ghosty-0w0 · 4 months
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tealovingangel · 2 years
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rockintapper · 3 months
dj yellow and jj rocker as enemies to lovers
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returning to my latino roots for 2023′s first talkloid shitpost 😎😎
rough english transcript under the cut for my non-hispanohablantes (with some translation notes)
piko: you drugged me!
fukase: with love~
piko: with PILLS.
fukase: of love~ ₁
piko: DRUGS.
fukase: look, i know i haven’t been the best alpha male—
piko: honestly, there’s nothing “male”₂ about you.
fukase: —but you have to admit that we had something beautiful...
fukase: piko, please don’t talk to me like that in front of your son!
piko: WHAT???
kazehiki: hi, daddy
piko: you’ve got to be fucking₃ with me.
fukase: of course, now you don’t recognize your own son—
piko: okay that’s enough i’m going to call the police
fukase: NO! okay, okay... it’s not necessary. i get it now, come on, little hiki, your dad’s being a bitch₄
kazehiki: goodbye, daddy
extra translation notes:
₁ - “de” usually means “of” but it can mean other things like “with”, “out of” or “for” in certain cases (such as the phrase “lo hice de amor” which can translate to “i did it out of/for/with love”, which is similar to the situation going on here). changed it so it hopefully makes more sense in english this way?
₂ - here, “macho” technically would more be “masculine” rather than literal male, and the whole phrase would more accurately be translated as “honestly, you have nothing masculine” but kept the use of the word male to align better with the previous statement so it makes more sense (in english??)
₃ - “no me chingues,” in its roughest form, can sorta be translated like this. basically it’s an expression of disbelief, like “no way” or “you’re kidding me, right?” but a bit more... vulgar lol since ‘chingues’ does sort of literally mean ‘fuck’
₄ - “anda de apretado/a,” when literally translated, essentially means “going around tightened” (or something like that) but it’s an idiom to refer to someone who’s acting very selfishly with no consideration for others. so essentially, acting like a bitch lmao. this is also just taken from the official translation of where the original audio is even from. also, while “ahora entiendo” can also be translated as “i understand now,” i felt like a more casual “i get it” fit this particular context a bit better.
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kidfoundonstreets · 2 years
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misfortunegirl · 1 year
my bangs have gotten so long *explodes perhaps*
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s-vtoru · 2 years
`` pay attention.`` ー usui takumi x reader
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synopsis: you're being touched during a movie in class with the guy you dislike the most, but it feels so good you hate it. will you be able to handle it?
pairing: takumi usui x fem!reader
genre & warnings; 16+, clit rubbing, pet names ( slut, used once ), dirty talk
feedback is appreciated <3 like n reblog !!
you sighed, walking into 7th period early and taking a seat in your designated chair as the teacher waits for more students to walk in. you were in history, the second to last class of the day, also a class that you and your classmates usually did really well in and your teacher was fond of. students slowly started to walk in, yet it didn't take long for the last few of them to flood in the room as soon as the bell rang, a certain peer in the small group immediately catching your eye.
takumi usui. he sits right next to you, 'cause that's of course where your teacher placed him. he turns to look at you, a grin on his face. a grin you wanted to punch so bad, yet one that made you blush like an idiot every single time. you looked away, fist bundled up yet your face was as red as ever. well, it wasn't a surprise anymoreーthis happened every single time he'd look at you like that.
you didn't know why but, it just made you feel all weird.. specifically with the way he treated you at school and in general. but, especially when you both were alone. usui was always a damn flirt towards you, even making fun of you most of the time which pissed you off. but then, as always, he'd brush it off saying some dumb shit that always made you want to clock him in the mouth. but then make you all the while embarrassed at the same time.
the teacher stood up, addressing to your class how you guy's' behavior and grades were shockingly good enough for her to give you leverage, allowing y'all to watch a movie until the end of the period. the class cheered and whatnot while your teacher spent a few minutes setting the movie up.
in the meantime, usui nudged your shoulder for the third time already, causing you to groan in annoyance. "what?" you responded, clearly not wanting to put up with him. "hey." your face dropped, giving him the 'are you serious' look. instantly turning around and deciding to ignore him, he just sat back and snickered. you rolled your eyes, your teacher finally finishing setting up the movie.
