danphantom · 4 months
if ur curious abt the dans that i mentioned here's a post explaining them yippee
split core is an au sort of based in the doppelganger au--its a branch-off of it really--where clockwork wasnt happy with dan's progression and decided to teach him a lesson by splitting his core into the vlad and danny halves--red and green. however, a third core had formed over time--the dark core--and a third dan came out with them who was just the personification of all his bitterness and hatred. they looked like this (and forgive the old art i need to draw them again soon)
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and yall know doppelganger dan. hes just the redeemed dan from my doppelganger au/comic lol. he came back for revenge after TUE's events, but he was captured and (forcefully) rehabilitated by the fentons, mostly jazz. then his timeline's vlad showed up thanks to danny and threw him for a loop, but it ended up being what he needed to truly get better! also then later valerie showed up and things got complicated lol. this is him in case youve forgotten
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i mentioned "apprentice dan" and that was basically an au where dan was clockwork's apprentice! it was a way for clockwork to look after him without having him interfere with timelines by being part of them. i didnt develop this au a lot, i kind of only had a design and one shitpost comic, but i look back on it fondly. here's the art (also very old now)
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and finally, my attempt at a post-agit dan... i settled with just having him be in the clone vessel FOR NOW, because i kinda vibe(d?) with the idea of him being in the vessel to be anchored to the timeline but when he goes ghost he turns into his usual ghost form! here's the vessel design i landed on
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i actually just remembered i DO have two more dans from crossover aus i made in the past. how the hell did i forget saiyan dan and phantomborne dan. ESPECIALLY phantomborne dan.
here's saiyan dan first--it was a dragon ball z crossover where jack was a saiyan with amnesia which made danny a half saiyan. i cant remember exactly how i handled dan in this, but i THINK i made dan some time travel situation where he came to the past to make danny an evil saiyan (theyre both half saiyans in the au). this was him
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finally...phantomborne. this was my baby au that i was kind of obsessed with for a hot minute so i absolutely cannot believe i forgot about it until now. but it was my bloodborne crossover au where danny was a half beast due to a failed blood transfusion experiment and he could transform at will. dan, however, was a full beast, and he was still danny from the future--there was time travel that i implemented using the au version of clockwork, who kind of acted as a less creepy gehrman with time powers. i think i made him responsible for the reason hunters wake up from the hunter's dream and everything has respawned, like they want back in time??? idk lol. but yeah dan is a full beast in the future bc he was never cured of his beasthood + gave into his beastly urges. he's pretty sick and uses the beast cutter weapon. here's a pic of him with danny
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ok i think thats for real all of my dans now thank you for coming to my ted talk and apologies for the longass post. i hope yall had that post cutter thing turned on lol. i know i could have used a readmore but i didnt want to <3
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Haha. Rant time.
This is about the SMN plagiarism situation. If you don’t want to hear about it anymore, which is completely understand, don’t read this and keep scrolling.
I think the thing that angers me the most about the situation between atz and vata is the fact that they welcomed him into their dance studio and san danced with this man. He literally cannot even make the excuse that he doesn’t know them and doesn’t know their music- which might have given him a pass hadn’t san posted that video exposing that they do know each other.
Like bypass the plagiarism, thats just downright disrespectful and even sadistic to involve yourself in an idol’s life, one who probably was so excited to dance with you, and then steal their fucking work and claim it as your own— knowing damn well how the whole thing looks on your end.
Fuck his statement— he knew how the whole situation looked and wanted to try to fucking back track and save what was crumbling of his career and threw together some disgusting mess of a paragraph that just made him look like even more of a dumbass.
Motorcycle or horseback riding? With one hand? Be. Fucking. Forreal. Right. Now.
At that point, he is just shameless and so is the rest of his crew. Not to mention that dance crews like them already disrespect idols on a daily basis because they have an inferiority complex.
What fucks me up even more is that I have seen people, aka his little roaches and woo antis, say that woo should apologize tor what he did.
Woo has been real and straight up with all of his intentions from the start, the same as Vata was with his intent. He used the same move— one that Vata and his crew used during SMF when someone else stole their move— and used it against him. He showed that the original dance belongs to his group— same way SMF showed that the dance that JJ stole from WDB was the exact same by comparing clips side by side as proof. Their reactions to having their work plagiarized was the same.
So now my question is this— do you really want him to apologize for what he did? Or do you just hate the fact that Vata got a sour taste in his mouth, yall don’t like atz or woo, and you just want to shut them down?
Atz nor atinys should not have to apologize for feeling constantly disrespected by shameless people— especially when those people don’t feel an ounce of guilt or even a little bit sympathetic for what they did.
They have worked too damn hard to get the amount of recognition and notoriety that they have received to be told that they need to redact, dismiss, and diminish their feelings to “keep the peace”. They are the ones that have to be the bigger person, move on, accept, tolerate being taken advantage of, mocked and discredited.
Woo said I think the hell not. And I’m so fucking proud of him that he did.
As much as I wish that there would be some consequences, I know their probably won’t be. All I can hope for is that this man and his crew’s career will not be revived or will take a major hit from this.
I just hope that my boys are okay, or are in the process of healing from this. We all know how devastating and tiring this as been.
On a lighter note: Although the situation is not by any means good, seeing fandoms, plus i-tinys and k-tinys come together to collectively support atz and continue to call out this man for stealing their work makes my heart happy.
Thanks for reading my rant, if you got this far. 🖤 Hope y’all stay happy and healthy.
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nothorses · 3 years
heyy! first of all i hope you're doing well. thank you for taking the time out to read and respond to this (if you choose to). this has been bothering me for a while and i'd like your opinion on it.
i read these two articles recently - the first one is about a lesbian professor of gender studies + sexuality arguing why women should be allowed to "hate men"; the second is an interview with her about the article in which she addresses some of the negative responses she got to that article.
i have a lot of questions about this.
firstly, i cannot tell whether this is the sort of reductionist, radfemmy, "fuck all men" feminist you've been talking about. i understand her sentiments but i disagree with her statement, and i want to get better at identifying shallow feminism. i don't think my personal opinion is credible enough (yet) to draw any conclusions right off the bat. are there any 'tells' or signs that indicate what sort of feminism someone is speaking about (in the same way that there are certain idenitifiers of TERF ideology even when it is not explicitly mentioned)? for example, in the interview, she explicitly says "Where is discrimination? Where are men being excluded? Where are men being abused? Oh, come on." as well as her implied praise of kamala harris as 'the feminist we need in office'. are those things indicators of whether her position on feminism is credible/an appropriate portrayal of how Feminism™ should function? in short, do i take this woman entirely seriously about all this?
secondly, how do you feel about gender being a social construct, as she states? does that not contradict the very real physical dysphoria that a lot of us experience? doesn't it invalidate almost all the experiences of struggle against transphobia and cissexism, as well as our identities, by painting gender identity as 'not a big deal' or 'fake' by virtue of being a social construct? also, is gender identity not influenced by biology to some extent?
thirdly, along a similar vein, how do you feel about gender abolitionism? i don't exactly have a v specific question about this one, i just want another trans person's opinion on how that sort of society would affect them. i do not wish to be stripped of my identity, and i am opposed to gender abolitionism because of that. is this sentiment a product of some misunderstanding i have?
if you have any other thoughts at all about the articles, i'd love to hear those. thank you!
Oooh, anon, these are such good questions.
Why Can’t We Hate Men? by Suzanna Walters
Follow-Up Interview with Walters
Walters does a weird sort of dance in both articles: her argument is that “hating men” is okay and even good, but she has to completely misrepresent what “hating men” is, does, and means in order to make her point align with what she actually believes is defensible.
“Hating men” is not actually about hating men, she says; she doesn’t hate men at all, in fact. She knows they’re not the problem, but rather the systems of patriarchy in place. She knows racism and other intersections make “hating men” complicated at best, and harmful at worst. She just wants men to “lean back” and understand the power they hold; to be feminists. She thinks it’s a good thing to welcome men into feminism.
So then what the hell does “hating men” actually mean, to her? Why make that the hill to die on, if nothing in her argument has anything to do with that hill?
I don’t think she really believes any of the arguments she’s making in the first place. Walters pays lipservice to racism and intersectionality in a brief comment, then never brings it up again. Her view of feminist issues is narrow and shallow, dealing mostly with “the safety of women” and the representation of women in positions of power; both of which fail to address the structural issues of the patriarchy and how it functions, and prioritize Making Women Powerful over dismantling the systems of oppression giving people power over each other in the first place. She believes that all men are universally and inherently benefiting from the patriarchy, and that men in fact are the system to be fought.
Some of this pings as TERFy, too. Walters never really argues against radical feminism. Her argument against gender-essentialism is, as you said, that gender shouldn’t exist at all- but she claims the patriarchy discriminates based on genitalia.
You caught that as well; “where are men being oppressed/abused?” she says, after her performative gesture toward intersectionality. Walters also compares the oppression of women to racism at the same time, which... holy shit.
I’d personally peg her as a mainstream liberal feminist. She’s a successful white professor who sincerely believes that her experiences as a woman are universal. Her takes are surface-level and shallow at best, and edging dangerously close to radical feminism and quiet TERFism at worst.
TL;DR: The Author
She’s a mainstream liberal feminist who makes a string of confused, contradicting arguments because she chose to die on a hill she doesn’t really understand. Her arguments stray TERFy and racist on multiple occasions.
RE: Gender questions
What gender is and where it comes from is a complicated question, and I don’t think there’s a simple answer to it. The major arguments are that it’s social, biological, or psychological; either it comes from how you’re socialized, what your genitals look like, or it’s something built into your brain chemistry (think “wrong body” trans theory).
I personally think it’s a bit of a mix, leaning toward the social and psychological, and that where gender “comes from” is a little different for each individual. Biology has a bit to do with it; we’ve had somewhat consistent ideas "man” and “woman” across various cultures.
But what gender means in each society is different, and how people conceptualize it has been different. What gender someone feels they are may be influences by their culture’s gender expectations. Some indigenous cultures even have anywhere from two to five distinct “genders”, and I can say personally that my conceptualization of my own gender relies pretty heavily on how other people perceive and treat me.
Not to mention that trans people have existed for as long as people in general have, even in societies that lack any formal gender concept for trans folks. So psychology must play a role, too.
So if we strip away all social expectations of gender, we’re still left with psychological and biological influences on gender. Which is part of why I don’t think we can abolish gender to begin with; people will always have internal understandings of gender to some extent, and they’ll always express them, and therefore there will always be a social element to gender. We can, however, work toward abolishing restrictive, binaristic, oppressive gender structures that limit and punish expressions of gender.
And as a sidenote, the whole “gender is just a social construct, but genitals are real” and “we should abolish all concept of gender” thing is extremely TERFy. There are thoughtful and trans-inclusive ways of approaching the question, but usually we’re talking about gender as part of a system of power and oppression. Walters is using the TERF framework that their “gender critical” comes from: gender isn’t real, therefore trans people aren’t real. Patriarchy is just based on biological realities and sex, and we should abolish the idea of gender (as code for abolishing trans rights and theory).
