#offer to die however he sees fit throat bare for him to snap and sink his teeth into until he tastes blood and eats at flesh-
matchbet-allofthetime · 2 months
Sobbing in bed because I'm writing a Ulysses fic and I'm caught between him killing the Courier because they are willfully giving up all the people they love and all the good they've done in the Mojave and he wanted them dead and gone-
And him just telling them they don't belong in the Divide with him. Not them, not their soft heart.
"You need to go home," Ulysses would say.
The courier would just laugh.
"Go home, Courier," they mumble. "Your signs. I have them all marked on my Pip-Boy. I don't even know why, but I mark all of the ones I find."
They traverse the Divide KNOWING Ulysses will kill them.
They take off their armour and keep only their finest, best combat knife and a gun on them with enough ammo to get them to Ulysses and to give him a third bullet to put in their skull alongside the two from Benny.
They offer him their knife, their gun, and the option for him to kill them with his bare hands.
Willingly. Selflessly. Painfully.
"I could never hate you, Ulysses. Not for this, never for this. I will never be mad at you for this."
And he's caught.
They're a godsend to this place, so much good they've done.
Does he kill them? Or does he bridge the Divide?
Maybe they go home. Maybe he kills them.
And maybe, after everyone back home knows they're okay... Maybe they do belong here, in the Divide, with Ulysses.
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tallstars-rewrite · 3 years
Chapter 18
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The walk back to camp was the longest it had ever felt. Everyone was quiet. Tallpaw’s despair was wrestling with a tiny flare of helpless frustration that wavered and died before sputtering back up again. He just so desperately wanted his father to understand. He wanted to support him however he could, but he could not go back into the tunnels. Sandstone walked just ahead, but hadn’t so much as glanced back on their way home, muttering unintelligibly under his breath. Just when camp was in sight, Tallpaw slowed his pace, knowing his father was keeping in step with him until eventually the rest of the patrol pulled ahead, seemingly willing to let them be alone. It took Tallpaw a while to find his voice again.
“Are you mad at me?”
Sandstone barely looked at him “I am disappointed, Tallpaw. Your mistake was dangerous. You need to do better in the future. I thought you could handle an excavation, but next time we’ll focus more on the basics of walking through the smaller, more stable tunnels, since that’s where your skills apparently are right now.”
Tallpaw chest clenched up “But I--”
“And we’ll have a lot of catching up to do since you had to waste so much of your apprenticeship so far.”
“But Father--”
“Dawnstripe will just have to understand, this can’t be humored any longer. Plumclaw was so far along at your age that I just know further delay will make it harder, you’ll never build up the right muscles to--”
“Father!” Tallpaw struggled to keep the tremor out of his voice as he at last could bear it no longer, “I don’t want to!”
Sandstone whipped around to glare at him, dark eyes flashing. “Don’t talk over me Tallpaw. At the very least you should have been taught manners when speaking to your senior warriors by now, especially to your kin.”
Sandstone hadn’t even seemed to hear him. Tallpaw felt his burst of courage already begin to shrivel. But it was too late now, he couldn’t bottle it up again. “You’re not listening to me,” he said miserably. “I said I can’t. I don’t want to tunnel again! Ever!”
Sandstone only blinked at him “Tallpaw, you’ve had only one bad experience. You haven’t even seen an inch of what tunneling can offer. You don’t know enough to make a decision like that.”
“No! I can’t stand being underground, I couldn’t breathe, I thought I was going to die. I never even said that I wanted to be a tunneler, you just told me I wanted to, and I thought there wasn’t a choice, and-and-” he took a shuddering breath “I’m sorry, I really am, I know how much the tunnels mean to you and I want your plan to succeed, but I just can’t do this.”
“Can’t or won’t?” Sandstone’s voice was dangerously quiet now, the fur on his back beginning to rise. “Being a good warrior isn’t always about doing what you want.”
“I can’t, please understand, I’m just...” he couldn’t think of what to say. All he felt was another flash of anger, anger he hadn’t realized was there, a building resentment that he felt awful for harboring at all, but it was coming out anyway. “Why don’t you care about anything other than the tunnels!? Why is that all there is?”
“I care about the future of this clan, as all warriors should!” Sandstone hissed. “How dare you accuse me of anything else? Everything I’ve done, I’ve done because I care! What about you?”
“That’s not fair--”
Tallpaw was suddenly aware now of how silent it was despite being right outside of camp. His breath caught in his throat as he spotted Dawnstripe coming down the hill, and she looked like she was bristling. Oh no…
Sandstone whipped around to her. “Why don’t you ever mind your own business?” he snapped. “This conversation doesn’t involve you!”
Tallapw wasn’t sure he’d ever seen Dawnstripe look so angry, her ears pinned flat as she glowered at Sandstone. “Actually, it does involve me. As his mentor, this apprentice is my responsibility. I’ve watched him run about trying to please you and so far I have seen you do nothing but discourage his training with me. And now, I hear from Plumclaw there was a collapse! Where in StarClan's name did you take him!?”
“Collapse is dramatic,” Sandstone rolled his eyes. “He got scared of falling dirt.”
“You know how dangerous tunnels are!” rage shook in her voice. “How dare you take him somewhere you weren’t sure was safe? Do you have any idea what could have happened if he’d run down the wrong tunnel trying to get out!?” 
“I wouldn’t have had to rush if Heatherstar wasn’t making my job so difficult! If anything, she’s to blame for not lending me any support to maintain our systems. You moor runners don’t understand anything about the tunnels, and clearly you don't know anything about Tallpaw either. I know what’s best for my own son, and what's best isn’t coddling and moving at a snail's pace. Nothing happened to him that wasn’t in his own head from how soft he’s become in his current training.”
“You wouldn’t know anything about his current training because you don’t care about it! I knew I shouldn’t have let him go, he’s my apprentice, Tallpaw is not a tunneler and he is not yours to control!”
“Control?” Sandstone snarled. “I’m the one trying to control him? He wanted to be a tunneler all through his kithood and then you and Heatherstar took that decision away from him! He doesn’t know what he wants anymore!”
I just tried to tell you what I want! Tallpaw screeched internally, but his voice had abandoned him.
“He is not a kit and is capable of making his own decisions! Do whatever you want with the tunnels for all I care, but if you try to interfere with my training any further, I’m going to have to get the leader involved. ”
Sandstone’s thin fur bristled. “Oh, you're going to get the leader involved, are you really trying to threaten me? You’re not even fit to be a mentor, I was a respected warrior when you were still mewling in the nursery, you don’t scare me!”
Dawnstripe didn’t respond to Sandstone again. “Tallpaw, please join me in camp,” she said curtly. 
Tallpaw sat frozen and desperately wished he could sink into the grass. I didn’t want to start fighting…! Sandstone’s eyes were colder than he’d ever seen them, as if daring Tallpaw to turn his back and follow her. He couldn’t stand being under his furious gaze anymore. He slunk away with his tail dragging behind him.
“Turn your back on your family and our pride then!” Sandstone spat. “Turn your back on everything you could have been! Don’t ever expect me to help you though. No son of mine would behave like such a selfish coward. If you want to be on your own, then you’re on your own!” 
