#I just wanna Dream of these things being better managed so I can work and clean (and finally garden!) when I feel up to it
vivwritesfics · 9 months
Mini Me
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With how shitty my life is rn, I keep having these depressive episodes. Turns out my depressive episodes breed fluff
Max's six year old son has just started karting and his wife has to take him. Boy oh boy, does he miss his wife and son.
"So, Max, can we expect to see your little one around the paddock today?"
Ever since the day he was born, Fabian Verstappen had been seen with his parents around the Formula One paddock. He was always smiling and waving at those he knew and those he didn't. Fabian Verstappen was the happiest boy around.
Max was very proud of his boy. He showed him off to whoever he could. When he was young, he sat on Max's hip while he completed interviews and such.
Fabian was Max's number one supporter (Tied only by Max's wife and Fabians mother, Y/N. She followed him around the world three times before agreeing to marry him. It was a year long engagement, and in that time Y/N found out she was pregnant. They managed to keep it hidden until after their wedding, although Y/N did have to get a dress that better fit her bump).
There was a year between Fabian being born and him being able to attend his first race. Christian was happy to get him fitted out in Red bull Racing merchandise. He got his own little hat and a too large Red bull shirt with a thirty three on it (Max had lost that years championship. Red bull had won the constructors but Max had just missed out on the WDC. Red bull had worked out the kinks in the car and Max was bound to win this year, just as he had the previous year).
This year was the first year Fabian and Y/N weren't there to cheer Max on. And interviewers certainly picked up on it.
"Uh, no," Max answered when they asked about Fabian. "He and my wife are at a karting event right now."
The interviewer gave him a nod. "Following in your footsteps perhaps?"
Letting out a laugh, Max nodded his head. "We can only hope," he said.
"Do you think we'll be seeing him in a Red bull Racing suit in the next fifteen years?"
Again, Max nodded his head. "If he's anything like his dad, he'll be in a Red bull Racing suit before that," he said and adjusted the cap on his head.
Max left the interview and checked his phone. As much as he wanted Fabian and Y/N at his race, he knew how important karting was to his son.
Max has always been Fabian's hero. His first full sentence was 'I wanna be like daddy'. Max and Y/N did whatever they could to make Fabian's dream come true.
The one thing Fabian wanted but he couldn't have was to have his daddy at his karting races, watching him. There had been a lot of screaming and crying while Max and Y/N tried to explain to him why his father couldn't be there.
But Fabian had made friends at his Karting matches. He and the other kids he had raced against got along like peas in a pod. Fabian's first ever play date was with his karting friends. Some of them had been sat with their eyes and mouths wide open while Max brought them juice. They couldn't believe he, their hero and favourite driver, was Fabian's dad.
Max pulled out his phone and checked his messages. Nothing from his wife yet, but Fabian's race should have been done, he realised when he checked the time.
Dialling her number, Max pressed his phone to his ear.
It took Y/N a moment to pick up. "Hey handsome," she said in a chipper voice when she picked up the phone. Her voice was distant and slightly distorted, and Max realised she was in the car.
"Hello, Liefje. How's our little racer?" He asked her.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Came Fabian's voice. "I won! I won! I won!" He shouted.
Well, that answered Max's question. His cheeks were warm as he smiled, listening to his son. "Ik ben zo trots op je, mijn jongen. Ik kan niet wachten om jullie twee weer te zien!" (I'm so proud of you, my boy. I can't wait to see you too again!)
There was a moment before Fabian responded. He was fluent in English and French, but he was only good at Dutch. It still took him some time before he could work out what Max was saying and respond.
"Papa, ik... heb een... trofee." (Daddy, I got a trophy.)
There was a certain sense of joy that filled Max whenever Fabian answered him in Dutch. "Fabi, make sure mommy sends me a picture of your trophy," he said.
"I will do, Maxy," Y/N responded for the little boy. "Fabi, what do we say to papa?"
Again, Fabian was quiet for a moment. "Oh!" He suddenly cried from the back of the car. "Good luck with your race, Papa! Maybe you can win like me!"
The Verstappens laughed.
"Good luck, Max. Call me after you've won."
"I will, Liefje. I love you."
"I love you too."
Max hung up the phone after that. He his qualifying to get ready for. As he got ready, though, he spent the entire time thinking about his wife and son. He checked his phone constantly, waiting for Y/N to send over the picture of Fabian and his trophy.
No father had ever been prouder of his little boy than Max. Fabian was his everything and he couldn't wait to see him in the big leagues. Who knows, maybe Max would still be racing alongside him. Maybe he'd have Horner's job, team principle of Red bull Racing while his son raced as their number one driver.
No matter what, Max would always be Fabian's number one supporter.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 6 months
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lowkey..just lowkey.. thinkin about waking up one day and seeing dragon! bakugou in your house…accompanied by a giant hole in your wall.
you’re so confused you can barely process it. there’s a handsome man passed out on your floor and from what you can see (which is basically everything since his shirt is torn to shreds) he looks injured. you also live on the third floor so you have no idea how he landed here, but you think the huge sprawled out wings on his back, his tail and those huge reddish horns that scream “ i’m a mythical being !!” might be the reason.
but there is one thing you’re able to think about and that’s how much money will it cost to fix your damn wall??
you call off work. you call it a family emergency because you don’t think “a shirtless man i think might be a demon just blasted through my wall and he looks injured” is gonna fly over well with your boss.
he seems to be able to heal himself because his wounds look better than when you first laid eyes on him and you can see that his skin looks like it’s restitching itself almost, you decide to help him out a bit and at least dress his wounds up the best you can with the little you know about doctor..stuff.
when he comes to though, he acts like you’re the one who knocked him out. he’s snarling and scowling at you, sharp teeth on display while he growls at you from the comfort of your fucking couch. he spits out all types of curses at you, you’re shocked because they come out so naturally. you’d honestly expected him to speak like some type of caveman and for a second you think this is just a very rude man in very convincing cosplay.
he keeps insulting you and he’s a little too good at it, so much so that it actually hurts your feelings a little. he keeps yapping about how if you didn’t let him out this instant he’ll have you grilled and barbecued or how he’d make quick work of you and have you sold to some merchants for a good amount of gold, since you “look like you’re not worth that much.” you’re a little pissed now. you scowl at him and you feel silly for calling off work and not pushing this huge asshole out of your flat and leaving whatever knocked him out to deal with him.
“you’re the one who blasted a hole in my wall, you jerk ! i say i’m the one who should have you sold if you can’t reimburse me for this, asshole ! and if you wanna walk out without a shirt on and get arrested like a creep, the door’s right there.” you don’t care to see him, because you would’ve seen how his eyes widened to the size of saucers at your retorts. you’ve never been more irritated in your entire life when you stalk to your room to get some much needed rest and to fight off the headache you can already feel slamming against your skull. “even demon men are insufferable.” you mutter bitterly before slamming the door.
you somehow managed to fall back asleep because when you open your eyes again it’s about 10 am. you’re frantic for a moment because you think this was somehow just a very vivid dream and you’re so late for work now. you slam your door open wide eyed and your wall is intact.
shit, your boss was gonna let you have it—
you catch something from the corner of your eye. the insufferable demon man is staring..glaring(?) at you but it’s not as intense as earlier,though. and he’s very much still seated on your couch.
“m-my wall..” you trail off. he clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes at you “i fixed it” he gruffs out.
you like how his voice sounds when he isn’t screaming and threatening you, you immediately scold yourself for thinking like that. he stares and keeps staring at you and you can’t decipher what he’s thinking
“oh..” you gasp “thank you.” he clicks his tongue again and looks away from you. just as much of an ass, but you guessed he felt a little bad about your wall, enough to fix it..somehow. you won’t ask for details.
you can’t will yourself to move past your doorframe so you decide to lean on it a little bit, rubbing your fuzzy socked foot against your calf, you catch him staring at the sudden movement before he looks back up at you. “so are you…a demon or something?” he scoffs for what feels like the umpteenth time today “don’t insult me, human.” he snarls then his face relaxes just slightly “m’ a dragon.” he grumbles.
“oh, wow” the little amount of fantasy manga you’ve read could never have prepared you for this.
you thank him for fixing your wall and he glares at you like he’s mad about it. but then he says he owes it to you for healing him. pointing towards his bandage covered chest. you feel your cheeks burn a little and you’re waving him off, telling him it’s no big deal and somehow his brows furrow even harder. “..so ? what do you want from me?” he growls when you tilt your head at him in confusion “don’t play dumb with me, filthy human ! what do you want in exchange for saving me ?”
“ohh…” you moan. then you shrug “i mean, you already fixed my wall, so i don’t really need anything from you, unless you can make my boss give me a promotion.” you giggle at your own joke and you wave him off again when he looks at you questioningly “nevermind.” you giggle.
he ignores you “you don’t want anything..nothing ?” he speaks apprehensively like he expects you to trick him, you shake your head. he looks bothered by it. he lowers his head and his eyebrows furrow in frustration then he growls.
you think maybe, maybe, he’s the type to feel bad whenever they feel like they can’t repay some type of service. you hadn’t noticed he was apparently on death’s door when you bandaged him up before and it makes you sweat drop a little bit, you try your best to shake it off. he stands up to leave, but he glances at you and suddenly his feet have stopped moving like he’s stuck there and he stares. he doesn’t even look mad like you’ve gotten used to him being for the short amount of time you’ve known him, he just looks confused. he stares at you and you stare at him and for a reason that you cannot understand you don’t want him to leave.
“ um !” you shrink into yourself, embarrassed from his gaze and the fact you were suddenly so loud. “well..you can’t exactly go out like this, it’ll be bad for you i think..it might attract attention to see a wounded shirtless guy walking around, people might take you for..i dunno—” you stumble “a crazy, dangerous person ! yeah, and if that happens they might take you away..so..that’d be bad for you, right ?” you hope he doesn’t realize how much you’re bullshitting around for an excuse but he almost seems to humor you when he crosses his arms across his toned chest.
“what do you suggest i do then, human ?” he growls lowly. he stalks towards you slowly, never breaking eye contact. you will yourself to stay with your feet planted firmly to the ground and head held up somewhat high as you stare up at him, damn he’s tall.
“ you stay here until you’re fully healed, if you wanna make it up to me. it would honestly save me so much trouble” it’s the truth. you can’t help but feel bad when the thought of him getting captured or experimented on crosses your mind, even if he is an asshole, but you don’t say that. you hold out your hand for him to shake “deal ?”
he squints at you and stares and you stare back. usually he would’ve stayed true to his threat and burned you alive by now, the trivial lives of humans are none of his concern. and yet for some reason he himself doesn’t know the answer to he stayed, even fixed up your damn wall you were whining about and even considered apologizing to you..which he absolutely never does !
there’s something different about you and he wants to find out what that something is. so, not so begrudgingly he slowly grasps your hand and squeezes lightly. he ignores the tiny voice in his head that tells him how soft and perfect your hand feels in his.
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rodolfoparras · 5 months
okay so this is based off a dream that I had so I apologize in advance if this doesn't fully make sense.
but canine hybrid!price who's retired. he's served pretty long, and when he finally retired he was reluctant. though he didn't have much of a choice because his hearing had been slowly deteriorating over the past years. don't get him wrong he can still hear better than the average human, but his ears are no where as good as they used to be. it's not till he retires that he meets you. I think that you would be the one to point out his hearing, because he's always used to being around loud things that when you guys are watching a movie or something he has it on nearly the loudest volume possible.
once he finds out he looks into how to better take of his ears, which you help with. unknowingly, price's ears are very sensitive, and when you gently stroke them for the first time it sends a shiver down his spine instant boner. it's something that you note for later. but once you get into a rhythm and his ears are about as healthy as can be, you start to incorporate them into sex. whispering praises in his ear, gently stroke them, even just softly blow them, etc.
OH! and just imagine dressing up and going on a date with price at a restaurant, and when you sit down and get further into the dinner you start whispering absolutely filthy things you wanna do to him, just quiet enough that only price would be able to hear. if he walks out the restaurant with a boner and flushed in the face, no one says anything.
Thinking about Price who really isn’t that upset about going into retirement. What upsets him the most is the loneliness that comes with it
Once upon a time Price had found a mate. Back then he thought that the relationship would last forever. He had even promised himself that if he were to go into retirement he’d do it with them but they have long passed away, leaving him heartbroken and lonely.
Work had been his way to cope with the sorrow but now that he was retired he felt cornered. He had nothing but his loss to focus on. On top of that he was too old to find someone to fill the spot, not that he was thinking about finding a new mate anyway.
Needless to say Price had fallen into depression so much so 141 had forced him out the house and into a bar where he’d met you, another canine hybrid, one who’s much younger than him, and who had for whatever reason taken interest in him
You approached him, offered to buy him a drink, talked for a while before exchanging numbers and promising to meet up another time.
Price didn’t want to do it at first, wasn’t looking for a relationship at all. But he thought that it would do him good to make a new friend.
And Price had been right. He now had someone who frequently got him out of the house. Sometimes the two of you went to bars and sometimes you opted to go to parks.
Sometimes you didn’t leave the house at all. Instead you’d visit him with take out in hand. Sometimes you’d stroll into his kitchen and make him home cooked dinner, before putting on some movie to watch (something he appreciated a lot)
And it was nice being friends with a fellow canine hybrid because not only did you understand him on a personal level, but he could also offer you some guidance and advice, and for the first time since his retirement Price felt useful again.
However time continued to pass and his hearing loss got worse, his vision was even starting to blur and for the first time in his life Price needed the help of someone to manage his day to day task but he couldn’t get himself to ask.
Luckily for him you could tell he was struggling with something. You had first noticed it during your movie nights when he’d turn the volume up to the highest setting. You didn’t mind, thought that, like the typical canine, he enjoyed to be surrounded by sounds but it was excessive even for a canine hybrid.
But then you noticed how he’d rarely respond when you greeted him at the door, back turned to you while focusing on whatever task he was doing in the moment.
One time when the two of you were at the store you had told Price that you were going to go to another isle to look for something but he hadn’t heard you at all, looked around and saw you were gone and went into full panic mode.
You spent the rest of the day comforting him, reassuring him while he told you about the issue he’s been tackling lately.
As a canine hybrid yourself, you could understand that he was struggling, so you did everything in your power to help him out.
In one of the articles you read it said that training yourself to locate sounds would help improve your hearing. So you’d take him out in fields, running around in your full canine form and doing your best to identify the different type of sounds you were hearing.
