#I drew this for my friend who gave me 6$
bitter-rayjay · 3 months
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vacayisland · 6 months
Could you do a John Dory x Retired Singer/Musician Reader? Pls and thank you
(I loved meet the wifie I fucking cackled at "imma beat his ass!")
@!; Oldies are always better. John Dory / Retired! Reader
"Tag List"! @writergal02 @chamille-trash @valvalentine69 @starzwithapen @ykvlanq @apieceofcathair3 @kitthefanfickat
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ꨄ︎. You were a big alt-indie musician, making music that tended to have a little bit of everything; the funk and beat of the funk tribe and the techno tribe, the guitar riffs and drum solos from the rock tribe, some classical instruments as undertones, and pop-like lyrics and beats. All the while you also put your own spin on it. Music had always been an outlet for you, always allowed you to take what was in your head and thread it into sound for everyone to hear. Sometimes it was chaotic, sometimes it was mellow, and it always depended on your mood when writing, composing, and singing. It's usually was drew people to your music. It was down to Earth, yet also complex and simple at the same time. Those who wanted to dive into the meaning of your music and dissect it would find multiple layers, many undertones that all harmonized. Those who just wanted to vibe out to your music could do that as well.
ꨄ︎. When you had left your career behind, it wasn't because of anything bad. You left with one final song in which explained that you were stepping down to let the new generation to find their own flow, to let other people take the stage, to be able to sit back and enjoy everything that will come in the future. You were only around 24 when you put down your guitar for the final time for the public; But you never gave up music for good on your own. While you never published anything anymore, you kept writing and composing for yourself as it was truly your passion.
ꨄ︎. This is when JD found you, playing in a friend's cafe. You had caught his attention right away, so much so he didn't hear the waiter when he had asked for JD's order. He was honestly so captivated by you for a moment he wondered if you were some sort of siren. He soon realized, yeah no you weren't, you just were really, really good. And he needed your number, badly. And that sounded a little creepy, but when you see someone who's not only good looking but knows how to sing and play an instrument all in one? You don't miss that chance to talk them up, and JD was defiantly not missing his chance!
ꨄ︎. JD didn't see a ring on your finger, it was fair game for him. Luckily you hadn't been seeing anyone at the time, but you still gave him a reality check after he approached you as though he was the coolest guy on the planet; Introducing himself before using some sort of cheesy pick up line to get your number. "Hey, babe, my name is John Dory and you seem rather lonely. You know, I can fill that 'me' shaped hole in your heart if you give me your number!" And then he winked!? Your friend was flabbergasted. You thought he was really brave.
ꨄ︎. And you hate to admit that his stupid pick-up line (which didn't even seem like a pick-up line!) actually worked and he got your number. (And he would be so smug and proud about this fact for the rest of his life.)
ꨄ︎. You two talked for a few months before making anything official, and then you waited about a year or two before you two even thought about moving in together. Even so, by 6 months of dating you basically lived in Rhonda; Your stuff littered his home, you had your own set of clothes there, your own toothbrush, and even your own house slippers. Then when you moved in, it felt natural. It felt like this was where you were always meant to end up and somehow the planets aligned. And for some reason JD never noticed the fact you brought in an electric guitar, which also sat in your shared closet. Sometimes you wonder if he's just stupid or a little blind, because he's also seen your play.
ꨄ︎. Either way, one day when he was hoisting his brothers over (after the whole Floyd situation got resolved, and god you were kind of glad you were staying with friends during all of that; not because you didn't like his brothers but because you didn't think you could handle meeting his family during that whole situation.) when they heard you playing your guitar in the bedroom. You weren't doing anything fancy, mostly tuning the guitar and making sure the strings didn't need to be replaced. But, of course, that always had to include one of your most iconic guitar riffs from a song about fighting your crushing mentality during the lowest part of your career. "Holy shit dude, I didn't know your lover listened to (Y/N)!" Branch would be the first to comment, being the most diverse music listener in the family. Floyd, who had been distracted by the riff, perked up at the conversation and nodded in agreement. JD only gave them a confused look, leaning against his kitchen counter, "Dude, my lover is (Y/N)?" And JD wasn't sure what to expect, but it wasn't all four of his brothers stopping and staring at him completely baffled. Mostly Floyd and Branch, who soon yelled a rather loud, "WHAT?!" "What?!" Which only confused JD more.
ꨄ︎. You hadn't met JD's family before this point, but you've heard all about them; Not only from JD, when he told you about his band days, and when you heard them around the trailer when they would come over. Usually you stayed in the bedroom, not to be rude yet to just let JD have his time with his brothers. Yet, you couldn't understand what all the yelling was about, "Yo, Que te pasa? Why the hell are you guys yelling?" You would ask, poking your head out of the door to the bedroom. Your expression tired, your hair messier, yet you could care less at this moment; You were sure JD's brothers wouldn't mind, they would see you worse later on since you were planning to stay with that big doofus. "Oh my god-" You flinched when Floyd dropped the cup he was holding, his jaw dropping upon seeing you; And honestly, for a second, you forgot you used to be a big artist. "John Dory," You started, startled by the reactions his brothers were giving, "Vas a decirme lo que esta pasando ahora mismo."
ꨄ︎. JD is always a little intimidated when you speak Spanish, mostly because his Grandma used to scold him and his brothers in Spanish. So he only explained (rather quickly) how his brothers had heard you tuning your guitar in the bedroom and how they just got weird. And that's when Branch defended himself, along with Floyd, how JD never told them that you were his lover! "And what's it to you that I love your brother?" You shot back quick and snappy, crossing your arms as you shot a glare their way. You weren't above throwing hands with JD's brothers. Floyd noticed the way JD glanced away, sipping his coffee. He was quick to stand up, placing a hand on Branch's shoulder to calm him, before explaining the whole situation to you better; Saying how Branch and Floyd were just big fans of your music and they didn't realize that you were with JD, because no matter how much JD spoke about you he never told them that you were his lover.
ꨄ︎. "Oh, Mierda lo siento." God, this made things a little awkward, "I thought you were about to be one of those horrible step-siblings that didn't like his brother's lover for some dumb reason like my hair." "What? No!-" "No, yeah, I see that now. My bad, really sorry." You mumbled, rubbing the back of your neck, "JD can be really, really dense sometimes, shut it John Dory!," You pointed a finger at JD before he could make a peep in protest about your slight insult, but it was made out of full love. "Let's start over, hi I'm (Y/n) and it's really nice to meet you."
ꨄ︎. Safe to say, JD forgot to tell his brothers that he was dating an old sensational artist...and kind of forgot you were one and was very shocked to realize this! Furthermore, you were a little flabbergasted when he revealed that some of BroZone's songs were influenced by your music. You would stare at JD after he confessed such a large secret, "Wow... that's a big insult." You mumbled sarcastically under your breath. "EXCUSE ME?!" But you guessed JD missed the sarcasm. "I'm being sarcastic, love. That's kind of sweet." Playfully rolling your eyes, you pressed a kiss into JD's cheek before turning back to his brothers. You crossed your legs, rested your elbow against your knee, and held your face in your hands. "Now about you four, how about we get to actually know each other. I'm planning to remain in this family after all..."
ꨄ︎. Safe to say that JD is wifing/husbanding/etc. you up really quick.
ꨄ︎. He still brags about how he first got your number and how he managed to 'snatch you up' before anyone else could. You told him he's too old to use new lingo and to stop, lovingly of course as you didn't want your 'husband' to embarrass himself. He melted hearing you call him husband before getting a bigger ego boost; And you had fun watching him terrorize his siblings while his ego was so inflated. You even jokingly did the whole 'I'm watching you' eyes to one of his brothers (Clay) as a silent threat that this is how you were always going to hand JD off to them like. He gave you the biggest (playful) stink eye ever. Yeah, you're going to fit right into this family.
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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kelcemenow · 3 months
Drive Me Crazy - Chapter 7.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 2041
Warnings Mentions of fainting/panic attack, this one has a little bit of an angsty theme to it, but there's still a bit of fluff at the end.
Huge thank you to the Anon who sent this in! They had such amazing words to say about my writing which I massively appreciate and then to top it off, had an incredible request for me! I only have experience with mechanics in the UK, so I’ve tried my best with this one! “I just recently got interested in Travis K. X reader stories and wanted to let you know, I read all of yours as quickly as I could. They are so well done and I couldn’t help but laugh/giggle and feel through each word you typed out. You’re doing amazing and I’m so glad to have stumbled onto your page. If you have any space for a request, I’d be curious about what Trav would think about having a military (like fighter pilot) or engineer or mechanic girlfriend. I see a lot of stories with him paired with models/singers/social media individuals (which are phenomenal!) but just wondering how he would be with a more tomboy like girlfriend!”
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"Wooooooh!" Your Dad bellowed as he raised his clenched fists into the air.
You glanced around the viewing box as a couple of other people were watching and smiling at him, "I'm sorry, he's really excited." You nodded.
"This is so awesome!" He beamed back at you, "I can't believe I'm here!"
You grinned and leaned in closer to him, straining your voice over the music, "Well, believe it, it's happening!"
Gripping your plastic tumbler of beer, your wide eyes scanned the stadium as thousands of fan poured into the stadium, filling their seats. There was a sea of red and white clad supporters below you, all anxiously waiting for the game to start. As you took a quick sip of your drink, a loud and low voice boomed in your ears.
"Ladies and gentlemen! Your Kansas City Chiefs!"
The stadium roared as several dozen pumped up men spilled out onto the field, running and jumping in the air to hype up the crowd. Your gaze danced around them until it finally settled onto Travis, who was jogging out close to Patrick, speaking in his ear. They stopped and Travis lifted his knee to begin warming up, his eyes checking the stands. When he finally looked in your direction, your stomach gave a flutter and he waved gently towards you.
Your Dad nudged you playfully with his elbow and you felt your cheeks flush bright red. The excitement built up in your stomach as the floor rumbled with noise, the atmosphere thick with anticipation. The Las Vegas Raiders were the Chiefs' biggest rivals, and with 71 wins against them behind their belts, the Chiefs were preparing for a another one to add to the list.
As the game began, you noticed that your eyes always seemed to drift to Travis. You were watching the game, but there was something about him that drew you in. He was showman, giving the crowd what they wanted and every play was a spectacle. Your Dad was fully immersed, shouting and cheering at every necessary opportunity and it warmed your heart to see him so happy. His kind eyes sparkled like a child at Christmas and by the time half time had rolled around, he had already made a friend in a gentleman next to him.
"Hey, Pop." You leaned closer to him and placed your hand on his shoulder, "I'm heading for another beer, do you want one?"
"Yes please, Sport." He reached into his jeans pocket, "And get one for my friend here."
You smiled and nodded, ducking out of the viewing box, grabbing your bag on the way out. As you paced through the corridors, the roaring sounds of the stadium surrounding you, you pulled your phone from your pocket to check Instagram. You scrolled a few times before your heart stopped as your eyes settled on a post. It was a photograph, although blurry, showing Travis leaning across a small table in a booth to kiss you. You swiped across where there was another picture of the two of you leaving the bar, your hand clasped in his and his gaze fixed on you. You hesitated for a second before tapping on the comments.
"He's dating her???? He can do better."
"I swear she serviced my car last week, not exactly girlfriend material."
"Travis should be dating someone waaay hotter than her."
"She's giving tomboy...and not in a good way."
Moisture quickly flooded your eyes and blurred your vision. You threw your phone back into your purse as you blinked hard, tears rolling down your cheeks. The crowd noises suddenly became muffled and you felt your chest become heavy, your breathing quickening it's pace.
"Are you okay?" A concerned voice said to your right.
You lifted your head as you stumbled back towards the wall, your fingers feeling the cool painted brick.
"Ummm...yeah, thanks." Was all you could manage through your dizzying haze, a numbing sensation spreading from your chest to your face. Your hands pressed against the wall behind you and kept you upright as your mind whirred with the words you had just read.
"Are you sure? I could go and get someone if-"
You sniffed loudly and wiped away some of the moisture that had stained your cheeks with the sleeve of your sweater, "No, no. Honestly, I'm fine. Thank you, anyway."
The stranger kept his gaze on you for a little longer, concern strewn across his face before disappearing around the corner of the corridor. You took some deep breaths, rubbing the underneath of your eyes a few more times before rolling your shoulders back and heading towards the bar.
You knew that you probably weren't Travis' usual type and the sudden attention was something you had been apprehensive about. But Travis had sucked you into his life, something drew you to him without your knowledge and now you were fully in the deep end. The comments had not only hurt your feelings, but had confirmed something you were afraid of. Rejection.
"What can I get for you?"
"He can do better."
"I'll take three beers please."
"Not exactly girlfriend material."
"Sure, coming up."
"Not in a good way."
The words span around in your mind, your chest becoming heavy again with your laboured breathing. Your fingers fumbled with the opening of your purse, trying desperately to find your wallet but your skin tingled, the numbness returning.
As the three plastic cups of beer were placed on the bar top in front of you, you noticed that your vision was blurring and you were becoming unsteady. You inhaled deeply in an attempt to secure as much oxygen as you could before your legs gave way and you found yourself slumped on the floor, your elbow throbbing in pain from hitting it against the hard walled surface behind you. Two bartenders rushed to your side, their faces appearing in your foggy vision with expressions filled with concern.
"I'm fine...I'm fine." You mumbled, holding your hands out to try and lift yourself from the ground.
"I think we should get someone." A bright female voice stated confidently, "Aaron, go and get someone from medical."
"Honestly, I'm fine."
She placed her hand firmly on your shoulder, "You're not going anywhere, okay? We going to get you looked at."
As you rested your head against the wall behind you, your eyes floated closed and a warm feeling filled your body, blackness drifting in.
"Really, I'm fine."
"That's all she keeps saying."
"Because I am!" You laughed, shaking your head and looking away.
"You hit your head."
"I hit my elbow."
The bartender had called for an Emergency Medical Technician to check you over, bringing you behind the bar and into the staff area as crowds were beginning to form in the bar during half time. Half time was over now though, and you could hear the game ramping up again.
The EMT continued to check your blood pressure, "Okay, okay. This will only take a few more minutes and we can see what's going on here. You see, people don't just collapse for no reason, Miss."
You rubbed your forehead, "I know. But I'm okay now, I just had a moment."
"Your blood pressure is quite high, this game must be really exciting."
You looked down at the floor, "Something like that."
"That could explain why you collapsed." The EMT furrowed his brow, his apprehensive gaze fully fixed on you, "Are you sure you're okay?"
You rolled your eyes slightly, "For the hundredth time, I'm fine."
The EMT glanced towards the female bartender and then back at you, "Okay. But I would suggest no more alcohol, and take it easy, alright?"
You quickly stood up from the chair, your mouth moving into a smile, "Two beers, please."
The rest of the game was exactly how you imagined it to be. The Chiefs fan's were traditionally loud and the players themselves ate it up. It was truly entertaining and whilst you didn't follow along completely, seeing Travis happy with his win warmed your heart. You didn't tell your Dad about your incident at the bar, instead lying and saying that you were gone a while due to a line at the restroom.
As the stadium began to empty, your Dad said his goodbyes to his friend as you pulled your jacket on. You quickly checked your phone, knowing it would be too early to hear from Travis and instead took a quick photo of the stadium.
"Come on, Sport." Your Dad called as he threw an arm around your shoulder, "I've had the best time!"
You smiled up at him, "I'm so pleased you've enjoyed yourself."
"Are you kidding me? At Arrowhead with my best girl, watching a Chiefs game in Travis Kelce's viewing box? I can die a happy man now,"
You poked him in the stomach, "Hey now. You know I hate it when you say that!" You drew in closer to him, "What do you wanna do now?"
He frowned down at you, "Are you not going to see Travis? Surely, you'll be okay to go to the locker room as congratulate him? Plus, I'd love to meet him and say thank you for the tickets."
"I don't know." You twisted your face as you absently glanced at your cell phone again, "I don't really know if I'm allowed."
You both meandered down the corridor before you spilled out into the crowd, following the natural flow of people out towards the exits. There was a natural buzz amongst the fans due to another win during an already great season but suddenly, the sound of a gentle commotion distracted your attention.
"What's going on there?" Your Dad asked curiously.
Bodies began moving quickly and cell phones were held high up in the air as people started to swarm towards one particular point.
"Travis!" "Travis Kelce!" "Hey, Travis!"
Your eyes widened as Travis pushed himself through the crowd, reaching out for your hands, "Hey, are you okay?"
"Uhhh...yeah. I'm fine." You licked your lips to ease your sudden dry mouth.
"Are you sure?" His hands moved to your arms, giving them a gentle squeeze as his eyes darted across your face, searching for any indication of injury.
"One of the medics told me you passed out?"
Your Dad edged his way closer to the pair of you, his eyebrows lowered, "Sorry, what was that?"
You sighed, displaying your clear exasperation, "I had a little moment at the bar during half time, I think I was just overwhelmed and I fell down, that's all."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Your Dad pursed his lips, disappointed that you had kept the truth from him.
"Because I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I'm fine."
"Are you okay?" Travis' hold on you was urgent, as if he didn't want to let you go.
"Travis. Like I said, I'm fine."
You were abruptly aware that a crowd of people had begun to gather, their attention fully on Travis. Looking across to him, you noticed that he was barely out of his kit, his pants and undershirt still on, his feet bearing socks instead of his cleats. His brow was glistening and his hands still had remnants of white tape covering them.
Travis detected your gaze, "I came out to find you as soon as I heard."
Your mouth moved into a soft smile, your heart skipping slightly, "That's really cute."