A vicious sting shot through Tallpaw's chest, but he still didn’t look back. Coward. The word echoed in his head. He tried to ignore the other tunnelers murmuring amongst each other as Tallpaw found his way to Dawnstripe. She shouldn’t have had to do that. This wasn’t how he wanted the cats he looked up to to see of him. 
To his surprise, Dawnstripe only sighed quietly and said, “I’m sorry, Tallpaw.”
“Why would you be sorry? None of this is your fault.” Tallpaw dared to look up and saw the sadness in her eyes. 
“I’m afraid I may have made things more difficult. That shouldn’t have been done in front of you. I know how much you care about trying to do right by your family, but every time Sandstone speaks to you, it seems to weigh on you, and you get distracted when you're upset. I hate seeing you beating yourself up so much just because your father's path wasn’t right for you. I wish you could choose your own path and have a good relationship with your father. The last thing I want is to make you feel like you have to choose between your training and your kin. I hope he doesn’t try to make you suffer more because of what I’ve said to him.”
Tallpaw nodded stiffly, but didn’t respond. Dawnstripe touched her nose to his head. “I’m proud of what you’ve accomplished Tallpaw. You will be a worthy warrior. I hope your father will see that someday too. I’ll give you some space. Take the rest of the day to rest and wash yourself off.” 
Tallpaw wasn’t sure he could bring himself to believe that. The tunnelers were talking now, and it was too hard not to listen. Were they talking about him? Sandstone and Woollycloud were facing each other. Sandstone still looked angry, and to Tallpaw’s surprise, Woollycloud did too. Woollycloud had a half eaten rabbit at his paws and he was gesturing to it. Tallpaw knew he shouldn’t, but he scooted a bit closer. Suddenly, Woollycloud called his name and he froze.
“Tallpaw,” the tunneler said, his eyes were intense and Tallpaw braced himself. “Fennelpelt tells me you caught this rabbit. Did you catch it near the warrens where we just were?”
“Y-yes?” Tallpaw had no idea what this had to do with anything. Woollycloud turned from him back to Sandstone.
“Look at this Sandstone. Look at the belly of this doe. This is exactly what I feared would happen.”
Plumclaw sniffed at it “What on earth is that? Is there meat in this rabbit's belly? Since when do rabbits hunt?”
“They don’t,” Woollycloud said. “This was a mother rabbit. It is her own young that lay in her belly. The hunting in the east side of the moor has been getting poorer since we first started the plans for this idea last newleaf. We’re crowding them, we are tormenting them constantly with our presence underground. A mother does not feast upon her own unless she feels she is in such danger that they can’t be cared for. We’re treading into their burrows, there is nowhere they feel safe to raise their young and replenish their numbers! If our prey cannot survive here, then we will not survive here. Five extra rabbits that will never grow to have their own, or to feed us.”
“Now you're going to blame rabbits doing absurd things on us?” Sandstone hissed. “That’s what you’ve come to now? Have you run so far out of excuses?”
“Sandstone I’ve been telling you for moons that you are trying to push this tunnel project too far too fast. This didn’t happen for no reason, and it is not the first time it’s happened with a rabbit from near that area. We cannot abuse our land.”
Tallpaw was confused. Woollycloud had criticisms of the tunnel project now? He had never seen Woollycloud do anything other than support his father. He curled his tail tightly around himself in fear. Is Sandstone going to blame this on me too? If I had never caught that rabbit...
“We are not abusing our land, we are shaping it, as it was given to us and as we have the right to do. StarClan blessed us with our gifts for a reason, to use them to their fullest potential!” Sandstone shot back.
“Hazelnose has already reported the possibility that the tunnel path you wish to take will run far too close to both the eastern warrens as well the western one! We cannot afford to lose our prey, not when they haven’t even fully recovered from the sickness that brought the famine seasons ago. You want the tunnels to be more than they were ever intended to be. It was dangerous to go down there today, and you know it. Not just for our safety, but for the stability of the moors.”
“The rabbits being upset is a small issue that will repair itself. The prey will adjust or they will move to a new warren if we disturb theirs!”
“Or they will move off the moors entirely!”
“Why are you the only cat that thinks so then?” Sandstone retorted. “No other tunneler, at least none who actually helps tunnel and bothers to stay knowledgeable about our current progress, has these misgivings. And since when would you trust another cat's worries over my knowledge after all the experiences we’ve had together? This is to be our legacy, and we must fight for it, not back down because some cats are afraid!” 
Sandstone had extra edge in his voice when he mentioned the tunnelers ‘who actually helped.’ Tallpaw wasn’t sure who he could be referring to though. Weren’t all of the tunnelers helping? Well...aside from Palebird of course, as she was still ill.
Mistmouse raised her paw and Sandstone turned, Tallpaw could imagine the fierceness of his glare but Mistmouse didn’t look away from the attention this time. “It’s not just…” She started before finding her voice “It’s not just Woollycloud. I’ve spoken to Hazelnose and...he’s worried as well. He said the type of soil he smells in the area isn’t the kind that is likely to hold up the way we need it to for this project. We hit soft mud so fast today, and that always spells danger. It’s what it smelled like last time there was a… bad collapse. I know we hoped it would work but...maybe it is too dangerous.”
Plumclaw finally spoke up, sounding ruffled “Yeah, but Hazelnose has seemed more and more interested lately in hunting with his moor runner mate than with us. How confident are you that he just doesn’t want to dedicate the hard time it will take to work around the issue?”
Mistmouse looked taken aback “That’s...that’s not why…”
Woollycloud started to sound pleading, “Plumclaw you aren’t being fair. Hazelnose has always been a hard worker and never complained about it! Haven’t any of you considered that there might be a reason Badgerstar was never able to complete planning this project?”
“Badgerstar couldn’t complete it because WindClan was suffering too much at the time,” Sandstone protested. “But we are stronger now and we owe it to her memory to realize the dream she had.”
“Badgerstar didn’t have enough time planning this dream to sort out the potential dangers it may have had. Her dream was for her clan to be safe, and that must be our priority. I’ve had misgivings about this for moons, and after today I am even more sure. It could have been so much worse if we’d dug a bit farther. We don’t have the power to run tunnels all over the moor, and certainly not beyond it, without hurting something, or someone, else...I can’t pretend to have confidence that the risk of injury or death will be outweighed by the benefits we think it may have. Sandstone I've always stood by you, but as your tunneling partner I have to say I'm growing concerned that you care more about prioritizing your legacy and vision than what we can actually do. You are demanding more than our home can provide for us!”
Sandstone bristled at the accusation. Tallpaw couldn’t listen anymore. All this fighting was because of him. For all he knew, maybe he had disturbed the rabbit into eating her young. Maybe it was his fault the tunnel collapsed, he barely knew how to dig correctly after all. He’d hurt Mistmouse and now she was nervous too. He didn’t want to be around when the group finally broke up. He certainly didn’t want to know if his father would come back and blame him for all this new doubt.
