friday the 13th and I’ve been looking for him everywhere. We were gonna try to battle it out in front of everyone. Find out just who would really win in a fight.”
Oh that little shit! I’ll kill him I swear!
“Really? Cause like I said before, he told me he was gonna dress up as Michael Myers. Seems we’ve been played.”
“It would seem so.” He said taking an inhale of his cigarette.
“I should’ve known. I’ve known that boy since we were in kindergarten and he always does shit like this. He knew I didn’t want to come to the party anymore and he still managed to somehow convince me only to stand me up just like my douche of an ex-boyfriend!” I ranted angrily and when I turned to see Eddie looking at me stunned I exhaled deeply and shook my head. “I’m sorry. You probably don’t wanna hear me rant, so I wouldn’t blame you if you left me to my misery.”
“I may be known as the ‘Freak of Hawkins High’, but being the King of the social outcasts does come with its priorities.”
“And what’s that?”
“Being a good listener. Since I’m not so stuck up in my head of my own vanity and pride, I can take time to truly listen to those who need to rant, scream or shout. Not like those who follow the force conformity of ignoring other people’s problems.”
“I don’t know Eddie—”
“I won’t pry, if you tell me to drop it, we’ll drop it. But—you do seem like you really need to rant, and it seems like Ferris didn’t really take your feelings seriously.”
“Lately he hasn’t.” I took another intake from my cigarette before exhaling the smoke out and stomping on the last bit of bud that was left.  “My ex-boyfriend, cheated on me with some bimbo from the swim team. And he told me he had been cheating on me for five months while we were still together. Not only that but he dumped me for said bimbo through a note he put in my locker.”
“Jesus what a cowardly dick.” I laughed coldly.
“I wish there was a word to describe him. Couldn’t even work up the balls to break up with me face to face. Anyway, we had planned to come together to this party with me as Ripley and him as Kane. Even made a tiny alien baby to have pop out of his chest and everything.”
“That would’ve been so metal.” I nodded.
“I hated him so much. So much so that I felt like Halloween was ruined for me. I’ve actually wanted to do a couple’s costume ever since we went out. I planned, prepped and tried to come up with a cool costume duo that wasn’t gonna be predictable or standard.”
“I hear yah. I may not look it but I can respect a good costume couple, and already seeing you I would’ve like to have seen that.”
“Sorry to disappoint in not having the other half.”
“Not disappointed. You still look pretty badass. I mean your rifle alone looks awesome.”
“Just your basic nerf gun that I painted and redesigned a bit.”
“Metal.” He said impressed.  “And seriously, I meant what I said when I called your ex a cowardly dick. He shouldn’t have done that to you.”
“I know I shouldn’t let it get to me this badly but—he was the first guy who really took interest in me. And not just because he wanted to have someone to fuck or please him. We did have a lot in common, but then it turns out he had to fuck some other girl behind my back just to keep what was between his legs satisfied. Sometimes I feel like something’s wrong with me.”
“Hey,” he came in front of me.  His head tilted downward so he could try to look me in the eye. Eventually I looked up at him and he continued, “There is nothing, okay absolutely nothing wrong with you. The relationship failed because of him, not you. If he couldn’t see the beautiful woman that was standing right at his side, then it’s his loss.” I felt my cheeks heat up as I crossed my arms over my chest and said.
“Did you just—call me beautiful?”
“I’m not the only one with a good looking face.” He said with a small grin.
“Eddie, I appreciate the comment but…..if this is some attempt for you to be Prince Charming and swoop in on a girl who’s emotionally vulnerable, this isn’t the right way to go about it.”
“I know. I’m just giving a lovely girl a compliment. I don’t expect anything in return.”
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?” We turned around and speak of the devil there stood Ferris with his lifted up Jason Vorhees mask.  “This was not how I pictured this going!!”
“Did you seriously think I would want another relationship so sudden after my last one?!” I snapped.
“If it gets you to stop mopping, yes! Plus you guys were really hitting it off! C’mon Eddie’s a good guy just kiss him already!” I shook my head at Ferris.
“Permission to beat the shit out of this little turd, my lady?” Eddie asked me.
