#I have a great appreciation for CERTAIN teachers
flibbetygibbetsbro · 1 month
I love keefe, but if he was real and I met him in a school setting, like, from afar with no conversations, I would hate his ass
Like bro, don't you dare talk to my favorite teacher like that your snark will not be tolerated with me
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rainerioun · 29 days
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— This will explore what your future spouse will love 'most' about you, and vice versa. If you feel more aligned with the first half, simply swap the perspectives. Sometimes, you might resonate more with your future spouse's vibe. Thank you!
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HOW TO CHOOSE A PILE : The outcome may vary based on whether you receive clear messages visually or intuitively. If you resonate more with selecting a pile visually, trust that inclination. Personally, I believe the notion that 'looks can deceive,' so I prefer to take a deep breath and close my eyes, allowing the pile I'm meant to connect with to come to me. You might see the color of the pile, sense or hear a number, or simply feel its overall vibe.
Please don’t redistribute or edit my content.
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What Will They Like Most About You Physically? Figure, Height, Fingers, Hands.
When pulling out traits, I found several signs indicating a plump or chubby appearance. If you relate to this, rest assured they adore it, especially how it complements your height. I envision someone squeezing a teddy bear - in this case, you. They find you incredibly cute. Your hands and fingers, perhaps used frequently in your work or hobbies, captivate them. They'll marvel at the way your fingers glide over a page or mold something, appreciating your movements. It feels very poetic, in a way.
What Will They Like Most About You Mentally? Free Spirit, Sensitive, Homebody, Unstoppable.
Aw, your future spouse will surely have a nurturing side. They'll tend to coddle you, in a healthy way, of course. They admire how you pursue your desires with a free-spirited approach despite your introverted and sensitive nature. They'll likely encourage you to take breaks and relax, treating you like royalty. There's a distinct vibe of 'I hate everyone but you' coming through.
What Will They Like Most About You? Teacher — Light : Ability to Communicate Knowledge, Experience, Skill or Wisdom. Healer — Light : Passion to Serve Others by Repairing the Body, Mind, and Spirit. Ability to Help Transform Pain into Healing. Guide — Light : Represents the Nature of the Divine in Life and in Yourself.
They'll be quick to notice your depth of knowledge, not just on a conventional level but also on a spiritual one. Your future spouse will appreciate your natural ability to teach, guide, and heal others even when it's not your intention. Your wisdom may extend to philosophical terms, offering advice on profound matters that aren't easily grasped by others.
What Will They Like Most About You? Crow : Spiritually Strong, Creative, Watchful, Psychic, Strong, Clear. Butterfly : Undergoing Great Change and Transformation. Cheerful, Graceful.
Your future spouse will lean towards practicality more than you do and might not gravitate toward certain metaphysical ideas and theories as easily as you. They'll be amazed by your ability to understand such concepts. While they are intelligent, they tend to favor strict rules, whereas you thrive on constant change and learning experiences.
I'd like to add that I sense this person is deliberately holding back, choosing not to reveal much. They want it to be a surprise just how much they love you. Don't worry, they genuinely adore everything about you, even though they may have favorites.
What Will You Like Most About Them Physically? Hair, Rugged, Nose, Tired-Looking, Eyelashes, Face Shape.
When I was pulling traits, I couldn't help but think of Shōta Aizawa from My Hero Academia in terms of appearance, haha. Of course, this could be a woman or nonbinary individual, but they definitely give off a similar vibe physically. They might appear a bit rough or scruffy, and you'll find that attractive. I'm not getting any specifics on hair color, but I envision thick, longer hair that might look a bit disheveled. They possess that tired charm, which softens their face in a way. I see them having a hooked nose of some kind.
What Will You Like Most About Them Mentally? Spiritual, Reliable, Oblivious, Compassionate, Sassy, Intelligent, Mysterious.
Once again, your future spouse is intelligent but may lack in certain areas that you find amusing. They possess two distinct sides, perhaps being book-smart but lacking in common sense. However, I believe you'll help balance them out, whatever the situation may be. They'll initially have a mysterious, stoic persona, but you'll have the ability to break through it and discover their true sweetness. You will enjoy receiving attention from them, considering their reserved nature. While your humor aligns in some ways, this person is likely more inclined towards being sassy and witty rather than being a 'jokester'. At first, they won't be heavily into spirituality, or whatever you practice, but they'll become intrigued by your experiences and eventually find themselves following in your footsteps.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Storyteller — Light : Ability to Experience and Express Life through Stories and Symbols. Prince — Light : Romantic Charm and Potential for Power. Poet — Light : Expresses Soul Insights in Symbolic Language. Hermit — Light : Seeks Solitude to Focus Intently on Inner Life. Serves Personal Creativity.
Your future spouse is someone who expresses and feels love in an incredibly artistic manner. They have a secret, hopeless romantic inside. It's not just modern love; it's almost like you both worship each other, which I find incredibly beautiful. Seeing you in such a light will lead them to see you in other things, like art pieces or written words. They love you wholeheartedly. Adding on, creatively, you'll complement each other well. One side may lean towards being artistic and dreamy, while the other is innovative and a bit nerdy. You are both bound to swoon over each other.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Eagle : All-Pervading Power, Truth Seeker, Transforms Karma, Bright, Radiant, Challenger. Tiger : Lunar Force, Ease in Darkness, Passionate, Strong, Sensual.
With the eagle card, I'm not picking up on what you'll like about them, but rather another message about how you'll spark intense curiosity in them. You will inspire them to enlighten themselves and become an even better version of themselves with your teachings and guidance. Now, for the next card, this is something you'll definitely appreciate about them. I don't sense that this person will be shy when it comes to intimacy, in any form, and they won't hold back in showing how they love you.
Extra : Journaling, Eye Contact, Flowers, Parallel Play, Running Fingers Through Hair, Late Mornings, Poetry, Leaving Notes.
Best Mistake : Ariana Grande. | Movement : Hozier.
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What Will They Like Most About You Physically? Eyes, Hair, Piercings, Harmonious Features.
Your future spouse believes that your hair and features complement each other perfectly, creating harmony. Your hair may frame your face. They'll enjoy gazing into your eyes, possibly because of the connection they feel or simply because they find them captivating, whether it's the shape, color, or both. If you have an alternative style, such as piercings, tattoos, or darker attire, they find it very alluring.
What Will They Like Most About You Mentally? Wit, Sneaky, Bookworm, Deep-Thinker, Reserved, Needy.
This person views you as a fox, sly, clever, and witty, and they're drawn to that energy. They appreciate your complexity and the fact that you're not always straightforward; it keeps things interesting. They enjoy being challenged intellectually. However, they also appreciate the softer side of you when you're relaxed and in need, and they'll gladly cater to you. I imagine them watching you as you indulge in your hobbies, eager to hear you gush about your interests.
What Will They Like Most About You? Advocate — Light : Inspires You to Put Compassion into Action. Poet — Light : Expresses Soul Insights in Symbolic Language. Child : Nature — Light : Friendships with Animals. Communication with Nature Spirits.
Whatever way you choose to create and express yourself, whether, through art, music, or even activities like photography, they'll find it intriguing. They admire both your process and the results you achieve. This person will always be your supporter. You might work with animals, and they appreciate your gentleness and kindness towards them, or perhaps animals hold significance in your connection.
What Will They Like Most About You? Nightingale : Fearless Voice, Speech, Communication, or Song. Sings and Speaks Freely with Kindness. Moth : Impulsive, Hasty, Wishful, Enthusiastic, Whimsical.
When I pulled the cards, I initially wrote down the wrong definition for the nightingale. I've corrected it, but I thought the previous message might still resonate. If you're someone naturally very curious and actively trying to learn, they'll follow right behind you. They're loyal, just like you, and will start doing things you do because they're inspired by your enthusiasm and positivity. If you were drawn to pile one, I'd recommend giving it a read as well. You may find something there because these piles are quite similar.
An additional message is that you and your future spouse will connect through music, whether it's listening together or separately. So, you could be receiving signs now through songs.
What Will You Like Most About Them Physically? Texture of Hair, Tone of Skin, Height, Prominent Nose, Dyed Hair.
I sense your future spouse might have an alternative style as well, but it's not a must. If you're into dyed hair, they'll likely have it They could change colors with the seasons to suit their skin tone, or the color they have fits them year-round. You will enjoy the feel of their hair due to the texture which causes you to play with it. Generally, if you're taller than average, they'll be shorter, and if you're average height, they'll be similar. Either way, you'll like looking down at them or meeting their gaze directly.
Once again, whether you're drawn to pile one or not, I'd suggest going back and giving it a read as well. While the energies differ, I sense the message is similar. I feel like this pile is suited for individuals with eccentric tastes.
What Will You Like Most About Them Mentally? Sweetheart, Odd Humor, Confident, Adaptable, Ambivert, Clingy.
You and your future spouse will be inseparable, attached to the hip, if not driven by their clinginess then it's your own. It's something that makes both of you feel secure. They are the type to talk your ear off. This person's humor leans towards the darker or drier side. They might find everything amusing, but particularly society's less-than-normal aspects.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Networker — Light : Enchanted Unity through the Sharing of Informations. Engenders Social Awareness and Empathy. Gossip — Light : Awakens Consideration for the Feeling of Others. Honoring Trust.
I wasn't kidding when I said your future spouse will talk your ear off. They are quite the chatterbox. They'll be a drama queen, regardless of gender, but I think it's in a very playful and goofy way. You'll find it charming. They'll get super excited and giddy when they have a juicy secret to share with you. They're such a sweetheart that they would never intend any negativity, just relaying information without passing genuine judgment.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Octopus : Reaching, Yearning, Lacking Boundaries and Direction. Getting into Other People's Business and Sharing Their Own. Interested, Engaged. Wolf : Guardian of Family and Tribe. Activism, Ritual, Reliable, Fearless, Democratic. Embrace All, Exclude None.
What have I been saying? This person cracks me up. You'll adore how dependable they are, always a shoulder to cry on or a pillar of stability for you and others. They're just a people person. I sense they could become overly sensitive, requiring alone time. They tend to overshare, which is amusing when it's just the two of you, but you might need to help them rein it in around others. They can be a bit oblivious to social cues and may need some guidance when they're pushing the boundaries.
I sense they're internally extroverted but can get overwhelmed and find it difficult to handle social situations, even if they desire socialization.
Extra : Movie Nights, Bubble Baths, Parks, Sunshine, Wheezing, Glasses Perched on Nose, Comfort through Affection, Wrapped in a Blanket, Cheek Kisses.
Valentine : Laufey. | November : Sparkbird.
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What Will They Like Most About You Physically? Glow, Eyebrows, Lips, Your Frame.
Your future spouse will be drawn to the glow you exude. They find your bright personality radiating through every aspect of you, from your skin's natural shine to your expressive eyes and the curve of your lips. Even the way you carry yourself captivates them, unintentionally flaunting, which catches their attention.
What Will They Like Most About You Mentally? Innocent, Active, Hardworking, Compassion.
Firstly, they hold you dear, especially if you're not one to pause or slow down due to your hardworking nature. You could have somewhat of an innocent worldview—not that you don't understand hardship, but you maintain a strength and light that others lack. They'll absolutely love this side of you and cherish you.
What Will They Like Most About You? Fool — Light : Fearlessly Revealing Emotion. Helping People Laugh at Absurdity and Hypocrisy. Warrior — Light : Strength, Skill, Disipline, and Toughness of Will. Heroism, Stoicism, and Self-Sacrifice in Conquering the Ego. Mediator — Light : Gift for Negotiating Fairness and Strategy in Personal and Professional Life. Respect for Both Sides of an Arguement.
Your future spouse will admire how, despite being a logical person, you're not afraid to show emotion when necessary. You navigate life with a balance of logic and emotion, displaying good discipline. You're not impulsive and can guide others through hardships without coming across as harsh, bringing lightheartedness and fairness into the mix. They'll find this quality honorable. Your humor always serves as a mediator in situations, never failing to lighten the mood for them and others.
What Will They Like Most About You? Cobra : Pausing, Waiting, The Inner Teacher, A Student of Life, Humble, Wise. Fire Ant : Aggression, Rigid Thinking, Following Orders, Thoughtful, Disciplined, Heat.
Your future partner could have experienced instability with others in the past due to hasty behavior, or they struggle themselves with acting too quickly. On the other hand, you give yourself time, thinking before you act. Yet, when you do move forward, you do so with an assertive and direct demeanor, which makes them grateful they can lean on you for stability.
What Will You Like Most About Them Physically? Nose, Neck / Collar Bone Area, Elegant and Composed, Chin, 'Bunny Beauty'.
Your future spouse has a very approachable appearance. Their face might remind many of a bunny. I imagine this person with a rounder nose and face, perhaps chubby cheeks, but with a prominent chin and jaw instead. They look well put together and carry an elegant quality about them. You'll endlessly adore your partner. It's very cute.
What Will You Like Most About Them Mentally? Bad Mouth, Neat, Stubborn, Loyal.
Their appearance versus their personality could easily turn heads. They seem sweet and soft, but use harsh language often, cussing like a sailor. They look nice but act naughty. They're also incredibly stubborn, which apparently you'll find appealing. You'll anticipate others' reactions when they open their mouth, finding it amusing. As for you, I sense it's the opposite. You might appear a bit intimidating but are actually very gentle.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Detective — Light : Great Powers of Observation and Intuition. Desire to Seek Out the Truth. Midas/Miser — Light : Entrepreneurial or Creative Ability to Turn Anything to Gold. Delight in Sharing Life's Riches.
This person will readily share their wealth or achievements with you. Your future spouse might have a good-paying job, or money could come easily to them, possibly through generational wealth. However, I sense that they just know how to handle money wisely and earn it with help from their well-built knowledge.
I don't get the sense that they're materialistic or chasing money, but rather that they invest in things that make a meaningful impact, like travel or once-in-a-lifetime experiences. They have achieved financial stability, but they also have wealth in terms of nonmaterial things.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Bat : Darkness, Letting Go, Death Leading to Rebirth, Excepts and Adapts, Adjusts. Swan : Effortless, Creativity, Sensitive Mystic, Elegant Power.
Returning to that elegant aura they have, I can't pinpoint exactly what causes it, but it might be because they are highly intuitive and sensitive to others' thoughts and feelings. They easily pick up on these subtleties and can adapt and change accordingly. Despite their effortless beauty, they are a complex person on the inside. You find them to be a puzzle worth solving.
Additional. Another Message.
For a few of you, I believe you may not immediately hit it off with your future spouse. Your composed nature might clash with their boldness, leading to disagreements stemming from stubbornness or a desire for "correct behavior." However, you'll both eventually look past it, but initially, it might feel like something out of an enemies-to-lovers book. It won't be extreme, but it could get a little heated. This could form in a workplace.
Extra : Sleek Attire, Slicked Hair, RomCom, Tattoos, Generational Insight/Knowledge, Promise Rings, Military, Dreamy, Shared Earbuds, Sharp Glares and Glances.
Make You Feel Good : Fetty Wap. | Powerful : Major Lazer. | Cry : Cigarettes After Sex.
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What Will They Like Most About You Physically? Voice, Beauty Marks, Lips, Eyes.
I want to mention that either you or this individual could be a musician, while the other serves as a muse. Whether or not it's you, your future partner will love hearing you sing. They find your everyday speaking voice charming, especially its soft, breathy quality. While eye contact with them may not be 'intense', it feels profoundly connecting and grounding. If you wear makeup, this person likes it. Perhaps it's the shape of your lips or their natural color, but I believe that wearing lipstick or gloss, anything that enhances your features will allure them even more.
What Will They Like Most About You Mentally? Shy, Tender, Well-Versed, Open, Quiet, Devoted.
Aw, I wish I could give you all a hug! You're so tender and gentle in both your words and your actions. You're devoted not only to your loved ones but also to the things that bring you joy. Your future spouse will find this incredibly endearing.
I'm sensing more about how deeply they love you rather than the specifics of what they like. When you meet this person, it'll feel like being showered with affection and passion. They genuinely value every aspect of you and want to express that.
What Will They Like Most About You? Angel — Light : Helping Those In Need with No Expectation of Return. Damsel — Light : Understanding the Nature of Healthy Romance. Inspires You to Rely on Yourself.
You not only embody the qualities of the cards, but I sense that your future spouse will view you as an angel. They might even adopt it as a nickname if you're fond of the idea. You're the shining beacon in their life, their prince/princess, which I admit can sound a bit cheesy or even cringe, but in your case, it's incredibly sincere and pure.
What Will They Like Most About You? Peacock : Inner Beauty, Compassion, Confident, Kind. Gazelle : Heighten Awareness, Ability, Vulnerable, Perceptive, Graceful.
Your future spouse sees you as stunning both on the outside and within. Your physical beauty is undeniable, but it's your soul that truly captivates them. They'll be in awe of its depth and beauty. Your future spouse may gawk awkwardly over you, yet it will be funny.
What Will You Like Most About Them Physically? Physically Expressive, Dewy Skin, 'Cat Beauty', Pout, Clear Skin, Freckles.
This person's skincare routine is godly. Their eyes and gestures are incredibly expressive, drawing people in. You'll notice their natural pout, which adds to their charm. Their features will have a feline or fierce quality, with high cheekbones, defined features, and possibly a smaller yet thick nose. They might also have a longer face or narrow eyes.
What Will You Like Most About Them Mentally? Funny, Loner, Eccentric, Sensitive, Humble.
Your person is a bit of an oddball, in the best way. They embrace their inner nerd or geek often. Your personalities are a perfect match, and I can see you both enjoying plenty of alone time together because you don't drain each other's social batteries. They're self-aware and true to themselves, no matter what.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Don Juan — Light : Spotlights Your Positive Seductive Qualities. Child : Eternal — Light : Determination to Remain Young in Body, Mind, and Spirit. Ability to See Things with Fresh Eyes. Guide — Light : Represents the Nature of the Divine in Life and in Yourself.
While they may seem reserved, this person radiates confidence when they're with you. They know how to play their cards right—they can talk the talk and walk the walk. But underneath it all, they're playful and childlike at heart. No matter how old they get, they'll always carry a lighthearted and curious energy, like a kid. Life with them will never be boring.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Black Egg : Speaking from an Authentic Voice, Truth. Bee : Earnest, Hard-Working, Content, Vibrant.
Your future spouse will be an honest person, always speaking their inner truth, even with strangers. They're not afraid to be vibrant, and I have a feeling that will influence you as well. Communication is important to them in this life. As I mentioned earlier, they could be a musician. If not, with their persuasive skills, they could find success as a public speaker or influencer of some sort.
Extra : Spying From Corners or Doorways [Playfully, of course], Singing, Puppy Dog/Pleading Eyes, Feather-Light Touch, Pinky Promise, Junk Drawer, Piggy Bank.
Don’t Be Afraid : Carpenters. | Brooklyn : Lana Del Rey.
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reverieblondie · 1 month
I really like the shy s/o headcanons you did. If I can, I’d like to request hcs of Haarlep, Gale, Halsin, & Astarion (& anyone else you might feel like adding) w/ a s/o that’s almost always cool and collected (sort of like a kuudere).
Thanks! 💜
So I am unsure If I didn't go cool enough or if I went to Kuudere for this request, but I really enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoy reading it! Last Bullet point is NSFW!
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Gale isn't exactly sure how to explain why his heart stirs when he sees you, it just does. You could be reading quietly by the campfire or cutting down enemies, but he always has the same thought when he sees you: Elegance. Your stoic demeanor and how you carry yourself with such grace have been swirling in his brain since your first meeting. You could be covered in any amount of filth but you will still have that keen look in your eye and speak in such an articulated fashion that to him it sounds like poetry, though you know it's not. Posed and a cool tone always the same, Gale finds a certain comfort from being around you. It's kinda nice he's always close by. Sure, he can be a dork, but Gale feels things so deeply, a thing you wish you could relate more to. Though with Gale you find that a part of you is becoming softer, it's mainly directed towards him but it's an improvement. Gale admires you and you think he deserves to be as equally admired and you don’t mind being that person for him. It only will lead to him falling for you more. 
You and Gale were enjoying a moment together in his tent. It had become something like a ritual that at the end of the day as everyone settled into their tents Gale would read aloud a book to you or anyone else who wanted to join. Tonight, however, his tent only had one guest, you. As Gale read his eyes flicked up toward where you were sitting beside him listening intently. You two had found yourselves in the position before on other nights, but tonight was different. You were quiet and so close, in fact from how close he could smell the subtle sweetness that laces itself to your skin. Always so elegant, even now with your hair slightly disheveled from the day. Sitting so patiently for him to continue reading. Gently, Gale brushes the hair back, his fingers grazing you so delicately. Looking at the text you see his smile as he slightly leans in, you follow his lead without a second thought. Forgetting all about the story and relishing in the passionate kiss. You were both happy nobody joined you two for the story that night. 
Gale is always showing you his appreciation in any way he can. Making dinner for you and the rest of the camp. Reading to you and recommending books. Teaching you what he knows about magic, turns out he's a great teacher. You just want to be able to show your appreciation to him, you can just kiss him or go to his tent later and show him what he means to you ,but you want to work on expressing yourself. You were helping him prepare dinner for everyone, as he cooked and would look over at you he would have that same sweet smile on his face. It’s time to express yourself and dig deep. “Do you know how much you mean to me? You are wonderful, and…I’m happy to be yours.” Hours later Gale was still giddy from the sudden phrase. 
Though you try to express your love for Gale through words like he so often does, sometimes words just lack the way you truly feel for him. That's how you two often end up in this situation. Gale with a fist full of your hair bites his lip as he watches you through lidded eyes. He's cummed twice now but you're still down there sucking and licking on him, overstimulating him for more. Though he's completely flushed, you're still looking up at him with those keen eyes as cool as always. On the inside your body is a flame of want, but you know how much he loves your elegant lips wrapped around him. Don’t worry it's your turn after he gives you one more…
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You drive them crazy…You're so calm and collected at all times, despite their teasing and taunting you never give anything away. Harrlep wants you to break, they are desperate to be the cause and are very open about telling you this. But you always keep your cool demeanor. It's become a game for them, to be the one to have your resolve tremble down to lust. You on the other hand find their want oddly amusing. Typically games like this don’t interest you but the amount of time Haarlep devotes to you, the way their hungry eyes rake over you does make something in you stir…Maybe one day you will let their game progress, but it will be on your terms, for now, they will have to be pleased with your smiles as you leave them hanging. The chase makes it all the better. 
They had grown tired of the game as they watched you ramage around the House of Hope looking for whatever artifact you needed this time on your adventure. Haarleps fiery eyes watched as you were browsing around not even turning to share a glance with them. Haarlep had tried it all, whispering filth in your ear, running their tail up and down your back, hells they even tried ignoring you back but nothing worked in making you want them. Now here you are alone with them and still nothing. Their irritation grew till they finally cracked. Grabbing your arm Haarlep spun you around to grab your chin “I don’t take kindly to be ignored.” they growled right before they brought their lips to yours and kissed you. The kiss was raw and passionate, their heated lips made you feel like you caught an instant fever. Haarlep had to hold your weight as your limbs turned to jelly. A sudden rush in your lower stomach was tempting you with depraved thoughts of more. They tasted like the finest wine you could indulge in forever if you wanted to. As they broke the kiss and looked at you expectantly for any kind of reaction; hate, want, anything to tell them you felt anything at all. Haarleps eyes widened at what they saw and their lips spread to a delighted smile. Your eyes doe like in a breathless expression with the tinting of red to your cheeks. You were blushing because of them. 
