#I usually do alt text but idk should I be doing both or the other?
funky-lil-ghost · 2 years
Official™ Hermit Species Classification System
so grian decided that hermits are a species and i said no. no way docm77 and pearlescentmoon are the same species. but like. species is just one level of classification. long story short i gave myself a crash course in taxonomy and spent a whole day making this diagram. (im not a biologist tho, scientists please be nice to me. im just a small boy trying his best)
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full explanation under the cut! also this link lets u view the diagram as a webpage
first thing, here's a handy chart of the standard biological classification system (image id in alt text). also btw I took a lot of inspiration from this post when i started figuring out how to apply this system to the hermits
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after a lot of trial and error with different sorting criteria, i decided to put the "hermit" classification at family level. it made the most sense to me. also cause. the hhermits they r a family :( they., family . sorry my demons
As a family, the hermits' common traits are as follows from my diagram:
Members of the family parvihabilis have a genetic propensity for hybridization. All of these creatures are hybrids of some kind, although some are morphologically ambiguous and may not display obvious hybrid traits. Additionally, most are smaller than the average humanoid.
Let's break that down.
Hermits are creatures whose genetic makeup is well-suited to hybrid stuff. For this concept, hybridism is uncommon in most humanoids because it causes too many genetic conflicts and just kinda dies off before it even exists. Hermits have uhhhh. squishy genes. They're highly adaptable. This adaptability comes with a few specific characteristics, one of which is reduced size (thanks for that, grian. does it make sense? no clue! fuck it we ball).
I did a bit of research about scientific naming and cobbled together some Latin, hopefully it works lol. The family name parvihabilis should roughly translate to mean small + adaptable.
There are two genus categories in the parvihabilis family: Aedifex and ingeniator. Aedifex means "builder" and ingeniator means "engineer" (which I have used in place of "redstoner").
The builder and redstoner genera aren't hard and fast "this is what this person does all the time forever" categories, because there are a lot of hermits who work with both. Rather, these terms describe a genetic leaning that usually results in certain specialties.
For example:
Anyone can be a builder, but those of the genus aedifex are genetically predisposed to building-related behaviors. They gather and/or horde various materials, using them to create all kinds of structures. These structures can sometimes be homes for the aedifex, but they often abandon a structure soon after completion. Aedifex are known to be somewhat mysterious, following their instincts to different environments where they become attached to a certain area and set of materials until they feel ready to move on.
Similarly, anyone can learn redstone. However, those of the genus ingeniator have a natural affinity for logic problems and a genetically-wired fascination with redstone as a material. That last part is basically "oooooh Shiny Red Thing! i will put it in my box of Shiny Red Things because it is Shiny and Red". Ingeniator can sometimes become lost in their own contraptions, unaware of time slipping away as they work.
Finally, I put the hermits in species classifications based on whether they display hybrid traits. While all hermits are hybrids, they may not have traits that are obvious or clearly definable. Kinda like superhero universes where everyone has powers, but some people don't know what theirs is because it's some obscure thing like idk. folding sheets quickly.
Hermits are like this in the presentation of their hybrid genetics. Some have obvious traits like wings, glowing eyes, etc. Others do not. The corresponding species names are spectamistus, which should mean "visible mix", and secludimistus, which should mean "hidden mix".
Spectamistus will use their hybrid traits in accordance with their genus: Aedifex spectamistus could include a bird hybrid using their wings to safely build high in the air, a dog hybrid sniffing out the materials they need, etc. Ingeniator spectamistus may use traits such as fire resistance when mining for quartz in the nether, or specialized hearing when testing delicate machinery.
That’s all i got! Hopefully it makes sense, i spent pretty much all day on it lmao.
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lavendercrumbleshake · 4 months
Hello, My name is LavenderCrumble! U can call me Lav or Miss Crumble for short ♡
Some things u should probably know about this blog
*~▪︎☆°♡ This blog is a cutesy, semi-nsfw blog, so some the posts that I write, like or repost will not be safe for work, if u don't like this please block, not report, if u are a minor do not follow me please I will block u.
*~▪︎☆°♡ I am a plus size (kinda working on it as best I can atm) black girl who is 19 years old, & want to make friends & mutuals that are also 18 or older on tumblr, pinterest & on discord, I will link my discord server & other socials here for anybody that wants to join, if anyone has any fun discord servers or other social accounts that are sfw/nsfw u would like to invite me to then my asks are always always open♡
*~▪︎☆°♡ Any pictures that u see on this blog aren't mine and are from pinterest unless stated otherwise.
*~▪︎☆°♡ Some of my current interests include:
kawaiicore fashion, j-fashion, or just most alt fashion styles in general
maid cafés
sanrio (but notably kuromi, rilakkuma, korilakuma, hello kitty & my melody)
kawaii cafés
kawaii & sexy costumes/cosplays
cooking (especially asain food recipes)
kawaii bento boxes
cute kitchen appliances, cooking utensils, kawaii bento tools (like the hello kitty rice mold for example) pots, ect (preferably in pastel purple, or of cartoon characters like sanrio mascots)
asian snacks
kawaii food & drink recipes (I wanna recreate kawaii food plates from maid cafés or bento boxes like the ones on my pinterest board, or food from different animes)
super sonico & super pochaco(idk much but I love their mascots their sooo cute! I heard super sonico has an anime n i wanna watch it >v<)
anime figurines
gloomy bear
sweet/dessert smelling perfumes & body products
games & gameplay videos(Mostly horror games, story games, visual novel games, or RPGs)
Tumblr stories/tumblr headcanons/tumblr concepts & prompts (particularly monster fantasy themed stories or relationships, & semi dark headcanons, like some Yan! headcanons for example, monster bf/husband, and Dom bf/husband (idk why I like these but some of them are just fun to read even if i don't resonate with them personally per sey, still trying to figure it out) among others, there really isn't any particular characters that i like for this)
Tbh that's just to name a few, I have a lot more interests than that lol
*~▪︎☆°♡ My favorite colors are usually pastels purple, pink, blue, yellow & green in that order, but I also like most darker colors too, like chocolate brown, black, or dark red, but my least favorite color is and will almost always be orange, idk why I don't like that color much
*~▪︎☆°♡ As is the nature of tumblr, I will also be putting my random thoughts on here too lol, both sfw & nsfw. I love this chaos platform♡
*~▪︎☆°♡ Links to my other socials: (if the link to my discord doesn't work then feel free to ask me for a link in the ask box)
DNI ON THIS OR ANY OF MY SOCIALS IF YOU ARE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic, abelist, fatphobic, currently 40+ or an ED blog; if u are any of these things I will block you. Do not send unsolicited nude photos of any kind without permission or I will call you out, block you & report you.