“He’s all yours.” I said.  Eddie put his mask back on and as quick as lightning, he charged at Ferris who let out a girlish scream and went running for the hills.  I shook my head and decided to just head home knowing that all of this was just Ferris Worthington’s scheme to make me have another man just so I would stop my bitching and mopping.  
Monday at school, I was opening my locker to get my trig book when a note fell out of my locker.  I picked it up, unfolded it and read it.
Hey Ripley,
The party was fun, sorry about Ferris. He says he’s sorry for what he did. And don’t worry, even if he doesn’t mean it, I’ll make sure he pays for it at our next D&D campaign hehehe (devil face drawing).
Anyway, I meant what I said about both your ex being a douche and you being beautiful.  Now I’m not trying to flirt or start an instant relationship but if you ever want to rant or punch someone, give me a call.  Just know you’ve got someone on your side who will really listen to you, be your punching bag, or even a shoulder to cry on and won’t complain at all. Hope to see you around the school, or just reach me here.
Eddie aka Michael Myers #9
He even drew little devil horns around his name.  I smiled and folded the note and put it in my flannel pocket over my heart.  I grabbed my book and headed off to my trig class with a slight pep in my step.
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chaos-monkeyy · 7 months
20 Questions for fanfic writers
Tagged by @trainofcommand and @cordeliaperry , thank you 😁
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
969,232 !
(I had a soft goal of trying to break a million this year, but I probably won't quite make it. Ah well, next year!)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Literally anything I see or read that happens to hit squirrel-brain in the right spot: Stargate, Star Wars, Cosmere / Stormlight Archive / Sanderson's books generally, Loki series & other MCU media, OFMD, Good Omens, Dresden Files, Star Trek (and one-offs for random-ass shows like the Mentalist, 1899, tLoVM, Echoes, etc). Honorable mentions to past beloved fandoms that I'm not super likely to really get back to again include Midsomer Murders, the Witcher, Assassin's Creed, and the Expanse 💕
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Top spot is A wonderful thing (OFMD); the next four in order are all Witcher - A Tight Fit, Stolen Moments, Keep it up, and Undignified.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I love seeing people's reactions, and letting them know how much I appreciate that they took the time and energy to comment (because fuck knows, I don't always have the spoons to comment on stuff myself). And it's so nice to get that connection with people and get excited about stuff together!
(I have missed some replies here and there just because of over-stressing about what to respond, and subsequently feeling guilty that I left them unanswered so long 🙈 ahh, anxiety-brain, you sure are special)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is one is easy, it's definitely Zombie / what's in your head. One of only two times I've written Major Character Death, and the only time I've used the Angst and Tragedy tag.
It's fucking brutal, honestly. Damn good, but ouch. Dark. Sometimes I reread it when I just want to cry hopelessly for awhile. It's like an... emotional reset or something.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings in the happy-sexy-sated vein, but most of my fics are also happy-sexy-oneshots so there isn't any real conflict or worry to come back from that makes the happy ending something that wasn't a given, if that makes sense. My first thought for something more involved was Inflection Point, but it's not exactly a happy ending for everyone. So I think I'll go with Curious Creatures, because even though I know how it ends and I wrote the damn thing, I still somehow get worried it will have a sad ending every time I go back and reread it, and then I'm relieved all over again at the end.
(Honorable mention to the Adventures of Admiral Prawn and Yee-Claw, because how can we not be happy that he found his lost hat with the help of a new friend 😂)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Honestly nowhere near as much as I'd kind of expect to? 😆
I had some rando dickhead giving me grief in comments on a couple Assassin's Creed fics, and I've seen people griping in fandom social media spaces about a couple of my works and the fact they (gasp) existed in the tags at all, but mostly people have been decent and kept it to themselves when they don't like me or my writing 💖
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes. All of it. All the smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really! Never published one to AO3. Closest I've got is that Witcher-Assassins Creed WIP languishing in my google docs, and a silly fun little SGA-Original SW thing on tumblr from probably a couple years ago now.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Pretty sure, yeah. Not to the point of really being able to do anything about it but it kinda sucked. Shit happens.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! A couple of them that I know of 😁
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Oh hell yeah. Many times 💕
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Mmm I have two published WIPs that fall into that category exactly, Ill-advised encounters and The skills of Assassins. They were really fun, I'd have really liked to finish them, annnd I probably never will 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty damn good at pacing a story, whether it's a oneshot or a longer fic, and at getting ~feelings~ across (whether it's horny feelings, smushy soft feelings, angsty feelings, whatever). And I've been told that I'm good at like... developing a setting and characters in a way that flows or unfolds naturally with the story while you read? Or something like that? (they said it better and it made me very happy)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
That would be not getting things actually started and just keeping the ideas in my head because What If this time I can't make the words do the thing good enough. Especially whenever I have ideas for something potentially longer or more involved, I do tend to kinda shoot myself in the foot by going "eehhhhh that would be a LOT of work though.... I don't want that kind of commitment....... Maybe I'll write down the idea later............"