TL;DR: Gender
I personally believe that gender is a synthesis of biological, psychological, and social influences that is highly unique to every individual. There’s no real way to “abolish” it, only systems of power and oppression that rely on and enforce it. Walters’ way of discussing it is extremely TERFy, and her arguments should be heavily scrutinized.
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enbeast · 4 years
hey yall I noticed that there don't appear to be any transcripts for A Study In Ichor, so I figured I'd type some up, please note I am literally just going off the audio and I might get some stuff wrong.
mission 1
Workhouse Owner (WO): RUN FASTER, WORKER FIVE, THAT TREADMILL WON'T TURN ITSELF. As you can see, Master Yao, our workhouse not only provides food and shelter for three hundred inmates but makes a healthy profit too. For example, Worker Five has been running on one of Cubbad's “treadmills” for a mere twelve hours today and has already milled five hundred pounds of flour. Got the odd nail in it but it's good enough for the Rutherhive slums [laughs]
Sam Yao (SY): Twelve hours? Without a break?
WO: The alternative of life on the streets is an excellent motivator. And with your investment we will be able to build even more machinery, maybe even increase rations to three bowls of gruel a day.
SY: I want to use my inheritance for good, and if I'm honest, I have some concerns about your worker's wellbeing.
WO: Oooh I seee~ Yes, I suppose it is rather fashionable nowadays to worry about unfortunates, but I assure you Master Yao, once you've had to make your way in the world, like myself or your uncle, a fine man, you'll learn that revenue is the important thing, not how it's made.
(note, as Sam talks there approaching footsteps)
SY: Surely, there's a way to- OW!
WO: YOU THERE, IN THE CAP, watch where you're going, you just ran into a potential investor. Where's your worker number?
Pick pocket (PP): (in a stilted cockney accent) Sorry, Guv'ner.
SY: No, no, it's fine, I was in the way.
WO: It is not fine. Young lady, break time isn't for another three hours. Get back to work. (retreating footsteps from PP) I'm dreadfully sorry, Master Yao, this workhouse is full of ingrates.
SY: My watch! It's gone, the chain's been snapped...
WO: That worker stole it, she's a pickpocket! Worker Five get off that treadmill and chase after her DON'T COME BACK WITHOUT THAT WATCH!
SY: Uh, I'll come with you, Worker Five, I don't want to make a fuss, but that watch is important to me. Come on, let's run.
SY: Hey, mind your step, Worker Five, I've heard about this, rows of people crushing animal bones to make fertiliser. Ugh, the smell is awful. Pickpocket just ran out into the street, we've got to follow her! Five, I hope you don't mind if I call you Five, through that door! (sound of door opening) There! I see her, she's heading towards the Temm's tunnel, it goes under the river from here to Whopee, an engineering marvel- a-apparently, my uncle's an engineer, he's building an underground railway. I try to keep up with the industry but... It doesn't come naturally... I mean, I-I know the tunnel was built using Bruno Cockren's tunnelling shield but I still barely understand what that even is, I don't ac-ARGH! Oh! (gasping) Five! If you hadn't pulled me aside that horse and cart would have run me over! Ugh, I-I'm sorry, I should have been paying attention, but well I-I don't often get to talk to anyone who isn't my uncle, or someone who's interested in my inheritance... Not that I need all that money, of course. I just want to be sure it's going to help people, it's what my parents would have wanted. That's why the watch is so important to me, it was the last thing they ever gave me before they died. Reminds me of what's important. If, if it was any other watch, I'd... just have let that pickpocket keep it, I'm sure she needs it more than I do... Ah, she's just hopped the barrier at the Temm's tunnel, it's in that round red brick building the entrance shaft is underneath, come on, Five, let's experience this engineering marvel first-hand, quickly, before we lose her!
SY: Ah, this tunnel is incredible, can you believe we're RUNNING under the Temms, makes me feel a bit funny... Mind you, we're here now that it's safe, uh, some of the people that built it died in the flood... Oh! Maybe I should spend my inheritance on something that'll make projects like this safer for workers, what do you reckon Five? Oh, Oh no... The pickpocket's already climbing the stairs! Ah- she's getting away! (panting) Whopping's all alleys, if she slips down a back street, we'll never find her! Up the stairs! Run!
SY: (panting) And we're out of the tunnel, the pickpocket just ducked down that alley, after her. (Running sounds) Uh, we've got you cornered, now please. Give me my watch back.
Amelia Spens, formerly known as the Pickpocket (AS): Oh, I don't think so. Lads! (sounds of several sets of footsteps closing in) You're surrounded.
SY: Five, it's a gang of pickpockets.
AS: I'd have been happy with just the watch, but since you followed me, allow me to introduce the Abel Street Gang, they're all over the rooftops and they've all got knives.
SY: Please, don't hurt us, Five here has nothing to do with this!
AS: There'll be no need for bloodshed as long as you both give me all the money you're carrying.
SY: Five doesn't have anything, but, uh, (mumbling, followed by the sound of a heavy bag of coins hitting the ground) That's all of mine.
AS: W-he-hell, aren't we the wealthy one.
SY: I-I've got more! Lots more! And I'll give it to you, I promise, just please return the watch. It's my most treasured possession.
AS: I see! Not an especially experienced negotiator, are you. Hmm, let's take a look at this watch, see what's so special about it. Hmm, pearl face, silver plating, and... an engraving...
SY: It's uh... it's Chinese, those are my parent's names, and that's mine. Sam Yao.
AS: Y-you're not even going to try and make up an identity? What- (laughing) You're lucky I'm just a pickpocket and not someone REALLY nefarious, I- Helloo, what's this? (music starts playing)
SY: There's a tiny music box behind the face, that melody was special to them.
AS: Ooh, a bit twee if you ask me.
SY: So you'll give it back?
AS: I might have sold it back to you for a few sovereigns before you told me who you were, but as my luck would have it there just happens to be something that only you can do for me, Sam Yao. Your uncle's digging a railway underneath London, isn't he?
SY: H-how did you know that?
AS: I read the Society Pages, in my line of work one needs to know who's on course to inherit what fortune, and which Saloons they're likely to fall out of after one too many brandies.
SY: My fortunes from my parents, not my uncle.
AS: Yes, but you're his ward, or at least you were until you came of age recently, correct?
SY: Yes.
AS: There's something I want to show you. Follow me and keep up the pace. There are far more unsavoury types than me in Whopping and they'll take more than your watch. Run!
SY: What's your name?
AS: I'm not telling you my real one, but you can call me Amelia.
SY: Uh, if you don't mind me saying, Amelia, you're quite well spoken for a pickpocket.
AS: Well, even an educated woman is not replete with options in this day and age. We might have a woman on the throne but I had to choose between penury, marriage to a seventy year old rector, or this.
SY: Well, it's not easy for me either, I'm lucky I have money because, well, being Chinese, people have misconceptions.
AS: Yes, you really should choose your friends wisely. Down this side street.
SY: Ugh, Mm. What IS that smell?
AS: Cover your mouths with your handkerchiefs, both of you.
SY: It's alright, Five, you can use mine.
AS: The smell is coming from that huge pipe, you see the emblem embossed on it?
SY: Ah! It's from my uncle's engineering company!
AS: That's right. The pipe is a ventilation shaft from his railway tunnel, now let's get away from it so we can breathe.
SY: (Gasping) Whoah, Oh that's better. What is going on down there?
AS: That's what I want you to find out.
SY: Ugh, it's the workhouse owner.
WO: (approaching footsteps) (panting) Master Yao, I followed you all the way from Rutherhive, one of my workers told me this woman is actually part of the Abel Street Gang! She only came to the workhouse to target you.
AS: This worker, was he a handsome fellow? Smarmy grin?
WO: That's right!
AS: Brent. (Sigh) That'll teach me to use former paramours as spies. Fine. (gun clicking) Hands up!
SY: Amelia! Don't shoot him!
AS: I'm not not aiming it at him, Sam, I'm aiming it at you.
WO: Steady on!
AS: Mr Workhouse Owner, unless you want future investors to know you got this one killed, I'd advise you to stop following us. Sam, Five, come with me or I'll shoot you both. Run!
AS: We lost the Workhouse owner, time to put this away (clicking sound)
SY: We would have come with you, Amelia, there was no need for the gun!
AS: Don't tell me how to take a hostage. Now listen carefully, for reasons that elude me, not everyone who falls on hard times opts for criminality, some people would honestly rather perform manual labour, and your uncle happens to be a proliferate employer of such eccentrics. I wouldn't care, except that many of his employees have family in the Abel Street Gang.
SY: I can ask my uncle to pay them more. But... He doesn't really listen to me. I'm Rather naive, apparently.
AS: Well, fortunately I have no need of your dreadful negotiating skills, I need you to solve an even stickier problem. Several of your uncle's workers have gone missing. Even though I've repeatedly explained to my gang that it's a waste of time caring about anything besides one's self, they're refusing to work until they learn what's happened to their loved ones. It's hurting my bottom line.
SY: That's awful... For the workers.
AS: Ahh, they're probably dead. If WE can barely breathe the noxious fumes near the ventilation shafts, what do you think it's like underground?
SY: I can't imagine! Those poor people... I'll stop what's happening, I promise, even if I have to spend every last penny of my inheritance.
AS: Do that and I'll give you your watch back.
SY: It's a deal.
AS: Mm, my favourite words. Righto, well, if that's settled then I'm off. There's a debutante ball this evening and I need to be in good time if I'm going to harvest some pearls. (retreating footsteps)
SY: There she goes. Look, Five, ah, I feel a bit awkward asking you this, but, would you maybe consider working with me? You were quick out there, really impressive, I've just moved into a house by myself and I could do with a hand. I promise it'll be a lot easier than the workhouse. I know it's been a funny old day, but for me it's actually been nice having someone to talk to. Talk at. Sorry, I know I go on a bit. But if you want to let's shake on it. You did save my life. Great! Now, I'm starving, how about some steak and oyster pie? Maybe we'll come up with some ideas about what happened to those missing workers over dinner., then tomorrow, we'll visit my uncle. Lord Earnest Van Ark.
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yourultraarchive · 4 years
Hey so it’s been a while since I posted an update on this thing, but I just did a ton of work so here ya go. (To be honest I lost the motivation to work on more updates after the last time I posted an update... for probably obvious reasons. I mean, real life stuff and pandemic aside. That said, just in case another “misunderstanding” happens... I should probably put a disclaimer or something...)
*NOTE!!! This is only a PREVIEW. This update is NOT released yet!
As usual, the original non-updated templates are still available on this blog. Click here to go to the downloads page to check out the other templates too!
Alrighty, on with the news!
tl;dr version:
Same as from last time, text is now editable in-template (preview video just shows a lot more of that)
UI design is hard
New feature: style editor bars!
There are still bugs in the new features
UI design is hard
Help button is more visible and obvious (but suggestions for improvements are welcome)
UI design is hard
Full update under the readmore because it’s 4am, I’m incredibly tired and loopy, and a lot of it is probably technical rambling. :D Anyway, enjoy!
