#I can't wait for the Honor Jar to stop being a thing. I have to consciously make an effort to spell it without a u
kujo1597 · 3 months
I’ve been watching my friend liveblog her rewatch of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (great show) and it looked really fun to do. And she’s also doing this to get into writing SPOP fanfics and as some of you may remember, I have a Jem fanfic called Unbreakable that I really do need to finish. So I figured I would blog my rewatch of Jem. I wanted to watch the show again to get my creative juices flowing and figured why not.
Because I know the show backwards and forwards due to watching it five or six times my posts will probably largely focus on the characters and traits they have that I incorporate into the writing. I’ll talk about Jerrica’s relationship with Rio and why it’s so dysfunctional and concerning.
I’m also going to be a fucking weirdo and keep track of the crying because a character trait of Kimber’s I find really interesting is how private she is with her tears compared to the others. But this will be kept in a folder of its own and I won’t dwell on it.
I won't be putting all of these into the fandom tag because I worry that I'll be deemed "too active" by Tumblr and my posts will stop showing up in the tag. So I guess if you're interested in keeping up with these keep track of the "Kujo Watches Jem" tag.
Man I love this show’s first intro song and the animation. It’s largely rotoscoped and looks really nice.
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The show starts off with a look at Jem and The Holograms at a premiere and it’s a cool way of introducing the characters. They make it very clear who’s who.
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I love how they just fukkin’ throw Kimber out of the car. This is a good time to mention that the animation in the first five episodes is pretty janky. They’re stitched together seven minutes shorts that were part of the Super Sunday block on whichever channel this aired on. So we’re kind of watching a proof of concept right now.
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And of course they show Jem as this cool and mysterious woman as she shrugs off her sheer veil in front of a cheering crowd. Reporters ask Jem a bunch of questions.
Then we hear our protagonist, Jerrica, start narrating.
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She tells us that her story begins after her father's unexpected death. And they establish later in the show that this funeral is on or around Jerrica's birthday. Which is really awful. I feel bad for her.
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I remember Eric being kind of creepy at the funeral but always forget just how creepy he is. Especially because I’m fairly confident that at this point in production Jerrica is meant to be an older teen. Like, 17 or 18. I don’t blame Rio for dragging her off.
But oh man, let’s just add this to the “Jerrica apologizes for Rio count.” It’s a recurring thing.
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Now we cut to a shot of Starlight House and the characters working to fix it up. This also has cool details like a design table, Shana is into fashion design as we’ll learn later.
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Uh, I need to point out this bird cage. You’ll see why later. But I need to point it out.
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I wonder how long Ashley’s been living here for. Because she comments on the house being a dump as if she’s just moved in. Also she broke that chair. She tried to flop onto it but it broke.
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Now we meet Mrs. Bailey who helps take care of the kids. Nice lady. She informs Jerrica that her dad, Emmett, would get money to fund the Starlight House’s upkeep from his music company. So Jerrica goes over to the office. She sees a new receptionist, walks past her and enters her dad's old office.
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Eric continues to call Jerrica “darling” and talks about how he’s hired a new band called The Misfits. And they ride in on these extremely toyetic motorcycles. I don’t think they ever did get released though. But man, this screams “toy commercial show.” Jem is way more than just that though.
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We get the first song of the series and it’s great. Fun imagery. And it’s funny seeing them play their instruments because Stormer is playing this weird boomerang guitar. I seriously do wonder when they finalized what instruments the characters play. Aja was messing around with drumsticks earlier in the episode and spoiler alert, she’s not a drummer, like, at all.
Jerrica calls The Misfits trash and insults Pizzazz. Then they talk about Eric holding a rigged battle of the bands competition. Which obviously Jerrica doesn’t approve of.
We then cut to Jerrica in her bedroom on a stormy night. Jerrica’s mad about Eric ruining the good image of her dad’s company. Then Kimber points out the jewellery box addressed to Jerrica. It contains earrings, very familiar earrings. Everybody wonders who they came from. Aja figures it was Rio.
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Then thunder and lighting, and a mysterious woman who looks like she walked out of an exercise tape addresses Jerrica in a slightly ghostly voice.
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And then Jerrica very rudely puts her hands in this woman’s belly. Jerrica! Personal space!
Understandably the mysterious woman leaves. In a flash of light.
Everybody follows the directions left in the earring box and meet up with the woman in Starlight Drive-In. She walks through a wall and they follow her in their van, the Starlight Express.
A quick aside, I was talking to my friend who’s only seen two or three episodes of Jem because of me kind of going, “Well, these episodes are very silly. I think it’d be fun to watch them with you.” Anyway, I was talking about the show and because of the fact that everything has the word Starlight in the name he asked if Starlight was Jerrica’s last name. And yeah, I get why he would think that.
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Anyway, the woman introduces herself as Synergy and explains that she’s a highly advanced entertainment system made by Emmett Benton. We get shots where the characters split off and look at their interests, Shana at clothes, Kimber at the musical instruments, and Aja at the car, the Rockin' Roadster.
Seeing Synergy’s ability to make realistic holograms along with all the instruments gave Jerrica an idea.
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Oh neat, we’re seeing a performance by a band that sounds… not great. I guess the rigging is going well.
And then we hear some more music, this time a song building up.
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And that song the first one performed by Jem in the series. It’s a very solid one! A good note to start the band on.
Obviously everybody loved this band, they sound great! Eric gets all worked up and demands to know what they’re doing here because the contest is invite only. Jem points to Jerrica and announces that she was sent there by Jerrica.
And then Jem totally inconspicuously runs off of the stage and behind a tree. Then turns into Jerrica. She meets up with Eric on the stage and they’re caught arguing on the mics. I actually forgot that Eric was the one who put control of Starlight Music up as a stake in a new competition. One just between The Misfits and Jem and The Holograms.
A film producer named Howard Sands happened to be in the crowd and he promises a movie, and a mansion to the winner of the new battle of the bands competition. Six months from now.
Jerrica accepts the challenge having full confidence in herself and her sisters.
The Misfits are rowdy trouble makers so they steal Jem’s equipment and drives off with it in their van. The rival band gives chase because that’s their stuff and they need it. Musical equipment is not cheap. We get this thrilling chase where Roxy and Stormer throws things at the car Aja’s driving to try to get them to crash I guess. And uh
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That’s a cliff. They’re heading right off a cliff. And Aja hit the gas judging by the sound effect.
Good work.
You can kind of tell this was the end of the short, especially when they come back from commercial and replay the chase scene.
Jerrica’s not dumb. She sends a hologram of Jem out to get help. The hologram meets up with Rio and tells him where the car is. Rio saves them.
The paper reports on this and gives Jem and The Holograms a bunch of publicity.
The Misfits don’t see much of a problem with this because they can still win the competition and of course
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winning is everything.
I just, look at this GIF.
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Okay I needed you to see that. The music video is a wonderful flavour of silly.
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Now back to Starlight House. We see the girls putting money into the Honor Jar. It's a communal fund that the girls contribute to in order to afford things for Starlight House. They’re trying to buy a new fridge. Before adding the funds to the jar they have to announce how they made the money.
Ashley questions the jar which really adds to the feeling that she’s new here.
Also, it’s weird hearing Deirdre being voiced by Samantha Newark. She’s voiced by Patricia Alice Albrecht in her later appearances. The same VA as Pizzazz, Samantha Newark is Jerrica’s by the way.
Meanwhile Eric phones a thug and tells him to make Jerrica uncomfortable.
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I need to know where this place is located. It’s in the middle of a forest or something. And I swear that’s a river behind it. Is that safe when you have twelve kids? The youngest is eight so maybe we don't have too much to worry about.
Anyway, Ashley steals money from the Honor Jar and Jerrica catches her. And then says something that never sat super right with me.
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“There’s no room in Starlight House for girls who steal and lie.”
Like, hm, I dunno, I can’t articulate exactly why it bothers me. I feel like it would kind of breed dishonesty. Like how controlling parents often end up with kids who are really good at sneaking around them.
But Jerrica is a teen herself and taking care of twelve kids so I can’t be too hard on her. Especially because her dad did recently die so there is going to be some adjusting to the new role as foster mother.
Jerrica tells Ashley that the other girls are going to decide on her punishment because they’re the ones running the Honor Jar. The punishment is to raise $30 which is ten times the amount Ba Nee raised by the way.
I get a kick out of Samantha Newark trying to sound like a tough girl, possibly from Jersey. What do I know? I’m Canadian. Now I’m kind of wishing they kept her as Deirdre’s voice actor. We do get more "tough girl Newark" later in the series though. In an excellent episode.
Later on during the night Rio’s explaining that the power’s still out and offers to stay over. But Jerrica turns him down. They lean in for a kiss.
And hear a bunch of giggling which is cute.
Jerrica turns to them and says, “Jealous?” before kissing Rio.
I like this dynamic between Jerrica and her girls.
Later that night the thug Eric talked to, Zipper, awkwardly breaks into the house. It takes him a couple tries to break the window. Still better than what I could do.
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One of the Starlight Girls, Marianne, never named in the show, alerts Jerrica to there being a noise coming from downstairs. So Jerrica takes her sisters with her to check out the noise while the kids stay upstairs and safe.
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Because there’s no power and it’s the middle of the night Kimber’s holding a lantern with the biggest damn flame I have ever seen.
Zipper having been caught pushes past Kimber and knocks the lantern out of her hands. And sets the house on fire.
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Like, crazily on fire.
And this is where the episode ends.
I would love to do more but this took even longer than I expected and I haven’t been getting enough sleep so I’m quite tired and dizzy. So bedtime for me. I’ll pick this up later, possibly tomorrow.
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dcxdpdabbles · 11 months
Phantom's number 1 Fan. Part 2
Tim wakes a few days later, half submerged in liquid and hooked to various machines. He is in a tub shaped like a bed, obviously meant to sleep in. Around him is what he hopes is a hospital room with medical tools scattered about and soft blue paint that turns to the night sky the higher it goes on the wall.
On the ceiling are paintings of various constellations. It's rather beautiful.
Tim also notices he feels no pain. None. Not even the aches of his bones after years of abuse while fighting crime. He thinks that's a bit strange since the last thing he could clearly remember was barely escaping Ra's al Ghul, losing his spleen, and gaining more wounds from angry assassins on his way out.
He had been flying half-blind, blinking in and out of awareness. He thinks at one point, Cassie had attempted to call him, and he may have answered, but for the life of him, he couldn't remember what he told her.
He did remember what she said in response. She sounded so desperate as she begged over the S-Batplane speakers. "Please, Tim, you're not well. Let us help you. Just tell me where you are."
Too bad for her, since the S in S-Batplane stand for Secert because Tim had built that one on his own in Secert. There was no way she or any of the hero community could track him in it since they had no idea it existed until Tim had taken it and his supplies on his solo mission to save Bruce.
Tim will admit that he is happy they noticed he went missing- even if it was three months too late. Not that it mattered much. The rest of the Bats wanted nothing to do with him. The world only saw him as a young easy wallet as a shiny new CEO. And his friends were all dead or convinced he was insane by Dick.
Tim didn't have anyone to notice he was gone anymore. But Bruce needed him to push through the ache and get him home.
As the Robin who Bruce trained to put the mission first no matter the cost, the one that came after Jason's death so, Bruce stopped allowing himself to think of Robin as a son and more along the lines of a soldier; he quickly shut down the crying child that wailed for someone to believe him, to support him.
Sometimes it felt like Tim was still waiting by the door of Drake Manor, waiting for someone to come and care for him, to stay for him.
The door to his room opens, snapping Tim back to the present. He automatically stiffens, expecting more of the League of Assassins. He can't remember much, but he guessed he was captured by the fact he was sitting in a green glowing water.
He was not, however, expecting a Yeti to walk in, reading a clipboard.
The Yeti looks up, bearing its teeth at Tim when he notices him awake. It takes a moment to realize the action is supposed to be a smile. "Great One's Honored Guest, I am so glad you have awakened. I am FrostBite, your doctor for the remainder of your recovery."
Okay. Ra's has Yetis at his disposal.
He was the only person that Tim knew as the "Great One." Usually, his most loyal operatives too, which means he was deep within Ra's territory.
FrostBrite pauses for a response, but when Tim remains silent, he holds up his board. "It seems to me that most of your wounds have healed. The only problem is that your spleen could not be salvaged due to the damage."
Tim fights to keep the despair off his face. He figured that was the case, seeing as Ras's had it in a jar, but he had hoped.
"...I understand this may be a difficult adjustment. You will always have to be careful when being ill. Even a simple cold could be disastrous." Frostbite steps close, taping one giant claw on the tub's edge. "The Great One has ordered we keep consistent Ecoplasm Baths at the ready for the remainder of your natural life."
Fuck. The Yeti is saying Ra will never let him leave again. It's a threat disguised as a offer of help.
Tim glares down at his hands. They lay within Lazarus' water, gently healing his small scars. This must be some of the purest Lazarus he's ever seen. It must be Ra's own special blend.
The only reason he is wasting it on Tim is that Ra's wants an heir from him. Or for him to become the Heir. He doesn't know, which makes him feel worse but he does know what lust looks like.
It's one that Ra's has aimed at him for too long.
He may as well get this over with. Learn as much as he can. Plan an escape. The best way to do all that is to simply ask.
"When is the wedding?"
Frostbite freezes. "I beg your pardon? Whos wedding?"
"Th Great One and mine" because the madman would never allow a bastard to inherit his empire.
"You and the Great One....are paramours?" Frostbite sounds awe. Shoot his medic doesn't know anything. The Yeti is likely low ranking.
Tim looks away, and the giant white creature jerks into action. "I apologize for not treating the Great One's beloved properly. I shall have servants bring up a meal while you soak. And the finest robe we have! Sweets and messages....offers of gold?....humans always like gold."
He waits until the Yeti leaves, mumbles of giving him the royal treatment echoing in his wake. Tim sighs, sinking into the water. He knows he is being watched as that's what he would do, so for now he needs to stay put and heal.
He's never going to get Bruce back if he acts too rashly without knowing where he is and what else Ra has under his control. Yetis were no easy feat to beat on his own. He like to avoid....a vampire or something too.
Half an hour later, FrostBite returns with the promised meal and change of clothes. Smaller Yetis help him dress in threads of the finest silks. They feel like heaven on his sensitive skin. Tim feels soft and warm all over, pampered beyond belief.
It's been so long since he just had a moment to rest.
He asks for a walk which he is only permitted after Frostbites clears him. It's while he is wandering that he realizes he is in some winter castle. Everywhere he looks, there is ice, snow, and yetis.
He notices all the guards and makes mental maps of possible weak spots. He wonders why he's not freezing despite only being in a thin silk robe. A form of magic?
A few yetis- servants he can tell by their mannerisms- bow as he wanders about. He can't tell where he is based on the sun or the environment. It's....somehow different.
"That's him?" A young female voice asks. He turns his head slightly to catch the speaker in his provisional vision. It's one of the smaller Yetis....he assumes she's a child? Hard to tell when she still towers over him. "The Great One's future spouse?"
"Yes, I heard King Frostbite, himself, tell the Head Butler"
"He's weak," another Yeti says with disapproval. He sounds male but young as well. Not even a teenager. "He does not even have a core."
"He is a human." A much older voice replies. She sounds like Tim's age based on vocal cords. "Humans are not meant to have cores. Despite this he is a formidable fighter. He has to be to have attracted the Great One's eye."
"Maybe not. I heard humans enjoy being cared for like children. They even call partners things like Mommy and Daddy."
"Why?" The boy Yeti sounds horrified.