*~▪︎☆°♡ (*note) This pinned post will probably be edited with more stuff about me, my hobbies, interests, ect, when i get the time, but for now this will be it ♡
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daydreamerdisease · 2 years
Is it better to do alt text or ID text on posts for tumblr? I swear I saw a post about this but I don’t remember.
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poptod · 3 years
Hello! If you’re taking requests atm can I ask for headcanons for natm Ahkmenrah where the reader wears alt fashion and at first he’s VERY intimated by them (like won’t even look them in the eye) cause they come clomping in with their big platform boots and Ahk thinks they’re sum sort of demon but later on ends up loving it and thinking it’s the coolest thing ever? Thank you for your time💝
notes: IM IN LOVE WITH YOU ANON. i love my big clonking boots and spike collars too! this was... very long tho cause ive never written headcanons before and idk how to keep it short
* youve definitely got a certain style to you
* but that doesnt mean youre only interested in punk concerts and raves
* actually, when you learned your friend nick’s dad worked at the national museum you were psyched
* nicky is horrible at keeping secrets so you’re prepared for everything coming to life your first night going there
* at first you’re greeted by the huns which, in all honesty, was pretty terrifying
* but they took to your style very well
* the cavemen go fucking bonkers for your pocket knife and lighter
* meeting the president is awkward because, as someone interested in history, you’re very aware of all the bad shit he’s done, and generally you’re vocally anarchist
* what’s really interesting though is meeting a king - something you should definitely be against, he’s an all-powerful monarch - and he’s. almost silent
* its really weird cause you see this guy reflecting all the light in the room like a disco ball, with pure gold jewelry all over his body, and he says like two words to you and then leaves
* “I’m... Ahkmenrah.”
* “That’s weird,” Nicky says when he’s gone
* egyptian history is some of your favorite, so you’re obviously disappointed in the whole experience and kinda bummed
* you come back on weekend nights that you’re not working
* for the most part you talk to nicky or “talk” to the huns
* usually that just means playing soccer with them and yelling a lot, which you’re all for
* sometimes you’ll feel eyes on your neck, and when you look up at the balcony, you can see the tail end of a golden cape
* one night you decide to follow him because at this point it’s getting a little annoying. he barely ever talks to you yet spends most of his time watching you
* he returns to his exhibit and you follow down the guarded hall, cornering him in his coffin room
* when you find him he’s too busy staring at the murals on the walls to notice you
* “Nice room,” you say
* he turns around with the widest eyes you’ve ever seen, raking up and down your body
* it’s one of your tamer outfits but it’s still boots with patches stapled to them, an oversized flannel with burn holes everywhere, chains hanging from your studded belt
* that’s where his eyes stop - on your belt
* you ignore that though
* “Let’s see,” you say, turning back to the hieroglyphs, “I used to study these.”
* it takes a moment of you staring and slowly thinking, which he is of course entirely silent for
* “This is a passage from the Book of the Dead. Ani’s papyrus, actually, though I doubt you knew the man.”
* (its not actually the hieroglyphs that give it away, its the illustration above them, but shhhh)
* he’s obviously very taken aback
* “How did you know that? That’s... incredible.”
* You blush. first time in a while and you look down bashfully
* “I studied the Book of the Dead for a little bit. Just a side interest of mine,” you say
* “But... these are holy.. texts,” he trails off, looking between you and the hieroglyphs
* it looks like something clicks behind his eyes
* his lips make an “oh” but no sound comes out
* he’s one of those types that almost always tells the truth, so he admits he thought you were some sort of delinquent demon
* “well, i am, technically,” you say, which makes him laugh
* later on in the evening you decided to trade your wristbands for fun - you’d get his golden braces, he’d get your studded leather with sharpened spikes
* both of you forget about it until you go home, start getting undressed, and realize you’ve got 4,000 year old gold on your arms
* you get terrified that the museum’s gonna arrest you or something for ‘stealing’
* the next time you see ahk you tell him that in a rush
* he, being the little gremlin he is, just laughs
* youre still in a fluster trying to give his bracelets back but he just laughs and goes
* “keep them. they look better on you.”
* “but.... theyre yours??”
* as it turns out he fucking loves the spikes on your own bracelet so half of that was just ahk wanting to keep YOUR wristband
* when he sits or stands near you, he fidgets with the spikes on his wrist and the spikes on your shoulder from your leather jacket
* it does make it a little hard for him to lean against you, which he does like to do with his friends
* but in the end you both decide he can put his head in your lap. you play with his hair and he practically moans and keens from the stimulation
* he may be friendly with others but its only in your company that he feels safe enough to sleep
* and youre happy to act as a pillow, even if your clothes aren’t made for such things
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cosmicpines · 3 years
code july day 1 - future
au where jeremie's anti-xana program didn't work, taking place half a year after.
“Do’ya think we should start future-proofing our whole situation?” Odd was the first one to speak out loud in at least a half an hour, his voice echoing around the computer lab.
It was late. Not just “it’s a school night, we should turn off the Playstation” late, but “sunrise is in an hour” late. Ulrich, Jeremie, and Aelita were crowded on the couch – a fairly new addition to the lab that William and Odd had dragged over a mile to the factory after finding it on the street, a several-hour long affair that left them both sore for a week – blearily staring at chunky school-loaned laptop screens with piles of overdue library books on the floor in front of them. Odd and William were across the room, hunched over an oversized posterboard, surrounded by an accoutrement of Odd’s art supplies and printed out sheets of paper. What was keeping them up was potentially world-ending, but not in the usual way; instead of an evil AI, it was a history project due at 10 AM.
It wasn’t entirely their fault they didn’t start earlier – saving the world was a full-time job, afterall – but it’s not like they could give an excuse to Mr. Fumet that he would have believed. As the clock ticked over to 4, the prospect of having to pull the trigger on a return trip to finish loomed over them. They had already done it once, blearily uploading PowerPoint slides to the supercomputer to save them, giving Yumi an apologetic phone call in the morning. She was used to the disorienting resets at this point, having done them for half a year after graduating and moving across the country, but they usually texted ahead of time to warn her. She was sympathetic over the phone – she always was – but she was definitely irritated about having to retake an exam. They didn’t want to put her through that again and, besides, they couldn’t exactly keep the poster board from getting erased to time.
