#I think the last time was when I was like 5 so a looooong time ago
rosicheeks · 10 months
#I promised I would stop doing these posts#and I will#….#after this one#I’m going on a trip with my family for the first time#in honestly idk how long?#I think the last time was when I was like 5 so a looooong time ago#and fuck me I’m so nervous and anxious#it’s going to be a full week away from home#it’ll be nice but also idk super stressful#I’ve had no time to prepare or anything cause it’s incredibly last minute#I need at least a few weeks to prepare mentally before I leave my local area#and now I gotta go across the country???????????????#also fun fact we are squishing into a car (5 grown adults) with all our luggage and my dads wheelchair#and I think it’s a 20-25 hour drive#3 squished into the backseat#fun so so fuuuuuuuun#don’t get me wrong I don’t want to come off ungrateful or anything#cause I’m super happy that I have this opportunity to get away and be with family#but my mind keeps going to *why* we are taking this trip and then I get sad#I’m just really really reallyyyyy hoping my dad will be ok during the trip#I’m praying to the universe or whoever is out there that my family (especially my dad) has a good time and we make a bunch of memories#also praying that money cat works cause buddy pal I need some cash for this trip#I know everything is gonna be motherfucking expensive there#I’m not ready#I just wish I could help my parents more#anywayyyyyyy#guess I should go to bed since I need to get up in a few hours to pack and do laundry and get ready 🙃#there’s not enough hours in a day I swear#shut up rosie
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nozunhinged · 4 months
My Top 5 BL Kisses of Jan (& Feb) 24 + why
Okay, okayyyyy I'm doing this, no backing out. I offically accept that analyzing kisses takes up so much of my brainspace that I can write about it — so here it goes. I'M NOT HIDING ANYMORE BUT OWNING UP TO IT! (lol, chill)
Last year I complained that I didn't get a single perfect kiss since I started watching BL TV shows (until PhayaTharn turned up) and now we're not even a quarter into the new year and I already got FIVE I'm absolutely in AWE about!! FIVE!!
I don't know if it's the actors, directors or coaches who upped their game (probably all of them) but hot damn, all of these are beautiful.
And don't ask me why I'm into kiss-acting so much I have no fucking clue, my first guess is that it's an artform in itself to make this amazing, wonderful, intimate form of touching look as beautiful as it feels — bc let's be honest here, irl kissing rarely looks pretty no matter how great it is! So I think it's just dope when you can see this beauty translated on screen.
So I guess this is peak romance genre for me and with that being said, enough talking, lets get to the kissykissies!
5. TenPrem - Cooking Crush EP. 11
I have to be honest with you, I was a bit confused by the kissing in this show. The tippytoe kiss was cute as heck but we all saw how Off AND Gun awkwardly blinked because they probably had to stay like that for a looooong time. It took the whole magic out of the whole first-kiss-moment. Same with the forced in, reshot makeout-scenes. But the kiss in the kitchen? Looks like they FINALLY got to show what they got.
Ten gently pulling Prem closer, them smoothly moving against each other, Ten closing in even more, the slightly open-mouthed kiss with their lips perfectly caressing each other, Ten with a bit more force, Prem with a bit more heat resulting in the perfect mix...Loved it, mwah.
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4. PromNont - Playboyy EP. 12
They are my one Playboyy-couple where I'm like "if they don't end up married and running Playboyy together, starting the revolution of well-payed, insured and safe sex workers I'm gonna riot" even though I know this show will not end nicely for ANYONE.
Anyways, this kiss. Holy smokes they had so many good scenes but this one took the cake. Not just the sheer length of it (but still with perfect timing and breaks).
The slightest suck on Nonts upper lip, Prem literally making Nont sway, Nonts hidden desperation for Prom surfacing from his lips, them slowly but surely turning up the heat and last but not least, Prom grabbing Nonts face just to lean against him...UGH THEM!
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(I made those)
3. Myungha & Yeowoon - Love for Love's Sake EP 8
I know I'm not alone in how this show swept me off my feet and hit me right in the feels. But I've gotta say, this kiss hit completely different. Again they kissed for so long but not a single moment felt wasted. It felt like their whole story put in a single kiss. And — I mean that in the most loving and positive way possible — they kissed so amazingly gay. Do you know what I mean?!
There's just this level of love, care and happiness that only queer couples can convey. Sprinkled with a hint of tongue (I saw that Yeowoon 👀) — they absolutely nailed it.
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2. AlanJeff - Pit Babe EP. 11
The kiss that made me consider doing this post in the first place. I saw them and shouted THIS IS PERFECT just to realize that I did this a few weeks ago already and it made me spiral a little. In the best way possible because I felt truly blessed once again to have discovered the genre of BL in their golden era!
Because this right here is how you nail an open mouthed kiss my friends. Take notes BL producers. Put this in your textbooks! They both go at the same rythm (slow, careful but so, so loving JUST LIKE THEIR RELATIONSHIP UGH) and same level of touch so their lips caress each other perfectly. Furthermore, Alan knows exactly how to meet Jeff which is also a PERFECT EXTENSION OF HIS CHARACTER! Alan leads, Jeff follows but they meet perfectly and equally. TEN OUT OF TEN NO NOTES!
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1. PhayaTharn - The Sign EP. 9
I don't understand the meaning of the "Roman Empire"-thing but I think if I say they are mine, I am correct because they will be the end of me and that's what that means right? I may be biased AF but objectively speaking, this is just an insanely well acted-out scene, PERIOD! And we all know it's thanks to Billybabes out-of-this-world-chemistry!
Phayas desperation translated into this gorgeous lip-clash, so much yearning but softness at the same time but what really got to me was how Tharn immediately melted after their lips touched, how he immediately opened up to him and got completely overwhelmed by Phayas feelings. Chapeau to Babe for showing so much range in a single second. My favorite kiss of the whole series ❤️
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I also just realized all these kisses have one thing in common....hands on faces lol.
Well that was fun peeps, thanks if you made it until the end!
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inmyblueparadise · 1 year
Hi there! Idk if you're taking request but if you are, then could you do something where after the hiatus y/n is promoting her new album and a sexist interviewer basically suggest that now that she doesn't have the boys her career will go down? And basically she just handles it in a badass way? Maybe the boys defending her...
Its a bit long but if you are not able to do it then its ok! 🙂
love you works tho!! ✨💕✨
Hii lovie, I'm so sorry I'm just awsering this right now ! But thank you so much for the love, it made my day babe !
Let me know what you think :) xx
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Deciding to go on a hiatus, was probably the hardest decision you had to take. It's not that you didn't want to stop, but as of right now you just couldn't. Mentally and physically, all of you were exhausted. After 5 years of touring, recording, and putting albums out, promoting, interviews and so and so. You just needed a minute to breathe. 
And you did it. You went on a looooong vacation, sleeping and tanning for most of the time. You also reconnected with your family, spent time with your friends, and just lived. You also needed this time off to discover yourself. Who were you ? You were not just the girl from the band, the 6th member, you were now a grown woman, with ideas and dreams. 
That is what you tried to put into your first solo album. Your growth, your story, your style..Your album « A Letter to Me » came out to the world. It was your baby, an homage to the boys, to your family, and your younger self, because you made it. But there is one thing that you were less excited about. THE PRESS. You knew you had to give interviews as part of the promotion for the album, but you were not excited about it. While you were in the band, it was fun. You were never alone, always with at least one of the boys if not all of them. You made jokes and you relied on each other. But now, you were going to have to face it all alone. The first week of the promo went by quickly you were excited. to perform for the fans, the journalists were nice enough, so it was a good start. But you knew it could change reallllllly quickly and boy you were right ! 
You were actually sitting in a hotel room, all dolled up and dressed for your last interview of the day. A man walked in and gave you a smile before sitting in front of you, and introducing himself. 
Hello Y/N, I'm Joe from People Mag. How are you ? 
Hi Joe, I'm good thanks how are you ? 
Good, shall we start ? 
Let's go.
The interview started pretty much like the others, with questions about the songs, and the album. He was insistent on your relationship status but stopped when. he saw you wouldn't give him the answer he wanted, and that's when the interview took a weird turn. 
"So, Y/N, you started your career while in the band One Direction". 
"Yes, I did"
"All of the members put out new music, album, and singles, and they are doing pretty well, do you think you would do as well as them ?" 
"Well, when you put out a project, you want it to do good. Like every time we put out an album with the band, we wanted the fans to like it. And now that I'm on my own, I have to say it's a little more stressful because it's only, and I don't know < how the fans will react to the styles and everything but it's also exciting to be able to do this. You said, avoiding the question about the boys, but he came back to it." 
"Because, and I don't mean to put any pressure on you, but Harry for example did really great with his album do you want to do better than him ?" 
"It's not a competition. You said, trying to keep a smile on your face. There is enough of that in the music industry. Every time one of the boys put out a song or any project, I'm the first to listen to it, and send my love. I know firsthand how talented they are, and I am extremely proud of Harry for putting together such a great album that he is proud of and that his fans are happy to listen to. Do I hope the fans like my album, sure, but I'm not here to try and sell more than my friends, it's not what I'm about." 
"Good for you Y/N, and I mean you probably won't have the same success as them anyway.."
That's when you started boiling inside. 