Also being constantly distracted by shiny new things. But that part's fun 😆
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I use italics, try to limit it to single words or short phrases, and where possible I make the meaning clear or translated somehow within the fic itself. Last resort, I'll add a little glossary to the start or end notes if it's important to the story.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Midsomer Murders 💖
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I genuinely don't have a favourite! There's a few I'm extra proud of myself for accomplishing, but I really like most of what I've ever written for one reason or another.
Or another answer would be, my current favourite changes like every week and is usually one of my recent fics 😂 Right now it's probably The Taste of My Blade; it'll be something else in a month.
No pressure tags: @dewdropreader , @mirilyawrites , @starport-seven-five , @loki-is-my-kink-awakening , @dedkake , @wantonwhale , and I won't spam tag all the same people as I did in yesterday's tag game in case you're not feeling it right now, but as always - if you see this and want to be tagged, you are! 💙
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tabibitto · 2 years
Hey sweets<3 can I request hcs of Beidou (and Arlecchino if you write for her) finding out her s/o is the lost Princess of Khaenri'ah?
Hey Darling <3 Such a unique request I hadn’t expected myself to write about two of my favorite lesbians (fanon) yet BUT thank you for bringing me the opportunity to. I hope you like it :)
[ request ]
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Ship: Beidou x Feminine Reader, Arlecchino x Fem Reader
CW: angst, comfort, fluff, mentions of death, slight Yandere in Arlecchino's
Notes: Dude ngl my dumbass misread and thought it said oneshots not hcs and i was balls deep into a story when i went back up and was like welp. Shit. LMAODNEKENE
Although the Captain of the Crux Fleet is one of the most accepting and understanding people you know, telling her was giving you so much fucking anxiety
You’d lied to her about your origins, contradicting your promise to be Honest to her
You loved the cute nicknames she had for you, but you couldn’t stand being called her princess anymore with all the conflicting feelings in your heart, plaguing your mind when she used it at night
The time of day that allowed your mind to wander too far from your sanity
It wasn’t a surprise, but a huge weight off your shoulders when you told her your past
Crumbling to the ground of your shared bedroom as she followed suit, cradling your sobbing form in her arms as you babbled incoherently about your trauma
How you were meant to protect your people as Beidou did hers, yet could do nothing but see everyone and everything you knew burn to the ground
you were powerless against the divine holiness of Gods
And you hated yourself every day for it
Constant reminders of your responsibilities as Monarch, the random surges and lust for power and righteousness when you gave orders
Anything from how to deck the ship or the pirate’s positions on the battlefield. You felt that power, it made you feel good. For that short moment you were the Princess of Khaenri’ah, rightful heir to the Khaenri’ahn Throne. Rightful queen of the godless humans and protector of your realm
Yet looking around you..
Ah, right, you were any other person now. Simple and common as the people you protected
Once, at least
Beidou listened to every word, and when you were done, wiping tears away to look at her carefully, you could see the sadness and tears in her own eyes
She understood you, she felt your pain and it made you cry more
From that day forward, she was more gentle and patient with you when out and about in Liyue or Inazuma
Beidou paid more attention and realized the way you looked longingly and sadly from a high point on land downwards into civilization and realized you were reminiscing
And you were eternally grateful to her for all the times she brought you back to the here and now, with her. Not the fire and blood of 500 years ago to a people you could only remember, and nothing more.
