#Honestly probably could be set anywhere but I wanted Papyrus to be worried for Sans' safety and not fully know why <3
sysig · 3 months
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The familiarity is not very comforting (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Sans#Papyrus#Asgore#Always with memories/lack of memories being distressing! How memories shape action interests me quite a lot#Papyrus and Sans both have the ''this has been on me since forever so it's normal'' outlook on the plates#Defensive when other people get concerned about their lack of concern haha <3#But what if ♪#Honestly probably could be set anywhere but I wanted Papyrus to be worried for Sans' safety and not fully know why <3#Lots of very I don't know why I know this but I'm not happy about it haha#Can you tell I didn't use references for this from Asgore's outfit and the boys being on the opposite sides lol#It was very fun to draw them being carried haha ♥ Asgore's gigantic hands#Teeny tiny babies even still haha#In case it's unclear - Sans is looking at Asgore's text in the second panel and putting two and two together about his hand plate#That was a point of curiousity for me while I was reading :0 All the other text Gaster uses to communicate is WingDings!#All the papers he has the boys do and obviously his native font to speak haha#Wondered briefly if it was perhaps that distancing thing I mentioned a bit back in reference to ZEX actually haha#Like swearing in a different language - a way to not claim the action as his own in some small sense#Or perhaps as reference to their fonts being in that alphabet? I wonder!#I love their little interactions in how they look out for each other even in small ways <3#Papyrus concerned of course! Falling is dangerous! It'll be more obvious why later but this is emotionally a very strong and real feeling!#And Sans wants to do anything he can to not make his brother sad ♥#It'll all turn out okay you two 💕
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braindeadskeletons · 4 years
Speaking of music, I really like to sing, and I think I'm actually pretty good at it. I don't open up very easily at all, so if I'm honest with you I really trust you. And I've been described as the friend everyone comes to for comfort/advice, and I take that role with pride. In public, I can be very affectionate, or not affectionate at all. It really depends on what my S/O would like. But when we're home, I'm usually pretty clingy. (I hope thiat wasn't too much, or too little, info!) (2/2)
okay so I did a huge whoops and deleted the first half of this ask. Here's the first part of it:
Hi, I'm here for a matchup! (Sorry in advance if I do a lot of asks to fit in all my info). My name is Viper, I am Genderfluid, Pansexual, and Polyamorus. I am an ambivert, who normally doesn't leave my house unless asked, but once I do my inner extrovert comes out. But I can only take so much, and after a couple of hours I'll need some alone time to relax. I like to read adventure/sci-fi/horror books when I get the chance. I also am an amateur artist, who listens to music 24/7. (1/?)
Hello there! Don't worry about it at all the more information on you the merrier. Reading this you honestly sound like such an awesome person to be around with and just hangout. Like I could just say something that's been on my mind for a really long time and it's pretty heavy but you completely just listen and understand. You're just someone everybody gets along with you know? Immediately when I read everything two boys came to mind instantly and though they may be the most basic answers I'd say I got the match pretty accurate. Or at least I'd like to think so lol. Thank you so much for sending this in!
I match you with Horrortale!Sans and Undertale!Sans
Alright so immediately off the bat you may be thinking 'how the fuck did I get here?' and honestly that's a valid question. You don't exactly see the two and think that they're best friends who could both share a very cute human. Axe reflects Sans in such a way that really disturbs him. If the human just made one different decision Sans would've been left in the underground to starve with every other monster. He also isn't very fond of how Crooks appears and it kind of haunts him that in another timeline he failed Paps. Axe on the other hand isn't fond of Sans because he feels like he always acts high and mighty. He doesn't like how Sans can sit around and act like Axe is some sort of freak when Sans isn't even a completely innocent monster himself. He just acts like a lazy idiot but he isn't. It also doesn't help that whenever Axe looks at Sans he's just reminded of how his Frisk wronged him. He's reminded that he isn't the monster he used to be because of the head injury he endured and the hardships underground. As mentioned before, one wrong move and at the end of the day Sans and Axe are one of the same. They both reflect the parts of each other that they would rather live without confronting.
There's immediately a lot to unpack here from the start. Getting the two to even begin to compromise on a poly relationship with you is admittedly going to be a challenge. It would require you to be able to firmly hold your ground and get them to sort their shit out. It's a lot of conversation and trust needed in order for this to work out. In the end, they both come to the compromise after a lot of discussion and setting boundaries of what is and isn't alright with them. Sometimes they might clash a bit and have those issues resurface (its very rare since both skeletons when needed are amazing at concealing their emotions) and you'll need to act as the middleman. At the end of the day it's all worth it to them just to see you happy.
Let's start off first with Sans. It's amazing how I've gone on for a bit and I haven't even technically started. The fact that you don't really like going out of your way to go out unless asked to is a bit of a relief. It's not that Sans doesn't like socializing, it's just that a lot of the time he really needs a break to just relax on the couch and nap with you, you know? He's got a lot on his mind and Papyrus often scolds him for sleeping and with Grillby's it can at times be overwhelming when he just needs peace and quiet. Just knowing that his cute datemate isn't going to do any of that helps him relax. It's going to be a lot of just enjoying each other's company even if it's quiet at the start. The silence between you two isn't ever uncomfortable though, just enjoying your company is enough for him. Of course there will actually be times where he does offer you to go to Grillby's and when you say yes he's always really happy to share his favorite bar with you. When you two sit together at his usual spot it's a lot of him joking around with you and absolutely looking at you with heart eyes when he gets a certain genuine laugh out of you. He's actually teased about it a lot the few times you don't accept his offer to go to Grillby's. Sans lives to see you smile with his jokes and he just tells them that they're jealous he ended up with such a cute datemate and they didn't. If you ever find yourself exhausted and you need to go home after you're bone tired just tell him and he'll teleport you right home no hassle.
Once you reach a certain point in your relationship Sans will start to gradually accept your affection. You'll need to ease him into it, since he's really not used to anybody besides his brother showing him any sort of affection. Of course before this he's absolutely bombarding you with flirty puns numerous times but physical affection? That's going to take a while. However once he's used to it you can absolutely smother him all you want. He'll only get embarrassed if it's in a public place like Grillbys but he's good at hiding it for the most part. In front of people like his brother he'll still be a little unsure but for the most part it's like a running joke where Pap yells at him to knock it off and Sans pushes his buttons a little. It often goes a little like this:
Sans, a hand on your waist: what human?
Sans, pulling you closer: this human?
Papyrus: SANS
Sans: this one right here?
Papyrus: SANS STOP
Sans, moving his hands a little lower:
It's all in good fun and he never goes further than that. The one place he'll draw the line is if you get a little too sexual for him in public. Especially if his brother is right there. He prefers to keep that stuff just between you and him.