While wondering if he should hide somewhere outside camp altogether, Tallpaw stumbled into the frail old molly Hen. She was laying on her side watching the clouds, and she looked down to smile kindly at him with her sun-golden eyes. He wondered if she’d overheard the clan fighting as well. 
“Where are you running to, little one?” she rasped, “It’s cold out now. You won’t feel much better out there.”
She seemed a bit distant, and even skinnier than when she first arrived. There was an off scent about her he couldn’t place, perhaps of the unknown sickness inside her. Whatever it was felt wrong. Her eyes looked glazed and far off, almost dreamlike, though if she was in pain, she didn’t show it. 
“You should be resting, shouldn’t you?” he said awkwardly, inching closer to the edge of camp.
“Rest. Indeed.” She murmured. “You know little one, these things too will pass. All things come to an end. Good things yes, but bad things as well. Keep your chin up and have some faith in yourself.”
Maybe Hen had been listening after all. Or maybe she was just rambling nonsense. It didn’t make much difference, he didn’t want empty comfort. 
At last he let out a defeated sigh and opted to simply hide away in the back of the apprentice den, with all the spare fronds of heather he could find to camouflage him. If anyone looked over, hopefully it would appear empty. Just a lumpy pile of heather with nothing underneath.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
The Bursting of Sunsets
Vasco x De Sardet
Word Count: 1.5K Warnings: None
Author’s Note: And we’re back at it again with my bullshit. Enjoy! -Thorne
           Vasco wasn’t particularly fond of nobility. They made him uncomfortable—and that was putting it lightly. More so, they enjoyed staring and poking at him as if he were a mythical creature instead of a normal human being. In fact, they buzzed around on the Naut ships like flies on honey. So, the idea that Vasco had to transport, not one, but two nobles, gave him the urge to have someone slam his head between his cabin door and the doorframe until he stopped twitching.
           That being said, his first impression of the Legate he was giving passage to had already intrigued him. He’d known the man all but an hour, and even then, he could see that De Sardet wasn’t cut from the usual, “I’m-a-prick-noble” cloth. De Sardet was polite, extremely so. Kind, if Vasco was feeling generous with adjectives. He’d never seen a noble smile so much as if he were genuinely happy, and yet, the Legate’s face looked as though it was going to split in two—it confused Vasco to no end.
           What also confused Vasco was how someone so obviously self-assured was also incredibly awkward. De Sardet had to be about six-foot-two, taller than the Prince and Vasco, and just barely taller than the Master-At-Arms who was with them. He was fit too, unlike the new governor who was at best, coltish. No, the Legate was solidly built, the type of build that drove men and women wild with lust-filled fantasies that kept them up all night, and Vasco could see it, even over the man’s clothing. But God, the man was so awkward—and for someone that strong, it didn’t seem reasonable. And it only got worse when it came time for them to board the Seahorse.
           De Sardet had certainly broken a sweat during the fight with the colossal creature, enough that he’d shirked his jacket and undone the first few buttons of his shirt to cool off faster. Constantin had taken his coat for him, still congratulating De Sardet over his phenomenal fight. However, De Sardet didn’t feel as overwhelmed with amazement as his cousin was. He felt troubled, deeply troubled. The look in the creature’s eye before he put it down stirred something in his chest. It wasn’t a look of hatred the being had given him—it was one pleading for mercy, and it made him sick to his stomach. Still, he did what he had to do, and that was push on, which was seemingly simple until he was at the brow, then the sick feeling in his stomach morphed into an even more troubling feeling.
           Constantin had run up the brow as soon as Vasco got the welcome out of his mouth, and the captain turned his attention to the other two.
           “Your cousin’s enthusiasm is most…impressive,” he observed, turning his golden gaze to De Sardet and the Master-At-Arms.
           The Legate nodded. “This journey is his long-awaited chance to prove his worth.” Something soured in the man’s face. “His father is a very demanding man.”
           “More likely he’s just happy to be free of this hornet’s nest,” Kurt scoffed, turning his attention to De Sardet. “So Green Blood, ready to get your sea legs?”
           When no response came from the man save a choked noise, Vasco couldn’t help but stare at him, watching as his face dropped and anxiety took hold.
           “I—uh…perhaps it would be best if I were to…wait,” De Sardet muttered.
           “Nonsense Green Blood. You heard the captain. The next ship will leave in months. You’re needed on Teer Fradee by then.” De Sardet gaped at Kurt, but before he could speak, the Master-At-Arms said, “One step. That’s all it’ll take.”
           The Legate let out a heavy sigh and looked down at the brow before lifting his foot. He held it there for a moment, hesitating, then he shook his head and stepped back.
           “I—I can’t do it, Kurt. I can’t,” he all but whimpered.
           Vasco glanced between them as Kurt started to sigh. “Is there something wrong?”
           Kurt met his gaze. “Green Blood’s got an irrational fear of being off solid ground.”
           De Sardet’s head shot up indignantly and he hissed, “It is not irrational! Boats—” he saw Vasco’s face pinch, quickly correcting to, “Ships sink all the time! I do not want to drown in the middle of the ocean!”
           “Your excellency, I assure you, I’ve made many voyages across the seas. I’m young, I will admit, but you’re in good hands.” Vasco encouraged and De Sardet turned his hissing onto him.
           “I’m not doubting your ability! I’m just not getting on this ship! I can’t!”
           Kurt sighed and gestured to De Sardet. “Oi, Green Blood, can I see your rapier?”
           Albeit confused, the Legate obliged. “Yes? Is there something wrong?”
           The Master-At-Arms shook his head. “Not yet.” He handed the blade to Vasco. “Hold that for a moment, would you?”
           Vasco took it and was just about to ask when Kurt motioned for De Sardet to come.
           “Come ‘ere.”
           De Sardet did, and before he could even understand what Kurt was planning, the soldier sunk his curled fist straight up into the Legate’s abdomen. He heaved forward, letting out a woosh of air, cheek brushing down Kurt’s arm as his consciousness faded and Kurt looked to Vasco.
           “If you would, give that to Constantin while I take Green Blood to his quarters.”
           Vasco could only nod, shocked that a commoner would dare strike a noble in such a fashion.
           As they ascended onto the deck, he asked, “I assume he’s not going to be happy when he wakes?”
           Kurt snorted. “He’ll be stuck in the middle of the ocean. If I’m lucky, I’ve knocked him out for at least a week.”
           “And you’re not afraid of the repercussions?” Vasco inquired.
           “I’ve known this dainty since he was twelve. If I was afraid of repercussions, I’d’ve been gone the first time I knocked him sideways.” Kurt gave him a knowing stare. “Contrary to your belief that nobles are all arsewipes, Green Blood’s a good one.”
           Vasco all but recoiled. “I never said—”
           “You didn’t have to,” Kurt interrupted, adding, “It’s all in the expressions.”
           That was all he offered before carrying the unconscious noble below deck, slung over his shoulder, and Vasco felt like he’d been verbally slapped across the face.