She would make your days special and happy, nothing had to be grandiose or fancy, simple things like giving you a massage, breakfast in bed etc
She always did, though the captain made an effort to show you how smitten she was every chance she got
Because unknowingly, that night as she held you protectively as if you would too burn away, she made a promise
That she would do everything in her power to ensure you wouldn’t loose her, and the people you loved
She would protect your kin and take extra precautions when on land
Beidou could not handle to see you so destroyed
She wouldn’t allow it. It would be too much for you
So for as long as you gave her with your heart, she would nurture it until one day she would be too old in comparison to your eternally cursed, young and unwithering complexion to take care of you
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You were number 2 of the Fatui Harbingers. Quite a High rank, and somehow higher then that of The Knave.
Even when you two began dating, you hadn’t revealed to her why
She, by strength believed to be stronger then you and depending on who you asked, would tell you who was more cunning
The only person who knew of your origins was Her Majesty The Tsarista and Pierro, Number 1 of the Harbingers
It wasn't like you had to tell Pierro, he just kind of already knew
How could The Jester forget the Harlequin who ruined his original plans for Khaenri'ah
Who he had blamed on bad days for the destruction of his nation
You only silently took his anger, you understood it
But Pierro Also knew that you only had so much say in political power
This unspoken beef between the old man and her girlfriend was... unfathomable to her
I mean sure she was not one to like him to begin with but to witness firsthand his distaste for you was...fucking weird
Weather it be lack of skill in digging into your past or because she didn't have the balls to do that to one human she cared about you would never know
Arlecchino decided to put it aside and ignore it, you hadn't told her the truth because ain't no fucking way Pierro just has a bone to pick with the Harbinger a rank below his for no reason
In all Honesty, sometimes she wishes she never found out
It didn't make her love you any less
But it made her weaker
A word that hadn't been in her vocabulary since her joining of the Fatui
She was known and disliked by Childe to have no permanent loyalty to anyone. Her promises and honesty wavered towards whoever benefited her more
Yet when it came to you, she would be the one to act a clown to make you happy, and keep you safe
So when You pulled Arlecchino aside one day after an argument with Pierro who was across the coffin of your fallen friend, La Signora, the fair lady
Arlecchino could not stand it and demanded you he honest with her
To which you responded, more like screamed for her to get out of the cathedral. Though your face was hidden from the rest, she saw your look that meant for her to go somewhere else in order to get her answers
You spoke quietly but with determination
"I am The Lost Princess of Khaenri'ah. I was first in line to my family's throne. I both failed in my duty as monarch and protector of my nation."
She stared at you with wide eyes, her hands curling into tight fists.
"Pierro dislikes me because he believes it is my fault for the loss of our people, i won't blame him. But he too, did not succeed in convincing my father to change the order of things in order to survive. He can't blame me for everything. If I, his daughter and first heir got neglected what did HE think he was gonna do?!" You yelled angrily
Taking a deep breath you apologized and Arlecchino pulled you close after ensuring no one could see you
Oh yeah, your fruity relationship was a secret
not because of homophobia, the fatui could care less who was the Fuckee of choice was to Arlecchino
She just knew that someone would pull some dumb shit in order to either piss her off or for personal gain
The only collective thing anyone in this damn group agreed on was disliking The Balladeer, besides that it was a free for all deal
which meant someone here could harm you to gain acess to Arlecchino's secrets and weaknesses and have no repercussion
a curse and a blessing as a result of absolute authority from the Tsarista to The Fatui
From then on and like never before, Arlecchino would make sure you would not be in danger
Like ever
She held your hands more tightly when you walked down the hall or in public
The Knave pulled your hood closer to your cold-bitten pink cheeks to disguise your beauty
Arlecchino was more on the defensive side when Pierro even dared to look at you the wrong way
You were untouchable and precious
only for her to have and love
Her pretty princess, her only true queen as much as she would have to say otherwise in the presence of the Cryo Archon
You were hers and she was yours
Everyone and everything else could burn to the ground
A thousand more nations could be smothered into dust and Arlecchino would not care as long as you were by her side
and no matter which you were promised to, she would whisper in your ear sweet reassurences that it wasn't your fault. Nor your intention
weather you were the sweet and caring type or as cunning and ruthless as her, she looked at you with a set of wings and a halo upon your pretty head
Hypocritical yes
But as long as your smile warmed her cold days and your safety was most ensured
The world itself could burn down, she held her own in the palm of her hands each night she held your face to her own
As long as her world was safe, nothing else mattered
No one else mattered
