#How the sausage is made
The Apprentice was an instant success in another way too. It elevated Donald J. Trump from sleazy New York tabloid hustler to respectable household name. In the show, he appeared to demonstrate impeccable business instincts and unparalleled wealth, even though his businesses had barely survived multiple bankruptcies and faced yet another when he was cast. By carefully misleading viewers about Trump—his wealth, his stature, his character, and his intent—the competition reality show set about an American fraud that would balloon beyond its creators’ wildest imaginations.
I should know. I was one of four producers involved in the first two seasons. During that time, I signed an expansive nondisclosure agreement that promised a fine of $5 million and even jail time if I were to ever divulge what actually happened. It expired this year.
No one involved in The Apprentice—from the production company or the network, to the cast and crew—was involved in a con with malicious intent. It was a TV show, and it was made for entertainment. I still believe that. But we played fast and loose with the facts, particularly regarding Trump, and if you were one of the 28 million who tuned in, chances are you were conned.
As Trump answers for another of his alleged deception schemes in New York and gears up to try to persuade Americans to elect him again, in part thanks to the myth we created, I can finally tell you what making Trump into what he is today looked like from my side. Most days were revealing. Some still haunt me, two decades later.
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sufficientlylargen · 1 year
When deciding whether to make a Tumblr post, I use the FUNNY criteria:
Is it FUNNY?
Does it Utilize the FUNNY criteria?
Is it Needlessly recursive?
Is it Needlessly repetitive?
Is the answer to 'does this satisfy the FUNNY criteria' Yes?
If any of these is true, I go ahead and make the post, otherwise I just go ahead and make the post.
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claudia-kishi · 6 months
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requested by @thisworldisntrealhoney ♡
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toxicanonymity · 2 months
Hi! I love raider Joel and had a question, what if sweet pea were to die? Like, would he move on and find someone else? Or would he have a completely different reaction (ofc, based on type of death, disease, murder, etc) thank you and have a wonderful day/night 🫶🏻
Ty for loving him 💙. The same day you sent this, I spilled out a bunch of words on it and cried 3 separate times throughout the day hahahahahahaha 🥲 It ranged from his physical reaction directly afterwards to long term. Even how the dynamic would shift with Carter. Like dialogue and stuff. I started to worry about the effect of putting something so detailed out there. For a couple of reasons, I think it's not the best time for me to finish/answer it, and I have to carefully consider how much to put out there and what. Even though I'm normally pretty liberal with this AU. But there's no bad time to ask! It's a good Q, and I'll link back to this.
Meanwhile, I wanted to let you know he would not just move on and find someone else. No way.
raider masterlist
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halloawhatisthis · 8 months
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Elementary playing the long game with Odker (part 5):
5x01 Folie A Deux 5x02 Worth Several Cities 5x03 Render, And Then Seize Her 5x05 To Catch A Predator Predator 5x06 Ill Tidings 5x07 Bang Bang Shoot Chute 5x08 How The Sausage Is Made
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birdstooth · 10 months
Bone apple tea!!
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The executive producer for this doodle was @intothemertensverse, who also suggested using chives for the eyes on the mask bc I originally was going to put raisins (yuck haha).
Inspo and behind the scenes under the cut:
Original pic
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Edit by @intothemertensverse, who also suggested using chives for the eyes on the mask bc I originally was going to put raisins (yuck haha).
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The best meme:
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Also I originally had grapes on Raoul’s plate but I took them away lol
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spnscripthunt · 1 month
This is kinda random and might be a touchy subject idk, but do you know why the finale script would be from the day after filming wrapped? Like how does that work exactly, why is the "final draft" dated to the day after wrap? Is this something that happens with other scripts too where the final draft is dated after filming wraps? Is it the script they give to editing or something? Would there be differences made between that one and the one they had on the last shooting day or is it just a matter or when it was printed?
Hi, hello, and it's not a "touchy" subject, per se, but you may notice that we haven't linked that specific script in our collection because try as we might, we have never been able to verify its authenticity.