"And why is that ?" 
"Oh, I mean that you were just the girl of the band, and people were fans of the band and now that you are alone, you are just a girl in the industry.."
"So you think that because I don't have the boys with me now that I won't do good ?" 
"Yes exactly, I mean don't get me wrong you are stunning, but you cannot expect your career to be successful without the boys..."
"Let me stop you right there. I have been in the industry since I was sixteen, I have been writing songs since that age and I have also been performing since then. I was not just "a girl" in a band, I was a member just like any of the boys, I have given my all to this band just like them and I earned my success." 
"Yes but," 
"No no, I'm still speaking, Joe. I find your question, not only offensive to me, but to all the women in this industry. So because I started in a band and I am a woman it means that I am less talented or deserving ? I think that you are forgetting that some of the biggest names in this industry are women. Or do you not consider Beyonce, Rihanna, or Stevie Nick talented enough ? Or Arianna, Celine Dion, Adele, I could go on ! "
"I am not here to teach you a lesson on feminism, even though it is clear that you need one desperately. But let me tell you this. Putting this album out has been one of the hardest things I had to do in my career, because yes I am scared to start over alone. I don't expect the same level of success I had with the band, because what we did was extraordinary, it was insane. And if I'm honest, I'll be ok with not having the same success as a solo artist, because I actually experienced this kind of love and dedication already. I'll be fine not touring stadiums again or having my album at the top of the Billboard 100, because I already did it. I just want to make stuff that is right, that is fun, in terms of the process, that I can be proud of for a long time, that my friends can be proud of, that my family can be proud of, that my kids will be proud of one day. And if the boys managed to get the same success, I will be on the front row cheering and dancing my ass off." 
After that interview, you left, surrounded by your team. You knew people would talk about it, and everyone liked the drama, but you felt good about what you said. What you didn't expect was the number of celebrities reacting to it. Barely a day after the interview was put online your social media profiles were flooded with messages. 
@tswift : Why are women still looked over in this industry because of our gender ? Your album is amazing @y/n congrats ! 
@AriannaGrande : Letter to Me by @y/n is on repeaaaaaat ! Go girl !
@Beyonce : Nothing more to add @y/n
But what people were waiting for was the boys reaction. And they got it.
Louis posted a picture on his Instagram. Of you and him, surrounded by trophies won with the band over the year, the caption saying. 
@LouisTomlinson : For 5 years, I was lucky enough to work with a kind, talented and unbelievable singer, whom I get to call my little sister. She is not only an incredible performer but also a songwriter that has the talent to make me dance and cry with her lyrics. I am incredibly proud of her new album, and I know she will go far in this industry, so all your sexist ass can fuck off. I love you @y/n.
Niall addressed the interview during an instalive. "Yes I have seen, the interview, and all I can say is how proud of y/n I am. She is one of the most talented people I ever worked with and she deserves the world, so go listen to her album ! "
Liam's tweet was simple. @LiamPayne : So my sister has no talent ? #sheisnumber1 with a screenshot of your album at the number one spot. 
Zayn's reaction was a surprise to a lot of people. He didn't mention you in the tweet, but everyone knew he was talking about you. @Zayn : She's not afraid, she is shining. 
As for Harry, well mister mysterious posted a beautiful picture of you, on stage, in black and white. With a simple caption 
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@HarryStyles : Proud. 
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khushisaurus · 3 months
Again back to my last EOA post, and a comment I saw on a repost of it, I am 1000000% on board with the idea of the whole plot of Elena of Avalor, and some of the things in it, being a whole metaphor for Elena trying to keep herself from being driven to insanity aka becoming an evil dictator. Based on the personal research I’ve done, and connecting the dots to Elena’s character, I’ve noticed some key things in the show that sort of represent many “symptoms” of what a “clinically insane” person goes through.
Elena witnessed her own parents death right in front of her eyes. This alone should be traumatizing enough, but not even like 5 minutes later, Shuriki blasts her, but the amulet pulled her inside of it to save her. (Or at least, I like to think she did die, but her soul was sucked into the amulet, thus her possessing it, Five Nights At Freddy’s style). Elena is now sitting in the amulet, in what I think was a sort of state like Locked In Syndrome? Because when she did get out the amulet in Secret Of Avalor, she looked like she was sleeping, AND she forgot how to walk, hell even move around. So I think since she was in there for so long, she started “fusing” with the amulet, thus falling into a sort of coma, but still highly aware of whats going on around her + outside the amulet, but thats besides my point. She spends 40+ years, isolated from the world, with no one to talk to, no source of brain stimulation, no form of movement, just NOTHING. Shes trapped in a void. (*Void by Melanie Martinez starts playing*). Now looking at irl facts, there is no absolute way Elena didnt go insane in the amulet.
Looking at neuroscience, and the world of EOA, we can see the way Elena interacts with the world, and apply those statistics to Elena herself. In an article from The Royal Society Publishing, The Article titled “Perceived Social Isolation, Evolutionary Fitness and Health Outcomes: a LifeSpan Approach.” Written by Louise C. Hawkley, and John P. Capitanio states: “A sampling of recent studies shows that socially isolated housing of various social animal species at various stages of life and for various durations results in altered behaviour (e.g. anxious, depression-like, aggressive, passive, cognition/memory), physiology (e.g. changes in basal or stress–reactive corticosterone, blood pressure, inflammation, immune responses, hippocampal function) and mortality (e.g. post-stroke outcomes)” In the show, we can see Elena suffer through majority of these affects. Especially when it comes to her cognitive ability and critical thinking skills. We see her struggle hard in the show to solve problems, regarding the kingdom, and when communicating with other people.
I will also talk about the fact Elena can see ghosts, and Spirit Guides. I know, she has this power because “The amulet gave it to her.” But think of it this way: The amulet; her trauma, and Elena had to face “the trauma” for a LOOOOONG period of time. Another key factor when it comes to isolation, hallucinations. An Israeli adventurer/author Yossi Ghinsberg spent 3 weeks stranded in the Amazon rainforest (they actually made a movie about him‼️) Ghinsberg stated, due to him being isolated from society without any social contact/interaction, he experienced hallucinations. So what if metaphorically, Elena seeing the Spirit Guides, and ghosts, are her having hallucinations from spending 41 years away from society?
Elena’s dress. That goddamn dress. Its mentioned earlier that isolation can affect the brain’s cognitive abilities, and emotional health. So you basically would have trouble regulating your emotions, and your emotions would be all over the place. RING ANY BELLSSSSS⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ Her magic dress is a metaphor for her decline in her cognitive skills.
I now conclude my essay on how crazy I am about this damn kids show. I love Elena sm shes such a complicated character and I LOVE ITTTTTTTTT
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oneunexpected · 10 months
This, I think, is my best chapter-by-chapter playlist so far, especially in the last eight or so songs. It's for Marks of Secret, and I hope you all enjoy! Listen along here.
1 - Symphony no. 5, mvt II by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - This is a looooong chapter. It mostly establishes where Gregor’s family is at after the events of Curse of the Warmbloods. I didn’t really have a song in mind for it, and I still don’t. Maybe one day I’ll come back and change this, but for now it’s the second movement from Tchaikovsky’s second movement, because it’s got a little sadness, a little contentedness, a random jumpscare (like the Bane), and this chapter has all of that.
2 - Paranoid Android by Radiohead - The Bane is moody and unstable and so is this song! When Thom Yorke sings, “When I am king, you will be first against the wall,” I think about the Bane and Ripred. Another line I like is “Ambition makes you look pretty ugly / Kicking, screaming Gucci little piggy.” Pearlpelt’s our Gucci little piggy, deluded on all the things Twirltongue’s promised him.
3 - No Surprises by Radiohead - Back to back Radiohead! I struggled with this choice because this chapter covers a lot and has three pretty distinct tonal shifts. I related the line “A job that slowly kills you” to Gregor’s increasing anxieties about his role as the Warrior, both in regards to Ripred’s request he help him kill the Bane, and the specter of the next prophecy, which he asks Nerissa about. The song’s lyrical content is pretty dark, but the tune is sorta peaceful, so I hope this song doesn’t take you out of the chapter’s happier moments.
4 - Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac - I wanted a song about some sort of dark temptress for Twitchtip. I don’t know many. It was either this or Jolene, and Jolene doesn’t seem quite as shadowy as Rhiannon does, so here we are.
5 - May I Have This Dance by Francis and the Lights ft. Chance the Rapper - This song is so sweet, and so is this chapter. It’s about setting down any burdens you carry to just enjoy someone’s company.
6 - Cover Me by Björk - “This is really dangerous / Cover me” are good lines for the first time Luxa really ever asks anything of Gregor. I chose this version over the album version because I like the arrangement more, but you’re welcome to check out the other version, or the remix, which is longer.
7 - You’ve Been Flirting Again by Björk - Luxa and Gregor fight a ton in this book, and I could have chosen this song for any one of those times, but process of elimination sort of led me here. The last verse in particular, “How you reacted was right” followed by “Give her some time, give her some space,” fit well in this chapter. You can almost hear Ares telling Gregor that in the dialogue.
