#I will be losing my mind when Randy Orton comes back
kayfabebabe · 9 months
Hi Mitch! Encore and Enthusiast for you ⭐️ for the ask game
Hallo Simone!! I hope you're doing okie and staying awesome - Thank you so much for the Ask <3
~ ~ ~
Encore ~ List wrestlers you wish would come back
Oh man… There's a bunch of wrestlers who are longer with us that I would give anything for them to come back and wrestle again. Kerry Von Erich, Test, Owen Hart. We lost them too damn soon.
On the flip side, I'm patiently waiting for the day that Randy Orton, Bobby Roode, and R-Truth come back. I, also, wish with absolutely everything that Big E was able to wrestle safely. He is the human version of sunshine.
Enthusiast ~ Wrestlers whom you have a crush on -OR- Wrestlers whom you are a fan of?
If I'm being completely honest, there's a bunch of cross-over between the list of wrestlers that I have a crush on and the wrestlers that I'm a fan of. So, I'll leave it up to your imagination which is which. (Caveat - I'm limiting it to active wrestlers for now.)
Jon Moxley Claudio Castagnoli Kevin Owens Nattie Neidhart Eddie Kingston Shotzi El Desperado Sheamus Butch/Pete Dunne
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sydsaint · 6 months
Daddy's Home!!!!!!
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Summary: Things are looking bleak for the reader when she's facing The Bloodline alone. Luckily for her, a certain someone is about to make a comeback. And he's looking for allies against The Bloodline.
Another week on Raw and another week struggling to keep afloat with The Bloodline constantly trying to force you into their group.
"Bayley wait! Come on, don't leave me out here!" You plead with your opponent who's just pulled a win from out under you.
"Sorry, Y/N." Bayley shrugs as she passes you. "But I'm not getting involved in this." She purses her lips into a line and walks off.
You pull yourself off the mat, body shaking from being overexerted in your match. You huff out quick breaths and struggle to your feet, knowing that Jimmy and Solo will soon show up.
Sure enough, Jimmy's music hits and he descends the ramp with Solo at his side. You make it to your feet but have to force yourself to stop and catch your breath.
"Y/N! Tough loss, baby." Jimmy hops onto the apron cooing at you. "See, this is why you need us! We can make sure you ain't ever lose again." He insists as he passes through the ropes.
"How many times do I have to tell you no?" You growl, still leaning on the ring ropes for support.
Jimmy makes his way across the ring toward you while Solo comes around to stand on the floor below you. You're trapped once again. 
"Simple, shorty. Until you decide to join us, we always gonna be here for you." Jimmy explains with a grin. "It's up to you how long this goes on for." 
You groan and prepare for another tiring 10-minute argument. Your body aches from your match with Bayley and finally giving in crosses your mind for a split second. Working for Roman can't be that bad right? 
Just when you're about to maybe give in and agree to Roman's terms, Randy Orton's music blasts through the arena speakers. You knew that Orton made a comeback over the weekend. But why the in hell he's out here now, you don't know. 
Jimmy turns around sharply as Randy makes a B-line for the ring. Randy disposes of Jimmy with ease and sends him packing. Solo retreats for the moment and joins Jimmy at the top of the ramp. 
"Hey, you alright?" Randy walks over to you once Jimmy and Solo are gone. 
"Yeah, thanks." You nod, slowly regaining your strength. "Sorry, do you mind parting the ring ropes for me? My knees are killing me." You ask sheepishly.
Randy nods and parts the ring ropes for you. You carefully slip through them and head down the stairs and up the ramp. Randy hops down from the apron and walks backstage with you. 
"So, what are Jimmy and Solo so interested in you for?" Randy casually asks as you walk with him. "Old boyfriend or something?" 
"No, nothing like that." You sneer at the idea. "Roman wants someone female to join his idiotic little group. And apparently, I'm his prime candidate." You explain. 
Randy nods and directs you over to where a couple of trainers are waiting to check you out. "Right. And I'm assuming that you don't want anything to do with them?" He asks you. 
"Not in the slightest." You shake your head. "Why?" You turn to him curiously. 
Randy shrugs and steps back a bit so the trainers can get to your side. "We can talk more about it later. You should go ahead and get looked at." He gestures to the trainers. "How about we meet up after the show?" He suggests. 
"Yeah, okay." You nod. "I'll meet up with you backstage later." 
Randy nods and walks off so you are alone with the trainers. They look you over and determine that you tweaked your knee during your match with Bayley. But other than that and some general fatigue, you're in perfect health. You head back to your locker room for a quick rinse and change. 
When you get back to your locker room Shotzi is there waiting for you. 
"Hey, Shotzi." You greet your odd friend as you come through the door. 
"Y/N! I am so sorry I didn't come out to help you!" Shotzi jumps up and attacks you in a hug. "I was in a photoshoot and didn't find out until like 5 minutes ago." She explains. 
You smile and hug her back tightly before pushing her off you. "It's alright, Shotzi." You assure her. "I actually got some help from someone else." A small grin plays on your face. 
"I know!" Shotzi squeals. "Randy Orton helping you out with Jimmy and Solo? What was that all about?" She teases you. 
"I have no clue." You shrug. "But he asked to meet up with me after the show." You add. "Which is why I so need to shower." 
Shotzi's mouth hangs open as she's being her usual over-the-top self. "Oh my gosh! Y/N, girl. What is with you and attracting all the dllfs around here?" She asks you. "I mean, Roman? Then I so saw LA Knight checking you out at the airport earlier today. And now, Randy Orton?" 
"I have no idea." You shrug. "Maybe I'm just that irresistible." You joke with a laugh before disappearing to shower.    You have a quick shower and find Shotzi gone when you come back out to the locker room. Assuming that she had something else to do and you'll see her again at the hotel later, you get changed and head out. 
You barely make it to the backstage area when you spot Randy hanging out waiting for you. Slinging your back over your shoulder, you make your way over to him. 
"Hey, Randy." You wave to Orton nervously. 
"Y/N, hey. Thanks for meeting me." Randy waves back at you. "How are you? Everything goes alright with the trainers?" He asks you. 
You nod and blush over the fact that Orton is taking an interest in your well-being. "Yeah, just a tweaked knee is all." You assure him. "So, what did you want to talk about?" You ask him. 
"It's about The Bloodline." Randy briefly explains. "I'm sure you probably know that it was them who put me out for so long?" He asks you. 
"Yeah, I remember." You nod. "It was brutal, man." 
Randy's jaw twitches at the memory and he nods. "Well, I'm back now. And It's time that I took some revenge." He explains in a stern tone. "And I'd like your help. If you're willing." He adds. 
"You want my help?" You point to yourself in surprise. "Why me?" You can't help but ask. 
Randy shrugs again, his gaze falling on you rather than darting randomly around the room like it has been. "You've already got a problem with them." He reminds you. "Plus I've seen you in the ring before. You're one hell of a competitor. Which is probably why Roman is so adamant about recruiting you." He adds. 
"Thanks." You bite the inside of your lip. 
"I'm going to need backup if I'm going to do this," Randy explains further. "And you seemed like the best choice. So, what do you think, Y/N? You in?" He asks you. 
You remain silent for a moment and mull over your options. You can almost hear Shotzi screaming at you to take the offer. And frankly, you'd be delusional to turn it down. 
"Yeah, I'm in." You take a deep breath for giving Randy an answer. 
Randy nods and retrieves his phone from his pocket. You watch him unlock it before handing it to you. "Great. Put your number in there and we'll talk more later." He explains. "Right now I've got some work stuff to do. But we'll catch up soon, alright?"
"Yeah, alright." You nod and put your number into Randy's phone. 
Randy takes his phone back and walks off. You remain in place and try to process everything that's just happened to you. One thing you do know for sure though. Shotzi is going to FREAK when you tell her. 
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
Prompt List updated March 27th
I am starting with 70 for now, I may add or change them going forward. but for now these were the ones i had in my notebook. i got all of them off of Pinterest. Some already have names by them but go ahead and request them again if you like the prompt and I can redo them.
Fandoms I write for:
Top Gun Maverick: All
Elvis: Elvis
One Chicago: Kelly Severide, Jay Halstead, Will Halstead, Connor Rhodes, Adam Ruzek
Avengers: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Natasha, Clint Barton, Peter Parker
Triple Frontier: Will Miller and Benny Miller
Four Brothers: Bobby Mercer, Jack Mercer
Sons of Anarchy: Jax Teller, Opie Winston, Juice Ortiz, David Hale,
Fast and Furious: Dom Toretto, Roman Peirce, Brian O'Conner, Letty Ortiz
Band of Brothers: Wild Bill, Babe, Malarkey, Nixon, Winters, Joe Toye
Twilight: All of the Cullens, Jacob Black and Bella Swan
Harry Potter: All
WWE/TNA/AEW/ ROH : Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Stephanie McMahon, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, The Young Bucks, Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, Kyle O'Reilly, Roderick Strong, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Randy Orton, Edge, Christian Cage, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Hurricane Helms. Mr. Kennedy
Supernatural- Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Cas
The West Wing: Josh Lyman, Sam Seaborn
Game of Thrones: Robb Stark, Jon Snow, and Sansa Stark
Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit: Thorin, Fili, Kili, Bilbo, Legolas, Aragon.
Black Sails: Billy Bones, James Flint, Eleanor, Charles Vane, Anne Bonney, John Silver
Law and Order SVU: All
Hawaii Five-0: All
Yellowstone: Kayce Dutton, Rip Wheeler, Beth Dutton, Jamie Dutton.
Crash- Kenny
Southland- John Cooper, Ben Sherman
Gotham- Jim Gordon
White Collar- Matthew Keller
The Mighty Ducks- All
The Outsiders- All
Masters of the Air- all
Newsies- Jack Kelly, Davey, Spot Colin, Mush, Kid Blink
01 “Oh you think I am cute when I am angry? Well get ready because I am about to be gorgeous.”  
02. “I can’t lose you again. Can’t  you see that? I am not strong enough.” 
03. “Marry me’ 
04. “I’m not jealous.” 
05.  “Kiss my ass.” 
06.  “Were you ever gonna tell me?” 
07. “Excuse you?”
08.  “This is all your fault.” 
09. “It’s not fair.” 
10. “Game Over, you lose.” 
11.  “Is she always this obnoxious?” “Oh, she is just getting warmed up.” 
12. “We don’t need to control them. We need to unleash them.” 
13. “It should have never come to this.” 
14. “I’m not a lot of people’s favorite person.” 
15. “I shouldn’t have wasted 3 years on someone when Russia could have sent me a good bottle of vodka.” 
16.  “Can we have this conversation when you aren’t upset?” 
17. “Come over here and make me, why don’t ya?” 
18.  “I am tired of being your secret.” 
19. “Mess with them, you mess with me.” 
20. “I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.” 
21. “ I am coming to get you. Stay there.” 
22. “Are you safe?” “I, I don’t know.” 
23.  “This is why I don’t let myself fall in love.” 
24. “You are my regret.” 
25. “You have to make a choice.” 
26. “Put the knife down.” 
27. “Jokes on them.” 
28. “The way you flirt is shameless.” 
29. “With all due respect, I’m going to ignore everything you just said.” 
30. “It’s me! It’s me baby! Calm down.” 
31.  “Have you lost your damn mind?” 
32.  “Hey, I am here with you. Okay? Always.”
33. “Hold me back.” 
34.  “You aren’t a bad guy.” 
35. “You know we are meant to be.” 
36. “Mine.”
37. “Seriously, you are a manchild.”
38.  “I get it alright! I fucked up!” 
39. “She’s dead! I killed her!” 
40. “You smell nice.”
41.  “I think I am pregnant.”/ “I am pregnant, not helpless. Stop worrying so much.” 
42. “So what if I am jealous? Its not gonna change anything.” 
43. “You owe me.”
44. “Be careful.” “I always am.” 
45. “Take my jacket, it's cold outside.” 
46. “I am not some toy  you can play with.” 
47. “Just play long. Please.’
48.  “I did something terrible.’ 
49. “Don’t hurt the hair on their head.’ 
50. “I got your back.” 
51. "I told you not to get too close to me."
52. "How long?' "Since the beginning."
53. "Touch her and you're dead."
54. "Baby, we are the law."
55. "Baby, don't make me spell it out. You know I want you."
56. "I will always choose you."
57. "What happened? I told you to stay by my side!"
58. "Don't you dare!"
59. "Well what can I say? I am a badass."
60. "Excuse me, I have to go and make a scene."
61. "Before this happens, I need you to know that I have always loved you." 1
62. "No panties, baby girl?" 1
63. "Well you are coming home with me whether you like it or not."
64. "That looks hard. Let's switch."
65. "Saddle up doll."
66. "Like what you see?"
67. "Don't pretend to be innocent."
68. "You're mine. And I don't share."
69. "Welcome back, now fucking help me."
70. "Don't be an asshole, asshole."
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smolwritingchick · 4 hours
Forced To Believe Chapter 63- Get Back Here!
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Chapter Summary: Morgan returns to get revenge on Evolution
Words: 7,000+
After Melanie managed to make Colby eat her dust, she started hanging out with the roster and catching up with them. Meanwhile, Colby cleaned his face up and started to plot his revenge on Melanie's smack. He headed out of the locker room to go find her.
"Man, she is gonna get it. Can't believe I was caught off guard." He mumbled.
After five minutes of searching, he sees her hugging Renee and going over the questions she will be asking her during the Raw post show.
"Hey, Colby. Melanie told me you got smacked." Renee grinned.
He scoffed. "Oh, don't worry, this smack cam war is just getting started. She's going to lose this war."
"I think he's just a little mad that he got smacked." Melanie chuckled.
"See you two, later." Renee waved goodbye and walked away to continue preparing for her interviews.
"I missed you, grapes!" Colby gave her a bone crushing hug, before spinning her around.
"I missed you, too!"
"So, what's this about a tattoo?" He asked, certainly interested in the subject.
"Well...I've been thinking about what you said and..yeah."
"Wait a sec, you went along with it?"
"Uh huh." She showed him the back tattoo.
"No friggin' way!" he looked on with amazement. "Mel..."
"Hey, we're tattoo twins, now. It's what you wanted. And I think it's pretty cool—whoa!" She got picked up again for another hug.
"I can't believe you went along with it, man. That's friggin' awesome. I love you, right now."
"Haha, right now, huh?" She got set down.
"Guess I can't tease you about being a wimp, anymore."
"Whoa! I am not a wimp!"
"Okay, wuss."
"I am not a wuss!"
"No way!" She smacked him on the arm.
"Okay. Guess I'll just call you the grape monster."
"That's a little better."
Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns are in their hideout, while the crowd cheers for them.
"Last week Triple H talked about humbling us," Dean mentioned. "Triple H talked about teaching us a lesson, eliminating us. And then Triple H is gonna run his goons down and hide behind them. Man...what that looks like to me is Evolution might be afraid of The Shield. And I hope not. Because at Payback we wanted Evolution that wants to fight. This 20 on 3 crap...this." He pointed to Roman's bad eye that he got from a live event while wrestling Orton. "Is this your brand of justice?"
Roman smiled and got closer to the camera to speak and show off his stitches. "Nine stitches. And the question remains from last week, is that all you got? Is that your best shot? Cause if it is...you have so many problems. You keep tryin' to knock us down but we keep standing tall. And we're never gonna stop comin' for you."
"Evolution that's what you don't understand," Seth spoke up. "You don't get it; you keep tryin'. Try to attack us when we're down, try to put us down, try to keep us out. Example, two weeks ago on Smackdown, my match with Batista...I took one risk too many, I made a mistake and he did what he does. He's smart and took advantage. And then he beat me half to death when I could barely stand on my two feet. He tried to put me out of action just like he did with..." He stopped himself and shook his head.
He clenches his fists while the memories of Extreme Rules run through his head and he starts glaring at the camera. Morgan was on his mind.
"He tried to end my career! But he couldn't get the job done. And tonight Dave...I won't make any mistakes. Believe that Batista...and believe..." Rollins put his fist out with Ambrose and Reigns.
Seth was already in the ring, waiting for Batista to come out until Triple H came out as the special guest ring announcer. Then he announces that Randy is the timekeeper.
"And that's not all, we are also having our own personal WWE nurse, just in case one of your careless kicks, gives The Animal a bad mark. Please welcome, Rosa Mendes," Triple H announced, making Seth even more annoyed.
Rosa struts out in a nurse outfit, with her white and red nurse hat. The dress was dangerously short, which showed off her beautiful, toned legs. She also had a few buttons unbuttoned, showing some of her cleavage.
"Oh, baby!" King shouted. "Would you look at Rosa!"
"Wow!" JBL said while Rosa swayed her hips, earning loud whistles from the fans.
Morgan tweets 'LaRosaMendes Do something about your outfits!'
"It must be nice to be the boss," Cole said while Triple H, Orton, and Rosa walked to ringside. "Make up the rules as you go along."
"And now...please everyone help me welcome, your opponent, representing Evolution, The Animal, Batista!" Triple H announced.
Seth grabbed a mic. "You know I got some special guests of my own to make this match as big as possible. So let me introduce to you, the special guest commentators...Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns!"
"You gotta love that now," Cole said while Dean and Roman walked down the steps. "Triple H is livid!"
"No, this is a bunch of crap!" Triple H shouted while JBL started complaining about the situation.
Morgan tweets 'It is hilarious watching Triple H react this way.'
"What a turn of events." Cole looked on. "Dean Ambrose is joining us. Dean welcome!"
"Hey guys, how are ya?" Ambrose greeted while Orton rang the bell. "Let me tell ya, at least Randy knows how to do his job, at least he can do somethin' well. We're just here to lend our uh...expertise, our verbal wit and charm to this broadcast,"
"Yeah, but you're supposed to be official!" JBL complained while Orton gave Ambrose a dirty look.
"Don't look at me like that. I'll walk over there and slap that look off your face, Randy." Ambrose threatened and watched as Orton stood next to Triple H at ringside. "Uh, were you not gonna come over here and do your job? You're the timekeeper! I think Randy is just scared to come over here. The only reason we're out here is to add our charm...that is of course if Evolution doesn't get involved."
Meanwhile, in the ring, Seth got taken down with a clothesline by Batista.
"That's right baby!" Rosa cheered.
"How are you guys official?" JBL asked.
"Why don't you ask Brad Maddox? He's in the Trainer's room, right now." Ambrose replied.
"Brad Maddox is the one who made you guys official?"
"He is the general manager."
"And back to Rollins and Batista, things are even. I sort of like the way that this is played out." Cole said while Seth and Batista started to hit each other with back and forth shots.
Seth begins hitting Batista with punches off the top rope.
"If you're not comfortable—go, Seth! Go!" Dean shouted.
"Well, commentators are supposed to be unbiased," JBL informed.
"If you're not comfortable with us being out here, you can get up and leave, until the match is over. I won't be offended. I understand you don't want to be outshined."
"Why is Brad in the trainer's room?" Cole asked while Batista threw Seth's head on the barricade.
"Cause I put him there." Ambrose bluntly replied.
Morgan tweets 'Dean is so dangerous. It's really hot. Not to mention a turn on.'
"There's your answer," Cole said to JBL.
"You ask the question and you already knew the answer." Dean sang.
"Is this after he made you official commentators?" JBL asked, still continuing to ask questions on how and why Roman and Dean became officials.
"Come on, slip outta there!" Dean said as he watched Batista lift Seth up on his shoulder.
Seth manages to slither out of his hold and kick him on the back of the head.
"Stay with us!" Ambrose said while they went on a commercial break.
"And we are back on the WWE App. And it looks like this crowd is chanting for Morgan, again." Cole said, hearing the loud 'We want Morgan!' chants.
"Why wouldn't they? She's one of the best divas in this company. And she will not disappoint her fans. She'll be back before you know it." Ambrose reassured.
"As you can see, we have Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns as our official commentators."
"We're over here, just doin' our job. Randy and Hunter, the timekeeper and special guest ring announcer. Hunter is no where near the microphone. He's over there, with Randy who is supposed to be the timekeeper. I don't know why they're so scared to go near Roman Reigns. I mean you're the COO of this company. You know your job has to get done, Triple H, Come on!"
Seth evades Batista's move, making him go shoulder first on to the ring post.
"You guys are doing a great job on commentary. I really like having you guys out here. JBL doesn't look too happy." King said while Seth started taking control of Batista's arm.
"Come on!" Rosa banged on the mat, making the crowd chant 'Rosa sucks!'
"I agree with the crowd," Roman speaks up with a chuckle.
"How dare you!? How dare all of you!?" She shouted at the fans at ringside.
"She isn't the most lovable diva here in the WWE Universe," Cole added.
"I can't blame the WWE Universe. Look at what she's done." King reminded.
"Another reason why Morgan is better than her. She is embraced by the fans while Mendes turns her back on the fans. Oh man, Roman, I got a kick out of you spearing the crap out of her last week. She needed that." Dean chuckled at the pleasant memory.
"I'd love to do it again tonight if you don't mind." Roman grinned at the idea.
"Oh go right ahead. Wouldn't mind gettin' an encore."
"So, JBL why don't you talk about how great Evolution is and what they are gonna do to The Shield, like you've been talkin' about earlier," Cole spoke up. "Explain that to Mister Ambrose and Mister Reigns."
"They are two of the greatest fighters of all time," JBL replied.
The crowd starts chanting 'Eddie' while Seth hits Batista with the Three Amigos.
"JBL, I think we're actually the greatest faction of all time. We beat Evolution." Roman said. "We already beaten them."
"Yeah and we made the challenge to them after we won the match," Dean added. "At Extreme Rules because we wanna put them away for good. We are gonna show the world that we are the best. We don't just say it. We go out and prove it every night and every town."
"And keep an eye on them. They're gettin' close." Roman warned. "What are you gonna do Hunter? What are you gonna do?"
"He's gonna watch his little animal get dominated."
"Hunter, Rosa, and Orton scrambling here. In disbelief that Reigns and Ambrose outsmarted them." Cole said.
Rollins throws Batista's shoulder into the turnbuckle, making him yell out in pain before Raw goes back to the USA Network.
"And we are back on Monday night Raw. Seth Rollins one on one with Batista." Cole announced.
"Ah!" Dean shouted while Seth got thrown over the steel steps by Batista.
"Is he all right? Do you see him?" Roman wondered.
"Yeah, he'll be all right." Ambrose reassured.
"And apparently Brad Maddox is the one, now in the training room. Who made these guys the official commentators?" JBL asked again.
"If you're so concerned about Brad Maddox, why don't you just go to the Trainer's room and check on him, JBL?" King suggested.
