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So here’s Transformers Legacy Commander Class Motormaster! God this is so cool and it’s even more cool when you combine him into what is basically Menasor just without the limb bots. Either way, Motormaster is very cool. However, I do think that $85 is too much and that’s because Motormaster suffers from what a lot of recent leader class figures suffer from and that’s that Motormaster is basically a leader class with a trailer so Hasbro bumps him into the Commander Class. It’s like how Legacy leader class RID 2000 universe Scourge is a voyager class with trailer so Hasbro bumps him up to leader class. Not really worth $85 but I doubt it’ll go on sale ever.
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xarliclub · 1 year
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Transformers Rise Of The Beasts Una extravaganza de verano que no alcanza la calidad de #Bumblebee pero es superior a las otras 5  # La reseña aquí
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jazzluca · 1 year
STARSCREAM ( Voyager ) *Armada* Generations LEGACY
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In una linea celebrativa come Legacy, sarebbe stato sconfortante l’assenza dei protagonisti del primo capitolo della celebre Trilogia di Unicron, Armada, visto che l'altr'anno ne è pure caduto il 20ennale, ma per fortuna così non è, ed ad aprire le danze ci pensa il caro vecchio STARSCREAM della serie del 2002, un personaggio diverso dallo storico Astrum cui siamo abituati, e per questo entrato nel cuore di una fetta dei fan dell'epoca.
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Oddio, personalmente però no, il suo essere un Dinobot BW dei poverissimi non mi ha mai attratto, devo dirlo, apprezzando di più la versione dei fumetti Dreamwave dov'era semplicemente un gran bastardo, ma ho sempre avuto un debole per la rielaborazione del design del classico G1 in questo suo omaggio, con richiami estetici come le ali sulle spalle, ed il muso del jet al centro del torso del ROBOT, così come cromaticamente tendeva più al rosso che non al grigio, con il nero a moderare il tutto.
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E appunto la somiglianza col G1 era talmente ben citata che già ai tempi del suo precedente aggiornamento per Generations Thrillin 30 nei fumetti IDW passava come un semplice aggiornamento estetico dello Starscream "G1" di quelle storie. Peccato solo che quel giocattolo, per quanto bello, fosse solo un Deluxe, e quindi ben venga questa nuova versione Voyager, anche se come massa un po' impallidisce rispetto a quella del Mega / Voyager originale, che era più semplice e giocattoloso, e con tanto di elettronica, ma ... beh, erano pur sempre altri tempi!
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Già il Deluxe GenT30 migliorava non poco l'originale, grazie all'alta posabilità, compresa quella delle ali, e la possibilità di abbassare lungo la schiena i razzoni sulle spalle, tutte cose che ha pure questo Legacy Voyager, con in più anche la rotazione del bacino ed altre correzioni, come dei pannelli su avambracci e polpacci a coprire quei vuoti che invece avevano i suoi predecessori. Al Legacy qui insomma manca solo la rotazione dei polsi e sarebbe perfetto, ma già così non ci si può lamentare.
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Se il GenT30 un po' aggiornava il look, con i razzi / lanciamissili e le ali più... "stilose", il nostro Legacy  è più fedele all'originale come forme, ma a modo suo risulta un ibrido fra il personaggio del cartone ed il Deluxe, a livello cromatico, dato che da una parte copia alcune cose viste nello Starscream in tv, tipo le ali senza le strisce nere sui timoni o con le strisce rosse sui polsi, dall'altro la parte superiore del torso è tutta rossa e le gambe tutte nere, senza parti grigie in più... vabbe dai, diciamo che ci hanno provato, almeno. ^^'
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Interessante il dettaglio delle alette ai lati della cabina di pilotaggio che si possono piegare verso l'interno, così come il modulo sulla schiena che sorregge i lanciamissili, che come dicevo può rimanere a riposo lungo la schiena, ma per somigliare all'originale del 2002 si possono alzare e posizionare fra testa e spalle, con il pannello rosso del retro dell'aereo che può ritornare ad adagiarsi lungo la schiena, fissandovisi e rivelando un foro per armi. Certo a questo punto, potevano fare davvero il classico 31 dopo il 30, e permettere ai cannoni che rimangono rivolti all'indietro di ripiegarsi a metà verso la schiena, per togliere del tutto l'ingombro che provocano, ma vabbè, se non li si vuole fra i piedi si abbassa tutto il modulo e amen.