He hadn’t wanted it at first, claimed that you can’t teach an old dog how to sit but he did it anyway, and even though he struggled a lot, you loved the way his face lit up every time he got a sound right.
Another tip was to take good care of the ears. Price would huff and roll his eyes every time you’d show up with a wash cloth and trimmers in hand but he’d let you do whatever you want, even feeling his face burn and mouth dry up at your tentative touch.
Something that wasn’t stated in the article but something you did anyway was that you offered to be his extra pair of ears. You had offered to help him out in his day to day tasks or even when out on hunts.
That offer had him speechless, frozen in place even, because it felt so intimate, more intimate than carrying your bite on his neck.
You had basically offered to be an extension of him and expected him to act normally.
See the two of you have grown much closer to the point where you might as well be courting him. However he still carried someone else’s mark on his neck. He was already claimed. But by offering this, you had basically said you were ready to take it further with him, despite everything.
Price hasn’t felt arousal in so long but when you have him pinned under your weight, while blowing onto his sensitive ears, he can feel blood pooling to the lower half of his body.
But it doesn’t stop there. When you notice just how sensitive they are, you lightly nip at them, hearing the whines and whimpers that escape his lips before he grinds down onto your clothed dick.
You even even yank on his ears, blunt nails digging into soft skin and leaving marks on it as you inch closer to your release, letting everyone know that even though he didn’t carry your scent or bite on his neck, he was yours anyway
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astroamorsworld · 1 month
Part of Fortune in the houses part 1
This is something a little different from what I usually post and I wanted to just try something new and also go down the route of lots and asteroids eventually. So, with that being said, I hope you enjoy!
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What is Part of Fortune?
The part of fortune, also called the Lot of Fortune or Pars Fortuna, is a calculated point on your birth chart that reflects areas where you might find luck and success.
Part of Fortune in the 1st house
Having your Part of Fortune in the 1st house is a pretty lucky placement to have imo. You may be a naturally lucky person, and are just always in good mood, stemming from having a lot of confidence within yourself and high self esteem. These traits, on top of being naturally lucky, will attract even more good luck and opportunities your way, so you’re most definitely blessed with this placement. This placement may indicate that you have a lot of determination and willpower when it comes to getting things done, so you’re definitely a hard worker too. Your personality shines through in your everyday life so in work fields that rely on you having a vibrant personality would really work best for natives with this placement. If you want to really get the most out of this placement, i’d say you need to take initiative and persue your dreams!! If you put yourself out there you will get what you want!! (As someone with this placement, I need really take my own advice🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️)
Part of Fortune in the 2nd house
With this placement you may too, have high esteem. You may also tend to attract or create material abundance. You might find that your talents and skills translate well into financial security and that you have a good eye for things of value or things that can become valuable. This placement could also give you the ability to thrive in careers that involve finances, like accounting, investing, or sales, could be particularly fortunate for you. Success can also find you in fields utilise your creativity and resourcefulness, like entrepreneurship, crafts, or the arts. So in terms of getting the most out of this placement, i’d say develop your talents and show people your worth. Dont let them take advantage of it though. Take risks and use what resources you have wisely.
Part of Fortune in the 3rd house
With this placement, it’s possible that you have lucky siblings, cousins and even neighbours, or when you’re around them you become luckier. You’re also likely to have good relationships them too. Your education experience may have been one to remember, as you may have had a good experience there. You may be naturally smart, and find it easy to retain information, so school may have been a breeze for you. School trips may have been fun and better for you than the average ones. You are probably a good communicator, and know how to communicate in a healthy way. So this could mean that you excel in public speaking, teaching and writing. Short trips may be good for you also. So if you wanna get the most out of this placement, USE YOUR VOICE and maintain the relationships (i mentioned before) with those around you.
Part of Fortune in the 4th house
With this placement, you’re likely to have a good relationship with your mother, and with your family. Just a good home life in general. You may be in tune with your family background and culture, and take a real interest in your roots. It’s also a possibility that you may have been born into some sort of wealth, whether its from your entire family, or on your mothers side or your dads side, the point being that someone you’re related to is likely to be wealthy. You are also probably in tune with your emotions and feelings and know how to manage them quite well. Most definitely emotionally mature. You may also be a bit of a homebody, since you may love your home so much. Interior design or gardening may be hobbies or careers you want to persue. You could also excel in social care, therapy, or childcare. Working from home is where you probably do your best work. So if you want to get the most out of this placement, invest in your home and nurture your relationship with your family. Get in touch with your roots!!
I would’ve done this all as one big post but i’ve had to split it into 3 parts because i’ve had issues with saving my work to drafts and don’t want to risk losing 1 big piece of work. But i will post part 2 and 3 in the coming days. :)
Check out my pinned post for more observations!💖
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xcherryerim · 2 months
Strange Fascination
Part two: The Shadow Under the Bed
part one
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Stalker Mike x gn!reader
“And your dreams, Won't you say that in there I'm yours and keep you safe? Say you're mine. I'll always be there.” — Monster Under the Bed by Emily Mei
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Warning: obsession/ stalking | mentions of over-usage (with sleeping pills but yk) | Breaking in readers house | masturbation | light toy usage | under the influence sex | penetration | unprotected sex | Mike praising reader and being a possessive fuck | soft!dom Mike | stealing readers underwear | No specific readers genitalia
Notes: I would recommend reading the first part, as it explains Mike’s obsession and stalking behavior, but in summary, After not seeing you to pick up your brother he panics and goes around the area where you live to see the reason of your absence. At night, he decides to break into your place.
Also idk if it’s obvious but Mike is too high and sleepy that he thinks he’s having a sex/wet dream but he isn’t. If you wanna skip to the smut part look for the “❥”
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"Not feeling like going to school today, bud?" You asked gently, settling onto Gregory's bed. Placing your hand on his forehead, you winced at the heat radiating from his skin. Sickness was a rarity in your family, making it all the more frightening when it struck.
He shook his head weakly, a small cough escaping him. His pale face was marred with beads of sweat, his eyes brimming with pain, looking like a Victorian man on his deathbed.
Despite your brother's reluctance to eat, you managed to coax him into trying a few bites of his favorite meal - mac and cheese. The comforting aroma filled the room, mingling with the laughter from the TV as you played his favorite show, South Park.
You chose the most lighthearted episodes, hoping to distract him from his discomfort. The colorful animation flickered across the screen, punctuated by the show's signature humor. It wasn't much, but it was something.
"Can we get pizza later?" Gregory pleaded, those puppy dog eyes working their magic. You rolled your eyes. Sometimes, it was impossible not to cave in.
"You're pushing it," you responded, but even as you spoke, you knew you were losing the battle. His eyes held a pleading look, a silent promise that maybe, just maybe, he would start feeling better soon.
"Please," he begged, and there it was - that hint of vulnerability that got you every time. You exhale, relenting.
"Fine, for dinner, we can get pizza."
Gregory's face broke into a grin, the first genuine smile you'd seen today. Relief washed over you, knowing that you'd made him happy, even in this small way.
As you sat next to your brother, watching him slowly pick at his food, you couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. You remembered how it felt to be sick, how even the simplest tasks seemed impossible. But you also remembered how comforting it was to have someone there for you, offering support and understanding.
So, you continued to sit with him, occasionally laughing at the absurdity unfolding on the screen. And as the hours passed, you hoped that your presence, along with the familiarity of his favorite things, would help him feel just a little bit better.
After tucking Gregory in, you wished him a good night, feeling a sense of happiness wash over you.
❥ Despite everything, tonight had been a relatively normal evening. Yet, as you settled into bed, your exhaustion refused to cooperate. Sleep evaded you, a cruel tease dancing just beyond reach.
Frustrated, you stood up, making your way to the medicine cabinet. Melatonin pills, their potential untapped. With a sigh, you popped a few, waiting impatiently for the promised drowsiness, To no avail.
Instead, you found yourself pouring a generous portion of liquid sleeping aid down your throat, mimicking the carefree college days of the past.
“This is ridiculous,” you thought, tossing and turning under your covers.
However, the combination of pills and syrup began to take effect, lulling you into slumber. But as the night wore on, you found yourself awake once more. Tired of fighting, you clicked on the lamp beside your bed, casting a warm glow across the room.
Walking to the window, you gazed upon the waning crescent moon hanging low in the sky. Something was comforting about its steady presence, a constant among the chaos of life. A yawn escaped you, and with it, a realization. Perhaps your sleeplessness stemmed from worry. Worrying about Gregory, about the future, about everything in between.
With a deep breath, you decided to address the root of your restlessness. Stepping out of your room, you headed towards the kitchen, determined to make yourself a calming cup of tea.
Once you returned, clutching the steaming cup of tea, you paused near the window. In your haste, the cup tilted slightly, spilling hot liquid onto your leg. A sharp yelp, almost a full-on scream escaped your lips, but you stifled it immediately, not wanting to disturb Gregory.
At the sudden scream, Mike’s panic gnawed at his insides, threatening to consume him whole. He had pushed his luck too far, he thought. Invading personal space without consideration. Now, he waited, trembling and exposed, anticipating the inevitable confrontation.
Hot tendrils of pain radiated from the spot, but you forced yourself to focus on your breath. Slow, deep inhales and exhales carried you through the discomfort, easing the sting. Soon enough, the heat subsided, leaving behind a dull ache.
When you achieved a semblance of peace, you pulled out your sage green journal. Flipping to a blank page. Chronicles of your day poured onto the paper, each sentence capturing the highs and lows of your day. It was therapeutic, a way to process the chaos of life.
And then, there it was - mention of Mike. Your words were casual, almost carefree. “I didn't get to see Mike today though, hopefully, I can tomorrow.” You mumbled just two sentences, but they carried weight. You remembered his name, and you wanted to see him again.
Underneath the bed, Mike's body stiffened. How had you retained his name after such brief encounters? The thought filled him with equal parts pride and embarrassment. You, who knew him so little, desired more interaction. This revelation shook him to his core, Was he just a stranger in your eyes, or did you hold a place for him in your heart?
"Mike, Mike, Mike." Your voice was soft, laced with a mix of exhaustion and longing. As you reached for the nightstand, your hands quivered with anticipation. Mike watched from his hiding place, his heart pounding in his chest.
The moment you pulled out your toy, his eyes widened in shock. This was not what he had expected but, as you began to use it, your body writhing with delight, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of satisfaction.
The combination of drowsiness from the pills and syrup, along with the physical release, created a heady mixture of sensations. You moaned softly, your voice ringing through the room. Each sound was like a siren's call, drawing him closer to the edge of his sanity.
His adrenaline surged, his body tense with anticipation. As you repeated his name, his heart swelled with an emotion he couldn't quite name. It was a strange mix of pride, longing, and something else entirely - something dangerous.
He felt himself leaking precum, the mere sound of your voice driving him to the brink. Disbelief washed over him; you were thinking of him during your moments of intimacy. He was grateful - no, relieved - that he wasn't alone in this longing.
Without another thought, Mike unzipped his pants, lowering both trousers and boxers just enough to free his aching erection. Semi-naked to the cool night air, his need pulsed with every beat of his heart. Every whimper you uttered drew him closer, matching the rhythm with feverish intensity.
As if entranced, he stroked himself with fervor, mirroring your satisfaction. The air was thick with appetite, heavy with the scent of forbidden lust and connection. Your cries grew louder, almost like you were urging him on, and he responded in kind, matching your pace with increasing fervor.
The boundary between fantasy and reality danced a tantalizing waltz within him, as though the sleeping pills had crafted a mesmerizing dreamscape. His frenzied strokes built the tension to a fever pitch, and as his name echoed through the night, Mike emerged from his hiding spot. A predatory grin graced his lips, and ragged gasps betrayed the satisfaction coursing through him.
"Mike?!" you stammered, your eyes locked onto the object of your fantasies. The man standing before you proudly displayed his erection, taunting yet gratifying.
"My sweet, sweet angel," he murmured, his voice thick with desire as he closed the distance between you. "I knew you wanted me."
His fingertips danced delicately across your features, like an artist carefully sculpting his next piece. "You've been thinking of me, haven't you?" The question hung in the air, a declaration that shattered the façade of secrecy. No longer was he a stranger observing you; instead, you were two souls entangled in a passionate embrace.
"I've waited so long for this moment," Mike confessed, his breath warm against your skin. "To have you all to myself... to hear you call my name like that." Hunger glinted in his eyes, a testament to his craving.
With a sudden, possessive hold, Mike clutched your chin, demanding eye contact. "But now that I have it... I'll never let you go." His words carried a weighted promise, a tether connecting you both in a web of his obsession and yearning.
“Mike what are you—“ you began, but before you could utter another word, Mike silenced you with a gentle kiss, his lips firm yet tender. His tongue slipped past your parted lips, igniting a firestorm of sensations within you.
"Shh," he whispered, breaking away from the kiss just enough to speak. "No more questions. Tonight, we belong to each other, and nothing else matters."
His skilled hands traced every curve and contour of your body, exploring with a purposeful tenderness that left you breathless. "Tell me... do you know how long I've dreamed of this?" he asked, "To have you, all to myself, like this..."
Mike claimed his position above you, his throbbing length pressing insistently against your outer thigh. The mere touch sent ripples of desire coursing through him, and he started to slightly hump.
"You've consumed my every waking thought," Mike’s breath hitched, the weight of his obsession finally surfacing. As months of longing and secrecy culminated in this single moment, Mike's need became palpable. His breath hitched with each ragged exhale, proof of his pent-up desperation.
“I've waited for this, dreamt of this," he added, his voice low and husky.
For a moment, the outside world ceased to exist. You and Mike were entwined in a dance of eagerness and confusion, lost in the euphoria of the moment. The distinction between reality and fantasy didn't matter; it was irrelevant in the face of your connection.
Fixating on the silhouette of your body, he noticed your hand wrapped around the toy. Acting on instinct, Mike adjusted the device gently, synchronizing its rhythm with yours. His arousal surged at the sight, causing a low, guttural groan to escape him.
"You look so good like this, darling," Mike whispered, his warm breath dancing across your skin. "I've wanted this for so long... to touch you, to be with you..."
With delicate precision, Mike brushed your most sensitive spot with his thumb, earning a sharp gasp from you. "I know you feel it too..." he whispered, his words laced with raw truth.
The coolness from his hand traced up your thigh, causing your body to shiver involuntarily.