Okay now onto Axe! Unlike Sans, Axe would rather stay inside for the rest of his life than go outside. His appearance discourages him from wanting to do so. If you're with him this mentality will probably be projected onto you as well. He won't really ask you to go out anywhere (unless it's somewhere he specifically knows will make you happy) so in terms of that don't expect much from him. Axe is really happy that you don't really like going out either way and you'd rather spend time with him inside the house where it's safe, warm, and he can keep an eye out for you. It's comforting to him that he can know where you are and that you're happy with him. His favorite moments with you are when you've got your head in a book and he sees your face relax as you get lost in your own little world. It's just the cutest thing. Axe absolutely adores the fact that you're clingy because unlike his counterpart (assuming that at this point he obviously trusts you) it doesn't take time for him at all to want to cuddle you, hold you in his arms, kiss you, etc. He's shy about none of it. The only thing you'd really need to look out for is when you try and initiate affection yourself. It's not that it's unwelcomed; he just doesn't take surprises well due to the nature of his underground. Make sure that you let him know what's coming and you'll both be perfectly fine. During the few times that you two are in public together he's not shy about showing the world that you're his. The only time where he might ask you to step back a little is when you're with his brother. He doesn't like Crooks seeing stuff like this because he still has an instinct to protect him from things. Not that you'd ever try anything of course.
An aspect about you that both skeletons greatly appreciate is how you're very honest with the people that you love and that you act as the friend who listens. They've both found themselves in the same position as you and now that you're dating both of them it's a wonderful change of pace. You all can sit down and vent to each other instead of only listening to others rant and you all absolutely trust each other. Honesty and integrity are both traits the skeletons really look for in a datemate. There's basically no secrets between the three of you and for your skeleton boys thats definitely new for them. As for your talent with singing and art? They genuinely can't get enough of either. Whenever you draw something? Sans will literally stare and wonder how he ended up with someone as talented as you meanwhile Axe has already grabbed the drawing and put it on the fridge. If you ever try and talk yourself down both of them are immediately on your case about how you shouldn't put yourself down and that everything you make is a masterpiece. Axe will literally also ask you who the fuck made you think like that and where do they live. He isn't joking. Sans won't be as vocal about it as Axe is but he's listening in as well. With your singing they both love your voice to pieces. Sans will hype you up to every single person at Grillby's and even encourage you to let others hear your talent. If not, that's cool too. He can just sit and listen at home. Axe mostly likes to ask for you to sing to him when he's having a really rough day or when it's late at night and you're both alone. What can he say? It helps him sleep.
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pacifistofpatience · 5 years
this may be the most self indulgent thing I've ever asked, but what sort of weddings would each of the skeletons want?
Elop-ish—Papyrus, Red, Rus, Pappy
Quite one/family and friends thing—Sky,Sans, Boss, Jupiter, Mars
Big Party!!—Black
And on top of that:
Mix and match- Jupiter, Sky, Pappy, Mars, Boss
More monster centered- Black, Rus, Sans
More human centered- Red, Papyrus
AND ANOTHER (This is more of an afterthought):
More likely to be running around talking with others (Within Reason! Of course!): Mars, Sky
Stays by your side the entire time: Black, Sans, Pappy, Red
Follows you around: Rus, Jupiter
Drags you with him: Boss, Papyrus
Below the cut is a very long post along with outfits depending on weather you’re a dress or suit wearing Human
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Is Papyrus gonna be there? Awesome. Oh shoot wait how about Tori? She’d love it. Well if we’re gonna invite them then we gotta invite Undyin and Alphys and… Sans started out thinking it would be a quiet little thing until he remembered that he actually… has a good amount of friends that would be pretty sad (Or hell bent on beating him up) if they didn’t get invited to the wedding. A lot of the planning going to be left up to his S/O with his little additions here and there that… don’t quite make it an actual wedding but somehow make it feel like the best day of their lives. Honestly, during the entire planning session you’d think he didn’t doanything, but then he comes out actually looking nice for once in his life and (if they’re doing them) with his own, tear inducing, vows that it hits his S/O just how much they love him.
Songs you could dance to: Can’t help Falling In love with you – Elvis/ Fast Car - tracy chapman
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 Impulsive to a fault Papyrus falls hard and fast. It’s not that his emotions are any less genuine because of how quickly he moves, it’s just that sometimes he needs to take a step back and think of what his S/O wants before he jumps on the old marriage wagon. If he had it his way, the two of them would be married five months in and already living that blissful married life. But, given the chance to plan out the wedding, Papyrus would love to experience a human marriage first hand! He’s been to plenty of monster ones! And knows the steps well enough that you two can have your own one at a later date!
Songs you could dance to: Lucky - Jason Mraz / Earth, Wind & Fire - September
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Sky has the wedding planned out long before he proposes. He’s probably been dropping little hints here and there, asking what colors his S/O would love to have for a party. Would they prefer an indoor or outdoor one? At some point they’re going to think he’s planning a surprise party for them… or… something? His S/O will be unsure of what it is until he’s finally popping the question! And then it’s a whirlwind of planning and sending out invitations as both of them rush to get married (Which is part of the reason why he had it planned out so far in advanced!) Thankfully! Sky is very much flexible and willing to work with his S/O to make this the perfect wedding! And, while you guys are at it, how about you pick and choose some of the fun monster and humans’ bits!
Songs you could dance to: I’m Yours – Jason Mraz/ Ed Sheeran - Photograph
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 Pappys a sweetheart, and he loves his S/O dearly…but…maybe they could do something with less people? Maybe even something with no people. Pappy is not good with the whole ‘get married in front of a crowd of people judging him’ and, stars, if he’s going to pour his (nonexistent) heart and (very much anxious) soul out to his S/O he’s going to need the peace. More than anything he’d rather jump into the heat of the moment and marry you in some far off place somewhere with a nice view (both outside and right next to him) and just… somewhere he can just outright tell his S/O how much they really mean to him. Of course, he knows that it’s a lot to ask of someone, so he’s willing to work around his insecurities in order to make it the perfect day for the both of them. Or, if yhis S/O is willing, he’d be happy to do the whole party marriage thing and than on their honeymoon have a small, Two person affair.
Songs you could dance to: Iris – Goo Goo Dolls/ Marry Me- Train/ Poet – Bastille
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The moment Red decides that his S/O is the one is the moment he knows he’s jumping all in. And that means he needs to act now, before he chickens out (like he did the last three, four, five times) He didn’t mean for it to happen like it does, but you two are probably on vacation or something and he spots a ceremony happening and just, suggests it offhand (in that totally not joking tone) and the second his S/O seems down with it is the second he’s yanking them along and thinking that as long as he can get the ring on quick enough there’s no way they can call takeies backies. (one thing he would be adamant about though is having a Elvis impersonator there, he doesn’t care what for he just needs)
Songs you could dance to: Honeybee – Steam Powered Giraffe/ Safe and Sound - civil wars/ Take Me To church – Hozier/
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 Boss Is actually… Pretty quiet about the whole affair. After he asks he spends almost all his time quietly planning everything out as soon as he possibly can, its not nerves that have him, but theres a buzzing, giddy, energy thrumming in him that if he doesn’t use for something he’ll probably end up bursting! That goes all the way up until the big day, where he’s there and his just sees his S/O and crashes, Error 404 Boss not working. Its like the wave of what he now knows was anxiety just dispersed the moment he saw them there, real and solid and undoubtedly his (Because sometimes he was worried that at any moment they could change their mind, any second they could see him as he sees himself and just… just leave… and stars he cant deal with that)  But then his S/O is there, and getting married and spending the rest of their life with him because his S/O loves him and… And he’s so in love! During the end of the night there’s going to be that one big kiss where he ends up sweeping his S/O off their feet and just… never puts them down. Then for the rest of the party he’s just there holding them in his arms shoving them in everyone’s face because “LOOK! LOOK! THIS IS MY BEAUTIFUL AND STUNNING WIFE/HUSBANDS/PARTNER AND THEYRE MINE!”
