#I feel I'd just be setting myself up for discourse I don't want
kmze · 4 months
Finally decided to do a TVD rewatch now that the 'verse is complete. Since I know how everything ends I thought it would be interesting to see how I react with that knowledge. Curious if my feelings might change about characters, ships, storylines etc. (obviously I am fully aware there's going some bias).
Adding my thoughts after I complete the half-way mark of each season (there is simply too many episodes to do a recap of each one). I am talking to the void mostly here but feel free to leave comments, thoughts on my posts for those who still follow me or just find this post. However, I am not here to argue, I simply DO NOT CARE whatever you think is right totally, please leave me alone.
Recaps tagged with k rewatches tvd
S1 Episodes 1-11
I am loving the dark atmosphere of the first season, feeling so much nostalgia! Nice to go back in time to when vampires were scary on this show. That's not really criticism because every supernatural show goes through this. The big bad must always be upped as it goes on but it was nice when the stakes were lower and the mythos was being developed.
Damon makes me feel so uncomfortable so far... I know he was the 'villian' for most of the beginning of the season but his treatment of Vicki and Caroline is just so predatory and gross. Which brings me to...
WHY HAS NO ONE GIVEN CAROLINE A GOD DAMN VERVAIN NECKLACE ALREADY!!! Stefan and Elena both know Damon was using her (and they know damn well he hasn't stopped). Her Mom has the vervain to give her and just has not for no reason!! GET AWAY FROM HER ALREADY! I got so mad when Damon was compelling her AGAIN in the 10th episode. I'm so glad she outlives them all, justice for my baby!
I'm sorry but Stefan is so creepy and self-righteous in the beginning, I remembered this but did not remember how bad it was. Also he did not need to kill Vicki, that pissed me off. I don't think it did as much when I first watch this (mind you that was literally 14+ years ago) but just knowing how freely everyone neck-snaps around here it was bullshit. His one cool moment remains when he told Logan he can't walk in the sun. The manipulative way he used Elena’s adoption to get her to forgive him had me rolling my eyes (then of course she used it against Jenna to get out of trouble lol).
I can't remember who the other vampire is who turned Logan, I'm thinking its Pearl's henchman but yeah I don't remember that part. I also didn't remember the crystal so I like that some of this is like a 'mystery' again.
I did remember that I thought Tyler was such a dick in the first season and yeah confirmed. Though now I remembered his Dad was an abusive piece of shit. Still, fuck Tyler for now.
Alaric looks so different I don't hate him (yet).
I still hate Matt #bias
The progression of Bonnie realizing her powers has been well done, again nice to just see the simple magic again. (Stefan totally wanted to bang Sheila back in the day... maybe they did)
Jeremy just met Anna and I still love them, I wish they got more time. They were the only 'ship I like in this season when it first aired.
The Bonnie, Elena and Caroline friendship is nice but I am annoyed they haven't done more to protect Caro from Damon. Especially when she doesn't know what's going on and they do (though Bonnie only just got all the deets). This might be magnified by my love of Caroline I admit but I hate the prop-y way she's being used so far.
I kinda rolled my eyes at the whole Katherine/Damon/Stefan stuff before Elena knew they were vamps because OMG Stefan is 17(!!!) Does no one thinks it's weird he's like "it was a long time ago" A LONG TIME AGO LIKE WHEN YOU WERE 12?! They should have made him at least 20, just bothers me.
I liked that not every vampire had a daylight ring and it was more of a novelty. That is something that could have stuck more in the later seasons.
Lines that made me laugh:
Caroline: Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. It's only because you missed summer camp. God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines. (Bonnie offers to help her) I guess we can put her in the back. (all right in front of Elena lmao oh Caroline never change)
Caroline: So, Elena...how long do you think this fight with Stefan's gonna last? Is it...like a permanent thing? (eyes on the prize baby! lol)
Stefan: (imitating Damon) Now that the secret society of vampire haters is off our back, I can go back to my routine of how can I destroy Stefan’s life this week. (never gets old!)
Damon: *shoots Logan with wooden bullets* Payback's a bitch, isn't it? (all in the delivery here lmao kudos to Ian)
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
I would never defend them - at least not the ones who actually harass people - but I do wonder if there's some antis out there who genuinely come from good intentions.
Super serious and genuinely shameful confession: I'm an ex-radfem. I went into those circles in the first place bc I liked some of Dworkin's works. And while I obviously do not recommend anyone ever get into radical feminism, I will say this: If haven’t been down that very specific rabbit hole of ideology yourself - especially in online settings - you cannot even begin to imagine how fucking INSANELY pervasive the ideas are. Even if you've been a victim of radfem hate, if you haven't been a radfem yourself, I'm truly inclined to think you have no idea what those spaces are actually like. Sorta like how if you've been a victim of fundie hate, that is awful and it fucking sucks, but if you haven't been raised fundie yourself, you really don't know what it's like to be IN those circles, just a VICTIM of those circles.
I hate to throw around words like “hivemind” or “groupthink” but it is that. I went into radfem spaces thinking that I was above believing certain things that they believed but I clearly wasnt, it is so fucking toxic and that’s why i’ll never believe that “TIRF” (trans inclusionary radfem - something I tried and failed to be) can be a real thing. And then these same people have the audacity to call trans rights a cult, but you know, it's whatever.
Obviously terfs are more serious in the "real world" than antis are, but there are some parallels in the way that both groups feel about kink/porn discourse. (No, I'm not saying that antis "believe TERF ideology" or anything, but I do think in the specific context of sex stuff, there ARE alot of parallels.)
I am not defending radfems either, but I will say that I got into it because I was genuinely worried about things such as: PH and how they just steal content from sex workers, the abuse going on in the sex work industry, the phenomenon of young girls who are waiting to turn 18 so they can start an OF account, romance novels that were not marketed as dark but should've been considering they straight up romanticized abuse and rape.
I really do think that most antis are of a similar mindset -- people, typically young traumatized people (not trying to pull the neurodivergent minor card, it's just that statistically speaking, that label CAN describe most antis) who are truly worried that, like, idk, some young girl is gonna watch Twilight or read Reylo fic and think that an overly possessive bf is #goals. Again, I'm NOT trying to defend this ideology or line of thinking at all, I'm just saying that i DO think most of them really don't realize the harm that they're doing, and actually think they're doing good.