“Future-proofing the fact half of us might fail history?” Ulrich grumbled in response from across the room, leaning against the armrest of the couch. His eyes were glazed over in a stupor as he clicked idly around on the screen.
“Ulrich, are you done with your slides yet?” Aelita spat at him, now that the silent spell was broken, “I want to start stitching them together.”
“Uh… no.” Ulrich glanced at her, subtly turning his screen away from her piercing gaze, “Gimme ten more minutes? I’m almost there.”
Aelita clicked her tongue, probably remembering the last promise of the slides “in ten minutes.” She turned to her left and nudged Jeremie, “How about you – oh my god, Jeremie, can you focus?”
“Huh?” He looked up, and guiltly alt-tabbed back to a blank PowerPoint slide. “Sorry, I was just… I had a breakthrough about the bug in the Skid and I was…” He trailed off under her glare, “Sorry.”
Aelita clutched the side of her head, groaning. “Is it too late to go back to living on Lyoko where I don’t have to care about World War I and don’t need sleep?”
“Me too, thanks.” William muttered at Odd’s side, aggressively erasing a sentence on the poster, “Being XANA’s slave was less painful than this.”
He let out a bitter laugh, then raised his head, half smirk fading at the frozen-in-terror looks on his friend’s faces, “Sorry. Too soon?”
Odd, as he so often did, interrupted the awkward silence before people could make it worse, “Future-proofing us, is what I meant. Thanks for asking!” Nobody humored him as the typing across the room started back up and William started writing again, “Look, I’m just saying; we’re not getting any younger.” He brandished a red marker, filling in bubble letters on the top of the poster, “Yumi graduated. We’ve only got a semester left at Kadic –,”
“Could just all repeat a year like I did.” William grimaced. “And might again.”
Ulrich snorted, “Odd and I are probably on track for that.”
“Cheers,” William said, raising his pencil like a glass, without looking up, “Join the failure club.”
“BUT,” Odd interrupted, “Assuming we don’t! Because this presentation is going to be incredible,” That one earned a snort from everyone in the room (which was fair), “We’ll need someone who can do our jobs if we have to leave the good fight. Lyoko Warriors, the Next Generation! Kadic’s Next Top Lyoko Warriors!” He chuckled at himself, standing up, “We should put an ad in the paper: ‘Want a challenging, world-altering job? Come down to the abandoned factory!’” He hummed to himself, tapping his chin, “Our criteria would have to be strict. Can you imagine getting someone like, I dunno, Johnny? So, Johnny. Please, tell me: what’s your greatest fear? Giant crabs, you say? Why yes, that’s both oddly specific and also a dealbreaker. Next!”
Odd looked up, laughing, waiting for his friends to join in – Ulrich telling him he was being dumb, Aelita offering some other students and joking with him about their interviews, William making a snide remark about how he didn’t get an interview, a silent, but appreciative smirk from Jeremie – but got nothing. Jeremie’s head was buried in his laptop, and Aelita was – Aelita was glaring at him?
“What?” He asked her, but she said nothing, just raised an eyebrow in a you know what’s wrong look. Odd clearly didn’t, and turned to Ulrich for a clue, but Ulrich wasn’t giving him anything; he was just back to sulking, staring at his laptop. Odd ran through what he said again in his head, trying to find the offending phrase, when William punched him in the leg. “Hey –,” Odd started, ready to give a snappy retort, before seeing William was urgently tapping at the poster, where he’d just written something. Odd crouched down to read it.
you’re upsetting jeremie.
Odd glanced back at Einstein across the room, whose face was impassive, just typing away. Looking closer, though, he could see Jeremie had all the appearances of someone trying valiantly to pretend they weren’t upset – hunched shoulders, scrunched up face, not a single glance away from the screen. Aelita had stopped glaring to put a hand on Jeremie’s shoulder, but he shrugged it off.
Ugh. Odd sighed, wondering if he would have to apologize for just trying to lighten the mood. How was anything he said upsetting to Jeremie? He reached over for a pencil to respond to William, scribbling down on the poster.
Can’t he take a joke?
idk. Guess he thinks you’re blaming him.
Blaming him?? For what???? bro when did I even say anything like that??
you didn’t. don’t bro me bro. not my fault
Odd underlined his first bro, giving William a smile. William rolled his eyes before rubbing out their conversation with an eraser. Odd turned back to his coloring job and took a breath, surprised to see it come in shaky. It’s not your fault he’s upset, he thought to himself, pulling the cap off his marker. It’s fine. He leaned over to finish his coloring before noticing his hands were shaking. He clenched them, angrily. It wasn’t his fault Jeremie was upset. He was fine. Not his fault if Jeremie wanted to over-react. He’ll get over it and… where were the scissors?
He dug around their supplies for them, then, picking up a pile of pictures of historic figures, streaked from the bad library printer, took a pair of trembling scissors to extracting them. They were nearly done. One more section and they’d be done. One more and they could go to bed and Jeremie would get over whatever he was upset about and it was fine and it would all go away and it was fine it wasn’t his fault and –
“I’m working as hard as I can,” Odd felt a bit in his stomach open up as Jeremie spoke in a quiet, bitter voice. Odd stared pointedly down at the poster, blinking rapidly to try and assuage the pressure building behind his eyes, “I know we screwed up by not finishing before Yumi graduated, okay? I’m just… It’s a lot to figure out and I’m trying?! Is that not enough for – No. No, I know it’s not enough – I know I’m keeping us from having a normal life and it’s my fault William had to repeat a year and… and I –,” Jeremie’s breath caught, and Odd finally dared to turn his eyes to him, seeing his friend aggressively rubbing his eyes under his glasses, “I – I don’t mean to – look! It’s hard, alright?! It’s hard and I – I’m just so tired all the time and I’m sorry that we’re still awake for this too and that I –,” His voice finally broke as he started crying in earnest, his fist coming down on the side of the couch. Odd wanted to turn back to his work and brush it off, but the guilt clenching his stomach wasn’t letting go.