Songs you could dance to: I’ll Be - Edwin McCain/ Shallows – lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper
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For Black, it’s less of a party and more of a “invite everyone I can so that they know this amazing and stunning person officially MINE’ thing. He’s going to invite every monster, he’s going to get your family there, and, if you don’t stop him, hell invite all your Exs too just to rub it in their noses that he’s the one you  choose to spend the rest of your life with! Which may also make it more of a monster-oriented wedding, where you both have a collar to give to the other instead of the traditional wedding rings. A good amount of the wedding is him putting of a calm of easy front when hes pratcally just brimming with energy underneath, because their his, because he loves them so gosh darn much, because their wearing his collar and the restrain he’s using not to jump them right there is killing him.
Songs you could dance to: Hallelujah – Jeff Buckley/ I See the Light – Rapunzel ,
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 Rus  doesn’t mean for the marriage to be sudden. Heck he probably would love to have something big and smoopy where he can proclaim to everyone just how much he loves his S/O, but the impulsiveness kicks in and… well Black had always been most of his self-restraint. His S/Os going to have to rein him in so that they can have a proper wedding like he wants! And Rus likes a little familiarity, so he’d prefer a monster wedding to a human one, especially because he desperately wants to see his S/O in the collar he picked out for them! (And stars he’s getting weak thinking about the collar they have for him as well!)
Songs you could dance to: Perfect – Ed Sheeren/ Die A Happy Man - Thomas Rhett
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Jupiter, ever the sweetheart, would probably have something for just the two of you if he could (Or, like, a lazy movie night that ended with you guys saying your vows and that’s it) but after a little while on the surface he started to come out of his shell again… and gained a few friends (Both old and New) that would be really sad if he just came back on day announcing he’s was married to one of the greatest S/O’s in the world without them knowing! So! With the help of the greatest little bro in the world! You guys set up a nice little backyard wedding (Or anywhere in an opened field) where you guys can celebrate however you want to!
Songs you could dance to: Thinking Out Loud – Ed Sheeren/ Blackbird – The Beatles  
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With Mars you never have to worry about planning! He’s going to be the one making calls and setting up dates and sending out invitations all on his own! And sure maybe he’ll burn himself out a little but he’s riding high enough that he cant tell! Just to make sure he doesn’t wear himself out  his S/O will have to sneak their way into his very tight planning regime to make sure, and the best way to do that is to just… give their opinion. The second Mars hears his S/O’s input he’s already making room for them to help! And, while Mars is very much a practical monster, wouldn’t it be nice to have a… sort of fairy tale wedding? It doesn’t have to be all out there but… he would love to have something sort of… Mystical about it! Because, by the stars, does he feel like a miracle happened when his S/O agreed to marry him!
Songs you could dance to: Bubbly - Colbie Caillat/ You Are in love -Taylor Swift / Laughter Lines – Bastille
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tally-kiza · 5 years
Horrorswap and Horrorswapfell Headcanons
So I decided to make Horrorswap and Horrorswapfell headcanons. There’s not a lot of stuff out there for it, so I wanted to throw my hat into the ring, and see what I could come up with.
This isn’t typical scary Horrortale, btw. These are soft-Horrortale inspired by popatochisssp’s HT skeletons.
(this is slightly edited and revised as of 02/25/2020 so if things seem different than before, thats why)
Horrorswap Sans (Boston)
- The famine was particularly hard on him. Alphys’s abuse really injured his head, and combined with the effects of starvation, Sans was eventually diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. His brother was always so worried when Boston started spending days in bed or sprinting throughout the underground setting up violently painful puzzles and traps, shouting about humans, but having an explanation assuaged his worries a bit. At least then he knew how to help. 
- Speaking of Alphys, when Sans became captain of the Royal Guard and bore the brunt of her anger, it left permanent damage to his bones and teeth, leaving them cracked and crooked, with strange blood stains on them (his own marrow/blood, not a human’s).
- Despite everything, he's still Sans. He’s sunny, but less so than he use to be, and even when he’s feeling miserable, he tries his best to be friendly and cheerful. ...It’s difficult though. It’s so tempting sometimes to just curl up and forget about the world, but... even though he does do that occasionally, he never stays like that for long. He keeps going through the day, trying his best to live and forget about the past.
- On better days though, he can be pretty cheerful and friendly! He likes talking to other people and hearing what they have to say.
- Boston goes to therapy regularly to cope with his trauma. He tries to convince his brother to go too but Citrine’s been stubborn so far.
- During the famine, one of his favorite things to take his mind off the stress was creating things. Like drawing maps of what the stars in the sky look like, and designing diagrams of spaceships that he likes. Very space-oriented things usually, since he’s always loved it so much. It’s... very difficult to make these though most of the time. His concentration and focus is basically nonexistent when he’s starving, so he can mostly only create when he’s recently eaten. Making them is his favorite hobby on the surface.
- Adores farmers markets. There's so many possibilities! Buying cool new foods, selling the things he’s made, meeting and talking to cool new people! He loves them, they’re so fun.
- Uses the fruits from his brother’s gardens to make preserves! Saves jars of jams, jellies, and other preserves in the cabinets for whenever he needs to use them when he cooks. They’re delicious and he always has a lot of fun making them with his brother.
- Has a collection of lava lamps! They’re so satisfying and relaxing to watch. He loves them, and they always help him feel less stressed.
- Along that same vein, he likes stim videos! Pretty much all kinds of them. they’re very relaxing to him.
- He hates the silence... It reminds him so much of Snowdin during the famine. Cold, empty, devoid of life and joy... He cringes whenever there’s too long of a silence. Boston will almost always have some kind of noise on in the background, whether it be music or tv show or an audiobook. It really eases his fears.
- Stars, he loves food. So much. He loves watching stress-free cooking shows and learning new recipes to cook. Trying something new and making food for him and his brother is one of his favorite things. 
- Awkwardly genuine. He tries really hard to fit in on the surface and be a good person to make up for what he's done. Every so often he’ll say or do something really dark and completely forget he can’t do that anymore on the surface. Sans will berate himself really hard afterwards, so he really appreciates the reassurances he gets that it’s okay.
- Admittedly, he had lost hope of ever seeing the stars... He thought they’d be stuck underground, starving to death forever... But when he and the others emerged out of the Barrier in the middle of the night, he finally saw the infinite blanket of stars twinkling above them. He’s never been quite so happy in his whole life, as he collapsed on the ground and sobbed with the pure relief of finally being free and finally seeing the stars.
Horrorswap Papyrus (Citrine)
- After getting into a big fight with Alphys and interfering when she tried to hurt Sans, he ended up with a big bad hole in his skull. Sans had to use all the healing magic he could find to save him. When Citrine woke up, his skull was throbbing and he could barely remember what happened.
- Very apathetic at times. It’s hard to care about stuff when he’s stuck underground and feels like they’re going to die soon... It'll take a lot of years on the surface for him to be anywhere close to normal again. Also doesn't have the energy to be nice to people sometimes. So he just isolates himself and doesn’t interact with them.
- That being said, it is possible to befriend him. It’ll be a long journey but With the right circumstances and if you’re good to Boston, Citrine ends up being a pretty great friend.
- Pretty touch-repulsed unless he’s close with someone. After many years of being friends with them, he can be pretty cuddly. If you’re lucky, he’ll drape himself over you like a cat.