His eyes flickered down to your lips and you could swear you saw him go to lean in towards you before he realised that you had an audience. He straightened his shoulders and turned towards your Dad.
"It's really good to meet you, sir." Travis held his hand out, nodding his head.
Your Dad exhaled quickly in shock as his face flushed a deep crimson colour, "Oh, Mr Kelce. The pleasure is all mine." He took hold of Travis' hand and shook it enthusiastically.
You leaned towards Travis, moving your mouth slightly closer to his ear, "Dad's a big fan."
Travis turned his head, checking the crowds before pulling your Dad in for a hug, "How's about we all head to the locker room and meet some people, huh?"
Will I ever post new chapters within a decent time frame? Who knows? I was in a little bit of a writing slump but I feel like I've got out of the other side of it, and I think I know where this story is going to go! But as always, I will take all and any suggests for this one! I've had to adjust the way I do my Taglist as there's now so many of you all which is crazy!! If you want to be added, just let me know! This series will be going for a bit longer now that I've definitely figured out the story, so I reckon the next chapter will be posted in, like...July? Kidding, of course!
Taglist  @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 
@countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 
@luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 
@s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry 
@calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18 @triski73 @ctn26 @kgcaputo07 @abby-splace @bobthe-turmpetman29 
@cedricbitch @abby-splace @jmamas92 @bellstwd @killatravsworld @marchmaiden @chimchimmarie @blackstabbath6 @fanficfanatic15 @jessiemariebarnes 
@mmb219 @vanwritesfan-fiction @futebollover @ks-dreams-fantasies @laurenmcucm @blackstabbath6 @nickie-amore @fictionqueen87 @munsonburner666 @hornyavengers
@spookystitchery @powellssaturn @skywalker0809 @shortttcakkee
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angelasscribbles · 27 days
All That She Wants Chapter 6: Unvarnished Truths
Series: All That She Wants
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for this chapter: Riley x Liam, Riley x Drake
Word Count: 1,305
Rating: M
Warnings for this chapter: plenty of cursing.
A/N: Special shout out to @onmarswesail for correctly guessing not one, but two plot points for this chapter! 😆
My other stuff: Master List.
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Drake looked up from the guard schedule he was working on in surprise as the door to his office opened. He had no appointments scheduled and there were only a handful of people that could get through without one.
His eyes widened, and he stood quickly as he registered who it was. “Riley! What are you doing here?” He made his way around the desk to greet her. “Not that I’m complaining!”
She allowed herself a small smile as he engulfed her in his arms. “Sorry to just pop in like this. Is it a bad time?”
“No. It’s never a bad time for you. But…” He pulled away from her so he could look into her face. “What is it? Is everything okay? Have you told—”
“I’m fine. Liam’s fine. No, I haven’t told him anything. I mean, he knows I’m sleeping with someone, he just doesn’t know who.”
“Okay…” he responded carefully. He didn’t want to push her into anything she wasn’t ready for. They had discussed it, and he was a proponent of the truth. After all, the Cordonian Arrangement codicil that Liam has insisted be added to their marriage contract worked both ways.
Besides, Liam had never stopped sleeping with Olivia, so he couldn’t get too upset about his wife finding a distraction of her own. She had fulfilled the clause of the marriage contract that stated the first two children produced after marriage must be blood heirs to the throne. Routine paternity testing confirmed that she had held up her end of the bargain. She was legally and morally free to do what she wanted with whomever she wanted. 
If it were any other woman, he wouldn’t care what she did or didn’t tell her husband, but it seemed wrong not to tell his best friend something of this magnitude.
“I have something I want to talk to you about.”
Once again, he responded carefully. “Okay.”
“We never use a condom….”
“Oh!” He was startled but recovered quickly, stifling the thought of her with another man that wasn’t him or Liam. “I’m not sleeping with anyone but you, and I assumed you weren’t sleeping with anyone but me. However, we can start using them if you like.”
Her mouth made an o shape as she shook her head. “No! It’s not that… it’s just…. I’m not on birth control and I’m a few days late, so I took a pregnancy test. It was negative. But Liam caught me, so he knows.”
Relief surged through him that she was simply worried about getting pregnant. He gave her a reassuring smile as he drew her back into his arms. “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that either.”
Her brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“I mean—”
He was interrupted by the door to his office opening unexpectedly for the second time that day. “What the fuck?” He muttered under his breath as he turned toward the interloper.
The king of Cordonia stood in the doorway, gaping at them. “Are you fucking kidding me? It’s Drake? You’re sleeping with my best friend?”
Riley spun on him in fury. “Why do you care, Liam? You have Olivia!”
Liam’s gaze shifted to Drake. “Did you tell her that? Is that how she knows?”
Drake scoffed. “I didn’t have to tell her shit, Liam. She already knew. And no, I would not betray your confidence like that.”
“But you would sleep with my wife, right?”
Drake’s mouth fell open in incredulity. “She is in possession of a Cordonian Arrangement and you haven’t slept with her in a year and a half. How are you going to be upset by this?”
Liam’s eyes darted from one to the other and then a grin spread across his face. “Oh my God, this is fucking hilarious!” He threw his head back and chortled.
Riley’s ire spiked even higher. “What’s so goddamn funny, Liam?”
Face turning red as tears started streaming down it, Liam choked out between bellows, “Does he know why you’re sleeping with him?”
Some of the queen’s anger slipped away as confusion replaced it. “What do you mean?”
“Yeah, what do you mean?” Drake echoed her.
Liam took several heaving breaths before he could get his laughter under control. He directed his first remark to Drake. “She wants another baby.” Turning to Riley, he barely managed to get the words out before the gales of laughter were back. “He had a vasectomy six years ago.”
Both faces drained of color as they responded in unison, “What?”
Riley turned to Drake, anguish clear on her features. “Why didn’t you tell me you’d had a vasectomy?”
He shook his head in disbelief. “I would have if you’d told me that’s what this was all about! Having a baby is a massive thing, Riley! That’s something you should discuss with your partner!”
She blinked, completely taken aback. “I guess. But since we weren’t using any protection, I just assumed you were okay with the consequences…. shit!” She dropped her head into her hands, fighting the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks.
Liam’s laughter spilled through the room again as he felt a weight lift from his chest. He’d spent the last hour worrying about a nonexistent problem. She wasn’t getting pregnant by anyone else.
At the sound of his laughter, all the anger flooded back in and Riley yelled at him. “I don’t know what’s so funny. It’s not like I can’t just find someone else!”
This time it was Liam and Drake that responded in unison. “What? No!”
With all of his laughter gone, Liam became serious as he reached an arm out toward her. “Riley. Be reasonable. Let’s discuss—”
Drake’s voice cut through the discussion, quiet and calm but resolute. “I’ll have a reversal.”
“What?” Riley felt the bottom drop out of her stomach.
Liam’s jaw clenched. “What the fuck, Drake?”
“I’m not talking to you, Your Majesty.” Drake pushed past Liam and pulled Riley back to him. He gently touched her chin and tipped her head back so he could look directly into her eyes as he told her, “I said that I’ll have the vasectomy reversed if that’s something you need. There’s no need to find anyone else. I’ll give you what you want.”
Joy surged through her as she reached up to caress his cheek, “Drake….”
“Just fucking great,” Liam muttered under his breath. Out loud, he said, “You said I had two days to decide.”
Drake glanced over her head at his best friend. “To decide what?”
“If I’m willing to give her a baby, allow someone else to, or grant her a divorce.”
Drake’s eyes flicked down to Riley’s face, then back again. “And you need two days to figure that out?”
“Spare me your judgments, Drake. Especially considering that you’re sleeping with my wife!”
“You don’t get to be outraged. You married her under false pretenses, and you’ve abandoned her emotionally. You do not have the high ground here. Especially after you promised me you’d make her happy. Remember that?”
Riley’s head swiveled between the two men. “What are you talking about?”
Drake sighed as he stepped away from her, rubbing his eyes. “After you two announced your engagement, I went to Liam and told him what happened between us and admitted I had feelings for you. But you were clearly in love with him. He promised me that you’d never regret marrying him, yet here we are.”
“You had feelings for me?”
He nodded.
“What didn’t you tell me?”
He scoffed. “What would have been the point, Riley? We all know you would have still accepted Liam’s proposal.”
“This is all very touching.” Liam cut in. “But you said two days, Riley. So no one schedules any medical procedures until this all gets sorted out.”
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flowerandblood · 9 months
The Pearl and the Sapphire (6)
[ modern! • Aemond x Baratheon! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, oral sex, fingering, smut, angst, sexual tension, obsession ]
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[ description: As a representative of a large family-owned gemstone business, Aemond is attending a major jewellery event where jewellery makers from all over the world are exhibiting. One of them is the Baratheon family. Aemond is tasked with focusing on attracting new customers, but his attention is diverted by the youngest daughter of the eminent maker Borros Baratheon. Slow burn, bitchy, possessive and obsessive Aemond, lots of dark angst and sexual tension. ]
A story which is an alternative universe of The Impossbile Choice taking place in modern times. The characters are all the same as in the main series, however, for obvious reasons they will behave differently and experience things differently from medieval times. You can read this without having to delve into the main series.
Series moodboard: Aemond & Miss Baratheon
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Previous and next chapters: Masterlist
She didn't know how it was possible that the presence of the person who was once your closest in the world could become so frightening and stressful after a few months. She wondered about this as she walked with Cregan through the hotel corridor to her room so they could talk in solitude.
She knew Cregan was a good man and would never hurt her, but still her whole body trembled as she put the card to her door and opened it.
She was afraid of how he would react to her not having the strength to give him a second chance.
She was afraid of how he would react to the fact that she had slept with someone else.
Even though they were no longer together, that surely he had slept with other women, the realisation of what she had done the day before overwhelmed her in his presence. She couldn't get the expression on Aemond Targaryen's face out of her head when he saw Cregan and realised who he was, the helpless, tense look he gave her.
Cregan closed the door behind him and smiled broadly at her, placing his hands at his sides. He looked at her apologetically, as if he knew he had messed up and deserved to be reprimanded.
"Are you angry with me?" He asked her softly, looking at her from under his raised eyebrows. She swallowed quietly, wrapping her arms around herself involuntarily, trying not to show her nervousness.
"What do you mean? What would I be angry about?" She asked, not fully understanding what he was actually trying to say. Cregan sighed quietly.
"For my messages yesterday. For being the indecisive bastard who broke your heart." He said finally. She lowered her gaze and swallowed quietly, feeling the wound in her heart reopen.
She felt like she was sitting in the room with him on the couch again when he told her it would be better if they broke up with each other.
What was she supposed to say?
"I haven't been angry with you for many months, but I can't be friends with you. You demand too much of me, it's been too little time for me to be able to put it all back together again." She said helplessly, wanting to explain to him as best as she could how she felt, her heart pounding like mad.
"I still love you." He whispered, pressing his lips together, and she drew in the air loudly, her whole body trembling. "I know I screwed it up. I know, but it's the truth."
She shook her head, not knowing what to say, the realisation in his eyes that they most likely they didn't want the same thing.
"I slept with someone." She said quietly, feeling as if she had just revealed her disgusting, shameful secret, as if that made her dirty, even though she had always been his bright ray of joy and innocence.
Why did she feel this way if she had done nothing wrong?
Why did she feel this way if she was so comfortable with him, when it was so safe in his embrace.
She realised that if his assistant hadn't started banging on his door then, and if he had offered her to stay with him, she wouldn't have left his room until morning.
She saw that something like pain flashed across his face. He lowered his head and swallowed quietly, as if trying to come to terms with what he had heard.
"I too have slept with other women in the meantime and I have no right to make excuses for you. Though I'll admit I'm surprised, I didn't know you from that side." He said thoughtfully, more to himself than to her, stroking his chin.
She felt her eyebrows arch in pain at his words, at his gentle suggestion that perhaps she had once again proved a disappointment to him. That she did not wait for him politely with a broken heart, but spread her thighs before another men.
She lowered her gaze, trying to contain the heat she felt under her eyelids.
"You don't know much about me." She said involuntarily, and he threw her a surprised look.
"That's not true. You know it's not true." He muttered, wanting to come closer to her, but she stepped back and shook her head.
"It won't work. I won't be able to trust you again." She whispered, shrugging her shoulders helplessly, feeling a tightness in her throat, wanting to run away, to leave the room and hole up somewhere where she could be alone. Cregan blinked at her words.
"I love you. I've always loved you." He said, but her mind told her it wasn't true.
"You abandoned me because I was inadequate and I accepted that as best I could." She whispered with difficulty and he pressed his lips together.
"You simply let me go. You didn't fight for me." He said in a breaking voice, and she involuntarily laughed through her tears, raising her hands in a gesture of despair.
"What was I supposed to fight for? Was I supposed to beg you on my knees? Please don't leave me, I love you? To humiliate myself so that you would feel better. I cried because of you for MONTHS, every day! And now you come back and say you've changed your mind?" She asked on the verge of laughing and sobbing, feeling that it was too much for her, that she couldn't take it anymore.
"Do you love me?" He asked dryly. She blinked and swallowed quietly.
"So you never really loved me." He said, and she pressed her lips together and sobbed, shutting herself in, looking at him as if he had hit her, not believing how he could say such a thing.
"I loved you, but you killed that love. You cut her throat and she bled." She mumbled, but he shook his head. He grunted and ran his hand through his hair, tears in his eyes.
"Have a pleasant stay. Give my regards to your new colleague." He said as he walked away, opening the door and closing it behind him. She burst out crying loudly as soon as he left, sliding to her knees, burying her face in her hands.
How could he say something like that?
To try to blame it on her, to spin it in such a way that she was the one who didn't fight for him, she was the one who never loved him.
She lay down on the floor and stayed like that for a while, trying to calm herself down. She thought, looking ahead with a blank stare, that he would probably leave her alone now. She shuddered when Royce knocked on her door saying they had to go to their stand now and she grunted quietly saying she would be right there.
As soon as she had a moment to spare she told her brother everything, not being able to hold in what Cregan had told her. Royce was so furious that he disappeared into the back room for a while saying he had to smoke a cigarette. He returned a moment later, looking at her, biting his lower lip, thinking strenuously.
"I'd be happy to whack his face off." He said, standing with his hands placed at his sides, and she sighed heavily.
"Come on. At least we've explained everything to each other. I think he said all that because it hurt him that I didn't wait for him with open arms." She said dryly, after two days of constant crying she felt like there were simply no more tears left in her body that she could get out.
Royce sighed heavily at her words, put his arms around her waist and hugged her close, a soft kiss landing on her hair, his pleasant masculine perfume reaching her nose.
"Let him fuck off. At least you know you're not losing anything. This boy doesn't need a relationship, he just needs attention." He muttered. She nodded and went back to work. They said nothing to their father because they knew his fury wouldn't result in anything good.
After working all day, she returned to her room tired and discouraged. She lay down on her bed and displayed again the last message she had received from Targaryen the day before. She went back to it several times unable to believe he had written it.
I adore you.
He was touched by how he chose his words. He didn't write 'you're pretty' he didn't write 'you're hot', 'you're sexy', he didn't write 'you're cute'.
He wrote "I adore you".
There was something warm and tender in that expression, just like in his touch, in his kisses, in his hands when he was deep inside her.
His expression that for some reason he had a weakness for her. She had to admit to herself with surprise that he evoked similar feelings in her. Even though his everyday demeanour was aloof, cold and sometimes downright creepy, when it came to intimacy she felt safe with him, as if she had known him for years.
She wondered how his day was going.
She knew he must have said something to Alys, she also saw that he had argued with his grandfather and was all tense when she spoke to him outside the hotel. She felt remorse for leaving him like that just when he opened up. She pressed her lips together and with a pounding heart started to write a message.
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She smiled involuntarily when she saw that he displayed it almost instantly, and after a moment his answer appeared. She pressed her lips together seeing his question, she thought he wanted to continue their conversation.
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Seeing his last answer she felt a tightening in her stomach and regret. She got an idea from which she felt embarrassed, but then thought she didn't care anymore.
She needed someone to confide in, to tell someone about how she felt and at the same time was ready to offer him the same so that he could let go of what was weighing on him.
Sometimes it was better to confide in a stranger than someone close.
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She pressed her lips together, wondering if he would refuse, if he would say they shouldn't and make her unable to look him in the face out of shame for the rest of their stay.
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She couldn't believe the simple squeal of delight that came out of her mouth, some strange joy spilling over her heart, as if her best friend was about to come over to her place to gossip and watch silly comedy shows.
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Knowing he was due to come she decided to tidy up her room a bit, throwing away the empty food wrappers and disposable cups strewn everywhere. She buried the scattered clothes in her suitcase and began to wonder if she should change.
She decided that she wouldn't.
She jumped up when she heard the sound of a notification and ran to her phone seeing that she had received a new message from him.
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She giggled under her breath as she read his message and wrote him back quickly after looking at all the products in the picture.
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He displayed her message and did not write back again. She waited for him impatiently excited and happy, although she didn't know for what reason. She felt it was their secret, a secret relationship between two complete strangers. She shuddered when, five minutes before time, she heard a quiet knock on the door.
She liked the fact that he was never late.
She got up lightly from her bed and opened the door, greeting him with a wide, happy smile. He lifted up a plastic bag full of cans. She laughed and said he was meeting the conditions and could come in. She closed the door behind him and took the bag from him, placing it on a desk standing against the wall.
Her room, unlike his, was a regular hotel room with a bathroom and a space with a bed, wardrobe, desk and a few chairs. He hung his leather jacket on a hanger and pulled off his shoes, staying in just a black tight T-shirt, black trousers and socks.