If you’ve decided to read on... here we go!
So I just spent the past... I dunno, 4 or 5 days straight working on this (it’ll probably be day 5 or 6 by the time this pops out of the queue. I haven’t slept. It’s very unhealthy, don’t do as I do kiddos!) and this monster of an HTML page/program was like... nearly 4000 lines? Maybe 3900? I managed to clean it up some and get it down to 3600 or so lines, and it also helped that taking the long break between the last update and now really helped me get a fresh perspective on how to more efficiently get things done so I was able to cut out some redundant code/features. It’s actually still not done though (lol). There’s... a lot going on. (Both in the code and in the update!)
As you can see from the preview video (which I made because at this point it was easier than giffing... my poor near-decade-old laptop nearly exploded on me, it can barely handle making a 3-minute video...), the text may be editable in-template and the new style bars are in (which is a new feature!! That the old online generator didn’t have!! Made to make your template generating easier! So no more trying to figure out where to place HTML if you don’t know any!), but admittedly the style bars are not 100% functional yet, I still have to work out some bugs (like bolding/italicicizing/etc. not working on multiple lines, though as you can see in the video you CAN style the whole text area or individual words). Also the very essential feature of uploading your own images is still not in, and the personal data section is... not working right now. ^_^;;;
Still, kinda excited about the style bars, which as you can see are slightly different from the last update. (There’s a highlight color when you hover over them now! I figured that’s an easy way to show it’s interactable.) I maintain that UI design is hard though (it took forever to figure out how to translate the original online generator’s input forms into dropdown menus and such), because while I do like the rows of circle buttons and whatnot going on right now I might actually change it again because I’m not a huge fan of how bulky it looks for some of the smaller editable areas (like the hero name, the hero aptitude box, the quote sections... actually the hero name was supposed to have some style buttons for the strikeout effect and a few others too, but I’m still trying to figure out how to fit them).
Not entirely sold on the help box either. Not sure why? I think it’s the red color. Red was a good color for the button, but not the help box. I’ve always kinda felt like “pale yellow” was the color of “help” so this is throwing me off. Is it just me? Red just doesn’t seem friendly or conductive to helping?? And I’m not totally happy with the positioning either. (Not sure I’m liking that it’s just. In the middle of the page like that? Maybe it needs a shadow or a border or something... it just looks a little off somehow to me? Maybe I need to make it bigger/smaller??) On the plus side, though, the help box is much bigger and more obvious than the tool tips from the original generator.
Right, one last thing before I stop rambling: the style bars currently have buttons for small text, bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough. If you wanted any other font features let me know and I’ll take it into consideration! (I thought about adding a “color” section but honestly I’m not entirely sure how I’d do that... or how many people would use it.) Though that being said, I did have to exclude some font effects from certain areas (as you can see in the video)--like, the strikeout style doesn’t even work on the “manga temple” font (I mean, it DOES, but it’s less of a strikeout and more of an underline) so I just didn’t include it on the bar. So stuff like that might happen if the font effect suggestions don’t work out. (Also more buttons contributes to the bulkiness of the style bar...... again, something I’m working out. Gotta find a way to redesign it, uhg...)
Anyway that’s it for now?? I know it doesn’t seem like much on the front-end of stuff, but I’ve got a list of at least a dozen bugs in these new features/UI alone that need fixing (beyond needing to add image uploading to this new UI and re-implementing save data exports, among other non-debugging stuff I need to do) so it’s... kinda a lot, on the back-end. Still, I hope you enjoyed this preview and didn’t mind my rambling too much!
On the issue of the help box and style bar setup, if yall have any suggestions, I welcome and encourage them!
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hella-free-space · 4 years
Life update nobody asked for :)
Hoooo weeee... we're like 3 weeks into 2020 and i know the world is lookin r o u g h rn... but i just wanted to take some time to shout into this wonderful dark blue void we call tumblr for a sec
I put all of it under a readmore, but tl;dr is that i got time off of work this week and next week to write some more fishy articles for yall! Also i filed for divorce last nov, which should be finalized by may, and i am so SO excited for this year :)
2019 was a rly wild year... i think its the most personal growth ive experienced and i dont regret any part of it (even though some parts were genuinely terrifying or rly hard to go through).
I lived somewhat independently for most of it (i rly loved having a place to myself :3 even tho taking care of it and myself and all the kiddos was sometimes hard, it was wonderful to have so much freedom and independence).
I made lots of new friends :D
I filed for divorce! (this ones a big'un and by far the best! Itll be final in may hopefully). I had to say goodbye to the cats and the dog (i couldnt keep them and my ex was the one who brought them home originally. He moved to a place with a backyard and more people to help take care of them. It was definitely in their best interest but I do still miss them♡).
I moved back in with my parents, but got to keep all of my other babies :3 the pumpkin patch sling im raising went thru their first molt (fingers crossed they continue to eat like a tank and grow up big n strong). My hamster is an old man now but the vet said hes lookin great for such an old man :) it makes my heart happy that he'll be around a while longer ♡
I got a raise at work! Ive had this job for over a year now and i like my coworkers. Bossman gives us days off when we ask and cooks everyone home made lunch when he comes in once a week :p
I decided to take time off of school to sort out my life and academic habits. Most of it has to do with anxiety (hence the counseling) and developing healthier coping mechanisms. Also figuring out what I really want to do... because i dont have to consider how my career will affect anyone but me now... so im switching to environmental science :) it doesnt pay as well as computer science, but im more passionate about it and even when i went thru a rly bad depressive episode last year and failed half my classes... i aced the heck out of my ES ones and enjoyed the material :)
I signed back up for counseling! Went to my first appointment last week and my therapist is super dope.
I wrote some freelance pieces. (Which i have been very very slow to finish recently... i hope to have some more turned in soon tho! I’m sending in my tiger barb care article today and I asked for some more days off at work to be able to work on freelance more! Ive only had 1 day off per week for the past few weeks @.@ but I had 3 days off this past week so no excuses!!)
I started new hobbies! I got a sewing machine for xmas (shout out to my mom, who is the dopest woman i know) and am excited to try some more challening projects :p i made some simple stuff, but i really wanna make plushies!
I finally found a dnd group and its SO MUCH FUN :3 ive only been to 2 sessions now but the dm is great and also patient about all my newbie questions :3 reddit has also been v helpful ^-^ I’ve also been having a ton of fun dndiying stuff for my character (like spell cards/stat cards) and making miniatures with sculpey (first time working with polymer clay, so thats been cool too) :3
Going into 2020 im really excited to travel this year. I’m going to denver next month!!! and possibly a cruise with friends at the end of the summer?? we’ll see :p I’m also excited to get more into my new hobbies (DND, sewing, miniature-making, etc) and getting back into to older hobbies (terrariums, scrapbooking, snail mail, etc). I’m trying to go back to school in the fall as well so fingers crossed my change-of-major gets approved >w<
all in all though, i’m hype for 2020 and i hope everyone has a good year too :)
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an Interview with Zinnhari Warcharger
i was tagged by @fallenqueero and i tag @obijuancannoli, @simplysapphiix, @kf1n3, and @befooled if yall want lol!!
under a readmore bc it Long
name ➔ “Zinnhari Warcharger, for now.”
are you single ➔ He relaxes a little, with a hint of a fond smile behind his fangs. “No. I’m bonded.”
are you happy ➔ An ear twitches, the smile fades. “As happy as I can be, I suppose.”
are you angry ➔ “Hm.” His claws scrape the arms of the chair he rests in. “Not right now. Not usually, actually… I’m just tired.”
are your parents still married ➔ “Well, I never knew my parents.” He chuckles a little. “I’m a charr, family units are different under the Legions. I hope they’re still alive, at the very least, though it’s unlikely considering they were Blood Legion as I am.”
birthplace ➔ “Grothmar. As I said, Blood Legion.”
hair color ➔ The giant charr shakes out his mane. “Ginger. Not a common color, eh?”
eye color ➔ “Blue, though they used to be greyer than this.” He gives you a toothy grin. “Being dragon branded does some strange shit.”
birthday ➔ “I uh… don’t remember, if I’m being honest. I know I was born in winter, but that’s about it.”
mood ➔ “Mood. That’s something the kids say, right?” An ear flickers as you clarify. “Oh. Tired. I’m always tired.”
gender ➔ “Male. Thanks for asking.”
summer or winter ➔ “Both suck, but I miss the softer summers of Grothmar, so I guess summer…” He sighs and shifts his footpaws. “But I’d pick this blizzard over that damned desert. Look at me, look at this fur. I’m not a fucking desert animal!”
morning or afternoon ➔ “Ugh, afternoon. Blessed are the days I actually get to sleep, let alone sleep in.”
are you in love ➔ That little smile returns to soften his features. “Oh, yes. I have been for a long time, I reckon.”
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Mm…” He gives a little cough. “No. No, that’s something else.”
who ended your last relationship ➔ “… Mordremoth.”
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “You swing my greatsword hard enough and it’ll break just about anything.” He won’t elaborate even after you clarify your statement.
are you afraid of commitments ➔ “Well that’s a loaded question, innit?” he sighs. “I’m afraid of disappointing people.”
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ He coughs again. “Oh, yeah.”
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “Yeah, it’s a little strange, honestly. Others have just polarizing reactions to me.” He rubs the back of his neck uncomfortably. “Y’know, it’s not bad, just… strange. I’ve never had to be so extroverted until I became the Pact Commander.”
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ His mouth twitches and he picks at his claws. “… Yes. I thought I could save him… I couldn’t.”
love or lust ➔ “Uh… love? I mean I know it’s not for everyone but I kinda like the love where you lust after each other, y’know.” He shrugs.
lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Ooh, lemonade. There’s this little stand in Caeldon Forest that makes the best lemonade, as if I needed another reason to visit the place. It’s lovely there.”
cats or dogs ➔ His eyes narrow as his tail swishes behind him. “Is… is that a trick question?” You laugh and clarify for him. “Well that’s not fair. I don’t play favorites with my babies.” He gives his smokescale a fond pat.
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “I have a few really close friends.”
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Please just give me a quiet night in.”
day or night ➔ “… Nights. They’re more private.”
been caught sneaking out ➔ “Oh yes, many times. Dinky and I used to sneak out to pick raspberries all the time when we were in the fahrar together.”
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ He laughs heartily at the question. “Oh yes, I think Balthazar threw me down the stairs once or twice during our little spat.”
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Burn me, yes. I had a crush on Rytlock Brimstone for over two decades,” he chuckles.
wanted to disappear ➔ “Who doesn’t? … Oh, that’s not a normal feeling? Interesting.”
smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes, definitely. A smile is all well and good when you’re humanoid, but the softest expressions on a charr come from the eyes.”
shorter or taller ➔ He snorts with laughter. “I’ve only met an Icebrood Svanir who was taller than me, so shorter is my only choice.”
intelligence or attraction ➔ “Uh… both I guess? I like confidence.”
hook-up or relationship ➔ "Relationship, I can’t do hookups.”
do you and your family get along ➔ “I like to think my little ragtag family gets along, though Braham is always getting himself into trouble.”