"That would be nice." Cole agreed while Batista slammed Seth's head on the steel steps and slid back into the ring.
Seth gets back in the ring but gets dropkicked outside again.
"Come on Seth!" Dean cheered on but then Triple H and Orton started walking over to him. "Hey, you're gettin' a little too close for comfort Triple H!"
Batista throws Seth back in the ring and goes for a headlock. The crowd starts clapping to motivate Rollins to get out of the hold.
"Give up, Seth!" Rosa shouted.
"You got this," Orton said to Batista.
"So, are you guys gonna be 100 percent at Payback?" JBL asked.
"JBL, I'm 100 percent every day of the week," Dean replied. "Roman Reigns is 100 percent every week. Look at that eye. Look at that eye on Roman Reigns. Nine stitches. Is that the best ya'll got? Roman Reigns' mother hits him harder than that when he was growing up, all right?"
Roman laughed. "That's a true story."
"That's all? I want you to count how many stitches we give Evolution at Payback, all right?"
Seth starts striking Batista with chops to the chest, but gets thrown to the ropes. Then he gets hit with a hard shoulder block.
"Man!" King mumbled.
"Batista is powerful," Dean said while Batista went for a two count. "Good. Very good." He clapped.
"He's still in it," Roman looked pleased.
"I can't hear you because I'm on the headset," Dean shouted at Orton who was talking trash to him. "I can't hear ya because I'm doin' my job!"
Morgan tweets 'Now if Rosa, Triple H, and Orton had these jobs for real, they'll be fired in an instant because they suck at their jobs right now.'
On the stage, Morgan slowly walks out, with a black bongo girl's crop top that says love and fashion and a black sports bra under it. She also had on light blue skinny jeans with her Shield boots and her hair was on her shoulder on one side, revealing part of her back tattoo. And The Shield mask was on her face.
She crosses her arms and stares down the four people who tried to break her neck. She could wait till Payback, but she just couldn't wait to get her hands on Rosa. For someone who continuously ran her mouth every week and tried to go after her friends to add insult to injury was enough. She started to like how Rosa continued to run her mouth. It would give her an excuse to batter her to death with her fists.
Morgan smirks at the thought and pounds her fist into her left hand. Her fists were just itching to connect to her face.
After a couple of minutes, a fan near the stage finally turns their head to the stage and looks in awe.
"No way! It's Morgan!" The fan shouted, making the whole crowd turn their attention to the stage.
The crowd starts cheering loudly and it starts to become deafening. Maybe Vince made the right choice when he said that Morgan was one of his favorite divas on the roster, along with the Bella Twins and AJ Lee.
"Why is everyone so hyped up?" King looked around.
"Uh oh! I think I know why!" Cole shouted and pointed to the stage.
"Right on time..." Ambrose smirked.
Orton and Rosa start looking around at all the commotion.
"What's going on?" Orton asked and turned to the stage. "Oh shit."
"Huh?" Rosa turned to the stage and froze. "No. No...no...no! This cannot be happening! I injured you! I—I!"
She became mute as she saw the one diva that she thought she took out for good, on the stage, looking her way with an intense stare. How could she be back on her feet this quickly after all that she and Evolution have done to her? She was supposed to be at home. Being miserable while her boys have a three on four disadvantage.
"And Rosa is speechless!" Cole shouted as the crowd started chanting Morgan's name.
"What's wrong?" Triple H turned around.
His expression went from smug confidence, to discomfort as soon as he saw Morgan. And then he starts to become irate at her being back in the WWE so quickly.
"This cannot be happening! Are you friggin' kidding me!?" He began pacing around while Orton tried to calm him down, still shocked his own self. "What is she doing here!? What is she doing here!?"
"Evolution and Rosa look like they've seen a ghost!" Cole chuckled.
"And now they're scared," Dean said. "Morgan doesn't forget who takes her down. She always makes sure she gets the last laugh. And she will make sure that happens at Payback."
"Maybe even now," Roman said as she started taking slow steps down the ramp.
Rosa starts keeping her distance away from her, trying not to make eye contact. The Outspoken diva heads over to the announcer's table, taking her mask off before bumping fists with Roman.
"Glad you're here grapes. I missed you." He hugged her.
"I missed you too." She smiled and put on a headset.
"Morgan, is it really you?" King grinned. She kissed him on the cheek, making him giddy. "It is!"
"Yep. In the flesh. How you guys been?"
"Guess I'm just chopped liver over here." Dean joked.
"Oh, don't worry, I'll get to you in a second," she reassured.
"Well, Morgan we're doing great. We can't believe you're back." Cole spoke up.
The Outspoken Diva exhaled. "Yes, it's good to be back. I'd love to stay and chat, but right now I'm about to go after Rosa and beat her ass. But before I do that..." She took off her headset and walked over to Dean.
"What did I do?" Ambrose chuckled but got pushed down onto a chair. "Missed me that much, huh?" He smirked as she straddled him.
"What in the world? Morgan, what are you doing?" JBL asked.
"Ambrose you are a very lucky man," King said with a hint of jealousy while Ambrose put his hands on her hips.
She takes off his headset and runs her hands through his hair before leaning down to kiss him. She started to taste the minty flavor of his mouth since he was chewing gum while the crowd, mostly the fangirls, screamed and cheered loudly.
Rosa's jaw dropped. "Ew! Are you kidding me!? That's disgusting!" She started to fake gag.
"Whoa!" Cole exclaimed as their kissing started to get rougher and passionate.
"Why can't that be me?" King complained.
"I guess somebody forgot to check the PDA rules of this company!" JBL exclaimed. "I didn't know making out on the job was best for business! Better yet allowed!"
"I don't think they care," Cole chuckled while Ambrose started attacking Morgan's neck.
"Dean! This is a family show!"
Roman began to look amused at the situation. "They do this all the time. Nothing new."
Morgan got off him and exhaled. "That was fun." She grinned while he nodded in agreement.
"Morgan, I think the side of your neck is a little red." King pointed out as he saw a small red mark on the side of her neck.
Dean started to look satisfied. "That's just to make sure that everybody knows that she belongs to me."
Meanwhile in the ring, the match ends in a DQ after Triple H hits Seth with a right hand. While Ambrose and Roman take on Triple H and Orton, Batista spears Rollins while Rosa gets in the ring with him. That's when Morgan slides in the ring and gets on her knees, to give Batista a low blow from behind, making the crowd cheer. Rosa's jaw drops and she starts backing up.
"Look I am not ready for this." She said while Morgan grinned and slowly stood up. "Morgan, I am in a dress! I'm not in fighting attire."
"That's too bad," she replied.
"Can we talk about this?" she suggested but shrieked when she got speared.
Batista manages to grab Morgan off of her and grab her by the hair. "You wanna assault me, little girl!?" He shouted as she tried to break free from his strong grip.
"Spear!" Cole shouted as Roman speared him and started to get hyped up. "And Batista is gonna get some of his own medicine, I think." He said but he escaped.
Rosa tries to escape the ring until Morgan grabs her legs and pulls her back in. She continues being beaten on by Morgan until Evolution drags her out the ring, making the crowd boo.
"You think that was funny!? That was a cheap shot! I wasn't ready!" Rosa shouted.
Morgan grabbed a mic. "If you think that you and I are done, you're dead wrong. You and I are far from over. So, why don't you shut your mouth, stop talking crap, and get your ass back in this ring, you little bitch!"
"Whoa!" King and JBL shouted.
"Interesting choice of words from the Outspoken Diva." Cole looked on.
"Let them fight!" King cheered.
Rosa holds her right ear, making sure she heard exactly what Morgan just said.
"What did you just call me!?" She shouted and tried to get back in the ring but Evolution restrained her while Morgan got held back by her teammates.
"We are not having this! We are not having this, right now!" Triple H demanded as he, Rosa, and his teammates head to the stage.
"You people have a short memory because you're forgetting who I am and what I'm trying to do for this company. Let me remind you that I have made a lot of sacrifices to keep this divas division interesting! And you think just because you ambushed me I'm going away? That I'm going to just walk away from this? No, it'll take a lot more than that." Morgan said while Rosa continued yelling at her. "Do you know what you've done to me!? You've awakened a side of me that I've been trying to keep away for months! And come Payback...I'm going to raise hell."
"Rosa! Calm down!" Orton tried to settle her down but Rosa pushed him and Triple H away from her and started running down the ramp, making the crowd go wild.
"It looks like we're not done!" Cole shouted while Morgan managed to slide out of the ring.
Rosa spears her down and they start throwing punches at each other while their teammates try to separate them. A couple of refs had to run down the ring to help them out, making the crowd boo again.
"The Shield standing tall. And Morgan is back in action. Believe in The Shield, tonight! Evolution in retreat."
Evolution and Rosa were up on the stage again, being separated from The Shield by the refs. The Shield and Morgan were back in the ring, standing tall.
"That was just a little taste of what it's gonna be like. All hell is gonna break loose at Payback." JBL added.
"You can't handle the best!" Seth shouted.
He turned his attention to Morgan and pulled her in for a hug while the crowd cheered for them.
"And Morgan is back! This just keeps getting better! And we get a little brother and sister reunion. I know these two are happy to see each other again." King cheered.
"Indeed. I wonder what's going to happen at Payback. Things are about to get real interesting now that the Outspoken Diva is back in action." Cole said.
Morgan was backstage with Renee Young during the Raw post show. "Morgan, welcome back." Renee smiled.
"Thanks! It's good to be back." She beamed.
"How does it feel, to finally get your hands on Rosa after what she's done?"
"Bittersweet. I wish I could have done more but I won't have to wait long. Payback is right around the corner. I'll have my revenge at Payback,"
"Have any plans for Evolution before Payback?"
"Let's just say I know how to make them suffer, mentally. And I'll be doing that next week on Raw. Stay tune for that." She smirked. "And at Payback, I'm going to arrive, raise hell, decimate Rosa, make sure she's in a bloody pulp, make sure my boys and I win, and then leave. Simple. That's my game plan. No more cheap shots. No more fun and games."
Melanie was walking backstage with her bags. She wanted to stay backstage longer, so Jon left with Renee. After five minutes of walking around, she saw Randy, leaning on the wall, texting his new girlfriend.
"Hey." she waved.
Randy looked up and smiled. "Hey, grapes. What's up?"
"You mind if I ride with you? Jon already left with Renee. I wanted to stay a little longer to get an update on what I'm doing next week on Raw."
"Yeah, no problem. You ready to go?"
"Yeah, let's roll." They went to the parking lot and Randy put their bags in the trunk. "I missed working with you. I'm glad we're working together again during this storyline."
"We had some good memories when you first started," He brought up.
They began remembering some moments when she was with Randy back in late 2012 and early 2013.
Backstage during Smackdown back in January 2013, Randy and Morgan watch as Kane and Daniel Bryan have a yes and no argument. After a few moments, they stop and look at them.
"I'm just curious, are you gentlemen going to act like a couple of second graders tonight? Or are you actually interested in inflicting some pain on team Rhodes Scholars and Wade Barrett?" Randy asked with his arms crossed.
"Both!" Kane answered and walked away.
"We're acting like we're in second grade. We are working through our anger issues. Now that's something you know a little bit about, don't you Randy? And you too, Morgan." Daniel pointed out.
"Guilty as charged." She smiled.
"Kane and I used to be a lot like you, Randy. But thanks to Doctor Shelby, we're in a better place now. And not only that, we are champions. You do what to be a champion again, don't you, Randy?"
"Yes. Yes, I do, and after I win the Royal Rumble match I­–"
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Tonight is not about the Rumble. You have to take one step at a time. First...we win our tag match. and then group hug!" Daniel put his arms out and grinned.
"I'm sorry, I'm not much of a hugger."
"Not yet, you're not." he walked away.
Morgan laughed and patted Orton's back, making him shoot her a stern look. "You're on your own buddy."
In the ring, Orton wins the match for his team after hitting Sandow with an RKO. Team Hell No and Orton celebrate in the ring while Morgan gets in the ring. Daniel Bryan puts his arms out while Orton starts to protest. He turns around and sees Kane blocking his way.
"No." Orton shook his head, making Morgan laugh.
She was looking forward to seeing him get hugged as Kane put his arms out.
"Kane wants to hug him," JBL said
She held her stomach as she laughed while the crowd cheered when Orton was hugged by them both. Randy's facial expression was priceless.
When she was about to leave the ring, she got grabbed by Randy.
"Whoa, whoa, wait, what are you doing?" she asked.
"You're getting a hug, too. I'm not suffering alone from this." Orton pushed her into Kane and Daniel's arms as they squeezed her, making the crowd cheer again.
"Group hug!" Daniel shouted as he got Randy into the hug, too.
"I hate you." She narrowed her eyes at Orton who smirked out of amusement.
"You cared a lot about me back then, onscreen." He laughed at the memories as he drove. "I was about to think that they were going to put us in a romantic storyline or something."
"I agree. I've checked out a lot of the fan edits of Morgan and Seth pictures, saying they ship us together. It's kinda funny,"
"Do they do that with Roman and Morgan?"
"A whole lot. But I love the fangirls. They can be really..."
"Crazy." They simultaneously say before sharing a laugh.
"I've been hearing that you've gotten a lot of fanboys. What's the story about that?" he asked as he stopped at a red light.
She saw Randy trying not the laugh. "You wanna laugh now so you won't laugh when I explain it?"
"Nah, go ahead." He let out a chuckle but then started laughing. After a while, he stopped and continued driving. "All right, continue."
"I don't know if it's because of my wrestling, or personality. But it all started during a live event."
During a WWE Live event, Morgan was in the ring with The Bellas going up against Aksana, Alicia, and Rosa.
Morgan hit Aksana with a backfire and was about to go for the pin when a male fan in his early 20s ran into the ring.
"Morgan! I love you!" He shouted and went to hug her, making them both fall on the mat.
"Whoa, whoa!" Nikki shouted as the ref grabbed him off of Melanie.
A bunch of security got in the ring to restrain him while the divas got in the ring.
"You okay?" Victoria asked while she broke her character along with the other divas.
"Yeah, I'm fine. But what the fuck just happened?" Melanie chuckled, still stunned at the turn of events.
"Was Jon pissed?" he asked.
"He was glad I was fine. I haven't had a fan do that since the Indies, so it took me by surprise. The dude just wanted a hug. After the incident, the fan started tweeting a lot to me. He started saying I smelled good and I'm huggable and stuff,"
"Gotta love the fans."
"Jon suffers more. Especially the crazy Tumblr posts the fangirls do. Man, they really hate me."
"They're just jealous because you got the man they fantasize about."
"Haha! True."
"Did you ever believe that you and him were actually going to be a couple?"
"I thought we were just going to stay friends. He was there for me a lot during my ex-boyfriend drama,"
"By the way did you hear about him?" Randy blurted out before mentally slapping himself in the face.
Maybe he shouldn't have let that sentence slip.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I meant how he died." He countered.
"Yeah, I heard it was a car accident. It was brutal. Drunk driving though? It sucks. If he was still alive...maybe he'd change for the better,"
"Right..." he mumbled before changing the subject. "Alanna misses you."
"I miss her, too! She's so adorable."
As they made it to the hotel and got out of the car, Orton began to speak, "Mel, I think there is something you should know."
"What's up?"
He was about to speak but stopped himself again, deciding not to ruin the mood.
"I'll tell you when I remember. I forgot anyway. It's okay."
Next week on Raw, Melanie was backstage, checking out the script for tonight's show.
"Ready for tonight, girl?" Trinity greeted her with a hug.
"You bet. A little nervous but I'm excited to be able to destroy something. Not someone."
"I'll be tuning in to watch. Can't wait to see Evolution's reaction."
"Me too."
All of a sudden, Colby started running her way.
"Smack cam!" He shouted before smacking the side of her face with mayo.
"Ooh!" Trinity cringed at the sight and started giggling.
Melanie chuckled dryly and touched the side of her face, seeing mayo on her hand.
"Colby!" She shouted while he ran away. "I got him. I'm gonna get him back. He is so going down."
She grabbed a couple of napkins to wipe her face.
The ring was filled with a table and six chairs for Evolution and The Shield.
"Ladies and gentlemen." Michael Cole said in the ring. "It is now time to sign the contract for the no holds barred elimination tag team match, for this Sunday at the Payback Pay Per View. Between Evolution...and The Shield."
Seth, Dean and Roman walk down the steps.
"Not exactly a normal entrance for a contract signing," JBL said.
"I don't think this is gonna be normal contract signing," King added. "The Shield making their way down to the ring. Where's my Outspoken Diva?"
"Your Outspoken Diva? I think you mean Ambrose's Outspoken Diva."
"Oh don't remind me."
The Shield get in the ring while Michael Cole exits the ring.
Dean took the mic and started walking around while Roman threw the chairs out of the ring. "Tonight is...historic. Tonight is...the last time you will see The Shield and Evolution in the same ring, on Raw. Because believe me...At Payback, one team isn't just going to be eliminated, from a match, one team and that team will be Evolution, believe me, that team is gonna be eliminated out of this business, off the face of the earth, forever!"
"Besides who we really kiddin' with this nonsense out here? This thing with Evolution has gone way past the six of us across from a table from each other. Silly piece of paper. Let's rearrange this place. Get rid of this stuff...and let's get down to business." Seth said while Dean threw out the last chair and Roman threw out the table.
Evolution's theme comes on while they walk out with Rosa.
"I want everybody to be aware what they're witnessing, right here. I want you guys to be aware of what you're about to sign. You sign that, then all of you are witnessing that this is the last time you will see The Shield, ever on Monday Night Raw." Triple H said while he walked down the ring with the group. "It's a shame. I gotta tell ya it's a shame. You guys could have had it all man...I'm a pretty fair judge of talent. You don't have to look any further than these two guys standing next to me, and this woman who will be a future Diva's Champion very soon."
"I remember looking at you guys, I remember watching the ink dry on the contract that allowed you to come here and live your dream. And I remember thinking to myself, these guys are gonna change it all. These guys are the future of the WWE and you threw it all," he went on. "Ironically, now I'm gonna stand here and I'm gonna watch the ink dry on that contract that Sunday at Payback, sends you right back to obscurity. So, I'm gonna ask you one more time, you sure you wanna sign that? You sure you wanna put your names on that? Morgan already signed it last week. I tried to talk her out of it but it seems that she really is looking forward to getting that neck broken once and for all. So, do you guys want to really ensure that Sunday is the last we see of The Shield?"
Seth starts signing the contract and so does Dean and Roman. After Roman was done, he tossed it out the ring, making the crowd 'Ooh'. Triple H smirks and picks up the contract, giving it to Orton.
"You boys want to tell me where Morgan is?" Rosa asked.
She was trying to prepare herself for any sneak attacks or ambushes. She wanted to be ready when that hellcat came her way.
"How come you want to know? Scared?" Dean smirked.
"No! I am not scared! I'm curious."
"Relax...she's not in the arena. Consider yourself unharmed...for now," he replied, making the crowd boo at the fact she wasn't here.
The crowd starts to chant for Morgan. Ignoring the crowd's chants while Orton, Triple H, and Batista sign the contract, Rosa gets handed the contract and signs it.
Triple H started to speak again. "You're gonna be nothin' but a statistic—"
"Shut up..." Roman retorted. "Get in the ring and fight."
Rosa stays at ringside while Evolution gets on the apron.
"Is it gonna happen?" JBL asked and then the two teams began to attack as the crowd cheered, chanting 'This is Awesome'.
Seth drops Orton and Triple H with a suicide dive while Batista takes down Ambrose in the ring. Moments later, Roman drops him down with a Superman punch. He starts going for the spear until Triple H hits him with a sledgehammer, making Evolution take control. Orton hits Seth with an RKO while Batista strikes Dean with a spear. The crowd continues to chant for Morgan but she's still not here.
"You better stay down, Roman! Stay down!" JBL shouted before Roman got hit in the head with Triple H's sledgehammer.
Triple H starts hitting Dean and Seth with the sledgehammer while Orton and Batista take off the hood and monitors off the announce table.
"Take out the muscle. The big man. You'll weaken The Shield." JBL added.
"Let's do this." Triple H said as he lifted up Roman with Orton, at ringside.
"The Shield's trademark. Triple powerbomb through the table!" Cole shouted as Evolution slammed him down.
Batista roars while Triple H taunts the crowd, getting mixed reactions. Rosa claps for them and walks over to them.
"Are we gonna see the Shield totally decimated?" King asked as Evolution's theme came back on.
Evolution and Rosa put their fists out as they stand over Roman. But then their theme fades away. All of a sudden, the titantron shows Evolution's limo, and then the camera reveals a pair of black leather knee high boots.
"What in the..." Cole began as the camera continued going up, revealing the figure wearing fishnet stockings, a black leather skirt, and a black off-shoulder top, with a leather jacket over it.
The crowd begins to cheer loudly once they see Morgan sitting on the hood of the limo with her legs crossed.
"Hey, how ya doin'?" She smiled and waved.
Evolution and Rosa's eyes widen as they all get in the ring to get a closer look.
"Is that our limo?" Triple H started to get angry. "Do not tell me that's our limo."
Orton quickly grabbed a mic. "Morgan! Don't you touch our limo get off our limo! Right now!"
"Easy, easy. I was just admiring the color. Although I think purple would be a better choice." she rubbed the hood.
"How did she even get to the car!?" Batista shouted.
They were stunned that their limo got hijacked so easily while Morgan remained amused at their constant yelling and questioning.
"Well, guess you know why I signed that contract early. You see we knew you'd attack us, so The Shield and I made a few sacrifices." The Outspoken diva explained. "Boy, this is a sweet ride..."
"Morgan! Get out of that car! Now!" Orton shouted on the mic as his face was starting to get red from frustration.
That limo was his ride back to the hotel and there was no way he was using a rental car with Evolution. They ride in style.
"This is insane." Cole laughed. "Morgan has their limo!"
"Do you see those legs?" King grinned.
"The audacity of this woman..." JBL murmured. "She has guts."
"I will make your life a living hell! I swear if you don't get off that limo..." Orton growled and started pacing back and forth.
"Hey, hey. Don't get mad because I one uped you on plans. Man...I love limos. They're nice and fun. But I don't think it can handle a woman like me. Let me show you." She stood up on the hood of the car.
"Morgan, don't you dare!" Batista shouted while Triple H leaned on the ropes, reluctantly awaiting the damage.
"Don't tell me..." Cole began.
She gives the hood of the car a hard stomp, making a deep dent as the crowd cheers.
"Morgan!" Orton yelled while Batista put his hands on his head.
"Welp, I touched your limo. And what are you gonna do? Nothing, so shut your mouths. I can't believe you guys think that limos and crap are symbols of excellence. You guys are so corny...Triple H...you always say." She put on a fake big nose and cleared her throat.