Meanwhile, while she put some of the beers in the small fridge he began to look around, seeing the gowns she had sewn hanging on the hangers covered with a special foil. He lifted it slightly to see the fabric up close and looked at the hand sewn details. She approached him, opening one beer for him, handing him a can.
"Just don't spill it, these gowns are worth more than you might think." She said amused, and he threw her a puzzled look.
"Why do you say that? They're works of art. They should be in a museum." He said it so seriously that she blinked and fell silent, embarrassed, lowering her gaze. She thought those were very kind words.
"Thank you." She said softly, and he hummed under his breath, lowering the foil back down.
"How long does it take you to sew and decorate one such dress?" He asked taking a sip of beer, looking at her intently. She scratched her head at his question.
"It depends. The one I wore during the show I sewed for two months working on it every day." She said calmly and swallowed quietly at the memory of what he had told her the day before.
Already during the show I was wondering how to get you into my bed.
She glanced at him and saw that he was looking at her intensely as if he knew what she was thinking about. A lecherous grin appeared on his face and she blushed as she lowered her head, feeling that she was burning under his gaze. She felt embarrassed as the space between her thighs pulsed, his scent filling her lungs again.
"How did your conversation go?" He asked finally, clearly wanting to take pity on her.
She opened her can with a loud pssst and sighed heavily, moving towards her bed, sitting down with her legs crossed. Encouraged by the gesture of her hand, he walked over to her bed and sat on the other side of it, facing her, leaning his head against the backrest.
She sighed quietly.
"I told him that… that I slept with someone." She said with difficulty, unable to look at him, fiddling with the can in her hands. "Of course I didn't tell him it was you. He said that obviously he had no right to be angry because we weren't together, but that he didn't know me from that side, as if I had disappointed him again. I don't know why even though he had never harboured any demands on me I often felt that I didn't live up to his expectations."
She said uncertainly, taking a sip from her can. She glanced at him and saw that he was looking at her intently, involuntarily turning his beer in his hands. He lowered his gaze as if considering whether he could say what was pressing against his lips.
"Did he force you to do something?" He asked finally, and she felt a tightening in her heart as she began to think about it.
He never forced her to do anything, he always understood her barriers, however, she suddenly realised the way he phrased sentences. She remembered one situation after which she had felt bad for a very long time, and Cregan had to reassure her for days that he was definitely not angry with her and that he understood.
She wasn't sure if she should talk about such things and felt embarrassed, so she didn't answer anything for a long time. She saw that his hand movements had stopped and his body tensed.
"You can tell me if he hurt you." He said quietly and she glanced at him frightened and shook her head quickly.
"No. No, it's not about that, I… uh…" She pressed her lips together and stroked the back of her neck in a gesture of discomfort, feeling her hands tremble. "…I'm not sure you want to hear about it."
"I want to."
She looked at him surprised at how coolly and confidently he said it. He was looking at her so intensely that she felt uncomfortable, something unsettling in his gaze. She swallowed loudly.
"He has always been understanding and affectionate to me in every aspect of my life. Also when it comes to intimacy, but… once when… um, he said that we could try something different… that I could try to please him, it-it scared me, because…" She swallowed hard, clenching her fingers tightly on the can, that memory suddenly painfully clear to her.
"…because I don't know, I felt there was something humiliating about when a men makes you suddenly kneel down in front of him, I didn't want to do it, I didn't feel ready… I… and he said that he also satisfies me like that to make me feel good, only I never asked him to do it. I wouldn't make him do it if he told me he was uncomfortable with it." She choked out shaking her head, feeling a tightening in her stomach and throat, feeling ashamed.
"I-I felt so ungrateful, like…like I was just taking and he was always giving, like as if I was denying him something he had earned…" She mumbled, and his ice-cold tone interrupted her in mid-sentence.
"Did you do it?"
She looked at him, horrified, his face pale, his jaw clenched, every muscle in his body tense, his fingers clenched on the tin he held so tightly that it bent.
"…no." She said quietly, in shame. She saw him swallow loudly, his gaze softening.
"Good." He said, taking a deep gulp of beer, letting out the air loudly as if he'd been holding it for a few seconds, staring blankly ahead. "Fucking piece of shit."
She lowered her gaze, embarrassed by her confession and how he reacted to it. The fact that he was angry, the fact that he somehow cared. For some reason she felt relieved. She swallowed quietly, looking at him uncertainly.
"What about Alys?" She asked, twisting in her seat, and he froze in mid-motion, just lifting the can to his lips again. He smiled, but it was a disturbing smile to say the least, one that didn't reach his eyes, cold, cruel, empty.
"Fucking whore has been informing on me to the press for years." He muttered, taking a deep sip of beer, licking his lips with his tongue. "She tried to record my confession on her phone that I slept with you. To give your name."
He said coolly and calmly, and she felt her lower lip part in disbelief, her heart starting to pound like crazy, pain spilling over her chest.
She was unable to get the words out.
She remembered that article she had read and wondered if it was from his assistant that this journalist got all the information she had written about.
She thought it was inhuman, cruel, horrible.
"Of course I haven't said anything to her, my lawyers are already dealing with her. I won't let any tabloid write about you." He said, shaking some fuzz off her duvet, looking at his hand thoughtfully. "She's been recording me for years. How we talk about business and my family. How we fuck. She's hedged her bets in case we break up."
She looked at him feeling her body simply freeze, what he was saying was beyond her understanding. She shook her head not knowing how to put her thoughts into words, what to say.
"God. This is horrible. How can you live with the idea of doing something like that to another human being, waking up next to them and falling asleep knowing you're hurting them?" She asked in a trembling voice looking at him with her eyes wide open, not understanding completely how she had been able to pretend for so many years. "How can you not feel remorse after something like that?"
She felt a cold shiver run down the back of her neck when she heard him chuckle low, taking a deep sip of beer again. He wasn't looking at her.
"You know what's most amusing? My grandfather knew about it from the very beginning."
She shook her head, feeling as if her heart had stopped beating for a moment. She smiled as if her body was trying to take it as a joke.
"He said he warned me, and I drove her everywhere on company money. He thought I might need a cold shower like that. My grandfather always had interesting reasons for educating us, you know?" He said, raising his eyebrows in amusement, looking at her in a way that made her press her lips together.
She felt that he had fallen into something, some void of hopelessness, nothingness, that he was not the same person she had met yesterday. He was defending himself from what had happened by closing himself in even deeper.
Her trembling hands traveled involuntarily up and down her can, her body shivering. She didn't know what was happening to her, she couldn't take her eyes off him.
"You didn't deserve this."
His smile disappeared from his face at her words. He glanced at her, his gaze blank, almost frustrated.
"You're quick to pass judgement for someone who's known me one day."
She felt pain at his words, felt that he had pushed her away, that he had let her know that she was approaching a boundary he didn't want her to cross. She set her beer down on the nightstand and moved closer to him. He flinched and tensed all over, not knowing what she was going to do. She sat close to him but didn't touch him, looking straight at his face.
"I've never felt most beautiful in his eyes. Craved for. I had the feeling that the reason he was with me was because he was comfortable that way. He used to say that everything seemed so easy with me, but now I'm not sure if that was a compliment. I'm not sure if I loved him or the thought that I could be important to someone, that someone had chosen me and not one of my older sisters, more mature and feminine than me. I felt wonderful at the thought that seeing them all he had chosen me, as if I were the prettiest apple in the market. Sometimes, in the months after we parted, I thought that for all that, God was punishing me for my vanity." She whispered, smiling with difficulty, holding back tears that were again rising at the corners of her eyes.
She had never said this to anyone.
Not even to Royce.
He looked her straight in the eye, his brow furrowed as if in worry, and they did not speak to each other for a long moment. She saw him swallow with difficulty, as if he was gathering himself to get out of himself what was cramming down his throat.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I craved you from the first moment I saw you."
She felt her whole body convulse at his words, her lips parted, a tear falling from her eye, her gaze all misty.
His beautiful words spoken so softly and calmly caused her pain.
She didn't know when her mouth found his, when his hand set his beer down on the floor while his free hand grabbed her neck and pulled her closer, their lips almost devouring each other, forming a mixture of teeth, tongues and soft, moist fleshy texture.
There was something kinky and perverse about these kisses, a shameless desire and thirst for physical closeness, fulfilment.
She didn't shy away when his hands undid the braces from her dungarees, pulling them off her with difficulty, leaving her in a white turtleneck and panties.
He grabbed her hip and forced her to sit on top of him with her arms around him, and she did so embarrassingly willingly, looking down at him with dreamy eyes, her soft lips returned to his, a quiet sigh escaping from his throat.
She stroked his face and hair with her hands, her fingers tender and gentle, wanting to give him the feeling that she really desired him, that he really aroused her affection, that she would not hurt him.
She let his hands squeeze her buttocks, pushing her closer, letting her feel what was happening inside his trousers, their lips sucking and licking with a lingering, wet click.
He looked at her with a hazy gaze, breathing unevenly as her small hands slid down to the button of his trousers, undoing it, his trembling hands stroking her thighs.
"Do you want this?" She asked quietly before grabbing his boxers, wanting to let him wonder if he really wished for it. He licked his lips at her question.
"I've wanted it from the moment I crossed the threshold of your room."
She kissed him again, a loud, satisfied murmur escaping his lips. His hands gripped her white turtleneck, throwing her only one questioning glance before he lifted it up, pulling it over her shoulders. He swallowed loudly when he realised she wasn't wearing a bra underneath, looking at her breasts for a moment.
She sighed loudly as he hugged his face to the space between her breasts placing wet, sticky kisses on her skin, she kissed his hair, sliding his boxers down a little, wanting to get to what was underneath them.
He helped her by twisting around, grabbing the material with her, reaching quickly into his pocket for a condom. She stopped his hand, looking at him uncertainly, breathing quietly.
"Can I feel you? Just for a moment. I'm clean." She said and saw that he threw her a shocked look.
He swallowed with difficulty and after a moment he nodded, unable to get a word out. She lifted herself quickly, his hands helping her slide the material of her panties off her legs.
She grasped his face in her hands and kissed him, lowering herself onto him, his hand holding his member so that she could reach it. They both moaned embarrassingly loudly as his tip slid into her sticky, hot, fleshy structure.
"− fuck − fuck −" He gasped, watching in disbelief as his cock sank slowly into her, her walls clamping down on him greedily.
"Shh…" She whispered tenderly, kissing his forehead, sinking against him fully, his hands roaming all over her body unable to decide where he wanted to touch her most. She sighed feeling how wonderfully he filled her, how he pulsed inside her in desire.
She rested one hand on his shoulder, rising slowly and falling back against him with a loud, sticky click of her moisture, her lips parted in an accelerated breath, both of them beginning to pant.
"− oh God −" She sighed, horrified at how pleasurable this was, how wonderful it was to feel him so much, so intimately.
He pressed his lips to her soft breast and began to suck it, licking her nipple, embarrassed by how loudly he was breathing, how much pleasure it gave him, her insides hot and wet just for him. She mewled feeling it, pressing his face closer to her flesh.
"− just a moment longer −" She mumbled involuntarily speeding up, rubbing herself with his member where she felt the most pleasure, feeling waves of heat each time she sank back against him, his fingers tightening on her hips forcing her to let him deeper inside her, his tip hitting her back wall again and again making her let out helpless, quiet moans.
He surprised her when he suddenly took her cheeks in his hand and kissed her greedily, his tongue invading between her lips just as brutally as his cock began to move inside her. She knew they shouldn't be doing this, that it was foolish, but they both knew, their foreheads touching, looking at each other, that they wouldn't be able to stop.
"− I'll take it out before I come, okay? − feels so fucking good −" He breathed out between the entwining of their tongues and lips, and she mewled at his words, feeling that her fulfilment was approaching, that she would come from the mere movement of his member at the angle he was moving inside her now.
"− yes − please − you will fuck me all night, won't you? − please, say that you will −" She sobbed, surprised and ashamed at her own shameless words.
He groaned low, speeding up, their hands roaming over their bodies and faces, his hand clenched tightly in her hair as his hips impaled her on his manhood with a sticky splat of flesh against flesh.
"− I will − you know I fuckin will −" He growled low and she came at his words, surprising him and herself, she pressed her forehead against his panting and sobbing loudly, her body quivering in fulfillment, his lips brushing hers wanting to reassure her, to soothe her.
"− so good − oh, fuck −" He exhaled and slid out of her quickly, squeezing himself a few times with his hand, his translucent, slightly whitish semen spilling straight onto her naked stomach. He rested his forehead between her breasts panting and groaning helplessly, she hugged him back kissing his hair.
"− I'm sorry −" He whispered quietly and she kissed his head again at his words, stroking his neck with her hand.
"− it's okay now − it's all right −"
He sighed at her words as if in relief, she felt his body relax, his arms hugging her waist loosely, his hands trailing down her spine. He swallowed loudly and kissed her sternum before asking her question.
"− do you want me to leave? −"
She smiled under her breath, embracing him tenderly, stroking his hair with a slow motion, her cheek nestled against the top of his head.
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@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @rwdkarla @echos-muses @ipostwhtifeel @letmeloveyouuuu @yentroucnagol @valeskafics @tempt-ress @ahristata @menaosama @queenofshinigamis @dark-night-sky-99 @kate-to-the-ki @travelingmypassion @summerposie @thetrueblackheart
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frameacloud · 8 months
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Page number 6 of Theri There, from October 3, 2005. The image description is in the alt text.
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Note from 2005: This is a short introduction to phantom limbs of therianthropes. There is much more to say about them, whether the best known kind (felt by people who have had amputations) as shown in panel 1, or the kind experienced by therianthropes. Panel 4 was suggested by a phoenix who wishes to remain anonymous. Panel 6 was suggested by a friend who had it happen as shown, and I’ve heard very few anecdotes about a paranormal phenomenon of that kind.
Note from 2015: Several folks have asked me about the phrase “phantom limbs,” which I used in my old Theri There comics. In 2005, that was the only name therians gave to that experience of theirs. Now, readers were concerned that it might be wrong to use that name for that experience. It’s a sensitive issue, but it’s also important to address, so I wrote a long blog entry about it.
Note from 2023: I updated the link to that blog entry with some new commentary that I wrote today. For another thing, back when I drew this page, I thought of phantom limbs as a paranormal phenomenon. That fit with how my worldview used to embrace the paranormal. My personal worldview has changed and become generally more skeptical as I've continued to ask questions and learn. I still acknowledge that part of the range of these experiences are ones that are strange and difficult to explain.
Here’s the DreamWidth discussion forum for this page.
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honeeslust · 4 months
Toji Fushiguro | The box
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🖤 I'll be honest. I drew inspiration for this after watching Dexter. But initially,  there was that comment from a reader on wattpad asking for a fic where homeless Toji fucks us in a box.
… Also, @biscuitsngravie @blkkizzat @littlemochabunni @ryomens-vixen have me stuck on Toji who calls you mama/mamas. Like are you kidding me?? I'm folding immediately!
Challenge accepted!
🖤I suck at TW’s but maybe this Toji is manipulative and posessive. Its not crazy but just know its implied.
🖤 WC 3K+ (it’s a bit jumpy cause i really didn’t proof read. My bad. Im tired 😩)
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is that..?
No that can't be.
I'm trippin'.
In all of .5 seconds, that's what races through your thoughts when you caught sight of him. No way that Adonis-looking creep who just winked at you was your toxic AF ex.
The one who got your car towed last year, maxed out your discover card and put your boss in a cast for 6 weeks. All that after you had bailed him out for. Although…your boss might've had that coming to him.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
He just had to be at this bar of all places?
Eyeing... NO!  Eye fucking you, as you moved your body to the music. How long had he been watching you?
Toji stood back, confident that he had stolen your attention away from your date. He hated the way he was touching you, but wouldn't cause a scene. Not unless he had to.
He preferred this anyway. He knew what he was doing. Getting under your skin a little before dragging you back into the 3ring circus that was his life. How could you blame him? You'd left him so suddenly and he couldn't handle that. No! He refused to handle that.
He just wanted you to know how bad he wished he could take back all the dumb shit he put you through before. It wasn't his fault. The only reason he maxed out your card gambling was to get the cash he needed to buy back that Cadillac Deville he stole from your uncle. He didn't know it was a prize winning collectors item. too bad you never gave him a chance to say that.
Meanwhile, there you are on the dancefloor. Acting as if you didn't care.
Nope! There was no familiar pang of excitement rippling through you. There wasn't a need to feel those hands on you instead of the ones that were touching you now. You were easily ignoring that tight black tee he wore. Your eyes were not drawn to that faint line running down the center, barely concealing that line between his abs that you loved to carve out with your tongue.
Pathetic. You're fucking pathetic y/n. Thats what you thought as you ground your hips against the guy you were dancing with, wishing you had any substantial amount of will power in you to just disappear out the back door.
Shiiit! Suddenly the hands on your waist brought your attention back to them. Ugghh. you weren't in the mood to dump him. You were more inclined to hurry this along to let your ex scratch that itch that only he could.
After all, he didn't know where you lived now. Just one night wouldn't hurt. Yeah. Fuck it!
Uhh, my friends here, sorry I gotta go. you hollar  into your dates ear.
As what would likely be the dumbest decision you could ever make had your feet moving in his direction. You could almost see the 4th wall breaking and a little blurred out blip of yourself screaming over your shoulder, look at this big bobble headed ass dummy!! Bitch! What the fuck are you doing?
You ignored the blaring red flags and ear ringing sirens going off in your head and proceeded to exit the sea of swaying bodies.
