#Half-Force Anakin Skywalker
saltyladynightmare · 2 years
Jiliu AU 8.1
Beginning, Previous, Next, Masterlist
Long time, no read, my dear audience. I could give you many, many excuses, but I won't. I'll spare you the salt. I hope this chapter, long though it might be, makes up for some of the wait. I have missed writing. More is to follow.
Anakin, Rex and Jesse all think they know things but they don't, even though they can now technically read each other's minds. My typical grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes, medical inaccuracies, my attempts at writing panic attacks (or the left overs of panic attacks? Was that last chapter? IDK, there is so much here. It might be anxiety????), the clones' situation in general. Mention of starvation, over working, sleep dep, and all the other fun times the Guard go through. Evil Rats.
Also. I cannot write Hardcase to save my life. I love him, but I don't understand him. It is Becoming a Problem. It is incredibly upsetting. If anyone has any character study recs for him, I would be very happy to read them.
The General handed one of the many, many datapads scattered across the table to Ridge, gesturing expressively with his hands, mouth moving a click a second.
Rex sipped at the water that was so important to his jetii, watching his men and their General interact thoughtfully.
They were reviewing Skywalker's ideas for shielding. The General had vetoed his earlier 'solar system' idea himself for reasons that weren't entirely clear to Rex—something about closed circuits?— but had quickly moved on to explaining a technique he was describing as layered mirrors. While he talked, he swiped through no less than fourteen different datapads scattered across the table top, leaving them open to various documents from the Jedi Archives that apparently supported his idea. As if any of them cared about what the holobooks said.
For his part, Rex had taken a step back.
He had never seen General Skywalker like this outside of the heat of battle, when he shed the cloak of Adviser and Force Sensitive Wild Card he had wrapped himself in so tightly since—Rex really, really hoped—well before he had been assigned to Torrent.
Oh, sure, Rex had seen brief flashes of it in campaign planning in the three weeks he had known him, but it rarely became more than an interesting fact about the local culture that revealed where the heaviest defenses would be, or pointing out what the air currents must be with the land scape being what it was, and even a warning to avoid a then-unknown droid infested valley once.
Anakin Skywalker, newly Knighted Jedi General, adamantly left the planning to Rex and his Lieutenants.
If he was honest with himself, and Rex tried to be, the only reason Rex knew Skywalker was holding himself back was because of what happened when Rex's plans failed.
Every time, without fail, General Skywalker stepped up, and started barking orders. When they needed a miracle, he pulled one out of thin air, or possibly even the Force. As a suicide company, they often needed miracles. Somehow, someway, it worked out better than Rex could have ever hoped...even if the General's plans were more than a little fish-brained. This last mission was just the latest in a string of bad missions.
Bottom line was that it worked. Every. Single. Time. Rex didn't understand it, but he was well past the point of caring now.
He just wished...he could have a genuine conversation with the mind that could spit out fully formed strategies between one moment and the next. Except the General had stepped onto the Resolute with walls sealed water tight around his center.
Then-Rex hadn't cared. Here was just one more being for him to work around. Here was an obstacle that could and likely would order his vod'e to their deaths if given half a reason, or even no reason at all.
Then-Rex was wrong.
Rex had asked himself more than a few times on various missions if his attitude been the thing that well and truly cut him off from the General. Was it something Rex had done? Or was it a learned behavior from well before Rex had ever known Anakin Skywalker existed?
Rex knew which he hoped it wasn't, even if the alternative was worse in regards to the General's life before Torrent, which was already looking pretty bleak to begin with. Lonely.
Kix's exhausted voice draws Rex out of his thoughts. "It all sounds feasible to me, General," he said. "How should we begin?"
The General nods. He was...nervous, Rex realized with surprise. Anxious, almost.
"We can try the shielding in a little while, then, when you've all settled a little more," the General says, no hint of his nerves in his voice. Kix didn't look at Rex, but he could still feel the glare. Rex narrows his eyes at the medic. What was he supposed to do—convince the telepath that they could handle an experiment not even half an hour after he'd sliced into their heads? Right. "In the mean time, we have a few decisions to make. There are choices. We need supplies, and from what I can tell, we aren't getting them, and we won't be." Ghost Blue eyes, only a few shades off from Torrent Blue if their paint looked like it glowed, flick from Vod to Vod.
They nod in agreement, because denying it would do them and their vod'e no favors.
"Our first choice is this: we can either make do with what we get..." The General trails off, near buzzing with the nervousness he wasn't showing. When they don't say anything, simply waiting, he continues. "Or...we get those supplies outside of...official channels."
Rex's spine snapped straight. What?
Jesse cleared his throat. "That's...not a bad idea..." he said quietly.
Ridge crossed his arms, frowning. "Maybe not, but how do you propose we do that?"
The General shrugged almost helplessly. He probably hadn't expected them to take him seriously. It was a trend Rex might've actually hated. Admittedly, if they had been any other group of Vod'e, he likely would have had his work cut out for him convincing them to take this course, but they were Torrent. They had been on their own for long enough to seize any chance to add any amount of padding separating themselves and Death at every opportunity. "I have some ways...I know some people," he admitted sheepishly. "It takes work, but," his eyes met Rex's, and his mouth curved into a hint of a smile, "I don't think any of you have a problem with that."
They did not.
They couldn't afford to.
Denal watched the General somberly. "If we had been assigned to another command, were you planning on giving us this information?"
