#Healthcare Fraud Abuse
evamadeln · 2 months
State Attorney Candidate Gregg Lerman speaking about why he is the best choice for the office. [Video]
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I've been passed around more than a truck stop lot lizard by the elite of the mental health racket in Georgia.
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immaculatasknight · 7 months
Stupid is now the Canadian national sport
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GOP has gone rancid—and it isn't fair decent people have to keep cleaning up after them
D. Earl Stephens
April 23, 2024 5:27AM ET
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People await the arrival of former U.S. President Donald Trump at a rally for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) at the Miami-Dade Country Fair and Exposition on November 6, 2022 in Miami, Florida. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
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I’ve heard more than enough from people identifying as Republicans to last for whatever is left of my life.
By words and actions, Republicans have proven they are not serious people, and most definitely do not love or care for our country. We have learned without any doubt during the past decade that there is no line they won’t cross, rule they won’t break, or lie they won’t tell to further their dirty causes, which have absolutely nothing to do with making America great.
They are incapable of good governance, and have settled into mob rule. The Republican-led House of Representatives is a complete and nasty joke, where members literally elbow and hiss at each other, and that is both true and terribly, terribly sad.
With help from our inept Justice Department and a bought-off Conservative Supreme Court, Republicans are making a mockery of the notion that our nation is protected by the rule of law. They know better than anybody, that this simply is not true.
They have exploited a system they have learned to eagerly spit on by refusing to allow nominations for Supreme Court Justices in some cases, while rocketing other Conservative nominees through the Senate in record time.
READ: Breaking our democracy is all part of the GOP plan
They call violent terrorists who attack our country hostages, and expect the press to keep swallowing it whole, because that’s what they do.
Cheating and underhandedness is in their DNA.
They are long past the point of no return, and will either pay for their felonious behavior, or will somehow be rewarded for it at the polls this November, in which case we are done with our Democratic experiment after 248 years.
It is now up to Democrats to once again save this nation from the sick arsonists eagerly trying to burn it to the ground, and that is helluva lot to ask, and isn’t remotely fair.
Here’s a damn truth we don’t hear near enough about: If the Democratic candidate for president was facing 91 felony counts, had been convicted of fraud, was a serial abuser of women, told a documented 30,573 lies in four years, spread a big, toxic lie about an election he lost, and praised dictators, the party and the people who support it, would drop him/her like a rock.
He or she wouldn’t stand a chance. They’d be banished to the nearest dumpster. No decent person would want to be associated with such obvious scum.
The people who vote on the Left and the Right in this country are not remotely the same, and I am way past sick and tired of hearing that they are.
Something as despicable and odious as Donald J. Trump could NEVER happen in the Democratic Party. We simply would not allow it.
That right there is an ironclad fact.
Democrats and left-leaning people are not perfect, because no person is, but we still believe in truth, decency and manners. ALL children are important in our world, which is why we believe feeding them and getting them the healthcare and the childcare they need is vital, and far more important than paying the taxes of filthy-rich, bloated billionaires. We still believe that how the United States projects itself to rest of the world and our children means something.
We love our country, warts and all.
We still believe that when we’ve made mistakes, or said stupid, hurtful things we should apologize for them, not recklessly double down like ill-bred maniacs.
We have not, and will not, surrender to the lowest form of life like Trump. It is simply not in us.
As of this writing, I am officially DONE listening to the unmitigated gall that “both sides do it” or “both parties are the same” because that’s a complete load of bullshit. It is brutally insulting to the tens of millions of people in this country who play by the rules, believe all people are created equal, and still know a damn lie, or attack on our country when they hear it and see it.
The people who populate the Left and Right in our country are wired differently, and it’s time this was said out loud, and repeatedly. It is also long past time our media reported this. Especially because they know it to be true.
In the newsrooms where I used to work, if something so obviously bad and as evil as Trump and his enablers had burst on the scene, we would have been sounding alarms and reporting on it 24/7. The man means us and our country harm. We know this because he is SHOWING US AND TELLING US THIS.
There is seldom a day that goes by without him saying or doing something revolting and egregious. The media doesn’t even bother asking his Republican followers in Congress to account for his larceny anymore. They just accept it as somehow normal when it most certainly is not and never can be.
There are two sides to the story that should be told in America right now. One is called, good, the other is called, evil.
The only reason our national press does not report on this legitimately and accurately is simply because they are pathetic cowards, plain and simple. They know they are failing, but are carrying on despicably, anyway.
I’ll always have ammo to burn addressing their egregious behavior these days, but for now, I want to continue unwinding this thread of how the Left and Right are completely different and how unfair it is that we have to deal with the never-ending recklessness on the Right.
Back in 2015, when Trump laughably announced he’d be seeking the Republican nomination for president, many prominent Republicans rightfully scoffed at the possibility. You’ll get no better example than Lindsey Graham’s evergreen tweet: “If we nominate Trump we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.” Graham went on to call Trump, “a jackass.”
The Bushes, Rubios, and other red-blooded Republicans all saw Trump for what he was: completely disgusting and ridiculous. That was before the big-mouth, lifetime loser started blasting them off the debate stage by imitating a slobbering, belligerent drunk at the end of the bar.
Instead of bouncing him from the party, they allowed him to play to the delight of the silent minority in America, who had watched him bravely fire people on his TV show, and lick his toilet seat by degrading President Obama with his putrid, racist, noxious birther blather.
These were the fine people whose tongues bled from self-censoring the bile that flowed from their broken brains, into their big, fat mouths, and had taken centuries to finally go out of taste in this country. It killed them that there were actually awful, hurtful things they could not say out loud anymore.
Now they were free to be themselves again, and let the sludge flow freely from their chapped lips.
Their freedoms had nothing to do with breaking free from any chains, or breaking glass ceilings. No, their freedoms meant having the permission from the very top to be just as disgusting and appalling as they wanted to be. It meant belittling the disabled, and dragging women into the gutter. It meant coddling Nazis and calling cities that terrified them with their sophistication, “s--t holes.”
Before we knew it Nazis and white suprematists were coming out of their caves everywhere and lighting their tiki torches. They were finally on the march to the point of no return, where their disgusting leader was waiting to tell them that he loved them.
Once you have coddled a racist, a traitor, a two-timer, a friend of our enemies, an environmental terrorist, a serial liar, and a sociopath, you are completely lost and broken. Done.
Now the mob rules the Republican Party, which makes it fitting they are represented by this two-bit thug, who is currently sitting in a court room for hiding campaign money he paid to an adult movie star he slept with named Stormy, while his wife was at home caring for a newborn.
Yeah, that’s good and wholesome and normal right there.
A few have broken free of the madman’s grip in the Republican Party, while others have tried, and have crumpled into a heap and back into the mud and slime.
In February, Trump’s very own attorney general, the morally corrupt, Bill Barr, stumbled into bravery and truth when he said that voting for Trump would be “playing Russian roulette with the country.”