You make your way to the bar where he sits, a conceited grin on his face, that scar on his lip pulling to the side damn near making you forget just how much he was all kinds of wrong.
He stares you down, not a hint of shame in his eye as his enamoured gaze swept from your lips to your chest and down to your hips.
He pulls you into a soul pleasing hug,  chrushing your body against his, nuzzling his nose into your neck and telling you how good you looked. You shuddered, feeling a tattooed hand possessively gripping your ass and squeezeing too tight.
Cmere. Missed you mamas.
He smells all cedery and sweet, probably some expensive shit he stole from someone elses gym bag. Ether way, the scent clouded your judgement with the memories of the damage he could do with just that hand alone.
He'd once clocked a guy so hard he swallowed his own teeth. You remember the way he just couldn't stand it when someone thought they could have what was his. It was brutal. But damn, that look in his eye was everything... fuck.
He apologized for that didn't he?
If memory served, and it did now that he was standing in front of you looking all kinds of tall tan and handsome.
Yeah, he did. With his tongue until you thought your heart would actually stop if he didn't.
Now you were thinking, Was what he did really that bad? It was just uncle Earl. Who didn't even come to your 3rd grade dance recital cause he had the flu.
Your morals had died about two shots ago and what ever self preservation you had left had fucked right off into oblivion.
Now, instead of that nervous ache in your gut telling you he'd hurt you all over again, there was a fire burning. The flames stoked by the thrill of not knowing how this would end up. But you simply didn’t care. As long as tonight, you ended up on underneath him.
Hmm. If that dress was any tighter I might have to actually get a fancy job to buy you more.
Maybe you should just buy a shirt that ain't so fucking tight it's screamin I don't fit you!
Ouch he mocks you, laughing at your terrible dis. You're agitated already. Just what he hoped for.
Hmm. He nods drawing his lower lip under his teeth.
That's too bad.
What's that? You asked leaning to hear him over the music.
It's a shame. He ain't fuckin' you right. I can tell.
'Fuck. Why did he have to say that? Here we fuckin go!'
Excuse me. The fuck is that supposed to mean?
Half yelling, your world tilts a little and suddenly you're aware of the light buzz that seaking up on you.
You need some dick just ask.
Your eyes rolled skyward. His smart ass mouth getting to you more than you expected it too. You were getting ready to tell him exactly how far he could fuck off. But you froze, feeling Tojis eyes still on you like all he was waiting for was even the slightest indication that you were ready.
You don't know shit Toji.
You gonna leave your boyfriend hangin like that? He teases.
You follow his gaze to the guy across the way who was likely realizing your "friend" was stealing you away. Damnit! You didn't mean for that to happen like that.
Sorry, you mouth out with a shrug before turning your attention back to the dark haired man damn near breathing down your neck.
Everything happening was so irrational. You were imagining the taste the cheap beer on his breath. Normally the prickly ale scent would turn your stomach, but now you were about 30 seconds from letting him drag you off into one of these restrooms. Just to get a taste of it off his lips.
What's the matter? Can't decide on which it's not you it's me speeches to give him?
Fuck You! you blurted out fighting the smile coming to you lips.  You think you know every fucking thing, thats your fuckin problem.
His laugh rumbles in his chest. That smile too beautiful to accept coming from such an asshole.
He leans in, placing his hand under your bar stool and pulling it closer. A sly hand slips over your thigh, touching just under the hem of your dress. Please do. He teases, brushing his finger back and forth until your pulse staggered behind your ribs. Tell me how I'm wrong then, mamas.
First of all I ain't fuckin him. You breathed out when you fully intended on yelling it. You assumed wrong. That's not my man.
Yeah? He says with a darker look about his eye, causing a moment of prolonged eye contact. Ok. Guess I stand corrected then.
Guess you do! You agreed, the look you gave telling him everything your body already did.
You ready to go?
You scoff, playing off your immediate will to jump up and down screaming yes.
God you're such a fuckin creep. Does this usually work for you?
I think we're both about to find out.
I can't stand you. Is what you said but you were making your way toward the door with him.
Once you're out of the building his impatient lips descend upon you. Hungrily and breathlessly.
Why don't you get us an uber so we can go to your place. He says lining your collar bone with kisses.
You almost pulled your phone out. But for once you listened to that voice. Stick to the plan. He doesn't know where you live so keep it that way.
You push against his shoulders, you get the uber. And we're going to your place.
I'm banned from Uber he says moving his hips against yours causing you to wrap your legs around him.
God Toji you accidentally moan when he clutches your nipple between his teeth and follows the searing pain with his tongue. He carries you along, kissing and marking your neck and chest as you clung to him.
Fine. Your choice. We're not far anyway.
What does that mean?
His mouth is so good to you, and your overly sensitive body to really question anything. He kisses and nips, leaving you to barely notice the awkward empty hallway he sneaks you into.
Hold it. Let me get the key. He says setting you on your feet. Imagine your surprise when he goes for the padlock in the door.
The fuck is that. You say gasping for air as your eyes struggle to focus. The hell are we??
Toji, are we in a fucking storage unit??
You ask eyes still searching the place.
He cups your face, kissing your lips once again. Shut up. Once I'm fucking you it'll feel like the ritz baby.
He raises the sliding door and the loud ricochet makes you jump as you plucked your lips away from his.
Wait. There's no fucking way Im about to do this. Am I? That's what you said grinding against his palm the moment he shoved his hand between your legs, expertly nudging that answer towards a yes.
Every moment you stood there questioning how low you were setting your standards was a second too long for him. You got away from him and now he needed to show you exactly why you found your self ready to be slutted out in a fucking box.
As soon as your foot crossed into that tin square, he shut the gate behind you. He had a point to make. That much was evident in the way he shoved your skirt up over your ass and dragged your pussy into his face where he inhaled the scent of your arousal.
His nose tickles, making you giggle out loud.
Do that again. -shit makes me want to fuck you till you can't stand pretty slut.
his words registered as a million little tingles in your core. All of which needed to be sought after, one by one until everything wrong about this felt right.
He tears  the lacy thong from you waist. Slipping his fingers through the wetness, he drags a slick path between your folds. Making your soft moans rattle from your chest no matter how hard you tried to quiet them.
Mmmmhmm. I knew you missed me. He groans shoving his digits inside you.
Fuck y/n you're tight. When's the last time you fucked.
Your cheeks burned as you looked away, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing you hadn't been with anyone since him.
You'd be able to take me by now if you hadn't left me. He rasped out as if he wasn't damn near busting out of his pants at the chance to eat you six ways to Sunday.
He brings his tongue down gently against your clit at first. Giving soft intenttional flicks meant to test how sensitive you were. You writhed and twisted, shivering away from his tongue, making him force your trembling cunt back to his lips. Sssss-stop fucking runnin' in y/n, I need you dripping if I'm gonna fit Mamas.
You did more than just drip. You came down in torrents. You were elated, manipulated by satisfaction blooming in those those impossibly emerld eyes. His fingers working madly against the tight wet womb seizing up around them.
Tears pricked the corners of your eyes. It was so much robbing you of your sanity, so many sensations overwhelming you. The slurp. The smacks.  His middle and index fingers pulsing in and out. His tongue tending to that aching clit. A pleasurable heat swelling and releasing, over and over again.
Every climax up until now has sent so much satisfaction through you that every muscle in your body is wrought with exhaustion. But he doesn't care that you can't move.
He lays you on the cot in the corner. Making you side eye him a moment before. Damn. This was the the most outlandish shit you'd ever done. But shit. Toji looked so fucking good it hurt. His shirt comes over his head and those jeans come off.
He gives himself a few preparory strokes before smacking that heavy cock head against your clit, laughing as you jolted again and again and cried out for him to finally fuck you.
He arches, guiding himself inside, your swollen cunt pulsing and pulling him in. The slow descent into your gummy wet entrance warrants him the chance to really get to see the way he spreads you.
When he finally bottoms out, youre lustful mewls are echoing out through the hollow metal walls, putting a certain emphasis on the sound of his name erupting from your lips.
Sssss fuck mamas. He stills, tucked deep inside you, his dick jumping at the sound of your voice.
You can't keep this pussy away from me baby. His hips rock steady, fucking you into the sorry excuse for a mattress, loving the way he can fuck you plain stupid. Fuck, I could break you right now y/n.
You were always the prettiest little slut when you took this dick. Baby. Look at you. Why would you ever take this pussy from me Y/n?
The harsh slaps to your tits drags you back into your body. He ruts into you, teasing your clit back and forth, breaking you all over again until you were dripping once more, this time around his cock as he slowed the rock of his hips.
cmere he says flipping you onto your stomach and dragging your hips back. He pushes your shoulders to the bed, and slips his finger around and around the messy display before him.
Sssssss You'll take me back won't you?
Shit. You're ready to say it. But you bite bike your moans. No no no. Do NOT take him back.
Answer me mamas. He grunts out, prodding your puffy wet clit with kisses from his dick.
Let me hear you say it. He taunts, pushing in, pulling out. Pushing in, pulling out.
Fuck you growled fighting tooth and nail not to give in. But fuck, everytime he pushed in, you gushed, every time he pulled out you cried, desperately clenching around nothing.
Fuck Toji. Fuck me please.
His hand burns at the back of your neck. A second later your braids/wig/locks/curls are tangled up with his fingers when he palms the back of your head like a Spalding and snatches your body back against him, leaving nothing between you. Nothing to stop him from making you his all over again.
Tell me I can come back. I can make it all up to you. Baby?
He kisses around your ear, his hand cutting off your air supply just enough to make your head spin outta control from the mind numbing climax creeping up on you. You heard me mamas? I'll do it right now. He brags, hitting your spot.
You hated that it felt different, like your pussy was trying to get used to him all over again. Like you were ready to fall for him and all his bullshit. Consequences be damned. It hurt so good that you cried down your thigh, shaking and whining in perfect pain and pleasure.
Fuck Toji. I swear- nngh I hate your ass so bad.
Na nah nah darling. You don't get it do that. Not when this pussy is gripping my dick the way it is.
His fingers clench handfuls of your flesh and he drags his hips back and forth, every pump shallow but intense. Nudging and nudging and nudging until you were on edge again. 
Fuck he was right. You loved it. You wanted this. You needed this.
You'll always be my pretty lil slut? won't you? I've ruined you, and you like it. Let me hear dat shit mama, say it!!
I- I'm ruined. I'm no fucking good. I'm just your slut Toji, please. Ugh.
I can move all my shit back in?
Toji was feral. Using his strength to prop you up and keep fucking you. He could still taste you on his tongue and you were coming so hard he couldn't pull out if he tried.
Shit! You must want me to come in you, don't you mamas?
Yesss. I want your cum. Cum in me please. You cry out as he pinches and tugs at your nipples, his tongue ghosting your ear.
He bucks faster. That's what the fuck I thought.
Your skin claps against his, ensuring anyone in the building most definitely could hear him beating down your slutty walls.
Tell that curly headed JT looking fuck I'll kill him if he calls you again.
Mhhmm. Yes Toji, yess. He could ask you anything right now and the answer would always be yes.
Whoahh! He sputters spurting his release against your swollen cervix. Satisfied, he pulls out leaving you empty and aching. Just a dumb fucked out bimbo with her ass out as he gleamed at the lewd display.
He slips his thumb over your clit, catching the bit that leakes out of you. Ah ah, don't waste any, he says shoving it back inside. Let's go. You gotta eat at least 3 plan bs for how much you just sucked outta me.
Ok you manage to whimper, lying flat, wincing as your walls contracted and the pain set in.
You lie there spent, officially dicked stupid.
Hey mamas, lemme ask you something.
What Toji?
Can I hook my ps5 up to the big tv?
Listen. I know he didn't fuck us in a box per a literal sense but hey. This was fun. What do you think?
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zerokrox-blog · 3 months
Hello I have an oddly specific request for a fanfic.
Ok so picture it. Its an autumn morning, leaves orange and brown. The scent of pumpkin spice is in the air. Steve goes for his morning cup and blushes when he sees a handsome rocker with a cup of black coffee, chugging off a hangover from H-E-double stirrer sticks. The understaffed barista begs him to take the man his chocolate cake pop and Steve agrees. They talk and Eddie asks him on a 2nd date. (Him counting this as their first)
Lol like I said, oddly specific but hey, what can I say, I think it would be interesting.
Steve always went for a run every morning at the same time, around 6:30am so that he could go to his favorite coffee shop right as it opens. Steve loved the place, it was a small family-owned cafe with the best coffee in town. It opened up last year. He liked the staff, the decor everything about the place was perfect.
Steve hummed as he laced his shoes, grabbed his phone, he did some stretching first and set off on a run.
The crisp autumn air keeping him cool, and the leaves on their trees, in reds, golds and yellows made his heart sing in tune with his steps. He ran along the trail he normally did, through the park, and then down the main street, towards the coffee shop. He hummed along to his music and kept a steady pace.
As he drew closer to the store's location he slowed his run, keeping himself in a light job.
Once at the store, Steve, now walking, opened the door, calling out a cheerful, "hello!" as he moved inside.
He moved confidently closer to the front desk where his favorite worker, an older man named Even, turned to give him a bright smile.
"Steve! Hello! How was your run?"
Steve started to speak, but then came to a full stop. There was a something new today. Or rather a someone new. There was an absolutely gorgeous man on the left side of the front counter waiting for his coffee, Gareth another worker, was making for him. He seemed dead on his feet, face rather pale. Steve took him in, before awkwardly clearing his throat and went over to Even to put in his order.
Even gave him a Look. He lowered his voice, "he is a pretty man, huh? He is Gareth's friend."
Steve hummed, before breaking out in a bright smile when the man glanced at him, he then turned back to Even and asked for his usual. The man sat down at a table to drink his black coffee.
Once his order was ready, he moved to a table and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the man's eyes follow him.
He sat down at the table beside the man, who turned towards him, and took a sip of his coffee. "My name is Eddie, what's your name?" the man's..Eddie's voice was stunning.
He finished his sip, "Steve, do you come here often?" He internally facepalmed at the unintended pick-up line he used.
Eddie smirked, "nah pretty boy, this is my first time here. But I needed a pick-me-up. Gareth is my friend and I knew I could get a good drink here."
Steve and Eddie ended chatting for a while as they finished their drink.
It was a good time, at some point Steve realized he was sharing a table with Eddie. They talked about everything. It took Steve almost an hour and half to realize that he was behind schedule. He worked from home, but it closer to nine, which was when he started.
He frowned at his phone, thinking.
Eddie noticed the look on his face. "can I get your number, so we can set up a second date?" he asked.
Steve stared at him, "a second date? what about the first one?"
Eddie laughed, "I'd say this was a pretty good first date, no? We talked and got to know each other."
Steve grinned back at him, warmth filling his chest, "yeah, this was a good first date. Here," he held out his phone, "put in your number and send yourself a text. I would love to set up a second date."
Eddie did so, a small smile on his face. At the front counter, Gareth and Even watched them. Gareth turned to Even, "we were right. They fit each other very well. But let's not say anything until they get more serious. I want to see if they can figure out that we set them on purpose." Even cackled, he had no intention of saying a word. Besides, "I better be best man at their wedding."
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birdiewriteslit · 4 months
wildest dreams au
luke hughes x abigail abernathy
sorry in advance for asshole luke it’s for plot purposes
Abigail woke up the next morning with a pit in her stomach, knowing the conversation that was an ahead of her. Reluctantly, she pulled back the covers on the bed and went into the kitchen for some breakfast. Although, the butterflies swarming in her belly didn’t give her much of an appetite.
Luke was at the island, eating a bowl of cereal. He glanced up at Abigail quickly before looking back down. “Morning,” he mumbled.
Abigail felt shifted on her feet uncomfortably. “Where’s Jack?” she asked.
“Out. Errands,” Luke said shortly. He stood from the stool and placed his empty bowl in the sink, not even looking at Abigail as he made his way back to his room.
She put a hand on his arm, stopping him. “Luke, stop. We need to talk.”
He barely looked over his shoulder. “You want to talk now?” he scoffed.
She took a deep breath to gain some courage. “We need to talk about New Year’s.”
Luke turned to fully face her, and she dropped his arm. “It’s been a week,” he said quietly.
“Yeah, about time, right?” Abigail smiled a little, hoping to lighten the mood.
Luke rolled his eyes. “I thought you didn’t care about that. It was a one time thing. Look, I don’t care if you hook up with Rudy, just don’t rub it in my face.”
Her eyebrows drew together, surprised by his attitude. “You’re being an asshole, Luke. I’m not fucking Rudy. We’re friends. Our relationship is professional.”
Luke gave a bitter laugh. “You went out in public with him and you got yourself seen. Real fucking professional, Abigail. Don’t act like you didn’t know what was going to happen.”
Abigail’s face felt hot. “Are you seriously upset about rumors on Twitter? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I don’t want to date every guy I hang out around?”
Luke’s jaw tightened as his eyes flickered to the ceiling, as if he might regret what he was going to say. “Believe it or not, it actually has.”
Abigail’s face relaxed in realization. “Is that supposed to mean something?” she whispered.
“No, just like that kiss meant nothing to you.” Luke said harshly, turning on his heel and slamming the door to his bedroom.
Abigail pulled at her hair in frustration, hitting her fist against the wall. “I’m trying to fucking talk to you about it! Stop being a dick and listen to me!” she yelled.
“Go home, Abigail!” Luke shouted through the wall. “Go the fuck home.”
Abigail wiped desperately at the tears fighting to escape her eyes. Jesus Christ, she didn’t fucking get it. Luke had never yelled at her like that.