"Apparently it's seen as attractive"
"That's disgusting."
Tim turns a corner cutting off the conversation as the Yetis snap to attention. They bow low at the waist as he walks by.
He nods at them, which seems to startle a lot of them. Not that he's surprised. The AL Ghuls likely treated them like decorations and never fully acknowledged them.
Tim barely hears the young boy gasp. "He's beautiful."
"That's likely why the Great One is so bestowed."
Tim sighs walking back to his room with a escape plan half formed.
Elsewhere, the rumor mill in the Ghost Zone is running over time as news of King Phantom's human husband-to-be is spread far and wide. Leaders of the Ghost Zone quickly prepare for a ball that will likely be called to celebrate the union.
They have gifts gathered, each wanting to gain favor with the King. The Far Frozen gets overwhelming requests to visit the future Consort, but seeing as King Phantom had to return to the human world, thus leaving his fiancé in their care, they reject all. They do not want the boy to be overwhelmed or caught unawares if he is not tried in any form of politics.
It would not allow him to become a threat to the King's authority's pawn.
This led to even more rumors starting.
By the time they reached John Constine- the only human who has any form of contact with the Realms- the word is that King Phantom's human was currently carrying their child, wanting to marry before the baby was born, and that he was running from a group of humans known as "The Bats."
He was as beautiful as the King Phantom was powerful- which meant he was utterly breathtaking for a human- and that King Phantom was currently in the human world hunting down those who threaten his family.
Across the dimension plane, Danny is blissfully unaware of the misunderstanding as he is busy filling out college scholarship applications. He has only one more year before he graduates, but he would like to go somewhere away from Amity Park.
The Wayne Scholarship is a long and lengthy process, but it will be worth it. A full ride with board and meals? Yes, the housing will be in Gotham but it's a small price to pay.
He wonders if his number one fan has awakened. Frostbite would have contacted him if his guest had escaped the coma.
Tim Drake had been asleep for nearly a week, only kept healthy due to Danny bathing him in his Protective Core ectoplasm and the Yeti's multi-species medical knowledge. As it were, Tim appeared to only be taking a small nap, none of the adverse effects of long slumber appearing on his thin body, but Danny was getting worried.
At this point, he didn't even care how Tim knew his secret. He just wanted him to be alright.
A flash of green light causes Danny to spring away from his laptop, body falling into a natural fighter's stance only to blink at the giant gift wrap present laying on his bed. Cautiously he inspects the gift finding it from Princess Dora.
"May your love lead the Realms into a wonderous future, and may your union bear many children." He reads the small note she had attracted to her gift "What children?"
Pulling open the gift, he stares at two sets of King robes decorated with rubies shaped into snowflakes. More miniature robes and a few booties surround the pair, obviously meant as a family gift.
Tuck to the side of the box is a long and deadly-looking sword. It's pitch black, with a scull as a handle. Dora had tired a scroll to its blade, where she had written My armies are ready to yield to you. You need only to swing this sword, and they shall come to your aid. The Bats will not harm your treasure.
What in the world?
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magniloquent-raven · 1 year
its midnight and im sleeby but i finished this thing i started scribbling out this afternoon based on @harringroveera 's post that i couldnt get outta my brain
i think i might have angsted it up a little cuz i can't help myself but its still cute so. pls enjoy
Billy's not super clear on where he is right now.
There are people everywhere. Yelling. Laughing. Music plays over a big fancy sound system. There's a blurry blue light glowing through glass sliding doors that he's been staring at for a little while 'cause it's…pretty. Twinkly and stuff. 
He's too many drinks past a good buzz, that much he's sure of. His head feels. Floaty. And heavy. And if he tries to move the room starts to spin. 
Whatever he's sitting on is comfy though. Soft. Softer than his damn mattress with that broken spring that's always stabbing him in the ribs. 
He's tired. Really tired.
Feels like he hasn't slept in months.
To his left a girl starts squealing as her boyfriend grabs her around the waist, to his right a speaker vibrates against the wall, buzzing to the beat of a deep bassline. Everything sounds far away, though. White noise blending together while the edges of his vision go fuzzy and faded.
He feels his head tip, just a little, and then—
With a sharp inhale he jolts, blinks, glancing around blearily at a silent, empty room.
It's still dark out. The blue glow still shimmers at him through glass. A lamp lights the room he's in. Everything's…shapes. Colours. His brain is still mushy.
He blinks a couple more times. His eyes are dry. Wobbly. All the shapes are wobbly.
"Hey, man, party's over." A voice startles him. He tries to look around, but it fucking hurts, and moving his head is so much work. Whatever, it's a nice voice. Way nicer than the jarring silence. 
Wait, why's the party over. He doesn't want the party to be over.
He wrinkles his nose. "Nooo…" 
"...Yeessss." There's a pause. "Everyone is gone, dude."
"No." Billy rubs his eyes. The chair is still so comfy. He sinks further into it, unwilling to move. "You're here."
"It's my house. I'm allowed to stay." The voice sounds amused. There's some rustling behind Billy. Plastic crinkling. Maybe. Something being moved around. "Why are you even here, anyways?" 
Hazy memories jumble together. A flask of vodka in his pocket, slipped under itchy robes. Sitting two heads away from Steve Harrington, sneaking glances between barely concealed shots. A droning speech. Another droning speech. Neil's solemn face in a crowd, watching him walk across the stage to shake hands with…the guy. The. Whatever.  
Some girl digging her talons into his arm after he slipped away from Neil's attempts to maintain a public image by acting like he gave a shit about his son's accomplishments. Beer and cheap tequila and shitty music blurring into each other as he gets dragged around like a trophy dangling off the elbow of whichever nameless girl claimed him for the night.
"Graduated," he says, picking at a sticky spot on the thigh of his jeans. Pinching the fabric isn't doing anything but he can't stop prodding. 
"Yeah, I know, with honors. Congrats." There's a huff. A silence. "Doesn't explain why you're here though." Footsteps, sneakers on linoleum, tap tap tap, meandering around whatever room is at his back. Glass bottles getting moved around. It's sort of soothing to listen to someone move around their house without any reason to be keeping track of their movements.
Well, unless…
Billy's stomach flips, and his chest goes tight. "You're not gonna kick me out are you?" he asks, his voice small. He feels sick, saying it. Thinking about it. He doesn't want to be anywhere else. This house smells sweet under the stink of spilled beer and leftover perfume. And he likes this chair.
The movement behind him stops for a second. "...Nnno?"
He breathes. Relaxing into velvety upholstery. "'Kay." 
"You sure you don't have anywhere to be? Family waiting up? Girlfriend expecting a midnight rendezvous?" 
Billy snorts. "No one gives a shit where I am." 
Neil will care tomorrow when Billy makes him look bad by pulling up hungover and in yesterday's clothes, but that's a problem for tomorrow. He won't be waiting up for him, worrying about Billy's safety or whatever.
A glass bottle clinks against something. "What about your sister?"
"Pfff…" He snickers, and gives his head a tiny shake. The movement makes everything spinny for a second and he has to pause to swallow bile. The sour taste on his tongue feels appropriate. And gross. "I fucked up. Everything. Beat the shit outta her friend. She's prolly hoping I don' come home at all. Ever."
Another glass bottle gets set down, slower this time. Carefully. "...This friend of hers…"
"Steve," Billy sighs. His eyes fall shut and he leans back into a cushioned headrest. His insides do the stupid fluttery thing they always do when he thinks about Steve. Steve and his stupid kissable face. 
"It was pretty dumb of him to pick a fight with you, huh," the voice says wryly. 
"Mnh…I guess." There's a soft snort behind him. But something prickles at Billy. Guilt, maybe. It's uncomfortable. He chews his lip as his eyes start to burn. "Nah. No. Whole thing was my fault. All my fault. S'always my fault." 
Saying it doesn't make it feel better.
"What do you mean?" There's sounds anymore. Just the voice, and Billy's heartbeat in his ears.
"It's…" Billy swipes at his eyes with the back of his hand. "It's a secret."
"I'm good at keeping those."
"You can't tell him."
"...I definitely will not tell him."
Billy hums. "He's real pretty, y'know."
"So I've been told, but what—"
"No, he's…he's so pretty. Like, I can't believe it sometimes, and I just wanna. Do something about it. All the time. But it hurts. Hurts so bad, and it's not supposed to, so I had to—I had to…I just got so mad. And I had to prove I didn't wanna kiss him, but I do. 'Cause I like him so much. Too much."
The silence is back. Ringing in Billy's ears. He sniffles quietly. 
"Please don't tell him. Or anyone."
There's a strained pause. Billy fidgets, his insides twisting into knots. 
"I promise." The voice is so gentle, and it makes Billy's eyes sting again. He blinks away tears and listens to more bottles being moved. Plastic cups hitting plastic bags. Sneakers against linoleum, and hardwood, and carpet. And after a while, "You're not gonna spend all night in the chair, are you?"
"You said—"
"I'm not kicking you out, I just meant. There's a guest bed, man," 
Sunlight hits Billy directly in the face and he rolls over, groaning. 
The motion makes his stomach lurch, but he buries his face in…pillowcase. Unfamiliar pillowcase. Smells like honeysuckle and clean air and it's softer than any bedding he's ever touched. 
His legs are tangled in sheets just as sweet-smelling and finely woven, and his guts give another heave as he realizes he's only wearing briefs. 
Did…did he fuck someone last night?
He was definitely drunk enough to do something that stupid, if the cottonmouth and pounding headache are any indication, but he doesn't fucking remember. Which would normally be a blessing, except he usually doesn't stay the goddamn night. 
Is he going to have some girl hanging all over him for the first couple weeks of summer? Until he can figure out how to ditch her without making it look like he's too eager to.
Or maybe he'll stick around for a little while, this bed is actually ridiculous. He might be able to fake his way through one shitty summer fling if it means sleeping like a goddamn king. There are like, five pillows, and it feels like he's laying on a cloud. 
He nuzzles deeper into the pillowcase. Smells nice too.
His memories of the previous day mostly stop around Tammy Whatsherface dragging him away for a graduation afterparty. Maybe he shouldn't have started drinking at noon. 
Christ, he's not even sure how he got here, or where his car is. 
Or where here is.
It's one of the Loch Nora houses, probably. Nowhere else would have sheets like this.
Eventually he drags himself, reluctantly, out of bed. And immediately tastes bile.
Which is. Bad. 
Being upright is bad. 
And he doesn't know where the nearest toilet is. Which could be extremely bad. Girls whose carpets you puke on don't invite you back to sleep in their nice guest rooms.
So, he's very slow and careful about pulling his jeans on. And he makes sure to pause when he starts to feel clammy, sitting on the floor to stop his head spinning. 
It takes him forever to get mostly dressed, jeans and an undershirt are enough. He can't find his button-up and socks require too much bending down, which his dehydrated brain does not appreciate. 
Peeking out into the nondescript hall doesn't provide any more answers about whose house this is. It's all shiny boring expensive decor and not a single person in sight.
Oh, looks like there's a bathroom at the end of the hallway though, good. 
He beelines for the sweet promise of a place to piss and rinse out his mouth, shuffling past a couple closed doors, listening for any signs of life and hearing nothing, until he shoulders his way into the bathroom and freezes in his tracks, because—
"Hey, uh. You're awake." Steve Harrington blinks at him, standing in front of a plain oval mirror, hairbrush in hand. Which he obviously hasn't used yet, because the bedhead he's sporting is kind of hilarious. It's all fluff in every direction. Billy wants to run his hands through it. 
Worse, though, is the fact that he's bare chested, wearing an unzipped hoodie and soft plaid pants, with all that fucking chest hair, and he's looking at Billy with a curious expression that isn't remotely like any way he's ever looked at Billy before and this is…all very, very strange.
So, obviously Billy's theory about what happened last night was wrong. He's not even back to square one, he has less than no idea what the fuck is happening.
"...Yes," Billy responds after a beat too long. 
Very smooth.
The corner of Steve's mouth twitches. There's something soft and warm about the amusement twinkling in his eyes and it's making Billy itch. 
"I think I'm gonna puke."
Steve snorts, and drops his hairbrush on the vanity. "Right, I'll get out of your way then." He sidles past Billy, far too close, patting his shoulder as he passes. Which does not help when he's just barely keeping his shit together.
His footsteps fade down the hallway at Billy's back. And Billy doesn't move. 
What the actual fuck.
He slams the bathroom door shut behind him, and leans his forehead against it, trying to breathe slowly through his nose. 
They didn't have sex last night. There's no way. He did not fuck Steve Harrington.
He couldn't have. Steve would never…
He's not…
That's just. Not what happened. Because that would never happen. 
It kind of looks like that's what happened, but it's not. 
He sits on the floor, head in his hands. And breathes. 
It's unclear how long he stays curled up on cold tile. Long enough that his legs start to feel stiff. Nothing about last night comes back to him. He sighs.
And gets up.
And splashes some water on his face. Drinks a little from the tap. Uses some of the mouthwash he digs out from under the counter. Takes a piss.
He's still unsteady. His temples throb if he moves too quickly. But he feels a little less like roadkill.
Steve waves at him when he spots him coming down the stairs. Waggles his fingers in the air, like they're best buds and this situation isn't the most surreal thing to happen to them since the Byers' weirdly trashed living room.
Billy rubs the back of his neck. "...Hey."
Steve pulls out two mugs, one of his thumbs stuck through a hole in the cuff of his sleeve. There's sunlight warming the honey-coloured highlights in his hair.
Yeah, no, this is definitely more fucked up than finding Max in a random house with a busted window and shitty drawings everywhere.
He might actually have lost his mind.
"What the fuck happened last night?" He blurts, his cheeks hot, fingers jittery. He shoves his hands in his pockets, fists balled up against his thighs.
Steve glances at him out of the corner of his eye. "Ah, figures you don't remember."
"Don't remember what?"
"You were pretty out of it."
"Yeah, thanks, I know that part."
Steve snorts, grabbing more things out of cupboards. Billy's paying more attention to his hands than what's in them. "You didn't want to leave, so I let you sleep upstairs."
"You didn't say, just said you didn't have anywhere else to be."
"That's not what I meant." He knows exactly why he didn't want to leave. All the many reasons why he'd rather be here than under Neil's roof. Or anywhere else. What doesn't make any fucking sense is Steve accommodating him. 
Steve's eyes flicker to his again, briefly, before he turns back to the counter. When he shrugs the nonchalance seems forced. "You're a lot nicer when you're plastered."
"I…" Billy opens his mouth. Shuts it again. 
What the fuck does that mean. 
Steve fidgets with a spoon. "You got…kind of weepy, y'know."
His shoulders go tense, jagged edges of a shield around what's left of his dignity. "Fuck you, Harrington," he snaps. It's all he can muster when he doesn't know what the fuck he was crying about. Every possibility is worse than the last.
"Yeah, you wish," Steve mutters.
Billy freezes. 
And doesn't recover quick enough to hide it from Steve. Steve's eyebrows shoot up. "Holy shit, it's true isn't it?" He turns around fully, the mess he's made of the counter forgotten. 
"I—don't know what you're talking about." His stupid deer-in-the-headlights expression is mostly under control but the sudden tremble in his voice definitely fucking isn't. 
He backs away a step and then stops. Where the fuck is he going to go, he doesn't know where his car is, where his keys are, and he's fucking barefoot. Running upstairs and locking himself in Steve's bathroom seems just a little too pathetic but that doesn't mean he doesn't consider it.
Billy clenches his jaw. It makes his head pound. "What exactly did I say last night?" He grits out, crossing his arms over his chest. 
