#Hand Knit Tabi Socks
elevenonehandmade · 4 months
Toestep Tabis: Another Pair
As some of you know, I’m an aspiring pattern designer. My tabi socks pattern, the Toestep Tabis, is my most recently published design. And even though it was published back in 2022, I still continue to knit it! Doing so keeps me in touch with the pattern and allows me to tech edit if needed. I’ve updated it once since publishing; I do my best to fix errors quickly.  This time, I knit a pair for…
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evecollection · 2 years
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dosunochou · 4 years
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bipedalseal · 2 years
do you have a separate blog for crafting?? in any case, pls answer these for research purposes hehe: 🌿 💌 ❄️ 🐸
Yeah, I have a sideblog just for it. I accidentally showed it on stream once LOL
🌿 - What tips would you give to a beginner? What tips you wish you had known when you started?
That there's a lot of different ways to do a thing, a lot of it depending on your culture or geography, but they all aim to minimize injury while maximizing efficiency. For crochet, it's that your wrist should NOT be angled downwards while you work because it tires you out faster. Work on minimizing your movements once you get the basics down. Your tensioning finger doesn't need to move a lot if you set up the tension good. Also, learn Russian crocheting if you can, it minimizes movements a lot and makes really speedy work. And for knitting, left-hand tensioning (Continental) isn't always fastest lol. Right-hand tensioning (English) can go pretty fast, mostly by having something to brace the right needle with (by locking it in the armpit, with a knitting belt etc). Also, find a way to distribute the weight of your work evenly so your left wrist doesn't get tired quickly.
💌 Do you know other bloggers who inspire you to create? Recommend a few!
@-handweavers of course. A weaver and has good perspectives on racism and imperialism. They don't always post their crafting, but when they do it's my absolute favorite textile art. The lace rot squad, whose urls I've forgotten unfortunately. Outside the tumblr sphere, there's Hazel Tindall. I haven't read her blog a lot but her designs are always great to look at.
❄ Do you have any crafting (either craft or community related) peeves?
Specifically those Knitting Around the World books or a similar variety, where they claim to have knitwear inspired by various fashions all over the world but in reality have 74840404 designs for Western Europe and have either Japan or China for Asia. The one time it had more than 2 countries for Asia, it was Russia 😍 The Chinese one will ALWAYS be red. You're lucky if an African country that isn't Egypt is mentioned, let alone somewhere from Oceania.
Now that we've mentioned Japan, the way people tout 'Japan-inspired!' is annoying too. Haiku Knits--jeez, I hate that book. It looks like nornal knitwear. I'm not surprised that the Japanese people the author met thought their work had Scandinavian influence instead of Japanese. There is barely anything Japanese there. If they do, it's just the silhouette of kimonos and maybe some tabi socks. I guess I should be grateful they're not making 'indigenous inspired' designs and profitting off of that? One author that I think actually does this well is Vicki Square with her Knit Kimono series, because she does some actual research into it, and her designs are more than just vague kimono shape with an anecdote about Japan.
🐸 What do you wish people who don't craft understood better?
That it can be as nuanced and complicated as any other skill. @ing those knitting.com techbros lol. It can be as artsy or as utilitarian or as cheap or as expensive as the crafter wishes. Cheap as in the craft, not the product--crafting takes an enormous amount of time to be able to do skillfully and speedily, and time is a pretty dang expensive resource if you ask me. Also, yes, a handmade product will be much more worth it in the long run. Because it's made by people who actually care about its long term durability and aren't rushing to put out a product on an asdembly line. Not to mention its sentimental value too.
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worldaliasarts · 5 years
Red Lips
Alister Kirkland x Momoka Honda
Part 1
TW: Blood and Cussing
Momoka brushed her hair a few times over before pinning a bright red flourish flower in her hair to match her blushed lips sighing gently.
Her father had promised another dinner to Oliver Kirkland, but failed to inform the family until that morning, with a pointed look towards his eldest daughter, Momoka. She had overheard their speaking of alliances and never understood why it would be of benefit to any one save for the fact her father figured she would not ever find love elsewise. He wasn't wrong. She wasn't looking. Besides it wasnt as if he or her mother entirely found love themselves...it felt nearly hypocritical, but she would do what was needed in order to please her father...even dining with a foolish boy..one with stupid pink hair on his stupid smiling face. She nearly hated him if she was being honest, he was always so carefree, unburdened by life...she was envious of it, as if it was a gift passed from the universe only to him, wholely unattainable for her.
She pursed her lips, adjusting her top to hide the ink on her skin, she figured Oliver would not take a liking to her many tattoos, in that case maybe she should show them off, in hopes to scare off the family and free her of them..maybe.
She left her shirt where it was, standing up.
Kusuru walked past her door pausing to look her over "you look nice, bachelorette"
"Oh shut your face, dumbass" she walked over kicking his calf, making him yell,
"Takes one to know one!" she furrowed her brows, shoving him out of the room, closing her door hard. Her cheeks burned with a mixture of anger and embarrassment as she brushed her hair back into its place with the tips of her fingers, ignoring her brother's taunting voice outside of her door.