           Evening had rolled over the water, and after the fifth gasp from Constantin over the sunset on the water, Vasco was ready to shove him overboard—though he did share the sentiment. There was nothing quite like watching the sun bathe the ocean in a glow of orange as far as the eye could see. It was ethereal, and he was glad that he could witness it every day, because it always felt like the first time he saw it. Six years old and standing on the deck of Cabral’s ship, heart bursting in his chest with every changing second as the colors danced across his face. It was—
           A howl shattered the memory and every man and woman’s attention turned to the hatch and they watched in surprise as a very disheveled and shirtless Lord De Sardet, stumbled up the stairs and onto the deck. Kurt though, found it absolutely hilarious as he was wearing a shit-eating grin.
           “Green Blood!” he greeted. “Enjoy your nap?”
           The Legate spun on him, fury in his eyes and tone as he yelled, “You kidnapped me!”
           “I did no such thing. I merely manipulated your journey and arrival onto Captain Vasco’s ship.”
           “That. Involved. KIDNAPPING. ME.” He put his hands on his head, eyes directed to the open water. “Oh my god, I’m in the middle of the ocean. I’m gonna die.”
           “Dear cousin, you’re not going to die. We’ll be there as soon as you know it,” Constantin soothed and De Sardet glared at him.
           “I’m going to kill Kurt first and then you, I hope you know that.”
           His cousin smiled. “Relax. It’s not that bad. We’ll be fine.” He glanced at Vasco who’d started down the stairs from the quarterdeck. “Won’t we captain?”
           Vasco nodded. “Your cousin is correct, excellency. I swear we’ll reach Teer Fradee safe and sound.” De Sardet opened his mouth to make a retort, but Vasco added, “Your excellency, please, trust me.”
           De Sardet’s mouth snapped shut and suddenly he looked rather embarrassed with himself.
           “I—” he started before clearing his throat and nodding. “Of course.” He turned, starting to make his way back towards the hatch. “I’m going…to retire for the evening. Perhaps…sleep off this ridiculous mentality.”
           When he disappeared, no one dared laugh, yet, and Kurt looked at Vasco with astonishment. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone fluster Green Blood that quickly” he pulled a look that gave off an impressed feel. “Well done, Captain Vasco.”
           There was one more thing that Vasco knew about De Sardet, his feathers were easy to ruffle—and Vasco seemed to enjoy it.
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sebthesnipe · 4 years
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My Dearest Procyon
MDP Discord Server
Chapter 33
Original story based on this wonderful post by @underdog-arts
Logan grunted as he tried to shove the large boulder out of their way. They had made it through the gateway easily enough, but found their path blocked, trapping them inside the large hollow tree they had come out in. 
“It won’t budge,” the witch grumbled, moving to glance back at the others. 
“May I?” Patton’s soft voice called as he crawled closer. 
“Please,” Logan nodded.
Patton shot his partner a sly smile before resting a hand on the large stone and moving it aside with ease, crawling out into the humid air. 
Logan and Virgil stared after him in awe for a moment before the smaller witch cleared his throat. 
“I don’t envy you,” Virgil mumbled with amusement, pulling Logan’s attention. 
“What do you mean?” the lanky witch asked, obviously confused.
“I’m just saying,” Virgil chuckled. “If I were you I’d be doing my damnedest not to get in a fight with that one,” he teased before crawling out after him. 
Logan gave his own small huff of amusement. Patton was unbelievably strong, and it was true that Logan forgot that sometimes, but the man was also unequivocally kind. He would never harm Logan, even if he had somehow managed to anger him beyond belief.  Still, perhaps it would be best to refrain from testing that particular belief.
Logan quickly followed after the two, pushing to his feet once he was clear of the decomposing stump. 
“Lo,” Virgil called, his tone pained. Something was wrong. “Come look,” the smaller witch called, motioning his friend towards the edge of the small precipice they stood upon. 
Logan frowned, inching forwards to glance at the valley below, heart sinking. 
“W-why would he do this?” Patton whispered, sounding as if he were on the verge of tears. 
The large valley before them was painted black from charred remains of burned trees and brush. Half ravaged carcasses of large animals littered the now dead valley, the smaller ones no doubt drug away by smaller scavengers long ago. In the center of it all was a massive stone structure, obviously built to withstand a large scale attack. A building both Virgil and Logan knew quite well. 
Patton’s horror mixed with Logan’s dread, causing his stomach to churn as he reached for the dragon, resting a hand at the small of his back and pulling him into an embrace.
The wounds on his back protested as Logan wrapped his arms around Patton’s small form, causing the smaller man’s breath to hitch, but he didn’t protest. 
“He was looking for someone,” Virgil commented, fist clenched at his side. “Probably thought he’d smoke them out or kill them.”
“That’s horrible,” Patton breathed, shifting to turn his head from where it was buried in Logan’s chest to glance at the other witch. “Who do you think he was after?”
“Judging from the amount of decay,” Logan commented, before Virgil could speak up. “And the regrowth, I would conclude that he was after Virgil and myself.”
“Regrowth?” Patton asked, pulling away just enough to peer up at the witch.
Logan nodded, stepping closer to the edge, Patton still tucked under his arms as he nodded towards the bottom of their small cliff. 
Patton shifted to glance below, pink hair ruffling with the wind as he caught sight of the tiny green sprouts that littered the ash covered floor. The small man gave a tiny gasp as he broke into a grin. 
“It’s already regrowing!” he cheered, bouncing slightly. Logan tightened his hold on the dragon, suddenly worried he might fall, even as he felt Patton’s excitement wash through him. 
“Yes,” Logan acknowledged, pulling him back a bit. “It will take countless years before it is restored to the state that it had been but it will regrow.” 
“Logan!” Patton squealed peering up at him once more, eyes wide with awe. “That's so amazing!” 
Logan couldn’t help but give a small chuckle. “I am merely stating a fact. I don’t see how-”
“Save it for the bedroom,” Virgil huffed shooting the two a glare, “We’ve got to figure out how to get down there without being seen.” 
“Right,” Patton nodded, pulling out of Logan’s grasp. “Sorry.”
“Any ideas?” Logan asked, glancing at the other witch.
“Fastest way would be a straight shot,” Virgil admitted, frowning as he studied the landscape. 
“That is accurate,” Logan acknowledged. “However, it would also be the most efficient way to be discovered.”
“Also true,” Virgil huffed, the action sending him into another one of his coughing fits. 
“Why don’t you sit down, Kiddo?” Patton urged, hurrying to his side. “Just until we figure out-”
“You can use an invisibility charm!” Virgil offered, voice raspy as he waved Patton away, gaze moving to Logan.
“What?” The lanky witch blinked in surprise. “That would be quite reckless, given my current capabilities.”
“So?” Virgil shrugged, glancing down at the red liquid that now stained the palm of his hand. He shoved the evidence of his worsening condition in his pocket before the others could see. “We need to get there and we need to do it fast and unseen. That is the most convenient way.”
“Convenient, yes,” Logan agreed, “But it is also dangerous. I do not have the control needed to-”
“Well, get it!” the smaller witch snapped. “We don’t have a lot of time and I’m going with or without the charm!” he added before moving to start, heading down the other side of the small cliff. 