Anakin shrugged again, and he ducked his head down uncomfortably. "I was going to direct you to Guide. He's a Vod in the Coruscant Guard—"
Rex blinked, baffled. Why would he direct them to a Corrie?
"—and I've shown him a lot of...this kind of thing." The General fiddled with some of the wires on his table. Rex watched his fingers, tracking the slight hitch of the new mechanical fingers. Where had his other mech hand gone? It had been a much better quality. Rex pointedly ignored the insistence in the back of his mind telling him that the General did not fidget, that for him to be doing so now said /something/, even if Rex did not know what. "If you decide this is a good way to go, I'm still going to involve him because I...still can't leave this room without having a seizure."
Everyone winced. Coming out of hyperspace had been unpleasant for everyone.
The General continued, unbothered. "To get raw credits, sabacc or other card games are possibilities, as is betting on various pod races, though the latter is a lot more likely to get you arrested. Credits aren't really necessary, because several of the people I'll be sending you to are usually more than pleased to trade services for goods," he explained, fingers twisting wires and fingernails screwing tiny screws in place. Was he actually building something? "Those goods can then be traded for other things that we can actually make use of, or even trade again for something else."
This all sounded very good. Rex really only saw one rather major obstacle.
Jesse piped up, voicing Rex's thoughts. "We may have issues getting to those places without you, sir." He met General Skywalker's eyes unflinchingly. Warning of danger ahead was his job as a scout, and the General had always heeded him before. "Not every place is as welcoming as the Temple."
The General nodded in agreement, then said rather dryly, "Helmets or masks with hoods are high fashion in those parts."
That...made sense.
Rex's men made their own noises of understanding, and the General went on.
"There are more places that are clone friendly than just 79s, Jesse," Skywalker—and it was Anakin Skywalker saying this, not General Skywalker—told him with the upmost seriousness, "and if we do this thing, than you're going to be visiting quiet a few of those places. Even if those places are homes of people who are more concerned about whether or not you take off you shoes before leaving the foyer, than if you have a perfectly unique face."
Hardcase fiddled with the cuff of his gloves. "Foyer?" He asked almost hesitantly. As hesitantly as Hardcase was about anything.
"Mm," The General hummed. "Foyer. There's a woman, an older Rodian, named Miz. Met her a few years ago, and fixed her air filters and cooling unit. Very good shot with her pistol, and vicious about keeping her spaces clean, so if you don't take your shoes at the door, she will shoot you point blank." Rex would be concerned about how amused the General sounded, but he had seen his jetti do and say crazier. "She's one of the better people at pointing me in the right direction when I'm looking for something in particular."
He looked them over them while they processed this.
One of the biggest challenges Torrent faced with every mission was limited medical supplies. Only having four official medics didn't help, but they could work with that. That being said, no medic, however capable, could do much of anything without even basic supplies, like bandages.
Another obstacle was weaponry. They had blasters for every trooper, but amo ran dry in the middle of missions far more often than anyone was comfortable with. Energy cells could be and were recharged before, during and after missions to alleviate some of that strain, but there was only so much they could do when the standard issue energy cells they were given stopped holding charge every five or so recharges.
Food was...also a concern. There was only so much they could do to stretch rations when under fire.
This...could work.
Rex's bones just about turned to gel, and it was only sheer willpower that kept him from running shaking fingers over his buzz. He had known Torrent had been missing out with the General holding himself back as he had been, but he will admit he hadn't realized the true extent of that truth until now.
Thank the Force Skywalker had finally decided to accept his place among them.
Maybe now they could show him what support felt like on the other end of it.
"How are you feeling now?" The General broke the silence that had settled over them. "Are you ready to learn how to shield a bond?"
No. They were not.
"As we'll ever be, sir," Jesse said anyway.
Hesitation touched the skin between the General's eyebrows. He had, of course, heard what they weren't saying, how they very much did not want to shield anything much less their brand new bonds, but visibly steeled himself, and began explaining the shielding process her had lead Rex himself through earlier.
Rex knew why the General was so insistent on the shielding; he did. He didn't want his jetii experiencing his nightmares either. This knowledge did not make forming and then /holding/ a shield up any easier.
Mind to mind wasn't quite the same with a wall between the participants.
Hoping to help his vod'e with this uncomfortable process, Rex wordlessly passed his understanding of Bond shielding along. The thanks they send back to him in the slant of their shoulders spoke volumes.
Eventually, all of them manage to erect 'thin' shields over their 'side' of the Force Bond under their own power. If the slight crinkles between eye brows, or slight dips in the corners of mouths and the slant of armored shoulders was anything to go by, each and every one of them was just as unhappy with the success as Rex himself was.
Curling into himself almost apologetically, but also looking like he didn't regret making them learn to shield the bond, the General rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. Rex caught his gaze, and held it. The General blinked at him, questioningly. Rex blinked back slowly.
What next, General?
The General stared into Rex's eyes blankly for several seconds. Rex watched in fascination as thoughts zipped through Skywalker's eyes faster than Rex could track. Raindrops on Kamino.
Anakin really wanted to know what Rex expected from him.
The thought flew out of nowhere to nail Rex right in the forehead, and he flinched back.
What in haren was that?
While Rex flailed mentally, scrambling, a new thought struck like lightning. Rex froze, a looming sense of terror rising to curl above him. He shoved it away. His vod'e's head snap around to pin him in place with glares of various intensities. Hardcase missed the mark entirely, but Denal's was particularly searching, and Kix's, as always, was by far the most fiery. He ignored them.