But on the subject of Final Draft scripts, we do have a verified authentic one in our collection, for which we also have all eight days of call sheets and shooting sides. You can compare the text of those shooting sides of 11.07 Plush with the Final Draft version. You'll notice that all the words they say are the same, but in the shooting sides, the header at the top of the page might differ depending on which draft version they were working from on a given day of filming. Every page of the final draft header says Final Draft.
The header from the Day 1 of 8 call sheet of 11.07 Plush, current script revisions (yellow): 9/10/15 (the final day of filming was 9/28/15, for reference):
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The Final Draft of 11.07 Plush, dated 9/28/15:
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The Final Draft is indeed the... Final Draft, incorporating all draft revisions at the end of shooting. You're correct, in that it's for postproduction-- editing, vfx, any adr that needs to be done, and the company that programs the closed captions, translations, etc. It avoids confusion and ensures that every department is working from the same script, and not the wrong revision pages, you know?
Things get revised throughout shooting, which you can see in the daily sides. They're printed on different corresponding colored paper so everyone knows at a glance that they're all working off the same draft pages. At the end of filming, once everything's been recorded, set in stone as it were, it's far less confusing to use a different system of knowing everyone's quite literally on the same page.
And all that would typically be finalized after filming wraps. The date on the script has nothing to do with the day it was printed, but the day the draft version was officially finalized.
Mel tracked down the last known filming revision draft of the finale, the goldenrod collated draft. It's dated 08/27/20.
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Compare that to an Official Final Draft that Jared posted, dated 9/11/20:
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It's very likely all the same text, but as shooting had wrapped, all the other draft versions listed on the shooting script would be revised to Final Draft, so everyone working in postproduction would know they were working from the correct pages.
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scarlettgauthor · 1 year
Let's talk royalties...
Good morning! Who's ready for some infuriating numbers about audiobook sales?
In December I released His Secret Illuminations as an audiobook, after over six months of production that I paid for out of pocket. I released it on my website, through Findaway Voices, and on Audible. We're going to talk about the last one.
I just got my Audible earnings report and payout for the December sales of said audiobook. I sold 15 copies & made $186.98 in net sales. Sounds pretty good, right?
Hahahaha, it only sounds good. My actual royalties were $46.75. All the rest of that money went into Amazon's pockets.
I knew my Audible royalties would be pathetic going in, but I made the personal and political choice to do a non-exclusive release through Audible so I could sell my book elsewhere and do my tiny part to break their monopoly. (A non-exclusive release through Audible means I make 25% of the cover price in royalties instead of 40%.) I couldn't not release this book on Audible for the same reasons I couldn't not release the paperback and ebooks on Amazon: That's where people buy books. They own the market, and it sucks!
I understand why people buy through Audible, and I'm not blaming the consumer... But if those 15 sales had happened through my website? I would have made $348.45. Can you see what a difference that is for a self-published author who's working toward going full-time with writing? Can you see how that's better compensation for someone who has to do every single part of the process herself?
I would like to once again say, with my whole chest: Fuck Audible.
Anyway, here's my website if you want it: https://scarlettgaleauthor.com/shop
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sunset-a-story · 1 year
While editing, my partner aired my dirty laundry in a group chat (with my permission) and I figured I'd share it here too because I had completely forgotten I'd made this document lmao
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writergeekrhw · 1 year
Thanks for asking my Andromeda question! Like any good answer, it raises another question: How much of Andromeda was from Gene Roddenberry, and how much was original by you? I know it's the third incarnation of Dylan Hunt, and I never made the connection between Titanians and Nietzscheans before but that makes sense.
(I wonder the same thing about Earth: Final Conflict but I know you didn't work on that.)
Gene Roddenberry: Though I'd developed it independently, the time jump for main character and the idea of a fallen civilization that he must rebuild are also in GENESIS II. I also mined that for the names Dylan Hunt, Tyr, and Harper. Additionally, Gene wrote a proposal for an animated show called STARSHIP that included a sentient ship. So, those things.
Me: Everything else.
My credited was "Developed By" and his was "Created By" but honestly, that was a marketing ploy, and I got paid the full "Created By" royalties.
From my understanding, Gene contributed much more to EFC. He never put pen to paper for ANDROMEDA, but I believe he wrote a script for EFC. Though I have no idea how much it resembles the final pilot.