"I am the game." She said in her best Triple H voice, making the crowd laugh.
"Haha! This is great." Cole laughed.
"The king of kings! You either adapt or perish!" She cleared her throat again and talked naturally, taking off the fake nose while Triple H did not look amused. "Your game sucks! Why? Because at Payback, my boys and I are gonna beat your punk asses and make sure that we prove that we are the dominant faction in this company."
"How dare you?!" Rosa shouted.
Morgan put her hands up in defense. "Hey...I may have a few screws loose but I can be stable when I wanna be." She smiled, making Randy put his hands on his head as he started to seethe. "Randy, you go to the ring and..." She mocked his pose. "Do that same stupid pose every time you get in the ring, demanding respect. I don't respect you. I used to but not anymore because of the way you've been acting. But I can guarantee that my boys will win. I can see the future. You flat on your face after eating either a dirty deed, curb stomp, or spear. Hey, maybe even a backfire if you're lucky."
"The only pose your boys will be doing is laying down on their backs, with me on top!" Randy shouted.
Morgan's jaw dropped, making the crowd laugh. "Whoa! Whoa! I never knew you were into...whoa! Wow. You learn something every day."
"What!? That's not what I meant!"
"Well, you did say on top." she teased.
Orton throws the mic away and slides out of the ring as he starts pacing around and slams his hands on the apron.
"And Rosa...I think you're full of it." she continued.
"Haha!" Rosa laughed and took a mic. "Everyone takes me seriously,"
"Yeah in your ridiculous outfits and shaking your hips around like you're some big shot. Yeah, you're taken seriously, all right. How old are you gonna be, anyway? Because you've done a lot of childish stuff, recently."
"I'll be 35."
"There seems to be a lack of communication here. You see I asked you your age. Not how many wrestlers you've been with."
'Ohs' from the crowd were heard around the arena while Rosa dropped her jaw, clearly appalled. "I have not­—"
"The Wyatts, New Age Outlaws, Kane, Batista. Most likely Orton and Triple H. Stephanie you better check your man!" The Outspoken Diva shared a laugh with the crowd.
Triple H snatched the mic from Rosa. He was done with the disrespect.
"That's enough!" He shouted.
"Look how defensive you're getting. Guess it's true. Stephanie! Check your husband!" She laughed with the crowd again but then got serious.
"But um...on a serious note...This limo needs a makeover. So let's Morganize things." She took off her leather jacket and hopped off the limo.
"Wh­—what is she doing?" King asked with worry.
The crowd exploded once she revealed a bat.
"No! No! Where is she!? Where is she!? Find her! And find her, now!" Triple H shouted at everyone. "Get security!"
"I have always wanted to do this..." She checked out the wooden bat.
"Oh no, no, no, no! Are you kidding me!? What the hell!? You can't do that!" Orton yelled.
"M—­Morgan, Morgan, think about what you're doing. If you do this..." Rosa trailed off.
"If I do this and then what? It's not like I'm gonna suffer anything that you four haven't done to me. So, what are you gonna do, this time? Threaten me? Try to break my neck, again? What haven't you done to me!? What haven't you done to break me down? To make yourselves feel better!? To put me out of action because I'm just that good!? I'm done with it! I'm tired of it!" She swung the bat into the front windshield of the car, making a loud noise with the windshield cracked. "You tried to break me! You tried to break my neck! After all, that I've done!? All of you are gonna pay! All of you!"
She started swinging the bat at the limo again. Orton looked down and ran a hand through his head.
"The limo! She's destroying the limo!" JBL shouted as Morgan repeatedly slammed the bat all around the vehicle while screaming out of frustration.
All the windows were shattered and the limo had multiple dents around it.
Morgan starts breathing heavily and tries to calm herself down.
"This car needs a paint job." She grabbed a bucket of purple paint and stood up on the hood.
"Don't you dare! Don't you dare!" Batista shouted but then she dumped the bucket on the limo.
"I'm gonna kill her! I swear to God, I'm gonna kill her!" Orton shouted as he kicked the ropes.
"Whoops." She started laughing, wickedly. "Payback is going to be so fun. I'm going to get you. All of you. Believe that." She ran a hand through her hair and smirked at the camera, with her theme coming on.
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wrestlersownmyheart · 3 years
Designated Driver (Randy Orton One-Shot)
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Pairing: Randy Orton X Reader Summary: When the Lady Thriller Randy Orton truly falls for the WWE's newest trainer, he has to get creative and just a little conniving in order to gain her affections. Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original
characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.
Designated Driver
Randy Orton watched as the woman he was head over heels for, danced and partied the New Year's Eve night away with their fellow WWE co-workers. She was the newest trainer to be hired by the company, and like all new-comer females that came along, Randy had tried long and hard to get her into his bed. But she'd refused him.
Again and again.
She wouldn't even go out with him on a legitimate date, for crying out loud. By the time Randy realized he cared enough about her to actually take her on a real date, he knew he was monumentally screwed.
I'm in love, he realized.
He no longer cared about just having a beautiful woman on his arm, or how good she was in the sack. He no longer wanted a woman who was all looks and no brains. He loved Y/N's mind. The fact that she was beautiful only made him appreciate her intelligence even more.
But now... Now he had to watch as she danced with other men. Laughed at their jokes. Smiled shyly up at them.
I blew it, he thought.
He came up with a plan that was risky. It preyed on her need to see to the care of others. It could win her over, or it could make him lose her for sure.
But he'd never know till he tried...
The party was winding down, so you began getting your jacket and purse together while taking a mental role call of everyone who left the club to get to the hotel. It was a sort of habit you had to make sure everyone was taken care of. You had some sort of mother hen complex.
Oh well, there's worse complexes to have, you thought as you watched the last couple leave the building. But something didn't feel right. Someone was missing. Mentally you went over everyone you'd seen leave and with some quick calculations realized that one Randy Orton was missing.
Inwardly, you groaned. Why him, you thought. Why me, you thought further. You began looking around the club seeing if you could spot him somewhere but to no avail. You even opened the door to the men's room and called his name out.
Where is he?
You pulled out your phone and stepped outside, calling Randy.
His phone rang and rang with no answer. I swear Randy Orton, when I get my hands on you...
Next, you called Cesaro—you'd seen him and Randy hanging out some lately.
“Hey, it's Y/N. Did you see Randy tonight? You know how I am. I have to know everyone is accounted for and safe. It's my cross to bear I suppose. So did you see him?”
“I did early on, but toward the end of the party he sort of disappeared. Do you want me to come back and help you look for him?”
You sighed and rubbed your temple lightly. “No, there's no need for that. You need to get some rest for tomorrow's show. I'll find him. He has to be here somewhere because his rental is still here,” you said, noticing the large SUV parked on the lot.
At that moment, you heard the scuffle of shoes on pavement, and turned to find Randy headed toward you, his gait unsteady.
“Ugh,” you groaned aloud. “Here he comes and he looks drunk. I'll talk to you later, Cesaro. Thanks for your help.” With that, you ended the call and turned to face Randy.
“Y/N... I need a ride...” Randy whined, and then stumbled over literally nothing. “Got too drunk...”
You rolled your eyes and groaned again. “Oh, Lord. I was worried about you, you big jackass. And all this time you were just getting plastered?” You hurried over to him and draped one of his arms around your shoulders. “Come on. I'll get you to your hotel room.”
You begrudgingly led him over to your rental and unlocked it before opening the passenger's side door and ushering Randy inside. However, he had trouble bending down without falling over.
“Oh, for crying out loud...” You put your hand on his head and nudged him downward gently and slowly so he wouldn't bump his head. Once he was seated, you made sure he had no appendages hanging out the door before slamming it shut. Then you were hurrying around to the driver's side and getting in the car.
“Buckle your seat belt, Randy. Can you manage that,” you asked, reaching for your own safety belt.
He fumbled with the belt till he had it pulled out enough to buckle, and then made a sad attempt at inserting the male end into the female end. He tried twice more, but couldn't manage even such a simple feat.
“Seriously?” You leaned over and fastened the belt for him. “To be so big and tough, you sure are helpless as a drunk.”
He let out a hiccup of a laugh and leaned his head back against the headrest.
“I swear if you barf in here, Randy, you'll be the one to clean it up,” you said as you started the car.
Seconds later, you were headed for the freeway that led to the hotel.
The drive was uneventful. Randy remained laid back and slept the whole way. Every now and then a snore would pass his lips and you couldn't help but chuckle. “If only your female fan base could see you now, Mr. Orton.”
You finally reached the parking garage of the hotel and parked in a space.
Now came the hard part.
Getting Randy awake, and alert enough to help you lead him to his room.
“Randy? Wake up.” It took you a couple of tries at nudging him awake, but he finally became somewhat responsive. “Come on. It's time to get you to your room, okay?”
A few minutes later, you had him out of the car and heading for the elevators with you.
Very slowly.
“Lord help me if you fall over,” you thought out loud. “I'll never be able to get you back on your feet.”
“Are we there yet,” Randy slurred. “'m tired...”
“A little further,” you told him as you entered the elevator. “What floor is your room on?”
“Please, tell me you remember your room number. You at least have your key, right?”
“Randy Orton, I'm going to kill you where you stand,” you said, leaning against the wall of the elevator.
You had two options. Take Randy all the way to the front desk to find his room number and get a spare key. Or you could take him straight up to your room and let him crash on the couch.
You chose the latter.
“Come on. You can crash on my couch,” you told him, punching the button to your floor. “We'll get your key situation sorted out in the morning.”
“Thanks,” he slurred out, and giving you an awkward one armed hug. You stiffened. Randy Orton was not a hugger, so apparently alcohol lowered his inhibitions a tad.
Several long, and grueling minutes of halfway hauling Randy down your hallway later, you were in your room and turning on lights as you went. You heard the door close and lock, but thought nothing of it. Randy was just securing the room for the night.
But, wait. He was not able to buckle his seat belt earlier. How did he manage locking a door? How did he even know to lock a door when he was in the shape he was in?
You turned to face him and saw a hint of that cocky smirk he wore more than half the time.
You looked into his eyes. They weren't bloodshot and the pupils weren't dilated or anything. He looked clear-headed now.
You backed up a step. “You- You're not drunk, are you?”
“Don't panic,” Randy said softly, holding his hands up in a defensive gesture. I just wanted to talk to you.”
“About?” You asked, trying hard to do as he said and not panic. What does he want, you wondered.
“I want to know why you'll never be alone with me, until tonight, that is. Why you won't let me take you on a date.” He looked at the sofa. “Could we sit down while we discuss this?”
You slowly made your way to the sofa and sat down as he did the same. He sat on the opposite end from you, giving you a little space. For which you were very grateful, because you were still too uneasy to sit right beside him.
You swallowed hard and prepared your answer to his question. “Well, Randy... I guess it's because I know you only want to go to bed with me. After that, you'd be done with me. And I'm just not that kind of woman. I am looking for commitment, not a one night stand.”
Randy nodded, avoided your eyes. “I know. I used to be a one night stand kinda guy. But...”
“When did that stop,” you asked.
“When I met a certain trainer,” he said with a soft smile. He finally looked into your eyes. “It hit me one day that I wanted more than some brainless but beautiful bimbo on my arm. I want someone with some substance and intelligence.”
“Randy... I don't know what to say,” you replied, feeling flustered. It was your turn to avoid his gaze. “So... you faked the whole being drunk thing just to get me alone?”
“To talk, yes,” Randy said. “I'm sorry. I just didn't know how else to get you alone. You always want to help and care for someone, so I used that. Again I apologize. I actually do have my room's key card. So I can leave whenever you want me to.”
That got your attention. You'd never seen Randy apologize for anything. Ever. And he was being very accommodating to your feelings and wishes.
“Thank you,” you said, feeling a bit awkward. “So, you want to take me on a date? That's it?”
His lips quirked up a bit at the corners. “I want to take you on a lot of dates.”
“And is sex involved in these dates,” you asked sardonically.
“Only if, and when you are ready for it,” he answered.
He seemed deadly serious when he answered you. He seemed different to you. And for that reason, you were willing to give him a chance.
“Alright, Randy. We can date,” you said with a smile. “Just please remember you said sex could come when I'm ready.”
“I'm willing to wait as long as it takes,” Randy said. “Now, may I kiss you?”
You giggled in spite of yourself. He clearly was making an effort to be a gentleman and it was adorable. “Yes.”
He took his time in sliding closer to you, lifting his hand to your face and brushing his fingers down your cheek. His gaze met yours briefly and then scanned your face, memorizing it. “So beautiful,” he uttered. Then his hand went to the back of your head and pulled your face closer to his. Then he closed the gap between the two of you and captured your mouth with his. His lips were soft and warm against yours. You whimpered and then gasped to which he ran his tongue along your lower lip, asking permission. In reply, you slid your tongue past his lips and ran it over his.
And then the battle of the kiss was on.
He cradled your face in both his large hands and kissed you deeply, running his tongue along the roof of your mouth, your teeth, and finally over your own tongue. The passion between the two of you was combustible. And if not for the ringing of your phone, there's no telling how much hotter it would have become.
Groaning, and signaling to Randy to stay quiet, you answered the call.
It was only Cesaro calling to check in and see if you'd found Randy. A couple minutes later, you hung up and smiled softly at Randy to soften your next words. “I really want you to stay, so you'd probably better go.”
Randy smiled in return, “Okay. But just so we're clear... We are dating, correct?”
You nodded. “Yes, Randy. We're dating.”
“Okay.” He stood to his feet and went over to your door with you following close behind.
“Good night, Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow? We can work out when to have our first date.”
You nodded again, “Sounds good. Good night Randy.”
“Be sure and lock the door behind me,” he told you, reaching down and giving you another soft kiss to the mouth.
“So bossy,” you teased. Though secretly you loved that he was being protective.
With that, he walked out your door with one last smile over his shoulder.
You quickly locked up and got ready for bed, a dreamy smile on your face.
You couldn't wait for that first date.
The End
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deepdisireslonging · 3 years
Standing Against the Past
A rumbling is spreading through the locker rooms. Should retired wrestlers continue to fight, or should they let the next generation have their chance to make history? The children of two legacies, Charlotte Flair and Randy Orton, seek to answer this by forming an alliance. 
Pairing: None
Warnings/Promises: wrestling violence, unusual formating
Word Count: 4220
Note: I would love to write out this whole thing. But I don’t have the time, nor the energy for it. So, I’m trying something a little different. I wrote out what is usually an outline for me, and that is what I’m going to post. Nor am I waiting till Friday to do so. Here and there are scenes that I really need to keep from bouncing around in my head. If this works, for the most part, I might keep doing things this way so I can continue to create content, and continue to be creative for creative sake. Let me know your thoughts about this with comments, reblogs, gif reactions, etc. Enjoy!
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January - Monday 2/Week 1 “Recap”
“Natural Selection near the ropes. Could this put away Lacey Evans? Wait- what?”
Charlotte Flair twisted around, wondering why the three-count had not been completed. Ric Flair pointed at the bottom rope, and at the ankle he had just put there. She took in the sight of Lacey’s ankle not on the canvas, but on the rope. She slowly turned to look at her father. He backed away from the ring. The Nature Boy had never been a face, not really. But damn if he didn’t try to look innocent.  
The match continued for about another thirty seconds. If that long. With another interference from her father, Charlotte lost the match. 
Quickly, Ric backed further away from the ring, terrified of his daughter’s quiet rage fuming there. By the time Lacey was by his side, he was all smiles. 
*What the hell just happened?* Charlotte thought. 
Randy Orton glared across the canvas as Triple H hauled up his iconic sledgehammer. But it was wrong. Very wrong. Flames covered the hunk of metal at the top. Soon, that was the only light in the arena. When it went out, it took the Cerebral Assassin with it, replacing him with a purple hue and burned apprehension into Randy’s chest. 
Slowly, he turned to look over his shoulder, spotting Alexa Bliss. 
Within another thirty seconds, his eyes were burned by the firebolt that Little Miss Bliss shot at him. He rolled on the canvas, screaming in agony as the show came to a close. 
Even when he removed the icepack to his lap, he didn’t glance at her as she stepped into the shadows. “Legends are hard to get rid of, aren’t they?” He chuckled. “Thought you’d be enough for Lacey though.”
“And I thought for sure that you’d be enough for Alexa, but here we are.” Charlotte shuddered to control herself. “I hate that I have to ask, but how did you do it? When you wrestle, your Dad barely comes up at all besides the odd mention that you’re a third generation.” She grit her teeth. “I can’t seem to breathe without his legacy coming up.”
“I have the benefit that my Dad doesn’t come around the ring anymore. Yours can’t seem to stay away.” He made eye contact. “Despite your best efforts.”
Knuckles paling under the force, Charlotte held her fist to her lips. “There’s a way to fix that,” she whispered.
Now she had his full attention. Randy turned to face her. Under her calm complexion, he could see, and understand, the rage boiling in her blood. The blood of a Flair.
“For me to get rid of him-”
“Permanently away from the ring-”
“I would have to break his spirit. Wrestling has been his whole life.” Randy cocked his head to side. “Are you ready to accept the consequences?”
Charlotte hesitated. She licked her lips. “At a minimum, do enough to keep him away long enough for me to demolish Lacey.” Her breath stuttered. This was probably a mistake. Randy was too ready, too eager to destroy a life. To destroy a heritage. “If you go even an inch too far,” she snarled, “I will cut the head off the viper myself.”
He had to laugh. “That’s supposed to dissuade me? Maybe I like the idea of that challenge. Perhaps I can kill the Flair name for good.”
“Try, and I can promise you there will not be a fourth generation of Ortons to step into the ring.”
“Threatening my family-”
“Do not think to overstep our understanding. We were both bred for this business. Cross that line, and I will cross you further than you’d ever be willing to go. But this isn’t how I want to do things. I’m here to offer help with your little Bliss problem in return-”
“You’re here because you can’t do yourself,” he shot back. He stepped into her space. “Because you’re scared ‘daddy’ won’t love his little girl anymore.”
Unbothered, Charlotte tilted her head. Randy’s mind flashed with the memory of Alexa Bliss tilting her head in a similar fashion. And the danger it meant. “If our places were switched, and you were the one stifled under your own family name, would you be able to do it on your own?”
Randy leaned back, levelling his gaze. After a minute of consideration, he rumbled out an answer. “I would do whatever it took to stand on my own feet.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “Do you have a time limit to this… request?”
“As soon as possible.” They nodded at one another. Before she left, Charlotte tossed back, “I won’t forget this, Randy.” She disappeared down the hall.
Randy grinned. “You won’t. I won’t let you.”
January - Monday 3/Week 2 “Beginnings”
Hunter is still missing. Commentary questions Randy’s next move, and the health of his eyes after last week’s attack.
Lacey vs Charlotte Part 2:
Ric is fully in Lacey’s corner
Halfway through the match, Randy RKO’s him onto the ringside mat before disappearing behind the Thunderdome screens.
Charlotte wins undeniably and brutally
Charlotte tells her post-match interviewer that, “Yes, Lacey was not the first nor the last person to flirt with my father. But she was the most satisfying to put down.”
By her side, Randy avoids questions about his “assist”
January - Monday 4/Week 3
Lacey talks nasty about Charlotte allowing Randy to RKO her own father. Claims they could have settled this “like women.”
Peyton walks up and points out she tried. It was Lacey who “threw the first punch” by kissing Ric’s cheek a few weeks ago.
They have to team against Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler
They lose because of squabbling
Randy’s eyes are more healed
The lights go out backstage, but they come back when Charlotte hurries to back him up. They both find that interesting
There’s a rush of people down the hall: Hunter has been found
A message is left on his body: a 1st-degree burn on his face of a handprint covering his mouth. He is taken away to a medical facility
Charlotte wonders what she’s gotten herself into
*** February - Monday 1/Week 4
Asuka and Charlotte are scheduled to defend
Asuka asks her if she trusts Randy
Charlotte doesn’t, not by a mile, but Lacey and Ric seemed to be handled. So she owes him a little help like she promised.
They face Nia and Shayna
Lacey interferes, but it counts as a disqualification and the Women’s Tag Titles are retained
Peyton claims nothing to do with it when Charlotte and Asuka glare at her
The Hurt Business challenges Randy because he’s “free, and the biggest threat on Monday Night Raw. Well, besides Bobby Lashley.”
"You need to be taught a lesson in how to respect 'your elders.'" "My elders? You haven't been paying attention."
In the background, a Rambling Rabbit with red cross-stitched eyes and patchwork fur pops up
Cedric Alexander interferes in the match, still snubbed that his contributions to the Hurt Business haven’t been appreciated
Randy launches at him for ruining his match, but before he can RKO Cedric for his trouble, the lights go out and Alexa Bliss shows up
Acting before she can shoot him again, he runs at her. The lights go out again, but this time when they come back up, she’s on the opposite side of the ring. He dodges the fireblast. Alexa continues to toy with him.
Charlotte appears on the apron, bringing a kendo stick down on Alexa’s head
Alexa disappears, leaving Randy and Charlotte to look at each other.
February - Monday 2/Week 5
Randy confronts Charlotte, asking her why she got involved like that. He didn’t ask her to attack Alexa
Charlotte claims she wanted them to be even, favour for favour
Randy says that was a mistake. Now Alexa, and Wyatt/the Fiend, will target her too
Charlotte: “I can handle myself.”
Abby the Witch puppet watches from aground a corner. Her vein is now red and her mouth hangs open, lopsided
Asuka/Charlotte vs Mandy/Dana
Alexa interferes, and the titles are lost
Asuka blames her. Charlotte fully understands and agrees.
Charlotte: “Now you’ll have time to defend the Raw Women’s Championship like you should. And you won’t have to look over your shoulder for me. I’m going to be a little busy.”
After Asuka leaves, Randy walks up. They don’t say anything, but share a nod. Time to get down to business.
February - Monday 3/Week 6
Charlotte demands that Alexa shows herself, Randy watches their backs
In a Firefly Funhouse episode, Alexa is putting the Funhouse back together.
Ducktape on the walls is covered over with strips of brightly-coloured Washi tape, there is more Alexa-esque pink in the room
The burning house portrait is bigger
Alexa only talks to Charlotte
“It’s long been said that you can pick your nose, and your friends, but not your friend’s nose… but Randy is one friend you should not have picked.”
Alexa compares her to a bird in her ring regalia and suggests she be careful not to catch her wings on fire
Randy: “I should have torched the place.”
Wyatt/the Fiend’s laugh ends the episode, covering up Alexa’s laugh
Charlotte is aghast. “What the hell was that?”