Hesitantly, Aelita put her hand on his shoulder again, “Jeremie…” but he shook it off again, turning away from her. She persisted. “It’s not your fault. We know you’re working –,”
“And it’s not enough! I’ve been working at this for years and I just I can’t come up with anything to defeat XANA –,”
“You had a lot of other things you needed to do first.”
He didn’t mean to, Odd was sure, but Ulrich’s eyes flickered to William for just a moment, and William’s eyes narrowed.
“Oh, are we doing this now?” William grumbled, dropping his pencil. “Jeremie, you’re fine. Look, I’m sorry. Again. You don’t think I don’t regret every moment that I didn’t listen like a fucking idiot –” Jeremie, despite being wracked with tears, winced at the swear, earning a brief hint of a smile from Odd, “ – and got myself captured? Who then was a thorn in your asses for months? No. I get it. You’d probably be rid of XANA already if it wasn’t for me; you’ve made that crystal clear.”
“That’s not what I –,” Aelita glared at him, “You of all people should understand that I would never blame you for being trapped on Lyoko.”
“It’s not you that is. It’s him.” He jerked his thumb at Ulrich, who glared back at him.
“I’m not,” Ulrich muttered, “Cut it out.”
“Oh yeah? What did that look mean then, huh?”
“I didn’t –,”
“You blame me, and we all know it. You’re just butt-hurt over Yumi still, even though you had plenty of chances –,”
“Okay, that’s it.” Ulrich sat up straighter, “Maybe you’re still using Yumi as a scapegoat in all our arguments, but I’m done with that. Maybe I was an ass to you before because of her, but I don’t blame you for XANA, William. I never have. I was over it before you even joined,” He scowled at the ground, Jeremie’s crying filling the brief silence. “It was probably my fault you got captured in the first place. I wasn’t there because I had to talk to my stupid Dad and it was my job to tell Odd and I didn’t make sure – hell, even before that! Who was it that couldn’t protect Aelita back when XANA escaped from the supercomputer in the first place? If she hadn’t been alone, the Scyphozoa wouldn’t have gotten her, and XANA wouldn’t have escaped, and we would have been done.”
“Come on,” Aelita crossed her arms, turning away from Jeremie to the boy on her other side, “You’re being ridiculous. Half of that isn’t your fault.”
Odd wanted to chime in that it was Sam’s fault she didn’t listen to Ulrich, but his voice was still missing in action, his throat tight and unresponsive.
“I should have been able to protect myself,” Aelita continued, “It wasn’t your responsibility –,”
Jeremie laughed suddenly, hurt and bitter, “Protect yourself how? You couldn’t protect yourself because I was dragging my feet on giving you a proper weapon –,”
“We’ve talked about this!” She said, “We agreed it was more worth your time to work on an antivirus!”
“For a virus that didn’t exist! If I had just double checked –,”
“Double checked what? The faulty data you were being fed? There was nothing you could have done! If you want to blame anyone, blame me. Maybe it – maybe helping me made sense at first, when things were able to be stopped at a moment’s notice. But then even when you got me to Earth it wasn’t over, and things got worse, things got more dangerous – when we realized XANA could escape? That we couldn’t just turn it off with a switch? That – that should have been it.” Her voice dropped as she took a shaky breath, “You should have just let me turn the supercomputer off.”
“You were ALWAYS worth the risk, Aelita!” Odd finally snapped, terror shooting through his heart at the broken look on her face, the implications of her words, “You… you matter to us more than anything! Look, I’m sorry for bringing this all up, alright? I thought we could just joke around about running Lyoko Warrior interviews! I didn’t mean to get everyone upset. And speaking of! Jeez! All of you are such downers on yourselves! There’s like, a billion different things that could have happened!” He held out a hand, ticking them off, “Maybe William might not have gotten captured and instead XANA got Yumi or anyone else! Maybe, I dunno, Ulrich saved Aelita temporarily but then XANA tossed him in the digital sea! Maybe Jeremie could have noticed that Aelita didn’t have a virus sooner, and XANA just made a move sooner! Maybe – maybe – maybe if you had just let Kiwi be virtualized normally and not fuse with me he would have been a great Lyoko Warrior and would have bit the Scyphozoa and killed XANA! We don’t know, alright? I’m just trying to say that – ugh, forget it! Sorry! Jeez!”
Odd rubbed at his eyes, surrendering to the frustrated and exhausted stream of tears that leaked out of them. All of them, all of this – he kept trying to play superhero, to pretend that everything was going to be alright like in the movies, but in his heart he had to admit that this was starting to feel futile. Aelita’s virus, XANA’s escape from the supercomputer, William’s capture, Jeremie’s first botched attempt at his anti-XANA program, Franz Hopper’s sacrifice, Yumi’s graduation, their failure to stop space station from falling, Jeremie’s second anti-XANA program getting stolen by the AI, and now the looming threat of their own graduation… he wanted to be joking about needing to interview new Lyoko Warriors, really, but if graduation took them away from the factory… away from each other…
A hand landed on his shoulder, he realized he didn’t need to know who it was to press his own on top of it, to squeeze it and feel loved, as more hands, more friends, found their way to his other shoulder, to his back.
“I’m sorry, Jeremie,” he said, “And everyone else. I didn’t mean to –,”
“Don’t,” came a muttered reply from Jeremie, “We’re all acting tired and stupid. I shouldn’t have yelled. I knew you didn’t mean it.”
Odd let out an exhausted laugh, rubbing his eyes of the last of the tears, looking up and seeing his friends around him, “How late is it?”
“Too late,” Ulrich replied, pulling his phone out of his pocket, “We’ve got… three hours until classes start.”
A collective groan broke the spell over the room. Odd looked under his feet to the almost-finished-poster. Silently, all of them returned to their working positions. Odd kneeled down to finish gluing down the last of the faces to the poster. As the lull of busy work started taking over his mind, William nudged him.
“Sorry, I, uh…” William looked uncharacteristically bewildered, “This must have happened while I was – did you say Kiwi fused with you?”
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sheismyteacher · 4 years
hi loves,
im pretty sure ive alr done all old monthly challenges that used to be on here in 2017/2018 including my own lol but @baeby-tc made a new one and its once again 2am and im missing her so heres summ facts u might not know yet!!!