By this past Wednesday he had once again devolved and said, but “I’ll support the Republican ticket” if Trump leads it.
Also in February, New Hampshire Republican Governor Chris Sununu said of Trump: “A--holes come and go. But America is here to stay.”
On Sunday, he admitted he had changed his tune and said: “Look, nobody should be shocked that the Republican governor is supporting the Republican president.”
That’s exactly right, governor: A--holes come and go, and apparently you will do everything you can to hang around for a while. You are a revolting person, sport.
Nobody should be surprised by these things anymore, because the Republican Party is irredeemable and incapable of surprises. They can ALWAYS go lower, and prove it literally every day.
This is what happens when you are morally busted and are not bound by any rules or self-control that guides the rest of us.
This is what happens when you surrender to depravity.
This is what happens when you rubber stamp abuse of women, lies, insurrection and support for dictators as anything in the vicinity of normal.
So what happens when standing by the truth and playing by the rules gets you nowhere as a political party and as a country? What happens when millions discover there is no justice and a depraved mad man once again has the keys to the kingdom?
Thanks to the Barrs and the Sununus, and the tens of millions of below-average, broken-down Republicans littering our country, we are terrifyingly close to finding out.
It is up to the Left to take out the garbage once again in America, because the Right has lost its damn mind, as well as its sense of taste and smell.
At what point can all this FINALLY be delivered as fact and shouted on Page 1?
At what point can we quit pretending that both sides are even remotely the same?
NOW READ: What most assuredly happens when Trump sits down with the New York Times
D. Earl Stephens is the author of “Toxic Tales: A Caustic Collection of Donald J. Trump’s Very Important Letters” and finished up a 30-year career in journalism as the Managing Editor of Stars and Stripes. Follow @EarlofEnough and on his website.
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hyperlexichypatia · 6 months
The problem with most identity verification systems is that they're designed to prevent financial fraud by strangers, rather than privacy violations (and resulting interference/abuse) by family members, partners, and acquaintances. You let me pick up my prescriptions by giving my name and phone number? Do you think my abusive husband doesn't know my phone number? You let me verify my bank account with my name and birthdate? Do you think my controlling parents don't know my birthdate? You confirm my doctor's appointment with my name and address? Do you think my meddling daughter doesn't know my address? Other people have written about the sexism inherent in "mother's maiden name" as a verification question (the assumption that everyone's mother is married, that every married woman changes her name, that every child has their father's and not their mother's surname), but the bigger problem is: Do you think my abusive mother doesn't know her own name? This is why I like photo ID requirements -- my response to "Not everyone has or can afford photo ID" is "Then fix THAT, and make state ID unrelated to driving." We should all demand universal, free state ID cards. In the meantime, of course, we should support policies that offer alternative ID options for things like voting and healthcare -- but we should not compromise on mandatory individuation. Before my father passed away, his motor disabilities left him with limited abilities to write or type or speak, so he signed over power of attorney to me (which wouldn't have been necessary if he'd had access to universal design forms of communication, but that's another day's topic). I was horrified to discover that he needn't have bothered, because no one (with one exception) ever asked for the power of attorney paperwork. I signed documents for him, took money from his bank account, and consented to surgery on his behalf, and through all of it, no one ever asked for evidence that I was acting with his consent. I was horrified by how easy it was. No one questioned me. They assumed that as his daughter and caregiver, I had a right to control him. Most people, by default, are ableist, ageist, and sexist. Most people, by default, assume that people have a right to make decisions on behalf of their family members, especially if those family members are disabled. Most receptionists, doctors, nurses, bankers, and other professionals will, without a second thought, share information about a client to the client's family member, especially if the client is disabled. It doesn't occur to them to question it. Of course you can tell a wife's information to her husband -- he's her husband. Of course a woman can make an appointment for her disabled elderly father -- she's his daughter. Of course a mother can ask if her 23-year-old disabled son has picked up his medication -- she's his mother. If the decision is left to the individual professionals, most of them will, unquestioningly, defer to their own ableist, ageist, sexist biases. Individuation has to be enforced. Intra-family privacy has to be enforced. And identity verification requirements that don't protect against family members don't do that.
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pronoun-fucker · 2 years
“I’m looking at a picture of my naked body, leaning against a hotel balcony in Thailand. My denim bikini has been replaced with exposed, pale pink nipples – and a smooth, hairless crotch. I zoom in on the image, attempting to gauge what, if anything, could reveal the truth behind it. There’s the slight pixilation around part of my waist, but that could be easily fixed with amateur Photoshopping. And that’s all.
Although the image isn’t exactly what I see staring back at me in the mirror in real life, it’s not a million miles away either. And hauntingly, it would take just two clicks of a button for someone to attach it to an email, post it on Twitter or mass distribute it to all of my contacts. Or upload it onto a porn site, leaving me spending the rest of my life fearful that every new person I meet has seen me naked. Except they wouldn’t have. Not really. Because this image, despite looking realistic, is a fake. And all it took to create was an easily discovered automated bot, a standard holiday snap and £5.
This image is a deepfake – and part of a rapidly growing market. Basically, AI technology (which is getting more accessible by the day) can take any image and morph it into something else. Remember the alternative ‘Queen’s Christmas message’ broadcast on Channel 4, that saw ‘Her Majesty’ perform a stunning TikTok dance? A deepfake. Those eerily realistic videos of ‘Tom Cruise’ that went viral last February? Deepfakes. That ‘gender swap’ app we all downloaded for a week during lockdown? You’ve guessed it: a low-fi form of deepfaking.
Yet, despite their prevalence, the term ‘deepfake’ (and its murky underworld) is still relatively unknown. Only 39% of Cosmopolitan readers said they knew the word ‘deepfake’ during our research (it’s derived from a combination of ‘deep learning’ – the type of AI programming used – and ‘fake’). Explained crudely, the tech behind deepfakes, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), is a two-part model: there’s a generator (which creates the content after studying similar images, audio, or videos) and the discriminator (which checks if the new content passes as legit). Think of it as a teenager forging a fake ID and trying to get it by a bouncer; if rejected, the harder the teen works on the forgery. GANs have been praised for making incredible developments in film, healthcare and technology (driverless cars rely on it) – but sadly, in reality it’s more likely to be used for bad than good.
Research conducted in 2018 by fraud detection company Sensity AI found that over 90% of all deepfakes online are non-consensual pornographic clips targeting women – and predicted that the number would double every six months. Fast forward four years and that prophecy has come true and then some. There are over 57 million hits for ‘deepfake porn’ on Google alone [at the time of writing]. Search interest has increased 31% in the past year and shows no signs of slowing. Does this mean we’ve lost control already? And, if so, what can be done to stop it?