it started to playーit was twilight, a movie that happen to be your favorite and one everyone had seen already including yourself, obviously. yet, no one really cared since there was no work to do. you focused on the smart board where the movie played, cheek resting in your palm. not paying attention on anything or anyone else, the screen completely having your attentionーusui looked over at you.
he admired how you looked, always: the way you acted, how you presented yourself, the way the skirt you wore hiked up every time you sat down, or how your thigh-high socks hugged your thighs so perfectly. the very sight made his pants feel tight. he couldn't keep his eyes off of you even if he tried. he found you absolutely mouthwatering behind all the teasing and bullying he did towards you.
he liked being around you, and he wanted to be around you every single second of every single day, everywhere you went, no matter what. and he knew he'd make it happen. he will make you his. while you were completely distracted and caught off guard, his hand sneaked over to where you sat at, placing his palm on your thigh. it startled you, wide eyes glaring at his devious green ones. he kept his hand there, and it wasn't moving anytime soon. "excuse you, what do youー?!" and, he shushes you. pointing to the board, clearing telling you to pay attention.
you sighed deciding to ignore it, as annoyed as you were, and not make a scene in the dead silent classroom, aside from the movie playing in the background. once you turned your attention back to the movie, his hand gripped your thigh, hiking up higher and higher each time. you gripped the side your desk, clearly pissed off at him that he had the audacity to act like this in class. but, a part of you liked it, a lot. it made you ache even more, making you push your thighs together. face flushed a scarlet hue, even the tips of your ears were red.
that only made him more confident than he already was, taking the opportunity to slip his hand in between your legs despite them being closed shut. nothing was going to stop him from making you his, absolutely nothing. you jumped from his hand, you were slowly losing it, from both anger and need. you needed him so badly and that angered you. why him of all people? why did he have to make you feel so needy? why did he have to make you feel like that?
you looked at him, biting your lip to keep in any sounds that dared to come out while his thumb rubbed against your cunt. he just gave you the most annoying smirk, coming close to your ear and whispering, "i said pay attention." his voice was low and husk, not expecting that tone of his made you throb. and you know for sure that he definitely knew about itーlet alone felt it. of course he did, because he just leaned in again and whispered, "look at you, throbbing like a slut just because of my voice."
you can practically hear that shiteating grin of his. but it didn't even annoy you this time, it made you want him even more. you wanted to feel him more. at this point, you even wanted him inside of you. so badly. his fingers pressed against your panties, rubbing your clit against the thin fabric that was easily ruined from your slick. you were soaked, literally. as embarrassed as you were, you couldn't help it.
it was the way he made you feel that made you need him more and more. his pace only went faster and faster until he pulled away, leaving you breathless. you snapped your head towards him, watching him lick his fingers clean. and then, the bell rang, leaving a lump in your throat.
he grabbed his back and hunched it over his shoulder, giving you that same dumb smirk he always gave you and leaned in one more time, "meet me behind the staircase, you know where it is. i'm not done with you yet." and with that, he left. leaving you absolutely dumbfounded and the last one to leave the class, almost falling to the floor with how shakey your legs were.
"..that damn asshole."
a/n: made this for a friend, i hope you like it !!
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pillowspace · 11 months
I FEEL LIKE I'M ENTERING THE CENTRE OF A FILLED STADIUM TO GO, "so. That fnaf character's blank, soulless stare, am I right? Let's move onto youtube kids sun and moon mukbangs"
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tealovingangel · 2 years
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ideas-of-immortality · 10 months
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 8 months
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goresnax-archive · 1 year
op im literally going to explode. ive never been so invested in an ask blog before. do we have permission to make fanfics/fanart of this au?
And you guys have FULL permission to make Fanfics and art, in fact, I encourage that!!!!!