The consideration of all that might be neccesary to rid herself of these people was now more inclined.
She listed all the things she knew the Kirklands hated in her mind,..cussing, blood, she figured tattoos as well, and excessive showing of skin..that one she admittedly disliked herself...her father would certainly strike her, until she had learned her lesson after dinner, but that would be worth it....
Wounds heal.
She refused to be pawned off to be the mother and home maker of some weak willed child, who wasted his days with knitting and baking and frilly western dressmaking, was he even a man??
Certainly not by her standards....
And if she was to be arranged in marriage, she at least wanted a man.
She stripped down to her lingerie running a finger lightly over her collarbone as she stared at herself in the mirror, she may be labeled as one who lives a debauched life, someone with loose morals, or no regard, but once she'd risen to power, and taken over the family mantle, any mistaken fool who thought that would be swiftly corrected.
She knelt in front of her dresser, and pulled open the drawer, gently pulling out each part of her kimono.
She put each layer on, loosely, allowing it to droop around her shoulders, making certain she looked indecent.
She pulled on her tabi socks, before she pulled the pretty hair pin out, setting it down carefully on her vanity. She stood walking across the room before kneeling once more, in front of a cabinet..she supposed now was as good a time as any to open it.
She pulled open the small wooden box, pulling out a small bottle of rice wine, gently cupping her hand, and pouring it lightly in, lathering it over her neck and some through her hair before she took a small swig, exhaling gently, returning the bottle to it's place and closing the doors.
She looked down at her palm,..perhaps this would be enough...perhaps drawing blood from herself might be crossing the line....
Her cheeks heated as she practiced in her mind acting like a loose lipped drunk, she wasnt entirely sure that she was capable...she supposed that she would have to be in order to pull this off.
Her thoughts were interrupted as a car pulled into the gravel drive. She glanced out the window as three people came out and approached her front door, she waited until they had been welcomed into the home before she made her way out of her window, climbing down to the ground, careful of her clothing, before giving her hair one last good toussle.
Kusuru answered the door, looking their guests up and down crossing his arms, biting the inside of his cheek as he stepped aside, watching them take their shoes off and step into his home.
Oliver Kirkland. Father to the child whom his sister was promised to, along with his wife, Aubree, who looked like she'd rather be literally anywhere else, than here with any of the people in this room, and of course the golden child himself, Alister Kirkland..his presence unsettled Kusuru, he didn't understand why, but he hated the tension in his nerves, and his unconcious flinching as he approached.
"やめて,(stop)" he growled slightly, glowering down at the pink haired boy
He laughed lightly "I hope you're doing alright Kusuru,.." he gave a gentle smile
"しね、ねずみ(die, rat)" he spat, his nose scrunching with distaste as he tried his best not to look unsettled. He was successful.
Alister blinked, smiling with another laugh "いお、ごめなさい(okay! I'm sorry.)" he bowed apologetically "I didn't mean to offend you Honda-San.."
Kusuru blinked, taken slightly aback, he hadn't expected to be understood.
"Please...make yourselves comfortable, I apologize for Kusuru's behaviour,..." His mother excused him gently, as she poured some tea for their guests, looking back at him from the corner of her eye.
Kusuru gave a huffing sigh, shifting and glancing away, he knew there would be words later, but did both of his parents honestly expect to marry his sister off to this freak? When she could break him with her pinky?? Their parents expected them both to just go along with it? No questions asked and no attempts to get out of it?...Though that was moreso his mode of operation than hers.
He glanced to the staircase. She must have gotten cold feet he guessed,...if she didnt have to be here, maybe he didn't either.
As if reading his thoughts, his father cleared his throat "Kusuru, retreive your sister.." he added a look to make sure he knew he'd better return, and he nodded, swallowing lightly before moving towards the stairs, rapping on her door "Momoka....everyones waiting for you, stupid.." he sighed.
Being greeted with silence, he furrowed his brows, and opened the door, his brows furrowing deeper into a frown "Momoka??" he looked around her empty room, walking over to the windowsil "Momoka..??" he called.
There was not even a trace of her.
He glanced over seeing her hair pin from earlier.
"Shit," he slammed a hand against the window frame, before he pinched his nose sighing, "Why do I have to cover for your selfish ass" he gritted his teeth, growling quietly, before he headed back downstairs.
"Where is your sister?" His father demanded.
"Not here.." he said giving a nonchalant look paired with a shrug he knew he'd regret.
Oliver gave a sympathetic smile in the Japanese man's direction, "Don't worry Kuro, we can come again another time.."
Kuro narrowed his eyes "...I plead you stay for dinner nontheless"
Alister nodded piping in "I think that's a wonderful idea,..! May we please, Mummy?" he asked looking to Oliver.
