#I just finished it
the-theatre-swiftie · 2 months
stupid musical about gay men making me cry at 12:15 am
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nutcasewithaknife · 11 months
ORV has permanently altered my brain chemistry, soul, world, everything. Reading it shattered me into a million pieces and put me back together in a different shape. How am I ever moving past this
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justarandombrit · 4 months
Wayward Guide is fun because it's listed as horror, but is relatively chill, up until episode 8 where a woman rips a man's fucking heart out.
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backpackevil · 2 years
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My beloved traumatized teenagers<3
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davestridergarfield · 7 months
Hella 4.2 spoilers
Um. Um. Um. What was all that with Childe??? What was that??????
He shows up all crazy. Fights a bigass whale. Falls into a random abyss hole(?) AGAIN. Disappears for like an hour. Shows back up finally. Is laying unconscious(?) for MAYBE 2 and half seconds. Is THROWN FULL FORCE INTO THE ABYSS HOLE? LIKE A FUCKING? SOFTBALL????????? NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN????????????
And then later almost as an afterthought theyre like “oh yeah dw he’s at home Resting. Nah it’s chill.” WHAT????? HOW DID HE GET THERE? Did he just land on the ground and think “well, time to hop on a boat or some shit like that and head back. Never mind that I don’t have my vision or anything. That’s chill.” Did she make a fucking portal or something??? Did she slam dunk his ass right back to morepesok??? I have. So many. Questions
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seriowan · 1 month
oh my god
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brain-squid · 7 months
Scavengers Reign sound track when?
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i love siblings where one is fire and the other is something that’s built to endure so so much but i’m sick and tired of the fire coded sibling dying
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therewithinthestars · 2 months
brb just screamign cryign throwing up over umbra and operator's relationship now
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frogman-inator2000 · 3 months
Wolf 359 my beloved <333
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bl00d-1n-wat3r · 4 months
My review of Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White copied and pasted from Goodreads
I have never written a review before but I need to. This book, I have no words is just beautiful in its own fucked up way.
I am a trans 15 year old boy with autism and full of rage who hasn’t gotten a chance to express himself. I grew up in the church and when Covid hit I figured out myself. Im an atheist and unapologetically gay. But the guilt still weighs down on my shoulders like God is watching me disappointed in me. This book made me feel seen. Made me feel heard, I no longer feel alone in my anger or sadness that bares over me.
I see why this book isnt for everyone and anyone who decides they want this book read the trigger warnings, this book is gory and not for the faint of heart. But if you decide to read it I hope you experienced it the way I did. I couldnt put it down and finished it in one day. The characters felt real. And every time something happened I had to put the book down for a moment and pace and stim because I was so full of excitement thinking about what was going to happen.
TLDR: Be gay, make lizards, read the TW’S, and Andrew Joseph White is an amazing author who deserves more recognition than the world could give him
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cherries-and-knives · 11 months
1. D o n o t r e a d s o n g o f
a c h i l l e s
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grassy-the-loser · 4 months
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campbenji · 2 years
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therealkaidertrash21 · 6 months
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out-of-users · 2 months
Bitches, I’m back. And with me, I brought…
KNY Hashira God AU!
Chapter 3: Brutal training, and big boulders
When Tanjiro agreed to train under Urokodaki, he was not expecting this.
Training to worship correctly was the easy part, but training to fight? Oh hell no. He’d be forced to do 100 pushups, but if one was faulty, he’d be doing 200 more.
The only reason he was hanging on was for his sister, still dead asleep.
So that’s how he ended up in this situation, one of Urokodaki’s swords in his hand, slashing at a training dummy. He was on his 50th, when he slashed wrong.
“Do 100 more,” Rang Urokodaki’s voice, clear and gruff. “And don’t stop.”
The red-haired boy could only let out a small hum of agreement, already focused on completing the task.
Days turned into weeks, into months, and then, a year had passed.
He’d been up and down mountains, through waterfalls, done so many new forms of exercise to the point he couldn’t breathe for a few minutes, and learned an entire breathing style, along with total concentration breathing, so of course he thought he was ready for the famously known to all aspiring shrine keepers, final selection.
So one day, after they finished training, he asked the fated question.
“Urokodaki-San, am I ready?” He inquired, ready for any answer. But instead of a yes of a no, he got an unclear answer.
“Meet me at sunrise, in the start of the woods.” He replied. And that was the end of that discussion, until the next morning.
Tanjiro had gotten up exactly at sunrise, gotten himself together, and went to the start of the woods, like he was asked to. He was met with Urokodaki already there, leading him to a clearing with a large boulder in the middle, a rope attached all around.
Urokodaki put a sword in his hand, and with a serious tone, he declared…
“I have nothing left to teach you. When you cut this boulder, you will be allowed to go into the final selection.” And then, he left.
Tanjiro wanted to say he was joking, but he clearly wasn’t.
Even after calling his name, the mentor didn’t return, and Tanjiro’s mind started to wrap around the point that he might never get to final selection. Cutting off heads of training dummies, and avoiding traps was one thing, but cutting a boulder in two?
Best just admit defeat, his sword was sure to snap. But he couldn’t. He was risking the safety of his sister, who hadn’t moved in ages, still a demon, and though they’d been taking care of her, still nothing happened.
So if doing this would bring him closer to the cure, closer to getting the Nezuko back he missed dearly, so be it.
CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! That was the most prominent sound in the small clearing as Tanjiro’s sword kept hitting pure stone, and doing nothing, to his despair.
He tried for days, weeks even, slashing it with his sword, even headbutting it, but each day to no avail. He was about to lose all hope, when a snap of a twig alerted him. He looked around, but saw nobody, until-
“Look at yourself, that’s not manly at all. Get up, now.” The voice came from on top of the rock, and for a minute, he thought he was just dreaming.
Standing on said rock were two kitsune, each with their own masks. By the looks of it, the one who spoke was the taller one with a mask, a peach colored scar on one of the cheeks, introducing himself as Sabito, the other, shorter one had a blue and yellow flower on it, introducing herself as Makomo.
Usually, Tanjiro would have been in awe, I mean if there were two kitsune in front of you, it would be an impressive shock, yes? But something was off.
They weren’t here for a casual chat, were they?
“You’re training to fight and slay demons, to protect the gods and Mankind?” Sabito asked, almost intimidatingly.
Tanjiro had heard this speech multiple times, and though he was doing this to save his sister, this reason was also a fair one.
“Yes.” His reply was almost instant.
“Then why in the world are you sitting here, moping around? That’s not manly at all, much less a good idea.” His stern words left the clearing silent. “Now, try to cut that boulder again.”
“But I’ve been trying! It doesn’t work!” Tanjiro looked at Sabito like he had two heads, and was speaking a different language, after he told him to try again. Had he not seen Tanjiro try for ages now?
“If I cut mine, you can cut yours. But seeming as you can’t, fight me right here, right now.” He pulled out a wooden sword, and got into the same position as Tanjiro was.
“But..I’ll hurt you!” Tanjiro almost shouted. “I’m using metal, you’re using only a wood sword!”
“No, you won’t.” And that was the last thing Sabito said, before he launched himself at Tanjiro.
A/N: HHHHHOLY SHIT THIS IS LONG OVERDUE! As I like to say, my need for motivation is chronic, but this chapter is iconic. I really enjoy writing this, one of the big reasons was Sabito, (he’s one of my favorite characters lmao), and now y’all have a little badly written cliffhanger to eat up- Take care my guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
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