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Niente male anche la scultura della faccia, che pare davvero ben ricalcata su quella del personaggio dei cartoni, mentre ovviamente i lanciamissili non sparano missili a molla come le precedenti incarnazioni ( ma vi si possono mettere i soliti effetti di spari ed esplosioni ), ma è omessa pure la gimmick dell'ala sinistra che diventava una spada, dispiegandosi... ma poco male, che senza dover rovinare l'estetica del robot, la spada con quella forma c'è di suo come accessorio, anche se è un pezzo unico non trasformabile.
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E l'altro accessorio del nostro è un'altra spada, ma non una qualsiasi, dato che è ricalcata nella forma della mitica Star Saber, l'arma formata originariamente dai 3 Minicon dell'Air Defense Team: davvero carina come citazione, però fa sentire la mancanza del vero accessorio degno di questo nome di tutti giocattoli che si fregiano del suffisso Armada, ovvero un Minicon!
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Capisco che l'avessero omesso nel Deluxe ( anche se l'HotShot del 25ennale l'aveva... ), ma è un peccato non vedere la piccola auto da F1 Swindle, e sopratutto non è neanche il massimo che questo modello non abbia spine per Minicon: visto che comunque hanno fatto recentemente i Micromaster in stile Targetmaster durante le prime due linee di War for Cybertron, speriamo che recuperino i Minicon degli Armada in un'altra maniera, insomma, che sarebbe davvero un'occasione mancata non celebrarli degnamente nelle loro forme complete.
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La TRASFORMAZIONE è uguale a quella del modello originale del 2002, con il muso del jet che si alza dal torso, le gambe che si ripiegano lateralmente spostandosi all'indietro col bacino, e le braccia che si accovacciano sotto le ali. Da sottolineare i due pannelli che coprono le ginocchia che vanno a richiudersi dando massa al retro  del velivolo.
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Il JET anche qui è assai fedele all'iconico classico, con un design più aerodinamico e meno goffo del giocattolo originale, anche se però non ha neanche i carrelli d'atterraggio retrattili come invece aveva il GenT30. Per quanto il robot sia alto quanto un Voyager medio, e uguale per altezza al suo omonimo G1nesco di Earthrise, come velivolo invece non regge tanto il confronto, risultando più piccolo, anche se va detto che la trasformazione è più compatta rispetto all'Astrum classico.
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Le spade accessori possono sistermarsi sotto le ali, e grazie alle else sembrare quasi dei laser aggiuntivi. Ovviamente anche nell’aereo funziona la “gimmick” dei razzi che si ribaltano in avanti diventando lanciamissili, ma ribadendo senza meccanismi a molla, o magari altri fori in più magari ai lati per potervi sistemare altre armi o che.
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Per il resto poco da dire, dato che l'aero è bello, la trasormazione niente male e sopratutto il robot un'ottima versione moderna dello Starscream della serie del 2002, anche se monco del Minicon, restando quindi nell'attesa e nella speranza che ripeschino i piccoli robot da accomunare ai loro compagni più grandi per celebrare al meglio questa serie che a modo suo ha fatto la storia del brand.
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Power Rangers are Morphin with Cobra Kai
Power Rangers are Morphin with Cobra Kai #mmpr #powerrangers #cobrakai
Hasbro has unveiled a new Power Rangers Lightning Collection that mixes the Power Rangers with Cobra Kai! POWER RANGERS LIGHTNING COLLECTION MIGHTY MORPHIN X COBRA KAI DANIEL LARUSSO MORPHED WHITE CRANE RANGER 6-INCH ACTION FIGURE (Ages 4 years & up/Approx. Retail Price: $27.99 /Available: April 2023) WAX ON… IT’S MORPHIN TIME! From Dino Fury back to the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers,…
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psychodrive-in · 2 years
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Today at https://psychodrivein.com Anything Joes: S01E38 - Greg And Joel's Favorite Modern Figures, Part 1 Greg & Joel (@OrderOfBattlePod) break down their favorite modern figures from the first half of the line. --- Listen to the guys at the link in our profile! #AnythingJoes #OrderOfBattle @AnythingJoesPod #GIJoe #Habro https://www.instagram.com/p/CfMwCaqO2W3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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atomic-chronoscaph · 10 months
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Turbo Copter and Drag Bike - G.I. Joe Adventure Team (1972)
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finefett · 7 months
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currently Thinking about the shape of water/bumblebee parallels.... . ..