I actually kinda feel bad for them, but like my earlier comparisons, I feel bad for them in the same way I feel bad for fundies or evangelicals. I feel bad that they hold such an awful ideology while thinking they're doing good things, but I stop feeling bad once they start ACTUALLY hurting people and I'll always feel worse for the people who they harass and harm.
And like I'd never want to be a radfem again and I hate that I was one once but, between myself and your ~10k (ballpark estimate lol) followers, I think that my time spend in that belief system gave me some really good insight to cult mindsets, which was something I didn't understand before or have much sympathy towards, and I've emerged with a lot of empathy for people who ARE stuck in bad ideologies. I could've been born into a hate group. I could've been preyed on by alt-right people and sucked in that way. Instead, it was reading radblr during quarantine that got me. Before I fell into it, I just mindlessly hated everyone in that group, and now I just feel sorry for them (still without justifying any of their actions).
It's honestly a really, really, complicated thing to try to grapple with. Anyone, yes including you reading this, can be brainwashed into hate. The second you think you're too good for that, you've lost.
This was more of a vent than a discourse ask. I guess my tl;dr is: I hate antis, terfs, fundamentalists, etc, as much as the next guy, but I also recognize that some of those people truly truly do think they're on the right side of history, and some of those people have been sucked into an ideology they never would've believed otherwise if not for xyz factors. While hate groups will never deserve pity, there are some vulnerable people in hate groups who for some reason believe they're doing good, and I wish I could help all of those people.
Yeah, I assume many antis are perfectly sincere in their desire to protect people. They're just wrong about what will work.
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maridiayachtclub · 1 month
that reblog about an inhospitable dungeon sorta highlights one of the areas in which i myself feel the biggest divide with youth culture: the idea of TTRPGs primarily as a space for exploring emotionally complex stories about specific kinds of characters engaging in specific sorts of tropes. like they always had that capacity, but i feel like a lot of the people that got into the hobby in the 5E, critical role era think of TTRPGs as a storytelling medium first and a game second. which, that was kind of how things were set up, i guess. "the dice are there to tell a story" has been the line for decades and all. but now it feels like there is an expectation for personal narrative arcs, and that the campaign's primary purpose is to explore and complete those arcs; all mechanics and gameplay are in support of that goal.
i don't mind that mode of gaming, it can be fun. there's a place for it in the hobby and lots of people that enjoy it. i don't know how well-suited i am to like, facilitating it, though. it's not like i actually play a lot of games with strangers, and i'd never run a game for someone i didn't feel like i had a good fit with. but if there's "make up a guy to get mad about," there's also "make up a guy to have awkward interactions with." for me it's someone i saw making a post here that went something like this: "Oh, D&D? You mean group therapy with all my gay friends?!"
like I say "I wanna run D&D," and what I mean is "I wanna describe rooms in a dungeon and cool monsters and traps and treasure chests and have my players figure out how to defeat the Evil Wizard," and what some other people (a threatening, undefined Them) hear is "I'm gonna have all my fantasies fulfilled! I get to make up a blorbo and the GM will tell a story about them and give them a romantic sideplot and an opportunity to work through all their trauma and it'll be just like my podcasts~!"
what if someone like that shows up at my table? shit's gonna be awkward. i didn't sign up for that, but isn't that what a lot of people think is the DM's job? this isn't entirely based on speculation, either; i've had conflict with a player that felt like their storytelling expectations were not being met by the game on the table before them. it wasn't "this isn't gay enough for me," but there was a clear mismatch in expectations and it made things rough. (Thankfully, this was just a one-shot thing meant to see if a group of players got along well, so. we certainly got an answer to that!)
there's something Matt Colville said in one of his videos a few years back, about how his players characterized him as an "old school" dungeon master, and how he was trying to understand what that meant for him. i'm paraphrasing, but the answer he came up with is that, as a DM, he was only concerned with the external growth of characters. his adventures provided things for the characters to deal with and react to, and the experience and gold that allowed them to make their numbers go up and expand their worldly holdings, but it was up to the players to make a personal narrative out of their characters' experiences. i liked this interpretation; that felt like a good compromise. it is not up to the game world to provide meaning, or inspiration, or closure; you gotta find those things yourself. which you can; we gotta do that shit in the real world all the time, after all.
(disclaimer: i am just talking about -my games- that i want to and may end up running. this isn't telling anybody what they can or should do in their games. i don't feel like this sort of thing should be necessary, for a post on my blog voicing my insecurities about my relationship with the hobby at large, but i've seen the discourse! i have seen just how bad the faith can get!)
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twelve-nights · 5 months
Pinned post
Current shift: Doll / AbsoluteSolver (it/they)
Hi! Welcome to my "side" blog for kin shit :3 Enjoy your stay~
Feel free to call me whatever, although I'd love it if you call me by a kin name (current shifts are always listed above). I always use he/it and mirror neos, but other preferred neos are listed next to my current shift. My neos hoard is here
former url: swallowtail-cherry
Dividers by Cafekitsune, userboxes by kin-user-boxes, eunoiaredemancy/pluralboxes, puppershy, and myself
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#swallow songs : chatting #petrified feathers : kin things #stone flowers : creations #neighboring blossoms : mediamates!!