... I should probably make proper refs of the characters JFHDJDB
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
The Prince (Prequel to Guilt)
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Media IRL X Tudors
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster (child - Late teen)
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Smut + Dark
Concept Prequel Series to Guilt (If you guys would like me to continue this and do the rest of the history before Guilt let me know)
Smut Hiki’s/ biting/ kissing/ full sex/ outdoorsex
I don't recall much of the earliest moments of my life but I know the story of my birth as it has been told to me so many times. On a sunny day in may my mother was doing her usual business of being queen dealing with the people's grievances when all hell broke loose, Or well I broke loose. she went into labour right there on the throne in the middle of the meetings luckily her handmaids and the physicians were close by given how far along she already was. Many saw it as a divine sign that the child she birthed was born to rule, and after a few hours I came into this world on the throne room rug my mother didn't even get to hold me. She fell beyond this world moments later. The moment I was born I was a disappointment to my father, because I had taken my mother from him, and that I wasn't a girl. I was heir to the throne regardless but still I was a disappointment, My father begrudgingly took the throne and later married a young woman from some land we had a deal with I don't know she never spoke to me. Admittedly I was a spoilt child anything I wanted I was immediately given without fight or debate, until... that fateful night.
I was woken from my chamber by screaming, I climbed out of my bed and bolted down the corridor to my father's chambers there I saw his new wife screaming in utter agony the physicians forced me back keeping me outside the door even if I could still see inside and all of a sudden.. she arrived. I had a sister, a little sister. I was overjoyed at first to have someone to play with and spend time with but I was immediately tossed to the side like I was nothing. I didn't get to go out with them anymore, I wasn't taken to events, or even at the same part of the table at dinner, suddenly my spoilt life was ripped away. I couldn't even get a nursemaid to read me a story goodnight but she got everything, she so much as held her hand towards something it was gifted to her. She once asked for a tree branch to be removed from the tree outside her window because it was scaring her so they cut down the whole tree for her a three-hundred-year-old tree cut down on the order of a three-year-old. I grew to hate and resent her an unbelievable amount so much I wouldn't even speak to her. she was put into the tutoring and the other duties leaving now nothing for me.
"Papa? could perhaps I sit in today?" I asked at the door to the classroom
He sighed "Thomas. just go play with your toys alright we're very busy"
"But I wanted to learn the lesson too"
"Well this doesn't concern you does it, this is all important things for my beautiful little princess and future queen. Go and play in the garden or something"
"But I-"
"go! and stop bothering us"
"Yes sir" I nodded unable to stop my tears running back to my room,
It took me a good few years of almost being locked in my room with know one who gave a shit about me but a few maids and nurses before I gave up waiting around. No one even noticed me so why would they notice me sneaking away? I took some money and left the castle I didn't even need to sneak out a window I just walked out the door and know one even noticed, I went to town and bought food and toys and various treats for myself, and I spotted a girl there about the same age as me helping her family with there market stall, she smiled at me and gave me a little wave and I couldn't help but smile and wave back to her. when it got late I returned to the castle and no one had even noticed I had left.
So this became a pattern, whenever I got bored I would take money from my father and just leave the castle going to town to do whatever I wanted and knowone even noticed, and I got to know the girl a lot more as I almost always went to see her and we ended up growing very close and spent a lot of time together.
I headed out of the castle grounds hurrying through to the town picking up a few things I needed from the market when I spotted the little fabric store she smiled just finishing tieing up her braid with ribbons her mother smiled to her so she came out from the stall
"Hi" I smiled "I missed you"
"I missed you too" she giggled offering her hand so I happily took it and we went along for our usual walk beside the river together as she told me about everything going on, "Papa says we might have to get ourselves another sheep, old Bell isn't making as much wool as before" she explained "sorry rambling"
"No, I like listening to you"
"You sure?"
"Of course I am" I smiled giving her hand a kiss
"Your too sweet to me" she smiled "how's home?" she says sitting on the stone bridge
"Ohh don't"
"No its okay, same as ever ava getting treated like the sun itself shines out her ass and I haven't even seen my father in a week" I sighed sitting beside her
"you poor thing"
"Its alright, at least I have you" I smiled
"what do you do? when I'm at home?"
"... wait for you to get back"
"Awwww" she giggled giving me a cuddle "You know mother says you're always welcome on the farm Thomas"
"I know, I just don't want to be a bother." I told her "Besides I was gone overnight I'm sure someone would check in and see me missing"
"would they?"
"I hope they would"
"Well your always welcome" she smiled laying her head on my shoulder "maybe if you came over to visit you could stay the night in my room" she giggled
"..... I could?"