What could they do? Test it.
Skywalker—and he was Skywalker, Rex forcefully reminded himself, as that is how he introduced himself, and so that is what Rex would call him—was the one to voice it.
"If you can barely stand some of the lightest shielding I have ever seen..." he said slowly, "how are you going to handle having two heavy-duty artificial shields between us?"
Jesse swore. Hardcase swallowed hard, eyes darting from Vod to Vod before settling back on Rex again. Ridge stiffened, and Denal paled. Kix, the mir'sheb he was, just grimaced, not particularly surprised.
It would be nice if Kix would share his thoughts more often, Rex laminated to himself. If only so things would stop taking Rex by surprise so often.
Rex gathered himself, just long enough to feel more solid, then said what they were all thinking anyway. "We'll have to send two out to test it." The words came out of his mouth as anything did, but the film they left on his teeth and tongue was bitter. He put the glass of water, half finished, in a clear spot on the table. His fingers quivered slightly as they left the glass, so he curled them into his palm.
What else could they do? It wasn't like they could stay in this room forever. They had to go back to the rest of Torrent at some point.
Its not like they hadn't all lost vod'e before—they could survive it again. It would only be temporary.
The glaring, having slipped slightly at the General's question, snapped back to him, stronger than before.
Kix caught his eye, and Rex forced himself to breath, even as Jesse pulled Skywalker's attention to himself.
In, two, three, four, hold, two, three, four, five, out, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
The General is fine, Rex told himself. He doesn't feel dead anymore, hasn't since he had dropped whatever shield he had put up before. He's just...weirdly flat right now.
Distant, almost. Shielded.
It's not natural.
Rex shoved that thought down as far as it could go, and buried it under all the other oisk he wouldn't live long enough to deal with.
The General did not need to hear that. Ever.
Forcing himself to put down roots in the present, Rex turned his attention to his jetii, ignoring the ifs-ands-maybes clamoring for his consideration.
The General blinked, surprised and something else Rex couldn't name. Rex waited, mind carefully blank. The General's eye flick from Jesse, to Rex, then Kix, and back again. "Yeah," he said slowly, "alright. I can comm someone to show the pair around."
"That won't be necessary, sir," Denal said. He looked up from the datapad he had been scrolling through. The one the General had handed Ridge on shielding techniques, if Rex recalled correctly. "We downloaded the Temple map to our buckets when we were transporting you here."
The General raised his eyebrows. He had questions; Rex saw them. He didn't ask any of them. "Normally not," he agreed instead, "but if the chosen two go out and collapse, I imagine things would go much more smoothly if they had someone with them who knew to drag them back here, than if they didn't."
Denal tipped his head in silent acceptance. "Good point, sir."
Looking faintly amused, Skywalker said, "I have someone in mind for that," because of course he did, "but, ah—" at this, his eyes slid hesitantly over to Rex, then away again. "Should we first test my mirror shield idea to see if maybe we could get used to the feeling of shields? Those ones I can at least drop in a second," he offered.
The terror spiked again, but Rex stomped it flat. He forced himself to look at this logically. Rex was very good at being logical. He had raised himself to be that way, to compensate for his defect on Kamino.
He was very good at being logical. It never got easier.
"That is probably," the words grind on the way out, but they do come out, "the smart thing to do," Rex agreed carefully. He had everyone's attention now. Pieces moved together like rusty machinery, but he got them to fit. As he picked up speed, oxidized metal flaked off, smoothing the process. He nodded along with his thoughts as a fuzzy plan took form. "You said before, that your shielding idea was like overlapping armor pieces."
Skywalker nodded, eyes locked on Rex.
Rex raised his chin, and met him head on. "I take point."
Skywalker grinned. "Don't you always?"
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jedi-starbird · 18 days
Anakin: I'm just a simple small town boy.
Literally everyone who knows him: hmmm...
Anakin: Okay FINE! I'm just a very complicated small town boy!
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foundfamilynonsense · 7 months
Y’know. Anakin was a real asshole in Ahsoka’s hallucination.
Like. She mentions something about what she’ll be able to teach her padawan one day, since all she’s being taught is how to be a soldier, and Anakin’s like “teaching’s not all it’s cracked up to be”
And like. Asshole move. And Ahsoka rightfully calls him out on it. And he goes on the whole “uuuh I was joking. Lighten up.” Literally a complete jackass.
But beyond how he answered the question, it’s a valid complaint Ahsoka is bringing up! Anakin’s teaching her how to live or die. But Ahsoka wants to be taught how to be a jedi.
What happens after the war is over (order 66 never happens) and she now has to navigate a galaxy without a war? The Jedi take teaching very seriously there’s no greater honor than teaching a padawan. And she’s not being accurately taught, so she will not be able to pass anything on to the next generation.
But Anakin brushes it aside because he simply does not respect her or her wishes. Like. He never wanted a padawan, despite teaching being foundational to the Jedi. And he only took ahsoka in because he started to like her and became attached to her. He doesn’t care about jedi legacy, not really. So he brushes her comment off with a joke.
But in the rest of the vision… idk it didn’t feel like we were supposed view Anakin as entirely wrong here. He wasn’t in the right, he was definitely channeling Vader and being an ass, but he was basically the reason Ahsoka survived the fall, right? Bc he was making her choose life? When Ahsoka wins against him it’s sort of like she’s both learned his lesson and moved beyond him. And then for the rest of the season he’s only talked about in positive ways.