While we are a system, treat us as a singlet here. Some headmates have started a side blog for other things, if you want to check that out: @halfbloodpirates
Vents are always tagged as #cw: vent
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BYF + kinlist under cut
- I have no set DNI. Just don't be a creep or a dick. I do block liberally though. - I'm 100% okay with doubles. Fuck you if you harass doubles. - I'm a minor! Don't follow me if you have minors DNI in your bio! - This page is endo, neopronoun/mogai, contradictory label safe, and etc safe. Antis are allowed to interact as long as you're being respectful! I am neutral or avoidant on pretty much all discourse but I think putting someone's identity on a DNI is kind of an ass move. - I am a (probably traumagenic) adaptive median system. I will probably never bring this up again and please please just treat me/us as a singlet. - I sometimes need tone tags! Please be patient with me :,)
- Sourcemates!! Especially if you're from Dr Stone, Enstars, or any obscure source I'm from - Uhhh I can't think of anything specific rn but yeah please be friends with me /nf
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You can find it here! [ https://stellular.net/absolutelysolved ]
(ps: sourcemates interact please /lh /nf)
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lindszeppelin · 3 months
I am the anon who sent you the long message, I am also a dude , Im of a rare breed in the fanbase , dont seem like there is alot of us here and thats ok lol I have sent you something before actually about how when men know we know. And I will say that over and over again. Seems like alot of the anons you get seem to be from people who are losing faith in that and think whatever Miss Gerber has with Austin is real. A man knows when he found his wife, not to get all preachy and sound like a religious crazy person but there is legit a whole bible verse in the book of Proverbs about it. I am 31, still young but old enough to know , especially as a married man myself when a guy has found his wife, he isnt hiding that shit. When i proposed to my wife we were on vacation and I legit facetimed my friends when she was in the shower and told them the news, up there squealing like a woman excited as hell LMAO. Austin is someone who wears his heart on his sleeve, if he saw that life with Kaia we would know it will show. So all that privacy BS is exactly that.....BS....like he dodges questions about her all the time and Kaia does the same, i personally have never seen celebs go that far to do that, even the ones who wanna be private. They still talk about each other. I think these shippers as I stated see themselves in Kaia,so when things are said about their relationship and lacking chemistry they take it as you saying about them and Austin...anyways I will stop ranting here but i wanted this to known and to give your blog a guy perspective
aaah welcome back in! nice to have you here. the fandom truly needs bit more guys in the fandom to balance out lol. and i think there are, but us women are a lot more vocal about it i'd say lol. and to each their own, it's so cool to have you here.
but i thank you once again for brining in the much needed male perspective on this situation. and coming from a man that is married and is Austin's age, that seriously should be everything that we need to heed your words.
i think a lot this discourse stems from the fact that the super young girls in this fandom closer to kaia's age clearly are showing that they haven't been in a serious relationship, or they don't have a lot of life experience. because a man should love his woman entirely and not be afraid to show it or talk about it. if a man hides his girl in any way then he's not happy with her. austin moves with kaia like a man that is not taking her serious. plus he knows she is too young for anything serious anyway. and when a guy TRULY thinks he has found his future wife, he won't waste time. i know this from personal family and friend experiences. i come from a parental background where my mom and dad got engaged after only 6 months of dating and they are still together 30+ years later. i know someone else where after only a week their man proposed and they are still together. like...it is what it is. a man can be just as emotional, clingy, and lovey-dovey to his woman than the woman is to him. ladies reading...if your guy doesn't act like the sun doesn't rise and set with you then he is not the one and he won't ever be. and that's okay. go find yourself a person that leaves no question as to their feelings for you. if you have to guess or question then, as the famous movie goes, he's just not that into you.
and you mentioned a verse in proverbs. i'm not necessarily a religious fanatic, however i am spiritual and i won't turn my nose up at acknowledging that stuff. . so if you would like to share the verse then go for it.
but once again, thank you so much for your insightful input!!
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modmamono · 9 months
Give it 2 more years and more Puyo PuyoTubers will show up.
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Specifically, ones that don't focus on gameplay.
I'm not expecting like 50, 40, 30 or even 10 PuyoTubers to pop-up in 2 years. But kids who had PPT1 in 2017 are growing up. Merely two new Puyo PuyoTubers (or Tubers that name Puyo Puyo drop it a lot) you can name popping up already is a significant increase.
I am a significant increase to Puyo Puyo Content in a little over a year on YouTube myself and I'm just one guy. (Though please don't overdo it like me. That's not healthy.)
Just waiting on even more people to fill the niche I fill or completely different niches. It'll happen. Even if it's not exactly the 2 years I said.
This is not me being optimistic, nor am I being pessimistic. I'm just being matter-of-fact from my POV.
Part of my motivation why I still make Puyo Puyo content is to set a good example for those that will come after me.
Any idea how much a YouTuber's opinions and style kids absorb? A lot. It's why the Sonic the Hedgehog fanbase is partially as volatile as it is. You can't like anything without someone being at your throat because it's cool to hate the Sonic game/thing you like now.
Sonic discourse in the "Meta-era" and "Dark age" was horrible. Just like what you like!
And Puyo Puyo's western fanbase is still in its relative infancy. So even if I'm wrongly assuming, it's best to not imprint any bias I have onto others so it can mutate into something hidious via telephone game anyways.
It's why I don't really state my opinions on characters that much, why I treat every game very egalitarian. Because I feel like I'm stuck with the duty to set a good example. Whenever I can I try to promote a healthier way of thinking, even if I'd rather you form your own opinions. Just don't shove them down my throat and I won't in yours'.
Granted if I was more opinionated my content wouldn't be that much different. I'm just that kinda guy.
But there's a reason my Puyo Nutshell videos don't really show my opinions at all (though not flawlessly). That was a very conscious choice. Having a good laugh is more important to me than talking something down.
My suspicions about why I'm still being a self-appointed role model have proven true over and over anecdotally. I see a lot of aggression, defensiveness, and/or infighting regarding Puyo Puyo.
Sometimes I make a funny video and people take it as criticism when it wasn't. Even when I made this video Puyo Puyo!! Quest hasn't been that lazy in many, many years, I cherry-picked those:
Sometimes I make I make a benign comment on how the Mario RPG remake's cover art is a nice call-back to the Japanese Original cover art and Square RPGs of the 90s. Que a few discord pings adamant letting me know how much better and impressive the American cover art is when it wasn't a Versus video all nor did I insinuate it was better. It was about the remake's box's own merits (you're not getting my opinion on which is now which I like more):
And things unrelated to me, there's just fighting which Puyo Puyo game's the best. As if that's something worth fighting over.
All of this and more is just not something I want in the PuyoTubers' and the wider fanbases' future.
Have different opinions just be civil about it.
So regardless of how accurate I am with my two-year or how many PuyoTubers pop-up assessments, it will happen. And I'd like to it be decently influenced. Don't be immediately at people's throats, try to see their side of the argument. Things like that.
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you are officially the strongest person alive for not just closing the askbox after some of the trash you've gotten from idiots on this site. gdspeed and good luck holy hell
I've received a lot of asks like this one so I wanna respond and clarify
I actually love getting asks and even anon asks. I prefer having anon on bc yk big boy blog and all that but also so that people can send me their silliest things.
I really do truly genuinely enjoy having this blog and especially interacting w it. I've made a lot of friends recently and it's just fun to be able to talk ab the cringe failgame from a decade ago. Both for myself and in front of such a large audience.