8 - Reptilia by The Strokes - While I chose it mostly just because it sounds like a fitting song for a combat scene, I like the repeating prechorus lines, “Please don’t slow me down if I’m going too fast / You’re in a strange part of our town.” Seemed like good lines for Gregor’s out of control raging here. Lyrically, there’s plenty here to imply the narrator is sort of struggling with himself, and that his partner (or whoever he’s addressing in the song) is losing patience with him, which fit close enough with the aftermath of what Gregor does here.
9 - Just a Game by Birdie - My obligatory Hunger Games soundtrack song for this book. Chose this song for the date subterfuge — Gregor doesn’t know how much of his quick lie reflects how he really feels.
10 - Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap - “All those years / They were here first.” You might know this song from the Lonely Island/SNL digital short “Dear Sister,” one of the greatest gifts to the internet, or from its sample in Jason Derulo’s 2009 classic “Whatcha Say.” Mysterious, creepy, heartbroken, it’s everything I wanted for the picnic bunch investigating the Fount.
11 - Earth by Sleeping at Last - This is probably a little on the nose, since this is a song that uses an earthquake as an extended metaphor, but I think lyrically it works with Luxa really well here. She’s got her tough walls, but like the narrator saying, “Fault lines tremble underneath my glass house / but I put it out of my mind / long enough to call it courage / to live without a lifeline,” this is the chapter where she learns she has to rely on the people in her life, namely her cousins. She needs Hazard the same way Gregor needs Boots. But she needs Howard, too, because as tough as she is, sometimes she needs someone to take care of her sometimes.
12 - Your Best American Girl by Mitski - Gregor and Luxa talk about the date subterfuge, and they both sort of mutually imply that if they weren’t (very literally) living opposite lives, they’d be interested in one another. This song captures that sort of cultural divide and yearning in spite of it.
13 - Shout by Tears for Fears - I’m jumping the shark. I had no clue what to use here. I went with this to try to represent Howard as a moral compass. I got nothing.
14 - Running to Stand Still by U2 - Consider this my return to form, because this was a song I knew I wanted to use from the beginning. This song is about a woman in a lot of turmoil deciding that she’s “gotta do something about where we’re going,” and, well, this chapter is about that, too. On a personal note, this song has been one of my favorites since I was a child, and I really hope you enjoy it. The last verse is so haunting: “She is raging, she is raging / And the storm blows up in her eyes / She will suffer the needle chill / She’s running to stand still.” Luxa’s decision is going to have horrific consequences. But in her eyes, it’s what’s necessary to finally be still.
15 - Joan of Arc by Arcade Fire - Luxa is the Joan of Arc in question here, the Regalian’s “muse,” as the song puts it. Gregor’s upset with Luxa, and he questions his place in the upcoming war, which I thought fit well with “I’m the one with the heavy heart / ‘Cause I’ll follow you.”
16 - The Ruler and the Killer by Kid Cudi - Thank you once again to the Hunger Games for delivering me a song about themes Suzanne used in both series. This is a great song for the version of the Bane we see in this chapter, who is a compelling orator rallying his troops to do something unspeakably evil — even though we don’t know the extent of his atrocity yet. “When I talk, you should listen / All of you belong to me / Come on, we should get it going / Now what I want is specific, hey hey.”
17 - Butchered Tongue by Hozier - How kind of Hozier to release this song last week! We learn a little more about the extent of the Regalians’ colonizing behavior here, and since that’s done largely through discussing the different languages in the Underland (and how not knowing English can be a death sentence for other creatures, as it nearly was for the Scorpions), I thought this song was a good fit. Also, it sounds cool.
18 - Ribs by Lorde - I chose this song for the moment Luxa and Gregor have here, when they’re just enjoying one another’s company, feeling very far from the war waiting for them. Gregor reminds himself soon he’ll leave her land forever, but it’s no comfort. Lorde laughs with a favorite friend “‘til her ribs get tough,” but like Gregor, she knows “that will never be enough” to sustain their relationship in the face of lost innocence and the passage of time.
19 - Redbone by Childish Gambino - Since this song is about paranoia in a relationship and the sense of being surveilled (or even stalked), I chose it for the discussion about the rats that attacked Gregor under the palace, and Luxa and Howard’s anger at Ripred and Gregor for not taking the gnawers’ omnipresent threat.
20 - The Night We Met by Lord Huron - This is Gregor and Luxa’s biiiig fight, the one that clues in Ripred to Gregor’s attraction to Luxa. I chose this song for Gregor’s haymaker, the suggestion that Luxa and Gregor could forget that they ever met each other, mirrored in the repeating line, “Take me back to the night we met.” I also like the lyrics, “I am not the only traveler / Who has not repaid his debt.” When he’s cooling down from the fight, Gregor thinks about how much he and Luxa owe each other, how interconnected their lives have become and that reminds me of those lines.
21 - Never Tear Us Apart by INXS - I think this is a good song about the relationship bonds have and their devotion to one another. I particularly like it for Ares and Gregor, especially because the chorus reminds me of the circumstances of their bonding. “I was standing / You were there / Two worlds collided / And they could never tear us apart.” This chapter is one of the most important moments for Ares and Gregor’s relationship. Ares has to give his trust up completely to Gregor to “let him fly for a change,” as Gregor says, and I think Gregor’s behavior is so touching, whether for his insistence that he be the one to bring Ares in, or the way he rambles reassurances to keep Ares calm. Ares begging Gregor not to leave him is like a punch to the stomach every time I read it. I wanted this chapter’s song to reflect how unshakable their relationship has become.
22 - O Children by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - I won’t try to analyze this song too much because I’d be here too long, but I encourage you guys to go read the lyrics to it, because I think they’re all impactful. One of the verses that led to my selection was “Poor old Jim’s white as a ghost / He’s found the answer we lost / We’re all weeping now, weeping because / There ain’t nothing we can do to protect you.” I see Cartesian as Jim, finally getting the horrific proof of what he always suspected — the gnawers are trying to kill all of the nibblers.
23 - Mothers of the Disappeared by U2 - This song was written about the Madres de Plaza de Mayo, the mothers of the activists and political dissidents forcibly disappeared — that is to say, kidnapped, tortured and murdered — by the United States-backed Argentine military junta that ruled from 1976 to 1983. I encourage you all to read about the Madres, because they were remarkable, and if you’re American, I think this is a historical event you need to know about. I think it is up there among the worst things this country has ever been responsible for. But I digress. I chose this song for its lyrics, a very poetic depiction of witnessing political violence, and the beautiful expression of grief in the music. The last two verses are haunting: “Night hangs like a prisoner [God, what a line] / Stretched over black and blue / Hear their heartbeats / We hear their heartbeats / In the trees, are sons stand naked / Through the walls, our daughters cry / See their tears / In the rainfall.” The picnic squad are the only witnesses of what’s happened, the only ones left to “hear their heartbeats,” and it sets the course for the rest of the series — and really, each one of their lives.
24 - The Unforgettable Fire by U2 - On the nose, but I chose this song to use the volcano itself as the unforgettable fire in question. “Walk on by, walk on through / Walk ‘til you run / And don’t look back / For here / I am” reminded me of Gregor when he’s trying to find the rest of his party or a way out of the ash or… anything, really, to save him from his situation. I don’t know what I’d interpret the “I” to be in that situation. The nibblers? The volcano? His despair? It all seemed to fit.
25 - Fly On by Coldplay - When Pandora dies, Luxa tells Howard that she’ll “fly with him always,” which is what reminded me of this song. The song goes, “Fly on, right through / Maybe one day I’ll fly next to you,” which to me fit well with Howard teaching Hazard how to carry the memory of his loved ones.
26 - Orphans by Coldplay - I don’t know why it seems like any time I use the same artist more than once for one book, I use them back-to-back, but I love this song for this book. Get ready for some serious lyrical dissonance. It’s a happy-sounding song, but it’s about how war tears lives apart. I chose it for the refrain, “I guess we’ll be raised on our own, then / ‘Cause I wanna be with you ‘til the world ends / I wanna be with you ‘til the whole world ends,” which reminds me of Gregor and Luxa at the end of this chapter. The idea of kids who sort of have to raise themselves fits well for both of them, too.
27 - Trouble in Town by Coldplay - Okay, I know three in a row is a little ridiculous. I mostly liked the way this song sounded for Gregor and Ares speeding back to Regalia to warn the city about the impending attack, and because it’s from the same album as “Orphans,” it was already on the brain.
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whoredmode · 7 months
Okay, now for all my AtoA questions:
1.) Is Jane Valderama still reporting on all the craziness?
2.) Does Prof. Genki's S.E.R.C. exist in your rewrite and has it expanded to stilwater?
3.) I love the concept for the new main antagonists!! Being behind forgive and forget is such a cool backstory and makes so much sense. How do you pronounce their name though lmao?
4.) I would also love to know more about Ranja. How big of a role do they play in AtoA?
5.) Your version of Troy seems way more fleshed out and more true to his SR version. How does he differ from the bald police chief version in SR2? Like does he still do all that?
6.) When Killbane returned to the states in his tag team with Angel, did Angel know Killbane was using?
7.) Speaking of the wrestling in SR, is it similar to how wrestling works in real life do you think? Like in real life, the match results are predetermined and it's just 2 athletes putting on a fight meant to tell a story and entertain with real life feuds bleeding in occasionally. Do you think it functions like that in SR or do you think it's more of a fight between two warriors and the better fighter wins. Kinda closer to MMA but with the showiness of wrestling and lucha libre.