After defending Raphael Haarlep was free to do whatever they wanted and what did they decide to do? Join you on your adventures, though the relationship between you two was never defined exactly you knew that deep down you were theirs, your soul be damned. Haarlep was always waiting for you and though they would play it off as just for fun you saw the way their eyes would soften when you emerged to your room. Though, sometimes you felt like Haarlep was putting on a show for you at times. You want them to be comfortable and not have to perform for you. “No games Haarlep…Can I please just hold you?” When you first asked this Haarlep seemed confused by the idea of cuddling, but as they laid their head against your chest to have you then softly you wrapped your arms around them. Haarlep lays there in your arms silent, the only noises are the soft sounds of your breathing and the thrumming of your heart. This intimacy…stirs something within them…
Haarlep is always the one to take the lead in your relationship, you figured they liked the feeling of control. But after they made a teasing comment about you needing to be more aggressive with what you want, you took it to heart, and they were so happy you did. They were getting drunk off it, your moans leaving your swollen lips as they held your wrist in their warm hands. You bounce up and down on them, taking them in so deeply. You're delicious as you tighten around their cock so close to coming undone but holding back. Your eyes are watching Haarlep so intently, it's strange they rarely ever get raddled during sex but with how you are looking right now they might be the ones to come undone first this time…
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You're different compared to others he has encountered. Halsin is so used to people becoming nervous or giddy when he is around, some disdain him, many are eager to befriend him, and then there are others wanting to bed him. But you? You never give anything away to how you might feel…well that was the case till he figured you out. It was a simple praise, he thought nothing much of it as he told you how good you were. The way your cheeks glowed red as your eyes stayed to his…it was a slight crack to your shield and he wanted more, he wanted to watch you blush and be the reason for it, he wanted you to feel better and have all the praise you deserved. Halsin would praise you every day just so he could witness your flustered features. Halsin figured out how to get past your shields and despite this usually being something to mortify you, it was instead a welcomed change. It's odd feeling vulnerable to another person but Halsin is a gentle soul, he will treat you tenderly.
Halsin had invited you out on one of his typical hikes through nature as the others visited the nearby town. Halsin being a druid preferred nature to make him more relaxed and you preferred being around Halsin so it was a win-win situation. Halsins soothing voice and calm dementor always put you at ease, though today as you walk closely to his towering figure something deep within you stirs. You come to an abrupt stop and he follows looking down at you curiously. His hazel eyes took you in then smiled softly, it made your heart skip and you finally knew what was happening to you. “I think I want to kiss you.” You say bluntly. Halsin looks at you surprised then smirks, “You think, or you know?” You stare at him, not breaking your gaze, “I know I do.” Halsin opens his arms out to embrace you, “Then come here.” His voice purrs. You place your hands on his wide chest and let him take the lead. The kiss was slow and intimate and tasted like honey.
Halisn is a giver, he is always bringing you gifts like flowers, fresh ingredients, rare stones, and his favorite showering you in praise till your cool dementor falters and you blush like an idiot. You want to do something for him, give him something that you know he would enjoy. After much consideration and time, you had the perfect gift. You approached him very casually with it hidden behind your back. Halsin, not being a fool, knew something was up when you were already blushing and he hadn’t praised you yet. When you finally revealed it he felt his heart squeeze. A poorly made wooden duck, “You make it look so easy…” you say simply and he can’t help but laugh, the rest of the day he told you how to properly make a wood carving. It's now become your favorite bonding time.  
Lovers in the past have always been so ravenous when it came to intimacy with him. Scratching, Biting, just being rough in general. You, however, treat him as if he were made of glass, blushing softly, cooing, and caressing him tenderly. Halsin has seen you in a fight, you are forced to be reckoned with, but in the intimacy in his arms, you are blushing and sweet. You speak every honeyed praise that comes to your mind as he goes down on your drinking in your release. Your voice in pleasure is becoming his favorite song these days. 
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When he first laid eyes on you he immediately thought you were one the coolest people he’s ever seen. It was right after a fight, your teammates were cheering and hollering as you all came into the grove, and you walked in the background watching your ragtag group. Then your eyes met his. You didn’t wave, or smile, you just simply gave a nod towards him. Cal and Lia swear they have never seen Rolan blush so much, of course, he denied it, but on the inside his heart was racing. After that day he found himself wanting to have you think he was as impressive. Lucky for him you did find him impressive, not only because he was a talented wizard but because he was an ambitious dreamer. You admired all he did for his family and found yourself lightening up every time you got to talk to him. His rich voice always made your head fill with stars despite your cool outside. As a couple you and Rolan are almost inseparable, you're always there to be his calming present and he brings an extra spark to your life. He might think you're the cool one, but in your eyes it's him.   
Rolan had done what Cal and Lia deemed impossible, he managed to ask you out on a date finally and was successful. A sunset stroll through the city was the plan and it was going well. Rolan was putting on his best confident demeanor as you listened to him intently, your bright eyes watching him carefully. Gods, how he loved your eyes, hair, body, and lips. Rolan felt his palms getting sweaty as he kept glancing at you. Each time his eyes landed on your perfectly kissable lips. He wanted so badly to just grab you and kiss your lips, stealing a taste for him to hold onto forever. Though his stuttering and nerves were getting in the way of that, he wanted you to think he was cool and collected, a perfect match for you. He can’t just grab you and kiss you!  Tail swishing around irritatedly, he is chastising himself to get a grip on his emotions and to stop staring at you so desperately. Then feels his collar being pulled and suddenly your lips are on his. All of Rolans resolve leaves as he grabs your hips and deepens the kiss to one of desperate hunger. Backing you up to the closeted ally he wraps his tail around your leg as his tongue pushes into your mouth finally tasting you. Breaking from the kiss to catch your breath Rolan accidentally lets a whimper slip from his throat. “You…kissed me, why?” You shrug, “I figured you wanted to considering how you kept staring at my lips.” Rolan groans, “You must find me pathetic…” you touch your hand to his cheek and kiss his lips again, “No, I think you're just passionate. Makes me want to be more like you.” Rolan felt the blush creeping to his ears, it was the best date. 
Rolan worked so hard it was something you both admired about him but it also made you worried for him. He just worked so hard to provide for his family. You wish you could do something for him to help, but pulling him away from his desk is often an impossible task. He was in his study for what might have been hours now. Entering his study you saw him scribbling away, it wasn’t until you cleared your throat that he looked up. In your hands a tray of his favorite meal he had mentioned his adoptive mother making for him Cal and Lia as kids. He was a bit shocked you remembered him talking about the dish. Placing the tray down you cooed at him to take a break. And as he smelt the food he found that he was incredibly hungry. As he ate you undid his hair and scratched your nails on his scalp. Lending down you told him to join you for a bath and he of course couldn’t deny you.  
He just couldn’t help himself anymore, watching you handle everything effortlessly, always acting so cool…he needed you, now… His buckle was gently knocking against the shelf, your head leaning back against him as his breathy whines rang in your ear. Hard thrust drives his cock deeper and deeper, the tip nudging against your sweet spot. Then he brings his tail in and your cool demeanor melts away and you're a moaning crying mess. Rolan brings his hand to cover your cries…His hot breath pants in the shell of your ear, “Keep it down…The customers will hear you…” Nothing makes him feel more confident than feeling you come undone… 
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If Wyll had to pick anyone to follow blindly into a fight it would be you. You're smart and tactful, you keep a level head despite anything. Wyll sees you as the perfect definition of a leader and he would follow you to the hells if you needed it. Though if anyone asked you the same question you would answer that Wyll makes the better leader with his kind-hearted nature and determination. Despite you being quiet you find that with Wyll it doesn't matter, he can carry the conversion easily for the two of you and it wouldn’t even get awkward. You two just enjoy being around each other, you bring out the best in each other. With Wyll you are more gentle and he helps you see the world in a less harsh perspective. with him by your side you find yourself understanding and experiencing more emotions you didn't think you ever would. With you around Wyll finds fulfillment, if someone like you sees him as someone you want to be with maybe he is not as worthless as he once thought. You two are each other's perfect complement.
After a time of getting to know one another and being each other's closest confidants, Wyll knew it was time to take the relationship in a more serious direction. Wyll Imagined your first kiss would be underneath a canopy of stars. Alone so he could share all his feelings for you that he hoped you would reciprocate. Everything changed though when you took that arrow to your shoulder, mere inches away from your heart. Shadowheart had patched you up and now Wyll was here devotedly at your side listening to you chastise yourself for being careless and already planning a counterattack on the enemy camp. Reaching out carefully Wyll grabbed your hand to bring your attention to his gentle face. “Today I thought I would have lost you. In our adventures, I know there will be times when one of us will get hurt, maybe even killed. Please let me show you the depths of my affection before I am ever able to.” “How will-” “May I kiss you?” surprised you and gave a nod, with your permission Wyll gently dipped down to your still body and kissed your lips softly. His lips were as soft as you imagined they would be. 
Wyll from the moment you meet him you always think of him as the most self-sacrificing and selfless person you have ever met. He would give the shirt off his back for a stranger if need be. But after watching him long enough you noticed how he carried heavy loads and pushed himself so thin, and when he thought no one was looking he would wince and rub his neck. He needs to be shown how to treat himself better. In his tent he was resting his sore muscles when you walked in, a bottle of fine-smelling oil in your hand. “What-” but you are quick to cut him off “You have been neglecting yourself, let me rub this into your skin. Halsin says it's good for healing, now shirt off.” his cheeks warm, that same matter-of-fact nature he adores. The rest of the night was spent gently massaging all the knots and aching pain from his muscles…and talks of your futures after this adventure. the plan? You two staying together…
Your skin was so hot against his lips, every sweet whisper from his lips made your once stone-like body shake. The party's leader, always so composed, until underneath him… “You look perfect, here…and here…” As Wyll mumbles his praises he kisses every one of your scars tenderly, worshiping you in a way you didn't know you needed. Words die in your throat as he goes lower and lower till his lips are wrapping around your sex and you feel his tongue licking against you sloppy…Is this what it's like being worshiped by another? 
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When first meeting Astarion he was not so impressed by your cool and collected demeanor. Everyone at the camp had their quirks and then there was you, like a perfect impenetrable wall. Of course, He thought you had something to hide and was determined to get to the bottom of it. First getting through your walls was a challenge, he tried flirting and intimidation tactics but found that they didn’t make you stir in the slightest. (when in fact you know you would go to your tent after those conversions holding your hand to your chest like your heart was going to explode, but he didn’t need to know that.) It wasn’t until he stopped his facade and was more honest that you started to open up as well. Over time as he found out who you were and you found out more about him the two of you became fiercely protective of one another. Definitely a stranger to friends to lovers situation. In fact, on your first date you didn’t even realize it was a date till he told you. You were odd and not always easy to understand but for the first time in a long time he wanted to have real intimacy with someone and you wanted to let down your protective walls. 
You had gotten to him today with your bluntness, of course, he played the whole thing off like he didn’t care but inside he did and it was eating away at him not knowing why. It's late, the time of night that no creatures stir, well only one kind of creature does…his kind. You're asleep on your bedroll by the fire as per usual. You always sleep next to its warmth, Astarion figures that's what you crave like most creatures, warmth; something his cold body could never provide to you. Astarion shakes the thought, why would he even think of holding you? He doesn't even like you. Your damned aloofness pisses him off to no end. But as he is about to leave your slumbering side, you reach out and touch him. Your heated skin warms his icicle-like fingers, he half expected you to wake and recoil, but you didn’t you seemed to be eased by it. Your plump lips parted slightly as you dream. Slowly leaning down he keeps his crimson eyes on your face, completely unaware of the danger you are in. This is where he bites your neck and drains you of your blood like the monster he is. But instead, he brings his cold lips to your warm ones and kisses you. After a moment he comes back to his senses and pulls away. As he looks down at you now there is just the slightest curl of a smile to your lips. Sweet dreams he supposes.  
Astarion, usually so charismatic and open to say anything he wanted, had seemed to be rather reserved lately. Now you are usually one to never notice these changes in people but when it comes to Astarion you couldn’t help but notice those subtle shifts. It was late, but you knew he would be up, you went into the tent he had been reading and immediately started to put on his cocky dementor when he saw you but you just ignored it and sat next to him. “So why do I get the pleasure of such a late night visit darling?” looking through his short stack of books you pick one that seems the most interesting to you, open it then speak, “You have seemed off, so this is me being here for you. I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, and I will leave if you would like.” you turn to look into his eyes “but spending time with you always makes me feel better so I am trying to do that for you.” Astarion seemed shocked but the confession for a moment before he gave you that rare soft smile. The night was spent in silence with you reading and he laid his head in your lap. Your warmth was exactly what he needed, but he wasn't ready to confess that yet.    
“Bite me…” Astarion looks down at you, your neck exposed and flushed, the slightest sheen of sweat causing you to glisten in the candlelight. He feels his gums itch above his fangs…he wants to feed from you…but would you think him a monster after? Insecurities and anxieties swirl in his mind. You two had just started getting intimate with one another…would this turn out to be too much for you, for him…Then a soft touch to his pale skin brings him back, “Star…Only if you're comfortable, but know I trust you. I just…I want to give you everything I can.” Your words are so calm, so confident in him, he loves it, feeling so safe with you. Leaning down slowly he Kisses your neck before sinking his teeth in. Your body tenses for a moment before you're lulling into the saccharine of pleasure. Breaking away he licks your running blood from your neck as he looks down at you. Please know…that he loves you, endlessly.
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gilmore-angel · 5 months
everything has changed | aaron hotchner x reader
swiftmas ♱ heyyy.... so this is super late😬. I am now on break so hopefully the future ones will be on time💋
summary ♱ working at a daycare has its perks, a big one being a certain single dad.
warnings ♱ awkward flirting, my lack of understanding how daycares are run, ooc aaron probably cause I haven't watched this show in forever
swiftmas ♱ navigation ♱ follow my library account @baysfics to see when I post!
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loud. if you had to use one word to describe your job it would be loud. you of course loved your work, but being completely overwhelmed has become a normal thing.
the end of the day was always the hardest. trying to gather all of the kids items, putting shoes on, getting through checkout, and cleaning up afterwards.
one little boy in particular however made your job a bit easier. Jack Hotchner, an adorable three year old, was polite, well behaved, and sweet. his father, aaron hotchner, was serious but seemed nice.
all you new about him was he worked a lot, and rarely was the one to pick jack up. 90% of the time it was his aunt to come pick him up.
but today was different. when your coworker said jacks parent was here for pickup you help his little winter coat on and backpack and walked with him to the front desk for checkout.
there stood arron, dressed in his usual black suit. his jet black hair was shiny and put together like always. his blank almost cold expression shifted to a much happier one when he saw jack running towards him.
the little boy hugged his father's legs in greeting, receiving a hug in return. you smile as you walk up to aaron and pass him the drawing jack made in class today.
"jack wanted to make sure u gave this to you," aaron smiles softly and takes it, looking over the two little stick figures playing in the snow, representing them.
he glances back up at you, nodding once at you, "thank you. youre jacks main teacher, correct?"
his voice sounding so clear is surprising to you. the most you heard from him was a quiet goodmorning or bye. you would see him mutter words to jack, but they were only for jack to here. the fact he talked to you at all was completely out of the norm.
you feel your cheeks heat up, suddenly realizing now that you have to speak directly to him how handsome he really is.
you smile softly and nod, "yes, I am." you realize too late how awkward you sound.
he nods, reaching out his hand to shake yours, "jack talks about you a lot. you seem to be his favorite here."
your heart swells at that, knowing jack was your favorite too. your heart also skips a beat at the feeling of shaking his hand. his skin is rough, yet his touch is gentle.
"thats so sweet. he brings you up a ton too." your hand drops back to your side and you fiddle with your jeans, suddenly feeling very flustered, a butterfly party happening in your tummy.
he smiles, a bit brighter now. he picks up his son, who is growing more and more tired by the second. he glances away before meeting your eyes again. "I uh, I appreciate all you do for my son. I work a lot out of state so, knowing my son has a good place to go is uh, comforting."
your smile widens, and you chuckle softly, "it my pleasure. he's a great kid."
you both continue to hold eye contact, your breathing calming a bit. he has kind eyes. tired ones, yes, but kind. he finally breaks the little bit of silence by clearing his throat, glancing down.
"well uh, we should be heading out. thank you again." before you can speak again he walks out, son in his arms.
even after he has disappeared from your eye site, you continue to stand and tare at where he was. you almost feel giddy, like a teenager who just met their new crush. you snap out of your daze when you realize you still need to help with checkout. you quickly get back to it, but can't help but thinking that everything has changed.
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crvptidgf · 7 months
Teacher’s Pet
Mattheo Riddle x Reader (fluff)
➸ summary: after finally being reunited with her childhood friend, Enzo, the reader has to now build a friendship with his two cocky but well-meaning best friends
➸ warnings/notes: college!AU, snippet from a fanfic book i’m writing - it’s not posted yet but my wattpad is @/milksatin
word count: 1.7k
THE DAY AFTER the choosing ceremony was a little anticlimactic.
It was our first day of classes, and everybody had gotten sorted into their designated houses last night. We of course already knew where we would be put - the ceremony was more of an introduction into first year than anything. It was customary to put on the sorting hat - kind of like a rite of passage, or an initiation.
We had done it in secondary school and we had done it again while moving onto our next phase in life. The next phase - which I had no idea what held in store for me.
At the beginning of summer we had chosen our preferred subjects, classes which we would be studying in detail as opposed to the general knowledge that we had learned the years prior.
My first of the day was potions; obviously.
Since the majority - or more like all - of my friends were in Gryffindor, I left the Slytherin common room alone. Walking past them in the Great Hall, I bid them a good morning before finding a seat at my appointed table.
"It's a pity that you can't sit with your friends," came Enzo's voice, his body sliding next to mine on the bench. I shrugged casually before digging into the plates before me.
"It's alright - I survived the last 3 years of school, how different can college be?"
His eyes held a certain sadness in them before he cleared his throat. I was glad to be talking to him again.
"Well you can always sit with me.”
I thanked him as I shoved a piece of bacon in my mouth, muffling my gratitude. As much as I hated to admit it, I was really appreciative of him. It felt great to have someone to sit with.
"Oh yeah, such a shame that you can't sit with those gits," said Theo. I almost didn't even notice him and Mattheo arriving. They sat in front of me, ignoring Enzo's glare at Theo's words.
I had no problem dealing with assholes who thought they were better than everyone. After all, Harry and I had our fair share of arguments with Draco Malfoy. He had calmed down immensely, but before the war he was a handful. Theo needed less of an ego. Well, what's one more prideful Slytherin to kick down a notch?
"Leave off, Nott," said Enzo.
I simply ignored him as I dug into my breakfast. That day I made the note that Hogwarts breakfasts were a God send. I was almost completely full after not even half of the plate.
It was nice to talk to other Slytherins. It was nice to not be judged simply by the name of my house - and it was nice to not have to sit alone for once.
Although Theo was a bit judgmental of my friends, he was nice to talk to. It didn't last long, though. He began to complain about the Golden Trio - saying that they were too pretentious and up their own ass.
"Those are my friends you're talking about," I said. I tried to not let him get to me, but with each word that exited his foul mouth, my blood boiled one degree higher.
Theo just rolled his eyes as he continued eating.
Mattheo's gaze met mine over the table.
"What class do you have first?" he asked. I was glad for the change in topic, so I shook my hands out under the table to get rid of my tension. I sighed as I responded.
"Potions. Why?"
"Me too. I'll walk with you," he said as he grabbed his bag off the floor and stood up. We still had a few minutes left of breakfast, but since I was already finished eating, I agreed. And anyway, I didn't want to be around Nott any longer than I had to be.
Leaving the hall, I breathed a sigh of relief, not even realizing that I was holding it in.
"Sorry about him," said Mattheo. "He's kind of a dick sometimes."
I scoffed.
"Yeah that's one way of putting it."
Mattheo stopped walking as he stood to face me. His hands were in the pockets of his blazer, letting his bag hand loosely off his left shoulder.
"He can be like that sometimes, but he's really nice once you get to know him."
I made a noise of disbelief as I crossed my arms over my chest. How good of a friend could a house supremacist be? Did he learn nothing from the years of war that raged on in the wizarding world? Did he not understand that the only way we even won was by working together and getting rid of the notion of blood superiority altogether?
Merlin, had he not heard the story of what happened to Enzo's parents?
"Don't think he'll be happy to know I'm a half-blood, I assume."
Mattheo's eyes squeezed shut as he bowed his head down. He huffed as he ran a hand down his face.
"God, he's not a blood supremacist, Lilia. He just has too much pride in himself."
I nodded.
"That much I figured," I muttered as I began to walk again. Mattheo seemed nice, I just didn't want to hear him justify his friend's actions. I didn't care if he was nice. All I cared about was that he was talking down on my friends. People who I considered family.
Mattheo sped up a bit, jogging to catch up to me. His shoulder brushed mine as we trekked along the hallways, looking into classrooms to find the correct one.
"And for the record - I like your friends. Never really spoken to them, but Harry does seem nice," he said, breaking the silence.
"He is," I stated simply before stopping in front of the potions room.
It was down in the dungeons, the dark stone walls letting little heat enter in that particular section of the castle. It didn't help that it was underwater, either. My hands rubbed up and down my arms, my robe providing little warmth against the gusts of subtle wind.
Mattheo leaned against the wall beside the door, studying me.
My arms were still tightened across my chest, and my eyes avoided contact with his. Something about being alone with him felt different. Last night I had no issue looking directly at him, but in the silence of the dungeons, I felt more intimidated.
"I get it. You're protective of your friends, but they're not exactly saints either."
My eyes hesitantly lifted up, meeting his brown irises. What was that supposed to mean?
"How would you know?"
He sighed, looking down at his feet. "Let's just get inside. Class is about to start."
I was about to object, but as I saw more and more students marching across the hallways, I decided he was right. As if on cue, the bell rang to signify the start of lectures. I guess I'd have to pry him for answers at a later time.
I sighed as I sat down at a random desk, only to be surprised when Mattheo bumped against me. He adjusted himself on the stool as he dropped his bag down.
"You don't mind, right?"
Truthfully, I was a bit happy he sat next to me. It would be nice to have a friend as my partner. A lot of the class was full of Slytherins - and as I stated before, I didn't have many Slytherin friends.
"As long as you don't make me fail the class."
His face broke out into a smile as he sucked his teeth. He looked forward to the front of the class.
"I'm amazing at potions."
I felt doubt rise in my chest. I gave him a skeptical 'mhm', telling him that I'll believe it when I see it. He clearly took it as a challenge. The emotion behind his eyes changed as he stared me down, smirking.
My nerves grew as he continued to look at me even when Professor Snape entered the classroom, only breaking the eye contact when he began the roll call.
My heart thrummed against my ribcage. In the small amount of space that we had at our desk, our knees were brushing against each other. I would move away, but every few seconds I'd forget and my knee would bump against his again.
All I got in response was a bump back. We were practically playing footsie under the table, but with our knees.
Snape began to do theory and we opened our books to the first chapter. It was revision of the most common potion ingredients, including the basics - Wolfsbane, African Sea Salt, Bat Wings, and Asphodel. This was what I was good at. Amazing even. What I didn't expect was for Mattheo to be just as good.
"What can act as an antidote for most poisons, with the exception of Basilisk venom," came Snape's monotonous voice.
My hand sprung up in the air, but Mattheo beat me to it.
"Yes, Mr.Riddle?"
'Suck up,' I thought. It was slightly hypocritical of me to think that, but my pride got the best of me. Especially when people were just as good at something as I was.