Randy: “Welcome to the Funhouse.” And, “If a voice starts asking you to ‘let Him in... “
Charlotte steels herself for war
Update about Hunter: he is physically recovered but hasn’t spoken much, suggesting psychological damage
February - Monday 4/Week 7
A package is delivered to Charlotte. It’s a puppet carticulture of herself. A match is announced between her and Alexa for later that night
Asuka offers her Green Mist, Charlotte declines
Randy vs Cedric Alexander
Randy: “I owe you an RKO.”
Randy keeps looking over his shoulder for Alexa/Wyatt/Fiend/any shenanigans
Cedric keeps a lookout for the Hurt Business
Ricochet surprisingly shows up for commentary
Wants to see what Cedric is like post-Hurt Business
Lights go out, but not for Randy. It’s Retribution for Ricochet
In the confusion, Randy catches Cedric with an RKO and wins
Charlotte vs Alexa Bliss
Charlotte wins, only because she started right off the bat with heel-ish short cuts
Alexa laughs with her loss
The Fiend makes an appearance, teleporting Alexa away before Randy can catch him
March - Monday 1/Week 8 + PPV
PPV: 2 on 1 with Randy/Charlotte vs Alexa Bliss
Alexa toys with both of them, riling them both up into making mistakes
Randy RKO’s her, and Charlotte ties her up in the Figure 4 for the win
Monday Night Raw
Randy and Charlotte discuss the match
Randy: “That’s not the end of it. There will never be an end.”
Charlotte: “Agreed.” She slips into thought. “It would be nice… to have a little backup.”
Mustafa Ali vs Ricochet vs Cedric
Mustafa wins with minimal assistance from Retribution
Charlotte shows up backstage to talk to Mustafa Ali
“Well, what can we do for you Ms Flair?”
Charlotte looked away from Mustafa Ali’s smug welcome. A tiny tilt of her head to the right, and then to the left, confirmed that she was surrounded. Retribution didn’t waste time. She could appreciate that, despite the imminent danger she was in. A Queen is not bothered by the movements of minions. “I was impressed by your little speech on Raw Talk, and your passion since then. Not many people are brave enough to call out the WWE for placing their heroes on unsteady pedestals.”
As Reckoning stepped close enough to feel her breath on her skin, Charlotte rolled her shoulders back. “Yes. It’s very… easy for a legend to fall. Especially if they continue to come back into a world full of younger blood.” She bit back a snarl as Mustafa’s smile slid onto his face. “Very easy for them to… embarrass themselves.”
He didn’t beat around the bush. “Like your father with Lacey.”
She hissed a breath. “Yes. Like my father with Lacey.” Patiently she waited for him to ask what she wanted. What he could do for her.
Instead, he leaned against a crate and crossed his arms. “I want to hear you say it. I want you to admit it.”
Retribution chuckled around her.
“My father was long past his prime. He had no business being near a ring beyond token appearances for when the WWE Universe wanted to reminisce. And he had no business,” she hissed, pinching her fingers together, “getting involved in my matches. Especially not for that-”
“Be civil, Ms Flair.” Mustafa joked, “you are a queen after all. And must hold to higher standards-”
“Cut the bull shit.” She ignored the tittering laughter around her. “I may not agree with the methods you’ve used over the past several months to weaken the roster. But-” with a shallow breath she had to admit, “I agree with your… teachings.” Her eyebrows met in confusion. “If that’s what you’re calling them.”
Mustafa shrugged. “Close enough.” With a nod, Retribution abandoned haunting Charlotte and stood at his side. “That’s all well and good. Having your… backing.” He side-eyed Slap-Jack. “But we never needed your permission to attack your father. We could have eliminated him any time we wanted. Luckily for him, the Viper put him out of his misery first. None of this explains why-”
“We are the children of NXT. It is our job to pave the way so that the next generation can walk into their spotlight. The only weakness in your teachings is that people who listen to them do not abide by them. Ricochet still hasn’t joined your fold. And the Fiend is still wreaking havoc on our- your roster.”
The leader’s eyebrows shot up.
Charlotte swallowed away the dry taste in her mouth. “You could do great things in the WWE, Mr Ali. I want to assist you. Briefly.”
“Well now.” Mustafa walked slowly around her. “That is a promising opportunity.” He stopped by her shoulder. “I assume you’d want assistance in turn with Alexa Bliss.”
He nodded at Reckoning. She ran off, disappearing into the hallway’s shadows. “We’ll look into it. Tonight. As for the Fiend…” Mustafa pursed his lips. “That will take time. Let’s talk.”
Like a hive moving as one, Retribution followed their leader further into the darkness of backstage. After a moment’s hesitation, so did Charlotte Flair. 
March - Monday 2/Week 9
Retribution vs. Hurt Business
Charlotte takes it to MVP on the mic, making him stutter and flustered
Randy teams with Slap-Jack against Lashley and Shelton and beats them
They all pose in the ring
Mustafa climbed into the ring as the Hurt Business rushed to escape it. As he took his position in the centre of the ring, Charlotte and Randy flanked him on either side. As he raised his arm to finish his pose, the rest of Retribution filed in, completing a pyramid that filled the ring. 
The collective of such a body of wrestlers was a loud message: there was no room in any ring for anyone who thought otherwise than them. Retribution, and the legacies of Charlotte and Randy, were going to take the wrestling universe by storm like never before.
Mustafa and Randy “chat”
Randy is updated with Mustafa’s cause, and made aware that the continuation of his career is dependant on Mustafa’s mercy. Randy has been wrestling for a long time, almost too long to be considered “this generation.” But… Charlotte, a fellow child of NXT, vouches for him. So they’re good. For now.
When asked about why she’s added teaming up with Retribution, Charlotte points out that her alliance with Randy Orton started because her father put his nose into business he shouldn’t have. It was just luck that she found Randy first. Both alliances would have gotten her to this moment, achieving exactly what she wanted to do: cementing her reign over the WWE Universe.
March-August: Week 10
Over the next several months, Retribution continues to convince the WWE Universe that the “Old Golden Age” of WWE is over. It’s been over for a long time, and now is the time for the new, fabulous talent that the McMahons and ‘powers that be’ have been hiding backstage to make their mark on history.
Mustafa confronts Drew McIntyre about facing Goldburg at the Royal Rumble when there were plenty of wrestlers he could have faced from his own generation.
McIntyre looks like he’s about to retaliate, but Charlotte and Randy walk out onto the stage, flanked by Retribution. McIntyre pauses enough for Mustafa to continue.
“Respect had nothing to do with it. He called you out because he wanted to be relevant again. Because he wanted a paycheck. If you’d done your job, you would have reminded him that by retaining your World Title, that he was no better than Brock Lesner for being a three-appearance-a-year wrestler.”
He gets slapped, and Claymore kicked for pointing it out. Randy and Retribution come to his aid, beating McIntyre down. They undermine his matches after that, even going so far as to take out Sheamus and Keith Lee, dragging them to the ring to prove a point to the Scotsman.
They do the same to Jeff Hardy, Bobby Lashley, Daniel Bryan, and any Legend-apologists.
Wrestlers start to choose sides. Most of them agree with Retribution’s influence.
Ricochet is the only one that remains truly neutral, and mostly because he knows Mustafa Ali best.
He doesn’t face him head-on; not in the ring. Mostly he confronts people with the opposites of their observations. If they are anti-Legends, he digs down as to why they believe that. If they are pro-Legends, he asks why they are so quick to disagree with their peers.
Charlotte and Randy both drop their last names, though Randy reluctantly.
Week 11 - September Week 2
McIntyre offers an open challenge, assuming Randy Orton will accept it
Mustafa answers instead and wins
McIntyre: “You won’t let him keep it. You’re not that kind of man, Randy.”
Asuka stands with McIntyre and the Legend Apologists
Charlotte tries to point out that Asuka was shoved into the shadow when she moved to the main roster from NXT. Her undefeated streak was broken.
Asuka: “Yes. By you!”
Asuka vs Mia Yim/Reckoning for the Women’s Raw Championship
It ends in a draw
Charlotte is ringside, but she never interferes
On Smackdown, Hunter meets with Roman Reigns
Hunter receives a cold reception
Seth Rollins won’t talk to him either
Roman and Seth don’t talk to one another or even look at each other’s matches, but they acknowledge each other’s presence backstage
Week 12 - September Week 3
McIntyre challenges Mustafa for the World Title back
Charlotte steps into the ring before he can rampage against Mustafa. They stare each other down.
McIntyre backs down claiming respect for her father. She slaps him.
Retribution and Randy step in front of her before he can retaliate.
McIntyre surrounded, Ricochet/Sheamus/Keith Lee/ other Legend Apologists come out t back him up
Asuka issues open challenge for the Raw Women’s Championship expecting Charlotte or Reckoning/Mia Yim to accept
Rhea Ripley answers the challenge, officially moving to Raw. She fights Asuka unaided and wins
Week 13: Confrontation - September Week 4
Hunter speaks to Randy again. Before it can break into a fight, Stephanie McMahon shows up with Charlotte and Mustafa quick on her heels.
Hunter has to look Mustafa in the eye while being blamed for not “upholding the promise you made.”
Mustafa calls him a future legend.
“You’re not in the way. You don’t fight unless provoked. That’s how a legend, how a legacy, should act. They need to stay out of this generation’s business until called upon.”
“Those that retire need to stay retired.”
Week 14 - October Week 1
Charlotte dares MVP to put Lashley’s USA title on the line. She pokes and goads him until he accepts, much to Lashey’s chagrin
Open Challenge: Cedric Alexander answers and wins with Retribution’s help, since Shelton and MVP kept involving themselves in the match.
The other Retribution champions come out, holding their titles high.
Mustafa Ali with his Heavyweight title, Rhea Ripley with the Raw Woman’s title, and Cedric with the USA title. Randy and Charlotte stand behind them, hovering.
That Friday on Smackdown:
Hunter visits Roman again, warning him about the impending Survivor Series show coming up.
Hunter: “They might come for your championship too.”
Roman: “Let them try.”
Week 15: Survivor Series Season/Hunting Season - October Week 2
On Raw, there is a video package from Retribution promising that the whole WWE Universe was going to see the world in a new light, one provided by Retribution
Smackdown: Retribution/Randy/Charlotte invade Smackdown, beating up Roman and Smackdown’s Leged Apologists, including Daniel Bryan and Sasha Banks
Sami Zayn, Shinsuke and Cesaro, and Baron Corbin help with the destruction of their peers, aligning themselves with the Raw visitors
Week 16 - October Week 3
Smackdown and NXT invade Raw at the same time
Io Sharai and Damian Priest stare down Charlotte and Randy
The Undisputed Era faces down Retribution. Mustafa is shocked. They should be on the same side, he thinks.
Candice and Johnny fight Rhea and Cedric
There is no sight of Seth Rollins
Week 17: Survivor Series - October Week 4 Part 1 (Sunday)
Roman/Sasha vs Charlotte/Randy vs Damian/Io
Karrion Kross and Scarlet Bordeaux try to interfere, but Alexa Bliss and the Fiend prevent them, officially coming back after missing and silent for weeks
Undisputed Era vs Retribution eight-man tag match
Candice/Johnny vs Rhea/Cedric
They discuss their matches and philosophies before the PPV
Week 18 - October Week 4 Part 2 (Monday)
With the Fiend and Alexa back, that means trouble for Randy and Charlotte
The Fiend and Alexa are not aligned with Hunter. Corey Graves brings up the handprint the Fiend left on Hunter’s face the last time they met.
A Firefly Funhouse episode happens while the Fiend is in the ring. Wyatt has come back fully split into two pieces of himself: Bray and the Fiend
Randy and Hunter face off again
It suggests a possible alliance, at least as far as defeating Wyatt
Stephanie disagrees with the alliance; Charlotte convinces her.
Week 19 - November Week 1
A pre-filmed cinematic match shows off the triple threat tag match
Charlotte/Randy vs Hunter/Stephanie vs Fiend/Alexa
Retribution tries to interfere by helping Charlotte and Randy. Most of them are beat down, though Mustafa fights through enough to stare down the Fiend.
Charlotte/Randy/Mustafa win the match
Wyatt: “The whole Universe is in your hands.”
He backs off
Week 20 - November Week 2
The stage crackled and popped with bursts of lighted fire. By the ring, Michael Cole and Corey Graves caught the home viewers on last week’s recent events. The trio of Charlotte Flair, Randy Orton, and Mustafa Ali had triumphed. 
“What do you think the Fiend meant,” Corey asked, “when he said that the Universe was in their hands?” He shuddered. “I don’t think it’s in the Fiend’s nature to give up on a potential… I hate to say it, but a potential Funhouse friend?”
Michael Cole winced. “I’m more concerned that the Fiend was able to say something more than ‘let me in.’ I hope it doesn’t mean he’s getting stronger. Either way, it means that the strange alliance of Charlotte, Randy, and Mustafa Ali has proven their point. And it means their path is clear for… whatever next step. What will it be?”
“Whatever they want it to be, I guess.”
In the ring, the said trio was prepared to announce such a plan. Standing at each of the turnbuckles were the members of Retribution and the other champions. 
Charlotte stepped forward. Her smile glowed with assurance. “We did everything we set out to do.” Looking at Randy she said, “we defended the WWE Universe against the Fiend and Alexa Bliss.” Looking at Mustafa, she added, “even more, we have freed the Universe from being held back by the dead weight of so-called Legends. From here on out, anyone… absolutely anyone can earn their place in this ring by fighting on their own.” Sinking into herself, she thought of the arguments against them. Against her. “As for those with a legacy behind them. The steps they take to get here, to get to this ring… as long as they use their own skill to build up their own name, they will be welcome competitors here.”
To one side, Mustafa nodded. Charlotte had come a long way. Even further than her NXT days when she first fought against her father’s legacy. To the other side, Randy Orton crossed his arms. His face was a practiced mask. He eyed Mustafa warily. 
The stage lit up again. It startled the group in the ring as “Burn it Down” played overhead. 
Seth Rollins had returned to Raw. 
The group in the ring rushed to the ropes as he was joined by two more people. 
To his left, Austin Theory stepped out. To his right, Becky Lynch stepped out. 
Charlotte stood a little straighter, seeing her old friend there. At the sight of his constant rival, Randy gripped the ropes so tight, his knuckles ached. Mustafa Ali simply smiled. 
The more things changed in wrestling, the more they stayed the same.
Forever Tags: @blondekel77​​ @brianaraydean​​ @chwehansol98​​ @fireflyfunhousetrash​​ @laochbaineann @ramblingsofabourbondrinker​​ @savmontreal @shieldgirl18 @tinyelfperson​​ @writtingrose​​ @xladyxfatex​​ @gold--gucciempress​​
WWE Tags: @1dluver13xx @a-home-for-stray-stories​​ @flightofthefantasies​​ @livelifewondering​​ @mother-forker​​ @neversatisfiedgirlfics​​ @racheo91​​ @roman-reigns-princess​​ @scuzmunkie​​ @secretagentfangirl​​ @wrestlersownmyheart​​ @thirst-n-bullshit​​ @top-1-percent-blog​​
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: couples costume contest; elias
Sooooo... the idea of Elias as an Alpha wouldn’t leave me alone. It intrigued me. And so, when I got this ask on my main, I went that way with it. 
{ wanna send in one of these? here’s how | masterlist of fake fic titles }
Elias wasn’t looking for his true mate. Rosalie wasn’t expecting to find hers. But somehow, that’s what happens. Fluff ensues.
Elias x OFC, Rosalie
heavily implied alpha / omega dynamics, fluff, Randy Orton being a dipshit..
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Everyone was in costume and by comparison, Rosalie felt that hers was possibly the tamest. Which suited her fine, in all honesty. She wasn’t into the skin show that most people tended to turn the holiday into if she had to admit it.
A flyer caught her eye and she gave a wistful sigh as she read the words. Apparently, the roster was holding a couples costume contest backstage. Given that she felt like she was the ‘help’, -and the even more regrettable fact that she wasn’t seeing anyone or mated to anyone, on the roster or otherwise that she could bring if she were planning to go, she highly doubted that she was invited to this little party and contest, so she put it out of her head.
Even if she wanted to go, going was probably not the best idea, her Omega status and being unmated and what have you. And she could feel her heat cycle beginning, so that was also a huge deterrent in her attending the little costume party. Someone backstage was her Alpha, and she wasn’t entirely sure whether knowing would be a good thing or not.
… and even if I wanted to find him, it’d probably go badly, given that I’m me and… yeah… she shoved the thought out of her head, even as the irony of her costume for the night’s festive air hit her with the force of a speeding train. Yep, she was little red alright… But she wasn’t going to find her Big bad wolf anytime soon, of that she had no doubt.
From behind her, Randy Orton spoke up casually as he leaned in a doorway, eyeing her up and down. “Little Red Riding Hood. That’s cute.”
“No and no.” Rosalie stepped around the man, about to push open the door on her workstation. She had costumes to get mended and fittings to attend to, no time at all to be the test subject for whatever Orton had in mind.
“Aw, c’mon. Don’t be like that.” Orton was blocking her way.
“Get outta my way. Unlike you, I actually have a purpose?” Rosalie stuttered slightly, flinching. She’d never been fond of being cornered like Orton seemed to do as of late. She tried to step away.
“Ouch. If I had feelings, that might hurt.” Randy was stepping closer, all up in her personal space. Rosalie groaned inwardly, grumbled a few swears. If she didn’t enjoy her job as costume designer, she’d probably explode on the man. But honestly, she enjoyed her job entirely too much to give it more than passing thought.
“Well, I mean… Who doesn’t have a match tonight? When was the last time you actually had an actual match worth watching  anyway, hmm? Exactly my thought. Now move before I…” Rosalie trailed off and Orton leaned in, a finger hooking in the neckline of her dress as he smirked down at her, “Before you what, little red? Go on, finish what you were saying.” the finger hooked in her neckline was pulling her closer and Rosalie began to feel like shooting off her mouth as she had may well have been a serious mistake.
From behind them, a throat cleared. Rosalie gave a grateful look to Naomi, who stood there, eyeing Randy with a hand on her hip.
“Is there a problem here?”
“Randal was just leaving, actually.” Rosalie glanced up at him, the firmest look of warning she could muster in her eyes. Randy glanced from Naomi to Rosalie and then, as he walked away, he called out casually, “See you tonight, little red.”
“Only in my nightmares, you human barfbag.” Rosalie retorted, muttering a few swears under her breath in her native Italian before turning to unlock the fitting room so that Naomi could come in and be fitted up for the ring gear concept she’d drawn up and emailed to Rosalie a few hours prior.
“Sorry about that.” she apologized and Naomi eyed her, snorting in laughter. “Girl, you have not a damn thing to be sorry for. That fool needed to be taken down a few pegs.”
Rosalie laughed gingerly and then sighed, shaking her head. “I swear, it’s like the fifth time that asshole has used his nose and tracked me. I mean I know my cycle is close, but damn. I’m using suppressants and doing my best, y’all.”
“Girl.” Naomi closed the door quickly, eyeing the petite brunette in concern. “Does Trips or Steph know? That you.. You know..”
“They do, but I’ve assured them that it won’t affect my work. I’ve also told them I fully intend to take every necessary precaution, including sequestering myself into the Omega wing at the hotel when it does begin…”
“Or, you could just try to figure out why your heat’s being triggered..” Naomi suggested casually.  Rosalie nearly pricked her finger with the needle in her sewing kit and she swore, raising her finger to her lips, catching the droplet of blood. She knew she had to look absolutely panicked and the truth of it, she was.
Because trying to find him, she was convinced, was only going to go badly.
No matter how badly she wanted the opposite to be true and for things to go better than her wildest dreams.
She just wasn’t anything special. Which is why it baffled her that Orton continued to pop up lately. The guy had to have some kind of nose on him, to scent her so well despite the dulling of her scent thanks to the super strength suppressants she’d gotten.
“Or do you already know? You do, don’t you?” Naomi attempted to figure out why Rosalie looked so panicked when she mentioned Rosalie possibly attempting to find her true Alpha. It had to be that.
“No, I don’t. And honestly, Naomi.. I’m kinda thinking it’s better it stays that way.”
Naomi raised a brow, tilting her head slightly to look at her friend, perplexed by the statement. She knew how badly Rosalie wanted to find her other half, so it made no sense to her as to why she was suddenly so against it.
“I do know that he’s someone that we work with. I’ve… caught their scent on numerous occasions, I just… Always chicken out and hide rather than try to follow.” Rosalie admitted as she got out the tape measure and began to take Naomi’s measurements.
Not wanting to pressure her friend for more, Naomi changed the subject. “So are you going to that costume party? I think it’d be good for you, you could get to know everybody back here better. Since you’re gonna be spending a lot of time traveling with the show.”
Rosalie bit her lip and shook her head no, nervously. “No I probably won’t. Because it’s just… I don’t think I’d fit in well?”
“Naomi, no.”
“Rosalie, yes.”
Rosalie gave a defeated shrug and then muttered, “Fine. But if Orton pops up one fucking time, I’m gonna shove my the heel of my  shoe through his eyeball.”
Naomi laughed and then placing her hand on Rosalie’s shoulder, she assured her friend, “Just don’t worry, okay? Me and Jimmy and Jey got you.”
Rosalie nodded and bit her lip, then glanced down at her costume. “This is gonna be so childish compared to the skin show everyone else is gonna put on…”
“But if that’s what you’re comfortable in, girl, don’t you even worry about the rest of them.”
Rosalie took a shaky breath, nodding and then smiling. “Okay, fine… I suppose going for a few minutes couldn’t hurt.” - her sentence trailed off and a whimper came rushing out as she caught the scent of her true mate again and sniffed at the air, fidgeting.
Her skin was starting to feel tighter, almost tingly. “On second thought….”
“Girl, you’re coming.” Naomi cut her off, shaking her head as she laughed at her friend’s tense posturing, nose in the air while pretending not to be distracted and entranced by whatever the scent of her mate held. “I’m gonna be right back.” Naomi stood so quickly and she flung the door open right as Rosalie began to act the most affected by it.
Elias stood outside, a hand in his hair, acting pretty much the same way Rosalie seemed to be acting at the moment.
As soon as her scent hit his nose, he tensed all over and grunted quietly to himself, eyes darting around. The closed door across the hall was flung open by Naomi and as soon as he fixed eyes on the tiny brunette in the Little Red Riding Hood costume, everything just… Fell into place.
He knew somehow it had to be her. He could practically feel it in his bones. She was the scent he’d been catching sporadically, only to lose it’s trail before he could ever properly catch up to her.