She didn’t know why he wouldn’t listen to her, and she didn’t understand why he wouldn’t believe that kissing him meant something to her. God, it meant everything.
Abigail wasn’t stupid. Luke had always been jealous to some degree, never like this, but always protective of Abigail and aware of who she hung around with. She knew what his jealousy of Rudy meant, and that’s why she knew he felt exactly the same way she did when they kissed.
She also figured him punching her favorite hockey player in the face had something to do with it.
The lock clicked and Jack walked through the door with grocery bags in hand. He spotted Abigail and immediately frowned when he noticed the tears falling down her face.
“What happened?” He put the bags on the counter and rushed over to where she stood.
“I’m going back to Boston. Let me know when your brother stops being such an asshole,” she said, brushing past Jack to head to her room and pack her things.
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Liked by jackhughes and 26 others
glamorousgail home sweet home
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_quinnhughes why tf did you leave jersey early
_quinnhughes 🤨🤨
rudeth i don’t miss the snow
jamie.drysdale philly’s better
glamorousgail @/jamie.drysdale me when i lie
January 7, 2024
missed call from quinn 2:45 pm
missed call from jack 3:23 pm
missed call from jack 5:36 pm
missed call from jack 6:15 pm
messages 6:18 pm
jack: abigail answer the phone
jack: what did luke do??
jack: he won’t talk to me either
jack: seriously abby
Abigail left Jack on read and set her phone down beside her on the bed. She pressed her palms into her eyes. All day she’d been thinking about Luke.
She thought about calling him, picked up the phone, stared at his contact, and put the phone down again.
“Fuck it,” she muttered, grabbing the phone again and dialing Luke’s number. It rung until it went to voicemail. She sighed.
After the tone, she said, “Luke, I know you’re not busy right now. Please call me back. I get that you’re upset, but, for the record, it did mean a lot to me. You know that it’s hard for me to say, but I do love you. Talk to me, Moose.”
Abigail ended the voicemail and put her phone face down on the nightstand. She turned over in her bed, deciding that an early bedtime was better than dealing with her issues.
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vioartemis · 1 year
I'll die with you (part 4)
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: After Chad's death, you decided you had to do something. With Mindy and your mom's help, you come up with a plan to trapped Ghostface. Little do you know that the price to pay will be high... Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 Warnings: blood, death of character (I swear this time it's for the plot, don't kill me it hurts me too), angst a/n: I drew a little plan so you can see the location (even for I needed it at one point so...) hope you can read my handwriting lol (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
"We're safe now, right?" Lexi asked, breaking the silence
You didn't know how much you slept that night, but certainly not enough to talk about that right after waking up.
No one answered her question, only sharing a knowing look.
"With him we're never safe. Trust me, I know"
"But Damian's in jail!"
"Chances are there is more than one killer"
"Okay then, we just have to hide until the other one gets caught" Lexi shrugged her shoulders
"It's useless, he always finds us"
"... Maybe we could use it against him" everyone turned to look at you "We lure him, and we lock him up"
"It's risky, very risky" your mom warned
"It is, but it could work. We just need a bait..."
"And how do we decide who will be the bait? I don't want to be the bait" Lexi complained
"If we figure out Ghostface's next victim... we have our bait" Tara intervened
You all stayed silent a moment, trying to think of the next victim.
"... Do you really think he wanted to kill me that night? I mean- okay he stabbed be and everything, but if he really wanted to kill me, he just had to slit my throat, right? So why didn't he did that, to be 100% sure I would die?"
More silence. You took it as a sign to continue.
"What if... what if he had something against me - like Amber and Richie with Sam - and wanted to hurt me before killing me?"
"Why do you make it all about yourself? Chad doesn't have anything to do with you"
"We're friends since forever, he's very dear to me"
"Okay but what if you're wrong and it has nothing to do with you? And you surviving the attack was just pure luck? 'A painful death' isn't a term you usually use when you don't want to kill someone"
"Maybe he wants to make us believe that to muddy the waters. I don't know okay, I'm trying to figure out why this is happening"
"Yeah well, I your theory's wrong we could all die"
"At least I'm trying, me. You're not helpful at all, just being rude like that."
Tara placed a hand on your thigh to calm you down and kissed you.
"It's okay baby, she's not worth it, I know you're doing your best" she whispered against your lips
"To be honest, whatever we do, we have a chance to die" Gale started "I have an idea for the where. The how, however..."
She tried to explain what the inside of the building looked like, but none of you really understood so she drew a quick sketch of it. It was way easier to understand that way.
"Now as I said before, how we can trap him is another story"
"I think I know"
It was the first time Mindy spoke since you woke up. She looked determined to do everything in her power to avenger her brother.
"Give me a paper, I'll show you"
Your mom obeyed and gave the girl paper and a pencil. She started to draw, and a few minutes after, showed you her plan:
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"Let me explain in details" she said, seeing your confused faces "So the doted lines are the retractable glass windows / walls. According to Gale we have to buttons here, and one here. Those two activate this wall, and this one activates the two others. Did I lost anyone?"
You all shook your heads. For now, it was pretty clear.
"Okay, good. Now this is the first floor, right? I think you said at the ground floor there was other glass walls? Okay we'll see that later, but that's where Sam, Lexi and I are gonna stay"
"Wait, I want to be with Tara too" Sam protested
"We can't have too many people at the same floor. Don't worry, Y/n will be there to protect her." Mindy turned back to her plan "So, Y/n and Tara are the bait, they're going to try to lure him at the first floor, so Gale will be able to trap him with the glass walls and separate him from the girls. The other wall is the safe escape."
She gave more details after that. It was a good plan, much better than anything you could've think of.
"Any questions? No? Great"
"Anyone wants a coffee before we put our life in danger?" Lexi sighed
You all nodded. A coffee wouldn't hurt after all.
"Okay, I'm gonna get them, I'll be right back"
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Now that you were there, you weren't so sure it was a good idea after all. What if it went wrong? What if Tara was hurt? You glanced over to your girlfriend. She seemed as nervous as you were.
"That's a bad idea, maybe we should-"
You were interrupted by your phone ringing in your pocket. You took it, hands shaking.
Probably: Damian Walker.
You looked at Tara and nodded, the signal for her to text the others to get ready. You picked up hesitantly.
"Y/n, Y/n... It's a shame I didn't get you last time, really. For you I mean. If I had killed you... you wouldn't have had to watch her die before your eyes."
"O-oh yeah?"
He hung up, leaving you even more nervous. Suddenly, a tall figure appeared. As expected he was here. Watching you from the other end of the corridor.
You back up slightly, taking Tara's hand to tell her it was going to be okay. Ghostface didn't move, he was just watching you, analyzing the building.
"We're here! Come and get us if you can, asshole!" you provoked him to make him follow you
He tilted his head to the side before taking a knife out of a pocket in his costume. And then he threw it in your direction, cutting your arm. You hissed in pain, putting your other hand on the wound.
He took a step forward then another one, faster, and in less than a second he was rushing towards you.
You started running, Tara by your side. She opened the stairwell's door and started climbing up the stairs, making sure Ghostface was still following you.
You kicked opened the door to the second floor and ran to the glass wall behind which your mother was, ready to push the button.
"Where is he?" she asked, voice muffled by the wall
Out of breath, you turned around to look behind you. He was not here. When did he stop following you?
"Shit shit shit..." you mumbled, panicked, blood running down your arm
All of a sudden, Tara screamed.
You turned around at the same time as your mother and felt your heart drop immediately. He was here. On the wrong side of the wall.
Your first reflex was to rush to the button to open the glass window. You pressed it, but nothing happened. You tried again, panic rising. Still nothing.
On the other side, Gale tried to press the button as well. It was not working. Ghostface tilted his head to the side. You knew he was smiling under his mask.
Tara tried to press the button too, but it was useless. You ran to the stairwell's door. Going back down and to the other side of the floor was the only available option now.
You tried to push it, but it didn't move. Not even an inch. Someone blocked it from outside.
"No no no no no... come on please..."
You kicked the door, threw yourself at it, in vain. Tara was fighting with the button desperately as Gale was fighting Ghostface with almost as much despair.
You took your phone and called Sam, covering your screen with blood. You started talking as soon as she picked up, voice shaking.
"Sam he's with my mom! We're stuck on the other side! You have to help her or she's gonna- she's gonna-"
"Fuck." you could hear her run with the others "We're here in a second" loud noises, as if they were hitting something "Y/n t-the door is locked... we can't- we can't-"
"Try to open it!"
You ran back to the glass window and hit the button, but it still wasn't working. You couldn't do anything.
You couldn't do anything while your mom was fighting for her life on the other side of this stupid wall. From where you were, you could see the stairwell's door shaking. The others were trying hard to open it.
You watched in horror as Ghostface stabbed Gale in the leg, in the stomach, in the arm. She was fighting back as strongly as she could, but she was no match.
You were desperately trying to make the button work, even if you knew it wouldn't.
He threw her to the ground, but she kicked him off her and stood up with difficulty, going in your direction. She didn't see him behind her. She couldn't do anything when he grabbed her by the shoulders and sunk his knife in her chest.
She tried to fight his grip, but she weakened with every passing second.
You had abandoned the button and were now hitting the glass window in hope to break it, screaming her name, but only managed to stain it with your blood.
He looked at you in the eye, challenging you, before taking the knife out of your mom's chest and dragging it to her throat.
"No..." you backed away from the window, tears in your eyes "Please don't..."
He nodded slowly. Yes. I'm gonna do it. And you can't save her.
She knew. She knew she was going to die. You could see it in her eyes.
"I love you, I'm sorry" she mouthed to you
You watched, helpless, as he pressed the knife against the flesh of her throat, slicing it opened. Your heart shattered.
The scream that left your throat as you fell on your knees was heart wrenching.
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ryanmarshallryan · 1 year
Like a Set of Nesting Dolls - Another Vore Story
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Jordan had swallowed me on a number of occasions.We both had so much fun every time he did that he hadn’t digested me yet, so that he could swallow me again and again. We lived far apart, so it was always an exciting occasion to get together through the years. This particular visit was exciting for more than one reason. For one, Jordan was bringing one of his friends, Nathan, who wanted to try a nesting doll vore situation. The plan was for Jordan to feed Nathan to me, and then Jordan would swallow me whole. It was going to be a feat for sure, but we were excited to try it out. Furthermore, I had been dating a cute guy named Drew for a few months and he wanted to learn more about my interest in vore, and what better way to learn than witnessing it. Jordan’s two boyfriends, Michael and Brad, were also coming over to round out the party, and I’m sure to cuddle Jordan from the outside while Nathan and I were snuggled up in his belly.
“Nice to meet you,” Jordan said to Drew before turning to me, “And as always, nice to eat you,” he continued, giving my belly a little shake. I gave a little laugh and pulled Jordan in for a hug. Jordan introduced me to his boyfriends and Nathan, and I introduced them all to Drew.
The 6 of us started the evening by going out for sushi together to break the ice. I caught up with Jordan for a bit on all the new things in his life, chatted with Brad about how he met Michael and Jordan, and got to know Nathan a bit more. I turned to Drew, who was wrapping up a conversation with Jordan, and asked how he was doing. He seemed a bit nervous, but excited to meet everyone.
“Hey, Drew, if this whole vore thing is overwhelming for you, we can all just have a fun, platonic cuddle party or something,” I said to him.
“No, I’m having a great time. It’s obviously something you want to explore, so I want to support you in your interests,” he replied. I assured him if his mind changed, he was fine to let me know.
After we were stuffed with various sushi rolls, we headed back to Jordan’s home to start the night. We played some board games, made ice cream sundaes, and had a giant cuddle puddle on the couch.
We began sharing stories of chaotic gay times we had all had. Jordan, Nathan and I talked about funny and sweet vore moments we had had. Like that time Jordan accidentally swallowed someone who jumped off a diving board into his mouth unexpectedly; or that time Nathan dressed up in a hot-dog costume at a Halloween party and had two preds argue over eating him, until one pred swallowed the other; or when my ex-boyfriend who didn’t understand vore tried to flirt with me with quirky phrases like “Are you ice cream? Cause you’re going straight to my hips… Get it? ‘Cause like if I ate you you’d be my fat,” without realizing that I was very much aware of that reality. Though Drew and Jordan’s boyfriends weren’t particularly into vore they shared stories of their weirdest dates and such.
After a lot of laughing and cuddling, Nathan changed the subject, “Do we have anymore whipped cream?”
“I think so, why?”
“I think it’s time for second-dessert… for some of us,” he said with a sly smile. He got up and got a can of whipped cream from the fridge and started spraying the cream all over his chest. “Someone wanna help me with this?”
Drew looked around and got up and helped spray whipped cream on Nathan’s back and body. Drew grabbed some of the melting ice cream and helped lather some onto Nathan’s chest. Jordan got up and got a little taste. He turned back to me.
“Are you ready to be stuffed?” Jordan said to me with a wicked smile.
“I don’t know, I haven’t swallowed someone whole before,” I said nervously, watching Nathan put on his funny attire of whipped cream and melting ice cream.
Nathan turned and walked over to me, straddling my legs, “I’ve heard ice cream is your favorite food,”
I was breathing faster now, “Sure is,”
“How much do you think you could eat in one sitting?” he asked, rubbing my belly, which was starting to growl and groan.
“I think my record is 4, maybe 5 pints?” I said shakily.
“Nervous?” Nathan asked. I gave a smile and a nod. Nathan looked down at my groin for a moment, “But obviously quite excited.”
Jordan sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder and rubbed my side. He whispered in my ear, “Just imagine being fuller than you’ve ever been in your life. Ready?”
I took a deep breath. “All right, I’m ready. How are we gonna do this?”
Michael and Brad lifted Nathan up on both sides as Drew watched from the corner of the room. Nathan stuck his feet forward as Jordan whispered to me to open wide. They all pushed Nathan forward a bit and I got the first taste of Nathan’s sugary legs, coated in cool cream. Once that first taste hit, my body helped take over. I swallowed hard and felt my throat open. Jordan’s boyfriends continued to guide Nathan down my throat. I had to gently push Nathan’s hard-on down to help him slide easier down my throat. I felt my stomach begin to balloon out so I relaxed my abs to let my abdomen expand easier. I lifted my hands up and helped guide Nathan’s hands and arms into my mouth. I tilted my head back and helped lift Nathan’s torso up into the air to help gravity pull him down easier. Nathan’s eyes rolled back into his head for a moment in sensual elation, then he looked down into my eyes and gave a faint smile and shudder. Jordan’s boyfriends stepped back, as Nathan gave out one more moan, and his head slipped past my lips. I continued swallowing hard and felt him begin to curl up in my belly.
I didn’t even notice that Jordan was rubbing my stomach, helping Nathan to settle in on the inside. I gasped and caught my breath. Jordan reminded me to swallow some air for Nathan, too, and I did so. I looked over at Drew, whose eyes were wide with awe. “How are you doing?” I called out to him.
“How am I? How are you?! You just ate a whole person!” He exclaimed.
“I did, didn’t I,” I considered. I raised my voice to my stomach, “Hey Nathan, how are you?”
I heard muffled yells of enjoyment and felt him squirming rigorously about inside me. Drew came over and put his ear to my belly. Nathan pushed against my stomach and Drew felt the strange sensation. Jordan continued rubbing my belly for a bit, while Drew leaned in to kiss me a bit.
“Now that you’re nice and stuffed, how do you feel about becoming… the stuffing?” Jordan whispered.
“I mean I’m always ready to get in your gut, but do you really think you can fit me, and Nathan down your throat?” I teased.
“Of course! I could eat Drew too and not even notice!” Jordan responded.
“You could?” Drew interjected.
“Wanna find out?” Jordan asked Drew.
“Oh, Drew is just here to observe,” I started, but looking at Drew I held my tongue, “unless he’s changed his mind…”
Drew looked from my belly to Jordan’s. “You could swallow me whole?”
“Any way you’d like.”
Drew smiled, “I have an idea.”
Next thing I knew I was on my feet, and Drew was in the air being held up by Jordan’s boyfriends. Jordan stood at Drew’s feet and gave them a taste. Jordan held back and asked how Drew was.
“I’m excited but nervous,” he said.
“If you need to tap out just say the words,” I said to Drew, leaning in and giving him a kiss. Drew looked back at my lips, inviting me to kiss him again. I couldn’t tell if I had butterflies in my stomach or if it were just Nathan squirming about.
Jordan started slowly swallowing Drew’s legs, while I made out with Drew’s lips on the other end. We continued in this fashion until Jordan had swallowed up to Drew’s ribcage. I pulled back for a moment to check on Drew. Drew reached his arms over and pulled me back in for more making out. My hands held Drew’s sides, and I clasped my arms to his sides and slid them into Jordan’s mouth. We were getting swallowed altogether, all at once.
Michael and Brad let go of Drew, and started embracing Jordan and his ever expanding stomach. I held tight to Drew, kissing him deeply. I opened my eyes and saw that his head and my head were about to be engulfed in Jordan’s mouth. I breathed in through my nose sharply, and pushed forward.
Everything went dark, yet my sensations were on fire. My torso was being tightly squeezed all around by Jordan’s throat muscles, my lips and tongue were being stimulated as Drew and I explored each other’s faces, my stomach churning like crazy with Nathan squirming inside, and my legs lifted off the ground as I was pulled into Jordan’s throat. Within moments I was crashing into Jordan’s stomach on top of Drew.