Steve eyes him. Slowly, carefully. Deliberating. He chews his bottom lip. The silence is fucking agonizing. 
"Can't tell you," he finally replies, his voice light. One corner of his mouth lifts into half a smile, and scratches his cheek. "I promised I wouldn't tell anyone."
"That's…" Billy rubs his forehead with the palm of his hand, like he's looking for the button to restart his poor, confused brain. He drops his hand, exasperated, eyebrows creeping up to his hairline. "Steve, what the fuck."
Steve cracks a full-blown grin. "I told you I'm good at keeping secrets."
"I swear to god—"
"Aw c'mon, I can't break a promise! Especially 'cause you asked so nicely. You were so polite. It was very cute."
He can't have heard that right.
Or Steve's just fucking with him. That's what's going on here. Billy let something slip last night and now Steve's holding it over his head. Because why wouldn't he, honestly. He has every reason to want to mess with Billy, and now he's got the perfect leverage.
"Billy." Steve's voice is soft, suddenly. His expression gentles, and he moves to close the gap between them. And Billy…doesn't get it. He's stalled out and stuck trying to figure out how this is gonna go wrong, how it fits into whatever prank Steve is clearly pulling.
He doesn't know what his face is doing, but he's pretty sure he's being way more readable than he'd like. 
He nearly jumps out of his skin when Steve touches him. A hand on his shoulder. A hesitant, awkward pat. Testing the waters, maybe. Trying to make sure he's real, maybe.
Is any of this real? Billy's still not convinced. He can smell Steve's shampoo and see all the little flecks of colour in his eyes and his shoulder is still burning where they made contact, but…
"I'm sorry I hurt you, y'know," Steve murmurs, his gaze dropping, hovering somewhere around Billy's crossed arms. He reaches out again, fingers grazing Billy's knuckles this time. All Billy can do is blink at him, afraid to breathe. "Doesn't have to be like that."
He tugs at Billy's hand, untucking it from the crook of his elbow, unfolding Billy's arms, and Billy lets him. One hand drops to his side and the other stays cradled in Steve's grip. He's…staring at it like he's studying for a test. Billy has no idea what's so fucking interesting, or what Steve's talking about, but he's also not bothered at this point. 
His knees feel like jello. 
"You could've just kissed me."
Billy nearly collapses. Like one of those swooning chicks in shitty romance novels. Breathless and flushed and overwhelmed. Except he just stands there like a moron, staring at Steve. And Steve's mouth.
"What?" he manages not to sound too strangled. Miraculously. 
Steve smiles at him, almost sheepishly. "You still could. I wouldn't mind."
"Yeah, I mean, if you had morning breath still it might be a different story, but…" Steve gestures vaguely, pulling Billy's hand along with him as he shrugs. 
Billy snorts.
And hey, maybe Steve is messing with him, and this will blow up in his face, but…
Well, he just really wants to kiss him before it does.
So he leans in and presses their lips together. 
~~tag list @spreckle @growup-thatbeautiful @prettyboy-like-you @suddenlyinlove
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On a Technicality
Read on Ao3
Warnings: human sacrifice (don’t worry he’s fine), demons, culty things
Pairings: intrulogical
Word Count: 2676
could I get some intrulogical with touch-starved remus when you’re ready to come back? I adore how you write touch and affection; no pressure though! – anon
"A sacrifice for you," the zealot says quickly, trying to appeal to the demon's focus, "a token of our appreciation and worship."
The demon's head tilts. Remus looks up at them, pain and blood loss working in tandem to make it a struggle to even keep his eyes open, his vision growing fuzzier again. The demon's fingers twitch.
"O Great and Powerful—"
"Are these people bothering you, my dear?"
Remus jerks, consciousness coming slowly, painfully, with all the subtlety of an axe pounding at the inside of his skill. A low noise hums in the air around him and only by the strain in his throat does he realize it's him.
"Ah, it seems our guest of honor is awake."
The words muddle through what feels like a ringing drum, striking with intent but so hard to make out. Did he fall? Was he hurt? His head feels like it's about to explode but he can't—
His attempt to feel around for any wound is stopped abruptly by the cold shackles around his wrists.
Jarring pain in his arms chokes off his voice. He's bound. He's being held. What's going on? What's happening?
A fuzzy light swims into being in front of him. Wait, that's wrong, there's two. No…three…no, back to two again. How are there so many lights? Are there any lights at all?
Shaking his head to clear it is a bad idea. Everything just hurts.
Something pungent ends up under his nose and he gasps.
"Ah. That's better."
A hooded figure stands in front of him, only a gleaming smile visible as the candles—that's what they are—flicker with clarity. Remus spits and glares up at them.
"Where am I?"
"Your new home." The hooded figure spreads their arms and gestures around. "In all the splendor that you deserve."
Splendor quickly fades to squalor as he looks around. Barren stone walls, a wooden bench that somehow looks even more unyielding, and of course the shackles and candles surrounding him.
"What is this place?"
"An altar." Arms outstretch to the heavens. "A place for the belief and faith to become tangible, where we can reach to the true face of our master and be bestowed the eternal reward."
They turn, gesturing to Remus.
"And you, my child, have the honor of being the sacrifice."
Honor? "S-sacrifice?"
"Why, yes, of course. You don't think power is bestowed freely, do you?" The zealot raises a fist. "Power is only earned through blood."
"That would explain the color scheme."
"Gag him."
A vile-tasting cloth is shoved between his teeth, almost choking him as the zealot tuts.
"You should watch what you say," they scold with all the arrogance of an unworthy parent, "that mouth of yours can get you into trouble."
They turn away, walking towards a bench, picking up something that makes Remus's eyes go wide, pulling reflexively at the shackles.
"On this night," the zealot murmurs, the blade glistening in the candlelight, "we reach out to the darkness and offer the light of a life in return"
These chains have to have a weak point, somewhere, they have to.
"Power is blood," the zealot continues as a low chanting begins to make Remus's head ring, "blood is power. To spill one is to gain the other."
They advance, blade in hand, smile sharp, as Remus starts to thrash in earnest.
"We ask you, O Great Darkness," they say as the blade rises high, "to grant us our desire."
Remus screams into the gag as the blade buries itself in his chest.
The ground rumbles.
The walls of the building shake, candles flickering wildly, the bench creaks and groans until it splinters with explosive force. The zealot whirls around as a dark smoke begins to emanate from the broken remains.
"Who," a dark voice utters, deeper than an earthquake, "has summoned me?"
The zealot falls to their knees in a mockery of Remus's posture, shackled by their belief and delusions of grandeur. "O Great and Powerful Demon, we thank you for honoring us with your presence."
The rest of the demon begins to take shape, even though Remus can barely make it out through the haze of blood loss. 'Shape,' is perhaps not the right word, when the smoke still whirls around and into horns that seem to twist up into nothing, claws that grow just as sharp as the blade still in his chest.
Electric blue eyes lock onto him and he freezes.
"We ask you," the zealot continues, hands raised, "for power, for just the slightest bit of your darkness so that we may know what it is like to—"
The demon moves.
Smoke becomes limbs, horns become a head, electric blue eyes train themselves on the wound in Remus's chest, dark with blood, the hilt of the blade jutting out into the smoke.
"A sacrifice for you," the zealot says quickly, trying to appeal to the demon's focus, "a token of our appreciation and worship."
The demon's head tilts. Remus looks up at them, pain and blood loss working in tandem to make it a struggle to even keep his eyes open, his vision growing fuzzier again. The demon's fingers twitch.
"O Great and Powerful—"
"Are these people bothering you, my dear?"
It takes everyone in the building a touch too long to realize that the demon is talking to Remus.
He glances down at the shackles and the knife sticking out of his chest as if to say yeah, just a bit, and the demon chuckles.
"One moment."
"We have summoned you," the zealot tries one last time as the demon turns to them, "to demonstrate your—ah!"
"I don't see you bleeding out in the middle of a summoning circle," the demon says calmly as the zealot doubles over, clutching at their throat, "you…you will do."
Remus closes his eyes, flinching as screams fill the air. Wincing too hard makes the blade shift inside the wound but the ground underneath him trembles again and again and when the sharp crack comes, he can't help but shrink as small as he can go.
Please, please, no, please, not like this—
He stifles a cry when something touches his face but it just tugs the gag gently from his mouth.
"Easy, now, my dear," the demon rumbles, "best not to fidget too much. That's a nasty stab wound they've given you."
His eyes fly open and the demon is right there.
"Hey, hey, easy." They steady him as he flinches at the sudden closeness. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"What—what did you do?"
"I dealt with them."
"You what?"
The demon shrugs. "You said they were bothering you."
When Remus…doesn't know where to go from there, they reach out again, slowly, letting him understand what they're doing, until they can rest their hand next to the hilt of the blade.
"It's a good thing they didn't take the blade out, otherwise this could have been much messier." They glance up. "I'm going to have to take it out so I can see the wound. It's going to hurt, okay?"
What else is he supposed to do but nod?
"On three, ready? One—"
He hisses through his teeth as the blade slides free. "Mother fuck—"
"I'm sorry," the demon murmurs, a glowing hand already pressed to the wound, "people always tense, even when they don't mean to. Best to do it by surprise."
Remus scrabbles for breath but the pain worsens, driving a demented scream from his jaw even as another arm comes up to wrap around his back, holding him upright.
"Shh, shh," the demon says softly as the light glows brighter, "you're doing so well, my dear, so well…shh, shh."
The glow fades and he gasps, collapsing forward onto the hand. The demon catches him before the shackles can pull at his arms again, and oh, oh—
"Deep breaths, now," comes the voice, "that's it, nice and slow."
The pain…the pain in his chest…the blade is gone. He can't feel the wound anymore. It's been replaced by this burning sensation, too warm and too cold and it tingles so bad it's almost like it's itching. The blade lies a few feet away, still covered in blood, but he's not bleeding—
"Nothing I can do about your clothes," the demon murmurs, touching the ripped cloth, "nor the bloodstains—though I have to admit, it's not the worst look on you—but you won't be losing any more of your precious blood."
They—they healed him?
He looks up in disbelief, meeting electric blue eyes, only for them to soften as a low hum makes his ears twitch.
"Oh, my dear," they say, a hand coming up to—to wipe the tears from his cheeks, he's crying, he's crying— "you must've been so scared."
Of course, as soon as they point it out, he begins sobbing in earnest. He almost died. He was stabbed in the chest to be sacrificed to a demon, he—he—
"Let's get these off of you, hm?"
The cold leaves his wrists and he shudders, but that only makes the burning warmth worse.
"There, that's better. Oh, you poor thing…"
Arms. Arms wrap around him, lifting him off the floor—he distantly registers the feeling of being carried but then he's set down again on something warm, warm but not the burning itch he can feel everywhere—something's touching his face.
"There, you're alright, my dear, they can't hurt you anymore." Too-soft hands—they must be hands—pass over his cheeks and run through his hair. "Shh, shh, they are not worth your tears."
But I'm fucking scared, he wants to scream, I'm fucking scared and that's worth all of my tears.
But he can't say that, too preoccupied with trying to catch his breath, and trying in vain to snatch it back when he won't stop burning.
"That's it, easy now." One hand cups the back of his neck and toys with the hair there. "Take your time, my dear, you've just had an awful fright."
That's putting it a bit mildly.
But the hands running over his head and shoulders do the trick, gentling and slowing the sobs until he can reach up and wipe his own tears with shaking breaths.
The demon's features are still written in concern, tucking stray bits of hair back into place. They smile gently when Remus looks up at them.
"Hello," they murmur, "feeling better?"
He nods. "I…um…thank you?"
They chuckle. "You needn't sound so nervous about thanking me, dear. If I were fae, perhaps, but not a demon."
"Are you alright?" Fingers tilt his chin up a bit further. "Not hurt anywhere else, aside from a few bumps and bruises?"
"I don't think so."
"Um…why did you help me?"
The demon frowns. "You summoned me."
"What?" Remus draws back. "No, I didn't—I didn't do anything. I just got handcuffed and stabbed, what are you talking about?"
"You spilled blood in a summoning circle." They pat his chest. "Therefore, you summoned me."
His mouth opens and closes a few times. "I…didn't mean to."
"Yes, I gathered."
"…so what now?"
"Well," they sigh, "normally, a contract would be drawn up. I fulfill my terms of the contract, you fulfill yours, we seal the ending terms, and carry on."
Uh, no, thank you. "What if I don't want a contract?"
"Then I will have had a most intriguing evening and an excellent story to tell."
Demons tell stories? Still, he can't stop the breath of relief, ready for whatever the fuck this is to be over, when a hand cups his chin and tilts his gaze back up.
"But I will be lying if I tell you I wouldn't want to see you again."
His blood runs cold. "Me?"
"Yes. You're very interesting."
"I'm…really not," he mutters and the demon only laughs.
"The thing about uninteresting people is they don't typically have to say it."
"Is that what the spell is for?"
The demon's brow furrows. "Spell?"
"The…burning stuff." Remus wiggles his arms a bit. "Feels really—well, itchy isn't the right word, but like—I don't know, it's weird. What is it? Is that what it's for?"
They still look at him like he's lost his mind—which, hey, he's the one who's allowed to, at this point—until something clicks and they take their hands away from him. A small part of him mourns the loss of contact but the burning vanishes.
"Oh. It stopped. Is, uh, is it just a demon thing, or…?"
"Oh, you poor thing," the demon murmurs, something horribly sad coloring their voice, "you poor, poor thing…"
"You're touch starved."
"I'm what now?"
Slowly, so slowly, the demon reaches out and touches his face. It's warm, it's so warm, it's so warm, it's so warm so warm so warm warm warm warm—
"What—what's going on—"
"Touch starved," the demon whispers, "you…you've not been touched. That's all this is, my dear, I'm not doing anything other than touching you."
"Oh, hey—" he's crying again, why is he crying again?— "oh, dear one, come here…"
Demons, some tiny part of Remus's brain thinks, are not supposed to be this tender.
And yet, here he is, sat on the raised stone plinth with a demon kneeling in front of him, their arms cradling him like he's something precious.
"Wait—wait," he babbles, "blood—you'll get blood all over you, you—don't—"
A quiet chuckle, right in his ear.
"Do I seem," the demon purrs, "the type to mind if I get a little blood all over me?"
…he supposes that's true.
"How did it get this bad," they continue, gentler now, "surely you had people to care for you?"
A wet gasp of disbelief. "Do you think I would've ended up here if I did?"
"No, I suppose not." They hum as Remus's head ends up in the crook of their neck. "There you are…come, let me hold you properly."
He's moved again, somehow, and only when the demon's chest rumbles right up against his does he realize he's been pulled into the demon's lap.
What the fuck is my life right now?
"You're thinking too much," comes the voice, "it's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. Just try and relax."
Demon, some part of him protests, but the rest of him quickly goes if we've made it this far, what's the harm now?
"There," he hears as he makes an effort to sag into the hold that's starting to burn a little less now, "that's it…good, little one, good job."
"…'s this doing anything for you? What're you getting out of this?"
"Are you always this mouthy?" It's said with a fondness that, frankly, takes him by surprise as the demon pulls back to run a finger under his chin.
"Yeah, pretty much."
They chuckle. "I told you. I've got quite the story to tell of this evening."
"…that's it?"
Something shifts and Remus tenses as the demon leans forward. How in the fuck are their eyes that color?
"Depends," they murmur, "do you have something to offer me?"
"I—uh—I didn't—um—"
As quickly as it appeared, it's gone again. They laugh and shake their head, pulling him close where he leaned away. "I'm only teasing, little one. Yes, that's it. Is it still burning?"