“Naomi, what the hell?” Rosalie moaned aloud, attempting to shut the door quickly. Naomi shrugged and then said “I’d apologize but I’m not sorry. Look, you at least needed to know who it was. And now, you do. I mean… it has to be him.”
“Yeah, but that’s where it ends.” Rosalie warned, taking a few deep breaths, trying to resist -and failing miserably, opening the door just a smidge and peeking through the crack at him as he stood there, obviously in deep thought mode.  She couldn’t stop looking at him. Now her being drawn to him whenever she’d watch his matches made perfect sense. It had been him all along. Her mind was blown currently.
His head snapped up before she could get the door shut again and when she did lightly slam it completely closed, he grumbled to himself, staring at the closed door in confusion.
Did she not want to be bonded?
Who was she, to begin with? How had he missed seeing her around?
Standing in the middle of the hallway staring at a closed door was getting him more questions and no answers, so he took a deep breath and started to walk over, but Randy stopped him, casually speaking up. “Good luck with that one. She’s kind of a bitch.”
“Oh really? How?” he demanded, giving Randy a firm look of warning as his body tensed all over in anticipation of a fight. Randy chuckled and then answered calmly, “Well, I shot my shot and she shot me down. On more than one occasion. But I mean hey, if she’s so picky she won’t pick me, it’s not my problem if you wanna insist on trying.”
“What the fuck do you mean you shot your shot?” he stepped up closer to Randy, fists clenching and unclenching as he glared down at the other man. It was taking everything in him to stay calm and not just knock Orton’s fucking head right off his shoulders for him. It wasn’t like Elias at all, but then again, he’d just found her and he was now finding out this sleazy fuck had apparently dared to approach?
Elias was NOT a happy man at present.
“I told her that if she wants a mate, look no further. I mean… Nobody else is gonna step up and she’s hot.” Randy was saying it, well aware that he was currently about to push too far, say too much.
But not really caring, either. It was just Elias, it wasn’t like Elias was going to actually fucking do anything… He scoffed at Elias, squaring up, practically daring him to do something about what he’d done. He smirked and Elias growled quietly, grabbing hold of his tee shirt, holding him at the wall. “I need you to hear this clearly, Randal. Get it through your tiny, dense brain. She is not yours to mess around with. I don’t even want to see you looking her direction.”
Randy scoffed at him, shoving him back. “So what if I do, huh? What the hell are you gonna do about it, Elias? You won’t do shit.”
Jimmy and Jey happened to catch wind of what was going on and the two cleared their throats, giving Randy a warning look, their arms folded over their chests. “You at it again, Orton?”
Elias rolled his eyes at Randy, muttering a dry “Apparently. But he’s about to really see something.”
“We’ll see, Elias. We’ll see.” Randy shot off as Elias went to step closer, fully intending on just totally losing it and trashing the hallway with Randy’s skull if he had to to get his point across, but instead, Jimmy and Jey formed a wall, keeping the two seperate.
“He ain’t shit, man. Don’t let that fuckin idiot ruin your shot at gettin a match tonight.”
Elias snarled, “Oh, I’m getting a match. See, when I leave here, I’m going straight down that hallway. And I’m going to demand a match against Randy.”
Randy chuckled, rolling his eyes, waving a hand dismissively. “Go ahead, man. I can beat you in my sleep.”
Elias lunged and he and Randy wound up getting into the beginnings of a brawl in the floor of the hallway, during which, Elias caught her scent again, closer… Heavier.. He heard her shouting and as the fight was broken up and he was dragged away to calm down, he felt an insistent jab at his shoulder.
He turned to find her standing there, staring up at him, her face all flushed with a confused look in her eyes, her mouth opening and closing like she wanted to say something but she couldn’t find the words.
Instead of actually saying anything, she grabbed his hand and started to lead him towards the little room she’d been watching him through the crack in the door of before.
She hadn’t said a word, and he felt like someone had to say something. So, he stopped them in the middle of the hallway and chuckled, staring her down.
“Where are you taking me?”
“To my room.”
His mind swam with ideas at her suggestion, and the dry wit threatened to leap right out, much less a cocky line or two he thought might be clever, but he got this sense about her… She wouldn’t realize he was only teasing and she’d think that he too was being your typical Alpha, which Elias prided himself on definitely not being.
So, for the time being, he kept all comments to himself and went with a nod. When she started to walk again, grabbing hold of his hand to continue leading him, he stopped them again.
“Do I at least get your name?”
“Do you want that little gash in your face taken care of? Look, sir.. If it’s all the same to you, I’d really prefer NOT to linger out here, not right now, not with….” she trailed off and it clicked for him exactly why she was in such a hurry.
Apparently those suppressants she thought were so strong weren’t strong at all. And apparently, his petite little mate well… She was currently going through the beginning stage of heat.
Just the thought had Elias barely restraining a growl as he started to strain against the leather jeans he wore. He swore to himself and let her lead him to her work room. The door slammed shut behind them and she locked two locks on the door and he chuckled quietly.
“A little paranoid, aren’t you?”
“Force of habit.”
“You were hiding from me, weren’t you? Before, when Naomi threw the door open.. Why?” Elias was staring up at her as she gently pushed him to a sitting position on a chair nearby. She wasn’t answering, instead, she made a point to busy herself finding her thrown together first aid kit. She probably wouldn’t have answered him, but Elias wasn’t having it, and he stood, stopping her, those large hands wrapping around her upper arms carefully as he stared down at her. “Hey.. Why were you hiding? For that matter, how have you managed to elude me since the first time I scented you?”
“I don’t know?” Rosalie shrugged as she took a deep breath. She was trying not to but the more he asked, the more he seemed to want to know, the more her hopes about the situation went up.
Her eyes darted around the room and Elias made her look directly at him. “It’s me, right?”
Rosalie’s brow quirked. “What? Why the hell would you even think… No, it’s not you. I’m not good with people.” she air quoted the words as she explained.. Or attempted to.
“Does Randy.. Does he bother you a lot?”
Her lack of an answer said it all and Elias swore to himself. Now he knew exactly why Randy always seemed to have the faintest trace of her scent on him whenever they had an encounter.
“He won’t anymore.” Elias stated, making her keep eye contact, his hand cupping her jaw.
She had these big brown eyes he could easily get lost in. He nearly did, just staring down at her, trying to reassure her she was safe.
Rosalie eyed him and then gave a little smirk and shrug. “ Especially not after I jam my fucking stiletto in his eyeball.”
“No. I mean I’m going to handle it. Me. Not you.” Elias took that firm tone and Rosalie eyed him, curious before asking quietly, “Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it, hmm? Because…” she sighed, shaking her head, not finishing the rest of her thought.
“Because what?”
“You are aware that I’m.. Not like the rest of the women we work with, right? I mean you’re lookin at me.”
… Oh believe me, I am definitely looking… Elias thought to himself as he chuckled, tilting her head up. “What’s that even mean?”
“ I’m me and usually, things don’t tend to work out for me.” - it wasn’t exactly what she wanted to say, but close. Close enough without her seeming to whine and complain about the fact that she was about as ordinary and bland to look at as the sterile white walls in the room they currently stood.
Because that would just seem trite and petulant. Everybody said those things. … However, everybody doesn’t have other people telling them these things every time they turn around, either…
Her mom had always told her growing up that she’d better get real good at something real fast because if she was hoping to get by on looks alone, she never would.
Just the thought had her kind of frowning.
Elias noticed the frown and got the sense that she somehow felt like maybe she wouldn’t be good enough, or what he might want. Nothing could really be further from the truth, because that first initial glimpse earlier… He’d been blown away. So much so that he’d had to stand out in the hallway and process it all.
She was his.
Now, he clearly just needed to make her see and believe that.
Rosalie nodded to the chair and he sat down, she lowered herself onto his thighs, close to his knees. Not too close to him, but close enough for her own personal comfort. Taking the peroxide out of her first aid kit, she leaned in and dipped a q tip into the cap from the bottle after pouring some into it. A ginger swipe at the small cut on his cheek had him swearing and her giving this soft little giggle as she shook her head.
“You’re a baby.”
“I’m not, that stuff burns!”
“I barely touched the q tip to the liquid or your face, sir.”
“Call me Elias… What’s your name?”
“If you really want to know, you’ll find out.”
“Oh, I’ll find out.” Elias stated as he stared up at her intently. He wanted her closer. He got the sense that was a little while in coming. “When I find out, how will I tell you?”
“Assuming you can find out before midnight, I’ll be at that stupid costume party thing..”
… Perfect… Elias thought to himself as an idea began to form. Rosalie finished her patching him up and he walked out into the hallway, one goal in mind. And at first, anyone he asked was either unwilling or simply didn’t know her name..
But by the time he got to the costume store just before closing, he had her name. And a few other things about her, from Naomi, that explained a lot about her reaction to their bond.
And tonight, well.. Tonight, he fully intended to put all doubts to rest.. To show her -and the other Alphas on the roster, that she was his and he fully intended to have her all to himself.
Rosalie wasn’t sure why, but she found herself looking for him when she got to the little club that they were holding the party and costume contest at.
Rumor had it, not that she’d asked outright… Elias didn’t come to these types of things often.
… And then there’s the whole fact that he might not really want you for more than a matter of convenience… Or your bad luck… Take your pick…
She was standing off by herself sipping a mixed drink when she caught his scent nearby. Her eyes darted around and when she didn’t spot him, she put it out of her head.
After talking to Naomi and wandering outside, Randy Orton cornered her up. She tensed and looked for an exit. Every time she tried to side step and head back inside, Randy blocked her exit.
“Hey, c’mon.. Look, earlier, I fucked up. I wasn’t trying to come off the way I did.”
Rosalie eyed him, laughter following. “Oh, wait.. You’re being serious? Or is this one of your many go to tricks to try and get some girl to crawl into bed with you? I’m not interested.” she shoved past him just as the scent of Elias filled her nose. She’d honestly been intending to just leave the party, because Randy kept popping up and obviously, Elias wasn’t going to show.
Elias raised the wolf mask and glared at Randy. “Do I need to beat your ass again, Randal?”
“ I mean… you’re the one who let her come out all by herself. Not very Alphalike behavior, Elias.” Randy challenged, the two of them stepping up, as a result sandwiching Rosalie right in the middle of them.
“Oh for fucks sake will you two stop?”
Her words seemed to fall on deaf ears, but Ziggler came and practically dragged Orton away. This left her standing there, body to body with Elias.
Rosalie gulped and stared up at him, not sure what to say beyond what she ultimately did say. “You came.”
“I promised you, Rosalie.. He wasn’t going to bother you anymore.” Elias stepped closer, swatting at the stupid wolf mask as it tried to slide back down over his face. Rosalie laughed and said, “Color me shocked. You actually found out my name? Who told you? It was Naomi, wasn’t it?”
“In her defense, I wasn’t gonna leave her alone until she did.” Elias chuckled. From the door, Naomi yelled out Rosalie’s name.
“What’s up?”
“The couples costume contest is starting. You gotta come watch me and Jimmy win the damn thing!”
Elias spoke up. “ This is highly doubtful. I mean, Rosalie and I are going to be entering too.”
Rosalie blinked in shock as she met his gaze. “Wait, huh?”
“Well, I mean I did go to the trouble of buying this damned annoying mask… And you are Little Red Riding Hood.”
“Okay, okay.” Rosalie gave this little smile and that soft giggle again and Elias held out his arm. “So.. are we showing them how to properly do Halloween?”
“Sure. Why not?”
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hazyheel · 5 years
WWE Smackdown Live 7/16/19 Review
Before the show started, Shane talked to Kevin Owens about how he is having a smackdown Town Hall to talk about people’s grievances. However, despite having that, he said that Kevin Owens has the night off because of his insubordination. Security was right there, but Owens did not attack. He walked out, and then we started with the Town Hall meeting. 
So, oddly enough, this stupid meeting was the debut of Buddy Murphy. He was just standing around with the rest of the cast. Others that I noticed that are almost never on TV include Liv Morgan, Asuka, Kairi Sane, AOP, Ali, Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable. 
Shane could hardly get a word out over the crowds insistent booing, but he eventually just asked who wanted to go first. Roman Reigns came out and said that no one respects Shane, and told him to kick his ass. Since he was disrespectful, Shane fined Reigns, and then asked for Charlotte Flair to talk. Charlotte just said that she was grateful to the McMahon family for all they have done for her, because she deserves it. As Charlotte was talking, Liv Morgan actually got on the mic and called Charlotte a phony, prompting Charlotte to ask who she was and if she actually works on Smackdown. Ouch. Morgan then started to say because of people like her, they don’t get enough opportunity, but Shane cut her off. Shane then welcomed Buddy Murphy to the mic, and Murphy said that he doesn’t Owens help, and would be happy to fight Owens if he kept mentioning his name. Cool, so Murphy loses his first match. Shane was happy to say that Murphy will be getting a match soon, and then welcomed Apollo Crews to the mic. Crews said that everyone agreed with what Owens said, but Zelina Vega interrupted and called him a coward, and challenged him to a match with Andrade for later in the night. Elias then interrupted everyone with a guitar strum, but he was quickly interrupted from the New Day, who called him a jackass. Kingston then said that Owens made some good points, and that the people on the stage were not getting enough opportunities. Shane then cut off Kingston’s mic and then concluded the town hall meeting. However, Cesaro then came out, and requested a rematch with Aleister Black. Shane granted it, and I was happy with that. But as Shane was about to leave, Kevin Owens showed up and nailed a slightly wonky stunner to leave Shane laying there. 
Grade: C+. Not the greatest segment in the world, unless they are actually going to change something. It set up quite a bit of the show though, so it was certainly a productive segment. I don’t know how self aware WWE is, but if they are willing to acknowledge their problems, then they should be willing to solve them too. Give this a slightly negative grade because I am skeptical, but it could be a step in the right direction, maybe. And that is a big maybe. I think it is super clear that Owens vs. Shane is happening at Summerslam too, so thats nice.
We went right into that rematch, Cesaro vs. Aleister Black. Black destroyed Cesaro with kicks early on, sending him to the outside. The match was much shorter than their pay per view match, but Black nailed Cesaro with a high knee and then a black mass that sent Cesaro’s mouthpiece out of his mouth. Nice visual. 
Grade: B-. Harmless extended squash. Black should be getting over soon. 
Backstage, Dolph Ziggler talked to Shane about having a match with Owens. Shane was apprehensive, but Ziggler said that they both were hit with stunners recently, and Owens needed to pay for that. Shane said that he would do it, if Ziggler could get Owens to compete. 
The then showed Daniel Bryan being absolutely pissed off about losing his Tag Team Championship, saying that if he wants to change the world, he has to aim higher than he ever has before. He looked crazy, it was really cool. I wonder where this is leading him. 
Then we went into Charlotte Flair vs. Liv Morgan. Morgan was showing off some of her offense, including a nice double foot stomp to the back of the head which looked brutal. However, she was mostly a sacrificial lamb. Charlotte nailed a huge powerbomb, and then tapped her out with the figure eight in under five minutes. 
After the match, Morgan stole Graves headset and said that Charlotte was right when she called Morgan fake, so when she comes back she will be real. How fun, but I like her gimmick, so this may suck. 
Grade: B-. Another extended squash that was fine. Nice to see Morgan back, and Charlotte too. I don’t know where this story with Morgan will go, probably a simple gimmick change, but I don’t know what it will be. 
Then we had Fire and Desire vs. Ember Moon and a mystery partner. Her mystery partner ended up being Bayley. Right at the bell the heels attacked quickly, taking Moon off the apron and then beating down Bayley. However, the faces quickly got the advantage and started to beat down the heels. Ember went up for the Eclipse on Mandy Rose, and Sonya Devlle ran in to attack her. Bayley caught Deville with the Bayley to Belly, and Moon hit Rose with the Eclipse. 
After the match, Bayley was interviewed about who her next challenger will be. She wanted someone who deserved the belt and someone who she never fought before. She then looked at Ember, who accepted the challenge.
Grade: B. Another match that wasn’t much of anything, but that announcement after the match definitely bumped it up. Moon deserves this, she is a great wrestler, and she did just win a match against some of the top women in the division. I hope she gets some wins on TV leading up to it to establish her as a more legit competitor to the rest of the fans. Should be a great match, and one that I have wanted for a long time. 
Backstage, Shinsuke Nakamura was interviewed about winning the Intercontinental Championship, and Ali walked up to congratulate him, and then ominously walk away. I would so be into that. 
Then we had the New Day come out, with all their gold. They put themselves over for both defending the WWE Championship, and winning the Smackdown Tag Team Championships. They then said that they are willing to accept Daniel Bryan and Rowans tag team rematch for right now. Bryan and Rowan came out, but they walked backstage.And then they came back out, but Bryan seemed oddly out of it and refused to speak, and went back. He came out one more time, looking absolutely pissed at the pro New Day crowd. He then dropped his mic and left for good. However, Samoa Joe then came out, and said that as long as the New Day is giving out title shots, Kingston should too. Elias then came out, and asked for a title shot of his own. Randy Orton came out to ask for the same. Elias pointed out that they can’t all have championship matches tonight, and suggested a 6-man tag. The New Day accepted, but Randy Orton wasn’t into it. Until Kingston insulted him for not wanting to fight. 
That 6-man tag was next, New Day vs. Orton, Elias and Joe. The new day showed off their 6-man tag team prowess, before the heels bent the rules a bit to get control. Woods was beaten down a bit, but eventually hit a huge missile dropkick to get back in the ring, and gave Kingston a hot tag. Kofi hit a crossbody on Orton, only for Elias to break it up. Big E then gave Elias a belly to belly, only to eat a lariat from Joe, only for Woods to attack Joe. He fought him a little bit, before low bridging Joe and hitting a tope con hilo. Woods was going to get back in the ring, but Joe pulled him off the apron and into a coquina clutch. Big E tried to break it up, but ran right into a high knee from Elias. Elias then ran in the ring and ate a trouble in paradise to the kidney from Kingston, but Kingston then ate an RKO for the win from the heels. 
Grade: B. Pretty good match, definitely picked up in the end there. It gave Joe some of his momentum back, and made Elias look good too. Orton was the next logical challenger, and although I am not usually a fan of champions losing, at times like this it makes sense. I need this feud, and although I think Kofi should drop the championship soon, it shouldn’t be to Orton. We will see though, I may change my mind. This was the match of the night. 
Backstage, R-Truth was hiding in a broken washing machine, and Carmella had to help him get out of it. She then suggested that they go to Comicon. That will be fun. I can’t wait. 
Then we had a match for the Women’s Tag Team Championships. The Kabuki Warriors vs. The IIconics, Asuka and Kairi Sane vs. Peyton Royce and Billie Cay. The Kabuki warriors started out with some high speed offense, only for the heels to slow it down a bit. Asuka knocked Cay out of the ring, and the IIconics opted for a count out loss to retain.
After the match, the faces beat the crap out of the heels. And stood tall.
Grade: D-. Why the hell do they still have those belts? I don’t want them to lose them at summerslam, because the IIconics do not deserve to have a Summerslam match. They aren’t good enough. The Kabuki Warriors should win on TV sooner rather than later. The only reason that this isn’t an F is because Asuka and Sane showed some really good stuff before the bullshit ending. 
Then we had Apollo Crews vs. Andrade. Andrade attacked as Crews got in the ring. Right when the bell rang, Andrade attacked again with some stiff knees and kicks. Andrade nailed the double knees in the corner, but Crews reversed a pinfall into a crucifix for the win.
Grade: B-. Jeez, are any of these matches going to be legit? Again, a harmless short match, but there are a lot of these this episode. 
And in the main event, we have Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler. Owens went for the stunner right away, but Ziggler was able to avoid it by rolling out, so Owens nailed him with a Tope con hilo. Owens did not stop there, hitting two swanton bombs throughout the match, but only near falls. After the second swanton, Shane came out with the entirety of the heel lockerroom. They surrounded the ring, and as Owens yelled at Shane, Ziggler nailed a zig zag for a close near fall. Owens continued the match, with dodging a superkick and nailing Ziggler with a stunner. Shane pulled him out of the ring, only to eat his second stunner of the night. The heels then chased Owens out of the arena, and presumably lost by countout. 
Shane then was interviewed about Owens, and said that he could definitely pay.
Grade: C. A pretty meh main event that didn’t even really have a winner. The feud with Shane is not being built up in the best way that it could be, but it is still kinda entertaining. The match was alright, but not particularly need to see. Should be an interesting Smackdown next week.
Overall Grade: C+
Pros: WWE may fix the product; Bayley vs. Moon for Summerslam; 6-man tag
Cons: too many squashes; women’s tag team championship; main event
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andymull · 5 years
WWE Wrestlemania 35 - Preview & Predictions
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Becky Lynch vs Ronda Rousey (c) vs Charlotte Flair (c) - Winner Takes All
And here we go...... the women have finally produced a feud and wrestlers that have gotten theirselves into the main event of the biggest show of the year. The addition of Ronda to the company has been MASSIVE, both to the product in terms of matches as well as to the financial side of things with her being a big factor in the WWE’s new tv deals. And as well as Ronda we have Becky, who has really clicked with fans over the past few months, with the image of her with a busted face on Raw being the image fans now see the second they think of her which was vital in her progression.
This then leads us to the third wheel of the match in Charlotte, im not sure if that’s a knock on her or not, oh well its the truth. There was a big backlash around her inclusion here as many feel it wasn't required in the slightest, but really taking a step back and thinking about it this added an extra factor of heat to the feud which was kinda needed as they've messed up so often during the build to this bout. Whoever the winner beats to win then sets up another big match with the person not involved as they weren't beaten, then you can also have the loser climbing their way back to another bout giving it another layer of development to it all. Another of the problems in adding Charlotte was that very recently it seems Vince found out that Charlotte hadn't won a tv match this year, this was the reason for her randomly taking on Asuka and beating her for the title to show there was a big reason to add her in the main event as more people were questioning how bad that stat looked. And at the same time doing that has destroyed the plans for the Smackdown women's championship and Asuka’s big pay day.
Remember, they arent just building to this match, they are building for the future. And the above will see them easily through to the Survivor Series with a heavily heated title feud on one or both shows depending on how they handle the winner having two titles......
Which then leads to their decision, do they continue to have two women’s champions OR have one champion that travels to both shows to align things with the women’s tag titles? 
I see Becky winning beating Charlotte to take both belts, it lets Ronda have some time off setting up a big money match on her return while Becky leads Raw in her place - LYNCH
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The New Daniel Bryan (c) vs Kofi Kingston - WWE Championship Match 
Another match where the build has been all over the shop, but in this case injuries have changed and dictated the directional moves in which wrestler would be making the step up to challenge Bryan for the belt. The last change that stuck was moving Kevin Owens out of the match and adding Kofi after his reaction in the Elimination Chamber, after he was added to that match after Ali was injured and lost his spot there too, busy to keep up isnt it...