- Like the other lazybones, the hole in his skull gave him memory problems but not as severe as the others'. Still has all his long-term memory, he just forgets recent things (like where he put his keys) ver easily.
- Since he has no suckers to chew on during the famine, he chews on sticks as a replacement. It's left his teeth chipped and scraggly. He gets them fixed on the surface, and hoards all the suckers, honey, and pocky he can find.
- Loves plants. Has a mini garden on the surface. Grows his own food and everything. Boston is so supportive of him and helps him when he’s struggling with it.
- Probably has a slight case of osteoporosis? And maybe the other horror!skeletons would as well. So his spine is kinda bent, unfortunately. 
- Still really loves puns. Dark ones make him kind of uncomfortable (he doesn't like anything that reminds him of the underground) but his favorites are plant and music puns. They're perhaps the quickest way to get him to warm up to you.
- Still appreciates memes. Doesn’t outwardly show a positive reaction to them, but they make him chuckle inwardly. Will deadpannedly meme at you when you least expect it.
- Has an unfortunate case of MVRSF: Monotone Voice and Resting Stony Face.
- Pretends he’s fine when there’s clearly something wrong. Refuses to accept help and burden anyone. He just... doesn’t want to cause any more problems. He insists he’ll be alright....
- Stars, he just? loves Hozier’s music?? so much??? It’s so ethereal and chill and it always calms him down when he’s stressed. And music! Just music in general is his one true lomfve. He can’t get enough of it. Starts learning to play the kalimba on the surface. It has such a lovely sound. He’s a little rusty at it, but he tries hard. Hozier songs are his favorite songs to play on it.
Horrorswapfell Sans (Knox)
- Like Horrorfell Papyrus, after the famine began, he sobered up. Sans didn't have the time nor energy for all his usual grandiose. Like with all the Fell skeletons, he blames himself that the human killed so many people, and it's really taken a hit to his ego. His self-esteem is a lot lower than it used to be.
- Didn't take of any of Alphys's shit, and refused to let her abuse him. They fought quite a bit however, resulting in chipped misaligned teeth and long scars on his eyesocket and side of his face. The eyesocket with those scars lost its eyelight, so hes unfortunately blind in that socket now. Scraps with Snowdin-folk have left scars and marks all over his and body, but nothing too deep, luckily.
- An incredibly responsible and capable skeleton. Like, he gets shit done. Insanely productive at times with laser-like focus. He was basically the only reason his brother survived during the famine; Knox motivates Clover to get out of bed and live.
- Mildly paranoid on the surface. He's worried that something bad will happen and is lurking around the corner, so he's incredibly suspicious everything. Especially people he doesn’t know.
- In addition to being mildly paranoid, he also is easily stressed, and has anxiety and depression. He has... a lot on his plate, to say the least. The famine gave him a lot of trauma, but frequent therapy helps a lot, once he’s comfortable opening up to strangers. His brother Clover is a great help, he’s the most helpful, supportive brother and friend he could’ve asked for. 
- Oftentimes he wears a dark cloak that makes him look like the Grim Reaper. Enjoys scaring people with it and making them think he actually is the Grim Reaper. It’s one of the great joys he has in life.
- Favorite type of music is opera and classical. He likes how quickly it can go from soft and peaceful to fast and dramatic and dynamic.
- Secretly likes baking, especially baking cupcakes, but sshhhh! No one can know. ...Mostly just because he’s new to baking and not very great at it yet, so he’s self-conscious. But! He hopes knows he’s gonna be great at it someday. And his brother is always there to cheer him on and nom all the sweet treats happily.
- He's very sly. Makes the most subtle, hidden, and deady traps out of all the skeletons, and with his silvertongue can easily turn people's words against them. 
- But... once you have his trust and his friendship, he wouldn’t dream of doing that to you. Knox isn’t someone who takes friendship lightly, so he’d never dare manipulate your words or hurt you in any way.
- Also very formal and serious. Not much of a casual skeleton, and doesn’t like letting down his walls. It’s part of his distrustful nature. Makes him pretty difficult to befriend, honestly. But it is possible, in the right circumstances.
- Sans isn’t passionate for many things on the surface, but sewing is definitely one of them. He got into it when he was younger, and starting sewing and creating more during the famine like Boston to keep himself distracted when he wasn’t working or patrolling. He enjoys it so much on the surface, that he starts doing tailoring and sewing commissions. Probably even becomes a tailor or something similar eventually. Altering clothes is the one thing he feels like he hasn't failed at, so he likes it.
Horrorswapfell Papyrus (Clover)
- Animalistic. The famine probably hit him the hardest out of all of them, mentally at least. He started acting more and more dog-like over time. Nothing extreme, he just has bad habits that he’s picked up. Hostile and distant towards strangers, growling at people with too high LV, whining if you won't cuddle him. It's pretty cute tbh.
- Once hen him and Alphys got into a fight over Sans, she threw her axe at him, and left a pretty big cracked hole in his skull. When Sans saved him with the DT, one of his eyelights became enlarged and beaming red. The other eye "overloaded” in a way from the influx of magic so it became basically unusable. Even though there’s no physical damage to it, keeping it uncovered hurts sometimes so he keeps an eyepatch over it.
- Wears beanie hats! Clover’s self-conscious about his crack, so he covers it with adorable beanie hats. He has a whole collection of them of many different types. He also likes how they make him feel cute.
- His slitted pupils make him look so adorable when they dilate when he's excited.
- Basically a cat. Drapes on top of his s/o for cuddles. Naps in the sunbeams. Complains when you don't pay attention to him. Kills pests for you. Just a 7 foot tall teddy bear kitty skeleton ;w;
- Looooves chicken nuggets. They’re his favorite food and nomming them after a bad day always makes him feel better <33. Calls them chimken nuggies.
- Also loves love songs! Especially the soft and sweet and heartfelt ones. They're so nice and calming to listen to. He really likes to hum along to them when he's drawing.
- Pretty quiet. He didn't talk a lot underground so as to not draw attention, so he rarely talks anymore. Doesn’t speak much around people he doesn’t know in public, but in private with people he’s close too he’s more comfortable talking. When Papyrus does talk, it's rather slow and his voice cracks occasionally.
-  Before the famine, Clover ate hard candies. But after he ran out of candies when the famine started, he wanted to have the same sensation so he started chewing on sticks and pebbles. It's left his fangs misaligned and cracked. They're partially repaired on the surface, but there wasn't a lot the dentist could do. So he just replaced them with more gold teeth. He has four now, instead of one.
- Has a panic disorder. He's terrified of going back underground. Only his brother and his s/o can calm him down from his panic attacks. Also has generalized anxiety. If he’s in front of strangers, he’ll try to hide it with aggression out of fear of looking weak.
- Papyrus used to love reading, but after his head wound, it was difficult to concentrate and understand what he was reading. So he stopped. But on the surface, he discovered the magic of audiobooks and uses them all the time! He can often be found wearing headphones listening to audiobooks in the background.
- Him and Knox eventually get two sweet darling therapy cats. They’re the most helpful nicest floofs he’s ever known and he loves them to bits. The cats are incredibly sweet and helpful when the skellies are having a bad day, and always makes them feel so much better.
- Works as a commission artist when he gets to the surface! He tried other jobs before, but they were always so stressful so he never worked there for long. He never lost his passion for making art during the famine, even though remembering how to was difficult sometimes. But once he relearns all his skills again, he loves working from home as an artist. It's the best job he could've ever asked for.
