evature · 1 year
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yeonggisbitch · 8 months
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I know Dieter’s heart dropped down in his ass when he heard Nol say this shit to Shin-ae:
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Can't wait to see Kousuke suffer
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youuuimeanmee · 1 year
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The Wicked Queen who leads the man ashtray and The Humble Peasant who will guide the man into the path of light.
"Come, my love. Let's go, to where all the warmth is..."
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trueblu3-a · 9 months
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oblako · 1 year
anyways i'm gonna reread i love yoo from the beginning because i like to suffer 👍
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negrowhat · 5 months
Top 5 Moments That Made You Laugh
Oh funnnnnnnnn LET'S GO
Tinn's locker room fantasy about Gun in My School President. Tinn literally had some of THE BEST fantasies and him daydreaming about bathing with Gun in the school locker room took me out. HE WAS READY FOR THAT SLEEPOVER!
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Lee Wan patting Shin Ki Tae's bottom as he leaves for work in Our Dating Sim. The little pats make me GIGGLE! And Ki Tae's lil dimply smileeeeee HE LOVES IT.
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Ji Hyun and Ae Ri lowkey dragging Tae Hyung for his looks after being an asshat to Jae Won in The Eighth Sense. That dude made some insensitive joke about Jae Won being an only sibling and then asked Ae Ri if one of her girlfriends fancied him and she and Ji Hyun were basically like, "No she actually likes handsome men...so" (couldn't find a gif awww)
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JengPat pretending to burn their hands on plastic food at IKEA in Step By Step. Please it was so ridiculously cute watching these two grown ass men play pretend in the store and it made me laugh the way they tossed the food.
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Yai's drunk ass forcing Phaya to carry Tharn out the bathroom in The Sign. Yai is the king of the wingmans. One thing he's gon do is make a moment happen between PhayaTharn even if he has to hoist his nearly unconscious brother onto a man's back.
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You know, this post was deleted from the drafts and I thought that maybe it’s not without reason and that it’s not worth posting at all, BUT I HAVE TO SHARE IT OR I WILL GO CRAZY. The most farfetched thing ever:
In the new chapter, we don't see Shin-Ae's heart. Instead, it's darkness. At first I thought that this symbolizes "she does not understand what is happening, therefore we do not know what is happening with the heart either. Mystery. "
Then I read a couple of comments about Nolan stealing more than just a bandanna. And then I thought about this:
Nolan didn't steal Shin-Ae's heart. She herself voluntarily gave it to him. And I think this happened at this moment:
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Before giving him a gift (one is specifically in the middle of his chest), she firstly holds this BLACK MYSTIC BACKPACK, also at chest level, but HERS
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She didn't even look when she gifted stuff. At first she thought that the gift she wanted to give was nothing special. And even said
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But do you know WHICH GIFT IS ONE OF THE MOST VALUED IN THE HOSPITALS? ORGANS!! (It's actually life (but Nessa gave it to him) and also blood (but you know, Rand))
SO in this case it's a heart. One of the coolest presets if you ask me.
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And maybe that's why Nolan is so angry (he has enough reasons, but this +1). Well, you know ... "you gave me your heart and you don't even realize it. Who gives gifts without even looking at all?. Make sure you understand what's going on and what have you done."
And "convince me" as well.
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Soooo that's all... thank you for reading and please don't take that seriously.
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I really liked Oh My Ghost, I think it was really cleverly written. Also, it did some gender role flipping in a way I appreciated.
It was uncomfortable to watch Possessed Na Bong-seon sexually harassing her co-workers and especially the male lead, but it made sense that they all were more worried about her being sick/having snapped than angry because it was so out of character for her. I liked that the conclusion was taking her to the hospital.
And then when Possessed Bong-seon and Sun-woo are dating and she keeps pushing for them to have sex, they ended up having a conversation about how he felt uncomfortable going so fast and she basically calls him a prude and then mocks him for it. I know the joke is that he's a guy so why not, but even though it was gender flipped I felt so seen. I have felt exactly what he was feeling and it is really awkward to talk about and you have this huge fear of being seen as prude and made fun of for it. It was just so real. I loved it.