And like. That one line ahsoka said was really powerful in relation to the entire point of the show. What does she have to pass onto her own padawan (Sabine) if she wasn’t properly trained herself? That is, perhaps, the only valid plot question asked in the entire show. And it doesn’t get an answer. It’s never even brought up again.
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Space-Halloween Party
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Sadly, there wasn't a costume contest. Commander Cody is sure he would have won with his entrance alone.
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poyell · 10 months
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graylinesspam · 2 months
The force was so quiet for so long. So many living beings cut down, their communication and the waves that it caused in the force were just gone. So quickly. So suddenly.
And then for the first few years after, the movement continued to decline. Slowly it grew impossibly quieter. Until the force was so still. So silent.
It still flowed. So long as life existed the force would flow through it's natural paths. But where it had once been a river crashing over stones. Colliding with so many force sensitive beings it had become a slow still creek. Whose water remained glassy reflective and seemingly unmoving from the surface.
Ahsoka knew that the ones she had loved were in there somewhere, returned to the force flowing through all life. But not as themselves. Not as the living thinking beings she'd known before. They were passive now. Part of the will of life with no feelings or motivations of their own.
Until...there was movement again.
Subtle and nothing like anyone she'd known before. The gentlest ripple, like a turtles beak breaking through the surface. It was an old presence. or it felt that way. Like someone who was and had been a part of the force for some time. But who had managed to maintain...not a physical form but something wholly personal within the all consuming sameness of the force.
It was a fleeting visit. Like an animals eye cast in her direction to asses the threat she may pose only to disappear below the surface once more. It came and went always barely a flicker of movement on the edge of her senses.
When there were two, Ahsoka thought she understood what it was. As the observing presence surfaced once more, feather light ripples washing over her heightened senses, she felt something else as well.
Someone else.
Familiar enough in the pattern of ripples that, like echo location, Ahsoka swore she could make out a shape.
"Obi-wan?" She whispered hopefully. relishing in the way the force swayed between them like water beaten in gentle waves by two moving objects.
Once her former grand master entered the force he must have gone to work. Because while her first visitor had only become perceivable in proximity to her location, There was a distinct change to the flow of the force when Obi-wan entered it. Like the introduction of a new species changes the landscape, he changed the flow of the force. A fish making waves as it swam endlessly, never sleeping.
The dakside users stomped into the flow, kicking up stones and splashing but never catching the slippery target.
New ripples were forming like children reaching in for the first time. letting their fingers play along the surface. A new generation dipping their toes into still waters.
And then Yoda came. He changed the landscape once more. Not by making waves but by breaking them. By sitting his whole presence down in the force like a rock in a stream. Splitting the flow and breaking apart the ripples rings. The first stone for the flow to beat it's self against.
The waters were becoming alive again. Teeming with newness and oldness all the same. She was able to put a name to the little turtle beak. Ancient and observant despite their years, was Qui-gon.
Ahsoka was not afraid anymore of dangling her feet in the water. Where before she had crossed over stones to keep from rippling the surface, now she splashed through the water as recklessly as the sith did. calling attention to herself, but letting the ripples break along Yoda's back before they could be traced back to her.
She wasn't sure how they managed to preserve themselves in the force in such a way. And she doubted she'd learn to do the same. So she may as well make as much movement as she can now.
Then....there was Anakin. She'd become spiritually acquainted with every version of him. She knew the shape of his soul, light and dark. And when he passed into the force it was like the gates of a damn being opened. The rush of the force was strong again. Not raging like a river but moving enough that you could see the shapes bending along the surface. The various plant life bending with the flow.
And Ahsoka dipped into the flow like a child being baptized.
The force is alive again. Not just a by product of life, but full of it. Of the souls of the past mingling with the will of the living.
For so long she'd endured the still, now she'd bathe in the flow. whatever it brought. Wild waters meant hot spots and cold depths. Slippery algea and jagged stones. But come what may, it was the waters of life. And she'd been sitting on the banks for too long. So she'd endure all of it.
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padmesnightgown · 7 months
personal hc of mine is that Anakin is just a bit too much to be entirely human. Like with the whole his dad being the force (or him being half force whatever you like) ya know?
Like he looks a lil inhuman, his hair is a bit too shiny to seem normal, his features are too even, his skin and eyes almost...glow??? It's beautiful but a bitt off putting.
And Obi-Wan swears one night he woke up to Anakin in the kitchen getting food, and in the pitch black Ani's eyes were straight up fucking glowing.
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Time travel is a weird thing, especially when it's done by the force.
Anakin was already a force anomaly with a crazy well of untapped power that gave him the ability to do shit that would be vastly beyond most Jedi.
Tiny Anakin is worse.
Not because he's any more powerful, in terms of raw potential he's on par with his older counterpart.
Even if he has almost zero official training
But he's also had his connection to the force amped way up. He can feel every little nudge and poke. Every warning and message.
All that talk of the force being cloudy and hard to read? Not for Ani, he wishes it would stop being so pushy and there all the time.
He's also become vastly more prone to visions, not pure see the future ones, but snippets and moments of stuff that has happened and stuff that will, or might be coming.
When something is going bad, he knows, when the force needs him to be somewhere, he knows. And if he causes trouble on the way, well, the Jedi are always saying to follow the will of the force right?
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addira · 8 months
Overall I'm pleased with Ahsoka
Could things have been better? Surely.