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secretgamergirl · 1 year
“Hey why did this review of this absolutely terrible game give it a 9/10?”
A lot of people seem really confused/amused today about this one major “video game news” site running a review of that one absolute garbage game that directly funds hate-mongering, where the text of the review makes it pretty clear that it’s complete garbage, but then it gives it a super high score. Luckily for you, once upon a time in what really was basically another lifetime at this point, there was a period where I wrote reviews of video games for one of those “video game news” websites, so unless things have radically changed in the intervening years, which they haven’t, I know plenty of people still working in the field, I can break down for you how this sort of sausage gets made.
The first thing you need to understand is that there basically is no such thing as “video game news.”
I mean that’s not entirely true. There’s the occasional big corporate merger, that’s news. A major industry figure dies now and then. But like, there’s never a major earthquake in Capcom or a violent coup in Infogrames or whatever. Actual news involving video games is way too rare to base a whole site about, and honestly “video game news” sites might decide to not even cover things like that. You get a mix of weird features someone feels like writing that nobody is inclined to block when people have the time and inclination, but mostly, you have press releases.
See, every major video game publisher ever has what’s called a press site. Usually it’s www.whatevercompany.com/press/ and back in the day they were public-facing even. It would make this explanation even easier if that was still the case, but for now you’ll just have to take my word for it that basically every single “news story” about a game you’ve ever read started life on whatever publisher’s press site, in, honestly, pretty much exactly the same form as when you see it on some “gaming news site.” Maybe even word for word if someone’s in a real hurry and can’t be bothered to rephrase it or wrap it in some speculation.  Actually hell, as I poke around, Square Enix’s main site these days just cuts out the middleman and has all their press releases gussied up like it’s a “game news” site. Perfect.
So... from the perspective of the publisher, and also reality, all those press releases are just straight up raw naked advertising for whatever they have coming up soon or just released. BUT, from the perspective of someone who runs a “game news” site, and anyone who ever looks at one, that’s CONTENT. That’s the draw, the stuff people show up to read, the stuff you run ads on in order to make money.
So uh... this is already just kind of the worst. Generally speaking the people who work for sites like this are REALLY young and inexperienced and not really inclined to consider that their job is literally just repackaging advertising for large companies that don’t even pay them to do so. I got into this sort of thing when I was something like 15, personally.
But anyway, yeah, the publishers don’t actually pay the sites to rewrite their ad copy. That all happens due to some combination of carrot and stick tactics, the blind desperate need to have something to print every day, and the people involved genuinely being excited about particular games and publishers and really wanting to get all the information they can about upcoming games out there. Those are, generally, in increasing order of significance, but that carrot and stick stuff can be pretty extreme.
You know earlier when I said press sites aren’t public facing anymore? Publishers, knowing that “game news” sites are 100% reliant on them to continue existing, can afford to be picky. If they don’t like a site, they don’t have access to anything, and if they really like you they might grant you interviews or contests or extremely lucrative ad campaigns of the more obvious sort, with the big huge banners and widgets and click-throughs which honestly comprise, last I checked, almost the entirety of a given site’s actual income. And of course how much a publisher likes a company is directly tied to their willingness to hype an upcoming game to the moon by running every single press release they put out, and declaring the game to be like a 9 out of 10 or 10 out of 10 when it comes out. Oh and when someone’s really splashing money around there’s usually embargoes where nobody in the press can make any statement anywhere that could be construed as an opinion on a game until the day of release, or maybe even like a week after.
So if I, the poor shmoe assigned to review the “shofars exist mainly to annoy people” game give it an honest review and say “this is one of the worst pieces of garbage I’ve ever had the misfortune of playing, nobody should buy this, 0 out of 10,” that is going to make the publisher, Warner Bros., very unhappy. They might kill my site’s press credentials so we can’t run any “stories” about... let’s see... Mortal Kombat, that Multiversus thing, uh, Lego Star Wars. And they are DEFINITELY going to snub us on big splashy ad campaigns, which are, again, the whole way we pay the bills.