The older man smiled and nodded patting his son's head "Of course Poppet"
Kusuru furrowed his brows looking to Alister "What?"
He met his gaze, tilting his head innocently,
"Are you sick in the head or something??" Kusuru asked
"No...I don't believe so, why?" he asked, tilting his head some in the other direction.
He pointed to Oliver "You have to have hit your head extra hard then, because t h a t is n o t your mother, he has a dick-"
Oliver stood abruptly, placing his hands over Alister's ears, his eyes swirling just slightly "I'd rather we kept the conversation elsewhere..." he spoke quickly.
Before the black haired boy could continue, the door creaked open and a barefooted mess of a girl stumbled forward, tracking mud inside, giggling in a stupified manner before falling over against the wall, squealing lightly.
Kuro's eyes widen, along with the rest of his family's and their guests.
"Momoka Honda!" his voice cracked through the air, and her giggles, and she stumbled into a mostly upright position, placing a hand over her mouth, in order to look like she was stifling a laugh.
Alister's cheeks blazed red on her account as her kimono fell a little looser, falling off her shoulder completely. He rushed to her, pulling his hooded teal cloak from his shoulders, leaning up in order to drape them around hers, in an attempt at modesty for her.
"..Are you quite alright, love?" he asks, genuinely concerned about her, gently taking her free hand as a means of stability, to her surprise, causing her to blink, staring down at him, her cheeks warm at the physical contact. The words in her mind, her actions muddle.
She couldn't think.
Her brain paniked as she tries to process everything, her master plan had been easily thwarted and she was unsure how to proceed.
"..Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhit." she said the only word on her mind.
Oliver's eyes swirled faster, and he cleared his throat.
Alister's eyes flickered as well, as he continued to look up at her "Poppet,..-" he said, before glancing away and looking back at her "-Love, it's alright, you're home now,...you should go and get some rest now"
She took in a quiet, sharp, and shakey breath before she gave another loud giggle "You...you shhhould see your faces right now..!" she stumbled forward, leaning on Alister a little as she carried on in a sing songey manner "Shit shit shit shit shit shit sh-" a finger covered her mouth, and the grip on her hand was tightened, as Alister's smile twitched "Please don't speak anymore," he said with gentle cheer.
Momoka's eyes widened slightly, her mouth gaping some as her eyes drifted to her hand, that he was gripping, as she gave out a small cry of pain.
How did he have this tight of a hold on her?? her fingertips were changing colour, from the grip of this...twig??
Kusuru moved himself, suddenly standing between his sister and the strawberry blonde. "Back up,.." he growled.
The smaller boy blinked, letting her hand go, allowing her to stumble backward, holding her hand close to her chest underneath the cloak, as she fell against the wall with a quiet thud.
"I apologize, I must have zonked out for a moment there,.." he gave a gentle innocent laugh before looking at the slightly shook up Momoka "Love, are you alright,..?" he asked, once more, moving towards her only to have Kusuru side step and block him.
"You've done enough, she's fine without you, rat" kusuru hissed.
Momoka glanced away, looking at the door, she wasn't actually drunk,...her mind worked just fine...so why did she still feel like her thoughts were muddied, one gigantic crashing sound in her brain, "God..damn..." she exhaled, sucking in a breath as she felt her body being shoved against the wall, Alister's eyes hot pink, burning into her as he gripped her mouth, leaning up on his toes in order to whisper in her ear "If you do not stop speaking I will do so for you,...in the least cute way you can imagine.." Momoka furrowed her brows, anger boiling up in her as tears pricked her eyes, she shoved him off of herself "do n o t touch me, you vile small man" she ripped his cloak away from her neck, throwing it at him, about to shout once more before Kuro's voice is raised and he shouts "Enough!"
All three looked to him.
"All of you. I have seen e n o u g h." He points to Momoka "You have shamed myself and this family more than you can repay in this evening or any other..!"
Kuro kneeled into a deep and respectable bow, his wife following suit, beside him as he spoke to Oliver "I sincerely hope you may forgive my foolish children, and their many ailments"
Oliver gave him yet another sympathetic smile "...Its expected for things to be dicey with two..i understand, dont worry, old friend"
"Thank you..." He sighed, and slowly sat up "..If you will continue to endure us, we can start dinner, however I understand if it is not your preference.."
"You would know." Kusuru mumbled.
Oliver glanced to him arching a brow "Whatever do you mean?"
"...You would know how things get dicey, having two kids. You were just less fortunate with the seating arrangement" he gave Alister a look which was hard to decipher.
"....Perhaps.." a still feverish eyed Alister spoke "...But it has it's advantages." He returned the unreadable look.
Momoka looked between the two boys, her cheeks burned from where Alister's nails had dug in, and her hand still pulsated, she could feel a bruise building on her wrist...no doubt he could kill her,...if he wanted to. It was a thought she hated in itself, but it didn't change that fact.