"Correct. 10 points to Slytherin."
I huffed in annoyance as my hand went back down, continuing to take down notes. I felt a nudge next to me only to see a piece of paper slide towards me.
'ᴡʜᴀᴛ's ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀᴏʙʟᴇᴍ? ᴍᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ'ᴍ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ?'
Rolling my eyes, I shoved the page back to him. I muttered under my breath at him.
"As if."
I could hear him chuckle from beside me as he crumpled the parchment up. His quill flickered around as he wrote notes down, a small smile still etched onto his face.
"What is a common ingredient used in a Wiggenweld Potion?"
I had heard the question, but upon seeing Mattheo's hand raise up yet again, my eyes drifted to him. I sent him a nasty look as I waited for Snape to call on him.
However, Snape called my name instead upon seeing me glare at Mattheo. My faze flickered away from him to look at the Professor. Ignoring the smug look on my potion partner's face, I responded.
"Billywing Sting Slime."
"...Correct. But next time, I'd appreciate you paying attention."
Mattheo snickered from beside me and I kicked his leg under the table, shutting him up immediately.
This was going to be a long year.
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orionlain · 1 year
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𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩! 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐧, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐧𝐨𝐧-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐩, 𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫. 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 note: i love you michael i rlly do but i gotta put ur dad first and reader is of age
𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝. 𝐍𝐨, 𝐖𝐢𝐟𝐞
It was sickening how much William couldn’t stop having eyes on you.
You were his son's best friend, Michael, a total opposite of him. He believed that you were too cheerful, too kind, too good for a boy like him. He believed that you were being rotted away by his disgusting influence, knowing how much Michael can be seen within the school alleys smoking away and giving side eyes to people.
He believed that one day you will realize how much of a pain he was, how much of a deluded sack of dissatisfaction he could be at times. He needs you to realize how much Michael’s pitiful Jean jackets and edgy outfits were horrendous compared to your beautiful, sweet, modest outfits that (hug your breasts tightly) compliment your face.
Tonight you were sleeping over in the Afton’s house, after you visited a couple times to help with your best friend's homework. It's been a long time since a guest arrived at the place after the mother died, and you were quite the breath of fresh air that helped to brighten the room filled with glum. You filled the space that she had made, and Michael appreciated the company that was now present again.
A Friday night as well, both of you just came right after school. Even with him hanging out with his friends, you still had close contact with him while you were hanging out with your classmates. To be fair, he did mention many times how much you mean to him, even if you were totally different from each other. He always takes pride in how you were his first friend he made when moving here, how you greeted him with no hesitation even with his stoic expression. How you simply treat him like a being when others are giving whispers across the hallways. You were always there, saying hello and teaching him how to do certain topics in literature, smiling at him and comforting him even with his most gravest mistakes. You were always there.
And now you’re here in front of the lawn of the Aftons, treating it as a second home at this point. You open the door after getting your luggage of clothes and toiletries, and greet the house. First one to respond back was his brother. With how close you were with Michael, you treat him as a sibling in law, and you always had an issue with Michael treating him so harshly.
“Hello.” He mumbled, tightly holding his golden teddy bear.
“Hi Evan! Where’s your brother, little guy?” You spoke with enthusiasm, you were clearly a mood-brighter, which was shown right now with Evans frown turning into a smile as you ruffle his hair.
“He will be coming late. He got in trouble with a teacher.”
“Ah- Mr. Afton. I’m so sorry- I didn’t know you weren’t working today.” Stumbling with your words as you spoke, you were quite taken aback. If you were being honest, you had never really talked to Michael's father that much. Even with how polite and nice he treated you, your throat always tightened due to the anxiety he gave you. Not to mention, Michael was always talking about him, how much he despised his father and the constant fights they had together. It gave a poor light onto the older man, but you digress, he was a kind man you thought, and also a very hard working one. Many times he came into the house, with his back limping from the work he had done, Michael insists that he isn’t that great and yet you had always felt sympathetic towards him. And he was quite attractive, but you dislike thinking about that due to being so close to your friend.
“It’s fine darling.” That pet name again. He uses it a lot as a name for you, it stirred many emotions. Happiness, disgust, pride, pleasure? You couldn’t tell, but you were too much of a pushover to ever ask him why he uses it, or to stop calling you that.
“How’s school?” He’s chatty today. Unusual, he had never really asked you questions but you still answered happily knowing out of character it is. “Oh, it’s good! Actually, I’m gonna help Michael a little with his English assignment tonight before we do anything fun with Evan. But otherwise, it’s been nice!”
“He really doesn’t deserve you. You treat him very well even though he is difficult.” William always insists that you’re not a perfect fit for Michael. You were too lovely, and to be helping out his terrible, troublemaker son, worries him a little. You need to find someone more, (you need him instead) you need someone who is able to keep up with school, who doesn’t drown himself in junk food and stolen cigarettes, who wasn’t such a lazy older brother that never cared for his siblings.
“Michael doesn’t realize how much of a favor you’re doing him, how much of a sweetheart you are.” He punctuated his pet name at the end of his sentence with his accent. This surprising praise caught you off guard, and you had no idea how to respond with it. Evan looked at you, noticing your blush rising on to your cheeks as you tried to take your jacket off to soak in with his response. You don’t really take compliments that well, especially when it comes from guys.
“Um, thank you Mr. Afton.” Was that a glint in his eyes?
“Mhm, no worries love. Speaking of the devil, I believe that’s Michael walking up.” As he says that, you look to your back and there was Michael. Seemingly in a grumpy mood after his teacher held him up.
“Sorry I’m late.” He said to you, not directing to his father at all. “I swear that teacher always has her panties in a twist, so annoying.”
“What did you even do?” You asked, laughing as you were playing around with Evans bear. “It was not even that bad. Forget about it at this point, not my problem!” He smiled it off, but his father who was in the kitchen, who looked at him, was not amused.
“Alright then, let’s work on that assignment you've been begging me to help you with.” You responded, signaling him to come upstairs with you as you held your copy of Frankenstein at the side of your hip.
“Mr. Afton, don’t worry about food! I’ll cook dinner for all of you guys once I’m done with this.” As you were on the stairs you had to announce it to the crowd. You felt guilty for taking a lot of snacks from the fridge, so in return you wanted to do something for the house. Maybe you can lift a burden off Mr. Afton. And from the way he was staring at you, tells you that he enjoys that idea of you helping around the house. Though, it’s a little frightening, there’s not a single light in his eyes and he looks to you as if there’s something more that will happen soon.
“Really? What is it!” Elizabeth popped out of nowhere, which presumed she was on the couch the whole time as you came in. Probably too invested in the cartoons she was watching on the television.
“Well hello missy!” You greet her, now knowing she was here as well.
“Let’s see, I found this recipe, with mini pizzas and all of that. As well with fettuccine pasta on the side if you’re not really into that.”
“Sounds good.” Michael responded. “Yeah, but you have to wash the dishes. I can’t trust you to cook with me after last time.” “What? I’m telling you that it was a slip up.” You both nudged and teased at each other. Michael really wasn’t the best at cooking, which can be traced back to Williams cooking skills. With that, the kids seem pleased that you were going to make the meal. Many times you bring snacks and desserts you made back to your place, and they always enjoy it. The sparkle in Elizabeth’s eyes could tell you how excited she was to eat the dinner you’re going to prepare, and Evans' smile represented his thanks to you. William though, just nodded with a little smile. Well, at least you know he trusted you with his kitchen enough to make a meal for the family.
“Alright, I’ll be coming down at 4 to cook, I just need to help your loser brother over here.” You giggled. The kids responded with chuckles, and Michael sighed at your nudge to him. But he seemed happy, which was nice. You really hope for your friend to genuinely smile at times because it looks the best on him. And you grabbed your best friend's hand, and continued to go upstairs, promising the family members that you’d come back to help out.
William had a plan to also help you out with your preparation. As a surprise for the family, but more so, for you.
After a session of you studying with Michael, you finally put your brain to rest. He was now taking a nap on his messy bed filled with clothes he didn’t put in the laundry basket, and left the copious amounts of markers and snacks on his table unclean. He was tired from school and your chattering of what to do in his segment of essays and writings, but he still was grateful for your help and effort.
Although, you could feel he was tense. For what reason? You couldn’t tell, but with his little blurbs about his father, you could say that was his worry.
“My father is not always what he seems to be.”
He told you after you said that he was a polite man. There was always something bubbling underneath your best friend's thoughts, is there something that you don’t know? His legs trembling and his fingers fiddling with his pencil anxiously, every time you brought him up. His brows that would furrow and his immediate smile turning into disgust when you mention if there was anything wrong. With all of that, you were concerned, and even more so, he wouldn’t tell why he was held back by his teacher. There was something so off with him today, as if he was scared for you. Scared for what to be exact?
But you left him to rest. You didn’t want to wake him up and interview his weird behavior throughout the first hours of the sleepover. You did also promise as well to cook something up for his siblings, and well, his father as well. So you left him on the bed, and put a blanket on top of him, even with his fully clothed ripped jeans and jacket that he hadn’t changed from, you could tell it would be better for him if he had a comforter.
You stepped out of the room and went down the stairs. The kids were gone?
“They’re playing outside with the neighbors.”
There he goes again, frightening you out of nowhere with his voice. You thought he wouldn’t be in the living room, rather down that suspicious basement he always works in. You never seem to be bothered by his lack of presence and working down there, but there was always this lingering feeling of unpleasant death every time you pass by his work area.
“Oh! Hi Mr. Afton” You greeted him. You wish for Michaels siblings to be in the living room at least, because you don’t know how to strike conversations up with this man alone. But you digress, you step out of the place close to the windows and come to the kitchen where he resided within its seats. He seemed to be writing some papers on the kitchen table. You had shopping bags near the couch filled with ingredients you brought from home, and continued to place them onto the tabletops. You had the cheeses, pasta, sauces and spices, the only thing you were missing was flour, you forgot to pass by your house and get a small container of it before going here. Maybe you were gonna scratch the idea of mini pizzas, you didn’t want to bug Mr. Afton that much.
“Forgot something?” Can he read your mind, or did he notice your staring at the ingredients that lasted for long seconds? He probably noticed your face of concern, and your hands going in a frenzy as you harshly tug into your shopping bags. “Ah. It’s flour, I forgot about it.”
“You can use the flour. It’s in the upper cover boards.” “Oh! Thank you.” You were pleasantly surprised, you didn’t assume the family was interested in baking, let alone cooking it all. You walked towards the coverboards and opened it up, but due to its height, you had to tip-toe a little. Although, the bag of flour was all the way in the back, making you have to rummage around the space as you desperately try to heighten yourself up. Your hand gripping onto the tabletop could start feeling the strong pressure as you try further and further back yourself into it.
“Let me help” What?
In a flash of a second, his body was behind you. You could feel yourself cowering from how his frame encapsulated to yours. His shoulders and chest were pressed against your back, as he leaned into getting the ingredient. You could feel your breath tightening up, your face flushing from the close contact. And his scent, the musky cologne was plaguing into your nose, and all you could think about was him. He had gone so close, you could feel his legs within yours, your bottom pressing against his crotch, and being positioned in such a lewd manner that it could be compared to one of those movies. You were so confused, and yet, disgustingly attracted to it.
“Alright, there you go love.” He finally let you go from his entrapment. You were still catching your breath after holding for a good minute or so. “Th-thanks.” was all you could muster, not even questioning why he did such an inappropriate thing to you.
From that, you carried on to cooking, even with the bizarre incident you just had with your best friend's father. He as well, casually came back to the dinner table and continued with his work. You tried to ignore your urges to ask why he did that to you, or tried to not look at him at all. You wouldn’t want your face to blush again, reminiscing about what just happened. But as you were grating the cheeses, facing the behind, you swear that he was staring at you. With that same glint, that same strange look in his eyes. You really hoped Elizabeth and Evan would come back home soon and Michael to wake up, because you felt your body becoming small and fragile like a bunny to this older man. You could just feel his touch creeping into you, even if he was far away writing on the table.
“It smells good.” He complimented. It was really smelling good, with the combination of the pizza rising in the oven and the fettuccine sauce simmering in the pan, you could tell this would be a hit for all of the family.
“Tell me.” He’s standing up again.
This time, he positioned himself beside you. He wasn’t all up in your behind, and you couldn’t tell you were grateful or a little dissapointed.
“What did you put in it?” He questioned. “Oh, uh, I started with butter and then added parmesan gradually. I put in heavy cream at the end to make it thicker, and of course, add spices to it.” You explained, you never really had to give details with your cooking, it just came to mind to you. After all those retro recipe books your mom stored in the cabinets, it now gave you the chance to help cook for your family and friends. But you wish you didn’t for tonight, mainly because of the strange things you couldn’t tell if they weren’t actual advances from this man
“I must say darling. You would be a great girlfriend for Michael.”
“Oh?” You commented with your eyes furrowing out of confusion.
“Don’t tell him, I told you this.” He motioned with his hands to signal for it to be a secret. His body was now fully facing towards you, and his silver eyes stared into your face. His brunet locks droop down as he chuckles a bit, before he reveals what he was going to say. “Michael has a crush on you.”
“Wait- really?” You audibly yelped. To be honest, you had a feeling this was going to happen, but you thought it was just delusional. Even though he was a friend, you do sometimes admire him and adore him a bit. He has always given you such a gentle look whenever you talk, and you could tell that he smiles genuinely everytime you help him out. Now it was just revealed suddenly to you, when you thought it you’ll only find out what he truly thinks years later.
“Oh love, it's embarrassing how much he talks about you around the house. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if he worships you.” He laughs, and he puts his hands on your shoulder. Crying out in hilarity as you stood in shock. Though, it was suddenly cut short, with the bell ringing. Telling that the siblings are finally back from playing outside.
As you both dust off, and him telling you to keep the secret, you prepare the plates and the utensils onto the dinner table while he opens the door for the kids. You slowly took the two mini pizzas onto the serving plates, and sided it with the plaster filled with long strained pasta. When you were finally done, you went upstairs and called out for Michael to join in dinner. Trying to ignore that you know his true feelings about you from his father, and brush off those weird flirtatious actions from earlier, you both come to the dinner table. Smiling as much as you can.
It was a hit, the two kids fully finished their meals and scarfed up till there were no crumbs on the plates. Michael enjoyed the meal to the point where he took two servings of the pasta, while his father just nodded in agreement. You chatted away and made jokes with your friend, pushing away those earlier moments that were strange.
When you all had finished, just as you said earlier, made MIchael wash the dishes. As he was doing that, you were playing board games with the two siblings, while WIlliam finally left the area to go downstairs. You weren’t going to see him for the rest of the night, and you were glad but also curious if there will be more.
Otherwise, the whole evening was filled with laughter. You and your arguments with Michael had made both of the kids chuckle. You had popcorn and chocolate pretzels spread out on the side as well with large amounts of coke on top of the table. Your favorite slasher film was playing onto the screen, watching Krueger dismantle victims as you try to shoo away Evan and cover Elizabeth's eyes as you were watching. You were having so much fun, you forgot about the secret at that point. And if you did, you came to the conclusion that it's probably much better to address it to him later on.
It was then 12, and both of the kids were passed out. You and Michael carried them back to their rooms as you made fun of the students and teachers in your school. Talking and bringing up funny things that happened during the week while you were both left alone. Though, Michael was pretty zoned out, and you told him to go to sleep. He tried to resist, but he gave up and finally put out the mattresses in his bedroom. Making him drop out down to the floor as you were given his bed. As you were laying down on the bed, you saw Michael turn to you and gently smiled.
“Thanks for being with me.” He quietly whispered. With that, he turned his back toward you and quickly fell asleep. You could feel your throat choked up, feeling guilty of thinking about his father in such ways, when he was there. You wish you could tell how much Michael means to you, but he was already deep in his sleep. Sighing with shame, you accepted that you’ll confront another time. Now, you just lay there on your back in response, staring at the celing while you ponder. Slowly, while your eyes blanking into darkness.
You woke up, it was late midnight.
Your throat was parched, aching for a drink of water. While you tried to rummage around in the bedroom, there wasn’t a single glass or bottle filled with liquid. You had to go downstairs then, you didn’t mind though, knowing that everyone in the house is asleep. You then silently creaked out of the bedroom while Micheal slept peacefully, hoping to not wake him up. Going down to the stairs slowly, to not disturb any of the family members.
As you looked around, the light was still on. Michael might have left it on before you went up.
“Darling, why are you awake?” Oh no.
“Mr. Afton- I didn’t know you were still up, I’m so sorry!” You apologized, looking at the man who sat resting on the chairs. He was drinking, shots of whiskey surrounding him and a cigarette peeking through his fingers, which left bits onto the floor. His purple shirt was unbuttoned, messy, and with his other running down his gray streaked hair, contrasting from the clean and tidy look it was hours ago. You stood in surprise, you thought at least he would still be in the basement or sleeping up in his bedroom. But you were instead greeted with the older man in a hazy mess.
“Come here a sec, would you?” You listened to him, you went out of the living area to his spot. He sat on the bar stool, just staring at you as you came closer and closer to him. You don’t know why you obeyed his order, was it just out of instinct or some sick curiosity?
As you stand in front of him, you both look at each other in silence. He finally got off from the stool, and now you had to face the man who towers over you so much by height. He really did make you feel little, and with his glowing eyes, it made you feel so much more tiny than him. You tried to break eye contact with him multiple times, trying to look at the nearest potted plant or salt shaker to get away from his piercing glare, but he continues to check you down and up. Suddenly, he pulled your body closer to his by grabbing your wrist, and you were face to face with his chest. You had to move your neck to at least have a good look at him.
“I said you would be a great girlfriend. But I think you would be a very, very, good wife as well.” Oh fuck.
He cups your cheeks, forcing your lips to pucker up to him. He was taunting you, grinning how much he enjoys seeing you in such a position. “You’re adorable.” He laughed, and with no warning, he pushed his leg underneath your crotch. He took advantage of how much bigger he was compared to you, and he was pleased every second of it.
“S’ Mr. Afton?” You slurred your words as he grips harder on your face. There was heat rising upon your body, and you didn’t know how to deal with it. You tried to escape his hold, but all it did was make you shift on his thigh, rubbing your clothed slit. Accidentally giving a little whimper, even when you try as much as you can to get away.
“I always love it when you call me that.” He grins. “I wonder what it sounds like when you’re begging me.” His other hand slowly rises up onto your shirt, pressing onto your chests, fondling little by little. “Mr- Mr. Afton!” He laughs even more, happy with how you try to cover your face away from embarrassment looking to the other side. You were fidgeting so much, unbeknownst that you were sliding up and down on his legs while he was playing with you. You tried to close your eyes while you were creating a little wet spot on his pants.
“Darling, darling, you’re being so needy. I don’t think my son would like to see me having you whimper like a sheep.” He snickered. Tears started to bile up onto your eyelids, either from stimulation or from the amount of guilt you had felt. But that was soon cut off when he stopped holding your face up and went down to your crotch. It was all so sudden, eliciting a little moan out of your mouth.
“Mmhm- Mr. Afton please I don’t-“
“Shh, shush. I know, I know.” He shut you up by covering your lips. At this point you were sobbing out of how much it was, even if it was a simple flickering back and forth.
“You know how many times I had to restrain myself every time you visit? How many times you come into my home with those cute outfits you wore. How many times you look at me with that horrific doe eyes of yours.” He sighed, continuing to put his vigorous assault on you.
“Ha, if it wasn’t for my son. I would’ve fuck you for days love,”
“But I don’t care anymore. It seems like I lost the ability to resist myself. Now, be a good girl for me, yeah?” He shoved his hand down into your shorts, and quickly put your panties to the side. Slowly playing around your pussy and teasing around your clit. You were bucking into his hands at this point, and he noticed your desperation for something to fill you inside. It was disgusting how good it all felt, you felt so dirty and unclean, but he grins all the while doing so, pleased to see you in such a mess. His fingers had you in such a state, you didn’t realize he uncovered your mouth to answer a question.
“Tell me doll, have you had anything inside your cunt?” He plunged his fingers into you with short notice. You shrieked with the foreign feeling, violating your virgin insides. You blabber in an incoherent mumble, showing how this is all new to you in an embarrassing matter. “Answer my question.” He slapped your clit, and you yelled even more loudly, forgetting that it was midnight and his children were sleeping.
“No! I-I’m a virgin!” He chuckled at your cute answer. He was amused to know that he’ll be the first to ruin you, not some stupid boy in your high school, or his brat of a son, it was him, a man years your senior. You were a possession now, his to keep and use. His to dismantle and ravage from each part in your little body. With that, he made his pace faster and faster, giving you the urge to cum. You sob in response to the newfound attention, and addition to that was his large hands grabbing a fist full of your tits. Your body was being abused, and yet you can’t help but to feel so turned on, so full and so desperate for him to do more and more.
“Are you close sweetheart?” You pay no attention to his question, too busy babbling over his movement. He let go of your breasts and forcibly grabbed your face instead, demanding you to look at him and his eyes. “I said whore, are you close?” He asked for a second time in a more degrading manner, and somehow that made you even more wetter.
“Yes! Yes! Yes, Mr. Afton.” Poor you, you were so needy and terrified that he’ll stop you from cumming, that it made you answer in such a desperate shameful way. He hummed to your pathetic response, and made the pace even more rougher. Then, William quickly took your shorts off and finally left you bare in the cold kitchen, only leaving you in your ribbon bra.
“Doll, you wanna come for me?” You nodded vigorously to his question. God, you were so hungry for a release. At this point, you knew that there won’t be any other guy out there that can make you feel so fucking good. Your thighs were shaking and closing in and out, as you came near to your finish. More, more, more!
“Bloody christ, can you keep your legs open? You’re shaking like a bitch.” He remarked in his husky accent. You open your thighs, and with that, he finally gives you the extra push to your release by circling on your clit. As much as it made you cry out in hiccups from the stimulation, you were so pleased to finally, finally finish.
You came undone. Your legs were at a limit that made you drop down on the floor. Although, William held you up, forcing you to stand tall even more.
“That was barely anything sweetheart. Yet you’re shaking like a bunny. How cute.”
“But I’m not finished. It’s my turn.” Oh god.
He flipped you over, forcing you to go onto the kitchen bar, where he sat earlier. You were spread out like a meal, with your cute bra tied with a ribbon, he probably would’ve guessed you planned such a thing for him. You look at him helpless, wondering what's next as he stares at you like a fruit waiting to be open and devoured. He massages your thighs and pats your face in an adoring manner. You tried to look at the side, hoping that you wouldn't stare into his icy cold eyes. But he slapped your face, making you shriek with a loud whimper and causing you to face directly at him.
“It's so pitiful really. Imagine what your friends would think, what would Michael think? Hm? But you don’t care, don’t you love.” He unzips his slacks, finally giving space for his erection to breathe out. Ever since you came to the house, he had an animalistic urges within his desires. Wanted to put his hands all over you. Wanted to fuck you senseless until all you can utter is Mr. Afton. Wanted to ruin you and your cute little young innocence you had. Wanted to destroy you.
“And to think, I’ll be your first. You’re so desperate, you would fuck a man like me, old enough to be your father.” He laughs. “But I don’t mind, darling. I always wanted to ruin you. As much as you wanted me.” He knows. He knew it all along. He knew it from your slight stare at him, your cute curiosity hoping if he could answer your question. He knew it from the way you would glance at his features, his hands, his arms and his lips. He knew it from the way you said his name in such a nervous honey touched tone. It was all so adorable to him.