1. describe your tc’s physical appearance.
shes about my height so 5'7, she has a blonde pixie cut and bright blue eyes, n freckles!! and shes super skinny
2. what was the first thing you’ve ever said to your tc?
probably hi?? i honestly dont remember much from our first class
3. is your tc single or taken? or are you unsure? and are you single or taken?
single!! and im taken lol ive been dating my gf for a year n 11 months
4. is your tc more of the athletic type, the nerdy type or the artsy type?
nerdy looool
5. if you and your tc were in high school together, do you think you’d be friends?
honestly idk? we very well could have been because we were both kinda alt (me leaning towards goth, her leaning towards punk) but also both insanely private introverts lmfsjshhd so we might not even have approached each other
6. name one song that reminds you of your tc and explain why that song reminds you of them.
savannah by lp hehee we're both lp stans but she got me into her music and the first song we talked abt was savannah
7. is your tc fashionable or are they more of the simple type? what is one outfit you’d love to see them wear?
oh girl... 💀💀 i love her w my whole heart but if i see one more silver glimmery cardigan i might lose my mind. id love to see her in jeans and a crop top but shed Never so honestly i'll take anything that's not... horrible
8. would you be willing to become a teacher and teach your tc’s subject if it meant you two could be together?
haha funny cause... that's literally what im doing... going into my second year of uni... going to do my internship with her this year... ummmmmm.....
9. does your tc drink or smoke?
10. name one item that is always on your tc’s desk.
her planner loool shes super organized
11. has your tc ever done anything that has either thrown you off, annoyed you, angered you or bothered you in any way? if so, what did they do?
yea i think I've only been pissed at her once?? i was really struggling with a situation and usually when i rant to her she fucks around and makes jokes n all and im fine with it i dont take myself that seriously but this time i was genuinely rly upset and she didnt rly notice i guess although i alr lowkey told her to stop n she kept making dumbass jokes so i was like "this is genuinely not funny like im being serious for once" and she did apologize which i appreciate but i genuinely think that's the only time ive been upset with her! and shes said things before that other people would see as shocking but has always apologised even when not necessary shes super respectful
12. does your tc have any past jobs that you know of, before becoming a teacher?
no actually!! she probably had a job in hs/uni??? but weve never talked abt that wow mayb i should ask her sometime
13. does your tc have kids or siblings? if so, how many?
both! she has one younger sister and two sons!
14. are you taking your tc’s class next year?
as i said ive graduated but im acc gonna b an english teacher as well now and imma do my 2nd yr internship w her!!!
15. has your tc ever met your parents? if you were there, what was the meeting like?
yes PLSJSJDJDJD at my school musical... and it was lowkey awkward cause i told her all abt how my father is lowkey terrifying so she was cautious as hell 😭😭
16. has your tc ever given you detention? if so, what was it like?
naw i never have her a reason to
17. has your tc ever failed you? if so, how did you react? if not, how would you react?
noo english has always been my best subject so she never had to.. but if she did i probably messed it up!! shes fair
18. what are your tc’s hobbies/interests? are they similar to yours?
help shes a dancer and i hate dancing w my entire heart so umm.. no
19. have you ever spoken on the phone with your tc? what did you talk about?
never actually!! we've texted so often but never called?? except if u count the time she (or her son?) called me on accident for about 6 seconds jdjdhd ion think she even knows that happened, i hung up and forgot to mention it again)
20. if you had your tc’s class during quarantine, what were your zoom calls like? if not, have you spoken to your tc since quarantine?
we've texted, but not as much as we used to and it's making me SAD but i feel like we just dont have a lot to say to each other
21. if you had the chance to go anywhere in the world with your tc, where would you go? what would you do?
she loves switzerland so let's go
22. does your tc have any nicknames for you?
she shortens my name sometimes heheh i loooove when people do that
23. have you ever cried in front of your tc? why? how did they react?
no, i don't cry that often, and ESPECIALLY not in public
24. have you ever walked/drove to/from school with your tc?
yeah we cycled together a few times! but usually were off on different times
25. do you know which teachers your tc is friends with at school? if so, do you like those teachers?
yea theres a couple she likes but shes not rlly *friends* with anyone, but we have the same opinions on most teachers
26. what does your tc’s voice sound like?
it's very soft, and not in volume but in vibes? and she has pretty sharp t's and her r's roll a little hehe
27. do you like your tc as a teacher? are they a good teacher?
oh yes 100%
28. does your tc prefer books, shows or movies?
im gonna go ahead and assume books, but she does have netflix as well
29. is your tc stern or easy going, in class?
pretty stern? i know a couple of people are lowkey scared of her but like shes not awful she just makes sure the class gets shit done
30. how would you describe you and your tc’s relationship?
like a friendship! i asked her abt it once (ages ago) and she said that she was tryna figure out how she felt abt me when it came to labels like 'friend' cause im also her ex student etc so she didn't rly wanna call me that yet?? but i think if we keep talking we'll get there. we trust each other immensely
31. do you address your tc by their first or last name?
firsttt since march 27th 2017 😌
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kitsunebishake · 5 years
Why Hríd is such an amazing character who just got done wrong during his “character arc” (SPOILERS FOR THE WHOLE BOOK II AND FORGING BONDS)
this was originally written as a thread on twitter but i’ll try my best to put it all here because someone asked for it some time ago
I’m putting it here because @chascah suggested i uploaded it here as well for those people who actually appreciate the icy boy
this is basically an analysis to most if not every quote from hríd, also adding some translations and little details from the japanese quotes (and some lore behind the whole idea of hríd’s new year alt)
let’s start then!