“Virg-” Logan began, moving to go after him. 
Patton reached out for his partner, taking hold of his elbow. “Logan, wait,” the dragon urged, pulling the man to a stop. “Maybe he’s right.”
“Patton!” Logan huffed, “You saw what happens when I attempt even the smallest forms of magic! How can you-”
“Slow down,” Patton huffed. “Just breathe. I have an idea.”
Roman stumbled forward, shoulder slamming into the stone corner of the next corridor just in time to catch sight of two of the guards on the other end collapse. Remy stepped out of the shadows, practically materializing behind them. 
“Ugh, it is way too bright out here,” they grumbled, before snapping their fingers and causing the majority of the candles, held in evenly spaced sconces along the walls, to flicker and die. Roman glanced up at the dimming lights. A single candle flickered down each hall, lighting the corridors just enough for the prince to see. 
“Hurry up,” Remy urged, fading into the shadows once more. “Take the next left,” their voice came from somewhere next to him. “I will take care of the men there, but I’m starting to fade. I can’t keep this up much longer. Do you remember everything I’ve told you?”
Roman gave a weak nod, taking a moment to gather himself before pushing off the wall and limping forward. 
“Good,” Remy’s voice seemed to echo towards him. “And remember, after you save Virgil, come back and see me. We have things to discuss.”
“I still don’t-” the prince stumbled as he headed for the fallen guards, barely managing to keep upright. He paused, glancing down at their unconscious forms.“Don’t understand how I’m supposed to save him. What’s wrong with him? You haven’t told me anything,” he grumbled, bending to pull one of their swords from its sheath. The sharpened steel pulled on his arm, causing him to give a small groan as pain shot through his chest. He wouldn’t be too skilled in a brawl with a cracked rib and injured leg but he would at least have something. 
His gaze landed on the shield a few feet away and moved to collect it as well. 
“I’d love to fill you in on all the juicy deetz, Doll,” Remy’s voice came sounding far more exhausted than they had a moment ago. “But I promised the bestie I wouldn’t. He says it's too dangerous for you to know yet. Just around this corner now, then take a right.” 
Roman complied, rolling his eyes. He was tired of everyone keeping things from him. Logan, Patton, then Virgil, and now Remy. He had tried to be understanding, but this was getting ridiculous!
“You really think-”
“Watch it!” Remy cried as a guard swung his shield as the prince rounded another corner.
Roman barely managed to bring his own shield up, grateful he had paused to collect it and the sword on his hip after their first run in. The clash of metal on metal reverberated down the prince’s arm, making him grind his teeth before he lifted his sword to embed in the other man’s torso. 
The man coughed, sending blood splattering against Roman’s bruised face before he slid off the sharpened metal and onto the cold stone floor with a thud. Horror struck the prince as he sank to his knees, dropping his stained sword next to him as he scrambled to apply pressure to the other man’s wound. 
“Shit!” the prince cursed, knees slipping in the blood that pooled around him as he tried to apply more pressure. “No, no, no… Come on… Come on…” he begged frantically. 
“Stop,” Remy’s voice demanded, suddenly loud in his ear. “We have to keep moving.”  
The prince glanced up at the suddenly towering figure. “I can’t leave him to die!” 
“Roman, look at him,” the baku ordered. The prince hesitated, tears threatening to fall as he continued to apply pressure. 
“N-no, I can’t!”
“Roman! Look!” Remy tried again, taking hold of his chin just as they had before and forcing him to glance downwards.
Roman’s breath hitched, the red liquid covering his arms almost to the elbows. There was so much blood! How could there be so much-
No… No… It was too thick to be blood. The prince lifted his hand slowly, fingers shaking as they glinted off the dim light of the candle above them. 
“Mud?” he whispered softly, confusion furrowing his brows. “How-”
“They’re homuncli,” Remy explained, taking the prince’s arm and dragging him to his feet. “They’re made of red clay and water.”
“All of them?” Roman asked as the baku hurriedly dragged him forwards. 
“Yup,” Remy answered simply. “Their shell is created and then a soul is pulled from the afterlife and trapped inside.”
“That’s horrible!” Roman breathed, his sluggish brain starting to catch up. “Are they suffering?”
“Not really,” the baku shrugged, “As far as I can tell they don’t really feel anything. The only real people here are Noname’s personal guards and staff, not including the ones he uses for other dirty deeds.”
“Thank the gods!” Roman breathed, shoulders slumping with the relief that he hadn’t really killed anyone. 
“I wouldn’t be thanking them just yet, Sweetcheeks,” Remy scoffed, finally letting him go. “You’ve still got a long way to go,” they pointed out. “Do you remember what I told you?”
“Yeah,” Roman nodded. “Keep to the shadows and avoid any big rooms if I can.”
“Good, ‘cause you’re on your own from here.”
“What?!” Roman pressed, his anxiety spiking once more.
“I told you I was fading,” Remy pointed out. “And if Ser Clay-for-brains is any indication,, I’m more drained then I thought.” 
“But, what if-”
“You’ll be fine!” Remy scoffed. “Just keep your shield up to protect that handsome face and tell Virgil I said hi.” 
Roman nodded slowly. “Thank you, Remy.” 
“I’d say it’s not a problem,” the baku chuckled playfully, “but it was and you owe me bigs, bae! Just remember that when everything is over.”
“I will,” Roman reassured. “I give you my word as a prince.”
“Guurl!” Remy laughed. “That doesn’t mean a dip to me, but I appreciate the sentiment. Now, get going! You have a damsel that needs rescuing.”
“Right!” Roman nodded, taking another deep breath before hobbling onwards, elbow tucked in as he supported his shield, his broken rib throbbing painfully.
To be continued… 
@hiddendreamer67 @nightashes @aequinoctiale @sumersnowlilly
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zellybelly · 5 years
Shaken To The Core
Ello! On a clouis high, but then, when am I not? They are so fucking cute. I’m sorry Vi! I love you both! <3
Warnings: Angst, Death, Tears. Lots of tears. 
Summary: What happened after the bomb blew?
Side note: In a universe where Clem and AJ stayed with them for a few months before Marlon turns full asshole. Just cause it would make more sense for all of the emotions flying.
You can skip this, but I changed up the timeline a bit so it would fit better.:
The car crash, all of the beginning of the episode until the second morning they were there. Clem went hunting with Aasim and Louis. She hunted, wanting to be able to catch some food but eventually joined up with Louis for some batting practice. Seeing that they had a greenhouse, Clem pushed for them to restore it, offering to take charge of it, since everyone else seemed hesitant. She got it up and running again with Brody and Ruby’s help. One day, while hunting, more like batting around with Louis, who she had grown close with, they found out someone fucked with their traps. And that’s where the rest of the episode kicks off. However, when the confrontation happens in the courtyard, Ruby and Louis were on Clem’s side, to begin with, knowing her to not be that kind of person.