"You look tired," they say softly, running their hand through his hair, "would you like to try and sleep?"
On instinct, he almost says no. But then he thinks about the cold drafty barn and the blanket riddled with holes, and the way he'd have to wake up before the first light so he wouldn't get chased out into the wind, and he thinks about how warm he is right now and how gentle the demon's embrace is, and he nods.
"Close your eyes, then, my dear," the demon murmurs, shifting to let him lay against their chest, "I've got you."
"What's your name?"
"Your name," Remus mumbles, already struggling to keep his eyes open, "can't just keep calling you 'demon' in my head."
The chest under him rumbles. "Logan. Call me Logan."
"'M Remus."
"Go to sleep, Remus," Logan says softly, "it'll be alright, now."
Not how he expected to wake up, not how he expected to fall asleep. Yet he can't bring himself to mind too much.
General Taglist: @frxgprince@potereregina@gattonero17@iamhereforthegayshit@thefingergunsgirl@awkwardandanxiousfander@creative-lampd-liberties@djpurple3@winterswrandomness@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes@iminyourfandom@bullet-tothefeels@full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind@demoniccheese83@pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious@firefinch-ember@fandomssaremysoul@im-an-anxious-wreck@crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch@enby-ralsei@unicornssunflowersandstuff@wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams@averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws@cecil-but-gayer@i-am-overly-complicated@annytheseal@alias290@tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask@crows-ace @emilythezeldafan@frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires@cyanide-violence@oonagh2@xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx@rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734@triflingassailantofmyemotions @virgil-sanders-the-gay-emo@cerulean-watermelon@puffed-up-bees@meltheromanstan@joyrose-fandomer@insanitori@mavenmush@justablah65@10paradox10@uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous@cutebisexualmess@bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti @ultrageekygirl  
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cheywritesstuff · 3 months
Here for You(One-shot)
Kurapika Kurta x Leorio Paladiknight
(Important note: This fic takes place after the succession war arc!)
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Category:(somewhere in between platonic and fluff)
Word count:1.1k
(This is my first fic on this account, I really hope you guys enjoy it <3)
After what felt like months of traveling, an alert was issued across the ship which signaled an end to the long, burdensome mission.
It was finally time to start disembarking.
Kurapika stared up at the ceiling as he listened to the announcement playing from the ship’s speakers. He ran his hands through his golden strands, letting out a sigh.
“It’s over…”
The young man began to ponder his thoughts, reflecting on what had occurred during the succession war and the dark continent expedition. It was a gruesome and tragic experience, with death and despair looming at every corner. A part of him was glad to finally leave this ship and be done with it for good.
He knew that as of today he’d be relieved of his body-guarding duties. However, while a weight was finally lifted off of his chest, a newer one began to emerge.
…What now?
The blond’s eyes flickered over to the suitcases nearby. They contained the jarred scarlet eyes of his brethren, it was the last of the eyes that were stolen away. He began to space out as he quietly pondered his future.
After about an hour, a loud barrage of knocks came from his cabin door. He sat up, recognizing the voice on the other side.
“Hey Kurapika! What are you doing in there? We need to leave the ship!”
Kurapika chuckled lightly and began to collect himself. He stood up and walked over, shouting through the door, “I’m coming, Leorio. Just give me a second.”
Soon, he gathered his bearings and checked out with Leorio following suit. They both stepped onto the pier and were met with the sight of cars and other modes of transportation for the passengers.
“Well..that was certainly…an experience..” Leorio trailed off, cutting the silence as they both walked along. His eyes then lit up a little. “But even though it was so hectic, at least I got to learn a bunch of new things!” The raven-haired man cheered. A small smile made its way onto Kurapika’s face.
“I’m sure that working directly with Chairman Yorkshire brought you a lot of knowledge. She’s quite smart, after all.” He said with a pause,
“Speaking of medical school, how has it been going specifically? I remember her saying that the institution allowed you to do your studies overseas.”
Leorio scratched his head, grinning nervously. “Well, uh…” he then trailed off for a second. “I managed to get some assignments done, but I do plan to catch up once I get settled into daily life.”
���That’s fair.” Kurapika nodded, “It must’ve been challenging for you to get the school work done considering all of the tasks you’ve had during this mission…”
He then looked up at Leorio, a bright smile on his face. “Either way, I’m proud of you. I can't wait to see you become the doctor you were meant to be.”
The slender man noticed the blond’s loving gaze. He blushed for a moment and looked away into the distance. “H-hey! What did I tell you about looking at me like that? Stop it!”
Kurapika chuckled lightly at his flustered state. “After all of these years you’ve never really changed much, did you?”
Leorio sighed, immediately changing topic. “So what do you plan on doing now, Kurapika? I mean you already have all of your clan’s eyes. Your goal is pretty much complete.”
Kurapika paused for a second, his expression of joy beginning to dim to a soft frown. The thought of his goal finally being complete was bittersweet.
“I will build a proper memorial for my brethren on my homeland to honor them in the way that they deserve.”
Leorio nodded. “Well, of course you’re going to do that. I guess what I mean is..”
“What do you plan on doing in the future? Like, what are your long term goals?”
Kurapika paused for a bit, thinking. “Long..term goals?”
“Yeah! What do you plan on doing with your life after all of this?”
The young blond stopped in his tracks as the feeling of emptiness and confusion began to arise. He knew that his bodyguarding business would keep him busy and financially stable, but outside of that.
“I..I don’t know..” Kurapika admitted. His eyes were now averted in shame and a bit of pain.
He had spent so many years focusing on his revenge, letting it be the main driving force behind his actions and will for such a long time. It was as if a huge part of him had disappeared once he completed his goal. The blond stared at the ground for a while, the fear of confusion and uncertainty clouding his conscience.
Leorio gave him a comforting smile while resting a hand on his shoulder. “Try not to worry too hard about this, Kurapika. We’re both still young so you have all the time to figure it out.”
Kurapika slowly snapped out of his trance and turned to him. He responded with a question, doubt heavy in his voice. “What makes you so sure..?”
“You need to start having more faith in yourself, you know...” The raven haired man mumbled. He placed both hands on his shoulders, giving it a soft squeeze. “I know you probably don’t have all the answers to your future or where it’s going to go, but that’s completely fine. In fact…”
Leorio let go of him and looked down at the ground, a sense of uncertainty arising in himself as he began to ponder his future as well. “Even I don’t fully know where I’ll go when I finish medical school. But it’s okay..do you know why?”
Kurapika remained quiet for a while as they began to walk once more. “No, I don’t know..why?”
“Because I have you, genius!” Leorio smiles playfully, nudging the blond’s shoulder. “Even though we both don’t know what’ll happen, we have each other.”
He finished talking, and Kurapika shot him a puzzled look. “What are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying that…well…I guess what I mean is that we should take it one step at a time. Alright? We don’t know what the future will bring us. But I do know that, at the very least, you’re here for me and I’m here for you. Do you get it now?”
Kurapika goes quiet for a second. Soon, a tiny smile was etched across his face as he let out a soft chuckle.
“..Yeah..I do..”
“Don’t forget it!” Leorio said with a comically huge grin.
Before he could say another word, Kurapika muttered “We should probably get going. The chauffeurs seem to be getting ready to leave.”
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ladyluscinia · 2 years
Pettiest, most unprovable thing that I still scoff and roll my eyes at like they just failed a freebie question on a test is when people headcanon Spanish Jackie doesn't like Izzy.
Izzy makes a quip about hating her bar yet Geraldo, a husband who doesn't seem to get out much and comes from a gang - not pirate - background knows him by sight. And is surprised he's been away so long. Jackie is about to add Stede's nose to the jar and a hesitant interjection that Izzy was in there looking for him stops it instantly.
"But wait," you ask, thinking that somehow I've not already thought of this, "Doesn't it make more sense that she stopped because of Blackbeard aka most intimidating guy around???"
You would think, maybe, except minutes later Geraldo is dispatched to lure Stede to the Spanish Navy to die. If she actually cared about Edward's opinion then nothing has changed. I guess the Geraldo trap is trying to be covert but it's not terribly effective? Edward literally follows them. She still very pointedly avoided interfering in Blackbeard's business and then turned around to immediately interfere. However. Something that could have changed the moment the door hit Stede on the way out is Jackie asking what exactly Izzy and Stede discussed... and realizing "Ohhhh wait Izzy wants this dude dead. We're cool. Kill him."
"Well maybe Jackie is just doing her own thing," you suggest. "Playing whatever side. Trying not to directly antagonize Blackbeard but she doesn't actually give a shit?"
Well that would be plausible, EXCEPT! Skip ahead! Izzy goes straight to Jackie after getting kicked off the boat. She's ordering him a drink and ready to hear his proposition immediately. They talk offscreen. They summon Badminton to her bar. So two things to point out here:
If Jackie was taking a "play nice with Blackbeard in public" stance then what the hell is she doing this for? I maintain the plan was under the table and had minimal risk from the British, but I think there was fairly high risk of Edward finding out. She doesn't get much out of this besides Stede dead, and while she bears a grudge idk if it was a "kill Blackbeard's new boyfriend and hope he doesn't get pissed about it" grudge. But if Izzy being all upset about this is a genuine point in the plan's favor on its own...?
Izzy spends his whole goddamn visit bemoaning his relationship woes. And Jackie sits there and listens! Do we think she can't shut Izzy up? Or make a quip about it to poke fun at Izzy? Nah, Jackie is fulfilling the sacred and time-honored role of bestie who listens to everything Stede has done and solemnly declares "That bitch" even when Izzy is being objectively way too dramatic about this. She also probably advocates for dumping Edward.
I lied. 3 things. Jackie invites Badminton and his navy guys to her bar. She doesn't like them, she's probably only doing this because she gets to hold something over them... again, this is so much just for Stede since she has the least investment in his death. But if Izzy needs her to do him a solid and she actually likes him enough to care? Makes sense.
Izzy obviously gets Jackie in the divorce and she's the one supplying both a steady stream of breakup booze and alternating grounded and truly unhinged advice. She's the shoulder of solidarity. The Evelyn to his Mary. I will be taking zero notes on this because I'm right 😌
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tobiramamonmari29 · 7 months
Sanji been on a business trip Zoro still bored without Sanji. So he ate again and again. On the last day, Zoro was in the kitchen. He had emptied the fridge, all the cupboards, he was on the floor still eating. his clothes torn, his big huge belly, impossible to see alone.
Zoro was on the ground, a belly that had grown so much he couldn't even get up. He was still eating and drinking while smiling. Sanji's cooking was the cause of this, making it another reason to miss Sanji. And while waiting for his return, Zoro was still eating, thinking only of Sanji's cooking.
Sanji: Zoro I'm home! He heard from the entrance.
Zoro heard Sanji's voice and the sound of his footsteps. He stopped eating to focus on Sanji's voice. He smiled as he waited for Sanji to join him in the kitchen.
Zoro: Sanji, is that you?
Sanji: is it me, or are you my darling zoro?
Zoro heard Sanji's voice again and smiled when he heard his name. He tried to get up, but his big belly wouldn't allow him to move.
Zoro: Sanji, I'm here!
Zoro waited for Sanji to come in the kitchen, impatient to see him again.
Sanji: I'm here my love! he opened the kitchen door, smiling. where are you ?
Zoro: I'm here Sanji, but I can't get up, my stomach is too big!
Zoro smiled as he heard Sanji's voice entering the kitchen. He saw Sanji entering and heading towards him.
the blond hums while putting his full height in front of Zoro.
Sanji: You enjoyed yourself while I was gone baby.
Zoro: Yes! Oh Sanji, I couldn't do it anymore without you in the kitchen! I actually ate too much of the delicious food you cook. I know you'll tell me to stop eating it...but the food you make is so good...I'm trying to hold back Sanji, but I can't!
Zoro couldn't even stand up, a stomach that was too big to move.
Sanji: I didn't say I didn't like it. I like seeing you in this kind of situation. He licked his lips while leaning his body towards Zoro. Keep loving my food.
Zoro smiled as he saw Sanji lick his lips. He felt very lucky to have such a talented cook as Sanji. the way he played with each dish, the taste he brought to it with his passion for cooking, each dish Sanji made was unique.
Zoro: So you like seeing me with this kind of big belly, Sanji? I could continue eating like that then, just to please you.
Sanji: how nice of you, Zoro.
Zoro: of course Sanji, it would be an honor for me to please you. I could continue to eat while pleasing you, and tasting all the delicious recipes you could prepare for me.
Zoro smiled as he thought of all the food that would continue to pour out of Sanji. His belly may have been big, but he was ready for another delicious dining experience.
Sanji: I see you're already drooling just at the idea.
Zoro: yes Sanji! I really want to taste your delicious dishes again. I'm so hungry now, I can't wait to see what you make for me!
Zoro turned around, showing off his big belly and smiling as he looked at Sanji.
Zoro: Do ​​you already have an idea of ​​what you're going to prepare for me? Zoro said while waiting for Sanji's response, his stomach moving every time he spoke.
Sanji: Hmmm let's see, how can I stuff you even more? He said running his hand through his green hair. My gluttonous boyfriend wants a few things in particular?
zoro: not really Sanji, you can prepare anything, it's always delicious! You can give me all the food you want, I will always be happy to taste every dish you prepare for me!
Zoro said smiling. he was ready for any kind of meal Sanji could prepare for him. And he loved being surprised by tasting every dish Sanji made for him.
Sanji: Okay, but from what I see. He said pointing to the papers and empty jars on the ground. I'm going to have to go shopping. would you be patient until then?
Zoro: don't worry Sanji, you take your time shopping! I'll wait here until you come back! I'm sure it will be the best dining experience of my life, and I don't want to miss it!
Zoro smiled as he looked at Sanji, eager to taste his delicious food again but ready to wait for his return to have another delicious meal.
Sanji smiled cleaning the kitchen before he left to go shopping. Zoro was alone again, but Sanji was kind enough to place him on the couch with one of the last remaining packets of chips.
Zoro, now sitting on the couch, opened a bag of chips and started chomping on them. he looked at the kitchen door waiting for Sanji to return.
Zoro: I can't wait to eat another meal of Sanji's... and for now, I could wait with this bag of chips, even though I know they won't be of the best quality possible.
Zoro said while eating the chips, his belly already full of food but still ready for more.
Zoro looked at the time on the wall clock in the living room. 6:30 p.m. It's been an hour since Sanji left. He risks dying of starvation. His stomach gurgled and growled over and over.
Zoro felt a little hungry. He might be getting hungry, even if his stomach wasn't too empty at the moment. While waiting for Sanji to return, Zoro started looking for something to eat. He opened all the cupboards and fridges, but he didn't find much.
Zoro: I don't think I should eat much more... Maybe Sanji will come back soon? Zoro said while trying to control himself.
7:10 p.m. the front door opened. Zoro could hear Sanji and his many shopping bags.
Zoro: Ah, Sanji! You came back !
Zoro got up from the couch and approached the door. He was still hungry but his curiosity outweighed his appetite. He opened the door and stood ready to help Sanji carry the shopping bags.
Zoro: I'm glad to see you're back! I can't wait to taste your cooking, I can't wait to see what wonders you prepare for us!
Sanji: I haven't cooked it yet but I picked up some quick things to make.
Zoro: Oh, I see. This won't be a problem, even simple meals are always delicious. and anyway, I'm already so happy that you're back to offer me delicious dishes! I am sure that the dishes you prepare for me will still be delicious. I won't be choosy right now.
Sanji said he cooked quickly, so Zoro wouldn't be too impatient.