Five years ago, in late 2017, something insidious was brewing in the darker depths of popular chatrooms. Reddit users began violating celebrities on a mass scale, by using deepfake software to blend run-of-the-mill red-carpet images or social media posts into pornography. Users would share their methods for making the sexual material, they’d take requests (justifying abusing public figures as being ‘better than wanking off to their real leaked nudes’) and would signpost one another to new uploads. This novel stream of porn delighted that particular corner of the internet, as it marvelled at just how realistic the videos were (thanks to there being a plethora of media of their chosen celebrity available for the software to study).
That was until internet bosses, from Reddit to Twitter to Pornhub, came together and banned deepfakes in February 2018, vowing to quickly remove any that might sneak through the net and make it onto their sites – largely because (valid) concerns had been raised that politically motivated deepfake videos were also doing the rounds. Clips of politicians apparently urging violence, or ‘saying’ things that could harm their prospects, had been red flagged. Despite deepfake porn outnumbering videos of political figures by the millions, clamping down on that aspect of the tech was merely a happy by-product.
But it wasn’t enough; threads were renamed, creators migrated to different parts of the internet and influencers were increasingly targeted alongside A-listers. Quickly, the number of followers these women needed to be deemed ‘fair game’ dropped, too.
Fast forward to today, and a leading site specifically created to house deepfake celebrity porn sees over 13 million hits every month (that’s more than double the population of Scotland). It has performative rules displayed claiming to not allow requests for ‘normal’ people to be deepfaked, but the chatrooms are still full of guidance on how to DIY the tech yourself and people taking custom requests. Disturbingly, the most commonly deepfaked celebrities are ones who all found fame at a young age which begs another stomach-twisting question here: when talking about deepfakes, are we also talking about the creation of child pornography?
It was through chatrooms like this, that I discovered the £5 bot that created the scarily realistic nude of myself. You can send a photograph of anyone, ideally in a bikini or underwear, and it’ll ‘nudify’ it in minutes. The freebie version of the bot is not all that realistic. Nipples appear on arms, lines wobble. But the paid for version is often uncomfortably accurate. The bot has been so well trained to strip down the female body that when I sent across a photo of my boyfriend (with his consent), it superimposed an unnervingly realistic vulva.
But how easy is it to go a step further? And how blurred are the ethics when it comes to ‘celebrities vs normal people’ (both of which are a violation)? In a bid to find out, I went undercover online, posing as a man looking to “have a girl from work deepfaked into some porn”. In no time at all I meet BuggedBunny*, a custom deepfake porn creator who advertises his services on various chatroom threads – and who explicitly tells me he prefers making videos using ‘real’ women.
When I ask for proof of his skills, he sends me a photo of a woman in her mid-twenties. She has chocolate-brown hair, shy eyes and in the image, is clearly doing bridesmaid duties. BuggedBunny then tells me he edited this picture into two pornographic videos.
He emails me a link to the videos via Dropbox: in one The Bridesmaid is seemingly (albeit with glitches) being gang-banged, in another ‘she’ is performing oral sex. Although you can tell the videos are falsified, it’s startling to see what can be created from just one easily obtained image. When BuggedBunny requests I send images of the girl I want him to deepfake – I respond with clothed photos of myself and he immediately replies: “Damn, I’d facial her haha!” (ick) and asks for a one-off payment of $45. In exchange, he promises to make as many photos and videos as I like. He even asks what porn I’d prefer. When I reply, “Can we get her being done from behind?” he says, “I’ve got tonnes of videos we can use for that, I got you man.”
I think about The Bridesmaid, wondering if she has any idea that somebody wanted to see her edited into pornographic scenes. Is it better to be ignorant? Was it done to humiliate her, for blackmailing purposes, or for plain sexual gratification? And what about the adult performers in the original video, have they got any idea their work is being misappropriated in this way?
It appears these men (some of whom may just be teenagers: when I queried BuggedBunny about the app he wanted me to transfer money via, he said, “It’s legit! My dad uses it all the time”) – those creating and requesting deepfake porn – live in an online world where their actions have no real-world consequences. But they do. How can we get them to see that?
One quiet winter afternoon, while her son was at nursery, 36-year-old Helen Mort, a poet and writer from South Yorkshire, was surprised when the doorbell rang. It was the middle of a lockdown; she wasn’t expecting visitors or parcels. When Helen opened the door, there stood a male acquaintance – looking worried. “I thought someone had died,” she explains. But what came next was news she could never have anticipated. He asked to come in.
“I was on a porn website earlier and I saw… pictures of you on there,” the man said solemnly, as they sat down. “And it looks as though they’ve been online for years. Your name is listed, too.”
Initially, she was confused; the words ‘revenge porn’ (when naked pictures or videos are shared without consent) sprang to mind. But Helen had never taken a naked photo before, let alone sent one to another person who’d be callous enough to leak it. So, surely, there was no possible way it could be her?
“That was the day I learned what a ‘deepfake’ is,” Helen tells me. One of her misappropriated images had been taken while she was pregnant. In another, somebody had even added her tattoo to the body her face had been grafted onto.
Despite the images being fake, that didn’t lessen the profound impact their existence had on Helen’s life. “Your initial response is of shame and fear. I didn't want to leave the house. I remember walking down the street, not able to meet anyone’s eyes, convinced everyone had seen it. You feel very, very exposed. The anger hadn't kicked in yet.”
Nobody was ever caught. Helen was left to wrestle with the aftereffects alone. “I retreated into myself for months. I’m still on a higher dose of antidepressants than I was before it all happened.” After reporting what had happened to the police, who were initially supportive, Helen’s case was dropped. The anonymous person who created the deepfake porn had never messaged her directly, removing any possible grounds for harassment or intention to cause distress.
Eventually she found power in writing a poem detailing her experience and starting a petition calling for reformed laws around image-based abuse; it’s incredibly difficult to prosecute someone for deepfaking on a sexual assault basis (even though that’s what it is: a digital sexual assault). You’re more likely to see success with a claim for defamation or infringement of privacy, or image rights.
Unlike Helen, in one rare case 32-year-old Dina Mouhandes from Brighton was able to unearth the man who uploaded doctored images of her onto a porn site back in 2015. “Some were obviously fake, showing me with gigantic breasts and a stuck-on head, others could’ve been mistaken as real. Either way, it was humiliating,” she reflects. “And horrible, you wonder why someone would do something like that to you? Even if they’re not real photos, or realistic, it’s about making somebody feel uncomfortable. It’s invasive.”
Dina, like Helen, was alerted to what had happened by a friend who’d been watching porn. Initially, she says she laughed, as some images were so poorly edited. “But then I thought ‘What if somebody sees them and thinks I’ve agreed to having them made?’ My name was included on the site too.” Dina then looked at the profile of the person who’d uploaded them and realised an ex-colleague had been targeted too. “I figured out it was a guy we’d both worked with, I really didn’t want to believe it was him.”