"Let me pleasure you, the way you deserve," Mike whispered, his fingers moving with slow, calculated strokes. He increased the pressure, his thumb tracing the throbbing between your legs. Drawing closer still, he left a trail of scorching kisses along your jawline, nipping gently at the delicate skin of your neck. His other hand explored your curves, mapping them with meticulous care.
"You're perfect... I want to worship every inch of you," he murmured, his breath hitching as your responses to his touch grew more pronounced.
"Tell me what you need," he urged, his gaze locked firmly on yours. "I'll give you anything you want, just say the word."
"Fuck me, please," you whined, the vibrating toy making it difficult to talk.
Mike's eyes flashed with raw hunger at your impassioned plea. Leaning in, his warm breath hit your skin, and a low, rumbling growl escaped his chest. "As you wish."
In a deliberate movement, he removed the toy from your trembling body. "I'll give you everything you crave."
With a grace born of fervor, Mike positioned himself between your quivering thighs. He gently lifted your legs, granting access to your awaiting entrance. The head of his cock pressed insistently against you, demanding entry.
Savoring the exquisite tension, Mike paused for a fleeting moment before burying himself deeply into you. A rough groan escaped him. The sensation was indescribable – a potent mix of pain and pleasure that stole your breath. His pace was both fierce and controlled, striking a delicate balance between his untamed passion and your comfort.
"I'm going to make you scream my name," he warned. A promise hung heavy in the air, fueling the flames of passion between you both.
Gripping your hips, his fingers bit into your skin as his pace quickened. In a display of brutal possession, he claimed your lips in a bruising kiss, swallowing your cries of ecstasy.
"You're mine," he proclaimed, the words laden with ownership. His eyes bore into yours, leaving no doubt about his claim.
you clutched his shirt desperately, searching for something solid amidst the tempest of sensations. "All yours," you whimpered, your body responding to his rhythm, yearning for more.
"All mine..." Mike answered possessively, digging his fingertips into your hips.
Driven by your need and his unquenchable thirst, he sinks into you with unbridled intensity. The sensation was a revelation - an exquisite fit, an intimate conquest. Your bodies merged, creating a symphony of gratification.
"You feel so good around me like you were fucking made just for me," Short of breath, his hips snapping forward in relentless pursuit of bliss. Each stroke brought him closer to the pinnacle, fueled by your mutual hunger.
"Oh god..." you cried out, clutching at him even tighter as the pleasure built within you.
Panting heavily, Mike's voice transformed into a guttural growl as he neared the precipice. "I'm going to fill you up, mark you as mine," he promised menacingly. Bending his head, he grazed your neck with his teeth in a primal claim of possession.
His grip on your hips tightened further, his fingers digging into your flesh as he thrust deeper inside you. "Take all of me, baby. Let me claim every part of you," he commanded, his eyes locked onto yours.
With each powerful thrust, both edging closer to orgasm, the tension coiling ever tighter. It was as though no other concerns existed – no consequences, no worries, only the two of them, entangled in a web of unrelenting carnal nature.
You cried, your nails raking down his back, clawing at his slick skin for stability. Your bodies moved as one, driven by an irresistible force that defied logic and reason. The scent of vigor filled the air, mingling with the sound of their labored breaths.
As the final moments stretched out before them, Mike's drive grew frantic, his eyes locked on yours in a hypnotic dance. Your cries grew louder, each one a plea for release, for the sweet relief that lay just beyond reach. And then, with a sudden jolt, you peaked, your body convulsing around him, a triumphant cry escaping your lips.
Mike's eyes widened as he felt your body twitch, his name echoing through the room. Unable to resist any longer, he followed suit, burying himself deep within you as he found his release. His world narrowed to the feel of you surrounding him, the sweet embrace of your warmth.
Yet, his need for you remained insatiable. Collapsing on top of you, he embraced you possessively, your bodies sliding against each other, chasing every tremor of your shared climax.
His movements were ragged and sloppy. "Mine... you're mine!" he whined and groaned your name against your lips, capturing you in a deep, fiery kiss. Overstimulation faded into the background, swallowed by the heady rush of their union.
This was a dream, wasn't it? A dream world where you belonged to him and him alone.
Huffing and puffing, Mike whispered, "I love you," his voice laced with genuine emotion. Nuzzling against your neck, he claimed your lips once more in a searing kiss, his words a confession born of obsession and desire. All those hours spent observing you, planning this moment... they were finally rewarded.
His heart beat wildly against your chest, matching the rhythm of yours. You both lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, lost in the afterglow of devoting love and possession.
Mike woke up to the warm glow of sunlight filtering through an unfamiliar window. Confusion furrowed his brow as he shifted his body to the side, revealing your sleeping form next to him.
Panic welled up inside him, his mind racing to piece together the fragments of last night. Had everything that transpired between you truly happened, or was it all a dream fueled by his overuse of sleeping pills? Deciding there was no time to waste, He carefully extracted himself from the bed, moving with the silence of a thief. Gathering his belongings, he paused to steal one last, longing glance at your peaceful face.
In a sudden burst of impulse, he approached your dresser, quietly opening a drawer and snatching a pair of your underwear. A gleam lit his eyes as he slipped them into his pocket. Then, without another word, he climbed out the window and melted into the morning shadows.
As he disappeared from view, doubt lingered in the air. Was it real or merely a product of his overactive imagination? Regardless, the daylight served as a harsh reminder of the risk he had taken, the line he had crossed.
Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of the window closing. A coy smile spread across your lips as you watched Mike's retreating form, amusement twinkling in your eyes.
"So predictable, my dear Mike..." you murmured to yourself.
You knew full well that he was oblivious to the security camera discreetly positioned just outside. The unlocked window - an open invitation he simply couldn't resist - had been your doing. And, as expected, he had fallen right into your trap.
Shifting onto your side, you let your fingers trail across the rumpled sheets, still warm from his embrace. A contented sigh escaped you as you nestled back into the pillows. You reveled in the knowledge that Mike was utterly ensnared in your web. And with a devious glint in your eye, you vowed to keep him there, anticipating your next encounter with eager delight.
After all, you had no intention of letting him go.
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Thank you so much for reading! should I make a part 3?
Originally it was going to be two parts but if you guys liked it I can make another part (mainly smut). If you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask them since i know the story might be confusing.
If you guys like the story and want to be added to the possible part 3 let me know so I can add you to my taglist!
taglist 🍒: @lile6969 @fatinhadesiners06 @jhutchismyl0verb0y @lefteagleblizzard @freak-accident419 @joshhutchersonsgf @valreanakuroo @jhutch-bf @cassiecasluciluce
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shortstrawberry · 5 months
I know, I know. It was Bela's b'day yesterday and I didn't post anything. However, I'm finally free now!
So here's a small sneak peak from my upcoming long oneshot. Bela has her heart back and she is trying to woo the dumbass oblivious MC.
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Things have been quite... same ever since the whole debacle with Headmistress and the whole "get Bela's heart back" passed. Not that you were expecting anything earth shattering different to happen. Bela Dimitrescu is still the same draconian workaholic Student Council President who somehow manages to be a straight A grade student. You are still her Vice President, buried under the tons and tons of paperwork that gets passed along your way.
However, since past four months, from the day Bela received her heart back and fainted whispering "You have pretty eyes", certain events have happened that you cannot explain.
Exhibit A: Student Council President fussing after your sick self
You loudly sneeze against the tissue paper, trying in vain to contain the droplets inside it. You are normally a shameless cretin who wouldn't hide your sneezing with tissue when alone, sick and dying in your room. But that's the thing. You are very much not alone.
A gorgeous blonde head popped out of your small kitchenette, looking at you with a reprimanding glare.
You shyly hide yourself underneath the blanket, knowing what your president is about to ask you.
"Did you use the nasal spray I brought you?"
You did not answer, still remaining hidden underneath your weighted blanket. You heard a soft beautiful sigh accompanied by approaching footsteps, and you just couldn't help but wonder how can a girl make sighing sound pretty.
The bedsheets were ripped off from you, and you found your answer to your question as you met the intense gaze of one Bela Dimitrescu.
Of course, if anyone can make breathing beautiful, it is this gorgeous blonde. You swear the song "Gorgeous" by Taylor Swift was written for her.
"cor meum, how will you become better if you don't take care of yourself?"
You gave your council president a petulant look, your mouth pouting against your will. You know you are being childish right now against someone who is only trying to take care of you. The said someone has taken out time from their packed schedule to cook some stew for you. But you are sick with fever and cold and you have a feeling the council president will give you a pass this one time.
"That spray stings my nose! I don't wanna use it!"
Bela's eyes immediately softened at your pouty voice, her eyebrows drawing close in focused attention. She tilted her head just slightly to the right, her pale pink lips rising in a amused and affectionate (?) smile.
"cor meum, you haven't taken your inhaler, have you? It will clear up your nose, and you will be able to breathe freely."
Of course you know all of that, but you choose to ignore it. Bela is being uncharacteristically lenient right now, even if she has been soft these days ever since she got her heart back. But today's Bela is still the softest you have ever witnessed.
For starters, she dragged you home from Council work and declared you are on leave until you get better. Then she made you take medicines and sleep while she worked besides you on her laptop. When you woke up, you had lunch waiting for you.
And now it is dinner time and Bela is still here. Not that you want her to go away. Your sleepy sick mind even wanted her to stay forever. Something your usual self won't even dream of.
Taking advantage of the boldness or rather foolishness your fever is giving you, you go ahead and ask what has forever been nagging you. Since the day certain someone got her heart back and started to look at you with strange, different emotion.
"You keep calling me that. What does it mean? What language is it even? Latin?"
The beautiful blonde looked at you carefully, before answering you back in a even more amused voice.
"Yes, and it means 'stupid heart'. Because you have a silly, moronic heart that makes you do careless things like walking back to your home when its raining a storm."
You pout, defending yourself immediately. Even if you remember that incident fondly.
"I had only one umbrella and you were staying back to work! What if you had to go back under rain? So I left the umbrella for you!"
Bela in answer looked away, a hint of pink creeping up her cheeks. She hurriedly draped the blanket on top of you, before settling down besides you and flicking your forehead.
It was a soft flick, clearly a affectionate gesture. Something Bela has been doing a lot lately. You stay up too late working? Sending you away to sleep and flick against forehead. You forget to eat breakfast? A croissant and flick against your forehead. You forget to text her that you have reached home? She will come to your home and flick your forehead.
Strangely enough, you have come to crave these flicks to your forehead. It shows that the once heartless girl...now cares for you.
Well, she had cared for you even when without a heart, as a similiar scene played from your memories. The scowling Student Council President demanding you have her homemade soup.
Now the only difference is that Bela is looking at you with the purest look of concern and offering to apply nasal spray on you herself.
"Here, give me the spray. I will do it myself because someone has become a helpless child."
You only grin cheekily, but let Bela do what she wants. You have troubled the poor blonde enough. And you have a feeling the dinner Bela is making will start burning soon if you keep her any longer.
With two whiffs of spray you were out like a light, sleep coming to you in minutes, You mumble a soft yes when Bela tucks you in, telling you that she would wake you up in time of dinner.
Unbeknownst to your peaceful sleeping self, the eldest Dimitrescu sister stayed besides you for few long minutes, gazing at you with the softest expression.
A soft, feathery kiss was laid on your forehead. Right where she flicks you all the time.
"It means my heart. You are my cor meum."
Cor meum means "my heart" in Latin according to Google Translate.
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fairytsuk1 · 6 months
Could you write something how alexis would deal with a needy gf? He seems so busy and all that he wouldnt have time for a gf and then theyd argue but make up afterwards ofc
alex with a needy gf
honestly yall you cannot show your neediness before the relationship or he's running for the hills LIKEE i'm sorry but he def does need someone mildly independent in order for him to feel safe to enter a loving space
once you're together, though? well he's literally locked in. he'd definitely feel so bad being with you and having to manage the server, his channels, and everything else. coming out to see you fast asleep on the couch makes his heart hurt. is it really worth the eyebags and sudden colds? to leave you on the couch as the sun sets back on the earth? suddenly, work didn't seem all too important.
he really starts putting in hard work once he realizes he can't have his cake and eat it too. it's thrilling! finally, his shoulders aren't clenched up to his ears and he has less headaches. you do all the things he needs.
you crawl into his lap like you belong there, and you do. he swears he could almost hear you purr as you nuzzled into his neck, "hey there, what's up?"
"just missed you," you mumble lazily, "i wanna stay in here while you work."
"babe..." he'll get distracted, you'll distract him, but your frustrated huff makes him think twice, "well..."
you're completely content to relax into your beanbag chair, slotted right next to his desk so you can lean against his calf and whine for his attention.
there's other times though where the tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. alex wasn't an angry person. he never so much as yelled at you, but when he was stressed like this? you could tell it was eating him alive, and you knew that every rejection from his end was only the result of stress.
you weren't the one to take that, though. demanding he speak to you, scoffing when he rejects you, and finally you break by shouting at him, "i wish you would act like my boyfriend sometimes!"
alex's heart skips a beat in the worst way. he can see every rejection clear as day. when he declined to have lunch with you that day because he'd been too busy. when he'd said, "i really don't have time for this!"
you stand there, pathetically wiping stray tears of frustration off your cheeks while holding yourself defensively. he doesn't make a move towards you, fearing the dreaded step back you might take.
"i-i'm sorry," and you're still silent, "mi amor, i'm really so sorry."
you don't reply. sniffling and barely glancing at him. you don't step back when he approaches you, when he wraps his arms around you and he feels how tired he is. and how he feels better just hugging you.
"i know i haven't been paying you much attention," he whispers, and there's something in his voice that sounds watery, "i'm too stressed, but i can't take it out on you. my love, i am sorry."
"you're so stupid, alex! god, making me cry and everything..."
you wail into the cotton of his sweater, but he can hear the forgiveness laden through your words. he can hear every wonderful thing. your sweet breaths, the beating of your heart, the loving embrace of your arms. you care so much for him, and he cares for you.
"i love you so much, i really am so sorry," he says.
"i know."
"let me make it up for you, please?"
the tenseness washes away. the next morning, you're delighted to feel alex sleeping behind you, spending a few extra minutes snoring away into the pillow. the lull of sleep and warmth of your body lets him dream the sweetest of dreams.