I felt a large jostling as Jordan crashed back onto the couch with Michael and Brad. Drew rubbed my belly as we continued making out with each other, being squeezed from every which way. I felt Nathan rubbing my belly from the inside, so I pushed back against him a bit. I tried to rub Jordan’s belly from the inside too, as well as Drew’s body but it was difficult to know which way was which and who I was touching. Jordan’s belly kneaded my body tighter than ever before, probably because it wasn't used to stretching this much. Jordan’s belly squeezed so tightly I thought I might vomit, so I pulled back from Drew for a moment to catch my breath. I couldn’t really pull back, since my head just pushed against Jordan’s stomach walls, but sure enough I felt Nathan begin to travel back out of my esophagus and from my stomach into Jordan’s much larger stomach.
“Wait, whose stomach am I in now?” Nathan said, gasping.
“Is that Nathan?” Drew breathed out. I felt around and couldn’t tell who was who, as both were entangled with me and all of us were slipping and sliding, covered in various intermingled stomach juices.
“How’s everyone doing in there?” came the booming voice of Jordan from all around us.
The three of us exclaimed a chorus of various positive but cramped responses. It took us a while, but we found a relatively comfortable position of three-way spooning of sorts inside Jordan’s belly and we rubbed each other and Jordan.
After a while, the stomach acids began tingling more and more, almost too painfully hot.
“Unless you’d all like to become belly fat, which of course I would be more than okay with, it’s probably about time to let you out,” Jordan said.
“So how are y’all feeling? Are we getting digested tonight? Or wait to digest another day?” I call out to Drew and Nathan.
“I have work Monday, so I should probably, you know…” Drew began.
“... Become belly fat and never have to think about work again? I was thinking the same thing too!” Nathan said, laughing. We all laughed, Drew perhaps a bit more nervously than Nathan and I.
A few minutes later, after a strange slip and slide sort of adventure out of Jordan’s belly and throat, the three of us were taking a quick shower together to rinse off. We cleaned up and returned to continue cuddling on the couch, all 6 of us.
“I forgot you guys were here!” Drew said to Michael and Brad, “I guess I was focused on the people in front of me and, well, the stomach I was in.”
“It’s a pretty great stomach to be distracted by,” I say, rubbing Jordan’s belly.
“So what’s up for your next vore adventure,” Brad asked.
“I kinda want to try that hot dog suit one like Nathan,” I mentioned.
“We could make that happen…” Jordan mumbled as we continued dreaming about all the fun ways to end up in someone’s gut. Vore is a fun time.
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starryeyedmunson · 2 years
meet me in the pale moonlight - e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x reader
summary: it’s based loosely on the song ‘meet me in the pale moonlight’ by lana del rey, you are liked by everyone in town, except by eddie munson. you were going to crack that kid one way or another, and you were ready to use your charm on him in more ways than one.
warnings: way too much smut (minors get out of here. go on, scram), swearing, mention of both drinking and drugs but no usage, kind of switch!eddie but leaning more dom, kind of switch!reader but leaning more sub, pet names (baby, doll, sweetheart, princess, pretty boy), oral (f and m receiving), p in v, slight breeding kink (i had to), choking, orgasm denial, slight bondage (ish, you’ll get it in context)
author’s note: i worked very hard on this so PLEASE show some love. also i’m writing this on my 6 hour flight home next to a man who is listening so intently to a joe rogan podcast, and i’m uncomfortable to say the least. hopefully this scares him away. enjoy this sex rant. (update: he watched me write every word and even ASKED ME what i was working on. i said homework. it’s literally summer. i’m not okay)
word count: 4.9k
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with every step you took, another jaw dropped.
you, y/n y/l/n, had everyone in the palm of your hand. wherever you walked, countless pairs of eyes followed, and it earned you a spot at the cheerleaders and basketball players’ table. you set your tray down smiling, and you had an arm swung over your shoulder that belonged to your friend, miles. you laughed and pushed him off of you, then turned to your best friend, chrissy cunningham.
“hey, how was history?” she asked. “i had a doctor’s appointment, so i couldn’t go.”
“i wouldn’t know, i skipped,” you said with a smirk. she rolled her eyes and laughed, and you smiled along with her. your eyes scanned the cafeteria quickly until you landed on a certain table. a certain person.
remember the whole “everyone in the palm of your hand” thing? i forgot to mention the only exception.
eddie freaking munson.
he never took one look in your direction. ever. you looked at him every time he walked down the hallway, but he could not care less about your presence.
it was infuriating.
it wasn’t that you weren’t satisfied with everyone else’s eyes on you; you were. but something about eddie’s total lack of interest made you unable to give two shits about other looks that you were so used to. you knew he hated your friend group given that they bullied him literally every day, but you never partook. you just sat there, amused by his bizarre responses to the nasty comments your friends made. the way he didn’t care about what anyone thought of him intrigued you, and you decided that you wanted him. bad.
the lunch bell drew you from your own head, and you were tugged upwards by miles and jason. you slapped their hands away and got up yourself, walking to the class you all shared.
the rest of the day went by very quickly, and as you walked out of last period you were mauled by two freshmen.
“what the fuck!’ you yelled, whipping your head around to find a set of one curly-haired and another lanky and way-too-tall boys.
you looked at them with raised eyebrows before the tall one spoke.
“we- we’re so sorry,” he said wide-eyed. “we’re l-late for something and- i’m sorry w- we have to go,” speaking at a rate of a thousand words per minute.
you were barely registering as you looked down at their shirts. they matched eddie’s and you instantly came up with an idea. the boys were already scrambling away before you yelled at them.
“wait!” you said. they froze, then slowly turned around. you smiled sweetly and walked towards them. “wheeler, right?” you said to the almost-black haired boy. he gulped and nodded his head ‘yes’ a little too aggressively, and you gave him your signature cutesy laugh.
“listen,” you turned to the smaller boy who now spoke at you. “we would love to stay and chat, but we’re about to get our asses handed to us if we’re late for this thing.”
“your club, right?” you said, totally uninterested in the details. the wheeler kid nodded again. “i’ve always wanted to know what you guys really did, do you mind if i come?”
you watched them both look to each other, back to you, then to each other, then finally back to you.
“um, sure?” wheeler said. you clasped your hands together and smiled, completely aware of the effect of talking to a pretty senior girl was having on these two poor freshmen.
“lead the way,” you said.
you knew damn well you were not walking into that classroom to sit and pretend to be interested in whatever it was they did, so when you walked in with those two boys and everyone’s eyes widened, you thought you knew what you signed up for.
boy, you could not be more wrong.
there sat eddie, in some sort of throne. he didn’t even look up as he set up a folder and a book of some sort, messing around with the little statues and game pieces that littered the board.
“th-this is y/n,” one of the freshmen said. you waved a shy ‘hi’ at the group who sat there unmoving. you had to hide your smirk as they stared at you, but your confidence fell flat when the entire reason you came to the stupid club meeting looked at you with the most unimpressed expression you had ever witnessed.
“this is why you were late?” he said. the boys’ faces turned bright red, and they scurried towards the table. you cleared your throat before trying to work your magic.
“i was just curious about what your game actually was,” you said slowly, putting your hands innocently behind your back. his disinterested expression hardened, and you could tell he was not buying a single word that spilled from your mouth.
“that’s great, sweetheart, but i don’t care,” he said, his eyes moving back down to the table. you almost huffed in frustration, but you just cleared your throat and excused yourself, walking out of the classroom. the door closed behind you, and you let out a quiet groan. you were going to crack this kid if it was the last thing you did.
the next day rolled around, and there you were at lunch. you glared in eddie’s direction while he paid you no mind, but you were shaken from your concentration by chrissy.
“did you even hear me?” she said while laughing.
“what’d you say?” you said back.
“i said are you excited for the party tonight? i’ve been thinking about it all week and need to run some outfits by you,” she said rapidly. you rolled your eyes before replying.
“chris, we get drunk, like, every weekend. this probably isn’t going to be that much different than last friday. or the one before that. or the one before-“
“okay, okay, i get it,“ she said. “but what else is there to do? there’s not really another way to have fun besides, like, drugs or something.” the mention of drugs peaked your interest. you slowly turned your head to her with a knowing smirk, and she started shaking her head. “no no no, that was a joke, y/n,” but your smile grew even wider.
“come on, it’ll be so much fun. plus, i know exactly where to get them,” you said, the perfect plan falling into place.
“you? know where to buy-“ she cut herself off and gave you a look. “no. you might get possessed.”
“shut up, it’ll be fine,” you said before smirking. she raised her eyebrows before slowly nodding her head down and sighing.
“if he murders you, all i’m going to say at your funeral is ‘i told you so’”
“what? come on,” you said with a pout. you had cornered eddie at his locker, and he wasn’t even facing you.
“i’m not selling weed, let alone cocaine to a person who has never touched drugs in their life,” he said with an annoyed tone.
“and how do you know i’ve never tried drugs?” you said, poking his arm. he turned and looked you up and down, then raised an eyebrow once he made it back to your face. “okay, fine. but you know what they say, you gotta start somewhere!” you said enthusiastically.
truth was, you didn’t give a shit about what he was selling. you just wanted to get some alone time with him, even if you had to spend money to do it.
god, this was a new low for you.
“if i do it will you leave me the hell alone?” he said. you nodded excitedly and flashed him a smile that he didn’t return. “fine. meet me in the woods just outside of school at eight. deal?”
you faltered at the thought of being in the woods, alone, with eddie munson, at night. “uh, yeah, deal.” you said, the fake smile making its way back onto your face.
he nodded curtly and slammed his locker shut, leaving you alone in the hallway. you wondered if it was a mistake, if meeting him tonight was a good idea. you shook your head to get the hair out of your face as well as the concern out of your head, and you walked towards the front of school both excited and nervous about what would transpire in about five hours.
you sat on the table, your leg bouncing on the bench with nervousness. you looked around as you waited for the long-haired boy, no, man to show up, and when he finally did you breathed a sigh of relief. he walked up slowly and showed genuine surprise when he saw your frame sitting atop the table. 
“well, well, well, the princess actually showed up,” he said, and you could make out the smirk on his face as he walked closer. the moonlight was hitting him just right when he finally stopped in front of you.
“oh i’m a princess? don’t flatter me, munson,” you said with a smirk to match his. he rolled his eyes and sat down next to you, setting down the black box he carried with him everywhere. he opened it to reveal an assortment of bags of weed, pill bottles, and tiny bags filled with a white powder. you gulped at the sight of all the illicit paraphernalia, and he laughed to himself.
“i’m definitely not selling this to you now, princess” he said with drawling out the pet name, and you shook the expression from your face before looking back up at him.
“first of all, stop calling me that,” you said. “second of all, you shut up. it’s not every day that a sweet girl like me sees a bunch of felonies in some kid’s lunch box.”
“a sweet girl like you?” eddie laughed out. “please, nothing about you is sweet.”
you were genuinely taken aback. “and what makes you say that?”
“don’t think i don’t know why you walked into hellfire yesterday,” he said knowingly, and you coughed from embarrassment. “don’t think i don’t feel you staring at me from across every room we share. it’s quite pathetic, really.”
“how would you know i stare at you? quite presumptuous if you ask me,” you said with absolutely no confidence. you were in a position you had never been in before, and you had no idea what was going on as eddie closed the lunchbox and set it down. his body was now fully facing yours, and the smirk on his face was humiliating you more by the second.
“are you denying that you do?” he asked. you were falling into his trap by looking into his dark eyes. you knew they were brown, but you couldn’t make them out due to the darkness. the moon was still hitting his face perfectly, giving the side of his face a sort of glow. your eyes flitted around his illuminated features, and you realized how pretty he actually was.
you slowly shook your head. the smirk on his face grew, yet it now had a certain darkness behind it. now it was his eyes that ran across your face, really taking in your features.
“and is there anything you’re going to do about it?” you said, genuinely nervous.
“would you like me to, princess?” he asked, his face inching closer and closer to yours. your breath hitched. this was it. this was what you had so desperately craved. but now that the moment was here, you were putty in his hands when it was supposed to be the other way around. chrissy, your friends, and the party you were supposed to be attending were now distant thoughts as eddie took control of your head. everything in your body was screaming at you to get back at least some of your dignity, but you had never experienced the submission you were now.
but you fuckin’ liked it.
you nodded your head lightly, and he took the signal. he leaned in, and as soon as your lips connected, it was straight fireworks. clearly he had done this before, much to your surprise, but every thought was taken away from you with each movement of your mouths. his one hand moved its way to your hips, gripping tightly and causing your breath to falter and him to smile into your kisses. they deepened, and soon enough you were out of air. your tongues clashed as you both fought for dominance, but eddie prevailed every time. your teeth were almost touching as your make out session heated up. the hand that wasn’t gripping your waist moved to the back of your head where eddie laced his fingers through your hair. he tugged lightly at first, then it grew harsher. your hands were gripping his arms for dear life as he pulled on your perfectly curled locks, eliciting moans from your mouth.
he bit your lower lip lightly before pulling away, and you were breathless when he did so. the smirk plastered on his face paired with his flushed cheeks was enough to start a pooling of arousal from you, and you knew he was going to give you shit for it when he found out.
he kept eye contact as he moved down to your neck, only breaking it to go to work. your arms flew around him and it was your turn to tangle your fingers in his hair. contrasting you, he pulled your hair to the point that your head was thrown back, giving him more access to leave markings all across your neck. it felt so good, the hot and sloppy kisses that he left in his wake. he occasionally bit down on the flesh and sucked hard before smoothing the now-bruised skin over with his tongue.
you were drowning in pleasure, and he lifted his head to look back at you.
“look at you,” he said, looking your face up and down. “so easily turned on.” he ran the hand on your hip down to your thigh, grazing the skin over and over while stopping at the hem of your skirt every time. “i’m liking the skirt, sweetheart. reminds me of you in that little cheerleading uniform i get to see you in at school.” you were dripping at his words, but the only way you could communicate was through whimpers of desperation. he chuckled darkly as he looked down at your legs, and he slowly dragged his fingers lightly to finally push up the edge of the skirt like he had always fantasized about doing.
shit, you thought. this is the big reveal.
his hands finally reached the place where your thighs met your pelvis, and he abruptly stopped. he looked up at you in genuine surprise before his expression changed into one of impressment.
“and what did you think you were doing, coming here with no panties on?” your eyes moved slowly up to his face, only to see his pupils blown as he looked at you.
“i know how to get what i want” you countered, finding your confidence that was thrown out the window since seeing him walk up to the table just minutes earlier.
“we’ll see about that, princess,” he said. “you’re going to have to be very good, do you understand?” you nodded your head, growing impatient as his fingers made their way to where you wanted them most.
he finally gave in, running two of his fingers between your folds. it was enough to make you cum right there, but you were pushed to the edge when those same fingers found your clit. he applied only the lightest bit of pressure, and your hips bucked upwards out of instinct to get more of what you needed.
“ah-ah,” he said, pulling his hand way. “wait your turn, sweetheart.” you groaned out of irritation, but you were instantly satisfied as you felt his fingers return to their spot on your now-throbbing clit.
he slowly pressed harder as he rubbed circles over it, and at this point you were a moaning mess. he had barely even done anything, yet there you were, writhing and needy with your eyes closed and your head thrown back. he was staring at you with lust in his eyes, but he pulled his hand away yet again. your eyes opened quickly and you looked at him, but he just laughed.
“since you’ve been so good and sound so sweet,” he said, but he didn’t finish his sentence as he got off the table and centered himself in between your legs, your skirt still on. he sat on the bench in front of you and looked up at you with those big brown eyes, and you were mentally preparing yourself for what you knew was about to happen. “lay down on the table,” he said in a low and commanding voice. you slowly did so, and you could feel his hot breath on your pussy before he finally lifted the bottom of your skirt and attached his mouth to your clit.
the way he took it in his mouth, sucking harshly and running his tongue over it while licking fat stripes up your pussy in between had you reeling. his hand snaked up your still-clothed body until it found your neck, where his grip tightened and put you in a frenzy. his other arm had your leg hooked around it where he held you down to keep you from moving.
“fuck, eddie,” you moaned out, your hands instantly grabbing at his hair. his grasp on your neck was tight, but not completely suffocating. “m-more.”
“what was that?” he said, looking up at you but never ceasing his relentless eating your pussy. 
“m-more, p-please,” you choked out, trying your best to form the words. you felt eddie smile against your core.
“as you wish, princess,” he said before removing his hand from your throat. he traced all the way back down your body before his hand found where your entrance was, slowly pushing a single digit inside.
you should’ve just brought a megaphone with how loud you yelled, his finger pumping slowly in and out. the feeling of his tongue swirling your clit and his finger curling inside of you was almost too much to bear, and when he added a second it was game over.
“p-please,” you moaned out. “g-gonna c-“
everything stopped.
your head flew up to look at him where you were met with a devilish smirk. you had had about enough, and as a surge of irritation and sexual rage washed over you, so did a leap of confidence.
“what’s the look for, doll?” he said. you took the smirk away from him, and you sat up and leaned forward. you lifted his chin with your finger before you kissed him, tasting yourself on his lips. you pulled away and were met with a confused look on his face. you swung your leg over his head before hopping off the table, moving to be behind him. he turned his head to look at you, but you stood still. 
“all the way around, pretty boy,” you said. now it was his turn to lose the confidence, and he silently obliged. once he was facing you, you grabbed the bottom of your shirt and took it off, nice and slow. he watched you, mouth gaped open when you finally dropped the shirt on the ground. not only were you not wearing underwear, but it seemed that you had forgot your bra as well. he drank in your appearance, not even know where to rest his eyes as he admired you. you walked over to him slowly, and he watched as you got on your knees. the leaves were rough, but you barely paid any attention to that as you looked up at eddie with doe eyes. he gulped as you ran your fingers along his thighs and up to the bottom of his shirt, lifting it slowly. he hurriedly took it off and threw it somewhere, and you laughed to yourself. 