In Dina’s case, the police took things seriously at first and visited the perpetrator in person, but later their communication dropped off – she has no idea if he was ever prosecuted, but is doubtful. The images were, at least, taken down. “Apparently he broke down and asked for help with his mental health,” Dina says. “I felt guilty about it, but knew I had to report what had happened. I still fear he could do it again and now that deepfake technology is so much more accessible, I worry it could happen to anyone.”
And that’s the crux of it. It could happen to any of us – and we likely wouldn’t even know about it, unless, like Dina and Helen, somebody stumbled across it and spoke out. Or, like 25-year-old Northern Irish politician Cara Hunter, who earlier this year was targeted in a similarly degrading sexual way. A pornographic video, in which an actor with similar hair, but whose face wasn’t shown, was distributed thousands of times – alongside real photos of Cara in a bikini – via WhatsApp. It all played out during the run-up to an election, so although Cara isn’t sure who started spreading the video and telling people it was her in it, it was presumably politically motivated.
“It’s tactics like this, and deepfake porn, that could scare the best and brightest women from coming into the field,” she says, adding that telling her dad what had happened was one of the worst moments of her life. “I was even stopped in the street by men and asked for oral sex and received comments like ‘naughty girl’ on Instagram – then you click the profiles of the people who’ve posted, and they’ve got families, kids. It’s objectification and trying to humiliate you out of your position by using sexuality as a weapon. A reputation can be ruined instantly.”
Cara adds that the worst thing is ‘everyone has a phone’ and yet laws dictate that while a person can’t harm you in public, they can legally ‘try to ruin your life online’. “A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth has even got its shoes on.”
Is it any wonder, then, that 83% of Cosmopolitan readers have said deepfake porn worries them, with 42% adding that they’re now rethinking what they post on social media? But this can’t be the solution - that, once again, women are finding themselves reworking their lives, in the hopes of stopping men from committing crimes.
Yet, we can’t just close our eyes and hope it all goes away either. The deepfake porn genie is well and truly out of the bottle (it’s also a symptom of a wider problem: Europol experts estimate that by 2026, 90% of all media we consume may be synthetically generated). Nearly one in every 20 Cosmopolitan readers said they, or someone they know, has been edited into a false sexual scenario. But what is the answer? It's hard for sites to monitor deepfakes – and even when images are promptly removed, there’s still every chance they’ve been screen grabbed and shared elsewhere.
When asked, Reddit told Cosmopolitan: "We have clear policies that prohibit sharing intimate or explicit media of a person created or posted without their permission. We will continue to remove content that violates our policies and take action against the users and communities that engage in this behaviour."
Speaking to leading deepfake expert, Henry Adjer, about how we can protect ourselves – and what needs to change – is eye-opening. “I’ve rarely seen male celebrities targeted and if they are, it’s usually by the gay community. I’d estimate tens of millions of women are deepfake porn victims at this stage.” He adds that sex, trust and technology are only set to become further intertwined, referencing the fact that virtual reality brothels now exist. “The best we can do is try to drive this type of behaviour into more obscure corners of the internet, to stop people – especially children and teenagers – from stumbling across it.”
Currently, UK law says that making deepfake porn isn’t an offence (although in Scotland distributing it may be seen as illegal, depending on intention), but companies are told to remove such material (if there’s an individual victim) when flagged, otherwise they may face a punishment from Ofcom. But the internet is a big place, and it’s virtually impossible to police. This year, the Online Safety Bill is being worked on by the Law Commission, who want deepfake porn recognised as a crime – but there’s a long way to go with a) getting that law legislated and b) ensuring it’s enforced.
Until then, we need a combination of investment and effort from tech companies to prevent and identify deepfakes, alongside those (hopefully future) tougher laws. But even that won’t wave a magic wand and fix everything. Despite spending hours online every day, as a society we still tend to think of ‘online’ and ‘offline’ as two separate worlds – but they aren’t. ‘Online’ our morals can run fast and loose, as crimes often go by unchecked, and while the ‘real world’ may have laws in place that, to some degree, do protect us, we still need a radical overhaul when it comes to how society views the female body.
Deepfake porn is a bitter nail in the coffin of equality and having control over your own image; even if you’ve never taken a nude in your life (which, by the way, you should be free to do without fear of it being leaked or hacked) you can still be targeted and have sexuality used against you. Isn’t it time we focus on truly Photoshopping out that narrative as a whole?”
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evilbeepthemeep · 2 years
Narc Abuse And Why It's Bullshit
Long post ahead and tw for rape apology, homophobia, transphobia and ableism
I decided on a whim to do a deep dive on who coined the term Narc abuse and the ideology used in narcissistic abuse circles.
And oh boy I found some info.
The term Narcissistic abuse was first coined sometime in the 90’s by a guy named Sam Vaknin. Notable things about this dude is he’s a writer, a philosopher, a physicist and has npd. Oh apparently he might not even have NPD and is just spouting bullshit to get away with being an unrepentant asshole.
Fun fact he was arrested and jailed for committing securities fraud in 1996.
Here’s a link to his CV. 
notice anything? He holds no qualifications for psychology or psychiatry. 
And even has this fun disclaimer on his website
Tumblr media
Which means he has no credentials to talk or teach about NPD. Or Abuse. Or Domestic Violence.
I have combed through this man’s website, interviews and his medium articles and found some truly terrible shit. 
He’s misogynistic
Jacobsen: You agree with First Wave Feminism and Second Wave Feminism, and disagree with Third Wave Feminism and Fourth Wave Feminism. What defines them?
Vaknin: First and second wave feminisms (in plural: there are many schools) were focused on leveling the playing field and fighting abusive and exploitative practices such as prostitution and pornography.
Starting with the suffragettes, they focused on the franchise (the right to vote), equal wages, access (to healthcare, education, the workplace, daycare), revising the dress code (“rational dress”), the right to own and dispose of property, and converting marriage from indentured bondage to an intimate, hopefully lifelong equal partnership.
The third wave was a psychopathic outgrowth. While claiming to be inclusive and permissive, it was a defiant and reckless attempt to “empower” women by eliminating all boundaries, conventions, and mores of any kind in all fields of life.
What women have garnered from the confluence of the three waves is that they should make their careers the pivot of their lives, avoid meaningful, committed relationships with men, and pursue sex as a pastime with any man.
Ironically, the third wave played right into the hands of predatory men (“players”) who took advantage of the newfangled promiscuity while assiduously avoiding any hint of commitment or investment. Third wave feminists internalized the male gaze (“internalized oppression”) and pride themselves on being “sluts”.
The fourth wave of feminism is focused on real problems such as sexual harassment, rape, and body shaming as well as intersectionality (discrimination of women who belong to more than one minority). In many ways, it is an offshoot of second wave feminism.