She adjusted her clothing layers to be tighter around her body, while the attention was not on her, continuing to turn it over in her mind. Perhaps it wasn't actually a matter of alliance, it was a matter of her being his only option. Either way she was a pawn, but this new thought made her feel especially discardable. He shouldn't even be her problem.
Then again, was she ever really more than discardable to her father? He was a cold hearted man...he had made her cold hearted too,...though not so much that she was unable to consider the possible consequences to repeated offenses.
She wondered what Alister was capable of....what his father was capable of...perhaps her defiance would put her family in danger.... This was the thought she disliked the most.
She gently lowered to her knees, as well, gracefully stretching her arms out in a bow "...I....sincerely apologize" she started, everyones eyes turning to her. "It was uncooth of me to present myself in any style less than what is deserving in honour to you,..all...."
She remained there, her eyes trained on the floor as she waited.
Aubree was the first to speak "We all do stupid..." she paused clearing her throat "...stuff. Dont worry about it, honey"
she glanced up only slightly to look at the woman, before looking down once more "You are more than too kind.."
Aubree nudges Alister nodding towards Momoka, and he walked over, kneeling and taking her hand, the pink hue finally discipating, the bright blue returning, before he furrowed his brows "Love, why are you on the floor??" he pulled her up to her feet as he stood "Are you alright..?" he asks again, and she cant help but sigh, nodding "Yes...I am fine, I apologize,..."
She fought the urge to slid her hand out of his as she spoke again to ask "Might I go to my room..and refresh myself?"
Alister kept hold of her hand until they reached the staircase and she ascended, disappearing momentarily.
She sat in her room pouring jasmine scented oil along her scalp, combing through her hair in order to lesson the smell of sake.
She brushed a part of her hair back one more time, clipping in the red flowers, painting her lips again with red, before returning downstairs.
Alister looked her over with surprise, before a gentle smile formed "You look beautiful"
Her cheeks heated once more and she looked away "...you flatter me.." She felt so silly, feeling her heart beat rising once more over this man.
He shook his head "I mean what I say.."
Kusuru made a loud gagging noise in mockery of the two, wincing as Momoka socked him in the side.
"Bitch!" He yelled at her, shoving her before Kuro cleared his throat and Momoka coiled back from her almost retaliation.
"My apologies..." she said, folding her hands together, tightly, before she walked to the table, taking a seat.
Kusuru and Alister sat on either of her sides, causing her brow to twitch with irritation, though she remained silent.
The three of them remained silent for the duration of the night, apart from asking to pass condiments, allowing the adults, mostly the two men to talk between themselves, the whole dinner.
As the night came to a close the Kirklands departed, Alister placed a shy kiss on Momoka's cheek, much to her dismay before waving goodbye and heading out into the dark.
As soon as the car was gone, Kuro turned to his children "...Strip and wait for me outside." He commanded, as he headed to his study in order to get his bamboo sticks.
The two gave each other a look before doing as the were told, kneeling on the grass in nothing but their under garments.
Their father appeared beside them making as if to hit Momoka first, she tensed, but didn't feel the sting, rather she hears a small cry out of her brother's mouth, before he curls his mouth in, biting to keep himself silent.
"How dare you call our guests rats." His father struck him "At all, let alone to their faces." he struck him once more, his voice raising "and telling them to die!?" he hit him once more "I will make you w i s h you had only been speaking to yourself!" he continued to strike him, until he heard another pained noise out of his sons mouth, having drawn blood, he continued to beat him, for a while longer, creating streaks along his back, before he ceased, looking to Momoka "And you."
She tensed more preparing for her share of strikes "you shame our family, our name, and purposefully provoke your soon to be husband"
"...I would never marry that monster.." she whispered under her breath.
The man gave a dry laugh "do not speak as if you are above him. You too have spilled blood and harmed others...and done worse." he motioned to her brother "you did it just now."
She looked down, biting her tounge to keep from lashing back "...I am sorry, father."
"I'm not the one who needs to be apologized to."
She looked at him and looked away.
He handed her the bamboo "strike your brother"
"But father-"
"Strike him, or i will do so, ten fold on your behalf!" he shouted
She flinched slightly, and stood to her feet, sending a crack against her brothers back, making him dig his nails into the dirt.
"Again." Kuro commanded, and she did so. "Again." he repeated, and she looked at him, hesitatig, "please father, allow me to take my own punshiment..."
"You are taking your own punishment!" he shouted, pointing to her brother's bleeding back, he understood their closeness, even when they acted as if they hated one another. He knew how much this hurt her. "Strike him again!"
And so she obeyed, continuing for what felt like an eternity to both of them, before he allowed her to stop. She helped her brother to his feet, heading inside to clean her brother's wounds.
She is gentle when doing so, with little compensation. Though she hadn't pictured it exactly this way, the consequences were as she figured.
This would be the one and only night anyone suffered from her failure to consider consequences.
She bound up her brother's whole back in gauze, helping him to his room, putting him under the sheets, face first.