Playing around with your bare pussy, he slides his dick up and down. Preparing you. “Can you really be able to take it baby?” He chuckles. To be honest, you don’t know. It was big, the kind that you would see in the magazines. You were a bit shocked, pondering if you actually can take it.
“Oh don’t worry. We’ll see.” He puts it in.
Oh god, oh god.
It was so tight, even William grunted after feeling the way it pulsed around you. It was way too much, and you gripped onto the table, to have sort of stability. You tried to resist your moans to be audibly voiced out of your mouth, but the pressure in your belly stopped you from doing that. Even as slow as he puts it in, you felt like you couldn’t breathe. But you felt so full, so complete. He thinks you were made for him, made to be his little girl, taking his cock out and in.
“My god, darling. You’re being so, so good for me.” His praises that he sung always gave you joy. It was so sweet, it rolled off his tongue so smoothly as well, and hearing how much you were doing for him, made you giggle.
“Good, good slut. My fucking whore.” He degrades you, but you also love it as well. It didn’t matter, all the words that came out of his mouth felt like hot liquid on you. And the way he was thrusting in while also massaging your clit, you couldn’t help to not care. He keeps talking to you, degrading you how much of a slut you were, but from the constant stimulation, all you hear was ringing. Though you were coming so close again, so close to spasming from his dick assaulting you.
“Mm, you’re getting tighter darling. Are you cumming?”
“Ha- yes! Yes I am, Mr. Afton please, please let me!” He awed at your begging. He knew his name would sound good when you pleaded and screamed for him. With that, he circled his fingers even more, he thrusted and penetrated your pussy even more, he abused your body more, more and more. God, you were so full, so ruined.
“Mhm!” You yelped. You spasm around his shaft inside you. Your toes curled and you twitched your head side by side. It felt so good. But, he was still going. He was still thrusting you. He was still fondling your skins, still ramming you. “W-wait. No-no!”
“Shut the fuck up.” He flipped you over once more. This time you laid on your stomach, and your ass was in full view in front of him. As much as you begged him to stop, as much as you grasp onto his unbuttoned dress shirt, hoping him to notice your distress, he ignored it all. And continued to just pound you, now from behind. Your bottom suddenly was faced with a slap, reddening your skin. You mumbled and blabbled, you didn’t even know if you wanted him to stop or continue.
He took your body, making you get up from the table and lean closer into his chest. He was grabbing your tits and stomach. Giving in more of a harsher angle to thrust into. You moaned all
the while louder. His face was in a condescending grin, loving how much that he did this to you
“My slut. You know that? I hope you fucking do. I hope when you see my bastard of a son, you think about the time I ruined you. The time that my touch made you scream. The time that you were begging me.” He pulled onto your hair. It burned your scalp but it added so much more to the pain and pleasure that you were given too. There was so much happening, to the constant slapping beneath your thighs, to you grabbing onto his thighs, to him having his voice breathe so near to your body. The sweat between you two was becoming more prominent, and you could feel your eyes rolling up to the ceiling.
“Ha- Mr. Afton. Mhhm- please! Please!”
“God you’re pathetic, I could hear you coming soon again. Ah, ah Mr. Afton!” He mocked your noises, he found your little cute gasp and moans so endearing to his ears. He taunted you by calling you names in a more whinier manner, laughing at how much power he has over you. “Fucking whore, you’re my whore right?” He asked. You, once again, couldn’t hear what he had said. Because of this, he stopped immediately. Making you cry and shriek from the sudden stop.
“I said, you’re my whore. Right?” He repeated once more, holding your hair and feeling his hand going up to your throat, tightly squeezing it.
“Yes! I-I’m yours.”
He put his hand even harsher around your neck. “Say it.” He thrusted powerfully into you. Ramming you at full speed now.
“Say it.” Harder and harder, you could feel your thighs failing on you with the constant movement. You were having to grip the table even more, leading you to having your nails scratch the surface hoping for some grip. You bailed out, and finally yelped.
“Yours! I’m yours! Im fucking yours Mr. Afton! Please-mhm- don’t- don’t stop!” You begged desperately. Now you lost it. Forget about all those guys in your highschool, forget about what dignity you had still inside of you, you just wanted his cock. You just wanted to be filled up in ways that finally had completed you.
“That’s it baby, that’s it. Beg me. Beg me with that stupid cockdrunk mouth of yours.” This guy had completely ruined you. Now you were pleading with tears, moaning his name as if that was the only word you knew. Now all you could think in your foggy fucked brain about him, your best friends father. He gutted you out, to the point where he started to groan as well, feeling how much your pussy was convulsing within him. You were so close. So close.
“Awh! Mr. Afton, Im- gonna cum!”
“Oh darling, go ahead. Go ahead, my slutty little wife.”
That was it. You then orgasm and spasm around him, causing him to also spill out as well. Your legs tremble and your hands pitifully grab on his body. You were now finished, filled with liquid seeping out of you. As your brain was hazy and foggy from the vigorous ramming, he grabbed your face another time. Taking a good look at your submissive and meek state.
“You’re my little wife, yeah?” You didn’t know you could answer that.
And you passed out onto the counter, your head dizzy and gone from what just happened. As much William had robbed you of your virginity, there's so much more he has to do with you. The man needed you to be his instead, he needed you to be far more than a girlfriend of a boy, either from some classmate you had, or Michaels, he needed you to be his wife instead. It was intoxicating how much more William needed you.
He thinks how much better it would be if you were branded by an Afton. And it wouldn’t be your best friend at all.
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nobrashfestivity · 5 months
I always appreciate the space you give to marginalised artists on your blog, in particular marking certain dates like yesterday's World AIDS Day with select individuals. It's a small thing, but it means very much.
That's a very kind thing to say, thank you.
There's really so much great art in the world, from everywhere, I wish i had more time to delve into and understand it.
Personal story:
When I was young teenager, I used to hang around a lot of artists and teachers. When you're a certain age, just being around people who live their life in a particular way is fascinating. These people did acting and sculpture and dance and they put on plays and painted murals and, most importantly, welcomed anyone who was interested to learn or participate in their whole world. These are people who would play you Miles Davis, introduce you to their favorite southern Indian restaurant, or take you to a Fellini movie. I almost could not conceive of the freedom these people displayed. The joyfulness of making art seemed like a whole world that had been hidden from the more mainstream part of society I grew up in.
Because I wanted to be an artist, I got so much encouragement from a whole community of older artists. It would be hard to calculate how important that was to someone trying to figure out if they could do these things as an adult. One teacher of mine at school was a mentor and a friend who gave me a book by Heidegger when I was 15. It was a small personal gesture of confidence that I could get something out of it. And that confidence made me feel responsibility, I think. Like, if someone you admire thinks you can do something maybe you should investigate it.
Another friend lent me her apt when she was travelling for 6 months. I was 16 and I never had my own place. This was a lively part of the city, you could look out your window all night and see the goings on, yelling, laughing, music, conversations. If you were bold you could by weed on the street but half the time it was oregano. One night I saw a cop car on fire sitting in the middle of the street. It remains maybe the most surreal image of my life.
A few years later, I watched many of these people waste away from AIDS. No medical person knew what to do. The government ignored it. Everyone joked about it. When you went to funerals, the parents of same sex couples often would deny the existence of these partners and shut them completely out of the grieving process. The stigma was so bad and society was so fearful. You would ask about someone you had no seen in a while and it would turn out they were gone. People were decimated and no one would even hug them when they were dying.
We lost a whole generation of artists. And the fear and hatred of anyone who was different continues now, just in different clothing. So, I never forget about AIDS because there are so many people I wish I could go visit now and talk to about life or art, but they have been erased along with many of their friends.
I know social causes can be annoying. Celebrities take them up and there's always some crisis jarring you to take action. But i think it's good to remember those people you loved long ago. It keeps them from becoming ghosts.
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jacesbeloved · 2 years
long overdue
notes: slightly 18+ pls do skip if u’re uncomfortable. also, it may seem unnecessary and long at the start but pls bear w/ me it’s cute at the end. xoxo
summary: you’re aemond’s twin sister, staying with him in the courtyard while waiting for him to finish training when a certain knight takes you around. and jace being not jealous and slightly petty abt it (i suck at summaries sorry)
pairing: jacaerys velaryon x female targaryen!reader
"Do you wish to join us, princess?"
It was a knight from House Lannister that had called your attention. Wearing his aketon, an attractive smile on his face, he extended his arm to you with a wooden sword.
You were inside of the courtyard, waiting for your brother to finish his daily sparring with Cole as it seemed that your mother hated the two of you separated. Aegon and Helaena were already too much, always separated and wandering about their own personal affairs, making it hard for Alicent to keep track of her children's doings.
"I appreciate the gesture, kind sir. But I fear sword-wielding is not my specialty."
"Fear not, I'm a great teacher." He pulls you up when you put your hand on his, a groan leaving your mouth after sitting by the stairs for what seemed to be half an hour.
He leads you to an empty section in the courtyard, first teaching you the basics and how not to get a sword pierced right through you.
It was a fun and new thing to learn, especially with your position in the kingdom. It has always been learning and learning and learning the traditions and languages repeatedly. Of course, your brother didn't have to. It was only you that your mother desperately tried to shape.
"Oh, to your side!" The knight laughs while you desperately try to dodge it, jumping to the left before the knight swipes your foot as if he had expected you to jump. You let out a loud "ow!" as your bottom hit the ground, your wooden sword falling beside you. Still, you laugh a bit to ease your embarrassment. Your awful sense of balance paying you back now.
You saw Aemond's glare at you from the side. He looks as if he's disgusted that you actually fell. You glare back at him, furrowing your eyebrows, trying to tell him that you weren't exactly taught how to fight.
Someone suddenly kicks something from beneath your head, causing you to snap immediately towards it and see a spike.
"Thankfully, you're still alive," Ser Criston suddenly interjects as he places his weapon back. The knight that was once chuckling now had a blank face. "You wouldn't be if her head hit the ground." He then turns to his fellow knight, glaring at him.
The knight purses his lips and nods meekly, helping you up gently as he apologizes. "It is not something to dwell on, ser. Ser Criston's just being protective. You know him, the sworn protector of my family." You laugh awkwardly, trying to lighten up the mood.
He speaks up again to apologize, but you silence him. Commanding the man to hold his tongue.
"If it seems that the princess would want to leave the courtyard, take a break maybe. I'm more than honored to escort her to the garden."
You ponder against his offer, thinking about whether or not a certain someone would be okay with it. You glance at your brother, who is still busy sparring, thinking for a minute.
You nod just after, a small smile coming onto your lips as you nod at his offer.
He smiles the same way, grabbing your hand as he sneaks a look towards his commanders before sneaking you out of the courtyard.
As the two of you wandered out to the garden, the knight seemed oddly aware of the shortcuts and secluded corridors that led to the open area. Various flowers greeted the both of you, birds chirping and butterflies flying around. The elder keepers trim the bushes while minding their own business.
You follow the butterfly up to the sky, only to turn your head and see Elmond, the knight from House Lannister, holding a beautiful flower. It is white on the outer parts of its petals, spiraling down to a yellow inner part.
"For the princess," he says, smiling. Pulling your hair back and placing the flower gently.
The gesture slightly caught you on edge. It felt slightly more intimate than what you had expected it to be.
"I apologize if I may have given you a different motive, Ser Elmond. I am..." You paused, not exactly knowing what to say while you stopped his hand from brushing through your hair further.
"I understand, princess. I also apologize. My actions may have been beneath me. I shouldn't have expected such," he replies, and you let go of the breath you have been holding.
He smiles sadly at you. It was evident that he had wanted to be more than mere friends, hoping to at least build your relationship bit by bit after years of liking you from afar.
The day passes by quickly as you head back to the castle. Leaving Elmond to continue his training with the other knights in the courtyard while you watch your brother finish up.
Both you and your brother go your separate ways, heading back to your separate quarters. You peek slightly to see if he's already gone before making your way to your chambers.
Finally, it was your favorite part of the day already. It was dark. The maids have already left for their own quarters within the castle, and the people in the corridors have been replaced by the assigned guards. You station yourself by your door, waiting for that specific knock that is only understandable for the both of you.
It was only when an hour had already passed that you stood up from your chair by the door. Your eyebrows knit in confusion. You two always met after dark. It would always take him a few minutes before three knocks sounded against your door and you pulled him inside. Now was different, however.
You stayed there for another hour, reading a random book from your desk to pass the time, but no knock ever came. You even try to peek out of your chamber to see if maybe he's out there, but no one was there.
"Maybe he fell asleep from his activities today," you thought to yourself. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, as he is the firstborn of his family, he had numerous duties to attend to.
The following day was a shock for you, spending the whole night thinking of him, thinking of what he might have done the whole day that tired him so much, only to wake up with flowers surrounding you. It frightened you at first, seeing the flowers scattered in vases all around your room, but it quickly faded away as you recognized them to be the same ones that Elmond had put in your hair.
You hastily get out of your bed, putting on any presentable clothing from your racks and running to the courtyard. You slept in and it was already past lunch time, so you knew that the knights and guards were in the courtyard.
The memory was still vivid: you putting down Elmond's offer, the latter acknowledging it. But you knew that the flowers meant something different.
"Princess, you're surprisingly early. Have you come to train?" Elmond muses, looking at you in amusement. His gaze was drawn down to what you were holding in your hand. You see the confusion strike his face quickly.
"Ser, I appreciate the gesture. I truly do. But I am not seeking for an attachment now. You and I have very different duties that we should focus on first. I apologize once more."
The knight's face scrunches in confusion as he cuts you off. "I'm very flattered you thought of me, princess. But, that is not me.."
Both of you stare at each other, no one uttering a word as you try to figure out who sent you the flowers. "Have you tried asking the maids, princess?" You nod your head. "They are unaware too, Ser Elmond."
"Maybe a suitor...?" He drags out while looking at you cautiously. Your eyebrows knit together in denial.
If it weren't him, and you hadn't talked to anyone in the past few days, then there would only be one person.
"Excuse me, Ser." You nod abruptly at him, walking as quickly as you can without looking suspicious. Aemond notices you come in from the courtyard, looking at you once more in a judgemental stare. You ignore your twin, walking past him and his chambers to the floor above yours.
You knock three times impatiently, making sure of the rhythm as you knock. There was no response for a few seconds, so you took it upon yourself to open the heavy door. Thankfully, it wasn't locked.
It was empty. There wasn't anyone inside.
You slowly let yourself inside, careful not to drop anything. Although it didn't worry you, Jacaerys' room is neat. Prim and proper. All of his books and belongings were neatly arranged on his desk, and the other furniture in the room was also properly maintained. It was quite literally the opposite of yours.
You suddenly catch on to the slightly open drawer by his bedside table. You weren't really the nosey type, knowing your boundaries and all of that, but it was difficult not to peek at them. It was just a peek.
The drawer stored a piece of paper, recognizing Jace's handwriting simply from the greeting it contained. Your eyes narrow a bit as you read the content of the paper unintentionally. A different feeling rises inside of you at the letter.
"Y/N?" Someone speaks out. It was Jacaerys.
Your eyes widen, watching him come out of the bathroom wearing cream-colored thin long sleeves and pants. His hair was damp, making it obvious to you that he had just finished washing himself. When he realizes what drawer was open and what you were possibly reading, he quickly stalks over you, pushing back the open drawer.
"Jace," you say softly, looking at him with round eyes.
"I- uhh, I thought you had an appointment by the courtyard... You seemed busy.." He stammers a bit, his eyes avoiding yours. "Yesterday." He lets out underneath a sigh, but you immediately understand what he's saying.
You stood up. The taller still avoided your gaze, contrary to you, who had your eyes glued to him only.
"With Ser Elmond? Really Jace?" The sides of your lips slowly went up.
He nods. "Yeah.. Ser Elmond. Whoever he is..." You chuckle loudly at him whispering the last bit.
You wanted him to be direct with you, tell you immediately what was troubling him that resulted in him not being able to be with you the other night. Wanting to get something out of him, you boast. "He's a nice ser. He taught me how to wield a sword."
Jace pretends to not be affected by that. He was subtly clenching his jaw while his hands quickly went over his hair to ruffle it and dry it with a towel he was holding. "That's.. wonderful. I know how to wield a sword too," he mutters under his breath. Not caring anymore whether you hear him or not.
He maneuvers himself past you to sit on the edge of his bed, touching whatever he can reach from the small table beside his gigantic bed. He touched and randomly picked up whatever vials and glasses he had lying around.
"And I almost hit my head on the ground. Do you know that?" You laugh once more. Now moving freely around his room.
"Then we went to the garden afterwards. He gave me a flower-"
"I can give you a flower." He blurts out. Not intending to actually say it, he just merely thought of it in his head. He did not know that he would be actually saying it aloud.
Your eyes immediately dart at him, and you start walking over to the male as you stop right in front of him. "Were you the one that put the flowers inside of my room?"
He snaps his head towards you, his eyes slightly widening before he regains his composure. "Flowers? What- I don't know, flowers? Maybe it was your suitor, or Ser Elmond."
It was definitely him. You were positive; more than positive. The nervous look on his face combined with the way he repeated his words were all the confirmation you needed. It was then that you started to piece together everything.
The flowers, the nervousness, his absence the night before.
The letter.
"May I?" You ask ambiguously.
"May you what? Of course- I mean- Oh my lords," the young prince was caught off-guard as you pushed him to the back of his bed, his back hitting the wooden headrest as you hopped onto the soft mattress of his bed. You swing your legs over his, sitting right above his lap.
It all happened so quickly that Jacaerys didn't know what was actually happening. He blinked, and now he had you above him, wearing nothing but a simple dress with your hands on his shoulders. His face heated up as he noticed that there weren't that many layers separating the both of you from the middle.
He desperately tried to look elsewhere. Staring aggressively at the door, at the fireplace, at his desk, at the chair, everywhere just not you. But then, patience had not really been your virtue, so you pulled his face towards you. Being forced now to look at you.
The softness of your palm almost made him melt right there.
"Jacaerys Velaryon, are you jealous?"
He looks at you like you were joking. His eyebrows join together as he shakes his head. "What? Why would I be?" He chuckles sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes at him, tonguing at your cheek as you leaned forward. Letting your body rest lightly on top of his. The pressure of the foreign position brings a new sensation for the man as he lets out a deep breath.
Of course, you have had your fair share of intimate moments. The closest one to your current position was when you sat on his lap, your back facing his chest as he read you poems and such things from his books. But that only happened once. The second closest moment was when you two hugged each other. That was it.
"Do you think me and Ser Elmond would make a nice couple?" You struck a nerve there. Seeing the way Jace's face hardened and smile dropped. "Of course." He says swiftly.
"The princess should have her free will in choosing her beloved. Whomever she likes, I believe that they'd make a great pair." He further explains, his voice sounding a bit strained as he starts to feel something in him that he is desperate to resist. Not wanting to offend or disrespect you.
You tilt your head at him, waiting to lock your eyes with his. Once you did, you spoke.
"And if I like the prince Jacaerys? Would we make a great pair?"
It was as if Jace's world had stopped. His brain fails to register anything else aside from the first seven words that you have said. He stares at you further, wanting to hear it again.
"You seem to have grown silent, my prince. Let me repeat myself. Do you think we'd make a good couple?"
He swallows. "Do not play the jester with me right now, Y/N."
"Why? You tell me, what are we, Jace? Are we friends? Acquaintances? Lov-"
"We are what you want us to be." He starts. "I like you. It is much more than what you are thinking of right now. And if you want us to remain as friends, rivals, close friends, or whatever, I would respect that. Had that not been clear in my letter in the drawer?"
He stops to look at you in awe, remembering once more how he fell into your deep eyes that made him see all parts of you. Whether it be bad, or good-- or anything really. It was what made him fall for you. Way harder than he intended to. He prays to all of the gods for the next words that may leave your mouth. Wishing that it would be the one that he had hoped for.
But instead, you remain silent. He doesn't understand your response to him until he sees a genuine smile spread across your face and a happy chuckle leave your lips. You push yourself closer to him, entangling your hands with the wet, brunette locks on his head. He, too, smiles happily at this, allowing his hands to rise to your waist, where they had previously been kept behind his back
"Then maybe that's the clarification, my prince. We are a nice pair." You confirm, breaking out into giggles as the man leans forward. Hearing him whisper a soft 'May I' before he presses his lips onto yours. The softness of his lips was better than you had imagined. Remaining still on top of each other, he was the first to move.
Letting his instincts do the work, he moves his lips slowly. Testing out the waters while you wrap your arms around him tighter, letting him enter your mouth. His tongue glides inside of your mouth softly as he explores every inch of it. It wasn't aggressive or rushed. It was just so soft and intimate.
A new sense of confidence surges through the man under you, using his hands on your waist to pull you down fully onto him. Your insides jump as you feel him grow from underneath. You take your hands off of his shoulder, grabbing his hands to direct them up your waist and onto your chest. Growing even harder at the feeling.
The two of you pull away breathlessly, letting your foreheads touch as the both of you try and recover your breath.
"Gosh that was..." you trailed off.
"Long overdue." He finishes, the two of you breaking into soft giggles before the creak of his door steals both of your attention.
notes, reactions, reblogs, and comments are highly appreciated!
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Second Son (VIII) | Regulus Black
Series Synopsis: Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
— Chapter Synopsis: The beginning of sixth year proves to be quite eventful. Y/N manages a new nickname and solution for the Black brothers.
Part VII / Part IX / Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Regulus Black x GN!Reader
Notes: HPB begins! I always find myself accidentally using gendering terms like miss/mistress/master so I have to be extra conscious about it when I'm editing.
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Your sixth year at Hogwarts kicked off with a suspiciously smooth start. Rather, it was quite an unexpected beginning to the year with Professor Slughorn taking over Professor Snape’s post as the Potions teacher. It felt strange to no longer feel tense going into the Potions classroom, but you would be lying through your teeth by saying that the quality of instruction improved. Regretfully, it felt like the opposite.
Professor Slughorn had a penchant for talking in roundabout ways and digressing to the point of incomprehensibility–at least Snape was clear and short with his words (though you suspected that the tightness of his robe collars limited the amount of words he could speak everyday). 
The shock of such changes barely had time to wean away before you were mind-boggled by another, rather larger, surprise. Harry, whose performance had always been teetering the edge between passable and dreadful in Potions, was suddenly topping the grades in your year for the class. 
Improving was a great development (perhaps even expected, now that Snape was gone), but improving fast enough to overtake Hermione in the class was outright suspicious. You weren’t going to prod Harry, having already witnessed Hermione’s scathing looks towards the boy’s cauldron and Ron’s clueless pleas for help. 
Besides, you would be a hypocrite to scrutinize the boy, having your own secrets that you held onto tightly. If it wasn’t corrupting your friend or interfering with his well being, you’d leave the issue be (even if you did suspect academic dishonesty). 
However, your sentiment towards the subject seemed irrelevant at the moment as you grew increasingly irritated with the concoction in front of you. 
‘Reg, how in Merlin’s name is Harry doing this? I swear that this thing in front of me resembles more of a sludge than a potion.’ 
‘Patience, little bird. Are you certain you followed the instructions exactly?’ 
‘If this is a jab about me being illiterate, I will obliterate you.’ Your thoughts had somehow managed to convey your frustration, coming out a bit snarky. 
‘I’d bet my left arm on the likelihood of that never happening, but no, it wasn’t a tease. You will be fine, Slughorn is a lenient grader.’ 
Your shoulders sag in exhaustion at Regulus’ words, the aching between your shoulder blades intensifying with the action. Deciding to abandon the failed mixture, you slowly inch towards Harry, making a show of looking at his potion. 