-He’s just Babey. A wonderfully sweet, wholesome, precious babey skellie ;w;
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askmicrowaveayem · 7 years
MAYEM: Fear & Loathing - Pt.5
[Archive] [Cast]
Gaster sighed and shook his head, and went back to the side room to wake up his tiny menace.
He exited a few minutes later with the crutches under his arm and Sans clinging onto him like a very tired koala. It took a little prying to get him to sit down at the table instead, but once he was set down, Papyrus slid closer to him, sharing his breakfast and keeping close.
Sans walked over to the table, sitting across from his brother and putting the box of donuts in front of him. He started to eat, looking almost as tired as his younger double despite having been ‘awake’ for a lot longer.
“looks like i got roped into teachin’ you how to be cool, kid.”
Sans looked up from his breakfast, blinking. “cool.” he said.
Then, he did a double take.
He pointed at the donuts. “wassat?”
“donuts.” Sans grabbed one and handed it over to his double. It was from a pack of those white powdered ones you could grab almost anywhere.
“of course. he’s me. what sans doesn’t eat horribly and sleep all the time?”
Sans took the donut and observed the situation around him, thinking. “i need one for pap, too.”
“oh right, sorry kid.” He grabbed another and handed it over.
Sans handed the donut over to Papyrus, who took it and ate a hesitant bite before going crosseyed in confusion at the influx of sugar.
Mysteriously, the first donut Sans had been given had disappeared. “can i try one too?”
“you can’t sans a sans, buddy.” Sans smirked and ate more of his donut.
Sans frowned as best he could with his mouth. “what d’you mean? i haven’t had one yet.”
Eventually Sans sighed and handed him yet another before speaking to his father, who was still sat on the couch behind him.
“you were right.”
"Hah.͝" Came Gaster’s slightly distorted laugh.
“It’s a fun house,” Gaster said, shaking his head slightly.
Sans looked very disappointed that he wasn’t getting another donut. Papyrus watched, feeling bad for him. A moment later, he turned to the older Sans and said, very carefully, “CAN I HAVE ANOTHER?”
Sans let out a long sigh and took one out for himself, then just pushed the whole box towards the two kids. There were only a few left anyway.
“yep.” He bit into his donut.
“eeee,” Sans said, and hugged his brother. Papyrus glowed a bit before quickly going back to his normal breakfast, not touching a single one of the donuts. He did elbow his doppleganger a bit, though, giving him a look for saying mean things about the other Sans.
Sans held one donut out to both Gasters as well.
No. No. Thanks. Gaster said, stepping back quickly. He still wasn’t that good at eating, but at least the kids were having fun. Probably.
Papyrus looked down at his double and smiled. “DON’T WORRY. IT’S JUST HOW WE JOKE WITH EACH OTHER.”
Gaster did much the same, ‘No thanks. You enjoy them.’
Sans destroyed what was left of the box of donuts while Papyrus grudgingly accepted that explanation and finished his breakfast.  Much less messily.
“SO WHAT ARE YOU TWO GOING TO DO TODAY?” Papyrus asked the adults in the room. Although technically he and Sans were adults, they were still often lumped as ‘the kids’.
Gaster looked at his twin, having at least formed a bit more of an expressionable face as the time had passed. Legs were still a little beyond him, but it was clear he was working on it.
‘Do you want help with the core? Or I can watch the kids, although I don’t think they need my supervision.’
Helping on the core would be great, he said, maybe looking a bit too relieved as he did, it’ll be nice to not have to w…
He trailed off, glancing at the older versions of Sans and Papyrus, before amending, Not that you’re less likely to blow me up. But. Friendly explosions.
After his double’s reaction to hearing there were some monsters who still supported Serptrine’s decisions, he wasn’t really rearing to tell the other Sans and Papyrus. His own already knew, but… the elder versions might not take it very well.
He looked to Papyrus again. “We’ll just be in the lab. Sans has a cellphone if you need to call me.”
Yeah, it would… probably be best that they not know. Sans in particular had taken the original news very hard. He didn’t get upset over much, but hurting his little brother was definitely one of the things that got him going.
“ALRIGHT.” Papyrus nodded and looked down to see if the younger versions were finished with their breakfast.
Both were, looking up at the discussion around them and waiting to see what would happen next.
“The, uh, the earthquake ruins you guys stayed at last time you were here are probably a good, empty place to practice if you want,” Gaster said. “We’ll see you later.”
Papyrus nodded and stood up, his brother doing much the same. They hadn’t been there in months, but both knew how to get back to it.
Sans looked very conflicted. On one hand, he did prefer walking after having spent so long not being able to, but on the other hand….. being carried….. was great……….
His conflict showed on his face.
Gaster sighed. “You can be carried back, too, you know.”
Sans’ eyes lit up. “Walk there. Carried back.”
Papyrus smiled and hovered a little, waiting to be sure that the young Sans got onto his crutches okay before they left the house and moved towards the ruins. He tried to keep his pace slow, but it was hard when his legs were so long.
Once they were all gone Gaster looked at his counterpart and stood. "͢You'̸ll͜ h̨a͞ve ́t̵ó fil͠l̕ ͝me͘ i̶n͟ ǫn̨ h̡ow͢ f͝a̸r͜ y͡o̷ư'v̛e ̀go͝tte͝n͠.̨"̵
Papyrus helped his brother attach his braces and get into his crutches without any trouble, and ran off a moment to pick up a small strapped bag with the words “SANS EMERGENCY MED KIT” written on the side before trotting off along with his sibling.
Though Sans was still pretty small, especially compared to the alternate Papyrus, he had an energy in him that his older counterpart lacked, and easily kept up with Papyrus’ strides. He did seem to enjoy heading out an awful lot.
Once they were gone, Gaster turned and listened to his double, nodding. I’ve gotten a lot farther than what you saw last time, at least. I’m not sure how similar it is to your design, but I’d appreciate a second opinion. I’m working on a pressure chamber to contain and concentrate the steam at the moment.
It was a little bittersweet for both of the brothers to see just how much energy this Sans had. It reminded them of when they were young, when Sans ended up holding down however many jobs just to get them a place to live or warm food in their stomachs.
But… no need to dwell on that now.
Once they came to the ruins Papyrus paused and looked down at the two children.
Back at the apartment, Gaster nodded. ‘Alright. Should I… just teleport to where our machine is sitting? I don’t imagine I will be very welcome. Especially if there’s so much… tension there.’
Sans and Papyrus looked at each other, silently communicating a moment before Papyrus slowly raised his hand. Sans wanted every excuse to be carried back, and if that meant going second and pretending he’d gotten tired or drained his infinite magical reserves? Then that’s what he’d do.
Gaster nodded, sighing. Yeah. Teleport there. I’ll have to come in the front. I… have to be seen, at least somewhat.
He shuddered, as if even attracting attention at all was a thought both foreign and terrifying to him. And if someone does try anything, uh. Feel free to hit them with bones and help me out. That’s all.
“OKAY THEN. GO AHEAD AND STEP OUT THERE AND SHOW ME WHAT YOU CAN DO FIRST. BUT BE CAREFUL!” Papyrus said, taking a step back to stand beside his brother...s.
Gaster looked shocked. ‘Holy shit it’s THAT fucking bad? They’re attacking you?’