This really should be an easy to predict outcome with Kofi finally getting his big shot and winning the title for a first time, the actual question should be how long will he hold the belt for? Once the Wrestlemania buzz dies down and management begin to look critically at his ratings and sales how long will they persevere with his reign?
I just hope they dont split The New Day up during his run, we need them to keep the group together and show friendship in a solid way, instead of the usual ways of them turning on him with poor reasoning. If they want to challenge him for the belt have them ask for it and say they are willing to prove theirselves first, then challenge him as friends as whoever wins it doesn't break the connection as they all support each other.
Daniel Bryan will not lose much in dropping the title, he’ll quickly move into another fun feud with whoever he wants and asks for, this is exactly the method to Bryan’s current run and its great......get Pete Dunne ready!!! - KINGSTON
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Brock Lesnar (c) vs Seth Rollins - WWE Universal Championship Match
Too many matches on this show, so ill be quick with the ones that SHOULD have an easy to predict outcome.
This is the perfect example, Seth goes over strong, Brock takes some time away and finally gets a date for his return to the UFC and gets in fighting shape. Rollins then returns to Raw as champion and moves into a feud with Drew McIntyre who deserves it and will have some solid bouts, the only problem there is Drew is up against Roman and I doubt he wins at Mania over him - ROLLINS
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Triple H vs Batista - No Holds Barred Match
Also if HHH loses he has to retire and cant wrestle again which should ring bells for the outcome, I love that Big Dave is returning for one last match and if you know him you’ll know he isnt here to have his hand raised. 
Triple H wins, hopefully quickly after seeing his last few bouts, then I see them both hugging straight after or even on Raw just making a mockery out of this fake build up to the feud - TRIPLE H
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Shane McMahon vs The Miz - Falls Count Anywhere Match
Toilet break time.
I really have no interest in this in the slightest, even as a team I didnt care, seeing Shane wrestle as a heel doesn't appeal and Miz acting as a bad ass baby-face cant get me to act interested.
I love Shane as a heel boss but it doesn't carry over to wrestling, as a face his whole act is building to a big spot/jump but that really is counterproductive for a heel, and if they do so then dont be surprised to have him get cheered over Miz - MIZ
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Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre
I really want Drew to win here as he’s so ready for the big push but the whole story to Roman’s return cant possibly see them plan for anything other than a Reigns victory. I can only imagine them doing a multi person match on Raw for the next number one contender as a way to have Drew get there without pinning Roman - REIGNS 
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Tamina/Nia Jax vs Bayley/Sasha Banks (c) vs The IIconics vs Beth Phoenix/Nattie - WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Fatal 4 Way Match
All I can say here is that the Sky Pirates NEEDED to be in this match for my interest.
Lets get rid of Nia and Tamina quickly in a heap of rubble at ringside then let the others work, there’s no doubt in my mind that the champs are keeping their belts. They then will defend on all shows including NXT, hopefully, but lets keep the titles on teams that can work well and not with the gimmicky teams please - BAYLEY/BANKS
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AJ Styles vs Randy Orton
This should be a very solid bout but at the same time is really the beginning of the feud so may not get the most time and could have a cheap finish to let this continue. But saying that these two could be guys high up on the list of people that potentially could get moved around in the draft, especially Styles after his long run with the title on Smackdown - STYLES
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Samoa Joe (c) vs Rey Mysterio - WWE US Title Match
Another match that has changed multiple times or morphed into other planned feuds, this particular match blatantly wasn't planned at the time of the last PPV as they had Joe choke out Rey which doesn't make any sense to have him now challenge here.
For me Joe needs a long run with the title mowing through guys and gaining back the killer image he should have, let him do this for months with the whole purpose of it being to ultimately get him ready to be moved back to the main event scene as a legit challenger and the champion.
Rey has looked great since coming back and should really have been having a bout against Andrade tonight with the mask vs hair stipulation added to it but oh well, not sure if Dominic will be ringside and involved but I feel he may and may be the reason for Joe retaining, be that by him being a distraction for his Dad or even turning on his Dad, who knows.
What I also will say is that Rey actually does have a slight injury which he seems to be fine with,but, I wouldn't put it past them to alter this and add others to the match AGAIN just to get people on the show and save Rey’s ankle if its still in pain - JOE
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Bobby Lashley (c) vs Finn Balor - WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Finn’s going to be in Demon mode, simple - BALOR
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Kurt Angle vs The Baron - Angle’s Farewell Match
Man, what a let down this is if it actually is the planned match, and not only that but Angle is broken down now sadly to the point where they shouldn't be putting him in the ring, who knows how he passes their tests to see if he is fit enough to be in there.
The big story is will someone take out The Baron when he makes his way to the ring for a HUGE pop and take his place against Kurt, the popular choice with people is seemingly John Cena. Now, im not sure anyone can drag Angle to a great match anymore and bringing in someone who isnt a full timer and hasn't been wrestling in awhile is a bad choice for me, id rather he be involved in the Elias angle where he can come in and nail an F5 for the easy pop. 
Im actually lost for who should take the role and it work and more importantly someone who isnt already in a match on the card. If I could take it back afew months I would have never had the Drew McIntyre match in November where he destroyed Kurt with his own move, if they built Drew as a force upto this point then had a super competitive match with Angle ending in the same way as November I think you could take tons from it. Angle doesn't need to go out on top, he will be left in the ring after the match for the applause and potentially taking off of his boots to leave in the ring. But it will also do wonders for someone to beat him, hell if its Drew it would have been easy to move him straight to the title scene rather than a lose to Roman. 
If it actually stays as The Baron id love for it to be a double retirement match, or an Angle win - ANGLE 
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Ricochet/Aleister Black vs The Uso’s (c) vs The Bar vs Rusev/Shinsuke Nakamura - WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship Fatal 4 Way Match
Id expect the Usos to retain, not sure the others deserve the titles just yet, maybe Ricochet and Black but I see them going singles once the Mania buzz dies down - USOS
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Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
The main name included here is Braun Strowman and the guys from SNL, I cant see past Braun and there’s no real reason for it unless there’s a new guy debuting or a big angle that’s going longer with the SNL guys being able to get Braun eliminated - BRAUN
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Women’s Battle Royal
I dont think all the names have been announced here and it will be decided just before the show on who’s around, yes I believe that fully. The front-runners should be Asuka, Mandy Rose and Lacey Evans, Asuka deserves it for how she’s been treated with the title and Lacey’s big push should be starting from here. Ill go with Lacey to eliminate Asuka to win and kick start her first bi feud on the main roster - EVANS
Buddy Murphy (c) vs Tony Nese - WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match
Again I say the same thing, not the time for Murphy to drop the title and not the opponent for it either, infact im alittle surprise Nese got the spot. He’s a good wrestler but I dont think much of his character work ‘look at my abs!!’ and that’s basically it? - MURPHY
The Revival (c) vs Zack Ryder/ Curt Hawkins - WWE Raw Tag Team Championship Match
There really is ZERO need for this match, ZERO. The challengers haven't been on tv, haven't won matches and have ZERO credibility.........but what about Hawkins losing streak......that’s literally the ONLY reason they have gotten this spot - REVIVAL
I hope everyone enjoys the show, please try and watch it in parts if you can avoid spoilers as this is WAAAAAAYYYYYYY too long a show AGAIN
Bye for now
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elmomachete · 5 years
Wrestlemania XXXV Predictions.
Yeah, yeah, they don’t use the Roman numerals anymore. They don’t even use regular numerals. Humor me, it’s out of habit. I actually watched most of NXT Takeover last night, mostly live. I’m still not entirely sold on Blackochet or Matt Riddle, but the War Raiders and Velveteen Dream are the tittyballs and so were both matches. I fell asleep during the UK Championship match and intended to finish the show this morning, but then the results were spoiled for me by Cageside Seats in article headlines. Weak sauce, gentlemen. The weakest of sauces. Oh well, I’ll finish the show eventually. Anyway, with a 42 match card, the pre-show is liable to start any minute now so I better get these predictions up before all the poor souls in New Jersey (I’m sorry, I meant “New York”) start freezing their asses off. Let’s get prognosticating, shall we? Fabulous Moolah Memorial Women’s Battle Royale Totally not promoting human trafficking since 2018. Who won last year, Naomi? It’ll be tough to live up to those standards. I’ll go with Lacey Evans as the winner, because I’m sure that makes sense as a payoff to her coming out, doing nothing, turning around and walking to the back in Crazy Uncle Vinny’s mind. It’d be nice to give Asuka something after her seemingly random dethroning, but Lacey seems more predictably random. Cruiserweight Championship: Tony Nese vs. Buddy Murphy (c.) 205 Dead Crowd. I watched the Cruiserweight match from the Rumble pre-show the other day, and Buddy Murphy seems like a pretty good wrestleperson. Let’s say he retains, because he’s marrying Alexa Bliss and the company still loves her even though she’ll probably never wrestle again. Andre Roussimoff Memorial Battle Royale (ARMBaR) Just look what it did for Mojo Rawley! How can they make up for having Braun Strowman win the tag titles with a ten year old last year? Have him feud with two schmucks from Saturday Night Live so WWE can end up on a legitimate sports program the next morning! So either he wins, or after he eliminates the aforementioned schmucks he eliminates himself and chases them to the back leaving it open for (randomly points at list of entrants with eyes closed) Curtis Axel to win. Side thought: I think next year they should bring back Nicholas and rehire Matt Striker, putting them against the Bar, the Usos and the New Day. Striker can tutor the kid on the road, and putting them over the entire division will really solidify Nicholas’ legacy as an undefeated two-time tag team champion. Raw Tag Team Championships: Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins vs. the Revival (c.) The Battle of the WWE Random Name Generator Recipients! ...good lord, they’re actually giving the Edgeheads a Mania match? For the titles? I know the belts don’t matter and that maybe a dozen people give a rat’s ass about both teams combined, but still - Ryder and Hawkins’ whole shtick is that they never win. That ALWAYS gets over. So obviously they have to win here to get their “Wrestlemania Moment,” in their “home state” of “New York.” Smackdown Tag Team Championships: Nakamusev vs. the Bar vs. Blackochet vs. the Usos (c.) Aren’t I so witty with my portmanteau tag team names? I’m glad Wikipedia exists to not only tell me all 107 matches, but to remind me that yes, the Usos are tag champs again. What with them losing in Brooklyn, I expect Black and Ricochet to win the titles to start off their big show (no, not that one) debut with a bang and to finally tie them to Smackdown instead of Raw. they’ll have better matches on that show anyway. Or the Usos retain because they’re related to the Rock, who cares. Shane McMahon vs. the Miz Because Super Shane needs to get his annual hyperventilating stunt show in. God bless the Miz, he may be the best company man since John Cena for doing whatever stupid shit they come up with for him. Case in point: this fucking match. Does anyone besides Shane or Vince give two shits about this? Logic says the Miz wins because he’s (somehow) the babyface, so I’ll say Shane wins and the Miz’s dad hugs him afterwards because even though his son main evented Wrestlemania and defeated John Cena (there he is again) and got married to a smokin’ hot model and had a kid, NOW he’s finally proud of him because he put up a valiant effort against the 50 year old son of the owner of the company. Women’s Tag Team Championships: the IIconics vs. Nia Jax and Tamina vs. Beth Phoenix and Natalya vs. the Boss n’ Hug Connection (c.) Who’s got the worse name, the Australians or the champions? I guess Trish and Lita said no, so they dusted Beth Phoenix off and pretend she’s important enough to justify her Hall of Fame induction. Nia and Tamina suck, Billie and Peyton don’t matter, Beth won’t be around the next day and I can’t see them changing the titles so soon after creating them. Bayley and Sasha retain. Kurt Angle vs. Baron Corbin John Cena Oh, shut up. You know it’s going to happen. Cena beats up Corbin on the way to the ring, spouts some jargon about hustling respect loyally, he drags Angle through three minutes of suck hoping he doesn’t accidentally kill him, somebody wins and they both go away. (Flips a coin) Cena wins, LOL. AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton Fighting because reasons! Um... let’s say AJ wins, because Orton is a made man and they wanna thank AJ for not leaving for All Elite Wrestling (what a terrible name). Christ, how many pointless matches could they trim to make this a show of reasonable length? Not everybody needs a Wrestlemania payday... do those even exist anymore with the Network? United States Championship: Rey Mysterio vs. Samoa Joe (c.) I’ve got nothing sarcastic to say about this match, I’m actually looking forward to it somewhat. Rey Mysterio can still go, and although people say Joe has lost a step since coming to WWE I’m actually a bigger fan of him now than ever. I think he’s benefited a lot from having to tone it down and only do two or three big spots in matches as opposed to a billion, although whether that’s due to the restrictions of the “WWE Style” or age/injuries is up for debate (I felt the same about Cesaro slowing it down going from Ring of Honor to WWE). Rey can survive a loss here and I think they wanna get as much out of Joe while they still can, so he retains. WWE Championship: Kofi Kingston vs. the New Daniel Bryan (c.) Remember when the “World” title wasn’t likely to be in the middle of the show? As much as I’d hate to see the Hempyweight Championship belt go (and no matter what it’ll eventually have to), I think the crowd would riot if Kofi didn’t win. So I reckon Kofi wins, then Big E. and Xavier turn on him right afterwards to piss the crowd off right after throwing them a bone. Y’know what? I think it would be interesting to see a riot at a wrestling show. Fans have threatened it with signs ever since Cena vs. Van Dam, but we’ve never actually seen one. It’d certainly be a “Wrestlemania Moment.” Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre Yay, Roman’s back! And he’s not in the main event again! Yet! I’m as glad as anyone that Reigns seems to have beaten leukemia, but the entire feud with Drew seems like something they threw together at the last minute because they didn’t expect him to come back so soon. I can never tell if they’re behind Drew or not, they seem to change their minds every other week. Roman wins, obviously, then probably goes right back into the Universal title picture. Triple H vs. Batista The epic final battle between Drax the Destroyer and whatever Triple H’s character was called in Blade 3. I’m interested in this match due to sheer sideshow curiosity. Big Dave hasn’t wrestled in however long, and last time Hunter wrestled he ripped a titty off his chest in the beginning of the match. I have enough faith that’ll it be something watchable at least, Triple H’s match with Angle and Rousey was good last year. Batista wins and rides off into the sunset, and Trips “retires” for about a year. Let’s give it a year and a half if we’re being generous. Universal Championship: Seth Rollins vs. Brock Lesnar (c.) Prediction for number of German suplexes: 11. Now this one is a sticky wicket. On the one hand, it’d be nice to have the Rumble winner, y’know, win, and have someone with the belt who’ll be around every week. On the other hand, I’m sure Vince is already salivating over the thought of Roman conquering the unstoppable once every four months onslaught of Brock Lesnar. On the THIRD hand, they did make a t-shirt for Rollins that says “Beastslayer” which would be completely pointless to peddle at shows if he lost. I’ll go out on a limb and pick Lesnar, but whoever wins is getting Roman as a challenger  Intercontinental Championship: Finn Balor vs. Bobby Lashley (c.) Can we get this show over with already? I’m already bored just writing about it. The Demon wins back the title that he just lost for no reason a few weeks ago, Lio Rush probably gets beat up and the crowd continues to go mild for Bobby Lashley. Next. Women’s Championship, winner takes all: Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair (c., Smackdown) vs. Ronda Rousey (c., Raw) Becky. Becky, Becky, Becky. Wait, I have to say something other than that about the match? The build for this has been all over the place. Becky taps to Asuka at the Rumble, then takes Lana’s spot to win the Rumble match itself. Becky’s suspended, but she’s on every show anyway. Then she’s not suspended, she and Ronda break the fourth wall on Twitter, Charlotte replaces Becky, then she wins the Smackdown belt from Asuka and it’s a triple threat, and my God I think I’ve gone cross eyed. Who wins will really depend on where they place this match on the card. I know they’ve said it’ll be the “main event,” and if it truly goes on last then they’d be insane not to give it to Becky. I’ve been trying to reasonably predict the order in which the matches will take place. BUT... we all know WWE has been saying double main event, triple main event, whatever for years. If it DOESN’T go on last, it’s probably gonna be Charlotte. She’s already beaten Trish’s record for number of Women’s title reigns, and lord knows WWE wants to make her seem like the best at everything due to her name. I’ll (perhaps foolishly) put all my chips on Becky, but won’t be surprised in the least if it’s Charlotte. Oh yeah, Ronda’s in the match too. How ‘bout that. *whew* So yeah, sixteen matches on what’s liable to be a seven hour show. I’m likely to watch it in spurts, because A) my TV is always at the risk of being hijacked by a six year old, and 2) I’m going to fall asleep if I try to watch it all in one shot. I won’t be drinking, because I’d rather fall asleep due to boredom rather than alcohol consumption this year. I almost don’t want the women’s match to go last, because the crowd will be fucking exhausted by then. Of the sixteen matches, I’m confident about half will be good. So there’s that. We’ll have a couple overblown entrances, some forced “Wrestlemania Moments,” the possibility for an entertaining car wreck or two, maybe an Undertaker appearance. This is the first year though where I’m sort of dreading the Grandest Stage of the Showcase of the Immortally Ultimate Thrill Ride in twenty years of fandom, and that’s pretty disheartening. That Takeover sure was something though, wasn’t it?
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Classic Review: Royal Rumble 2006
This is definitely a "spur of the moment" idea for me to review. I have no idea what brought me to wanna watch and review this pay-per-view. As I'm watching the intro while typing this I dont remember any of the feuds or big matches going into this event so I've got an open mind going into the pay-per-view.
Kid Kash (C) vs. Funaki vs. Jamie Noble vs. Nunzio vs. Paul London vs. Gregory Helms
This match feels so weird. A match name so complicated and long I didn't even bother including it in this review, its pretty much just a six man free for all with the first person to score a pinfall or submission winning the match. To me it kinda just feels like around this time the cruiserweight title picture didn't have much going on but WWE still wanted to include all these guys so they were just all put together last minute to make this match. A few quick notes, Jamie Noble looks a bit odd to me in any attire other than jean shorts and it's insane to me how Paul London wasn't better utilized. Hes easily my favorite in this match and arguably the most talented. That being said, Paul London did attempt a shooting star press off the top rope into the crowd of opponents and he kinda just missed everyone and landed face first on the outside of the ring. Another quick note, does anyone actually remember Kid Kash or anything he did in WWE? I knew of him before watching this but other than this match I can't name anything he did during his time with the WWE. Gregory Helms ended up winning by pinning Funaki. The cruiserweight championship, a smackdown exclusive title was won by a Raw superstar. Not only that but he kinda had the lowest amount of impact in this match. He hit a neck breaker on Paul London off the top rope but other than that he was kind of a nonfactor. Last quick note, on commentary they mentioned that Gregory Helms used to be the Hurricane. That's crazy to me, that's like if WWE referred to Stardust as Cody Rhodes. Weird way to start the show. Not boring, not overly exciting, just... weird.
Odd Rant: I dont typically speak on backstage segments in these reviews but watching Vince McMahon interact/touch on the "Divas" was pretty uncomfortable to witness, I feel the further I go back to do these reviews, the more common stuff like this is going to be and I'm not looking forward to it. But in this same segment we got to see a young Randy Orton and that's always great.
Mickie James vs. Ashley - Special Referee - Trish Stratus
Ah yes, the storyline of unrequited love between Mickie James and Trish Stratus. Not too sure what role Ashley plays in this storyline but I'm guessing it isn't because she was super over with the fans at the time considering the crowd was pretty silent as Ashley made her way to the ring. I was confused seeing Trish be the special referee of this match since at the time she was the womans champion. Just odd to see a champion at a ppv with her championship but not defending her title. Mickie James gets the win and immediately tries to celebrate with/hug Trish but was just met with Trish not wanting anything to do with her. Neither Mickie or Ashley were really.... the greatest wrestler at this point in their careers to say the least.
Odd Rant: its increasingly getting more uncomfortable to watch Vince interact with the "Divas". If we're going to keep cutting here between matches I'm pretty worried how far these segments will go
JBL vs. The Boogeyman
The man who ate worms for real for the sake of the character who gave me creeps as a kid taking on the corrupt wall street millionaire. Wrestling has certainly given me plenty to talk about over the years. I cant even imagine how people who faced the Boogeyman planned for these matches. "Oh you're going to spit a worm into my mouth at this point in the match, okay sounds good". The Boogeyman was more entertainer than wrestler. A guy that wasn't very diverse when it came to in ring talent and was very reliant on his gimmick to get him over. Boogeyman wins in a pretty uneventful match. His finishing move was a pump handle slam and just one was enough to put away JBL which is odd because I've seen this man bleed buckets in an I quit match against John Cena so I guess Boogeyman and his pump handle slam was just that damn strong.
Royal Rumble Match
Weird that the selling point for this pay-per-view takes place less than half way through the event but like I said, I don't know any of the matches going into this show so maybe they just have a big main event planned. As I'm watching I'm now a little more than half way and this certainly isn't a very star studded rumble match. Out of the 17 entrants so far the only notable superstars have been Triple H, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Kane, Chris Benoit and Bobby Lashley. Not even surprising returning legends its just been some mid carders who aren't too great and jobbers like Simon Dean. RVD now comes in at number 20, hopefully this is a sign of things starting to pick up. Matt Hardy is now being dry humped by Viscera in the middle of the ring and before I could even finish typing that sentence Viscera eliminates Matt Hardy. I just felt that was a notable highlight to add. Now that I've seen all the entrants I feel like I can now fully discuss the match since I already know the winner. Rey Mysterio wins if you don't know. The lack of star power in this match caused really legitimate possible winners to be a bit of a short list. It's very disappointing that it took the death of Eddie Guerrero for WWE to give Rey Mysterio a title run. A pretty forgetful title run but a title run nonetheless. The match wasn't really much to talk about until we hit the final five. I do wanna add that I appreciate that this match was also treated as a Raw vs. Smackdown event. I mean, it was everyone for themselves but on commentary they frequently added who in the match currently was on which brand, which makes sense because Raw and Smackdown are competing against each other and whenever theres a match where superstars from both brands are present, on commentary at least, it should be treated as a competition. Just something I wish WWE would do more of today, I hated when Raw was just one big "supershow" I prefer the brand split, but that's a different topic for a different time. Overall the match did feel like a bit of a chore to get through but in the grand scheme of things I did appreciate the story they told of Rey Mysterio overcoming all odds with the deck stacked against him to make good on his promise that he dedicated a victory to his best friend, Eddie Guerrero.