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔  “Uh, yeah. I died once, I think that’s pretty messed up.”
have you ever ran away from home ➔ “No. My warband was reassigned a few times but I don’t think that counts.”
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ "I’ve gotten kicked out of a bar before.”
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “No. If you hate someone why would they be your friend?”
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Yes. They’re all a little rough around the edges but I like them that way.”
who is your best friend ➔ “Canach.”
who knows everything about you ➔ “Mm… probably Dinky, we grew up together. Though Rytlock has been there for… uh, my weaker moments. So they might be tied now.”
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croweswings-a · 5 years
hello i am gonna try getting some writing done today bc im FEELIN it but also. this is gonna be kinda rambly and soft and dumb bc im in a moode but (im putting this under readmore just bc...)
lately life has been kind of a rollercoaster w life outside of the rpc, i have a lot of friends that rely on me for emotional support and advice, i have to be my own boss w work and its been hard for me to have strong drive in all of my creative areas (which sadly includes writing). BUT on here, i have had the pleasure of meeting some of the most talented wordsmith writers that really keep my head in the game of creation and consistent inspiration. there are so many unique characters and writing styles on my dash, i confess to stalking numerous threads (none of u are safe from my bitch eyes) and i have had the pleasure of growing close to some very special literary artists in the rpc. i finally have a “group” of sorts with three of my favourite people (i have always wanted my own little troupe & it kills the man w sappy emos), but i also have several others outside of this that i will always vibe with whether we’re writing or not - just know i am in support of you and whenever you have ideas, i am always down to hearing them regardless of how often we talk or not. i view rp as a relaxed escape for all of us - it’s not a chore, it is a collaborative, community driven way to take a break from the real world and slip into the comfort of a fantasy one that can make us happy, excited, and in many cases emotional (but in a good way, yknow?) never feel as though you are obligated to reply to me, or that you have to interact with me 24/7 nor should you feel guilty if you’ve not been active online. i have no expectations other than basic respect. 
additionally, i am honoured that people enjoy my characters as i’ve always been very insecure about how many i have and how many of those are actually “good” developed and dimensional characters. the ones on this blog are very dear to me and i’m especially appreciative of all the blogs who don’t really have that retro verse going are open to exploring it when it comes to plotting. i don’t consider myself a writer, but i will say that my love of writing has only grown over time because of the people i’ve written with. there is nothing more fun for me than the challenge of putting deep effort into my threads bc i am so impressed and enthralled by my partner’s skills that i feel i must only enhance it by putting my all into my replies (hence why it takes me a while sometimes). 
in summation tho, what i mean to say is that i am deeply touched by the people i’ve met on here and that i’m thankful for you guys for kindling such a warm community that really helps take me out of the stressful elements and brings me to another place of comfort. i really hope you all understand that your muses are insanely cool with so many different facets that i Love to hear about (i beg of my rp partners to rant to me abt their characters, the more the better) and that writing/plotting/talking w yall is the highlight of my online life sometimes. the biggest love to those who always hear me out on my ideas and are always willing to follow me wherever my scattered asshat brain takes me, to those i have grown close to who are always open to bouncing ideas off each other even if they don’t always come to full completion. i love you all, i am a big mushy infantchild w lots of emotions & look forward to writing into the new year w u guys. bless. cookie to anyone who actually read all this nonsense
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binalakai · 5 years
What pairings do you like one sided on Zim's behalf though and like. why, exactly? (this isn't an attack I am genuinely curious. you also don't have to answer if it's something personal, but if you're okay with sharing your reasons on your interest in these sort of dynamics)
genuinely, as much as i love zim and i think he deserves love, it’s not going to come easy for him. and even if he does struggle through all means to try to earn the affection of whoever he likes, they also have every right and reason to reject him. even from that rejection, i believe that zim can learn from the flaws of the situation, with SOME help of course…otherwise zim on his own would just spiral in his Feelings and get nothing done. whether zim’s progress involves the character he had interest in depends on how in character i think it is.
to spare yall ill put the details under a readmore lmfao. thanks for your interest though if you do wanna check my post out C:
skoodge: zasr is on the VERY top of the list because it’s the one i’m thinking the most of right now. i see a lot of people like to characterize skoodge as the soft one that teaches zim to be more open about his feelings and have more confidence in himself, which i think is fine! in fact i love that fluff stuff, but a while ago i found this fic and [inserts that one grunkle stan meme] this…this is beautiful
if you take a peak at it, then you’ll understand what i mean but the rundown is that skoodge..he’s not the total OPPOSITE of the popular skoodge characterization but he definitely isn’t the affectionate one. in fact he finds affection odd and uncalled for in an irken. he finds zim to be..rather interesting in general. but the good thing is that he likes zim’s confidence, and hopes it can rub off on skoodge. 
i have ZERO idea on where the fic is headed, but it’s been my favorite characterization of skoodge so far.
and on my own imagination if i keep going on this onesided indulgence, then i like to imagine skoodge, while slowly starting to get used to zim’s company, would still find zim’s affection confusing and not something skoodge can easily return back. yes the two are alike, and skoodge sees zim as an equal, but he can also recognize that zim overwhelming issues to work with is something completely out of skoodge’s hands, and it may not be something skoodge can easily tackle as much as he can with a slaughtering rat person. i’d still want them to be friends of course, or hell maybe this can be something slow burned, but i DEFINITELY like to imagine that the first time zim reveals his feelings it’d end in total awkwardness
the tallests: less of a character study reason, moreso just finding scenerios funny where zim is romantically attracted to the tallests even though the tallests hate zim’s guts. i HAVE been seeing an au around where the tallests are nice to zim which is cool n all but . the pure disgust of the tallest hearing zim make awful pick up lines towards them/the secondhand embarrassment from the other irkens hearing it on the other line is HILARIOUS imo. also i like making fun of zim whaddya want from me. 
also tallest purple n red are already dating in every single imagine i have no if ands or buts they are TOGETHER. theyre MARRIED. theyre HAPPY. 
^ bonus the in short supply fic is a guilty pleasure. it still doesnt make me go down with the tallest purple/zim pairing but man is it a dynamic i wouldnt have ever considered yet with the right writer i get heavily invested
tak: same reason that i just find it hilarious + also i mean come on who doesn’t like tak? ngl i do think this one can develop into some sort of friendship if i keep digging into my onesided indulgence and hell i do love wlw and mlm solidarity, but as of right now im on more of a zasr high. in the meantime though i continue to like making fun of idiot zim and confused tak
prof membrane: basically this post i made a while ago. also im fully aware that there’s au’s where zim disguises as Not a Child n therefore pm doesnt see him as one, and of course im all for that for mutual pining. otherwise if we’re talking in universe stuff then this is the direction i take.
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jinwoowoohoo · 6 years
Astro in DC~
Hello! I’m here to give you my complete fanmeet experience to the best of my abilities~ I’m going to preface this by saying I’d been feeling ill the past few days, so it took a lot of my willpower just to keep myself standing for a fair chunk of the show…. Which means 1) my memory is a bit fuzzy and 2) I just did not have the brainpower to focus on every member, so this is a very Jinwoo-biased fan account (not that any of you should be surprised tbh).
P.S. I’m sorry I wrote a literal novel;;; this is largely to help me remember it all both now and in the future, but I also wanted to share!
(rip mobile users someone please teach how to actually make readmores work on mobile edit: never mind my iPad did the thing! Bless)
The Beginning:
The girl who did the cover dance absolutely rocked it, and the crowd had no problem hyping her up - she performed Again and we were fanchanting and everything~ And then when she finished the lights dimmed, she left the stage, and we all waited very anxiously for the real show to begin.
Now. I knew going in that Jinjin would be the first on stage with his dance solo, but that did not stop him from still completely taking my breath away (like I actually gasped and put my hand on my chest/over my mouth). It was the moment of realization that he’s real! And really here!! And he’s doing his thing!!! Like I’m still processing the feeling of seeing him in real 3D space, seeing his body as a real human body, with depth and warmth, not just a flat image (I hope that doesn’t sound weird??). And man did he kill that solo. I always love when he gets a chance to bust out his house dance skills 💕 (I should actually check cams from the other shows to see if he was doing a set choreo or going freestyle 👀). And then, of course the Rocko man himself came out, and proceeded to just destroy us all (and booooy was the crowd Rocky biased - the screams for him were REAL yall).
Once that section was done the rest of the boys came out and!! Myungjun was in just a black tshirt and jeans!!! How dare he attack me so soon into the show!!! 
They performed Again which was stellar as always, and then they segwayed into Baby. And things got LIT. Their demeanor changed, the crowd energy changed, it was just. Exactly the mood you’d expect from Baby~ The boys got really smiley and just looked like they were so happy! Just rainbows and sparkles all around haha
After baby finished they did their intros! Jinjin went first and of course intro’d himself as the leader and main visual. Eunwoo said a good bit in English but so help me if I remember any of it 😰 Moonbin gave his whole intro in English too! And you can seriously tell how hard he worked to be able to do so!! Like he really said a lot and you could tell he was thinking carefully as he was talking, I was so proud of him :’) He’s adorable, his voice is adorable, hearing him say ‘puppycat’ is deadly 😂 Mj introduced himself as the happy virus, and I unfortunately don’t remember the rest of his or Socky’s intros :( After intros, the staff brought out chairs and they sat down for q&a time!
If you had drawn a line directly from my seat to the stage, that’s where Jinwoo was sitting :“”“”“”) So basically I had the perfect view of him (even if I was like 12 rows back). I cant remember everything that was asked/said (im sure there are 100 fancams anyway) but some highlights include:
♥ The first question was who pays for meals the most, and they did the 3-2-1-point thing; everyone pointed to Jinjin. Then they said some stuff I couldn’t hear/catch, but it ended with Jinwoo saying something (in English!) about no longer having access to his mom’s card 😂😂
♥ Someone asking Bin his workout routine, and him genuinely telling us lmaoo And every time he would name an activity (running, weights, etc) Jinwoo would be in his chair just miming it out like a NERD 😂 (Jinwoo was just generally very animated and interactive, and he was smiling soooo muuuuuch you could just tell he was in a good mood!!)
♥ Someone asked what the members needed to have when traveling. Rocky said mask pack, Jinwoo said Arohas love 😑, I didn’t catch what Eunwoo said??, I think Bin also said Arohas love, MJ said contacts and something else genuine, and Sanha said?? He brought Jinjin??? And Jinwoo was just like ???????????????? What are you talking about 😂😂
♥ Someone asked who’s the best cook/who cooks the most and what do they make. Immediately Sanha just goes “not me!” and everyone laughs. They said they really don’t cook much at home, but Bin likes to cook and wants to make food for the upcoming birthdays! :’)
After the q&a they introduced/moved into Run which, again, Jinwoo’s position was DIRECTLY in line with my seat for a lot of the song; I was #blessed. Also at the very beginning when they were passing the mic down the line, Eunwoo teased Sanha and almost didn’t give him the mic in time - the baby got a little flustered 😝 (P.S. Sanha is the most adorable and pure being on this earth, and I’m pretty sure his giggle could cure cancer. I still can’t believe I got to hear it in person.)