“so eager,” you said, now in complete control. your hands then moved to his zipper and slowly undid it. his breath hitched as you reached the bottom of the zip, and you palmed him through his briefs. he let out a soft ‘ah’ as your hand wrapped around his clothed length, stroking it softly. he stared at you as you picked up the pace, finally using your other hand to pull at his waistband as a signal for him to take off his pants. you pulled away as he frantically took of his pants and briefs, laughing at his fumbling. your laughter was cut short once his cock sprang free. you were impressed to say the least, and eddie caught it.
“like what you see, sweetheart?” he said cockily.
“did i say you could talk?” you said, not wanting to give up the control you had just gotten. he put his hands up in defense and leaned back while still looking at you. you grabbed his cock once again, the feeling of his skin warm under your fingers. you resumed your stroking, and eddie’s breathing became uneven. it wasn’t until you kitten-licked his tip that he let out a small moan. he sounded so good, so needy as the small sounds came from his mouth. you continued teasing him, now running your tongue on the underside of his throbbing length.
“b-baby,” he said, completely out of breath.
“wait your turn, remember?” you said, quoting him from before. he let out a laugh that turned into a guttural moan as you took him in your moth completely. 
he had never had it like this before. the way your head bobbed up and down, your mouth holding what you couldn’t fit. the way you let your tongue drag roughly up his cock while sucking with the perfect amount of pressure. the way you looked up at him with those big eyes of yours. and when you finally removed your mouth to reattach it to his balls, he lost it.
he had now turned into the moaning mess as you jacked him off, his balls your new area of focus. his head was facing upwards as he tried not to close his eyes, but everything you were doing had him on a chokehold.
“f-fuck, y/n,” he stuttered. “feel s-so good.”
you detached yourself but still moved your hand up and down his shaft, and you smiled up at him. “such pretty sounds from such a pretty boy. you gonna come for me?” you said, your voice almost doing the job for him. he nodded quickly, his eyes closing as he felt that familiar feeling build up.
again, everything stopped.
he head was still pointing at the sky as he let out a dark laugh. his hands moved from your hair to your hot cheeks, and he slowly looked down at you.
“bad decision, sweetheart.”
you knew you were totally in for it at this point.
he guided you with his hands still cupping your cheeks onto your feet, and you began to take your skirt off before his hands flew to grip your arms.
“leave it on,” he said maintaining eye contact. you nodded with a silent smile before he led you to the end of the table. you had just caught your breath before you were spun around to face the table, his hand on your lower back pushing you down onto your stomach roughly.
you waited a couple seconds before you felt eddie’s cock run up and down your pussy, causing you to groan in anticipation.
“i don’t know if you deserve this, princess. my cock inside of you. you haven’t been a very good girl, edging me like you just did.”
“please, eds,” you breathed out. “i promise i’ll be good just-“ he cut you off by completely railing into you. you cried out in pain that immediately turned into pleasure. he pulled back out all the way.
“what did you say?” he said. “i don’t think you finished.”
“p-please. fuck m-me please,” you moaned out, already missing the feeling of his cock inside of you. you could practically see the smile on his face as he pressed slowly into you this time, stretching you out. your hands, beside your head, scratched at the table, and he grabbed them to hold behind your back. the feeling of his hips hitting your ass mixed with his dick hitting just below your g-spot was pure ecstasy. you could feel a layer of sweat on your back, yet eddie kept his hand there to hold you down. you moaned his name over and over as he made you his, his cock slipping in and out of your wet core with ease.
“so fucking tight,” he said, breathing heavily. “and so wet. for who? say who it’s for, baby.” you could barely think as the speed of him fucking you kept increasing. your legs became wobbly as you heard him speak again. “words, y/n, say who it’s for.”
“y-you,” you managed. “all f-for you.” he groaned as he pulled out. you were suddenly empty, but with the speed in which he flipped you over and hooked your legs on his shoulders was fast enough that you were full of him again in no time.
your eyes were rolling into the back of your head as this new position finally gave him the access to that perfect spot in your pussy, and he was ruining you with every thrust. your eyes were opened and trained on his face. there were beads of sweat formed around his hairline, and his head was down as he watched himself fuck you over and over again. your gaze moved down to see what he was looking at, and you almost came from the sight alone. he moved in and out of you at the fast, perfect pace you loved, and you were turned cock-drunk. your hands were helplessly grasping at nothing, and you screamed his name once his fingers found your clit.
you were moving closer and closer to your orgasm, but you couldn’t even think with him fucking you the way he was. you let out a small whimper, and eddie understood you perfectly.
“i know, baby, but not just yet,” he said, quickening the circles he rubbed into your sensitive clit. you looked up at him, and he almost lost it then. you were completely fucked out, your hair everywhere and your cheeks flushed. “jesus, you look so pretty like this. all ruined because of me,” he said reaching back for your throat. the familiar feeling of his hand tightening around your neck was the last thing you needed to be sent over the edge.
“e-eddie, n-need,” was all you could get out.
“hold on, doll, just a little longer i promise,” he said, his attention going back down to where he was relentlessly fucking your hole. “wanna cum with you.”
“f-fill me u-up,” you said. you had never let anyone do that before, but the way you were completely lost in lust had you hooked on him.
“fuck, baby,” he said, looking back to you. his hand tightened even more, knocking the wind out of you. “want me to cum inside you? want me to fill this pretty pussy of yours?” you nodded frantically. “gonna need to hear it, princess. want you to tell me you want my cum dripping from your hole.”
“yes, fuck! please i n-need it,” you yelled out. it was all you could bear, and the knot in your stomach was a dam about to break. “please, c-can i c- please,” you said. it didn’t make any sense, but eddie knew you like the back of his hand at this point.
“come on, princess. you can do it,” he said softly. you let yourself go, crying out his name as your walls throbbed around his cock, you had never cum this hard, and it resulted in your squirt drenching both yourself and eddie. it was euphoric, and eddie couldn’t hold it in anymore either after that. he chased after you, white hot liquid spurting deep into your pussy. you felt every drop as he fucked you through both of your orgasms.
the high died down, and he finally pulled out to reveal you leaking with his cum. he was breathing heavily as he walked over to grab both your and his own shirts, and he walked back over to you who was still laying on the table and looking up at the stars. he placed your shirt on your stomach, and you took it from him with limp hands. you felt a cloth come in contact with your now-overstimulated clit, and you hissed from the feeling.
“sorry, doll,” he muttered as he cleaned you up first, then himself. you sat up on your elbows as you watched him, then made eye contact with him as he lifted his head. you sat up completely and put your shirt on, but when you pulled it over your head you saw eddie still shirtless. you cocked your head, and he raised an eyebrow. “what, did you think i was going to put this back on?” you laughed, but due to your soreness you tried to cut it short. he smiled down at you before continuing.
“alright, lay it on me,” he said. “was it everything you hoped it would be?”
“i wouldn’t say that,” you joked, and he let out a small laugh.
“well then, princess, i guess i’m just going to have to keep trying until it is.”
“i guess you will,” you said with a smile. 
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niuniente · 2 months
I have multiple favorite characters. They're all equally beloved. I don't get to choose which one of them is on the spotlight - they come and go on their own.
Because of this, I have assigned a personal meaning to each character: this character means have more fun; this character means that keep your eyes on the price; this character means a time of transition; this character asks to rest more. Always works!
A month ago, Dragunov from Tekken appeared on the spotlight (this didn't happen with Tekken 7 so we can't blame the new Tekken being out).
Now, the first time he was on a spotlight was 15 years ago. I was in a horrible place back then. There was a legal mess which, if the shit hit the fan, would ruin the rest of my life. Literally. I wouldn't be able to get a rental apartment, make any new contracts like electricity, phone, internet, buy anything with monthly payments, get subscription services, I would lose part of my income. I was THIS CLOSE to lose it all and the worst thing was that there was nothing I could. I hadn't caused the mess but I had no way out of it either. I even went to a lawyer to ask for a legal help but he couldn't help.
I feared for my life and future, hoping it would turn out OK. What kept me sane was playing Tekken 6. I played it hours every day and always as Dragunov. I even did my art school final thesis of fan culture and Dragunov (I had much fun with a Russian fan who drew really pretty pics of Dragunov and gave me an access to her screencapture collection of Tekken 6 for my thesis)
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Then, one day I figured what was Dragunov's assigned meaning; you will survive. No matter what the odds, even if it was the 3rd world war, you will survive and come out alive without any harm.
That's exactly what happened. Took 2 more years but I got out alive, unharmed. It was horrible time. I'm glad it's over.
So, when Dragunov NOW suddenly appeared on the spotlight after 15 years, my initial thought was "WHAT WHAT, WHAT'S THE BAD NEWS??? WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE ODDS ARE HORRIBLE BUT I'LL SURVIVE????! "
Two weeks later, in a span of a week, without any prior warnings:
I got laid off because the company bankruptcy and fell on a social welfare
this happened while the current right-wing government made big cuts to social welfare and housing benefits (so I don't know if I can keep my current home)
while at the same time prices keep getting higher due to inflation
The IUD for anemia treatment came out on its own
Because of that I'm without any help to my iron anemia and the only solution will be hysterectomy in my case; doctors aren't giving those easily (even when needed)
I lost my workplace healthcare which would have been the easiest and the best way to get to hysterectomy
the sudden removal of IUD is causing me horrible withdrawal symptoms
my Japanese friend told me that she's unable to come to Finland this year and has to postpone her trip till 2025 :(((
(which also means I won't get my favorite cigarettes I smoke for fancy treats a few times a year because I can only get it from Japan - ordering tobacco online is illegal here)
noticed that wasps had made a nest to my balcony (that's being taken care off)
couldn't attend a free(!) ice-cream tasting for a feedback and for a free 15€ gift card because of the IUD withdrawal symptoms
found out that trains aren't operating normally and my home station is under construction and causes some issues
So yeah. He wasn't lying. It's been so bad that the first thing this morning when waking up was to take stomach medicine and have a smoke. And I'm not a smoker.
Horrible times are up ahead but I trust that I'll survive out of this phase just like I did 15 year ago.
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lightininglydia · 1 year
The Interview - Drew Starkey
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Summary: As the newest member of OBX S4, You have your first interview with the cast
Relationships: Drew Starkey X Fem!Reader, Platonic! Austin North X Reader, Platonic! Obx cast X Reader 
Warnings: Mentions of drinking but besides that just friends! To lovers, mutual pining and fluff <3 also not proof read mb it’s almost 3am 🤩
A/N: I am so in love with Drew Starkey like ONE chance sir please 🧎‍♀️ n e ways I hope y’all enjoy this :)
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You shuffled your chair slightly to the right before sitting down, squinting your eyes due to the bright beams from the ring lights.
Leaning over slightly you looked at Drew “ What’s this one for again? “ you questioned, nerves building up in the pit of your stomach
This was your first cast interview
Drew leaned into your side “ It’s the question bowl thingy for Variety… we pick questions from the bowl, read them out loud and then answer them… there’s no actual interviewer so you’ll be fine “ he reassured
You offered him a soft smile, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach whenever he so much as breathed near you.
“ Alrighty guys I’m going to press start on the camera- Y/N if you could do the introduction and start us off that would be great “
You gave a small nod, taking the bowl from the camera man and leaning back in your seat
He waited a few seconds before giving you the 5-1 count down with his fingers
On one you beamed at the camera “ Hi- I’m Y/N Y/L/N “ you let everyone else introduce themselves “ And we’re the cast of outer banks! Today we’re going to be answering some questions we pick out of this bowl! “
You raised the bowl to show it off to the camera before reaching in and picking out a question, carefully placing the bowl on your lap before unrolling the question “ Who was your favourite cast member to work with this season and why “
Carlacia squealed “ Oooooh this one’s good- I think we’re all very curious to know the answer to this one especially considering you’re our newest addition “
A small laugh fell from your lips as you leaned forward slightly “ I think my answer is going to surprise you all… my favourite cast member to work with this season was Austin- it’s no secret that I am constantly rooting for Topper so getting to work with Austin and sort of soften Topper’s hatred for Pogues really made all of my scenes with him my favourite “
Austin beamed “ Me? Really? I definitely thought you were gonna say Drew or JD for that one- I’m actually so honoured right now “
A wide grin spread across your face “ Aww- Drew and JD are a close second but I honestly loved all of our scenes together… some of them are super emotional and deep and it was really fun to dive into those and give Topper some more depth “
Austin laughed “ Yeah because he definitely needed it after the stunt he pulled last season… gaslighter by The Chicks was definitely on my Topper playlist for season three- used it to channel Topper’s inner rage for John B and Sarah “
The entire cast burst out into a fit of laughter, including yourself as you felt your body finally ease and become comfortable within the environment
Drew reached towards you once the laughter finally died down, taking the bowl from your lap and carefully picking out a question “ What was your favourite episode to film? “
He pondered for a moment, his eyes trailing over to yours “ Episode 6… I think that’s when our characters finally meet and everything leading up to it is just so chaotic- Rafe is definitely going at it this season and I think six is probably the worst he’s ever been “
You turned to the camera, an amused look on your face “ Yeah episode six sure is something- also that’s your favourite!? If what I wanted to say wasn’t a spoiler I’d be going on a rant “
Rudy hummed “ Yeah episode six is insane especially for Rafe and Lily- is it your favourite because you got to spend so much time with Y/N- be honest! “ he teased
Drew’s face turned a soft shade of red as he rolled his eyes and turned his head away from the camera
Chase gasped “ It is! It sooooo is! “
A string of giggles fell from you lips as you leaned into him, resting your elbow on his shoulder “ Aww come on guys be nice! It’s not Drew’s fault I’m so pretty “ you beamed
Madison smiled at you, happy you seemed to become more comfortable as every minute passed.
Eventually the laughter and teasing died down, the bowl being passed around until it reached you again- eager to pull another question “ Who are you closest with from the cast? “
JD was the first to answer the question for you “ Drew hands down! “ he practically shouted as the rest of the cast jumped to agree
You playfully rolled your eyes at their antics “ I’m pretty close with EVERYONE “
A few of your cast members side eyed you for your answer before Madison spoke out “ That wasn’t the question! It says CLOSEST “
You huffed out a breath of air “ We all spend a lot of time together but I will say Drew and I have this like “ old people “ thing going on where we’ll sit at each other’s apartments and read all night… like we don’t really talk to each other we just bring a book, some wine and one of us puts on a really good playlist… we just sit there for hours and I think that’s bonded us in a really interesting way to where it’s more than just getting to know each other but more so solidified how comfortable we are with one another- so yeah I guess I’ll say Drew “
Madison cheered as Madelyn let out a soft laugh “ It’s such a weird thing to walk into… like I’ll just burst into one of their apartments and see them sitting there with a book in one hand and a glass of wine in the other completely silent besides the music and they won’t even notice me until I either turn the music off or take a book from one of them “
Drew smiled “ It was really nice to have Y/n join the cast… I love going out and doing things but I’m definitely more of a homebody and to have someone who not only understands that but actively participates in things like that has been great- she’s really amazing “
A soft blush formed on your cheeks at his words “ You’re the sweetest… I’m not really the going out kind of person like I’ll do it but it’s never really been my thing so to come into a cast like this and to immediately have someone that understood that was really comforting… I didn’t want to feel like I was a buzzkill or dragging the mood down so having Drew really was a lifeline in both senses- I literally cling to him when we go out “
The cast laughed at this “ Get a couple of drinks in her and she becomes a koala with Drew- there’s a really funny video of him carrying her coming to you guys the second season 4 drops “ Chase explained
A bout of laughter spilled from you “ HEY! I did NOT consent to my drunken escapades being posted as a tomfoolery! “ you protested
Drew began laughing, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side “ Oh trust me we have LOADS of those “
A gasp fell from your lips as you pulled away from him, playfully swatting at him “ No you do not! I’m not showing up to this weeks book night if you keep it up Mr. Starkey! And I’ll lock my door so you can’t get in! “
He scoffed, placing his hand on his chest “ Ouch Y/N but I think you forget I have a key to your apartment… couldn’t keep me away even if you tried which we both know you won’t “ his voice was soft, a hint of teasing in his tone as he looked at you with such adoration that your heart felt as if it would combust at any moment
What you didn’t realize was that you were looking at him the same “ No… I won’t “ voice barely audible but you knew he heard you when his eyes seemed to soften even more than they already had
Warmth filled your entire body, wishing he could look at you like this forever
JD cleared his throat “ Hey guys hate to kill the moment but Drew for the love of god pick a question out of the bowl “
Simultaneously Carlacia and Madison reached out and smacked him on either side as you and Drew tore your gazes away from each other, Drew’s going to the bowl in your hands and yours going to Austin who was giving you a very pointed look
One that read- Remember you’re on camera
Drew pulled out the question, muttering something under his breath before reading it aloud “ Have you ever had a crush on any of your cast mates? If so who? And why? “
You covered your mouth to hide the small grin that was forming on your face as Chase let out a loud “ oooooh you’re in trouble now “
Drew scoffed, throwing up the finger directed at Chase “ This is such an unfair question “
Madelyn and Rudy booed him “ Answer the question!” They shouted at him, Madison turning her face away from the camera in attempt to hide the large grin she had on her face while the rest of the cast turned to him expecting an answer
He sighed, blowing out a deep breath “ I mean- I- “ he tried but the words just weren’t making their way out of his mouth
You softly nudged him, placing your hand over his in a comforting manner “ Hey it’s okay you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to- just pick again! “ your voice was void of any judgment or teasing, almost encouraging him to do whatever made him comfortable
His heart clenched in his chest, the feeling of your hand on his had his thoughts racing- his mind constantly on you.