But Overall, it was entertaining! The castings were great! Ahsoka and Anakin moments were making me lose my mind! Thrawn is so freaking cool in every scene. Ezra grew up and maintained his dramatic boyish charms. Sabine fights with every weapon in her arsenal, in hand, at all times, and I love her for it. Hera and Chopper are still hitting it up with the Republic in their own Rebel Brand way.
I'm just happy to see these characters again 🥰
(Honestly I'll watch anything that has Ahsoka or Ezra in it. The two Rockstar padawans of their respective shows. They are very dear to me.)
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
From countless hours of research (watching movies/reading comics/reading books/contemplation), I have finally reached the conclusion that the only real benefits to being related to the Force (as in being a Force baby, as in being Anakin Skywalker or being anyone related to Anakin Skywalker) are:
1. You can do all the Force tricks (probably. There may be some Anakin can’t do, but apparently he can even do the one that requires four throats, so I’m pretty sure if Anakin “couldn’t do it” he actually just didn’t try all that hard)
2. You can walk off any and all injuries. Leia gets tortured unspeakably by Darth Vader, still continues to lie to their faces and sass the short Stormtrooper. Luke gets Force Lightning’d like four times and still drags his dad over to a ship and lights a pyre for him and does the while end of the movie as though nothing happened. Not to mention Luke’s hypothermia and the whole of Bespin and didn’t he get thrown into a table in the first movie? And I know falling (jumping) from great heights is a Jedi thing, but how many times has Anakin or Luke crash-landed a ship and improbably lived?
And that’s just the movies! The Marvel comics show Luke getting beaten every way to Sunday and still being pretty A-OK. He just walks it off! He gets tossed around like a hacky sack and then gets up and says “That was a bit rough. Oh well” and continues with his day. In the Clone Wars tv show, Anakin is shown to have a broken leg and still manages to climb a massive tree.
Admittedly, I don’t have that much evidence for Leia. She unfortunately inherited her parents’ abilities to avoid capture and on the rare occasion she is captured, she gets out pretty fast. Somehow, Luke inherited Obi-Wan damsel genes, despite not actually being related to him, it’s a feat scientific wonder-
So yeah. If the Force is your dad/grand-dad, all you have to look forward to is misery, pain, and bones made of rubber.
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englishlotusflower · 2 years
New theory about why 3PO can conveniently speak every language ever. (Including the talz who like no one knows existed so…)
Anakin's like basically half eldritch cosmic something. What if he just kinda was like imma build a protocol droid that can speak every language ever. And the force was like okay as a treat he can speak every language eber.
I'm not articulating this very well. Something something, ani is half eldritch cosmic entity, something something, so the reason 3PO speaks everything ever is because something something force crap.
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saltyladynightmare · 1 year
Jiliu AU 9.2
Beginning, Previous, Next, Masterlist
Ori'Ana : mando'a/basic, a mix of Ori'vod, and Anakin, basically naming him Older Brother Anakin, just as the suffix -'ika makes 'younger Brother' from Vod'ika
/italics/ : thoughts, emphasis
bold : talking though the Force, because why not
Chapter 9 is not completely finished, but chapter 10 is an idea. If anyone has any ideas for scenes in which the Vod'e are learning how to use the Force, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment. So far, all of my ideas involve various troopers launching themselves into walls when they jump/run/do something too fast. It gets monotonous after a while.
Anakin is a lonely string bean. He also has no trust in the Jedi, because I was salty when i started writing this, and must stick to my guns. Mentioned mistreatment of the Coruscant Guard.
Fox commed at 0003. When Anakin accepted the comm, he was unsurprised to find it was only audio. Fox was using the comm built into his helmet; the one with top tier GAR encryptions, assigned to each Clone Commander. Exactly as careful as Anakin had hoped.
"General Skywalker," Fox greeted.
"Commander Fox," Anakin returned easily. If titles were what Fox wanted to use right then, than Anakin had no problems letting him lead the conversation in a direction that would make him most comfortable. "I'll warn you now; this isn't a social comm."
"Your earlier comm conveyed that, sir," Fox assured gruffly.
Oh, good. "I know you're busy, so I'll do my best to keep this brief," Anakin started. "Due to..." whatever in the name of the Force had happened, "...an incident on my last mission, I'm on medical leave for the foreseeable future."
"What?" Ah, there's Ori'vod Fox, as Anakin knew and adored. Never mind that Anakin was a little under nine years older than him. Elder Sibling was a mindset, not a birth order, even if he and Fox had a weird tendency of tossing that particular title back and forth like a live grenade.
"I'm fine," Anakin stated. "I'm not dying, or even lightly maimed. I'm moving around on my own, and I'm not on bed rest." Anakin inhaled to continue, but hesitated. He cursed himself. This is Fox. Anakin can tell him this kind of thing without being judged for more than being a little bit of an idiot. He was pretty sure. But really, even if he was wrong and Fox did judge him, what dignity did Anakin have left? "I'm currently confined to a heavily shielded room in the Healing Halls, because the Force is suddenly excruciatingly loud and my body responds appropriately, but physically okay."
"Appropri—you're saying that your body is acting like its taking sonic damage?"
Anakin grinned. "Yes. Good news is: there is a possible treatment option, but I'm probably not going to see results for a few days if it does actually work." It'd work. Anakin would make sure of it, even it meant hemorrhaging energy into the Force itself. He would not stay in this room for a moment longer than necessary. "In the mean time, I've been confined to a heavily shielded room with limited access to the outside, and a To Do list longer than a venator-class cruiser. I was wondering if the Guard was able or willing to assist my men in getting some of the things on my list completed."