Papyrus stepped forward cautiously, glancing back at the brother(s) and fidgeting a bit. Show them what he could do??? “UH…” he said after a long moment. “...START WITH WHAT?”
Gaster shrugged. It’s mostly the… very upset ones who think I’m trying to sabotage any hope we had to reach the surface and survive there? But honestly, not often. But. Enough that I’m. Cautious and don’t bring the kids there.
To make his point, he tapped the widening skull crack on his right side.
Papyrus stepped forward again, wanting to get away from their fragile brothers before summoning a bone into his hand. “CAN YOU DO THAT?”
Gaster winced, ‘I see. Well. At least I can probably scare them off.’ He grinned and gave his twin a knowing look.
Quickly, Papyrus summoned an exact replica of his doppleganger’s bone.
Sans, having found a seat on some rubble, snorted.
They probably won’t headbutt you at least, Gaster grinned in reply.
His double took a seat right beside him, arms lazily hanging over his legs. “don’t worry about it. i told you your little bro was always the cooler one, didn’t i?” He gave the little Sans a sideways glance.
“GOOD!” Papyrus smiled, then made a motion with his wrist and the bone turned blue. “HOW ABOUT THAT?”
‘I’m glad I can’t taste things anymore. That was really gross.’ Gaster chuckled.
Sans furrowed his brow in confusion. “yeah?”
Papyrus blinked a moment. Glancing between his bone and the one Papyrus held. After a few moments of making faces, he said, “....HOW’S IT WORK?”
You say it was gross, Gaster said, I was the one with your face-jam in my scars.
“yeah.” Sans repeated, smiling. “but that’s good, ‘cause that means you got the coolest person in the world watchin’ your back.”
“DO YOU FEEL THE ENERGY IN YOUR SOUL WHEN YOU SUMMON AN ATTACK?” Papyrus asked, a hand reaching up to touch his chest.
Gaster’s body rippled with revulsion at the thought.
Sans huffed again, but nodded. “i know…. m still worried about him.”
Papyrus nodded, mimicking the gesture.
Gaster laughed.
He had won this round.
“yeah…” Sans said, leaning back a little. He scuffed at the dirt with his slippers. “you always will be. it’s what brothers do.”
He held it down towards Papyrus. “DO YOU KNOW WHAT BLUE ATTACKS DO?”
Gaster waved off his twin. ‘I’ll see you at the lab.’
He turned, teleporting back into the room his covered time machine sat.
Sans accepted that after a moment, nodding. “...what d’you do when your papyrus has nightmares?”
Papyrus squeezed his eyes closed, trying hard to concentrate on the instructions. But when the question was asked, he shook his head.
Gaster sighed and headed out, arriving at the same room a little under an hour later. Hey.
Sans looked only slightly surprised at the question. “pap has never really had nightmares, but i do. and y’know what he does?” He said, waiting for a moment before continuing.
“he hugs me. tells me that what it was wasn’t real. makes sure i know what world i’m in. doesn’t let me linger on it. nightmares are just nightmares.” He lied, somewhat anyway. “you just gotta remind him that you’re his bro and you love ‘im and it wasn’t real.”
“IT BURNS, BUT ONLY IF YOU MOVE THROUGH IT.” Papyrus explained, the blue bone in his hand fading a bit to become much less intense. “IMAGINE IF MY ARM WAS YOURS.”
He held his arm out and put the bone through it, the entire thing phasing around it. “AS LONG AS I DON’T MOVE, IT WOULDN’T HURT ME. BUT THEN-” He moved his arm out. “IF I MOVED WHILE I WAS INSIDE IT, IT WOULD BURN. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”
By the time his double arrived Gaster had plenty of time to reform his body. He gave a wave.
“and if they were real?” Sans said, clearly paying close attention to the advice. “i mean. he’s not there anymore,but it happened.”
Papyrus nodded, eyes widening in delight at an attack that wouldn’t actually hurt anyone. He redoubled his efforts, concentrating, and trying to turn the bone in his hand Blue.
Gaster waved back. Have you looked over things while I was on my way?
He signed partly out of habit and preference, but also because it probably wouldn’t do for anyone to hear him talking to someone else in a supposedly empty room.
“they’re not happening anymore, so it’s alright.” Sans said with a shrug, “it’s in the past. tell ‘im he’s got no reason to worry now that you’re around.”
Papyrus waited patiently and would wait for as long as he needed. Even if only a tiny bit turned blue, that was a good enough start. “YOU CAN ALSO TRY AND SUMMON ONE FROM SCRATCH. SOMETIMES THAT’S EASIER.”
‘Yeah. It’s looking pretty good. Not exactly the same as mine but I found only a few things you’re gonna regret later.’ Gaster pulled out the notepad from his chest and flipped to a few pages, walking over to his double to show him.
It was only a few things, but it would help in the long run. One of the channels the power would be going through wasn’t enough to withstand it and would fail. It would, probably, need a few more just to divert everything to more manageable levels.
The only other thing was that he had some faulty wiring that would need to be fixed.
Sans nodded. “okay.” He turned back to watch the Papyru work. “...he can do a lot already.”
Nodding, Papyrus dismissed his current bone and tried to summon a blue one instead. He instinctively ended up summoning yet another smooth, normal white bone. He dismissed that one again, trying repeatedly to summon something at least flickering of blue.
Gaster sighed but looked over the notes. Even if it was difficult and a pain to fix some of it, it’d be much more worht it to fix things now, rather than build more upon a faulty system. At least it all seemed simple enough.
He rolled up his sleeves, handed his notes back to his double, and got to work.
“yeah. you’ll be able to too.” Sans smiled and reached out to pat his double on the shoulder. “that’s what i’m here to help with.”
“DON’T STRAIN YOURSELF. REMEMBER, THIS IS ABOUT CONTROL.” Papyrus reminded and continued patiently waiting. “IT’S OKAY TO TRY AGAIN LATER.”
Gaster helped as much as he could, spending a lot of his time watching his counterpart and making sure his plans were alright. Occasionally he would wander off, removing a panel here or there and checking the wiring and power flow, just to be sure.
His core had been built up over something that wasn’t entirely stable, so if he could help it he wanted his twin to be able to avoid that.
Sans smiled up a bit at his double, nodding. “right. and to give me donuts and teach me bad habits.”
Papyrus nodded, but kept trying, determined to get it a little bit right.
He talked with his double as they went, trying to get help brainstorming solutions to what was becoming this world’s core. Two Gasters were definitely better than one in this case, and even if his double didn’t give outright answers, it was nice to have someone to bounce ideas off.
“exactly.” Sans grinned.
The Gaster who had sassed him before and not wanting to spoonfeed him seemed to be gone. The situation with Papyrus had more or less thrown that entirely out the window. He didn’t care if it was cheating, he was going to help this poor fucker as much as he could.
Of course, that didn’t mean he just gave him the answer. He was very, very, very adamant that he sat with his double and made sure he understood every little detail he was saying. His counterpart had to know how and why every piece worked how it did.
Sans raised his hand for a high-five.
Finally, Papyrus gave up, hanging his head and looking disappointed in himself. He looked up at his double, waiting to be told what to do next or see if he would be scolded. He didn’t think he’d be scolded, but--but the thought did occur to him. But Sans was there, so even if that happened, it would be okay, and he could call Gaster, and things would work out fine.
It was probably the most enjoyable time Gaster’d had working on a project in a while.