It's in Ep 9. Her face when he says he's "conservative"!
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There is a similar dynamic in It's Okay to Be Okay where the female lead is pushing for sex and the male lead just keeps refusing but they didn't have a conversation about it so I felt like this show did it better.
The other thing that was done very well is that there were a ton of evidence that Sun-woo did like Bong-seon herself, not just her possessed version, like how he read her food blog, so it didn't feel like a bait-and-switch. Also, Bong-seon's personality changed in a very natural way once her life wasn't utterly miserable and she ended up being closer to the personality of Shin Soon-ae. This didn't feel like a cop-out to me, because lots of introverted people will become very friendly and chatty once they are comfortable (and not haunted by ghosts and extremely tired... I assume).
Also, the resteraunt worker shenanigans were great and Bong-seon's relationship, both possessed and not, with the Ghost's father and brother was really sweet.
Anyway, I loved it!
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yeonggisbitch · 1 year
the freaking wood broke idek what it’s called but, is nolan going full soulmatery with shin-ae that he’s going to fall off a balcony like she did?? that’s so goals guys 🥹🥹
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sexlovelitpodcast · 2 months
Sex Love Lit girlies! I watched Crash Landing On You (my first k-drama) and now I have a conundrum: A) I want to watch more k-dramas, and B) No k-drama can seem to measure up to CLOY 😭 Could you put together a playlist of entry-level k-dramas for new fans that capture the CLOY magic? Bonus points if they’re on Netflix
@sliceoflifegirl thanks for the ask!
(Corinne here) First of all, welcome to KDrama land! Crash Landing on You was my second ever KDrama, and the one that really got me hooked. I’m gonna be honest, it’s a hard one to top when you’re mid emotional hangover! That said, I love this ask and recommending KDramas to people, so I’m more than happy to recommend some. My strategy here, rather than recommend something that exactly mimics CLoY (because imo, there’s nothing exactly like it), is to recommend dramas that I think are some of the best of their genre—with some aspect that might help scratch that CLOY itch ;) So, without further ado, here is your KDrama Starter Pack: 
Goblin aka Guardian: The Lonely and Great God—This fantasy romance is a classic for a reason. The set-up: 900+ year old goblin Kim Shin is on a quest to find the goblin bride to pull the sword out of his chest and finally let him die. The catch: when he finds goblin bride Eun-tak and starts to fall in love with her, he wonders if there might be something to this whole “life” thing after all. Also featured: a glum Grim Reaper, with whom Kim Shin has a top tier bromance, who has a doomed romance of his own. Goblin gave me one of the biggest emotional hangovers post-CLOY in my early KDrama days. One caveat: Kim Shin meets Eun Tak when she’s in high school, so if huge age gaps in fantasy romances give you the ick, maybe give this one a pass (in which case the fantasy romances I recommend checking out instead are Alchemy of Souls and Doom at Your Service, both on Netflix atm). (On Viki)
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Mr. Sunshine—My pick for one of the best historical (aka sageuk) KDramas out there. Set in early 1900’s Joseon, just before/in the early days of Japanese occupation, this drama follows the lives of five equally compelling characters as they navigate the political turmoil of the time. At the center are Lady Ae-sin, an aristocratic lady with a tendency for dressing up as a man and sneaking around at night on missions for the rebels, and Eugene Choi, an American Marine now stationed in Joseon who escaped enslavement there as a child and has mixed feelings about the land of his birth. This one resonates with the forbidden/doomed love of people from different classes and cultures from CLOY. (On Netflix)
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Reply 1988—This slice of live drama set in Seoul in 1988 follows five families who live in the same neighborhood, and especially five of their high school aged children as they grow up during a particularly vibrant time in South Korea’s recent history. Like the other installments in the Reply series, the series uses two of the main characters in the present day (or present to when it was released, anyway) looking back—which means that viewers know the Deok-sun ends up married to one of her four besties, but which one?? Still, while the love triangle mystery is fun, at its heart, this story is about community. It’ll scratch the CLoY itch for the North Korean market lady shenanigans, and a few others as well (especially if you like intense yearning in your dramas). (On Netflix)