She sat on the floor in front of the bed "Im sorry Kusuru, I never meant..." she sighed "I never wanted you caught up in my issues"
"You're a piece of shit.." he growled lowly, tilting his body a little so he could look at her.
"Yes...I know" she frowned some at him.
"But you're still my sister, you dumbass, and I dont know what the hell is broken in that candy man's head, but I don't want him anywhere near you. He's a freak and he's gonna hurt you.. He already has hurt you."
Momoka looked at the carpet sighing "I can defend myself just fine, Kusuru. Besides...his father likely wouldn't be happy to hear that. In either case, if i can't defend myself I ought to get hurt... and if i can't defend myself from death...I ought to die." she stood, sighing "..but thanks for worrying.. it's nice to know you care" she gave him a light head pat.
"I still hate your guts though." he made sure she knew and she nodded "i do too." she mumbled and flicked off his bedroom light, going to her own room, flopping on the bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about the night..what a terrible terrible night.
With her mind refusing to relax, and the smell of sake and jasmine mixing in her hair, she gave up on all hopes of rest. Getting up, she headed off to the bathroom.
She sat on a stool, splashing water over her head a few times, before climbing into the bath tub, trying to do a better job of relaxing with the steam and gentle sway of the warm water helped.
She closed her eyes, remembering how the hairs on the back of her neck stood when Alister's eyes changed colour, she'd never seen anything like it,...even more frightening was his father, though he controlled himself much better.
She paused, recalling the words Aubree spoke just in her ear when departing, "I..wouldn't want to knowingly be married to that either,..." she had said.
Strangely enough, she may quickly become her only ally, understanding what it would be like to walk on thin ice within your own home all the time..
Was that going to be her future? Walking on eggshells, and building a family that was only hers to care for? Was it really t h a t silly of her to think if she ever did get married, her husband would tolerate her instead of love her? Even that would be better than a daily threat on her life...though he was sick enough in the head that maybe that was how he showed love.
She supposed Alister might learn to tolerate her...in a more normal manner. She had never been the focus of his anger like that...he seemed so...vulnerable.....until he was pushed. 
She sunk further under the water, immersing herself fully, wanting to just stop thinking about everything, but she couldn't, it just continued, round and round in her head, and then she bobbed her head back up out of the water, panting, light and breathy.
She pulled herself up out of the water, reaching to grab a towel, pulling it over before pausing to glance behind, a jolt rushing through her body, as she hurried to pull the towel around herself "Alister, what the-" his hand was once more clasped onto her cheeks, as he reached over from the windowsill. 
"No more unclean words this evening, Poppet" 
 She gripped his wrist, ripping it off her face, as she stepped backwards, climbing out of the bath  "What do you want?" she growled to hide her fear. "Don't you have any sense of decency?"
"Decency?" he scoffed, traveling into the room with ease and grace, landing in front of her, getting close to her, running a hand over her back into the small of it, pulling her closer "You're one to speak with all that you tried to pull this evening.." 
She backed up, gripping the side of the tub. He stepped closer, wrapping a hand around her waist a little more "Besides...everyone knows that you belong to me by now.." he spoke in a hushed tone, it sparked an angry flame in her chest, and her hair raised before she shoved him off "As if I would ever submit to anyone-any t h i n g" she corrected herself "like you." she glowered down at him, making the most of their height difference "you are small and insignificant, and no amount of anything you could do to me would change my mind."
He laughed "The look in your eye makes me wonder which one of us you're speaking to, Poppet.." he cupped her cheek "Don't act so big and mighty, 10 inches is not 10 feet," he said as his grip shifted to around her neck as he forced her to the ground "and even if it were, anyone can be brought down...haven't you ever heard of David and Goliath?"
She couldn't help but wince against the black marble floor as her knees hit it. She didn't dare to look up at him. She wished her mind and heart weren't warring against one another, she could neither be submissive nor dominant firmly with her internal conflict continuing. She hated it.
Nearly as much as she was beginning to hate this man.
He ran his fingers through her long wet hair before he wrapped it around his fist, pulling her up, towards his face, making her squeeze her eyes shut.
"Poppet...we can still make this work,..frankly you don't have much choice in the matter. Alister needs someone. And I chose you...seeing as no one else is remotely good enough.."
"...You're your own problem.." she gritted her teeth "If you weren't so broken and twisted perhaps Alister could actually find someone to care for him..." she spat, not looking at him.
He gave a dull laugh "I'm what stands between Alister and getting his heart crushed..what you call broken and twisted, I call protection.
"...You're crushing his heart yourself, deeming everyone less than good enough for him, hampering any chance of him finding genuine love." she said, her brows furrowed.
The man also furrowed his brows he nearly scoffed, but she continued speaking.
"It makes sense that Alister should get to decide himself...he's his own person" She sighed, looking up at him, "I'm not going to hurt him...I'm an Asshole not an idiot..."