Sanji: hold on, Zoro! A pot of carbonara pasta. It's your favorite, right? I'll cook you a few more dishes, don't worry. he said giving the pan to Zoro who was on the couch with soda on the table.
Zoro smiled as he walked over to take the pot of pasta. Just the sight of the food Sanji offered him was already a precious gift for Zoro. It didn't really matter what it would be, as long as it was what Sanji had prepared with the person he loved the most in mind.
Zoro: thank you Sanji, that looks delicious! I really can't wait to eat it. And I have no problem waiting for the other dishes.
the more the evening, the more Zoro ate.
As the evening progressed, Zoro ate more and more, his belly continuing to grow. At one point, he would eat even when he wasn't hungry, simply because he liked the food Sanji offered him. he had never seen it like this, but it seems to be love that makes Zoro eat constantly. It's like Sanji's flavors fill him up even more than the food itself.
Sanji: Do you need me to unbutton your pants?
Zoro: Y-Yes, please Sanji! My stomach is so big, I can barely breathe!
Zoro asked Sanji to unbuckle his pants while holding his stomach. The buttons on his pants gave way under the pressure, but his stomach prevented even his buttons from working properly. his mouth was open to breathe, his body couldn't take it anymore.
Sanji: Looks like you didn't need me. He said smiling.
Zoro: ha ha, that's not wrong. I'm sure I can eat on my own without needing you. but it's more satisfying when you cook for me.
Zoro continued to eat, knowing full well that this would get him in trouble later. He shouldn't eat too much, but the food was delicious, and Zoro couldn't stop eating.
Zoro's clothes tore, revealing his fat.
Zoro: ha ha, did you see that? I'm already ripping my clothes off because of my stomach. That's how I know it's good food you're making.
Zoro smiled as he tore the clothes some more. he had a lot of trouble breathing, and his stomach kept growing. Sure, he loved Sanji's food, but he was clearly taking his binge too far.
Sanji: Do you want to drink a little?
Zoro: y-y-yes Sanji, I really want to drink something. Zoro said as he tried to get up, but his stomach made it impossible.
Zoro: ehh, please can I have some drinks to help my stomach relax a little?
Sanji: Don't move, darling.
Zoro's pants creaked as he sat down again, his shirt completely torn revealing his jiggling and bouncing stomach.
Zoro: ha ha, I'm not moving. Could you give me something to drink now?
zoro said smiling as another crack of his pants made him tremble. His stomach was so big that he couldn't even sit comfortably without pain. his body was teeming with life when seen from the outside, but the buttons on his pants were still incapable of reducing the size of his belly.
Sanji: holds some water.
Zoro: Thanks Sanji! Oh, I can already feel the drink cooling my body, it's so relaxing!
Zoro drank the water and felt a little relief. But her belly continued to grow. He couldn't really stop eating, but he still tried to take every extra moment to relax a little with the water.
two hours later, zoro finished all the dishes cooked by sanji.
Sanji: How are you doing, darling? He said while caressing Zoro's belly.
Zoro smiled and touched his swelling stomach. he was still breathing with difficulty, and the only thing keeping him alive was the fact that he loved Sanji's food and he couldn't help it.
Zoro: I'm fine, it was delicious, Sanji. Thank you for everything ! I don't know what I will do without you, my love.
Sanji: I don't know, it's time to rest a little.
Zoro: hmm, that's a good idea. I'm tired. I'm going to go rest now Sanji.
Zoro got up with difficulty and went to his bed to rest. he wished there was a little more room, but his belly had grown way too much during his binge eating.
Zoro: thank you for everything, Sanji, it was delicious. I got good value for my money. I love you my dear.
Sanji: I love you too baby, rest easy. he placed a gentle kiss on her lips.
Zoro smiled as he received Sanji's kiss, even though his stomach deprived him of all movement, he felt happy to be able to please his favorite cook. the only wish he had was to be able to eat Sanji's food again, as soon as possible.
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mysticshadows13 · 9 months
The binding was on Rayla for awhile, and sometimes it's not as easy to shake off the after effects (of the binding or of her culture).
⚠️ This does deal with chronic pain. There is also a flashback that could be disturbing for some readers.
⚠️ After this sentence, "She finds the darkest section, and rests, looking down at her wrist, grabbing it lightly." There a paragraph long flashback. "Rayla stops, freezing" would be the safe place to jump to.
Rayla wakes up, biting back a scream. Glancing around, she slowly realizes she's in the room in Katolis, Callum in the next room over. She sits up slowly, left hand cradled to her chest, and she hisses as her hand brushes her shirt.
Rayla breathes in deeply, slowly breathes out as the throbbing pain in her hand decreases to a burning instead. She sighs, lightly rubbing her wrist.
"Rayla? You up yet?" Callum calls from the other side of the door.
"Ugh, you humans and being up in the day. Why can't you be sane." Rayla complains, slowly stretching her fingers out.
"C'mon, the baker made plenty of hot brown morning potion for you, and Ez promised to leave a few jelly tarts alone."
"What an honor. Be right there."
Rayla listens to Callum walk away, his footsteps finally fading even from her hearing as she flexes her throbbing hand. Using her right hand, she wipes away the water under her eyes, glancing at the roof to check for leaks, cuz that was the only reason there'd be water on her face.
She takes another breath, and another, and finally moves, thinking of Ez waiting for her. She opens the door with her right hand, keeping her left down by her side.
"Lady Rayla." Rayla tenses up, curling her hands into fists, and uncurling them immediately when she sees Opeli. "Do you need help finding your way to King Ezran and High Mage Callum?"
"No. I can find them." Rayla says. "...Thank you." She turns and starts heading down the hallway.
"Ugh, could they have made this place any more confusin'?" Rayla mutters, turning another corner. She runs into something and falls backwards, hissing as her left hand hits the stones. "Watch it." She snarls.
"Rayla! You made it!" Ez says.
"Rayla, you ok? That fall looked like it hurt." Callum says, eyeing her.
"I'm fine." Rayla snaps, turning to rub her wrist.
"We kept some…a, we kept a jelly tart for you." Ez says, offering her the last one.
"Thank you, Ez." Rayla grabs the tart.
"And I have your hot morning brown potion." Callum offers her the jar, and Rayla looks at it for a second. She reaches out, grabbing it, and as she goes to take a drink, her hand spasms.
Rayla gasps, letting go of the jar, grabbing her wrist. She watches the jar shatter, then looks at Callum, glances at Ez, and the next thing she knows, she's outside.
"Ach, great. Like they'll believe I'm fine now." Rayla mutters. She rubs her wrist again, lightly, and waits until her breathing calms down. Looking around, she verifies she's alone before dropping out of the tree.
"Have you figured out the Treasury problem?" A voice sounds, and Rayla hides behind the tree, peering out.
"Not yet. I think if…" Rayla stops paying attention, sticking to the shadows as she makes her way to the front of the castle. Hesitating, she shakes her head, and turns around, heading to the tallest tower of the castle. She finds the darkest section, and rests, looking down at her wrist, grabbing it lightly.
She's staring at her hand, and it's turning purple as she feels her wrist being crushed and cut, and she can't feel it, she can't move her wrist, she's going to lose it, and she scratches at the band on her wrist, scratching and scratching, knowing it won't work and she's going to lose her hand, because of…
Rayla stops, freezing. Ezran. Ezran, the amazing human. The nice, kind, human who's her friend and it's worth it, it is, she's fine.
She takes a breath, and looks at her hand again. It's white, not purple, and although she can still feel the pain radiating through her arm, she's going to keep her hand, she's going to keep her friends.
The sun is high in the sky, her shade gone, by the time Callum and Ezran and Bait find her. She looks up when they stop near her, and they don't say anything. She lowers her shoulders, her head, flinching as a hand reaches out. It stops, and she doesn't look up.
Shade covers her again, and she does looks up, then- the sun is high, there should be nome. There's a tent above her now, just one of those roof only tents she doesn't know the name of, and she watches as Ezran lets go of Bait, who ends up in her lap. Callum sets up an invisibility rune around the tent, and Ezran sits down next to her, barely touching her and offers her a jelly tart.
She takes it gently, head tilted as Callum settles down on her other side. She doesn't miss the glances at her wrist, from both of them, but she starts when Bait nudges her, and licks her wrist. A wet laugh escapes, and she strokes Bait. She shifts, knocking her knee into Ezran, and leans against Callum, and her wrist still aches, still hurts, but it's ok.
She's here, and they're here, and it's ok.
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Day 5: connection
Wow... Today was... Wow. Not what I was expecting. Like at all. I was having some trouble with myself and thoughts late last night and feeling so uncomfortable in this exploration, but knowing it was because I was outside my comfort zone and this is all just so new feeling. As I was showering, I thought to myself, I should go out to this yoga studio I like that offers their classes for free to trans people. My therapist had mentioned taking in person classes and I finally remembered to look up the classes.
I found one for today called Yoga Nidra, or sleeping yoga and I thought, hell yeah, I like the idea of getting to lay on my back with a blanket and listen to a meditation and singing bowls. I went in a bit nervous cause it's a new location with unknown people, but I wanted to stop being such a hermit and get out of my house more. I had laid down on the mat, thrown the blanket over me, and placed this bean bag thing over my eyes. I laid with a bolster under my knees and palms up as I listened to the teach guide the class through relaxing the body piece by piece.
She had guided us to imagine being in different locations, I can't remember the first location, but she had us imagining being at the edge of a pond facing a sunset. It was in that time I felt like I had sunken into my body and a flood of emotion overtook my body. It felt like a flood of cold, my body was shaking, and I felt so anxious. She told us then to imagine the moon and I tried to think about the moon and the craters and shadows, but my thoughts kept going back to fear, to this feeling of not wanting to dying, to being so scared because I was feeling so much.
I repeated to myself that I was Taylor. I was laying in a building in my city that is in my state and that I was going to be okay. I opened my eyes but they were still covered by the eye mask, but the slivers of light they peaked through grounded me. The practice ended with us rolling onto our sides then sitting up and as I was folding my blanket, I saw a giant palmetto bug making a bee line to me a few inches from my mat. My body was loose and my limbs weren't cooperating with me, but the teacher caught it in a jar and took it out. I think about that bug, one of the ones that creep me out and maybe it was there for a reason.
I was feeling so anxious and shaky after the session and I didn't feel like I could go home just yet. The yoga teacher had explained beforehand that she was also a therapist and she would spend some time after class in the lobby if anyone wanted to talk. I sat down in a chair and wait for the other student to leave and when she did, I asked the teacher if she would sit with me because I wasn't okay. I felt like crying, I did cry, and she stayed with me while I let that emotion out. We did a breathing exercise and I explained to her what I felt and how I felt it was related to this exploration that I was doing, the release of all that I was holding.
I had this beautiful moment with a stranger that I had asked for help, I gave myself that space to allow a stranger see me be scared and vulnerable and it was an act of love for myself to ask for something I need as well as an act of love to receive that care from someone I didn't know. She explained to me the therapeutic uses of yoga nedra and how it releases emotions that we have been carrying and I told her about the practice I felt was similar that my therapist I do to explore what emotions feel like when I give them the space and honor their presence.
I went home after getting a milkshake from Cook-out and tried to lay down to allow those feeling space, but I ended up in the bathroom listening to Encanto's soundtrack while I journaled what I was feeling. The bathroom is a safe space for me, a place where I could go to cry and be emotional without anyone hearing me. I would turn on the shower and cry and I don't really know if the shower and fan drowned out my cries, but it helped. And half way through writing, it just all felt like I understood what I was trying to do by undertaking this project.
That I am worthy not despite my flaws and broken bits, but because they are apart of my whole being. I am worthy of love and being loved and giving love because I'm Taylor, I don't have to be anything else, I don't have to make myself smaller, or quieter, or easier to handle, I am loved for my true being. And sure, I think those that tried to minimize me and make me feel smaller loved me, but not in a way that was healthy, sustainable, and was twinged with toxic believes and actions. I saw myself the way my friends I have now saw me and that I didn't have to have a skill or a service to offer them, I was just loved for being me.
I feel like a butterfly crawling out of my cocoon after being caterpillar goop and I'm learning to look and love my new wings, to let them open and flourish them, to feel the wind around them as I try to take off. I was having a lot of emotions recently after having a really tough 2022, after feeling burned out from work, after doing some heavy trauma healing work the last few months, but especially the last couple of weeks. There was a lot I needed to unleash and that yoga practice helped. I feel scared, but I feel hopeful.
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howggswouldreact · 3 years
🏥 The Personification of Our Love | Kim Lip
Request: kim lip x reader where the reader is pregnant and goes into labor pls ~~~ love your blog ♡♡♡♡ Plot: Jungeun is waiting at the Hospital while Reader is in labor. Jungeun's mind flies to loving memories. Words: 2, 222 Genre: fluff, pregnancy Notes: i use to say "i loved writing this one" because i really do love writing things you all request me. and i loved writing this one. i love to write about things that involve family and friendship, etc. this one is the type to make my heart feel at peace... i hope you enjoy it and have a nice read! ♡♡
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Maybe Jungeun shouldn't keep her eyes open for so long, without blinking. At least that's what Haseul was telling her all the time, but she wouldn't be aware of what her friend was saying until hours later, when the white doors were opened and a person wearing blue from head to toe told her that she was finally allowed to enter. For now, she had her hands cupped over her mouth, her feet tapping the floor in a frantic rhythm, her heart pumping blood like crazy.
Why couldn't things be like in the movies, where she could just have a camera filming everything that was going on in that room?
How was it going? How were you? And how was the baby? GOD, WAS THE BABY OKAY?
The movements of her feet accelerated even more and she felt the touch of a hand resting very cautiously on her knee.
"Stop doing that, you're looking like a maniac!", Hyejoo's voice, impatient and at the same time anxious, sounded beside Jungeun.
"I think I'm having a nervous breakdown.", she replied in a low voice, sweat forming on the corner of her forehead.
A huge, vibrant smile appeared in the blonde's vision and warm hands took hers, that were cold, in an affectionate squeeze. Jiwoo.
"How about if we go get something to eat? I'm sure there must be anything good in these machines full of food.”, said her longtime friend.
With a nod and letting Jiwoo guide her, Jungeun was pulled by the arm to a vending machine in the corner of the waiting room. While, in her mind, Jungeun was pulled for a few moments before what would be the greatest moment of her life (along with her wedding day, of course).
8 AM, same day
"Christ! It’s like I'm about to explode!", you said, putting your hand on your belly and feeling a twinge in your back.
"A beautiful, healthy child is going to appear from this explosion...", Jungeun started to speak, slowly approaching the bed, leaning on one knee and then the other. "And this child is very...", her hands landed on your belly, one of them over your right hand. "... very loved!"
"And we haven't even thought about the name of this beloved child yet."
You looked at her with a disapproving gaze.
"I don't want to decide anything right now because I think it will be more exciting to take this important decision when the time comes.", Jungeun shrugged without looking at you, she was very busy stroking your belly button.
"Maybe if you just let me..."
"Don't even think about it. This baby is mine too, you know?", the irritated tone disappeared from Jungeun's voice when her eyes met the playful glow of yours. She smiled.
"You know I would never make a decision like that without you, right?"
She nodded and lifted her body so she could kiss you, but there was a huge belly between the two of you - with a baby on the way in - and you started to laugh.
"Ahhhh!! So close yet so far!", dramatized Jungeun, as she lay down beside you and kissed your forehead and then your lips. "Now, close enough."