lemme start with the fact that hríd only appeared in 3 out of 13 chapters, yet is the character that caught my interest the most (funny because i already had a crush on alfonse, then i saw hríd and was like "oh, hello there")
hríd arrived like a half-dead yet somehow composed prince who somehow (x2) survived by himself in múspell for weeks (maybe even months, there's no exact timeline but it is canon that alfonse and the others spent some weeks in nifl, it probably also took them a while to navigate through múspell until loki arrived as ylgr)
he served as some kind of excuse to not put bruno too much with the main characters, practically a messenger only despite this guy being alive with burns and a broken sword (the crack on gjöll's blade hurts bc he couldve actually lost his sword and ended up defenseless in battle oof)
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so, there was no really much use of his character other than being a magical solution for everything
he even helped unmask loki (though they never explain why hríd suspected of ylgr, we only know loki's own take)
btw, can we talk about the fact he probably outsmarted loki while the others weren't yet in múspell? he terrorized surtr's army and even outsmarted laegjarn and laevatein
and since he survived for so long i believe most of his wounds were made by surtr himself
they never really say whether he actually managed to kill surtr or not, but let's say yes just to add up on all of the things hríd does just in the story
at first glance it looks like he's doing nothing, but reading further into it and applying some logic
hríd's... he's pretty impressive for a prince so young
gotta also add how hríd appears less impulsive in japanese than in english
when "alfonse" blames him for being a traitor, hríd gets to the defensive immediately in english
in japanese, he's more in shock, probably because after all he's tried, he's being doubted by his allies (which shows a lot how much he cares about being perceived as perfect, something i'll get on to later if i have enough time)
I added this part in the middle of the whole thing because it was a different thread so excuse the sudden change of topic, kinda. It’s supposed to be from the last conversation in Book 2, where Fjorm tells Hríd she’s going to stay in Askr despite her “condition”.
"I understand your feelings, Sister. By all means, go. I will pray for your safety."
this is one of the quotes i'd like to put in that one hríd character thread i want to make
the feeling behind this quote got completely lost in translation, as there's no way to translate it properly
in japanese, hríd uses a pecular way of speech to refer to his sister here he says "... I get it. If that is what you wish, it's alright to go. I'll pray for your safety." the peculiar part, aside from hríds "..." is where he refers to fjorm, the "you"
hríd normally uses "kimi" to refer to people, which is like a more... gentle? way of speaking? men usually use it towards women bc they want to treat them nicely, and jps in general use it with people they don't know (it's that, or "anata" or "[name]-san")
yet here, hríd decides to use "omae" to refer to fjorm, which is more informal and even rude (specially for someone who normally uses "kimi", it means he wanted to express some kind of anger or frustration about fjorm's decision without saying it directly,,,,,,,,,,,,,which is very japanese to do so,,,,,, *looks into the distant "most japanese people i've known don't directly say 'no' and instead go 'hmmmmmm' '*very indirectly rejects*' and it's probably a fact*)
it feels like instead of being supportive, hríd just understood there was no way of convincing fjorm to stay with them
so he gave up and felt hurt by that
please protect hríd
Back to the rest of the analysis.
now let's talk about forging bonds, in the wiki there's only the opening part transcribed in japanese, the rest is only on english (i curse not having started playing 3 months earlier orz)
the first thing you can notice in the japanese version is how informal hríd is when he's stressed
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while he speaks in an usually softer manner, here, he doesn't even greet ylgr and gunnthrá, he goes directly to "gunnthrá... ah, ylgr is here too" (he kinda does the same in the mainstory, where he just says “ah, fjorm, you’re okay... ylgr too :)”)
this shows how easily stressed hríd gets and how much he lets his emotions dirve his attitude and actions (which makes sense with the part where he tells fjorm she should be the one wielding leiptr and not him, he's too emotional despite how much he tries not to be)
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in these parts we also see some level of deattachment from gunnthrá, on english he goes "sister..." by the end of the opening conversation
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in the jp, however, he stays silent, he doesn't even call her name
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idk if it's just me overanalyzing it, but from my experience with animoo and vidya, it feels a little weird that he says nothing there, like he's thinking (this is probably foreshadowing hríd's inner feelings oof)
something that i particularily like about this event is that hríd seems so at ease when he's on the dreams, even in the english translation it seems like that he mentions it might be because he feels at ease with kiran but i feel like it also has to do with the fact they're just a dream, it's not the real world, there's nothing to worry in a world where there's no war
at least, that's the feeling his dialogues give me
the closest thing to that hríd is his lvl40 speech and ny hríd (who's happier)
the only quote where hríd mentions some type of concern for his mother btw
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from here on it only gets worse when it comes to hríd, though
he speaks about the invasion and such he talks in a way that implies he's probably taking the role of a commander (same as how it is implied he trains the soldier, or that he trains with them, though since he's been training alone with fjorm for so long, it's most likely the former) aside from that, he's weighting on himself the responsibility of what happens to nifl and what happens to his family
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and since he's doing so, here's when it comes the part of hríd not being able to care about himself
this young man is carrying a heavy weight, the hopes and dreams and lives of many innocent and PEACEFUL people who barely even know how to fight, on top of those of his loved ones
it doesn't seem like anyone asked him to, not even his mother or sisters
he just decided it on his own that he needed to be "the perfect prince/king" in order to "protect" them
/even if it costs him his life/
he prepared his sisters for that moment (which, might give an insight that hríd knew more than he says, but let's leave my conspiracy theories aside lol)
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and to THAT PART, we can add this from the mainstory
in english, when he's rescued, he thanks them for doing so
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but in the jp text he actually apologizes for it
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not sure how to exactly translate it, but it's something along the lines of "my apologies...for having to be saved..."
idk you guys, but it sounds like what someone who just failed to commit suicide would say, instead of someone who's grateful to be alive
and it makes sense, with how obsessed hríd seems to be about "dying for his loved ones" despite it not being entirely necessary
i mean, look at that, he survived surtr and was aided by bruno as he escaped (probably? they never say what exactly happened, but since they're looking for hríd and not for bruno, it's most likely that they just found each other by accident)
and yes, even though he seems to calm down with those thoughts during the sequence, it is only a dream and we know he has no recolection of them
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he forgets completely about that motivation to keep living, which leads him into further down the path of death  (whichinnorsemythologymightbecalledhríd,,,,,,orgjöll,,,ykow?)
im still not done, havent even gotten to his unit quotes lmao
hríd still did his best to survive for as long as he could, but it feels more like his strategic "i'm making time for fjorm and the askrans to make their moves" purely, out of the fact he didn't seem too happy to survive until he saw fjorm and ylgr
hat's all of hríd's quotes from that event, i can finally move on to his unit quotes
let's start with this one, luckily it is practically the same quote in both languages
this immediatelly counters any "hríd is boring" comment
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though that is subjective, in my case what drove me even further into loving hríd was how different he was from usual characters related to ice
he might come off as cold sometimes, but it's purely because he's actually really dense/has a really bad sense of humor
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in jp he tries to make an ice joke, but says "it's not suitable for him" (which is funny because in english he does have ice puns and i hate it)
1. he doesn't mention his mother 2. hríd blaming himself and being kinda gloomy part 1 
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"I should have protected my people and sisters, I couldn't play that role... I can never forget that." 