8.) I saved the best (Dex) question for last! When Dex was with the syndicate and feeling like he'd never get out (especially after Loren dies), do you think some part of him felt like he deserved it. Almost like his own personal purgatory as a result of the choices he made
I hope this isn't too many questions 😅😅. I can't wait to hear your thoughts!!
omg some excellent questions. gonna have to answer them under a readmore because this is gonna be looooong but i’m sure you understand that haha
yes of course! jane never stops. especially with some juicy stories that have been developing for literal years i mean come on
2. so Yes it still exists. it’s just a game show and doesn’t play a huge role in anything. it hasn’t expanded to stilwater and remains in steelport. genki is just the mascot character, but i like to think there’s some expansion on the show's brand itself; there’s actually an in-game ad in srtt that implies the existence of a genki amusement park, so i like to think that exists somewhere within steelport. always pictured an indoor amusement park, just because the game show is so enclosed. 
3. i’m not sure which names/words in particular you want a pronunciation of, so i’ll do a few:
Z: it’s just the letter Z
Philosotology/Philosotologists: Fih-loss-oh-tahl-low-jee/Fih-loss-oh-tahl-low-jist (you can find NPC dialogue in the first two games of this being pronounced btw)
Ranja: she responds to either “Rahn-ha” or “Rahn-jah”
Torque: like the word “torque,” pronounced “Tork”
if there’s any i’m missing feel free to lemme know
4. OKAY SO. i’m gonna start with backstory stuff bc it appears in the rewrite through flashbacks (flashbacks are a major part of the storytelling in AtoA). ranja was part of the vice kings back in the 1970s. she was a major figure during that fight throughout the 70s, right alongside ben and julius, though as time moved on and after everything that happened, they often write her out of it on purpose. but she was particularly adept at gathering intel and spying. she grows frustrated with the VK, feeling stifled by the way ben and jules run things, and their refusal to allow angela, ben’s sister, to play a larger role despite her skills. ranja, who had feelings for angela, had tried forever to get her to leave stilwater, but angela declined each time. eventually ranja gets the idea to  start running her own operations, eventually getting in contact with the samedi. she starts doing work for them—scoping areas outside stilwater (and some within), running some drugs, brokering deals with the help of the VK’s lawyer, harlan delmonaco (one of my non-boss OCs). with a bunch of new money, she asks angela a final time if she’ll leave stilwater with her, revealing what she’d been doing. angela is heartbroken that ranja would lie to her and the VK; this later culminates in an argument between ranja, angela, ben and jules, which ends with angela’s death at the hands of the carnales. ranja leaves stilwater after this, leaving to work with the samedi full-time. ben and jules blame ranja for angela’s death, while ranja blames them (but lbr, they really blame themselves). fast forward to sr2. with the hole left by the saints dissolution, ranja—now doing her own thing but still highly respected within the samedi—is able to get them a strong foothold within the city. fast forward now to AtoA, she’s coming in to take stilwater herself, since clearly no one else can be trusted with the city angela loved so dearly. she runs her own gang, the emperors (because kings only rule a kingdom; she rules an empire). 
5. oh my god troy. my beloved. he does…..a lot of shit. such a major player in my canon. i'm gonna link my timeline for the five years between the first two games here bc it's semi-related enough to this question. so he was still the police chief throughout sr2, but he’s on the side of the saints. he goes out with anteros in disguise whenever he calls. they take out operations and strongholds together. troy acts as a trainer for anteros during this time as well, because anteros is still working on getting his strength back post-coma. by the time srtt happens, though, he quits as the chief of police and instead becomes a private investigator. this 1) gives him freedom to do what he wants and allows him more mobility to help the saints when needed and 2) still gives him credibility. so he helps them directly all through srtt, “rejoining” them. he’s still there in AtoA, but by the end of that he leaves to focus on the private eye thing. he’s still in constant contact with the saints and helps whenever they call. also because i don’t think anteros can go a day without talking to troy. my characterization of him is worth its own several posts tbh (actually, i have some already)
6. i don’t think angel initially realized it, but as their fame grew it became pretty apparent. i actually think when angel confronted him about it, it made killbane so paranoid and nervous that it’s what made him demand a fight against angel. he’d convinced himself that angel asking him if he was on steroids meant that angel was coming for his glory, so he took it as his chance to humiliate him and get him out of his life. angel was just genuinely concerned for him though. 
7. so this is really interesting because in my canon, there’s two murderbrawls. the first one is the public one, which is like your typical theatrical wrestling and lucha libre. but the other murderbrawl is an actual death match. real fighting, real death, no rules, weapons allowed. completely underground. 
8. well…sorta kinda. i think if there’s any character i’d describe in my canon as driven by guilt/feeling like he deserves punishment or purgatory, it’s troy. that said, i do think dex feels that way in that situation to an extent. he feels like it’s partially his fault because he chose to side with the syndicate, not because he didn’t go back to the saints. this leads into his confrontation with anteros at the end of the srtt rewrite, with them meeting one-on-one and dex telling himself he was gonna end this (even though things end much differently). dex did not want to be a gangster. he did what he had to do back then, but he never saw the saints as a permanent place for himself. for one, he wasn’t treated very well as a lieutenant in the first place, but then all the lies come out about troy and julius, johnny’s imprisoned, and worst of all….anteros died. it’s not the ending he wanted, but it’s what he got and he just had to move forward regardless. i think dex got his degree in city planning, and that’s what he always wanted to do. he wanted to help develop stilwater into something beautiful. all he’s ever wanted, from the very beginning, was to protect his home. things just kept escalating out of his control. i wouldn’t describe his guilt during srtt on something as grand a scale as purgatory, but he feels angry at himself for letting it get this far. for not planning better. admittedly by this point he’s much more paranoid than he’s ever been, so at times his planning can be a bit…scattered, but he’s still good about ultimately keeping a level head. by the time AtoA is going on and he's "rejoined" them, i think any guilt he feels is less focused on the saints as a whole and more focused on anteros himself. it's hard being someone who tries to account for every possibility; how was he supposed to plan for a dead man coming back?
OKAY i think that's everything. a linked a million things here because i love to cite myself and i've just. written a lot. thank you so much for these this was so fun to answer!
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xplrvibes · 23 days
interesting that colby unliked amber's picture with the red wig...
I saw people on instagram using this to show proof that big bad evil Malia is cosplaying as Amber with Colby's permission and approval cause I guess he hates Amber now? And I'm just like...ok 🤷‍♀️. Lol.
Three days ago, Colby was cheating on Malia - aka the first girlfriend he ever made public to the fans (and the last, I'd reckon, since this is going so smoothly for him lol) - with a redhead. He was doing this in a crowded room full of cell phones cameras and Malia'a best friend standing 5 feet away while Malia, I guess, just sat in his house and painted her nails or something, I don't know.
Then Malia shows up with ‼️spoiler alert‼️ red hair, thereby proving that he was really just out macking on his girlfriend all night while half the internet was throwing a party to celebrate him being a cheater, and the story immediately flipped to, "Well, she's just copying Amber because Amber said she wanted to dye her hair red," which then turned into, "Colby unliked Amber's post about the red hair so he must be encouraging this hateful jealousy fueled copying of Amber."
And look, I am a massive Amber fan - I love her, I support her, hell I was on here back in 2021 catching stray bullets for saying I thought her and Colby would be hot together! So, this is not coming from a place of hate for Amber or anything; far from it.
But, come on. Amber doesn't own the patent on red hair. Malia dyeing her hair does not have to have some weird, sinister meaning or be talked about at length on exposè accounts. Why on earth would Malia dyed her hair red to copy Amber when Amber a) never even actually had her hair red to begin with, and b) was never actually anything more than friends with Colby??
It's easier to believe that Colby told her he thought red hair would be hot and then realized later that he had liked that post of Amber's red hair and went, "uh oh," and unliked it quick to save himself any drama with the FANS than anything else lol.
I just...can't with this one lol.
And the unliking that post thing - I don't know. I didn't see him like it or unlike it, so I have no frame of reference for that one. But it's hard to believe this stuff when it's coming from the same people who think Malia is purposefully copying Amber so again, I'm just like 🤷‍♀️🤣.
I've gotta say...I've been skulking around this fandom for a long time, and I've seen a lot of shit. It has been a long, looooong time since I've seen people unravel to this level when it came to a girl Colby was associated with.
Ironically, I think Amber was the last one.
And look, I get it - Colby broke out of the ivory tower and found love and happiness somewhere that doesn't involve or include the fans and this hurt some feelings, cause he was supposed to be yours (not you, anon). I get it. This is like a breakup or whatever.
But, seriously - some of this shit floating around is starting to give 2020, "Amber and Brennen are conspiring to break Sam and Colby up" energy and that energy is not the energy we want to bring back to the table. That was a horrible, disgusting, hate-filled, humiliating time in the snc fandom. Let's not revisit it.
(This is not against you, anon. Just a general statement after all of the crap I just saw out there in the wild!)