So Run was good, the crowd def didn’t know the lyrics as well as the other songs but the spirit was still there! And then then segwayed into Crazy Sexy Cool and for some??  reason??? I have very little memory of it…. I do remember the fanchants being STRONG though, esp for rapline haha
After that I think they took a short break while the MC did his thing, then they brought the boys back out for gaaaaame tiiiiiiime 😀😀
Game Time:
The first game was the mystery box one, and the members were divided by staff into Hyung line vs Maknae line. The grandpas being on the same team were, of course, being goofy and extra af lmao (And Eunwoo just stood there laughing as usual). They r/p/scissored to see which team would go first - it was Jinwoo vs Rocky, and Jinwoo decided to be Extra™ and do it by turning away from Rocko and sticking his arm out behind him. Rocky won, and I’m like 99% sure he totally cheated and waited a split second for Jinjin to throw his hand before showing his own….
But either way, Maknae team won so they made Hyung team go first. Before they brought out the box there was some hyping/smack talk~ Eunwoo said (approximately) in English “Just one thing: we win >:)” and then our precious child Sanha goes, also in English (approximately) “Just one thing: You lose!” It was seriously the cutest ah my heart 💖 So they brought out the box, and the thing they had to guess was…. Raw egg 😫😫 Maknae team peeked at what they’d have to guess and omg their reactions 😂😂 They were thoroughly grossed out and excited for the other team to suffer lmaoo
So Jinjin went first, and he took off his jacket and rolled up one shirt sleeve and he;;;; has a very nice forearm;;;;; You should find fancams for their reactions tbh bc there’s no way I could do them justice, but watching Jinwoo’s face distort in discomfort and hearing him let out a small scream was sure something 😂😂 Because it was raw egg it was suuuper wet and drippy and gross and you could seeee it dripping off his fingers when he took his hand out of the box 😣😝 (the staff had towels at the ready, don’t worry). He removed his hand from the box, wiped it off a bit, and then smelled his fingers and as soon as he did that we was like “…aaaaaaaaah 😈😈” so he probably figured it out right away. Mj was next and of course he had to be a little extra when putting his hand in, walking his fingers around the opening a bit before diving in. And then as soon as he touched it he just full on screamed 😂😂 And he kept screaming and making weird noises for a bit, then he got a little used to it and was like “ooooh 😳” I can’t remember anything he might have done after that 😩 Eunwoo went third and was def the most anxious. He stuck his hand in and I can’t remember if he even touched it or not before he freaked and pulled his hand back out 😂 Again that’s really all I can remember from him 😢 Then they had 15 seconds to collude as a team and settle on their answer, and they guessed it right!! Also once the crowd heard what it was they had touched we were all just like “eeeeww oh noooooooo!! DD: ” And then. And then the Extra Bros™ Myungjin start acting like chickens =w=;;;; There were fair amounts of butt wiggling. (MJ started it of course).
So! They guessed right! Which meant if Maknae line couldn’t get theirs then they would have to do a punishment. So. The staff brought out the next item, which was white and round and squishy. Hyung line snuck a peek and they were just standing there poking it 😂😂 And then freaking troll Eunwoo said to the other team “guys be careful! Its moving! Its alive!!!” And Myungjin went along with him on it lmao Maknae line didn’t really know what to make make of them lol
Rocky went first, and he really Did Not want to stick his hand in there - you could just see the classic suffering smile on his face. He definitely yelled several times when touching it (not a scream, but a very Rocky yell haha) Once he was done he seemed to have an idea what it was, and started whispering in Bins ear. Sanha went second and he was… well…. Sanha lol Very squirmy, very screamy. Bin went last (I think, he and Sanha might be switched aaah I’m so sorry), and I don’t really remember Bins reaction while his hand was in the box at all. I do know that he was like full-on squeezing the thing and the MC was losin it at him, and after he took his hand out he sniffed his hand and then licked it =w=;;;;; and all of us were just like Bin no!!!! Then he went back and there was more Moonrock ear whispering.
Once all 3 went they had their 15 seconds to decide, and I didn’t understand what the answer they gave was (it was hard to hear Rocky and the MC didn’t repeat what he said for us) buuuuuuuut it was wrong! The right answer was a ball of mozzarella cheese~~ Hyung line of course started taunting them for losing (mostly led by Jinwoo) and even got the whole crowd involved 😂😂 And thus the losing team was introduced to their punishment: they had to spell their names. With their butts. Sexily. (And I was like you’re going to make the Maknaes do what?????). So Bin went first and he pretty much died of embarrassment one letter in, but he powered through! Rocko was next and he was also internally dying (and externally yelling 😂) but the dancer part of him took over and booooy does he have balance and body control. I’m pretty sure after he was done he ran and hugged Bin to deal with his embarrassment and the crowd LOVED that 😂 Sanha went last and the MC had to torture him!! And make him do his full name!! 😭😭 Of course it was more awkwardly cute than sexy, and him saying the letters as he went was unbearably adorable. (I honestly covered my eyes/turned away to laugh/cringe for most of the punishments =w=)
The next game was guessing the song based on choreo. They split up into teams by randomly selecting colored papers and somehow!! Binu still managed to be a team!! How many times has this happened now????? The other teams were JinHa and RaMyung. They were deciding who should go first and Bin said the “maknae” team should go first (referring to RaMyung) and literally everyone was just like what are you on about????? 😂😂 Fake Maknae MJ strikes again! They r/p/scissored for team order again and I’m like 80% sure Rocko cheated again 👀👀👀 But either way the order ended up as Binu, RaMyung, JinHa. Binu actually did really well!!! with Bin dancing and Eunwoo guessing, but I have to shame Woo for not getting Sistar’s Shake It like boy come on! I think they got 6+ right? RaMyung were…. less successful, but it was honestly more on Rocky??? I think he just like panicked and couldn’t straighten out in his brain what he should actually be doing with his body, then the ones he did actually do the dance to MJ was pretty hit or miss 😂 But they still got a few!! Aaaand then came JinHa… For some reason they decided Sanha should do the dancing, and well…. He passed like every other one, and I don’t think Jinwoo was able to guess a single one 😂 It was just a lot of panic and failure lmaoo So needless to say their team came dead last.
It was decided both losing teams had to do punishment, and that punishment was 40 pushups per team. However the MC said they could divide that any way they wanted, for example Sanha could do 1 and Jinjin 39. JinHa team went first, and Sanha volunteered to do his share first. And the kid got down, wiggled into position, did 1 pushup, and stood back up like “all done!” 😂😂 We got to witness Jinwoo’s legendary ‘possibly contemplating murder rn’ face 😂😂 But then Sanha got back down - and as he was going of course Jinwoo was starting to take his jacket off to prepare for his half but then we reached 20… And 21… And 22… And Sanha kept going all the way to 40! So Jinwoo didn’t have to do anything, and he seemed really pleased :) and was like *shrugs* alright then and put his jacket back on. Mj went first for RaMyung team and bless his heart he did the whole 40 too so Rocky didn’t have to.
The final game was random play dance and there wasn’t much to it really, they just ran through the point parts of 2 other group songs (BTS Dope and Apink No No No). They all did fine for BTS of course, but Binnie KILLED it with Apink lmao to the point where the rest of the members kinda stopped and just let him shine. The final song was one from Dream Part 01 but I cannot for the life of me remember which one it was 😩 I want to say Dream Night or Dreams Come True?? (Watch it be neither akdbsj)
And that was the end of game time! I think they maybe took another quick break, but maybe not idk;;; and then we segwayed into Breathless!
And boy let me tell you, Aroha get PUMPED for Breathless. Confession too tbh, like I don’t remember much from CSC but I definitely remember people just going hardcore with love for these songs haha And I’m pretty sure the boys could feel the passion for them too~ Also during Breathless when Moonrock have their dance bit and then it switches to a rapline dance bit, Jinwoo’s shirt came up a little bit and idk why that suddenly affected me so much but I literally like gasped said “oh my god” out loud 😳
They then moved into the final ment, which worried me at first as I thought maybe we had to skip You & Me due to time or something, but nope they just did the ment first!
Final Ment:
I don’t really remember much of what they said, but I do know Eunwoo said that when he was younger DC was one of the cities he dreamed of visiting, and that it was a beautiful place~ And I think it was MJ(??) who said DC Aroha are the best of the 3 shows so far of course~ 😂😂 Omg and Rocky, when he was in the middle of his ment (I think that’s when this happened anyway aksbaj my awful memory) he just stops like mid-thought and goes “I can’t see” and does the most epic hair flip to get the hair out of his eyes, then just stands there for like 10 seconds basking in his new-found vision. It was so majestic and unexpected I doubled over laughing 😂😂😂 They also said they know it’s hard for us to see them and they were grateful to us for waiting for them, and they would be waiting for us in Korea as well~
For You & Me they first asked if everyone knew the choreo, and enough people said yes that the were like “alright then, show us what you got!” and the music for the chorus played and we all did our darn best to remember the choreo (I failed, I didn’t refresh my memory beforehand and couldn’t remember it well enough =w=;;;) They seemed genuinely impressed by how we did overall though! After that they had Sanha teach us how it goes cutely, and yeah, it’s exactly what you’d expect from that sentence 😂 Once everyone had learned from Captain Sanha and practiced a couple times, they started the song for real! And I already posted about it, but it really is softest, warmest, sweetest experience. To have everyone in the crowd doing choreo and interacting with their neighbors whether they knew them or not it just, i don’t even know how to describe it, it’s just nice?? And lots of people were giggling and smiling, including my right-side partner, which was so fun to turn to each time 💕💕 I definitely got a little emotional during it (but I didn’t cry! Go me!) Edit: Also I forgot but when Jinwoo started to move to the front to do his rap, MJ pushed him out of the way and did it instead! Jinwoo was hyping him up and laughing his butt off 😂😂 And MJ genuinely did really well
 After Y&M they gave their official goodbye and left the stage, and almost immediately the crowd started chanting “encore!” and as expected, after a bit they came back out~
Our encore was I’ll Be There and they were throwing out bags of gummy bears. Also for the encore a TON of people rushed the stage, including like everyone to the front and right of me. Soooooooo~ When Jinwoo threw some into our area, there was nobody but me to retrieve it :’) (I maaay have accidentally body slammed the seat in front of me trying to catch it 😅) In my wildest dreams he threw it to me on purpose, but in reality he never actually looked at me so I doubt it (it’s nice to have dreams though 😂) Some people who were up at the stage got some great footage of Jinwoo getting right up into their camera’s business so I look forward to seeing those 👀👀
Once they ran out of candy and the song ended it was officially time for them to say goodbye 😢 They gave their last “Wanna be your ☆” and took a bow, then headed backstage to chill until perks began!