"Umm humm"
"with you?"
"Of course"
"I'll defiantly have to think about it then" I smiled giving her lips a little kiss just a peck but still it made my stomach fill with butterflies as our kisses always did "I should really get home"
"Alright, will I see you next week?"
"Of course" I smiled giving her another kiss before I headed back to the castle.
I walked out of the castle as usual knowone even noticed I was leaving, I went to the stables seeing the drunk stable boy asleep on the hay as usual so I filled up their food and water as he'd be asleep until at least sundown. "Hello girl, you ready to get going?" I smiled petting my horse "Come on then let's get out of here" I quickly got her settled and we headed off out of the castle courtyard and along the little roads to town but instead of turning into the main town and market turned left into the paths of the woods making sure to head though at a decent speed until I came to the usual fork in the road
"You're late" she laughs sitting apon her own horse
"Well I wanted to make sure I had a bath and made myself presentable for my lovely lady"
"Your sweet Thomas" she giggled leaning over a little to give me a small kiss "shall we?"
"Of course" I smiled trying not to blush
We each kicked our horses and raced off on our usual paths through the woods over rivers and through the thick trees until we reached out clearing and she beat me as usual so I tied up my horse and jumped down spotting her already laying under the tree
"How do you always beat me?"
"skills" she giggled
"I suppose so" I smirked climbing on top of her "But I still don't believe you're not cheating somehow"
"always so suspicious of me" she pouts giving my neck little kisses
"I have to be. I don't know what you get up to while I'm not around" I smirked pulling her into an intense kiss. our kisses only got more passionate the longer they went on never even checking our surroundings for onlookers it didn't take long for her hands to stray from my neck to my belt which lead me to pull back slightly but still pressing kisses to her neck "I thought you had enough last week?"
"It's not last week anymore is it?"
"Alright," I smirked pulling back enough to see her as she smirked and tugged off my belt for me pushing down my pants to reveal our kisses had already made me half hard, she smiled biting her lip a little at that fact making me blush a little so I distracted her but running my hands up her legs pushing up the skirt of her dress as I did I gasped as I revealed her noticing she was already wet "Fuck- Umm darling" I groaned capturing her lips against kissing her intensely she kissed back and wrapped her leg around my waist allowing me the perfect angle to slip inside her making us both moan into our kiss it didn't take long for my slow movements to become rapid and merciless given we hadn't seen each other in a week often times kissing her neck just to hear her beautiful gasps and groans but she did love to bite at my neck leaving marks on my skin which always drove me crazy until she clawned her nails down my back and squealed enough to frighten some birds in the trees, and I was finished too mere seconds after her pulling out to finish across the grass "I love you so much"
"I love you too" she smiled giving me a kiss and dragging me to lay with her for a cuddle
"Ummm I wish I could stay out here with you" I cooed fixing my pants as we got cosy
"well, why not? your more than welcome at the farm my mother adores you, and she already lets you cosy up in my room so I'm sure if you wanted to come to stay with us longer it would be no trouble"
"I know. I just don't want to put you out like that not fair to your family to take me in just because mines shit"
"No but I'm sure if" she smiled fiddling with her fingers "they wouldn't mind you coming to live with us"
"I know, but there are few perks to a royal life, one of them is the fact if I go tell my father I want to move out even just to get rid of me he'll pawn me off a castle in Hampshire with a view where I'm far out of his  and ava's way, so why wouldn't we just do that and I can make my lovely lady a princess"
"I suppose. still, you know you're always welcome"
"I know, I'm still surprised your family lets me cuddle up in your bed with you"
"Their, not stupid Thomas, they know we come to the woods together once a week it would be foolish to keep us apart and stop us from doing something we have quite obviously already done"
"I guess, just strange to me"
"why your family lets me cuddle up in your room" she giggled nuzzling with my neck
"No my family doesn't let you it's simply that my family has no idea you're in there with me"
"Your family aren't that stupid Thomas"
"Yes they are. they haven't even noticed I'm gone. I disappear twice a week and I've been doing it for six years know ones even bloody noticed yet. not to mention all our overnights"
"I guess, I just assumed know one minded the little prince having a girly in his room"
"No, they just don't know. I imagine my father would probably cut my cock off if he knew about you"
"I'm sure he wouldn't"
"No he would. probably disown me he knew what we'd been up to"
"Well if he does your welcome to come to the farm as long as you like"
"Thank you darling" I smiled giving her a sweet kiss "I should get back,"
"Alright, you get home" she cooes helping me up and onto my horse
"I'll miss you"
"I'll miss you more" she smiled
"I love you so much"
"I love you more, no go on before they do notice you're gone"
"alright, see you Tuesday"
"see you Tuesday" she smiled giving me a soft kiss before I head back to the castle stables and into the castle to my little suite and bedroom
"Good afternoon Thomas" a voice spoke up making me jump as I shut my door
"ah- Ohh father sorry you made me jump" I said as he sat in my chair a book in hand
"sorry about that. Where have you been?" He asks
"I came to see you this afternoon, suites empty. where have you been?"