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laufire · 9 months
Since this seems to be a trend, I have to ask: top 5 pieces of media you'd rec me? I am really curious since I think I've already tried pretty much everything you loved 😅
sorry for the delay, but I was right in the middle of one of the things I thought I miiight recommend you, so I waited until I finished in case it ended up poorly lmao.
Said thing is Zatanna & the Ripper, an already completed webtoon available online for free (don't let the fact that it's 51 issues long deter you, a webtoon episode takes less than five minutes to read lol). I was already reading a couple other DC webtoons, with mixed feelings ("Wayne Family Adventures" is often too fandom-y for my blood but it's given me a few ideas, and "Red Hood: Outlaws" was... neither a bad as its worst moments, nor did it manage to live to the sky high expectations of its very best), and I was already on my Zatanna feels thanks to Young Justice so... I picked this one up.
I'm guessing you know this but Zatanna's comics version differs quite a bit from YJ's; she's from Bruce's generation, for one (he has a cute cameo here with the two of them playing as children lol), her usual love interest is John Constantine (who plays that part here), etc. This isn't quiiiite like the comics version (or what little I've seen of her), she's a bit younger and greener, with a "finding yourself/having faith in your own power" arc.
The premise is that Zatanna, on her 21st birthday, gets transported to London in Victorian times, right around the time Jack the Ripper was killing (I'm pleased to say the run managed to side-step the issues I tend to have with historical fiction that tries to play around with this concept, tbh). She's stuck there, with malfunctioned powers, becomes friends with one of the working girls, starts trying to solve the case etc. etc. It was a fun read, all around.
Hmm... I'm trying to think of favourite stuff of mine that I don't think you've tried... shows-wise, I think that'd be Desperate Wives? Not saying it didn't infuriate the hell out of me at times lol, and I'm not sure how you'll feel about it, since it's also not-my-usual-type... but when it's good, it's GREAT and really damn enjoyable lol. I became hooked really early on so I'd say to give the pilot a try and see if it awakens any interest, if you haven't watched it?
For films... you might've watched some of these, but some of my favourites that you might want to give a try to would be "The Mask of Zorro" (revenge! romance! sword fights as both revenge and romance tools!), "The Handmaiden" (historical lesbian romance with really engaging twists), or 2010's "True Grit" (a western, which isn't usually my thing, about a young girl seeking revenge for her father's murder).
I'll also list some of my favourite classic books that you might or might not have read, Because: "Carmilla", "Dangerous Liaisons", "Frankenstein", "Pygmalion"
I don't know how plausible it'd be to find this available outside of Spain, but I'm recommending "La Promesa", a Spanish telenovela I've gotten into (I'm not really watching it properly because I'm waaaaaaaay behind lol. it's long as fuck, currently in its 150+ episode; I watch the current ones when my mother has it on tv lol, and sometimes some of the old ones). It's sloooooow, which can be frustrating, and LOOOOONG, as I said, but it does some really great things character-wise. I've called it the Spanish Downton Abbey lol, but with faaaar more attention given to the working-class characters (the heroine herself being a maid).
This goes beyond five, but since I'm not sure if you've watched/read some of these, and you probably won't be able to watch the last one ^^U: SEVERANCE!!! Again, I just want people to watch both this AND Dollhouse so we can delve deep into them xDD. Just one short season so far, with a second one coming on 2024. It's about a group of workers who've gone through a surgical procedure that separates their memories from work and those from their life outside, effectively creating different people, and the sketchy corporation they work with. And Dichen Lachman is in it too :D (her part is the only one I actively compared with Dollhouse while I was watching it lol. So far Dollhouse wins but... Priya's story is hard to top).
Another bonus, Because: I recommended the Kemi Ashing-Giwa's short stories stored in Tor to another mutual, so this time I'll give focus to another one: "The Puppermaster", about a banished warrior, her sketchy usurper uncle, and monsters.
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aannonn · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :p
no one knows who I am, this is great U v U
omg another!11 :00 (totally didn't just like a post who received the exact same ask just to get one of this again nuh-uh /lh)
hello mysterious anon who I certainly have no idea who it is;3 /lh
okokok so-
. 1 -> El Chavo Del Ocho !!
i love this show sm ohgOSH sgihwhs it always cheered and still cheers me up even in my darkest time. it's such a really comfort series to me ever since i was young. <3
. 2 -> Reading!! And writing !!
I may not write a lot due to my lack of motivation + lazyness, but I do really enjoy writing. It's fun and it helps me yeet all of the words playing around in my head. XD
. 3 -> Feeling that feeling that some people get whenever they join a completely new fandom. And feel that same feeling again even after being in this fandom for an already looooong time.
It's such a warm and cozy feeling.. Like- I'm joining a new fandom, there are so many new things to know now!! So many people who have the same interest as me!! So many aus, fanmade stories, different interpretations of canon, headcanons, and even more- It just. It just feels so good to join a new fandom... Everything is very new and I love it. It's like being born again, I guess. XD I feel like a little kid exploring the vast world and seeing how big it actually is for the first time.
. 4 -> ColorGang!-centric fics !!
I love all characters but THEM especially. They make me feel so warm and cozy. So comforted and snuggled. I genuinely wasn't lying when I said they make me happy. ovo Never thought I would have more than one single favorite character, to be honest.. I mean, I already expected more than one comfort character, but more than one fav character??? and five??? sigshwhs Not that I'm complaining, but this is something that never happened to me before and I'm honestly glad it did. (Second is still my main main main fav, but I can't help but keep thinking about the others too. They are all equally lovable for me. ❤)
. 4 -> Rambling. ;3
I love rambling about such random things sigwhshwhss even the most irrelevant things ever. Idk it just- feels so good to finally ramble about something to someone that it's not just to myself. (I keep things to myself all the time awawaa i still gotta work on it) Rambling about my favorite characters its especially such a delight. <3
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altheadajoysoul · 11 months
♡Intro/Info Post!♡
(No, I am not new here, I only made an intro post just now hagfhsd 💀)
Last updated: 5/30/24
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Awawa!! My name is Althea! Im 19 years old!
Im a demigirl! She/They pronouns!
This is a sfw tickle blog! With a lil hint of regular art, reblogs, and other random stuff I decide to put in here.
Normal-looking/Non-tk themed blogs, interact with caution unless I recognize who you are.
I get a little uneasy when the "normal people" interact with my stuff (due to past experiences--), so please understand. Unless I have a way of seeing that you also interact with tk stuff (ex. Likes and Following), then you might be blocked.
If you do not like what you see, please just click off my blog or even block me if you so desire, and move on with your day <3
Blogs that are 13 and below, or above 25 years of age, interact with caution as well, as im not so comfortable with those ages interacting with me on the internet.
Aside from that, basic DNI criteria is also applied, yall already know. Either way, as long as you give me bad vibes I'll just straight up hit you with the block hammer LMAO
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♡Art Info♡
I make both tickle art and normal art! I almost mainly draw my OCs because goddamn I love them all sm-
Though occasionally I will draw rare fandom art if im in the mood 9w9
Also im very sorry if you followed me expecting frequent art posts. Just letting yall know that im not only so goddamn slow at drawing, but also im like demotivated like 60-70% of the time or smth :')
I also like to make shtpost art from time to time HQKSNSJGNS
Commission Status: Closed
Here's my carrd for my commission info! (There are times when I forget to update it, sorriez :'3)
Here's a masterlist of OCs that I currently have references for! (A lot of them are old art am sorry u have to see such cringe hueueue I swear I'll make updated references soon :'D)
#my art is for all of my art in general
#tickle art is for tk-related art only
#shtpost art is for all of my shtposts HJAJFHSJ
#my animations is for all my animation stuff (very little and mainly just tweening animations, don't get your hopes up :"3)
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♡Tickle-related Info♡
Im a switch! Pretty sure im ler leaning I think since I've been getting less lee moods lately.
Tickling is entirely just pure fun for me and I love it as a playful way of bonding with someone and as a sign of trust.
If you see it as something s3xual or k1nky then good for you, just please keep me out of it. FYI, I am a s3x-repulsed asexual and most probably in the aromantic spectrum. Your views are your views, my views are my views.
I prefer fictional character tickles more than irl-related tickles. I don't mind them though, but I do definitely have a biased preference hsjghshd (Why else would I be bullying my OCs all the time? /lh /j)
I only do tk roleplays with friends I trust/feel comfortable with. And if I am gonna do rps, they're mostly gonna be OC-related. I only rp as myself towards friends im a lot closer with.
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♡Other Info♡
•I've been on tumblr since I wassss mmmaybe 14-15 years old I think? Not entirely sure but I've definitely been here for a while. However I've only started discovering/interacting with the tumblr tk community around 15-16.
•As mentioned previously, I am asexual. Im also either demiromantic or grayromantic. Idk man, finding out your own orientation is hard T-T
•Im still okay with n$fw jokes though. Infact I make a lot of them with my irl friends. Doesn't mean I don't get uncomfy from them, though.