Episode 2 kicks off. And everything is pretty normal, plot-wise, except when Clem and AJ are brought to the edge of the safe zone, she had a heartfelt goodbye with Louis, giving him one final hug. When they get back, Louis and Clem talked while AJ recovered, eventually sparking in a romance one night. (I moved the Louis romance scene to before the 2-week flash forward).
After that... everything is pretty much the same. Lily is dead in this. AJ shot her.
Well, got all that? Okay, let’s get started. 
I might just rewrite the series, with this, I dunno
The river looked like it was on fire. From the opposite bank, where the dock was, it was like the water had been lit ablaze. Many walkers were attracted to the sound, but many of them ignored the kids, only a few caught sight and those that did were taken care of. 
Louis was the only one still there on the shore. Ruby, with Aasim and Omar, had gotten the horses and hay, taking them back to the school. And according to the plan, they burned some of the supplies, while they took the rafts when they were distracted.  
As soon as they had heard the bomb, Louis just had to go back. He wanted to make sure they were okay. When he got there, he didn’t see anyone. As he waited, Tenn and AJ had shown up, helping each other make it to the shore. 
But there was no sign of Clementine. He looked everywhere, but there was no sign of his girlfriend, not her amber eyes, not even her signature hat. 
“Clem!” He resorted to calling out. The fire on the boat blazed to life, the large metal floaty sinking into the dark waters. “Clem!” His voice was cracked and hoarse.
Eventually, he couldn’t take it, he ran into the water, up until his knees. The water splashed against his waist. It chilled his skin, feeling like it sunk to the bone almost instantly. “Clementine!” He cried out into the empty air, only to get no response. 
He saw movement. He couldn’t see who, but he ran towards them, ignoring the stinging pain of the chilled water. He grabbed them, and help to pull them up. They had someone else with them. Louis, being well, Louis, helped them get to the shore. They were coughing, both of them. To his relief, but also his disappointment, it was Violet and Minnie. They were soaked to the bone, no doubt freezing. “Vi!” He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. He felt her do the same, but also quickly pulled back. “Violet?” He whispered, looking into her pained green eyes.
“The fuck did she do...” Violet looked behind her, towards the boat, which was almost fully sunk. But her gaze wasn’t mournful, but filled with hate and disdain. “She almost got us all fucking killed.”
“No, she didn’t.” Louis defended. “She tried to get you all back, and she did. You’re all fine. No one from the school died.”
Violet looked away. “Yeah. Look at what has happened around us. She let us be taken.” Her voice was bitter, though it was wavering. 
“She couldn’t save everyone. At least she didn’t willingly trade people away.” He snapped. Marlon was his best friend, but what he had done left him feeling bitter about his actions.
“What’s the difference?”
“She at least tried to prevent them from getting in.” His voice was weak and tired now.
“And look how that turned out.” (I’m making Violet an asshole. I’m sorry. I love her, but this is going off Louis’ route. And she was pretty bitter, even admitting that she would kill Clem if it came down to it.)
He just stared at her. Then back to the boat. “You’re not even sad?” He couldn’t look at her. “After all that she has done, in an effort to keep us safe... you’re not even somewhat sad?” His voice rose.
When Violet looked up at him, her eyes sparkled with surprise. Louis’s eyes were full of pain, he was biting his lip to keep the tears from flowing. “Maybe.” She admitted, “but-”
“Clem!” Louis cried, seeing another person emerge from the water. It was James, and in his arms was the dark-skinned girl he loved. He dashed forward, back into the water, towards them. He stumbled, getting his shirt wet, but he didn’t pay any mind to it. 
She was pretty beat up. Bruises, and small cuts on her arms. One scratch was under her cheek, surrounded by a purple bruise. She still had her hat on, the D showing off in pride. He took her in his arms, holding her limp body to his chest. 
“Oh god, Clem.” He whimpered, leaning his forehead against hers. She was breathing, but it was weak. He walked back to the shore. Louis crouched down, setting her on the ground, kneeling beside her. Her hand was in his, stroking his thumb over her bloodied knuckles.
The others joined by her, even Violet and Minnie. Though Minnie only probably came because Violet did. 
AJ sat on her opposite side, looking down in horror. Tears were streaming down his face. Never before had he looked more like a young boy then he did at that moment. 
Her eyes were barely open, but from what he could see, they were dull. Though she was breathing, they were shallow, and it was like they were shortening and becoming more shallow. 
She coughed, her body jerking with the gasps and chokes. Louis slipped a hand under her back, bringing her closer to him, in an effort to keep her warm.
“She won’t make it.” James' voice was hollow. They all looked to the young man in horror. His back was turned, his dark hair dripping. He turned to them, and his face was scrunched in emotional pain. He knelt by her, fishing out duct tape from his pocket. Without any words he wrapped a decent amount around her wrists, binding her. 
“What are you doing?!” Louis cried, pulling her closer.
“She’s going to turn.”
“No!” Louis wailed. He looked down at her. He could barely see her chest move. She was... she was dying. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He whispered, looking at his girlfriend in panic.
That was nothing compared to AJ though. Once it was heard, he had fallen to his knees, in shock. His eyes were just locked on Clem. His protector. His family.
Violet and Minnie moved away, giving Louis and AJ, who was being comforted by Tenn, to say their goodbyes. 
“What will you do?” Louis looked up to James who was looking down at the woman in his arms with sorrowful eyes.
“Excuse me?”
“Are you going to let her turn?” Louis’ eyes widened in horror. He looked down at his girlfriend. Her breaths were almost none. She didn’t have much longer.
“I... I...�� He couldn’t answer. He didn’t want her to turn, but he didn’t think he could... put her down.
“She doesn’t have much time, you need to say your goodbyes,” James spoke the obvious, though if he hadn’t, Louis probably wouldn’t have done anything. 
The dark skinned man leaned his forehead against hers. He placed his lips on hers, in one final kiss. The last goodbye. Her hand weakly moved up to his chest, gripping the material.
That was it for him. Tears fell down his face, his sobs echoing, striking everyone to their core. “I love you... your Majesty.” He cracked a pained smile, affectionately calling her by the nickname they’d given each other. 
He stood, and backed away from her body. Her breathing had slowed, until her body gave a shudder, before going limp. Louis placed his hand on AJ’s shoulder, bringing him back too. The small group of people stared at the body. The once lively and expressive girl, ready to defend anyone she cared for, was gone. 
He closed his eyes once he saw her body shifting again, gurgled groaning filled the night. 
He pushed AJ towards the group, finally opening his eyes. 
He wished he never did.
Her once beautifully dark skin, now pale and gray. Amber eyes glazed over in a milky haze, unable to focus on anything. Her mouth moved around, awful sounds erupting from her throat. When her eyes made contact with his, her efforts to stand doubled snapped her jaws at him. He just stared down at her. A burning tear fell down his cheek, onto hers. It caused her to pause momentarily. She groaned, staring up at him. Almost like she was admiring him.
His bit his lip to hold back his whimpers. He dug out the knife from his pocket, holding it tightly. He kneeled down by her, and avoiding the teeth, caressed her cheek one last time. “I’m sorry...” He whispered.
He plunged the knife down, and the groaning stopped. It was silent.