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hedwig221b · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you for tagging me @thotpuppy! I'm reading everybody's answers, it's so fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
46. Though only 14 of them in English.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
582,115 holy shit
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Teen Wolf. I've translated for Sherlock before, though.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. The Happiest of All (Sterek, Explicit, 32,5k, ER, Angst, Miscommunication, Stiles runs away from Derek thinking it's for the best. He's wrong) 2. Untouchable (Sterek, Explicit, 17,1k, ABO, Univesity!AU, Courting, Stiles is the new hot omega, bad boy!Derek is the only one allowed to get close) 3. Safe (Sterek, Not Rated, 974, ER, TW Movie Fix-it.) 4. Wait For Me (Sterek, Mature, 64,6k, Spark!Stiles, Cursed sterek, very soft and desperate, forever love) 5. Treasure (Sterek, Explicit, 71,2k, Historical AU, Courting, Heavy Angst, Derek saves Stiles and baby Eli from gold-digging suitors in the most feral and tender way possible)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I answer each and every one, except for emojis. I also stopped responding to comments on Safe because it exploded so quickly and there was an avalanche of comments and I got anxious and I'm still overwhelmed SORRY
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I cannot decide between Wait For Me and Treasure. In both Stiles loses people, willingly or not, and it's devastating that this is something he will have to live with. But both have happy endings, don't worry.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Lmao, it's pwp Devoured (Sterek, Explicit, 5,2k, Sex God!Derek, Human Sacrifice!Stiles). I mean, Stiles is getting fucked by Derek in front of the dozens of deities, and everyone is jealous of them.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, people have been very nice to me. Some people don't like how soft my Stiles is but it's whatever. However, I anticipate the hate from a certain character defense squad for the fic that's coming out in November. I hope they'll never find it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep. It's porn with feelings. And they MUST hold hands. Stiles moans and whimpers and Derek has a filthy mouth. Both are feral sluts for each other. Also monsterfucking. It's Derek Hale's fault, don't look at me, look at his tiddies
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and, please, don't start
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. Though, I, myself, translated a lot of fics. It's a unique and wonderful experience. I don't think authors realize how deep into their heads we crawl, how we dissect every paragraph, every sentence, how much we immerse ourselves to convey what the author was trying to say. Some fics I banged my head over, they were so hard to translate. Others were so easy and wonderful, it was a joy to work with them. Yes, the last one was Waiting by isthatbloodonhisshirt. I fucking loved working on it so much.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, and I don't see myself doing so.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Listen. Mutual pining!Sterek, established!Cordia. In order to save the pack from the Monster of the Week, Stiles and Lydia have to work together to defeat it, and they cannot tell anybody what they're doing bc the pack will die if they do. Naturally, the cheating rumors start. Cora is furious, Derek is devastated. Stiles and Lydia see how much it hurts their loved ones, but they would rather have them heartbroken than dead. Only when Stiles kisses Derek goodbye before going to die for his pack, do they realize that something's amiss. It's so angsty and so epic and I've had this idea for over a year.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Purple prose. Conveying emotions. ANGST. I will make it my life mission to make my readers cry.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes (including smut because sex is an action scene). Sentences have to be quick, short, with lots of verbs and not a lot of time for emotions. I am not made for that! I try, though, I'm learning, HOLD ON. I also take a long time preparing for super emotional scenes, I just sit there and stare at the monitor and breathe anxiously.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Not a full dialogue, but small words like endearments HELL YES! I had an absolute blast with Treasure, having Stiles call Eli cute pet names in Polish. I feel somewhat comfortable with including Polish, bc my native language has the same/similar roots (?), so I understand when the Google Translate is spewing bullshit at me. I'd love Derek to speak more Spanish, but I know that GT is shit, so I have to stay away. Believe me, I know what it's like to read something in your native language and cringe bc of how wrong it is.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sigh. Sherlock. I translated a fic and it ended up being an overnight hit and it's still the most popular Johnlock fic I've ever translated. The first fic I wrote myself was for Teen Wolf, Sterek. I would probably die from cringe if I looked at it now.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Treasure MY BABY MY LOVE MY FAVORITE CHILD ugh I'm so proud of it, of Stiles, of Eli and Derek in it. It's incredibly raw. I'm also currently writing a fic that's going to come very close to being my favourite. Maybe, even surpass Treasure. But now, I can say with all my heart that Treasure is my best work. Second is The Happiest of All.