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Business Proposal—If you’d like romance of a completely different genre than CLOY, look no further than Business Proposal! In this KDrama, Shin Ha-ri goes on a blind date in place of her friend as a favor only find out that the date is with her boss. This tightly plotted romantic comedy plays with more rom com tropes than you can shake a stick at, but never sits with one so long that it gets old. The B couple is also fire, and helps move things along whenever the A couple gets into a rut. This drama also features some chaebol (rich business family) shenanigans a la CLOY.  (On Netflix)
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Extraordinary Attorney Woo–If you’re in the mood for a workplace comedy/drama, look no further than Extraordinary Attorney Woo. Featuring the incandescent Park Eun Bin as rookie attorney Woo Young Woo, this legal drama features about a case per episode as Attorney Woo finds her way in the world alongside a delightful main cast of characters. (On Netflix)
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Little Women—My choice for the makjang to include on this list (a genre in which extreme storylines are treated very seriously), this drama focuses on the three Oh sisters as the oldest finds that her friend who died under mysterious circumstances has left her 70 billion that a powerful political family will stop at nothing to get their hands on. Will the story always make complete sense? No. But will the stellar performances, fast-paced, genre-mixing drama, and wild cliffhangers keep you on the edge of your seat as you binge the whole thing? Absolutely. (On Netflix)
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Extraordinary You—Youth dramas may or may not be your thing, but if you have the patience for the shenanigans of high schools, Extraordinary You is my top pick. In this fantasy romance, Eun Dan-Oh discovers that she is actually a character in a comic–and she’s not even the main one! While still high school appropriate, Eun Dan-oh’s literally doomed-by-the-narrative and impossible circumstances romance with Haru, another side character, is another one from my early KDrama days to stick with me just as much as Yoon Se-ri and Ri Jeong-hyeokk’s. (On Viki)
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Search: WWW—Ayanni’s particular contribution to this list, this modern romantic drama focuses on intersecting lives of three women working in the fast-paced tech industry at the top two competing web portal companies. Just as interesting as each woman’s various romantic entanglement are their entanglements with each other as they put their careers ahead of just about everything else. Ayanni says she especially appreciates this one because it focuses specifically on three women (also in this genre are Be Melodramatic and Because this is My First Life). 
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Happy watching--and do let us know if you pick any of these up!
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ohplagg · 6 months
Keeping Track of Time in I Love Yoo
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I am back again with another timeline because I guess this is my life now. This timeline, though, is specifically about the events for December 21st 20XX and forward since I've noticed that Quimchee is adding clocks ever since Nol got stabbed, and everything feels like a race against the clock for some reason.
I'm not going to add any screenshots since this is just, as the title says, keeping track of time. Nothing more, nothing less.
Just in case someone is not paying attention to what they are about to read, this contains spoilers up to I Love Yoo's Episode 244.
If more clocks appear in future episodes I might update this.
As always, I love hearing what you guys think so feel free to reach out!
Italic means that it's not known when exactly in the timeline that specific event took place. I still placed the event where it makes most sense.
(Ep. XYZ) means the episode where the time is mentioned/seen.
Saturday December 21st
9:42pm Nol falls from the second floor to a glass table. (Ep. 210)
Before 11pm Nol is rushed to the hospital (Ep. 215)
Kousuke went to Hirahara's hostpital to look for Nol after being spaced out for around 30 minutes. (Ep.213)
Kousuke get's knocked out by a wall.
11:55pm YuJing leaves Rand alone. (Ep. 215)
Sunday December 22nd
12:00am Kousuke wakes up to hear Hansuke arguing with Yui (Ep. 220)
12:19am Meg find's Rand's present for Kousuke in the trash (Ep. 220)
12:22am Hansuke steals the blood samples (Ep. 221)
4:28am Rand leaves to visit Kousuke. Kousuke has been knocked out by the tea. (Ep. 221)
4:21am Nol wakes up. Shin-Ae texts Dieter and Soushi who are out of the hospital (Ep. 215)
4:47am Dieter and Soushi leave WacDonalds (Ep. 225)
5:06am Dieter and Soushi arrive to the hospital (Ep. 225)
5:09am Shinae goes to get Dieter and Soushi/Birthday party starts. (Ep. 225)
5:26am Stalkyoo dance to christmas music at sunrise. Geez, not even 20 minutes? no wonder Dieter was still awake to witness it all. (Ep. 220)
Hansuke visits YuJing and stores the blood samples.