10 PM, the day before
"I still can't believe you chose this crackhead to be our baby's godmother...", you whispered to Jungeun, leaning on the doorframe while watching Jiwoo dancing some children's music and doing a super choreography in front of a camera.
Jungeun smiled at you.
"It's not like you didn't say 'oh, babe, I would never forgive you if I didn't choose Jiwoo to be our baby’s godmother', right?"
All the girls were there, they decided to have the first “Girls’ Pajama Party with the Baby” even before the baby was born. Not that you didn't love the idea, but to see Jiwoo carrying that camera everywhere was hilarious. You wouldn't miss an opportunity to make fun of it.
"You have to understand that I have hormones. Many! And they are crazy running back and forth, telling me what to do all the time! It's not like everything I say is valid while pregnant. Plus: I didn’t know she would do this Good Luck Charlie sort of thing."
With a mischievous look, Jungeun brought her face close to yours, smiling like a mischievous child.
"So it means that I am right deciding that the baby's one-year birthday should be Taeyeon-themed."
You gave her an angry look.
"I've been carrying our beautiful baby for nine months. If it were to honor someone on their one-year anniversary, it should be me."
A warm laugh from the bottom of Jungeun's heart filled your ears. She came over and wrapped her right arm around your waist while her left hand was over your protruding belly. None of you had reached such a full level of happiness like this before.
"Don't worry... Taeyeon won't be a party theme, I promise." she kissed your face. "It's so easy to annoy you lately. But there's no need to worry. The one-year anniversary theme will be Harry Potter, anyways."
You rolled your eyes trying to hide a smile. Jungeun noticed it. She always did. She smiled back and stroked your belly once more. It was difficult to know which of you two was most anxious for the family to be finally complete.
5 months ago
"Come on, say something very beautiful and with enough meaning, because then I will edit with a ballad song in the background."
Jiwoo was pointing the camera at you, whose lips were covered with doritos crumbs and ice cream, while Jungeun held up a jar of that same ice cream that you dipped the spoon from time to time.
"I can only think of how bizarre these mixtures become each month, I have no idea what beautiful things I can say.", Jungeun spoke while giving you a judgmental look. “I can’t believe my baby is eating… this.”
"Just say my name, so you will say one of the most beautiful things in the world.", you replied, raising your eyebrows as you dipped the tip of the doritos in the pistachio green and put it whole in your mouth.
"Grooooooss.", Jiwoo hummed as she turned the camera to her face. "I hope you don't have to deal with this often."
You two were at Heejin's apartment, decided to stop by as you were walking around the neighborhood looking for that ice cream flavor. Yeojin and Jiwoo went to meet you. This was yet another visit for the future "aunts" of the baby to come.
"I will definitely deal with them to keep you safe." Yeojin noted, beside Jiwoo and staring at the camera.
"Don't worry. We will protect you from anything that might negatively affect you, even if it means taking you away from these delinquents' arms." Heejin said, joining the other two.
"An army against us?", Jungeun asked as you put one of those doritos in her mouth.
They giggled. Another scene for the baby's life documentary, directed exclusively by Kim Jiwoo.
7 months ago
"Well... maybe we should... maybe we should buy baby things? Or set up the baby's room?", You suggested, astonished by the news that, finally, you were going to have a baby.
With the results of the exam in hands, Jungeun was very quiet on the way home. Parking the car in the garage of the building where you lived together, you waited for an answer to your questions.
Pregnant? Who knew you would be pregnant? Well, it was your dream two months ago. You both decided to make this dream come true. But it was a short while ago, actually. And you were not expecting a positive response so quickly. On the first try? Wow! This was really fast.
You noticed Jungeun's trembling hands and, now that you were pregnant, you would have a child of both of you, increasing the "family with our shape" because it's gonna be "the personification of your love", as the blonde said a few times. You wondered if she regretted it. After all, it would affect both your lives on a large scale, even though it was, at the moment, no more than the size of a bean.
"Look, I... I understand if you don't want to say anything. I will respect your space, but I thought it was our decision and..."
"Could you excuse me for a moment?", Jungeun said, in a whispering voice, and getting out of the car.
You understood that you shouldn't go after her and you were left with no reaction to her words. Meanwhile, outside the car, in the light of the vehicle's white headlights, the blonde of exuberant beauty and small body read the exam again, a growing smile on the pink lips that you loved to kiss so much.
Suddenly, to your shock, she let out a cry mixed with laughter and jumped in the air. It was as if, there, in that deserted garage and with you in the car, there was a space where Jungeun could celebrate it with vivacity. She was just so full of joy!
She was just as happy as you are, obviously! She just needed to find a place to outsource it, a moment when she could be free, a place where she could celebrate it!
Jungeun's hands held the test results as if they were holding the most precious thing in her life. And, somehow, it was.
You flashed the headlights in sync with her leaps and, watching her body turn to the car, her dark brown eyes staring into the glass, you knew what she would say and you both said at the same time, in a whisper only your hearts could hear.
"I love you."
Back to Present – 3 AM
Keeping a packet of m&m's in her jacket pocket, saving it for you to eat later, Jungeun finished eating a strawberry cereal bar, chewing slowly as the girls entered into a conversation to try to calm their spirits. In fact, everyone there was looking forward to you and the baby being well and being able to receive visitors as soon as possible.
Jinsoul told a story of her adolescence and the girls highlighted some parts, asked a few things and laughed. But Jungeun's mind was just a few feet from that waiting room.
Were you in pain? Was the baby finding the way out safely? Was the baby healthy? Were you okay?
She had no way of knowing. She went to the bathroom, the girls followed the blonde head with concern as she crossed the room to the door with a blue sign written "toilet".
When closing the door already inside the bathroom, every sound coming from outside was isolated. Jungeun turned the tap on and felt the cascade of water flowing through her fingers, finding some calm with that, since the only person who could give her the biggest amount of peace was in labor.
She washed her face and dried it with paper, stared at her reflection and realized she was pale. She would only regain color when she could finally see you and the baby.
She put her hand on the door handle again, turning it, and when she closed the door behind her, she noticed that all the girls were standing, staring at the beginning of the corridor. Her face turned in the same direction, where a nurse was standing still, noticed the movement of the woman's lips and the signal for her to follow her on a path. That woman would take Jungeun's to where her heart belonged.
"I wish you were with me... with us at the moment…", you whispered.
"The nurses didn't let me in, babe, but I'm here now..."
Jungeun was almost crouched beside the bed, her face close to yours. She reached up and stroked your cheekbones, touching your forehead with hers.
“How was it?”, she asked.
“It was like I was shitting a coconut.”
Her throat exploded with a pleasurable laugh, making you laugh along, even though you felt a lot of pain in your entire body. Tiredness was overwhelming you, but not enough to see your baby again.
"I only saw our baby for about 5 seconds and I was barely able to see that little face before they did the cleaning and exams."
Your voice was a whisper and Jungeun shook her head, as if she told you not to worry about it, and then she gave you a peck.
When the nurse came into the room and placed the baby in your arms, Jungeun was already crying. She never thought that your love could take on a human shape, so small, fragile and beautiful.
"Oh, God... I love you both so much..." she said, letting those strong tears run down her clean face as she bent down to kiss the top of the baby's head very gently.
That little body, with small hands, gripped her finger firmly and you knew that you would not let anything in the world do anything to destroy that purity. Jungeun felt the same way. Somehow, you knew that. You felt that. Perhaps because you had known her for a long time. Perhaps it was because of love. But you did knew. And she also knew that, whatever happened, her family would always be the homewhere your hearts could rest.
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justnerdthings · 3 years
Just a collection of Alex, Echo, and Jo incorrect quotes from a generator.
Jo: Some people are like slinkies. Echo: What? Jo: Not really good for much but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs. Echo: Echo: Please don't push Alex down the stairs. Jo, pushing Alex down the stairs: Too late.
Alex: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much they’re loved. Echo has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for them. Jo: By forcing them to have fun at a party that they don’t want to be at? Alex: I knew you’d understand.
Alex: We're having a baby. Echo: Oh, congradu- Jo, slamming adoption papers onto the table: It's you, sign here.
Echo: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter a. Jo: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory. Alex: Fuck you.
Echo: *gets a text* Oh! It’s Alex. Jo, excitedly: Did they get me the stuff? Echo: Yeah, they say they got you the clown costume, the power drill, and 12 gallons of blood. Jo: Wow! Where’d they find 12 gallons of fake blood? Echo: You wanted fake blood? Jo: Echo: I’ll go call Alex.
Alex: Nice rock. Jo: Thanks, Echo gave it to me. Echo: I threw it at you! Jo: Aren't they the sweetest?
Alex: Who wants to make fifty bucks? Jo: How? Alex: I need someone to take the fall. Jo: What did you do? Alex: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked. Echo, from the other room: Oh my god. Alex: ... Echo: OH MY GOD! Jo: Make it a hundred. Alex: Deal.
Echo: So, what is Jo to you? Alex: The reason I wake up every morning. Echo: ...That’s adorable. Jo earlier that morning, barging into Alex′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
Alex: I mean. Echo's just standing there now. Alex: Waiting for me, I guess. Alex: But it's okay, I think they've pretty much settled down. Jo: Settled down? Alex: Well, they only stabbed me once.
Jo: Can we go out to get icecream? Alex: Did you ask Echo? Jo: They said no. Alex: Then why did you ask me? Jo: They're not the boss of you. Alex, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
Echo: Would you slap Alex- Jo: Yes. Echo: I didn't even finish! Jo: Sorry, continue. Echo: Would you slap Alex for 10 dollars? Jo: I would do it for free. Alex: Rude...
Echo: Is this your plan B? Alex: Technically, this is plan P. Echo: Plan P? Is there a plan M? Alex: Yes, but I marry Jo in plan M. Jo: I like plan M.
Echo: The moon looks beautiful, doesn’t it? Alex, looking at Echo: Yeah… but do you know what’s more beautiful? Echo and Alex in unison: *sighs* Jo
Alex: So are you gonna explain how the hell you crashed my car? Jo: Well we were driving and there was a deer in the road, so I said "Echo, deer!" Alex: ...And what did Echo do? Jo: ...They said "Yes, Honey?"
Echo: Did Jo just tell me they loved me for the first time? Alex: Yeah, they did. Echo: And did I just do finger guns back? Alex: Yeah, you did.
Echo, at Jo: Would you like to stay for dinner? Alex, from the kitchen: Would you like to stay forever!?!
Echo talking at Alex’s funeral: You do know we’re burying a great person today! Jo, shocked: Did someone else die?
Echo: Hey I just got a pet snake. What should I name him? Alex: A pet WHAT?! Jo: William Snakespeare.
Alex: Jo has no survival skills, their need to win has replaced them. Echo: That can't be true! Alex: Watch this. Alex: Hey Jo, race you to the bottom of the stairs! Jo: *Throws themself out a window*
Alex: What are you guys doing? Echo: Like in life in general or- Jo: Not much. Why, what's up? Alex: I dunno, I’m bored playing AC. Jo: Assassins Creed? Alex: Animals Creed. Echo: Assassins Crossing.
Echo: How are we supposed to put a tracker the size of a penny on Alex without them noticing? Jo: Hey, Alex, I bet you 5 bucks that you can't swallow this penny. Alex: *takes and swallows tracker* Pay up, loser. Echo: ...
Alex: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed. Echo: Echo: I'm gonna tell them. Jo: Don't you dare.
Echo: What time is it? Jo: I don’t know, pass me that saxaphone and we’ll find out Jo: *BLASTS the saxaphone* Alex: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXAPHONE AT TWO IN THE FUCKING MORNING Jo: It’s 2 am
Alex: Would you take a bullet for me? Echo: ...yes? *Jo angrily burst into the room* Alex: *running away* Great, thanks!
Jo: What makes you think it's okay to watch Hannibal given its subject matter? Echo: Sometimes, I watch television shows for entertainment purposes. Alex: Because I condone murder and cannibalism.
Alex: Welcome to Fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees? Echo: Bees? Alex: THEY HAVE SELECTED THE BEES! Echo: Wait- *Jo approaches, shaking a jar of bees menacingly*
Echo: Jo and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us. Alex: What did you do? Echo: Jo chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and- Jo: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel?
Jo: I lost Echo. Alex: How did you LOSE Echo?! Jo: To be fair, they are very small.
Echo: Who do we know that has handcuffs? Alex: Well Jo and I- Jo: *elbows Alex* Alex: ...wouldn't know.
Jo: What’s it like being tall? Jo: Is it nice? Jo: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? Alex: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want. Echo: It was one time!
Jo: I told Alex that their ears turn red when they lie. Echo: Do they? Jo: No. Echo: Then why did you tell them that? Jo: Because I can do this. Jo: Hey Alex! Do you love us? Alex, with their hands over their ears: No.
Jo: Is Alex always like this when they lose? Echo: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015. Alex: You bumped that table and you know it!
Alex: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Echo's birthday invitations. Jo: Well, what are they supposed to say? Alex: "Echo's birthday". Jo: So, what do they say instead? Alex: "Echo’s bi". Jo: Jo: Works out either way.
Echo: Alex got into a fight. Jo: That’s bad. Jo: Jo: Did they win?
Echo: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it? Jo: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?” Alex, scoffing: Oh, please. Jo, to Alex: Hey, how you doin’? Alex: Alex: *giggles and blushes*
Echo: That shirt looks great, Alex. Alex: Thanks. Echo: But I bet it would look even better on Jo's floor. Jo: Are you hitting on Alex... for me?
Echo: Hey, do you know the password to Alex’s computer? Jo: Fuck you, Echo. Echo: Hey!! Jo: No, you misunderstood, the password is "fuckyouEcho". Echo: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.
Jo: Hi, sorry I’m late. I was doing a couple of things and got distracted. Alex: I’m “a couple of things”. Echo: I’m “got distracted”.
*playing twister* Echo: Right hand red. Jo: *ends up on top of Alex* Alex: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Echo: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
Jo: Where are my fucking keys? Alex: Jo, Echo is around, can you say it a little nicer? Jo: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING KEYS?!
Alex: A sprite is anything not static. Echo: A sprite is a variable object, be it 2d or 3d. Jo: A sprite is a fucking soda. Jo: You god damn geekass bastards.
Jo: Echo! What did I tell you about lying? Echo, looking down: ...That it only works on Alex.
Echo: What are you writing? Alex: The government wants to know what kind of weapons we have in the house. I'm letting them know it's private information. Jo, looking over Alex's shoulder: This just says 'fuck around and find out' in calligraphy.
Echo: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?! Alex: Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long line of violence. Echo: Oh... Jo, from across the room: I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.
Alex: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like... a lawyer to you. Ok? Echo: Okay. *later* Jo: Echo! Sit down on the chair, you're in trouble. Alex, whispering: Deny everything. Echo, loudly: That isn't a chair.
Jo: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one. Alex: Erm... it’s nice see your smile when you win! *later* Jo: They're probably just staring at my ass, aren't they. Echo: Yeah, probably.
Echo: *speaking Spanish* Jo: I know, I know. Alex: You speak Spanish? Jo: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language Echo speaks.
Jo: Alex, what are you doing? Alex: Making chocolate pudding. Jo: It's four in the morning, why are you making chocolate pudding? Alex: Because I've lost control of my life. Alex: Here's your pudding, Echo. Echo: Oh that's okay, I'm not hungry anymore.
Alex: I know you love them. Echo: I am not in love with Jo! Alex, staring at Echo: I never said who... Echo: *realizes* Echo: Shit. Well, anyways-
Echo: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it’s doing to your body. Jo: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot. Echo: THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! Alex: Hmm... I've been drinking soda and my body's rust free... not sure where you're getting your facts from...