Quote taken from Prof. Vaknin on Misogyny and Misandry
Philosophically, there is little difference between a narcissist who seeks to avoid his True Self (and positively to become his False Self) – and a transsexual who seeks to discard his true gender. But this similarity, though superficially appealing, is questionable.
People sometimes seek sex reassignment because of advantages and opportunities which, they believe, are enjoyed by the other sex. This rather unrealistic (fantastic) view of the other is faintly narcissistic. It includes elements of idealised over-valuation, of self-preoccupation, and of objectification of one's self. It demonstrates a deficient ability to empathise and some grandiose sense of entitlement ("I deserve to be taken care of") and omnipotence ("I can be whatever I want to be – despite nature/God").
This feeling of entitlement is especially manifest in some gender dysphoric individuals who aggressively pursue hormonal or surgical treatment. They feel that it is their inalienable right to receive it on demand and without any strictures or restrictions. For instance, they oftentimes refuse to undergo psychological evaluation or treatment as a condition for the hormonal or surgical treatment.
It is interesting to note that both narcissism and gender dysphoria are early childhood phenomena. This could be explained by problematic Primary Objects, dysfunctional families, or a common genetic or biochemical problem. It is too early to say which. As yet, there isn't even an agreed typology of gender identity disorders – let alone an in-depth comprehension of their sources.
A radical view, proffered by Ray Blanchard, seems to indicate that pathological narcissism is more likely to be found among non-core, ego-dystonic, autogynephilic transsexulas and among heterosexual transvestites. It is less manifest in core, ego-syntonic, homosexual transsexuals.
Autogynephilic transsexuals are subject to an intense urge to become the opposite sex and, thus, to be rendered the sexual object of their own desire. In other words, they are so sexually attracted to themselves that they wish to become both lovers in the romantic equation - the male and the female. It is the fulfilment of the ultimate narcissistic fantasy with the False Self as a fetish ("narcissistic fetish").
Autogynephilic transsexuals start off as heterosexuals and end up as either bisexual or homosexual. By shifting his/her attentions to men, the male autogynephilic transsexual "proves" to himself that he has finally become a "true" and desirable woman.
Quote taken from Homosexual and Transsexual Narcissists Frequently Asked Questions # 18
There is, however, one element, which might be unique to homosexuals: the fact that their self-definition hinges on their sexual identity. I know of no heterosexual who would use his sexual preferences to define himself almost fully. Homosexuality has been inflated to the level of a sub-culture, a separate psychology, or a myth. This is typical of persecuted minorities. However, it does have an influence on the individual. Preoccupation with body and sex makes most homosexual narcissists SOMATIC narcissists.
Moreover, the homosexual makes love to a person of the SAME sex – in a way, to his REFLECTION. In this respect, homosexual relations are highly narcissistic and autoerotic affairs.
Quote taken from Homosexual and Transsexual Narcissists Frequently Asked Questions # 18
Militant Islam is, therefore, not a cancerous mutation of “true” Islam. On the contrary, it is the purest expression of its nature as an imperialistic religion which demands unmitigated obedience from its followers and regards all infidels as both inferior and avowed enemies. Islam is a young religion. At a similar phase in the development of their respective religions, both Jews and Christians behaved the way Muslims do today: paranoid, hostile, murderous, suicidal, fatalistic, apocalyptic, and nihilistic. Death cults arose in all these three monotheistic faiths.
Quote taken from Islam and Liberalism: Total Ideologies
A Rape Apologist 
Nonconsensual sex is a crime and should always be punished harshly.
But falsely promising sex by word or by abundance of unequivocal actions should be equally criminalized as a form of fraudulent misconduct.
Men should be able to recover costs and damages from these "playful" counterparties, including for distress and hurt feelings.
Promises - made verbally or behaviorally - are binding and should be kept: look up promissory estoppel and breach of promise (mainly in marriage). Leading on and misrepresentation should be a crime not only in business and should have adverse actionable and tort or public reputation consequences and not only in politics.
Quote taken from Sex or Gender By Dr. Sam Vaknin
This fucker has said so much hateful shit i can’t include it all but I do say poke around his website and truly see how bad this dude is.
Narcissistic abuse as a concept should not be followed as a way to deal with abuse. It’s tied deeply into the beliefs of a truly disgusting man and teaches to dehumanise other people.
This man has dehumanised everyone to the point he thinks all women are narcissists for sleeping around instead of settling into a relationship with a man. 
Also they should be punished if they lead men on.
The terms you want are emotional, physicial, finacial and sexual abuse. 
I’ve read at least one source saying people using narcissistic abuse instead of domestic violence makes it harder for victims to get help since it is a meaningless term. 
I am fucking angry at the damage this man has caused victims and survivors of domestic violence and abuse. And at the psych professionals who picked up narcissistic abuse and spread it around. It’s fucking irresponsible and dangerous and they should be ashamed. 
My final words are don’t make monsters out of your abusers. They are reprehensible scum and you never had to forgive them but they are humans just like you and me. But dehumanisation leads down a slippery slope of acceptable targets and collateral damage. Which leads to human rights violations and more abuse. 
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A national physician group this week called for the complete termination of a Medicare privatization scheme that the Biden White House inherited from the Trump administration and later rebranded—while keeping intact its most dangerous components.
Now known as the Accountable Care Organization Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (ACO REACH) Model, the experiment inserts a for-profit entity between traditional Medicare beneficiaries and healthcare providers. The federal government pays the ACO REACH middlemen to cover patients' care while allowing them to pocket a significant chunk of the fee as profit.
The rebranded pilot program, which was launched without congressional approval and is set to run through at least 2026, officially began this month, and progressive healthcare advocates fear the experiment could be allowed to engulf traditional Medicare.
In a Tuesday letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) argued that ACO REACH "presents a threat to the integrity of traditional Medicare, and an opportunity for corporations to take money from taxpayers while denying care to beneficiaries."
The group, which advocates for a single-payer healthcare system, voiced alarm over the Biden administration's decision to let companies with records of fraud and other abuses take part in the ACO REACH pilot, which automatically assigns traditional Medicare patients to private entities without their consent.
CMS said in a press release Tuesday that "the ACO REACH Model has 132 ACOs with 131,772 healthcare providers and organizations providing care to an estimated 2.1 million beneficiaries" for 2023.
"As we have stated, PNHP believes that the REACH program threatens the integrity of traditional Medicare and should be permanently ended," Dr. Philip Verhoef, the physician group's president, wrote in the new letter. "Whether or not one agrees with this statement, we should all be able to agree that companies found to have violated the rules have no place managing the care of our Medicare beneficiaries."
Among the concerning examples PNHP cited was Clover Health, which has operated so-called Direct Contracting Entities (DCEs)—the name of private middlemen under the Trump-era version of the Medicare pilot—in more than a dozen states, including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, and New York.