Edge (C) vs. John Cena
John Cena came to the ring in what Joey Styles called a "Spaceship Catwalk" and I cant really think of a better name for whatever this was so I'll just go with that. Cena isn't even the champion and he got a wrestlemania style special entrance and Edge didn't. It was such an odd touch, could've went without it but at least it looked cool I guess. Edge was such an absolute heat magnet, he knew what to do and what to say at all times to make the crowds boo him it was a bit of disappointment to see Edge drop the title in this match. I understand that in the long run Cena winning was probably the smarter move but if their plan all along was to send Cena to wrestlemania as champion I wish they didn't tease us with an Edge title run. I mean, in 2006 everytime Edge won the title, he beat Cena to get it and everytime he lost it, it was to Cena. Edge had a nice title run as world heavyweight champion on smackdown years later but in relation to this event, that smackdown title reign felt like it was an eternity away. If nothing else this WWE title run turned Edge from a midcarder to a main event talent and he was deserving of it. All in all, I just wish Edge had a more lengthy run with the title instead of losing it in a month after being the first superstar to cash in money in the bank.
Kurt Angle (C) vs. Mark Henry
Listen, I get it, Mark Henry is a cool guy, but he isn't really an amazing athlete. Maybe its just me but I've never been able to get behind anything Mark Henry has been apart of, besides the hall of pain storyline but doesn't have for another few years. I don't know the story going into this match or the full smackdown roster at the time but I just feel like this match shouldn't have main evented. After seeing that this was the match they picked to go on last I wish they would have just saved the royal rumble to be the main event, they would've sent the crowd home happy with Rey Mysterio winning. I know we got a surprise Undertaker return at the end and that made people excited but looking back, Undertaker vs. Mark Henry at wrestlemania wasn't really all that great. Kurt Angle is fantastic but he cant carry everyone to a good match. Angle retains but other than that there just isn't too much to say about this match, it was slow paced and just didn't pack any real punch for me.
I cant really make a pros and cons list for this event, nothing was overwhelming entertaining and nothing was offensively bad. It was just a pretty "meh" event. Rey Mysterio won the royal rumble and Kurt Angle did an interview that made me laugh a little bit before his match and those are the highlights for me. The real lowlights I guess would be just how underwhelming this event was and how bland everything felt. Say what you want, I love womans wrestling today but watching the story progress between Mickie James and Trish Stratus was mildly entertaining too. I'm really reaching here.
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firecrackerroot · 5 years
Dear DC3, here’s the answer you deserve....
Once again, my friend, once again you manage to make me tear up at work and spend an entire day thinking about how to reply to you. But I’m going to try. AS best as I can without starting to cry again ahahaha everything you said is in bold and my answer will be bellow each part. Here we go....
Your mind? Unmatched. Your writing ability? Flawless. Hotel? Trivago.
Okay, so two three things first:
1. I’m not sure if you can see my email (I had to put it on the form to submit this), but just in case you can I want it to be known that middle school me did not know how horrible a person real life Randy Orton is. I have since come to my senses and no longer stan.
- I completely understand because I too have an embarassing email and it’s too late to let it go ahaha
2. I’m sorry this took a century to get to you. My only excuse is a winter storm that the States had wrecked my internet connection (and my will to do anything productive, tbh). To make up for it, I shall share my thoughts on both chapter 10 and the epilogue at the same time so it doesn’t take me another hundred years to message you about the last chapter.
- I would’ve waited another century, don’t worry :) as for the storm, I hope the only thing it damaged was your internet connection and that other than that, everything else is okay. And just like your internect connection, I hope your will to do anything productive has been restored!
Sidenote: I’m finishing writing this at 4:30am where I live, so I’m going to go ahead and apologize if most of this has spelling errors or doesn’t make sense. I’m going to try and go back over this before I submit it so you don’t have to read a whole mess………. but also I’m tired so….. sorry :D
- 4.30am??????????? On a week day?????????? Holy shit! Thank you for your bravery, truly ahahaha 
Anyways, onto my favorite fic ever…
- *blushes*
I love how you were able to explain The Marine 6’s plot in a way that didn’t take away from the story you were telling. I believe that even if I never watched the film, I would still be able to understand what was going on… but since I did watch the whole thing, I greatly appreciated how you structured this chapter in a way that you didn’t explicitly need to recap everything that was going on in the movie. It made for a much smoother read, so thank you.
- Phew! I’m glad to know that, both those things. The structure and the plot. Because I struggled a little bit with making sure everything would fit and make sense and I had to keep thinking about the movie and plot holes where I could fit my story so.... It was a lot of juggling. And fun fact: I tweeted the director of the movie about how long he thinks the action of the movie took, just to be sure my hours were correct but he didn’t get the questions and told me how long it took them to shoot the movie so I just went with my calculations ahahahaha
“In fact, had Maddy stayed in their apartment another minute or two, Cassie would’ve been on her knees pleading for her not to go.” I love this sentence because of how easily you were able to express Cassie’s love for Maddy in four short words: “on her knees pleading.” Picturing tall, strong Cassie so willing to show that type of vulnerability to Maddy is just so… i can’t think of the word… idyllic? idk… it was just a really gentle moment between the two. I genuinely enjoyed that simple sentence.
- Now that you mention it, I’m actually picturing tall strong Cassie on her knees begging Maddy not to go and it hurts. But I get what you’re saying. Is a type of vulnerability not everyone is willing to give/feel and we don’t get to see every day. But those two? They’re on that level.
Also, I love how you were able to insert your own universe in actual movie events without it being a reach. For example, having Cassie be the reason the boat and Cat showed up was a really nice touch and such an effortless way to express how much Cass looks out for Maddy.
- Cat actually shows up because Maddy asks one of the guys to ask her to return and bring the rest of them but, while Cat is driving there, she can still tell Cassie what’s happening. As for the boat, it felt so random in the movie that I had to explain it. Like......... She’s supposed to hold Sarah hostage in the building and then leave so why would the boat be there? Makes no sense ahahaha
I’m not sure if I’ve ever properly addressed this (and I’m still not sure how to word it correctly), but I love how your foreshadowing(?) comes off almost offhandedly? Like, you mentioned once about the significance of Cassie’s name in Greek mythology and then you subtly had that theme pop up in Maddy’s musings about her in past chapters… and if you weren’t paying attention I feel like it’d be easy to overlook those little tie-ins you so seamlessly include. I think it’s referred to as a motif? I’m not really sure, though, I never really spent time trying to understand that stuff in school and now I’m kinda regretting it lol. But anyways, I believe this is the first time you outwardly used that mythology connection to Cassie’s “predicting” an event in this chapter à la the drowning nightmare she had after watching a scary movie before bed. And that’s not the only thing that you would reference to in a past chapter and then repeatedly tie into something going on in the current chapter (like the life-changing car ride moments, the knife, etc.)… This story was so connected and thought out it blows my mind because I feel like that’s the type of writing I usually see in actual books and not fanfiction.
- Tbh I have no idea what it’s called either ahahahahaha but....... I truly like full circles. In shows and movies and books. And when they’re, like you say I do, easily overlooked, it makes everything more awesome because whenever you go back, you find something new. And I like that so.... I write that................. One thing about Cassie’s predictions tho. The mythology about her said no one believed her predictions and Maddy didn’t believe she shouldn’t go and, well, look what happened.
You’re such an intelligent writer and I’m not sure if I just never paid enough attention to other fics before or what, but I feel like I haven’t seen the same amount of time, dedication, and thought you put into your work be replicated in the same success in anything else I’ve read on ao3. And that’s not to say that other stories I spent time reading on that site weren’t good or the author didn’t spend as much time as you did on their story… but idk dude, there was just something so special about your fic that I had to say something. Honestly, I think that’s what made me reach out to you, to begin with. I just needed you to know how fantastic this story was because it touched me in a way other fics haven’t. But lemme stop this ramble here because we have more of the actual story to discuss…
- *insert photo of Becky, crying, holding her title close to her chest after the Last Woman Standing match* 
I’m not sure if it was how I was reading it or if you meant it this way, but once Michael helped Cassie provide Maddy another means of an escape through water, I feel like Cassie’s panic over the situation skyrocketed and that feeling was replicated in the way you wrote her thought process. I even started to read the chapter a bit faster to find out what was going to happen next, which caused me to miss things; I had to go back and force myself to slow down and absorb your words properly- something I feel like Cassie was also doing as to not prematurely freak out over a situation that hasn’t happened yet. So that was kind of cool “bonding” moment I had with Cassie there lol.
- I love that you bonded with Cassie for all the wrong reasons ahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahaah but yeah, I meant it like that. The fact that Michael sent the boat didn’t help Cassie calm down. It only worsen the situation for her because all she could think about was her dream and it was suffocating her.
“This time, Cassie’s heart was sinking lower and lower in her body. To a depth she had never reached.” STOP WITH THE DROWNING REFERENCES IT HURTS MY HEART!!!
“IF YOU DON’T CALL IT, I WILL PICK UP THAT PHONE AND I WILL MOVE HELL IF I HAVE TO.” I imagine if this was a movie that this would be the part where the audience would cheer the main character for not sitting idly by and letting the love of their life die and also where the gays would weep because "they love each other so much” 😂
- True and every true ahahahahahaahhahahaha
“I’m not going to lose the love of my life because of someone who never loved her enough.” Okay, wow, the power of that statement hurt but also YASSSSS CASSIE. It’s ridiculous how much you’ve made me love these characters. Like I feel actual happiness that Maddy has someone like Cassie to love her that perfectly (and i’m a lil jealous because why can’t I find my own Cassie?)
- Confession: I had to stop writing after that line because I started crying about it. And that was one of the lines I didn’t have planned. I was doing my thing, thinking about that dialogue and suddenly I hear Cassie’s crying voice say that in the back of my mind and I had to sit down because well, shit. (you’ll find your Cassie unless...................... you’re Cassie!)
Also, it is so refreshing to have a healthy parental relationship being shown here. Honestly, the fact that Michael, without question, gave up a favor with the coast guard all based on Cassie feeling that something was wrong is HUGE. Michael could have used that favor if something went wrong in a deal and they had to hide evidence in the water or something… like it could have been a “get out of jail free” card and he didn’t even blink when deciding to use it on Cassie’s whim. I’m so, so, so happy Maddy found the Knox’s. She deserves this level of  love after the bullshit her father has put her through… When you expand this universe into little one-shots, I would love to see the Knox family dynamics where Maddy is concerned. Like the process of how each member fell in love and accepted this broken Irish girl into their family and the maddening moments where they could tell Maddy didn’t understand how important she is to them. I can just imagine how many headaches her obliviousness gave the Knox’s throughout the years.
- Michael might be a mob king but he’s a very Soft man. And not only did he knew how much Maddy meant to Cassie, he also wasn’t willing to lose Maddy. Which means that if he could do something to save her, even if it meant giving up a “get out of jail free” card, as you say it, to help? Then so be it. Also isn’t it painfully interesting that Horus destroyed Maddy’s life in more ways than one but at the same time, he was the one that gave her the Knox’s? Makes you think.......................................... As for your wish, consider it granted. Title of the story? “Michael and Beth: 2 times they realized they loved Maddy and 2 times they wished she understood.”
When you switch back to Maddy’s POV and she basically says she deserves to die because of the choices she made, I wanted to grab her out of the water and strangle her myself for being so DUMB to believe she deserved it and for how SELFISH she was by giving up because Cassie doesn’t deserve a dead girlfriend!!!! Ugh, I love her so much but sometimes I really want to ram Maddy’s head against the wall lmaoo.
- Same, my friend, same ahahahahaha when I imagined the scene and proceeded to write it, I remember laughing because c’mon Madssssssssssssssssssssss, the girl is waiting!
“Beth, her mother, was waiting by the hospital door and no one seemed to be around. Strange for that time of the day.” Ah, I see the “great lengths to protect” Maddy conversation we had on tumblr came to play here. Again, I’m so glad she has this family in her life.
- That’s exactly it. Michael emptied that aisle of the hospital just so Maddy could be taken in without being seen.
Also, did the importance of the mausoleum ever come into play? Maybe I’ll answer my own question when I reread the epilogue to write my comments on that… Speaking of, I can’t believe how long this post already is and I’m not even on the epilogue yet.
- Not explicitly, no. Since the Hayes left when Nora was killed, her body was left behind for others to bury. Others being her family that never approved her marriage to Horus. So, obviously, they’d bury her on their terms, with her name. It was also a little bit of foreshadowing that Maddy too wouldn’t be buried in the mausoleum.
“To know it was real and that she hadn’t been fed false hopes only to crumble to her knees by a hospital bed.” Hmmmmm, is this a subtle nod to earlier in the chapter where Cassie was going to drop to her knees and beg Maddy to stay? ‘Cause then you do the same thing with the, “Everything was calm. The storm had already passed. And they both reached the shore. Safe and sound.” lines. Tying it back to the beginning of their relationship where a storm was roaring until they stopped being stupid and gentle rain awarded them after they finally embraced. It’s poetic really.
- I didn’t meant that kneeling to be a subtle nod to the beginning of the chapter but I did mean the storm passing one. Good eye!!!!!!
I don’t even want to talk about the following paragraphs that lead to the end of the story. They’re too perfect and heartbreaking and there’s nothing for me to say because you already have. Brava, my friend.
- I feel you but let me just say that I felt a little bit of pride with the last two lines Michael and Beth said. The whole “we’re asking you to marry our daughter”.
Onto the epilogue…
Honestly, I’m not sure I’m going to have a lot to say on this because this whole chapter is just so perfect to me. You couldn’t pay me to come up with a better ending than this… Everything just came so full circle, it’s beautiful. I can easily picture the epilogue being an end credit scene of the film where you think the hard parts are over and haynox is living an idyllic life out in Ireland, just for the ending seconds of the film to close out on the two kicking ass and being the badass partner in crime duo we know them to be. I love it, I love it, I love it.
- Yeeeeeeeeeees, that’s what I meant for it to be. End credits, wrapping up everything. And when it all looks nice and smooth, the fire starts to burn and our partner in crime duo start to be badass again!
“But you love and respect your wife so…” Ahhh!!! it’s so weird seeing them call each other that, but (if you couldn’t tell) I love it! It’s what these dummies deserve. Also, I have a feeling it might have gone over my head, but is the necklace metaphor about their love/Maddy not being able to slip away? Like the necklace is tying down the ring so it can’t do something stupid like, say, DROWN IN THE WATER? 😂
 - Huahahahahaha Maddy feels the same way, she’s also not used to the new term but they’ll get used to it. They have a lifetime to do so after all. As for the metaphor, it’s two things actually xD The first one you’re very close. I don’t know if you watched Jennifer’s Body but the only reason why Jennifer doesn’t die when Needy stabs her is because of their friendship necklace and when Needy rips it off, she dies. It’s like she’s tied to life by it. And the same can be said about Maddy and her necklace + ring. (it also means Cassie has Maddy by the throat which relates to their bedroom shenanigans but lets leave it at that ahahahah)
Also, the whole funeral scene was gold. From Cassie wanting to burn Horus alive and then realizing Hell will do that for her to Maddy being an idiot for considering leaving the car but allowing Cassie to have the control in confronting her father and finally ending her story with the Hayes. Ugh. Genius.
- Initially, I had planned for Cassie to set his car on fire and then drive away but as a I was writing, it sort of happened this way and I like it much better ahahah And we all know Maddy is an idiot but Cassie avenged her properly so it was all good.
Speaking of, you handled the time jumps so effortlessly and I could see you going back to certain events in your side stories- like Cassie helping Maddy through her fear of water, their first Christmas together as a couple, Maddy realizing that she was wrong before and that warm home she didn’t believe she could have again in Ireland was always possible with Cassie by her side… so many possibilities. (Also, I’d 100% be content with just playing them out in my head, so don’t feel obligated/overwhelmed to write them!)
- All of these have been added to my to-do list ahahahaha but I’m on vacation right now so unless you want to talk about certain parts of that before I start writing, we can. If not, starting February 22, I will HOPEFULLY make it rain again.
Okay, so the reasoning behind Maddy’s new name is perfect and everything I never knew I needed. And I totally see Maddy in you with the “…was more than what you thought you deserved. And more than you could ever thank them for.” bit. Newsflash, my friend, you and Maddy both deserve what this story has given you. I hope that one day you both can accept how wonderful you are and how much you deserve the praises you get on the world’s you create.
- All I can say to this message is thank you and I truly hope you’re right because in this moment? I can only vouch for Maddy when I say she deserves the world. Can’t say the same about myself. But I appreciate your words, all of them and I’m forever thankful for them. I hope you know that.
Weird coincidence, but I recently stumbled upon the song “Call Me” by Shinedown and have been kind of obsessed with it so when I found out that the pub and shop are called Sinners and Saints I was shooketh™ because that’s literally a line in the song… Anyways, I love the name of the buildings. I feel like that fits who they are so perfectly, you know? They are not one or the other, hot or cold, in or out, they’re always a perfect mix of both.
- I just heard that song and it’s preeeeeeeeetty cool and can actually fit Maddy, if you think about it. The names of the buildings actually came from the song that names the chapter because I feel it perfectly recaps the story. But yes, they’re a mix of both and isn’t that the best place to be?
And my god, we do not deserve Cassie. Her buying the shop? Painting the door green? Doing the research to find out the name of the pub that Maddy herself forgot? Having an auto shop be RIGHT there????? It’s fate. The red string theory. All the people and events they had to go through brings them right back where it started because that’s where they belong. It’s beautiful, so, so beautiful.
- When Cassie bought the shop, she asked for the history of it, previous owners and all that to get the information about it. And the auto shop was built from scratch because it wasn’t there. The red string theory always comes into play and especially here because, if you think about, they would’ve met at the pub even if Maddy’s left hadn’t changed. Think with me. Maddy would keep working at the pub, unknowing about the rest and one day Cassie and Michael enter to greet Horus and say their brewery is branching into Europe. It would’ve happened anyway.
I love that you showed Maddy calling Michael. She finally has a father that not only cares about her but is someone Maddy feels like she can go to and express herself to. And I love how you wrapped up her life in America. I can’t remember what chapter it was in, but I know you mentioned that even though Maddy does bad things, she always tries to make sure the innocents are spared so they don’t have to experience what she had to. So to see Neptune, the shop, and the rest of her employees being taken cared of instead of just forgotten after her “death” is perfect and such a Maddy thing to do. I’m thrilled you included that small bit.
- She could’ve called Beth but she wanted specific information only Michael could give. And yes, she finally has A Father. That’s her motto. That and the fact that it was never about the money. So she always paid her employees handsomely and if they needed help with a children tuition of something, she’d gladly pay for it. Knowing about that dependency, she would obviously leave them her car shop money if anything was to happen. Which she did.
I also love that haynox didn’t have to give up everything they wanted to be safe. In fact, they got everything they ever wanted- they’re married and in love, Maddy has her car shop she worked so hard for, Cassie has the brewery that she gets to build from the ground up, they’re both still involved in the crime business, and they both get to live in a place they consider to be “home.” You could not have written a more perfect ending.
- Everything they ever wanted is their, so long as they work for it. And they did. And now it’s time to enjoy every second of it. Together. 
You gave them paradise.
- And you gave me many reasons to smile. I’m beyond thankful for the day that you decided to follow my story and felt so............. compelled by it............... that you decided to reach out and overwhelm me time and time again. Thank you. So much. For everything. I hope you stick around for more and I hope you know how awesome and kind and giving you are :)
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roadtogracelandx45 · 2 years
:Prompts List:
I am starting with 50 for now, I may add or change them going forward. but for now these were the ones i had in my notebook. i got all of them off of Pinterest. Some already have names by them but go ahead and request them again if you like the prompt and I can redo them.
Fandoms I write for:
Top Gun Maverick: All
Elvis: Elvis
One Chicago: Kelly Severide, Jay Halstead, Will Halstead, Connor Rhodes
Avengers: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Natasha, Clint Barton, Peter Parker
Triple Frontier: Will Miller and Benny Miller
Four Brothers: Bobby Mercer, Jack Mercer
Sons of Anarchy: Jax Teller, Opie Winston, Juice Ortiz, David Hale,
Fast and Furious: Dom Toretto, Roman Peirce, Brian O'Conner, Letty Ortiz
Band of Brothers: All
Twilight: All of the Cullens, Jacob Black and Bella Swan
Harry Potter: All
WWE/TNA/AEW/ ROH : Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Stephanie McMahon, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, The Young Bucks, Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, Kyle O'Reilly, Roderick Strong, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Randy Orton, Edge, Christian Cage, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Hurricane Helms. Mr. Kennedy
Supernatural- Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Cas
The West Wing: Josh Lyman, Sam Seaborn
01 “Oh you think I am cute when I am angry? Well get ready because I am about to be gorgeous.”  
    Olivia Stewart- Light in The Darkness- Band of Brothers fanfiction
02. “I can’t lose you again. Can’t  you see that? I am not strong enough.” 
03. “Marry me’ 
04. “I’m not jealous.” 
05.  “Kiss my ass.” 
06.  “Were you ever gonna tell me?” 
07. “Excuse you?”
08.  “This is all your fault.” 
09. “It’s not fair.” 
10. “Game Over, you lose.” 
11.  “Is she always this obnoxious?” “Oh, she is just getting warmed up.” 
        Ajay Reso- Stronger Than Yesterday series
12. “We don’t need to control them. We need to unleash them.” 
13. “It should have never come to this.” 
14. “I’m not a lot of people’s favorite person.” 
15. “I shouldn’t have wasted 3 years on someone when Russia could have sent me a good bottle of vodka.” 
16.  “Can we have this conversation when you aren’t upset?” 
17. “Come over here and make me, why don’t ya?” 
18.  “I am tired of being your secret.” 
19. “Mess with them, you mess with me.” 
20. “I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.” 
21. “ I am coming to get you. Stay there.” 
22. “Are you safe?” “I, I don’t know.” 
23.  “This is why I don’t let myself fall in love.” 
24. “You are my regret.” 
25. “You have to make a choice.” 
26. “Put the knife down.” 
27. “Jokes on them.” 
28. “The way you flirt is shameless.” 
29. “With all due respect, I’m going to ignore everything you just said.” 
30. “It’s me! It’s me baby! Calm down.” 
31.  “Have you lost your damn mind?” 
32.  “Hey, I am here with you. Okay? Always.”
33. “Hold me back.” 
34.  “You aren’t a bad guy.” 
35. “You know we are meant to be.” 
36. “Mine.”