Fox went quiet for several beats. Anakin bit his lip to force himself to remain silent, giving Fox enough time to process.
It didn't take him long. "You'll want Guide," Fox stated.
"If he's willing," Anakin agreed.
Fox concurred, "If he's willing." The crackle of flimsy shuffling fizzed through the admittedly shoddy speakers of Anakin's make-shift comm. "I can arrange for four Vod'e to be available at oh-six hundred today."
"Excellent." Anakin hauled his aching body up onto the chair behind him, and reached for one of the closer, mostly blank datapads. "If you could comm me with the names of the four, I'll wright up instructions to send them."
"Will do."
Nerves rolled in Anakin's gut, but he shoved them away. Fox is reasonable, and if he turns Anakin away, that's on him, he reminded himself. "While we're talking," he started forcefully casual, "does the Guard need anything? We're aiming mostly for medical supplies and food, but I want to introduce Torrent to little bit of everything."
Fox hummed contemplatingly. Anakin tapped a free finger against the datapad. Fox didn't need to think about what the Guard needed; he knew because he was a good Commander. He was staling because, like most competent people who'd been spurned before, Fox was hesitant to ask for anything like assistance.
"Ten crates of food, and three crates of medical supplies," he said eventually.
"No problem." Anakin typed the requests into the 'pad one-handed, making a note to triple that if at all possible, and maybe see about getting them a quick sweet snack they could stash in their utility belts. It was the least he could do.
While he typed this, and Fox filed his mountains of datawork, something pings softly on Fox's side of the comm. A moment later, Fox told Anakin, "Guide has agreed to act as a guide."
Anakin grinned. "Well, that's one thing off my mind. And the other three?"
"Ok." Anakin thought about ending the conversation there with a reminder to comm him when Fox had confirmation. Something in him rebelled at the idea. It wasn't a big deal to stay on the line with Fox, it had been awhile since they had talked. And, if Anakin was honest with himself, he really didn't want to be alone right then anyway. If Fox wants to end the comm, then he can, Anakin decided. Until then, they could sit in silence.
Absently humming to himself, Anakin pulled his To Do lists toward himself, and woke up the one with his personal long term list to add a note to talk to Rex about supporting the Guard the next time Torrent got leave on Coruscant.
The idea was to not only help the Guard so they could actually get a few eight hour sleep cycles in a row if they so chose, but also to ensure Torrent understood the Guard were not data processors, or flimsy pushers.
Not that Anakin had heard Torrent's opinion on the Guard, or if they even had an opinion. Still.
Anakin had heard more than a few troopers' thoughts of them, and it had not been good. Best nip that at the bud, really. Especially when such opinions came from ignorance and misinformation.
"The other three have gotten in contact with me," Fox stated abruptly. Anakin twitched in surprise, before blinking at the comm in his mech hand. Right. He was still on a comm. "They've agreed to provide assistance. Sending their comm codes now."
The comm vibrated in Anakin's hand, metal against metal, signifying an incoming text comm. A quick check shows the new comm code, all helpfully labeled.
"I have them," Anakin tapped the tiny screen with his thumb to save the codes.
"All four of them are currently available, General," Fox stated.
Ah. Time to get to work, it seemed.
"Understood, Fox. I'll leave you to your datawork," Anakin assured the Commander. "Hopefully, I'll see you before I get shipped out again, should everything conclude as expected."
"Yes, sir."
And Fox is done for the day. Commander Fox will keep going because he must, but Vod Fox needed either his allotted five hours of sleep or several cups of kaf before he could produce anything like social skills. Understandable. In his place Anakin would be a walking corpse all the time instead of only in the last six hours of his thirty-two hour shift.
"K'oyacyi, Fox." Anakin hit the button that'd end the call before the exhausted man could reply, hoping against logic the man would get some rest some time soon. Stay alive, Fox, stay alive.
Anakin breathed deep, held it, then let it out slowly as he set the comm on the table top.
Fox was a grown man, he'd live this long, he'd survive a few more days if he had anything at all to say about it; this Anakin knew.
Trusting this was, as always, more difficult than Anakin could say. He did it anyway. He must.
Anakin sighed, and picked up the comm again.
He tapped the screen a few times, calling up the comm codes Fox had sent him, then selected the one that looked the most familiar.
Hopefully, this would be Guide.
The comm rings once, then clicks to signify it had been answered.
Anakin smiled at the crisp acknowledgment. "Good morning, Guide. Eat anything interesting recently?"
Guide perked right up. "Ori'Ana!"
"Upani," Anakin returned warmly. "Fox said you had agreed to assist my men in our endeavors?"
"Torrent, right? Yes, I did," Guide affirmed. "Do you have plan for tomorrow, sir?"
"Less plan, more To Do List. If I give you the comm code of the other three volunteers, could you add them to this call?" Anakin smiled sheepishly. "My...device is a little limited."
"No problem!"
In short order, Guide linked in three other Vod'e.
Immediately, in the manner of siblings everywhere disturbed by another particularly daring sibling, they started complaining.
"What in the name of the Force is this supposed to be?" It wasn't until the unspoken threat crackled through the tiny speakers on his comm that Anakin realized exactly who he had on comm.
"A debriefing!" Anakin chirped.