Jo: Yo dumbass, get over here. Echo: Okay- Alex: *gleefully runs past* I’m coming! Echo, sadly: I thought... I was dumbass...
Jo: But what about Alex? Echo: Don't worry about them. Echo: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their hotdog like nothing happened.
Echo: I hope you have an explanation for this. Alex: We have three actually- Jo: Pick your favorite.
Alex, to Echo: You know, Jo can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching. Alex: *blows airhorn at Jo* GET FUCKED!
Echo & Alex: *accidentally set the kitchen on fire* Echo: We need an adult! Alex: Echo, you are an adult! Echo: We need an adultier adult! Get Jo!
Jo: Are you a painting? Alex: What-? Jo: Because I want to pin you to a wall. Echo: OH GOD I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO SAY YOU WANTED TO HANG THEM OR SOMETHING-
Alex, bursting into the room: You two are having sex! Jo, not looking up from their book: Really? Echo, why didn’t you tell me? I would have put my book down.
Alex, excitedly: Heeyy!! Echo: Hey, someone's excited. Jo, deadpan: Yeah, and it's making me sick.
Echo: When Alex has daiquiris they get really into how beautiful they are. Alex: Hey, I dare you guys to dare us to make out. Jo: Hey Alex, you know that’s a mirror, right?
@chadillacboseman @roofgeese
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thekingsfortress · 4 years
Waiting for the right time
Word Count
3464 Words
Also this is my first Agere oop, please be nice ^^
Proof reading- who's she never heard of her-
It had been a long week for Janus, he had to calm down Patton from his little rampage, he had to try and convince Roman that he wasnt all that bad, which didn't work at all, and on top of it, he revealed his name.
At the moment he kinda regretted sharing his name, he wasn't ready to share it, not at all, however he felt it necessary to get thomas to just listen to him, and lo and behold, it worked! However, because he made himself so vulnerable, he left himself wide open to Romans laughter.
He knows he shouldn't have said what he had said to him, he knew how insecure the other got, but he couldn't help it, the other just mad him so angry!!! He felt like he needed to protect himself... but- but.. he ended up hurting the other.
He knew he should go and apologize... but he really didn't want to, the other started it so why should he Apologize first!
He shakes his head, holding it in his hands, he had to stop thinking like that... he knows that if he kept it up, he would end up regressing.. he can't afford to do that, it was too soon after the video, he had to make sure no one would come for him.. he also really didn't wanna.. he was always too lonely when he regressed, it's not like he could help it, he knows if he told the others.. they would just laugh.. just like how they laughed at his name.
Janus sighs, glancing around the room, trying to find something to focus on so that he wouldn't lose himself to his other half. He hears a knock on his door and gets up, going over and opening it.
Staring at him was the light blue side everyone knew as Patton, Janus hums, he can't say he didn't expect a visit from the light side, he knew sooner or later the other would come, he WAS basically accepted by Thomas now, so it was only time before the dad side decided to pay him a visit.
Janus tried to keep his composure and looks at the light side, clearing his throat, "good evening Patton, what do I owe the pleasure for such an intelligent, like minded individual such as yourself to come visit a dark, visious, evil, side like me?" He questions, plastering on a smirk.
"You aren't evil Janus" Patton says, using the sides real name, making said side flinch just a bit, he was definitely going to get used to that.
"Ahah, alright, whatever you say, however, you still haven't answered my question" Janus rolls his eyes a little, glancing at his gloves, his thumb picking at his fingers just a bit.
"Oh, well I was wonderingggg if you would like to uhhhh- join in on movie night with me and the others!" Patton grins happily.
Janus's eyes sparkle for a small second, movies!!! With the light sides! Did that mean candy and popcorn and- wait no! Stop!!! You clearly can't join if you are going to be like this!!!
Janus shakes his head for a bit, not noticing the concerned look on Pattons face, "kiddo?" The fatherly side questions.
Janus's head snaps up at the nickname, confusion on his face, Patton had never called him kiddo, not even once! He awhs a bit, he felt his chest swell up with joy at the nickname, but he pushed that aside, "what?" He questions.
"Is something wrong?" Patton asks, "you looked a bit dazed out when I asked you to join.. you seemed happy at first but then just stopped?"
Janus curses under his breath, "I-I'm fine, it's nothing, I just have a few things I need to get done with.."
Patton pouts a little, "awhhhh! You can't even spare one night?" He asks
"Nope! Too much work, I'm sorry Patton but this is a matter between life or death!" Janus nods to himself, forcing himself not to giggle at that little statement- damnit! That sounded too kiddish!!!!
It did make Patton giggle though, "okay kiddo, just know you're welcomed if you want to come okay?" He asks.
"Yeah, I know... now go watch your movies" Janus rolls his eyes, smirking a little.
Patton beams and nods, leaving the room and running back up the stairs to the light side.
Contrary to the light sides belief, Janus could hear all their voices, all their happiness, it made him feel every bit lonelier.
Janus bites his lip, maybe he can.. indulge his urges just for a tinyyyyy bit, but only a little!!!! And only cuz a side already talked to him! He doubts anyone else will come to see him again for the night.
Janus goes over to his nightstand and slides it a bit before pulling back a floorboard and pulling out a tiny box, he opens it and pulls out his plus snake and coloring books, he doesn't have anything else.. he can't summon much things like how the others can..
He does have a snake onesie though!!!! The thought of his snake onesie just makes him really really excited, he lets out little giggles and runs over to his closet and reaches to the far far back, he pulls it out and smiles.
The little one struggles to take off his clothes, whining a little, he does eventually get them off, however, trying to pull the onesie on was a totally different problem.
You see, Janus has been repressing his headspace for way too long, and when he finally decided to indulge in it this time, he slipped really fast, and not only that, but he slipped to a very young age, making him struggle immensely.
The bab sniffles, whining, he was really confused, which hole went where. He ended up guessing a few times and had ended up getting it on, although not zipped. It took him probably 10 tries just to get the onesie on. The zipper still remained down though, he tried zipping it but it got stuck! But.. it wasn't that bad, at least he got most of it on.
He goes over to his coloring books and grabs the strawberry shortcake one, he then grabs his 120 pack of crayons and his snakey and lays on the floor, he begins to color while listening to the others laugh from upstairs, from inside his room.
Janus slowly brings a thumb to his mouth, whimpering quietly, he sniffles a little, he wanted to be with the others, but he knew the others wouldn't accept him, they would just laugh at him..
The child tries to focus on his coloring book until he's finishing coloring his page, he smiles when he finishes and holds it up giggling, he gets up, ready to find someone to hang it up on a fridge.. before he realized, oh yeah.... he didn't have anyone...
He heard more laughter coming from upstairs and felt tears well in his eyes before he rubs them away, he gotta be a big kid, he couldn't bother the grown ups, they'd only get upset at him, he didn't wanna make them upset..
Janus gets up, thumb properly positioned in his mouth as he goes over to the tv, he turns it on like a big boy and ploped back on the floor, grabbing the controller, he looks at the pretty colors of Netflix and Hulu, he knew which colors associated with which and picked Hulu, it had Henry hugglemonster on it!!!
Janus giggles a little and plays the show, holding his stuffed snake in his arms and singing along or more like babbling along to the tune. After about 2 episodes of that he gets up, he was hungry... but he knew he couldn't go out... cuz if he went out, the others would know.. unless he bes sneaky! Maybe he can have icecream!!!!
Janus makes it his goal to be sneaky and get nummy icecream, he gets up and makes his way to the stairs, when he looks up however, he becomes a bit scared, it was so far up.. what if he trips and falls?
B-But.. But Icecream-
Janus bites his lip and takes in a deep breath, for the honor of icecream!!!!
He starts to climb the stairs, holding his stuffed snake tightly in his arms, trying to be as quiet as possible, occasionally putting a finger to his lips as if the snake could make any sound.
Once he makes it up the stairs he quietly opens the door, happy that it doesn't make a sound, also happy that the kitchen is just right there.. though.. that meant the living room was right there too..
Janus bites his lip, maybe he couldn't get icecream.. b-but maybe he could get oreos!!!! Oreos are the second best.
Keeping his giggles down, the boy moves fast to try and get oreos, the only problem was that he didn't know where they were and if the lights had them in the first place.
Janus starts with the bottom cubborts, being extra quiet, holding his snake tightly, crawling from cubbort to cubbort, but all that was in the bottom cubborts were pans and sink supplies an dumb stuff like that.
The mentally two year old pouts before looking up, giggling quietly before covering his mouth, he looks at the couch to see if anyone heard but no one turned their heads.
Alright!!! Time to continue with his plan! He climbs onto the counter shakily but also trying to be quiet, thankful that the movie the light sides were watching was really loud.. at least to him.. his ears were sensitive. So he thought that just because it was loud to him it was loud to the others to.
And yes- he did gotta climb on the counter, he was the shortest side an couldn reach, shuddup.
The boy pulls the cubbort open quietly, finding no oreos which made him pout quietly, he went to another cubbort and pulls it open, and no luck, he whines quietly, feeling his tummy rumbling, lip trembling, there was no oreos and there wasn't anything good to eat...
Janus pouts a little ready to give up till he sees one more cubborr he hasn't opened, he goes over to it, still standing on the counter and opens it quietly... wellll... theres no oreos button
There isssss Crofters!!!!
Janus gasps excitedly, maintaining quiet and grabbing the jar, he doesn't have difficulty opening it as it had been opened before it seems. It was definitely still a new jar, barely eaten out of, well until the mentality 2 year old sits on the counter, eating it with his bare hands.
The others didn't even notice that Janus was in their kitchen until Logan got up and was going to call it a night, when he seen dee eating HIS crofters, the others were quick to look where logan was looking.
Janus wasn't paying any attention to the others, he was just eating the yummy jam stuff, it was really really nummy.
Logan was furious, he makes his way over to the snake side, "hey!" He calls, scaring the life out of the bab who dropped the jar out of fear, making it shatter all over the ground.
Logan gasps as he sees the jar drop, he looks up even more angry, "what do you think you're doing!!! That was my crofters!!!" Logan exclaimed
"Logan be nice, you can share!"
"Not when he sticks his saliva filled hands into my crofters jar!!"
"Loga-" Patton starts, but stops when he hears crying, he turns to face the deceitful side, face full of shock, he did not expect this to happen.
Logan and Patton were now staring at a red faced crying Janus, it made both the sides super confused.
Virgil and Roman were also watching confused from the background, Roman a bit more frustrated that the side had came and ruined everything again!
Patton suddenly takes notice of the others attire and the plus he was holding close, listening as the boy sobs out i'm sorries.
Patton suddenly knows what's going on and so does Logan, suddenly feeling very very guilty.
Patton goes over to the child, and gently rubs a hand through his hair, "hey Jan?" He questions quietly
The sobbing child doesn't answer, trembling with the fear of getting caught and the fear of getting in trouble, he was still saying sorry over and over.
Patton quietly gets down to the others hight, even though he was sitting on the counter, patton may be the second shortest but he still was a few inches taller then jan.
"Sweetie, its okay, hey hey, in 4, hold 7, out 8, remember buddy?" Patton asks, also tapping out the pattern on the others back just in case.
Janus sobs still, but he can feet the pattern on his back and knows what to do, he inhails for 4, holds for 7 but it breaks off of 8, he was about to sob harder until patton gave him a quick assurance.
"You're doing good buddy, can we try that again hon?" He asks.
Janus nods quietly and tries again, and after a few minutes, he's doing alright, theres still tears falling down his face, but at least he wasn't panicking.
Patton smiles softly. "There we go buddy" he says gently, "do you wanna tell me what happened hon?" Patton asks in his best caretaker voice he can muster, usually Logan was the one to do this with him, but he feels like Logan wouldn't be the best at this at the moment.
"Got scawed" Janus slurs over his words sniffling, rubbing at his eyes.
"Why's that buddy?" He asks again.
"Got cawght and was bein bad" he sniffles.
"Aw kiddo, you weren't being bad" Patton says gently, running a hand through his hair.
"Uh-huh! I stow wogans cofters!" He exclaims, his little voice showing.
"Well that is a problem isn't it" Patton says making Janus nod through tears, "but I'm sure Logan can forgive you can't he?" Patton asks, looking at Logan who was watching the scene with guilt, not realizing he was being spoken too.
"Can't he" Patton nudges him, making his eyes widen, he nods, "O-Oh yes, Janus, I apologize for frightening you, it was not my intention, however, next time you want to steal my crofters, you could just asks" Logan says.
Janus looks up at him then at Patton, "M' Not in twouble?" He asks.
"Of course not! It was an accident kiddo" Patton says gently.
Virgil and Roman were watching the whole scene in confusion, why was Janus acting like a little kid? Why was Patton and Logan not questioning this? What was going on?
"Um.. Padre?" Roman calls after clearing his throat.
Patton looks over at him, "whats up kiddo?" Patton asks, tilting his head.
"What is going on? Why are you treating deceit like a kid?" Roman asks both his and Virgils questions.
Upon realizing that Patton did treat him like a kid, Janus awhs, did he know, was he gonna tell them.
"I'm afraid I can't answer that, Janus will tell you when he decides to, I'm sorry kiddos" Patton says, glancing at the boy behind him, looking at the older with awh.
Virgil looks at Logan who shakes his head, the two decide to drop it and face back to the tv.
"I think Logan and I are going to head to bed kiddos, you two don't stay up long now okay?" Patton asks
"Yes Pat" both Virgil and Roman answer.
Patton turns to Janus then to Logan, "Lo, can you clean up the glass while I go clean Jan up?" He asks
Logan nods, "sure Pat" he says, smiling softly.
"Hey Jan"
The boy looks at him, hugging his stuffy tight, getting jam all over it.
"Can I pick you up buddy"
He nods and even makes grabby hands to Patton.
Patton smiles and gently picks him up, he didn't know what he was expecting, but he was definitely NOT expecting Janus to be so light, was the boy eating right? It just added to the list of concernes he had for the other.
Patton brings the other upstairs and into the bathroom, "can you stay here for a bit kiddo?" Patton asks.
Janus looks up, he nods a little, Patton runs to his room and grabs an oversized tee and some shorts for the other, he then bites his lip, he didn't know if the other needed them, but he decided to bring them just in case.
Patton comes back to see the boy still sitting where he put him, Patton smiles, "look at you" Patton chuckles, making the younger giggle.
Patton then runs the bath and puts bubbles in for the younger, he knew that he himself liked bubbles so he assumed the other liked bubbles as well, and he was correct in his assumption, after asking the other for permission to give him a bath, the other had ended up having a giggle fit with the bubbles, he absolutely adored them, making himself a fake beard and other things, Patton even gave the baby a few toys to play with.
He was definitely overjoyed, he didn't even realize when Patton had cleaned him all up, except for his hair, when patton said to close his eyes.
Yes he was sad to get out, but he was also very tired.
"Hey Jan sweetie, I never asked before, because it was a bit chaotic, but how old are you hon?" Patton asked.
Janus held up 2 fingers but then looked at one, he held up 1, not quite sure, he was about 1 and a half now, and Patton smiles softly, he assumed the other might be on the younger spectrum, he smiles, "wow, such a big boy!" Patton smiles, makimg the little giggle happily, rubbing his eyes.
"Now Jan, I have another question for you buddy" Pat says
Janus whines quietly, he was getting tired, "I know, I know, but uh.. buddy, do you wet the bed at nights"
Janus flushes a little a whines, but he nods slightly.