Ever since I became aware I'm literally in the top 10 on skyrim blogs (at #9 but still) some of my anons started making a lot more sense. The power of anonymity makes people braver, which is good for things like funny headcanons and such.
I don't really like having to turn anon off and god I hope I don't have to shut asks off entirely. Fortunately once I turned anon off my inbox became a lot more peaceful. Funny that.
If I were to compare the two I'm sure I've gotten much more love than hate, but hate is much louder than love. And I know me giving it attention doesn't help much of anything but on the other hand people can and do throw around serious words about an unserious video game on unserious posts from an unserious person.
Even if I ignored all of it, just having to see it can feel so draining. And it isn't just in my inbox. It's also in the tags. I've repeatedly tried to express how deeply uncomfortable I am, AS A JEWISH PERSON OF COLOR, with people throwing words like racist and genocide around all willy nilly over video game characters.
It trivializes those real world issues, that have affected me, my ancestors, and people like me, down to fucking. Skyrim discourse. It's extremely frustrating. And from what I can see I don't think anyone is doing it maliciously or to get a rise out of me. But I think the sheer weight of those words has gotten lost.
And not to pull another race card, but this is especially upsetting from white people. I'm not thrilled about the fact white people keep talking over me and other people of color in the fandom about what is and isn't racist.
But I do also see the love. I see the cats in my inbox and the lovely asks and people writing paragraphs to defend me (when tbh I haven't done anything wrong anyways but. Eh.) and it's genuinely very touching and sweet and even if I don't reply to it (there's a lot to reply to!) I do see it and I appreciate it.
And for the poll, I fully plan on seeing it through. Round 2 closes tomorrow after which I'll set up round 3/the semi finals and then we go to the championship!
I started this poll, also this blog, for fun. I want people to have fun. I want to have fun. And most of the time I do have fun! But with the uptick in activity that brings *gestures vaguely* what it does.
Tumblr is one of those very few websites with true anonymity. This and reddit are the only ones I can think of where it's not expected to have your name, face, or other info about you anywhere. Which is a rare blessing on today's internet but it makes people very audacious about what they can and can't say to me.
I think because of that anonymity it's easy to forget I'm a human person. I very much doubt some of things I've had said to me in the last 48 hours would still be said if it was face to face. I truly don't think someone would look me in the eye and tell me to kill myself over skyrim bullshit.
And the funny part of that is if they did, I'd probably laugh in real life. For the sheer ridiculousness of the statement. "Hey. You. End your life because of video game drama" spoken to me at the local Target would be funny to me. But with the anonymity it feels just as hurtful as I'm sure it's supposed to be.
Thanks for letting me ramble and such. I'm not really even sure what I'm trying to say with all this. Other than I'm human, you're human, we're all humans, and we'd do well to remember that. Please just be nice to each other..
And be nice to me.
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fierceawakening · 7 months
Reality check time: Is it okay, given that I'm Christian (basically, weirdly--I don't think gods exist but I think the religious traditions I grew up with are personally useful to me so I follow most of them), to feel REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE when posts go around Jumblr that are all about how ex-Christian atheists only exist because of a particular feature of Christian-dominated culture? Because I just read a post that said "you're all supercessionists" and I feel so uneasy.
I can only speak for myself and my own becoming an atheist (and later deciding religious practice is good for me even though I'm pretty sure God is something we made up, and therefore it's random and unimportant which one anyone worships if at all.)
But for me, it wasn't so much "I don't like this religion because it tells me not to be gay and kinky. Therefore I dislike all religion."
It was
"I'm already not sure there's a god, and therefore uneasy anyway, but WHY does god tell me not to be gay and kinky?"
"What's the value of tradition?"
"...what kind of a question is that?"
"Oh, I'm doing that neurodivergent thing where you say a concept-word and I don't understand it and we can't even talk because you assume I do. 'Tradition' is weird meaningless neurotypical for 'There is a script. I don't care how it got here. It is my script.'"
"Then fuck 'tradition.' Scripts should not be arbitrary."
"Whoa, you're scary and spiteful.... Say, what do you think of other religions?"
"Do they use 'tradition?'"
"That's pretty much all they are, if you don't think gods are real."
"Then I do not like them."
While it's true that for some reason, queer Jews don't seem to do the "Why is this rule here?" "Tradition." "Then tradition is bad." thing, I... feel like the queer Jews who DO find value in tradition come up with all these weird explanations for what the rest of us are doing to avoid "I'm neurodivergent, and no one explained what 'a tradition' is in a way that isn't hurtful. So I decided 'traditions' are bad, unless people can prove they are useful. Like having three meals a day--it's not necessary, but it works well for many humans, so it ended up just worthwhile to tell all the humans to do things that way, so now you know what it means that 'she's at lunch.'"
If I didn't know for a fact that MANY of the people saying this stuff on Jumblr are themselves autistic, I'd say it's that thing where neurotypical people keep using a word, and they think you must understand that word because you've heard it in context enough times that you can use it, but really you don't know what people are actually getting at and you're pantomiming, and the people Discoursing don't know that and are just hostile to neurodivergence and coming up with all sorts of weird "why they're like that" that are anything but "they don't know what this means."
I returned to religious practice, but even that's in line with this--I discovered in a tough time in my life that religious messaging about being loved unconditionally helped me to feel better when other things didn't, so I decided I wanted to hear it more often. It also helped to remind me to be kind and helpful to other humans.
Thus, for me, Christianity turned out to be a useful tradition. I didn't get the Unconditional Love from real people I knew, so I made up a guy and decided he feels that way. About me and also about other people who are struggling who I want to help but can't unconditionally love because, uh, I have a personality.
I'm less judgy of other religions now because even if they don't sound like useful traditions to ME, I can see why they'd be useful to others maybe. (I personally don't get the idea of religious law; life has enough rules without me taking on more of them, especially if some of them are "don't have gay sex" or "ritually cleanse yourself after gay sex as it makes you unclean." I get that other people can ignore that one, but if I agree to a set of rules I agree to all of them, and I want to have gay sex. The only cleansing I want to do is pee afterward. But I gather this doesn't work the same way for a lot of people who happily follow religious law, so.)
But I do not think I'm any closer to understanding why some people accept traditions without having personal reasons to do so. I just think that's part of my neurodivergence, honestly, and that many if not most "Reddit atheists" are neurodivergent in a similar way, which is why until I started noticing them being dicks and going redpill (just another tradition! Why are you gendertrads?!) I felt I'd found My People.