The comm went silent. Then—
The three Vod'e try to out speak the others, but it was Guide's near demented giggling that won out in the end. Anakin grinned.
"The one and only! It's good to know you three are still among the living," he greeted. "My understanding is that the four of you have volunteered to act as guides for my men as they run errands?"
"We did, sir, although I hadn't known the Favor Commander Fox mentioned was to you," Ka'ahk stated.
Faze, Guide, and who Anakin could only assume to be Slip, Guide's newest not-so-shiny partner after his last one had learned all he could from Guide about the lower levels of Coruscant, named such for his ability slip out of any sort of sticky situation Guide might fling himself, and thus his partner, into, murmured their agreement.
Heh. "Classic Fox move there," Anakin observed. "Now, as I told Guide earlier, I have a To Do list I both need and want completed before I ship out—"
The next few hours are spent going over what, exactly, the four Guardsmen would be helping his men with over the next few days. When they need to sign off to get their scheduled five hours of sleep—and, oh, did he both await and dread the moment Kix caught wind of that little detail— Anakin began messaging and comming his lower level connections to arrange for a drop of disguises that would make the men less obviously clones by midday.
That done, he messaged the four Guard Vod'e with the coordinates of the drop, and the instructions on how to get them. Then, he messaged his Command Staff with the details of what he had done.
Breathing in deep, Anakin forced himself to set his comm down. He checked his To Do lists, and grumbled at finding there really wasn't much more he could do at—he glanced at the clock and cringed—0347 in the morning.
A quick evaluation of himself revealed he was /way/ too wound up to even consider sleeping right then.
Okay, now what?
He plopped his chin on his palm, eyes wondering around the walls the light from his datapad barely touched. He could work on the mousedroid, or stretch some. Except he didn't really want to do either of those things.
So what else—ah. His eyes land on the neat pile of holocrons in the center of the table.
Rex had left him the list of questions he couldn't answer before, right?
He looked at the clock again.
Yeah, he had time.
With a flex of his fingers the holocron on top lifted up and came to hover before him. A twist in the force here, and a press there, and its seals cracked open, allowing greenish white light to escape. It swirled gently, then twisted up and around into a humanoid figure in armor.
Anakin sat back. "Hello, General."
"Greetings, General."
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forcemeanakin · 8 months
Anakin Skywalker: A headboard gripper
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WARNING: Nsfw content !!! Content: p in v sex, cream pie, dirty talk. A headboard was, in fact, hurt during the production of this drabble. Not proofread and written in the middle of the night after uni classes lol.
shoutout to my friend Emma for asking me this incredible question and fueling my drained mind to write something <3
Ofc he is a headboard gripper!
Using it as leverage to fuck deeper into you, yes sir
But I think he would use it specifically to get you full of him
He's strong af and he has the Force... this? yeah, this is to assert dominance
You're already stuffed by his thick cock, but he needs more: he wants to drown every single one of your senses, until the only thing you could do is feel him, taste him, see him.
Hazy vision, your sweaty body sticky and pressed to his. Hair out of line and all over your face. You're the most wonderful mess he has ever seen.
You borderline sound like a porn star, whimpering so high and loud, moaning his name because that's the only thing you could remember.
Legs wrapped around his waist, your ankles pushing his fit butt so he thrusts harder. Your boobs are bouncing to the rhythm of his hips and he takes the opportunity to rest his face in between them.
You crave more, your spongy walls convulsing around him in the hope to milk him for all of his worth.
Who is he to deny you your orgasm... any longer than he already has?
"You close, baby?" He pants, flexing his arms while he lowers his head to lick the drool off the corner of your mouth.
"Mmph-" You roll your eyes, so into the sub space of your mind to answer a real word. "Ani..." You indulge his desire to hear your voice, just for a bit.
"Yeah, my baby's close. Clenching around me like a vice." He hums half a groan, half a moan. "Tell me what you want, baby. Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you."
"I-I-" You whine when he reangles to hit your G-spot better. "I want more!" You cry out loud, clasping his shoulders to survive the hellish pace he had set.
"More what, pretty girl?" He cocks a narcissistic eyebrow, looking down at your pathetic face.
And that's when he does it. Stretching his arm over his head, he grips the headboard of the shaking bed and hammers faster into you. And now he is everything you can see. Just like he wanted.
He knows the view of his abs curling as his hips buck forward drove you crazy every time. If it wasn't because you indeed love to see his chiseled torso, you would have already shut him up.
"More cock!" You quiver underneath him, completely in trance with the sight of a drip of sweat falling from his pecs and his toned bicep tensing at the effort. Veins popping to show off his strength. "More you." You moan in the low.
Side note: I also think Anakin has broken a shit ton of headboards, specially when he is gripping them with his mechanical hand.
He just can't measure his strength !!!!
Also he would totally be like: "want me to fix that?", MID FUCK AND PANTING LIKE THE SLUT HE IS
and yeah ofc he repairs what he broke
except for your pussy
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ddejavvu · 23 days
can i request something with anakin that has to do with his force mind reading?? please and thank you :)
happy may the 4th! send me star wars requests/headcanons and we'll have a party <3
"You're mad at me." Anakin states, and it's not a question like it was last time, but there's still confusion present, so your anger burns steadily onwards.
You stay silent, and your teeth dig into your tongue.
"Come on, angel, tell me why." He pries, reaching for your elbow where it's bent stiffly at your side.
Strike one.