PNHP noted that in 2016, CMS fined Clover—a large Medicare Advantage provider—for "using 'marketing and advertising materials that contained inaccurate statements' about coverage for out-of-network providers, after a high volume of complaints from patients who were denied coverage by its MA plan. Clover had failed to correct the materials after repeated requests by CMS."
Humana, another large insurer with its teeth in the Medicare privatization pilot, "improperly collected almost $200 million from Medicare by overstating the sickness of patients," PNHP observed, citing a recent federal audit.
"It appears that in its selection process [for ACO REACH], CMS did not prevent the inclusion of companies with histories of such behavior," Verhoef wrote. "Given these findings, we are concerned that CMS is inappropriately allowing these DCEs to continue unimpeded into ACO REACH in 2023."
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While the Medicare pilot garnered little attention from lawmakers when the Trump administration first launched it during its final months in power, progressive members of Congress have recently ramped up scrutiny of the program.
Last month, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) led a group of lawmakers in warning that ACO REACH "provides an opportunity for healthcare insurers with a history of defrauding and abusing Medicare and ripping off taxpayers to further encroach on the Medicare system."
"We have long been concerned about ensuring this model does not give corporate profiteers yet another opportunity to take a chunk out of traditional Medicare," the lawmakers wrote, echoing PNHP's concerns. "The continued participation of corporate actors with a history of fraud and abuse threatens the integrity of the program."
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kp777 · 8 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Oct. 4, 2023
"Medicare Advantage is just another example of the endless greed of the insurance industry poisoning American healthcare," says a new report from Physicians for a National Health Program.
A report published Wednesday estimates that privately run, government-funded Medicare Advantage plans are overcharging U.S. taxpayers by up to $140 billion per year, a sum that could be used to completely eliminate Medicare Part B premiums or fully fund Medicare's prescription drug program.
Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), an advocacy group that supports transitioning to a single-payer health insurance system, found that Medicare Advantage (MA) overbills the federal government by at least $88 billion per year, based on 2022 spending.
That lower-end estimate accounts for common MA practices such as upcoding, whereby diagnoses are piled onto a patient's risk assessment to make them appear sicker than they actually are, resulting in a larger payment from the federal government.
But when accounting for induced utilization—"the idea that people with supplemental coverage are likely to use more health care because their insurance pays for more of their cost"—PNHP estimated that the annual overbilling total could be as high as $140 billion.
"This is unconscionable, unsustainable, and in our current healthcare system, unremarkable," says the new report. "Medicare Advantage is just another example of the endless greed of the insurance industry poisoning American healthcare, siphoning money from vulnerable patients while delaying and denying necessary and often lifesaving treatment."
Even if the more conservative figure is accurate, PNHP noted, the excess funding that MA plans are receiving each year would be more than enough to expand traditional Medicare to cover dental, hearing, and vision. Traditional Medicare does not currently cover those benefits, which often leads patients to seek out supplemental coverage—or switch to an MA plan.
The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that adding dental, vision, and hearing to Medicare and Medicaid would cost just under $84 billion in the most costly year of the expansion.
"While there is obvious reason to fix these issues in MA and to expand traditional Medicare for the sake of all beneficiaries," the new report states, "the deep structural problems with our healthcare system will only be fixed when we achieve improved Medicare for All."
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Bolstered by taxpayer subsidies, Medicare Advantage has seen explosive growth since its creation in 2003 even as it has come under fire for fraud, denying necessary care, and other abuses. Today, nearly 32 million people are enrolled in MA plans—more than half of all eligible Medicare beneficiaries.
Earlier this year, the Biden administration took steps to crack down on MA overbilling, prompting howls of protest and a furious lobbying campaign by the industry's major players, including UnitedHealth Group and Humana. Relenting to industry pressure, the Biden administration ultimately agreed to phase in its rule changes over a three-year period.
Leading MA providers have also faced backlash from lawmakers for handing their top executives massive pay packages while cutting corners on patient care and fighting reforms aimed at rooting out overbilling.
As PNHP's new report explains, MA plans are paid by the federal government as if "their enrollees have the same health needs and require the same levels of spending as their traditional Medicare counterparts," even though people who enroll in MA plans tend to be healthier—and thus have less expensive medical needs.
"There are several factors that potentially contribute to this phenomenon," PNHP's report notes. "Patients who are sicker and thus have more complicated care needs may be turned off by limited networks, the use of prior authorizations, and other care denial strategies in MA plans. By contrast, healthier patients may feel less concerned about restrictions on care and more attracted to common features of MA plans like $0 premiums and additional benefits (e.g. dental and vision coverage, gym memberships, etc.). Insurers can also use strategies such as targeted advertising to reach the patients most favorable to their profit margins."
A KFF investigation published last month found that television ads for Medicare Advantage "comprised more than 85% of all airings for the open enrollment period for 2023."
"TV ads for Medicare Advantage often showed images of a government-issued Medicare card or urged viewers to call a 'Medicare' hotline other than the official 1-800-Medicare hotline," KFF noted, a practice that has previously drawn scrutiny from the U.S. Senate and federal regulators.
PNHP's report comes days after Cigna, a major MA provider, agreed to pay $172 million to settle allegations that it submitted false patient diagnosis data to the federal government in an attempt to receive a larger payment.
Dr. Ed Weisbart, PNHP's national board secretary, toldThe Lever on Wednesday that such overpayments are "going directly into the profit lines of the Medicare Advantage companies without any additional health value."
"If seniors understood that the $165 coming out of their monthly Social Security checks was going essentially dollar for dollar into profiteering of Medicare Advantage, they would and should be angry about that," said Weisbart. "We think that we pay premiums to fund Medicare. The only reason we have to do that is because we're letting Medicare Advantage take that money from us."
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workersolidarity · 1 year
On February 4th 2023, 60 year old Lisa Edwards was on a flight from Rhode Island to Knoxville when she began experiencing stomach pains. She had had a debilitating stroke in 2019, but had now mostly recovered and looked forward to moving to Knoxville.
After the flight, she was admitted to Blount Memorial Hospital in Maryville, Tennessee just South of Knoxville. She was quickly treated and released.
But miss Edwards still felt unwell so she went instead to Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center in Knoxville proper where she was admitted overnight for observations.
The next day, despite continued medical discomfort and against her will, Miss Edwards was discharged from Fort Sanders Medical Center.
But Miss Edwards refused to leave the Hospital, believing she was continuing to experience a medical emergency.
Hospital staff then chose to call Knoxville Police and requested her removal from Hospital grounds.
Police showed up and offered Miss Sanders an unpleasant ultimatum; leave the hospital or go to jail.
Miss Edwards refused to leave, choosing instead to stay where she felt safe: close to the doctors and nurses she felt she needed.
That's when Knoxville Police began abusing the 60 year old woman verbally and declared she was under arrest. They began forcing her into a police van she was unable to step into. They tried physically forcing her inside multiple times before deciding to put her in a police cruiser instead.