And I certainly don't think I'm secretly supersessionist. I think a religious tradition that puts less stress on Laws and Proper Tradition Following is better for ME, because of MY BRAIN (and also probably just that I grew up with it so I get it.)
It's not superior to any other piece of fiction with a big fandom that people use to improve their lives (by which I mean "any other religion").
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inklore · 8 months
hi my love! do you have any writing tips? and words of encouragement when fics flop :(
hi darling <3 i feel like i always suck at giving writing tips but i'll try my very best for you ok. i hope some of these help! also very honored you'd even ask me 🤎
first and foremost: don't compare your writing to anyone else. everyone writes different, everyone has a certain style, a niche. if you're worried you don't have a 'style' don't, because you do. everyone does. it's not something you can make yourself have or take from others, it comes naturally with how your brain works and how it curates words and prose and scenes. that's why no book, no writing, is ever the same even if it's the same source material. it's a beautiful thing so don't stress about trying to make your writing sound or 'read' like other writers. it'll only ruin the enjoyment of how you write!
if you want to write more detailed just remember that not everything in a scene needs to be put down. the more you give the reader room to fill in the blanks and set the scene themselves the better experience for them (at least that's the case for my brain, others may feel different, but doing it this way makes me feel like i'm not adding too much detail or being repetitive). but visualizing, setting the scene for yourself through music or daydreaming is another great tip to write more detailed.
when it comes to smut i am a huge stan of you don't have to say the anatomically correct part they're using (like the p words or c word), and describing what it feels like to have that part touched, grazed, etc is really great. i struggle with fear of repeating myself so i try to find creative ways to describe body parts without actually calling them like flowery/nouns/different synonyms. i hope that made sense lmao.
don't worry about edits or making everything flow completely well in the first take. i highly rec everyone editing their own work and reading it back to themselves, yes it's tiring but it helps you find flow mistakes, add more detail, take something out that you thought fit in the moment but doesn't really. that's why i get everything out the first get go in a kind of fever dream manner and then when i go back to edit it then i buff out everything, add more, take away something, add more details that will make a scene pop off more.
now for the encouragement when it comes to flops: it's going to happen. there's no secret to making something do amazing or something failing. there really isn't and someone who says there is has just had a few lucky posts. because having a big following means nothing, writing a long fic, a short one, only using small font, being super aesthetic, really means nothing. i've seen writers with the most amazing aesthetic and beautiful prose with 100 followers write something and get 2k notes and then get 90 notes on their next post. same with someone who doesn't have a big aesthetic but a big following and writes short fics get 100 notes on their last ten posts but then that eleventh post randomly gets 1k. like it's really just up in the air on here if something is going to do good or not, unfortunately. so that's why i don't let it get to me when something i post gets 100 notes or 1k because i'm happy with both, less, or more. i don't expect anything anymore because that only leads to disappointment and i'm here to write and to have fun.
that's not to say i don't rec curating your own little community on here. make friends, block ppl with bad vibes, join discords of supportive friends. talk to writers who encourage and understand your feelings and discourse and who keep you going, give you inspo, etc etc. if only my friends ever rbed and read my stuff and there was only 10 of them? i'd say hell yeah and that'd encourage me to write more. having a good space of friends and community is amazing and can do a lot to fight off the writer scaries and the feelings of obsessing over numbers and success.
now this is just something i do but it always works for me; i post something and then force myself not to look at it for a day or two. i post it and move on to the next thing i want to work on. i do not dwell on how it's doing. i may q up some rbs for it but i don't even look at the notes when i do that. i deliberately never look at it because yes while it matters in the sense that we love encouragement, we love seeing people love something we spent hours on, we wrote this for ourselves but hello we want that validation too and that's okay, but like i said above and i'm going to say again notes mean nothing in regards to talent. these notes are not simon cowell judging you on your performance. so when i finally do go back to rb comments and reply to things, or if i just want to look at how it did, and the number is low i'm just like ok shrug at least those 20 people enjoyed it and that's better than 0. and if no one commented or rbed yeah that sucks and is disheartening but i can either dwell and be sad on it or i can continue to do what i love and write more. why let the annoying little brats on here who refuse to show their love on a work they read get you down? because there's a dozen of them out there and they're not going away. and you may have made someone's day for this little fic even if they didn't say something about it. it does suck that content creators on here don't get the rbs and comments and credit they deserve, and unfortunately if you want to keep doing what you love you gotta work around it and remind yourself why you're creating, continue to feel that joy. it's hard, believe me. but don't let your creativity be repressed because of it, because you'd be doing a disservice to yourself!
i'll say it again though: a high note count / following doesn't mean the fic is good or bad, neither does low notes / no following. no one's talent is ever in question here. we are here to write, have fun, fill the void of the rl scaries.
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system-of-a-feather · 11 months
(Disclaimer: this post was written in two parts, the first half was done the day before but not posted cause I didnt feel it was a complete thought, the second half was added after. I did not edit or touch the first half as I like to keep space for the thoughts of myself as they were; i also have passive chronic amnesia so Im not 100% sure if everything is on the same page; regardless that is just context)
Honestly, I think the thing that is important to keep in mind when interacting with syscourse - or specifically for us cause the only one we really care about is the tulpa discourse - is that you are never going to force or change anyone's mind who is so set that they are sitting on tumblr and pulling the dumbest arguments out of their ass to support their claims and I do think those that spend their time arguing with @/sophieinwonderland and @/cambriancrew - while honestly doing the dirty work no one wants to do by balancing out their bullshit posting so mad respect - are largely wasting their time if they do ever think that a mind will be changed.
The only reason to ever engage or talk about the stuff they (and the clique that actually buys into those arguments) talk about is solely to make an example out of how incredibly deep their interalized racism and just disregard for POC goes and honestly looking at them as anything other than a stubborn white person is putting more emotional energy than its worth.
Because genuinely, in a weird way and me doing what XIV calls "The Riku Thing" of looking at a really negative, annoying, and/or harmful thing and finding the bright side silverlining to it, I do kind of appreciate how astonishingly White TM they are because their unapologetic and loud nature makes a really big spectacle for a lot of people who otherwise would not understand how bad certain issues are look and go "what the fuck" and in its own way, it brings good publicity to the issues AAPI and eastern cultures go through in a western and white predominant area.