He loved knowing. He loved the discovery. He loved figuring out how things worked. But between CS-1, his emotionally draining paper research, and the amount of effort the core required when he was only one individual trying to care for two kids in the middle of a messed up situation--
It was just really fucking nice for him to be able to sit down with a project that’d frustrated him for a while, and talk to someone who knew what the fuck they were talking about. He didn’t mind things being explained, in fact, half the time he was asking questions before his counterpart started explaining. A few times they ran into a difference in their universe--a lack of rubber or an overabundance of tin, a river vein running in Waterfall where the other had never observed one.
But that just meant a few more minutes of kicking a solution back and forth.
And it was just really fucking nice.
Sans high-fived his little double back.
“A GREAT FIRST ATTEMPT.” Papyrus beamed, patting his twin on the back. “NOW ONTO THE NEXT CHALLENGE. WHAT ABOUT THIS?” He asked, shaking off the little one’s failure as though it never even happened.
He summoned forth a very neat, orderly row of bones from the ground in front of them, well away from where their brothers sat.
Even Gaster had a couple of other monsters on the core project with him. His doppelganger was just a single man. A single man with two little mouths to feed and care for, one in a horrible physical state while the other was in an even worse mental state.
He had never had to go through that. He had gone through things on a very different level. The two couldn’t even be compared.
Gaster found himself not at all thinking about fixing his machine or going home.
Sans decided he grew up to be a pretty cool dude.
Papyrus relaxed a bit, smiling faintly up at his double, and produced a row of bones easily. It seemed that as long as the attack was ‘normal’ bullet pattern, he had a pretty good grasp of it.
Finally, even Gaster admitted they probably needed a break. He sat back from the project and wiped his face a bit, clearing off some grease, and turned to his double. “So, how bad’s your ship this time?”
He got up to grab something to drink as he spoke. He really was burning through energy a lot more these days.
“GOOD. NOW, ZIG-ZAG.” Papyrus said, pushing the row of bones down to summon another, these all coming up at an angle, one going one direction and the next going the opposite.
“Hm?” Gaster said, apparently not even thinking about it. “Oh, not bad. A few things will need to be replaced.” He pulled out his tablet and ran down the list the boys had given him. “We can fix it pretty quickly when we have to.”
“We’re not in a big hurry to get home though. At least I’m not. I know the boys really wanna help your Pap too.”
Papyrus nodded, dismissing and resummoning the bones just as his double had, sending them moving in different directions. He smiled a little bit as he did so, feeling just a bit accomplished now that things weren’t so frustrating.
Gaster nodded. “Let me know if you need any parts. And…. we really appreciate it. Seriously. Papyrus is already acting different after being around yours for just a day.”
He smiled as he said it. It was really, really nice to see Papyrus trusting someone else, finally. He’d hate to separate them anytime soon.
“GOOD!” Papyrus grinned, “NOW DO YOU HAVE PROPER CONTROL OVER YOUR BLASTERS? CAN YOU POINT THEM IN A SAFE DIRECTION?” He asked, but didn’t ask for him to summon them.
“Yeah, Paps said he had a talk with him last night. Or something akin to that. He’s really good at making people feel at ease.”
He leaned forward a bit, arms resting on his knees. Then, after a moment, he pulled out his notebook and quickly started scribbling into it. He had just gotten an idea and didn’t want to lose it.
Papyrus nodded, turned away from the  other three entirely, and summoned them. He was so used to summoning them on command, he hardly even registered that they hadn’t even been asked for.
They were large, not as large as the other Gaster’s, but larger than his own Gaster’s. Their jaws never quite closed and they still glimmered with excess energy, and were smooth like they were made from secondhand reference.
Just as Sans ducked his head and covered his ears, Papyrus’ blaster let off a beam of energy that traveled across the ruin and slammed into a distant building, sending it crashing down.
Gaster nodded, I can tell.
He didn’t mind at all when his double suddenly ignored the conversation and went for a notebook. He knew the feeling. Instead, he went along with his short break, getting somewhat cleaned up and reenergized for another round with the machine.
Papyrus blinked but tried not to show his surprise on his face. “WELL YOU’RE DEFINITELY GOOD WITH THOSE. BETTER THAN I AM, I THINK.”
“nah, you’re still good with blasters, bro.” Sans said as he flicked one of his slippers on and off his foot boredly.
Sans just shrugged. Papyrus rolled his eyes, he hated it when Sans tried to be overly complimentative to him.
After a few moments of scribbling Gaster stopped, looked at his covered time machine, then started again. A few moments after that and he closed it and put it back into his chest.
“Before I go home I’m going to make you something that will give you a direct line to our machine and monitor for resets.” He said suddenly.
Papyrus watched the exchange and then nodded when Papyrus asked if he could do more. It wasn’t really a huge variation from from what they’d already done, but… well, all the attacks so far had been about the same size, barring his blasters, which were different entirely.
Facing the same way as he had with his blasters, Papyrus steeled himself, and a host of bones burst up through the ground. He hadn’t at all practiced not harming the environment he used magic in, so when the bones burst up, bits of dirt flew up with them. They were sharp, not unlike the bones the alternate Gaster tended to summon, and wide. A forest of skewers at least as tall as the boy himself.
He looked up to the other Papyrus for approval.
Gaster blinked, “Oh.”
He looked down and thought on that for a moment. “...so we can watch for the anomaly? And what then?”
Papyrus blinked and even Sans sat up a little.
“WOWIE. THOSE ARE LIKE DADS.” He looked back at his brother.
“yeah they are.”
“OH!” He suddenly looked as though he remembered something. “I HAVE MY OWN SPECIAL TRICK!”
He summoned a few bones from the ground, only these spelled out ‘COOL DUDE’. He gestured to them, grinning. “HOW ABOUT THAT?”
“Yeah.” Gaster said, “Just so you have warning. I also want to figure out how to make it so we’re alerted if it shows up in this timeline too. That way we can come help.”
“I already know how to kill it, in theory.”
Papyrus applauded, fully enthused. He had already learned how to read some time ago, and using an attack to spell out words……
it was genius.
He turned towards his Sans, eyes wide.
Sans shifted. “...bro…. no……”
Papyrus nodded slowly.
“....ok but not right now.”
That was accepted. He went back to giving a big thumbs-up to his counterpart.
Gaster nodded slowly, digesting his counterpart’s words. “That… would be better than any alternative.”
He was still uncomfortable with the idea of killing something that…. looked very much like Chara. But he understood.
Papyrus gave his double a thumbs up before his ‘attack’ vanished. “NOW BEFORE WE START SPARRING… I NEED TO BE SURE.” He knelt down a little to be more eye level with his young twin.
Gaster knew his counterpart well enough to know what he was feeling. “Yeah. I’ll hopefully deal with it.”
It’s not like he hadn’t before, after all.
Papyrus nodded, fully determined to do his elder self proud. He made a gesture though, one that seemed to ask, ‘and you?’
Gaster nodded. “Good luck. Again. Just let me know if you need anything.”
“YOU HAVE NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT ME.” Papyrus smiled and stood upright to begin putting distance between them and their brothers. “LET’S GIVE OUR BROTHERS SOME ROOM.”
“Yep. Thanks. I will.” He said, although he didn’t know what his double could ever give him, then he smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.
“This is actually the best thing that’s happened since the time machine was a success. It’s nice to have a break.”