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luffyvace · 4 months
Hello again brook! I am the one who asked for the luffy x heroic reader! Thanks for it I liked it a lot! I wanna ask for another headcanons now, a Platonic garp x young fem reader that really look up to him and that work really really hard to achieve her dream to become an admiral and work to change how the marine work (being okay with slavery, allowing some pirates to hurt ppl and do whatever they want while chasing some for doing nothing...) And she manage to become one of the strongest and the barevest marines in such a short time
yay I’m so happy you were satisfied!!! ❤️‍🩹
AWWW your concepts are the cutest!!! I think garp with young apprentice who admires him a lot is absolutely adorable!!
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Idk whether to make this old or young garp really so you choose :P
ENJOY!! You have such good ideas~
You look up to garp so much!!
he’s the hero of the marines who doesn’t?!
you’ve admired him for a long time now and he motivates you even more to achieve your goal!
as soon as you get as good as him, you’ll put an end to all the corrupt things the marines let slide!!
your gonna be a hero in your own way!! 🦸‍♀️
and make things right in the way the government does things!!
to make this true justice!!!
you’ve read all about garp’s past a million times
to the point where you could probably tell it backwards and upside down without reading it 😅
you subconsciously ramble and talk about him a lot
not in a creepy way
in a cute puppy like way where you just like to talk about the one you admire!
you always think “what would garp do?!” in tough situations!
and it works too
he’s the type that comes up with simple yet effective plans that mostly involve brute force
but hey I mean sometimes that works 🤷‍♀️
Garp honestly doesn’t mind one bit that you look up to him so heavily
he wouldn’t care so much if you weren’t his apprentice but you are
And while he doesn’t mind, he does want you to carve your own path, not or just limit yourself to his if you can surpass him
he stooped to one knee, put a hand on your shoulder and told you that one day as you were training
you’ve gotta admit it was the coolest day of your life and you’ll never forget it
you’ve engraved into your mind and make sure never to obsess over becoming like him, but strive to be as good as him
you couldn’t stop thinking about that moment for a solid week
garp could tell because you kept spacing out way more often than usual 😂💗
Ngl you kinda view garp as like a uncle or second father maybe, or even your grandfather (but of course you don’t dismiss that your not actually family)
garp’s training is honestly- REALLY INTENSE 😃
like he does you how he does koby, helmeppo and younger luffy
but WORSE 😆
why? Because he has high expectations for you <3
and while he might come off as too harsh at first, as you soon as you found that out you stop complaining 😂
It’s honestly a good thing your a natural hard worker cuz garp was gonna make you one anyway 😂🤷‍♀️
now he doesn’t have to worry about you slacking or being lazy
but he does warn you about overworking and that rest is just as important as working, as odd as it may seem
your dream to become an admiral seems totally in reach for you to him
your like the perfect specimen to do so in his eyes
You have a moral sense of justice, your strong and hard working
you’d be an ideal admiral!
and the first female one at that!
he honestly hopes you do become an admiral
its time for a change of pace as far as the governmental rules anyway
you’d bring that about perfectly
and give regular people a hope that there is good in the marines, specifically uncorrupted ones they could trust
And you’d teach a good lesson to those darned pirates too!
-according to garp
He’s given you all the training and has set you up to become a successful admiral—just like you wanted!
Now you’d better become one and achieve your dream! Or he’s gonna beat you!
(Fist of love 🤜💥)
literally 😋
he cares so much about you, he doesn’t want you to fail!
so he’ll force you to not to 😊
one way or the other :P
and besides, your practically his successor!!
he ain’t getting any younger (not that you like when he says that) so your gonna have to take over a lot of responsibility from his shoulders when he leaves!! >:(…. (❤️‍🩹)
And if he leaves this earth and you embarrass him by being weak he’s gonna come BACK down here and teach you a lesson!
”YES SIR.” (`_´)ゞ
He’s also straight forward about warning you of the dangers that comes with this job
number one is strong pirates and two is breaking the rules!
don’t be afraid to break the rules because you’ll loose your job, but because HE’S gonna get you >:/
That aside there’s also the grand line in general but the marines have the advantage of special travel routes and technology
So to put it short as long as you ain’t doing nothin you ain’t got no business you’ll be fine :)
the whole slavery thing is beyond garp
Not in the sense that he doesn’t know about it
but that he just can’t believe others are doing that??
like what’s the purpose
if you were gonna do illegal things anyway might as well become a pirate so he can beat you for it
but because they’re in a position of power too it makes it harder
you have to gather solid evidence and go to court and blah blah blah……*tunes out*
(bro just wants to eat his crackers)
but not to worry for the slaves!
you’ve got a plan!
what it is? don’t ask, garp wasn’t listening 🧍‍♀️
but just know you’ll be saved soon! 👋
He understands your want to save others in general
now idk what garp’s drive is
but even though your goals may be different
he totally sees where your coming from
but take some advice from a guy who gets called a hero all the time—don’t get ahead of yourself.
(he knows you won’t he just wants to make sure he tells you in case you do, then he can say he warned you)
lots of people loose they’re way on they’re path to power
but your so headstrong he knows you won’t
as far as the whole thing were some of the marines attack pirates who have barely just started calling themselves so but won’t take down the ones causing REAL chaos
is real phony and bogus to him
and to you too
(it low key makes you giddy when you and garp have the same opinions because you admire him so much 😂💖)
but yeah he personally beats any pirates he comes across, big or small
but he will prioritize the bigger ones
he’s a big shot himself, so he ain’t scared 😎
his missions is never to chase around roaches anyway
he only gets the real deal 💪
garp was so proud when you became one of the strongest and bravest marines
he had no doubt in his mind you could do it
But so soon? He’s impressed!
”guess you worked harder than I thought you did, sport.”
that was your first ever sense of praise from him and from that very second on you never forgot
you think about it every night before bed and during every battle
You let it drive you and push you further towards your goal
which is also when you may have realized his soft spot for you
At first he never really displayed it, but ever since then you knew it was already always there <3
you felt so honored and grateful in that moment
he treats you to some crackers to celebrate 🍻
koby and helmeppo love to train with you!!
they think your so strong
and that it’s cool that your basically garp’s successor
they definitely believe in you, especially since all the times you beat them in training
In fact, they look up to you
btw you, garp and Sengoku are also like a silly little family 💗
your family bond between you, garp, Sengoku, Koby and Helmeppo is adorable, goofy and inseparable all at the same time
he’s proud, you’ll never hear him say it, but he doesn’t have to. ❤️‍🩹🤝
This is my first time writing for garp and it was my pleasure! This was so heartwarming and I’m honored to have done the job <3
I hope you enjoyed these hcs as well dearest anon!
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weixuldo · 10 months
Linecook Anakin HCs pt 2
pt one
HELLO once again i am back with more ani hcs… i have a multitude of ideas like a never ending flow so if u all want more lmk :)
warnings: cursing, ani is a typical horny young adult, smoking; weed, cut?
Sometimes he wears a black bandana to hold his hair back and…. Fuck, its hot
Wears a black hat sometimes too
One time he forgot to bring something to pull his hair back so he embarrassingly had to use someone’s neon scrunchie- he was not thrilled
The type of guy to douse himself in cologne before shift so he smells “good” for longer (plus he thinks you'll like it)
He definitely looks on the schedule app to see what day’s you’re working
Happily surprised when he sees you walk into the kitchen when he knew you weren’t scheduled. 
Walks up to you when you’re clocking in; tosses his rag over his shoulder and leans up against the wall beside you.
“Hey beautiful, I didn’t think you were scheduled”
“Nah, I picked up Hera’s shift, wanted some extra money”
He clicked his tongue and smiled, “Ahh, I think you just missed me, you could have just texted me princess”
“In your dreams Skywalker”
Lots of “fuck’s” and “goddamn’s” when he accidently burns himself on the grill or oven. 
When he cuts himself while preparing the meat or veggies, make sure to clean it out and put a brightly colored bandaid (he keeps them in his pockets) on it… mostly because he wants you to notice he injured himself. 
“What happened Anakin?”
“Oh, nothing- I just was cutting too quick- it kinda hurts tho…wanna kiss it better for me?” he comments with a smirk
“Ughhh, I guess” you roll your eyes and indulge him. 
He gets pissy when the other waitresses aren't running the food in the window because it backs up his workspace and he cant put out new orders
“Hands to the front!” he yells, as he checks the screen for the incoming orders
No one answers, he looks around and sees the waitress doing side work and getting drinks, but not running his food. what the fuck?!
A part of him is frustrated that you aren’t backing him up, but then he realizes you're not even in the kitchen. 
You walk in and see the window is still full; “Guys! Can I get some hands to the window?! I can’t run all of your food plus mine and serve my tables all at the same time” you say loudly. 
You stand by the window handing the plates to the new line of waitresses who are now ready to work so they don’t get yelled at later
“Alright, let's get these out quick! I know its rush but Anakin cant put up the new orders if these don't go out” 
He smiled to himself, you’re not only helping him out, but you also care about him being able to do his work too. 
Once everything is out and things have calmed down he thanks you
“I appreciate it, princess”
“No worries, I was just sick of running everyone’s shit by myself” you sigh
“You’re doin great” he smiles
One time you were on vacation for two weeks and he thought he would die
He flirted with other waitresses but it wasn't the same
The day you came back to work he was surprised to see you- he had forgotten to check who was working
“Hey y/n!” 
His ears perk up at your co-worker’s sing-songy voice.
“Hey Rose” you reply.
You walk into the kitchen; your skin has a noticeable beach tan and he can see a small hit of your bikini line by your collarbone (and ofc that goes straight to his dick- good thing he’s wearing an apron)
“Hey Ani” you say, walking past the kitchen to put your purse in the back. 
“Hey beautiful” 
Throughout the shift he can't help but watch you breeze through the kitchen like you never left. 
Your radiant smile enchants him, making it hard for him to concentrate on the orders coming in.
Definitely curses out new cooks when they mess up too much during rush
Anakin hates when the manager assigns him trainees- he doesn’t wanna come to work and have some idiot mess up his flow by following him all over creation
He gets this new guy and already doesn’t like him because he’s way too talkative
When the new guy finally starts on his own, he starts trying to get the know the waitresses: He talks about this TV show with Hera, exchanges jokes with Rose, banters with Ahsoka, but he doesn’t really talk to you; not that you care, work is for work- you don’t need to make friends with everyone. 
Deep down Anakin is kind of glad he doesn’t try to talk to you (he gets a weird vibe from the new guy)
On 4/20 he brought a bong and all of the cooks and him hit it in the back before shift. 
Everyone thought it was gonna be a disaster, but surprisingly all the cooks were more on top of orders than usual; half of them got really focused on getting stuff right, others just relaxed, and then there was the few who thought everything was hilarious
The restroom is in the front house where the guests sit, so when the cooks need a break they have to walk through the restaurant. 
Sometimes you’ll see anakin come from the back; apron off, messy hair, and his cleaning rag looped on his belt.
But what you also see is a multitude of customers watching hungrily as he walks by.
For some reason that stirs something in you… annoyance? Or maybe it's jealousy?
He really is too hot to be working in the back of a restaurant- his face alone would make much more doing something more appearance based. 
But what you don’t know is that he thinks the same exact thing about you. 
Anakin walks back in from a smoke break and hears the “new” guy talking about a certain waitress he seems to like. 
“Yea, y/n? she’s bangin’, like fine af. Y’all don’t understand how hard imma hit that when I get the chance” 
Anakin’s eye twitches at the disrespectful description of your body and who tf did this guy think he was? There’s no way you’d even entertain him. 
He’s two steps away from taking this guy out back and kicking his ass. 
“Woah, woah man. That might not be the best idea” Rex, another cook, says. 
“Yea, dude. Y/n is basically Skywalker’s girl… and I wouldn’t wanna mess with him when it comes to her” Cody offers. 
Anakin saunters from around the corner, acting like he wasn't listening and the conversation subsides. 
Later walks up to the new guy and grips his shoulder uncomfortably hard; “Yea, the guys are right- I would advise you stay away from y/n and I swear- If I ever hear you making crude comments about her again- you’ll be meeting me out back”
Anakin pats his back and continues on- safe to say he never talks about you again
Scrolls on dating apps that he never actually utilizes when he gets home from a closing shift and finds you- he sits up and focus on all of his attention on your profile
Suddenly bro’s a super spy because he’s analyzing everything- your bio, your likes, what you're looking for, your preferences, your music taste. 
He taps through your pics and his eyes widen as he sees you in clothes other than just work ones… and maker- you are gorgeous. 
His sweatpants feel a little tighter as he scans over a pic of you from your beach vacation- he recognizes the bikini by the tan he saw in you earlier in the month. 
His hands tremble just a little as he decides if he should swipe right or just let it go. 
In a moment of bravery he swipes right- now he’ll show up in your feed to judge-
The screen flashes pink and the words “match” are plastered across the top 
That means that you saw his profile first and swiped right… what does this mean for work tmr??
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imtotallyokandnormal · 3 months
Howdy! So I mentioned that I was making my own creepypasta au, and I wanna share the lore I have so far! This post will be a collection of a few things I've thought of, I'll try organizing it as best as I can! :>
(Hopefully this isn't too similar to anyone else's au, if it is then it wasn't intentional!)
》☆The Operator☆《
Ok let's start off with the tall guy. Slenderman is still a very big part of my au, but it's primarily referred to as The Operator or The Boss (and is referred to with he/him or it/its pronouns by the creeps, it doesn't care about what pronouns are used though). It is less of a physical entity and more of something that infects your mind like a parasite. However, it can manifest a physical body and interact with the world around it, though it takes effort to do so. Nobody knows its motive or origins, just that it appeared one day and decided not to ever leave.
The Operator communicates with the proxies through hallucinations, mostly auditory and visual ones but sometimes it uses a proxy's other senses to get a specific message across. This means the hallucinations can range from small annoyances (like making you see and hear faint static in the middle of doing something, or making you see him standing in the corner) to large horrible experiences (like making you live in an actual nightmare and overloading/depriving your senses). These larger-scale hallucinations are usually only done in The Manor because The Operator uses its abilities best in an environment it fully controls. However, this doesn't mean it's impossible for The Operator to give someone those hallucinations on earth, it just takes more effort. It can also implant words and phrases into a proxy's mind as a message ("bring Toby, foyer" or "get back downstairs"). These aren't usually accompanied by a voice or have fully visual appearances, they just form as thoughts in someone's head. However, if a proxy seems to respond better to these messages with different sensory cues then The Operator will use them.