Yep. Clem dead. This is my sick twisted mind, but I always like finding an ending where the character died, just to see what would happen.
Now, I don’t want Clem to die, obviously, but I do want to seem some sort of reaction when say... death scenes happen. Especially if it’s right in front of other people or something.
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inukoibito · 7 years
It Can’t Be You, Ch. 2
last chapter recap:
“Because… Miroku... we’re getting out of here.”
Inuyasha gets convicted and sent to one of the most dangerous and ruthless prisons ever known to man. Sango, his lawyer, is distraught when she notices her friend/client purposely put himself in a position to lose their case. He comes across a few minor obstacles in his new “home,” but he doesn’t plan to stay there much longer. 
{inuyasha au. inukag, mirsan, + others. 2,353 words. artist. writer. SEE END OF CHAPTER FOR NOTES.}
“Getting out of here?!” Miroku cleared his throat. “This is not your responsibility, Inuyasha,” he reminded the boy in a whisper. “It’s not.”
The guard shoved Miroku which caused him to take a heavy step forward. Miroku didn’t retaliate; he started walking farther and farther away, turning his head back every few steps, but the guard would smush his face to the front. 
Inuyasha stood there, alone.
Rec time was over by the time Inuyasha made it back to gen pop*. The loud rumble of chatter alerted him that the rest of the inmates were returning to their cells as well. Floods of people came from the east--the yard--, the west--the kitchen--, the north--the chapel--, and the south--visitation.
Inuyasha’s cell had one benefit, and that was because it was on a balcony. It was on the second floor, which was connected by a flight stairs that led up from the first floor to the third.
He continued to overlook the growing number of people and took note of each of their faces. Scar after scar, tattoo after tattoo, Inuyasha’s attention was captured by a man down near the guards’ office. The man’s red eyes illuminated and set off a spark, even though light wasn’t hitting them at all. The two small strand of hair in face and long braid moved quietly as he conversed with the correctional officer from earlier.
“TIME FOR BED, LADIES!” a C.O. exclaimed from the first floor.
Inuyasha rolled his shoulders as he made his way into the cell. He took a seat on his bed, only slightly sinking into it, as he watched every single one of the blocks closed simultaneously. The bright luminous lights were immediately shut off as soon as everyone was locked in. The pitch darkness was only cut through with the faint moonlight from outside.     
“So,” a voice hummed from above him. “What are you in for?”
Inuyasha remained silent.
“Hello?” the voice peaked out from the top bunk before returning back to his previous position.
“I get it, man,” Inuyasha could hear the voice moving his hands behind his head. “I’m just trying to do my time here to. Just wanted to get a little acquainted with my cellie so I know I won’t be killed in my sleep-” the voice paused- “I could take you on if you tried though.”
Inuyasha continued being unresponsive, but he was taking into account everything that this voice was saying. He stretched out his legs as he waited to see if this guy was going to be of any use to him.
“Alright,” the voice rustled in his bed again. “My name’s Kohaku, by the way.”
The sound of an obnoxious buzzer and loud repetitive clangs against the cell bars awoke Inuyasha the next morning. The glaring lights were back on and so were the rambunctious jabbering of the hundreds of thousands of inmates at Blackwater Institution.
Inuyasha immediately picked up the rapid toothbrushing noises that was going on behind him. He rubbed his eyes and scratched his head before, barely, looking at Kohaku.
“You continue waking up this late, Mr. Ku-ku-ku is going to be on you like a dog,” Kohaku spit out his toothpaste and looked back at the mirror, realizing what he had said. “Uh… no offense.”
Inuyasha ripped away from his stare as he got out of bed. He walked towards the entrance of his cell as the bars began to roll away.
“Mr. Ku-ku-ku?” Inuyasha finally spoke.
Kohaku lifted his gaze from the sink and turned off the running water, “Y-Yeah.” He was surprised he actually talked, “We call him that because he has a really annoying and ugly laugh.” Kohaku chuckled, “And, quite frankly, it goes along with his name.”
“What’s his na-”
“Inu--yoshi, was it?” the inmate was greeted with a mischievous smirk. “Was the bed good for you? Or do you need us to order you a new one?” the guard laughed. “Or, better yet, why don’t you just build yourself a new one, yes?”
Inuyasha kept a blank expression.
Kohaku wiped his face before stepping up closer to him, bracing his fists in case something were to happen.
“Nothing to say, huh?” the C.O.’s breath surrounded Inuyasha’s face. “Get it moving, pup. Otherwise, the big dogs are going to get their chow before you,” he took a look behind him. “You too, fish, unless you both prefer to starve… I wouldn’t object.”
The two didn’t say a single word as they walked behind one another out of the cell. The cackling of the C.O. could be easily heard by anyone with two working ears.
The two didn’t say a single word as they walked behind one another out of the cell. The cackling of the C.O. could be easily heard by anyone with two working ears.
“I told you,” Kohaku muttered as he followed behind.
“What are you sayin’?” he replied, rubbing his knuckles.
Kohaku huffed, “Mr. Ku-ku-ku?” He realized Inuyasha still wasn’t following, “C.O. Naraku, that was him.”
The line in the mess hall seemed like it could go on for ages. It was a relatively large room--dull walls, stained tiles--that had a line that was wrapped around almost half of it. Inuyasha continued to keep to himself as the inmates in front him slowly moved up.
He took a look around, continuing to exam faces as well as the layout of the place. Tables that took up 99.9 percent of the room were jam packed and had hardly enough space. Only the big muscular inmates, who had a reputation, was able to have a whole bench all to himself.
Most, however, traveled in small groups that weren’t nearly as powerful, but had a flock they were able to roll with. Then there were the lonely ones; those who were usually scrawny and lacked tattoos struggled to find a place to eat, let alone to fit in. Their food was usually snatched by a gang member who would then hand it over to their boss; if that person refused or that member took it for himself--as Inuyasha so happened to witness--, that person would be beat up, stabbed, and left on the floor to die. No guard would even try to intervene.
“Tray, inmate,” one of the kitchen workers stated, snapping Inuyasha out of the murder he just witnessed.
The slop plopped onto the pale plastic tray. He continued down the line where milk, juice, fruits, and small desserts were available, but it wasn’t like he was going to eat any of it anyway. He held a firm grip onto the object as he took a short lap around the hall looking for a seat. Not once did he back down from staring at other inmates’ in the eyes.
One of the gang bosses’ took “offense” by Inuyasha’s boldness and decided to make right of this. Just as he motioned the rest of the table to stick him--
Kohaku ripped Inuyasha down to the opening beside him, “I know you’re just trying to do your time--” his eyes pointed to the gang-- “but it’s coming off the wrong way for everyone else.”
“You expectin’ a thank you?” Inuyasha replied as he pulled his arm out of Kohaku’s grasp.
“Cute,” Kohaku took a bite of his food. “But no.”
Inuyasha watched Kohaku nearly suck in his food as if he were having steak and mashed potatoes. He could see the gang keeping a close eye on him from afar, but he just looked back down at the boy.