Papyrus nodded, following him further away.
Sans nudged his elder. “hey. get up. let’s get behind a better rock.”
Gaster snorted. “Other dimensions aren’t as nice as this?”
He meant it a little ironically, but still, he was curious.
“hm? alright.” Sans said, having had his eyes closed to doze. He stood and leaned down, offering to let his smaller self climb onto his back so he could carry him away.
“they won’t be able to hit us though. i can get us out of the way before anything happens.”
Gaster laughed, “Before this one we were searching timelines close to ours. The closer you search to your own timeline, the less variance there is between them. They were all pretty… uh, well, I’ve watched my son absolutely freak out that his dad was alive again one too many times. It got pretty draining, so I stopped being the one to give them ‘the talk’, if you remember what we had been saying the first time we crashed into your lab.”
“It’s nice not to have to hide. It’s nice to see a version of myself who isn’t fucking dead.” He laughed, “It’s nice to see the boys as kids again, even if things… aren’t very good for them right now.”
Sans climbed happily onto his back and said, “good for you.”
Gaster made a small sound. “...that’s weird to think about. That there are… so few of us, I mean. Gasters. That there’s tons of universes out there with our kids, but not… it’s weird to think that in an infinite universe of possibilities, there’s just…. a handful of us?”
“hey, maybe you’ll get good at dodging someday. it’s the sans special.” He grinned as they walked in the opposite direction of Papyrus.
“So far, as long as I know.” Gaster frowned and shrugged. “I mean, we’ve been doing this for over a year now. I know the multiverse is infinite, but so far this is the only one I’ve found where I haven’t fell into the core or sucked into a time machine or god knows what else.” He made an exasperated gesture with his hands.
Sans stuck out his tongue. “i gotta get faster, first.”
Papyrus nodded, still paying very close attention. “...WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?”
Gaster laughed. It cracked in the middle. “So we’re all scientists. And we all die by it? Wow. We’re great.”
“you will.” Sans said with a smile. Once he deemed them far enough away he ducked behind a building and set his twin down before sitting beside him.
“SUMMON AN ATTACK.” Papyrus said, doing the same and forming a bone in his hand, then taking a few steps back. “NOW I WANT YOU TO BLOCK ME BUT DO NOT USE ANYTHING BUT THE ATTACK IN YOUR HAND.”
Gaster couldn’t help but laugh too. “Yep. Fuckin’... pile of geniuses.”
Sans settled down beside him, pretty content with the distance they had and that reassurance.
Papyrus nodded and summoned up a bone of his own, taking a step back to get a more balanced stance instinctively.
Gaster chuckled. “...if you find any other Gasters out there who’re alive and not total fuck ups….  maybe you can help them. Give ‘em my number or something. Think you can rig up an interdimensional phoneline?”
Papyrus did the same. “READY?”
He waited for an affirmative before his bone came striking downwards towards his twin. He was very strong, but very, very much in control of his movements. Even if the child didn’t block in time his arm would stop inches away before he could ever strike him.
The doctor laughed, “Yeah I’ll figure something out. If I’m not going to help them not get themselves killed like an idiot, who will?”
Papyrus gave the affirmative, and--
Wow, getting things coming flying at him was a lot scarier than he thought it’d be?!
He raised the bone to block in time, but his grip was weak, and only slowed the attack and absorbed some of the force, not enough to deflect or fully stop it.
Gaster shook his head. “It’s a truly dire straight when that’s our last line of defense.”
Despite his double’s inability to fully stop it, it never collided with him. “GOOD!” Papyrus said, grinning. “KEEP YOUR WRIST STEADY. DON’T LET IT CARRY THE WHOLE FORCE OF THE BLOW. USE THE STRENGTH OF YOUR ARM AND THEN PUSH ME BACK AS HARD AS YOU CAN.”
“Yeeeeeah…” Gaster said, sounding annoyed at himself and every other Gaster he ever knew, or didn’t know, existed.
Damn himself.
Papyrus nodded, taking a deep breath, and pushed back as hard as he could.
Gaster grinned at him. “Don’t like people adding to your workload?”
Even though he could have easily resisted, he didn’t. Papyrus eased up his arm before pulling it away entirely. “GOOD!” He said again, straightening up. “I’M GOING TO SWING AT YOU AGAIN, KEEP DOING WHAT YOU’RE DOING.”
This time he swung his attack towards his double’s side. But, just like before, it would stop before it could ever hit him.
“Eh.” Gaster shrugged, “I’d feel like a dick if I didn’t help myself out.”
Papyrus nodded and braced himself. He was startled when the swing came from a different direction, but managed to get there in time. THe block was a bit more stable this time, but would still need practice.
“You’d feel like it rather than just existing in that state, you mean?” Gaster said, though he was smiling as he did.
Papyrus praised his double once more, making him do much the same and use what strength he had to push him away. After that he would continue his attacks for some time, waiting until his tiny counterpart was comfortable with it and could block without seeming startled.
Even if he grew tired before that happened, that was fine. Once he tired enough he would call it enough and give him a break so the two Sanses could have their turn.
Gaster chuckled, although it sounded a little sad. “Pretty much.”
He seemed to have… issues with his current body, despite how much he said he didn’t care.
Papyrus gradually grew more confident in his blocks and no longer looked as startled when something came his way or the direction changed. He was definitely growing tired, but was pushing on without complaing,despite it.
Gaster frowned at that tone, realizing that as much as he’d gotten comfortable trading duel-edged barbs with his twin, some sort of nerve had been touched there that he himself hadn’t felt. “...what’s with that tone?”
Papyrus wasn’t about to work the kid into exhaustion. After a bit more practice, he stopped and the bone in his hand vanished. “OKAY, I THINK IT’S TIME FOR A BREAK. SHALL WE GO GET OUR BROTHERS?”
He hadn’t even broken a sweat, although that was hardly surprising given he was training a child.
Gaster thought about saying ‘nothing’, but… he knew his double well enough that it would go nowhere.
“Just… yeah. I don’t wish this on anyone.” He smiled a little, but it was strained.
Papyrus was…. a little upset he hadn’t been able to tire his elder self out at all, when he felt so tired. Was he doing something wrong? Still, he nodded a moment later, trusting that the other Papyrus knew when to take a break. He was in charge right now, so he probably knew best.
Sans looked up as they appraoched, finally waking up a bit after he’d started dozing around the third time his Papyrus had successfully parried.
Gaster looked on and nodded. “...it’s good you’re helping them. Even if you fail, they can at least have some warning. Sometimes, that’s enough.”
The older Sans had done much the same, his head slumped until he heard his brother’s voice pierce the air.
“alright.” Sans said, yawning and standing. He helped his counterpart to his feet.
“I fuckin’ hope so.” Gaster said, looking over at the other. This was the first Gaster he met and he… desperately wanted him to avoid the same fate.
Sans was up and walking back around in his crutches with ease a few moments later, grinning at the Papyru. “that was cool,” he said before heading out to the place where they’d stood with his double.
Papyrus took the place where Sans had previously sat, picking the emergency med back up and holding it in his lap again, just in case.
Gaster nodded sharply. “It’s enough,” he said, as if he really meant it.  
Sans walked along with his doppelganger to where they originally stood. “so how much do you know, kiddo?” He asked, “we’ll run down the same list as the paps did.”
Gaster gave his counterpart a nod.
He… he really fucking hoped so.
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