The way your hair smelled of vanilla coconut because of that stupid shampoo you’d left at his house one too many times, how you had the most obvious tell whenever you were lying, The way he’d never seen you get mad at anyone ever- not even when they deserved it because your heart was too kind to ever make anyone feel anything less than cared for.
And how you beamed in such a specific way whenever you saw him- it felt ridiculous to say you were his crush when he was so sure he was in love with you… so in love with you that it hurt
His face softened and all nervousness slipped away when his eyes finally locked with yours “ I mean I definitely don’t have a crush… it’s pretty obvious that I’m like- stupidly in love with you because you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met and I think you’re absolutely perfect- On your own and for me “
A ridiculously large grin spread across your face at his words “ Yeah… I think I’m pretty perfect for you too and happen to think you’re perfect for me- If it hasn’t been obvious I’m stupidly in love with you too”
The cast burst into a scarily loud amount of cheers- all having been rooting for the two of you.
You leaned back from Drew, eyes flying to the camera “ Wow- guess Variety is really getting the scoop today… Netflix slash OBX PR team please don’t kill us!!“ you jokingly pleaded, leaning into Drew’s side as his one arm wrapped around you as the other pulled your hand into his own
Madelyn laughed, grabbing the bowl from Drew “ Hey- they pre-approved all these questions so it’s on them “
The rest of the interview flew by, your hand interlocked with Drew’s as the two of you listened to your friends answer questions- laughing and interacting as much as possible before it came to a close
You gave one final look to the camera “ This was the cast of Outer Banks answering all these burning questions! Catch season four of our wonderful show streaming only on Netflix, May 16th “
Guess this wasn’t too bad for your first interview.
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yankstrash · 10 months
it's the first day of class at boston college
amelia walks into her english class that is required for all sophomores
the second she walks into the room, she face palms and wishes she could turn and run away
she walks right into 6 guys from the hockey team, two being will and drew, and once they spot her they begin yelling her name, causing a scene
she gives them a look that a mother give their child when they embarrass them in public, and starts to jokingly walk towards a seat away from them, but not before yet another hockey player walks in behind her and whisks her towards the group
"meel, so glad you could join us in class!! c'mon, come sit with us!" jacob says as he throws his arm around her shoulder and literally pulls her towards the group
amelia groans but follows him anyway (not like she really has a choice)
don't get me wrong, amelia loves the team and adores their company, but she knows they'll distract her, goof off, try to cheat off her work and probably end up annoying her to no end
"saved ya a seat!" will says as he pats the seat next to him.
"right in the middle of all of you, how sweet smitty" amelia jokes as she sets her bag down and takes a seat
she couldn't even get her own boyfriend in her class but she gets half of his team, sigh.
the group all strike up a conversation before the professor walks in
to start class, he made all the students introduce themselves; the typical first day of class useless shenanigan seeing as no one is gonna remember anyone
he made everyone say their name, their major and a fun fact about themselves
"hey i'm alex, i'm a sports management major and a fun fact about me is i'm on the hockey team!"
amelia rolled her eyes and laughed at his fun fact
of course he would announce he's on the hockey team
"meel, you should say your fun fact is that you're best friends with the entite bc hockey team" will whispered to amelia, who gave him a cockeyed look and shoved him away playfully
"you wish."
when it was amelias turn to go she said, "hi i'm amelia, i'm a neuroscience major with a psychology minor and my fun fact is i don't know any of these guys that are sitting around me!"
at her response, will shot up in his seat and said, "LIE! THAT'S A LIE! SHE KNOWS ALL OF US, WE'RE HER BEST FRIENDS!"
"AND HER BODYGUARDS!" jacob chimed in.
amelia put her head in her hands as the whole class laughed.
later that day amelia headed over to gabe apartment once he was home from practice
she dove right into his arms, ready for her daily cuddles
"how was your first day princess?" gabe asked, kissing her head.
"it was good. lucky me has english with half of your team and they made me sit right in the middle of all of them."
gabe laughed at his girlfriends response
yeah, of course they did.
"it was entertaining though. we had to introduce ourselves to the class and stupid alex of course had to announce that he was on the hockey team. god i stuck out like a sore thumb in the middle of those idiots!"
gabe was dying as amelia spoke, amelia giggling with him
"at least i know they'll take care of you while i'm not there." gabe said, and amelia playfully rolled her eyes.
"can't wait to be an english tutor to 7 meat heads."
happy first day of class for boston college!!!!
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igotanidea · 2 years
Instincts: Dick Grayson x reader
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I never wanted to do this.
 It was not my intention to jump in front of Nightwing and take the impact of the force aimed at him, but years and years of training made my instincts kick in and it just happened.
“Protect them. Protect the team” was what I learnt.  
Or maybe  I was just trying to convince myself that it was just this sentence carved inside my brain and nothing beyond.
The truth was, however, that Dick was more than just a friend. At least to me, since it was purely one-sided and I was never his type. But when the danger came I did not hesitate to step on. Would I do the same for Dawn or Donna? Probably yes, but the motives of such action would be utterly different then with Dick.
And now, laying on the ground with blood dripping from stomach, I felt the rest of my consciousness  drift away and before I gave in to the overwhelming darkness, the last thing I could hear was a scream of my name and someone was running towards me…….  
I was born with some …. unique abilities that allowed to some sort of energy bending. It was like I felt it pulsing everywhere around me, coming from people, nature, electronic devices. I was like a plug connecting to the source of it and channeling it through myself into different object or forming it into burst of energy. For example I could draw sparks of power from one person and give it to someone else, who needed it more. A bit of exchange you may say. But my favorite trick was creating energy shields. All it took was focusing my own inner strength and forcing it out, forming protection. Smaller or bigger, differently shaped, depending on circumstances. It was cool, but as it usually  happens in such events I knew that people would consider me a freak if they ever found out, so I kept it to myself. Of course, at some point people realized there was some strange occurrences and energy spikes every time I was around (in my defense : it was hard to control at the beginning, what can you expect from a 9 year old kid who has supernatural powers?). Due to that my parents decided it would be best to …. send me away, for a while…. Which soon became years and after 6 of them I lost hope they will ever come back for me. I was put in foster care with many other kids, trying my best to keep the abilities I was given away, staying in the shadows, by myself, being focused on my own things, not really forming any true relationship. But at nights…. At nights I used to sneak out the house into the streets of Gotham, feeling the energy rise and getting on top of the buildings to practice channeling (as I used to call it) to the point where I became perfect at it. Those were the moments when I felt like myself.
During one of my escapades I met Robin, Batman’s sidekick. Apparently, boys got into some sort of fight and for some crazy reason, absolutely coincidentally, he used my building to get some steam off.
“Hey, easy on that.” I blocked one of his R-shaped shurikens flying my direction “you may hurt someone”
“That is kind of the point.”
“You are Robin, aren’t you?”
“And who may you be?” he eyed me through the mask
“Oh, no one important. Just some mutant, practicing …..”
“Practicing what?”
“Energy bending.” I shrugged
“What?” his eyes grow wide at my words.”
“It’s nothing special, really…. Just …. You know what, let me show you. give me your hand.”
“Just do it. It’s not like I could hurt you.”
“Fine, but no funny bussisness” he stuck the hand and I drew some energy from him, transforming it into the biggest and strongest shield I ever made so far.
“You got  a lot of anger inside, don’t you?”
“I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“It’s fine. You don’t have to. I just know some better use for this” I pointed at my work in front of us.
“How safe is this?” he asked taking a step towards the shield
“Never failed me before.”
“Are you trained by someone?”
“No.” I shook my head “no one really knows it. Back in the days…. I was considered a freak, so you know, I’m not a fan of showing off.”
“But you should be trained” he insisted
“By who, Robin? By Batman?” I mocked
“Actually this may be a good idea” someone spoke from behind me and out of instincts I threw a blast of energy towards the freaking Batman himself....
Luckily he did not take offence. If anything he took me in, so since that accident on the rooftop I became a part of the bat-family, being raised and trained with Robin, I mean Dick. He was complicated one, full of contradictions. Deeply caring, but always ready to push you away. Full of anger but sensitive inside. Looking for a friend but never ready to talk about the things that worried him. Complex, multi-layered and most probably that was the thing that was drawing me into him and his constantly buzzing energy. It was hard for me to admit that I felt hard for him, but as usual, I kept it all inside, making use of that feeling during training. And it worked since I was getting better and stronger. There was also Wonder Girl, Donna. She and I connected with the speed of light, since we were fairly similar, both sarcastic and snarky, trusting our guts, always prepared. The difference was that Donna was full of self-confidence, ready to jump into action without inhibitions and always, always getting her way. Perfect at executing plans which in my case stayed only on paper. With such friend I should never feel left out, right? And to be honest, they never made me feel like I was less than them. But that was how I felt. Dick and Donna were trained at fighting, skilled at hand to hand combat and many different styles and techniques of sparring. No matter how hard I tried I could never compare. I was good, just not good enough to go into first line of fighting. Instead my job was to protect them with my powers.
“It’s your duty to keep them safe, you hear me?” Bruce told me once. “You do not engage into direct combat, do you understand?”
Of course I did. How could I not. And I did protect them, always, at any cost. Making it my sole purpose so I could feel like I belonged. But I never did despite Wonder Girl and Bird Boy best efforts.
“You are a member of the team, YN” Donna told me, catching up on my doubts “and you are our friend. Without you I would never survive Dick’s attitude.” She smirked
“Hey!” Dick interrupted her “I don’t like it at all, but she’s right. You are a good person and we need you.”
“Just so I can protect you, right? That’s it.”
“Oh, stop it, YN. You are so much more than what you do. You keep me sane, and you keep Dick in check since you’re probably the only person he sometimes listens to.”
“Yeah, right, thanks guys.”
*** It worked this way for some time, but eventually we all had to grow up. Donna stopped being Wonder Girl, since in her own words she wanted to see what Donna Troy could give the world. And Dick…. Dick broke my heart, a couple of times, getting into a few relationships and finally getting cold feet and running away leaving Gotham, Bruce, his alter ego and me behind. I stayed because where else could I go. But I never forgot. I knew he was fully aware of my feelings and I hated him playing around with them. I said my goodbyes and moved on as well as he did, thinking we would never meet again. But life is funny.
Dick got himself into troubles, finding girl with some demonic powers, a hot-headed woman gifted with solar abilities and a shapeshifter game-addicted boy. A lot of complications made him turn to the old friends for advice, the old friend being Donna, and purely by accident, me, since he caught us together on the varnishing day. Donna became quite a successful photographer, Dick was a detective and I focused on some scientific work and writing. That was quiet a catch up and there was something different in him and in the way he looked at me.
“I missed you” he told me casually eyeing me with some unrecognizable look and I froze at the spot. No, not again. Been there, done that, but seemed like feelings for him where still there.
So the band was back together, add a couple of members and consider the fact Dick was now Nightwing not Robin, and we were fighting alongside once again.
And despite everything I still got those schemes of thinking carved in my brain. “Protect them. Protect the team. So I did. All of them, Rachel, Gar, Kori…. And Dick. This idiot got into a fight and being so sure he won turned around to the rest of us, smirking as if he just proved a point, not really checking it. Biggest mistake since the allegedly defeated opponent came at his back ready to kill.
“NO!” I yelled running forward, pushing the energy out, trying to shield him, but I did not have enough time. Instead of energy flow I only managed to create a beam, not enough to cover myself. However, I managed to hit the villain with it and this time neutrilising him for good as he fell to the ground. “I made it.” I thought but was quickly brought down on earth as something thick and hot started flowing from my stomach. Blood. A lot of blood. “Oh, shit” was my last though before I felt dizziness and darkness around. Before I drifted away I heard someone screaming my name and running towards me, preventing me from hitting the ground and laying me down gently. And then … then it was just nothing.
Third person pov
“YN!” Dick yelled pulling hair from her face and placing her head on his lap “No!” anger was so visible on his face and heard in his tone it got everyone more scared than usual of Nightwing's rage. “Please, no….. Take the energy from me, I know you can use it to help yourself. Please, don’t die on me... “ his grip became tighter and more desperate as he felt more blood dripping from her body and her life slowly fading “Please….” He sobbed feeling helpless and pathetic.
“Dick!?” Rachel came out of nowhere and rushed towards the boy and dying girl “What happened?! What did she do?”
“What she was always learned to do.” Donna came closer too, clutching on her friend’s other hand “Protected the team.”
“But why me?” Dick asked tearily “why didn’t she protect herself?”
“You are such an idiot, Boy Wonder” Donna would smack his forehead if the circumstances were different “she loves you, dumbass. She always did. Don’t act like you did not know.”
“I…. I love her too” he muttered almost inaudible but the girls heard the words.
“You should have told her.”
“I was scared”
“Of what you bunch of feathers?!” now Donna really did smack him
“Of losing her!”
“Well, look where it got you!”
“Guys!” Rachel yelled getting their attention and stopping their battering “She’s gonna be fine. I healed her.” The girl pointed at the place where bloody wound should be. “But she’s weak, she needs rest, so maybe we should get out of here.”
“You’re right” Dick stood up picking YN and holding her close to his chest. He wanted her to feel the warmth and safety while being in his arms and knew her abilities would provide it. Nightwing was dead set on never letting her get hurt because of him or even in his presence. Now, it was his job to protect her.
***  Back to first person pov
I couldn’t remember what happened, but when I opened my eyes I was lying in bed instead of being on a battle field. I tried to move but there was a sharp sting in the back of my stomach and I fell back onto the cushions with a gasp of pain.
”Fuck!” I moaned as the memories came back. Wait, the memories, the fight, the villain. Was Dick safe… Was he …..
“YN, hey, don’t. You got hurt, you need rest. Lay back down” a warm hand was placed on my waist putting me back into bed.
“Are you… are you alright?” I asked looking at Dick with fear and as he nodded I exhaled deeply “I’m glad.”
“Are you?”
“I’m alive.” I shrugged and the pain stung me again “Guess it’s Rachel doing, am I right. I owe her great thanks. I need to talk to her….” I tried to get up but he gently stopped me again, now both his hands on my waist and he was leaning closer. “Dick?” that was a bit uncomfortable and there was something off with the way his heart was beating. I could feel his adrenaline, energy and …. something more. “Let me go.” I commanded but it came weaker that intended.
“No.” he simply said and a second later his lips was on mine. This was real, but somehow so much better than I imagined. The kiss, as much as Dick was so full of contradictions. Soft and gentle, caring and testing but at the same time passionate and heated and clearly going for more.
“Wait.” I pulled away not ready to be played with again. “What is this about? What are doing?”
“Kissing you.” he said a bit surprised.
“I noticed, but why? What’s the game you’re playing?”
“I hurt you a lot, didn’t I?”
“You’re not making any sense, Dick.”
“I’m sorry” he grabbed my hand gently caressing it with his thumb and the temperature in the room just became a bit hotter. Crazy how the kissing did not make me hot and this simple, caring gesture did.
“What…..?” I started but he cut me
“I must have hurt you since now that I’m admitting how much I love you, you think I’m fooling around….” He looked down, avoiding my gaze.
“You what now?” I could not believe the words he said
“I almost lost you.” Dick closed his eyes but opened them quickly. “And that made me realize I never told you how I really feel. And I should have done it. A long, long time ago...” Last words were barely a whisper
“How long?” I grabbed his chin and made him look at me “How long did you have them? Those feelings?”
“Years.” He admitted involuntarily
“How classic” I muttered “that almost-death experience got it out of you.”
“Why? Why run into arms of Dawn and then Kori and who knows who else?” I should have been happy, right? So why I felt the pain and anger and unfairness of it all?
“I tried to forget about how I felt. You were a teammate. This was a leverage, a threat. If I were to lose focus while on field…..” he shook his head.
"From what I know Dawn were a teammate as well. And so is Kori" I hissed and sighed deeply “You should have told me Grayson."
“This would have changed everything between us.”
“And doesn’t it now?” I asked and let the question hang for a while
“Do you feel the same?” he tried to change the subject
“You did not answer my question!”
“You didn’t answer mine!”
“I asked you first!”
“I asked you second”
“Will you two just quit it and confess to each other?” Donna came through the door “Come on you two, thin walls!” she rolled her eyes and disappeared again leaving us a bit ashamed, looking at the floor. None of us wanted this little burst popped and all the team included in our personal affairs.
“It’s different this time.” Dick sighed answering.
“Good to see some things never change. It’s still so damn hard to get information out of you detective” I crossed my arms looking at him expectanly
“Bruce is not around this time. You know that he would have ruined this relationship before it even started."
“That’s a fair point” I admitted “and it’s only fair if I give you the answer too.” suddenly I became shy “I do .... I share the feelings for you, feather boy.Robin.Nightwing.Dick.Whoever you are or choose to be. ”
“Good” he leaned again and captured my lips in a short, chaste kiss “now scoot over."
“Why?” I did not bother but he just grabbed me and made me move.
“I’m going to lay next to you.”
“Dick, what are you…..?”
“Shh. Not a word. Just come here” he motioned for me to come closer and as I did he closed his arms around me pulling me in. “How does it feel?”
“Safe. You make me feel safe.” I muttered into his chest enjoying his warmth presence so close to me.
“Good. Because that is the only thing you will be feeling next to me from now on” he kissed the top of my head “safe and loved. Those are just natural instincts with you.”
@pinksirensong @somest1
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