The staff decided to do hi touch first, and since I had both perks it took me a hot minute to realize I needed to get in line too (since I was sitting in P1 and nobody around me was moving lol) The girls I was in line with were very cute and nice - one of them was newer to the boys so she had a hard time telling Myungjin apart haha We tried to help her get them straight~ The line moved really quickly and when it was my turn my brain switched to auto pilot……
Jinwoo was first bc apparently the universe likes to see me Suffer. I don’t even remember what he looked like, all I remember is him seeing my shirt and saying “aaaah, slow~  😉” and all I could get out was a “yes!” 😂😵😵😭😭 Sanha was next in line but my brain was so busy processing the first interaction I have absolutely 0 memory of him, if I even managed to hi five him at all akdbaj like I completely just blacked out for a few seconds. Eunwoo was third and I regained myself enough to actually start looking at their faces, but I still couldn’t make my own sentences, so instead I started parroting what I was hearing from the members which was “thank you” - which is a fine thing to say and I wholly meant it, but I do wish I could have said a bit more… Bin was third and I also Do Not remember him, like, at all 😣 I’m so disappointed, he deserves better. But then came Rocky. There really must be something just inexplicably striking about Rocky, because I remember him pretty damn clearly all things considered! He had his big Rocko smile and it was strikingly beautiful 😪 Finally was MJ and I remember seeing him and thinking “I have to make sure he knows I genuinely love and support him!!” So I looked really hard at his face, but my brain was still *static noises* so all I could say was thank you :“) I tried to really sincerely say it and show him with my eyes that I meant it though!! And then it was over, and I took a big ole breath as I made my way down off the stage and back to my seat. And thus began the waiting for group pic. (The girl I had been sitting next to laughed when I came back 😂😂
Group Photo:
The line for P2 was pretty much a free for all, but the line for P1 was specifically done row by row. I was at the back of Orchestra Center, so I wasn’t first by any means but I was probably in the first 1/3. The setup was there were 8 chairs, and the boys stood behind the chairs. They were all doing different poses and switching it up for each pic while I was waiting in line (I’ve been told staff made them stop later on which is dumb af if you ask me like people are supposed??? To pose for pics??? Also have you met Astro aksbaj but ANYWAY).
Jinwoo was last this time, which meant if I wanted to be in front of him I had to be #1 in the group of 8. Well, they counted us, and I was #7. The girl behind me was 8, and her friend ended up being #1 of the next batch. The two clearly wanted to go together, and I wanted the #1 spot, so when staff wasn’t looking we quickly switched! And I got to sit directly in front of him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he of course remembered me from when I did the hi touch like ~10 minutes ago lol I made sure to look at all the members again as I was walking up, esp Sanha since I missed him the first time! And again I’ve got Nothing on Bin (rip 😢), but Rocky’s smile seared itself into my psyche yet again 😂 When I finally walked up to Jinwoo I said “I get to sit by you! :DD” and he was like “yeah!” We sat down (god I wish I had actually clearly looked at his face, I have no memory of it from either interaction 😢😢😢) and I kinda tried to do a hand heart with him but he had other plans and was like “let’s do this instead!” (retrospectively I think maybe the girl behind me was also a Jinwoo stan so he wanted to do something with us both). So he LEANED DOWN BETWEEN US SO HIS FACE WAS SEVERAL INCHES FROM OUR EARS and made finger hearts for the first pics, then he said “cheeeeese!” (or it sounded like that to me anyway) and switched to peace signs for the second. I honestly have no idea what my face was doing the whole time soooo the pics could be fun >w>;; (I WAS JUST FOCUSED ON THE FACT I COULD FEEL HIS PRESENCE/BODY HEAT HOVERING OVER MY SHOULDER AND HIS HANDS WERE RIGHT NEXT TO MINE AKSHAJ). And then we were done! And I think I turned and smiled at him one last time as I was heading off the stage, and I think he smiled back, but who knows!! Certainly not me!!!
And that was that.
I went out into the theater hallway and just….existed for a bit (and yelled into all my chats lol) and more than one fan came out hysterically sobbing :( I think it was a mixture of happy and sad tears, like some people overwhelmed with happiness and others crying cuz they didn’t get the place in line they wanted.
All in all it was an amazing night, and completely worth being absolutely nuts and dropping everything to fly literally halfway across the country to attend. 100/10 would give all my money to these boys again (I mean they already own my heart and wallet anyway)
Also I didn’t know where to fit these tidbits in, but the members overall:
Jinjin - I mentioned it already but he was just a goofy happy boy! So many smiles, so many silly actions. I didn’t think I could love him even more and yet :”)
MJ - He sunshined a number of times but overall seemed really tired, which is COMPLETELY understandable (I really feel like he’s an introvert, and I can imagine how draining an international tour would be) and I just hope he’s feeling ok and was able to enjoy himself!! 😣
Rocky - He was also quite lively and just giving fanservice left and right! I didn’t watch him too much but even then I could see him waving and throwing hearts and smiles to people 💕
Eunwoo - I really didn’t watch him at all but I’ve been told he was also giving out just tons of personal fanservice~
Sanha - My favorite son, he just had us all cooing and giggling the whole night. He really did seem to be in good spirits!
Moonbin - I’m sorry Bin stans….. I’m sorry Bin….. I don’t know why my brain just decided to completely block him out but 😢😢😢 I barely remember anything he said/did besides what I already talked about. His muscles were probably too powerful 😣😣
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radiantmists · 4 years
row part one thoughts
So I’m done with part one! this got super freaking long, so readmore:
Navani focus! I am so very happy about this, y’all have no idea. And given that the fused are going to strike at the tower, specifically to mess with the very fabrial Navani wants to fix, she’s going to do something amazing. 
Also, I don’t have to worry about her living to the end, or the tower being lost, because the epigraphs for part one seem very likely to take place after the events of the book.
I do have to worry about Kaladin, especially because I really don’t think spending more time around Lirin is actually going to help his mental state. 
That being said, I did enjoy the evidence that he was excited about his parents moving in-- the idea of him and Syl picking out toys for Oroden is so sweet. I’m excited to see him spending time with Oroden and his mom.
I’m less excited that Shallan and Adolin are leaving without him; I get why sending him on the honorspren expedition is a bad idea, but it seems like the parts of his support system that are adapted to his current situation, as opposed to his parents who are used to him as a child, have been systematically stripped away (Rock leaving, Windrunners deployed in Azir, etc).
I continue to be super interested in what Brandon’s doing with Rlain-- he still hasn’t been able to draw in Stormlight, and he refuses to bond with a spren who’s been coerced. I hope he ends up with a spren anyway; we know it’s possible from Venli, so the honorspren just have to stop being assholes.
I initially thought that Kaladin only ordered the grouchy honorspren to consider Rlain, not to bond him, and I kinda agree that he shouldn’t be allowed to threaten a spren into bonding someone; he knows how much they hate being trapped.
Which brings me back to Navani being threatened. Who could have had the chance to smuggle the spanreed ruby into her box? My immediate prediction would be the Mink, who goes missing with incredible ease, but we really don’t know enough about him at this point to guess. 
Second question, what ‘new fabrials’ does she need to stop making? It has to be a big deal, something she’s known for; it has to be conceivably causing suffering to someone. I do wonder if maybe it’s just the ones with spren trapped in the physical realm, instead of Cognitive, but Navani definitely didn’t invent this procedure-- why would they be holding her responsible?
Another possibility is that whatever Gavilar was doing has been pinned on her, which would make sense-- she’s known to be an artifabrian, whereas almost no one really knew what he was doing.
Almost no one-- Nale and another male herald (who I think by elimination has to be Kalak?) probably know the most. Nalan probably wont be helpful, though he’s promised to come teach Szeth Division at some point.
(Also, it’s hilarious that we all were wondering what relations were going to be like between Szeth and everyone else, and they just put him in jail. Navani’s encounter with him was wonderfully chilling, and true to the way he’s depicted in books 1 and 2. We like his antics with Nightblood, but he’s very much not stable and his reasons for switching sides don’t make any goddamn sense, tbh.)
On the other hand, we do have two heralds who are giving as much information as they’re capable of! Which doesn’t seem to be much, given that Taln is incoherent and Ash apparently doesn’t know anything. But still, it seems like several of our fonts of ancient wisdom have become very forthcoming, which is. So exciting. 
Wit’s only talking to Jasnah who also likes keeping secrets so who knows if we’ll actually get to hear any. Navani’s perspective on him is interesting, and I wonder why no one seems to have told her how clear he’s made it that he is actually something ancient-- Dalinar, Shallan, and Kaladin all seem to know. 
I also wonder who (if anyone) knows he’s a Lightweaver now. I continue to worry about what Hoid is planning on doing with all the forms of Investiture he’s collecting, but we didn’t get much info on him here.
Except Vasher seems to know a fair bit about him! Vasher wins the award for most useful worldhopper in this part. Like, guys, he explained the Returned. He didn’t even just explain it in a way that was confusing in-world but made sense to readers-- he explained it in a way that Kaladin, who knows very little about the wider cosmere, could understand. 
I do appreciate that it’s made clear that he figured out this stuff himself, and that his understanding could be (and has been) flawed. Still, we now have a workman’s understanding of basically all forms of immortality and resurrection thanks to him, which is fucking amazing, yall.
The other big sharer of this part: Mraize. We finally get some insight into one thing the Ghostbloods want-- a way to transfer Stormlight off-world. We’ve long known that the Ghostbloods were among the most organized worldhopping powers active in Stormlight-- for all we know the 17th shard is still hanging out in the purelake-- but this gives them an interesting context. They’re vaguely opposed to Odium but they don’t seem to care all that much, as long as their goals for power and/or economic fulfillment work out. Beyond that things aren’t clear. Yet
Which brings us to Shallan!
If she fucks this up and doesnt get the answers Mraize promised I will scream.
She’s become fairly stable, and also remarkably open about her alters. I think it’s kind of interesting that Kaladin is in the know but her brothers aren’t-- no matter how much she loves and cares for them, their lives are pretty clearly separate.
I’m pretty annoyed that she hasn’t told Adolin about the Ghostbloods, honestly; she really wouldnt have to explain much of her past to explain that she’s investigating them, and I really don’t think Adolin would take it badly. I mean, I don’t think Adolin would take any of Shallan’s past too badly, but I imagine her infiltrating a secret society wouldn’t even register for him.
I’m curious to see how the trip to see the honorspren is going to develop them and their relationship; Kaladin’s not going, so the love triangle is probably going to continue not to be an issue despite Adolin expressing worry about Veil straying, which, thank fuck for that.
Adolin rebelling against Dalinar is great-- I love how Kaladin notes that Adolin isn’t following the codes with religiousness anymore, but he’s ‘found his own balance.’ I’m a bit concerned that Brandon is going to write this as a problem, instead of something fair and natural; while I do think Adolin does have to come to terms with things a bit, he needed to stop hero-worshipping Dalinar and it’s good that it happened.
He’s clearly excited to go to Shadesmar so that he can talk to Maya more, so that will be a big part of things, which will be nice. I do wonder what exactly Shallan will be doing during the travel-y parts of this, though I imagine negotiating Shadesmar won’t be simple even if it won’t be as chaotic as last time.