While he hadn't appreciated the language, he understood, his grip loosened up enough for Momoka to pull her head away from his grip, though she felt a few strands tearing away from her head as she did so. She rubbed the spot, pulling herself to her feet. 
"But that doesn't mean I could ever honestly love him either. I will do what I must, and see that he is cared for. Enough to protect my family. Nothing more."
"He will be your family soon enough too."
She sighed, scratching her eyebrow, he wasn't wrong, but she knew he was well aware of what she meant "Please leave my home."
He looked from the pieces of her hair between his fingers to her, "You weren't ever drunk were you..?" he asked quietly.
She didn't understand how his tone could change, how he felt bigger, more authoritative when he was like this.. 
Where she normally wouldn't feel the need to respond, he made her feel as though she didn't have a choice but to respond.
She shook her head lightly "...No."
He hummed, "Good." he stepped towards the door "Go and see him tomorrow,..properly." he commanded before he slipped out of the door, and out of the house through the front door, without so much as a creaking step.
Not even Momoka could do that, even with all her stealth training,...she continued to feel inferior to this man. And she continued to hate it.
She leaned back against the bathtub, sighing. As if she didnt already have far too much on her mind....
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angelica-song · 6 years
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___________FEMALE RIGHT___________
Hair: `M.BIRDIE / Yeriel look-HairB RARE @Arcade !NEW! Mesh Head: CATWA HEAD Catya Eyes: -SU!- Ekrabetha Eyes @Shiny Shabby Skin: more more. nari skin Blusher: VCO ~ Arah Appliers . CATWA [BANTO]
Hat: `M.BIRDIE / Yeriel look-Beret 2 @Arcade !NEW! Glasses: [Cubic Cherry] {Anya} glasses clean @Okinawa Winter Festival !NEW! Earrings: Hazy. Sweety Santa. Earring. Gold @Arcade !NEW! Ribbon: `M.BIRDIE / Yeriel look-RibbonB 2 @Arcade !NEW! Top: `M.BIRDIE / Yeriel look-TopA Maitreya RARE @Arcade !NEW! Bottom: `M.BIRDIE / Yeriel look-Skirt 4 Maitreya @Arcade !NEW! Leg Lights: *{( konpeitou )}* christmas Tabi socks and lights garter (GG) Socks: {sallie} Knit Over the Knee Socks - berry pack Bell: NAMINOKE *N*Bell & Berrys Lease @Okinawa Winter Festival !NEW!
Hair: tram G0106 hair Mesh Head: CATWA HEAD Daniel
Headband: Hazy. Sweety Santa. Antlers. Brown @Arcade !NEW! Glasses: `M.BIRDIE / SoonyChuny @Arcade !NEW! Hand Rings: CODE-5 [ Chosen Code - 5 ] Signature V.0.01 Top: ::K:: Classy Gillet Homme(Gianni) Taupe Bottom: [Deadwool] Pleated Jeans Camera: Genesis Lab. - "Warming Memories"- Camera Penguins: Alchemy - Penguin
@Collabor88 +Half-Deer+ Christmas Set - Traditional
@Arcade !NEW! Trompe Loeil - 2017 Advent Calendar
@Mainstore !NEW! (holiday hunt prize) NAMINOKE *N*Holly Kokedama
OTHER DISORDERLY. / Dessert for Xmas +Half-Deer+ Stringlights {anc}bokeh {white {anc} NOEL. :  hoofs ladder chair / milk brocante. wooden sign / fa la la *:..Silvery K..:* Illumination GlassDecoration_RARE [ keke ] mistletoe . green . mini Jian :: Silly Shibes - Sleepy Pup RARE *MishMish* Chipmunk - Leaf Umbrella Trompe Loeil - 2016 Advent Calendar Con & floorplan. - Khotan Rug - A 5 [[RH]] YAKAN JIAN Scruffy Shepherds 12. Laundry Pups
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visored-headcanons · 7 years
HCs for Mashiro!!!
@ohai13 and @imatroopertoo
Ask and ye shall recieve
Mashiro doesn’t really remember much from her first life. There’s a few fuzzy faces that she can’t quite make out, and whenever she tries to find out more she immediately jumps out.
One memory is clear. A solid strike hitting her in the head, warmth dripping down her face and then darkness.
When she first came over to the Soul Society her hair was a light brown, but by the end of her first year it’s completely changed over to a vibrant green. She embraced the change. No longer was she Maybe Mashiro in Kuna, but now she was Mashiro Kuna, the girl with the amazing green hair.
Kensei will never say it in public, but the carpet does indeed match the drapes.
Mashiro has the uncanny ability to copy the attacks and skills of others on sight. It took some practice but she eventually managed a rough copy of a flash step and starts using it to steal food for people who aren’t as strong.
Mashiro went to the academy on the recommendation of the captain of the tenth at the time due to her trying to pickpocket him. He was so impressed at how she nearly got away and offered her a guaranteed spot in the academy. No more stealing, no more spending cold winters fighting off hunger pains. She doesn’t hesitate to say yes.