Patton gently rubs his back, "its alright bud, its okay, you don't have to feel bad about it, its totally okay, I'm just going to need you to wear a diaper bud" Patton says gently, earning another whine of protest.
"I know, I know, but we don't wanna wet the bed do we?" He questions, with that thought in mind, the boy shakes his head no, making Patton smile in sympathy, "alright buddy, lets get you changed then" Pat says gently.
Pattom had to lay Janus's other pajamas to go to the washer, and thankfully Janus's snake was easy to clean without having to go into the wash, Patton would hate to hear the boy cry again, he's already been through so much In one day.
Patton changes the boy into the clothes and diaper he brought just in case and hands him his now clean snake and smiles, he picks up the boy, and holds him tight, but not too tight.
Logan was coming upstairs right as Patton came outta the bathroom with Jan in his clothing.
Logan smiles sympathetically and the child, noticing what he was wearing, though he pretended not too.
"How was bath time?" He asks both of them.
Janus snuggles against Patton titedly while Patton smiles softly, "he had quite a journey, although I think its time to put the little one to sleep" he says, smiling at the side.
Janus was already half asleep by the time Patton said those words.
Logan smiles softly, "seems so, we should go lay him down in his room" he suggests.
That seemed to wake the bab up just a little as he starts sniffling, "noooo!!" He whines quietly, hugging tightly to Patton.
Patton smirks, "you heard the boy, he said no so no's the answer" Patton chuckles.
Logan rolls his eyes and chuckles, "alright, your room then Pat?" Logan asks.
Patton nods, "my room" he says
They both walk to Pattons room, Patton lays Jaus in the middle while he gets on the right and Logan on the left, it was the first time Logan and Pat had company, but they found that they didn't mind one bit, especially when it was an adorable little snake just wanting some cuddles.
Janus obviously stayed more against Patton during the night, but during the days to follow, and the more he regressed, he found that he didn't mind Logan either, only time would tell when he would tell the other too, but for now, he only wanted his two caretakers, and one playmate.
The end
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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A final fantasy fanfiction for my oc and her family.
Characters: Cor Leonis, Laura lucis caelum (my oc), Dariolus Amicitia(my oc)
 My national language is not English. I apologize for the spelling and grammar mistakes.
I can't find a good name for my story and probably changed its name.
When your flesh and blood are mixed with pain and you are nurtured with it, you dedicate your whole being to those who were trying to improve your suffering by touching their love. What's wrong with you? It does hurt to lose these loved ones, even thinking about it bothers you. At that time .. you grab everything to stop the destiny .. like a bird stuck in a cage and trying for freedom, you knock yourself on the door and the wall to find a way ... and if you find it. Nothing can stop you, even if it is a God!
Part 1:
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The city was drained of fire and blood. All the people were fleeing under the brutal barrage of gray soldiers of smoke and fog, but many were in pain and death. The magical wall that had settled a hundred years of peace in itself was gone. The beautiful city of Insomnia was rapidly decaying, and the gorgeous crystal trapped in its white heart with the chains hanging between the earth and sky. Eventually, Alderkapt got his dirty wish. An army of glaives .. a traitor who gazed at this destruction with a smile !! The sun was moving rapidly to the horizon to not see this bloodshed. I was dragged here and there in the midst of this devastating storm. I have asked Dario many times to let me go. My dad needed me, but he said I wasted my time. I knew ... I was touching my father's death, Dario was trying to figure it out in a closed and I wasn't so dumb as to not understand it. Everywhere in the palace was taken the MTs and the soldiers. I was sure I could handle kill them. But Dario thought it was just a show to figure out where we were! However, this was not the whole story. We have been identified. By some MTs that have thermal visibility, probably! Because they were attacking us precisely, even though we were behind the wall. As soon as they attacked, Dariolus shielded himself and sent me back. He didn't have the strength and the empty hand tried to get those MTs out of the way! Like many other glaives, he had magic attached to my father ... and his lack of magic was a strong sign of the king's death. I don't mean to be so stupid that I wouldn't cry over knowing my dad's death. no !! That was not true. My discomfort was severe, but it was never free of emotions! I showed my sword and run to Dariolus:
"Get down !!"
Dario's quick reaction to my side made it easier and faster to separate those two MTs from their heads! I seized my sword and got worried about Dariolus' arm:
" Are you injured?"
He wrapped his arms around me to better protect me:
" It was on time! So don't worry, let's go!"
As he held me in his arms, he began to run, and so did I. The majestic palaces of the citadel were filled with blood and corpse. And it was nothing but torment for the soul! The sound of a rocket colliding with a building nearby prompted me to listen and sit with Dario for a moment. Because of the ultrasonic wave of the explosion, the windows of the corridors break down and throw at us. Dario's hands could not fully protect me and broken pieces of glass injured my body and Dario's hand. I had it, but I took it in my mouth. Dario quickly pulled those glasses out of his arm and knelt down on me, his worried look on the jars dying my blood, his anxious eyes staring directly at me:
"It's Nothing. Take a deep breath, okay?"
My eyes went to the blood coming from his arm. This guy was completely sacrificing himself for protected me!! How could I weep and cry for these efforts like a spoiled baby girl? I looked at him again. I smiled at him, a smile that was unending pain:
"Get it out, boy! Don't you guys say I'm scared !!"
Holding my hand with his hand to release those jars freely, pressing his hand to ease my pain! I was determined not to get it, but when he pulled out the first glass, I was overwhelmed by the intensity of pain. And so he pulled out the rest. I felt like my flesh was cut with those pieces of glass. And again it was Dario's hands that surrounded me. I got up in my place fast, but my body was cold because of the pain and stress I had. Dario clearly felt this as he took off his leather jacket and dropped it on my shoulders. I turned my head towards him and tried to oppose him, but I felt no time to shout! I was so slowed down by the weakness that Dario ran and slapped me behind him. Sometimes he would have to find a safer route for me to leave, but no way was safe. Suddenly he opened the first room we were near and he sent me in first and then he himself! I was staring at him. We remained silent for a while. He stood behind the door to see if the corridor was open. But it didn't take long for me to come:
"That's useless. We must go the secret way !!"
I turned my head around the room with my eyes! I went to the walls of the room to find out exactly where the secret was !! I held my hand close to the wall and hoped. But there was nothing !! I desperately turned to Dariolus:
"This room has no path!"
he pressed his lips and look at me. He was worried and this was clearly visible on his face. You weren't scared. Maybe you were scared. He was afraid that he couldn't defend me or something happened to me !! I wanted to calm his down, but again the sound of the explosion forced us to sit on the floor! I turned my head to the broken window. We had to get out of the building, otherwise, it wouldn't be clear! It seems as if he is thinking like me as he rushes to grab my arm and hand:
"Come, Laura !!"
I got up in pain and ran after him. He stepped up and kicked the window so hard it fell in place and fell into the balcony! He went out first to make sure there was no danger and pulled me out! He went to the fences and stared at the balcony of the armchair!
" We have to go that way."
Before he could finish his spoke, I hugged his back and knocked Pointe Warp down, both landing on the balcony. I leaned on my hand until I got up. The pain was much worse and my resistance was useless. I left myself on the floor and wrapped myself in:
"damn it!!"
"Wait for us to leave here, okay? stand up!"
Underneath my arm, he grabbed me for a millennium and lifted me up. I didn't disagree and stood. My gaze stared at insomnia that burning in the fire. The attack on the monster and the cannon fighters had the same thing on the ground. Dario was looking for a way to go down, and I was staring at a city that my father had for himself for years to protect it, but now he was gone and his city was burning and burning! I turned my head to Dario and went to him"
"Let me jump, Dario, I can get you off the ground !!"
He looked at me a little. He wanted me to confirm my word. But I don't know why he attacked me. My arm tightened and threw me to the side. I slipped on the rocks on the balcony floor and quickly turned around to figure out the reason for it, but ... My eyes were wide open in amazement. I was shocked to see his face. Blood was coming from his corner and he was smiling !! I was so shocked that I couldn't get up. A piece of iron was torn off his back and struck out of his chest. Dario's red blood slipped from that iron and slipped into the ground slowly. My face shriveled with anxiety and shouted with all my might:
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But he didn't answer me. His eyes were closed and he was left behind. Its release was equal to its fall from the ruined balcony !! I ran to him with heavy sadness and boundless panic and jumped from the balcony. I took the tension with a single point warp and landed on the ground again with another point warp. He was on my huge but his eyelids were closed. I couldn't control my emotions, my voice was shaking but there was no crying yet ... I shook his head to open his eyes:
"D-Dariolus ..!"
The pale smile opened his bloody lips. His breaths were hard to release but he barely spoke:
"Protect you ...was the biggest .. h-honor ..for me! Get out.. from ... the city ...!"
His head dropped on my hand. My gaze was still staring at his face, I hesitated to catch his pulse. He was gone, just against my eyes. Hearing the loud roar of the invading monsters I jumped into myself. I left Dario on the floor. By the way .. that iron was in his chest and I couldn't pull it out! I got up from my place and ran with all my might. I knew so much that my lungs were short of breath. My dad died.. and a close friend of thirty years had injected into my heart so much that I didn't feel any pain in my body. I reached the parking lot at the palace. My eyes wouldn't calm down, but it wasn't time. However, I had no control over this negative and painful feeling. I grabbed my car's cover and pulled it over to the other cars and sat inside. By touching the car scanner, I turned it on and left the palace as fast as it could. I left, I abandoned everything .. my father .. Dariolus. I took a deep breath and raised the recording. Until I hear the sound of these explosions. Dragging the car left and right, I was trying to save myself from the crumbs. Nobody knew where I was or no one was following me !! my gaze stared at the road, After all ... after many years of tears, I let myself go out. My face was cold and soulless, and my father's voice, as well as Dario's, rang in my ears. Unlike the past ... I had enough power to turn my sadness into hatred and a motive for revenge !! I took a deep breath and swallowed my cry. I needed both senses and speed to get out of Insomnia. Crying would not make anyone alive for me !!
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I kept the car next to the fuel station. I took my hat off the chair and put it on my head. I brushed my hair through the hole in his back to keep it fixed. I didn't want my face to be known ... it was easier that way! I turned off the car and went downstairs, handed over the burning to the person in charge of the station, took my passer-by bag from my pocket, and went to the small market in the station, got a can of ice cream, a packet of biscuits and then got back in the car. As soon as I sat down and closed the door, my cellphone was connected. I looked at the monitor and saw its number! It was Cor. slowly started the car and threw it on the road. As soon as I left, I replied:
"Yes, dear?!"
"Where are you? are you okay?"
I paused and replied:
"Yes. I'm coming to you."
"Your sound is vibrations!"
I paused again, and my voice's trembling was due to my weakness:
" Where are you?"
"In the camp"
"Before dawn..."
Before I could finish my speech, the road and the car both turned around my head. I closed my eyelids and squeezed:
" I'll get it myself!"
"Stay where you are, Laura! Characteristic that the situation is not good!"
"There is only half an hour left!"
" The situation may get worse, you may have an accident! Dariolus isn't ahead!?"
Dario .. I took a deep breath and drank some coffee, pressed my foot on the accelerator pedal, and increased my speed to complete the half-hour route in a quarter:
" No, he.."
Not continuing my sentence, Cor understands what I wanted to say. He answered in a low voice:
"I'm sorry."
And answered shorter than he:
" I'll see you soon!"
I didn't wait for his answer because I knew that Goodbye don't memorize and this tradition is not in his culture at all. I drank coffee again so I could control my dizziness. There was a long way to go, 12 hours of driving with bleeding .. How was I alive? !! I laughed a little and wiped the cold sweat on my forehead with the back of my hand. Even Dario's coat couldn't take the cold off my body anymore. I turned on the car's heating system so that I could keep my eyelids open by warming my body. I was numb from the pain and my body was completely numb. For the first time, I held the pheromone of the car with both hands so that I could maintain the balance of the car at that high speed. And finally, that damn road and that long journey came to an end. I turned the car on the dirt road and made my way to the camp, parked the car behind the tents and turned it off, got out of it, and leaned on it. The first person who came to me was Monica. Apparently, she was able to escape from Insomnia. She stood in front of me and said something I didn't understand at all. My ear was whistling and it was as if a song had been sung in my head. I just smiled, but that smile soon faded. I could no longer control my body, felt the ground collapse under my feet and I fell to the ground with my eyes closed involuntarily!
Monica's gaze was on the colorless face of her princess:
"My Lady??"
She wondered why The princess didn't answer. Seeing her sudden fall to the ground, anxiety and horror settled in Monica's eyes. She reacted quickly and grabbed Laura's head and held it before hitting the ground. She sat down next to her and hugged her. By slowly, slapped one side of her face:
" Majesty??"
But Laura's lack of response to Monica's requests was nothing short of disgusting! She put her hand on Laura's side so that she could lift it more easily, which noticed the warmth and wetness of her clothes. She slowly brought her hand out and stared at it. Her princess was bleeding, she turned her head to the few Glaives that was watching them, she almost raised her voice:
" Don't stop there, let's take princess inside the tent !!"
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He came out of his tent because of the noise in the camp, He couldn't focus on his work., he was also worried about why Laura wouldn't arrive, he knew her well !! Laura is driving so fast and professional that according to her calculations, she should be here now! He turned his head slowly to where the glaives were going. Very seriously and keeping his style, he turned his head to see what had happened. Laura's car was there !! And that was the only thing that was recognizable to Cor! His usual frown grew thicker and he walked towards the group that had gathered. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly. Slowly, he pulled the glaives aside and stood in front of Laura! Seeing her unconscious face, his anxiety was hidden in his frown! He sat down next to Monica and caressed Laura with his hands and got up. As the marshal got up, the glaives opened the way for him to pass sooner! Monica got up at the foot of the marshal and followed him to receive the orders given! Cor started at Laura's face again for a moment. She was so pale that even a child could tell how bad she was. Invisibly, he pressed Laura to his huge and placed her hanging head-on his shoulder slowly:
"Potion, first aid, potion! Soon Monica"!
"Yes, sir!"
It was Monica who answered firmly and explicitly. She distanced herself from Cor in order to provide these devices sooner! From there, Cor had taken Laura to his tent. Her cold body lay on the bed and stretched her legs, pulled Dariolus' jacket out of tension and threw it down on the bed, put his chair next to the bed, and sat down. He raised his hand and gently caressed Laura's hair, which was irregularly spread on her face:
"Laura? do you hear me?"
He called out to her in the hope that if she woke up, her place would be safe and well. But Laura was completely in Report. She had no consciousness, not even a small amount! It didn't take long for Monica to enter The marshal tent. She had a box in her hand and had the help and first aid, stood next to The marshal in a military-style:
Cor paying attention to Monica at that moment, he took one of the potions. he put his hand on Laura's abdomen slowly and turned it slightly towards himself. He used one potion, but he was not satisfied with one and knocked on the second potion on her. The same whimper caused both Cor and Monica to calm down. Laura lay down on the bed again:
"Go make something strong for her, Monica!"
"Yes, sir! Should i have soup?"
"It does not count!"
" Obedience."
She left the tent with military respect. She was wondering what kind of soup to make, which is suitable for the princess! Cor's gaze was still on Laura's face. Monica was told what had happened. He knew he had lost his friends... and he was sad that he couldn't be there to serve! At least Laura's life was news to alleviate some of his pain. He took a deep breath and slowly got up! He wanted to go to the maps to give the new orders to the soldiers and their hunters, but he stopped again with a slow moan of Laura. He turned and stared at her again. It was as if she was regaining consciousness! He came back next to her until she felt better:
"Come on .. You ar safe now!"
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