The Operator seems far less critical with children or beings that are similar to children. This includes Ben and Sally, since they died at young ages. With older teenagers and adults, it treats them more harshly. Then again, this depends on how well they listen to The Operator, naturally ones who listen better are given more privileges.
》☆The Manor☆《
The creeps live in a manor in the woods, however it is less of an actual landmark on earth and more of a liminal-space or dream-like reality outside of earth. I don't wanna get too detailed about this because i feel like the mystery is more appealing, but I'll explain the basics. So The Operator can alter reality for one or multiple people, mentally and/or physically. It can seemingly create places that are outside the limits of earth, and somehow trap them inside of them. The Manor is a place it created where it can better manage and control its proxies. It is unknown how many worlds it created, or how they exactly work.
The entirety of the world The Operator made is called The Manor by the proxies. This is because the manor itself is the only structure in the world, the rest of it consisting of an endless expanse of forest and fog.
The inside of the building has practically endless amounts of rooms and doesn't always have a consistent floor plan. Some rooms are kept in the same places most of the time, like the foyer and the stairwell leading to the second floor, but other rooms sometimes inexplicably change places. Some proxies decided to make things easier by marking the door to any room that changes places more than once (by, for example, labeling a bathroom "downstairs shitter" by carving it into the door). Going through some doors can lead to new unfamiliar rooms, sometimes to the interior of entirely different buildings. It can be easy to get lost, but The Operator will know where any lost proxies are and can bring them back anytime. Sometimes though, it lets them stay lost and freaked out for a while.
Time doesn't visibly pass in The Manor, as there is no visible rise or fall of any sun and there's absolutely no night. However, the creeps can still tell time throught the clocks on things like phones and watches.
》☆The Proxies☆《
All creeps are referred to as proxies, as they are basically extentions of The Operator. However, some proxies (cough cough Jeff cough) don't like to listen to The Operator, and therefore aren't as trusted to do certain tasks. But then again, this means he is trapped with more mental anguish due to The Operator's mind-fuckery.
Some proxies primarily live inside The Manor while others are allowed to live outside of it on earth. If a proxy does well and meets The Operator's standards, they're allowed to live in their own place on earth. They can have a regular job and live almost a completely normal life, with social connections and interactions with things they miss about their old life. However, they're expected to drop anything and everything if The Operator says so, even if it means losing whatever they've gained in the process. Other proxies (cough cough JEFF- cough wheeze) are kept in The Manor because The Operator thinks they'll try to escape the range of its influence. To be fair, they probably would. New proxies are also kept in The Manor until they learn how to acclimate to their new life and not try to run away.
The Operator is referred to as Slenderman or Slendy by the proxies as an informal title, usually meant as a jab at The Operator for how it usually manifests as a tall skinny white guy in a suit for indiscernible reasons.
A lot of the proxies are human, but there are also proxies that don't seem to entirely come from earth. At least, they aren't as bound to earth constraints as human proxies are. One example would be Laughing Jack, who has abilities like stretching and bending and changing size to impossible proportions that humans can't replicate. There's also Ben and Sally, being ghosts, and EJ being a demonic creature. Nobody knows exactly where the nonhuman proxies came from or formed, and they'll usually answer in vague responses if you ask.
Here's info on some of the proxies!! Feel free to send an ask if you wanna know more! :>
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sanhwaism · 11 months
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pairing ⟡ bf .ᐟ choi san x gn .ᐟ reader
synopsis ⟡ feeling overwhelmed because of stressful events and built up emotions, your thoughtful boyfriend wants to melt away all of your problems in his own, sweet way.
genre ⟡ fluff, romance, established relationship
warnings ⟡ mentions of dealing with anxiety attack, pet names, juuust a sickening amount of fluff because san is just too cute to handle and i just wanna eat him
wc ⟡ 2.1k
author's note ⟡ my first ever written scenario wooo !! got suddenly struck by a spark of inspiration while listening to one day at a time, that song feels like the warmest hug :,) hope you'll enjoy it!!
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letting out a loud sigh, you push the entry's door closed with your hip, too focused on untying your shoelace to bother. today felt like a fever dream, emphasis on 'fever', because you feel like you're dealing with one. plus a terrible, terrible headache, the main cause of your deep frowning.
a groan escapes your lips soon as you straighten your back, the sudden movement making you dizzy. you close your eyes and stay still for a brief moment, your mind being kind enough to remind you of the anxiety attack you dealt with today.
besides your part time job that has been stressing you a lot lately, the cherry on top is the finals season. you had to split yourself in half so you could manage your time for both studying and working. you told yourself that you can do it, your san also has been providing you with his encouraging words, love and attention.
yet today felt like you couldn't bear that struggle anymore, that insufferable weight on your shoulders, which had you locked in your job's place bathroom. you didn't call san. no, you didn't want to worry him, especially knowing he has a busy schedule today.
after a few 'you're fine' and 'it's okay' whispered to yourself and trying to regulate your quick breathing and heart palpitations while feeling fatigued and uneasy, it seemed that you calmed down a bit. but your whole body has been feeling weak the rest of the evening. fortunately, you're home now. away from your job. and you only have one more exam left.
"everything is going to be alright by the end of all of this, jagi, i promise you this. you're doing great. you have me, i got you."
his healing words echo in your ears like sweet honey and you feel the corners of your lips rise and your body slowly relax after you threw yourself on the couch with a loud thump. as if he is connected to you and what's going on inside your mind, you hear your phone ring. you can't help but let out a soft chuckle as you answer the call.
"how do you manage to always do it, sannie?" you sigh, closing your eyes in content.
you hear some fidgeting and a car passing by, signs that he just ended his rehearsals, then his usual, sweet tone but with a tint of worry in his voice.
"baby? do what? are you okay?" you swear you can see his concerned expression just from the way he asked you those questions.
"i'm... yeah. i mean, i feel better now, that's what matters," you mutter, absently playing with the hem of your shirt.
a slight pause before san speaks again, this time clearly distraught. "oh, no, what happened aegiya? want me to come over?"
his cute way of calling you baby makes your heart flutter. you instantly shake your head in denial even if he can't see it.
"no, love, it's late and you probably just finished the dancing practice. that and also the fact that i barely have the energy to talk or exist... i'm so tired, sannie." your drowsy voice made san pout. his chest was suddenly feeling heavy and all he wanted to do was to offer a safe space for you to let everything out. to have his arms tightly wrapped around you, to pamper your face with his affectionate kisses. to have your head laying on his shoulder or chest just the way you like it, because his warmth and presence feel like home to you.
but he despises pushing your boundaries. even if he believes the best thing to do right now is being next to you, it does not match with your needs at the moment. and he will always listen to you over his distressed state and his anxious overthinking. what is truly important to both of you is, at the end of the day, to find each other's tender embrace, to be ready to face the worst of this world together.
with a low exhale, san gets inside the car, in the backseat while waiting for mingi.
"i know, angel, i know you are," his comforting voice and words brought tears to your eyes. "okay, i will let you rest. we don't have to talk about this now. but can you promise me one thing? one small, veeery tiny thing?"
you hum, already half asleep on the couch, still dressed in work clothes.
"allow me to be your anchor tomorrow morning. it's finally the weekend, i can come by your place and help you relax, even just a bit. this way we both can rest tonight and start tomorrow fresh."
oh, that's a bold lie. he will definitely not sleep at all because of how worried he is for you. absolutely not. no matter how tight he will hug the plushie you bought him a few months ago, imagining that it's you he's cuddling. but that's a problem for future san.
"mm, of course baby. thank you... for being so understanding," you let out a small yawn. "please rest, yeah?"
"i love you."
"i love you."
both of you speak in the same time and can't help but giggle together, san feeling rather shy at the other end of the call. after a few seconds, he starts humming for you, his feathery singing voice lulling you to sleep. he rests his cheek in his palm while looking at the dark sky through the car's window. a few stars are visible, shining in a way that comforts him. because he is relieved you are at least safe and sound at home and under the same sky as him. and while attentively listening to your steady breathing, he knows everything will be okay. he will always reassure you of that.
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the early morning finds you in a deep, peaceful slumber. lucky for you because you didn't have to move, san had a copy of your apartment's keys and used them to get inside as quietly as possible. your catlike curled up position made him close his eyes shut in an almost failed attempt to control his squeal because of how adorable you look. taking off his hood and not leaving you out of his sight, he silently rests himself on the end support of the couch.
you softly huff and open your eyes. a familiar, gentle touch on your forehead makes you shift positions, turning your body towards your lover, arms clinging onto him like you haven't seen him in ages. you hear san's endearing chuckle as your head finds his lap, your cheek nuzzling against the soft material of his sweatpants.
"good morning, jagi." he whispers, leaning over so he can offer you a tender kiss on your temple.
"hi, 'morning," you purr, voice hoarse because you just woke up. "what time is it?"
you manage to move closer to him, hugging his waist and san felt like melting on the spot, right there and then. you are indeed very dangerous for his heart, yet he never wants you to stop causing him so many palpitations.
"it's still early, don't worry. i just couldn't bear leaving you alone anymore," he admits with his well known pout, which causes your lips to curl up into a lazy smile. as much as you love how clingy san is, you appreciate that he offered you the space you needed last night. you knew he wanted to desperately rush here, but he controlled himself. and that makes you forever grateful for his caring nature, putting you above everything.
"thanks for last night, really," you murmur, face resting against the pocket of his hoodie.
"shh, of course. it's the least i could do for you. i'll always try my best to be there when you need me. how are you feeling? and be honest, don't lie to me jagiya," he gently scolds you, knowing you tend to pretend that everything is fine in order not to bother him with your problems. but you promised to each other to try being more open about this, both you and san valuing communication the most.
"i really, really needed this sleep," you choose to tell him about yesterday's happening. "i had an anxiety attack at work, things just got too much for me to handle."
san looks down at you and hums, nodding in an understanding manner as his hand caresses the top of your head. his first, impulsive reaction would be to get all upset and to question you about your lack of calls regarding him, but how was that supposed to help you? the least thing he wants is to make you feel bad or invalidate your feelings. san is more than sure you are capable of handling yourself, you have shown him countless of times how strong and admirable you are. he looks up to you, always. but it's normal to feel helpless sometimes, and he wants to be your comforting mountain, for you to rely on him, to help you see the light at the end of the tunnel when darkness seems to take over. seeing you without that sparkle in your eyes crushes him, aches him more than any physical pain can.
"i'm relieved you're feeling better now. i am so, so proud of you for calming yourself down," it's all he softly says and cuddles you closer in his strong arms. while rocking both of you from left to right, he tells you about his morning plans, which includes you. "i was thinking of bringing back that pretty smile of yours that i aaaabsolutely adore with a cup of coffee, what do you say, hm? we can go get some breakfast as well. then we can spend the rest of the day however you want. how's that sound?"
"very, very nice," you reply, smiling at the thought of enjoying san's presence and spending time with him for a whole day.
"ah, perfect then," he nods happily, patting your hip. "when was the last time you ate?"
you tuck your lips. the sudden silence makes san dramatically gasp, still waiting for a response.
you exhale, trying to remember. "yesterday...? yesterday at lunch." you see him with the corner of your eye starting to shake his head, all sulky.
"no, no, my dearest right here needs to eat," he says and immediately begins to cover your face with his soft kisses, receiving a lot of giggles from you. his warm, minty breath tickles your cheeks and makes you squirm in his hug, trying to escape from his pampering but secretly enjoying it. his dimpled smile softens you, and you find yourself getting up with a sudden urge to kiss him.
with your hands gently cupping his face, you lean forward and press your lips against his, the unforeseen action causing san's eyes to widen before allowing himself to get weak under your loving touch. his arms tighten around your waist as he shyly kisses you back, suppressing a lot of happy giggles while smiling in between the kisses.
"i brought," peck "you," peck "one of my hoodies," one last final peck from you and this time san lets out the cutest laugh, his eyes closing and turning into that crescent moon shapes you love to see. "you're so cute, jagi."
"i think we both know who is the cuter one here," you confidently say, not holding yourself back from kissing the tip of his nose. he is quick to reciprocate your affection, copying your gesture which made your nose scrunch and his heart flip.
"mhm, you're right, it's you!" he gives you a charming wink then gets up from the couch when he senses that you are about to contradict him. gazing at you from this angle, with your messy bed hair, clearly not in your most comfortable clothing, eyes still a bit drowsy but with that peaceful, small smile on your lips, makes everything worth fighting for. san has so much love for you and will never get tired of showering you in it, because you deserve it.
noticing a cardboard box on your kitchen counter with two cups of coffee in it, your hopeful question pulls him out of the trance he found himself into. "you got the coffee already?"
your lover offers you a compassionate smile as he nods his head. "your favorite."
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{💌ྀི} masterlist
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reds-skull · 6 months
Not Alive, Nor Dead
Okay I realized a scene I love comes up in the fic on this chapter, so I was like "well, I'm not doing anything right now, why not write it?"
So I wrote it. Enjoy.
(This one has description of some gore and aftermath of torture, very short segments, not worse than was already in the fic)
Ghost woke up slowly, the slick residue of his nightmares fading away as he lifted his head and groaned. Soap had already woken up, and by the chipper way he moved around the room, a while ago.
The Sergeant is getting better at telling when he’s being stared at, and he turns around to raise an eyebrow at Ghost.
“Sleepin’ beauty is finally awake!” he says with a smile.
Ghost drags a hand under his mask, sighing, “time’s it?”
“500 sharp, sir” Soap provides happily.
The fuck’s kinda person is this cheerful at this hour? Ghost exhales loudly and finally gets out of bed. The Sergeant opens his mouth, to probably comment on his old man habits, but Ghost shoots him a stare that would’ve killed a lesser man.
Soap just gives him a shit eating grin in return, “not a morning person?”
Ghost walks towards the bathroom, “I’m a normal person, you’re the fuckin’ anomaly.”
The Scot barks a loud laugh that makes him feel a little less groggy.
At mess, the taskforce finds a table of their own, and the Sergeants busy themselves with an argument about one daft thing or another. 
Price caught his attention and started speaking to him in his mind, “your nightmares are bloody loud sometimes, y’know that?”
Ghost bites on his toast, “don’t fuckin’ listen then.”
The Captain laughs a little before his features turn serious, “you wanna tell me how much of what the Reaper said in your dream actually happened?”
That’s what he dreamt about that last night? Fucking hell. Can’t keep secrets from Price.
“Won’t have to if you just told me, Simon.”
Ghost puts down his meal to stare intently at the Captain, “what did you see? In my dream.”