This has been insightful and fun. Not tagging anyone, feeling shy, if you want you can steal the questions (hidden below)
20 questions for fic writers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
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starlight-writer · 1 year
FIRST OF ALL: SHIT THAT HURT. why do I do this to myself
Are you happy? Are you proud??? CONGRATULATIONS I GUESS, YOU DID IT AGAIN. this fic hit close to home in its own sadistic way, and I couldn't thank you enough for taking my request. it was perfect, angsty and heartbreaking, no sugarcoating. perfect
On another note, I just wanted to add to something you mentioned about a second part. if it's alright, and sorry in advance since I'm kind of shit at explaining myself clearly as seen in my last ask, I wanted to correct what I really meant by "reader protecting them", as in they are maybe in a similar situation as Marc, Steven and Jake. Perhaps they're also a vigilante caught up in some deep shit and feel the boys deserve better than dealing with them
It's good either way though, just wanted to clarify that. Reader protecting themselves from the moon knight business is a good prompt too, so whatever you chose to go with is great
Once again, thank you
Divorce pt. 3
A/n: Thank you for clarifying! I'll be happy to write reader as a mercenary/physically dangerous person! Also IM SO FUCKING SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS PLEASE FORGIVE ME I LOVE YOUR ASKS BUT TIME JUST GOT AWAY FROM ME SO FAST ;-; (p.p.s I hope this isn't too short and I hope this is what you wanted, you deserve so much compensation :'))
Warnings: talk of violence, talk of depression, talk of guilt, angst, no chance of a happy ending
Gn! reader Masterlist
He's more likely to believe you as soon as you explain why you left
Only because this isn't something he could see someone lying about
Being a mercenary or someone that lives in violence? That's not something you should lie about
Especially when Marc is seething in the corner of his mind, just begging for a reason to front and yell at you
So he hears you out, makes you a cup of tea
(He'll never admit it, but he still catches himself making an extra cuppa for you late at night)
Steven will end up crying for you
He's mad, of course, but he suddenly feels guilty
Did he make you feel like you couldn't talk to him about this kind of stuff?
Did something he do make you think he would hate you for this?
Steven didn't know, but offered you the utmost comfort
He couldn't stop himself, he just fell back into his old ways and hadn't even realized until Marc yelled at him for it
He kinda pulls away really awkwardly before asking you every single question he could about why you left
And he understands
He doesn't want to, he wants to be mad, he wants to yell and scream and throw things
But he doesn't
And he knows he shouldn't
So he sits patiently and lets you speak
Afterwards, he asks you to leave with a promise of keeping in contact
He's thought of the possibility of your presence getting him in trouble or danger, but he doesn't really care
He's used to danger, at this point he doesn't even mind it
And it's worth it for you
Everything is worth it for you
Believes you 100%
He thinks you're just trying to save yourself and get rid of any guilt you might have
He doesn't believe for a millisecond, but he lets you explain
You peaked his interest
Really he just wanted to see how far you would take this 'lie'
After that, he starts believing you more and more
Because he knows what life is like being in constant danger and only people who have experienced it can really explain it in such detail
He's the one to be more forgiving about the situation since he did the same thing to Layla
Actually the only one to let you stay at the apartment to fully explain
He's still hurt and feels somewhat responsible, but understands and is more willing to talk with you more about the entire situation
Which surprised Steven and Jake
But they didn't really have room to speak, Marc was the host and it was his decision to hear you out
No matter how angry they were, Steven and Jake still somewhat respected the schedule they were given to front
So by proxy, they heard your explanation and Marc's input on the situation
Marc understood the stress you were under and he wanted to help
He couldn't marry you again, not right now
He couldn't even think about dating you sgain
But he was willing to talk and help you out of the dangerous life you lived
He still loved you no matter what and he'd do anything for you
Even after all the pain he's been in that you, whether you meant to or not, caused
He doesn't believe you
Not just because he's upset at you, but because how could you hide something like that from him?