Throughout the experience, Miss Edwards repeatedly stated she was experiencing a medical emergency and even begged them not to let her die.
The officers, while assaulting her with abusive language, eventually physically forced Miss Edwards into the cruiser, clearly hurting her multiple times, and ignoring her constant medical complaints by declaring her "cleared" by hospital staff and to be "faking it".
Even throughout the car ride to the jail, despite Miss Edwards obvious physical and mental distress and her non-stop complaints that she was going to die, the officer driving the car continued with the verbal abuse even as she descended into unconsciousness. Clearly not taking the hint something was seriously wrong when Miss Edwards urinated herself in the cruiser, the officer instead takes the opportunity to abuse her for that as well.
Once she falls unconscious, the officer pulls over the vehicle and another officer opens up the back and screams at the unconscious woman to get up, and even grabs her roughly and forces her up where her head can be seen rolling around.
No human being should ever be treated as callously as this police force and hospital staff treated Lisa Edwards, let alone an old sick woman.
This is the most disgusting thing I've seen since the death of Eric Garner in Staten Island, who also begged officers not to kill him before they did.
The Capitalist For-Profit Healthcare system has reached all new lows here, as even a sickly old woman who recently had a stroke is ignored, discharged, and arrested when she refuses to leave a hospital while experiencing a medical emergency.
Do these people really think they can justify this behavior on the grounds of Medical fraud?
Maybe people wouldn't have to depend on Hospitals for board if there weren't armies of homeless people in every city.
But either case, the existence of medical fraud is no excuse for the way this woman was treated. Do her medical costs represent such a threat to the Hospital and Insurance company that suspicion of fraud is enough to deny her proper healthcare???
Apparently so in America.
As for the Police, they should be lynched in a public square or sent to the Gulags.
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evamadeln · 1 year
AARP urges Alabamians to report elder abuse [Video]
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Healthcare is a nightmare in America because patients are treated like an exploitable natural resource in a revolving door industrialized healthcare system that views patients as cogs in a machine and punishes them with death and dismemberment when they don't fit the hole you pegged them for. This is a system that violently degrades all life as we know it and feeds on human misery. Just like planned obsolescence.
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(via How the right-wing lie and spin machine plans to annihilate anyone who dares to tell the truth - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism)
Jim Jordan is abusing his authority as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee to intimidate, threaten and even subpoena those who are doing research on the disinformation the Republicans use to deceive and divide Americans. 
Here are the Republican lies that Jordan wants to protect: 
— The 2020 election was stolen. — Voter fraud by Black people is rampant and must be stopped. — Climate change is not caused by fossil fuels. — Gays, lesbians, and trans people want to “convert” your kids. — Public school teachers are part of a union-based communist conspiracy. — Cutting billionaire taxes helps working class people. — Teaching American history injures white children. — Covid is like the flu and the vaccine is dangerous.
— Expanding Medicare or regulating Big Pharma will break our healthcare system. — Russia didn’t help Trump. — The media has a liberal bias. — Public schools have failed. — Abortions and birth control cause cancer, infertility, and regret. — January 6th wasn’t a traitorous coup attempt.
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What's your hottest take (that would get you killed in a theocratic hellhole)?
(I don’t know how long this was in here for) (also I had to google theocratic)
Where to beginnnnn
I have so many
Gonna list a few
This turned into things that will piss of conservatives
Children shouldn’t be by default taught to believe in god
The church should have no where near as much power as it does
If you don’t want to go to church you shouldn’t be forced to
If you can afford 14 million dollars for two Super Bowl ads, you’re not helping enough people
If you can’t give medical assistance because of your religion (eg, not being able to give an abortion), you should not be in the medical field
Judging people for their beliefs or non beliefs is ridiculous
You should go read the bible front to back before you go around quoting it to people.
This weird obsession with virginity and body count having a merit on your desirability by a partner is horrible
If a high level member of the church is found guilty of child abuse or assault the church should be shut down until investigations have been held to ensure it is a safe place
Bringing god into politics should be illegal
Making people swear on the bible in court holds no sway if you believe the bible is mumbo jumbo
Vaccination works and it doesn’t cause autism
Telling random people that Jesus loves them is like telling them Hercules loves them
If god really is all good than the people he made in his likeness should be all good
Not once in the bible does it mention how hell got there
Christianity is built on centuries of oppression, war and fraud
Believing everything in the bible even though one of the books says that it was three wise men and another says three Shepards
It has been translated and retranslated and changed so many times there are undoubtedly many things that would not have been there
Claiming you’re so anti communist when one of the major signs of communism is a dictatorial leader that no one can vote out, by trying to keep trump in office you are essentially allowing this to happen
Taylor swift didn’t ruin football, nor is she a ploy to keep Biden in office, you’re just threatened by a strong powerful woman
I would rather have a spider crawl over my face than be forced to be a “trad wife”
Abortion is healthcare
Being proud of yourself is not a bad thing
Lust is a normal human feeling
Having to prove you’re worthy of heaven is bullshit
Anyone being forgiven for any sin is bullshit
I would rather leave my child with two gay men than two priests
Religion is outdated
“The universe can’t have come from nothing” but yet god came from nothing?
Mandatory religion classes up until year 12 is weird bc all I can do in the church is be a nun
Appreciate the ask
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coochiequeens · 8 months
interesting to post two articles about the American Academy of Pediatrics in one day
A first-of-its-kind lawsuit, showcasing the growing movement to expose the painful, life-altering impacts of gender ideology.
Press Team | October 24, 2023
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Following in the footsteps of two female detransitioners featured in Independent Women’s Forum’s “Identity Crisis” series who have filed lawsuits against healthcare professionals for medical malpractice, two new bombshell lawsuits have now dropped from the same law firm against the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and prominent healthcare providers. The lawsuits coincide with the AAP’s annual gathering in Washington, D.C., where pediatric providers discuss the latest best practices in pediatrics. Independent Women’s Forum, as part of its work to expose the harms of the gender ideology movement firsthand through “Identity Crisis”, calls the lawsuits groundbreaking and critical to the efforts to protect children.
Campbell Miller Payne, a law firm formed this year out of a heart for individuals who were misled and abused into psychological and physical harm through a false promise of “gender-affirming care,” filed the lawsuits on Friday and Monday for their clients, including a 14-year-old minor who was put on life-altering cross-sex hormones.
Isabelle Ayala, a female detransitioner from Florida is suing the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and her healthcare providers alleging civil conspiracy, fraud, and medical malpractice. The first detransitioner lawsuit in the nation to name the AAP, Isabelle alleges the organization knowingly mislead the public in publishing and disseminating a fraudulent “policy statement” that has been perceived by many as an authoritative guide for the treatment of gender-confused children in the U.S.
Among the providers Isabelle is suing are Dr. Jason Rafferty and Dr. Michelle Forcier. Dr. Forcier is among the country’s most prominent figures on “gender affirming hormones and care plans.” She attained broader national recognition after being featured in Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman” documentary. 