AAPI issues often go under the radar and are disregarded due to a number of reasons, but honestly? This is the most I've ever seen people actually talk about how white people take advantage of eastern and Asian cultures (relative to the size of the community in question) save for the brief blip of when Stop Asian Hate got loud during COVID where sinophobia blasted up and a bit surrounding Cyberpunk as a genre when Cyberpunk 2077 came out.
In that regard, I'm kinda glad they are so loudly racist and White TM about AAPI cultures. It makes for good publicity and awareness by being the example of just the Usual Bullshit and it starts better conversations. I'd honestly prefer a loud bigot to a quiet insidious one cause the loud ones at least can serve part of a message and be ignored.
Anyhow, this is all just to say that bigots will be bigots and you can argue with them all you want and call them truthful statements like "bigots" and "racist" but thats about all you can do to really control their behavior. Those balancing out their bullshit arguments, mad props - I could never cause that shit is too toxic and too much of an investment, but it is respectable work. (insert "it aint much but its honest work" meme at yall)
---(cut between original thoughts and the added bit)---
That said, I'll just say it as the fact that it is, those two and those that follow their rhetoric do not care at all about AAPI individuals and are just racist. We don't have to debate it and it's honestly not up for debate and while we could put our energy to trying to tear down their following and make them shut up, in a world where the KKK still exists and thrives, its an unlikely and futile of a goal to try ti achieve.
Instead its best imo to treat them like the public case study of white and western abuses to AAPI culture, particularly since time and time again they redisplay some of the most classic and frequently used techniques white and western individuals do to try to excuse their shit.
If you wouldn't give a person arguing with any other loud and proud bigot, its best to just accept that bigots be bigots and rather than banging your head against a wall, put it up for display on the museum wall as a means of education and awareness.
Theres no point in talking to bigots about how they are bigotted. There is, however, a point to displaying it for those less effected and usually not given the opportunity to sed it in full get a much closer look at some of the shit we deal with
I like to think that while a lot of white and western people suck, that a lot of them genuinely are trying their best with the limited awareness, access, and understanding that they have.
I dont feel as though I would be correct calling them and bigots a "small minority", but I'd like to think they aren't the majority and I honestly appreciate those willing to learn and better understand and so ya know? Whats a better way to explain it than with a live dancing monkey that loudly and proudly displays the behaviors in question for all to see.
Anyhow, I digress. Take this as you will. I am just throwing some insight and personal thoughts about specific users in hopes that some people who might be overly stressed about it might find a little more peace moderating the topic
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As I was working on the letter to my parents about going no-contact, I tried looking for examples because I was so lost in how to approach it but most of what I found was a bunch of ableist garbage (can we please stop assuming abusive parents have a personality disorder?!)
So now that I've sent the letter and feel pretty good about how it turned out, I thought I'd share it here for anyone else who is thinking of cutting off a parent.
Before writing it, I had decided that I didn't want to address any of the abuse with them. When I've brought it up before they just tried to gaslight me and I don't need to deal with that. Instead I chose to focus on their transphobia as it is also a valid reason for why I want to go no-contact, but it's less vulnerable to address (for me).
To Mom and Dad,
I want to start by saying that I'm not asking you to change your values or beliefs. This is not an attempt to force you to accept me. This is a boundary I need to set because of my own values.
Over the past few years, trans rights have become a major point of political discourse. And lately, Republican attacks on trans people have increased. Over the past few months, this has escalated to calls for the eradication/elimination of "transgenderism" which is a call for the eradication of people like me.
I'm sure you think I'm overreacting or being dramatic, but I have watched this country rapidly become less safe for me and other trans people. And yet you still support politicians who want to eradicate me. Who call people like me groomers and child abusers.
The Republican party is working to enact genocide against trans people. I don’t feel safe with anyone who still supports them, and I’m sorry to say that includes you.
And I can no longer just pretend this isn't happening to try to maintain our relationship. It's been nearly a year and half since I came out. Dad, I don't think I've ever heard you use my name. And Mom, you may use my name sometimes, but you've shown again and again that you will swap back to my old name and pronouns as soon as you think I can't hear. I'm not interested in half-hearted placations as you make it clear how little you respect me.
While you may see this as "just politics", I don't have that luxury. These new laws are targeting people like me. These politicians are calling for my eradication.
Going forward, I do not wish to have any contact. This is not a decision I've made lightly nor quickly. I have spent years and years carefully navigating conversations and having to keep quiet about so much to be able to maintain some form of a relationship with you, but I’m no longer interested in trying to force myself into an acceptable form for you. It may not have been spoken, but I’ve long understood that your love for me has always been conditional. I am a gay trans man. I know you can’t accept that, and I’m not interested in your “love the sinner, not the sin” mentality. This is who I am, not a “sin” that can be separated off and rejected. But, again, I don’t expect or ask you to change your beliefs. I know how strongly you hold your faith. But this is what I need to do to hold to my own values.
I ask that you don't try to contact me. I will not be responding.
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aleshakills · 3 months
re trans man anon; yeah, that's fair enough.
i don't know if i'd say that the different ways transphobia presents are merely "set dressing" but i understand what you mean about transandrophobia guys denying the more complex roots of the issue so they can cut trans women out of the conversation. i also agree that it isn't its own axis of oppression. it just feels dismissive when people argue trans men face "just transphobia" as if transphobia isn't deadly and dangerous on its own. eh, i can get over it.
transandrophobia guys do this thing where they treat trans women like garbage, deny the existence of transmisogyny, and then go ":( but why don't the mean scary trans women care about my problems too?" it's not that trans men don't have problems, it's that like. listening and solidarity has to be a two way process. it's gotta be collaborative. you can't tell trans women to shut up and get mad when they aren't inclined to listen to you yknow
i think trans guys are more inclined to think being demonized is cool but much more sensitive to feeling like they're being dismissed. i know that at least for me, i sometimes find myself in a position that's like g-d, call me a monster, call me crazy, call me terrible, just stop trying to convince me that i don't exist. and i often find the opposite sentiment from the trans women i know.
hm. much to talk about, and unfortunately few conversations are possible until certain parties get their heads out of their asses. anyway, thanks for the thoughtful response, sorry for rambling. well wishes to you and your loved ones.
See, I do sincerely and genuinely believe that everyone is entitled to their feelings. Which does sound a bit silly to say, but I do mean it. And we should each have the space to talk about the things that make us feel sad or angry or small.