this part hurts a lot (it's a little more poetic than the og one, i like it lol)
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he could be talking about himself, about his sisters, his people, or all together, since the four of them have expressed desire for peace, and all four ended hurt by such thing
this part is scary, though it's not as much in english
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NOT BECAUSE OF THE TRANSLATION, but because of his battle lines in eng (i'll get to that first and then come back to this one)
the most shockingly different skill trigger is the second one
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the first one is exactly the same the third one in jp is "this is the last blow" (or smth like that) the fourth one is a little weird to translate (ice upon you works, but "freeze your life" sounds a little scary??)
it literally says "no mercy for the enemy"
IT'S LITERALLY SUGAR COATED, hríd went from a gentle giant to a merciless killer (who knows how many muspellians he's killed???) thanks to surtr and his fucking ass
hríd blaming himself and being gloomy part 2
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the fact that he has not one, not two, not three, but about 5 to 6 lines that imply he's still dueling over everything that happened during the war is hurtful, he really can't forgive himself for that
he also sounds a little dead to me here (it’s one of the voiced quotes from his status page!)
which brings me back to the initial scary one
hríd is obsessed with earning his peace no matter what
and for that, he wants to get stronger
for that, he's willing to even perish, for everyone's sake
it's so sickening for me since i can kinda relate???? it reminds me a lot of the kind of wording they use for depression-themed japanese works, with the "peace" part and his willingness to just die anytime (which, is actually pretty normal for a warrior outside of FE. outside)
iT MAKES ME FEEL BAD BUT AT THE SAME TIME i kinda like he's written this way
AND EVEN WHEN HE'S LIKE THAT, hríd is still a gentle sweetheart who speaks so kindly you kinda forgets how merciless he is in the battlefield
like, the audio where he holds kiran's hands???? where he speaks about how the order of heroes saved nifl????? EVEN WHEN HE GETS STARTLED
he's always such a gentle and kind person
it makes me hate surtr even more because they didn't deserve this
hríd didn't deserve going through all of this fucking shit HE. DESERVED. HAPPINESS. AND PEACE.
then there's the ny hríd
he's an angel
a happy angel who makes me a little sad bc og hríd is not as happy
From here on everything was written like 2 weeks after the previous stuff :’) i’m sowwy
he's a resolute prince, he has the resolution of saving even at least one person,,,,,instead of being a "king", instead of being a "brother", or a "prince", he just wants to be "a hero",,,
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hello, this is my opening statement of why ny hríd makes me cry with just existing
let us start with something that makes his quotes even better, particularily the previous quote and his lvl40 speech, which is the powerful meaning of this alt itself for a character such as hríd
in japan, new year used to be celebrated not at the end of the year, but at the end of winter, which is where geishun comes into the scheme, as it currently means "new years greetings" but in those old times, it was actually "welcoming spring" (or something along those lines i suck for precise translations)
and that's where our next quote comes into the picture
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hríd speaks about nifl's winter, about how it practically symbolizes the nifleans' strength and will power
the alt itself is a more positive hríd, one who's willing to try his hardest for everyone, who doesn't regret his past, but looks into the future and has the purpose of being even better than before
of course, this hríd didn't suffer the same fate as the OG hríd, as he still has all 3 sisters (i want to believe ylgr was with them, just not shown bc of the lack of space for a sixth character) and now also 2 new allies to power their search for peace and strength to defend that peace
so, while our normal hríd is desparate to become stronger and suffers, this hríd is like his pole opposite, it's like the sun and the moon (too bad this hríd has no default special, sol would've fit him so well)
can we talk about how he feels so comfortable wearing the celebratory outfit?
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the obi (the.....thing that acts as a belt) should be tied strongly enough so the hakama (the pants) doesnt fall down while he fights, yet he feels comfortable with it
i mean, it isn't as constrictive as a kimono as it doesn't prevent him from moving around freely, but he still shouldn't normally feel as comfortable with it as he is, he's never even worn something like that (it is implied, at least) yet he's loving it, isn't it adorable???
one time i joked about hríd being able to feel when winter is coming or when snow will start falling but
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i think this quote pretty much confirmed it (YOU CAN'T SAY IT'S BECAUSE IT'S WARM, IT DOES SNOW IN ASKR WE'VE SEEN IT)
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blessed boy munchs a whole fucking piece of mixed flour with FOUR HUNDRED GRAMS OF FUCKING SUGAR 
he's got a sweet tooth i know it, i know my people when i see them
it's just that he doesn't seem disgusted, and he also only mentions the mochi so we can assume he didn't drink sake or matcha with it
he ate the fucking thing alone and apparently liked it
we have a sweet angel, guys
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i just think this quote is cute, he loves cold just as much as i love him
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though in japanese, the last quote is a little more gloomy
im not entirely sure of how to properly translate it *looks at the jisho page of the kanji he cant understand* it's certainly a word
but it could be something like "to be in such a predicament from so early in the year... I'm unable to say it's pathetic..."
i???? imagine he says he "can't say it" because he's trying to be positive?????? or something along those lines, but saying it proves he's taking it way to the extreme
nasakenai can also be shameful or miserable, pitable, disgraceful stuff like that
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i'm not sure how to describe this quote?
this time it's the english localisation that kinda throws me off, i don't understand what he's trying to say lmao
in japenese he's saying something about having been graced this early in the new year
7 years speaking english and i still can't break down complex phrases the only reason i've survived this long is through the power of deduction abilities
pray for me
u know hríd's damaged quotes in english are all grunts, right?
in japanese, this hríd has a peculiar quote i find adorable when he gets damaged
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he says "as expected from you...!"
btw listening to his english quotes is so funny
he sounds so damn cool in japanese and in english he
he sounds like a fucking nerd
compare this (JP) https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/feheroes_gamepedia_en/1/12/VOICE_Hr%C3%ADd_Resolute_Prince_SKILL_2_jp.wav
to this (ENG) https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/feheroes_gamepedia_en/6/6a/VOICE_Hr%C3%ADd_Resolute_Prince_SKILL_2.wav
it's the exact same quote by the two different VAs
back to translations and analysis
i hate this one
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his eng quote is more positive while the japanese one is something along the lines of "I was useless... I'm sorry..."
look, say whatever you want, but hríd is such a sweet man
he cares for people and he tries his best to be the perfect prince everyone thinks he is
despite how "im so useless...!" his japanese version is
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he way he says these two quotes sounds way more positive in japanese lmao it's the same translation, only that he's more "I'll repay you!!!!!!" in jp ( https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/feheroes_gamepedia_en/3/34/VOICE_Hr%C3%ADd_Resolute_Prince_MAP_3_jp.wav )
can’t use emojis on this pc so i’ll just leave the whole screenshot here
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you see this quote here?
