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In today's fast-paced & dynamic digital landscape, personalized experiences are the key to winning customer loyalty and staying ahead of the competition. Data-driven personalization empowers marketers to improve their reach, engagement, and customer lifetime value. And that is where the power of SAP Datasphere, S/4HANA, and SAP CAR truly shines - leveraging 360 degree omnichannel customer data to revolutionize marketing campaigns and improve the impact on the target audience.
In this blog, Richard Pascoe, VP of Consulting Services at Applexus dives deep into how you can harness the full potential of personalization through the above cutting-edge SAP technologies.
Read more at https://www.applexus.com/blogs/sap-solutions-for-hyper-personalization
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bullzeyemedia · 2 months
Unleash Revenue Growth in 2024 with AI: 5 Game-Changing Use Cases
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In 2024, businesses are embracing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive revenue growth and stay ahead of the competition. Check out these five AI use cases to supercharge your revenue and propel your business to success! 💼✨
Hyper-Personalization: Tailor your customer experiences with AI-driven insights, from personalized product recommendations to targeted marketing campaigns.
Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Enhance customer service with AI-powered chatbots that provide instant support 24/7, freeing up human agents for more complex issues.
Predictive Analytics: Make data-driven decisions with AI-powered predictive analytics, identifying trends and optimizing strategies for maximum impact.
Intelligent Content Creation: Create high-quality content at scale with AI, personalized for different audiences and optimized for search engines.
Fraud Detection and Risk Mitigation: Safeguard your business and customers with AI-driven fraud detection, identifying patterns and anomalies in real-time.
Learn more about how AI can supercharge your revenue in 2024: Read the article 📈
Unlock the potential of AI and unleash growth opportunities for your business today!
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neomamedia1 · 3 months
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Discover the future with marketing automation tools. Unleash AI in marketing for cutting-edge strategies. Stay ahead with the latest AI technology and the best tools.
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diginyze · 3 months
Revolutionizing eCommerce with AI-Powered Hyper-Personalization: The 2024 Vision
Our latest blog explores the seismic shift towards personalized shopping experiences.
Discover how Diginyze redefines online shopping with AI for enhanced customer interactions coupled with predictive analytics, and seamless omnichannel experiences.
Full story here: https://www.diginyze.com/blog/revolutionizing-ecommerce-with-ai-powered-hyper-personalization-2024-vision/
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half 11 at night gender hits different
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time-is-an-allusion · 2 years
Ford Is Here And He Is Holding My Hand Through The Withdrawals
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lemonberry-soda · 5 months
hey don't worry about that
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vampire-cathedral · 1 year
make some noise if you are feeling shame over the regrettable aspects of your human nature!!!! make some noise for the agonies and the pain of growth!!!!!!! it's like teething, it sucks but you have to do it >:(
me, through gritted teeth and tears: I love maturing as a person it is so rewarding
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tyrefire · 2 years
I aint even a girl no more but seeing so many cis men be like "Its not sexist to call women inhently slutty and crazy!" makes me feel crazy like how the fuck can you not seeeeeee that
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Hyper-personalization is quickly becoming the new standard in customer experience and for good reason. By tailoring every interaction to the individual's needs, preferences, and behaviors, companies can create a more engaging and rewarding experience for their customers, besides getting higher loyalty, improved conversion rates, and higher customer satisfaction levels.
In this blog, Richard Pascoe, VP of Consulting Services at Applexus discusses the top benefits of hyper-personalization and how companies that prioritize hyper-personalization take their marketing to the next level and stand to future-proof their business in the competitive landscape.
Read more at https://www.applexus.com/blogs/top-10-benefits-of-implementing-hyper-personalization
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exilley · 9 months
Cannot describe how much i love calling myself aspec.. it went bi -> pan -> aroace -> aspec and this is definitely so important to me like. To ME, much of being on the aspec spectrum is the journey of self-actualization than it is the whole "do i want romance and/or sex in my life" thing. I am master of my own feelings, i act on them as i please, conventional ideas about human relationships are so far beneath me. Sure i didnt turn out to be """fully""" aroace but whatever multitudes i have going on now is infinitely more fun and cool and colorful and freeing 🥳 this is the spirit of aspecism. No more "but am i ACTUALLY"s. No more "i still feel attraction when"s. No more scavenging for obscure microlabels that describe an incredibly specific and hyperpersonal mode of feeling. You are your feelings. Therefore whatever they mean to you is exclusively your jurisdiction, and yours only
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eastmagda · 8 months
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On hyperpersonalized sexual identity by Kravitz Marshall
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cowboyjen68 · 1 year
Anon Ask
Ask  “hello jen! im rowan, he/him, and i just (very) recently realized im a butch lesbian (or baby butch).  i had been struggling with my identity in and out for years , which has been tough since im only 16.  your content is so immensely comforting to me because of how open and accepting you are to everyone in the community, regardless of age or hyperpersonal identity. 
i know being butch is so specific for everyone and can be so different depending on the person, but what advice do you have for a baby butch? something you wish you had been told?
thank you for reading and responding if you do :) best of wishes to you, jen. ❤️”
Hi. Thank you for trusting me to reach out. I can tell you at 16 I was nowhere near being ok with being same sex attracted or really in any way sexual. I thought I was SUPPOSED to be “sex and boy crazy” because that is what all the movies and TV shows told me and what my Peers led me to believe, even if they were faking it. 