•I am currently in college, which explains why my activity has been so on-and-off lately, so I apologize ⚰
•Im also trying to learn how to animate. So far im just learning basic tweening. But I still got a looooong way to go 💪💀
•Did I mention how much I love my OCs like omigoooosh my blorbos 💖 my honeybun sugarplums ✨🌸 my goofy sillies 🏳️‍🌈💃 I actively put them through the situations 💥💥💥💥💥 My brain is a circus and my OCs are the clowns 👺🔥
•I can be just,,,,,, a teeeeeny tiny bit chaotic sometimes 👌 :3 (Mutuals can tell you how incredibly normal I ammm <3 /j)
•I don't really reblog/interact with that much controversy sht. I used to before but now im looking after my mental health so liiiiiike, im keeping my distance to be more healthy ykkkk?
•Despite how chaotic and unhinged I may seem, im actually really shy and socially awkward towards people im not as close to. Aside from that im also introverted. I try my best to be sociable though, but when it comes to dms I get a little nervous :')
•I also got diagnosed with moderate anxiety this year (2024)!!!! That explains some things!!!!!!! 🤩💀
•Im sorry but there's no way im making a fandom list, I can barely even remember half of the stuff I like :'D Just know that 45% are animes, 45% are video games, and 10% of it is other random stuff hsjghsj
•I don't really have any other main socials aside from discord (canvas_void). I don't really join tk servers anymore though due to bad experiences with some that heavily affected my mental health, so yeaaaaaah :"D
If you read through all of this, have el gato :3
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firecrackerhh · 5 months
On one hand, I’m really glad that we’re getting 4 episodes in one day, we’ve been waiting soooo looooong that I feel like watching all 4 will be the equivalent of finally having gallons of water to drink when you’ve been in a desert for weeks.
But on the other hand, I feel like the time between January 19th and February 2nd is…too short? I was legit expecting one episode a week, not 4 in one day, 2 the next weeks, ya know?
I dunno, maybe I’m just a lil bitter that Helluva Boss always gets so much attention thanks to the fact that there’s overall more content for it. And I know that’s not anyones fault, and I like Helluva! I do! But it’s not the show that I’m hyperfixated on per se like Hazbin yknow?
I just feel that when the first season of Hazbin ends and the newest ep or teaser for the next HB episodes is shown at LVLUP expo or whatever Hazbin will kinda be put aside by a lot of people and it’s like…fuck man, I just think it’s kinda bullshit.
I’ve been waiting 5 years for this goddamn show and any hype it’s generated will probably disappear as soon as the show ends and then I have to hear the never ending discourse that retards with the IQ of spoiled milk will be vomiting out like they’re the next Cinemasins about it and how “problematic” it fucking is.
And yes I know Helluva gets that kinda bullshit too, but I feel like there’s extra bullshit around Hazbin since it’s based on Sinners/their pasts in the real world before they died and thus can more so heavily relate to certain kinds of people more viscerally than Helluva. Or well…at least I think so?
Like I feel like there’s a difference between someone bitching about fictional racism between hellborn characters Vs characters that are Sinners who are let’s say, meant to be mixed and practice Vodun and then said character gets accused of somehow being racist towards real people who practice Vodun or how said character doesn’t look black enough or whatever. (Like wow that sounds pretty racist in itself)
But eh, I’m a pale af Italian white girl so I suppose my thoughts on the matter don’t mean much.
Wonder if anyone’s ever bothered to bitch about how stereotypically Italian Angel is or whatever. Not that it bothers me at all, I just think all the shit people bitch at Viv for is arbitrary anyway.
Eh whatever y’all get my point. I hope. I’m aware this is very much a me thing. I like Helluva, but man do I wish the hype for Hazbin could last a bit longer, having one episode a week just seems more…this is gonna sound weird, natural to me?
I miss the days when tv shows were like 24 eps a season.
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again-please · 7 months
writing pattern game
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns! (from most recent to least recent, starting from the top)
@septemberskye tagged me in this! fun!! exposing a lot of my abandoned story shame here lol BUT we are accepting our flaws in this chili's tonight. I haven't revisited some of these older ones in a looooong time so it's kind of nice to blow the dust off of them and take a peek!
Dancing With My Demons (Baldur's Gate 3, posted, WIP)
He’d meant only to get her out of his system, at first.
A Little Further (Baldur's Gate 3, posted, complete)
It starts the next morning, after it all comes out in the light of a new day: a vampire in their midst.
survival season (Star Wars: The Last Jedi [reylo], posted, unfinished probably forever sorry the last movie really took the wind out of my sails)
Rey disembarks to find a planet in autumn.
find a thread to pull, and we can watch it unravel (Star Wars: The Force Awakens [reylo], posted, complete)
Forty-eight hours.
Ego Eris (Star Wars: The Force Awakens [reylo], posted, unfinished yeah sorry really don't bother with this one unless you want to be mad at me lmao)
As always, no day in the desert is complete without a poorly disguised scam.
and since my ao3 is just barely scraping 5, a little bonus throwback of one on ff.net that I straight up forgot existed until I resurrected this blog:
Connections (Star Wars: The Force Awakens [reylo], posted, unfinished?? I guess?? I think I intended to write more but this was more of a dual character study so it's a little less obviously unfinished than the others lol)
What most people don't realize is just how subjective memory actually is.
I don't know, honestly! for the most part the thing these most have in common to my eye is an attempt at a hook - lines that are meant to be like "wait WHAT is happening?" without quite being in media res. I also like starting inside a character's head since exploring the inner voice is usually mostly what gets me writing in the first place (plots?? never heard of them. we are here to brood and get slammed down big style). first lines usually kind of pop into my head fully formed out of nowhere and then once I excitedly deposit them into a document I'm like "oh shit now I have to think of some other shit to go below this"
oh gosh who to tag when you're an antisocial hermit... @howlsmovinglibrary, @novarunestone, and @eelqueen if you want! and also YOU also if you would like to!
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skypied · 1 year
AO3 Wrapped Questions!
3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 16, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30 :)
I'm guessing wrapped implies "works from this year" so I'm only going off those! Buckle uuuuup this is getting looooong like always
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Hmmm, maybe Back Home. Most of my fics this year feel like mindless brain dumps, but this feels more like a complete work.
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Probably hard feelings? It generally has a lot less hits and kudos than most my other work, probably because of it being angst without a happy ending (YET), but through the months it's gotten a lot of very sweet and heartfelt and/or heartbreaking comments.
Back Home also got a lot more feedback than expected - it was one of those venting fics that I didn't really expect to resonate and/or not be enjoyed by anyone else but me.
6. Favorite title you used
Hmmmmmmmm , I don't really think any of my titles this year stand out :p Maybe Catch of the Day, just bc it's so stupid.
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
Most my titles from this year weren't song titles actually! Surprising, since I used to exclusively use song lyrics. There's only hard feelings (Lorde) and Can't Help It, I'm Obsessed (Sam Riggs).
(In 2021 we had Orla Gartland, Lizzo, Troye Sivan, Taylor Swift, Halsey and Maria Mena. Taylor and Maria were used twice: so they win. I think Maria would win overall for how many times her lyrics have been direct inspiration.)
10. What work was the quickest to write?
Probably a tie between the first chapter of hard feelings (started at like 10 in the morning when I was supposed to work, lol) - and Home (written while perched on the kitchen counter watching onions caramellize for onion soup). Both were around four hours, maybe one or two more for revisions.
Wait, actually, both chapters of Catch of the Day were mostly written in an hour or two each.
11. What work took you the longest to write?
Depends on whether you count hours spent on it, or stretch of time it took to finish it haha.
I do have wips I started last summer. Most of them are probably never gonna be anything. But I do have a wip that's almost done and I still intend to finish that I began... 14 months ago. oops.
But among published work - the ones that took the longest stretch of time is probably undertow and chapter two of hard feelings. According to docs, I began undertow on Christmas Eve last year (damn, didn't I have anything better to do?), so it tooooook... almost nine months? It's also kind of a mashup between three aimless wips that I eventually figured out went well enough to just patch together. hard feelings part two took seven months.
Most hours spent on it is harder to gauge, but maybe Can't Help It, I'm Obsessed. I remember I spent most my free time on it for maybe two-three weeks. (And then Annie kindly and graciously and perfectly finished it for me, thank god; I'd gotten myself in a real rut with it.)
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Oh I dunno. Most are generic things like genre, established relationship and aged-up characters. The only one that sticks out is probably Alberto Scorfano has ADHD.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
Prrrroooobably Trust Fall! I think it's just sweet and neat.
27. What do you listen to while writing?
That goes in cycles. Sometimes a playlist with classical music mixed in with movie soundtracks. Sometimes just whatever album I'm hooked on at the moment. I have some specific music for specific things, most are one song I'll loop for hours:
Downtown (feat Pri Pach) by BYOR, VINNE, Pri Pach. It's SO good for hyperfixating and writing smut 2am on a weekday. (Been a while since I did that, though.) There’s a reason it was my #1 on Spotify Wrapped last year, and #2 this year.
IDFC (feat. Ravenna Golden) by WHIPPED CREAM, Perto, Ravenna Golden. Same as Downtown. It tingles my brain.
River by Bishop Briggs. Great for emotionally charged and angsty smut.
I've spent HOOOOOURS listening to just 22:12 Until The End of Time from the Haven soundtrack while writing, no specific genre.
I generally listen a lot to Kevin Atwater to get into those Sad Boy Feelings (especially when writing about Alberto being too brainwashed by Christianity to admit his feelings for Luca. God I still love that AU, shame it's never getting finished.)