“I have to hand it to you, Harry. At this rate, you are definitely getting an O on your Potions N.E.W.T next year.” Your words are met with a wide grin, and his eyes briefly dart to his textbook, hand moving to shift it from your line of sight.
The subtlety of an ogre, this one. 
Continuing to stir his potion, he hums appreciatively, “Thanks, but it’s really nothing. I’m just relieved that Professor Snape is teaching a different subject this year. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to take Potions at the N.E.W.T level.” 
“Ah, right, this class is a prerequisite for the Auror training program. Well, if only Professor Snape could see you now, he’d drop from shock, I’m sure.” You smile lightly at the thought, eyes gazing around Harry’s workbench. 
An explosion sounds from behind the two of you, no doubt originating from Seamus’ table, but you both pay no mind to it. Slughorn rushes past you, no doubt making sure that Seamus hasn’t blown himself up, and it’s enough to have you trudging back to your boiling mixture. 
No use in blowing up your own cauldron and having Slughorn fuss around. 
In the time that you spent away from it, your potion managed to thin out a bit more and morph into a color that better resembled the correct shade. Honestly, you were just comparing yours to Harry’s and hoping for the best. 
Watching the mixture swirl for a bit longer, you decide to occupy yourself by reaching out into the mind link. 
‘My potion is almost done and I’m bored.’ 
‘Oh? Are N.E.W.T-level classes not challenging enough for you, little bird?’ 
‘Merlin knows I’m suffering, I’m just adept at hiding my crippling anxiety over it all. Not all of us can be as impressive as you, Crowface.’ Your last remark is tinged with playfulness, and you duck your head down to hide the growing smile on your face. You’d have no chance of being invited to the famed Slug Club if Slughorn took you for a lunatic. 
Regulus’ confusion rings through the mind link, and it takes him a few delayed pauses before his voice chimes out again, ‘Crowface? My nickname for you is actually pleasant, and this is what I get in return? It’s hardly fair.’ 
‘Think of it as less of an insult and more as a term of endearment. Crows are intelligent birds, and you’re pretty much the smartest person I know.’ 
If you could see the look on his face at the moment, you have no doubt it’d be a look of bewilderment, eyebrows drawn together and lips parted ever so slightly in a frown. 
‘My very first nickname, and it makes me sound like a plague doctor.’ Regulus’ words come out mumbled, getting across his feelings of dismay without giving you the satisfaction of hearing  him sulk. 
Choosing to ignore the faint grumbling coming from him, you pour your potion into a vial, fairly satisfied that it almost mirrored Harry’s. It was passable enough in Slughorn’s eyes, and you can only imagine Snape’s offended sneer in your head at the mess that’s befallen the Potions curriculum. 
After Slughorn praises Harry for his potion, leaving everyone to watch on in a mix of confusion and awe, you’re all swiftly dismissed. You could cry from relief as you leave the classroom, the fresh air cooling your lungs and relieving your migraine. Seriously, if you didn’t die from a potions accident by the end of the year, you’d surely suffocate to death from all the smoke in the class. 
Stretching your arms over your head, you sense your friends catching up to you, a giddy Harry practically skipping beside you. Peeking over to him, your eyes can’t help but dart down to the book tucked against his side, bouncing on his hip with every step. 
“Bloody hell, mate. Do you think I should owl Charlie for help?” Ron’s face is twisted in a grimace as he stares off into the distance in worry, no doubt imagining a back-up career plan. 
Quirking an eyebrow, you turn to him with crossed arms, “Charlie? Why not Percy? Didn’t he get O’s on all of his N.E.W.T’s?” 
You were quite impressed with your friends and the number of N.E.W.T-level subjects they were qualified to take, but nothing compared to the nightmare that was Percy Weasley as you remember Ron telling you that he took 12 N.E.W.T classes during his time at Hogwarts. The absolute headache he probably had for two years straight was shudder-inducing.
Ron shakes his head in dejection, gripping the strap of his bag, “No chance. He still hasn’t made up with Mum and the lot, and he’s too busy with his fancy new job.” 
“Still? Helga, it’s been over a year now hasn’t it?” Your exclamation is met with a grim nod from the ginger, while Hermione hums at the news, seemingly unsurprised by the family’s continued rift. 
“He sent you that letter last year though, didn’t he?” Harry’s words are meant to be comforting, but comes out with a bitter sniffle, the  joy from his successful potion seeming to dampen. 
“Oh? The letter where he told Ron that he should cut ties with you because you’re bad news and I’m the wrong sort and all that?” Your playful tone has Harry groaning, clearly realizing just how sore he still was over the older boy’s words. Honestly, you could care less about Percy's opinions, not feeling the need to impress someone who was chumming up to Fudge and his circle.
Shooting Harry a quick amused smile, you wave quickly to the trio as you all part ways: Hermione heading to Charms, Ron to Transfiguration, and Harry to Defense.
‘Off to Runes now, little bird?’ 
Patting your pocket, your chest grows warm and you don’t attempt to suppress the smile that flowers over your face as you hear Regulus’ voice. 
‘Sure am. Afterwards, I’m heading to the library to try and read up more about soul hexes. Kreacher did a great job in picking out a selection.’ Over the summer, you were able to get through nine hefty books, and it only took countless all-nighters and daily pleads to Merlin to end your suffering. 
You brought the last few books you had left to read with you to Hogwarts, and you were absolutely resolute on spending any available second you had on researching. None of the books you got through so far had any hexes that caused familiar symptoms, though you did end up finding some rather horrifying mutilation spells and diagrams of which body parts were useful for sacrifices. 
Fascinating information, really. You now knew you could use a severed foot to cast blood curses. 
Despite how morbidly engrossing your research turned out to be, you were itching to quickly figure out a solution. There was no doubt that prolonging Sirius’ curse would only bring severe consequences, and the Order needed him–Harry needed him, especially with Voldemort’s forces creeping in. 
As if Mother Magic was smiling down on you, your work came to fruition not even a week later. More precisely, it was exactly 3 days later when the answer slapped you in the face with a turn of a page.  
It was nearing curfew and you were sitting in an abandoned corner of the library, your stack of books glamoured to look like Runes textbooks. You had left Regulus back in your dorm, and you were definitely feeling his absence as your reading droned on. As you were progressing through a particularly worn book, one of the curses had you jolting up in your seat. 
Anima Involutus 
A soul curse which allows the caster to chain down the soul and magic of their victims through transmutation of hatred and anger. This curse may only be casted by a caster with a depraved soul or by a high-tier dark mage. The effects of the curse on the caster range from madness, seizures, paranoia, and death. 
Victims of the curse experience violent constrictions of muscles, effectively stopping the heart temporarily while their soul begins to become entangled by the chains of the caster’s malice. The victim will enter into a comatose state until the caster’s hatred grows strong enough to snuff out the chained soul, effectively rendering the victim into a shell of who they used to be. 
Protections: It is recommended that high-tier dark mages put in place charms of protection to mitigate potential side effects–
You highly doubted that Bellatrix was a high-tier dark mage, much less that she actually had the sense to put in place protections for herself. The witch was mad, so she probably couldn’t even feel the effects of the curse. 
Running your finger further down the page, your attention is grabbed by an elaborate explanation on how to reverse the curse. 
In order to lift the curse, the caster must intentionally retract the chains– yeah, that’s unlikely– or a ritual must be performed. 
The ritual must be performed in the presence of a wizard or witch of greater magical power than the caster. The ritual circle may be composed of any healing and reversal runes, however, complex runes will be higher in effectivity. 
Deciding to cut your reading short, you shoot up from your chair, sloppily beginning to shove your belongings into your bag. You needed to get this information to Dumbledore as soon as possible, anxiety filling your nerves at the thought of Sirius’ soul being snuffed out. 
Practically bolting out of the library, you nearly miss the blank look being shot at you by Draco, his frame towering over a nearby table. Harry had confided in you about his worries over the Malfoy heir, growing suspicious that the platinum blonde was now sporting the death eater insignia. 
But why was he watching you of all people? You just hoped he wasn’t actually a junior death eater, he was still a minor after all.
You didn’t want to dwell on it, feeling pity bloom in the pit of your stomach. Draco had constantly sent jibes at your friend group over the years, but he was a product of his upbringing and you had a feeling he was capable of change. In a way, you saw Regulus in him.  
Slowing down in your tracks, you look over your shoulder at the boy, sending him a hesitant nod, and what you hoped was a reassuring smile. He looks surprised by your cordiality, but the expression disappears just as quickly as it appeared, and he turns on his heel sharply. 
Sighing and trying to move on from the strange interaction, you continue to make your way to Dumbledore’s office, speeding around the people milling around the corridors. 
As you quickly pace up the stairs to Dumbledore’s office, you reach out to your mind link with Regulus, ‘Crowface, I figured it out. It’s some soul curse that binds the victim’s soul.’
You feel Regulus’ magic briefly entangle around yours as he reaches into the mind link almost immediately, ‘Will he be okay?’ 
‘I think so, I’m heading to Dumbledore right now so he can perform the ritual to reverse it.’ 
‘Thank you, little bird. I’m glad…’ 
You wait for him to finish his words, but he falls into silence, so you decide not to push him, letting him figure out his own thoughts. Redirecting your focus to the objective, you catch your breath as you reach the gargoyle guarding Dumbledore’s office. 
“Pepper Imps.” 
You didn’t question the strange password, just grateful that Dumbledore was keeping you updated with his passwords in case you made a breakthrough. Though, for future reference, his pattern of having sweets as a password would help you immensely if you ever wanted to break into his office. 
The gargoyle turns 90 degrees to the side and the adjacent wall rumbles before partially retracting to reveal another staircase. Quickly springing up the stairs, you’re soon met with the sight of a pacing Dumbledore, an exhausted Remus sitting just ways off from the restless headmaster. 
“Headmaster, Professor Lupin!” Both men snap their heads in your direction at your intrusion, quickly straightening up. 
“Y/N, I’m hardly your professor anymore, just call me Remus.” You smile softly at the tired man, appreciating his uncanny ability to make any situation comfortable.
“No can do, sir. But, I come bearing good news. After many hours of research, I managed to figure out the curse that Sirius was afflicted with. It’s reversible, but you need to perform the ritual, headmaster, or at least, you need to witness it.” As you quickly explain the situation to them, you dig around in your bag for the book, quickly flipping through the pages and practically shoving the information into their faces. 
When both men are finished reading, they share an approving glance before facing your anticipating figure. 
“Well done. We will need to get started right away. Remus, why don’t you take Y/N with you and have the floor secured. I will deliver the news to Harry and join you right away.” Dumbledore barely gets his words out before his body is moving towards the exit. 
Startled at the news, you step towards the fleeing Headmaster, “Wait, sir. What do you mean? I don’t believe I’ll be of much help.” 
Dumbledore twirls around and flashes a congenial smile, his eyes twinkling like they always did when he seemed to be reveling in a particular good thought, “On the contrary, you are the key to the success of this ritual. Now, no need to worry about curfew, I will personally escort you to your dorms later.”
Without another word, Dumbledore is practically flying down the stairs, leaving you to bask in confusion with Remus. Looking at the man, you find that he is already looking at you with a proud glint in his eyes. 
“He’ll be okay.” Your words are more to reassure yourself than anything, but Remus seems to agree, putting a firm hand on your shoulder and squeezing softly. 
“Yes, nothing has ever stopped Sirius, he’s always been stubborn like that.” 
The older man’s words have you grinning briefly, before you’re occupied by thoughts of what’s to come.
The events that unfold in the following hour are hard to recall, your brain defaulting to autopilot, the world seemingly pushed back in a glassy blur. You do remember making your way out of the floo network, joined by a hopeful Dumbledore only minutes later. 
As the two men crowd around the book to read through the ritual in detail, you are instructed to begin drawing up the rune circle as a few healers prepare Sirius for the process. At first, you’re unsure about why you were given such an important task, but Remus’ reply shuts you up immediately, “Professor Babbling sings your praises, I don’t doubt you will finish with the highest Runes marks in Hogwarts history.”
The flattery was exaggerated, but it doesn’t stop you from wanting to preen a little, even accidentally sending a pleased pulse of magic into your mental link with Regulus. Luckily, the boy knows better than to try and reach out to you amidst your concentration. 
As you finish off the last few runes, you sit back on your heels to admire your work. The intricate markings were splayed in a neat, wide circle in the middle of the room, the lines of each rune character seeming to swim and dance in your vision. Magic was amazing–either that or you were getting sleepy. 
Remus and Dumbledore step onto opposite sides of the circle, a healer levitating a pale, clammy Sirius into the middle. Looking up at the men for guidance, Dumbledore gestures for you to stand in between them, near Sirius’ head. 
“Okay, Y/N, we just need your help with the rudimentary aspects. The incantation is liberabo animam, the movement is a small ‘S’ shape.” Remus’ words come out soft, and he doesn’t look at you all the while, his eyes locked on his unconscious friend. 
Nodding quickly, you pull out your wand and steady yourself, practicing the movement once before signaling that you were ready. Confidently casting the spell, you have little time to ponder if you were successful before you’re overwhelmed by Remus’ magic. 
His magic was unlike yours and Regulus’--where you were cold, Regulus warm– Remus’ magic was like a blooming petrichor in the lungs. The blanket of magic surrounding your body shed away as Remus continued to perform the ritual, a sudden chill entangling itself with the magic you felt before. 
It felt like your magic. 
But it wasn’t. 
Where yours was like an ocean breeze, this magic was like the first touch of winter. 
This second coat of magic…was this Sirius’ magic? 
With wide eyes, you watch as the rune circle beats rhythmically and glows. Sirius’ muscles begin to twitch sporadically and you dart your gaze to Dumbledore worriedly, but he seems nonchalant so you bite down your concern. 
The man was taking his role of being a witness too literally–seriously, he looked like he could go for a butterbeer. 
Moments pass and everything is ripped away at once–the magic, the glow, Remus’ voice–it goes completely silent. Your heart skips in anxiousness as you watch Sirius’ unmoving body in anticipation. 
Suddenly, a groan resonates around the room. 
“Urgh…wha’ hap’en’m” Sirius’ voice comes out scratchy, and he’s slurring his words to an almost incomprehensible degree, but you laugh in relief at the noise. 
Suddenly feeling weak in the knees, you drop down and make eye contact with Sirius, who’s managed to tear his eyes open and was currently gazing up at you tiredly. Clearly his throat furiously, a low silence ensues before he grins, seeming to collect himself. 
“Hey, kid. You look like shit.” 
Rolling your eyes at the man, you barely have the energy to reply, “The pot calling the kettle black.” 
Sirius chuckles at your words before quipping back, “Last I checked, I’m Lord Black, so the pot calling the Black a kettle.” 
Glad to see he was still the same. 
“Remus, did the book say anything about possible brain damage?” Your words send Sirius into a fit of laughter and you’re worried for a second that he’s going to cough up a lung. 
Remus shoots you an amused look before he’s hauling his friend up in a tight hug. Smiling at the scene, you only tear your gaze away when you feel a hand fall onto your shoulder. Looking up, you see Dumbledore smiling at you, gesturing to the exit with a tilt of his head. 
Time to head back then. 
Standing up on shaky legs, you pocket your wand and say your goodbyes to the men, promising to come visit with Harry sometime soon. As soon as you’re out of the room, you excitedly tap into your mind link with Regulus. 
‘It worked, Reg. He’s okay.’ 
‘That’s fantastic…I’m glad. How are you holding up? Are you okay?’ Ever the worrywart.
‘I’ll be fine, just a bit tired. Don’t worry about me, Crowface.’
‘Hard not to, you always seem to find yourself in the face of danger.’ You swear you could hear a sigh coming from him, and you fight off the grin threatening to appear on your face. 
‘Just the perks of being friends with the Boy Who Lived’ Smiling lightly, you hear Reggie huff at the reminder, still caught up on the fact that you were probably sitting snuggly at Number Two of Voldemort’s hit list. 
“I presume something good happened?” Dumbledore’s voice has you pulling away from the link, staring at the man who regarded you happily. His eyes seemed to cut through you like a laser and your skin prickled at the intensity of them, carefully tearing your gaze away. 
You just hoped he wouldn’t push you to divulge about your Crow over tea and biscuits. 
Nodding at the question, you quickly turn to face the floo network, stepping inside as you answer, “I guess you could say that. See you in a moment, sir.” 
You grin widely and throw down the powder, enunciating your words carefully so as to not land somewhere unsavory (Harry’s cautionary tale of ending up diagonally instead of in Diagon Alley never quite leaving your head). 
As you feel yourself being tugged away, you hear Dumbledore laugh good heartedly, and the sound echoes around you as you are hauled back to Hogwarts. 
Merlin, you were going to sleep like a log tonight. 
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tag list: @krazyk99 @venomsvl @valsarchives @bunny24sstuff @novella12nite @elia-the-bibliophile @txoru @surelysherly @xlifexdeathx @trikigirl271 @urgurlfave @the-marauders-world @sleepydang @blueberry-thrawn @lestat-whore @chanaaaannel @clockworkherondale @peachyaeger
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devieuls · 11 months
The way of love pt.II
Neteyam Sully x Tayrangi Fem Reader (Na'vi)
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Warning of the Serie: MDNI. Dom Neteyam x Fem Reader; SMUT; ANGST; FLUFF; Dirty Talk; Fangs; Bites; Blood; Spit; Power Play; Jealousy and Possessiveness; Foreplay; violence; Swearing; Teasing; Unprotected Sex; Enemies (because of you, Neteyam treats you well). Aged characters: Neteyam 19 y.o / You 18 y.o SERIE
Synopsis: After a great loss happened in your family, you are forced to take a role that before did not belong to you, following a path that you will feel like your only in time. Just when you thought you were finally overcoming the loss, your clan shows up with those you blame for the great offense received. You are the daughter of the first Olo'eykte of all clans and are about to take your mother’s place to lead the Tayrangi clan, but first you must follow Neteyam (the eldest son of the man you detest with all your heart) To train him, despite your contempt for the Sullys and everything about them, you inevitably bond with the boy, unknowingly falling in love with him.
CHAPTER WARNING: Blood and free hate <3
Lenght : 2k
Notes: All characters will keep the age difference but will be aged: Neteyam 19 y.o; Lo'ak 18 y.o etc…
NA'VI WORDS: PARULTSYIP: Children. KARYU: Teacher. VRRTEP: Demon. 'ITE: Daughter
PART: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10
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The night went by with an agonizing slowness, making you think only of the boy Omatikaya, while your heart beat faster and faster at the mere memory of the boy’s laughter, or of his hand touching your ear to lay a flower he had chosen for you. You hated these feelings, the thought of your heart going crazy over the Sullys' firstborn made you sick and damned you, so much so that even the beautiful moonlight entering the room didn’t take your mind off it.
"No. I have no feelings for that Omatikayan boy. It’s just a… a…" you couldn’t find an adjective to describe him negatively, after all he was always kind and smiling, and that made you hate him more. " A Sully! A skxawng vrrtep Sully!" You said against the ceiling, finding some comfort in that offense. You would turn around in the hammock, looking for a comfortable side to get to sleep without thinking about that guy, you did not want and did not have to feel feelings for him, then why were you blushing and your heart beating so hard?
After many hours, you managed to fall asleep and this time the morning arrived with a deadly speed. You were always more certain that Eywa was making fun of you, and you didn’t understand why, after all you were always regarded as the golden daughter of Olo'eykte, the one who was not wrong and devoted to duty. So why damn you like this?
You yawned and reached out to your mother to share breakfast with the family, and then you noticed the flower of Neteyam on the table, you rolled your eyes and looked at your mother.
"Didn’t you throw it out yet? I thought I told you it was a stupid gift," you said and then started eating some berries from the forest.
"Ma 'ite, it’s such a beautiful flower, why throw it?" asked the matriarch, softening her gaze as she watched her beautiful daughter, realizing that something new was being born in you.
"Because it’s a gift I didn’t appreciate, keeping it means appreciating it. Throw it away" You said firmly, you didn’t want to have anything that demon gave you.
Once breakfast was over, you left your house, finding Neteyam outside your house, with a sweet smile as he waited for you.
"Good morning, Karyu. Did you sleep well?" he asked, following you, noticing how you turned your eyes annoyed by his presence. " You don’t care. Today we have so many things to do, you better concentrate" You responded by walking faster, still feeling his steps behind you as you reached the beach. " Watch out for the descent, it’s full of sharp rocks"
"Are you worried about me?" he asked, laughing slightly. " No. I worry about myself, I am the healer of the village, I should waste time patching your ass up as if you were a parultysìp" Your tone was sour, but this did not remove the smile from the lips of Neteyam, who followed you undisturbed.
"Then I better hurt myself, if it will be your sweet hands to cure me," Neteyam blew the words on the shell of your ear, for he stood behind you. You shuddered and turned to him. " You. AHHH! Unbearable. You are an unbearable child. Distance. Keep the distance." You said pushing him back with your finger on his chest, growling at him.
The day went on as follows: Neteyam making you damned and stressed, your Ikran probably preferring suicide to hearing you fight like children, You scolding the jokes he used to make, and you coming out of it exhausted at the end of the day. Once you got ashore, you broke the bond with your banshees and sat on the sand.
"Okay, at least tell me why you treat me like this. I didn’t do anything to you," Neteyam suddenly said, looking at you waiting for an answer.
"You don’t have to care. I’m your teacher, not your friend. I don’t have to like you, I just have to teach." You said looking out to sea, legs to chest.
"I don’t know your name, I don’t know what you think of me and why you treat me like this, I don’t know why you threatened me and consider yourself my teacher?" He said nicely, not looking away for a second.
"Like I said, keep your distance."
Actually, you wish you hadn’t insulted him or bothered to lead him into the ways of the Tayrangis, but your mother had given you a burden to bear and you wouldn’t have let her down, not again.
"I have the honor of being the only one to be treated this way or is it the practice?" He asked approaching you
"Stop talking, and listen to the sea and the wind." You said irritated, closing those eyes as you inhaled.
Neteyam couldn’t help but observe you, your bioluminescent freckles drawing constellations on your cerulean face, your thinned eye cut, your clothes and your body. In his eyes you were perfect, perhaps the most successful creation of Eywa or the direct daughter of Eywa, leading him to doubt your blood bond with the Olo'eykte of your clan.
"You know, your freckles glow like stars." Neteyam said out of nowhere, "They’re very beautiful."
You turned in his direction, looking at him and judging him in silence. Your feline eyes thinned, sharp as blades.
"Stop." You sighed, "You’re annoying."
"Only with those who show themselves not to give me even a chance" Neteyam’s voice was sure, his eyes focused on you and his body leaning slightly towards your person.
"skxawng…" Your voice was thin and you could hear the look of Neteyam burning your skin, bothering you but making your heart beat like never before.
Neteyam gave up a laugh at the way you called him, yet he sought some kind of foothold to get close to you.
"At least tell me why you hate me, I’ll make it up to you." His sweet voice hit your ears, scratching your skin.
"You can’t make it up to me." You said coldly, putting distance between the two of you again, looking him in the eye with hatred. " Neither now nor ever." you continued.
"Why? I-" he began to speak but was silenced by your hand which rose to indicate silence.
"You. Your family. Everything about the Sullys is cursed. Demon blood mixed with that na'vi, your family is a bringer of destruction and death. No matter how much you try to make up for it, the only way is for the Sullys to disappear." Neteyam’s pupils dilated as he listened to you without having words to formulate. You took his wrist and raised his hand and left a cut on his palm. "Cursed blood, demon blood. Destruction and death is in you as in all your family" your voice was sharp as Neteyam’s palm filled with blood very slowly.