Nana arrives to the hospital and Nol's jail time is pushed for 3 days counting today (so December 24th is his last day of freedom)
Hansuke takes the blood samples to get tested
7:52am Shin-Ae texts Dieter "Is everything okay?" after he and Soushi left the hospital (Ep. 225)
8:21am Shin-Ae and Nana meet (Ep. 225)
Kousuke wakes up, goes with Yui for breakfast, Hansuke and YuJing pick him up afterwards
8:40am-ish Yui arrives to church right after mass ended (Ep. 230)
"Convince me"
Shin-Ae gets picked up from the hospital by her family
Maya and Shin-Ae talk
Kousuke get's medically checked
11:30am Dieter texts Shin-Ae about going to the hospital together during the afternoon. Shin-Ae takes a nap (Ep. 235)
1:30pm Kousuke drops off his phone at his apartment before heading to Nol's hospital (Ep. 244)
3:30pm Dieter texts a sleeping Shin-Ae (Ep. 240)
Dieter comes to pick up Shin-Ae
Dieter talks with Nol
Kousuke arrives at the hospital with Hansuke and YuJing
Kousuke has a panic attack
5:51pm Shin-Ae wakes up from her nap (Ep. 240)
5:55pm Shin-Ae texts Nol "I know I'm blocked but just in case..." (Ep. 243)
The AA 101 Group to which Shin-Ae and her dad go to is at 7:00pm
7:41pm Hansuke and YuJing are hanging out with college friends. Kousuke isn't picking up his phone. Gregory M tells Hansuke that he can get his stuff done by the end of the week (Friday is the 26th) (Ep. 241)
8:35pm Nana, Dieter and Soushi leave the hospital for the day. (Ep. 242)
8:45pm Shin-Ae is at the AA 101 Group and receives a text apology from Dieter (Ep. 242)
Alyssa tells Nol she "really needs to see him"
Monday December 23rd
10:10am Kousuke's secretary looks at his watch and notices Kousuke missed work (Ep. 243)
10:30am Yui get's a text message from Alyssa saying she's going to visit Nol (Ep. 244)
11:05am Meg mentions how she is heading to the library soon (Ep. 243)
A bit before 11:45am Alyssa arrives to Nol's hospital to talk (Ep. 243)
Between 11:45am and 12:25pm Nol and Alyssa stay quiet (Ep. 243)
12:25pm Alyssa and Nol finally start talking and Yui arrives. (Ep. 243)
Shin-Ae will arrive to the hospital around 2pm (Ep.244)
Nana mentions she'll arrive around 3pm. (Ep. 243)
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popomegranate · 8 months
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Shin-ae Yoo does not pick her Pokémon for any specific reasons or strategies. She has no type preference nor do she care to have strongly trained up pokemon. Her Pokémon are her friends :)
Munchlax: Munchlax is Shin-aes partner pokemon, he is a perfect mirror of the goofy side of her personality. He loves food and naps, something shin-ae relates to heavily.
Litten: Litten is Shin-aes lil buddy. Shin-ae loves cats, thus Litten.
Eevee: Shin-aes eevee is currently unevolved as Shin-ae still isn’t entirely certain of her place in the world and who she wants to be, thus her Eevee reflects that.
Polywhirl: A pokemon Shin-ae has simply because she liked him.
Plusle: A pokemon shin-ae got in grade school…I wonder who has the Minun?
Psyduck: A pokemon Shin-ae only recently added to her team, she guesses he used to belong by someone else because of how well he’s been taken care of. He has frequent headaches. Shin-ae loves him.