(It is vaguely hilarious to me that they’re sending the couple who are bonded to a cryptic and a deadeye to meet with the honorspren and apologize for the Recreance. How could this possibly go wrong.)
I’m not super sure what to say about Venli’s plotline? It’s super interesting, I love the complex political hierarchy of the Fused and the way Leshwi deliberately is lower in status bc the position gives her more latitude. (Though it’s not clear to me how this status is determined.)
I like that Venli isn’t just joining up with the humans; I was excited about the possibility but I guess it would feel cheap. She seems somewhat aware that the Fused won’t just let her get what they want-- and more cognizant than Leshwi that they wont just fade away if the war ends-- but I’m not sure I see how exactly she’s going to go forward from here.
She is going to help the Fused trying to infiltrate the tower. Raboniel is experimenting with spren somehow, and Venli can see into the Cognitive Realm with ease; that should be interesting.
(Sidenote, Raboniel reminds me heavily of Semirhage, and the Pursuer reminds me of Demandred. I can’t imagine Brandon is totally unconscious of the parallels, especially given that these are his “dark one’s” constantly-resurrected leaders, and I think that’s fun)
Leshwi is also worried about humans learning to trap the fused, or perhaps all singers, the way they did the unmade. I am also worried about this, as it seems like a temptingly effective but also horrific solution to the issue of the constant resurrection of the fused. 
The most promising thing about Venli’s storyline is that she might make it easier to reach a resolution to this whole series that doesn’t require the extermination of one side, which I have some faith Brandon wouldn’t do.
(It’s hilarious to me that they just yeeted Nergaoul into the ocean, especially considering that you can see trapped spren in shadesmar somehow, and oceans there are land.)
In any case, Venli is going to collide with the tower squad soon enough, probably by the end of the book, and I’m excited.
I hope this doesn’t end with Rlain defecting away from the humans and to her, though that would be understandable especially given his inability to fully integrate with the Windrunners.
Sundry other things-- I wonder if Navani’s drive to understand will help her deal with Re-Shephir, who to my understanding is still lurking in the depths of the tower somewhere? It’s interesting to me that trapping the unmade doesn’t seem to actually require any radiant powers.
My other theory, which I’d been developing over the course of rereading the last couple parts of Oathbringer, is that the ninth unmade is the Sibling, and that it would have to be reawakened, possibly cleansed somehow, and possibly re-imprisoned in the tower fabrial in order to make it work fully. The ‘resistance’ that Dalinar describes in investing the tower seems to support this, at least to me.
I do wonder which Shard the sibling is aligned with; parallelism would suggest Odium, and this kinda makes sense if she’s something like the unmade, though how this would then allow her to repel void creatures i’m not sure.
(Huh, when did I decide the sibling was a she? I think the stormfather does call her that, although in that case why aren’t they the sister? Hmm...)
What does it mean that Wyndle figured out chairs? I’m genuinely fascinated.
Jasnah’s abolishing slavery!! This does more to endear her to me than literally anything she’s done in the past few books. I do anticipate a significant fight over this, especially since a throwaway line in Shallan’s first scene suggests that freeing the singers has actually caused a huge spike in the slave trade, as was predicted a couple books ago. I can’t wait for Kaladin to hear about it.
The Kholin’s don’t trust Taravangian; I’m a bit unclear as to how much the rest of the coalition actually knows about what he did, though my understanding is that it’s a nonzero amount. I’m actually a bit disappointed that he’s reached an agreement with Odium, as now rather than jockeying for the best position he’s just straight-up following instructions and trying to get Odium to win. He’s not trying to save as much of the world as possible anymore; all he can save now is Kharbranth.
I do wonder how he’s concealing his compassionate days now that everyone knows he’s a genius; it’s easy to pretend to be stupid when you’re smart, much harder to do the opposite. Maybe he just says he’s sick.
...That’s probably enough.
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quadratic-shipping · 5 years
Kay, new icon is Vriska’s dice cause the gradient was lame, and every Vriska blog halfway to sunday has already had every photo of her face as their icon twice. It also works cause of yknow liking dnd and stuff. one thing I really liked about my last vriska pic one was the negative space made it feel like it popped and I feel like this one has sort of the same thing going for it. Wow, it can be that deep. I’m just rambling cause it’s 3am and yet again I have stayed up this long. I can;t wait til it’s winter again so I can force myself back into a normal sleep schedule. I stayed up all night a couple nights ago, and that gave me one decent night of sleep so I might just try that again tonight. Rest put under the readmore because it’s irrelevant and sleep deprived rambling I wouldn’t dare subject my beautiful followers and browsers to.
While I’m here, posting a late night thing no one will see or interact with; thank god; I was cleaning and I came across one of those neck warmer things that legit just a tube you pull up your face to keep your nose from freezing off because Canada Winters, I never can use them because I always fog up my glasses, and I just wanted to say that Niqabi gals with glasses are so brave? Legit if I had to deal with my glasses fogging up I’d die, I’d rather lose my nose to frostbite than fog them up (like I go outside enough loll) so for them to deal with that everyday is like, legendary. I mean, I guess if you were pretty antisocial you wouldn’t have to deal with it much but still, point totally stands. 
While we’re on the positivity train? Lesbians? y’all really like Vriska HUH? Thank you for interacting, I appreciate, yall are so valid. I’m torn between “You have good taste” jokes and “Yall will just like anything w/ vriska in it” and either way it takes too strong a stance on my own content to feel good about it. Obvs goes the same way for all the NB and Trans ppl interacting, yall are also Excellent and I appreciate yall. Obvs I’m cis so I don’t have any real godtier takes or anything abt. gender, but reading your guyss stuff is excellent please keep making it.
Uh sexuality update; Still labelling as bi, IDK if I really want to date men tho, before I actually and FINALLY get a taste of the other side; please; because I feel like the problem with my relationships re; dudes is just that I can’t just be myself, I’m just 900000% in my own head about it and not even like; trying to be idealized, idk whats going on I just have a hard time connecting w/ them and it’s defo my fault so idk bro. IDK it’s fun to have crushes but dating is BORING from my very limited experience with only guys which is why a gf would be excellent. Or girl aligned partner. I feel like maybe what I’m attracted to is like, femininity, not necessarily femmes or women. IDK bruh it’s weird. doesn’t help I can’t even figure out how to get and keep friends LOLLL it’s 3am. Sorry
Honestly before I started vrisrose posting I felt so useless yknow cause in the vriska circles there are a lot of intelligent people who understand canon better and are overall smarter and better spoken so I just felt like everything I had to say was just old hat and not very interesting. But the thing I like about VrisRose is no one else is talking about it as frequently ( I was searching the tag and my blog came up in the recco’s for blogs up top and I was very happy) so I feel like, hey, this is my niche. That one engineer of useless inventions quote: The best way to become top of your field is to specialize:, I jsut love rarepairs so much! I think it’s such a great way to approach character analysis because no one exists in a vaccum so seeing peoples interactions and what people like is so fun!!!! I say, invalidating all my personal issues lollll
CHARACTER ANALYSIS! FUCK TALKING ABOUT INTERACTIONS OR ACTIONS ON THEIR OWN OR THOUGHTS OR HC’S, I STAND BY MY ONE TAAKO ‘vriska did nothing wrong’ QUOTE; Trying to understand what characters morals, and their opinions on certain things by analyzing their opinions and interactions in canon is 500x more productive seeming to me than other things. Like, say taako’s thoughts about vriska, V and Lucretia are p similar actions wise, and he was pissed at her but that was mostly cause of the personal connections, when it doesn’t affect him Taako doesn’t seem to have any moral objections to any of the icky moral stuff; think robot planet or whatevs where they were gonna genocide the place and lup was like no and that was like the only reason he didn’t I’m pretty sure, I’m not too big brained on taako or adventurezone either so don’t take my word; So I think that Taak’s would be chill with Vriska. Another thing? The Lucretia thing was like, giving up which Taako is not ok with and Vriska thigns were about not giving up so I do legit think he would be totally coool with her, even if she were real, unless obvs she hurt one of the seven bird red robe people and their new friends.
ISN;T THAT SUCH A FUN METHOD OF CHARACTER ANALYSIS? I’m not drunk or in an altered state just tired enthusiastic and with a lot of pent up thoughts. Speaking of which, this song just came on it’s “Slowdance with you” by the Marcus Hedges Trend Orchestra and it is SOOOOO good, it’s on a vrisrezi playlist I put on bc I’m rereading song of the pyre because it was vriska day and it’s super good soo so good. It’s on loop now, legit best
Quick detours before I lay out some more hs thoughts; 
-Ben “Captainplanet” came out w/ a new article and I LOVE IT so much and I want hhis job so bad I wanna get into stats so much ahhh  please so good it’s giving me a , this is crude but it’s the best way I can phrase it, a math erection. I love math so much <33333333
-The Shock, my faves, are doing well and I’m happy for them! I hope they go 7-0, I believe in them! I’m lying I am so fucking nervous for literally every match they have they’re gonna 2-5 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Why am I so INVESTED? They technically could take first spot but that’s require titan’s to lose every match left and the shock to 7-0, but the thing is I thought that I wanted that but 
-then I watched the titans london match today, and I HATED the thought of titans losing. And losing so hard to other teams too, and I didn’t realize this but I think I do actually kinda like the titans?The thought of them not being a great team makes me sad. I think it’s like I really like them and shock as rivals, yknow, stage one and two, then this upcoming map? If Titans aren’t still Good in this meta it just sorta makes their rivalry not fun. Kismesis vibes is what I’m gonna say cause I’m TRASSSHHHHH pls stop my terrible hands from typing also if I ever saw actual ship stuff I would kill whoever made it. Like I’m not gonna check their socials or anything but if they’ve got a match against most teams I’d probs root for them. The Wolf section today was so funny lollll
-I think I might hate the London Spitfire. I have literally no reason to? I think all the players are good and I like them as people and I would never actively hate on them? But I’m like. Really mean to them in my head. I was so satisfied seeing htem lose to Florida, and Titans like IDK? Also they’re hella overrated so anticlutch jfc. Hate the franchise, love the players if that makes sense. IDK WHYYYYYYYYYYY
-Also I’m gonna miss tomorrows shock match and I’m so scared rip.
-Tripped backwards and somehow upturned my moms glass scale and it fell on my foot, that shit hurted.
-Oh My God I’m Projecting a million different things right now because I feel like this will not have an audience if you see this I’m begging you please don’t interact I’d die of embarassment keep the fact you’ve seen this a secret from me
-JFC song of the pyre is an excellent fic, I wish it would ever get updated it’s so fucking good guys
-I need to read more vrisrezi long form
-Non-sgrub vrisrezi is best vrisrezi
-My ideal Vrisrezi au would be like HS canon, diverge into non-sgrub and they completely fall out of touch, Killing Eve season 1, then Song of the Pyre. THAT is what I want.