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this is what it actually says
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why are u so cute aaaaaaa///////////
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this is probably the translation of hríd's quotes i hate the most  in english it just...sounds so rude
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in japanese it's more like "could you please tell me if i'm wearing these clothes wrong? i'll fix it fast"
he's trying to be respectful to the hoshidans sobs
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first, this is my fave quote on english
he sounds so confused as to why people think the hoshidan clothes suit him
to make it more adorable, in japanese, the original quote is something like "I wonder what makes a type of clothing 'suit' you..."
HE'S GOING ALL PHYLOSOFICAL ON THAT SHIT probably because people keep telling him he looks good in that kind of clothing
this man's density is so powerful that he can't even begin to understand people find him attractive and that the attire literally makes him go from a 10 to a 1000000000000000000
he doesn't get it and he wants to know if it's really true so he goes out of his way TO ASK KIRAN
i love hríd so much he's so adorabl e
i want to give him a hug
with this i finish my thread for now
for now
hopefully we will get another alt for hríd and i can come back to spam about how adorable his quotes are
please stan hríd he's literally an angel
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vanaun · 7 years
do 1-100 :)
1. What is you middle name? - Officially James
2. How old are you? - 17 but 18 in roughly a month
3. What is your birthday? - Feb 17, 1999
4. What is your zodiac sign? - Aquarius 
5. What is your favorite color? - Red
6. What’s your lucky number? - 4
7. Do you have any pets? - Yes, one dog named Mick he is a mini schnauzer
8. Where are you from? - Canada
9. How tall are you? - 5 feet 11 inches
10. What shoe size are you? - 8 in mens
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? - 2
12. What was your last dream about? - I can’t remember
13. What talents do you have? - none that I know of
14. Are you psychic in any way? - no
15. Favorite song? - At the moment probably Bullfrog Blues by Canned Heat
16. Favorite movie? - maybe Generation War idk
17. Who would be your ideal partner? - someone who I love and loves me back deeply
18. Do you want children? - Not really but if I did have children I’d adopt
19. Do you want a church wedding? - I’m up for whatever my wife/husband would want really
20. Are you religious? - I am not
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? - yes 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? - Almost when my brother had lost his phone and I had texted him about cocaine in GTA5
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? - I have not
24. Baths or showers? - why not both?
25. What color socks are you wearing? - none but I own a majority grey socks
26. Have you ever been famous? - I have not
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? - I am undecided on that
28. What type of music do you like? - Classic Rock, classical, punk rock, metal, alt rock, and pretty much everything except country
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? - I have not
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? - 2
31. What position do you usually sleep in? - On my stomach, one leg out bent at the knee, and with my arms wrapped around a pillow
32. How big is your house? - one ground floor and a basement with enough space for a family of 4-5 to live in
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? - Nothing
34. Have you ever fired a gun? - Yes and the first time I did I won a competition
35. Have you ever tried archery? - Yes I own my own bow and should shoot more than I do
36. Favorite clean word? - dude
37. Favorite swear word? - idk man 
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? - 2 days
39. Do you have any scars? - yes
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? - none that I know of
41. Are you a good liar? - yes
42. Are you a good judge of character? - sometimes
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? - I can almost do a Russian
44. Do you have a strong accent? - I wouldn’t know 
45. What is your favorite accent? - Probably Russian or Irish
46. What is your personality type? - I don’t know what to put here
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? - I’m not sure
48. Can you curl your tongue? - yes
49. Are you an innie or an outie? - innie
50. Left or right handed? - Left
51. Are you scared of spiders? - to death
52. Favorite food? - Salmon 
53. Favorite foreign food? - perogies?
54. Are you a clean or messy person? - A bit of both I’d say
55. Most used phrased? - “What’s good my dude.”
56. Most used word? - bro/dude
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? - about 5-10 minutes
58. Do you have much of an ego? - I’d say its about a 4/10
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? - suck then bite after a bit
60. Do you talk to yourself? - only a sentence or two every now and then
61. Do you sing to yourself? - yes
62. Are you a good singer? - not at all
63. Biggest Fear? - drowning 
64. Are you a gossip? - no
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? -  I wouldn’t know
66. Do you like long or short hair? - It doesn’t matter to me on others but I’d like to have longer hair
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? - No 
68. Favorite school subject? - science 
69. Extrovert or Introvert? - Introvert probably
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? - Never
71. What makes you nervous? - People who keep reversing out of driveways as I drive past
72. Are you scared of the dark? - Not really
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?- Depends on the person
74. Are you ticklish? - very
75. Have you ever started a rumor? - Yes
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? - Yes
77. Have you ever drank underage? - Yes with parental consent (legally)
78. Have you ever done drugs? - yes
79. Who was your first real crush? - My neighbor from 2 houses down
80. How many piercings do you have?- none
81. Can you roll your Rs?“ - somewhat
82. How fast can you type? - 41 WPM
83. How fast can you run? - Idk 
84. What color is your hair? - dark brown
85. What color is your eyes? - brown/green
86. What are you allergic to? - only cats and horses that I know of
87. Do you keep a journal? - No
88. What do your parents do? - My dad works at in a store he co-owns and my mom works at a bank
89. Do you like your age? - It’s alright
90. What makes you angry? - People who cheat, people who hurt my friends/family
91. Do you like your own name? - Not my legal one 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? - I have not thought in-depth 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? - A girl
94. What are you strengths? - I can hide my pain
95. What are your weaknesses? - I am physically weak and I am not easily motivated
96. How did you get your name? - Three days after I was born my dad randomly thought of it 
97. Were your ancestors royalty? - None that I know of 
98. Do you have any scars? - Same question as #39
99. Color of your bedspread? - white, black and a bit of blue
100. Color of your room? -  a darker red / orange
Thanks @angelicvoids
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