By  5th grade or so I was also  becoming aware that my Tomboy status was growing less acceptable by the day as I got older and I did my very best to shift to sort of “horse girl” or “sporty” but mostly just “generic”. I avoided anything I had to dress up for because what I wanted to wear and thought I would look best in was NOT what I was expected to wear to dances, events etc. I stuck with jeans, sweatshirts and tennis shoes, packing away my favorite horse belt buckle and denim vests as I entered Jr High. (I wear that horse belt buckle almost every day now). 
I was in my 20’s before I came out and 22 or so before I learned about the word Butch And a few more years before I realized it applied to me even though I did not fit the stereotype I had formed in my head.
I wish someone would have told me that I was not being a woman wrong or acting like a man nor was I too happy or outgoing to be a butch. I would have liked to hear that I was like the other girls in more ways than I was different and the way I was different (according to societal standards ) was natural and I was not a weird anomaly with no one to relate to or share common experiences with. I didn’t even need to know the word butch but to see older women who were like me AND who embraced their natural energy and even the perceptions of others as normal and a source of commonality and pride would have been life changing. These women came along eventually and changed my life for the better. 
I certainly saw a few butches like me. Camp counselors, women working in the campgrounds we visited and around in my life but they were sort of forced, by nature of the times, to keep ANY hint of lesbianism out of public view.  Just seeing women whose existence resonated with me helped immensely even if it was years before I connected the dots. 
Seeing myself reflected in older women who were living their lives was good, if they had been accessible as well as visible that would have lessened the time it took me to understand I am okay as I am and there are other women who share my experiences. I got there eventually. 
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qweerhet · 2 years
good lord maybe you people will fucking accept this if it's not coming from a trans man (you won't), but trans men do not have privilege over trans women for being men
like, at all
trans people exist in a fundamentally different gendered space than cis people do. none of us can access the same gendered privileges as a cis person, including among each other. gender is fundamentally and completely immaterial and acting like trans people can oppress each other materially over something immaterial and entirely internal like "feeling like using these pronouns this day" is ridiculous.
male privilege is inherently cis. even if you're going to argue that this is the case for many axes of oppression--i.e. male privilege is inherently abled and of a cultural racial majority--that is true, and there's something to be said about how, like, telling a disabled man who is legally considered property of his mother that he has "male privilege" is laughable and, frankly, in how it's typically used, violent.
but that is not the same idea as the fact that, in an extremely fundamental way, trans men do not have a life experience that allows any aspect of male privilege. at all! like when we say "trans men have male bodies and male experiences because they are men," what we're trying to articulate is that manhood is fundamentally and completely not based on access to male privilege. man is a gender, nothing more and nothing less. it is a 100% internal experience that is solely and only about how you see yourself and how you want to present your body based on that self-perception.
being a man has literally nothing to do with being privileged under the patriarchy, having any kind of body, having any kind of legal rights, or having any life experience or history. "you're a man" cannot be used as a "gotcha" against a man suffering gendered oppression because being a man has literally nothing to do with that, it is only about self perception.
the above also applies to literally any gender! fundamentally all external expressions of genders are decisions you make based on how you perceive yourself and how you want to present your body to others! there is no "privileged for being a man," there is only "privileged for fitting into society's man slot," which is not based on your self perception at all. there are men without male privilege and there are people of infinite other genders that have access to male privilege because gender is a fucking scam made up to sell more bathrooms and it doesn't have a material relationship to someone's life experiences, body, personality, or honestly literally any aspect of their existence (including pronouns and appearance! i guarantee you i can find a man who uses any pronouns you can think of and looks like literally anything you can imagine, somewhere in the world).
i am trans and i am not a trans man and i am not saying this for my own personal benefit, beyond the fact that the gender binary and cis experience getting pushed violently on trans people within my own community gets me personally hit by transmisogyny and more generalized transphobia, again, within trans spaces!
(and yes, for fucks sake, sex-conforming people have privilege over varsex people, that's a different conversation entirely and bringing it up here would be derailing. and no, trans women and transfems do not generally have access to male privilege, although there are some who've discussed closeted experiences through that lens, it's a hyperpersonal experience and generally speaking most do not see being closeted as having afforded them male privilege--when i say "there are people of other genders who have access to male privilege" i am talking about the extremely thin slice of sex-conforming people who are not entirely male but identify as having access to male privilege and talk about this. a good gender politic needs to account for literally every good faith expressed life experience, no matter how distasteful you find it personally.)
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time-is-an-allusion · 2 years
imagines Ford (during our addict days) making me a cocktail of gin, diet Coke, and d.ph. i just think it would be funny.
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intrasport · 8 months
god i love writing. exclusively when it's some sort of hyperpersonal autistic analysis of something though. but those are the best
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