Price’s moustache twitched in thought, and he replied, “it said something about Soap bringing your demise?”
“It said ‘bringer of demise’, didn’t fuckin’ specify whose.” Ghost spat back.
“What else?”
Before he could stop him, he felt Price pull the memory to the forefront of his mind to watch for himself what unfolded on the plane that day.
“It told you to stay away from Soap if you wanna live?!”
Ghost banged his fist on the table, startling the Sergeants out of their idiotic bickering. He paid no mind to them, focus fully on Price, “I’m not going to stop working with the Sergeant just because my Reaper decided to be a little shit.” he snarls in the Captain’s head.
Price huffs, “I’m not going to let you die Ghost.”
“Did it say I’m going to die?!”
Gaz cuts their exchange, “what’s going on? Are you two talking in your brains?”
Soap crosses his arms, “well, yer welcome to use your outside voice.”
Ghost gets up, “no need, we’re done.”
Before he can get out of range, Price tells him “keep yourself safe on this mission, Simon. We’ll figure it out later.”
He supposes that’s manageable. 
Ghost and Soap bid their farewells to Gaz and Price, as they go on their own part of the mission, and walk back to the armory to get ready for theirs.
The two of them get dressed up, Ghost armed to the teeth with various throwing knives. He’s not going to use Limbo, not with Soap being right next to him.
And he won’t need to - Ghost is perfectly capable as a fighter with no abilities. There’s a reason the rumors about him as so varied.
Near inhuman in every aspect.
Soap is done before him (less knives, amateur), and now sits to watch Ghost finish up.
A low whistle makes him twist around, “haven’t seen this get-up since the last time we worked together, lookin’ good LT”.
“Keep it tactical, Sergeant.” Ghost voices almost mechanically.
“Aye sir, yessir.” Soap gives him an overexaggerated salute.
He rolls his eyes and ignores the warm feeling spreading through his body for the billionth time.
The cartel member’s house appears in the distance after a few minutes of making their way through the wilder parts of Las Almas. Ghost and Soap take out the guards at the front gate and make their way in.
The house is a two storey, drab building, with no real defining features. It’s surrounded by a tall fence, and a smaller shed is stuck by the far left corner of the large yard. 
The suspected location of the kidnapped people is by the far end of the house. They’re tasked with making it inside without alerting any alarms, lest they start killing the people trapped inside.
With the front door clear, the two soldiers open the door and instantly check corners, covering each other’s blind spots.
“Clear.”, Ghost announces.
“Clear.” Soap lowers his silenced pistol a bit, “seems awfully empty, LT. Sure we got the right house?”
“Affirm, stay sharp Sergeant.” Ghost starts forwards, Soap not far behind him.
He feels unnerved. The Sergeant is right, the house is quiet, as though it’s been deserted weeks ago. But a quick look at the amount of dust settled on the floors tells him it couldn’t be more than a few days.
They continue forward, clearing rooms methodically. Ghost has a sense of satisfaction from the act, an enjoyment in working together with Soap besides him for the first time.
They complete each other’s blind spots like puzzle pieces.
Soap declares the first floor clear, barring one last room at the very end of the hallway. Up until then they found several evidences that there were narcos residing here in the past, including a hefty amount of white powder, but they’re not here on a drug bust.
“On me Sergeant”, Ghost orders Soap before pushing the door open.
The scene inside is gruesome. Ghost is intimately familiar with narco torturing techniques, so the bloodied items strewn across the room were an unfriendly sight.
4 bodies lay in the room, and Ghost walks over to check for cartel tattoos on them. One of the bodies has dog tags, and he frowns while pulling it out of the dead man’s shirt.
They read “Thomas Anderson”. Why is that name familiar-
“Sergeant Thomas Anderson, 28. Revenant powers… ‘Breathing underwater?’”
Soap examines the torturing devices with wary eyes, muttering “steamin’ Jesus…” under his breath.
Ghost spots a large tub, filled with reddish water.
Anderson’s body is dry, besides the blood oozing out of his cold body.
The three other men in the room however… Their body is coated with an even amount of thinned blood, from their head down to their chests. They died from drowning.
What is the meaning of this…?
Ghost takes Anderson’s dog tags and stands up, “4 confirmed deaths, no survivors”, he radios in. 
“Copy, exfil inbound in 30, get yourself there.”
They both exit the room, “copy, out here.”
Ghost turns to stand in front of the Sergeant, “one of them was a revenant”, he dangles the tags in front of Soap’s eyes. The date of Reaping is listed right under date of birth, like in their own tags.
Soap frowns, a certain anger washing over him, “what do you think they’re playin’ at?”
“We can chew on that back at base, for now let get to exfil-”
Ghost barely finishes his sentence when he sees Soap’s eyes widen, locked on something behind his shoulder. Half a second later, he’s being spun around, and the piercing sound of bullets fills the air.
Ghost’s heart hammers, and he finally focuses on the view in front of him. Soap’s wide, blue eyes.
And several blotches of red peppered across his torso, spreading quicker than Ghost can process.
“...Soap?” his mind can’t, refuses to make sense of the sight in front of him. Soap isn’t… he can’t be…
The Sergeant’s breaths are erratic, chest rising and falling in big swells. The shock in his eyes transforms, burns away.
Until all that’s left, is rage.
“I’m so sick of this…” Soap murmurs. Shouts in Spanish echo behind them, but Ghost have eyes and ears only for his Sergeant.
Soap lets go of his shoulders, and Ghost scrambles to take him in his arms.
But Soap turns around and walks away, legs shaking and hands burning brighter and brighter by the second. 
One brave narco shoots at his shoulder, making the Scot stagger for a moment.
Ghost lifts an arm, to drag Soap back to him, to cover him from anyone who ever harmed him, to do something, anything.
But Soap unleashes a terrifying snarl and launches forward, grabbing at the narcos.
The explosions blind Ghost, screams and horrible sounds of metal creaking to the breaking point and bones snapping deafening him.
Soap whirls in the middle of this firestorm, exploding guns, heads, walls, anything in his path.
Ghost’s eyes water from the amount of dust and smoke that fills the air.
His Sergeant is radiant.
“Soap…” Ghost tries to stop the unstoppable. He just wants Soap to rest.
Soap finally stills, carnage creating a halo around him, and all Ghost sees is the red on his clothes, the wheezing of his breath.  
Ghost takes a step forward, and Soap collapses on his knees.
He rushes to grab him by the shoulders before he can fall further, “you’re fine Johnny, you’re going to be fine.” he sputters, pushing his Sergeant up to look at the wounds.
So many wounds.
He knows no one can survive this. Not even revenants. 
“LT…” Soap whispers, voice weak and wobbly.
“You’re going to be alright, you…” air leaves his lungs without a sound. He can’t breathe. How can he?
How can he breathe when Soap lifts a trembling hand, the gentle warmth of flames licking at Ghost’s nape, and looks at him like that?
“LT… I’m not gonna-”
They both jump at the sound of car tires getting closer. The narcos called for backup…
Ghost can’t breathe. He watches Soap shivers in front of him.
He doesn’t have a choice. 
Ghost takes Soap in his arms, hand on his nape mirroring his Sergeant, and presses his head to his own shoulder.
“Close your eyes, Johnny. It will all be over soon.”
He can hear Soap gasp, can feel his chest stuttering.
Ghost closes his eyes the moment footsteps enter the house.
Limbo courses out of him, darkness and emptiness and void filling the house, the residents of it screaming, snarling to take a bite at the intruders.
He holds Soap tight, pressing himself as close as he can. The protective wisps of light barely cover them both, but he will not let Soap be taken by Limbo.
Not Soap. Not Johnny.
In the next blink, Limbo is gone. The victims of the void quiet, as if they also mourn along Ghost.
Johnny pushes lightly at his chest, and Ghost separates them to look him in the eyes.
He seemed to try to form a sentence before a series of coughs wrecked his body, so Ghost laid him down on the blood-covered floor.
“G-Ghost”, he utters through clenched teeth, “d’ye… d’ye know how guns work?”
Ghost’s heart crushes at the sound of his Sergeants voice. He’s… not making sense anymore. Blood delirium isn’t unheard of… especially… especially with how much he-
“Yes”, Ghost softly whispers, more gentle than he ever learned to be.
“T-tell me”, Soap winces when more pain makes its way through his system.
Ghost wants to wither away with him. “The bullet goes into the chamber… and the primer is ignited to cause a small exp-”
His world stops completely.
“T-Teh cause a small ex-explosion.” Soap finishes slowly.
Johnny is…
“I’m not gonna d-die, LT”
Ghost’s eyes slide away from Soap’s, to the rest of his body. He slowly lifts his Sergeant’s shirt, to reveal multiple bullet holes where the tac vest didn’t cover him.
Bullet holes that are already closing.
Ghost wanted to scream out of joy, wail in premature unwarranted grief, shout at Soap for not telling him earlier.
But the radio informs them exfil is 10 minutes out, and they need to get a move on if they want to arrive in time.
Ghost slides his hands under Soap’s body, blood soaking his gloves in a way that takes him back 8 months ago. Back when it was different.
Soap grasps him like he’ll fall if he doesn’t.
Different, yet also the same.
The walk to exfil is quiet, save for Soap’s harsh breathing. Healing or not, he still feels pain.
The driver of their exfil car looks horrified at their shared state, but neither give an explanation and take a sit at the back of the car. It’s only after a few moments of nothing that Ghost mutters, “drive” to the Vaquero.
He feels numb, his arms and legs limp, gaze forward, but nothing truly passes through his brain.
Soap shifts beside him, letting out grunts of pain every once in a while. Making it obvious, despite what his heart tells him, that he’s very much alive.
The blood seeping under his fingernails feels freezing.
The Vaquero was at a loss of what to do with them once the car reaches the base. Ghost shuts the door loudly, and with it the connection to his heart.
Lieutenant first, human last.
“Where is medical?” He asks the man.
Ghost carries Soap all the way to the nurse’s hands, where he was stopped and told he had to clean up if he wanted to stay any longer. He wanted to scream infection doesn’t matter when the wounds will close in the matter of minutes, but the look on the nurse told him she wasn’t impressed.
He left medical to drag himself to the showers, energy left behind him with every step. 
Showers are usually a short ordeal for him, as efficient as they come. But Johnny’s blood going down the drain made him linger.
30 or so minutes later he comes out, and for the first time in what feels like hours there's  something in his brain, besides numbness.
It’s Price. Him and Gaz returned.
The voice in his mind sounds concerned, imploring him to explain why everything looks so dull there.
Ghost ignores it and goes to find his teammates.
“Ghost” Price greets, Gaz perks up from his previous position, head held in his hands. “Where’s the Sergeant?”
Ghost nods back at the hallway, “medical.” is all he provides.
Garrick startles, “Was he injured? What happened?”
“Flanked.” Ghost says, voice matching the emptiness in his head, “got shot.”
“Shot?! Fuck, where-”
“He’s immune.” Ghost cuts him off.
Gaz becomes confused, “immune?”
“To bullets. Primer ignition counts as explosion.” 
The Sergeant sits back down, body slackening, “thank fuck…”
Price catches ghost’s eye contact, “but you didn’t know that.”
Ghost just… shrugs.
“Fucking hell…” the Captain looks away, “it was one of the redacted details in his file…”
Gaz frowns, “why would they redact that?”
“Reapers know.”
The next couple of hours zoom past Ghost. His teammates try to coax him out of his unfeeling self, but Ghost isn’t truly in base.
His mind is stuck in a cartel house, in the Las Almas wilderness. On bloody and soot covered floor, with a dying man in his arms.
On eyes, shining with burning rage.
Pain! Pain! Pain! All I'm making Ghost feel is pain!
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fanboo · 1 year
They’re Sick HC’s
• Very needy bby
• Wants all the cuddles
• “Where’s Patches? I wanna pet my cat…”
• You bring him blankets, food, water, medicine and Patches
• Constantly reassuring you that he’s okay
• “It’s just a cold” he says as you take him to the doctor because he won’t stop puking
• Will yank you down into the bed to cuddle you
• But it’s cute
• “I’m literally fine Y/N I’m not sick”
• Is very sick
• Only admits it once you force him to take his temperature and is running a fever of 102°
• Surprisingly willing to tell you what feels wrong once you make him admit he’s sick
• Will help you take care of himself while also letting you do most of it because you don’t want him to exhaust himself
• Asks you to come cuddle for a bit
• Will fall asleep on you and will drool
• So. Fucking. Needy.
• “Y/N come cuddle pleaseeee”
• “Darling pleaaasssseeeee????”
• You basically have to lock him in his room
• Day two you caved and let him out instead of making him eat in bed
• He gave you covid
• Sapnap and Dream end up taking care of both of you
• “You two are idiots” “Shut the hell up Dream.”
• He is so anxious when he’s sick
• Literally called you the second he realized he was ill
• “Don’t come over this week I’m sick.”
• “Wilbur I’m coming over, you get into bed”
• Says okay on the condition that you wear a mask at all times
• Only asks for things he needs to minimize the work you have to do
• Asks you to hold him for a bit because he couldn’t get warm and couldn’t sleep and it honestly helped him
• He’s so worried and cute and you keep him distracted the entire time
• “Y/N. I am ill.”
• Goes to bed and literally sleeps the entire time
• Lets you cuddle and get him food and whatnot
• Dude legit managed to sleep for the entire week with the exception of meal and bathroom times
• What the fuck Thomas
• “Eh, I’m fine”
• Still streamed
• When he started to get worse and was bedridden he’d still insist that he was okay because seeing his little sibling in so much distress caused him more pain than the cancer ever did
• He’d let you come and lay in his bed with him and you’d talk for hours
• You’d go into his room in the middle of the night and he’d wake up when he heard you open the door
• Always always ALWAYS let you hang out with him because he knew what was coming
• Told countless stories
• Comforted you to the very end
• I’m not crying you are
• It’s so cute
• He’s like a little kid
• Walks around the house in sweats and a blanket
• Follows you around like that
• Rests on the couch because he felt cooped up in his room
• Walks up to you from behind and adds you to his blanket and just stands there with his face pressed into your back
• Very cute
• You cuddle him a lot
• He’s so bby
• Mf will NOT admit to being sick
• You have to force them to go to bed
• “I am perfectly fine Y/N”
• “So who’s puke am I mopping up then?”
• Little shit
• Will not let you take care of them
• Insists on doing it himself
• Annoyingly cute
• Father is sick
• Where is Mumza
• “Mum. Dads sick.”