Mashiro is placed in the regular level classes and spends the next six years breezing her way through the academy and occasionally ogling the grey haired farmer boy who hangs out with the kid two years below them, the one that got stuck on the ceiling a few weeks into his first year.
The tenth captain of the time regularly visits her and he mentors her through some of the rougher parts of her training. Sadly he dies a short while before her graduation. That same day she rescinds her application to the tenth.
She initially joins up with the eighth after hearing so many good things about it from her previous mentor. As much fun as the place is, she feels a little out of place and first chance she gets she signs up to take a seat in the 9th.
Funnily enough the night Lisa takes her out on the town she runs right into Farmer boy and damnit she’s finally gonna flirt with him.
Even more funny, they’re now coworkers and rather than deal their awkward feelings by talking it out, they decide to start screaming.
Mashiro’s thieving skills do come in handy. In some of the harder times she could get anything they needed
Shinji’s right hand in any of the cons they had to pull.
Can swindle and bargain like no one else. Hiyori may be the coupon queen but Mashiro can bargain and drive the price down on anything.
She related to Hisagi pretty well. She and her blade aren't on the best of terms. Its name is a secret to most of the vizards. Her release only works in a near silent whisper.
She has what looks like two giant hooks, think Maui from Moana, that are connected on a skinny silver chain. One hook is bladed on the inside of the hook, and the other on the outside.
Kensei nicknames it Catch and release. The hook with the blade on the inside is used as a defense with the blunt side and killing close quarters and the other can catch someone and works offense with the outside blade.
She has mixed up the blades on more than one occasion. On the upside the fourth got some good practice in reattaching limbs and people cut in half.
The spirit, like Kazeshini, is aggressive and bloodthirsty. She actually prefers her passive hollow to the zanpaktou spirit.
Hakuda has always been both safer and more of a natural talent to Mashiro, so she uses it over using her sword or kido.
She and Hachi both love that the rest of the vizards don't give two shits about their preferences in fighting.
Her favorite parts of the day are waking up in Kensei’s arms, any sandwich she got to eat that day, any cats she saw, and any time she and Vizards spend together before she gets to fall asleep in Kensei’s arms
No one thought Kensei would choose her as his lieutenant but he did out out of respect for her ability to fight and her ability to consistently be able to walk right into the problem without knowing. Follow the green girl to quickly solve the source of the problems
Kensei is super possessive of her. Within 20 minutes of returning to captain of the ninth everyone knows that Kuna is Muguruma’s girl.
She's the one who decides that the vizards are adopting the abandoned lieutenants trio. Shuhei walks into work under a new captain and gets a family instead.
She and Kensei recognized Shuhei on sight. Boy nearly peed himself out of joy when they both walked up to him and asked how the past century has treated him.
Until 1930, Mashiro dyed her hair to better hide in the crowd. She would flip between blondes and browns, never quite brave enough to go into jet black.
Mashiro has a 69 tattoo right in between her shoulder blades. She got it back in the day when she and Kensei were still 4th and fifth seats. Kensei was doubting if he was worthy of her and if she really wanted him, so she got his mark where only he would know where it was. Kensei really loves that tattoo.
Kensei’s piercings were a dare from her. One of Shinji’s biggest rules in exile was to not be conspicuous, so when Yoruichi told them that they could stop hiding she told him that if she’s brave enough to let Hachi use Kido to return her hair to its original green color, then he should be brave enough to get a piercing or something. He got the first piercing in his ear and liked it so much that he ended up getting the rest of the ear pierced and his eyebrow too. Mashiro was very happy.
Mashiro loves superheros. Marvel, DC, any superheros on tv, she’s into it.
Mashiro is one of 4 vizards to have a hollow hole. She’s really self conscious about it and doesn’t like it. It sits right in the middle of her torso, just below where her sternum ends. She always worried that someone would see and didn’t want to wear a ton of layers to cover it up. Hachi made a Kido to hide it when she wears a swimsuit or really sheer clothing, but it takes a lot of energy, enough to the point that she has to eat nearly 4 times and much
Kensei goes to Lisa and they buy her fancy and eccentric outfits over the years. Since the 70’s she’s had a huge love of the white body suit. Kensei designed it with the little holes in his mask being the bright orange lines on her body. She loves it’s simple way of him claiming her as his and gleefully shows it off every chance she gets.
Rose is the one who cuts her hair, says that only he knows how to get it just right. Rose takes great pride in this.
Lives for when Hiyori makes sweets with Hachi. She’s the taste tester for all their new recipes and it's the best job she’s ever had.
Can and will sit any of the Vizard. They’re really platonic with one another but Mashiro will sit in anyone’s lap except Hiyori’s because she’s too little. Hiyori gets the snuggle treatment. There’s a good chance that anyone, even taken guys like Shinji and Rose, will end up with Mashiro in their lap on laying on them when they lay down. Kensei will snatch her up for himself if he catches her asleep on someone else.