Lately I've been rewatching TV shows while writing, just to have something moving on the screen and something to listen to.
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
Hmm hmm hmmmmm, feel like I'm repeating myself here but Back Home and hard feelings. Both feel like is the first complete stories I wrote. Most my stuff is just scenes, this was the first that spanned over a longer time and connected themes together.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Ahhh idk if I have the patience to reread all 50k I published this year, so I'm taking a couple that come to mind:
It’s stupid and predictable and sometimes Luca wonders when they’ll tire of this, when the intensity of the teenage crush will fade into something more mature, as his mother used to sigh when they were chasing each other’s tails around the bay. It’s been years, and he’s starting to suspect this is just what they’re like, perpetually snickering like kids breaking curfew, whispering secrets in a blanket fort and constantly one-upping each other. 
from Morning Routines. The whole fic is stupid, silly fun, but I feel like this passage sums up their relationship in a cute way.
You know him like the back of your hand, but he’s scarily good at slipping under your skin to hide. You convince yourself otherwise, but you can never really tell. Not really. But it’s yet another trust you have to fall into, accept the rush of gravity and hope he catches you. 
Trust Fall, chapter one
He looks at you, breathless and disbelieving. Disbelieving your love for him. When it’s the only thing you truly believe in, when nothing in this chaotic world makes sense without him, when it’s the seam keeping your life stitched together.  
You wish he could reach inside your chest, clench your heart tight and feel that it’s more his than your own. You wish you could put your mouth to his ear like a conch shell, and he’d hear the ceaseless waves that lap in the back of your mind whispering his name. You wish he could feel the magnetic pull from somewhere deep in your guts that makes you unable to stop orbiting him. 
You don’t dare imagine what would happen if he stopped letting you love him. 
Trust fall, chapter two
Both of these from Trust Fall are some of the rare instances that I feel like I’ve written analogies that feel complete and make sense for them and the work itself. 
You stare up like you used to, towards the incomprehensible lights of celestial bodies dancing on the surface, towards the never-ending fantasies of freedom forever pulling you towards the next horizon. Except now there is an anchor wrapped up in your tail, with a low, humming purr filling your body and quieting the restless whisper in the undercurrent of your blood and gentle claws tracing patterns over your ribs, all brazen ferociousness gone for listless limbs and a sleepy murmur whenever you shift.
There’s still a pull, a need to see, try, explore more. But maybe you don’t need to leave everything behind to feel free. 
from undertow. I feel like this is the closest I’ll come to writing something about Luca’s “teenage rebellion” need for freedom that might lead him to neglect friendships/relationships for fear of being smothered again, and becoming comfortable with intimacy and vulnerability and being tied down.
Also this line:
You don’t want him to be in love with you unless it hurts.
This whole thing from ch2 of Back Home:
“Do you still love me?” you ask again, but now your breath is slow and calm because you know the answer. But you have to ask. Just in case. 
You know the answer because he’s ripped your heart out and sown it back together; replaced old, festering scabs with gossamer threads of promises and gently placed it back inside. It’s still a fragile, ugly patchwork, but he’ll keep replacing bits and pieces of old hurt with new hope until it’s whole. You know it because he has scratch marks and bruises down his back and neck colored by your love and rage, because he lets you ruin him to save yourself.
You know it because you believe him more than you believe yourself.
“More than anything,” he says in a firm voice, as if it’s a fact as natural and definite as the sun rising and setting. He picks the smoldering stardust off the floor, breathes life back into the stars and places them back into your eyes. He smothers the flaming rage in your veins and replaces your blood with love. Because he loves you. You love him too. You love him more than anything and it hurts more than anything. But it’s worth it for the blissful, warm silence when he looks at you and you know he’s seen everything inside you and still he wants to. He makes your heart into a home and you let him. No matter how many times you tear it down in all-consuming fits of rage, he puts it back in order and you let him. He wants to make you better and you want to let him.
yayyy I love breaking Alberto and putting him back together again<3
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Maybe how drastic the shift from only writing smut to never writing smut was? haha. Dgmw, I still write smut, but I just... don't finish it. Idk, it always ends up pushing up against things I'm uncomfortable with, or I write myself into corners. I feel like they're always things that aren't really a big deal, but they turn into massive hurdles in my head. And while writing smut is fun, I eventually end up feeling like I'm just writing the same things over and over. Which, y'know, is still fun and doesn't mean it's not valuable! I guess I just get really self-conscious over baring my ass on the internet.
On a more positive note, I think I've managed to keep a bit more distance to my writing. I do often get stuck with writing, and that frustration used to encompass everything and be... not great for me mentally. I used to obsess a lot more about feedback and get really bummed out about "underperforming" works and compare myself a lot to others. Now it's more like... I just chuck stuff I think is neat up on AO3 and don't think much more of it.
I’ve also experimented a lot more with style than I expected, and I guess found my voice a bit more!
ALSO how much Luca POV I’ve written. I still feel like I don’t understand the guy, but he’s fun to write. Alberto POV tends to become ... dark, lol.
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nancypullen · 1 year
The Powder Room
One of the last rooms to check off on our looooong list of makeovers in our new home was the downstairs powder room.  It was hideous.  I was able to give it a new look for very little money.  A mirror that I picked up for $4 at an auction, a $6 sample pot of paint from Heirloom Traditions ( best paint EVER) for the vanity, and some odds and ends that I already had around the house or in boxes that we brought. Oh, I also bought a little rug for $15.  So far we’re at $25, but I guess that’s not really true - long before I started on this bathroom we had changed the flooring downstairs and painted the walls. We also bought a beautiful new faucet that cost a teensy bit extra because I was very picky about the color.  I also picked up two door pulls at Lowe’s for $14.  But it all still adds up to a big change without breaking the bank.
This is what the bathroom looked like when we bought the place.  You can’t see the rope they had glued to the ceiling (insert eyeroll here).
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And, this is what it looks like now.
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As you can see, I’m still shuffling stuff around.  I had a plant on top of the toilet tank but it didn’t look right.  I’m not crazy about the frame above the toilet either. I don’t like putting one rectangle (the picture) next to another rectangle (the mirror).  It’s what I had handy.  I think it needs two round pieces there or maybe an oval and a shelf.  I honestly don’t want to make it too busy, so I may just leave it alone.  It’s a simple room with a single purpose, no need to overthink it. I do prefer the soap bottle in the first photo, that’s staying. Is it weird that I care about the soap bottle? I know it is.  But there it is, another room that I can check off the list. Hallelujah!  I love that bathroom faucet as much as I love my kitchen counters. Bit by bit this place is feeling more like home.  We’re about a month away from our one year anniversary in this house and I’m pleased with all we’ve done.  The outside is catching up too - it’s slowly becoming the birdie haven I’d hoped for.  Every time I step outside now I hear bird song and that’s just a necessity for me.  It keeps my soul in order.
Kind of weird that I’m posting a bathroom makeover on Easter Sunday, but we’re not religious people.  For me, Easter has always been more about welcoming spring.  Christian holidays are all just borrowed anyway - Easter is based on the pagan springtime goddess Eostre. Same with eggs and bunnies, just ancient symbols of fertility.  The spring equinox is reason enough to celebrate, so that’s what I do. Daffodils and nesting birds, longer, warmer days, that’s a religious experience.   The grandgirl hunted some eggs, and enjoyed Easter treats, but she’s just three days out from having her adenoids removed so she’s supposed to take it easy.  Good luck getting a 5 year old to take it easy.  When she was at our house last weekend we went to an egg hunt at Bartenfelder Farms.  Of course, I’m not allowed t post pics of her here, but she had a grand time in the bounce house, running around a field collecting plastic eggs that held candy, and getting a ride on a sweet horse named Goober. Oh! I can show you this pic because it’s just the back of her head. From the moment she was put in the saddle she had a HUGE smile on her face. See that guy smiling at her? She talked his ear off the entire time.
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That was snapped after her parents talked her into changing her shoes.  Grancy bought her some gold heels (Elena of Avalor shoes!) and she wore them all weekend, with every outfit, even her night gown.
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It made me giggle to see how much she loved those shoes because I’ve been that little girl. I’ve been in love with a dress or a pair of shoes before. Some items just make you want to twirl.  Ya’ know who noticed every single detail of the newly finished powder room? The grandgirl.  She ticked off a list of every tiny detail that had been changed and complimented them. She loves pretty things and I speak her language.  I spent decades living with three males who didn’t care if anything looked nice or even smelled nice.  I’m grateful to the universe for sending me this girl. But back to Bartenfelder Farms. The grandgirl had fun, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the poor guy in the rabbit suit.  I’m pretty sure he had to look down to see out of the big costume head, but as he strolled around he looked like a very depressed Peter Rabbit - like the shrieking kids and bossy moms had finally gotten to him. 
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Goodbye, cruel world!