• You and Mumza make him stay in bed and do everything for him
• It’s fucking hilarious
• He just had a small fever and was literally fine but let you do this because it’s fun
• “Hello chat. I have a small fever so Y/N and Tristan are taking care of me.”
• Very good at acting sick for you
• “Thank you Y/N, I feel better already”
Karl Jacobs
• Shows up at your house wearing a blanket and goes straight to bed
• Sleeps half the time and helps you the other half
• It’s hard for him to eat when he’s sick so you tell him eat what he can and snack on the rest later and it helps
• Cuddles
• Helps you clean after he gets better
• He’s very cute
• “I don’t get sick I get bitches”
• Very independent and actually takes good care of himself
• Does make you cuddle tho
• It’s all over once he pukes
• “I take it back I get sick. But also bitches.”
• Goes to bed and lets you do everything
• “Thank you Y/N” he mumbles quietly
• Forehead kisses for him
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rainofthetwilight · 2 months
In addition to Evil Arin, another thing that is potentially the saddest of all is if you compare his situation with the rest of the kids.
He always wanted to be a ninja, Sora and Wyldfyre didn't, and yet they're still "better" than him. They manage to contribute to the team more easily because they have powers while he has to work twice as hard to feel useful with a skill that he hasn't even mastered yet.
Sora finally found a real family on the team, Wyldfyre still has Heatwave (and she has begun to get closer to the team), but Arin can't allow himself to feel happy there because his parents are STILL missing.
The others can allow themselves to be happy with their new family, but for him, the guilt is overwhelming because his other family is still missing and he feels like he is failing to find them and be useful to both sides. And it's unfair because the one thing everyone keeps telling him that makes him a valuable member of the team (being a spinjitzu prodigy) is no longer enough to keep up with everyone else.
I want you to know that all your posts has inspired me to make a short comic of the poor boy because I love the potential angst of this so much
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like. Oh my gosh. do you see how much happier and playful sora is in s2? she's so more animated, more cheerful, more like herself, as she finally let go of the past. so when you compare her to arin this season, who's grief has been attacking him in every waking moment, who everytime he speaks he's full of nothing but hopelessness and denial, still having his past haunt him more than it ever did. he still cannot find his other family, he still can't adjust, while sora already did, letting go of the other...
and wyldfyre, she still has her own family while adjusting to the new one, and she's happy! she's so happy, she has good dynamics with them (especially with kai), and is even told by rontu how much potential she has!!!
while arin, who's whole dream was to be a ninja, to be useful and worthy, was immediately crushed. the skill he was once praised for is now suddenly not enough, it's suddenly too weak and sloppy and unmastered. while sora and wyldfyre easily fit in, despite them not wanting to do anything w/ the ninja at first, he's still off in the corner, the jealousy consuming him even tho he doesn't want it to
they easily adjusted to their new families, while he still can't, because just like you said the guilt is overwhelming him so so much because he still can't find his other family and it hurts. he feels useless to both families, literally the first thing he said when he thought he saw his parents was that he wasn't good enough dude...
and all of these? these are all motives for him to snap, to crack his facade and become someone no one knew before, his self doubt absolutely eating him up and he succumbs to ras's words about the ninja holding him back....
ALSO I'M GLAD I INSPIRED YOU!! :D you better thank everyone that sent the asks for that, you are all feeding me with all this angst bro 😭 also would you mind tagging me when you finish that comic? 👉👈 👀 I need more arin angst despite the fact I'm about to explode rn OUDHDHS
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coral-nerd · 4 months
Coral Island Farmer Questionnaire!
I wanna hear y'all Coral Island fans infodump about your Coral Island farmers!! Tag a friend, start your own post, gimme that sweet sweet lore!
How does your farmer feel about:
Interacting with the Islanders:
What is their favorite building material?
What is their decor style?
Who's their love interest?
What's their favorite thing to grow?
What's their favorite animal?
Bonus! What do you associate with your farmer in these categories:
@cheeryconspiracy I'm excited to see what your questionnaire is!!
Putting my own farmer infodumps under the cut for Length purposes XD
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Morimiya: His second favorite thing in the world! His wife complimented the way he looks while working the land, and he immediately threw out every other activity to tend crops. His main goal is to have 100% FARM on his land.
Maya: It’s cool, she guesses. Tedious, but brings in the cash and that’s the main thing. She likes that she can ignore the plants for the most part.
Clementine: Ideally, she would plant exclusively flowers and let them decorate the farm for the full season. Until then, she’s stuck with the weeds -ahem- crops that will bring in enough money to live her dreams. Mermaid farming will be an entirely different matter!
Morimiya: It’s another task to do to keep the farm running. Pretty relaxing, and nice to do in bad weather, but he wouldn’t do it for fun.
Maya: She LOVES it!! She gets to pound away at rocks with a sharp weapon for as long as she wants, and no one will say she has anger issues! Mining is where she feels the most powerful, even if it’s not skill-based. There’s practically no better thing for her to do.
Clementine: She doesn’t like being underground. Or the dark. Honestly the dream is to have enough money to just buy ores instead of going down there. But back when she was freeing the giants, you couldn’t keep Clementine out of the mines! She was determined to free them. Busted down 3 of the mines with a bronze pick-axe, she got so single-mindedly focused.
Morimiya: He really enjoys it! Getting to explore the island in full, talk to locals, enjoy the natural bounty of the earth… what’s not to love! Especially when he can race around with his horse. Morimiya will devote full days to just wandering the island and picking stuff up. He used to enjoy the underwater bounty, but then... the Incident...
Maya: Hate is a strong word, but she really doesn’t enjoy it. Trudging all around, crossing paths with people, ugh. Or even worse, being in the boring underwater world!
Clementine: On land, she totally forgets foraging is an option. Literally never occurs to her that things exist and she can pick them up. But underwater, no one can compete with how much she’ll pick up in a day.
Morimiya: As long as it fills up the museum and temple offerings, he’s happy to do it! He did once get himself unconscious catching exclusively soldier beetles, so there are definitely preferred bugs!
Maya: Bug catching is possibly the most thrilling thing she could ever do! The chance to use some real skill, finesse, cunning! She barely pays attention to what she’s getting, since the fun is in managing the catches.
Clementine: She HATES bugs. Absolutely terrified of bugs. Especially wasps and praying mantises. Her net is basically a fly-swatter to her; gets the bugs away. Screw the museum and offerings, nuh-uh she ain’t touching that! Although ironically, her avoiding bugs as much as she can means they stick around longer, since she’s not startling them off.
Morimiya: His favorite thing in the whole world! It’s so relaxing! Any free moment is spent picking a fishing spot for the day and just losing himself to the line and the pattern of the pull.
Maya: Hates it hates it hates it. Literal torture for her! Just sitting there, doing nothing, with a guaranteed bite on the line?? What could be worse! Why does the cruel god keep making her do it! Although, she does get the chance to defeat sharks and keep the trophies of that on her farm… and it makes good money…
Clementine: She feels bad for the poor little fishies- ack ew ew ew slimy cross, dead things EW- But luckily she gets so one-track minded that when she gets focused on money-making she can do it for literally a whole day. But mostly she’s trying not to think of the implications of fishing for merfolk.
Morimiya: He kinda got into it, but in the end all the noise and upkeep got a bit much for him. Besides, he wants to focus on the crops anyway. He did shed a few tears when he eventually got rid of the animals though, and he’ll always be grateful they helped him heal the island.
Maya: She will never ever ever admit this, but ranching is secretly her favorite thing. It may not be much of a power-showcase, but the animals are just so cute… and maybe it’s nice to take care of something other than herself. Plus they bring in SO much money!
Clementine: Animals are loud and messy and smelly, it’s such a pain. But if she wants her flower garden and mermaid themed farm, they’re a good way to earn enough to accomplish that. Ideally she would exclusively raise llamas, because they’re so fluffy!!
Morimiya: It breaks his heart when he does it. He did it only to fulfill the offering bundle, and once during his depressed era he went on a rampage to enter the Band of Smiles. He still deeply regrets doing that. As far as he’s concerned, the “monsters” are just fellow creatures of the island, all beings beloved by the goddess, trying to survive just like he is. He seems to have a magical protection from them, so he’s never seen them as a threat.
Maya: She doesn’t feel any particular way about it. If it involved more skill, she’d probably enjoy doing it. As it stands, the monsters are nothing but an obstacle to her goals, and will be removed as such. She does think the Band of Smiles is weird for apparently viewing the monsters as actual threats.
Clementine: If she ever knew there were monsters, she would literally never go to the caverns. She’s already so scared of bugs, you think she could handle giant caterpillars and wasps?? She would 100% throw up at the sight of an ogre with a giant meat stick. So the goddess basically went, you know what? Let’s just skip that offering for now. And magically, Clementine can’t see any monsters!
Morimiya: He used to view it about the same as mining, but with the satisfaction of healing the island. Then he got trapped in the merfolk kingdom for half a season and got severe PTSD, so now he’ll only go down there if Absolutely necessary for the farm, or island improvement.
Maya: Underwater is so weird. Land-legs are better. It was great when there was the challenge of clearing up all that trash, but now it’s just. Meh.
Clementine: UNDERWATER IS THE BEST THING EVER!!! Clementine never feels more herself than when she’s completely submerged. She totally cried when she got her tail, and if the merfolk would just talk to her she’d never ever leave. But until then, she’s going to make her farm as much like underwater as she can.
Interacting with the Islanders:
Morimiya: He is genuinely interested in every single person on the island, and wants to know their whole life stories. He'll go out of his way to get people gifts and talk to them, and remembers every birthday.
Maya: Doesn't give a single bother about the townsfolk. They're all so weird, and take up her precious skill-building time. No, she is absolutely Not warming up to them!! She just Happens to occasionally have the perfect birthday gifts, and why wouldn't she give anyone who asks her opinion! Not her fault she has level 8 hearts with half the island...
Clementine: Islanders? Who? What? Anyway, when will the merfolk and underwater creatures finally talk to her-
Special mention
Tokori, all of the above: head empty, no thoughts, vibin' and having a good time. Are they even fully aware of what they’re doing? Who knows, but they’re having fun doing whatever! Everything is beautiful!
Morimiya: Brown
Maya: Purple
Clementine: Pink
Tokori: Green
Morimiya: Spring
Maya: Fall
Clementine: Winter
Tokori: Summer
Morimiya: Gold
Maya: Osmium
Clementine: Silver
Tokori: Bronze
Favorite building material:
Morimiya: Wood
Maya: Stone
Clementine: Scrap
Tokori: Grass (not hay. Just. Grass.)
Favorite thing to grow:
Maya: Cacti
Clementine: Pink flowers!
Tokori: The green one
Favorite animal:
Morimiya: Ducks are pretty cool.
Maya: How dare you ask her to pick favorites. ... Goats.
Clementine: Llamas! So fluffy! But peacocks and quail are so beautiful...
Tokori: baby chicks!!! baby cows!!! ...what was the question?
Decor style:
Morimiya: Javanese
Maya: Art-deco
Clementine: Mermaid
Tokori: Cabin
Love interest:
Morimiya: Macy
Maya: Zarah
Clementine: Princess Miranjani 
Tokori: Grass
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tuliptic · 1 year
Flying In The Night : Turbulence In My Heart
Our hearts have been through a lot of ups and downs, and sometimes, the downs persist more than the ups. With it being this rough, what are the messages we need to hear to soothe our hearts and to provide any needed clarity? 
Close your eyes, meditate on this topic and ask yourself the question: What messages does your weary heart need to hear? Breathe in and out, make sure your mind and heart is calm. Then, open your eyes to see which pile talks to you the most/draws you in the most. Once you’ve found your pile, scroll down to the respective parts to see what are the messages for you.
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Pile 1    -     Pile 2
Pile 3    -     Pile 4
Disclaimer: This is solely for my entertainment purposes. Take only whatever that you feel like it. If it doesn’t resonate, it’s okay to just drop it. That aside, I do not consent to my work or images used here to be used by third parties on this platform or other websites.
Decks used: Luna Cat Tarot Deck (Major Arcana), Linestrider Tarot Deck, Sween Dreams Oracle Deck, Starcodes Astro Oracle Deck, self made lyrics deck.
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Pile 1
Overall theme: The Hierophant
This pile feels like they wanna go safe, wanna play it safe, kinda vibe. Conservative and traditional aren’t the words I’m trying to find here, but they’re someone who sticks to whatever they’ve done, and will use the same method over and over again, having smol fears of trying something new or a new method. The legit play it safe.
What has happened, what has caused this turbulence? Eight of Wands
Pile 1, since you’re used to taking your time to deal with things at your pace, you found it extremely challenging when new challenges come your way at a very fast pace. This probably happened in a short period of time continuously, and you’re unable to catch up to doing a lot at the same time. And the feeling of incompetence slowly eats you up and you panic, not knowing how you’re supposed to be doing what you’re called to do.
Why did it happen? The Moon rx 
It’s telling you to face your fears, to make a change. You know the phases of the moon? How it constantly changes? Yeah that. Remember the Moon is only reflecting the light of the Sun based on where it’s positioned. You’ll need to find your position, where you can reflect the Sun’s brightness the best, so that you’ll be able to also shed light. You’re probably, currently in the phase of the new moon, where you’re unable to show your best to others. It’s time for you to make changes (your fear) to find where your strength lies. Dream. Dream far, dream wild. It’s time that you make changes towards a new you.
What should I learn from this? Six of Swords rx
Understand that there’s a stagnation, that there’s this part in you that’s been resisting change, and that you should take actions against it. Life's a long journey and you can’t keep resisting changes that are aimed to make your life better. Big moves, big waves will still come to you, and if you’re unable to let go of the baggages on you, you won’t be able to move away from them and will get crashed (crushed) again and again. Let them go, move towards a better and safer direction, and you’ll realize what you’ve been missing out this entire while.
What can I do now? Nine of Swords
Conquer your fears. Fear is a persistent theme in this pile and you’re called to conquer them, make changes, face them and fight them. Flight isn’t gonna help forever, buttering them up is also not gonna help. You gotta fight the fears, do not let them have any power over you. Ask for help when needed. But also be willing to receive them when the universe sends help to you.