He's the protector of the system, the one that sees everything
He's been behind the scenes watching everything constantly and you managed to hide something this big from him?
He feels like a failure
He feels like he shouldn't be a protector anymore
He feels hurt and betrayed and inferior
He will forcibly remove you from the apartment or leave the street he bumped into you on
It takes him days, weeks, months to be able to look at himself again
For a while, he doesn't blame you for the pain you caused, he blames himself
He should've seen this coming
He should've known
He should've seen it
But he didn't and he got Steven, Marc, and himself hurt because of it
After a while, Jake realizes everything you were saying sounded a whole lot like his life before he started fronting more
And now he feels guilty
Gives you a call (because he never deleted your number, he just couldn't) and makes you explain everything in full detail
And then he's silently crying as he realizes you divorced him for him
He still didn't forgive you, but he was coming around
He never stopped loving you and he wanted desperately for some reason to get back together
Because whether or not he'd admit it, he was dying without you
Probably the first one to fully forgive you and ask to be in a relationship again
He needs you like he needs air and he's not above admitting that he's sort of possessive of you
(They all are)
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sanjithesimp · 2 years
“Can I stay?”
A/n: I need to cleanse my soul and my mind from all that filth I’ve been writing, I mean don’t get me wrong I love writing smut and those zoro thirsts you’ve sending. OH LORD! like i literally had to fan myself. Anyways, I decided to do some Sanji fluff and yes…some slight smut.
Sanji x GN (afab) reader
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w.c: 1.4 k words
WARNING: NSFW (minors DNI). oral (reader receiving). cumshot.
TW: angst. trauma. scars.
summary: sanji taking care of you.
playlist suggested to listen while you read this <3
The faint rain covered your body with small drops, making you even colder than you already felt from the night. Your eyes swollen and tear drops running down your face. It had been another of those nights, were the nightmares would wake you up, crying and screaming, panic overtaking as your body trembled just to remember the horrible things you had to endure being a slave for a celestial dragon. Some scars on your arms and legs, were there to remind you of your past, as well as a tattoo covering a big part of your back.
You were walking towards Sanji’s bedroom, he was your boyfriend but more than that he was your friend. He had helped you to overcome your fears, listened to you and accepted your demons. Loved every single part of you, even after all the horrible things you had gone through. He understood you like no one else.
You knocked lightly on his door, he immediately opened. “Y/n, come in, you’re freezing” He said as he wrapped an arm around you and felt your body shivering. He then sat you on his bed, and poured some of his famous tea.
“This will warm you up” He said handing you the tea cup, it smelled delicious, but the taste it was immaculate. You sipped on it for a while, as Sanji sat next to you placing a blanket over your shoulders.
“Was it the nightmares?” You nodded, remembering why you came to him in the first place.
“Yes, I-” Your voice broke, as you remembered what you were dreaming about, feeling a knot on your stomach.
“You don’t have to explain anything to me, baby” He kissed the crown of your head.
“Can I stay the night with you?” You asked him, still sobbing. Thinking that you had bothered him, and maybe you shouldn’t have come.
“Of course, you can stay as much as you want. Don’t even ask” Sanji, held you in his arms. He had been through so much himself, his family treating him like garbage, and alienating him just because he was different. Making him feel like he wasn’t worth, and receiving a lack of love. But still he gave you all the love he had craved all his life.
“I’ll make it better, I promise” He said as he peppered you with kisses, and gently caressed your hair.
Then he stood up, walked to the bathroom and he leaned on the corner of the entrance. “Would a bubble bath would make my queen feel better?” He had a light blush in his cheeks, and a little smile drawn across his face.
You lightly nodded, as you laid on his bed, hugging one of the small pillows on Sanji’s bed. You heard as he opened the faucet of the bath tub, the water running down and filling it. He then poured some of your favorite salts, and of course some bubbles that smelled like silk and lavender.