I’ll probably get notes scolding me for joking about depression. I know that depression isn’t a laughing matter. I also know that the imaginary rabbit isn’t really depressed, he’s just trying not to trip.  Don’t fuss at me, it won’t do any good. And now that I’ve shared all of this nonsense, it’s time for me to get some dinner on the table.  The mister keeps walking by hoping I’ll notice him wasting away.  Funny, he’s acting just like the cats do in the morning. Wishing you all a lovely Easter if you celebrate, and a happy spring if you don’t! Stay safe, stay well, spread some love. XOXO, Nancy
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laura-is-a-weirdo · 2 years
Ok, so. It's been a looooong time since I used this app to rant, but Helluva Boss is my comfort show at the moment (I know it's weird but it makes me feel things and it makes me happy) and reading so many things about the new ep and about the characters in general triggered me.
I begin by saying everyone can enjoy the show as they like and ship whatever they want to ship and in whichever way they want (yes, I will also talk about ships and I think you already know where I want to go with this), but there are few things I read that left me confused. Sometimes I wonder if some people and I are even watching the same show, seriously.
Ok, first thing first, the whole Loona/Octavia thing.
Yes, I ship them, so if you want to call me "ped0phile" or "stupid" or "gross" go ahead, but I think the reasons people use to judge those who ship them are RIDICULOUS. First of all, reading the Wiki, Loona is 22 and Via is 17 and I know for some Americans this is such a sin, but where I live is totally normal for people with a 5/6 or even a 10 year gap to be together. Shipping them in a romantic way is not the same as shipping them in a sexual way. It would be the same if I say I ship Blitz and Stolas when they were kids and they met for the first time. Of course I don't ship them in a /sexual/ way as kids, I ship them because they are cute together and there's the whole "endgame" thing so they grow to be a couple, but Jesus Christ chill out guys. You can see whatever you want in their last interactions, but if I want to ship them I will ship them. Let people enjoy the show how they want without judging everyone and everything just because you don't like something.
Secondly, Via and Loona are NOT sisters. Even if Stolas and Blitz end up together, they wouldn't STILL be blood sisters. If you want to see their relationship as something sisterly-like it's perfectly fine, but if I want to believe that Via is going to have a crush on Loona I can do whatever I want. I read some bullshit about "sibling-coded", what the hell is that supposed to mean? They are not blood-related, so even if their dads will marry each other at the end, they still won't be related by blood so JUST STOP SAYING IT'S LIKE INCEST WTF
Another issue I have is about Loona herself. I don't get why people hate her just because of how she acts with Blitz. Of course I'd love to see them interacting in a more father-daughter way, but Loona being aggressive is totally in character for her, you get that she cares about Blitzø because of the way sometimes she looks at him and because of the speech she gives to Via. She cares about him but she was presented as very aggressive since the pilot and she is still young and probably still learning how to interact with people properly. She was abused, Blitz isn't perfect anyway, but she cares about him even if she doesn't show it. I know some people in real life who are like her and they're going through therapy to fix it, so it's not impossible that she acts that way and still be a well-written character. She can be your least favorite in the show, but don't say it's bad writing if she acts that way. You can't expect characters of a show that's placed in HELL to be all kind and cute, part of why I love Helluva is that the characters are REAL: they aren't perfect, they are little shits sometimes, sometimes toxic and they all have flaws, but besides that they try to establish relationships and stay together, work together and even love each other. You don't have to like everything that happens and everyone, but if you want to criticize something try to understand the difference between what is ACTUALLY shown and what are your personal preferences. Which leads to...
Stolas being a "massive piece of shit" and Stella being "one-dimensional". I'm sorry if you don't expect that a character can be bad just to be bad. Stella doesn't have to be bad because something happened to her, doesn't have to be bad because of some trauma and shit, she can be bad just to be bad. She can just be a bitch because that's how she is, she can be abusive just because she is that kind of person, it can also happen in the real world. There are people who are little shits just because, it's not that big of a deal. If you like her that's fine, but you should like her because she is a bitch and she is toxic, not because you hope there's something more. Maybe there WILL be more, but for now you should like her for what is shown, stop justifying her.
As for Stolas, why would he be a piece of shit? Just because after YEARS of abuse (Stella even speaks with Striker on the phone IN FRONT OF STOLAS about killing him), after YEARS of being punched, getting yelled at just because he existed, being ridiculed in front of everybody, while trying to be a good dad to Via because he loves her and just want her to have a normal life, just because he says to his daughter "your mother is being a bitch" one time... THAT'S why you call him a piece of shit? Before the divorce he had NEVER said anything bad about Stella to Via and this can be easily understood by the fact that Via both in Loo Loo Land and in the latest episode isn't fully aware of what Stolas did to keep her safe (and it's understandable since she is a teenager) and Stella has always treated Via like shit (just look at Stella's face in every picture they're in but also in every scene they have together, she's just mean to Stolas and doesn't even talk to her daughter) and now that Via is old enough to understand it on a certain level it's totally legit for Stolas to say that. Via has seen all her life Stella being a bitch with her father, I think that's also why she was so scared that Stolas might run away with Blitzø and leaving her. You can say you don't like Stolas, but he didn't live a shitty life because he couldn't be with who he wanted, he didn't have to endure years and years of abuse and yet found the strength to do his best to protect his daughter just for you to call him a "massive piece of shit". He did his best and of course he has flaws, of course he is not perfect, that's the whole point. People in real life are not perfect, they do things that hurt others without thinking, they try their best to go through whatever they have to go through and they make mistakes, it's part of life.
I didn't expect this rant to be this long but I care too much about Helluva to shut up, I just wanted to put on paper my thoughts because lately people made me feel like I was wrong and my ideas weren't valid enough and I hate that. Everyone should be able to do whatever they want as long as they are not hurting anybody and of course you can have different ideas, but discussing in a calm manner with valid arguments is better than just yelling at people and judging just because. It's a FAKE show with FAKE characters, just try to enjoy what we have and if you don't like you don't have to watch it.
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lilisette · 2 years
saw a lost ark Q&A on Twitter (made by a Korean Twitter user named Shushire, can't find their original post... found it by someone reposting it) and I want to do it so here it is!!
(I Google translated all the questions so they are not 100% accurate)
1. The reason you why started playing Lost Ark?
I was waiting for Blue Protocol (still waiting for it) and had no major mmo to play so I tried Lost Ark out. never thought it would suck me in so bad tbh
2. Favorite class?
At the moment, Esoteric Flurry Striker/Casting Reflux Sorceress
Most likely would fall in love with Arcana when it comes out in July (literally saving all my mats now in preparation for it, tbh I think I’ll even switch mains for it)
3. Prettiest skin in your opinion?
Going by what we have currently, the Dawn skin for scrapper 👀 holy crap its so good it almost made me make a scrapper (but then I learnt it was undyable and was like nvm, its still gorgeous though)
4. Favorite skin?
The Banquet skins for men, all 3 versions of them 😭 I love them so much and was about to buy a third one for my pally and a fourth one for my future scouter but the crystal prices......
5. Favorite region?
Rohendel, hands down no questions asked. Vern is a very close second (totally not because of Thar/Lahart being there)
Rohendel main story quests are sooooo looooong but damn I love how pretty it looks and the aesthetic
If island, I actually love Shangra. Would've taken a lot of screenshots there if I wasn't busy farming for dews and peaches all the time 😂
6. Best looking ultimate?
I haven't played all the available classes (played sorc, bard, pally, gunlance, striker and sharpshooter) but among those 6 I played, sorceress apocalypse call makes me feel like a badass, who doesn't love summoning a meteor shower?? (too bad Enviska’s Might is better for general content)
7. Prefer melee or range?
Honestly I love both but at the moment, ranged because ping 😂 easier to dodge mechanics and still deal damage
8. Prefer burst dps or continuous dps? (not sure if they're asking this because of Google translate tbh but I'll pretend they're asking this for now)
Continuous dps, more reliable and don't have to worry about missing the dps window
9. Favorite NPC?
Thar/Lahart ❤️ I'm a Thar/Lahart simp so of course he would be my favorite 😂
(Thirain is calling for me in the background but I'm ignoring him until he gets over his four letter word allergy)
10. Favorite OST?
Song of Starlight... the amount of fic ideas I have because of that song is INSANE
Brelshaza/Albreshud legion raid OST is a very close second, followed by funny clown man legion raid OST
11. Rapport gift you'd like to receive
I love pearls so transparent pearls I guess?
12. Favorite emote?
THAT STAR DANCE THING YOU GET FROM AMETHYST SHARDS 😭 I don't have it yet but I saw my guildie use it and I was like ok I need that
13. Favorite screenshot?
Oh this one is a hard one... I have so many so I’ll leave this question for last
14. Current title?
Thar's Romanticist. will change to Thar's Sun when I finally finish 100 Punika Sun level 3 or above chaos dungeon runs
(I wanted Thar's Rider but the Rider title is currently unobtainable in the game so 😭 crying over what could've been)
15. Hardest raid?
With our current content and at the appropriate item level?
If abyssals, definitely Alaric's Sanctuary. Made me lose my shit many times back then 😂
If guardian raids, Velganos hands down no questions asked (If they ever add a Velganos challenge guardian raid... BYE I AM SKIPPING)
Favorite screenshots
If cutscene screenshots:
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If selfie mode screenshots:
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If dialogue screenshots... I have a compilation lmao 
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Yeah.... the Sylvians in this game have me on a tight grip AND I DON’T MIND (I’m still doing Azena’s rapport but I just KNOW she will have me on a chokehold too)
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