The breakdown I see most often is when trans women say, "Please don't talk over us or be dismissive of our lived experiences," certain individuals choose to interpret it as "Oh, you just want us to shut up and never talk about what we go through!"
And like, after you've had that interaction five hundred times, eventually you just start telling dudes, "Actually yeah, shut up. I am tired of hearing you."
So yeah, the conversation isn't happening in part because a lot of us are just sick of rehashing the same shit over and over again. Cause even if it feels brand new for some of you, I've been in this shit for 11 years now, hearing the same discourse on repeat. I'll join in when there's a new conversation about something different.
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rahleeyah · 2 years
I’ve been away from tumblr for a while, did you always have a gf?!
Re the EO of it all, the reason ppl catastrophize, include me, at every little thing, is because there is little to no movement. When C first came back I was like relax, things are moving along, then they abruptly stopped giving us anything, no EO no movement, no progress for 3 seasons now. I’m tired. Only saving grace is that I don’t really watch OC, and I’m enjoying SVU this season.
LMAO no not always, we've been together a few months 🤣
So the thing is I understand why people catastrophize, I said in my post I'd been doing it myself, for some of the reasons you mentioned. I never said that people shouldn't express disappointment or concern (I expressed my own frustration in that post several times) and I never like. Passed a judgment on anyone for responding in any kind of way. I was asked my opinion and I gave it. I think everybody knows why we and others are frustrated by this, I think there's been plenty of posts on that topic. I don't want you to think you have to defend your position, when in part I agree with it.
The thing is, if all I ever thought about was how the show isn't doing what I want then all the joy I derive from it would be gone, and I would simply stop watching. Life is too short for me to actually be hurt by a TV show. If I genuinely only felt resentment I would stop. But I haven't, bc I don't feel that way.
what I am doing, all the time, is evaluating what we have been given, what we can reasonably expect, what I can do with what we have been given, and whether at the end of the day it still makes me happy. This is work I am doing for me; other people will do things their own way and it's not up to me to tell them what to think or get upset when we're not in lockstep.
When I am asked about my perspective my answer is going to be based on those four questions above. This a network copaganda series that has never done deep dives into relationships and in fact even for the men Olivia was actually sleeping with only ever gave us brief, periodic glimpses into what was going on at home. The franchise prides itself on not doing a lot of relationship work. Whatever we might want, however compelling a story they may have on their hands with EO, they aren't ever going to center EO. Not bc they hate it (tho perhaps some of tptb do) but bc that simply isn't the kind of show this is. It's a hot dog cart, they're not selling pad thai. When all they have to offer us is a hot dog, well. What else did we expect?
Yes they have the means to do more, but to what extent? Mariska and Chris are already on set for their own shows 16 hours a day, when are they supposed to stop work on their individual shows (which the writers/producers of each show have to prioritize their own show over EO, bc EO is not a show, eo is a concept that is connective between two shows but eo doesn't get renewed, the shows do, and so the shows, individually, have to be good on their own merits) and go to a different set? Esp when they're still filming episodes just like 3-4 out from airing? That schedule is TIGHT. Plus oc has had like three showrunners this season and they aren't even halfway thru filming. They barely know what story they're telling over there and it's unclear whether what we have now is the result of current leadership or the last fingerprints of someone who's already gone. I'm not happy with it, and I've expressed my unhappiness with it, but I'm not gonna like. Just keep repeating how disappointing it is.
The echo chamber of negativity hurts me. I know that some people find comfort in hearing people voice their concerns and discussing that together, but to constantly be soaking in that environment clouds my judgment. It pulls me away from my own thoughts and perspective, it stifles my creativity, and it makes me feel bad, when if I only step outside that discourse and evaluate things for myself, I'm actually pretty happy with where we're at.
So again, when I am asked my opinion, I am not going to contribute to a cycle that hurts me. I am going to be honest about my perspective, and offer some encouragement - and, again, not tell others what to feel.
Y'all feel any kind of way you feel. Everybody has a different outlook and it's important for us to hear a range of voices. But this here is my house, and I will not contribute to distressing others as these conversations sometimes distress me. I'm not going to amplify bitterness. I will not foster it in my own heart and I will not do so to others. I genuinely believe we are in a good place, EO wise. I know it is not what we hoped for, but as we have discussed, many times, what we hoped for was not ever really in the cards. We can't be angry the hot dog cart couldn't sell us a gourmet meal. In fact, if we want a gourmet meal, we frankly should not have come to the hot dog cart at all.
Part of what makes EO so compelling is all the space the show leaves for the audience to draw their own conclusions. If the show was slightly better made or all those holes had been filled in, what would there be for fandom to do? A vibrant fandom full of creative ideas and cool fic and long meta needs a source media that is just a little bit bad, and leaves some of those doors open for interpretation. So I'm glad they're a little bad. That gives me room to work.
That was. Way too long, and not at all what you asked, but I'm still drinking my coffee lmao
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kittyandco · 10 months
📝❤️💘 w hans <3
OHHG LET'S GOOO (i have put so much thought into this) THANK YOU
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
SO. i thought of my story prior to reading "a frozen heart," but it helped me contextualize some things. it basically made my s/i "purposeful" (for lack of a better term, all our s/is have purpose). in passing, hans laments that he hasn't courted anyone (this is approximately 3 years before he goes to arendelle); meanwhile, his brothers are married, engaged, or courting, and his family didn't seem to plan to set him up with anyone. (probably to keep him fully indebted to them forever i'd fight them if i had the chance)
THAT'S WHERE I COME IN! hans and my s/i actually have a long history, because our families want us together for political reasons. we didn't really understand at first... but as i got to know hans & his family, i began to resent it. i hated them for many reasons, but especially because of how they treated him. and i eventually realized that our joining would only be for their benefit, not ours. i didn't want to live in servitude to them, and i didn't want hans to live like that anymore either.
narratively it just made more sense, because at least for appearance's sake, he would have a betrothed. the westergaards are all about appearance, so this way no one raises questions about hans. not a single one. they've kept their secrets very well, and i believe that they wouldn't risk it by leaving him single. AND it gives them another outlet to use him for their gain. like always.