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halenhusky309 · 8 months
It's funny that I bash Xicheng ship so bad, but then I'm a casual megop enjoyer despite how toxic and abusive that ship is.
I guess the big difference between megop and xicheng is that Megatron and Optimus were so intertwined with each other (even though they are arch enemies) while JC and LXC barely had any meaningful interactions, besides the stolen vibe from Wangxian. In another word, megop in certain continuities (IDW and Prime for examples) have certain chemistry (even though it's a pile of toxic waste) that is quite juicy and intoxicating, which is quite understandable why many people ship megop.
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lesbonoi · 2 years
aftwr the commercial bumper with the music. we now return to the transformers. optimus turns and looks at the camera and says Was that the fucking gi joe music
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anexogeek · 2 years
Pack Duplo de Caverna do Dragão já está em Pré-Venda!
Pack duplo de Caverna do Dragão já está em pré-venda! @hasbrobrasil #hasbro #cavernadodragao #colecionaveis #geek #blog #rpg
A primeira leva de lançamentos de figuras de Caverna do Dragão, com a presença de Hank, Diana, e a icônica dupla Bobby & Uni chegou ao fim de sua pré-venda. E começou a pré venda do pack duplo incrível com Vingador e Mestre dos Magos, que inclui um display exclusivo para exibir as figuras e um dado comemorativo, já está disponível em pré-venda exclusiva pelos sites da Ri-Happy! Todas a figuras…
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witchofthesouls · 10 months
Hasbro needs to step up its game because of other damn shows giving the people what they wanted as early as 1990s.
Give us a Transformers series where a human and a Cybertronian smooch.
If Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones?, Brave Police J-Decker, and Futurama allowed human/mech romance, then HABRO QUIT BEING A COWARD AND LET ME SEE A HUMAN/CYBERTRONIAN IN A RELATIONSHIP DAMMIT
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heckyeahponyscans · 8 months
The packaging for the Sunny and Blaize the dragon set seems to confirm what has been rumored . . . that Hasbro will continue Tell Your Tale (the 2D animated G5 series on Youtube) but discontinue 3D Make Your Mark after its current season is done.
I'm honestly really disappointed because even when MYM has mediocre episodes, the ponies are sooo cute with their Muppet-fuzzed faces and fluffy hooves. And the episodes have been getting better with each chapter. However, from what I heard Hasbro did product testing with each show, and the kids responded better to Tell Your Tale.
I don't know how Hasbro measures that, but a lot of MLP's audience does skew young (always has . . . I got my first MLP when I was 4) and for very young kids, yeah, a five minute comedy episode is probably easier to follow without getting distracted or scared. I think Habro should still keep MYM, though, to draw in older kids, who probably don't find TYT "cool" enough.
There are also rumors that there will still be some longer specials in the future, and I'm not sure if those will be 2D or 3D.
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sameboot · 2 years
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The following is a revised explanation of the animals traditionally grouped together under the term “dragon”. Although all animals with an infernum organ are related, the four groups (drake, amphithere, wyvern, and wyrm, which are divided primarily by the animals’ methods of locomotion) do not suffice to explain the relationships between them. -O.B.
Info sheets for the dragons of Eurydia! Maybe I do miss this world a little… (text under the cut)
Fig. 1. Acrocanthodraco indagator
Drakopoda, whose members are known as drakopods, is a dragon clade characterized by hollow bones, a bipedal stance, and a sophisticated fire organ (infernum). The term “drake” traditionally refers to any flightless drakopod. Without the weight restrictions of flight, drakes were the largest of all dragons. With their massive infernums, they could sustain fire-breath for the longest of all fire-breathing animals.
Fig. 2. (a) Quattuorpteryx montanus
Fig. 2. (b) Aedespedalis gallus. Although members of cockatricia may be referred to as amphithere in some dated literature, it is an entirely different order, as it evolved flight independently.
The term “amphithere” (amphitheria) traditionally refers to the members of drakopoda that evolved powered flight through the use of modified feathers. Most amphithere used all four of their limbs for flight. Historical texts indicate that the infernum of amphithere species did not light their fire, instead opting to eject the chemicals themselves as a highly acidic spit. All modern birds of today are distant relatives of the amphithere, though their infernum organs are repurposed as gizzards.
Fig. 3. (a) Fumofurialis antiquus
Fig. 3. (b) A species of zilant (Ignisrhynchus parvus). Note the differences in facial structure. 