"It’s not like that. I’m Na'vi as much as you, Eywa has protected my father from the beginning, so we are not demons… let me at least-" You stopped him again, growling to keep his distance.
"Eywa makes mistakes sometimes, evidently this is her greatest." You said pointing at him and then standing up and being taken by the wrist by Neteyam, his warm blood now wet your skin, while his eyes begged you to wait.
"We never killed Na'vi, never." He whispered with pain, partly this was true but if the demons of heaven had made war at pandora was also because of Jake, those deaths had to be on the conscience of his entire bloodline.
"The war killed them, took away homes and destroyed families. A war brought by your father" At that moment Neteyam stood up, never taking his grip off your wrist.
"My father brought salvation, became Toruk Makto to save the clans and remember that your mother joined him to win" He said approaching you "Why are you so… difficult. I’m here to learn, just be nice."
"Kind? Kind to you? My family lost a daughter in the war because of YOUR family, and I should forgive you? Be nice to you? I hate you Neteyam Sully, you’re just one of the Na'vi I can’t kill for Eywa. Stand. back."
You growled, grabbed your wrist, but this time Neteyam pulled you to him, leaving you a few inches away from his body. You felt a lump in your throat as your heart started to go crazy again, making you hate yourself as never before. Neteyam’s arms were warm and comforting, you felt a sense of protection so close to him. His breath mixed with the wind as his natural scent entered your nostrils, causing you to swallow bitterly. Your wrist was brought to the height of his chest, making your palm lay at heart level.
"What are you-" Neteyam stopped you, whispering a "Shhh, it’s your turn to listen" his warm voice made you sigh deeply.
You felt Neteyam’s heart beating against your palm, you felt his long, deep breaths as he looked down on you, being enchanted to see your person finally relaxed near him. " Eywa is my mother like yours, My heart beats like yours, my lungs breathe your same air thing demons can not do" Neteyam approached you again, and then lift your face from your chin "And you know what differs me from them? Like my father, I was interested in a beautiful and strong Na'vi."
You took a long breath as you looked into Neteyam’s eyes, at that moment all the disgust, hate and resentment had vanished somewhere in your person, leaving room for the earthquake that was being born in your womb. Your eyes softened for a moment and little chills rose from your legs to your back. You didn’t know how to answer, you wanted to vomit on him as much as you hated him and hated his family, but how bravely your throat could formulate something that neither your heart nor your mind thought,
"I said keep your distance." you whispered, swallowed, looking slightly away, and then felt Neteyam’s hand resting on your jaw and pulling your face back toward hers.
"I can’t." whispered him passing the look from your eyes to your lips, then returning again to your eyes "I can’t keep my distance if our ways continue to cross. I know you don’t hate me inside, and you know I’m a good person." He said by stroking your face.
All this was so fast, so fast that you were most likely in that state of shock, not for anything else, at least this you tried to make you believe, failing miserably when Neteyam caressed your face. You felt like such an idiot when he looked at your lips, because inevitably you did the same with his lips and you couldn’t believe they looked so soft and warm. Your breath was suddenly cut when he slowly drew his face to yours, and your heart decided to let you experience tachycardia.
Notes from the author:
Yes, you may hate me for cutting to the most interesting point, but it is to keep the threshold of attention longer. yk
Literally, Neteyam doesn’t even know your name, but he’s so precious, he seems like the kind of guy who would keep acting like a prince to someone with a stronger character. While I was writing, I seemed to see Neytiri and Jake in the beginning, in fact there are some references in the first part, maybe even here.
However, remember to put Like to support the stories, reblog if you’re enjoying this series and leave a comment with your opinion. Luv ya
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hisunshiine · 8 months
—i kiss your waist and ease your mind [6/7]
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Part 6 of 7 of the Seven Days Series ↣ series masterlist
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🗓️pairing: nurse!jungkook x teacher!reader 🗓️au/genre: non-idol au, brother’s friend au, fwb, age-gap(reader is older), f2l, fluff, angst, smut 🗓️rating: M 🗓️wc: 6,323 + text message 🗓️warnings: angst, mentions of Gwangju Uprising, casualties from the Uprising, hospitals, argument, hurt feelings, minor character death, grief explicit sexual content: unprotected sex, creampie, grief/comfort sex?   🗓️an 0.5: WELL, THE POST WAS ACCIDENTALLY DELETED AND ONLY SHOWS IN CERTAIN SITUATIONS, SO I HAD TO RE-UPLOAD. 🗓️an: well, well, well…back again for some pain, are you? I would apologize for how this ends, but it’s necessary for the set up of the final day of the week, and truly, I think it makes the final day that much more better if we have to hurt a little bit more, right? Thank you for reading, and again, I appreciate my beta readers for all of their help!   🗓️summary: “i kiss your waist and ease your mind.” The only thing that could make you feel better is the same thing that made you feel worse. You and Jungkook are both confused with your emotions, but two different stories help you both see a bit more clearly. The only problem is that when the two of you get around each other, clarity goes bye-bye. don’t let these soft lyrics fool you; make up sex doesn’t actually solve any issues if sex is the only communication that happens.  
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Taglist: @sizzlingfestpeach @mochminnie @jungkooksmytype @kookslastbutton @taebangtanbabe @bbtsficrecs @jk97bam it’s not letting me tag you (if joining the taglist, please think about reblogging with tags/leaving feedback!)
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Last night could not have been any worse for Jungkook—well, he’s sure it could have—but luckily the worst that could’ve been, had not come to be. Today, however, is proving itself to be a challenge in its own right. Jungkook knew he had to work early in the morning, but was alright with going out last night because he was with you. 
Last night honestly had been turning into a great night—the way you had silently laid your claim to him at the club, possessive of him in a healthy way—Jungkook thought things were progressing in the right direction. And clearly, you did, too. Hell, he knew he was all over you last night. Knew that he was taking a huge risk in advancing the relationship past friends with benefits when he threw all caution out the window to kiss you like that in front of your friends, but at the time, Jungkook didn’t care. 
And now? Well, that would be a different story, seeing as now that several people know that you’re the one he’s been fucking every night, they might all think something more should come from this situation. Jungkook doesn’t know what to tell them if they ask, and he’s been avoiding Jimin every chance he gets during his shift so far, because he doesn’t really know what to say. He walks to the nurses station to grab his oversized water bottle, drinking several large gulps before being interrupted. 
“Jeon, we have a case that’s just moved over to us, can you help?” Park Soo-hyun, the head nurse for the shift, asks him. As he lowers the semi-transparent canister, he takes in her cotton candy pink hair, which is mussed in a few places; the corners of her eyes are pinched with stress.
“Yeah, no problem.” Jungkook sets the bottle back on the shelf, and follows the shorter Nurse Park down the hallway to the right of the nurses station and watches as she pauses at the elevators to press the call button. Jungkook slows his walk and raises an eyebrow at his fellow nurse. 
“Sorry, we need the help on another unit,” she shrugs, elbow extending her arm to pass Jungkook a slim tablet with the patient's info pulled up. 
“Honestly, that’s perfect.” Escaping to a different floor means almost zero percent chance of Jungkook running into Jimin, so he strolls into the elevator with no regrets. 
Jungkook scrolls past the general information to see just exactly what he’s dealing with as the metal carriage rises. 
His heart breaks a little when he sees that this case is a hospice care one—a focus on the quality of life at the end of it. He follows Nurse Park, barely noticing as he puts one foot after the other, approaching the room. There are several acronyms listed in bold to the left of the door. This clues him into the fact that the goal has shifted from treatment care to comfort. 
Jungkook sees a sleeping, elderly woman in the hospital bed closest to the window, her grey hair pulled away from her face in a short ponytail. Next to her side is a similarly (he assumes) aged man, holding her wrinkled hand in his own. It is a sight that tugs at Jungkook’s heart; he doesn’t usually struggle with the elderly, just small children who end up in this unit, but with how he’s currently feeling about you, he thinks it's impacting him more than he’s used to. 
“Mr. Kim? This is Nurse Jeon. He’ll be with you and your wife for most of today,” Soo-Hyun says kindly as she pats Jungkook’s back in a motherly nature. “Please let him know if you need anything, okay?” She passes Jungkook a small phone, which he pockets, and leaves him in the sunlit room. He steps closer, pulling up the doctor’s chair to sit; a small, rolling, cushioned stool in hospital green. He glances at their names on the whiteboard. Patient: Jung Min-Ji, Spouse: Kim Tae-Woo.
“Hi, Mr. Kim,” Jungkook starts, voice gentle and quiet so as not to disturb the sleeping woman.
“Hello,” Mr. Kim replies, voice weathered with time and wisdom. “We’re okay, son, you don’t need to sit with this old man.”
Jungkook is no stranger to the phrases the older generation tend to say when in this position. The feelings of being a burden on the hospital staff, guilt for brief thoughts blaming their loved one for being in this position, grief that they could possibly lose their loved one—they’re all valid emotions, and a lot for a person to bear. Especially an elderly man who appears to be carrying this weight alone. Instead of responding to his statement, Jungkook changes the topic. “How did the two of you meet?”
The man’s eyes sparkle to life as he looks at Jungkook’s eager face. “Oh, we’ve known each other since we were kids. She was the most beautiful girl in the village, and I was just some dumb kid who followed her around like a puppy. She’s older than me, you see, and I was the annoying little brother of her best friend.” He smiles fondly at her sleeping form, and Jungkook feels his chest grow tight. “She used to hate my guts. My friends and I would terrorize her and her friends, pull their ponytails, leave frogs in their backpacks, all the terrible things thirteen-year-old boys would do to pretty girls they were afraid to talk to.”
“No wonder she hated you, Mr. Kim!” Jungkook laughs. “I’m guessing you finally stopped tormenting her if she ended up married to you?” Jungkook points out.
“Yes, yes.” The man chortles fondly as he reminisces. “I finally grew up, and realized that treating her badly was not the way to her heart. A little too late, though. She ended up married to some other punk in the neighborhood. He wisened up a little faster than I did, told her how he felt one winter, and they were married by the time the cherry blossoms bloomed.” He sighs, and Jungkook tilts his head, questioning. “Oh, I was distraught. I couldn’t do anything about it, though, I realized that I missed my chance, busy playing games. I ended up married to one of her friends, and well, we spent the next fifteen years circling each other.”
“Wow, that must’ve been hard to deal with.” Jungkook can’t imagine being in his shoes. Or well, he can, but he doesn’t want to imagine that future for himself. Doesn’t want to see a future where he stands in suit and tie to take wedding photos, and it’s not you next to him in them.
“Oh, I loved her enough, my ex-wife, but I think she always knew deep down that she wasn’t…she wasn’t Min-Ji.” Jungkook can see his hand tighten imperceptibly around his wife’s frail one. “We never had kids, and when I came home from work one day to find her waiting with her things packed...I think I always knew that day would come.”
“So, how did you end up winning over Min-Ji?” Jungkook is intrigued by the man’s story. He doesn’t know what he would do in this situation.
“Oh, I wouldn’t call it that. She was thirty-two with a new-born daughter, and left a widow after the Gwangju Uprising. Her husband was one of the many lost that summer. I was freshly twenty-eight, newly single, with an empty house, and still in love with her. I stepped up as her friend, offering her and her daughter a place to live and slowly we became a family. I asked her to marry me a couple years later and she said yes.” Kim Tae-Woo’s eyes water, and even in the dimly lit room, Jungkook can see the love he has for the woman in front of him. 
“That’s an amazing story, Mr. Kim. I’m glad you found each other.”
“Oh, me too. She’s given me everything I never knew I wanted. Three children and the best forty-three years of my life. She’s my everything.” He turns back to Jungkook, a look on his face that he can’t read. “Do you have someone, Nurse Jeon? Someone you love more than your own life?”
The question throws Jungkook for a loop, because the whole time his patient’s spouse was telling their story, there was only one person who crossed his mind. You. He hesitates to answer, but Mr. Kim was honest with him, and Jungkook is sure that he can be vulnerable with this man, too. 
“Yeah, I think I do.”
“Stop staring at your phone and moping, oh my god.” Yoongi rolls his eyes at your mood, whispering to Leah about how you’re the rain cloud following them around, ready to ruin the wedding tomorrow. 
You glance at the message one last time before locking your phone and stuffing it into your hoodie’s front pocket. 
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You hate that you and Jungkook ended the night like you did, even more that he didn’t text you his usual morning text. The thumbs-up emoji haunted your dreams last night, and you barely slept, waking up throughout the night. The bags under your eyes reflect the nightmares, a fact your annoying little brother enjoyed pointing out when they picked you up at 10 AM.
-10 am flashback
“Shush Yoongi!” Leah berated him gently, “need I remind you how you looked after our almost break-up?”
“Hey! I thought we promised never to bring that up again!” Yoongi pouted the whole trip to the wedding venue for the final review of the plans. 
You sit back in the chair, your head facing away from the floor-to-ceiling window of the wedding venue, wishing not for the first (or even second) time that things had gone down differently last night. Sorting through all of your feelings is a lot harder than you thought it would be. Especially with your brother’s looming nuptials while seated in a decorated wedding hall. 
“I’m not moping, jackass.” You pick at non-existent lint on the sleeve of your hoodie before tilting your head back and allowing the hood to fall off. “I just don’t know what to do with myself.”
“We’re almost done. Leah is just dropping off the last of the checks for the vendors, and we are running through the ‘Day-Of’ itinerary one last time with the planner. Then we can grab some lunch, and you can fill us in on the troubles running through that head of yours.”
“Sushi?” You make your eyes big and pout your bottom lip as you turn your head to look your brother in the face. He looks good; his hair is freshly done with an undercut cropped close to his head and the top layers falling in organized, chaotic layers. He has a healthy glow about him that screams ‘happy and in love’, that makes you feel wisps of green envy. His face breaks out into a smile, eyes disappearing in delight. 
“Of course, princess. Whatever you want, if it means you’ll be in a better mood.”
Hearing Yoongi call you ‘princess’ reminds you of Jungkook, and you turn away again, hiding your crestfallen look as Leah walks back into the room with the wedding planner. Yoongi leaves you to join his soon-to-be wife’s side, shaking hands with the wedding planner as they bid her goodbye and motion for you to meet them at the exit. 
Finally supplied with sustenance, you feel a little better as you chew and swallow the tempura-fried shrimp drizzled in spicy aioli sauce. Though that feeling dissipates a bit when Yoongi sets a deliberate gaze on you. 
“Spill it. I know you're moping about Jungkook, but what happened? Do I have to kill him?” he attempts to make you smile, but the joke falls flat with you today. 
“To be honest, it all happened really fast. One second we were good, really good. And then he just kind of shut down and called me a taxi and kicked me out at like 2 AM.”
“Wait, that dickhead kicked you out at 2 AM? I should fucking kill him! What if something had happened to you?” Yoongi’s ears are red and his eyes glint in anger. Leah reaches out a hand to soothe him as you speak quickly to do the same.
“Nothing happened to me. I’m a big girl, Yoongi. I’m pretty sure I said some hurtful things to him, and if the situation was reversed, I would’ve asked him to leave, too. If I had been a little more sober, I probably would’ve left on my own volition instead of getting into an argument.”
“If you don’t mind me asking,” Leah cuts in tentatively, “you do like Jungkook, right? Like not just as a friend?”
Your face says everything your mouth won’t as you shift in your seat. Leah nods knowingly, and Yoongi takes a deep breath. 
“Okay. You’ve already told Mom and Dad that you’re dating him or whatever, so what’s holding you back from taking that step with him if you like him so much?”
It takes everything in you to not cut your eyes at him. You see Leah cover her mouth; the mirth there doesn’t match the situation, but she can’t help but feel like her very smart and emotionally aware fiance is missing some important social factors. You don’t blame her for the smile, in fact, you welcome it, knowing full well that she gets it.
“What’s holding me back? Maybe that conversation with Mom earlier this week, where she nagged at me for being single and not giving her grandkids, and then when I told her I was seeing someone, she ridiculed Jungkook’s age? Or how about the fact that the stupid goth art teacher talked shit about how young Jungkook was?” You shake your head, defeated. “Everyone judges the relationship between me and Jungkook, before it’s even a relationship. So what happens when it is real?”
“What changed?” Leah’s brows are furrowed, and you can see her mind sorting through the information you’ve given, or lack thereof. “Something must have happened to make what you had going no longer work for either of you, right?”
You decide to trust them both and tell the truth of what happened.
“So after we left the club, we went back to his place since it was late. Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok are now fully aware that there’s something between me and Jungkook because he wasn’t exactly subtle. To be fair, I didn’t stop him either, so I guess if I’m being honest, we weren’t exactly subtle. We get back to his place, and it’s business as usual.” Yoongi grimaces as he reaches for his whiskey, downing the entire thing as you skim most of the sex, though a memory surfaces as you let the night replay in your mind. 
“Oh god!” You slap your hands to your face, covering your mouth. “I just remembered…I kind of let slip that I loved him while having sex,” you mumble into your hands, head dropping down in embarrassment. “And then right afterwards he’s receiving a ‘you up?’ text from SoHee—with a fucking topless picture!—and I just lost it. There was an argument, which I honestly can barely remember what was said. We were both so mad, you know?”
“Wow, no wonder you were mad. I’m guessing he didn’t say anything about your confession,” Leah questions, validating your feelings in a way that warms your heart. You definitely think you and your new sister-in-law (as of tomorrow) will get along great.
“No, he didn’t. And it’s not even that he has to say it back or anything, I didn’t say it for that reason, but the fact that we just had—”
“Please don’t say it again!” Yoongi interrupts.
“I wasn’t! Anyways, the fact that we just had such an intimate moment happen, and here comes SoHee texting Jungkook her perky tits asking if he’s awake? I know a booty call text when I see one.” 
“Wait, but you just said SoHee texted it to Jungkook, right?” Yoongi sits back, a quizzical look on his face. “So, he got a text from SoHee and you got jealous. But I’m gonna be that person right now and point out to you that technically, you and Jungkook aren’t together.”
“Yeah, thanks for stating the obvious,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “Anyways, we were in the bathroom,” you think back through the specifics. “His phone went off, and he set it down to dry my hair, and then it went off again. The message lit up his phone, so I saw the text from SoHee.”
“Sis, you know I love you, but I think you’re jumping to conclusions. It sounds like Jungkook was just the recipient of the messages, not necessarily the instigator. Guys can receive unsolicited tit pics just as much as women get dick pics. People just think all men are horny 24/7, but we also can feel uncomfortable in these situations. If we’re at work or start dating someone new, and an old flame sends us a ‘you up’ text or sends nudes? Not to mention, sometimes we just aren’t attracted to the people sending us stuff. It causes issues no one asked for.” 
Yoongi’s eyes show no malice as he speaks a truth you’re upset with yourself for not realizing in that drunken stupor, or even in the light of today. “Jungkook’s hot, you know? He could’ve just been the recipient of unsolicited nudes. He might actually get quite a few that he ignores, because that man is high-key in love with you.” 
“Honestly, I’ve seen you and Jungkook together, and I agree. Who cares what other people think, especially the ones who don’t know either of you well enough and shouldn’t matter enough to sway your happiness with each other.” Leah looks at Yoongi, and he takes her hand gently. “This wedding tomorrow will not be my first one, but it’s the one that matters the most to me. Your brother loves me on a level that I never knew was possible, thanks to my ex, and though our age gap isn’t as big as yours with Jungkook, I’m still older than him. Both of these are things your mom took issue with, but you know your brother.” She looks over to him with a fondness you understand. It’s how you look at Jungkook. “The only thing that matters is what you and Jungkook want. I know it’s not easy, but it’s infinitely worth it.”
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By the time Jungkook finishes a sponge-bath and documents the care Min-Ji received during this time, he realizes it’s past the typical lunch time and that the husband has yet to eat. The three children he mentioned live on the other side of the country, but are traveling now to be with their parents. He had hoped they would arrive earlier with the promised food Mr. Kim is waiting for, but Jungkook insists he get something to hold the man over for the time being. He reminds him of which buttons to press to contact the phone in Jungkook’s pocket, then heads to the canteen.
The employees share the cafeteria area with the visiting families of patients, and it is bustling quite a bit as Jungkook exits the elevators straight into the lobby of the cafe. To the left, the room extends into a seating area once past the cashier lines, and Jungkook sees the moment SoHee spots him through the crowd. 
He’s tired of hiding from people—tired of hiding from his feelings, really—so he decides not to run away this time. If SoHee decides to talk about the messages she sent last night, he will address it and let her down easily. They’re still friends, in Jungkook’s mind, so he smiles at her as she approaches him, soft pink scrubs swishing lightly from her quick steps.
“I am so excited about the wedding tomorrow!”
Jungkook can tell; her smile is glowing. Once upon a time, he might’ve been enthralled by it, it’s still a beautiful smile, and it sucks to know that he might be the reason it fades in a few moments.
“Yeah, me too. I actually wanted to talk to you about it.”
“Yes, that’s why I came over here, in fact, so we could finish coordinating and—”
“SoHee, wait.” Jungkook knows he’s being rude, cutting her off, but the longer she stands there, grinning up at him like that, the more his chest feels tight. “I can’t be your date for the wedding.”
As he predicted, the rosy apples of SoHee’s cheeks lower along with her smile as she processes his words.
“I don’t think I understand?” She's polite as she speaks, head quirked to the side as if showcasing her confusion, but Jungkook is no fool to the glint of a woman’s eye as she braces for battle. 
“I know that it took me a lot longer than I promised to get back to you about this, but I’ve only just figured things out myself, and I just don’t want to string you along.”
“What have you been doing then, if not stringing me along?” SoHee crosses her arms across her chest, stance shifting to one of defensiveness. “I’m not trying to be a bitch, Jungkook, but from my point of view, it kind of seems like you’ve been doing exactly what you claim you don’t want to do.”
Jungkook sighs, restraining himself from rolling his eyes at her words and tone. He can’t help but feel that SoHee is being a bit dramatic—it’s not like he was the one who started all this wedding date talk, and he never even agreed to be her date! He did put off turning her down, but she’s the one who texted him to say he didn’t need to feel obligated to take her. And then she sends nudes and a booty-call text message at the worst possible moment last night and wants to get mad at him?
“Look, SoHee, I know that you probably feel like I’m the bad guy in this, but—”
“You’re an asshole, Jungkook.” SoHee’s voice carries a little too well, and other nurses standing nearby tune into the conversation. He really hates public confrontation like this, especially when he didn’t do anything wrong, and yet, here he is dealing with this bullshit.
Jungkook doesn’t mean the words he says in the way that they come out, but he feels cornered. “What do you want me to say, SoHee? ‘I’m sorry that I like somebody else’? Or possibly, I’m sorry that you sending me nudes I never asked for at 2 AM fucked up my relationship?” He probably could’ve said it with a little less attitude, probably should’ve held back from the second example, especially when he sees the way SoHee’s eyes begin to fill with tears as she looks at all of the gawking bystanders. One of the other nurses walks over and places an arm around SoHee’s shoulder, glaring daggers at Jungkook as if willing him to keel over on the glossy linoleum. 
“You really are an asshole, Jeon. Why would you say that to someone, in front of a crowd? You have no tact.” 
Jungkook is about to fire back at the other woman, but a hand on his shoulder reigns him back in despite his blood continuing to boil.
“Janice, why don’t you escort SoHee to the employee lounge for a bit? I’ll have a chat with Jungkook here.”
Frozen eyes sending a final chilling glare, the women disappear as Jungkook finally moves through the cafe line to the cashier, Jin following quietly. He continues to shadow Jungkook as he makes his way back to the palliative care and hospice unit to deliver the food. As he rounds the doorway, he sees that the patient’s adult children have arrived, a few grandchildren as well. 