37. “Seriously, you are a manchild.”
38.  “I get it alright! I fucked up!” 
39. “She’s dead! I killed her!” 
40. “You smell nice.”
41.  “I think I am pregnant.”/ “I am pregnant, not helpless. Stop worrying so much.” 
42. “So what if I am jealous? Its not gonna change anything.” 
Ryder Winston- Charming Town 
43. “You owe me.”
44. “Be careful.” “I always am.” 
45. “Take my jacket, it's cold outside.” 
46. “I am not some toy  you can play with.” 
47. “Just play long. Please.’
48.  “I did something terrible.’ 
49. “Don’t hurt the hair on their head.’ 
50. “I got your back.” 
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gamerssphere · 5 years
It is that time of the year where we get a lot of people fighting while inside a cage. It is the WWE Elimination Chamber Pay-Per-View event of the year.
Note before continuing: Our articles regarding WWE Pay-Per-View events are written as the event goes on. Minor updates are done before publishing so the views you find in here are those of the writer at the time of the event.
Kickoff Show
Buddy Murphy defends the title against Akira Tozawa. The match started fast, with Tozawa throwing the champ out of the ring, but after failing a move against the champ who was still outside the ring, everything went downhill for him.
Of course, disrespect towards the 205 superstars kept on going from the WWE, as they brought a promo from Xavier Woods and Big E backstage, about their teammate’s appearance in the Elimination Chamber match later on.
Tozawa retook ownership of the match, even hitting a huge reversal on top of the corner, with a super Hurracarana on the champ. Of course, either Murphy is awful at selling the hits he receive, or they are trying to make him look unbeatable, but as soona s they both got up, Murphy was dominating again.
The match was going back and forth, with Tozawa bringing the best moves, even hitting his finisher on Murphy, but while the champ was hanging from the second row, but Tozawa didn’t seem to be able to get a pin on Murphy, until the champ hit his finisher and got the win.
  We get to see Charly Carusso interviewing Mark Henry, who says he is going with The Iiconics to win the Women’s Tag Team Titles, as well as Kofi Kingston coming out as WWE Champion. Seems like WWE has recovered a locker room captain!
This concludes the kickoff show and now, on to the main show of the Pay-Per-View!
Main Show
Women’s Tag Team Championships Elimination Chamber Match
The match started with Sonya Deville & Mandy Rose against Bayley & Sasha Banks. Sasha and Bayley started dominating; however there was a change in roles and Mandy with Sonya started to cause some damage. Of course, things change fast.
The third team came in: Riott Squad. This could easily be their territory, in case they bring the most savage side of the team. They started hard, attacking both, Sasha and Bayley, until they were out of action.
We get a street fight in the middle of the ring between the remaining two teams, really good indeed. The whole fight ended up with a Superplex against Bayley and The Iiconics entering the match, just to start trying to pin everyone (besides Bayley, who was the last one they tried to pin…of course) and failing at it.
Now every other team is out, and we have The Iiconics vs Sasha and Bayley, but in the end, the latter always get out of any pin attempt against them. It is time for the fifth team to arrive: Naomi and Carmella.
The first near pin was from Naomi to Sarah Logan, but Liv saved her teammate. Now it was time for us to see every single finisher, which finished with everyone laying on the mat.
The first eliminated team was, surprisingly, Naomi and Carmella on the hands of The Iiconics!
Finally, the last team enters, and Nia Jax along with Tamina simply annihilated everyone. Ending with the elimination of The Iiconics, only for the Riott Squad to get to the action and start causing a lot of damage on Nia and Tamina.
The strategy in here is easy: go against Nia and Tamina. But Bayley and Sasha preferred to go first against Mandy and Sonya, then against Nia and Tamina and then against the Riott Squad.
The next eliminated team, unfortunately, was the Riott Squad. Now, Nia and Tamina attack Sasha and Bayley, but it ends with Nia going through one of the pods, in the fakest “reversal” ever, as Bayley never moved, Nia simply “failed” to end up with everybody attacking Tamina, ending with both of the teams pinning her while Nia was out of action.
The first champions will be either of the two teams to start the match.
No surprises here, Bayley and Sasha are the first Champions.
Just an interesting piece of information: with Sasha Banks and Bayley becoming the inaugural champions for the Women’s Tag Team division, every single one of the WWE Four Horsewomen have been the inaugural champions at one point.
SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match
Before the match started, Miz brought his wife Maryse to announce that she is pregnant again!
After this announcement and the legal problems the Usos faced earlier this week…is there any doubt the belts won’t be changing hands?
The match started and there’s no doubt in my mind that The Usos will lose. 100% of the time, Miz and Shane were dominating and when they were getting attacked, they reversed everything. Of course, we can’t have a one-sided match unless it is a Brock Lesnar match, so The Usos went full heel and started to work against The Miz.
At one point we see Shane hitting a Coast to Coast against one of the Usos, but the second one was reversed with a Superkick. Miz saved his partner and their championships when Shane was about to get pinned.
Have you ever seen Jimmy fail a move and hit Jey? Well, that’s what happened in here. Do you still have any doubts about who will win?
The match went through with Shane hitting his move on top of the announce table, only for Miz to end up being pinned. I’m really shocked this time, and this is what I like seeing.
Intercontinental Championship Handicap Match
Is it Finn’s time to shine with a title? We hope so, but this is an uphill road. Lio, though, might be Lashley’s Achilles Heel.
It was already expected to see Lio Rush acting as the bonus of the match. Every time Lashley is in troubles, he is intervening. Not only that, he is Lashley’s green card to take a break from the match.
When Lashley was about to finish Balor, Lio stole the tag but he failed his attack lon Finn. This was the end of it all. Finn went all in for this opportunity and ended up getting the pinfall on Lio and becoming the new Intercontinental Champion.
RAW Women’s Championship
We start with a senseless interview with Charlotte Flair in the middle of the ring. Then the important started as Ruby Riott got in the ring, followed by the champion, who seems to be wearing a costume for her character in Mortal Kombat XI. Ronda should stick to this in-ring attire.
Of course, through the match, Ronda was dominating, and Ruby just running away from her. Super fast match, Ronda retains and now Ronda gets Charlotte to get to the ring.
Of course, we know there’ll be a Triple Threat match at Wrestlemania, so Becky Lynch appeared and destroyed Charlotte. Then Ronda. Both ended up bleeding. Really forced storyline, but I like it.
No Disqualification Match
Why is Baron Corbin still fighting in Manager’s clothes? This is now stupid. How long until McIntyre gets in this match?
The first person to take advantage of the -lack of- rules of the match was Corbin, who took a Kendo Stick against The Monster Among Men, but it didn’t make much damage anyways.
I’m most certainly not a fan of how easily manageable the WWE is making Braun look lately. Seemed way too easy for Baron to get him down. This isn’t a Monster Among Men, this is just a really tall guy now.
Braun brought a table to the ring and hit his finisher through the table, but at the time he was going to pin Corbin, oh! Drew McIntyre and Bobby Lashley.
3 on 1 that’s the way to defeat Braun now.
WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match
Every superstar got to the chamber, Daniel Bryan comes out with Erick Rowan and gives one of his usual speeches during which, the referees took Rowan out of ringside. This is something I like seeing, the champion defending the belt coming first to the chamber.
What an awful belt! Sorry, but I entirely hate it. I also hate Bryan’s current persona.
The first two are Bryan and Joe. Bryan goes all coward and runs away as much as possible, until he couldn’t anymore. Then, Joe started to apply all the submission moves he knows, besides his finisher.
Now it was Kofi’s time. Daniel goes up at the top of Kofi’s pod while Samoa and Kofi fight; however, Kofi goes up there and fights him, until we get to see the first high risk move when Kofi throws himself against Bryan and Joe from the top of the steel cage.
Now we have AJ Styles coming in. Daniel Bryan goes all in against Styles, and we see the first hich speed fight now. Samoa goes against Kofi to try and get revenge, but AJ Styles eliminates him from the match right before Jeff Hardy gets into the match.
Now we see another high risk move from Jeff Hardy against AJ Styles as he hit a Swanton Bomb from the top of the pod while AJ was laying at the top of the corner, only to be hit by Bryan and eliminated.
It is time for Randy Orton to get in. He is super focused, acting as a pure viper. Slowly, strategically, perfectly. We lose our sights of Randy Orton for a while, but he was just calculating. Then, out of nowhere, he hits an RKO on AJ Styles and we now only have 3 superstars in the match.
When Randy was going to hit an RKO on Kofi, Bryan interfered and this ended with Randy getting hit by Kofi’s finisher and getting eliminated. It will be either Kofi or Bryan now. We want Kofi, but we don’t know just yet.
They went with everything they had against each other, Kofi even got to hit his SOS but Bryan kicked out of the pin. Who will win? We predicted Daniel Bryan, now we are hesitating.
This is back and forth, with the crowd going all for Kofi. We are going for Kofi too. Unfortuantely, he missed one move outside the ring, and this took out his momentum leading to Daniel Bryan hitting his finisher, but Kofi kicked out again!
Unfortunately, our prediction became a reality and Daniel Bryan was able to defeat Kofi and retain the title. This was certainly the best match of the night.
Final Thoughts
Elimination Chamber was a great event. We went from getting the first ever Women’s Tag Team Champions to seeing new champions on pretty much every title match besides Ronda’s and Daniel Bryan’s. The low point of the even? Ruby Riott getting squashed. The high point? Kofi Kingston.
#WWE #WWEChamber #EliminationChamber2019 - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly It is that time of the year where we get a lot of people fighting while inside a cage.
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wrestlersownmyheart · 4 years
Designated Driver (Randy Orton X Reader) One-Shot
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Pairing: Randy Orton X Reader Summary: When the Lady Thriller Randy Orton truly falls for the WWE's newest trainer, he has to get creative and just a little conniving in order to gain her affections.
Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.
Content/Trigger Warnings: Drinking and that's about it
This is a gift to one of my besties--@shieldgirl18​​. Just because. Hope you enjoy this! :-)
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Designated Driver
Randy Orton watched as the woman he was head over heels for, danced and partied the New Year's Eve night away with their fellow WWE co-workers. She was the newest trainer to be hired by the company, and like all new-comer females that came along, Randy had tried long and hard to get her into his bed. But she'd refused him.
Again and again.
She wouldn't even go out with him on a legitimate date, for crying out loud. By the time Randy realized he cared enough about her to actually take her on a real date, he knew he was monumentally screwed.
I'm in love, he realized.
He no longer cared about just having a beautiful woman on his arm, or how good she was in the sack. He no longer wanted a woman who was all looks and no brains. He loved Y/N's mind. The fact that she was beautiful only made him appreciate her intelligence even more.
But now... Now he had to watch as she danced with other men. Laughed at their jokes. Smiled shyly up at them.
I blew it, he thought.
He came up with a plan that was risky. It preyed on her need to see to the care of others. It could win her over, or it could make him lose her for sure.
But he'd never know till he tried...
The party was winding down, so you began getting your jacket and purse together while taking a mental role call of everyone who left the club to get to the hotel. It was a sort of habit you had to make sure everyone was taken care of. You had some sort of mother hen complex.
Oh well, there's worse complexes to have, you thought as you watched the last couple leave the building. But something didn't feel right. Someone was missing. Mentally you went over everyone you'd seen leave and with some quick calculations realized that one Randy Orton was missing.
Inwardly, you groaned. Why him, you thought. Why me, you thought further. You began looking around the club seeing if you could spot him somewhere but to no avail. You even opened the door to the men's room and called his name out.
Where is he?
You pulled out your phone and stepped outside, calling Randy.
His phone rang and rang with no answer. I swear Randy Orton, when I get my hands on you...
Next, you called Cesaro—you'd seen he and Randy hanging out some lately.
"Hey, it's Y/N. Did you see Randy tonight? You know how I am. I have to know everyone is accounted for and safe. It's my cross to bear I suppose. So did you see him?"
"I did early on, but toward the end of the party he sort of disappeared. Do you want me to come back and help you look for him?"
You sighed and rubbed your temple lightly. "No, there's no need for that. You need to get some rest for tomorrow's show. I'll find him. He has to be here somewhere because his rental is still here," you said, noticing the large SUV parked on the lot.
At that moment, you heard the scuffle of shoes on pavement, and turned to find Randy headed toward you, his gait unsteady.
"Ugh," you groaned aloud. "Here he comes and he looks drunk as hell. I'll talk to you later, Cesaro. Thanks for your help." With that, you ended the call and turned to face Randy.
"Y/N... I need a ride..." Randy whined, and then stumbled over literally nothing. "Got too drunk..."
You rolled your eyes and groaned again. "Oh, Lord. I was worried about you, you big jackass. And all this time you were just getting plastered?" You hurried over to him and draped one of his arms around your shoulders. "Come on. I'll get you to your hotel room."
You begrudgingly led him over to your rental and unlocked it before opening the passenger's side door and ushering Randy inside. However, he had trouble bending down without falling over.
"Oh, for crying out loud..." You put on your hand on his head and nudged him downward gently and slowly so he wouldn't bump his head. Once he was seated, you made sure he had no appendages hanging out the door before slamming it shut. Then you were hurrying around to the driver's side and getting in the car.
"Buckle your seat belt, Randy. Can you manage that," you asked, reaching for your own safety belt.
He fumbled with the belt till he had it pulled out enough to buckle, and then made a sad attempt at inserting the male end into the female end. He tried twice more, but couldn't manage even such a simple feat.
"Seriously?" You leaned over and fastened the belt for him. "To be so big and tough, you sure are helpless as a drunk."
He let out a hiccup of a laugh and leaned his head back against the headrest.
"I swear if you barf in here, Randy, you'll be the one to clean it up," you said as you started the car.
Seconds later, you were headed for the freeway that led to the hotel.
The drive was uneventful. Randy remained laid back and slept the whole way. Every now and then a snore would pass his lips and you couldn't help but chuckle. "If only your female fan base could see you now, Mr. Orton."
You finally reached the parking garage of the hotel and parked in a space.
Now came the hard part.
Getting Randy awake, and alert enough to help you lead him to his room.
"Randy? Wake up." It took you a couple of tries at nudging him awake, but he finally became somewhat responsive. "Come on. It's time to get you to your room, okay?"
A few minutes later, you had him out of the car and heading for the elevators with you.
Very slowly.
"Lord help me if you fall over," you thought out loud. "I'll never be able to get you back on your feet."
"Are we there yet," Randy slurred. "'m tired..."
"A little further," you told him as you entered the elevator. "What floor is your room on?"
"Please, tell me you remember your room number. You at least have your key, right?"
"Randy Orton, I'm going to kill you where you stand," you said, leaning against the wall of the elevator.
You had two options. Take Randy all the way to the front desk to find his room number and get a spare key. Or you could take him strait up to your room and let him crash on the couch.
You chose the latter.
"Come on. You can crash on my couch," you told him, punching the button to your floor. "We'll get your key situation sorted out in the morning."
"Thanks," he slurred out, and giving you an awkward one armed hug. You stiffened. Randy Orton was not a hugger, so apparently alcohol lowered his inhibitions a tad.
Several long, and grueling minutes of halfway hauling Randy down your hallway later, you were in your room and turning on lights as you went. You heard the door close and lock, but thought nothing of it. Randy was just securing the room for the night.
But, wait. He was not able to buckle his seat belt earlier. How did he manage locking a door? How did he even know to lock a door when he was in the shape he was in?
You turned to face him and saw a hint of that cocky smirk he wore more than half the time.
You looked into his eyes. They weren't bloodshot and the pupils weren't dilated or anything. He looked clear-headed now.
You backed up a step. "You- You're not drunk, are you?"
"Don't panic," Randy said softly, holding his hands up in a defensive gesture. I just wanted to talk to you."
"About?" You asked, trying hard to do as he said and not panic. What does he want, you wondered.
"I want to know why you'll never be alone with me, until tonight, that is. Why you won't let me take you on a date." He looked at the sofa. "Could we sit down while we discuss this?"
You slowly made your way to the sofa and sat down as he did the same. He sat on the opposite end from you, giving you a little space. For which you were very grateful, because you were still too uneasy to sit right beside him.
You swallowed hard and prepared your answer to his question. "Well, Randy... I guess it's because I know you only want to go to bed with me. After that, you'd be done with me. And I'm just not that kind of woman. I am looking for commitment, not a one night stand."
Randy nodded, avoided your eyes. "I know. I used to be a one night stand kinda guy. But..."
"When did that stop," you asked.
"When I met a certain trainer," he said with a soft smile. He finally looked into your eyes. "It hit me one day that I wanted more than some brainless but beautiful bimbo on my arm. I want someone with some substance and intelligence."
"Randy... I don't know what to say," you replied, feeling flustered It was your turn to avoid his gaze. "So... you faked the whole being drunk thing just to get me alone?"
"To talk, yes," Randy said. "I'm sorry. I just didn't know how else to get you alone. You always want to help and care for someone, so I used that. Again I apologize. I actually do have my room's key card. So I can leave whenever you want me to."
That got your attention. You'd never seen Randy apologize for anything. Ever. And he was being very accommodating to your feelings and wishes.
"Thank you," you said, feeling a bit awkward. "So, you want to take me on a date? That's it?"
His lips quirked up a bit at the corners. "I want to take you on a lot of dates."
"And is sex involved in these dates," you asked sardonically.
"Only if, and when you are ready for it," he answered.
He seemed deadly serious when he answered you. He seemed different to you. And for that reason, you were willing to give him a chance.
"Alright, Randy. We can date," you said with a smile. "Just please remember you said sex could come when I'm ready."
"I'm willing to wait as long as it takes," Randy said. "Now, may I kiss you?"
You giggled in spite of yourself. He clearly was making an effort to be a gentleman and it was adorable. "Yes."
He took his time in sliding closer to you, lifting his hand to your face and brushing his fingers down your cheek. His gaze met yours briefly and then scanned your face, memorizing it. "So beautiful," he uttered. Then his hand went to the back of your head and pulled your face closer to his. Then he closed the gap between the two of you and captured your mouth with his. His lips were soft and warm against yours. You whimpered and then gasped to which he ran his tongue along your lower lip, asking permission. In reply, you slid your tongue past his lips and ran it over his.
And then the battle of the kiss was on.
He cradled your face in both his large hands and kissed you deeply, running his tongue along the roof of your mouth, your teeth, and finally over your own tongue. The passion between the two of you was combustible. And if not for the ringing of your phone, there's no telling how much hotter it would have become.
Groaning, and signaling to Randy to stay quiet, you answered the call.
It was only Cesaro calling to check in and see if you'd found Randy. A couple minutes later, you hung up and smiled softly at Randy to soften your next words. "I really want you to stay, so you'd probably better go."
Randy smiled in return, "Okay. But just so we're clear... We are dating, correct?"
You nodded. "Yes, Randy. We're dating."
"Okay." He stood to his feet and went over to your door with you following close behind.
"Good night, Y/N. I'll see you tomorrow? We can work out when to have our first date."
You nodded again, "Sounds good. Good night Randy."
"Be sure and lock the door behind me," he told you, reaching down and giving you another soft kiss to the mouth.
"So bossy," you teased. Though secretly you loved that he was being protective.
With that, he walked out your door with one last smile over his shoulder.
You quickly locked up and got ready for bed, a dreamy smile on your face.
You couldn't wait for that first date.
The End
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His Queenslayer *Seth Rollins Love Story* |Sabrina|
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Greeting everyone...I was debating on doing an Achmed The Dead Terrorist intro, but one that's not funny, two I probably would've offended someone which isn't my intention and last but not least my dad yells at me every day for doing that. In all seriousness though if you're Jeff Dunham doing your thing then yes it's funny, but if you're doing that to be rude, ignorant, and or to offend someone then I ask you in the rudest way that you can think of to leave. Anyway, you're probably wondering "why is this girl running her mouth so much and not telling us what we came to find out? We wanna know who you are, your WWE story, about you and Seth Rollins etc." To those people, I say please be patient we'll get there...eventually.
I just wanna have some fun first and make a few side comments here and there which Seth doesn't like because he says that it reminds him of my cousin who has a cat that doesn't like him. With that being said I think I've wasted enough of your time by being my obnoxious self so now let me introduce you to me. What up guys...that was supposed to be my Seth Rollins impression (haha) my name is Sabrina Renee Goldberg
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, but you can just call me by my nickname and also ring name Rae. I'm a second generation superstar because I'm the daughter of WWE Hall of Famer Bill Goldberg
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(obviously, I am if you couldn't tell by the last name) and have been wrestling for about 11yrs now give or take. Some people say that I am a big deal because of who my father and uncle (we'll get to who my uncle is soon) are, but I don't believe that I am.
I have an older sister named Mariah
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who is a wrestler as well and I also have a brother named Gage who is still too young to get into the business (that's if he wants to though). Anyway, with that being said I am the niece of Paul Levesque aka Triple H. We're only related because he's my mom's brother, but don't ask me who's older because I don't apply myself enough to care if I'm honest. I'm 28 years old and about to retire from the business because as I said earlier I've been doing this for a while. I've faced some of the greats like Trish Stratus, Lita, and Victoria just to name a few and I think it's time for me to walk away before I get truly burned out.
I kinda have a thing for Colby Lopez
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(Seth Rollins) he's actually one of my best friends. He really close to me as well...we've been that way ever since we met in NXT when Triple H asked me and a few others to go down there and lend a hand with some of the new talents. For at least two of us, it was a punishment from Vince for laughing during a board meeting and honestly it was probably the best thing that ever happened to me because I got to meet him. He's really cool and I wouldn't mind dating him, but he's taken and there have been rumors about him being a douche when it comes to relationships, but I don't care. Besides if you don't know the whole story of something then who are you to judge.
Besides he wouldn't want me I was "dating" one of his friends which was only a storyline, but Vince wanted it to be believable so he made us a kiss a few times on TV and whatnot. Anyway, I guess I should tell you some more about me. I'm a very sweet girl who you probably wouldn't want to upset because I have some bad anger issues kinda like Randy Orton, but not as bad. With the exception of said anger issues, I'm actually very nice and laid back. I am sometimes highly opinionated and can turn into an Aj Lee or a female Cm Punk because I sometimes have no filter for my mouth.
I like to sing, but am not into making a career out of it...or at least I don't think I will. I also have a background in gymnastics which I guess helps me out when I do Jeff Hardy like moves in the ring. Last but not least I love to play video games and have a game room in my house, but I'm not the biggest fan of losing so sometimes I've broken stuff like Aj Styles or have went off like Seth does. Anyway I have to go I'm supposed to be hanging out with Colby today and I'm super excited...hopefully, everything goes great later nerds.
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