anyway, his love for me changes his motivations a bit. it isn't only to unduly seize power, or only to prove himself to his family, it's also his last-ditch effort to keep me with him. to escape. with me. one of my grievances for a long time was that we would never be free so long as we went through with our arrangement. but it hurt terribly... because i love him. i wanted to be with him, but i couldn't bring myself to. this way, we'll have everything all to ourselves.
also it simultaneously humanizes him more and makes him seem Worse because on the one hand, aww he's doing this for love (partially)! on the other hand, he led another girl on while engaged 😭
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
in the larger fandom, i still don't think we'd be very popular. the frozen fandom essentially excises hans fans to our own space, so... meh. i'm used to it. among hans fans tho, i think it would be kind of an even split between people who ship us and people who ship him with anna (which i totally get, i love them too 🥴)
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
on the other hand. the rest of the fandom (those who don't rlly associate with us) probably wouldn't love it because they would either feel bad for me or think that i should have left him after what he did (because i didn't. our story ends very differently from canon, but assume it was the real canon: i break him out of jail and it's kind of up to interpretation what happened after that but it's clear that i still want him)
they'd probably be the types to say that i'm "enabling" and that i "don't know better" (i.e. trying to give progressive critique while actually undermining my s/i's autonomy and Completely Missing The Point), and that i shouldn't be so soft on him. but that's TOO BAD
not to mention the ab*ser discourse surrounding him like ugughhh give it a REST
so yeah it'd probably be the hansanna discourse but Worse. <3
‘Imagine Your S/I Was Canon…’ Self-Ship Asks
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eightfourone · 3 months
long rambling personal story that I have to get off my chest
I used to consider myself a hardline marxist-leninist, and when I was feeling particularly helpless about the world in 2020, I decided that I was going to actually do something to make myself feel productive. and part of this was like, hey I'll join a leftist discord group and see what they're doing. they probably feel the same and will have some ideas
so they set up a group and make like a constitution and hold elections - whatever that's normal for politcal nerd groups
and the other ML there. he starts messaging me like "how are we going to take over this discord government." clearly he really believed that it was the duty of the one true party to inflitrate and take over any political instution they could. Even for a stupid discord server.
and I have to say that complete lack of self-awareness - this guy was just wanting to roleplay the russian revolution - fully soured me on that hardcore ML position.
suddenly I couldn't look at other "Revolutionaries" online the same anymore, I was like hyper aware that they never actually wanted to do anything or find some productive use of time other than just discoursing and being an internet microcelebrity or roleplaying the revolution
extremely disheartening when I was at a very low point and it just completely shattered my faith in marxism that I'd had since I was like 16, which in retrospect makes me regret that part of my life even more. I associate it with like the most vulnerable and impressionable time of my life. In my opinion I held those beliefs because it was a black and white certainty about the future when I felt so extremely uncertain. It helped me to feel like I knew better than everyone else.
I'm not outright opposed to hardline leftists, I think we have the same goals and attitudes still, but I can no longer take that specific form of analysis with more than a grain of salt
one of the particular worst things I believed at the time was that "to die in service of the revolution is better and more valuable than to live under captialism." and like in reflection of that time in my life that belief is really chilling. I couldn't live like that anymore. I couldn't believe in killing myself. I had to believe literally anything else or I would have actually killed myself out of fear and cowardice and hopelessnes. (don't go looking for it but there was another fan of my same sports team that actually did kill themselves and left a suicide note on their blog. That really scared me.)
I still think I'm struggling with that. I am slowly coaxing myself into believing I have something to live for. Sometimes it's still extremely difficult. Getting into hockey was definitely part of this process. Anything. Anything else.
anyway long rambling personal story that I just had to get off my chest over
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bnna5813 · 1 year
Set Me Free pt. 2: Jimin you killed it.
I was writing a response to someone's post but I figured I'd just make my own because my response was pretty long. I'm not in the music industry. I just listen to a lot of genres so please forgive me if I'm misusing terms. I've seen a lot of discourse about Jimin's song and I wanted to add a few thoughts:
Do I like the song? YES. I love it. I'll be transparent though. After I watched the music video, I wasn't sure how I felt. There was so much to digest. The song is so different from anything we've ever heard from Jimin, so completely beyond anything we expected. The music video was an orgy of mind-blowing choreography, loud ass brass instruments, aggressive autotune, stunning choir vocals, and heavy chest-thumping bass. The beat is just... everyone I've seen react to this song (including myself) made a stank face and started bopping their heads and doing body rolls as soon as the bass dropped. This song is dirrrty.
I implore everyone to please listen to it on Spotify or Apple Music. By now, you should know that Youtube has shit audio quality. Even the exquisite choir sounded muffled on YT. His voice is heavenly on Spotify. His modified voice has so many layers. I know the autotune is a very controversial topic in this song but I think he used it well to transform his voice into something you have never heard from him before. BTS tends to use autotune or voice processors to add complexity and texture. How many of you disliked this song and also disliked On and Black Swan?
I get that it can be too much for some people. Music is subjective and it's okay not to like this song. It's not for everyone. But for people who use the autotune as a drag to say he's using it because he can't sing on key, you should know that the music industry has moved beyond using autotune to correct pitches/tones. We're not in the early 2000s anymore. Some artists still use it to support their vocals but that's not the case in Jimin's song.
In this song, his voice is heavily distorted when the lyrics are coming at you. "I never stop, fuck all your opps" and "Hey fool, just get out of my way / Shut up, fuck off / I'm on my way". Even when he's saying "enemy" in the background, it's heavily autotuned. I also love the effect of the call and response between "oh yeah oh yeah" and his normal voice. The use of autotune is to emphasize aggression and anger. He's basically assaulting you with this vocal distortion because it's very jarring to your ears. Look, Jimin is not interested in making another Lie or Serendipity right now. He's already done that. Jimin wants to continue to grow and experiment as an artist. So even if this resulted in mixed reactions, I applaud him for trying something new.
Another thing I want to add is that this track is the LAST song in his album. I don't even need to hear the album first to know why it's the last song. He said this album is going to be a journey revealing hidden wounds and scars. We know this album is going to be dark. Set Me Free pt. 2 as an ending is him shedding his demons, pushing back against those who inflicted pain, and letting it go. That's why the song is so anthemic and aggressive. It's triumphant and it makes me want to throw a fist up. When we get listen to the album in its entirety, I think many people will agree that this is a powerful ending. If this is how I feel about one song, I really can't wait for next week to hear everything else.
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