You pull away from the contact and scrub harder at the plate you're attempting to wash. The stain is stubbornly caked on and damn, you wish you'd splurged on a place with a dishwasher.
"Okay, okay, no touching." Anakin soothes, "But will you please at least talk to me? I can't fix it if I don't know what's wrong."
Strike two.
"You do know what's wrong," You gripe, your voice an unwilling drawl. As soon as it's there it's gone, and Anakin is back to square one.
Anakin Skywalker doesn't do well with square one- he hurtles relentlessly towards bigger and better. He dips gently into your mind with the Force, and though you can feel the invasion of your privacy, there's not a thing you can do to stop it.
"Hey!" You protest, but he's already found what he needed, and he's wrapping you in a hug from behind that you couldn't shake off if you tried.
"I'm sorry I didn't get you dessert from Dex's." He croons, "Ahsoka wanted to stop by the nursery down the street to find a plant for Obi-Wan- you know she accidentally sliced his in half? Anyways, we left the diner in a hurry and I'm sorry you didn't get your sweets."
"Fine," You grumble, pointedly not fighting his touch anymore even though you're trying to maintain your grumpy facade, "If it was to help Ahsoka, then I don't mind."
"I should start bringing her around whenever you're mad at me," Anakin muses, pressing a cheeky kiss to the side of your face, "I'll never get in trouble again."
"I'm gonna tell her you told me you hated me last week!" You threaten, and Anakin groans.
"I did not say that!"
"You said you'd tinker with me if I were a droid."
"Because tinkering is what I do!"
"If I were a droid I should be perfect to you," You insist, "No tinkering needed."
"Yes dear," He secedes with an eye roll he hides into the side of your head, "No tinkering whatsoever. Even when your joints get rusty and your circuits wear out."
"Good." You nod, momentarily satisfied as you place the now-clean plate in its spot on the drying rack, "We're gonna get rusty and worn out together, Skywalker.”
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jediavengers · 2 months
Eyes open ⋆ ˚。⋆
Warnings: Smut, PiV, degradation, sub!reader, dom!anakin, choking, hair pulling, mirror sex, dumbification
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Fem!reader
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“Hey, look at me.” Anakin chides, yanking your hair back so your eyes meet his. Your half lidded eyes flutter shut and you begin to mumble, trying to object his cockiness. “I know, I know. Feels so good, huh?”
His cock slides slowly in and out of your cunt, squelching sounds echoing throughout the room. “Open them, come on. Yeah, that’s it, let me see those pretty eyes.” Anakin’s hips roll slowly into you from behind, your eyes lazily opening and meeting his gaze through the mirror that was in front of your bed.
Your cheek was smushed into a pillow and your ass was stuck in the air. Anakin’s left hand gripped your hip while the other had tight reign over your hair.
Incoherent words flutter out of your mouth, babbles erupting from your sore throat. He’d abused your airway a little hard only minutes ago.
“Come on, baby. I know.. shhh..” Anakin coos, gripping your hip tightly. His movements are precise and slow, his cock head hitting your cervix periodically as he fucks you from behind.
Your babbles are pathetic and loud, drool seeping from your wet lips and your eyes puffy from tears. Attempting to close your eyes again, you whine.
Anakin tuts, sliding his forearm around your neck. He roughly pulls you up so your back is pressed against his chest. “I’ve been so nice.” He grunts, his pace quickening. His thrusts were no longer slow and gentle, but rather quick and sloppy.
“But you don’t listen. If i tell you to keep your eyes open, you keep your fucking eyes open.” His left hand still was perched on your hip and the other yanks on your hair, forcing you to meet his gaze through the mirror.
The sight is sinful. Anakin’s hair sticks to his neck and forehead, sweat causing his curls to dampen. His lips are between his teeth and his brows are furrowed. Adam’s apple prominent and veins bulging. You moan loudly at the position he’s put you in. The sight of his cock sliding into you and your breasts bouncing as he pounds you causes you to clench around his cock. Anakin groans at the feeling, knowing damn well he has you right where he wants you.
“Let me hear you. Come on, I know you’ve got it in you.” Anakin demands, his hand sliding up your torso to your neck. He squeezes your airway firmly, causing you to let out a strangled moan.
“Mmm, Ani!” You cry, your hand reaching behind and tangling in his hair as you lean your back into his chest.
“Oh, is my girl close? Are you gonna cum?” He mocks, tutting. “You’ve been awfully disobedient. Couldn’t even keep your eyes open. Tell me, do you think you should be allowed to cum?”
“Y-yes! N-need to! Need to.. cum.” Your words are slurred and your mouth falls open, a whiny sigh gurgling from your throat.
“Hmm..” Anakin’s pace grows faster, abusing your poor little hole. “I guess i’ll let you get away with it this time.” His hand that was wrapped around your neck swiftly finds your clit, circling it quickly. “Come on, my pretty girl. Go ahead. Cum for me.”
His words make you whine in relief, slamming your hips down to meet his thrusts. Just as you do so, you gush your cum all over his cock. Anakin can feel you clenching around him like a vice, causing him to let out a pathetic whimper and release his seed into your sobbing cunt.
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bbygirl-obi · 9 months
(possibly) hot take: force sensitivity isn't a hereditary trait, nor should it really be. the skywalkers are the exception, not the norm. and they're only the exception because, you know, anakin's dad was literally the force. he was literally force jesus. he's literally half the force. i cannot emphasize enough how much he cannot be used as an example for normal force sensitivity
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