“I need you to tell me where Hiten is,” he said in a low voice.
Kohaku raised his eyes from the slop, “Hiten, huh?” He wiped his mouth with a napkin, “Brother of Manten? Mob leader?”
“That’s right.”
“There,” Kohaku leaned his head in the direction. “He’s always playing cards with his buddies during mess hour. During rec time, he gets to change out of these dull clothes and into another set of dull clothes, but this time he has some authority as head of Prison Industries.”
“Prison Industries?” Inuyasha furrowed a brow.
Kohaku nodded, “Yup, PI. Basically him and his groupie walks around and does jobs for the prison that the prison itself can’t fix.” He took a sip of his milk, “It pays 19 cents an hour, but hey at least you get something.”
Inuyasha was too busy taking in Hiten’s body language to reply. He memorized how he looked when he talked, laughed, and even breathed.
“What you need him for?” Kohaku followed the trail of Inuyasha’s eyes.
The inmate rose from his seat, the faint callouts from Kohaku drowning in the sounds of the room.
“Tell ya what, Hiten,” Inuyasha stood firmly in front of the group. “I got a deal for ya.”
The mob boss’s eyes instantly struck Inuyasha with his bloody stare. The jewel embedded in his forehead glimmered against the light.
“That’s funny,” Hiten folded his cards as he looked up to the inmate. “What’s a pup like you got to offer a mob leader like me?”
His group laughed, returning their attention to their game, but Inuyasha wasn’t going to let that happen.
Hiten rushed up to his feet, shoving his forehead against Inuyasha. His breaths were steady and so were Inuyasha’s.
“I could have you dead and buried in the yard in less than two seconds, pup,” his group stood from their seats as well, but this wasn’t nearly enough to draw the attention of the entire room.
Inuyasha smirked, “I guess you could do that…” He pushed a little further against Hiten’s forehead, “But then you would never find where Shippo is.”
Hiten’s mood changed; he sat back in his seat, and his group followed, shocked and a bit doubtful by the inmate’s suggestion.
“You?” he laughed menacingly. “You know where that lousy kid is?”
Inuyasha nodded his head.
“Huh,” Hiten patted his back. “So how ‘bout it? Tell me where that stupid weasel is.”
“No,” Inuyasha looked at Hiten then his group. “Not yet.”
Hiten shot up from his seat once again, angered and full of rage, “Then you’re worthless to me. Get the hell out.”
Inuyasha took three steps back before turning his back to the mob. The guards shouted that mess hour was over, and it was now time for rec. He smiled as he followed the rest of the inmates out to the yard.  
Everyone dispersed into their designated areas out in the yard. Even though, of course, the purpose of rec time was to allow inmates outside to roam about; not keep them restricted to a specific area, except for PI.
Inuyasha remained near the gate where everyone else was entering, surveilling the place once more. The inmates of darker tones claimed their spot in the corner of the yard where all the weights and bench presses were located. Mixed tones took to the basketball court that was right beside the gym area while those of lighter tones resorted to playing cards or sitting on the bleachers.
He then noticed a set of bleachers that were empty, which was exactly what he needed. He nonchalantly made his way to it, hands in his pockets, and occasionally looked to the left and right of him.
He took a seat at the top of the wooden bleachers, specifically sitting down at the end of it. He felt underneath him where there was nothing but wood. He continued tracing his hand along the work until he finally felt it--a screw.
The inmate referred to his arm where “Allen 11121147” was tattooed onto him*. He began to loosen the bolt by rotating it clockwise and counterclockwise. He lifted his leg onto the lower bleacher, trying to relax and remain casual. However, of course, this was not the case.
“Well, well, well,” a man with blue face paint draw only beneath his eyes approached him. “What do we have here?”
Inuyasha threw his hands into his pocket in a hurry, not replying to the question.
“You come around here often, suga?” the man stepped onto the bleachers to be beside him.
Inuyasha stood up, “What do you think?” He gave a sarcastic smile.
“Ooooo,” the man was swooned. “Feisty one, ain’t he?”
There was a group of men behind him, but one was much younger than the rest. The younger one stood right behind the man, gripping the inside of his pocket.
Inuyasha made his way off the bleachers but then, “Woah, woah, woah.” The man put the inmate into a halt, “What’s the rush?” He giggled, “I’m just being friendly, pup.”
“Keh, I don’t need a friend,” he huffed.
“Ow, baby, now don’t do me like that!” the man and his posse laughed. “Look, I can offer you protection. We all know I’m not the only one coming after that pretty-little face of yours,” he winked as he slapped the younger one’s hand, lifting the empty pocket. “All you have to do is take a little stroll with me.”
Inuyasha breathed calmly and stepped closer to him. The man smiled in satisfaction, preparing to lift up his pocket once again.
“I’ll pass.”
The man twitched and clenched his fists, “Whatever, baby.” He smacked the younger one to make him grip the pocket again; the group following him, “I’m never gonna give up on you.”
Inuyasha turned away and walked in the opposite direction, burying his head into his hands in disappointment. He shook his head and scratched his ears before placing his hands back into his pockets.
“I see Jakotsu’s taken an interest in you,” Kohaku mumbled as he returned to his side.
Inuyasha sighed, “Thanks for the information.”
The sound of a lone basketball dribble was heard from across the gate. The dribble continued to pound against the floor before going silent and hitting the rim, causing the chained nets to make a noise. Inuyasha turned his head to the source and sped walked in that direction.
“Miroku!” he said with happiness, putting his fingers through the fence. “I’m glad to see you here.”
“No offense, Inuyasha, but I can’t say the same,” he picked up the basketball and held it beneath his arm.
Inuyasha lowered his head with a low chuckle, “Right.”
“Why are you really here, Inuyasha?” Miroku shot the ball and missed. “How did you let yourself end up here?”
Inuyasha snickered, “I already told you why I’m here, idiot.”
“If anyone’s the idiot, it’s you,” Miroku laughed. “You can’t be serious about what you said.
“But I am,” he assured.
Miroku frowned, “Inuyasha, you kno-”
The two raised their hands in innocence and took the required steps backward. Miroku continued dribbling as Inuyasha began to return to the yard. Inuyasha nodded his head and Miroku already knew what he meant.
“You really trying to kill yourself before you do your time, huh?” Kohaku was beside him yet again.
Inuyasha ignored his comment, “Why is he secluded from the rest of us?”
“You haven’t heard?” Kohaku let out a small gasp. “He killed the vice president’s sister, Kaede. He’s been on death row ever since and is being strapped to the chair in about a month from now,” Inuyasha’s heart was going to burst. “Why are you asking?”
“Because,” Inuyasha lowered his head, near the ground, slow to find the strength to return. “That’s my brother.”
*gen pop - general population. the area of a prison that houses the majority of inmates
*I forgot to mention that just like Michael Scofield from Prison Break, Inuyasha, our beloved protagonist is also covered in tattoos. Literally, every inch of his torso and arms. Refer to HERE.
Sorry for the super long chapter, but I had so much I wanted to get into. I’m definitely continuing this series no matter what lmao. 
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