"Ohh I uhh I was in the library"
"really, because your sisters been in the library all day and didn't see you there"
"Yeah uhh what I meant to say was I uhh I went down to the library but given it was such a nice day I went to the kitchens made myself some food"
"Interesting because your stepmother has been down in the kitchens prepping for your sister's coronation dinner and she hasn't seen you either"
"Yeah Uuuuhhhhh I uhhh I went to the kitchens and got a snack really quick she barely saw me and then I went uhhh to... the gardens. for a walk."
"Thomas. do you enjoy being a little shit?"
"Cut the bullshit! where have you been!" he demanded
".... I went out"
"Out? your prince of the realm you can't just go out" he snapped "Out where?"
"just for a walk in the woods"
"A walk in the woods." He says before moving to his feet looming over me "what's this?" He asks moving a finger across my neck across my love bite y/n had left their
"I uhhh I fell over."
"Don't bullshit me!" He demanded throwing me to the floor "You think your so clever boy. The maid saw you leaving. and told me. even told me last Tuesday you didn't come back till the following afternoon" he explained "I put men along the road, guards in the town. I know exactly where you've been going.... what's her name?"
"I haven't-
"What is her name!" He demanded kicking my stomach
"y/n. a farm girl. a peasant girl."
"what do you care!" I yelled getting to my feet "this is the first time you've spoken to me in a year, the most we've ever been in the same room since fucking ava was born!" I yelled "I'm nothing to you. am I? I'm your son, and you couldn't give less of a shit. the moment I was born you hated me! I'm nothing here! it took you this long to even see I was gone. with her... I'm happy. I get to live a life I never could here. she's everything to me, am I am to her. I love her more then life itself, I'll marry her tomorrow if I have to. she's the only thing I want in the world. she's the only person who has ever made me feel like I matter"
"You think I loved your mother?"
"I hated her! we are royalty you don't get to pick who makes you happy you pick what you have to. You git your teeth and do it like a man. I hated your mother more then anything all I ever was to her was a cock to jump on that's all I ever was! All any of us are. I hated you becuase I knew you'd have the same fate as me, to be sold off to some royal lady who needs an heir putting in her, and I hated you because my job wasn't over. I had to do it all again becuase you came out with a cock. If you has just been a girl I'd have never had to be near your mother again."
"You seem pretty thrilled I took her from this world"
"I am. But you need to learn your place. You're a cock with a title nothing more. All you are in this world is a coin to trade and deal, to be sold to some princess to but a baby in her. that's all you are. and the quicker you learn that the happier you'll be." he says heading to my door "Tomorrow first light, the staff will pack your things, you're marring  liza Ellina."
"No! You can't make me!"
"Yes I can! your marring her. tomorrow afternoon weather you like it or not"
"she's twice my age!"
"so what! I was half your mothers you think any of them care. your a title of our kingdom. and your young enough to put a baby in her." she explained "that's. all. you. are." he says "Say goodbye to your girlfriend. you'll never see her again"
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libertineangel · 10 months
Hiki was shit so I have since signed up to Taimi because I heard it was good for queer people and my god this is the worst user interface yet
How much fucking longer must I suffer these godforsaken apps
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mikkokomori · 2 years
Sunny scoldin' Hiki's the cutest shit i've seen 'ol
Unfortunately, scolding doesn't work on her! At least he tried....
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