How long will this last? Six of Cups
When you’ve conquered your battles, you’ll be able to be more at peace with yourself and be able to start nurturing yourself. That’s when the hurt and turbulence in your heart will slow down. I wouldn’t say that it will completely be gone, but at least, you’ll be able to manage through it and no longer let it affect you. It’ll prolly appear from time to time at the back of your head, but it would be easier to push it away. Open up your arms and wrap them around you, start with nurturing yourself.
What will be the outcome? Queen of Wands rx
You’ll have a more established sense of self. See, you’re now the Queen. Instead of watching out, you’ll be watching yourself more and you’ll be able to give yourself the credit for going through all these ups and downs. You would’ve found your confidence by then and will be able to stand up for yourself and look at yourself with the same respect you’ve given others.
Clarity : Ten of Wands rx
This card talks about having all the burdens on you. But with it in reverse, I feel that it’s prompting you to let go of the unneeded burdens you’re carrying. You gotta stop repressing yourself and that you’re capable of letting them go. Don’t say you can’t. You’re just getting ready to let them go, okay?
Extra messages:
For some reason, I thought of Virgo Moon, so some of you may have that placement or Moon in Virgo may be a significant time for you. Know that our future doesn’t define who we are, but we ourselves define our own future. We are unable to see them right now but it doesn’t mean it’s not there. It’s alright to take baby steps, and it’s alright to take a break tonight, as long as you have a clear goal on where you wanna arrive.
Overall energy: The Lovers, Eight of Pentacles
Some of you may be interested in learning a new skill? But also I’m seeing that y’all are interested and are determined to be better in what y’all are doing. Love yourself, let the world see you’re loving yourself. Let yourself be the source of warmth, so that you can warm others as well as yourself. Glory and victory only will follow after that.
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Pile 2
Overall theme: The Tower rx
There’s an unexpected change that came to you, something that you definitely do not welcome and you have a hard time accepting it. However, the situation does not allow you to not accept it. You’re reminded that things happen for a reason, even when that reason is unacceptable to you. You are called to pay close attention to your heart and mind, and to not let fear or uncertainties distract you.
What has happened, what has caused this turbulence? Queen of Swords
Immediately I thought of a mother figure. The oracle cards came out after that further proves it. It’s making me feel that your mother, or a mother figure, or a beloved older woman with air signs in her chart (think Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) has hurted you with words that were sharp and blunt at the same time, like it stabbed your heart and hit you with it together. Not to mention that some of them are actually unwanted, unsolicited advice that doesn’t help anything with your life.
Why did it happen? Page of Pentacles
For you to be able to see and acknowledge that some things in life need to be cut off so that you can have a new beginning. For some reasons, I feel that it’s like a reason for you to start something new, something totally fresh. It’s like… Giving up everything in your hometown and leaving for a new town with just a backpack, starting a new job and finding a new house and making new friends in another city. Kinda feeling. I have another feeling that earth seasons (think Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo seasons) are significant for you or will be the time you’ve decided to take action on your life.
What should I learn from this? King of Swords
You need to be more critical in thoughts, know what to take in and what not to take in. There are truths and there are non-truths, you need to be critical and have to understand what and why. Maybe you can learn how to apply 5W1H in conversations and see how you work it out. Another thing I’m seeing is that you’ll need to protect yourself and counter back with words when needed. The King of Swords in my deck looks like he’s surrounded by spikes. Which means, he’s protecting himself and doesn’t give anyone the chance to hurt him. Anyone who attempts to hurt him will go through the process of hurting themselves before they could do any potential damage.
What can I do now? Ten of Pentacles rx
Weirdly, I see leaving the family. Ten of Pentacles gives me the vibe of a successful family. And it in reverse gives the feeling that the family is no longer a situation that’s beneficial for you. It’s like you’re an outcast in the family and you’re advised to leave the household.
Another interpretation I’m seeing here is also getting a pet? So that you have a new problem to deal with to distract yourself from old problems. But also pets are helpful in healing and getting you out of certain situations, including your family. So yeah, it’s worth considering.
I honestly can’t get much out of this card in this position, so if you have some other interpretations, please feel free to share them with me.
How long will this last? Seven of Swords rx
Until you’ve gotten out of a situation that is no longer working for you. Perhaps you feel burdened with responsibilities, or there’s a sense of attachment to whatever that is in the current household. This card may be asking you to let go of all your baggage, old swords that are no longer usable for combat and try to face the future bravely.
Also, if you’re behaving dishonestly, you should really stop it, cuz your sneakiness will be brought to light soon.
What will be the outcome? Knights of Swords rx
You’ve learnt the need to be more wary, especially with newcomers into your life. I feel that whatever you’ve been through has made you more… Aware of who you’re dealing with and what they will be bringing into your life. You’ve learnt to not share your energy with people who do not deserve them and will focus on your life more.
Clarity: Three of Swords
You are called to surrender any old, limiting beliefs and to heal. Healing is a long process but you’ve been hurt for a long time and the wounds keep stacking up. You’ll need to clean those wounds and protect it, apply ointments (nourish your soul) and with time, it’ll heal properly and there will no longer be any inflammations (triggers due to past trauma). It’s going to be a long journey but have faith. One day, you’ll realize that you’ve been reborn into limitless possibilities, and that you’re able to have hope with life again.
Extra words from me:
There are a LOT of Swords cards coming out for this pile. Anything that’s related to words, intellect, communication are huge themes for this pile. Misunderstandings or verbal arguments are something to be watched out over here, as it affects you more than you can ever think of. Coming up next is Pentacles. And that’s it. Y’all only have Swords and Pentacles in your reading. The theme surrounding Pentacles is work, finance, career, stability. So themes of this can be your concerns, how you are needed to proceed/progress from here. These two themes are significant and you may want to look and evaluate how you’re dealing with these items. Don’t give up and continue your dreams as your resolution will be the light that shines you through the darkest nights. Your future is there, shining brightly even when you can’t see it. Just keep going. Release the old and embrace the new. You’ll grow into a new you.
Overall energy: The Lover, The Emperor
This combination came to me as a rather funny one as one gives out a gentle and positive vibe while the other gives out a serious, stern and stoic vibe. Be your own lover. Love yourself. I don’t wanna quote BTS here but really, love yourself. Let the world see how you’ve been loving and caring for yourself. Investigative energy with a strength of authority here as well. Let yourself be the ruler of your own life.
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Pile 3
Overall theme: Judgment
Right off the bat, I feel that there’s a heavy energy of Judgment on you. You fear Judgment, yet you welcome it. It’s a mixed feeling. Like… You’re meant to fear but also to execute it. You’re the judge, and you’re also the one receiving judgment from the people you’ve judged. It’s strong and silent.
What has happened, what has caused this turbulence? The High Priestess
Immediately I thought about spirituality, unhappy or fearful spiritual experiences. Some of you may start to have your third eye opening and you’ve been thrown into spiritual experiences which you definitely did not welcome. But it still happened. The challenges came forth too strongly and the moment you stepped out of your comfort zone, you were wounded badly and you shrunk back into it again.
Why did it happen? Five of Cups rx
That aside, I’m also seeing possibilities of you not believing in your intuition, in your gut feeling, and the end results are telling you that you should’ve listened to them. I’m feeling themes of secrecy and betrayal as well from this card.
For the first group, it’s a sign of affirmation that yes, you have gifts, and that you’re called to use it for the betterment of people, starting with yourself. It’s a gift for you for self-introspection, for you to notice the various possible outcomes instead of the upsetting ones. For the other group, you have been focusing too much on the various negative connotations and something needs to happen for the balance to shift. Else, you’ll be easily consumed by your inner demons. Life’s challenges have been giving you opportunities to learn the various lessons of this journey. Are you picking up on this?
What should I learn from this? Three of Wands
Learn to move away, walk away from whatever sadness, and welcome new beginnings. Make sure that your eyes are set to a brighter future waiting for you and progress towards it. Move forward and dive deep into what’s awaiting you. Fear not, you’re not alone, you have your friends walking with you. Creative abilities are also prominent here imo, so maybe you can unleash/unlock them and use them to help yourself.
What can I do now? Five of Wands rx
Let go of whatever tension that there is. Sometimes, and maybe often, things happen because it needs to happen. You can’t stop the Universe from doing its thing (or shit, depending how you wanna see it). If it’s something that can be controlled by humans then that’s cool you know who to find, but most of the time it's unpredictable. I know it’s difficult to accept things but. The more you refuse to accept certain things, the more you’re in conflict with yourself. Might as well just roll with the punches and see where life leads you.
How long will this last? Four of Wands rx
Until you have your inner harmony. It honestly surprises me how the cards connect. Once you’ve decided to let go of whatever tension that has been on your shoulders and in your head, only you’ll be able to work on your inner harmony. There’s a lot of abundance that you have in your life, but it’s up to you to work it out and to put it to good use. Know that you’re on the right path and you should just step out and continue progressing.
What will be the outcome? Nine of Swords
This card is known to have a negative connotation, but I feel that you’ll be able to use your pain and your experience to help those who are having a similar problem/pain. Your eyes can see through the soul and pain of others and you’re capable of extending your help to them, no matter how dark the night may be.
Clarity : The Moon
The Moon talks about spiritual themes and also fear, which I believe is still within you. Know that this reading and other signs that you have seen are powerful messages from your guides and that you should trust your feelings. Take your time to heal, and you’ll be amazed at how much of a natural healer you are. In terms of astrology, the Moon is a luminary, which means it lights up (well due to it reflecting the light of the Sun but we’ll leave the science aside). And I can see that you’re also lighting up the lives or people around you.
Extra cards: Ten of Cups, King of Wands, Five of Pentacles
These cards decided to fall out again so I took them but the message is probably slightly shorter than the previous parts. Ten of Cups talk about complete harmony, perfect alignment. Paired with the King of Wands, I feel that it’s telling you that you’re on your path to be that leader of your life, to be in complete harmony with the inner you. But also, right now the path is like Five of Pentacles, a feeling of brokenness and sadness, a phase of stagnation. Once you’ve gotten past it, you’ll be able to step out with courage and show the world your charm. We feel fear cuz we feel like we can’t see our future but know that the sun also hides at times, but we know it’s there. It’s the same with our blinding and beautiful future.
Overall energy: Wheel of Fortune, Queen of Wands rx
It feels like Fate is turning and it’s redirecting you to your self confidence, redirecting you to find your inner strength, redirecting you to find your gifts and powers. Queen of Wands also talks about spirituality and clairvoyant abilities so some of you may be awakening those gifts. Just let Fate and your confidence lead you to where you are.Open up yourself to inspiration and watch creativity and power flow through you. Believe in your intuition and run on the path that you’re supposed to be on.
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Pile 4
Overall theme: Strength rx, The Hermit rx
Two cards fell out for this pile and I’m taking them both. There’s a feeling of lostness and frailness when I saw these two cards together. It’s like… Someone is lost and they’re flailing around, trying to find their way out of whatever tunnels they’re in right now. They should be calm and to look at the hints around there to get their way out, but no, they’ve not been doing it, and they’ve been destroying the hints with every flail of their movement.
What has happened, what has caused this turbulence? Six of Wands rx
There’s a feeling of defeat I’m sensing from this pile. It’s like… You’ve been dethroned and there’s someone better who’s sitting in the place you’ve used to sit in. It’s like you’re no longer in your old days of old glory. It’s like seeing someone younger being more successful than you, and you are just looking at them, mind empty of what you’re supposed to be thinking of.
Why did it happen? The Sun
It is telling you that The Sun will be out soon. Sure, it’s dark right now, but it isn’t as scary as you think it is. Think of the dark as a chance to know what Light feels like, how the warmth of The Sun feels like. Pay close attention to your heart and mind, do not allow the fear and darkness to distract you.
But also, for some reason, I feel that this Sun also acts as a warning for you to not be too egoistic. It feels like it’s saying “Too much Sun will burn the ground dry, so it’s time for your days of success to dry up since you’re not keeping your ego in check.” So yeah, check which group you are.
What should I learn from this? The Hierophant
That tradition also plays a part. See, a lot of us tend to look down on tradition and think that it’s the new age, where we focus on coming up with new ideas. And sometimes, venturing into new things without referring to the past advice/examples may get us too far and we fall. This is the time where we sit and review back what our predecessors have done and we should also learn from them. There’s a balance that’s needed between the new and the old.
What can I do now? Three of Pentacles
Work together with your friends, your team, and everyone who wants to work with you. Learn from your mistakes and stand up again, work together again, build everything up again. You’ve done it in the past and you can do it again. You have the resources, the experiences, everything you need is there. All that you now need is a healthier mindset and a great team to get everything going again. And this time, it will be smoother and better. Trust in yourself.
How long will this last? Eight of Cups
Until you’ve successfully walked away from your past. Your past here is defined as anything that has been holding you back and doing nothing beneficial in your life. You hanging onto your past victory? Has to go. You are resentful towards the one winning your throne. That resentment has to go. Once you’ve moved from the old to the new, only then you’ll be able to welcome a new future that’s been specifically tailored for you. Holding onto the past stops you from arriving at your future so yeah you should get what I’m talking about here.
What will be the outcome? Two of Swords
Mental clarity is what I’m seeing here. Once you’ve passed the stage of leaving what no longer helps you, you’ll be needing to make a decision. Sometimes it’s difficult to take down the things that are covering our eyes, so we need to rely on our other senses. Similarly, sometimes we can’t see or judge things fairly, hence, we turn to our friends and people we trust to hear their thoughts. Know that everything lies with timing. The timing is just right for your dreams, desires and goals to manifest.
Clarity : Knight of Cups rx
There’s moodiness here as well as unrealistic imagination. For some reason, I’m feeling that some of y’all are just imagining scenes in your head as a way of escaping from this real world. Not saying you can’t, but there’s a limit to it. Those imaginations can be realistic or totally wild, magical kinda imaginations, but remember to come back to the present after those thoughts. 
Extra messages: 
Mystery may shroud around your future, making it a darkness that you don’t know. But still, the darkness isn’t scary, as it’s a chance for you to understand the importance and presence of light, of the sun. Failure for this time is another step to victory. Find your passion and don’t let go of it. It’s still scary to face the things I like but I’m no longer the transparent person I used to be. 
Overall energy: The Magician, Eight of Wands
Pile 4, you’re probably manifesting your own reality, and it’s moving at a fast pace, so fast that you may not be able to catch up with it. To catch up with it, you’re called to release any olds that are remaining in you and to embrace the new, allow yourself to grow into your very best self.
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Thank you for reading until the end! Feedbacks and reblogs are always appreciated! See you soon in another reading!
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