To his surprise, Min-Ji is awake, but this only makes him worry about what’s to come. He sets the food to the side, greeting the members of Min-Ji’s family as he does a quick check of Min-Ji’s breathing. The pattern appears abnormal—though normal for someone approaching the end of life. He’s glad her family made it in time to see her; he knows that before the day is out, possibly even before his shift ends, she’ll quietly cross the veil.
Jungkook slips back out of the room to give the family some privacy, and to meet with Jin, who he knows is waiting for him. The two men walk to a nearby empty nurses’ desk, and Jungkook waits expectantly for Jin to speak. 
“Well, that went swimmingly.”
“All thanks to you, my friend,” Jungkook responds snidely, “not only is SoHee mad at me, I’m also not talking to You-Know-Who right now because of a pretty serious fight we had last night.”
“Calm down, she’s not Voldemort,” Seokjin snorts out. “But you two fought about something serious?”
“Yeah…She was at my place last night and saw a series of messages from SoHee that included a nude. She kind of went spastic on me, accusing me of requesting the nudes from SoHee after having sex with her because I’m ‘too young’ to behave any differently. I honestly was so angry, I called her a taxi and sent her home.” 
Seokjin blinks at Jungkook dumbfoundedly before speaking. “Maybe if you’d already told our dear friend you’re banging his sister, and then told her that you want to date her, none of this would have even been able to happen.”
“This advice would’ve been better than encouraging SoHee’s imagination,” Jungkook grumbles out, though his voice takes a softer tone when he says your name as he continues, “if she had wanted to date her brother’s youngest friend, I think she would’ve said something by now.”  The condescension towards the age gap is laced through every word. Seokjin ponders his words before speaking his point of view.
“You know, I think that maybe the two of you put too much weight on this age gap. Even now, you’re taking on this submissive role, waiting for her to tell you or make the first move. But let me tell you a little something about women. No matter their age, they want someone who isn’t afraid to want them back. And you, my friend, are shaking in your scrubs.”  
“I’m not scared,” Jungkook instantly defends, but even he can hear the lie whistle through his teeth.
“Then why are you waiting for her to make all the decisions? Why haven’t you had an adult conversation, sat her down, and told her what you wanted for a change?”
“Because I—” Jungkook pauses, unsure of how to answer. In all realness, he is scared. He enjoys what the two of you have going on, and he worries that if he speaks up for what he wants, if he asks you to change the friends-with-benefits status to something real…being incinerated by the sun after being lit on fire by jet engine fuel would hurt less than the hypothetical rejection he fears. 
Seokjin just gives him a knowing look, his eyes soft with empathy for his younger friend's dilemma. “Just talk to her. Show her you want her, and not just in a friends-with-benefits way.” He once again gives Jungkook that knowing look. “Tomorrow is the perfect opportunity to clear the air. Everyone loves a good wedding.”
“Except SoHee is also going to be there.”
Seokjin curses lowly under his breath and is about to say more when Jungkook’s phone begins to emit a shrill tone for attention. The two men silently make their way back to Min-Ji’s room, knowing that if the phone is ringing, it’s not for any good reason.
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It’s been a long day full of revelations. The long talk with your brother and his soon-to-be wife has left you feeling drained and empty. Sitting on your couch, you open up the app to order food from your favorite takeout place barely a block away. Carelessly, you reorder the last meal you placed before slumping backwards into the plush cushions. 
Now that you’ve ordered, you really wish you had chosen delivery, like the lazy ass you want to be, but it’s not that far from your place. You close your eyes for what feels like a moment, but an alert jerks you out of the light slumber you’d slipped into. Your food is ready to be picked up. Sighing, you rock back then forward to lift yourself from the sunken spot on your comfortable couch and shrug on Jungkook’s hoodie for the trek. 
The weather teases a light rainfall, the petrichor scent enveloping you as you quicken your steps through the glass door of the establishment. Approaching the counter, the cashier recognizes you and pulls your order—two plastic bags with a brown paper bag inside each full of steaming hot food.
Checking the receipt stapled to the first bag, you see that you’ve accidentally ordered twice as much food; your last placed order was a meal for two, and the extra food? Jungkook’s favorite dishes from here. With resignation, you grab both bags, attempting to balance them on each forearm and use your foot to push open the door, but the door swings open as a man with an umbrella steps through. 
Jungkook says your name as if it's a curse and a prayer, sidestepping back onto the sidewalk to hold the door for you to exit. You thank him, fully intending to keep walking past him, but he follows you instinctively. 
“Let me help,” he says, his hand reaching out to grab one of the bags, and like muscle memory, you allow it, both of you walking in tandem until you reach your place. Unlocking the front door, he follows you in if only to set down the bag, but you stop him with a hand to his wrist before he can leave. 
“I, uh, accidentally ordered your favorites when I rushed my last reorder. You can have it, if you want. I can’t eat all of this.”
Jungkook just shrugs, and you finally notice how he looks. It’s not good—well, he always looks good; he can pull off anything. It’s more so that he doesn’t look well; his face is pale, eyes listless and devoid of any joy, parts of his face a bright red from being picked at. It’s one of his habits you’re well aware of, like when he bites his nails when nervous. Reaching into the bag, you lift out the container and pass it to him along with napkins and utensils. Taking the food from you, he steps into your living room, plopping down onto your couch as if muscle memory has taken over, he takes off the lid and begins the motions of eating the meal.
Your own thoughts are racing, unsure of what to do or say, so you just say nothing, instead pouring two glasses of water and delivering them to the coffee table before going back for your food. You end up sitting on the smaller couch, the corner closest to where he sits on the larger couch. The room fills with the sounds of you eating, an awkwardness that never used to be there lingering in the air. Your eyes flit from your food to Jungkook’s slow movements, so after you swallow your most recent bite, you take a sip of water before speaking.
“Is everything okay, Jungkook?” The urge to call him ‘baby’—to cuddle him to you and comfort him—is strong, but you resist.
His hand moves the food around a bit, and you watch him as he gathers himself to reply. It feels like hours, but he finally looks at you. “Yeah, I just had a really hard case today. It was a hospice patient, and I spent most of the day with her husband. Well, second husband—but the love of her life, I’m sure.” 
“Oh,” you don’t know what to say; you’re not really sure what made the case so hard, so you wait for Jungkook to elaborate.
“They, uh, knew each other for a long time, since they were kids, you know? But he was the younger brother of her best friend, and she married someone else before he worked up the courage to pursue her. He ended up married to one of her friends instead, but she left him. He said his first wife knew that no one could compete with the girl he actually loved. So when the first husband died in the Gwangju Uprising, leaving her a single mom with a small baby, he stepped in to provide them with a place to live and just help out, but they ended up together eventually and they have a big family.” Jungkook’s eyes look back at his food, a bit teary. “I met their kids and grandkids. They arrived right before she—” he clears his throat, but a small tear sneaks down his cheek.
You reach out for him, pulling the food from his hands and placing it on the table. You scoot closer to him, taking his hands into yours as he looks down at where the two of you connect. He sniffles, trying to stabilize his voice before he continues with his story.
“They arrived right before she passed. She’d been asleep the whole time I was there with her husband, but once everyone arrived, she woke up and was talking to them all, told them she loved them one last time, and then she just…slipped away. I don’t think I can ever forget the sound her husband made as he cried.”
“Oh, Jungkook…” unable to bear it, you join him on the same couch, holding him close to you as he cries. Your own eyes are wet; something about this couple’s story resonates with you after everything that you’ve experienced today.
“I can’t imagine going through that,” Jungkook says with a wobbly voice. “Losing the person that you love the most in the world? I mean, he almost avoided having to go through this, she married someone else! And the chance comes around for him to be with her and he takes it, but the way he cried when he lost her…I’m not sure it’s worth it in the end.” 
His words cut like a knife to your heart. You want to remind him of the good that he told in the story, how the couple had a large family, how the wife was surrounded by the evidence of their love when she died. How the man taking that second chance meant a single mom and her baby had a better life—that anguish he felt when he lost her was because they shared a love like no other. To you, it’s always worth it. 
Instead of saying what you want to say, you ask him what he needs. And those beautiful teary eyes look up at you and he whispers one word; “You,” and you’re unable to say no to him. Not when his lips meet yours with a desperation that you can’t begin to decipher, not when his hands pull you closer, and he clings to you like a lifeline, and definitely not when he sighs out your name against your lips, as if the simple utterance fills him with solace and relief of all that ails him.
His strong hands relieve you of your clothing as his lips remain fervently attached to yours. You relish in the feel of him as your naked form meets his own body, skin to skin, while he lays you back onto the couch. His kiss leaves you dazed; you have no idea how long it took for you both to end up naked, and by the time the question is flying through your mind, Jungkook is already nestled between your thighs, his cock hard and throbbing pressed against your lower stomach and your ankles crossed at his lower back.
When he pulls away slightly—reaching to line himself up with your slick opening—you bite his bottom lip where it was resting against your own, and the sensation causes him to surge his hips forward, fucking himself deep inside you. The intrusion is orgasmic, stretching you to a fullness you only experience when he doesn’t take time to prep you. Jungkook is needy, fraught with a raw emotion he can’t yet put words to, but his body can.
With each stroke, he finds comfort, the grip of your walls building the friction to a pleasurable high that he wants to drown in. Is there anything better to ease his mind than to be buried inside of you? He knows you're close, can feel the way you quicken—hurtling towards climax as you dig your nails into his back and cry out his name. Your body wrapped around him brings him a level of peacefulness that allows his mind to empty and his heavy cock to release thick spurts of cum until you're full and leaking around his softening member. 
You lay underneath him, holding him close as his chest rises and falls, and he peppers kisses along your shoulder. His movements are slow and you can feel the effects of the day taking over and pulling him into sleep. He slides his body so that the two of you are back to front, him curling around you as the big spoon. He grasps the blanket you keep across the top of the couch and attempts to cover you both, but you take over for him. 
He drops his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest as he kisses the back of your head once more. 
“I’m sorry, Princess,” he mutters before he’s softly snoring, and you lay there in his embrace, contemplating what his apology could be for. 
Was he apologizing for sending you home last night? For that thumbs up he sent that ruined your day? Because he feels bad that he only made you cum once after using your body to make himself feel better?  It’s only when you’re about to drift off that you remember his words about his patient, and your mind wonders if his apology is telling you sorry because he can’t give you what you want the most. Himself.
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stay tuned for “i’ll be loving you right, seven days a week” coming 9-?-2023!
↣all rights reserved © hisunshiine 2023. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed.
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possibilistfanfiction · 4 months
for surgeons au.,, perhaps some hurt/comfort :,)
[hbd @gohandinhand. sorry but tbf... u asked for this lol (also so many of you asked for 'what if bea gets hurt' bc we all share one collective grey's anatomy-ass braincell // also on ao3]
‘dr. silva is still in the tumor resection?’
it’s only, like, your fifth week being a doctor, so there are so many things you don’t know all the time; you add dr. villaumbrosia asking this question to the list. still, she’s kind of the scariest person you’ve ever met in your life — unflappable and a little mean to everyone but her patients and their families, talented and whip-smart beyond belief, willing to take on the hardest cases — and so you answer anyway with a nod. you only know this because zaire promised he would come find you just after he’d finished with dr. silva — to celebrate at the bar down the street and hopefully more than that too — but you don’t add that; you don’t think dr. villaumbrosia would appreciate it all that much.
‘okay,’ she says, more shaken than you’ve ever seen her.
‘is something… did something go wrong, or?’
‘with ava’s surgery, no, i don’t think so.’ 
ava is new; you’re not embarrassed to admit that you and basically your whole intern class has been keeping track of who’s with whom amongst the attendings, so you know they’re all either dating or friends or some kind of family. still, dr. villaumbrosia never uses first names at work. 
‘there’s a trauma being flown in,’ she continues. ‘there was an avalanche, and dr. choi was skiing in the backcountry today. i don’t — i don’t know more details.’ she worries her hands for a moment. ‘she hasn’t answered her sat phone.’
‘oh,’ is the best you’ve got, disarmed by the obvious fear that lingers around every inch of her.
‘dr. silva can’t know, if she does come in. not until after he’s finished the hardest part of the procedure and can pass it off.’
not that you were going to be the one to randomly decide to go to dr. silva’s OR and say any of this, but you nod. ‘of course.’
‘i need you to go check on tai; she’s in daycare.’
‘uh, i don’t — i’ve never —‘
dr. villaumbrosia waves you off. ‘she’s cute. looks like choi, acts like silva.’ 
when you don’t respond immediately, dr. villaumbrosia just glares. ‘yeah, of course,’ you hurry to say.
‘and then i need you to go to the ER for the trauma. dr. masters already knows you’re coming; you’re going to see what’s going on and tell me and no one else. got it?’
‘yes, dr. villaumbrosia. will do.’
to be honest, you have no idea where the daycare even is, and this certainly isn’t what you went to a bazillion years of school for, but whatever. maybe this will get you on dr. villaumbrosia’s good side. 
‘and dr. al-najjar?’
you nod.
‘i know this seems ridiculous. but dr. choi is — she’s my favorite person. it’s important.’
you understand in your own way: you facetime your little brother every day, no matter how tired you are, no matter how late or early it is for you. ‘i’ll tell you everything as soon as i can.’
tai is, apparently, a fourteen month old, very cute toddler, who really does look like dr. choi. when you explain, very briefly, to one of the daycare teacher that dr. villaumbrosia sent you to see how she’s doing, make sure she’s okay, she nods and shows you over to an area of the room with soft mats and some wooden blocks. tai smiles at you, all baby teeth and big cheeks, and says mostly nonsense but a few words — blocks, doctor, mama — and then promptly knocks over her block tower with definite glee. 
you snap a nice, cute picture of tai smiling in her little giraffe hoodie and send it off to dr. villaumbrosia. you’ve never been a baby guy, and you’re certain she isn’t either, because there’s no way you could ever possibly choose her specialty if you were, but she loves the photo anyway — the first and only time she’ll ever respond to a text from you like that, you’re absolutely certain — and it makes you smile, just for a moment. when you wave goodbye to tai she laughs, and you hope, very concretely, that she goes home with both of her parents tonight, or soon, at least, that her family stays as full and happy and warm as it had been this morning.
you feel genuinely nervous and way too invested: you’ve met dr. choi in passing a handful of times, and she’d assisted on one of dr. villaumbrosia’s surgeries once that you’d gotten to hold a retractor for, but according to emma — the best gossip and also dr. choi’s favorite intern, allegedly — says that dr. choi is kind and quiet and a wonderful teacher, patient and skilled and efficient. you’d been looking forward to being on her service soon, honestly, and, even in the past few weeks, you’re starting to understand that the people here, that you spend so much time with, are starting to feel like family.
dr. masters nods at you, her braids already tucked away beneath a cap, trauma gown on. you’re on peds, so you don’t know if you’re really here to help with anything — dr. villaumbrosia wasn’t called down for any consults, still set for the routine bowel repair she’d been scheduled for this afternoon, so you’re fairly certain there weren’t any children coming in — but she gestures toward the gown and gloves anyway.
‘just in case we need more hands on deck,’ she says as way of explanation. ‘there’s four people, and we don’t really know the extent of their injuries.’
you nod — what else is there to say — and things are very, very still until dr. masters gets a page and then everything is moving — loudly, organized, seamless — and you’re in awe, for a moment, of dr. masters’ ER. you love trauma surgery and she’s, like, kind of the biggest badass in the country, and it’s pretty fucking cool to watch her very quickly get everyone exactly where they need to be in the amount of time it takes for her to walk to the elevator that leads up to the helipad.
the wind whips from the blades when the doors open, rainy and miserable, and your heart is caught in your throat when the door opens. you see dr. masters’ hands shake, although you’d never, ever mention it, locked behind her back in tight fists, until dr. choi’s face — a bruise along her jaw, a scrape that runs underneath her eye, all the way into her hair, the tip of her nose and the tips of her ears a painful red, probably from frostbite — comes into view.
dr. choi, strapped into a stretcher, covered in a blanket and hooked up to an IV, immediately starts talking, before the stretcher is even fully out of the helicopter. ‘the three coming out,’ she starts, ‘i dug them out as much as i could. i did an emergency thoracostomy on david, you need to push a ton of antibiotics. anna needs to go to the OR immediately for her pelvis, make sure cam —‘
‘—beatrice,’ dr. masters says, rushing to her side and, if you were to bet, wanting to sink to her knees in relief. ‘oh my god.’
‘i’m fine,’ dr. choi says, annoyed at being made to stay on the stretcher. ‘i properly deployed my avalanche airbag. but mary, listen —‘
dr. masters holds dr. choi’s face in her hands and then kisses the top of dr. choi’s head. it’s tender, and you wonder how long they’ve known each other to afford that level of intimacy, that level of care. ‘i got them, bea. i promise. we gotta take care of you too or ava will kill me.’
dr. choi relaxes, just minutely, but you can tell — maybe because you would trust dr. masters with your life or anyone else’s, maybe at the mention of dr. silva, maybe some combination of both — and she nods.
dr. masters rolls her eyes and kisses the top of dr. choi’s head once more. ‘stupid hero. let me go make all your hard work worthwhile.’
dr. choi smiles, definitely reassured now. ‘you better.’
you’re not surprised, exactly, that chief superion is waiting to take over dr. choi’s care, but you are a little surprised when dr. superion squeezes her shoulder gently and smiles, a little sad. 
‘ava is still in surgery, so let’s get the worst of it taken care of before she’s done, yes?’
dr. choi nods, growing more exhausted by the minute. which is fair, you think, as she tells dr. superion — and you, because you’re stuck in this room until you have a real report for dr. villaumbrosia beyond the text you’d sent that just said Dr. Choi is talking and moving, no head or neck injuries — about how the avalanche airbag had worked, even if it was frightening; about how her transceiver, according to SAR, had helped them get there faster than they would have otherwise.  
‘ava always teased me about how expensive the gear was, but look who’s laughing now.’
‘well, to be fair,’ dr. superion says, looking at dr. choi’s x-rays, ‘i don’t think either of you are laughing.’ 
‘oh, yikes,’ dr. choi says, looking at the films too. she’s on a fair amount of pain medicine at this point, but she’s right: there’s a few nasty fractures along the bones in her left wrist. but, other than those and a few cracked ribs and some mild frostbite on her nose, ears, and the tips of her fingers, it seems like it’s just cuts and bruises: nothing she won’t heal from, and far better off than the others who came in with her.
‘i, uh — sorry,’ you say, feeling like you’re interrupting, but they both just shake their heads, waving off your apology. ‘dr. villaumbrosia sent me to see if you’re okay, and i’m supposed to go talk to her once i know. which, i guess i know now.’ not your best work, and in front of the chief, but oh well.
dr. choi smiles fondly. ‘thank you for telling me. i’ll never let lilith forget it.’ 
dr. superion doesn’t smile, but it seems like she wants to. ‘go ahead, dr. al-najjar. you can tell her that we’re admitting dr. choi to ortho; dr. alvarez will operate tomorrow, once the swelling has gone down.’
‘and tell lilith i love her too.’
‘i — uh—‘
dr. superion laughs. ‘go, dr. al-najjar.’
you’ve just finished your report to dr. villaumbrosia — in the middle of a surgery, but it’s clear her shoulders relax immediately, continuing to operate smoothly — when dr. silva flings open the door of the OR.
‘hello ava,’ dr. villaumbrosia says, not even looking up from the stitch she’s putting in. ‘she’s okay.’
dr. silva, breathing so hard her mask is getting sucked into her mouth and nose, doubles over, her hands on her knees. ‘i gotta do more cardio, oh my god,’ he mumbles, then takes a deep breath and stands. ‘you’re sure?’
‘yes,’ dr. villaumbrosia, ‘i had dr. al-najjar make sure personally. he also checked on tai; she’s doing great.’
‘very cute,’ you say and then debate just quitting residency here altogether, but dr. silva smiles at you.
‘thanks man,’ she says. ‘sorry you missed this surgery.’
‘the bowel was perforated,’ dr. villaumbrosia says. ‘it was quite disgusting, to be honest.’
‘well then,’ dr. silva says, ‘hey, you’re welcome! you got to see my adorable kid and my sexy wife. who, as lovely as your company always is, lil, i’m gonna go see now.’
‘she deployed that avalanche airbag, dug three other people out, and did a field chest tube by the time SAR got there.’ 
‘insane, actually,’ dr. villaumbrosia says. ‘but give her my love.’
two days later you’re back on shift — after drinks and truly, genuinely great sex with zaire that still ended up happening despite everything, god bless — and you swing by ortho before you go up to peds. you’re not friends with dr. choi or dr. silva, but you do want to see how things are going anyway. your mom always says it’s better to be kinder than necessary, and you’re starting to believe it.
they’re an adorable family, you think, tai showing dr. choi her lion stuffy and babbling excitedly, sitting on the hospital bed between her legs, turning every now and then toward dr. silva in a chair by her bedside. dr. choi, her arm in a brace and a sling, looks pretty good overall: her eyes seem clear, the bruises along her jaw are already starting to turn green and yellow, a great sign of healing, and the redness on her nose and ears has lessened considerably. 
also, she’s sitting up and talking animatedly, clearly happy with her daughter and her wife there. from her chart — you looked it up in the system before you came, whatever — you’re pretty sure she’s going to get to go home today, which you suspect is what the small duffle bag by dr. silva’s feet is for. 
‘all i’m saying,’ you hear from dr. silva, ’is that your nose could’ve fallen off.’
‘ava,’ dr. choi says, exasperated and laughing.
dr. silva sits back and pouts, exaggerating with crossed arms. 
‘i will be more careful,’ dr. choi concedes, but it doesn’t feel much like a concession the way she smiles at tai and then runs a gentle hand over her wispy hair. emma — who is an incredible gossip but you’re starting to think she also just has a giant crush — had told you and zaire that dr. choi is, like, an experienced outdoors person with certifications in all kinds of different safety courses and activities; you know she and dr. villaumbrosia have done stints with MSF together too. 
‘good,’ dr. silva says. ‘because lord knows i cannot raise tai by myself.’
dr. choi frowns, then offers her good hand to dr. silva, who scoots closer and takes it with a kiss to her scraped knuckles. 
‘plus, while i would deal, obviously, you’d probably be less hot if your nose fell off.’
dr. silva shrugs. ‘i love you.’
‘i love you too.’
‘would you still love me if my nose fell off?’
‘good morning, dr. al-najjar,’ dr. choi says when you knock lightly on the open door of her office. it’s impeccably neat, a few pictures of dr. silva and tai on her desk. she’s wearing the brace on her wrist still but no sling; her bruises and frostbite have faded. in her scrubs and white coat and clogs, a fresh buzzcut and a cup of coffee in her good hand, she looks exactly the surgeon you’ve looked forward to working with. 
‘good morning, dr. choi. welcome back.’
she smiles and closes her office door, starts leading you down the hall. ‘thank you. and, apologizes in advance that you won’t have any surgeries with me for the next two weeks until i’m officially cleared.’ she rolls her eyes. 
‘that’s okay,’ you say. ‘more sleep, honestly.’
‘true. and,’ she says, opening a door to the most incredible, brand new lab you’ve ever seen, ‘i can promise that the research we’ll get to work on will be worth it.’
‘i always thought i would go into trauma,’ you tell her, ‘but i think i just fell in love.’
she grins. ‘the heart wants what it wants.’
you pause a moment but then you can’t help yourself: you laugh.