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Kousuke works for the Hirahara family business (definitely not a front for team Galactic). The Hirahara family originated from the Sinnoh region, therefor the majority of his Pokémon are from Sinnoh. Kousuke participated in a few contests when he was younger, but he left that life behind. He says he doesn’t miss it (he does).
Luxray: one of two of Kousukes first pokemon, Kousuke raised her up from a shinx and as she evolved into a Luxio and then a Luxray, the more protective of Kousuke she became. She is wary of Yui.
Lucario: Lucario is the Pokémon that Kousuke has the strongest bond with. Raised him up since he was a riolu, their strong bond during times when Kousuke felt isolated and alone is what allowed him to evolve into a Lucario. Lucario have a strong sense of right, wrong, and justice. A Lucario will not trust a person who is rotten to their core. Kousuke has been through a lot, and done a lot, but he’s not rotten to his core. Thus his Lucario trusts him. His Lucario is also wary and does not like Yui. But for the sake of his trainer he simply keeps his distance from her.
Kricketot: Kricketot is representative of Kousukes love for music, and also one of his best adversaries in contests.
Glaceon: Glaceon is a Pokémon Kousuke has had since she was an eevee. He wanted her to evolve into a Glaceon because of thought they were the pinnacle of elegance. (Glaceon are also cold and defensive. Their fur becomes prickle and sharp when they become defensive.)
Glameow: Kousukes cat companion, Glameow are known to fickle but can be very loving. Glameow is often there at the end of Kousukes days to offer comfort to receive its cuddles.
Alcremie: A gift from Kousukes mother Yui, Alcremie has been with Kousuke since he graduated high school.
Psyduck: A pokemon Kousuke no longer has. The third Pokémon he ever had, the first one he ever caught himself, Psyduck began getting terrible headaches right after Kousuke graduated from high school. One morning Kousuke woke up to find Psyduck gone.
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Nols Pokémon journey has been..unconventional. He used to travel with his mother. Then he began to participate in gym battles at a young age. He was very good at gaining gym badges. He longer participates in gym battles. Nol used to have 6 Pokémon now he only has 5.
Blaziken: Nols first Pokémon he’s had since he was a torchic, one of two birthday gift Pokémon from his mother. They are very close.
Heracross: A pokemon Nol caught after a couples of incidents, where he felt he needed to protect himself better.
Growlithe: A pokemon Nol caught because he was friendly and loyal, Nol also loves any dog like Pokémon.
Gogoat: A pokemon that used to belong to his mother. He never uses Gogoat in battle.
Cubone: Cubone began following Nol around shortly after Nols mother passed. Nol initially had no interest in catching him until one day the Cubone held onto his leg for comfort. Ever since they’ve been inseparable.
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Yujing is a part time contest coordinator, part time journalist. Kousuke *was* her greatest contest competition. Now she focuses more on her journalism.
Lopunny: Her partner Pokémon and one of greatest contest adversaries. Always by her side ever since she was a buneary.
Mismagius: Yujings silent journalistic partner, together they always get the info they want.
Gardevoir: Elegant, graceful, and beautiful Gardevoir is a mirror of Yujings grace and personality.
Lapras: A trusted Pokémon of Yujings that she relies on to read and understand others.
Milotic: Considered one of the most beautiful pokemon in the world, and known for its ability to soothe others, Yujing had to have her.
Togekiss: A peaceful pokemon that Yujing often uses in contests.
Houdour: A pokemon that Yujing is taking care of for a certain kid.
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Hansuke is a doctor of people and Pokemon! He used to travel with Kousuke to Pokemon contests when they were children, now he mostly sticks to the hospital.
Ambipom: Hansukes pokemon partner, he mirrors his goofy personality. As an Aipom, he and hansuke, along with Riolu and Kousuke would often go on outdoor adventures when they were children.
Chansey: His doctor pokemon assistant. She tries to heal Kousuke all the time for some reason.
Gallade: A pokemon he totally didn’t get to match Yujing but then he became super attached to his Ralts and now he’s a Gallade that’s his fierce companion.
Slowbro: A lazy pokemon Hansuke grew attached to.