-Killing eve season one and two would be an even BETTER VRISROSE AU AHHHHHH
-I once read a very good trollstuck rose but it was an eri-rose ship so basically what I want is that persons troll rose but paired with vriska. For how much I blog about it I’ve read very little vrisrose fic but almost everything I know comes from this fic. . Oh uh this is not the erirose fic that I read w trollstuck although it does unfortunately have erirose but I can excuse it when the vrisrose is this Excellent
Alright I’ve run out of hyper juice, have a nice night, sorry for posting thisssss
0 notes
simkjrs · 7 years
chapter 6 asks that are people in distress about shinsou
SPOILERS FOR THE FIC, so it’s all under the readmore 
** before i start, i just want to say, the sheer number of people who have guessed that it’s himiko impersonating shinsou is frankly alarming and equally hilarious. thanks yall 
Anonymous said: OH MY GOD SHINSOU MY SON, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM??? HE DOESNT DESERVE THIS????? (for real, tho, that chapter was?? So good??? I'm so happy to have read this)
you’re absolutely right he doesn’t deserve this and im doing it to him anyways, which objectively proves that as an author i am not and never have been trustworthy. im sorry if i ever tricked you into thinking otherwise. im crying as well
Anonymous said: holy crap that chapter. where do i even start. i knew the kidnapping was coming up but that scene still managed to punch me in the gut. shinsou doesn't deserve this he just wanted to be a hero you guys. also the scene where izuku brought mitoki flowers was really great and i'm so happy that conversation happened. and the paintball fight? best thing i've ever laid my eyes upon. sorry this wasn't very coherent, i'm gonna go fling myself into the sun. thank you for this amazing chapter.
thank YOU for the feedback, i’m really glad you enjoyed the mitoki conversation & the paintball fight because those two scenes were the ones i was most nervous about. as for shinsou, you are very right. he doesn’t deserve this and im sorry 
Anonymous said: WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! that was so intense!!!!!!!!!!!! that chapter was amazing you lied sorry ://// (izuku has a crush on shinsou and i couldnt be happier. sweethearts, the both of them.) SO MUCH HAPPENED AT ONCE IM FU KCIFNSICIAJX!!!! WHAT HAPPENED WITH SHINSOU??? MY BOY WHO THREATENED HIM. WHO HURT HIM??!?!?!!?!??!!??!?! i got so emotional all throughout this chapter i almost cried like 26 times that was wild af!!! NOW HOW DO I RECOVER FROM THIS!!!! (im so worried about shinsou. about everyone.)
hfjldksf thanks!! glad you enjoyed it!! im sorry for making you emotional. its the unintended side effects of tryin to convey izuku’s state of mind 
i know this won’t ease your suffering much but for a while i intended for chapter 7 to be from shinsou’s point of view, and it was quite literally just titled “what happened to shinsou.” this may still happen. im not sure yet. stay tuned next for,
Anonymous said: *twitch twitch twitchy twich* omg suddenly i understand those comments from your betas. like. i'm legit speechless???? why. why would you do this, you evil writer from awesome land. like i just. im in like. the all caps state of shock. that FREAKING LAST LINE AKDJKLADSLKAJDSKLJLKJ. like. *squeezes air* i dont even know where to begin???? I MEAN CLEARLY I STARTED AT THE END BUT LIKE. so much. to talk about. like. the smile bits of gaming and cats and pics then THAT KAST KUUSJDFHSKJDHFSKJDHSJDF
i bait in readers with cute fun shenanigans and then i go in for the kill 
(thank you for writing in, i’m glad you enjoyed the chapter <3 )
Anonymous said: no, but like, ur saying that chapter 6 is the worst one YET (which is a HORRIBLE LIE. this chapter was great. even if it let us all devastated afterwards. but whats a good fanfiction if it doesnt affect the reader tho heh(and your certainly is a great fanfiction. one of the greatest)) is it because of the giant clusterfuck that 7 and/or 8 is gonna be? (kamino ward, all might reveal, kidnappings+ SHINSOU) im legit worried haha ( btw "(accidental) dad might: Stealth Style" is my favorite tag now)
i cultivate my tags with pride. im glad you enjoyed that one in particular :3c and also... thank you... i was super insecure abt ch6 so it’s really nice hearing ppl liked it! i really appreciate it <3 
the next chapter(s?) are going to be a clusterfuck so you are probably wise to be legit worried. preemptive apologies. i don’t know why im doing this and im sorry also 
Anonymous said: I don't actually believe that Shinsou did it, naturally. Maybe the villains pin the blame on him cause it's easier to do it to someone that everyone is already wary about? I honestly have no idea, you're too unpredictable with some of these things
u have a good nose anon... but also when have i EVER been unpredictable about anything. my taste and storytelling is incredibly predictable in that it is always The Worst and Incredibly Self Indulgent. all you have to do to pick out the path im taking is think “what path allows simk to pander to their own interests the most?” and thats the path i’ll take. this is exactly what is happening with the entirety of this fic and especially with this next arc 
Anonymous said: is shinsou being blackmailed?? controlled by someone else?? someone stole his face?? was he used as a hostage bc he interacted with class I-A more? or is someone threatening izuku again or.. ahhh idk what it is but I really feel he is not a traitor so: my current theories about shinsou. am I close?? 
yes to all of the above 
Anonymous said: Pretty sure you didn't get many theories yet cause we are still in shock. Send help pls. (Loved the chapter btw that chapter was legit a roller-coaster of feels.)
theres no help to be found. i did this irrevocably and now theres nothing we can do about it 
(thank you! i’m really glad to hear that, and hope that you have recovered from your shock :p )
Anonymous said: thoughts on shinsou's reasons: bakugou is a abusive shit who is undeserving of being a hero and made him lose all faith in heroes, blackmail, threats, brainwashing, some other type of convincing, he has been the traitor the whole time and you just want to kill us with angst, the LoV is threatening deku and if he doesn't help them they kill him, rage against society has reached its peak (same tho), or he wants to get back at bakugou, or the Cat Cafe is being threatened. please stop killing me.
this is a really impressive laundry list of unconventional reasons for shinsou to join the villain alliance. i love it. i too would become a villain in order to save my favorite cat cafe and spite a person i don’t like 
@armcontrolnerve said: it was himiko in the study with the candlestick 
d...does this make shinsou the murder victim 
Anonymous said: I JUST READ THE NEW CHAPTER AND JUST WANTED TO DROP BY AND SAY YOU'VE UTTERLY WRECKED ME. I have tears in my eyes, I am currently flailing about like a fish while my brain goes into overdrive trying to dodge the reality of that ending. Shinsou was helping Izuku not two scenes ago, he was probably kidnapped and forced to do it against his will via torture or something. I refuse to believe that Shinsou is a villain and you cannot tell me oTHERWISE
good instincts. hold onto that feeling 
Anonymous said: My guess: shinsou was kidnapped by Villain Alliance. Himiko Toga is using her quirk to impersonate him. But...why
bad pr image for yuuei 
Anonymous said: all im thinking is that girl with the quirk that lets her shapeshift into people if she gets their blood and im just. oh no. shinsou. how could u do this to the poor sweet gay boy. meet me in the pit for a fight, and also a round of compliments for ur fucking writing skills. u made me cry. i love this fic so much but unfortunately i still have to challenge u to a duel, for the sake of these poor children, and their mental health,,, (ps i love ur writing and ur fantastic!! byeee)
if you kill me youll never get these children back alive
(thank u though... this made me laugh. rest assured that i will promptly apply all my writing skills to elucidating the mystery of what happened to shinsou) 
Anonymous said: Shinsou probably got his quirk stolen by Sensei or someone is impersonating him I guess. Or his classmates are jerks and framing him or something. Smh
his classmates threw him under the bus
@sunslammerdown​ said: hi i am a person who reads your very extremely good fanfiction... thanks very much and also Wow Rude How Dare You. you said you were surprised at not getting more shinsou theories so heres my two: 1) It Was Toga, shinsou is kidnapped its not good 2) It Was All For One who can take quirks and use them on people and shinsou has a mind control quirk, its very not good still
what if its... 3) both, for maximum suffering, and the ultimate very not good happenstance 
@viperofsand​ said: I am sure I had something in mind when giving my review while I was reading chap 6, but after the final part my mind was all 'WHAT THE HELLLLLL', so, there is that. Also, I am inaugurating #ShinsouIsNotAVillain2017 for this fic starting now.
this is a good hashtag. i’m behind it. i have no right to be but i am 
Anonymous said: ok i'm trying not to panic bc of the cliffhanger but just tell me, will we know /why/ shinso is doing what he's doing ?? i'm trying not to spoil for ppl 
no worries! we will find out exactly what happened to shinsou...
@auspiciouswhiskers​ said: How much do I have to pay for a Shinsou redemption and/or Shindeku endgame because pleeease you have responsibilities
you don’t even have to ask. its already under way...
(more specifically: you just don’t even need to ask. there just isnt a need. hold that thought for a shindeku endgame though bc who KNOWS where im headed with that) 
Anonymous said: Izuku's gonna lure Shinsou with cats and everything will be just fine. Izuku holding up fuku, taka and isao: you know u can't harm them Shinsou: defeated
this is the ultimate villain shinsou ask. nothing is ever going to top this. you dont even need to fight shinsou you just have to appeal to him with cats and he’ll crumble instantly 
Anonymous said: Eh, I don't know if I'm angry, but I am a tad disappointed if it actually is "what it looks like" with Shinsou. I mean his whole deal is that while his power seems like one that a villain would have, he doesn't actually want to use it that way. If he really is a villain in your story, that sorta defeats the purpose of his character, you know? But I guess I'll just wait and see what you plan to do with it.
that aspect of his character is probably what makes what im doing 100% more awful so i guess what im trying to say is: don’t worry it’s not what it seems, but also, i should not be allowed to touch a computer 
Anonymous said: ok ok i have an idea about why shinsou provided inside help(i hope im at least a little right or im going to cry): he was threatened by the league? they saw him hanging out with deku and probably knew that he didnt know he was Hella Strong or smth and were like "look, if u dont want ur friend to die ur gonna have to Cooperate" and shinsou being an amazing friend was like "U LEAVE HIM ALONE U COCKROACH" and he did That. it probably happened in That One Stupid Horrible Month (please. PLEASE)
shinsou became a villain for deku confirmed. be gay, turn to the dark side 
Anonymous said: honestly while i'm still Actually Dead over the latest chapter Izuku having his Gay Awakening over someone who stabs him in the back is Relatable lol
h...hold that thought... 
also. i’m really sorry to hear that, and i hope you’re in a better place now. may your future gay relationships be blessed
Anonymous said: It's Mamoru. The ending to your new chapter is definitely a twist that I didn't expect at all. But oddly I'm not angry. Is Shinsou really going to be a villain? Because it kinda goes against he is fighting for. Or is he threatened?
spoiler alert...
@chocowl said: holy fuck simk
A theory: was Shinsou kidnapped by the VA and Himiko used her Quirk to look like him? That would explain the silence towards Izuku and would heal our tormented souls Q-Q
the truth is, the entire villain alliance is conspiring to fuck over shinsou, specifically
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