‘in that case,’ she says, ‘let me show you around, and let’s get to work.’
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martian-astro · 3 months
Atmakaraka series - Part 4
Atmakaraka is the planet with the highest degree in the birth chart.
Short note : atmakaraka can give good or bad results depending on the strength of the atmakaraka planet.
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Atmakaraka In 4th house :-
In this life, the person will have to take responsibility of their home and family members. Especially, the mother.
Sun atmakaraka in 4th house - your family members see you as someone who is trustworthy and responsible, I see this placement in a lot of elder siblings, where the parents know that everything will be fine if they entrust them with basically... anything. Your parents could also say things like "now I can die peacefully because I know you'll take care of everything". If afflicted, then you can be seen as a dictator, someone who makes all the decisions by themselves and does not take other people's feelings into consideration. I have also noticed that a lot of people with this placement were raised by a single mother, or their mom was the breadwinner.
Moon atmakaraka in 4th house - (this one is a little complicated 😭) so we all love our mothers, but with this placement, especially girls who have this placement can be really empathetic towards their mothers, like they can see that their mothers were not always "mothers" they were once little girls with their own dreams and ambitions. These people themselves are also very career oriented because they do not want to live like their mom. If saturn is weak, then these people can end up HATING their fathers (for the right reasons), can also choose to refer to their fathers as "sir", or "sperm donor" 💀, would not call them "dad", even in public.
Mercury atmakaraka in 4th house - these people are definitely the type to have a library in their home, doesn't have to be too big, just a space dedicated for books. Can really be good at scientific subjects. They have a really good relationship with their mothers, and also share everything with them, even if you don't like her, you just accidentally end up sharing stuff with her. The type to tell their moms about their love life, and also you guys love to gossip about other family members (especially your dad's side of the family 👀)
Venus atmakaraka in 4th house - you guys love beautifying your home, and then love to host social gatherings so that other people can appreciate your home as well. If you want to impress these people, just compliment their interior design style. The type of people to post their mom's picture on social media and get comments like - can your dad fight?? If venus is strong, then this placement can also indicate having parents who were IN LOVE with each other, and this can result in you having a really positive mindset towards marriage.
Mars atmakaraka in 4th house - I read somewhere that this placement is like putting a soldier in the kitchen and this is actually so true. A lot of people with this placement can view their mothers as "weak", can also say things like "if you actually wanted to leave, you would", want to get away from their home and sometimes even homeland. These people can have a distorted relationship with women. (I DO NOT recommend getting into a relationship with a man with this placement) I'm so sorry but I do not like this placement 😭😭. These people also have a tendency to victim blame. I have seen that a lot of people with this had a father who was Physically abusive towards their mothers and then their mothers would take out their anger on them and that resulted in them having.... These negative thoughts about women.
Jupiter atmakaraka in 4th house - 90% of the time, these people will have a great relationship with their mother. She can also be a teacher. View their mothers as an intelligent person and take her advice on a lot of important things, the best part is, that their mothers love them a lot so she will never give them a bad advice. If she tells you to not hang out with someone or to not pursue a certain career, LISTEN TO HER. Can have a big home, in childhood or later in life, if not being aspected by saturn.
Saturn atmakaraka in 4th house - it indicates growing up in an extremely strict household. If saturn is strong, then you could've felt secure and stable in your childhood. if weak, then you probably felt very suffocated and wanted to get away from your home. Could have felt neglected by their mothers and I have noticed that a lot of people with this had mothers who loved their siblings more than them. I know a person with this placement and her mom would only give food to her brother and would leave her to starve (there's a lot of sexism involved in this situation as well)
(all pictures are taken from Pinterest)
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© martian-astro All rights reserved, 2024
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Darling 18+
*A/n~ I’ve never written smut before and this is my first fic I’m posting here so any pointers would be appreciated*
Prompt~ reader is teasing Larissa until she snaps giving into her own wants. Smut fic.
Tw~ NSFW (finger!ng) (sub reader/dominant Larissa) (mommy k!nk) (spank!ng) (swear!ng) (eating out) (thigh r!d!ng) (strap)
Fingers tugged at your hair absentmindedly throwing it up In a bun on top of your head. Pieces of your fringe fell to cup your cheeks as you sighed. Today had been nothing short of stressful. You love your job, of course you did but that didn't mean it didn't come with its own challenges. You'd been teaching outcast history at Nevermore now for 3 years, so of course you knew certain points in the semester was hell. The teaching itself is wonderful, you love passing on your knowledge to your students. You can't help but find it fascinating to talk about of the different kinds of outcasts, the challenges they face, how they came to be and the relations between Outcast and Normies. But the paperwork? Now that was tiresome and quite frankly boring as hell. But still you did try your best to stay caught up on it so it didn't take all the joy from your days. However the past few months really you'd neglected your paperwork in favour for something else. Or rather someone else.
A certain stunningly tall principle offered a great distraction these days. In fact she's the reason you had paperwork overflowing from your desk. Over your years here you watched as a tentative friendship blossomed between you and Larissa. Often most weekends you'd go to her office to drink wine and relax by the fire. It's one reason why you have grown to long for the weekends. Recently those evenings had included some harmless flirting between the pair of you. It was no secret you had eyes for the fairer sex however when you found out Larissa was the same you honestly choked on the wine you had swigged. You hadn't expected her to be interested in women or well rather anyone. If anything she seemed married to her job. She loved Nevermore and it's students more than anything else. It was endearing to see the determination and care she put in every day to be the best principal Nevermore had ever seen.
You made your way to the desk and decided to start from the bottom. This way you knew no matter how much you managed to complete tonight before you passed out from exhaustion, you wouldn't miss any deadlines. You're classroom was peacefully silent apart from the gentle scratching of pen against paper. You couldn't help but allow your mind to wonder to your boss. After all you were completing these with the upmost care making sure everything was legible, aiming to reduce the stress she would have. You'd spent many night's listening as she would whine about messy plans submitted from teachers. Your mind wandered to the previous night. The flirting had an affect on you, you were starting to think Larissa knew that. Secretly enjoyed flustering you. You couldn't help the small smile that overtook your lips as you recalled one of your favourite moments. You were sitting in a comfortable silence watching the flickering flames dance together. Only when you'd taken a big swig of your wine did Larissa lean over and whisper in your ear "you look absolutely ravishing love" causing you to cough and splutter on the wine as a bright red blush adorned your cheeks. Larissa couldn't help blur chuckle are the response you gave. It pleased her to no end knowing she had this effect on you.
As if the women on your mind knew you were thinking of her, your phone lit up with a text from her.
"Y/n can you come to my office? I'm feeling quite stressed and I would benefit from your help." You know what they say curiosity killed the cat, that's why you found yourself walking the familiar route to her office. Paperwork forgotten. Once you reached her doors that clearly stated "principle L. Weems" on a thick golden plate, you didn't even know you just pushed the doors open slightly, just enough for you slip through the gap before shutting the doors. Turning around you could see that the women had her shoulders tensed up, eyes fixed on the paper as she concentrated and her left hand balled into a fist as her right carefully scribbled down on her own work.
"Larissa?" You whispered only wishing to alert her to your presence and not spook her when she was clearly concentrating.
"Ah y/n! Please do come here darling." You couldn't help but freeze and blush at the pet name. Larissa seemed to be in a strange mood this evening as when you didn't move she barked at you in a stricter voice that was normally used with her students "now y/n!"
You couldn't help but quickly scurry to stand in front of her bowing your head in a form of an apology. "Uh sorry Larissa, what did you need?"
"Darling, I've had a stressful day" there was that name again, and you knew this fact already. I'm fact you'd had to send two of your students to her office for their behaviour today. "Now I'm sure you noticed we have a special kind of relationship and you can tell me if I'm wrong here but I think it could extend to more than friends and more than boss and employee wouldn't you agree dear?"
Eyes blinking rapidly you processed what she'd just admitted. She wanted to be more than friends? Excitement rose through you as you nodded in your agreement. "Darling, words please" she whispered holding your gaze. "I um I agree Rissa" you diverted your gaze to find your shoes not being able to contain the flush spreading over your cheeks. You had to be dreaming? Right? "Perfect! So love why don't you come and help relieve this stress?" The thickness in her voice and the glint In her eyes showing you just how badly she wanted you. God this had to be a dream. But no way would you turn this down, even if you'd wake up in an extremely frustrating state.
"Wha-what um what can I do to help Rissa?" Eggar to please the women you would only go as far as she wanted. You stood, head still tilted down waiting for instructions. Suddenly the tilting of your head wasn't to hide your blushing, no it was that of submission. Unknown to you this pleased Larissa to no end. You almost dropped to your knees at her command. And the commanding tone? God you are a goner. "Come sit on my lap pet" moving to straddle her lap you rested your face in the crook of her neck. Her scent was that of floral and honey mixed together. You went limp allowing her to readjust you as she deemed fit. A little shaken breath escaped you your aching centre rested against her toned thigh.
"Now little one, I have to finish some work and your going to be a good little one and rut against my thigh hmm? I know you need me y/n. I can practically smell you as you drip onto my thigh. Before any of that I need to know you want this. If you don't this can stop now and we can just talk." The last part of her words sounded slightly unsure like she was expecting rejection. But that wouldn't come. You wanted her. Needed her. And most importantly you wanted to help her destress. If this was what she wanted the hell you'd happily allow it for as long as she was willing. You managed to whisper out a please which caused the women to smile and tap your hips, silently giving you permission to follow the order you'd been given. Your hips slowly rocked against her thigh, teasing yourself not that you needed to but If this was a dream then you wanted it to last forever. Soon enough whines of need and pleasure we tumbling from your lips and into her neck. Breath ticking the little hairs there. You could feel how you were soaking her strong thigh, you picked your pace up subconsciously as you grew closer to your peak. Movements become more desperate and needy as she brought a hand to your waist, fingers finding purchase there hoping to slow your movements. She was almost done and although she could let you fall over the edge now, she didn't want to. She wanted to see you as pleasure took over your every thought.
Pen now thrown down against the desk, you had her full attention as you mewled against her neck "fuck mmm Rissa I need"
"Oh darling I know what you need. But you have to earn it. Don't you want to be my good girl?" She husked out placing a gentle kiss to your head as she brought her over hand up to fully still your hips. Fuck you could cum just by that statement. You stood up on shaky legs allowing your breathing to attempt to steady itself.
"Little one, kneel" and you did just that. It was embarrassing how quickly you followed her commands. You knew you seemed like a pathetic slut but truthfully for Larissa you are just that. Normally you wouldn't submit so willingly.
Kneeling in front of her chair, face to face with her panty clad sex you couldn't help but wonder what she'd taste like. You drew your bottom lip between your teeth at the thought. Unknowing that Larissa was watching every action closely. She shifted her hips and removed her own panties as you went wide eyed. Your pupils dilated as you were now looking at her dripping pussy. You were taken there and then. The unbearable urge to just dive in between her gorgeously toned thighs. You looked up at her through your eyelids silently begging for permission to do just that.
You looked so desperate there fully clothed, hair messy and eyes clouded with desire. She couldn't help but being her hands to find purchase in your hair, giving you all the permission you needed. Larissa took a sharp breath as you gingerly licked around her soaked pussy, teasing her and just getting a taste. She was your new favourite flavour. Nothing you'd ever tasted compared to this. You'd happily eat her for the rest of your life. As you continued to explore with your tongue you were able to gage what was having the best effect. The kitten like licks lavished her clit had her gripping tighter in your hair pulling you closer in a silently plea for more.
"Fuck y/n please stop teasing me" she whimpered out between breaths. Taking this as your cue you finally allowed your tongue to explore inside her lips. The taste so much stronger caused you to moan and clench your thighs together. Wanting to be good for her you tried to ignore your own desire. Suddenly confidence overwhelmed you and you plunged two fingers into her sopping pussy, causing her to cry out a strangled moan. You were pumping your fingers in and out at a brutal pace, the primal need to make her cum driving you. Her breathing was irregular moans tumbling from her lips as you felt her thighs start to shake, tale tale signs to keep going despite the burning in your arm. You brought you mouth to her bundle of nerves and sucked. Hard. Which was what helped Larissa let go and cum hard all over your fingers that were still buried in her sex. You could feel her walls fluttering around your fingers as you helped her down from her high. Tugging on your hair was pulling you away from her, causing you to whine in protest. “Tsk, darling you are going to pay for that I thought you were going to be good for me hmm? “
"I'm sorry I just I wanted you to feel good i-"
She cut you off "I don't wish to here excuses. Y/n come lay over my lap... now!" The commanding tone once again had you falling over your own feet in an attempt to comply as quickly as possible.
You felt your dress being lifted up to your hips and your panties striped from you. The cold air hitting your pussy causing a small gasp.
"Count little one, I want you to be a good girl for me okay ?"
You nodded and waited for the blow that you knew was coming. Surely enough a firm well placed smack to your right ass cheek as you gasping out "fuck o one"
"Ow two"
"Th three"
"Oh fuck me four" your voice was quivering now as tears strolled down your face, dripping onto the floor.
"You're doing so well darling just one more okay such a good girl for me"
"F five fuck me mommy!" You all be screamed out your word's echoing off her official walls. The women underneath you froze hearing your last word. However your sluggish brain still hadn't quite caught up on what you'd said. No all you could think about was the stringing of red flesh and your own needy dripping pussy. Larissa brought her hand to rub firm gentle circles on your back as you collected your breathing. God this women would be the death of you. She'd not even touched you properly yet and yet here you were minutes away from begging her like a desperate whore.
Larissa brought you so she was able to see your face. Her thumbs wiped the stray tears that had fallen as she was overcome with the desire to kiss you. A needy breathless kiss that made you week at the knees. The kisses trailed off to your cheeks, your neck and your ear before she whispered what was quite possibly your new favourite sentence. "Can I fuck you love?" You nodded embarrassingly quick as you watched her move around. Seemingly finding what she wanted she went and locked the office door, just in case. You blushed knowing it hadn't been locked. You were lucky it was out of school hours, so no students would be around. You were captivated as Larissa stripped down slowly before slipping on the harness. A dark red colour sporting a red dildo. You were relieved to see it was roughly average size and girth. Knowing how sensitive you'd be anything bigger would've destroyed you. You didn't realise you were starring until fingers clicked in front of you. "Thought I lost you there little one, now strip. I want to fuck you" it should've been a world record for how fast you rid yourself of your bra and dress. Larissa chuckled at your eagerness and helped you up to sit on her desk. You watched with a desperate interest as she lined the toy up with your centre. Thrusting in once causing your eyes to roll back your head and your back to arch as you adjusted to her size. She was busy peppering kisses up and down the tall of your neck and over your collar bones. She knew you needed more when your hips jerked forward desperately seeking more. Only then did she pull out of you almost all the way before slamming back into you. Settling a delicious but ruthless pace. You're moans were uncontrollable by now. Loud and mumbled becoming in coherent as you began the climb to your own climax.
“Little one, if you wish to come beg me" Larissa husked at you breathing irregular due to the labour of her harsh movements.
"P pl easeee Larissa I need to cum let me cum." You all but cried out
"You're so pretty when you beg my love but same my name."
"Risaaaaaa fuck me please oh god I can't"
"No little one say. My. Name." She all but growled out at you making sure to keep you teetering on the edge of your own climax that your body desperately desired.
"Oh fuck me mommy please mommy please I need you" and with that Larissa brought a hand to your clit causing your body to throw you over the edge. Moaning desperately as you rode out your orgasm. Sweat covered your body as she pulled out of you gently causing you to whine and collapse back against the desk. Concern flashed through her eyes. Had she been too rough?
"Darling are you okay?" The concern Evident in her voice.
"Mhmmmmmmm I mm " you managed to mumble out fighting your exhausted body. Larissa had fucked you so well your body and brain couldn't keep up.
Sensing that she'd done a good job Larissa chuckled and pulled you into her arms carrying you to her quarters next door.
"Oh look at my little one, mommy fucked you well mmm?" There was a hint of pride in her tone which caused a sleepy hmm of agreement from you. You were curled up against the principle desperately wishing hoping you weren't going to wake up and this only be a dream. Exhaustion was seeping through your bones as your stubbornly tried to fight it, just in case this was a dream you didn't want it to end.
"Sleep now little one, I'll still be here when you awake darling" the soothing words and tone was all it took for you to allow sleep to take you.
Word count~ 2983
*A/n ~ never wrote smut before all that was definitely an experience such a long chapter I hope it's not too terrible for you guys*
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nonbinarypirat · 1 month
A fellow enjoyer of mairuma who likes reading others headcanons/interpretations here! just thought I'd share my own headcanons
1.) I think the misfits lack parental validation from one or more parental figures so they seek that validation from someone else, like Kalego. He, as their homeroom teacher, knows full well what they're capable of and actively gives them harder challenges to further bring out their potential. So I think the misfits would seek near impossible tasks not just for the fun of it, but to receive validation from someone they look up to.
2.) I believe that Kalego shows his love in pride. And when I say love, I mean all love; familial, romantic, platonic, and the kind that you know is there but don't have a name for. I guess a good example would be Balam, his closest friend and well-respected researcher. Balam would have achieved great things in his field of research and Kalego would be very proud of him for it, though I doubt he would explicitly show it. The same would go for his students. A mix-match group of kids who have, more than once, taken the impossible and made it reality while proving him wrong every chance they get.
(also a small group of demon plus one human children have better cooperation skills than most adult demons. yes demons are self-centered but i do think its really funny.)
well, these are my headcanons sorry if its really wordy. what are your thoughts on them and what are your mairuma headcanons?
thx for reading and have a good day/night :D
I have been fully focused into my classes and college recently since I’m in my third year (we’re so close to the finishing line yall) but YES I love this!! One, I appreciate you sending me this since I haven’t done a post for a while! I promise im still here and I’m keeping up with the recent chapters 🫡. But yeah, I just love Kalego as a character. Like, he really is my favorite because I love a rude and snide character who you can tell cares a lot. Even if he won’t tell you that.
Kalego cares deeply for his students. Like sure, they annoy him and are goofballs. But at the end of the day, he is also protective of them. He knows they can accomplish great things and that’s why he’s hard on them, it’s not due to a lack of love. His pride is his way of showing affection. He will do his damnest to make sure you succeed and through his little actions, the characters can tell that he’s proud of them too. It’s the little moments with Kalego that make them know he does deeply care for them.
And yes, I also have a head cannon that for many of the misfits, they are lacking in some sort of parental or familiar love. Obviously we can’t say this for certain for all the characters, but it just feels like that’s why, no matter how much they complain about him, he also means a lot to them too.
As for my other head cannons… One head cannon I have (with the little info we have so far) is that Elizabetta grew up similarly to that little girl from Ouran Host Club, ya know the sister of the black magic club president? That is to say, I think she’s loaded but was primarily raised by her maids who gave her a lot of the romance books to keep her entertained. I think her parents were never really around. Or if they were, they don’t have her a ton of attention. I guess this is more of a head cannon slash theory? But when we see the house visits, we don’t even see her parents. A lot of them you saw the parents, a back shot or their torso. Something. We even saw Kalego call some of the parents. But her parents just wasn’t in the frame and she just kept showing him the things in her room which gives me the feeling she had a lot of material goods they bought her, but maybe not their affection. We also don’t see any adult when we learn about her ambition. Which is why I think she’s so attached to love, she is reaching for a connection she may not feel she has with her parents. And maybe in a way, she’s wants to build a family that will actually appreciate her the way she wants. Which to me makes the relationship to the misfits even more special because she finally has the love and pride of her found family. Idk, just a silly head cannon I have based on current knowledge!
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that-ari-blogger · 6 months
Luz vs The Forces Of "Good" (Trademark Denied)
I Was a Teenage Abomination isn't a flashy episode of the Owl House. I don't mean it isn't pretty to look at, because it most certainly is. But this episode isn't remembered as much as others when it comes to the plot of the story. Hollow Mind is emotionally revealing, Enchanting Grom Fright is a turning point in the series, and King's Tide is King's Tide. But what about the humble 3rd episode of the series, what does it bring to the table?
The answer to that question, is themes. This episode establishes some important themes of the series. Allow me to explain.
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This episode introduces some important characters to the series. Willow, Gus, Amity, and of course, Principal Hieronymus Bump (although I'm not going to talk much about him here). And it uses these characters to introduce the theme tied to them. Success. Or more specifically, excellence.
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"I'm sorry. I can't stay. I have to go disappoint my teacher."
Willow is introduced failing, with a mean rival who I will mention in a minute. Although, it's interesting to note what Willow is struggling to do. She, and the bully, have placed value on the creation of an abomination, a specific type of magic, and willow isn't cut out for that. She can't conjure the creature.
But here's the thing. Willow isn't bad at magic. As shown off in that same scene, she has a talent for plant themed magic. She is the shy friend with a talent for herbology.
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"What you did with that flower and those plants, it was... wow." "Thanks, but I'm not even supposed to be doing plant magic."
And here, we run face first into the theme. The Owl House is about identity, and freedom of expression, and a sub-story of that is the contrast between that and perceived excellence. Where Luz, across the story, comes into conflict with people who wish to actively limit expression, the side characters come into conflict with the concept of excellence itself. As in, in the Boiling Isles, value is placed on certain aspects of life, and if you can't perform well in those areas, you have less value. You become half-a-witch.
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It is Willow's plant magic that saves the day. It is her skill at her own thing that gets them out of trouble, and it's her passion for it that impresses Bump. This shot, for example is viewed in a style reminiscent of the romantic paintings. Not an age filled with love (although there was certainly a lot there) but also an age obsessed with the grandeur of nature. The harsh lighting in this shot calls upon that style, but the subject matter also echoes that, plants growing around columns in a great domed building that you are looking up at. It's meant to make Willow's magic seem more powerful, and to highlight the importance of this moment of self understanding.
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Ok Gus doesn't have much to do in this episode. He's kind of just there. But I will quickly point out his introduction.
"He's the president of the Human Appreciation Society. Most witches wouldn't be able to recognize a human right away. But Augustus is an expert."
Gus is introduced with an accompanying set of accomplishments. It's quiet, and a joke at the time, but this comes back later on. Gus is a character who exists on accomplishments, he has self-worth issues that come up in later episodes.
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Amity is introduced as an antagonist. Like Willow, she is introduced as an archetype, the mean school bully, but it is what makes her the villain here that fascinates me. She has fully bought in to the view of excellence. She happens to show promise in the areas in which society values, and as such is granted prestige. Although when that proves unstable (people who are successful in one area can easily be outmaneuvered with enough creativity and brute force of ignorance), she becomes increasingly villainous.
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In western culture, moving from left to right is associated with normality. I don't think this is a conscious choice. You could bring up psychology and left brain/right brain tendencies, but I don't understand any of that, so if you want to look that up, go for it, but in the interest of analysis, let's just agree that moving from left to right is considered normal.
Amity blight, in all but one shot she is in, is moving from right to left. At one point, the camera changes angle, so that she can move in a different direction without changing the motion on screen. It's abnormal, moving backwards. The camera is telling you subconsciously that her worldview is backwards.
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I mentioned an exception to this rule, and that is the first shot Amity is in. In this shot, she moves across the screen like everybody else, but stops, looks back, and taunts Willow. The thing that is holding her back isn't her drive for excellence, it's her lack of understanding that success can come from different places, it's her desire to reenforce the status quo of "you must be good at what I am good at". That is what's holding her back.
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This episode sets into motion the background story of The Owl House, the clash between individuality and excellence, and this keeps bubbling until For The Future, and when I get there, I'm going to look back at the themes set up here.
So stick around, if that interests you.
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