Wyverns were flying reptiles of the order Wyvernia. There were two major types of wyverns. Basal wyverns (also called zilantoids) which were typically smaller animals with short heads and two-fingered wings, and later wyverns (jaculoids) with longer beaked heads and wings supported by a single finger. While zilantoids used their infernum for more typical fire-breathing, jaculoids were specialized for maintaining long, low burning internal flames, producing clouds of smoke from their mouths. Historical texts describe flocks of jaculoids creating massive smoke traps to disorient and asphyxiate prey. The smoke of different jaculoids had various effects when inhaled, such as hallucinations, memory loss, and euphoria.
Fig. 4. Amnicuskolexus habros
Wyrms are ancient amphibians of the order skolepoda. They are the ancestors of all fire-breathing animals. Some of the oldest of this order, the sea serpents, still live today in the deepest depths of the oceans. Their proto-infernums are able to boil but do not ignite, and are used only as a digestive organ. Some are adapted to instead hunt their prey with electric shocks. Extinct genuses of wyrm include the lung, lindwurm, and tatzelwurm, which populated rivers, swamps, lakes, and geysers. These wyrms would spit the boiling chemicals in their proto-infernums at prey to scald them.
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lillified · 1 year
ur starscream has rotted my brain fr man. like i see her and im like yeah and i think abt her and go Yeah. she's practically canon in my brain now....peak tf media will one day just have ur starscream....what a swag design why hasnt she been femme yet this is crazy im at habros door with a power point. thank you for ur beautiful art and service for the community
aww, tysm!! I’m just doing whatever but I do strongly feel this way as well. one of my fav interactions when I tabled at tfcon was when this pair of older guys came up to my booth to compliment me and talk about art and stuff and when one of them learned my Starscream was a girl his smile got HUGE and he started saying that made so much sense and he was completely amazed that hasbro hasn’t done that yet. he said he was gonna go up to them and DEMAND to know why not. I nodded along cuz I was too exhausted to match his enthusiasm but it was such a sweet moment. also some other older guy came up to me and asked me if megatron was “her bad boy” and I can only hope to one day be as infinitely wise and intelligent as that guy
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skyland2703 · 9 months
What do you think the reboot theme will be?
I hope that season and the ones after it may be an Era or sorts, standalone seasons before crossovers happen again. Maybe something like
The reboot being japanese themes and folklore(just rumors I heard but I wouldn't mind that tbh)
Then the season after could be about ghosts and souls
And the season after that would be mythology
Idk if I'm making sense, you get where I'm going with this right?
Be like the post habro Era of sorts🤔
Note: Some people might not like my response... proceed with care~
Honestly I’m somewhat scared that its gonna be yet another MMPR rework. And that its possibly gonna be like riverdale or something. The dark grungy "moving away from tokusatsu" shit isn't... sitting right with me.
BUT I really like your idea. An era of sorts, with individual seasons that are unconnected and centred around folklore, mysticism, mythologies around the world. I think it can be REALLY FUCKIN FUN. Seeing people from these various worlds interact would be INSANE.
LIKE YES, YES I WANT SOMETHING LIKE THAT. Honestly, anything would be good if they move on from the MMPR nostalgia and stop shoving that in our faces, because while I agree, MMPR IS LOVELY, there are 20+ more seasons that deserve equal amount of LOVE and AFFECTION if not more. If they build up on THAT legacy, as a "post Hasbro" Era, I'd DIG IT.
There is honestly SO MUCH POTENTIAL for this entire thing, and I’m really curious to see how it goes. It'll also be okay/cool if it's something like the MMPR movie, but PLEASE do something different, something original. It's 2023 for god's sake, 1993 was too long ago >//< I'm sure even the older fans would like moving away from the MMPR and see new things, while still respecting and cherishing the legacy. What we need is a good and healthy blend~
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gatecast · 1 year
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Stargate Birthdays - June 14th
Pascale Hutton - First Officer Trebal (SGA)
Pierre Bernard Jr. - Sergeant O'Brien & Zombie (SG1)
David Kopp - Lt. Carl Grogan (SG1)
Kis Yurij - Yuri (SG1) & Villager (SGA) + Uncredited (SG1)
Robert Habros - Visual Effects Executive/Supervisor
Anthony Creery - Dolly Grip (Continuum & The Ark of Truth)
Marco Soriano - Tegalan Rand Soldier (SG1)
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