Flops around when she sleeps. Compared to the ‘seems like he’s dead’ sleeper Kensei, she is almost always moving in her sleep. In order to get her to stop moving either Kensei will cuddle her close or he’ll let her snuggle up and wrap herself around his body.
Has slept walked before and does weird things during it. Lisa has video of her making piñata in the middle of the night and hiding it in Rose’s room and for some reason she filled it with ripped up bread and when Lisa asked why she replied “the birdie must be fed. Now we can be saved.”
That one isn’t even in the top 10 of weird things she’s done while asleep.
Loves anything warm and cozy because she’s always cold. Those big sleeves back in the day weren't just a fashion statement or in rebellion against Kensei’s hatred of wearing anything with sleeves. Her hands, feet, nose, most of her is freezing cold. She makes up for it by wearing as many layers as possible and by latching onto the nearest friend-person to try to leech their body heat.
Shuhei’s very okay with it. She gets to stay warm and he gets a hug. Win-win.
Mama bears Shuhei. Ichigo is little brother, but Shuhei is her and Kensei’s son, even if Kensei won’t admit how much he adores Shuhei.
Wears the craziest socks. She’ll wear her tabi socks for work but as soon as she gets to her and Kensei’s quarters they come off and she puts on neon colored monstrosities decorated with animal faces and random fruits. They’re charming and Kensei wears the matching ones to make her happy.
Is caught between really wanting kids and being terrified of what would happen if they were to become Vizards. Even if she doesn’t have children from her own genetics she worries about accidentally infecting a child with hollowfication. Kisuke says that it works like a virus and with all the unknowns about her species she worries that even short exposure to a child could harm their soul.
Is bomb ass at crocheting. Hachi taught it to her after he took up knitting as a way to keep busy over the years and was a natural at it. She loves to make tiny stuffed animals and donate them to hospitals around the world for kids. Her favorites are the little octopuses she makes for premature infants, she makes them with little hats and everything.
Mashiro makes blankets and winter wear for the Vizards. So long as they get her the yarn she’ll make whatever they want. Other times it's just random presents for them. All are beloved and very cozy.
She’s made so much that there’s a room dedicated to storage of blankets, random crafts and yarn storage.
Hiyori has a teddy bear blanket that Mashiro made her and it's no secret that she adores it. It’s thick and warm and really soft and fluffy. That and it's 6 feet by 8 feet, perfect for wrapping herself in a big bundle or sharing with someone else.
Mashiro makes Shuhei a blanket a week into knowing him. Its spelled to keep from getting stained with ink so he can wear it while working. She worked a bunch of 69s into the blanket’s edge and with black, grey, and red stripes. He adores it and she starts making more and hiding them in all of his work spaces. Anytime she finds him asleep at his desk or in one of the buildings she can whip out a special Shuhei blanket.
Eventually she starts making them for all the captain class. Even Byakuya has to admit that her work is impeccable when he receives his special cherry blossom Snuggie.
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dress sock casual sock sport sock yoga sock thermal sock running sock support sock diabetic sock boot sock slipper sock compression sock loafer sock leg warmer sock liner sock anti-slip sock waterproof sock tab sock trouser sock half sock belly sock hidden sock anklet sock mid-calf sock crew-length sock over-the-calf sock knee-high sock over-the-knee sock thigh-high sock split-toe sock toe sock half-toe sock toe-less sock tube sock  bobby sock novelty sock silicon-foot-protector sock knitted sock cotton sock fluffy sock holy sock hand-made sock pop sock baby sock frilly sock leg-warmer sock ski sock welly sock football sock stirrup sock tulle sock fashion sock fishnet sock matching sock flashing sock festive sock seasonal sock odd sock lost sock tabi sock leather sock machine-made sock new sock sweaty sock stinky sock flip-flop sock
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elevenonehandmade · 2 years
Pattern Release: Toestep Tabi Socks
Pattern Release: Toestep Tabi Socks
Hello Everyone, I’m pleased to announce the release of the sock pattern I’ve been working on for so long: the Toestep Tabis! When I first began to develop a Tabi Socks pattern, I had to consider what elements of the design were most important to me, and what would make other people want to knit a pair. I decided that the most important things were: Easily obtainable yarnA snug fitKnit on a…
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elevenonehandmade · 2 years
Tabis, Again
Here’s yet another sample pair of my Tabi socks pattern: For those of you who are just seeing these for the first time, I’ve been working on this pattern for a long time, and I’ve knit several pairs in the process. You can see them here, here, and here. Before I began developing my own pattern I modded the toe sections of regular sock patterns to have a split toe. I guess that what I was doing…
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evecollection · 2 years
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evecollection · 3 years
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evecollection · 3 years
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evecollection · 3 years
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evecollection · 3 years
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evecollection · 3 years
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