Dr. Rafferty is the author of the 2018 AAP policy statement that essentially created the “affirmative care” model, as it has become known and implemented throughout the country. That document, the lawsuit alleges, underplayed the known risks of the medical interventions it advocated for and used misleading and fraudulent citations to support its conclusions and recommendations.
At the time of her purported “treatment,” Isabelle was a vulnerable 14-year-old girl suffering from numerous mental health comorbidities, including autism, ADHD, and PTSD from a sexual assault at a young age. Her parents had recently separated, and she moved from Florida to Rhode Island with her father and his girlfriend. Her story, like so many others, involved social isolation and finding trans ideology online, where she discovered community and celebration and was told—and eventually convinced—that she was “trans.” 
After a single, brief meeting with Dr. Rafferty, Isabelle was recommended for testosterone injections, but her mother refused to give consent. In a follow-up meeting, Dr. Rafferty and his team convinced her mother to drop her objection by misrepresenting testosterone as the only available treatment and suggesting that if she did not receive the hormones, Isabelle would commit suicide. Shortly thereafter, Isabelle was put on life-altering cross-sex hormones. She now suffers from a slew of debilitating conditions from the effects of years of testosterone injection, including vaginal atrophy, physical pain, and the triggering of an auto-immune disease only present in males in her family, among others.
Jordan Campbell, Campell Miller Payne counsel for Isabelle, said:
“Isabelle, like too many other vulnerable young adolescents, was an unknowing victim of a fraudulent medical regime that stems from the ideologies of a radical minority. Sadly, the AAP has thrown its support behind them. Isabelle is seeking to hold them and her health care providers accountable for the role they collectively played in causing life-changing damage to her physical and mental health.” 
Campbell Miller Payne filed another lawsuit last Friday against Drs. Rafferty and Forcier, among others, for medical malpractice on behalf of female detransitioner Layton Ulery.
The firm also represents Soren Aldaco and Prisha Mosley, two women featured in Independent Women’s Forum’s “Identity Crisis” series, in their lawsuits against their healthcare providers. Kelsey Bolar, executive producer of the IWF’s “Identity Crisis” series, responds to the new lawsuits:
“Isabelle’s lawsuit represents a historic step in the fight to obtain justice for detransitioners. For too long, health care ‘experts’ have used the AAP as a shield to harm children by encouraging social ‘transition,’ prescribing wrong-sex hormones, and puberty blockers, and performing irreversible surgeries. These guidelines have had serious consequences for individuals, like Isabelle, who now suffer from permanent conditions caused by the proposed treatments. It’s long past time that those responsible for publishing these guidelines face consequences, too.”
Prisha Mosley has been central to exposing gender ideology and the betrayal of health professionals. Her story told through Independent Women’s Forum’s “Identity Crisis” series can be viewed here. Following her attendance at the AAP conference and in response to these groundbreaking lawsuits, Mosley stated:
“I’m grateful to be standing alongside other detransitioners who are not only victims of medical practice with the bravery to speak out, but are also my friends.
“Filing a lawsuit is an incredibly stressful event. It takes courage, patience, and willpower. I am not only proud of my friends, but also hopeful that we all might be able to see justice and stop this preventable tragedy from destroying other families and the healthy bodies of the distressed.
“I attended the AAP conference this October to spread messages of truth and love and share the valuable stories of detransitioners lives. The reactions of many of the pediatricians made the importance of lawsuits clear to me: we aren’t collateral damage, we were failed by people who swore to Do No Harm, and those very same people refuse to acknowledge our existence and would prefer to call security on us rather than hear about the harms we live with.”
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what crimes did you commit
Abusive sexual contact
Advocating overthrow of government
Aggravated assault/battery
Aggravated identity theft
Aggravated sexual abuse
Aiming a laser pointer at an aircraft
Airplane hijacking
Anti racketeering
Armed robbery
Assault with a deadly weapon
Assaulting or killing federal officer
Assisting or instigating escape
Attempt to commit murder/manslaughter
Bank burglary
Bankruptcy fraud/embezzlement
Bank larceny
Bank robbery
Bombing matters
Bond default
Breaking or entering carrier facilities
Bribery crimes
Certification of checks (fraud)
Child abuse
Child exploitation
Child pornography
Civil action to restrain harassment of a victim or witness
Commodities price fixing
Computer crime
Concealing escaped prisoner
Concealing person from arrest
Concealment of assets
Conspiracy (in matters under FBI jurisdiction)
Conspiracy to impede or injure and officer
Contempt of court
Continuing criminal enterprise
Conveying false information
Copyright matters
Counterintelligence crimes
Credit/debit card fraud
Crime aboard aircraft
Crimes on government reservations
Crimes on Indian reservations
Criminal contempt of court
Criminal forfeiture
Criminal infringement of a copyright
Cyber crimes
Damage to religious property
Delivery to consignee
Demands against the US
Destruction of aircraft or motor vehicles used in foreign commerce
Destruction of an energy facility
Destruction of property to prevent seizure
Destruction of records in federal investigations and bankruptcy
Destruction of corporate audit records
Destruction of veterans memorials
Detention of armed vessel
Disclosure of confidential information
Domestic security
Domestic terrorism
Domestic violence
Drive by shooting
Drug abuse violations
Drug smuggling
Drug trafficking
DUI/DWI on federal trafficking
Economic espionage
Election law crimes
Embezzlement against estate
Entering train to commit crime
Enlistment to serve against the US
Environmental scheme crimes
Escaping custody/escaped federal prisoners
Examiner performing other services
Exportation of drugs
Failure to appear on felony offence
Failure to pay legal child support obligations
False bail
False pretences
False statements relating to healthcare matters
Falsely claiming citizenship
False declarations before grand jury or court
False entries in records of interstate carriers
False information and hoaxes
False statement to obtain unemployment compensation
Federal aviation act
Federal civil rights violations (hate crimes, police misconduct)
Female genital mutilation
Financial transactions with foreign government
First degree murder (472 victims)
Flight to avoid prosecution or giving testimony
Forced labour
Forcible rape 
Fraud activity in connection with electronic mail
Fraud against government
Hacking crimes
Harbouring terrorists
Harming animals used in law enforcement
Hate crime acts
Hostage taking
Identity theft
Illegal possession of firearms
Immigration offences
Impersonator making arrest or search
Importation of drugs
Influencing juror by writing
Injuring officer
Insider trading crimes
Insurance fraud
Interference with operation of a satellite
International parental kidnapping
International terrorism
Interstate domestic violence
Interstate violation of protection order
Lobbying with appropriated moneys
Mailing threatening communications 
Major fraud against the US
Medical/health care fraud
Missile systems designed to destroy aircraft
Misuse of passport
Misuse of visas, permits, or other documents
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