Ampharos: A pokemon who Hansuke often utilizes on chaotic days at the hospital (or in clubs when he loses his friends) for her beacon light tail.
Marstomp: A pokemon Kousuke and Hansuke came upon when they were children as a Mudkip. They fought over who would get to catch him until Yui told Kousuke he did not need the Pokemon. And that was that. So Hansuke caught the Mudkip and told Kousuke they could both train it. Kousuke never did.
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Bears. That’s it. (However if you examine you will see all the bears are from different regions, reflecting that Dieter moves around a lot).
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Min-Hyuk grew up around Johto pokemon but now he currently resides in Unova (America).
Charizard: A pokemon Min-Hyuk caught purely because he thought he was a cool badass pokemon.
Scrafty: The Pokemon equivalent of Min-hyuk. Also a fighting type.
Timburr: Fighting type Pokemon.
Krokorok: Another Pokemon Min-Hyuk thought was too cool not to have.
Sawk: Fighting type pokemon AND martial arts pokemon
Throh: Fighting type pokemon AND martial arts pokemon
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Alyssa is a performer in a girl group, and has pokemon that often performer with her on stage.
Chimeco: Alyssa’s first pokemon and one that has grown with her overtime. When she was a child her Chimeco was susceptible to screeching outbursts when Alyssa became too overwhelmed. Now she’s far more in control of her emotions. She performs on stage with Alyssa some times.
Whismur: A pokemon the girls in Alyssa’s group wanted her to get, as long as she never evolves her. Alyssa has grown very fond of her Whismur.
Espeon: One of Alyssa’s first pokemon, Alyssa raised her from an Eevee. She had been hoping her Eevee would evolve into a Slyveon. Because of this, her group deemed her Espeon unable to perform with them.
Bellassom: A pokemon gifted to her by Yui and Gun Kim. They told her a Bellassom would be the perfect pokemon to perform with.
Minun: A pokemon Alyssa got in grade school.. she doesn’t let this pokemon perform with her. She tries not to think about the fact that her Minun is separated from its Plusel.
Elgyem: A pokemon Alyssa caught after she left grade school, a pokemon she loves and values dearly. Her group mates do not understand why she owns this pokemon. Alyssa never shows him publicly. But she loves him.
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Yui is the Lady of the Hirahara Corporation.
Vespiquen: A pokemon that is a reflection of Yuis status.
Froslass: They say a Froslass is the spirit of a lost lady. Yui just liked the thought of having a ghost pokemon.
Nidoqueen: One of her first pokemon gifted to her by her father.
Seviper: Yuis preferred pokemon type, poison. Her Seviper does not make many public appearances with her.
Roserade: Yuis first pokemon ever, whom she raised from a budew. Roserade specializes in making poisons. Yui has always been fascinated by this.
Polteageist: Yui just loves tea.
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A lot is unknown about Rand, we know he traveled the Galar region. And we know he is now CEO of Hirahara corp. He also used to participate in the Pokémon league. He no longer does.
Persian: The Pokémon of a rich business man.
Stoutland: A pokemon that belonged to Nessa.
Nidoking: A pokemon gifted to Rand by his wife Yui.
Orbeetle: A galarian pokemon he’s has since he was young, a reflection of his business prowess and this pokemon is vastly intelligent.
Indeedee: Male and Female indeedee have an intense bond, and the male act as valets to their female partner. Rand has the male Indeedee. Nessa had the female. Nessas Indeedee was never recovered. Rand never calls upon his Indeedee anymore, for he is lost without his other half.
Mr.Rime: A pokemon that is a reflection of a side of Rand no one except one known person has ever witnessed. Mr.Rime is rarely seen, but when Kousuke was younger he would often be found attempting to entertain him and make him laugh. Yui put an end to that. Rand hides him away now.
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
Mushy May Day 18: Tickle Fight
Pairings: Aether/Cirrus
Words: 704
giving @askingforthesun half credit on the idea for this one, thanks babe
Cirrus. Serious. The two words, in addition to being alike in sound, are practically synonymous. She’s not cold or calculating, and she’s far from stoic. Cirrus is the warm, genuine, level-headed, sincere type of serious—but still, serious nonetheless. 