When it was time he came for you, “Baby, it’s ready, the water is just as you like it” He then guided you to the bathroom, took the clothes off your body and helped you get in the tub. You couldn’t help but cover yourself as you stood in front of him, although he had seen you more than a few times completely naked. You never really got used to it, even if he praised and adored every single part of you. There were still some scars that wouldn’t let you believe those words, because you were programmed to hate your body from the beginning. Maybe it was just the fact that you were completely naked and he was fully clothed what was making you feel weird. He realized and started taking off his clothes too, so you would feel better.
“Better?” He said, making you feel heat on your cheeks while thoughts flooded your head while your eyes roamed through Sanji’s body.
“Yes, better, thank you” You kissed his soft cheek. Both of you got inside the tub, feeling the hot water soothe you, the salts healing your scars and pain. The smell of vanilla and lavender invaded your nostrils, letting your mind drift away as you relaxed on Sanji’s arms.
It had definitely helped you forget the real reason why you had walked on the pouring rain to Sanji’s bedroom. You could never know how to thank him enough, for treating you like this, for making you feel loved.
You then started to scrub your body, feeling as if that weight you felt constantly started to fall off. Sanji stopped you. “Let me do it” You handed him the sponge, and he started to gently scrub your skin as he whispered how much he loved you, leaving small kisses on your skin. When he got to your chest he started slowly passing the sponge through it, slowly leaving the sponge aside and touching you with his hands, playing with your hard, sensitive nipples. Making you mewl at how his soft fingers felt on your buds. He got closer to you and leaned in to kiss your neck, grazing your skin with his teeth making you shiver at how fucking good it felt, and if it weren’t because you were in the tub, you would feel the wetness he was causing on your panties.
“Sanji-” He interrupted you, as he reached for a towel, then helping you stand to dry you up and then himself.
Then he walked you out and back to the bedroom, where he gently pushed you so that you would be on your back, your skin feeling silky and smooth, making Sanji not wait any longer. He kneeled in front of you, naked too. His hands traveled to your thighs, his lips traveling inch by inch until they got to your inner thighs, sucking a little too hard on your skin to leave small love marks for you to remember.
When he got to your pussy, he licked his lips, he enjoyed eating you out but mostly it was because he loved making you feel good. Listen to you moan his name and feel you pull his golden locks as he sucked on your clit.
His tongue slid inside your folds, as his fingers pulled apart your lips. You immediately tried to close on your thighs but his hold wouldn’t let you, he was way too strong. You couldn’t keep your hands to yourself so you started pulling his golden hair, as his fingers curled inside you, and his tongue moved in around your clit. His moans and groans sent vibrations all over your body.
“Fuck, Sanji, ah” You said as he kept on pumping his fingers in and out of you, making your moans louder. Probably waking up the whole crew, but you didn’t care at all. You were way to fucked out.
Sanji kept on sucking on your juices, as he now with his other hand, jerked himself off as he craved for contact but he wanted to prioritize your pleasure.
You could see Sanji, pussy drunk as he sucked and lapping on your folds, enjoying every bit of you, your taste, your moans, your face, the sweet smell of lavender on your skin. He couldn’t live without you. He wished that he would wake up next to you for the rest of your life.
As he continued to fuck you with his fingers, you bucked your hips in search of your release. He pumped his cock at the same rhythm, until the coil on your belly finally snapped making you moan and squirt all over Sanji’s mouth.
He licked your juices off until there was nothing else, loving the taste of you and got him impossibly harder, and almost close to his own release.
“Babe, you taste so fucking good” He said, as he cleaned the drool and juices of his mouth. Still stroking his cock he stood up, facing you and leaning closer.
“Where do you want my cum?” He asked, making you bit your lip a bit hard, and squirm at his words.
“On my belly, please” You said, you watched his cock drooling precum, ready to spread his seed all over you.
“Fffuck-” Sanji said as he released his hot cum all over your belly, some of it even got to your tits, white never looked better on you.
tag list: @jin-supremacy01, @aces-sweetheart, @thewanderinglunarian, @lawscorazon, @shrimp-sanji, @thefatiguedfatale , @queencannabisseur
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