Plus the other thing to keep in mind is that much as people generally like to pretend otherwise, advertising works. Partcularly by volume. If you hear some random thing about Blobbity Bloopers every single day for the 3 months leading up to its release, you’re basically guaranteed to check it out. Doesn’t matter what’s being said or who’s saying it, you’re just gonna be marinating in that Blobbity Bloopers discourse and compelled to check it out so you can properly put your two cents in and become part of the problem. So when a site is just regurgitating every single press release on a game, their readers are going to get all hyped up about it and since press releases are ads and only focus on positives, they’re going to be really expectant to be told this thing people have been talking about being great for months is in fact great, otherwise they’re going to be angry, and honestly the people regurgitating those press releases are internalizing them and getting primed in the same way.
If you want an actual honest review of a game, you are, fundamentally, never going to get it from a “game news site” because they inherently both have some serious skin in the game, and have been marrinating in propaganda for months. Assuming anyway the publisher has the pull to make that happen. Indie games and minor releases from publishers of varying size tend to completely miss the boat on all of this and if they’re getting reviewed at all it’s because someone’s just being thorough.
This by the way is why weirdly enough, Nintendo Power, the direct product of a game company just directly advertising their own stuff in magazine form, is generally agreed to be the most sober and honest game magazine of all time. Nintendo got a cut of the profits from literally every game on the system, and knew that no given person is going to buy more than a fraction of that total library any given year, so it was first off actually in their best interest to point out what’s actually good, and make sure they have satisfied customers, and they’re also basically acting as an overall product catalog, so they’re going to say something about nearly everything and that makes it easier to see where the actual enthusiasm lies.
So... yeah. That’s why pure garbage gets good reviews if a big publisher is putting serious money behind it. Stuff with serious money behind it has to get good reviews for publications to survive.
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jokingluna · 1 year
this blog is an fountain of knowledge in the art of bad jokes. where do these things even come from? dad joke books?
Dad Joke books are indeed one of the sources used. We have also found many sites online. (I am very very good at google searching)
We have previously used (and exhausted) a couple of pun blogs. I like to think that someday down the line when someone else wants to run a joke-a-day blog, they may find this one and mine it for material.
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fortunatetragedy · 11 days
The burning question I'm asking myself this morning is "Is it really nautical horror if they're only on the boat until they break into act 2?"
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toxicanonymity · 2 months
HIII I'm in love with your raider!Joel and Vampire! Joel!! Your writing is Soo amazing! I saw vampire!Joel hasn't been updated in a while, and I was wondering if you were planning on making another part? If so, what are your ideas for the next part? thank you<3
Hi, thank you so much! I take a long time to update. I think it was 6 months between the first and second one lol which is probably why a lot of people lost interest. It was a one shot fail to be fair, but I knew better. For WIPs I'll continue to be slow and unpredictable and appreciate everyone's patience. For future works, I'd like to think I've learned enough to think better of releasing things as I go.
I do have more ideas for vampire Joel. Yes. . .Spoilers below, I guess? Nothing terribly juicy.
Ty for asking ❤️❤️
Stay Awake (Vampire) Masterlist
You get some company in the form of a furry friend when Joel catsits for Christy. Joel tries to brush up on how your relationship is supposed to work according to his kind. But he doesn't want to lose sight of your human needs, either. Your feelings toward him continue to develop, and things progress physically. It gets harder to keep you secret.
Story-wise, those are my next plans, although I have been known to completely change my mind. And then there's one more in mind after that.
Behind the scenes I've gone pretty deep into world building and lore for this story, which basically has nothing at all to do with TLOU. So part of me is like, how much of this world/myself do I want to put out there as part of this fanfic? I think I have to reign it in to finish the story and not construct things beyond what I want to commit to in this fandom. But it takes some thought on where to draw the line.
Readers, I love and value y'all a lot. You keep me writing and keep me around these parts. I am really, really lucky to have such an amazing . . . readership? I think about it every day. A big hug to you and many thanks 🫂
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birdstooth · 1 year
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spnscripthunt · 1 year
29* issues of the long out-of-print Supernatural Magazine
Happy (belated by Frontier) 🕎🎄🎁
*27 are scans by SPN Russia shared on their Livejournal that were downloaded in 2017 and, well, kinda forgotten about 🫣
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