In group settings, that is. Behind closed doors, and perhaps swept up in the arms of one jovial quintessence ghoul? Well, she gets pretty silly.
“Aether—” she squeals, squirming under his grip as he snuffles into her neck, smushing his nose into her skin. “Stop, you’re a menace!” It's a token protest, and they both know it.
Aether laughs, mischievous and scheming. His hands creep up to just under her ribs, fluttering over the fabric of her t-shirt as he loops around to the other side of her face, rubbing his scruff along the underside of her jaw. It pries more giggles from her, breathy in anticipation of a bigger onslaught. 
“My dear Cirrus,” he teases. “How am I supposed to resist? You look so delicious, I could just—” Aether pauses, Cirrus already peering at him out of the corner of her eye, biting back a smile. He beams back at her with a giddy laugh, all fang and boyish charm. “—EAT YOU,” he finishes with a playful growl, attacking her ribs with fluttering fingers and rubbing his nose behind her ear. 
Cirrus howls, gripping onto his shoulders and scrunching her body at any angle she can in effort to wriggle away. Aether chases her movements, attacking different spots after she bats him away from the previous ones. There’s tears pooling in the corners of her eyes, stomach burning with laughter being forced from her lungs. 
“Ae–ha–Aethe–” Cirrus pleads, pushing his face away from her collarbone, narrowly missing the point of his horns. “Mercy, mercy!”
Aether gives a full belly laugh and wraps his arms around her instead, pulling her onto his lap. She snakes a hand out from between them to wipe her tears away with an amused trill. “Oh, you got me good that time,” she smiles. 
“Come here, darling, let me kiss them away for you,” he says dramatically, squishing her face between both of his hands. Aether peppers kisses along her cheekbones, at the corners of her eyes—all over her face, really, punctuating each peck with an exaggerated muah. But he doesn’t stop there, descending once more to her neck, even down to her shoulders, dotting kisses about every inch or so. 
Suddenly, his hands drop from her shoulders to grab just under her arms, squeezing her chest together. Aether buries his face in her tits within the same second, blowing loud raspberries across her cleavage, shoulders bouncing with stifled giggles. 
“Gah, you fucker!” Cirrus tosses her head back and barks a laugh before promptly shoving him square in the chest, knocking him back onto his elbows. “You’re gonna get it now, baby.” The ghoulette pounces, pinning his forearms to the bed with her knees and shoving her fingers into his armpits. 
“Cir–HA–not the—hah–armpits!” he roars, frantically trying to pull his arms out from under her shins. It’s no use, of course, she’s stronger than she looks. Cirrus flashes him a wicked grin before shoving her face into his own chest, rubbing the point of her nose back and forth across his sternum. 
“Yeah, not so fun when it’s your tits, is it?” she teases, sneaking her hands down his ribs and stopping to poke and prod at his belly. 
“N–no–AH.” Aether roars with laughter, attempting to evade her hands by becoming boneless and melting into the mattress. “Cir, please!” 
“Oh he’s begging now,” she jests. Cirrus flutters her fingers under the hem of his t-shirt, earning another howl. “You know I love that. Come on, let’s hear another.”
“Ple–e–ease, mercy, Cir, mercy!” The ghoulette grins and pulls back, letting his arms slip out from under her legs as she sits back on her haunches. Her tail whips behind her, smacking into the pillows playfully. 
Aether scrubs his face with his hands, sighing with relief. “You are a wicked, evil thing, Cirrus.”
She plops down on top of him, batting his hands away to give him a kiss on the tip of his nose. “You wouldn’t have me any other way, Aether.”
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urfavbasicbitch · 8 months
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I laughed my ass off this entire exchange lol after all those years this was probably the funniest chapter on ily in a while. shin-ae throwing her shoe at maya for exposing her crush on nol? and her dad getting stressed as heck by the word crush? *chief kiss*
this whole chapter was a masterpiece, quimchee probably warming up us with sweet stuff just to throw bitter and acid chapters later on us but it was worthy and funny as hell lmao
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